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Chapter News
Chapter News Chapter News Chapter News Chapter News Chapter News
Steinbrenner Donates to New Steinbrenner Donates to New Steinbrenner Donates to New Steinbrenner Donates to New Steinbrenner Donates to New Ohio State Band Complex Ohio State Band Complex Ohio State Band Complex Ohio State Band Complex Ohio State Band Complex
by Brian Clark by Brian Clark by Brian Clark by Brian Clark by Brian Clark ΚΚΨ ΚΚΨ ΚΚΨ ΚΚΨ ΚΚΨ Eta Chapter Eta Chapter Eta Chapter Eta Chapter Eta Chapter Ohio State University Ohio State University Ohio State University Ohio State University Ohio State University
The Ohio State University Marching Band as well as the Eta Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi and the Chi Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma ended the year receiving excellent news Ohio State had been working on a million stadium renovation includ ing a million band room for the marching and athletic bands
The athletic department which has long been a supporter of the band contributed nearly million to the project enough to build the outer shell to house the band It fell to the College of the Arts and the marching band along with our chapters alumni and “good friends” of the band to raise the rest of the money and to cover any cost overruns
At our pregame Skull Session on November the OSUMB introduced its million benefactor to the public: “The Boss ” George Steinbrenner George Steinbrenner’s New York Yankees have their AAA affiliate the Clippers in Columbus and he has a box in OSU’s Schottenstein Center
Steinbrenner made the donation in the name of his wife Joan Zieg Steinbrenner a graduate of OSU who grew up in Co lumbus The facility now officially the Joan Zieg Steinbrenner Band Center is expected to be completed early this year It will feature square feet on two floors and the actual re hearsal room size will be more than doubled from square feet to square feet
Joan Zieg Steinbrenner has long been a fan of the band and music program at Ohio State
Eta and Chi both presented the Steinbrenners with several gifts including a marching band jacket several sets of practice grays and other OSU band merchandise
Eta and Chi will each have a small space for storage in the new complex and space for display in the complex as well They and the band expect to move into the new facility by the end of the school year
Iota Pi Helps Make Iota Pi Helps Make Iota Pi Helps Make Iota Pi Helps Make Iota Pi Helps Make WASBE a Success WASBE a Success WASBE a Success WASBE a Success WASBE a Success
by Alissa “Bueller” Aune by Alissa “Bueller” Aune by Alissa “Bueller” Aune by Alissa “Bueller” Aune by Alissa “Bueller” Aune ΚΚΨ ΚΚΨ ΚΚΨ ΚΚΨ ΚΚΨ Iota Pi Chapter Iota Pi Chapter Iota Pi Chapter Iota Pi Chapter Iota Pi Chapter California Polytechnic State University California Polytechnic State University California Polytechnic State University California Polytechnic State University California Polytechnic State University
Alfred Reed Frederick Fennell These are the big names of our passion our livelihood our fun and our music These two men along with hundreds of other composers educators and musicians were on hand for the ninth international confer ence of the World Association for Symphonic Bands and En sembles (WASBE) The conference took place from July to July in San Luis Obispo California The majority of the con ference took place at California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) San Luis Obispo So who else would they call on for help but the brothers of Iota Pi Kappa Kappa Psi? Brothers returned from their summer vacations to face one of the larg est service projects that the chapter has ever had But this was not a project that was only worked on for one week by the chapter
Iota Pi’s involvement in WASBE started one year prior to the conference Chapter members attended meetings of the San Luis Obispo WASBE Organizing Committee in order to work as closely as possibly with the school and the community in mak ing this international conference a major success Iota Pi also worked closely with their sponsor and past president of WASBE William V Johnson This allowed for greater involvement in the conference and the opportunity for chapter members to meet the legendary musicians of wind music Iota Pi also ex tended its involvement in the university and the community by playing a major role in this conference
Iota Pi kept themselves extremely busy throughout the week They opened the week by hosting a beach barbecue for the California State University Intercollegiate Wind Orchestra with the help of brothers and sisters from CSU Fresno (Iota Alpha KKPsi Eta Omega TBS) After the fun evening of food bon fires games and socializing the work had to begin The week became a time of set changes and hosting which were vital to the smooth operations of an international conference
The two biggest undertakings that Iota Pi had was to be the overall host to each of the sixteen bands and ensembles that were visiting Cal Poly Each performing group had their own setup instrumentation and needs for their performance (along with their own language!) and Iota Pi was there for them Chap ter members set up residence and considered the band office a second home (isn’t it always?!) that week to make sure that operations were running smoothly and that the bands had ev erything they needed Due to the dedication of these brothers the city of San Luis Obispo and thousands of visitors were to hear some of the greatest music ever written for wind bands
Now that WASBE is WASbe Iota Pi looks back on one of the most wonderful crazy busy stressful and fun weeks that the chapter has ever had and knows that every moment was worth it Iota Pi was able to extend their band service to a whole new level and by participating extended the reaches the goals and the ideals of the fraternity to band members throughout the world
Celebrating Years of Broth Celebrating Years of Broth Celebrating Years of Broth Celebrating Years of Broth Celebrating Years of Broth erhooderhood erhooderhood erhood
by Amy Wells and Sara Patrick by Amy Wells and Sara Patrick by Amy Wells and Sara Patrick by Amy Wells and Sara Patrick by Amy Wells and Sara Patrick University of Michigan University of Michigan University of Michigan University of Michigan University of Michigan
In the United State’s economy was riding high the Great Depression had not yet begun World War I was still the war to end all wars and the trial of the century was State of Ten nessee vs Scopes for teaching evolution in the classroom On June under the direction of Robert Campbell twenty dedicated band members at the University of Michigan founded the thirteenth chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi: Nu Since the be ginning Nu has continued to grow in brotherhood and share the love of music through service The year commemo rated Nu’s seventy fifth year as a chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi
and Nu planned a celebration of epic proportions
Last fall Nu hosted a banquet and golf outing including at tendance at a University of Michigan football game an event open to all Nu members and alums The brothers of Nu were very excited by the opportunity to not only celebrate seventy five years but also to meet some of their extraordinary alumni The memories collected from Kappa Kappa Psi are the kind that are never forgotten and seventy five years has obvi ously created several changes for the Nu Chapter Hearing sto ries of Nu from the past was not only entertaining but also informative and educational
One major change that Nu has undergone since the mid sev enties is improved relations with Lamdda the Tau Beta Sigma chapter at the University of Michigan In fact writing an article about Nu without including Lambda seems rather incomplete The two chapters have worked toward better joint relations and the sisters of Lambda are incredibly proud of Nu’s achieve ment of seventy five years To show support and congratula tions the sisters of Lambda threw Nu their own surprise ban quet last month The brothers unsuspectingly thought that the traditional last meeting (end of the year banquet) was going to be held at a local pizza house as usual However the sisters had something quite different in mind The sisters each contributed a portion of the meal and created a lovely feast at the band hall After showing up at the pizza place the still clueless broth ers were led to the real feast Each brother was escorted to his/ her seat by a lovely sister of Lambda and given a red carnation the official flower of Kappa Kappa Psi
The year proved to be one of continued growth for both Nu and Lambda not only in brotherhood and sisterhood but in service as well The chapters both inducted large MEC classes of thirteen and twelve respectively and the future of both organizations both jointly and separate looks promising We are growing daily in the bond through the love of music that unites us all The seventy fifth anniversary is a very excit ing addition to the saga of Nu and the future lies ahead like a blank page ready to be filled through continued commitment to bands
This Is How to Do a Road This Is How to Do a Road This Is How to Do a Road This Is How to Do a Road This Is How to Do a Road Trip!Trip! Trip!Trip! Trip!
by John Easterling by John Easterling by John Easterling by John Easterling by John Easterling ΚΚΨΚΚΨ ΚΚΨΚΚΨ ΚΚΨ Zeta Beta Chapter Zeta Beta Chapter Zeta Beta Chapter Zeta Beta Chapter Zeta Beta Chapter Howard Payne University Howard Payne University Howard Payne University Howard Payne University Howard Payne University
As part of their Membership Education Program the ME Class of the Zeta Beta chapter at Howard Payne Uni versity visited the ΚΚΨ/ΤΒΣ National Headquarters in Stillwa ter Oklahoma The seven prospective members were Nat Anders Nick Brown David Crow John Easterling Tim Groves Scot McPhetrige and Michael Mebane
Their trip began on Frlday February and they headed first to the Oklahoma Baptist University Campus where they visited the Epsilon Zeta chapter of ΚΚΨ It was here that many of the native Texans had their first encounter with snow; there was just enough to go sledding down the backstairs of the dormi tory on their jackets After having breakfast with the Epsilon Zeta chapter and selling them some of the world famous Dublin Dr Peppers as their class fundraiser they loaded back into their cars and headed north to Stillwater They arrived at Stillwater in the early afternoon and headed directly to the National Head quarters
While at Stillwater Station the seven prospective members toured the offices and helped to re box file and organize the records in order to create more room and clean up the storage area They also visited the Alpha chapter of KKY and saw the National Shrine Having sacrificed their lunch to the cause of Kappa Kappa Psi they were treated for their hard work at Es kimo Joe’s which was well worth the wait After dinner they loaded back up and headed back to Southwest Oklahoma State University where they visited the Gamma Phi chapter and at tended a basketball game After the game they stayed at the home of Southwest District President Adam R Mewhorter where they helped him put together a packet to be mailed to the chapters in the Southwest District
On Sunday February the prospective members attended a local church service before loading up and making the eight hour drive home to Brownwood When the arrived they kissed the sweet ground and then all headed out to work on their projects for membership education
You Never Know Until You You Never Know Until You You Never Know Until You You Never Know Until You You Never Know Until You TryTry TryTry Try
by Stephanie Money TBS Epsilon Beta Chapter by Stephanie Money TBS Epsilon Beta Chapter by Stephanie Money TBS Epsilon Beta Chapter by Stephanie Money TBS Epsilon Beta Chapter by Stephanie Money TBS Epsilon Beta Chapter Texas A & M Commerce Texas A & M Commerce Texas A & M Commerce Texas A & M Commerce Texas A & M Commerce
Our chapter has only fourteen members and we never thought we even had a chance at winning any awards Many of us assumed that because some awards were on the national level there would be many other chapters much more qualified to win these awards than ours In fact our president wasn’t sure about our chances and didn’t even tell the chapter about these awards “I thought it would be a great surprise to the chapter if we won and if we didn’t…well it wouldn’t mat ter because no one would have known except for me ” said Presi dent Kim Shuffield Because no one but Kim knew about our submissions we were completely stunned when we heard the first award for national outstanding chapter announced at last year’s Southwest District Convention Kim wrote extensive papers on all of the work we have done She carefully detailed every part of our submissions leaving absolutely nothing out no matter how obscure a project may have seemed Most of us looked across at each other thinking that there was another chapter just like us Each time we were announced for each award we all spontaneously jumped from our seats with ex plosions of high pitched screaming
This will certainly be a new tradition for future presidents of our chapter to uphold We will always turn in applications for these awards and never underestimate ourselves again never underestimate ourselves again never underestimate ourselves again never underestimate ourselves again never underestimate ourselves again If these award applications had never been turned in we would have never known what an impact we can have on Tau Beta Sigma and we wouldn’t have experienced the fantastic surge in pride we have in our chapter With these honors the chapter as a whole gained a much higher level of confidence in our selves which will only help us to continue to grow in the fu ture