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Leadership in the College Marching Band by Dr. Bradley P. Ethington
Leadership in the College Marching Band Leadership in the College Marching Band Leadership in the College Marching Band Leadership in the College Marching Band Leadership in the College Marching Band
Dr. Bradley P. Ethington Dr. Bradley P. Ethington Dr. Bradley P. Ethington Dr. Bradley P. Ethington Dr. Bradley P. Ethington Associate Director of Bands Associate Director of Bands Associate Director of Bands Associate Director of Bands Associate Director of Bands Director, Syracuse University Marching Band Director, Syracuse University Marching Band Director, Syracuse University Marching Band Director, Syracuse University Marching Band Director, Syracuse University Marching Band
The ===== & Director’s Corner
The college marching band is one of America’s great institutions. At its best, it is a potent mix of tradition, dedication, and excellence. Perhaps the most important element in this equation is leadership. Student leaders are the lifeblood of the college marching band. Indeed, the teaching and administrative complexity of such an organization demands an array of quality leaders. What are the qualities that make effective student leaders? And what do these students gain from this experience?
The Syracuse University Marching Band holds an intensive series of interviews and auditions each spring for drum majors, section leaders, and music instructors (most college marching bands have a similar process for selecting student leaders). Last spring, nearly one third of our 220 band members applied for leadership positions. The qualities that we seek are outstanding ability in music and marching, character and leadership skills, commitment to the organization, and initiative. The caliber of the leadership that results from this process has an enormous bearing on the quality and efficiency of the organization.
The majority of students in most college marching bands are non-music majors. How do these students benefit from leadership experience in a musical organization? Many of the qualities that we look for–ability, commitment, character, and initiative–are the very skills that employers and graduate schools are seeking in a candidate. Thus the college marching band experience is essentially a ‘life lab’ in which students learn about personal responsibility, dedication, motivating oneself and others, etc. It is the development of these qualities on the marching field that translates into success in the workplace, regardless of the area of study. I am privileged to write dozens of letters of recommendation each year for our band students who are applying to law school, graduate school, and for various positions in the private sector. The qualities exhibited by our students during the marching season serve as the basis for these recommendations.
In closing I would like to make several observations. First, leadership must not be limited to those with a specific ‘leadership position.” It is the veteran members of the band who must take responsibility for motivating themselves and others. The health of the marching band depends not only on strong leadership from designated student leaders, but often more importantly on leadership from the ‘rank and file.’ Younger players will follow the lead of the older players. It is the veterans who set the standard for the band. Second, the college marching band is one of the few organizations at the college level that is truly a ‘team effort.’ Essential to this effort are the band service organizations. It is a given that many of the leaders in the college marching band are also leaders in Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma. The strength of commitment to one organization contributes to the health of the other.
The responsibility for maintaining excellence and tradition in the college marching band must be embraced by every individual, from the entering freshman to the senior drum major. The qualities of character, dedication, leadership, and excellence are the foundation stones of a strong marching band and a great tradition.