3 minute read
Thanks for the Memories! by Dollie McDonald
year the chapter has achieved its short-term goal, fulfilled the mid-range goal, and is one step closer to achieving its longterm objective.
Strategic planning operates by initially creating a vision about how the “perfect chapter” would look. The plan then works to identify long-term objectives that fit within this vision and can only be accomplished over the course of several years. Mid-range goals serve as a refinement of the long-term objectives and are a bit more tangible since they can be achieved within a single year. The short-term goals become specific projects that the chapter completes within a semester. Each step of the strategic plan serves to reinforce the ideals of the higher steps, ultimately moving the chapter closer to the identified vision.
A majority of chapters design service projects by only focusing on short-term goals. As such, members often question the overall direction of the chapter. Without a clearly defined vision it can be difficult to keep everyone focused and, more importantly, motivated. However, if chapters adopt the strategic approach and document each step of the process, members can constantly see the direction the chapter wishes to travel and how each project reinforces that vision. You may be surprised at how strategic planning can transform your chapter from a group which struggles to motivate members and find exciting projects into a thriving, dynamic organization where everyone works toward fulfilling a single vision. } Chapter Directory Chapter Directory Chapter Directory Chapter Directory Chapter Directory Now Now Now Now Now On line! On line! On line! On line! On line!
Need a Chapter address? A Sponsor’s telephone number? A Band Director’s e mail address? For the most up to date listings con sult the on line edition of the National Chapter Directory available in PDF format for down load at the National website (www kkytbs org)
Thanks for the Memories! Thanks for the Memories! Thanks for the Memories! Thanks for the Memories! Thanks for the Memories!
by Dollie McDonald ΤΒΣ Chapter Field Representative
Howdy! Remember me, your trusty CFR? My mind draws a blank when I think about what I must write for my last CFR article for The PODIUM. The only things that come to mind are the memories that flash throughout my head of the wild, crazy, fun times I have had with so many of you. Memories of driving from coast to coast, alone, for the love of the sorority and to see a member’s smiling face when I arrived on their campus. Memories of spending quality time with the National Council and countless hours of fun debate with my counterpart Derrick Mills. I will never forget the loud laughter of sisters during dinner time, or the fun football, basketball, and hockey games I have attended. Nor will I forget the step practices, ice skating, movie nights (with questionable movies playing), the long band practices, and the beautiful performances starring you.
One of the most memorable aspects of this job that I will never forget are the many shapes, colors, and forms of sisterhood and brotherhood that exist in Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi. Along with all the perks of this job, I have been given two very special gifts: the sight of so many diverse members from various cultures coming together to serve the bands and promote music, and learning after I have left a chapter that my visit has helped it in some way. The diversity of the sisterhood and brotherhood has been a beautiful sight to witness, and I am honored to have received this gift.
I want to thank you all for sharing your sisterhood and brotherhood with me! It has made my job that much sweeter to learn from you as I enter your campus to help you learn from me. I want you all to know that this job, as well as this sorority, has changed my life for the better. Every time I leave your chapter, your convention, your workshop, I take a piece of you with me. As CFR, I have enjoyed being the part of the puzzle and piecing you all together as one AWESOME organization. I have truly loved serving the sorority to the best of my ability, and all of you have had a part in making my job special. This is Dollie, signing off and passing the torch to the next lucky soul who gets to share the legacy as a CFR. May the fire and passion live on within the hearts of the future CFR’s, as well as you, the members of these two great organizations! THANK YOU!!! }