Members from Gamma Rho Chapter
to the Big Red Band and the Colgate Band after the half-time show. This
act created a lot of interest and many wisecracks during which one of the members acquired the nickname of
"Apple Annie" but the boys seemed to
but it furnishes a lot of fun to the
members who participate. Everyone has admitted that it has helped tbe
appreciate this for not a member of
members to know each other better
and appreciate their efforts. Another project planned will be a buffet supper
band rehearsal was held on Halloween
and Repertoire Bands in January. This
night by KIv'4^ and TBS for the fresh
has been a very well accepted event in the past. The TBS girls are starting a cam paign to get other members of the
and doughnuts were served and games were entered into with a great deal of interest.
after the joint concert of the Concert
The TBS girls will join KK'>P' in
band to play at the basketball games later in the year. The members of TBS
forming another Christmas Caroling
feel they have a good pledge project
party this year as the one held last
this year as the four pledges are going
year was a wonderful success. The
to put out an addition to a band news paper. It will contain articles on the
brass ensemble that accompanied the girls added much to the group and it will be continued this year as well. Dr. and Mrs. Campbell have been kind to the caroling group, inviting
Martinez and Edward Martinez
them to their home for refreshments
convention but perhaps the largest and the most enthusiastic visiting delegation
after the caroling. This year's program is being planned
came from Colorado State College at
for the selection of two ensembles that
Greeley headed by Way man E. Walk er, Grand Secretary-Treasurer, and
will play for the patients at Willard Mental Hospital, various old folks' and
Mrs. Walker, a National Officer. Tbere
children's homes and other hospitals
were nine girls and four boys from C.S.C., making a total of fifteen from tbe two chapters. Added strength given to the wonder
in the area. A feature of this program will be a simple demonstration of the horn he plays by a player, showing
ful success of this convention, beside
the instrument. This act has
the very efficient work of the two host chapters, was the presence and assist ance given by Mrs. Thompson, a na
unique and well accepted by the audi-
tional trustee; Mary Lu Brooks, a na tional officer, and Mr. Thompson, the
opportunity to have fine entertainment
the two bands refused an apple as a gracious gift from the young ladies. A short party after the symphonic men band members. The usual cider
Front—Jimmie Rodriquez, Celerino Archuleta, David Trnjillo, Richard Trans/all Back,—Bobby Seqnra, Albert Oretga, Patrick
This activity not only gives to the members of hospitals and homes an
and telling everything possible about been
freshmen, the director, the summer ac tivities of old members and other news
pertaining to the band. Copies will be distributed freely to all members of tbe band. This project will be most inter esting as everyone will be anxious to see how they are remembered in the news item.
Many plans are underway for the joint social activities with KK'^'. Both groups are ready, willing, and eager to have these socials and it is believed
it will furnish an opportunity for the members to enter into developing a greater spirit in the band program.
National Headquarters jar Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma, Stillwater, Oklahoma
Grand President of KK^^.
Cornell Activities Helps Create Cooperative Spirit Among the Members By Patricia G. Dunfield
The football season at Cornell had
hardly gotten under way when it was discovered that the TB2 girls were spearheading a drive to create a greater spirit and a keener interest in the ac
tivities of the band. Their first ac
tivity was the training of their new pledges, who assisted them in their various programs. The young ladies made a great con
tribution by helping with the band au
ditions and setting up the band dis play at the Activities Fair. They also acted as band guides for tbe fifty-nine school bands that attended the Cornell
Band Day at the first football game. At this game, they distributed apples
The home oj Mr. and Mrs. A. Franks Martin, the office is located in the tti'o riuht hand corner rooms, the tvork. rooms are tip stairs.