5 minute read
School conducts INSET ’23; aims to continue professional development, harmonious relationship among teachers
by Rona Mae Bangayan
With its aim to continue professional development for teachers, Peñablanca National High School (PNHS) held its annual In-Service Training for Teachers (INSET) last February 6-10, 2023.
The five-day training focused on developmental methods through varied topic discussions that will be used for the school year and accomplishment of activities.
Mrs. Joycelle S. Tubay- Macarilay, school’s principal III lectured on the code of professional ethics and administrative discipline that outlines the ethical principles that govern decisions and behavior in an organization. She instilled how employees should behave, as well as specific guidance for handling issues like harassment, safety, and possible conflicts of interest in the campus.
Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF) that provides a venue for agreement on standards of performance and behaviors which lead to professional and personal growth in the organization was also tackled by Mr. Davis M. Lagundi.
To train teachers on the use of positive and non-violent approaches to discipline and classroom management, Mr. Reynaldo Maggay also presented the Teacher protection and positive discipline.
To assess and review the K-12 Implementation, Mrs. Corazon Cocal and Mr. Ronald Pelagio showed qualitative information that helps faculty determine how they might improve courses and/or programs through changes in curriculum, teaching methodologies, course materials, and other areas.
Enhanced School Improvement Plan (SIP) which is a road map that lays down specific interventions that a school will undertake within a period of school years, was presented by Ms. Arcelie B. Roxas and was finalized by Mrs. Nely Pelagio.
Other topics such as School Monitoring Evaluation and Adjustment (SMEA), strategic intervention materials to bridge the gap and problems of teachers and students in school and demonstration teachings of select teachers from each subject teachers were also done.
To eliminate the causes of mental health problems, Mrs. Ma. Katherine C. Nicol, school guidance counselor, talked on the importance of mental health and psychological support
“Since the outbreak of CoViD-19, many have gone stressed as to how they would manage to come back to school after the 2 years of being stuck inside their houses.”, averred Nicol during her lecture on Psychological support.
Meanwhile, Mr. Jorge Taguinod, Public Schools District Supervisor signified the importance of the conduct of INSET for the development of the teachers.
“We really need this In-service training for Teachers yearly because it serves as an avenue for teachers to be upskilled and further develop their passion and drive for teaching,” said Taguinod.
The administration believes that the topics discussed will be deemed necessary in the pursuit to a better teaching-learning environment and atmosphere for the teachers and students this coming next school year.
Upon the discussion, he discussed the different types of bullying and emphasizes cyber bullying as the main trend of today’s generation.
“Some tenagers nowadays are not sensitive on what they share and what they post and sometimes they use media as a platform to harm other,”

“Porket mas malaki sila o mas sikat sila ay nagbubully sila ng mas mahina sa kanila at nagbubunga ito ng low-self steem sa mga vicitims” he added.
He ended his lecture by encouraging the student leaders to be the role models in fighting bullying to keep the peace and security inside the school.
With the theme “Together, Let’s Stand up Against Bullying” the said symposium successfully accomplished its learning objectives and goals as at the end of the program the students were actively participating during the assessment and application is on the way.
26 cases
PNHS logs
26 cases of bullying this year.
5 cases
PNHS logs 5 cases of fraternity this year.
A New Dawn
Peñablanca opens new Public Market; focuses to increase and promote economic activities in the municipality
After a long haul, blessing and grand opening of the new Peñablanca public market was duly launched on Tuesday, June 3, through a eucharistic celebration officiated over by Rev. Fr. Antonio Sibayan and ribbon cutting to signify its formal opening, led by Mayor Washington M. Taguinod, Vice Mayor Marilyn J. Taguinod together with other LGU officials, SB members, Department Heads, Barangay Officials, PNP and the BFP.

The operation of the New Public Market will be daily from Monday to Sunday, which offers clean, organized and well-lighted stalls, safer pedestrian access and wide parking spaces, expected to pave way to an increase in revenue generation to promote more economic activities in the said municipality.
‘Project SPLASHH’ to purport equal access to functional toilets; endeavors to foster sanitation and hygiene to PNHSians
by Heart Ashley Mariah Viloria
T o ensure sanitation and hygiene among its students, Penablanca National High School thought of a way to equalize the unbalanced ratio of students to its functional toilets, having a ratio of one (1) functional toilet bowl to one hundred three (103) students, above the advised ratio of the Department of Education (DepEd) of just 1:50.

Police Station launched a symposium about four common problems in the country: Insurgency, Teenage Pregnancy, crime and illegal drugs, spearheaded by PMAJ Harold P. Ocfemia, Officer-InCharge in Peñablanca National High School, November 23, 2022.

The symposium was attended by Pastor Danny Punay, Regional Coordinator, MBK-LC, PCPT Glenda Paragua, Pastor Romar Ologenio, MBK-LC, National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA) 2 led by ARD Jack Espiritu, FTP Class SANDATAG led by PSMS Valentino Iñego, Field Training Officer, KKDAT Officers/Members led by Mr. Dominic Danao and Pat Pearl Amie T. Tungcul, Police in Barangay Camasi/MCAD PNCO.
The said activity was started by Pastor Romar Ologenio, MBKLC by introducing the Revitalized PNP CHURCH to the students of PNHS.
He emphasized the purpose of the activity to foster the relationship between police leaders, volunteers, community and the church, because he believes that a people with unity and concern will remain orderly and peaceful.
After sharing about the Revitalized PNP KASIMBAYANAN, Mr. Keneth Peralta, member of the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA) gave lecture about the National Task-Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) and Community Anti-Terrorism Awareness (CATA) related to the government’s NTF ELCAC/EO 70 as part of the intensive campaign against Terrorism, EO no. 70 or the “whole of the nation approach to end local communists armed conflict” which aims to suppress insurgency in the country.
In addition, Mr. Peralta emphasized the importance of correct information and knowledge of the public on leftist groups so that they are not misled or recruited by them, especially the youth.
He also urged every citizen to intervene, cooperate, and show support to the government in order to completely suppress terrorism in our country. In this regard, a former NPA member shared his experience that will prove that everything Mr. Peralt taught the students was correct.
Following the lecture on insurgency, PMAJ Ocfemia also conducted a lecture against criminality and expressed his gratitude to the students for continuing to support the plans, programs and activities of the government towards a better and to page 4...
PNHS pays tribute to alumni thru Grand Homecoming; ignites friendship, camaraderie among them
by Francis Kyle Tamayao
After2 years of batch reunion break due to the pandemic, PNHS conducted a Grand Alumi Homecoming for all of its graduates to reconnect with friends and batchmates held at PNHS gymnasium last December 29, 2022.
Different batches of alumni coming from the first ever batch of graduates: Batch 1976 to Batch 2018 were able to step back once again to their Alma Mater for a reunion that also served as a year-end party.

This year’s homecoming was participated by 167 alumi headed by Mr. Richard Agudo, the Alumni President and public officials including Hon. Washington Taguinod and Zenaida Leones served as guests.
The program started with a holy mass by the resident Priest of Peñablanca, Rev. Father Antonio Sibayan and talked about the importance of humility and generosity when having reunification with friends during his homily.
During the said activity, the alumni were able to introduce their respective batches through cheers and yells. Along with the fun and enjoyment, the school also conducted a mini pageant for its alumni, coming from different batches.
Mr. Gilbert Danga and Mrs. Nenita Cusipag Fagaban were crowned Alumni King and Queen respectively as being the candidate with the highest amount of money raised.

The Search for Alumni King and Queen was able to raise a fund of P40,916.60 in total which will be used for different projects to be started this school year.
P40,916 fund collected