8 minute read
Derrick joined the National Headquarters staff on July 1, 2000. A native Ohioan, he graduated in August of 1998 from The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, with a degree in Political Science. While at Ohio State, Derrick participated in all athletic bands, and served in several leadership positions. He is a life member of Kappa Kappa Psi, a Member of the National Alumni Association, a member of the North Central District Alumni Association, and an alumnus of the Eta Chapter. As an active member of Kappa Kappa Psi, Derrick served as chapter historian for two terms and as North Central District Vice President for Programs. Derrick continues his involvement with Ohio State as a life member of The Ohio State University Alumni Association and the T.B.D.B.I.T.L. Alumni Association. "You get out of Kappa Kappa Psi and, especially, life, what you put into them. Not too many people are afforded the opportunities we have, so use them to better your life."
Moving to Oklahoma and working for Kappa Kappa Psi is definitely a culture shock. I was already in my second year removed from college and already in “the real world” when I applied for this job for the second time. People in my home town (Columbus, Ohio) asked me, “Why are you applying for this job when you already have a great job?” The answer is very simple: Kappa Kappa Psi aided me in my life, and it’s time for me to again offer my services to the fraternity. I made that decision when I first was a CFR finalist in 1998. That was the first time that I ever visited our National Headquarters, and I fell in love with the place. To see all the history of the fraternity all over the walls and to think that I could work here was a humbling experience. I was disappointed when I was not selected in 1998, but I promised myself that I would apply just one more time, and here I am, your CFR! I am extremely excited and anxious to start traveling and working with everyone.
I am eternally grateful for immediate past CFR Jeremy Thomas and his incredible CFR training manual. I would have been lost without his help. Looking over the reports of the past CFRs and discovering what they each accomplished is overwhelming. I welcome the challenge to continue working hard at this awesome level over the next two years. I look forward to meeting as many brothers as possible. I am excited about experiencing our diversity firsthand.
Working to improve communication between the National Council, Headquarters, and Chapters is one of my many goals. I want each of you to feel comfortable in talking to me about any of your concerns. As brothers we should not feel intimidated by one another, whether it be a national officer or a first-year member. Please remember that, especially when serving your bands. Working hard and together for our bands is our primary goal.
In July, we had our District Leadership Conference in Stillwater, and I sensed much energy and support from your district leaders. They represented your respective districts with great pride and enthusiasm. I feel after meeting each of them that you are in store for some worthwhile and fun-filled district conventions. Over the same weekend I attended National Council meetings and visited with the members. We should feel blessed that we have such a loyal and friendly council, dedicated to the ideals and goals of our fraternity, who have put into action programs that will help make your college experience more enjoyable. Our National Council is committed not only to assist you in serving your college bands, but also to help all of us develop into better leaders.
My most meaningful event over the summer has to be meeting and working with Dollie McDonald, Tau Beta Sigma CFR, to paint and fix-up the ΤΒΣ side of the CFR house. We have had nothing but fun since we both arrived here in July. Dollie is a great asset to ΤΒΣ with her professionalism, hard work, and especially her humor. Until moving to Stillwater, I had never been more then ten minutes away from home, but Dollie and the National Headquarters staff have made me feel welcome. I look forward to these next two years working with Dollie.
These next two years are going to be a welcome challenge in my life. I promise to give you my best and a one-hundredpercent effort, but in order for to be effective, I will need your help. By responding timely to all correspondence and preparing for visits in advance, you can assist me in assisting you to make your chapter a better one. I want Kappa Kappa Psi to be a strong program at every university where there is a chapter. Together we can make that happen.
Dollie McDonald ΤΒΣ ΤΒΣ ΤΒΣ ΤΒΣ ΤΒΣ Chapter Field Representative
What can I do to be a better person, a better band member, a better chapter member? Words that come to mind when these questions are asked are: perseverance, loyalty, and passion; virtues that I have come to appreciate because of Tau Beta Sigma. Being a good band member is tough, and being a great chapter member is even harder. While active in Psi Chapter, I have met some great people that have floated into my life and walked before me. These great individuals have taught me what I know today and how I can learn more from others in the future. I have left the active chapter scene and moved onto a new chapter in my life, and I am so honored to have been chosen as your National Chapter Field Representative for the next two years. I have many ideas, plans and agendas for this job and hopefully as your representative you will be proud that I represent you, Tau Beta Sigma.
I plan to use some of those skills and virtues that have laid the foundation for me in Tau Beta Sigma, and take this job and myself to the next level. In order for me to be successful as a representative of the student voice, assist me in helping you. Each of you will be getting a packet and letter from me when it is your turn for your biennial visit. Please respond as soon as possible and I look forward to seeing every active chapter in the nation. I am also very excited about my counterpart for Kappa Kappa Psi, Derrick Mills. He is a great addition to this legacy as a National Chapter Field Representative, and I have no reservation that he will serve the fraternity well.
During my time in Tau Beta Sigma I have had many great laughs, cries, and learned many valuable lessons. Actually, Tau Beta Sigma is one of the best things that have ever happened to me. I have met my best friends, learned how to be a great leader and follower, and realized the importance of enjoying the moments that are had while serving in this organization.
Every chapter has diverse members that bring something to the organizations, but recognizing these important virtues along with others and bringing them to life can start a legacy of success. Of course along the journey of life things change, but the important aspects will always be deep rooted as long as there is perseverance, loyalty, and passion. The key to adjusting to these “life changes” is a constant communication with oneself, and brothers and sisters on every level. Communication and leadership parallel each other and cannot exist apart. As young adults, you are on the brink of starting your careers, families, and other new chapters in your life. Effective communication will help you focus your goals, and Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma provide a perfect opportunity to learn communication and leadership skills. As you advance in your mastery of these skills, you will not only advance within your chapter, but also in life!
I wish you all a great year in your bands and chapters. Enjoy your time in both organizations, and savor the moments that come and go. From the time you first cross the threshold of college, band, and your organization of choice, to the time you walk out the door with the degree in your hand, you will have changed, and Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi will have played a major role in your life as well as others around you. Just ask yourself : “Did you give your best effort when you had the chance? Did you pursue the goals with passion and perseverance?” If you can answer these questions with a resounding “Yes!” during your active membership, you will have no regrets!
Dollie grew up in Texarkana, Texas, and entered the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, in the fall of 1995 and earned a BA in Communication in May 2000. Dollie was initiated into the Psi Chapter on December 7, 1995, and was an active member until the spring of 2000.Dollie served her chapter as President, Parliamentarian, Social Chair, Fundraising Chair, By-Laws Chair, and Alumni Co-Chair. In the Razorback Band, she was the flag Drill Captain and she also served as Southwest District Parliamentarian. Dollieís future plans include getting her Masterís Degree in Communication and Education, working further into public relations, and teaching communication on the college level. Dollie says, ìTau Beta Sigma is the best roller-coaster ride I have been on, and I am just honored and humbled to have had the ticket to hop on!î