The Podium - November 1969

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The election of officers was held. The night, April 25,1969. An opening invoca results for KK^R were: William Trusheim tion was given by Mr. David M. Maker,

(Rutgers), president; Richard Leepson (West Virginia), vice-president; Charles sity of Connecticut and a Delta Omicron Schlotter (University of Pittsburgh), Honorary. Dr. Frank Cookson, University secretary-treasurer; Robert Gelman (Uni Assistant Director of Bands at the Univer


of Connecticut Dean of Fine Arts, provid

ed the welcoming speech. Conference Chairmen Pam Seaver and Joe Novak gave

versity of Connecticut), national member-at-large; David Holmgren (Rut

alternate member-at-large. opening reports of the convention, and a gers), The officers elected for TBS mixer followed.

by Robert Gelman The University of Connecticut was the site of the second annual District Confer

ence of District IX on April 25-27,1969. The conference was set annually in accor dance with the District's feeling that annual meetings are more beneficial to the region as a whole. Delegations to the conference were


Susan Malm, TBS District President, Susan Mahn (University of Connecticut),

opened the first business session of the president; Zavolia Dortch (University of Maryland), vice-president; Janice Baker (University of Pittsburgh), secretary-trea ven Swank, KKT' District President,

Sorority on Saturday morning, and Ste

opened the Fraternity session. Both made committee appointments and the site of the 1970 meeting was set—West Virginia University at Morgantown.

The committee assignments included Communications, Nominations, Expan

sent by the KK^' Chapter of West Vir sion and Activities. Other District officers ginia University, KK^R of Rutgers present included: Zavolia Dortch, TBS University, KK^ and TBE of the Univer vice-president; Michael Zinn, KKT' vicesity of Pittsburgh, KK'T' and TBS of the president; and William Trusheim, KKT' University of Maryland, TBS of Cornell secretary-treasurer. University and the host Chapters of KKT' and TBS at the University of Connecti cut. In addition, the TBS Colony at the University of Massachusetts was repre sented, and an observer delegation from


Steven Swank, District President of

KKd' and Mrs. Ladine Housholder, National


Vice-President of TBS

installed the new officers in separate cere monies.

At night, a banquet was held at the Faculty-Alumni Center. Michael Zinn, District

Vice-President, was Master of

Ceremonies, and the Guest Speaker was Alan Gillespie, Director of Bands at the University of Connecticut.

The highlight of the day was a concert by the American Percussion Ensemble. This unique musical group, specializing in contemporary Percussion Music, gave a well-received concert of an amazing sound. Using standard percussion instru

Wagner College in New York also attend ed..

The opening session was on Friday

ments, and such new ones as brake drums

and beer mugs, the ensemble proved that The Kappa Kappa Psi Activities Committee is shown in session chaired by Ronald Leichliter (top). The other delegates shown are from Rutgers Maryland and Connecticut Universities.

percussion is a new force on American Music.

After committee meetings and lunch, a reading clinic was held under the baton of

Vaclav Nelhybel, famed composer. Mr. Nelhybel, a Brother in KKT', was com The officers of District IX are caught deep in reverie during the Kappa Kappa Psi business session. Left to right are Wiliiam Trusheim, Secretary-Treasurer: Steven Swank, President; and Michael Zinn, Vice-President.

missioned in 1965 to compose "Symphonic Requiem" for the 1965 KKT'-TBS National Convention. The

reading clinic lasted for one and a half hours, though everyone wished it could have lasted longer.

Mr. Nelhybel is no stranger to District IX. A resident of New York City, he has composed numerous works for bands

including, "Ceremonial Music," dedicated to Alan E. Gillespie, Director of Bands at the University of Connecticut. Mr. Gilles

The joint Expansion Committee met to dis cuss means of expansion in the District, with regards to the number of potential Chapters in the District.

Sunday marked the end of this excit ing conference. The final meeting

followed a continental breakfast prepared

by Gamma Kappa of TBS. The fin^ ses sion included an "Ask National" session

pie is a Brother, Delta Omicron sponsor, with Executive Secretary Robert H.

and former District Governor of KK^. The afternoon business sessions were


The conference was a huge success.

held in the Student Union. A report was The District emerged from the conference

Executive Secretary Robert H. Rubin add resses the opening session of "1969 in Storrs". Also shown is Joseph Novak, Convention Chair man: and Leslie Hunt, President of Gamma

Kappa Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma. Susan Malm, District President is cut off by Mr. Rubin.

given by each committee. The Commun as a well organized unit, ready to work ication committee set up details for the for the betterment of college bands. The District newsletter, "Lines from IX". District was happy to welcome the KKd'

Rutgers University will undertake publi

cation of the newsletter for the 1969-70 academic year.

and TBS Chapters at the University of Massachusetts as the first of hopefully, many new chapters in District IX.

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