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Being a student at this school for more than 4 years, I witnessed all ups and downs that we faced in the span of those years. Super typhoons, earthquakes and the global pandemic are only a few of the adversities our school had experienced; still we remained resilient and steadfast, maintaining its timeless beauty.
Our joint efforts throughout those years might have paid off, but the 2-year long pandemic still took a toll on the overall capacity of the school buildings and facilities resulting to shortcomings and weaknesses that the institution still needs to improve. So, for students to use their voices, the PNHS Gazette Editorial Staff conducted an online survey to the students regarding their thoughts concerning the Achilles’ heel of our beloved Penablanca National High School with the purpose of addressing these issues to those in authority.
Rampant Bullying

This had been the main problem of our institution for years, especially in during this time where students were rested because of being locked down, yet it remains rampant because of the following:
Peer Pressure
Superiority Complex
Being Egoistic
Lack of Discipline
• Abuse of Power

• Attention Seeking
However, as assured by the Guidance Office, any form of bullying will not be tolerated. It is also emphasized by the school that PNHS firmly stands its ground on its No to Bullying Policy and there are supporting rules and regulations to ensure everyone’s safety.
Inconsistent Water Supply
Water is the most crucial fragment in everyone’s lives for without it, one cannot live; and with its insufficiency, one cannot live fully. Just like in our school, the absence and insufficiency of water leads to a domino effect, a problem causing more problems. Our water supply may not be absent; however, its supply remains inconsistent because of the following:
• The number of recipients it caters.
• The distance between classrooms.
Still, on the bright side, the water in our school is potable which is why in every faucet, the water is safe to drink.
The library isn’t being utilized by Students
Even before the internet became the main source of information, a library was a student’s best friend but now that the era of technology became widespread, the library stopped being utilized. Our school has a library, but it isn’t being used the way it must be, despite the fact that it is still functional and it still has books to offer to willing students, but behind this there are reasons upon why it isn’t being used.

•The internet is an easier access to information
•The students fear the idea of going into the library
•The books in the library are inaccessible to many
•Not all sources of information can be found in the library
•Students lack interest in reading capability together to bring to
The way we perceive our school might not be the same as how others perceive it, some may address it as beautiful and some might oppose, but what matters most is what, when, where and how can we contribute to this beauty? The hurdles of limitation are nothing compared to a collective effort from hearts with burning desire to push through.
The battle of going against all these flaws and making them our strength is a battle for everyone to take part in, for our treasured school. Indeed, its sons and daughters will forever love it dearly, truly, honestly and for the end of time and eternity.
Uncertain Roads
Change is the spark that ignites the flame of innovation. Embrace it, and let your mind blaze a path towards progress. Adaptability and innovation are crucial components of true progress, as it requires not only moving forward but also leaving behind what no longer serves us.

For years, the jeepney has been a popular and affordable mode of transportation in the Philippines, especially in the provinces. Yet, the government’s intention to gradually phase out outdated jeepneys has sparked debate and caused alarm among both commuters and drivers.
“Embrace change, open your mind, and pave the way for innovation to shine.” Embracing change and being receptive to fresh viewpoints and methods paves the path for improvement and evolution, which in turn fosters innovation and advancement. While some claim the phase-out is required, others claim it will negatively impact the lives of jeepney drivers and the accessibility of transportation for many Filipinos.
A crucial step in modernizing and enhancing public transportation in the Philippines is the phase-out of jeepneys. Although being widely used and reasonably priced, jeepneys frequently lack adequate maintenance and safety features.
High quantities of pollution are also produced by the engines used in jeepneys, which adds to the country’s air pollution issues. Also, the sheer volume of jeepneys on the road increases traffic congestion in urban areas, lengthening commutes for workers.
In the Philippines, 27% of all deaths are attributed to air pollution, according to a research by the World Health Organization (WHO). The paper emphasizes how jeepney emissions, in particular, have a substantial negative influence on the environment and general health. The Philippine Statistical Authority (PSA) also stated that there were 59,641 traffic accidents in 2019 that resulted in 12,905 injuries and 9,315 fatalities.
The jeepney phase-out is opposed on the grounds that it will negatively impact the livelihoods of operators and drivers of jeepneys. Several jeepney operators and drivers have been in the industry for many years; therefore, the phase-out would leave them without a source of income. Many Filipinos who depend on jeepneys for their daily commute contend that the phase-out will make transportation less accessible and affordable.
Although there are legitimate worries regarding jeepney drivers’ livelihoods and accessibility of transportation, it’s crucial to take the long-term advantages of updating public transportation in the Philippines into account. With support and assistance to help impacted drivers and operators shift to other forms of transportation, jeepneys can be gradually phased out.
Moreover, modernizing public transportation can lead to the creation of new job opportunities in the manufacturing and maintenance of newer, safer, and more environmentally friendly vehicles.
Modernizing jeepneys can also contribute to the Philippines’ image as a tourism destination. The absence of dependable and secure transportation is frequently cited by visitors as a serious problem in the nation. By improving public transportation, travelers will have easier access to see the entire nation, potentially generating more money for the travel and tourism sector.
It is important to mention that the idea of discontinuing jeepneys is not a recent development and has been a topic of discussion for many years. Nevertheless, due to the absence of government intervention and cooperation, the implementation has been postponed. Given the recent effort to modernize, it is crucial to utilize this chance to upgrade public transportation once and for all.
The nation as a whole will profit in the long run by improving public transportation, notwithstanding any short-term difficulties that may arise during the transition phase. To guarantee a seamless transition and reduce any negative effects on their livelihoods, the government must collaborate with jeepney drivers and operators. By doing this, the Philippines can develop a more efficient and sustainable transportation system that will benefit all of its residents.
In conclusion, even though jeepneys are a popular and affordable mode of transportation in the Philippines, it is critical to put public health, safety, and the environment first. A crucial step in modernizing public transportation and lowering air pollution and traffic congestion in the nation is the phase-out of jeepneys.
Yet, in order to facilitate a seamless transition to alternate modes of transportation, it is crucial for the government to offer support and help to impacted jeepney drivers and operators. In the end, updating public transportation can result in a more effective and long-lasting system that is advantageous to both the general population and the environment.
“Please, keep your phones, mga anak.” We usually hear this statement from our teachers stating their disapproval of the use of mobile phones inside the classroom.
In fact, according to a survey conducted by a researcher-blogger in Gitnux, 55% students are using their mobile phones to surf the internet while classes are going on.
While it is true that students use their phones to surf online, there are also students who use phones to record videos, capture photos and post unnecessary
“We must always remember, though, that the use of mobile phones goes well with the power of responsibility and accountability of every user.”
POWER OF Responsibility
Republic Act No. 10173, otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act, is a law that seeks to protect all forms of information, be it private, personal, or sensitive. It is meant to cover both natural and juridical persons involved in the processing of personal information.
Students tend to make fun of others while in class by capturing unconsented photos of their classmates while they are on their unguarded moments. They also record videos if them and post them online.
In fact, this is not only true to the learners themselves. Teachers, even while teaching are victims of these activities. Students hide their phones and capture “teacher moments” and record videos of them while in class.
If students and teachers are put on the pedestal of shame due to these rampant use of mobile phones inside the classroom, they will experience first-hand effects especially on their emotional stability. There were instances that students could not focus on their studies because of being mocked online, be it in a social media post or in a group chat.
Teachers, as well, are no exception to these. There are students who post online regarding their rants and angst on certain teachers that these posts discourage teachers to do better in their expertise.
Internet As Source Of Information
Some important things are being neglected especially when it comes to the use of cellphones. Now that social media has been a great means of resources in school, its effects are undeniable. Students tend to copy & paste their outputs while quizzes are going on. There are teachers who are not “technologically inclined” enough to distinguish outputs lifted for the internet. So, students are being graded not based on their knowledge but based on their ability to gather data from the internet.
Effects On Students
Since it is quite rampant in schools to have students use their phone while classes are going on, they tend to develop a strong dependability on these gadgets and cannot think critically while performing tasks given by the teacher.
Moreover, these students who perform numerically better than others because of being graded in getting information from the internet, while students who don’t use these resources and get low scores in their performances logs behind the performing scheme of students.
We have been in a quite rapidly changing world where mobile phones have become our go-to friend in every emergency we have.
We must always remember, though, that the use of mobile phones goes well with the power of responsibility and accountability of every user.
The Official Publication of Peñablanca National High School

Herald of verity and liberty...
150,000250,000 cost of traditional jeepney