The Podium - November 1962

Page 14

Sigma Chapter's officers for this year

Arizona State University Chapters Plan to Host Visiting Marching Bands

are Kathy Jones, president; Patricia Bickhart, vice-president; Patricia Do-

bat, secretary; Mary Ash, treasurer;

Judy Kippola, historian; Ruth McMahon, chaplain; and Laura Bates, senior

By Don Noller


It's another busy year for the Ivlv'"!'

The TBS actives have been making a real effort to get acquainted with

and TBi chapters at Arizona State University, Tempe. Activity began with

the new girls of the band. We gave a

the first day of marching rehearsals in September, when approximately twenty

tea so that all the new band girls could have a chance to meet everyone.

KK^ and TBil actives participated in a training team to teach new band

We also established a "big sister" pro

gram so that each new girl has some

members the basic march movements

one she can turn to if any questions

used by the Sun Devil Band. Each

or problems arise.

member of the team worked individ

As a fund-raising project the TBS

ually with three new members. This year was the first time the training team idea has been tried, and because

of its success—not only in shaping up the band faster, but as a morale booster as well—the directors, Mr. Harold Hines and Mr. Ronald Holloway have said that they would like to continue to incorporate it in the future. Another item on ASU's agenda this year is the very pleasant experience of hosting visiting bands from four schools: San Jose State College, Texas Western College, Utah State University, and the University of Utah. In charge of a committee to plan welcomes for the bands are Charles Steele and Mary Ash.

members have been selling refresh ments to the hot and weary band

project of the year was an all university

members during the break each day in the marching rehearsal. The Sigma Chapter is anxiously looking forward to many events. We will have a chance to help welcome five guest bands during the football season. We hope to have several joint projects and activities with the Beta Omicron Chapter of KlOk located here

dance held in the Memorial

at Arizona State University.

n,. Arizona State U. Marching Band in Los Angeles Coliseum

man, Charles Steele, Tom Roth, and Larry Mabbitt. Beta Omicron's first fund-raising Union

Ballroom, Friday, October 19. Music for the dance was supplied by a band made up of KK•^^ actives. Proceeds were put into the chapters' Sun Devil Band scholarship fund.

The planning of a trip to the Grand Canyon, in conjunction with the forth coming national convention to be held

TBSigma Adopts Project

at our sister institution, the University of Arizona at Tucson, is another im portant project of Beta Omicron Chapt-

The Sigma Chapter of TB2£ at Arizone State University has been striving this year to mix spirit and friendliness with the busy schedule of eight home football games and many additional

ter of KK'>k. Working on the arrange ments for this trip are brothers Fred Capps, Richmond Johnson, Garth Tall-

By Sherry Flanagan


Arizona State University Marching Band, Harold Hines, director

All in all, we think it will be a prof itable and wonderful year for everyone connected with the Arizona State Uni

versity Sun Devil Band.

KKPsi Alumni Chapter Established at E.N.M.U. The second Alumni chapter of KKT was installed during the District III Convention held at Eastern New Mex

ico University on Sunday afternoon. May 13. The charter members of the chapter were former members of the Beta Lambda Chapter located at East

ern New Mexico University. Grand President Eloren Thompson, Jr., their director, was the installing officer for the alumni chapter. With his remarks on their past and future he gave added enthusiasm to this fine group as he presented their charter. Grand President Floren Thompson was assisted in

the installation cere

mony by A. Frank Martin, ExecutiveSecretary, who presented to the mem

bers their Alumni membership cards. The chapter will be known as the

Omega Beta Alumni Chapter of KK^^. The charter members of this chapter were John M. Bealmear, George H. Hill, Paul R. Summersgill, Howard K. Reed, John M. Estes, Richard E. Felts, David

Mathis, James Rook Reed,

Charles Higdon, Norvil Howell, John Stockdale, Fred Stockdale, Joe L. Car roll, Jim Priest, Jess Lara, Bill Maxey,

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