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Journos bag awards in DSPC ‘23; 5 to compete in RSPC


Five campus journalists brought pride and honour to the academe after bagging awards in the Division Schools Press Conference (DSPC) held at Saint Joseph College of Baggao last January 19-22, 2023.
Francis Kyle D. Tamayao, a grade 11-STEM student placed 1st in Science and Technology Writing English; Heart Ashley Mariah T. Viloria, a Grade 11-HUMSS student placed 1st in Column Writing English; Crisha Alexa D. Ballad, a Grade 7-Science student placed 5th in Copyreading and Headline Writing English; Rovelyn Lasam, a Grade-10 Science student placed 6th in Feature Writing Filipino; Lizelle Jhade C. Dumallag, a Grade 11-STEM student placed 7th in Feature Writing English category beating other contestants from different schools.
The said students prepare to compete for the Regional School Press Conference (RSPC) to be held in Lal-lo National High School, Lal-lo Cagayan on May 12-15, 2023.
Other equally brilliant journalists who also bagged awards during DSPC were Czarina Shane B. Tamon, 8th place Photojournalism English; Sheiryliz Nicole Yadan, 8th place News Writing Filipino; Mariana Nicole D. Tamayao, 9th place Science and Technology Writing Filipino.
Meanwhile, the English Collaborative and Desktop Publishing bagged awards placing 3rd in Best Layout, 4th place in Best Sports Page, with the Filipino
Collaborative and Desktop Publishing placing 3rd in Best Sports Page, 5th in Best Layout, 5th in Best Overall Paper.
Mrs. Joycelle S. Tubay-Macarilay expressed her congratulations and gratitude to these budding journalists for giving such an honourable feat to the school.
The scribes were coached by Mr. Mark Isidro Perpinian, Mrs. Gayle Karenina Sibal, Mrs. Resie Lopez, Mrs. Corazon Cocal, Mr. Davis Lagundi, Mrs. Melanie Talattad, and Ronald Pelagio.
perform Galaw Pilipinas’ choreography...
Galaw Pilipinas is actually the DepEd National Calisthenics Exercise program composed of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) prescribed daily for children 5-17 years old and it was mandated to all public and private schools across the country.

The said activity was participated by students of PNHS from Grade 7 to Grade 12 students and each year level will have their own performance with atleast 250 students.
Before the performance of students, MAPEH teachers of PNHS performed first the choreography of Galaw Pilipinas headed by Mrs. Caressa Jane P. Argonza, a Grade 8 teacher.
Right after the teacher’s performance, students of Grade 7 students performed first accompanied by two teachers. Grade 8 students came next followed by Grade 9, 10, 11 and 12.
During their performance, variations in formations, costumes, and in steps execution in each grade level were observed in order to show the fruit of their weeks of practice and preparation.
In the end, all of the students along with the teachers and staff of PNHS danced together to achieve the main aims of the activity which are to promote active lifestyle, improve over all health and health and skills related fitness, enhance can cultural awareness and inculcate nationalism snd unity setting aside the mindset of dancing for competition.
PNHS takes part in the National Synchronized Earthquake Drill; promotes disaster awareness and readiness
The PNHS Faculty, Staff and Personnel, as well as its students, participated in the 2nd Quarter National Synchronized Earthquake Drill (NSED) which was conducted on March 20, 2023.

The drill was led by Mr. Jaypee Cuarteros, School DRRM Coordinator, in coordination with the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (MDRRMO). Using all the necessary equipment involved in conducting the drill, the said activity was done smoothly and successfully.
The ringing of the bell and the siren of the mega phone served as a signal for everyone to proceed in a safe place and perform the basics of the drill which was duck, cover and hold technique.
Meanwhile, Cuarteros shared to everyone the importance of being aware about the different disasters especially earthquake.
“This year was quite different and it is nice because we came back to the face-toface drill unlike before where we do not only have to consider the possible effects of the earthquake but also the following of the health protocols particularly distancing, masking and sanitizing,” Cuarteros averred.
Meanwhile, teachers assured that all their students participated in the said drill, practicing the duck, cover and hold technique.
The drill was also participated by some partners and stakeholders namely the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), along with the Philippine National Police (PNP), Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (MDRRMO) and Disaster Action Emergency Team (DAET).
The main aim of the annual NSED is to ensure awareness and preparedness among the learners and teachers on the possible effects of earthquake and other natural disasters.
In fact, based on Water Sanitation and Hygiene in School (WinS) monitoring data for school year 2018-2019, only 55.5% are within the ratio of one (1) toilet bowl for every 50 students, meaning that only 55.5% of the recorded schools meet the adequate criteria.
These are the reasons behind Penablanca National High School’s Project Synergized and Provide Lavatory Access for Students Health and Hygiene (SPLASHH) which aims to provide enough comfort rooms for every student in PNHS using donations from stakeholders as funds.
With this project, a total of seven comfort rooms had already been structured in the Junior High School, each comfort room has one toilet bowl, one urinal and one lavatory. In addition to this, a two-door comfort room is to be constructed in the school gymnasium to provide easier lavatory access during events.
It is a developing project with the vision of providing a lavatory in every classroom and within the school’s vicinity in the scope of six years. Penablanca National High School is looking forward to fulfilling this vision with the utmost support from its statakeholders.