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MDRRMO Peña wins Gawad KALASAG award ‘22
by Rona Mae Bangayan
Municipality of Peñablanca received the Certificate of Recognition after being among the “Fully Compliant” in the 22nd Kalasag Seal for Excellence in DRRM and Humanitarian Assitance for the Local DRRM Councils and Offices category by the Office of Civil Defense (OCD) and National Gawad KALASAG Committee on November-24.
The said meeting aims to support Republic Act No. 9003, an act providing for an ecological solid waste management program, creating the necessary institutional mechanisms and incentives, declaring certain acts prohibited and providing penalties, appropriating funds therefore and for other purposes.
Teachers are the founders of society; shaping the youth of the past, present and the future. Recognizing their vital role in the institution, the Supreme Student Government Organization of Peñablanca National High School conducted a one-day program in commemoration of the World Teachers’ Day last October 5, 2022.
Headed by the ever supportive SSG Adviser, Mr. Dustin James Macaraniag, this program served as a day of “freedom and comfort” for the teaching staff. The momentous event was opened through the display of nationalism conducted by Kirby Juvann Maramag, SSG Grade 8 representative and was followed by a heartfelt prayer offered by Crizen Joy Danguilan, SSG Public Information Officer.
The staff was then formally welcomed by Davis M. Lagundi, Head Teacher III and was further embraced through an inspirational message from Peñablanca National High School’s mother, Joycelle S. Tubay Macarilay Principal III, leaving the teachers with a striking message “The future of the youth is yours to shape, you hold the biggest key towards their dreams.” continue to page 9...
Two provinces in Region II were honored as “Fully Compliant” which includes Isabela and Cagayan where nine Municipal DRRMs in Cagayan along with their Local Chief Executives also received the same award. These include Lal-lo, Lasam, Allacapan, Solana, Camalaniugan, Sanchez Mira, Baggao, Rizal, and Peñablanca.
The Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (MDRRMO ) Peñablanca received the award thru Mrs. Melizen L. Addun, Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (LDRRMO) III, with the 135 Beyond Compliant & 436 Fully Compliant Local Government Units Awardees.
Meanwhile, Addun thanked the
by Mary Loise Mirja Mateo
With its focus to provide the students with “accessible, convenient and modernized” way of learning, Penablanca National High School initiated Project SILVER (Strengthening Instructional Learning through audio-Visual Enrichment Resources) for S.Y. ‘22-’23.
Project SILVER was proposed to the parents by class advisers during their Homeroom PTA meeting.
The parents contributed an estimated amount of 200-250 pesos per student to buy a smart television that can be used during discussions and other activities. However, the said project was not mandatory to continue to page