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Kappa Alpha Psi Week: A Recap

Kappa Week was truly a highly anticipated week that did not disappoint, with little to no hiccups. Kappa Week is a week where there is at least one event that day, put on by the Nupes, for SU Jaguar students to enjoy. On Sunday, the fraternity held a church service at Philadelphia Baptist Church, entitled Brotherhood Sunday. It was led by Pastor Anderson. The Nupes commented, «They wanted to start off Kappa Week right, by having God in control of this week, and by doing so will make it all the more successful.”


The DJ battles were held between 12 p.m.– 2 p.m. in the Union. Upon the event starting no one was around due to class and other student life activities. However, as the event progressed down the line around 1 p.m. more students dressed in gorgeous dresses and unique outfits began showing up and showing out. The union was packed and so vibrant that some students started jigging and singing along to the songs. Everyone was having a good time and loved the music selections played by the DJs.

On Tuesday, between 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. the Nupes hosted “Pie a Nupe” and at first, the event was looking listless, once again due to class and other student events. The event didn’t start to pick up till 12:45 p.m. until a group of female students started to “Pie Nupes” they had encountered.

The next day the Union courtyard was packed and decorated in the colors of red and white to represent Kappa Week, for this special Pretty

Wednesday. The Kappas put on a show for all students by stepping and passing out roses to the female students in the audience.

Later that same day at 7 p.m. the Kappa’s hosted the Miss Krimson & Kreme Pageant, and upon entering, the stands were packed and the energy was overflowing. The lights dimmed and a stage light focused on the host. He then announced that there would be three rounds of modeling and a talent portion of the pageant. During the first round, all the pageant contestants then show off their business professional attire. The crowd cheered for the contestants due to their creativity and the outfits they wore. Next was the game day portion. The contestants strutted their stuff in their best SU attire.

A brief intermission took place, and the contestants were ready for the second round which was swimwear. After the girls exhibited some of their beautiful swimwear outfits, the SU crowd did not hesitate to show their love. Moving on to the talent round, the contestants put on a range of talents ranging from contestants singing iconic songs all the way to contestants putting on eye-catching dance performances. While the next students and faculty, I wanted to hear from the artist himself. When asked why he wrote about the painting he said, “I write a story or short narrative for every one of my paintings,” Weary elaborated. Anti-lynching was the inspiration for the painting. “Originally, when I started writing about it, it was about anti-lynching. It is imperative to focus not only on

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