3 minute read
It’s My Membership! by Debbie Baker
It’s MY Membership! by Debbie Baker ΤΒΣ National VP Colonization/Membership
It’s MY membership! It’s MY membership! It’s MY membership!
Iwant all of you to say that three times as fast as you can. Then say it three times slowly, listening to yourself as you repeat the phrase. This past year has been very exciting for the Sorority, but there is one aspect that is never fun to deal with. It is usually a lose/lose situation. The student is unhappy, the chapter is unhappy, and the national council has to be the bearer of bad news. The issue of active membership can be a source of joy and strength, but also a source of tears. Some of you may wonder how anything so good could be so bad. Trust me, it can! The good news is most of it is fixable!
So first of all, REPORT ALL INITIATES before third degree. For some chapters that will require a change in thinking. Mark your calendar and follow it. At Initiation, your chapter should have pins, shingles, and membership cards for the newest members. Allow your newest members to “show off” the evidence that they are now members. If you don’t get a card or shingle, there could be a problem!
Number two, PAY YOUR MEMBERSHIP DUES on time. After a few weeks, your chapter will receive a new membership card for each active member. Take time in your meeting to pass out the cards and welcome each sister back for another great year in Tau Beta Sigma. If you don’t receive a card, there could be a problem!
Next, PAY FOR EVERY ACTIVE MEMBER on your campus. Don’t send in fees for five members when you really have fifteen. Only the members who paid will hold active status, be allowed to attend district and national conventions, be recognized by the national organization as active. If you don’t receive a card, there could be a problem!
All three situations occur because we assume that someone else is taking care of the situation. It’s the president’s job or the treasurer’s job. They will take care of it. Sounds good, but that is not what always happens. It is YOUR membership! If you have not received a membership card and shingle within a few weeks of Initiation or Active dues deadline, then ASK at a chapter meeting. If you go longer than a month, YOU should become responsible for making sure your fees have been paid. Ask the president to contact National Headquarters. They can tell you the status of all your paperwork.
Remember, it is YOUR membership! You are not an active member without paying your membership dues or initiation fees. The bond of Sisterhood does go farther than a card, but the card is what states your status! Get the card!! }
Tau Beta Sigma is proud of Debbie Baker
Congratulations for being selected Teacher of the Year!
Using the Sorority motto is a daily habit for Debbie Baker, National Vice President of Colonization and Membership. Most members associate “Tau Beta Sigma for Greater Bands” with our colleges and universities, but Debbie brings her musical expertise to the middle school level. Principal Tyrone Jones and the faculty of Flat Rock Middle School selected Debbie as their 2003 Teacher of the Year.
Debbie has been teaching middle school band for seventeen years. The past ten years have been at Flat Rock. Her 250-member program consists of three concert bands and a pep band. The band has received numerous Superior ratings at Concert and Solo/ Ensemble Festivals. They have performed at Walt Disney World and Six Flags Over Georgia. Members of the band have been selected for the John Phillip Sousa Junior High School Honor Band, the University of Georgia Middle School Band Festival, the University of West Georgia Honor Band, Georgia District VI Honor Band, and the Georgia All-State Band.