October 15th issue

Page 1


black votes could hold key



Potent JSU offense awaits Jags. pG. 5

EGO EIC asks after shooting. pG. 7

when is enough ... enough?

Jsu game must-win for su

Mid-term races could be impacted. pG. 4

estABLished in 1928



VOL. 56, ISSUE 10

“We’ve got to have it” Mason discusses improving academic success among black males by norMan J. Dotson Jr. DiGeSt eDitOr-iN-cHieF

“Louisiana is the worst state in the country for black men,” according to a survey done by the Louisiana state Legislature. Southern University System President Ronald Mason Jr. was just recently appointed to the position of Chairman of the White House Initiative Committee on the Black Male. He and his team are in the development stages of a demonstrational project for what he called the “in-between students” simply entitled the Black Male. The Black Male initiative will be the first attempt made by a public institution to address the issue of the black male in education directly. “We’ve got to have it,” Mason stressed about the importance of getting an education for black men. During this stage of development Mason asks that everyone supports him and his efforts to get through the year and keep the school headed in the right direction. “(The Black Male program)

with primarily single-parent households; rethinking the Southern Laboratory School so that they can focus on black male issues starting with prekindergarten up to 12th grade, and a special college level program where young people who come in and need five years to graduate can be put in a position to do so and be better than anyone else in the country. When asked about his thoughts on the morale around getting a higher education Mason stated that it starts before a child is born. “When you have mothers who are third generation poor, often times very young, uneducated themselves, underprepared and you put that there and then you have children who start off photo by roGelio V. solis/ap file photo kindergarten reading below that Southern University System President ronald Mason Jr. proposes creating programs to help increase level and are moved on until academic success rates among black males. they make it to the fourth grade, but by that time the child is too far behind,” Mason said. is basically (for) those students attitude recently towards higher campuses,” Mason stated. Mason went on to say that With devastating cuts and who can do better than a two- education. Louisiana tax revenue year degree but can’t necessarily fell this year, which caused a the study done by the state’s people talk about the 60 percent make a 20 on the ACT but surprise midyear budget cut to own legislature deeming itself drop out rate in high school but are bright and willing to work higher education of about $34.7 the worst state for black men, that only covers the percent that hard,” said Mason. “I think that million and SU’s cut is roughly it seems as though the state is even go to high school, “this intent on staying at the bottom trait is not just a black problem we can educate those students $2 million. but an American one, especially “Louisiana seems to be of the fray. at a higher graduation rate than Although the Black among the poor.” those that get in through the consigning itself to staying “I hope that by the end of this number 50 out of the 50 states Male initiative is still in normal process.” Mason wants to use SUS as a in education. These cuts will the developmental stages, year we can have a design that national model. He has issues, more or less affect the system Mason’s ideas consist of family could be open for discussion,” however, with Louisiana’s office and not the individual intervention center to deal Mason concluded.

Commuting cat-and-mouse game by eriCa s. Johnson DiGeSt StaFF writer

Parking on Southern University’s campus has always been difficult. For commuter students, the troubles with a designated parking space are far more complex. The university provides space for the largest number of parked cars at the farthest distance from the most accessed area of the campus. According to SU’s 2010-11 Traffic and Parking Regulations pamphlet, F.G. Clark Activity Center or Mini Dome, located on the lower east side of campus, provides the largest capacity for commuter parking. It is also more than 1,500 feet away from Elton Harrison Drive. This drive, or “strip” as students refer to it, houses the six main buildings that undergraduates utilize. “Unless you have nursing classes, the


Mini Dome parking is not convenient to the central area of campus.” Patrick Daniels, a junior art major, said. Students who travel to SU’s campus are assigned red commuter parking passes and are then restricted to red parking areas. “Approximately 4,000 commuter decals were issued for Fall 2009 and Spring 2010,” Charles Herbert, parking and traffic director, said. Commuter parkers can choose between three locations for legal parking along the east side of campus. The largest, and furthest away, being F.G. Clark Activity Center. A.W. Mumford Stadium’s parking lot on the stadium’s east side houses the next, most soughtafter parking spaces. Finally across the street from the SUBR Police station, a smaller, less accessible parking lot is designated. The police station also houses the parking and traffic offices.

84° | 50° LOW


Each and every car parked on Southern’s campus must display the proper decal or hangtag and park in the appointed area or risk being fined $30 to $60 per offense. The ideal parking area for commuters is located nearly 900 feet from the strip on Mumford’s west side. The lot, otherwise used for parking during home football games, is extended during school hours onto grass banks that surround the pavement. Despite the unofficial extension of the stadium parking, this lot is quickly packed and often riddled with cars that are stalking pedestrians for upcoming spaces. “Parking at the stadium creates the least amount of hassle for me, as far as walking is concerned,” Dawna photo by norMan J. Dotson Jr./DiGest Hamilton, a junior theatre major said. “Sometimes I’ll wait 20 minutes for a commuters dodge restricted areas daily, searching for coveted parking spots on campus. spot.”

CAMPUS BRIEFS...............2  SPORTS.....................5 VIEWPOINTS......................7 NEWS.............................4  DIVERSIONS............6 U N I V E R S I T Y ,


R O U G E ,

L A .

CAMPUS BRIEFS Page 2 - Friday, October 15, 2010



sunny HI - 86° / LO - 51° 0% CHANCE OF RAIN

Classifieds ColleGe finanCial aiD

$1000 SCHOLARSHIP offered to all majors. www. rememberalice.org.

Campus Briefs TODAY GraDuate stuDent assoCiation

The Graduate School Association, which represents graduate students, will hold meetings on the first and third Thursdays of the month in Suite 1055 Harris Hall. For more information, contact the Graduate School or call 281.795.7235. MuMforD staDiuM notiCe

Gate No. 3 at A.W. Mumford Stadium will be closed for the remainder of Southern University home football games. Students will only be able to enter through Gate No. 6. ebr Casa

CASA of East Baton Rouge Parish is currently looking for volunteers. CASA, the Court Appointed Special Advocates, trains and supervises volunteers to speak up for the best interests of abused and neglected children living in foster care. Volunteers must be 21 or older and must complete a 32-hour training course held on evenings and weekends. No special experience other than the desire to help a child is needed. The first step is to learn more at a 45-minute orientation session, which



HI - 86°/ LO - 53° 0% CHANCE OF RAIN

provides an overview of the CASA program and requirements of being a CASA volunteer. Upcoming orientation dates are Saturday, Oct. 20, Oct. 26, Nov. 4 and Nov. 13. For more information, please call 225.379.8598. OCTOBER 18 national soCiety of leaDership & suCCess

The Southern University chapter of the National Society of Leadership and Success will be holding three information interest meetings for general membership for the 2010 semester. The meetings will be Oct. 18, 20 and 21 in Classroom No. 1 on John B. Cade Library’s second floor. All three meetings are scheduled to begin at 4 p.m. OCTOBER 20 GraD prep Days

Order caps and gowns, official invitations and class rings at the SU Bookstore Oct. 20-21 9 a.m.-4 p.m. For more information, contact the bookstore at 771.4330 or go to www.subkstr.com. national ColleGiate alCohol awareness weeK

The Southern University Counseling Center will hold events in conjunction with National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week. “Drunk Goggles” and “BYOB (Bring Your Own Banana)” will be held Wednesday, Oct. 20 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. on the front lawn of the Smith-





HI - 83° / LO - 54° 0% CHANCE OF RAIN

HI - 83° / LO - 56° 0% CHANCE OF RAIN

Brown Memorial Union. A “mocktails” competition will be held Thursday, Oct. 20 from 6 p.m.-9 p.m. at the Cotillion Ballroom. Contact the University Counseling Center at 771.2480 for more information. OCTOBER 21 writinG profiCienCy eXaMination

The Writing Proficiency Examination is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 21. Only those students who have officially registered (the WPE must appear of the student’s class schedule) will be allowed to take the test. Additionally, those students who registered for the WPE and are currently enrolled in Freshman Composition 111 will take the WPE as their final examination during the last week of classes. Students taking the WPE on Oct. 21 can begin signing in at 3:15 p.m. at their appointed sites. To ensure the test begins on time, no students will be admitted after 3:45 p.m. Please report as follows: •A-E: School of Nursing Auditorium •F-L: Lee Hall Auditorium •M-P: Harris Hall/ Classrooms •Q-Z: Stewart Hall Auditorium “My hoMetown” leCture series

Southern University’s Foreign Language Department will host three presentations in the “My Hometown”

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Page 2


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lecture series by Fulbright Scholar Language Teaching Assistants. The lecture series provides the Fulbright Scholars the opportunity to share with students and faculty their insight into the culture and customs of their respective homelands. All presentations are free and open to the public and will be held in room 323 of T.T. Allain Hall. Yu Cao, an instructor of Chinese, will begin the series with a lecture Thursday, Oct. 21 at 11 a.m. Tanzania native Mchanga Saleh, who teaches Swahili, will give a presentation Nov. 4 at 11 a.m. Senegal native Oumar Camara, who teaches Wolof, will give a presentation Nov. 11 at 11 a.m.

iSSN: 1540-7276. copyright 2008 by the Southern University Office of Student Media Services. the Southern DiGeSt is written, edited and published by members of the student body at Southern University and a&M college. all articles, photographs and graphics are property of the Southern DiGeSt and its contents may not be reproduced or republished without the written permission from the editor in chief and Director of Student Media Services. the Southern DiGeSt is published twice-weekly (tuesday & Friday) with a run count of 6,000 copies per issue during the Southern University - Baton rouge campus fall, spring semesters. the paper is free to students, staff, faculty and general public every tuesday & Friday morning on the SUBr campus. the Southern DiGeSt student offices are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. the offices are located on the first floor of t.H. Harris Hall, Suite 1064. the Southern DiGeSt is the official student newspaper of Southern University and a&M college located in Baton rouge, Louisiana. articles, features, opinions, speak out and editorials do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the administration and its policies. Signed articles, feedback, commentaries and features do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors, staff or student body. PUBLICATION ASSOCIATIONS the Southern DiGeSt is a member of the Black college communications association (Bcca), National association of Black Journalists (NaBJ), University - wire Network (U-wire), associated collegiate Press (acP), college Media advisers association (cMa), Society of Professional Journalist (SPJ), Full member of the associated Press (aP) and the Louisiana Press association (LPa).

ADVERTISER MEMBERSHIPS the Southern DiGeSt subscribes to the american Passage, alloy M+M, 360 Youth, Zim2Papers, all campus Media, ruxton Group and college Publishers On-Line services. STUDENT MEDIA OFFICE www.subr.edu/studentmedia Director - tBa assistant Director - tBa Publications asst. - Fredrick Batiste advertising Mgr. - camelia Jackson CONTACTS (area code 225) advertising Office - 771.5833 DiGeSt Newsroom - 771.2231 Student Media Services- 771.5812 the Jaguar Yearbook - 771.2231 YearBOOK Newsroom - 771.5829 eGO Magazine Newsroom - 771.5829 Southern University and a&M college at Baton rouge is accredited by the commission on colleges of the Southern association of colleges and Schools, 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097, telephone (404) 679-4500, website: www.sacscoc.org. MISSION STATEMENT the mission of Southern University and a&M college, an Historically Black, 1890 land-grant institution, is to provide opportunities for a diverse student population to achieve a high-quality, global educational experience, to engage in scholarly, research, and creative activities, and to give meaningful public service to the community, the state, the nation, and the world so that Southern University graduates are competent, informed, and productive citizens. website: www.subr.edu.

The Office of Student Media is a Division of Student Affairs.

OCTOBER 22 soCial & behaVioral sCienCes unDerGraDuate researCh ConferenCe

The Department of Psychology is pleased to sponsor the 12th Annual Social and Behavioral Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference Nov. 19 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. in the Smith-Brown Memorial Union’s Cotillion Ballroom. The conference will feature oral presentations of students’ empirical and theoretical research papers. Students in the Departments of Criminal Justice, Economics, History, Political Science, Psychology, Rehabilitation & Disability Studies, Social Work, Sociology, and Speech Pathology are encouraged to submit abstracts by Oct. 22. For more information please contact Dr. Reginald Rackley at 771.2990 or Quinton Tatum at quinton_ tatum_00@subr.edu.

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Letter to the editor


A&E EDITOR Billy washington


DIGEST STAFF WRITERS Morris Dillard erin Fulbright Patrick Galloway Samantha Smith evan taylor

COPY EDITOR erica S. Johnson PHOTO EDITOR april Buffington LAYOUT EDITOR Darrius Harrison

DIGEST PHOTOGRAPHERS David clark iii robert Florida Jr. trevor James Polite Stewart


PROOFREADER Darryl J. edwards

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PAGE 2 / CAMPUS BRIEFS all submissions must be received by 3 p.m. each Friday for Tuesday’s Issue and by 3 p.m. each wednesday for Friday’s Issue. PaGe 2 is only available to officially registered campus organizations, Southern University Departments. all briefs should include a date, time, contact name & number. Submit announcements to: the Southern DiGeSt - Suite 1064 Harris Hall, attn: PaGe 2 CORRECTIONS Fact and accuracy is our goal and our job. as the voice of the Southern University student body we are committed to ensuring to most fair, truthful and accurate accounts of our work. in the event of an error we will make all corrections on Page 2. Bring corrections to the Southern DiGeSt office located in Suite 1064, Harris Hall.


Friday, October 15, 2010 - Page 3

Page 4 - Friday, October 15, 2010


file photo by susan walsh/ap photo

President Barack Obama greets people after speaking at a campaign rally for Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley at Bowie State University in Bowie, Md. Despite polls indicating many minority voters are discouraged and won’t turn out Nov. 2 like they did for Obama two years ago, a solid showing among blacks could still swing several House, Senate and gubernatorial races, according to some analysts.

Black voters may sway House races in Nov. vote By sonya ross associated press writer

BOWIE, Md. — On the corner of Collington Road and Route 301, a bright blue poster screams the Democratic Party’s wishful thinking at passing cars: “We’ve got your back President Obama.” The poster, not quite big enough to qualify as a billboard, reflects an unspoken bargain between Obama and black voters: He asks, they deliver. Last week, Obama asked. Polls indicate many minority voters are discouraged and won’t turn out Nov. 2 as they did for Obama two years ago, yet a solid showing among blacks could still swing several House, Senate and gubernatorial races, according to some analysts. Ruy Teixeira, a political demographer for the Center for American Progress, said certain parts of the Democratic base — particularly young voters and minorities — typically “tune in” just before an election, and Democrats could improve their chances if they galvanize those constituencies. “It is not at all clear that the outcome is going to be as grim for the Democrats as at least some polls suggest today,” Teixeira said. “The Democrats could possibly get out of this election and still hold the House. I think it’s going to be very difficult, but it is not as impossible as it might appear.” Black voters are “strategically located” to impact as many as 20 House races, mostly in Southern states, explained David Bositis, a senior researcher at the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, who has analyzed the black electorate for more than two decades. They also could sway more than a dozen Senate and governor’s races, Bositis said. “It’s not something where the Democrats and the candidates are going to be out there yelling, ‘We want the black vote,’” Bositis said. “They’re going to work through the black churches, the black media.” Page Gardner, an analyst who tracks women and minority voter enthusiasm, said she has seen an uptick in interest among unmarried women, young women and minorities. If that trend continues, they could become a factor in several

House races, Gardner said, pointing out that last midterm, 15 tightly contested House races were decided by roughly 2,000 votes. “You’re talking about a small number of voters that change the tide,” Gardner said. Bositis said this election could echo midterm elections in 1986, when significant black turnout helped Democrats gain House seats and take control of the Senate, and again in 1998, when Democrats picked up governorships in Alabama, South Carolina and Georgia. Both of those elections followed events that resonated with black voters: Jesse Jackson’s historic presidential campaign in 1984 and the GOP effort in 1998 to impeach President Bill Clinton. While many Democrats are distancing themselves from Obama, the party’s approach with black voters is to make the election about the president and his agenda. University of Chicago political scientist Cathy J. Cohen said Democrats hope that by framing the election around the attacks on Obama and racial polarization arising out of the tea party movement, “black voters will mobilize in particular districts so they can tip the balance.” “I still think that black people will come out and vote for what they think is the president’s agenda, which is to vote Democratic,” said Cohen, author of a new book on black youth and politics, “Democracy Remixed: Black Youth and the Future of American Politics.” To that end, the Democratic National Committee is spending $3 million on ad buys in African-American media, far more than it spent on such buys in previous midterm elections. The president himself stopped by a White House briefing earlier this week for black bloggers and journalists from black-oriented media. Later this week, he will meet at the White House with the Trotter Group, a group of black newspaper columnists. Obama also spoke at an Oct. 7 rally for Democratic Gov. Martin O’Malley that drew 7,000 people to historically black Bowie State University. The school, about 20 miles east of Washington, is located in Prince George’s County, Md., which, according to census data, is the nation’s wealthiest majority black county — 65.6 percent black with a median annual household income of $71,696.


Friday, October 15, 2010 - Page 5


JSU game must-win for Jags by Morris dillArd DIGEST SPORTS WRITER

A chance remains for Southern to turn its season around and win the Southwestern Athletic Conference’s Western Division race — a razor-thin chance. For the Jaguars (2-3, 1-2) to keep its Beyonce-dress-skimpy hopes alive, they must defeat a Jackson State ball club Saturday that features one of the nation’s hottest quarterbacks. “Well it’s a huge game no question,” head coach Stump Mitchell said. “They’re 4-1, which is good. Their only loss is to Grambling. “What we want to do right now is go up there and continue to try to be in the hunt.” GSU (4-1, 4-0) leads the West with Texas Southern (3-3, 3-1) on their heels. Prairie View (3-3, 3-2), Arkansas-Pine Bluff (2-3, 1-2) and SU round out the division race. Meanwhile, JSU and Alcorn State (3-2, 2-1) are tied atop the East. Last week’s 38-20 win against Mississippi Valley State was Mitchell’s first home win and SWAC win at the helm

pHoto by April bUFFington/digest Southern’s Curry Allen (13) leads the way for Sylvester Nzekwe (33) during the Jaguars’ homecoming win over Mississippi Valley State. The Jaguars hit the road this weekend in a key SWAC showdown against rival Jackson State.

of the Jaguars. “It’s been a tough three weeks for the players and coaches,” Mitchell said. “We’ve all been preparing to get a victory and fortunately enough for us we got it. First home victory after three games came a little late but we got it.”

Saturday’s rivalry game between the Tigers and Jags opens a key three-game road swing for SU. Southern travels to Shreveport next week to take on Prairie View, followed by a date at The Reservation against the Braves Oct. 30. However, the Jaguars must put

complete focus on a high-flying Jackson State offense that’s ninth nationally in total offense and averaging nearly 32 points per contest. The aforementioned hot quarterback, reigning SWAC newcomer of the week Casey Therriualt, enters this weekend third in Division I FCS in passing (1,772 yards, 15 TD passes). Therriault lit up Alabama A&M last weekend for 330 yards and three touchdown passes, his fifth-straight 300-yard passing game of the season. Therriault also leads the nation in total offense, averaging 356 yards per game. Mitchell said Therriault is blessed to be in the same conference that some of football’s best quarterbacks made their legend. “He is that talented of a young man,” Mitchell said. Tigers head coach Rick Comegy said he and his staff are looking for weaknesses in the SU defense that he wants to exploit to be successful. “On film, they move around well,” said Comegy. “We’re going to try and do some things to keep them off balance and take away some of that pressure they like to bring at times.” For Coach Mitchell, getting pressure on Therriault is not simple. Jackson State has given up 14 sacks this season, the same amount the Jaguars’ offensive line has allowed so far as well. Three JSU receivers — Anthony Mayes, Marcellos Wilder and E.J. Drewery — rank in the SWAC’s top 10 in receiving yards. “We’ve got to try to get some pressure on him,” said Mitchell. “But, we also have to be able to cover their receivers as well.”

diversions Page 6 - Friday, October 15, 2010


The Knight Life By Keith Knight

Astro-Graph By Bernice Bede Osol

The upcoming year could be one where your talents and luck blend in a manner that can guarantee success, especially where your career is concerned. Give Dame Fortune a bit of help and watch what happens once you get started. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — It will be no surprise that your leadership qualities are seeking expression, just be sure to do so in a manner that ingratiates you to others. Done right, it’ll be hail to the chief. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — Although you might be anxious to get a start on the weekend festivities, you’ll first need to finalize matters and tie things down, which you can do through your natural-born tenacity. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23Dec. 21) — If someone with whom you have lost touch is on your mind, try to reopen lines of communication once again. Something this person is involved in would be perfect for you right now. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22Jan. 19) — You could be luckier than usual in areas that can enhance your financial wherewithal and security. It would be a shame to waste your time on endeavors that yield no profit or growth. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Be self-reliant, because you could be particularly fortunate by putting your imprint on situations that are personally important. Don’t let others do what you can perform better. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) — It isn’t your nature need crowds in order to be happy. Seeking out a certain amount

of solitude to sort out all your thoughts would do you a world of good. ARIES (March 21-April 19) — Plan to engage in some kind of activity with friends who challenge your creativity and resourcefulness. You need to be mentally aroused as well as physically stimulated. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Something great you did a long time ago, which you thought was totally forgotten, might be brought to light once again. Be gracious in how you handle this, keeping in mind it was in the past. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — Grasping the essence of a new idea or concept before anybody else does will give you a competitive edge over your peers. Be sure to implement it the moment you recognize it for what it is. CANCER (June 21-July 22) — Changes you’ve needed to make but were unable to implement until now can bring about something that everybody else has been trying to get their hands on. Use your edge wisely. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Being the big dog isn’t as important to you as being able to please your companions and make them feel special. It’s this attitude that makes you so popular among your peers, and it will continue to do so. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Others might be looking for enjoyment and gratification in frivolous activities, but you will still be keeping your nose to the grindstone. Don’t look up until your goal is realized. ——— Copyright 2010, United Feature Syndicate, Inc.

ACROSS 1 It gives a hoot 4 Restaurant employee 8 Teensy lie 11 Captain’s shout 12 Space preceder 13 It’s easily deflated 14 Name in fashion 15 Told 17 Canvass 19 Industry magnates 20 Portable bed 21 Farm doc 22 Gather together 25 Cut in half 28 Whir 29 Saw or hammer 31 Helped an actor 33 Mendicant’s shout 35 Deceived 37 Ante- relative 38 Diet (hyph.) 40 Term paper 42 Kennel sound 43 Old hand 44 Watchdog breed 47 Computer screen 51 Left 53 Wander freely 54 Malt brew 55 Not prompt 56 Dash 57 — Kippur 58 Jug 59 House addition DOWN 1 Toledo locale 2 Cashmere 3 Sheet-music words 4 Be quiet! (2 wds.) 5 Furnace output

6 7 8 9 10 11 16 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Drop the ball Pries open Goat cheese Disney CEO Bob — Physiques, slangily Yellow Pages Montezuma’s empire Break-even amount Despicable I knew it! Think over Hunter’s need Simmer Holds gently Prefix for “trillion”

30 32 34 36 39 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52

Viking name Susan — of “L.A. Law” Lawn-mower path “Jurassic Park” star Bassinet Evening party Clout Out of town About 2.2 lbs. Gossip tidbit Ration out Freeway’s lack Almond-shaped Stimpy’s pal Uncooked


Friday, October 15, 2010 - Page 7


When is enough ... enough?

I have never felt the urge to express my feelings in an editorial, but the event which occurred after last Saturday Jaguar Homecoming victory left me with a totally different feeling altogether. As a man lay limp from multiple gun shots on the store’s drive way entrance — like an attraction for passers by — you can only think, when is enough ... enough? Here is my account of events. It seemed to be a typical evening after Homecoming. Traffic, as usual, while crowds of people lined the streets, with the occasional spontaneous altercation. One altercation, to be specific, in fact turned lethal as one individual walked up to another individual with his handgun drew and a single shot was fired. At this point, I went across the street because I saw the situation had escalated past a fistfight. My cousin, on the other hand, remained on the other side of the street —

DARRIUS HARRISON away from the altercation as one of the individuals went to his vehicle in a failed attempt to get his handgun (or either holding his comrade back from reaching his handgun). When I made it across the street, I assumed the situation was diffused and maybe the guys were just selling wolf tickets in front of the Scotlandville crowd. I began walking toward my car, which was parked directly across the street from the Chevron gas station that the incident occurred. Then, I heard a familiar noise; a firecracker like noise. Immediately, I heard the gentleman I was facing en route to my vehicle say, “ Oh, he killed him.”

Cars began to screech their tires, everyone scattered as I looked back across the street. I heard another shot, and then two more immediately followed. When is enough ... enough? When I got a good ID of the scene, there was a body laying there — in front of everybody (I can’t stop thinking) — a young man, with a black tee shirt and white shoes; just lying there. As one of his comrades attempted to drag him to the car, I made my way to my vehicle. As they picked the man’s limp body up off of the ground, they attempted to put him into their vehicle. I was cranking up my engine! When I looked back they had successfully loaded the limp body into their vehicle and were off (to the hospital, reports suggest). When is enough ... enough? The police were on the scene, as they were directing traffic, but again, the shots were relatively low in volume, which caused a delay in their

response. Recently, the Baton Rouge Police Department and East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office have announced they are taking steps to “crack down” on crime, as they call it. After the senseless murders of the past month (levee shooting and home invasions), they patrol “crime areas” rigorously. I know this first hand, living in one of these mentioned crime areas. When is enough, enough? Personally, I have find myself looking out my car windows a little more — for both jackers and the police — and often daydream about how that particular altercation played out. My account was not as upclose as others, as I went on the other side of the street, but have you ever been within 20 feet of a homicide? Unbelievable! When is enough ... enough? ——— Darrius Harrison is the editor-inchief of EGO Magazine, Southern University’s student magazine.

Weather changes & folks go crazy The weather changes and everyone’s behavior changes. Hardly anyone is hanging out in the Circle until the wee hours in the morning. Everyone all of a sudden wants a boo, forgetting about the “single life.” Everything is just changing. However this does not mean that we have suddenly moved to New York and the month is now January or February. This is still Louisiana and it is still October. Here are a few tips that will help you stay fashion forward and warm! 1. Do not, I repeat Do not try and stuff flare leg jeans into Ugg-type boots. That’s just not going to work. Those type of jeans

BREANNA PAUL were not made to fit with that boot. Head on over to Urban Outfitters and get the Cigarette jeans. While you’re at it, just go out and get some real Uggs too. 2. While we’re talking about Uggs, it isn’t that cold outside. It may be 46 degrees in the morning, but the temperature is usually in the 70s or 80s come lunch time. This is where Sperry’s come into play. These are the best

shoes ever. They can get wet, walk in mud; they can do everything! They go with just about everything and they are very durable. Go purchase a pair of these, you won’t regret it. 3. We are college students at a university. Letterman jackets are for high school students. No one cares that you were in the Beta club, ran track or won a state championship in football. Go over to the bookstore and buy a Southern hoodie. 4. Pick a season. What’s the point of wearing a peacoat or a sweater with sandals? Never understood that one. What’s worse is when people wear boots with short sleeves. Is this winter or summer or fall? Everyone’s all confused.

5. Be patient. Winter hasn’t even come yet. You don’t have to wear all of your newlypurchased winter clothes while the weather is still making up its mind. Wait until it’s colder, or at least the same temperature the whole day. You look foolish and a tad bit too hot in a scarf, peacoat and boots while everyone else is wearing T-shirts and sandals. These are just a few tidbits and faux pas that have caught my attention. Feel free to correct them as you see fit. I know I’ve been harping on fashion for the past few editorials but fashion is a hot topic on this campus. Remember to stay warm and fashion forward.


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SPEAK OUT Would you send your children to Southern University?

BY breanna paul

opinions editor

Adriana Hills baton rouge senior speech pathology


“It would be a last resort. I want my children to be with an education and not migraines.”

alexander petit gonzales senior mass communications


“No. They will go to a school with a live mascot. RIP Lacumba.”

kyle grace st. gabriel, la. junior mass communications

“My children’s college chice will be their own. grace However, unless drastic changes are made, I will advise them to look elsewhere!”

brittinee royes los angeles senior mass communications



“Yes! Because of its culture, diversity, curriculum and, of course, the Jaguar

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Page 8 - Friday, October 15, 2010


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