Volume 104 Issue 13

Page 14

Bogen’s research presents an interesting issue because, un like other civil rights and lib eration movements in America, Bogen said that LGBTQ+ rights movements have not seen polic ing as a major obstacle to their aims.“There obviously is a deep his tory of the police targeting peo ple and our ideas of criminality are influenced by homophobia, but at the same time I think for a lot of white, LGBTQ+ people, there’s not a lot of critique of LGBTQ+ people within the cop system,” said Bogen.

Fordham’s summer abroad program in Rome allows stu dents to take one of three courses during their month abroad: Art and Architecture of Rome, Performing Italian and Documentary Photog raphy in Italy. However, the Fordham in Rome program will not be available in sum


closely with different depart ments and programs across theThisuniversity.new initiative was spearheaded by Drs. Maura Mast and Laura Auricchio, deans of Fordham College at Rose Hill and Fordham College at Lincoln Center.

A Look at McShane Campus Center Construction

Construction crews have been working all summer long on the McShane Campus Center construction.

After years of planning, research and focus groups, the Task Force on Undergraduate Academic Ad vising has launched the Fordham College Advising Center to replace an advising system that had spe cifically assigned advisors to gradelevel.

During the summer, the Mc Shane Campus Center project en tered into what Stephan Clarke, the assistant director for campus center operations, referred to as “Phase 2”

JuniorPortrayalStudiesofLGBTQ+ Police Officers in Media

Mast spoke to The Fordham Ram to explain the decision to switch advising models and to



The class of 2026 is the first class of students directly affected by the

Serving The Fordham University Community Since 1918 September 14, 2022Volume 104, Issue 13 TheFordhamRam.com

Over the summer, Dorothy Bo gen, FCRH ’24, worked on a me dia studies project that focused on the portrayal of LGBTQ+ po lice officers in U.S. television.


Deans Mast and Auricchio unveil a new advising structure for Fordham College First-Year students this year.

Alumni and Faculty Rally to Save “Summer in Rome”

Arthur Avenue Celebrates Festival

decision, as there are no longer grade-level advisors for the firstyearThestudents.new advising system, named the Fordham College Advising Center, is led by an Associate Dean for Academic Advising. Professional advisors have also been hired to staff the center with the responsibility to advise students over the course of their undergraduate studies. These advisors will also work

The Fordham Young Alumni Committee (YAC) is a group of recent Fordham gradu ates focused on fostering and strengthening the connection between young alumni and the university. Through regular meetings and occasional spe cial events, YAC works to en courage alumni participation and connect recent alumni with current Fordham faculty, staff and students. The recur ring meetings often include Fordham University speakers from various departments and current-event based discus sions.Membership within YAC is open to all Fordham alumni who have graduated within the last 10 years. According to Megan Zuckerman, FCLC ’16, a YAC member since 2018 and the chair of the communica tion department, the commit tee’s membership has all types of Fordham alumni.


It was only a few months ago that the new McShane Campus Center first opened its doors on the Fordham University Rose Hill campus. Students now use the new building to relax in the

Fordham Unveils New AdvisingCOURTESYStructureOFSTEPHENCLARKE


Bogen has been interested in the idea of “copaganda” for a long time. She wrote and com pleted two previous papers on the subject both at Fordham and during her senior year of high school. Additionally, ex posure to the issues in shows like “Brooklyn Nine-Nine,” in fan discussion forums, helped

O'Hare Hall: Reminiscent of the Boland Hall Fire Tragedy Sports

The Fordham Ram


Page 8 Page 20

Football Improves to 2-0 With Narrow Win Over Monmouth Culture




as the Career Center, the Campus Ministry and Center for Community Engaged Learning are located.

lounge, do homework and work out in the new expanded Ram Fit Center. This year, students can even enjoy a redesigned din ing option, Dagger John’s, which serves items including sushi, poke bowls, bubble tea and BONMi Vietnamese food. This is also where campus organizations such

This required Bogen to look at many facets of the topic, from finding how many LGBTQ+ cops are represented in U.S. television, to researching police abolition and how LGBTQ+ communities have been historically targeted by the“Thepolice.ultimate thesis was basi cally the idea that even if these characters were otherwise posi tive representation, they maybe weren’t the most progressive forms of representation because they were upholding ideas about policing,” said Bogen.



in this issue

“[We have] members from both FCLC and FCRH and sev eral members who have mul tiple degrees from Fordham,” PAGE 3

FerrogastoPage 11

Fordham offers over 110 study abroad programs to its undergraduate students; programs take place in 52 countries on six different continents.Forstudents who cannot study abroad during the academic year, Fordham offers numerous summer study abroad programs such as London Centre, Fordham in Granada and Fordham in Rome.

Bogen looked at this issue through the perspective of abol ishing the police and used those ideas to frame her research.

Fordham’ s Young ProgrammingCommitteeAlumniContinues

PresidentEdward’sSept.Friday16Parade9p.m.–1a.m.TaniaTetlowis host ing the 2022 President’s Ball, the first of such events un der her tenure. The event is free, although students must adhere to a semi-formal attire. Undergraduate students only.

A student reported hear ing a gunshot at the corner of Arthur Ave. and Fordham Rd. Public Safety responded and spoke with officers who stated it appeared to be a road rage incident where one shot was discharged with no injuries reported.

McShane Center, Room 234-235 3 p.m.

Students are now required to isolate for only five days and are asked to wear a mask for anoth er five days after their release.

Susan Debbe, Fordham’s cam pus registered dietitian, will be at Rose Hill to showcase vegan pizza recipes. Ingredi ents that top the pizzas will be taken from the Babylon section of the cafeteria.

Both policies have caused ap prehension and tension amongst students and faculty, with many worried that a lax approach to the pandemic will only foster

Follow us @thefordhamramInstagram!on


Sept. 8

Public Safety was noti fied of a pull station activa tion on Hughes Ave. They responded, and the building was evacuated. A resident student stated that they ac cidentally activated the pull station.

Fordham Road 6:50 p.m.

The Latin American and Latino Studies Program and History Department’s undergraduate committee host a Hispanic Heritage Month celebration with a film screening and Q&A and a spoken word performance.

Students Weigh In On University VitalCheck Policy

Are students more prone to be honest on the VitalCheck form given its optionality? Cecelia McNeely, GSB ’23, does not be lieve so.

The Fordham University foot ball team will be playing its homecoming game this Sat urday against the Univer sity of Albany, SUNY’s foot ball team. The event will be covered by WFUV Sports.

Despite this concern, Eldredge is hopeful that students will be truthful with reporting positive cases of COVID-19 as well as an swering VitalCheck if they do not feel well.

The fact that students do not have to answer to VitalCheck each day to be permitted on campus coupled with the drop ping of the mask mandate, does raise the risk of a potential CO VID-19 outbreak on campus, per CDC guidance. Some mem

Sept. 8


“I don’t even think twice about VitalCheck now. I have no reason to even answer the form. If I get sick, I don’t think the first thing I will do is adjust my VitalCheck. I think I will go get a test and go from there,” saidHowever,McNeely.school adminis tration feels differently regard ing the switch to VitalCheck no longer being mandatory. Keith Eldredge, assistant vice presi dent and dean of student ser vices, feels as though the lack of requirement will facilitate greater honesty from students.

The waiving of the VitalCheck requirement is joined with re laxed quarantine guidelines, as per the CDC’s recommendation.


This Week at Fordham

CommunityThursdaySept.15Dining Hall 12 p.m.

Sept. 10 Arthur Avenue 6:10 p.m.

Public Safety responded to a smoke alarm in Goupil Hall. It was determined that the alarm was triggered by stu dents smoking in the room.


1:00 p.m.

Eldredge acknowledged the flaws of the previous mandate to complete the form.


Fordham Football Albany vs. Fordham

away of masks, testing require ments and VitalCheck almost all the integrity of what was keep ing us healthy has been taken away. That is just my opinion.”

Sept. 10 Duane Library

NEWSPage 2

Sept. 10 Hughes Avenue 12:50 p.m.


A student reported leav ing their phone in front of the Party City on Fordham Road. When they returned moments later, the phone was gone. Public Safety escorted the stu dent to their Find My iPhone location, but they were unsuc cessful in finding the phone.

Public Safety was notified that two people were stuck in the Duane Library eleva tor for approximately 10 minutes. Centennial Eleva tor responded, and they are now testing the elevator.

“Although everyone was re quired to respond daily in the past, there was nothing in the screen ing process itself that com pelled someone to be truthful with that response,” said El dredge.Thisopinion was echoed by McNeely:“Iknow people that didn’t feel good over the past two years and simply didn’t update their VitalCheck. They didn’t want to be locked out of campus just because they had symptoms of something that may or may not have been COVID.”

Fordham has made the VitalCheck questionnaire optional for the 2022-23 academic year, prompting criticism. more outbreaks in the future.

School administration met this challenge with a careful answer.“Part of being a student at Fordham is to care for oth ers, and I trust that students will not put others at risk by coming to class or other pub lic venues if they are ill,” said Eldredge.Somestudents, like McNeely, are worried about the health of the community. She said, “I do understand that it is important that people do not get certain people sick and everyone stays healthy in “However,general.”Ido not believe that all of the students here feel that way, and with the taking

Upon returning to school this fall, students were no lon ger required to complete the symptom checker form that was sent to students each day known as the VitalCheck ques tionnaire.Previously, students were not allowed entry to campus without the selection of the option “no symptoms” and submission of the form. The completion of the VitalCheck questionnaire, which lists a series of symptoms related to COVID-19, was implemented in fall 2020.

bers of the Fordham community worry it could cause an increase in cases heading into cold and fluProfessorsseason. are allowed to ask students to wear a mask in their class, but no students are re quired to wear masks.


Sept. 14, 2022 Centennial Speaker James Park Vegan Pizza Dietitian Pop-Up

“I am optimistic that stu dents will continue to be as honest as they have been in the past and will report a positive test for COVID-19 or symp toms that appear to be caused by COVID-19 even though they no longer have to answer the daily questionnaire,” said Dean Keith Eldredge on the issue.

Martyrs’ Court Goupil 12:30 a.m.

Coffey Field 1 p.m.

Film Screening “La Manplesa”

UCLA Law professor James Park will host a webinar about securities fraud regulation history in the last 60 years. James Park is the latest in the university’s Centennial Speaker Series.


Numerous alumni have writ ten letters contributing to the cause. “It’s really made me put way more effort into mak ing sure it happens again this summer for the students,” said Isaak regarding the alumni let ters. “The student initiative has put some more fire in my belly, to put it that way.”

a place where people would gather for multidisciplinary discourse; regular outings and excursions were part of the education and the discipline being studied. Out ings included activities like day trips to major cities or watching an Italian opera.

“For the past 25 years we’ve always applied late in the sum mer,” noted Perricone.

Alumni of the program have taken to writing letters express ing their gratitude to Fordham’s Rome summer abroad program and their hope that it will return in the near future. Some alumni described the experience as the most special month of their lives.

Fordham’s Rome program was

mer study abroad options.


If Fordham students would like to study abroad in Rome during the summer, the IES program is a generic study abroad program available to college students. How ever, since IES is not affiliated with Fordham, the program lacks the university’s multidisciplinary discourse. For students looking to experience Fordham’s curriculum and distinct professors abroad, IES is not an option. Additionally, all Fordham financial aid is trans ferable if students participate in a Fordham study abroad program. Therefore, participating in nonFordham affiliated study abroad programs may be unattainable for financial reasons.

Fordham faculty members who’ve taught courses in Rome are trying to get both adminis tration and students to address the communication issue in an attempt to revive the program.

“I am now working in the art world full-time and the Fordham Rome program was where I learned that was the direction I wanted to pursue in my professional career. Without the help, support and guidance from Professor Udell and Professor Isaak I would not be where I am today,” said Elise Beck, FCLC ’22. Additionally, for stu dents who cannot study abroad during the academic year, the Rome summer abroad program was one of the only available sum

September 14, 2022 Page 3NEWS


ity to Vatican City.

saidMembershipZuckerman. itself is contin gent on individuals attending multiple YAC meetings a year and actively participating in any of the four subcommittees. Involvement varies based on each alum’s pref erences, and members can decide how active they wish to partici pate within Executively,YAC. YAC board is broken down into four Fund,monetarilyyoungmitteealumnigrammingareto“spreadsubcommitteecusZuckermanprocess.andsitioncommitteesionalandphilanthropy,committees:communications,subsocialjusticespecialevents&profesdevelopment.EachsubhasaheadchairpowhohasbeennominatedundergoneaninterviewThetermsareoneyearlong.describedthefoofthecommunicationsasworkingtothewordabouteventsensurethatallmembersawareofupcomingproandspotlightyoungonsocialmedia.”ThephilanthropysubcomfocusesonencouragingalumnitocontributetotheFordhamspecificallyonFordhamFROM

When asked about her favorite YAC special event, Zuckerman mentioned the annual All-Jesuit Happy Hour as a great evening for strengthening connection between young alumni. The All-Jesuit Happy Hour invitation is extended to alumni from all 27 Jesuit colleges and universities and is a great opportunity for young Fordham alumni to mingle and network with post-graduate students from other institutions. This fan favorite event is just one of the many wonderful annual

The multidisciplinary discourse aspect of the Fordham Rome program was what made the pro gram unquantifiable as noted by Emily Thompson, FCRH ’21: “As much as I adored my Art His tory classes back on Fordham’s campus, there is no substitute for getting to walk around Rome and see masterpieces mere feet away. The sense of discovery is unmatched.” Fordham’s Rome summer study abroad faculty, alumni of the program and cur rent Fordham students are not ready to say “arrivederci” to the program just yet; those interested in the Rome program are work ing diligently to revive the pro gram beginning in summer 2023.

“It’s great to watch stu dents and young alumni work together,” said Burns.

In June, President Tania Tetlow, along with a group of Fordham representatives, traveled to Rome on a special pilgrimage and to discuss a possible partnership with Villa Nazareth — a Vatican affiliated residential college. In previous years, Fordham students were housed at St. John University’s Rome campus within proxim

events planned and run by the YAC. Mathew Burns, FCRH ’13, works in the university’s alumni office as an advisor for YAC. Having originally joined YAC as a member in 2016, ac cording to Burns, he was glad to be given the opportunity to work professionally with YAC.

“ [IES is] nothing like what we offer … it’s just a strange higher tourism,” said Isaak.


Despite having over 100 stu dents start their applications to participate in the program, the miscommunication halted the program from continuing in summer 2022. “The main issue is things just evaporated and no one really spoke about why that was happening, what the next step was or what recourse we

merThe2023.Ram spoke to three univer sity faculty members who taught courses in Rome: Fr. George Drance, Professor Joanna Isaak and Professor Joseph Perricone. Fordham’s Rome summer abroad program was canceled in spring 2022 due to COVID-19. When faculty members went to apply to continue the program begin ning in summer 2023, they were told that the deadline to reap ply to continue the program had passed and the new deadline was Jun 1. In past years, the deadline had been in August and faculty had not been obligated to com plete any paperwork.

YAC Encourages Community Between Students and Alumni

Efforts Begin to Revive Summer Study Abroad Program


“[There are] ways for young alumni to network with one an other, older alumni and current students,” said Zuckerman.

YAC works to ensure re cent graduates have the op portunity to remain connect ed to Fordham University post-graduation.Specialevents and peri odical meetings hosted by YAC foster connections and ensure a tight-knit network of recent alums. Coming up, YAC will be hosting the Young Alumni Yacht Cruise on Sept. 16, which is aimed at provid ing a night of mingling and networking.

“[It is] a neat way to stay in volved with that community,” said Burns. The alumni still remains an active participant within YAC today, highlighting the committees’ “collaboration with CCEL & Campus Ministry for the Ignatian Day of Service.”

had,” said Fr. Drance.

Alumni note that the program not only enriched their experience at Fordham, but also influenced their professional career.

Giving Day. The social justice subcommittee works to plan ser vice projects, such as the annual Ignatian Day of Service. On the Ignatian Day of Service, YAC encourages alumni and current studentZuckermaninteraction.described the fourth and final subcommittee: special events & professional develop ment, by spotlighting the group’s main focus of planning multiple annual alumni get-togethers. According to Zuckerman, special events provide opportunities for alumni and students to connect.

If the program were on track to continue in summer 2023, stu dents may have been presented with the new opportunity to reside at Villa Nazareth. Unfortunately, the program’s end correspond ingly halted all proceedings re garding the possible Villa Naza reth partnership.

“Our courses are really unique, it gives students an opportunity to act in Italian, a course like that can’t be found anywhere else,” said Perricone.

Students in the Rome Summer Study Abroad Program sightseeing around Rome. Fordham specific study abroad trips give students a Fordham education internationally.


“As an RA, I didn’t have the option of studying abroad dur ing my junior year as many of my friends did. Rome was one of the few summer options available to me, and it turned out to be a great decision. The class I took is undoubtedly my most memorable class at Fordham,” said another alumni of the program.

YAC helps foster relationships between alumni and current students.

COURTESY OF INSTAGRAM YAC hosts events to help continue engagement among the alumni.

“I never want someone to look at this research and think ‘oh my god, I’m a terrible person because I love “Law and Order,”’ but it’s also important to think critically about what we consume and also get involved in more active ways,” said Bogen.


Both Vidal and Executive Vice President Ava Coogan, FCRH ’25, presented awards to 2022 orienta tion coordinators, Julian Navarro, FCRH ’23, Karin Schroeder, FCRH ’24, Bridget McDermott, FCRH ’23 and Grant Figueroa, GSB ’24.

ter; however, there are still a few items from Phase 1 that are still being completed. This includes final touches for the A/V as well as an entryway for the catering team. Currently, the construction is reported to be on schedule.

Continues at McShane Center

However, Bogen understands these shows are not perfect.

Awards were also extended to the entire staff of the Office of Student Involvement as a thank you for their hard work and for putting together a great orientation.

“At the moment, students who can see over the gate when walking past the gym will see what used to be the old entry to the building now wide open,” Clarke said. “The lobby, the second floor elevator, the old Student Lounge are all gone. Students should look forward to seeing construction ramp up over the fall semester.”

To go about researching this topic, Bogen first collected data about LGBTQ+ characters on television that played cops.

between homophobia and po licing to use as background for her paper. All of this research will culminate in Bogen’s draft of her final paper, which she is currently still working on.

Then, in July, Bogen started doing more in-depth case stud ies on two cop shows: “NCIS Hawaii” and a Netflix show calledBogen“Q-Force.”watched these shows and took notes to use as con crete examples in her paper. At the same time, she was reading books on the issues of police abolition and the connection

“Within these shows, they’re also obviously participating in policing, and because they’re LGBTQ+, these shows and po licing in real life can kind of claim this veneer of progressiv ism because they can say that they’re inclusive to gay people too, and so that’s also where I think it gets a bit insidious as

The two candidates for vice president of communications and marketing, Frank Velez, FCRH ’23, and Ariadna Wong, FCRH

Executive President Santiago Vidal, FCRH ’24, explained that the USG has, in fact, spoken with the facilities department about the ongoing issue, and facilities explained that the problem is caused by a fire alarm directly above the grill in Urban Kitchen.

Research Focuses on LGBTQ+ Representation in the Police Force

September 14, 2022Page 4 NEWS

well,” said Bogen.

More broadly, Bogen’s re search into this topic has in spired her to become more involved in abolitionist organiz ing and to think more critically about the kinds of media that she consumes on a daily basis.

Construction continues behind temporary walls as the McShane Campus Center is open for student use.


Velez stated that he has both worked on local political cam paigns and previously worked with USG marketing. Velez stated that he wanted to reach more students on campus by ad vertising for the upcoming elec tions and having USG members become more involved with club activities.Wong presented her cam paign as being centered around organization. She hopes to cre ate a connection between USG and the rest of the student body.One

Wongcommittee.wonthe Senate vote and is now the new vice presi

In the shows that Bogen did her case studies on, she found that the LGBTQ+ characters were positive representations because they have healthy relationships, they’re wellrounded and have character development and their sto rylines aren’t just based upon them coming out.

On Thursday, Sept. 8, the Fordham University Rose Hill United Student Government (USG) met to discuss public concerns and the upcoming USG Senate elections.

The Senate voted in a call to action that they will revisit this topic with facilities again and see if there are any changes that can be made to improve the issue.

Additionally, she wanted to create training workshops to help ease the transition from committee members to sena tors and expand the communi cation


Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion, Briana Al-Omoush, FCRH ’24, presented a few chang es that she is looking to make to the Diversity Action Coalition (DAC) bylaws. She wants to require can didates running for co-chair must have at least one semester of DAC experience. She is also looking to change the position name of “cochair” to “vice chair.”

COURTESY OF THE RAM ARCHIVES USG heard public concerns and honored the orientation leaders in 2022.

to form her interest in the subject. However, after tak ing a queer theories class from Professor Jennifer Moorman, Ph.D., at Fordham, Bogen ap proached Moorman about po tential internship opportuni ties.Moorman told Bogen about her research and asked if she wanted to help out. This ended up evolv ing into Bogen’s own project.

’25, presented their campaigns and ideas to the Senate.

idea on how to increase student involvement with USG was to possibly create a Buzzfeed quiz to find out “which senator are you,” creating a fun and in formative way for students to find out who the various senators are.

dent of communication and marketing and will begin work ing to improve the communica tions and marketing committee.


In her long-term plans, Bogen is also considering going to grad uate school for media studies, so having the experience and oppor tunity of completing a research project at the undergraduate level would be a great stepping stone for Bogen’s future plans.

of the construction process. This phase focuses on the creation of the “arcade,” a new entry into the building. Clarke says most of the demolition work was com pleted during the summer, and the construction of the new sky light began in mid-August. The construction of the “arcade” and Phase 2 of the project will con tinue throughout this academic school year and is projected to be completed by fall 2023. Addi tionally, work on the Grab and Go near the Marketplace also contin ues. This is primarily the focus for the remainder of the

Senator Andy Diaz, FCRH ’25, reported that there have been multiple concerns regard ing the O’Hare Residential Hall fire alarms going off,, as they have been continuously dis rupting the students.

COURTESY OF DOROTHY BOGEN FOR THE FORDHAM RAM Bogen focused on two specific shows featuring LGBTQ+ police officers.


USG Discusses Public Concerns and Senate Elections

In the future, Bogen is inter ested in publishing her paper in Fordham’s Undergraduate Research Journal.

Senator James Serruto, FCRH ’24, suggested that all positions listed as “co-chair,” in all com mittees, should be changed to “vice chair” to exemplify a more uniform student government.


Upon looking at the response to the reports, the two deans merged Models 1 and 2 to gether into what they dubbed “Model 1.5,” or the Fordham College Advising Center. This is the model that was imple mented at the start of the fall 2022

“We’ve already seen that it makes a difference for our new students. We’ve heard very positive feedback from stu dents. We know that the tran sition to college is a significant one and we are excited that there is a team of advisors here to support that transition.” The new model has allowed for improvements that would not have been possible under the old system, with full-time advising now being available to full-time students. Since the system’s implementation has started with the first-year class of 2026, the next phase of implementation will focus on setting up support for when the class becomes sophomores and hiring new advisors for the incoming class of 2027.

The results of the team’s re search led to the development of three possible models of ad vising that the university could choose to implement. Auricchio and Mast presented these three

“The first phase,” Mast said, “is to build a team of profes sional advisors who will sup port the class of 2026 in FCLC and FCRH.” Eight new advi sors and an associate dean for academic advising were inter viewed and hired by Auricchio and Mast and, as Mast says, “bring strong experience and training in student support and advising.”

Lopez.The latter two were hired as Senior Academic Advisors.


Model 3, which was not as widely positively accepted, was to modify the “current structure with the addition of an advising center that oversees resource provision and assessment. Fac ulty would serve as core advisors and major advisors, with class deans overseeing transactions.”


the Ram in March and students were allowed to provide feed back anonymously.

Of the three models, positive support focused on the first two.

“Modelsemester.1.5” was not totally implemented, as the rollout of the Advising Center is being done in phases.

September 14, 2022 Page 5NEWS

At Lincoln Center, the team consists of three senior aca demic advisors: Michelle Ma cLeod, Sharae Nobles and ChelseaAccordingWicks.to

The new advising structure is based off of a survey sent to the Fordham student body regarding which new model of advising they found the best.

The selected associate dean for academic advising is Ashlee Burrs. Five of the advisors hired are located at Rose Hill. The Rose Hill team consists of these academic advisors: Dr. Corbett Bazler, Catherine Conners, Jennifer Giorgio, Lena Castellano and Rochelle Warner-

Mast, the first couple of weeks of the model’s implementation have yielded positive results with signifi cant“It’spotential.verymuch early days still, but the results have been encouraging,” Mast said.

Motivated by the university’s “Educating for Justice” plan, The Task Force on Undergrad uate Academic Advising was asked to perform an investiga tion of internal needs identifica tion, figuring out if there could be a better system that would have a stronger impact on Ford hamThestudents.taskforce conducted a large research process that involved “reviewing inter

“Eventually, when the mod el is fully implemented, all students will be supported by professional advisors and will have opportunities to be men tored by faculty,” said Mast.

system has fared so far.

models, providing a lot of op portunities for input through out the spring 2022 semester. Not only did the duo hold over 12 different meetings held with faculty, students, university administrators, different campus groups, other staff, Fordham Club and the Dean’s Council, but news about the task force’s report was also published by

In the words of Mast, Model 1 was to “develop an advising center staffed with professional advisors/class deans (one role) who are assigned as the primary advisor to a cohort of students, rather than a class, with faculty serving as major advisors” and Model 2 was to “develop an ad vising center staffed with pro fessional advisors for students’ undergraduate career; advisors would work in close contact with departmental point people such as the associate chairs.”

“Dean Auricchio and I know that academic advising is a key component of student success; we also know that student needs and challenges have changed over time and that our systems need to evolve to better meet those needs,” said Mast.Mast discussed how the old advising system, having advi sors assigned to the first-year and second-year classes before a student would then switch to an advisor based on their ma jor, left a lot of room for im provement on how the system could efficiently and positively set a student up for success.

nal feedback, studying models at other universities (Loyola Chicago, Boston College, Notre Dame, Holy Cross, etc.) and re viewing the scholarship of ad vising,” Mast stated.

Fordham Advising Restructured Based on Survey Results

“We had a system in which many people brought com mitment and good inten tions to advising and guiding students. But students were shuffled from one person to another: from a summer ad visor to a core advisor for the first year, then to a sopho more core advisor, then to a major advisor. And the class dean changed every year. It was difficult for students to get information and timely support,” explained Mast.

also vital. In 2022, 88 out of the 99 states’ legislative chambers will hold elections. There are a vari ety of issues, including abortion, that will be debated and decided by state legislatures in the coming years. To vote confidently in these elections, one has to understand the candidates and the platforms that they represent.

Kari White Assistant Culture Editor

Sofia Donohue Visual Director

Matthew Colucci Copy Chief

Thomas Aiello

My generation — more specifi cally, the class of 2024 — is the first to be born almost entirely in a post9/11 world. We have never lived in a world where we don’t have to go through added security at airports. We have never lived in a world where the Twin Towers were a part of the New York City skyline.


Sports Editor

Tri-State Area Remembers 9/11 More Than Most

I’ve talked to Fordham faculty who were present on campus on 9/11 and the chaos that followed over the ensuing weeks. Remem ber, this was a time before every one had cellular devices. People were lined up for phones. The school was trying to locate students who had been working in the city and students tried to contact their parents who worked in Manhattan.

Taylor Herzlich Assistant Opinion Editor

Local elections are rarely as ex citing or dramatic as national ones and often garner less attention. Many students, even those who are well-informed politically, are more likely to know things about contested elections in other states (such as the Pennsylvania Senate Race, which involves Dr. Oz) than they are about the races taking place in their own districts. While it’s good to have an idea of what’s going on around the country, re member that the elections that take place close to home are the ones that will have the most effect onKeepyou. in mind that, while con gressional elections are important, elections for state legislature are

Nicoleta Papavasilakis

Frances Schnepff Digital Producers Ava JustinCarreiroCharles

I have heard that the events of Sept. 11, 2001 shattered the myth of American invincibility, the no tion that no foreign group or power could cause us any real harm. The class of 2024 has never felt that unquestioned safety. The world we know is a fearful one. The black smoke that poured from the Towers still hangs over us.

Opinion Policy

Managing Editor

The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the au thors. They do not necessarily re flect the opinions or views of The Fordham Ram.

Daniella Terilli Culture Editors

Sebastian Diaz Production Editor

Email Address theram@fordham.edu

Students should also seek out information about specific elec tions on trusted political databases. One quick look on Ballotpedia, for example, will show you a sample ballot. Within a few minutes you’ll find out that people voting within

Stay Informed, Read Local Papers

Editorial | Midterm Elections

ma associated with 9/11 was a na tional experience. Coming to Ford ham University, I realized that for a lot of people in other states, 9/11 was never as big of a deal. It was a tragedy, to be sure, but one that happened far away to other peo ple. But in the Tri-State Area, sto ries about 9/11 were always about us: our families, our friends, our neighbors and our city.

the zip code 10458 (where Rose Hill is located), within New York’s 15th Congressional District, will have to make decisions on at least four ballot measures, federal con gressional seats, the New York gov ernor, other gubernatorial seats, state legislature and even civil court seats in Bronx county.

National publications, such as the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, have received much acclaim as giants of the media in dustry, but their coverage only extends to stories of national im portance. When midterm elections roll around and the ballots ask you to make a choice regarding local issues, national newspapers can only inform so much about local politics.Thisis why it is incredibly im portant that students also look to local papers and news outlets for reliable coverage of stories that affect the communities around them. A Fordham student that sought out news directly about the Bronx might find themselves heading to bronx.news12.com for borough news. Information about the broader New York City can be found at a number of different publications that cover the whole city, like the Gothamist or local di visions of national outlets (ABC7 or NBC4, just to name a few).

Website TheFordhamRam.com

Fordham’s current undergraduate students have no memory of 9/11, either because they were too young or had not yet been born. For many across the country and the world, it’s a relic of the past, something to be learned about but not mourned. But not in the Tri-State Area. Ev ery year, on Sept. 11, thousands of people visit the 9/11 Memorial and Museum to pay their respects and to remember the ones that were lost. For all Fordham students, if you find yourself in the city on the 11th of September next year re member that, here, we will never forget. Here, there are scars from that day that have still not healed. Take a moment, in your own way, to shut out the hustle and bustle of New York City, and remember that horrible, horrible day, and all the people who never got to come

The Fordham Ram’s edito rial reflects the editorial board’s opinions or views.

The Fordham Ram is the uni versity journal of record. The mis sion of The Fordham Ram is to provide a forum for the free and open exchange of ideas in service to the community and to act as a student advocate. The Fordham Ram is published every Wednes day during the academic year to all campuses.

Submissions Policy

On my daily morning run, I pass through the Rose Hill campus gar den, between Murray-Weigel and Thebaud Hall, right across from Finlay. In the madness of Fordham mornings — students going to class, getting breakfast, meeting with friends — the garden is a brief respite from the chaos, an unusually peaceful place. It is a small garden and, most mornings, it takes only a few seconds to run through.ThisSunday, however, I stopped short in the garden, as is my habit every year. In the center of the green, surrounded by an array of bushes, there is a stone with 39 names written on it. On the top is a dedication: “In memory of the women and men of Fordham who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.” This dedication is some thing many Fordham students walk past everyday without ever sparing it a glance. To many stu dents, especially those who come from outside the New York Metro politan area, the significance of the stone is lost completely.

While the next presidential elec tion won’t occur for another two years, the midterm elections are still a significant event in American politics. Occurring every two years, the midterms have consequences on nearly every level of govern ment. On the national and federal level, the entirety of the House of Representatives (that’s 435 seats) and about a third of the Senate (35 seats) will be contested and decid ed by election results. On a more local level, state legislative seats and municipal school board elec tions, just to name a few, will show up on the ballot.

Editorial Policy

Unlike similar traumatic mo ments, such as Pearl Harbor or the Kennedy assassination, the na tional trauma of 9/11 has become more complex and politicized over the past two decades. It is difficult to talk about 9/11 without also mentioning in the same breath the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the consequences of American imperi alism or the Patriot Act. Mention ing 9/11 in our present atmosphere often feels more like an excuse to showcase fervent patriotism or an excuse to criticize the failures of America’s past more than it feels like a national tragedy.

Maddie Bimonte Social Media Director

home.OnSunday morning, I stopped in the garden and read the 39 names listed on the stone. I said a prayer. And I continued my run.

News Editor

Amanda Yarolin Assistant Copy Chief Hannah Boring

Elisabeth Murray

It’s not easy to keep up with po litical events and become a wellinformed voter. Between classes and clubs, the last thing many Fordham students feel like doing is devoting more of their free time to research on little-known candi dates and issues. But it is necessary.

Fordham’s 9/11 memorial garden is an unusually peaceful place on campus

Emma Kim Samantha Minnear Opinion Editors

Beth Knobel

Isabel Danzis Assistant News Editors


You can guarantee that news and media outlets will begin to fo cus on the midterm elections in the following weeks. In fact, with just a little over eight weeks left until the actual election day (Nov. 8), there’s a good chance you may have al ready heard about the elections.

For many students, political news and information come by way of social media outlets. A Pew Research Center study from last year found that a significant number of the American populace, especially younger voters, get news from social media.

Serving the Fordham University campus and community since 1918

While social media can some times be a valid information tool, there are very few structures sup porting reliable information and a real concern for the rapid spread of misinformation.


Nick Guzman Assistant Sports Editors

I always assumed that the trau

Some historians say that it takes 20 years for an event to become history; if that’s the case, then 9/11 officially joined the history books last year in 2021. Much like other national tragedies, it has begun to sink into the annals of memory.

One of the strange things about coming to college is encountering people who were raised in different parts of the country and realizing that things you assumed were a part of the universal experience are actually quite unique to your town, state or region. In New Jersey, 9/11 is always a solemn day in schools. There is a moment of silence in the morning, and teachers tell sto ries about their 9/11 experiences. Everyone remembers where they were that day and what they were doing when they first heard about the attacks. Everyone knows some one who was in Manhattan that day. Almost everyone is at least one degree away from someone who perished during the attack.

The Fordham Ram reserves the right to reject or edit any submis sion for any reason, without no tice. Submissions become the ex clusive property of The Fordham Ram. No part of the The Fordham Ram may be reproduced without written consent.

Michael Sluck Multimedia Director

Photo Editor

Nicole Braun

Pia Fischetti Business Director

Page 6 September 14, 2022

Cory Bork Faculty Advisor

Hanif Amanullah Editorial Director

The monument isn’t an unusual sight in the Tri-State Area. Where I am from, New Jersey, my town and every town surrounding it has a similar monument somewhere. On it is a list of names of firefight ers, police officers and ordinary workers. It’s a list of people who, on the morning of Sept. 11, kissed their spouses goodbye, told their children to have a good day at school and told their parents they loved them. It’s a list of people who had books they were reading, mov ies they were excited to see and favorite songs they couldn’t stop listening to. It’s a list of people who never came home.


Michael Sluck, FCRH ’24, is a political science and com puter science major from Verona,COURTESYN.J.

Nick DeSilva Graphics/Illustrations

Editor in Chief Ava Erickson

As the local student newspaper, The Fordham Ram cannot stress enough how instrumental journal ism on all levels is in keeping an informed electorate population. If the semblance of democracy is to be maintained in any form what soever, it’s necessary for voters to be reliably informed in the politi cal matters that control countless aspects of life around them.

Ilaina Kim

It’s important that students with political concern (and this should be all students) be aware of other reliable news sources.

It is easy to draw a connection between fans’ queerbaiting ac cusations and Styles’ recent in terview with Rolling Stone titled “How Harry Styles Became the World’s Most Wanted Man,” a reference to the intense, adoring nature of Styles’ fans. However, the article leaves fans wondering if Rolling Stone was attempting to make Styles the most wanted man in a less endearing, more accusa toryStylesway. opened up to Rolling Stone about his budding acting career, revealing that as a child, he loved participating in theater productions. He discussed his role in “Don’t Worry Darling,” but he also touched on “My Policeman,” in which Styles plays a 1950s po liceman named Tom who devel ops feelings for a man, but must hide his Stylessexuality.spokeabout the intimate nature of the film, saying, “It’s not like ‘This is a gay story about these guys being gay,’” and “So


Then, there are the aggres sive reactions from fans anytime Styles is reported to be dating a woman, the latest target being Wilde. There are few women on the internet right now less liked than Wilde, with a clear start date of these attacks being when the relationship was first rumored.

Page 7

on Styles’ sexuality. There are endless conspiracy theories about Styles dating other men, with videos zooming in and analyz ing every touch and every word said. There are fans who dedicate entire accounts in the attempt to expose Styles’ relationships.

To understand if Styles is guilty of queerbaiting, we have to under stand what queerbaiting is.


These attacks are not just based on the “Don’t Worry Darling” drama or the age gap between Styles and Wilde, but countless videos making fun of Wilde’s body, outfits and face. Despite a large demographic of Styles’ fanbase being women, his fans seem more than comfortable body-shaming and insulting the women dating Styles. We cannot address the queerbaiting rumors at hand without acknowledging that Styles is a victim of his own fanbase, a pop star who has been hypersexualized since he was a teenager. Styles has been lovingly labeled a “ladies’ man” and some one who is into older women.

much of gay sex in film is two guys going at it.”

Yet, this label emerges from Styles dating Caroline Flack when she was in her 30s and he was just 17 years old. This was a relationship that would have been criticized for grooming if it was anyone but Styles. Fans are way too comfortable talking about Styles’ sexuality. It is dehuman izing and unsettling. However far our generation may think we have come in gender and sex is sues, Styles’ treatment by fans is proof that there is work left to be done. Stop talking about Styles’ sexuality and please stop post ing about it. He is quite literally begging us to.

The problem with berating Styles for queerbaiting is the idea that queerbaiting involves harm ing and profiting from the gay community. It is clear that Styles makes a large profit from his song and album sales and from his sold-out tours, but fans loved Styles long before he danced on stage with pride flags and dressed in leather and rhinestones. Fans have loved Styles since he was a shy teenager on “The X Factor U.K.”More importantly, Styles is not harming the gay community. He is not propagating gay stereotypes or using harmful language. If anything, he is encouraging more conversation about the spectrum of sexuality and trying to keep his sex life private. In the Rolling Stone interview that spurred all of this online criticism, Styles ex plains that one of the main things he works on in therapy is shame – the shame he feels from having his sex life publicly scrutinized for the majority of his teenage and adultThislife.is the real problem at hand. People are too comfortable hypersexualizing Styles. There are tons of articles from various media sources trying to pin down Styles’ sexuality. But it’s not just the media who are hyper focused

There is little consensus on the exact definition of queerbaiting.

Rolling Stone recently crowned Harry Styles the new king of pop. The New York Times referred to Styles as this summer’s pop prince. Styles is the first man to ever grace the cover of Vogue solo, appearing in a controversial dress in the magazine’s December 2020Hisissue.career is thriving. The be loved musician released “Harry’s House,” his third studio album, in May 2022. All 42 dates of his Love on Tour shows were sold out. Scraps from cheap feather boas slither down the streets sur rounding Madison Square Garden early in the morning, reminders of Styles and his fans’ presence. But lately, Styles is receiving a lot more criticism than adora tion. This year alone, Styles has faced angry responses because Rolling Stone unsolicitedly swore him in as the new king of pop after music legends like Michael Jackson. There are even theories that Styles is secretly bald and just a big fan of Longtimewigs.fans of the singer are also worried about his perfor mance in “Don’t Worry Darling,” suggesting that Styles should stick

September 14, 2022

Please Stop Hypersexualizing Harry Styles OPINION

According to Dictionary.com, queerbaiting “refers to the prac tice of implying non-heterosexual relationships or attraction (in a TV show, for example) to engage or attract an LGBTQ audience.” This is often used as a market ing technique to entice gay indi viduals to consume certain media without actually discussing gay relationships.So,doesStyles create these rumors that he is gay? Certainly, there is no denying the fact that these rumors exist. There has long been speculation from Styles’ fanbase about his sexuality, with a substantial portion of the One Direction fanbase attempting to find proof of a gay relationship

to singing. The film has circulated a fair share of drama surrounding his involvement and his public relationship with “Don’t Worry Darling” director Olivia Wilde. Most serious of all, though, are the queerbaiting accusations be ing launched at Styles.

These quotes sparked a strong reaction from the internet, some going the route of humor and making memes about Styles dis covering that gay sex includes “guys being gay.” But Styles’ comments also upset a large part of the LGBTQ+ community and led to accusations of queerbaiting.

It is impossible to know for sure if Styles spurred these rumors. Perhaps his public relations team thought it would be good for his branding and sent rumors to the tabloids, but this idea is clearly far-fetched, especially consider ing that Styles has said that he is uncomfortable by these rumors. However, Styles has done noth ing to discourage these rumors, and this is what makes it difficult to take the possibility of queer baiting off the table. Styles teases fans about his sexuality, plant ing Easter eggs connected to gay icons in his concerts. He wears flowers pinned to his lapel like Oscar Wilde and has a quote from the proudly out George Michael tattooed across his feet.

Styles is receiving a lot more criticism than adoration from fans this year following an interview with Rolling Stone.

Taylor Herzlich, FCRH ’23, is a journalism major and English minor from Mt. Sinai, N.Y.

between Styles and former band member Louis Tomlinson.

As if Hochul’s lead wasn’t clear enough, Zeldin has the disadvantage of being close ly associated with former President Donald Trump, hav ing just hosted him at a recent fundraiser. At the fundraiser, Trump even said that Zeldin helped him outlast “impeach ment hoax number one and impeachment hoax number

One issue students took with Fordham’s fire safety protocols is a lack of commu nication. When fire alarms go off, residents are not told why, or what is being done to solve the issue. Resident Assistants (RAs) are some times told why alarms go off, but residents are often left in the dark. Residents are also worried about the lack of re sponse from the New York City Fire Department (FDNY) this semester. Residents who lived in the building last year claimed to have seen the fire department come to almost every fire alarm, but this year residents have said they have not seen the fire department come once.

O’Hare Hall: Reminiscent of Boland Hall Fire Tragedy

“I’m disappointed. It’s a shame to know, with all of Fordham’s funds and endow ments alongside still rising tuition, the buildings are get ting worse and worse, and work orders go missing and are ignored all the time,” says O’Hare resident Madhumita Madan, FCRH ’25.

It is important that RAs and residents let administration, facilities and public safety know what the issues are.

If Fordham wants to protect their students from fires, the administration must improve its fire safety systems and pro tocols as soon as it can. Stu dents must be informed about



Adam Lemoine, GSB ’24, is a business administration major and political science and economics minor from White Plains, N.Y.

On Jan. 9, 2022, a fire started in a Bronx apartment building only a mile away from Fordham University. Mal functioning fire safety systems caused the fire to spread far beyond where it should have been contained and repeat ed false fire alarms caused residents to ignore the alarm when there was a real emer gency. One resident said that the fire alarms had previously gone off five or six times a day.


issues in their building and the reason for alarms, wheth er real or false. If Public Safety is blocking alarms from going directly to the FDNY to pre vent city fines for too many false alarms, they must solve the issue at hand and find a way to prevent these false alarms so the fire department is not delayed in case of a real fire. Fordham must learn from past tragedies and stop these false alarms before a tragedy occurs.

Numerous false fire alarms have occurred at O’Hare Hall this year.


Gov. Hochul offers a change in perspective from city-based governors.

Being a solidly blue state, two issues on the forefront

If we want to ensure that Fordham has the best fire safety system possible, we must examine past incidents and take steps to avoid repeat ing the same fatal mistakes. A common throughline in these two incidents and many oth ers is false fire alarms. When fire alarms unnecessarily go off many times in a short time span, residents quick ly begin to ignore them, no longer wanting to leave their room and go outside for half an hour in the middle of the night when there is no dan ger. This is a classic example of the boy who cried wolf, a story we all learned when we wereIsabellachildren.Salvucci, FCRH ’24, a resident of O’Hare last se mester, told me she stopped counting how many false alarms there were after they reached 12. Several students reported that alarms usually

Many universities have learned from the lessons of

“I know it can be repeti tive,” says O’Hare RA Hajir Likaj, GSB ’23. “I know it can be inconvenient to come out at these hours, but it is im portant to continue to act as if these alarms are real and exit the building in case there is a true emergency.”

A Win for Gov. Hochul is a Win for Upstate New Yorkers

Peter McGowan, FCRH ’24, is a political science major from Rochester, N.Y.September

It is undeniable that Hochul’s views on these issues better align with the views of a ma jority of Democrat voters, es pecially compared to Zeldin. Hochul’s views are closer to the majority of New Yorkers in general, considering the Democratic Party’s clear elec toral advantage. The incum bent has shown support for abortion rights in New York. Hochul also has a desire to further strengthen New York’s already strict gun policies.

14, 2022Page 8

As residents grapple with

Hochul understands the unique challenges and con cerns of upstate New Yorkers better than a New York City politician ever could, and this is a valuable perspective after a long line of downstate gov ernors. Having someone in Albany who is actually from upstate New York is impor tant and a welcomed change from upstate New Yorkers.

Boland Hall is a freshman residential dormitory at Seton Hall University housing more than 600 students. On Jan. 19, 2000, two intoxicated stu dents living in Boland Hall wanted to play a prank on their fellow residents by forc ing them to go out into the 20-degree weather. The two students set fire to a paper banner in a third-floor lounge at 4:30 a.m. in order to trigger the fire alarm.

went off at night, with resi dents recalling particularly unpleasant memories dur ing a week of important ex ams when an alarm went off around midnight and then again at 1 a.m., affecting stu dents’ sleep and study sched ules. Many residents stopped leaving their rooms at a cer tain point, either too tired to leave or assuming that there was no Theredanger.aretwo main rea sons why these fire alarms have been falsely going off: Urban Kitchen sensor issues and O’Hare system errors. Some residents were told that Public Safety had moved sensors in Urban Kitchen that would occasionally set off an alarm when Urban Kitchen was cleaned. Sure enough, the first alarm of the school year was set off by Urban Kitchen.

Thus far, Hochul’s lead is large but not insurmount able for Zeldin, with Hochul sitting at 14 points ahead, ac cording to The Siena College Research Institute. Of course, nearly anything can happen in politics. Zeldin could stage a comeback, especially con sidering some negative narra tives surrounding President Biden and the Democratic Party. Still, I am almost cer tain that Hochul will retain her position in November.

This year’s gubernatorial election in New York has the potential to make his tory in many ways. Sitting Governor Kathleen Hochul, a Democrat, and challenger Republican Lee Zeldin are go ing head to head. New York will end up with a memorable election either way, with vot ers either formally electing their first female governor, since Hochul inherited the job after Andrew Cuomo’s resig nation, or their first repub lican in years since George Pataki in 2006.

of New York voters’ minds tend to be gun control and women’s reproductive health; these are issues that have gal vanized the Democratic base nationwide. The issue of gun control has taken on a greater meaning in New York since the horrific shooting at a Tops Supermarket in Buffalo, N.Y., Governor Hochul’s hometown.

tration that has proven to be a stark contrast to Cuomo’s in terms of both integrity and dignity. She has guided New York through a successful pandemic recovery and has been there for victims of gun violence when they needed support the most. Hochul will not embrace the dangerous politics of Trump, as Zeldin has so proudly done. Hopeful ly, Hochul will serve another successful term as New York’s 57th Governor following the election in November.

There is little doubt in my mind that Hochul is the right choice for Governor of the State of New York. Since the resignation of disgraced for mer Governor Andrew Cuomo, Hochul has proven to be a steady leader, guiding New York State with an adminis

One person’s complaint can be ignored; 100 people’s com plaints become an issue that must be addressed.

The fire rapidly spread from the banner to the rest of the lounge and soon spread throughout the third floor.

issues throughout the build ing, be it mold, damaged and moldy laundry machines, outof-order elevators or frequent false fire alarms, it is easy to adopt a defeatist attitude and assume that there is nothing we can do to get issues solved.

the Boland Hall fire in the 22 years since the tragedy. Sprin klers and other fire prevention and suppression systems have been installed throughout the nation, but fires still happen and tragedies still occur.

two and a lot of scams,” ac cording to Ewan Palmer of Newsweek. An association with Trump in a historically blue state does not bode well for Zeldin.Inastate where 60% of the population voted for President Biden against Trump, an asso ciation with the former presi dent is not the wisest choice. Alignment with Trump’s poli cies is also detrimental to his campaign run. Considering Trump’s lies about the elec tion and the subsequent storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6, Zeldin’s continued support surely proves he is a man who is a danger to our democracy and our constitu tion. As a New Yorker, I do not believe these are the values we should endorse as a state. Hailing from the Buffalo area, Hochul also has the op portunity to fulfill a muchneeded change in New York State politics. For the first time in generations, our state has a true upstate governor, bringing a fresh perspective to the Governor’s mansion and a voice for my own home region, which often feels ignored in the shadow of the New York City metropolitan area.

Several issues delayed stu dents’ evacuation and the fire department’s response. The building had a poorly main tained fire hose system and did not have sprinklers. No tably, the residence hall had experienced several years of false fire alarms, causing stu dents to casually ignore the alarms. These false alarms resulted in a tragic outcome that night, with the fire killing three students and injuring approximately 60 others.


Numerous false fire alarms have occurred at O’Hare Hall between this semester and the last, according to residents. If Fordham University admin istration wants to protect its residents and do all it can to prevent avoidable tragedies, it must fix the issues surround ing the false fire alarms before a real fire breaks out.

If Instagram doesn’t add its own unique features, Candids will end up just like Reels: a duplicate that fails to measure up to the original. Instagram will not be associated with au thenticity anytime soon.

We all know this phenom enon isn’t necessarily a good

cast members with dedicated fan bases.Tobe fair, “SNL” has been able to round up some talented and iconic guests in the past few years, such as Timothee Chalamet, Elon Musk and Kim Kardashian. These three guests, in my opinion, hosted some of the most standout epi sodes the show has seen in the past five years. Having unexpected or popular hosts encourages those who are not loyal fans of the show to tune in anyway because they are fans of the host. Still, the main struggle of “SNL” today is being able to maintain viewership, even after these popular hosts are gone. The writers and cast members have to work on expanding their reach to keep both new and loyal viewers

Instagram is the platform where most people strive to seem picture-perfect.

Understandably, Instagram wants to stay on top and stave off any competition, but the app’s creators are going about it the wrong way.

Instagram has evolved into such a carefully curated, pho toshopped space, quite the op posite of BeReal’s mission.


September 14, 2022 OPINION

First, the new seasons of the show include incessant political commentary. Following Trump’s presidential inauguration in 2016, it feels as though the show has lost its sense of comedy; recent episodes focus on politics and not much else. At least, that’s how it seems to me.

Instagram has found its next victim: BeReal.COURTESY

Sure, each episode of “SNL” includes a variety of skits. But de spite these other sketches, all the “highlights” and big moments of the show seem to be focused on

Executives would do well to realize this and include new features that fall within the scope of curated content cre ation instead of wasting time (and irritating users) by trying to be something it’s not. Insta gram must innovate or risk be ing left behind.

Daniella Terilli, GSB ’24, is a marketing major from Westchester, NY.


Being Real Isn’t Instagram’s Thing – and It Shouldn’t Be

thing. There is a reason why Instagram has been labeled the worst social media platform for mental health.

Instagram is notorious for copying features from other social media platforms; we all remember when Instagram Stories launched in 2016, a blatant attempt at ripping off Snapchat during its peak.

Saturday Night Dives: The Fall of a Cultural Staple

Instagram has found its next victim: BeReal. Instagram is now experimenting with a new feature called “IG Candid,” which is essentially a clone of the French app.

I don’t anticipate IG Candid


America’s standard for comedy. Now, castmates are reduced to making cringey jokes targeted at young generations whose humor is too new for them to understand. Because of this failed attempt to connect with younger viewers, the jokes are missing the mark for “SNL” viewers, both young and old.Everyone has an opinion on when exactly the golden years of “SNL” were, when we found nearly every sketch to be funny and relevant. Personally, the ear ly 2000s seasons have a special place in my heart. This is the time that launched stars such as Seth Meyers, Amy Poehler, Tina Fey, Andy Samberg, Jimmy Fallon and Maya Rudolph, to name a few. As it was airing, I was too young to understand what was so funny, but still, I sat with my family as they cried laughing at the Debbie Downer sketch starring Rachel Dratch, or the Lonely Island musi cal shorts such as “I’m On A Boat” or “Throw It On The Ground.” Now, when I rewatch old clips from the show, it is videos from that era that always appeal to me. This is not to say that “SNL” is not still home to some incredibly talented cast members, includ ing Kenan Thompson, Michael Che and Colin Jost, as well as newer members such as the com edy group Please Don’t Destroy and Chloe Fineman. But with last season’s departure of staple cast members Kate McKinnon, Aidy Bryant, Pete Davidson and Alex Moffat, the show lost a lot of the

working out any better than Reels has. How can it, when the whole point of BeReal is to show exactly what you’re doing at a random time of the day and to be … well, real?

Putting aside the question able morals behind toexacterriodpagetheirwhichfeaturealitygrids.onescuratedpearingSnapchatwasofInstagramSnapchatonpostoff.cateablyplatforms.didofshouldpletheticsfactappearance-focusedInstagram’snature,theremainsthatcuratedaesareexactlyhowpeousetheplatform.TheappleanintothisinsteadtryingtoemulatethecanrealnessevidentinotherTheStoriesfeatureisprobthemostsuccessfulduplithatInstagramhaspulledI’dsaythatIseepeoplemoreInstagramstoriesanygivendaythantheydostories.However,usersdon’tpostonstoriesasameans“imperfectsharing,”asoriginallyintendedbythefeature.Thesedisappostsareoftenjustasandintentionalastheyouseeonusers’mainIthinkalotofthisintentionisduetotheHighlightsintroducedin2017,allowspeopletodisplaystoriesontheirprofilelongafterthe24-hourpeends.Ithasbecomeanothwayforuserstoputoutthelastingimagetheywantproject.Contrastthiswiththecontent

same as it was in its prime. The show has only a 34% favorability rating by its viewers according to the Morning Consultant, which is much lower than previously seen. I believe there are many reasons why “SNL” has lost its spark.

“SNL”interested.hasplenty of diehard fans. It is a cult favorite, and I would not be shocked to see the show still running in another few decades, but the decline of the show is undeniable. It’s not impos sible for “Saturday Night Live” to have a swift change of pace and reclaim their title as the funniest show on television. In order for the show to get back on the right track, writers and cast members have to lean into what made them so popular in the first place: relat ing to their audience and not tak ing themselves too seriously.

Writers and cast members have to lean into what made them so popular in the first place in order to stay relevant.


you see on Snapchat stories, which actually disappears after 24 hours and is generally more casual and in the moment. When you examine other features that Instagram has copied, like Reels, it’s clear that they don’t measure up to the originals. TikTok and Instagram’s purposes are com pletelyInstagram’sdifferent.objective of rep licating TikTok — besides be ing a pipe dream that they’d be able to steal TikTok’s billionplus users — is hard to deliver. IGTV flopped years before, and this new attempt at push ing video is equally unexciting. What Instagram fails to un derstand is that TikTok is so wildly popular because of its algorithm; people love see ing content that they’re actu ally interested in or can relate to. Instagram’s algorithm, on the other hand, is notably an noying. There has even been a recent trend on TikTok pok ing fun at Reels for being late to the party on jokes and other fads that TikTok saw weeks earlier. The fact that Reels are primarily just TikToks being re-uploaded to Instagram says it all.Instagram can’t form a mo nopoly on all social media be cause different platforms serve wholly different purposes.

In the past few years, it’s no se cret that the show is just not the

“Saturday Night Live” (SNL) has been a staple part of many Americans’ week for almost 50 years now. On any given week end between September and May, fans enter a selective lottery, wait out in the cold for hours and travel across the country to 30 Rockefeller Plaza in New York to see their favorite comedians and celebrities host. Hosting the show and performing as a musical guest are also considered high honors as celebrities know a significant number of Americans will be tun ing in to the show.

current politics, emphasized by the frequent inclusion of politicians as guests.Itis not a bad thing to discuss politics in a lighthearted way and joke about current events, but when it becomes the main narra tive of the show, it becomes tire some. Viewers often tune into shows like “SNL” as an outlet for their troubles, to be distracted by the stresses of the world and laugh at silly sketches. But watching “SNL” every Saturday now feels like you might as well just turn on CNN.On top of excess political sketches, a lot of the new skits are lackluster and fall short com pared to the iconic content they used to produce. “SNL” used to be

Grace Campbell, FCRH ’25, is a New Media and Digital De sign major, from Northborough, Mass.

Instagram needs to learn its place and innovate within its niche instead of trying to emu late every other popular app. Instagram is extremely curat ed; people post their most flat tering photos. Think about how many snapshots you see of va cations, huge friend groups and concerts on your feed.

I could envision Instagram adding a space to display Candid posts like they created Highlights for stories. At that point, users will start to curate Candids, and doing so defeats the inherent purpose of the feature. It will be no different than what Instagram Stories morphed into.


Instagram did it again with TikTok by introducing Reels. You have probably guessed where I am going with this.

Not concentrated in a single sta tion, but rather spread out across the garden grounds, “Around the Table” demands several hours, perhaps even a full day to explore


“House of the Dragon” has large shoes to fill as the prequel to HBO’s hit series “Game of Thrones.” After a disappointing final season, “Game of Thrones” viewers who planned to tune in to the prequel series were most definitely hesitant. How ever, within its first three epi sodes, “House of the Dragon” has engaged and impressed audiences, proving that the “Game of Thrones” hype did not completely die off with the original show’s conclusion.


an impressive victory. One can not help but admire his deter mination, even if his intentions are a bit misplaced.

HBO’s “House of the Dragon” immerses fans in the world of “Game of Thrones” during the reign of Viserys I.

At first, the experience is purely visual. The initial foray into the Erin A. Haupt Conservatory felt at once overwhelming, nearly freez ing you where you stand. With glass walls and foliage stretching upwards to mere feet under the ceiling, your eyes are drawn all over, seldom focusing on a single plant. It sets the tone for the rest

Around the Table: Reviewing the NYBG’s Recent Exhibit

Daemon’s struggles are de rived from him always feel ing second-rate to his brother, the king. Daemon wants to be respected and to have power, but is constantly belittled and spoken down to by the King’s Council. When Daemon is exiled by his brother after Rhaenyra is named heir, he begins a series of behaviors that seek to take power for himself and to spite his brother. These behaviors come off as a bit unhinged, but as the episodes progress,

of your experience: The exhibi tion demands a careful, paced at tentiveness in order to dissect the masses of green and to understand a plant’s individual significance.

Turning from the first room, you’ll walk a tan stone-tiled path to meet the first of the foods on display. Ceiling fans dispose of any inconvenient heat the sum mer sun might induce and sway the plants, which wave you on ward. Soft laidback music, like the kind you’d hear on a YouTube lofi mix, sets a slow pace for your walk, which is necessary to notice and examine the plaques nestled carefully among several different plants. Most plaques come with a QR code for fur ther learning on the Bloomberg Philanthropies app. The arrange ment of the plants is worthy of their own praise: varying heights are interposed but do not confuse your ability to distinguish them. Unique elements, such as bushes of chili peppers and a hanging wall of edible leaves, effectively organize the hall while also being attractions themselves.

the audience can see poten tial in Daemon. Specifically in the last minutes of the third episode, Daemon successfully leads a charge against the pi rates antagonizing the ports of Westeros; whether he means to or not, he loses importance by the end. Daemon does this to spite his brother, who after years of fighting finally decid ed to send aid. Daemon’s im mediate impulse is to win the war before Viserys’ troops ar rive, and in doing so he earns

A sudden observation is the geographic diversity of the plants shown. A pearl millet plant hailing from West Africa and an olive tree from the Mediterranean accom pany each other on the same side of the room. Visitors, especially those from different countries, were able to see foods represented from their own cuisine.


“House of the Dragon:” Family’s Complicated

The NYBG explores food’s connection to environment and community.

The show follows the House of Targaryen 172 years prior to Danaerys Targaryen’s birth.

Bronx artists’ tables each show case a specific and cultural experi ence of food. The tables are each different from the next — some are made of yarn and others are painted, some have recipes and others have prayers. The experi ence of a table encompasses reli gion, community, culture and cre ativity, while also adding a layer of depth to the physical plants seen across the gardens.

“Around the Table” simulta neously highlights personal and cultural histories of food. In the Mertz Library Building Galleries, you can visit a vegetarian cook

In front of the dome, one simple brown table appears to be over grown with moss and dried foli age, with the greenery of succu lents and ivy poking through. The plants grow out and push rusting birdcages and chipped teacups to an angle, and a crown of plants rests at the very top. The order and structure of tea and ritual is given over to the whims of nature.

King Viserys I longs for a male heir, but after an unfortunate event is left to pick between his teenage daughter Rhaenyra and his impulsive brother Daemon. What follows is a battle for succession and power for both Rhaenyra and Daemon, along with other characters looking for a way into the crown.

navigating this technique; they ensure that the audience gets context for all of the relevant events that have taken place during the in-between, and the viewer does not feel like they missed any crucial moments in the story. However, this bold choice to sequence the story comes with a risk: because of the large jumps in time, four of the principal characters will be recast mid-season. This deci sion means that there is poten tial for the portrayal of certain characters (like Rhaenyra, a fan favorite) to fall flat if the new actors do not deliver. The comparison of Milly Alcock and Emma D’Arcy is inevi table, and one hopes that their performances mesh well.

“I love the tables. I felt each one was so unique … it enhances the plants to see them in artworks,” said one tour guide.

Unlike its predecessor, “House of the Dragon” utilizes time jumps to tell the story of the Targaryens. Each episode plac es the audience into a different point in the character’s lives, where major changes have oc curred offscreen. Though this could potentially get confusing, the writers do an adept job at

The conservatory contains a diversity of its own, mimicking climates as you travel through. In

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Like the exhibit itself, they are scattered throughout the NYBG, impressing specific experiences of food with the viewer as they ex perience the grounds as a whole.

book exhibit. In a single room are cookbooks from the 1900s and beyond, originating from church es, schools and social movements. Upon exiting the room, visitors can contribute their own recipes and reflections that will get hung up on the fourth floor rotunda.

Another tour guide recalled cry ing upon seeing it. “It had just rained, and the teacups were full of water.”

The New York Botanical Gardens’ (NYBG) most recent ex hibit, “Around the Table: Stories of the Foods We Love,” wrapped up this Sunday, concluding a four-month long presentation on the origins, history and culture of food for a population largely inexperienced with agriculture and experience of growing one’s own food.

and fully take in. Among several of the exhibition’s highlights were the African-American Garden, Art & Science displays in the Mertz Library, Bronx Artists Tables and selected plants in the Erin A. Haupt Conservatory — which is located closest to the main entrance.


All in all, the first three epi sodes of “House of the Dragon” are quite promising, having built an intriguing plot with dimensional characters who audiences are getting invested in. The overall success of the season boils down to how the cast change alters the show, but so far the show is off to a good start.

The most compelling charac ters in the show are definitely Rhaenyra and Daemon, who are both struggling to find their place in a society that does not want them. Rhaenyra struggles with being a young woman fighting to prove her rightful place as heir to a room of men who seek to replace her. Alcock is an impressive Rhaenyra, conveying her grief, strength and even her naivete without making her seem unworthy of her status. Rhaenyra knows she deserves the throne, and when she learns that people intend to take it from her, she begins to prove her worth.

the arid areas, over ten varieties of aloe with pointed leaves stretch from behind a barrier. In a damp and dark section, you’ll learn that monstera deliciosa, a common houseplant, is actually edible. For perhaps the first time in your life, you will see what sorghum and rice look like above ground as you walk by the koi ponds and the frontOnceentrance.theshock of learning, for example, that the glass bottled agave syrup at Whole Foods origi nates from a gargantuan aloe-like plant five times the size of your body wears off, you are better able to experience the finer nuances of the exhibit. The lack of knowledge about our food isn’t merely tech nical, we miss out on knowing the tangible look and feel of our pro duce. Food is all at once: personal, familial, historical, cultural, global andWhencross-generational.askedifshethought the exhibit accurately depicted the complicated and at times detri mental effects of agricultural his tory of these plants, one visitor, Patricia, agreed it did, noting the specific devastation caused by sugarcane and banana farming in her home country of Brazil. She also remarked of the evolutionary and breeding histories: “[Around the Table] does a good job of explaining how different plants come from one another.”

of course, a sadness around the feelings of loss for the Queen, but there is also, perhaps, some feel ings of grief around the loss of some certainty in their lives. She truly became, what many have iter ated since her passing, an honorary member of many of her subjects’ families. The general public will have a chance to pay their respects and grieve over the monarch they loved and respected so much starting on Wednesday.

The day started the same as any other gloomy London morn ing does. There was a smattering of rain showers throughout the morning, complimented by a cold and dreary outlook for the rest of the day. There was nothing special about the gray clouds that shrouded the city sky or the persistent drizzle that had been lingering from the rainstorm earlier in the week.

The haunting melody of “God Save the King” has been sung spontaneously throughout the past week as a way to not only express their collective grief, but as a way to await with bated breath and cau tious optimism the beginning of King Charles’ reign.

As an American, I am struck by how devastated the public is about the death of the Queen. But upon further reflection, it seems right that so many are touched by her death. For Americans, our only compa rable example to hold beside the Queen is the President. However, the Queen was more of a constant

these tents, people eagerly wait ing for their sandwiches while they munched on pastries or sipped sangria from one of the other tents nearby.

Studying Abroad | London, England

Arthur Avenue Celebrates Festival of Ferragosto

The most important part of the festival was, for most people, the food. Walking past Full Moon Pizzeria and into the thick of the crowd, you could see that almost everyone had either a cup of pas ta, a pastry or a cup of sangria in

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An even more surreal experi ence was arriving at Buckingham Palace the day after the news of her death broke. As I entered the gates positioned at the start of the long walkway known as The Mall that would take me to the front of Buckingham Palace, I was struck by the quiet that hung in the air despite the significant crowd gath ered. Unsurprisingly, hundreds of bouquets of flowers and notes of condolences were already adorning the gates of the palace when I ar rived that afternoon. There was an unmistakable air of grief shroud ing London that day.




starting to feel the rhythm of my new schedule solidify and a sense of familiarity snap into place. This sense of comfort was immediately shattered as it felt like the entirety of the U.K. went on alert, awaiting news on the Queen.

of dancing children, and a lot of smiling people. It reminded me of a festival in my hometown of Wilmington, Del., where every year the Greek Orthodox Church hosts a festival where plenty of friends, neighbors and old teach ers gather to eat good food and run into people that they hadn’t seen in a year. Seeing all these people together, I wondered how true that was for the crowds that attended this festival.

England mourns the passing of the Queen, after her 70-year reign.


their hand. Beloved restaurants like Enzo’s and MichaelAngelo’s covered wooden tables in neverending streams of pasta and oth er dishes, calling over all those walking past and offering their food for only a few dollars. They had penne, paninis and crocché. One vendor, “Little Italy in the Bronx,” even dished out free bowls of pasta, giving custom ers a chance to try their prod ucts. Bakeries and pastry shops sold pastries and fresh zeppole; while the meat shops slapped huge sausages on to charcoal grills, cooking them thoroughly before slicing them up and sell ing them to their customers in sandwiches complete with pep pers. Long lines stretched beside

Besides creating community, festivals like Ferragosto serve another purpose. This secondary purpose is rather obvious, as the word appeared countless times throughout the booklet and in the posters around the festival itself: tradition. An ad campaign for the pasta and sauce brand, “Little Italy in the Bronx,” even included the phrase, “Preserving old world charm one product at a time,” as their primary slogan. The festival re-establishes the Italian roots of the neighbor hood, inviting both those who are descendants of the original communities that lived there and people who live in the area now to celebrate that history. And, truth be told, I didn’t realize a lot of the history until I attended the festival. Flipping through the booklet, I was shocked at how many restaurants, bakeries and other stores opened in the 1910s. Even though I had lived here for two years, I knew noth ing about the history of Arthur Avenue until I attended the fes tival. That’s what festivals like these do: they remind us of our stories and invite others to learn of our histories. If there’s zep poles and pasta, even better!

ed the attention of the ears. The Belmont Business Improvement District, who hosted the annual festival, invited four different musical groups to provide en tertainment to the crowds mill ing around the avenue: Nick Vero, Graziana Maria Lazzaro, Rocksteady and Bob Bisaccia. When I attended, I had the plea sure of seeing Rocksteady. They sang some throwback songs as well as a few current hits, while a crowd of people munching on pasta and sandwiches swayed along. Mary Elissa DeSalvo, the main vocalist, even came off of the stage to dance with a tod dler that had wandered onto the dance floor, as well as some of the other guests. There were a lot

That is, until the British Royal Family announced that their lon gest-reigning monarch was being kept under medical supervision out of concern for her health. To be perfectly honest, I don’t stay up to date on every announcement released to the public by the Royal Family. However, even with my limited knowledge around Royal Family press releases, I was aware that if a statement was being re leased about the Queen’s health, it must be worse than what was being shared with the public. There was a general understanding in the public that this update was a bracing, for tifying warning.

In the several days of national mourning that followed, I was able

A First-Hand Account of the Queen’s Passing

The news started to trickle out to the public around midday on that fateful Thursday. I had just finished my third day of classes and was


The news channels here in the United Kingdom covered nothing else aside from providing updates on the Queen throughout the af ternoon. Twitter was aflutter with a bombardment of media on the Queen. It was the media’s over whelming focus for the rest of the day. Then close to 6:30 p.m the BBC delivered the news to the public with a somber and methodi cal tone, broadcasting the update into every home in the United Kingdom, including my own flat.

to witness an outpouring of grief among the citizens of the United Kingdom for their beloved Queen. I was able to watch the 96-gun sa lute, one firing for every year of the Queen’s life, set off in several cities of importance in the U.K., includ ing Edinburgh, Cardiff and a few locations here in London, such as Hyde Park and Tower Bridge.

in the lives of the British people than any U.S. president has been in the lives of Americans. This is sim ply due to the nature and timeline of the two roles. The presidency is built upon temporality and change; the monarchy juxtaposes this posi tion by being something permanent andWithunchanging.somuch change happen ing in the past few years there have been few constants, except for the Queen. Throughout times of change, turmoil, unrest and peace the Queen has been a steady, un yielding force. There is an unnerv ing feeling of uncertainty now with the loss of that force.

The air hung heavy over Arthur Avenue, filled with mist linger ing in between the short spats of rain and smoke rising from the charcoal grills all along the street. Music, some of it planned and some of it spontaneous, cut through the buzz of conversation that lingered, like the mist, over the crowd. The gray day made the bright colors of the Italian flag, the tents and the restaurant awnings stand out in sharp con trast. Despite the weather, the Little Italy of the Bronx held its annual Ferragosto festival on Sept. 11, celebrating the ancient festival with good music and betterAccordingfood. to the booklets published by the Belmont Business Improvement District piled high on every flat surface, Ferragosto is “one of the most celebrated holidays in Italy.” Although tra ditionally celebrated on Aug. 15, this festival marks the end of the harvest season and ensures that everyone who has been toiling in the fields all summer long can take a well-deserved break. While this tradition began in Ancient Rome, and many peo ple no longer spend their sum mers farming, it still provides a chance to slow down, enjoy a day of leisure and spend time with loved ones.

Besides food, there were two other vendors hand-rolling ci gars. With machine-like preci sion, the men working these tents laid down long leaves of to bacco, dumped ground tobacco inside and rolled them into the thick cylinders known as cigars. I passed one young man holding a cigar he had just purchased up to his girlfriend’s nose, asking her to smell it. She made a face, and he Whilesmiled.thesmell of food cook ing might have absorbed the nose, the blaring music demand

Arthur Avenue hosted a festival to celebrate the ancient, Italian holiday of Ferragosto with food and music.

In the moments following the an nouncement, it felt as if a veil of si lence was slowly lowered over the entire city. Even though there had only been minor visible differences to the look of the city the night of the Queen’s passing, such as every electronic billboard and bus station advertisement being switched to a remembrance of Her Majesty, the current running through the city that night shifted to something of a more somber nature.

Many people have not known a time when the Queen was not a presence in their lives. There is,

The plot revolves around the Haywoods, a family of ranchers who train and supply horses for use in Hollywood films, inspired by Eadward Muybrudge’s early experiments with motion picture technology. OJ (Daniel Kaluuya) struggles to maintain the family business in the wake of his father’s (Keith David) mysterious death, while his sister Em (Keke Palmer) tries her luck in Hollywood. After OJ spots a flying saucer near the ranch one night, he and Em resolve to capture the UFO on film and give their family name the glory it has long deserved, recruiting

is the most appropriate adjective to describe this film.

Dagger John’s is located on the lower level of the McShane Campus Center.

“Nope” Goes Beyond Expectations


My personal favorite Dag ger John’s feature is the poke bowls, which also include a BYO option. Included in the meal are two different types of protein, including a vegan tofu option. The toppings range from avocado to mango, and a signature sauce.

Overall, Dagger John’s is a great option for on-campus dining. Out of all the restau rants on campus, I would per sonally rank it a close second to Urban Kitchen. It is a little less chaotic than Cosi, but try to avoid the dinner rush if you need your food quickly. How ever, it is almost if not just as quick and painless as getting food at Urban tends to be. If you haven’t ventured into the McShane basement to try it, I 100% think it is worth the trip.


The dining room itself is dimly lit with a long commu nity table paired with plenty of other seating options that gives it a comforting feel, de spite the lack of windows. The set up invites groups to sit and chat or gives students a peace ful study spot while eating. The only downside to the physical space is the temperature. Since it’s in the basement, the dining room is always uncomfortably cold. Everytime I have eaten at Dagger John’s, I’ve left the establishment cold to the bone. I’d recommend layering up or even taking the food to go if you happen to run cold.

following “Get Out” and “Us.”

are hungry, you may need to get more than one roll seeing how they usually feature just six pieces of sushi (and sometimes only three if it is a specialized roll). Nevertheless, if you are in the mood for a quick sushi fix, Saiko’s can do the job just fine.


All in all, the only bone I have to pick with Dagger John’s is the price. The su shi and BONMi options are

There’s a recurring moment in Jordan Peele’s latest spine chiller, “Nope,” that seems entirely in consequential at first glance. It in volves a sitcom starring a monkey named Gordy who, upon being startled by the pop of a balloon, flies into a frenzied rampage and mauls his human castmates before being shot by the police, all in front of a live studio audience. The incident initially appears to have relatively little bearing on the main plot of the film, a classic UFO sto ry in the vein of “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” by way of John Carpenter with a healthy dash of “King Kong” sprinkled in for good measure. But this seemingly isolated moment is, for all intents and purposes, the thesis statement of “Nope”: What are we, as human beings, willing to risk in the name of spectacle? “Spectacular” indeed

These characters, brought to life by their respective actors in a simultaneous brew of pity and dark comedy, cannot conceive a life outside of movies and TV. Jupe can only revisit his trauma by recounting a Saturday Night Live sketch about it, while the Haywoods’ first instinct upon seeing the UFO is not to “get out” but rather to document it on camera for their own personal and financial gain. These characters ring true in today’s social media driven climate, where anyone can turn anything into a viral gold mine of content by simply pointing a camera at it. My only real gripe with the story is that Yeun’s character didn’t have much screen time, despite being one of the top billed performers, as I found him to be the most subtly complex and fascinating of the bunch.

After a two-year hiatus due to renovations to the campus center and COVID-19 delays, Dagger John’s has officially re opened for the 2022-23 school year. The dining spot is located in the basement of the McShane Campus Center in the back of the club suite. Fordham students have been trekking to the depths of McShane to try out the newest dining options on campus.

Peele’s latest feature film debuted on July 22 in theaters.

“Nope” is best seen on the largest screen, at the loud est volume, with the rowdiest crowd possible. In short, it’s the kind of audacious and original Hollywood blockbuster that feels nonexistent nowadays.

all a meal swipe for the food they offer. However, the poke bowls are a meal swipe with an additional $2.99 added on. Personally, I would gladly spend the extra three din ing dollars to get the fulfill ing and flavorful poke bowls. However, I can see how some students would much rather just use their meal swipe at the cafeteria where they can get unlimited food and drink as opposed to one bowl that they have to pay extra for.


Dagger John’s:Worth the Meal Swipe?

Of course, the real draw of “Nope” is Jordan Peele’s directing. By this point, he is one of the few instantly recognizable modern day popular auteurs, and this movie ce ments the prestige he gained from “G et Out” and “Us.” The film is also the first in the horror genre to be shot in 65 mm on IMAX cameras, which cinematographer Hoyte van Hoytema uses to lend a sense of unease and dread to the wide open valleys of southern California. Most horror movies

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BONMi features Southeast Asia inspired bowls and sand wiches. Examples of the cuisine on the menu include Bao Bun Sandwiches, a Kickshaw Salad and a build-your-own (BYO) bowl station with Vietnameseinspired ingredients. The array of options in the BYO bowl bar ap peals to a majority of diets, with buffalo cauliflower and mush rooms being some of the protein options. I opted to build my own bowl with jasmine rice and qui noa with cauliflower bites as well as all the toppings. It was a nice, refreshing meal that featured lots of vegetables and could be modi fied to fit all diets.

visible alien seem truly scary is a hard feat, but this musical aspect allows for the film to create pal pable tension and suspense with ease. Clocking in at just over two hours, “Nope” takes its time in telling the story, and while it never veers too far off course, it could have certainly bee n trimmed down by just a few min utes. Nonetheless, “Nope” is one of the finest summer blockbust ers in recent years, and there’s nowhere else for Jordan Peele to go but up.


naive electronic store employee Angel (Brandon Perea) and jaded cinematographer Antlers Holst (Michael Wincott) in their quest to capture “the impossible shot.” Also crossing paths with the Haywoods is Ricky “Jupe” Park (Steven Yeun), the former child star who survived the aforementioned Gordy incident and currently runs a wild west theme park


The boba at Dagger John’s has been the talk of many stu dents. There are many flavor options including matcha, green tea and taro. If you are a boba fan, be sure to try it out. Laura Rodriguez, FCRH ’26, said, “The boba itself is good, but the fact it’s an entire meal swipe makes me not want to get it.” So if you’re not willing to waste a meal swipe on a drink, it might not be for you.

“Nope” is

use their camerawork to create claustrophobia (a sensation not entirely absent from “Nope”), but this particular film instead emphasizes the vast, infinite skies above; you can’t see the cloud obscured threat, but it sure can see you. This tension is further explored through the film’s clever use of music. When the alien approaches, it causes all nearby electrical power sources to shut down, and any music that is play ing begins to eerily slow down and warp. Making a large, clearly

As far as the food itself goes, I find Dagger John’s to be pretty exceptional as far as on-campus dining is concerned. It contains two restaurants, BONMi and Saiko Sushi, both containing a plethora of food to choose from.

Saiko’s is also a great choice with a diverse selection of sushi rolls. Even so, requesting a spe cial roll should pose no issues. I opted to get an avocado roll which, although basic, was a light and restoring meal. If you

When thinking about their his tory and growth as a tattoo artist, Haakonsen places a lot of credit on a community of friends and artists who have helped cultivate a nurturing environment.


the state of the world .Howev er, the artist brings in an intense mash up of every instrument imaginable, as well as reiterat ing the phase “we’re riding all together” towards the end of the song. Without having to say much, this song pulls together the beauty and imperfections of the human condition that Rogers gracefully undertakes. “Surrender” is a lyrical masterpiece that will never fail to awaken the feelings I often leave unaddressed.

Haakonsen began exploring their passion for art through tattoos with stick-and-pokes.

Rogers pulls at the heart strings of the masses in her eighth track. Immediately fol lowing “Shatter,” “Begging For Rain.” delivers the same gut-wrenching feeling only heartbreak can compare to.

Maggie Rogers Delivers Intensity in Her Second Album

“With tattooing, yes, it’s a lot about the art, but it’s also about the technique,” Haakonsen said over the hum of the needle and soft emo tunes playing from a portable speaker. “It’s about the equipment you have and the setup and just all of those aspects combined together into an art form is just really awesome.”

Musician Maggie Rogers, known for her hit singles “Love You For A Long Time” and “Light On,” released her sec ond major album, “Surrender,” on July 29. As publicized on the artist’s social media platforms, this album was curated to put into words what we have col lectively experienced for the past few tumultuous years. I would confidently say the goal was accomplished and sur passed. While a very cohesive album, “Surrender” touches on a variety of intense emotions that have been enhanced in the past two years.

When their friends had caught notice of Haakonsen’s self-tat tooing skills, popular demand asked for the artist to begin giv ing stick-and-poke tattoos to oth ers as well. As their trade con tinued, ambitions rose and the inevitable next step was to take it up a

Rogers perfectly wraps up the emotions evoked within her audience in her final song “Different Kind Of World” with her intentions of ad dressing the turbulence of our world recently. This may ini tially feel like a downtrodden way to end “Surrender” as it harps on the pain caused by “Surrender” was

with what I’d been doing.”

If there’s one thing that consis tently provides Annika Haakonsen, FCRH ’24, with immense pride, it’s the ability to see the fruits of their labor as permanent pieces of art attached to living, breathing human bodies.

Looking down at the mag nificent piece etched onto my skin, it was evident that tattoos mean so much more to Annika Haakonsen than a way to make money. They symbolized the immortality of art and the sub stance of a network that truly looks out for one another.

approach to engaging in sexual ity as she says, in her interview with V Magazine titled “Maggie Rogers Celebrates Sex in New Single ‘Want Want,’” that the song communicates “a way of being in a relationship with the world that is about full-bodied experience” as well as “a sense of sex that can be just for your self, and no one else.” The song has been at the top of my month ly Spotify recaps since its release on June 1 of this year, predomi nately because I have never seen a female artist break down the stigma surrounding sexuality so unapologetically. Rogers’ voice on a topic that is often greeted with disgust is transformational for those who have felt their in nate desires as a human are in valid or taboo, especially con sidering recent threats to bodily autonomy in the U.S.

It was 10 a.m. and the morning fog had barely settled down by the time I entered Haakonsen’s tattoo studio in Ridgewood, Queens. I found myself in the industrial, ar tistic space for two reasons.

The next song that has an in tegral role in building the mean ing of “Surrender” is “Shatter,” which evokes feelings of de sired independence. The song’s angsty production adds to the intense emotions that one feels in their desire to break free from restraints. Rogers sings, “I don’t really care if it nearly kills me /

portfolio under their belt, their career is just shy of a year old.

released in July.

For Haakonsen, tattoos repre sent more than just a side-gig. Ac cording to the artist, the beauty of tattoos can be found in tangibility:

Considering the fact that their friends were the ones who had encouraged Haakonsen to follow their passions for tattoo art, they reflected that community has been the most significant factor in find ing satisfaction through tattoos.

For the uninitiated, tattoo trades are exactly what they sound like: two artists enter an agreement to place their art on

“To have someone there to sort of mentor me and be, like, ‘oh, you don’t need to use this much stencil stuff, you can just put it on your finger, you don’t have to put it di rectly on the skin,’ or, you know, have them say, ‘this is the kind of needle that I use because of this, this and this and it would probably work really well for your style and what you wanna do,’ that was really rewarding to have someone who is already part of the community teach me and validate me. That was really cool and it made me feel re ally excited to continue and to learn more and grow more. As with all art, it’s a “Communityprocess.” is one of the most important things to me, period. Community is so in tegral to who I am and what I value. Becoming a part of the tattooing community has just solidified that so much for me. Everyone that I have met thus far has been so kind and sup portive,” Haakonsen said as their needle continued to pierce my skin. “I wouldn’t be where I am right now if not for the community and the people I’ve met through community.”

“Asnotch:Istarted coming up with more and more designs and make shift flash art, the designs that I would come up with, I was like, ‘I should invest in a tattoo pen.’ That way, I could do more designs I want to do and expand my repertoire

From the initial stages of designing tattoos on paper or digital illustration to placing the Saniderm patches over a finished piece, the entire process satisfies the artist in Haakonsen.

The artist explained how they were originally inspired to start giving tattoos by another friend named Ash who had been giving stick-and-poke tattoos for some time. “They taught me how to stick-and-poke,” Haakonsen said as they adeptly maneuvered their tattoo needles across the grooves in my chest. “They poked one for me and I did one for them. I bought a $50 stick-and-poke kit off of Etsy and started f***ing around on my own legs.”

Feel it in my fists like it’s time to move,” highlighting her de sire for change. I deeply relate to the sentiments of the song, as I am in a transitional pe riod of my life. I am entering my second year of living away from home and the indepen dence is invigorating. A certain liberation is associated with the transformative stage I find myself in, but by the words of Maggie Rogers in “Shatter,” “I’d be lying if I told you I wasn’t scared”. I am terrified of every missed opportunity, every decision that is purely mine and every unknown in the future. While these fears flood my mind constantly, I also an ticipate the mass amounts of possibility in every facet that will only be attainable in my uncomfortable uncertainty. I don’t think there is anything more exhilarating than that, which Rogers energetically dis plays in her seventh track.

Not only had Haakonsen agreed to speak with me about how passionate they are for the tattooing arts, but they had also agreed to do so while threading my chest with their tattoo needle. While I formulated questions in my head, Annika prepped the ink and sanitation tools.


While Haakonsen is now a fully-licensed tattoo artist with professional tools, an incredible color selection and an extensive


“That is a piece of art, yes,” they said, referring to tattoos, “but it has a function and a pur pose that is very different than a

“My friend Echo, as a present, bought me a tattoo pen,” the artist said. “Their one condition was, ‘I buy you the tattoo pen, you tattoo me.’ Hell yeah. Done deal. They were very integral in me just getting started and being like, ‘I could do this if I wanted to. This is something I could do.’”

Page 13September 14, 2022

the other’s Haakonsenbody.continued to ex plain how influential it can be to work with more experienced and kind artists:

Who’s That Kid? | Annika Haakonsen, FCRH ’24

drawing on paper or something that’s hanging on a wall. It trav els, it moves, it grows, it ages. Maybe it’s the art history major in me. I love to create and I’ve always loved to create. I love learning about the function of art, which is why I knew immediate ly I wanted to be an art history major and this is just something cool that I can relate to those in terests to in a tangible way.”

Junior Gets Creative with Artistic Expression

While each song on the album contributes something unique, there are a few that serve as emotional experiences that are groundbreaking in the music industry. One of my personal favorites on the album, “Want Want” builds such a powerful and positive message surround ing sexual desire. The topic of sexuality is often stigmatized in the media, especially when the discussion surrounds female pleasure. Rogers takes a unique

The artist assumes a bystand er role in her struggles as she waits for a metaphorical rain to soothe the intensity of the fire she is under. However, she begins the song with the lines: “The more you wait, the more you break / The longer that it takes to undo”. She creates a self-awareness in this way, as it is easy to wait for adversity to resolve itself, but deep down she knows that the longer it goes unaddressed, the more damage there is to heal. I feel everything very intensely, and this song wholly encapsulates the surge of emotions that burn in me, sometimes without my knowledge of a cause. See ing an artist put words to the incomprehensible emotions that sit in my bones feels like a sigh of relief and, simultane ously, a pang in my chest.

“The great part about tattoo ing and being community taught, what I’ve learned is through solo research and working a studio space with other artists and do ing trades with other artists who have more experience than my self,” Haakonsen explained. “I remember I did my very first of ficial tattoo trade with Sammy, who is one of the artists in this studio space and a really wonder ful person. I learned more in that four-hour session doing a trade with them than in the past four months on my own.”



While saving up for profession al tattoo equipment, Haakonsen encountered more support from their friends than they expected.

On par with the freshman year experience, by the end of my first week at Fordham I found myself crying on the phone to my mom. I felt as though I were an imposter; everyone had friends already, all my classmates seemed smarter than me and all I wanted to do was go home to my mommy.

While talking about “Gilmore Girls” with my high school prin cipal a few years ago, she told me that Rory Gilmore was a revolutionary character for her time. When “Gilmore Girls” was first released, there were hardly any smart, female role models on TV. For the first time, young girls were shown a teenage girl who spent her Friday nights do ing homework, loved to read and whose best friend was her mom. These aspects of Rory’s character


Rory’s character can be frus trating. While her ambition is something viewers admire about her, her perfectionism leads to her downfall. For example, dur ing Rory’s freshman year at Yale, she gets a D on a paper and, as a result, her professor suggests she drop the class to lighten her course load. After years of being crushed under academic pressure, Rory snaps and is sent into a spiral. She argues with her professor, insist ing that she can handle all six of her classes, she cries and she calls herself a failure.

Flash forward a few years later, while completing a competitive journalism internship, Rory is told

Pick | Television

My Ambivalence Towards Palladino’s “Gilmore Girls”

Healy delivers a fun, passionate, stripped back and relatable hit with “I’m In Love With You.”

Dear The 1975, I’m (Still) In Love With You


There’s no other show that em bodies the fall season better than “Gilmore Girls,” a seven-season television series that first aired in 2000. The show follows teen girl Rory and her mom, Lorelai, as they live their day-to-day lives in Stars Hollow, a small town in Connecticut. One of my favorite fall activities is sitting in bed with a hot cup of coffee and rewatching one of my favorite episodes. Al though it sounds dramatic, my life changed the first time I watched the pilot episode as a freshman in high school. I immediately found myself resonating with the show’s protagonist, Rory Gilmore. My familiarity with the characters in combination with the show’s

spring break eating pizza sudden ly erased my FOMO. Sometimes, I’d rather be in bed watching TV and “Gilmore Girls” re minds me that there’s nothing wrong with that.

Before this article turns into an ode to Rory Gilmore, it’s neces sary to acknowledge her flaws.

Amid growing excitement for the Oct. 14 release of their fifth album, “Being Funny in a Foreign Language,” The 1975 released the album’s third single “I’m In Love With You” on Sept. 1.

Rory’s first breakdown was a few weeks into her freshman year.

mentions some deeper issues in his romantic relationship with English singer-song writer FKA Twigs. He gives voice in many of his songs (most notably “Love It If We Made It”) to his support for addressing issues such as the climate crisis, immigration in equities, the prison-industrial complex and the mass incar ceration of people of color in the United States.

slow pace and calming ambiance makes it the perfect show to re watch. Never have I watched a show where I feel as if absolutely nothing is happening plot-wise, yet I still find myself coming back for more.

Despite my frustrations with the show, I find myself rewatching it again and again. Partially, what makes the show so addicting is the fact that Rory is such a flawed pro tagonist. Not only can I see myself in Rory’s love for books or her quiet demeanor, but I can relate to her when she grapples with mak ing the right decision or struggles to navigate change. The uncertain ty Rory feels about her future in later seasons is extremely relatable to a college student. Although I’ve never stolen a yacht or dropped out of college (so far), I connect with Rory’s growing pains and her bumpy journey from adolescence into adulthood. “Gilmore Girls” may forever be my comfort show.

In this song, lead singer Matthew “Matty” Healy sings about his inability to express his love for a partner and the painful romantic yearning that comes along with it. Over an infectious guitar riff, a basic drum beat and an indie-pop sound reminiscent of previous hits, Healy repeats the title’s phrase “I’m in love with you” over and over again in the cho rus (a whopping 24 times to be exact). Fans are loving it.

An element which makes the show so unique is Rory herself.

gle, effectively turning “I’m In Love With You” into a prequel. These lyrics and references, therefore, act as a kind of hid den love letter to fans who have grown up with the band and witnessed the evolution of theirNeedlesssound. to say, the deci sion to make “I’m In Love With You” sound identical to “If You’re Too Shy” was obvi ously an intentional one. The melody is strikingly similar, and Healy’s emphasis on cer tain lyrics is too obvious to ig nore. Die-hard fans have come

“I’m In Love With You” seems to represent a return to the band’s beloved 80s-inspired indie pop-rock sound, and it evokes a callback to their pop ular 2020 song “If You’re Too Shy (Let Me Know).” Even though The 1975 have tack led numerous genres through out their career, ranging from punk-rock to country, one thing remains the same: the band’s lyrics are well-known, at least by fans, for being con sistently and delightfully selfreferential — this fact alone warrants its own analytical es say. Phrases from songs such as “Robbers” and “The City” from their debut album can be found in multiple songs from their second album “I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it,” and even on their most recent project “Notes On A Condi tional Form.” They’ve even brought back their infamous clown characters from the sixyear-old. “A Change of Heart” music video for this new sin


“Gilmore Girls” realistically paints a portrait of a typical col lege student; I didn’t have any thing figured out freshman year and neither did Rory.


Beginning the show my fresh man year of high school, I feel as if I’ve grown up alongside Rory. Since the series follows Rory throughout high school and col lege, I’ve paralleled my life with hers — especially going through the transition from high school to college. For example, one of Rory’s main attributes is her pas sion for journalism. I’m not going to lie, joining the Ram may have been partially motivated by Rory’s time on the Yale newspaper (and my own love for writing, I guess).

that she doesn’t have what it takes to be a journalist which leads her to steal a yacht, spend a night in jail and drop out of Yale. From this point onward in the show, Rory lacks clear direction and motiva tion, qualities which defined her character in earlier seasons.

“Gilmore Girls” is a fall staple for many, but has some troubling themes.

are what make her so special to so many fans of the show, myself in cluded. Although the “smart girl” is a common trope in television nowadays, Rory Gilmore was one of the first characters in television who showed young girls that it was okay to be a bit of a nerd.


CULTURE Page 14 September 14, 2022

Rory’s breakdown itself isn’t an issue; as Rory said herself, “A lit tle nervous breakdown can really work wonders for a girl.” Rory was supposed to be a positive role model, so why is her charac ter so flawed?

in other songs, such as calling himself “the Greek economy of cashing intellectual checks” and a “sycophantic, prophet ic, socratic junkie wannabe.”

to expect and love the band’s technique of cleverly echoing previous works throughout their music. Yet, “I’m In Love With You” somehow seems a formulaic copy of their previ ous hit and falls short of evok ing that nostalgic tenderness when fans recognize a con nection between old and new songs. Sadly, “I’m In Love with You” rings in a slightly hol low, simplistic attempt to top theHealycharts.somewhat continues his soul-searching style with this new single as he briefly


Healy has not been one to shy away from heavy themes in his music. Refreshingly, this new song is a surprising, yet much appreciated, shift from the overall tone of the band’s previous albums; this change is done in terms of its straight forward, happy lyrics as well as its uplifting instrumentals. Healy is open in his lyrics about his struggles with heroin addiction, mental health and heartbreak. The musician is known for somewhat preten tious and overly-erudite lyrics

At this point in the series, I have more of an issue with the writ ers rather than with Rory herself. What precedent is the show setting for the young girls watching: girls who are academically-centered are destined to have a breakdown? Hard work doesn’t pay off because you’re going to fail anyways?

1975 released a new single in anticipation of their upcoming album.

Despite this passion, Healy makes fun of himself in “I’m In Love With You” as he rec ognizes how much more he has to learn about truly em pathizing with what it’s like to live inside someone else’s skin: “You show me your black girl thing / Pretending that I know what it is / Apolo gize, then you meet my eyes / It’s simple and it goes like this / I’m in love with you.” The average listener is likely to view this verse as problematic and insensitive. Even though his self-deprecating acknowl edgement is a preemptive apol ogy for his ignorance, the line should have been written dif ferently.Butwith the upcoming U.S. and U.K. concert tours selling out fast, fans seem to have for given The 1975 and are still in love with them regardless.

Similarly, one of my favorite episodes is when Rory and her best friend, Paris, spontaneously decide to go to Florida for spring break. The pair spends their first night sitting alone in their hotel room, eating pizza and watching movies. I watched this episode the other night, while laying in bed at 10 p.m. on a Friday night. Hearing music blasting from the O’Hare hallway and the chatter of people next door while simultaneously watching Rory and Paris spend

In all seriousness, Rory joining the newspaper as a shy, anxious freshman at any Ivy League school inspired me to try some thing new last year by joining the Ram, despite also being an anxiety-ridden freshman.

After the half, Fordham switched their goalkeepers and brought on junior Maria O’Sullivan. Almost im mediately, she was put under pres sure. In the 49th minute, Ania Prussak took a free kick that went off of O’Sullivan’s fingertips and into the net to make it a 3-0 lead for Columbia. Then in the 71st minute, Columbia capped off the scoring courtesy of Blake Turner notching her first goal of the sea son. O’Sullivan recorded six saves in the second half with the Rams totaling 15 saves in the game, the highest total since 2005 when Julie Wynns recorded 16 saves against the University of Rhode Island.

As a group, the Rams came

The last finisher for Fordham was senior Andreas Aivazoglou, who tied for 87th place at 16over with Bryant University’s Patrick Fennelly.

mediate dividends in the stand ings.Individually, the men were led by freshman Ben Borchers and junior Justin Lombardi. Borchers ran the 8K course in 27:40.2 and finished 18th. Lombardi was not far behind, clocking in at 27:40.4, good enough for 19th. Freshman Matthew Febles also enjoyed “the fiasco.” He placed 23rd with a time of 27:55.7.

September 14, 2022 SPORTS


The Rams lost both matches this past week while on the road.

In the 79th minute, Madison Alves scored her first career goal to make it a 3-1 final in favor of the Bobcats.

The competition may have looked different at Van Cortlandt Park, but Fordham’s efforts paid im

Each week, The Fordham Ram’s Sports section honors two athletes for their on-field performances as their “Athletes of the Week.”

Golf Opens Fall Season at Ryan Lee Memorial

Page 15

Athletes of the Week


In the 74th minute, Fordham was finally rewarded with an equalizer to tie the game at one apiece. Senior forward Caitlin Kennedy crossed the ball into the box with freshman for ward Natalie Velde putting the ball into the back of the net for her first ever collegiate Unfortunately,goal.the tie didn’t last long with Quinnipiac scoring two more in the span of two minutes and 20 seconds. In the 77th minute, Cooke grabbed herself a brace by heading the ball into the net from a shot that bounced off the crossbar.

Fordham Golf kicked off their fall campaign this past week end at the Ryan Lee Memorial in Kensington, Conn. The Rams finished in 12th place out of 17 teams over the two-day event, with Sacred Heart University ultimately taking home the top prize.For Fordham, their effort was led by senior P.J. O’Rourke, who came in at three-under-68 after day one on Saturday. Senior Nicholas Manning also contrib uted to Fordham’s cause, finish ing Saturday at one-over-par. Needing to pick things up on day two, Fordham once again looked towards O’Rourke to do the heavy Finishinglifting.ina three-way tie for 18th place at two-under-par with Fairfield University’s Killian McGinley and the University of Pennsylvania’s John Richardson, O’Rourke was Fordham’s top in dividual finisher.

Varsity Calendar

The cross country team will look to build on what was a “fan tastic fiasco” this Saturday, Sept. 17, at the Jasper Fall XC Invite in Montgomery, N.Y.


XC finished third at Fordham Fiasco.


The following weekend, the Rams continues their string of action in Connecticut in the Macdonald Cup hosted by Yale University. The fall season is then rounded out with Lehigh Invitational on Oct. 24 and the Metropolitan Inter collegiate Championship hosted by Wagner University on Oct. 31.

Jasper Fall XC Invite 11:30 a.m. Rhode Island 7 p.m. Sacred Heart 4:30 p.m. WashingtonGeorge1p.m. Yale1/5Invitionalp.m. Women’sGolfTennis Jasper Fall XC Invite 10:30 a.m. 11:20InvitationalBisona.m./6p.m. InvitationalBison 9 a.m/2:40 p.m. Albany1p.m. Hartford Hawks InvitationalTBA Hartford Hawks InvitationalTBA UTROpenFordhamTBA UTROpenFordhamTBA

ThursdaySept.15WednesdaySept.14 Sept.Friday16 SaturdaySept.17 MondaySept.19Sept.Sunday18 TuesdaySept.20

Over the past week, Fordham Women’s Soccer continued their sea son with two games on the road. The first game was on Wednesday as the Rams traveled to Hamden, Conn. to face Quinnipiac University.


On the women’s squad, soph omore Caroline McDonagh had a banner day on the 5K. The Bronx native finished seventh with a final time of 19:41.4. Se nior Alexandra Thomas placed 14th and completed the race with a time of 19:57.7. Sopho more Madeleine Ryan (21st), se nior Taylor Mascetta (25th) and senior Nathania Tan (36th) also performed valiantly and helped the team find their way to a third place finish overall.

to make three saves in the first seven minutes of the game. Unfortunately, that third saved shot ended up loose in the box with Shira Cohen grab bing her second goal of the season to make it 1-0 Columbia. A few minutes later, Columbia was awarded a pen alty for a foul in the box, with Maia Tabion converting from the spot to double the hosts’ advantage. After that, Columbia kept on taking shots, with Mensah ending the half with a career-high seven saves.

in at nine-over-par. Fordham’s 12th place finish placed them in a tie with the University of Penn sylvania, one place above Rider University and one spot below Wagner College. This placement also represented a slight regres sion from last season, when the Rams finished 10th out of 16 teams at the Ryan Lee Memorial.

Cross Country Hosts Fordham Fiasco

Women’s Soccer Continues Losing Streak

Freshman volleyball star Audrey Brown was crucial in the Rams’ win over the University of North Dakota last week. She had 14 kills and hit an impressively accu rate .565 on 23 attacks. As this year’s first Atlantic 10 Player of the Week recipient, the freshman recorded 14.5 points against the Fighting Hawks to win the game 3-0.

In the opening game of the Princeton Invitational, junior Christos Loupakis led the team’s offense with five goals in their 1811 win. In the third quarter, the Rams were able to pull the lead away from California Lutheran University with Loupakis’s three goals. He is now up to a career 47 goals in his tenure for the water polo team

Manning and sophomore Jake Mrva placed in an 11-way tie for 51st place at three-over-par.

Audrey Brown VolleyballFreshman

The Rams continued their road trip as they came back to the empire state to face Columbia University. The hosts got off to an amazing start, putting Mensah under pressure and forcing the goalkeeper



The Rams didn’t get off to the start they wanted as they conceded first in the 29th minute. Some quick passing gave the ball to the Quinnipiac Bob cats’ Rebecca Cooke who slotted the ball into the net for her team leading sixth goal of the season. Quinnipiac had a chance to double their lead be fore halftime in the 31st minute but were denied by the Rams’ junior goalkeeper Serena Mensah. Mensah was also needed in the second half in the 67th minute with another fine stop to keep it a one-goal contest.

Also for the Rams, sophomore Chris Konefal wrapped up play tied for 66th place at five-over, alongside Jason Salameno of Fairfield and William Sung of Columbia University.

The Rams will continue com petition next Monday, where they will open the two-day Hartford Hawks Invite in Connecticut.

O’Rourke led the pack of Fordham Golfers this past week.

With two defeats, Fordham’s record is now 1-6 including five straight losses. However, Fordham has to put that behind them and fo cus on their upcoming games, which are all Atlantic 10 Conference games. These will have a huge impact on their chances of making it to the A-10 Championships. The Rams have two upcoming A-10 games with them traveling away to St. Bonaventure University on Thursday at 7 p.m. before playing at home on Sunday against the George Washington University Colonials at 1 p.m.

Fordham Cross Country con tinued their fall campaign this past Saturday, hosting “Fordham Fiasco” at Van Cortlandt Park. All things considered, the com petition illustrated clear signs of Ram progress that are certainly worthBothhighlighting.themen’sand women’s teams finished third in their re spective fields of seven. Cross Country took a step in the right direction in this regard, espe cially considering the fact that last weekend’s results at the Stony Brook Invitational were not as crisp. The men placed fourth out of six squads and the women completed the afternoon fifth out of seven squads.

The champions, Sacred Heart, were led by three finishers in the top five. Marcus Lim won the individual competition outright with an impressive 10-underpar score. Behind him were two of his fellow Pioneers, Jason Pelley and Eoin Freeman. Pelley tied for second place at eightunder-par and Freeman tied for fifth at five-under.

Christos Loupakis WaterJuniorPolo COURTESY OF FORDHAM ATHLETICS St. Bonaventure7p.m.

As he emphatically punched his racket towards the sky in celebra tion after defeating number nine ranked Russian Andrey Rublev, 24 year-old phenom Frances Tiafoe inched closer to immortality, ma king history along the way.

What is most incredible is that Tiafoe’s historic win makes him the first African-American man to reach a U.S. Open semifinal appearance since Arthur Ashe in 1972.For Tiafoe, and those closest to the star, this has been a long time coming. Komi Akli, Tiafoe’s per sonal coach at the Junior Tennis Champions Center (JTCC) in College Park, Md., has known him since he was just five years old.

Follow us on Twitter @theram_sportsat

–Compiled by Maddie Bimonte

In F1, both teams and individual drivers are aiming to win their re spective championship titles.

7)Cognizant Aston Martin with Sebastian Vettel and Lance Stroll

Fordham 0

6) Scuderia AlphaTauri with Pierre Gasly and Yuki Tsunoda

“He broke all his strings, he broke his shoe. He had to use my racket to finish and win the who le match. That’s when I knew. He doesn’t care, he just plays,” Akli said. Lost amongst the dazzling slices, crafty volleys and powerful serves, Tiafoe’s ascension serves as a beacon of hope for the next gene ration of American tennis players, specifically African-Americans. Ac cording to a 2013 USTA report, 77% of all tennis participants are white, 14% are Latino and 9% are Black. While there have been pro minent figures in the past, Tiafoe’s

Cal Lutheran 11

Fordham 0 Columbia 4


Fordham 12 Princeton 13

St. Francis Brooklyn 8

Frances Tiafoe Reaches U.S. Open Semifinal, Makes History Along The Way

News & Notes

for a long time, to get to this level, to maintain the level of the quality he’s playing at,” Akli said.

Water Polo


the chassis and the engine. The chassis is the car’s main struc ture. It has the engine (behind the driver), gearbox, suspension and outer body panels mounted onto it. A 1000 horsepower, 1.6 liter, V6 turbocharged engine is the approved engine for this season. These things, along with many other components, allow F1 cars to achieve speeds of up to 235 mph (275 kph). But who are these incredible drivers achieving such high speeds? Here’s a list of the 10 teams/20 drivers currently com peting in the 2022 season:

10) Haas F1 with Mick Schumacher and Kevin Magnussen.

Akli also recounts training alongside a 15-year-old Tiafoe at the Orange Bowl International Tennis Championship, a major tournament for tennis’s rising stars around the world. Just being there was an accomplishment on its own, but what happened du ring the tournament, Akli remem bers, made him realize the special player Tiafoe could become.

F1 cars are engineering marvels that consist of two main components:

Football Plays Homecoming Game This Week

1) Scuderia Ferrari with Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz

F1, in very simple terms, is the highest level of international auto racing. In 1950, the first ever F1 race (or Grand Prix) was held at Britain’s Silverstone Circuit. In that first season, there were only seven races. In the 2022 season, 10 teams will compete in 22 races.

Men’s Cross Country Fordham Fiasco 3rd/7 Teams Women’s Cross Country Fordham Fiasco 3rd/7 teams Football Fordham 52 Monmouth 49 Volleyball Fordham 2 Montana State 3 Fordham 3 North Dakota State 0 Men’s Soccer Fordham 2 UMBC 2 September 14, 2022

typical weekend schedule starts on Friday with two practice sessions, where drivers familiarize them selves with the track and analyze fuel consumption and what types of tires are best for that race. On Saturday, there is a third practice session and the qualifying phases (Q1, Q2 and Q3). During qualify ing, drivers work towards the fast est lap times to start as close to the front as possible. In Q1, all 20 driv ers compete and the slowest five are eliminated. In Q2, the last five are also eliminated. Q3 decides the grid positions for the remaining 10 drivers. This is the most intense of the three qualifying sessions be cause all 10 drivers are fighting to get pole position (first place).

Sunday is race day! After one formation lap to fire up fans, driv ers roll up to the starting line, then the red lights go out and away they go. Diehard fans line the stands, waving banners and holding signs in support of their favorite teams and drivers. In 2022, 1.4 million viewers will watch from home, pacing across their living rooms. Whether they’ve been watching for years or are new to the fanbase, every fan will agree, F1 is a highly addictive sport.

Drivers work towards the World Drivers’ Championship (WDC). If they finish a race in one of the top 10 places, they earn points, which are then added to their end-ofseason total. This accumulation of points is what decides who wins the WDC and is crowned world champion. Teams win the World Constructors’ Championship (WCC) for engineering and build ing the best cars. The team with the highest number of combined points from their two drivers wins the WCC, seeing as those cars made it possible for their drivers to win the most races.

5) Alpine F1 Team with Esteban Ocon and Fernando Alonso

Tiafoe is also at the ripe age of 24, at the same time when the top forces for last two decades (Roger Federer, Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal) have shown signs of slowing down due to injury or vaccination issues in the Serbian’s case. With his youth, a new found consistency and dominance at his side, Tiafoe looks primed to be at the center of the new wave of tennis stars, whi le also serving as an usher for the nextTiafoe’sgeneration.runended Friday night when he fell to #3 Carlos Alcaraz in a thrilling five set match. Akli, however, does not want the focus to be on the loss.


Loyola Maryland 0

Fordham 17

Fordham Women’s Basketball Releases Non-Conference Schedule

Last week, Fordham Women’s Basketball released their 202223 non-conference schedule, consisting of 13 games. Seven of those will be played at home, while four will be on the road. The remaining two will be played as a part of the Las Vegas Holiday Classic during Thanksgiving weekend. Starting Nov. 3, the Rams will face off at home against Kutztown University moving on to events against Yale University and St. Peter’s University. Next, the Rams will hit the road to face the University of Maryland and Princeton University, before returning back to the Rose Hill Gym for a matchup against Wagner University. For Thanksgiving week end, Fordham travels to Las Vegas, featuring matchups between Washington University and South Dakota University. The rest of the schedule rounds out with games between Fairfield University, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Seton Hall University and Post University. The rest of the away games feature Manhattan College and the University of Maine.

Quinnipiac 3

Fordham 1

“We are still celebrating. This has been a big week for him, we are so proud of him and we are so proud of JTCC.”

Page 16 SPORTS

Although Tiafoe was eliminated, his impact was great at the U.S. Open.

If you want to learn more than just these basic facts about F1 and become one of the millions of en thusiastic fans, “Formula 1: Drive to Survive,” a dramatic docu series about F1 on Netflix is a great place to start for new fans.

success on the courts in a new era of digital media and advanced so cialization has a chance to pay in credible dividends for those that will come after him.

9) Alfa Romeo Orlen Racing with Valtteri Bottas and Guanyu Zhou

Fordham Football will play their annual Homecoming game this week on Saturday against the University of Albany. As the first home game for the season, the Rams are coming off of two big wins to start the season, against Wagner College and Monmouth University. The game starts at 1 p.m. and will be broadcasted on ESPN+ and WFUV 90.7 FM.

4) McLaren with Daniel Ricciardo and Lando Norris

What is Formula 1 (F1)? To some, it’s just a bunch of colorful race cars driving at crazy speeds around oddly shaped tracks. Oth ers may not know what F1 is at all. Those who’ve been fans for years will automatically answer that it is one of the best sports in the world.

A crowd of more than 20,000 eagerly packed into Arthur Ashe Stadium last Wednesday after noon to watch Tiafoe, fresh off de feating world number two ranked Rafael Nadal in four sets. He did notTiafoedisappoint.tookdown the uber-ta lented Rublev in straight sets, 7-6 (3), 7-6 (0), 6-4 to reach the U.S. Open semifinals and become the first American male since Andy Roddick to accomplish the feat in 2006. Back then, George W. Bush was the president, the iPhone was just a concept and “Bad Day” by Daniel Powter was the No. 1 song in America. This achievement comes days after Tiafoe became the first American man to defeat ageless wonder Rafael Nadal in a major tournament since James Blake in 2005, also in the U.S. Open.

8) Williams with Nicholas Latifi and Alexander Albon

From March to November (with a short break in August), drivers go head to head from Friday through Sunday every race weekend. A

“It means a lot for not even just African-American players but just the whole nation,” said Akli.

Princeton Invitational

“He has been training for this

Women’s Soccer

Varsity Scores & Stats

Ryan Lee Memorial 12th/17 Teams

A Beginners Guide to Formula 1

2) Mercedes-AMG Petronas with Sir Lewis Hamilton and George Russell3)Red Bull Racing with Max Verstappen and Sergio Perez

Fordham 18


Sue Bird calls it quits after an incredible 20-year WNBA COURTESYcareer.

In an interview with Fox 4 Sports, Dallas’ Fox correspon dent, Teague recalled where exactly he was and what he was doing on Sept. 11.

On the court for what is now called the “Wubble” season because of its quarantined na ture, “Black Lives Matter” was displayed on the sidelines.


“I’m so, so, so proud to be a member of the Seattle Storm,” she said. “It has been my hon or to play for this franchise, to play for these fans.”

The Cowboys, dubbed ‘Amer ica’s team’, were well past their dynasty years of the mid 1990’s and had come off a 5-11 season in 2000 under head coach Dave Campo. Still, the franchise had the most visible image of any

As Bird signs off on her WNBA career, humility is still at her center. Directly after the Storm’s loss to the Aces, she was asked how it felt to walk off the court for a final time.

A Look Back at Sue Bird’s Career


Bird’s playing career only scratches the surface of her

character. She is a devoted activist who has won several humanitarian awards includ ing the Moyer Foundation Award and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Connecticut’s Changemaker Award. One of the biggest accomplishments of Bird’s career is her work as Vice President of the WNBA Players Union and making the 2020 WNBA season safely happen during the COVID-19 pandemic. She also used her position to advocate for social justice issues suggesting that messages be shown on jerseys and on the courts to shine light on issues that America faces.

picked up yellow cards in the sec ond. UMBC accumulated two yellows, going to William Forby and Jago Lott, while the Rams received one yellow to freshman Bennett Leitner. The game would end in a stalemate, 2-2.

“We were actually going into practice,” Teague said. “When we came into the training room that day, we had some players who were affected… trying to reach loved ones. It immediately had an impact on the team just because there were other teammates who just said ‘I can’t get a hold of myTeaguefamily.”had family members who served in the military. His father served in the Air Force for over 20 years, making him no stranger to the meaning of the American flag.

George Teague’s moment on the field was one that encapsu lated everything this country is all about: to never forget that tragic day, to stand strong in tough times and feel proud to be an American.


Ending the first half, both teams racked up a total of 17 shots, and both would take a backseat in scoring during the second half. While the second half was qui et in terms of scoring, both teams

COURTESY OF FORDHAM ATHLETICS Paulo Primavera in action.

Its Instagram account has sur passed 100,000 followers in un der two years and consistently brings content from the world of women’s sports, including

September 14, 2022 Page 17SPORTS

George Teague’s Reminder of Being an American

As the Cowboys ran out of the tunnel for the start, Teague took center stage running out solo holding up “Old Glory.”

Then you have the good mo ments, the ones that brought us

popular stories surrounding things such as the WNBA and NWSL and stories highlighting younger athletes making dif ferences in their own right.


It is an enormous challenge for some to recall the traumatic events of Sept. 11 and what oc curred that day. In the immedi ate aftermath, the path forward was unclear. How would we, as a nation, respond to such un precedented events?

“It wasn’t really a planned deal, it was knowing someone there with a flag there. As we were running out of the tunnel, a part of me said ‘I wanna take this flag and run out with it.’ The young gentleman who had the flag didn’t put up a fight, and let me have it.”

Fordham will play their first A-10 matches of the year next, with the first game coming against the University of Rhode Island on Saturday at 7 p.m. That game is followed by a road match against St. Bonaventure University the following week end. Both of those contests can be watched live on ESPN+.

Sue Bird’s illustrious career ended on Sept. 6 as the Seattle Storm lost a decisive game four in the WNBA semifinals to the Las Vegas Aces by a score of 97-92. Although Bird’s playing career has come to a close, her impact on the WNBA will for ever be apparent. Her presence was felt from the moment she stepped foot in the league, and it never diminished during her 20-year career.

As for regrets, Bird knows this is the right time for her ca reer to come to a close, saying, “Of course my body feels good, so that can trick ya, but there’s a reason why I felt comfort able and I felt confident in this being my last year. Being able to say that out loud was a big hurdle. Once I kind of jumped over that, I knew I did the right thing because of how I felt af terward.”Bird’sname will forever be syn onymous with the greatest ath letes to play the game, and while she will be missed on the court, the contributions she made to the game will still be felt as new generations enter the league.

Out came America’s team in the most dramatic way, with Teague flying the flag high and proud.Teague’s reminder of what it means to be an American in

Bird’s also a founder of the media company TOGETHXR, a platform aimed to bring more attention to women in sports. The company was also founded by star athletes Alex Morgan, Chloe Kim and Simone Manuel.

Men’s Soccer Draws Twice

But the Cowboys, amidst all the drama in 2001, reminded the country that we, as Americans, are unstoppable when we stand united.Unknown to most, the 2001 campaign would be Teague’s final NFL season. He wasn’t the most decorated player in the NFL, but his time in Green Bay and Dallas proved him to be a serviceable safety. Teague didn’t have any moments in the NFL that made you jump out of your seat, but Sept. 23, 2001 was the day he etched his name in history.

dire times united the nation, and he provided a guiding light to Americans who felt lost at a time that was so otherworldly.

Close to the 21st anniversary of Sept. 11, many still look back at the moments that tore this nation’s heart out and question Americans’ morals and strength.

NFL team and continued to boast one of the most lucrative sports teams ever.

The sports world went on pause for about two weeks following the attacks, includ ing Major League Baseball. The Yankees made a magical run to the World Series (their fourth straight World Series appearance), one where Derek Jeter became “Mr. November” before ultimately losing the World Series.

Next, the Rams faced off against Loyola Maryland, play ing Tuesday morning after the game was postponed due to weather from its original slot on Monday night. The game would be an inverse of the game against UMBC, as no team got on the board in the first half, with the teams racking up nine total shots.The second half kept a slow pace, with both teams failing to score. Loyola had more oppor tunities for the game, totaling 18 shots to Fordham’s nine. How ever, the Rams had better ac curacy, with four of those shots being on goal to the Greyhounds’ three.The Rams’ record now sits at 2-1-3 for the season, with the other tie coming from their match against #13 Providence College back in August.


One of these responses oc curred through the world of sports. Most in the Metropolitan area would point to the Yankees’ run to the World Series in 2001, while others would reference former President George W. Bush throwing out a perfect first pitch.But does anyone remember Dallas Cowboys safety George Teague?OnSept. 23, two weeks after the attacks took place, week two of the 2001 NFL season. The Cowboys were coming off a week one loss to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 10-6.

George Teague’s run with the flag remains an iconic sports moment.

Sue Bird entered the WNBA in 2002 after being drafted first overall to the Seattle Storm fol lowing her outstanding college career with the University of Connecticut Huskies. It didn’t take long for Bird to make her mark in the league, averaging 14 points and six assists during her rookie season. She was also the only player on the Storm roster to start all 32 games and landed herself on the AllWNBA first team. She finished second in the Rookie of the Year voting, right behind Indiana Fever small forward Tamika Catchings.The2002 season served only as a base for the phenomenal career Bird went on to have. The accolades she achieved could be listed forever, including win ning four WNBA champion ships in three different decades (2004, 2010, 2018, 2020), five Olympic gold medals and hold ing the all-time WNBA assists record, just to name a few. At the core of Bird’s career, it’s ob vious that she’s just a winner. She knows how to win when it counts and the cards are stacked against her.

closer together than ever before. So many images of 9/11 are of pain, but there are also those that show triumph.

After a thrilling week of games, Fordham Men’s Soccer netted two ties, drawing 2-2 against the Uni versity of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) Retrievers and 0-0 against the Loyola Maryland Greyhounds.Bothteams came out hot in the first half of the UMBC game, scoring two goals apiece. UMBC got on the board first courtesy of Taylor Calheira in the 12th minute. Calheria got to the ball off of a rebound attempt from teammate Spencer Hanks. The ball was deflected in off senior Fordham defender Conrado Duhour to make the score 1-0 Retrievers.TheRams equalized the score three minutes later thanks to freshman Nathan Simes. Grad uate student Daniel Espeleta took a shot right off a Rams’ corner at the UMBC goalkeep er Quantrell Jones. However, Simes was able to get his foot on it to make the score 1-1. For his efforts against UMBC, Simes received the Atlantic 10 Co-Rookie of the Week award.

The score would continue to bounce back and forth between the Retrievers and the Rams, with the next goal in the 21st minute coming from UMBC’s Ryan Becher, who scored a 30-yard-shot from outside the box.Twenty grueling minutes would go by until the Rams would score the next goal. Sophomore forward Paolo Primavera received a cross from Espeleta, netting his first goal as a Ram.

Leclerc pitted on lap 17 with Verstappen pitting immediately after with both going to medium tires. The Mercedes pair stayed out and inherited the lead with Hamilton leading Russell. On lap 28, Verstappen finally caught up with one of the Silver Arrows and was able to pass Russell for second place. Once that hap pened, Hamilton pitted on lap 29 and Russell pitted on lap 31 for hard tires with a one stop in mind. At this point, it seemed like Mercedes had a stroke of genius due to the fact that nei ther Verstappen or Leclerc could make it to the end on their tires forcing them to pit again, which would let Hamilton and Russell passHowever,them. on lap 46, Yuki Tsunoda’s Alpha Tauri pitted. When he came out, he came to a halt on the track, believing that

and Leclerc pitted for new tires to prepare for the restart and emerged from the pits still in first and second. However, the marshals were unable to remove the car quickly enough. On the final lap, it was announced that the race would finish under the safety car, denying everyone the chance to see a pedal to the medal sprint for the Withwin.hiswin in Italy, Verstappen swept the tripleheader with a hat trick of victories to extend his lead against Leclerc to a staggering 116 points with six races left. Red Bull also have a dominating 139-point lead over Ferrari in the construc tors standings. This was Verstap pen’s 11th victory of the season and fifth in a row. After a long and grueling tripleheader, the next race isn’t for another three weeks, where F1 travels to the Marina Bay Street Circuit for the Singapore Grand Prix. This will be the first time that F1 races there since the pandemic. Verstappen can ac tually clinch his second driver’s championship in a row if he wins the race with Leclerc finishing ninth or lower, Perez finish ing fourth or lower and Russell finishing second or lower. With only six races to go, both Leclerc and Ferrari’s chances of winning the title are slim but don’t expect them to throw in the towel yet.

However, in his post fight press conference, Chimaev embraced the villain role further after he was showered with boos. An ani mated Chimaev screamed, “I’m coming for everybody, I’ll kill everybody.” This is a famil iar sentiment after his fights, as this is the second time that Chimaev has made such threats. When asked about where Khamzat is in the eyes of the company, Dana White men tioned that he was an incred ible talent, but probably had more of a future at 185 pounds due to the failed weight cut. A Paulo Costa matchup could be

September 14, 2022Page 18 SPORTS

Max Verstappen continus to dominant Formula 1 this season.COURTESY OF TWITTER


Thisoffset.brings us to the final race of the tripleheader in Monza for the Italian Grand Prix. With it be ing one of Ferrari’s home races, Leclerc was one of the favorites for pole. And when it was time for qualifying, he was able to stick it on pole to the delight of the Tifosi. Verstappen did qualify second but fell down to seventh due to another grid pen alty. Sainz, who qualified third, started 18th due to his own en gine penalties. Due to all of the

penalties, Russell was promoted into second place for the race. When the lights went out, Leclerc was able to stay in front of Russell. However, just like at Spa, Verstappen charged through the field and was already into the podium spots by lap four. One lap later, he passed Russell for second place. On lap 12, Sebastian Vettel’s Aston Martin pulled over to the side of the track and retired from the race, causing the VSC to be deployed. Ferrari made the call to pit Leclerc while under the VSC with Red Bull telling Verstappen to stayVerstappenout. then pitted on lap 25, giving the lead back to Leclerc. However, Verstappen was flying, causing Leclerc to pit again on lap 32 to have a fresher tire to catch back up to the Dutch man. After Leclerc pitted for the second time, Verstappen was 20 seconds ahead with 20 laps to go, meaning Leclerc would have to claw back a second every lap for any hope of a Ferrari win. That gap didn’t shorten and with the laps dwindling down, it seemed like a slam dunk victory for Ver stappen.However, on lap 48, Daniel Ricciardo’s McLaren retired from the race which brought out the safety car, giving us a five lap sprint. Both Verstappen

lence.That is what encapsulated and surrounded UFC 279 on Saturday.Abackstage brawl launched the insanity at the press con ference on Thursday when the intended headliner and high ly-touted prospect Khamzat Chimaev had a heated altercation with fan-favorite Kevin Holland. The two camps apparently had more people in their entourages than were intended, and a war of words quickly turned into a physi cal altercation between the two welterweights. Then, Chimaev’s intended opponent Nate Diaz got involved and water bottles and fists were flying backstage. For the first time in the history of the com pany, a pre-fight press conference wasThingscanceled.only got crazier at the ceremonial weigh-ins the next day, with the up-and-coming Chimaev remarkably weighing in almost eight pounds over the allowed limit. The top three fights on the main card were

all scheduled to be fought at 170 pounds in the welterweight divi sion: Kevin Holland versus Daniel Rodriguez, Tony Ferguson ver sus Li Jingliang for the co-main event and Khamzat Chimaev versus Nate Diaz for the main event of the evening. However, due to Chimaev’s failed attempt at making weight, the card was rearranged. Chimaev would now square off against Holland, Ro driguez would take on Jingliang at catchweight (180 pounds) and Diaz would fight Ferguson as the mainIonevent.Cutelaba and Johnny Walker kicked off the action on the main card with a one round contest that went to the Brazil ian underdog, Walker. Cutelaba pushed the pace early and even tually secured a takedown on Walker. A scramble then ensued with Walker eventually getting Cutelaba’s back and securing a rear naked choke that forced the Moldovan to tap, improving Walker’s record to 19-7.


The third fight on the main card, Li Jingliang vs Daniel Rodriguez, was a close but not too action packed bout that featured heavy kickboxing. It was Rodriguez who would get the victory nod via split deci sion, much to the chagrin of fans who believed Jingliang had done enough to secure the victory.Thehighly awaited return of the undefeated Chimaev lived

Over the past three weeks, For mula 1 (F1) returned from its sum mer break with a triple header, starting with the Belgian Grand Prix, followed by the Dutch Grand Prix and the Italian Grand Prix.

to have a massive impact on the future of the women’s division. The bout was a back and forth affair, but it was the Mexican Aldana who came out on top. A scramble saw her throw an up kick from her back which land ed right on the liver of Chiasson and forced a stoppage. With the champion of the women’s 135 pound division Amanda Nunes waiting for new challengers, Aldana seems to be an intrigu ing matchup for the consensus GOAT. When asked about the potential matchup, UFC Presi dent Dana White said, “We love Aldana … we don’t make fights the night of a fight but what a way to finish.”

Formula 1: All He Does is Win, Win, Win

As the 20 drivers lined up on the grid, Verstappen started 14th with Leclerc starting right behind in 15th. When the lights went out, all 20 drivers got away cleanly. However, not even a half-lap into the race, Lewis Hamilton’s Mercedes and Fernando Alonso’s Alpine crashed together, forcing Hamilton to finish early due to the severe damage. Meanwhile, on the second lap, Valtteri Bottas’ Alfa Romeo ended up in the gravel trap, forcing the safety car to come out.While all of that was happening at the front, Verstappen was flying through the field. When the safe ty car came out, he was already in eighth place. Meanwhile, Leclerc was forced to pit during the safe ty car due to a tear-off getting stuck in his brakes. Once the race restarted, Verstappen continued his charge. On lap eight, he was already in third place with his teammate Sergio Perez in second and Leclerc’s teammate Carlos Sainz in first. Verstappen’s pure

up to expectations, as he fin ished a legitimate contender in Kevin Holland in just two minutes and 13 seconds. The Chechnian absolutely smoth ered Holland, securing a take down right off the bat. Holland tried to escape Chimaev’s grasp but eventually succumbed to a brabo choke. The two traded words and blows before the press conference on Thursday, but shared an embrace and seemed to have squashed the beef after the fight.

Finally,tell.the highly anticipat ed main event lived up to ex pectations. Nate Diaz defeat ed Tony Ferguson via fourth round submission in a classic back and forth affair. Both veterans looked like they were having fun in the cage and it was a fitting send off for the legend, Diaz, who seemed to be getting the better of the standup in the first three rounds. As a re sponse, Ferguson’s corner called for him to use his superior wres tling to his advantage. When Ferguson shot for the takedown, Diaz countered and secured a guillotine that forced a tap for the first time in his career. After the fight, Diaz said, “[I] wanted to get out of the UFC for a min ute and show UFC fighters how to take over another sport, [be cause] Conor McGregror didn’t know how to.” Could the highly anticipated trilogy between the two megastars happen in the boxing ring? Only time will give us an answer.

a tire wasn’t attached. Everyone braced for the inevitable virtual or full safety car, which would let Verstappen and Leclerc to pit and gain an advantage against both Mercedes. However, Tsunoda was told to continue and he en tered the pits again on the fol lowing lap for new tires. When he emerged from the pits, he once again stopped on track and had to retire from the race. The virtual safety car (VSC) was called and Verstappen pitted alongside both Mercedes for new tires. Leclerc had pitted just before the VSC and as a result, fell down to fourth after Ver stappen and both Mercedes left the pits. The race resumed with Verstappen 12 seconds ahead of Hamilton.Then,on lap 55, Bottas had to retire on the main straight and called out the full safety car. Verstappen immediately pitted again, with Russell also pitting for fresh softs. However, Ham ilton stayed out and was now leading the race, albeit on worse tires. It was now Hamilton, Ver stappen and Russell in a sprint to the finish. When the safety car came in on lap 60, Verstappen got the perfect jump and over took Hamilton just as the green flag was shown to take the lead of the race. From there he didn’t look back, winning his home race ahead of Russell and Leclerc, with both passing Hamilton due to the tire

When F1 arrived at the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps for the Belgian Grand Prix, most of the teams decided to take new en gine components which brought on grid penalties if they exceed ed their original allocation. Spa is an excellent location to get these penalties due to the various overtaking opportunities that are available around the track. This year’s main title rivals, Red Bull’s Max Verstappen and Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc, announced they would be taking new compo nents and triggering those pen alties, forcing them to start the race from the back of the grid.

on the horizon after the two had an altercation at the UFC performance center, but only time will

Chaos Ensues at UFC 279

Irene Aldana and Macy Chiasson then squared off in a highly anticipated bantam weight fight that was predicted

speed allowed him to surpass Perez.

Sainz pitted first on lap 11, with Perez then pitting on lap 14 and Verstappen pitting on lap 15. When Verstappen emerged from the pits, he came out ahead of Perez but just behind Sainz. But on lap 18, he easily cruised past Sainz and started to build a gap. Perez was eventually able to pass Sainz on lap 21 to make it a Red Bull one-two finish. After 44 laps, Verstappen won the race in dominating fashion to increase his championship lead against Leclerc who ended up finishing sixth.Then, F1 went to Zandvoort for the Dutch Grand Prix, with Verstappen starting his home race on the right step by get ting pole position just ahead of Leclerc. When the lights went out, Verstappen was able to re tain the lead. While Verstappen and Leclerc were on soft tires, the Mercedes duo of Hamilton and George Russell started the race on mediums with a poten tial one stop on the cards.

Following the difficult five set loss to begin the tournament, Choi decided to revert back to his origi nal starting lineup.

Last week, Fordham Volleyball boarded a 747 on their way to their longest road trip of the 2022 sea son. The midwest bound Rams were seeking to continue their 5-1 start to the year, a stellar record that included three sweeps.

Student Athlete Column

Each game will be four innings long with all innings consisting of

In cross country you have to run on all kinds of terrain. Some races take place on hard, rocky gravel. Others are on soft grass fields.And sometimes, it’s a hybrid of the two. Both pose their own challenges; the gravel can make me feel like my feet are going to fall out from under me and on the grass, I feel like I can’t even pick them up.

So, how can you register?

Given the long flight and quick turnaround, a bit of a flat start from the Rams was relatively predict able.They got back on track by taking the next two sets but were unable to finish the job in set number four.

This year, in lieu of the West Coast, Fordham Volleyball made the 1500 plus mile trip to Grand Forks, N.D., to compete in the Uni versity of North Dakota Classic, along with Montana State Univer sity.The Rams began the tourna ment by dropping the first set to Montana State 25-15, which matched their largest margin of defeat this season.

pointment, I ran the 4k course about 30 seconds slower than I did when I was a freshman. And, in the cross country world, that is considered a big differ ence.At first, it logically didn’t make sense to me. I have been running more mileage than I ever have in my college career and have been putting more time into strength training.

Over the past few years, the two have been quintessential to build ing both of these student organiza tions, devoting much of their time to providing an outlet for students interested in the analytics and busi ness sides of sports.

Any coach would say the key is to be adaptable: to adjust your stride, tempo and form ac cordingly.Ifitis90 degrees or 20 de grees, rain or shine, you need to adapt. But at that point, I think it's more mental than anything. And I think the same could be said about anything in life; ev ery external element plays into performance.I’masenior now and it's my last season of running cross country for Fordham. I’m still learning how to be adaptable.

I work two jobs outside of school, hosting for WFUV and broadcasting at The Fort Wash ington Avenue Armory in Wash ington Heights.

After graduation, he hopes to work within the baseball operations de partment of an MLB front office.

The other half of this duo is Majors, a senior from Kinnelon, N.J. studying Accounting Infor mation Systems with a minor in Computer Science.

I went from having no clue what I wanted to do with my life to declaring a major in jour nalism and double minoring in Spanish and visual arts.


Friday, the Rams will be matched up with Sacred Heart University before facing the hosts in Yale on Saturday afternoon, all before they wrap up early season tournament play with a contest against Villanova University.

Outside of Fordham, the official Wiffle company and the New Jersey chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Foundation have also put their stamp on the charity event. Wiffle has given discounts for wiffle bats and balls and the foundation has donated CF branded attire for teams that place high in the tour nament. On FSAS’ collaboration with these groups, Dwyer said, “It’s been awesome to see the willing ness and dedication from other or ganizations to help put on this event. Wiffle and the CF Foundation have made sizable contributions, and the event would not be pos sible without them.”

September 14, 2022 SPORTS Page 19

But after falling to Montana State, Choi felt the Rams would be better served by his opening day lineup, including Brown and Brzozowski.WithBrown now returning to her starting role to face North Dakota, the freshman took full advantage of the opportunity.

This tough out of conference schedule will be more than enough for the Rams to prepare fortheir up coming Atlantic 10 contests.

two outs. Each team will be made up of three players. Teams can score a maximum of eight runs per innings before switching sides, and the tournament will be played in single elimination fashion. On offense, batters will start with no balls and one strike. Strikeouts are recorded after two strikes are thrown and walks will be the tra ditional four pitches to miss the strike zone. A chair will be placed behind home plate to dictate balls and strikes. Singles, doubles, triples and home runs are determined by the distance the ball is hit — with zones being designated on the field. Double and triple plays, sacrifice flies and bunting are all prohibited in tournament play.

Majors’ younger brother, Mat thew, was born with cystic fibrosis, and is one of the estimated forty thousand Americans students will be playing for to help raise aware ness and money for CF Foundation’s research.From an early age, Majors has been involved in the CF Founda tion, attending foundation-run events such as the annual CF Sports Challenge at MetLife Stadium and countless walkathons through out his home state of New Jersey.

Brown posted 15 kills, hitting at an unbelievable .565 clip to lead the Rams to a sweep over the hosts of this weekend’s tournament.

Although the Rams suffered a disappointing loss, one in which they led 2-1, there were some bright spots in the effort.

I’melements.nottrying to beat myself up about it. To be fair, I have changed a lot since I started running for Fordham.

The tournament will take place Sept. 24, with final rounds to be played on Sept. 25 if neces sary, and is open to all Fordham undergraduate and graduate stu dents. All games will be played on Murphy Field between 12 p.m. and 6 p.m., and the deadline to register is Wednesday, Sept. 21 at 11:59 p.m.

Reigning Atlantic 10 player of the week, junior Whitley Moody, posted 15 kills against Montana State and freshman Audrey Brown continued her ferocious freshman campaign with 14 kills.


Originally from Wallingford, Conn., Dwyer is a senior in the Gabelli School of Business where he is studying Information Systems and Sports Business. He currently holds the position of Director of Analytics and Player Development for the Fordham baseball team.

Over the past two weeks, junior Lauren Arzuaga and freshman Mackenzie Colvin had taken the

In just a few days, the student or ganization will be hosting a charity wiffle ball tournament to bring the students of Fordham University to gether, raise money, and awareness for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Head to the IMLeagues website or download the IMLeagues app. Select Fordham as your “School" and login to IMLeagues using your Fordham credentials. On the “Network” tab, select “Intramu rals” and then “Wiffleball Tourna ment.” On the page displaying all current teams, select the clear box titled “Info.” In “League Descrip tion,” click the link to complete your donation. Finally, return to the previous page to create your team. Once registered, you will re ceive an email a few days prior to the tournament with the date and field location of your first game.


As mentioned before, it's also about grappling with the exter nal

The Fordham Volleyball season has gotten off to a fast start, one that has been a few years in the making for the players and head coach Ian Choi.

This impressive duo of explo sive outside hitters in Moody and Brown have solidified their spots as the “usual suspects” when it comes to offensive standout per formances.Forhead coach Ian Choi, hav ing a veteran star such as Moody there to mentor and lead a budding freshman talent in Brown is all he can ask for. Before every match, you’ll see some of the Rams come out in pairs for warmups.

place of Brown and senior Megan Brzozowski as starters.

After picking up that crucial fourth set, the Bobcats of Montana State carried serious momentum into the decisive fifth set, where they would dominate the Rams

been critical in the planning and development of the tournament, it would not be possible without the collaborative efforts of Ford ham Intramurals and Fordham Athletics. From reserving field space to higher level guidance regarding hosting an event of this size, these bodies have been critical in the planning and soon the execution of an event which aims to have between 40 and 50 student teams in competition. To spread the word even further, FSAS Chief Marketing Officer Matt Stanzione, GSB ’23, pro duced a promotional video shar ing details about the tournament to kick off the registration period. The purposefully humorous vid eo can be viewed on FSAS’ official Instagram and Twitter pages, @ sportsfordham.Onthematter, Stanzione com mented, “It is always a lot of fun to get a group together to pro mote something you are all work ing hard on. We hope this tour nament will get a lot of the Ram community together to have fun and raise money.”

In fact, it feels like I am start ing over. At the beginning of September, my team and I raced at the Stony Brook Invitational, an annual rust buster to break in the new season. To my disap

15-7 to cap off the win.

Wiffle For A Cause is expected to have high participation.

On the defensive side of things, teams are allowed to have three players on the field including the pitcher. There will also not be any actual baserunning, with theoreti cal or “ghost” baserunners advanc ing the same number of bases as the batter. The mercy rule will go into effect if one team is leading the contest by 10 runs after three com pleteTheinnings.Fordham Sports Analytics Society (FSAS) has worked count less hours coordinating and plan ning the event, but it could never have been done without the help of FSAS Vice President and Business of Sports Society (BSSF) president Connor Dwyer, GSB ’23, as well as current FSAS president and found er Peter Majors, GSB ’23.

Now, he’s thrilled to organize his own event to continue spreading the word about a disease many are unfamiliar with. “In organizing this event, we’ve really tried to push raising awareness for cystic fibrosis above all else,” Majors said. “As col lege students, we don’t have the re sources to make large contributions on our own. So we’re looking to in spire the next generation of donors andSeeingadvocates.”Fordham students come together to make a difference not just in their community, but in their society is truly inspiring. Dwyer and Majors are just two examples of what it means to be a Fordham

By WILL studentsendless.activitiesTheCONTRIBUTINGTALLANTWRITERnumberofextracurricularatFordhamarenearlyTheuniversityprovideswithaplethoraofoppor

tunities to enjoy themselves, influ ence career paths and connect with students and alumni alike. One club in particular that has done nothing but blossom in this respect is the Fordham Sports Analytics Society (FSAS).

Following their up and down trip to the midwest, the Rams will have something of a more local commute this weekend when they travel to New Haven, Conn. to participate in the Yale Invitational.

I went from running being the only important things in my life to now juggling multiple passions equally important re sponsibilities.PerhapsIhaven’t adapted to all these new changes just yet. And adaptability doesn’t mean that it’s going to get any easi er. Rather, it’s accepting that things aren’t perfect and adjust ing to the Regardless,circumstances.it'smylast year. I want to put my all into it, know ing that I did all I can to the best of my ability.

Moody and Brown frequently do that together, chatting pre game and getting loose prior to the team’s group effort. Clearly, a mentor-protege dynamic has been established between the two.

Ram.For any concerns about the tournament, you can contact Dwyer, cdwyer16@fordham.edu, and Majors, pmajors@fordham. edu.

Charity Wiffle Ball Tournament for Cystic Fibrosis Research

Fordham Rams Wiffle for a Cause is expected to have a huge turnout and all Fordham students are encouraged to participate in this event to raise good money. Let’s play ball for a good cause!

Looking back to when I was a freshman, I remember imagin ing this time of my life and how much stronger I would be as a runner with a few years of col lege racing under my belt. Well, it’s safe to say I haven’t fulfilled my freshman fantasies.


The Rams haven’t had a test like this most recent weekend in a long time. On average, the Rams take a trip out west once a season.


While the names above have


In the second half, more back

Berenyi, fresh off of being named Mid-Atlantic Water Polo Confer ence (MAWPC) Rookie of the Week, continued to impress and appears to be a major factor in Fordham’s overall gameplan. Lercari was im pressive in goal, with strong per formances in all three games. With a brilliant game against St. Francis and strong performances against Pacific and Princeton, Lercari has fared well early against Top 20 teams.Despite failing to get the week end sweep, Fordham’s play in the Princeton Invitational was indica tive of a team that showed strong improvement in its second week of play.Bacharach was critical of the team’s play against #16 Harvard in their season opening loss. While he felt his club got better throughout the opening weekend, it’s encour aging to see Fordham play tighter and cleaner games in their second week. With a dominant win over #18 St. Francis Brooklyn and a well played game against #10 Princ eton, Fordham continues to show that they can hang with some of the

Led by a record setting day from senior quarterback Tim DeMorat, the Rams outested the Monmouth Hawks 52-49 on Saturday after noon in New Jersey in a contest that saw both teams amass over 700 yards of total offense.

For Kokosioulis, history was made as well. His catch was one of 15 for him on the day, good enough for a new school record. These three scores were enough to put the Rams on top 28-26 heading into the halftime break.

Bacharach.Fordham has struggled to main tain leads against top competition early on this season, surrender ing fourth quarter leads to Pacific and Princeton. Bacharach felt his team played well for three quarters against Pacific and three and a half quarters against Princeton, but was unable to maintain that play in the final minutes. He believes that im proved team chemistry and condi tioning, two things that should only improve as the season goes along, will help Fordham close out those games. “You wanna be peaking in October, November. I think we’re still getting to that point.”

Graduate student linebacker Ryan Greenhagen led the Rams on Saturday with six solo tackles. The Fordham defense, outside of Greenhagan and sophmore star James Conway, has not held its own in the first two games.


The Rams will get their first taste of league play this week end, facing three MAWPC team's: Mount St. Mary’s University, Bucknell University and Wagner College in the Bison Invitational.

At 4-3, Fordham will look to pick up some of those crucial league wins. Despite facing four Top 20 teams, Bacharach is taking a page out of Bill Parcells' book. “You are as good as your record is at any point in time. You wanna be in the top 10-15, you gotta beat the top 10-15.” It’s a mindset like that that keeps the Rams hungry for back to back conference championships.

Conlin also commented on the


Next, Fordham will finally re turn to Jack Coffey Field for their home opener this Saturday against the University of Albany on Home coming weekend at 1 p.m.

play of his offense. “Obviously, offensively we had a great day. Timmy [DeMorat] had a great day, Fotis [Kokosioulis] had a great day, our running backs did a great job. You’d like it to not be that high scoring and that close, but a road win is a road win so you take it any way you can get it.”

Water Polo Defeats #18 St. Francis Brooklyn, Win Two at Princeton Invitational

17.All told, DeMorat completed 34 of 51 passes for a career high 452 yards to go along with his six scores. For his effort, he was named FCS National Player of the Week. He currently leads the FCS through two weeks in passing touchdowns and passing yards per game.

The victory came in the threegame Princeton Invitational that saw Fordham take two of three and improve upon some of the sloppier aspects of their play from the first week.Fordham split 2-2 at the Bruno Invitational to start the year. With losses to #16 Harvard University and #5 University of Pacific, the Rams would look for better for tunes as they were tested once again with two teams in the Top 20 national poll.

Fordham Water Polo, ranked #17, earned its first win over a Top 20 opponent this weekend with a win against #18, St. Francis Brooklyn College.

Just 14 seconds into the final quarter of action, DeMorat found Felton for a 22-yard score to put Fordham up 10, his second touch down catch of the day. However, this lead did not last long.

After an Owen Wright rushing touchdown got Monmouth within three, DeMorat marched the Rams back down the field looking for

more insurance. With Fordham in the red zone on the Monmouth 16-yard-line, DeMorat was picked off by Terrell Smith to keep the Hawks in the game.

Still needing a stop to secure the victory, the Rams defense put their rough day behind them and came up huge, stopping Monmouth on fourth down with four seconds left on the clock to seal the win.

Defensively, the Rams will look to sure up a bit in the coming weeks. They’ve allowed a total of 80 points through the first two weeks of the season and allowed over 700 total yards against Monmouth.

Water Polo has battled through a tough

Graduate student Nir Gross made his Fordham debut after missing the opening week to partic ipate in nationals. The University of California, Davis, transfer notched a goal and two assists in an impres sive day for the Fordham offense, with 12 Rams scoring at least one goal.Sophomore goalie Thomas Lercari shined in the first three quarters, shutting down the Cal Lutheran's offense to just four goals.The Rams won their second straight game, opening the Sunday double header with a 17-8 victory over St. Francis Brooklyn College. The Rams got on the board first with Gross’ second of the season,

“Part of our focus is gonna be to just figure out how to put togeth er complete games,” remarked

Bacharach acknowledged that there’s a different mindset going into conference play. “The goal is to win a conference championship. You can’t get to the NCAAs unless you win your conference. This is a big prep week for us.”

SPORTS September 14, 2022Page 20

DeMorat etched his name in the Fordham history books last weekend.

giving them a lead they would nev er Fordhamrelinquish. featured a balanced offensive attack; Loupakis led the team in goals for the second straight game, notching four, while sophomore George Papanikolaou and freshman Balazs Berenyi tal lied three each.

Princeton would put together three straight goals to take a 11-10 lead in the fourth. Gross answered with a goal to tie things at 11, but two straight goals gave Princeton the lead with 23 seconds to play.

With the ball down by four, the Rams began their game-winning drive from their own 25. Graduate student running back Trey Snead ran for 43 yards on Fordham’s final offensive series, including a huge 20-yard run on fourth-and-two that set the Rams up in Monmouth territory.Onthird down from the Monmouth 14, DeMorat threw a game-winning touchdown to Kokosioulis in the corner of the endzone to put Fordham up 5249 with under a minute to play.

Fordham kicked things off with an 18-11 win over California Lutheran University. The Rams held a 9-4 lead at halftime and carried that momentum into the

get a ton of credit for Fordham’s of fensive success, Loupakis’ presence in front of the net as a dominant goal scorer adds another wrinkle that opposing defenses have to pre pareGrossfor. seemed to adjust well in his first series of games with the team, scoring four goals over the course of the weekend. “I think he’s just gonna get better as the season goes along and as we continue to figure out how to play with him in the confines of our system,” said Bacharach.


A field goal from each side meant that the Rams had a narrow 38-35 lead to start the fourth quarter.

Speaking on his team’s victory after the game, Fordham head coach Joe Conlin said, “Obviously it was a great effort. Tremendous resilience shown by our guys … the defense came up big with a few stops right before the half and in the second half there at the end.”

Fordham’s offense was truly clicking on all cylinders Saturday. In addition to the historic play of DeMorat, Sneed finished with 110 yards rushing, while Loughridge added 94 yards and touchdown. In the receiving game, Kokosioulis led the way with his record-break ing 15 catches to go along with 130 yards and two scores.

Loupakis scored a late extra man goal, but it wasn’t enough as the Rams fell just short. Parrella led the Fordham attack with a game-high five goals while Loupakis notched another three to cap off an impres siveLoupakisseries. led the team this week end with 13 goals. While the big three of players – Parrella, Papan ikolaou and Nieto Jasny – rightfully

Football Improves to 2-0 With Narrow Win Over Monmouth

Gross and sophomore Jacopo Parrella each scored twice in Fordham’s statement nine-goal win. Lercari was superb once again, making 13 saves and hold ing a talented offense to just eight goals.Head coach Brian Bacharach described the victory as Fordham’s strongest performance of the sea son so Fordhamfar. was unable to come away with the sweep, falling to #10 Princeton in a tight 13-12 loss. After Princeton ended Fordham’s season last year in the opening round of the NCAA tournament with a 17-8 victory, the Rams put together a much better effort, taking a 10-8 lead into the fourth quarter.

The ensuing Fordham drive would end in another touchdown for Wright, putting Monmouth on top 49-45 with four minutes to play in regulation.

Like last week, it was another slow start for the Rams in the first quarter. Monmouth jumped out to a 20-7 lead after 15 minutes of play

DeMorat tied both his own sin gle-game touchdown mark of six and became Fordham’s all-time leader in passing touchdowns with 78, breaking the mark previously set by Kevin Anderson from 2014-

and forth action ensued. A twoyard touchdown run from sopho more Julius Loughridge opened the second half for the Rams, but Monmouth responded with an 80yard score from Shirden.

You can watch on ESPN+ or lis ten on WFUV 90.7 FM in an impor tant home game for the Rams.

league’s best.

Now,title.two huge road wins over Wagner University and Monmouth University have the Rams hoping for similar fortunes in 2022.

thanks to an Alex Bryant 60-yard touchdown catch from quarter back Tony Muskett and a 95-yard scoring run from running back JadenFordhamShirden.fought back in the sec ond quarter thanks to three touch down passes from DeMorat: one to senior Fotis Kokosioulis, one to junior Mekai Felton and one to se nior Dan Byrnes.

For the first time since 2013, Fordham Football is 2-0 to start the season. Then, it was victories over the University of Rhode Island and Villanova University in the sea son’s opening weeks that propelled the Rams to a 12-2 campaign and a League

third quarter, scoring five goals while holding Cal Lutheran score less. Junior Christos Loupakis led the offense with five goals while sophomore Lucas Nieto Jasny was very active with two goals, four assists and three steals.

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