6 minute read
Slaters Take On New York City
from The Slate 2-14-23
by The Slate
Slate Staff
We began our day by settling onto the charter buses provided by APB (along with excellent snack bags!) and as soon as we stepped off the bus, we were on our way. Our first destination was Central Park, which was a beautiful sight to see first thing in the morning. We spotted a nearly overwhelming abundance of joggers preparing for the day ahead.
My friends and I settled onto a large rock in the park that overlooked a playground. We sat along with parents who supervised their children playing and spotted so many adorable dogs that we lost count. We basked in the sun that rose above the skyscrapers, and I couldn’t help but express to my group how grateful I was to be spending this day with them.
We then kept our eyes peeled in hopes of spotting a celebrity (despite my greatest wishes, Pete Davidson was nowhere to be seen) as we walked to the Summit Vanderbilt exhibit. In the building, an elevator took us up 90 floors before we were suspended over the New York City skyline. The view was unbelievable, and we could so clearly see the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, and the Brooklyn Bridge, making for an unforgettable experience.
After a long day of shopping and sightseeing, my friends and I stopped by a hot dog stand on our way back to the bus, from which I obtained the most delectable hot dog I have ever consumed in my entire nineteen years. It was no upscale candle-lit dinner; it was better. -Madi Shively
My day in New York started in Times Square. I was joined in the “Big Apple” by four friends — all fellow Ship students. It was my first time in “The Big Apple,” so I was excited. We took a stroll through the Disney Store in Times Square and discovered that we’ve aged out of the target demographic when we didn’t recognize some of the newer plushies.
We then grabbed some bagels (and some extra to take home) from a shop near Bryant Park before making our way to Grand Central Station. Taking the 4 train south, we ended up at the 9/11 Memorial, which was a harrowing experience. I had never learned about the “Survivor Tree,” so discovering it was a highlight. From there, I took a trek over to Trinity Church, to visit the gravesites of Eliza and Alexander Hamilton, two personal heroes of mine. Making our way back uptown, we visited the Intrepid Museum. In our rush to get dinner before leaving, we somehow forgot to go into the Shuttle Orbiter shed. So, it looks like I have a reason to go back... -Ian Thompson
The moment we arrived, my friends and I hopped off the bus, eager to see what the day
Ingredients would bring us. The first thing we did was buy overpriced iced coffees (in true tourist fashion). Then, we walked to Central Park to explore and take in the captivating scenery. After we walked through a decent amount of the park, we headed back to the city for the Summit One experience at the Vanderbilt. Tickets were only $50, and the price got us a breathtaking view of the city 1,100 feet above all the chaos. We spent the rest of the day eating good food, shopping and taking in everything the city had to offer. This was my first time in the city, and I am extremely grateful that I got to spend it with such amazing people and that APB was able to provide free transportation.
-Caitlyn Shetter
“History is happening in Manhattan, and we just happened to be in the greatest city in the world” are the lyrics that played in my head as my friends and I traveled around the city. NYC is indeed everything everyone says it is: fast paced and busy. But for me, this day was all about fashion. Rightfully so, considering it was fashion week. Most of my trip was spent spending money that I would have to somehow justify to my parents once they see my bank statement. But when you walk into as many stores as I did, you can’t help but want to get your hands on the unique clothes that mostly only reside in NYC. We stopped at stores that are likely trending on TikTok as we speak. Stores like Lululemon, where I was able to score the belt bag in a blush pink; Zara, where my friend brought the most beautiful dress for Valentine’s Day; and, of course, H&M, home of all the basics which seemed to be endless in my opinion. After all that shopping, we found ourselves in Koreatown enjoying authentic Korean food and bubble tea, all while still admiring the unique fashion sense of every individual.
I am much more familiar with New York City than some of my fellow Slaters, as I live just about two hours outside of Manhattan and try to take a train into NYC as often as I can. I saw 22 Broadway shows in 2022 (this was not planned), so I booked tickets as soon as APB announced this trip. I took advantage of Broadway Week, an annual sale that allows patrons to take advantage of lower ticket prices due to the post-holiday off-season, and got tickets to Wicked. I am also a huge foodie, so I filled the rest of my day with decadent foods as seen on TikTok (thank you @ devourpower). Angelina Bakery, Unregular Pizza and Chip City will all be seeing my face again in the near future. Nine hours in NYC left me with a full stomach and slightly less full wallet, but I’ll be back to do it all again during spring break.
-1 package of strawberries
-5 bars of Hershey milk chocolate
-Toppings (Optional)
-Sprinkles my closest friends, and the fact that despite our 15-year age difference, we can still gab about boys like we’re in high school together. I wouldn’t call myself single. While I am without a relationship, I know I am never without love.
There is not just one kind of love from one person that solves our entire lives once we find it. The start of a budding relationship can make our lives seem exhilarating and colorful, but refrain from confusing that thrill with feeling like your life is complete. While forming a strong connection with someone who understands you is an amazing and special thing, any suggestion that a relationship is the “missing piece” that brings purpose into our lives would be a blatant misconception. I feel as though society could greatly benefit from discarding that falsehood, freeing ourselves from the constraints of finding “The One” and realizing that we can find love and joy anywhere if we choose to open our hearts to it.
The truth is, my life is still bursting with an incredible abundance of love in all its forms. It’s all around me. There is a tenderness in the way my best friends help me apply fake lashes. There is affection in the way we cover our bathroom counter with the contents of our makeup bags before a night out. It’s my mother’s power of consoling me out of an inconsolable cry. It’s when my friends fill me in on what’s happening in the movie when I return from the bathroom.
It’s Tammy from Dunkin’ finding a way to make my day each time she takes my order. It’s an Earth Wind & Fire song blasting from my headphones on my walk to class. It’s the sandwich shop on the main street of my hometown that has perfected my order since I was little, never once forgetting the slice of dill on the side. It’s grabbing coffee with my boss, who also happens to be one of
Now that my life is decentralized around finding “The One,” I have the ability to look around and realize that none of that really matters once I can seek out all of the places love exists. Contrary to popular belief, there is love in humanity, too. Don’t believe me? Think of the last time a door was held for you by a person you have never seen before in your life. Even further, think of the last time you returned the favor.
The good news is: I can’t always predict what my romantic situation may be this time of year, but I can predict that I will immediately resort to my nearest Target on a mission to admire every heart-shaped item in sight, regardless of my relationship status. (Chocolate truffles are not reserved only for people in relationships, either. Personally, I prefer a good dark chocolate Lindor.)
Recipe of the Week: Chocolate Covered Strawberries
1. Wash and dry the strawberries.
2. Place desired toppings in separate bowls in preparation.
3. Prepare your workspace with a parchment/tin foil lined baking tray to place the dipped strawberries on.
4. Break up the chocolate bars and place in a glass bowl.
5. Boil water in a pot and place chocolate filled glass bowl on top.
6. Melt the chocolate slowly, and stir until there are no lumps.
7. Dip the strawberries in melted chocolate and place on lined baking tray.
8. Sprinkle with desired toppings.
9. Place the tray in the fridge until completely set.
10. Enjoy!