November 7, 2013
W W W. V S U S P E c tAt o r . c o M
Inside This Issue
‘As You Like it’ preview, pg. 4.
- oPiNioNS: “finding answers for Kendrick” - FEAtUrES: “drag show to raise awareness” - SPortS: “VSU to host trinity Baptist”
today at VSU Zombies! - Hullaballoo 2013 will be in the Georgia and langdale Quad from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. the event is being held by Housing & residence life. Which hall will survive the Zombie apocalypse? come and find out.
Career opportunity - a representative from the U.S. department of State will conduct a general foreign service information session in Powell Hall-West at 11 a.m.
“as you like it”-the Shakespearean romantic comedy will come back to life in Sawyer theatre at 7:30 p.m. FooD Drive - SGa will hold its annual canned food drive on the Union steps between noon and 2 p.m. the food drive will be held through Nov. 14. Prizes will be given to the students who bring in the most canned goods: first place 30 Blazer Bucks, second place 20 Blazer Bucks and third place 10 Blazer Bucks.
VoLUME 85 iSSUE 12
On the Web w w w. v s u s p e c ta t o r. c o m
Check out Abbie Baggerly’s preview of CORE’s Canoe Battleship!
SAVE fails to persuade Foundation Proposal to divest from fossil fuels rejected by Board of Trustees Will Lewis MaNaGiNG editOr
On Oct. 29 the VSU foundation’s Board of trustees denied a request from the Students against the Violation of the environment to stop all investment in oil, gas and coal companies. “compliance with your well-intentioned request is impractical for a number of reasons and perhaps even a breach of the fiduciary re-
sponsibility that all of our trustees take very seriously,” the refusal read. the refusal was penned by Wayne edwards, chairman of the foundation Board of trustees. edwards refused to comment for this article. John crawford, ceO of the VSU foundation, said, “to limit our fund managers in any way at all from making investments in a variety of different funds limits options, and when you limit options that naturally would limit the
ability to maximize returns.” danielle Jordan, senior anthropology major and president of SaVe, said, “there’s a lot of disappointment but we are not going to stop, we don’t see this as the end of our campaign. it lets us know where we stand with the Board of trustees.” the VSU foundation’s investment Objectives in the investment Policy and Guidelines states that “foundation funds should be invested to produce maximum total re-
turn consistent with prudent risk limits.” dr. Michael Noll, professor of geosciences, disagrees with the idea that fiduciary and environmental responsibilities are mutually exclusive. “a recently published article by forbes Magazine and indices like the S&P 500 show that companies like Publix are doing better than Wal-Mart, and that the social
Allison Ericson S ta f f W r i t e r
Ritsuki Miyazaki / The SpecTaToR
Apa Sherpa was the first Nepali speaker. Sherpa climbed Mount Everest 21 in 11 years, setting a world record.
VSU welcomes Nepali natives Hillary Straba a S S t . f e at U r e S e d i t O r
Partly cloudy 83 H 48 L Mostly Sunny 70 H 39 L
Partly cloudy 75 H 52 L
apa Sherpa holds the world record for successfully climbing Mount everest twenty-one times between the years of 1990 and 2011. Wednesday night, the VSU english department hosted two Nepali natives, dr. Samrat Upadhyay and Sherpa, in the Student Union theater. the evening’s speakers took the audience from the streets of Kathmandu to the top of Mount everest, telling stories of struggle, strength, and over-
SOcial Media editOr
tWittEr: @vsuspectator
FAcEbook: The Spectator
coming adversity. Sherpa began his presentation with a brief video about his accomplishment, and then showed the audience photos from his life as a porter in Nepal, describing his experiences guiding Westerners to the top of Mount everest. “i wanted to be a doctor,” Sherpa said. “But i had to drop out of school and work as a porter to support my family.” Sherpa described his love of education and the dire conditions of the school house in the thame Village, his hometown in Nepal.
“Without education, we have no choice,” Sherpa said. Sherpa eventually relocated himself and his family to Utah because he wanted his children to get the education they deserve. Sherpa’s love for education that inspired him to create the apa Sherpa foundation. the mission of the foundation is to help the children of Nepal receive a better education so they can achieve a better future. after Sherpa concluded his presentation, the evening continued with a S e e N E PA L , p a g e 2
Smitty’s Packaging Store will no longer sell VSU labeled bottles of bourbon due to University System of Georgia restrictions. according to the USG, universities are not allowed to place trademarked logos on bottles of spirits. a press release came out Monday stating, “While (VSU) appreciates the wellintentioned desire to promote the university and to contribute to our charitable foundation the proceeds of the sale of bottles of spirits bearing one of the VSU trademarked logos, (USG) policy does not allow such efforts.” Once the bottles are stripped of the VSU label, the 10-year-old evan Williams whiskey will still be sold in the Smitty’s store. “No bottles of spirits bearing any trademarked VSU logo will be made available for sale of other distribution by any outlet as reported in the October 31 edition of the Spectator.”
SGA tables discussion on fee increases Joe Adgie
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- Danielle JorDan
Smitty’s pulls VSU labeled whiskey bottles
sCienCe seminar dr. Kerry clark from the department of Public Health at University of North florida will share his work “lyme borreliosis in the southern United States.” the seminar is open to everyone will be held in Powell Hall auditorium at 4 p.m.
disappointment but we are not going to stop, we don’t see this as the end of our campaign. It lets us know where we stand with the Board of Trustees.”
S e e S AV E , p a g e 2
bible stuDy - Xchange Ministries holds their real talk Bible Study at 8:15 p.m. in the Bailey Science auditorium. the Sunday service is at 3 p.m. in Powell Hall auditorium every Sunday.
GaslanD ii - SaVe and Wace are hosting a free screening of the film “Gasland ii” in the Bailey Science center auditorium, room 3009, at 7 p.m.
“ There’s a lot of
fees could increase, and people are not happy about the changes to commencement ceremonies. those were the two major topics discussed at Monday night’s SGa meeting, a meeting that, for the fee increases, served as a preview to next week’s meeting. the fee increases are a response to decreased enrollment at VSU from 2012 to 2013, according to SGa president Will Jimerson. “With the enrollment going down, in order for our univer-
sity to continue to provide the same services for our students, there are some proposals in regards to student fees,” Jimerson said. “these fees range from various topics such as health, parking, student activities and a couple of different categories of these fees.” Jimerson said that he “strongly advocated” for these proposals to be heard in front of the SGa at next Monday’s meeting, which is open to everyone. “We know that it’s a very touchy topic for all students, as it impacts everyone,” Jimerson said. “this is what we have to do from a university standpoint.” the SGa will have to ap-
prove each individual fee before these fees are instituted. the decisions will come at the meeting in two weeks, on Nov. 18. discontent regarding changes to graduation ceremonies was also discussed, namely the policy that brings an end to early ceremonies – in other words, students would not be allowed to walk early, except for those who received approval for this prior to Nov. 1. “Being an exercise physiology major, we have internships – just internships – for the summer,” Sen. amber Martin said. “What our advisors were telling us to do was to march early. that’s not going to be fair to some of the
students because they just got advised a few days prior to Nov. 1. Half of the class will be marching in May and half of the class will have to wait seven months and come back in december.” another student regarded the change as a waste of time. “Our advisor was telling us that you may just have one class left so just march early and finish in Maymester,” said a senator. “Now, i have to come back in the fall just to walk? No.” the SGa also discussed a facebook survey where students expressed their opinions on these graduation changes. Sen. tamara dunn said that it was sent to her, but she
didn’t know exactly who created the survey. “i think it came from an international student, because they were upset about traveling and having the degree conferred in the summer but being unable to physically be in the US due to visa concerns,” dunn said. dunn expressed disapproval of the policy that the only degree candidates that will be hooded at commencement ceremonies will be doctoral candidates. “Our program is going to have to plan a separate ceremony, which can create additional cost for families,” dunn said.
PagE 2 | VsusPEctatOR.cOM
NOVEMBER 7, 2013
Calling all writers, photographers and graphic designers!
Continued from page 1 reading from Dr. Samrat Upadhyay, author and creative writing professor at Indiana University. Upadhyay has won several awards for his writing, including the Asian American Literary Award, the Society of Midland Authors Book Award and the Whiting Writer’s Award. His works have also been translated into French, Greek, Czech and German. Upadhyay read three pieces: one non-fiction essay that tells the story of the troubled monarchy in Kathmandu, one short fictional story about the influx of hippies into Kathmandu that occurred in the late 1970s and an excerpt from his upcoming
The SpecTaTor
For more information, contact Editor-in-Chief Jennifer Gleason at or Managing Editor Will Lewis at
Ritsuki Miyazaki / THE SpECTaToR
Dr. Samrat upadhyay speaks to students and faculty at VSu about his writing.
novel, The City Son. “Dr. Upadhyay’s readings were cool to hear because
they connected with the background of Nepal, which Apa described to us when he told
SAVE Continued from page 1 industry creates better returns than the coal industry, a simple fact that was also recently pointed out by my colleague Dr. Matthew Richards,” Noll said. The refusal comes on the heels of the proposal that was sent in to the Foundation by SAVE. The proposal cited a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a UN-sponsored working group charged with studying the effects and causes of climate change. “We are asking that VSU immediately freeze any new investments in the fossil fuel industry and commit to a plan to divest all of its holding in fossil fuels within five years,” the SAVE request read. The request also cited a statistic presented in the IPCC report that states with “95 percent certainty that humans are the primary cause
police Briefs Oct. 30 A student recovered his laptop after it was stolen from the Fine Arts Building. The student chased the offender towards Patterson Str. before recovering his laptop.
wanTS you!
of the issue.” Edwards responded to the statistic in the Board’s refusal by delegitimizing the credibility of the IPCC. “In the interest of intellectual honesty, I suggest you read some critiques of the UN report you cite in your letter,” Edwards wrote. “You’ll have no trouble finding them.” The statement triggered controversy between the Foundation and several professors around campus. “They made the decision very hastily, without directly interviewing the students who made this request,” Dr. Bradley Bergstrom, biology professor, said. “That, alone, suggests they did not take the request seriously, and the unfortunate decision by the Board chairman to insult the students' efforts with a sarcastic letter belies the personal bias of the letter writer and shows his contempt for their
genuine concerns, which happen to be shared by many of the faculty at VSU.” “The response by VSU’s Board of Trustees (BOT) to SAVE’s divestment campaign is mindboggling,” Noll said. “It suggests the board believes it knows more about global climate change than climatologists do, who have studied this phenomenon for decades.” Jordan said SAVE will host a panel discussion Nov. 12 about climate change and the divestment strategy. The panel will be held in the Powell Hall Auditorium. The VSU Foundation operates independently of the University. The Foundation Board of Trustees invests its endowment, which is around $23 million in mutual funds that are in turn managed by Ladenburg Thalmann, a financial services group headquartered in Miami.
us about his experiences,” Sydney Devine, senior English major, said.
Have a Happy ‘Tator Day!
upcoming events Nov. 8 CAB will show “Iron Man 3” in the Student Union Theatre at 3 p.m. Additional showing on Nov. 9 and 10. From 1-3 p.m. come to Palms Quad for a cook out to learn more about becoming a Resident Assistant for the 2014-2015 academic year.
Nov. 11 Comedian/hypnotist Erick Kand will be in the University Center Theatre at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 12 Miss Phi Beta Sigma Pageant will be held in the Student Union Theatre at 8:14 p.m.
A red and black bookbag was stolen from Odum Library. Nov. 3 Bridgett Muckle, 20, was arrested in Sustella Parking Deck and charged with driving on a suspended license and driving without headlights. Nov. 5 Regginald Lewis Jr., 23, was arrested in Langdale Circle and charged with driving on a suspended license.
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November 07, 2013 | page 3
Our point of view...
Finding answers for Kendrick N
ot often is Valdosta recognized by mainstream news outlets without quickly being shoved back under the covers. the death of 17-year-old Kendrick Johnson has been an exception. while many will argue his death was a mere accident, others are convinced by the inconsistency of the investigation and the lack of cooperation from city officials that murder lurks beneath the shadows. On Jan. 11, Johnson’s body was discovered lodged in a rolled-up gym mat in the Lowndes High school gym. Only four days later, the Georgia Bureau of investigation and the Lowndes County sheriff’s Department were convinced that the incident was an accident. Yet, the evidence just did not add up. further investigation was necessary, and on
Jan. 19, the Johnson family, while filled with many unanswered questions, had to put their son to rest. so they sought support within the community. During the next few months, community protests and demonstrations flourished across the city, bringing in a substantial amount of support for the “Justice for Kendrick Johnson” cause. students across the VsU campus encouraged their peers to sign petitions, and there was even a visit from civil rights activist al sharpton. the Johnsons demonstrated that whether answers exist yet or not, when the people demand them they will be sought after despite struggles from law enforcement. the response generated by the community struck fear and hope across the city. at this point city officials no longer needed to act, the case was going to
continue thanks to the people. On May 2, the results of an autopsy conducted by the GBi and sheriff’s Department were released, confirming the department’s initial notion. still, the incident had gained momentum, becoming nationally recognized. in mid-May, CNN appeared as a beacon of light for both the Johnson family and the cause. CNN came to Valdosta and questioned county officials and aired segments discussing the faults with guests. the reporting revealed the inconsistency of the incident and spawned questions relevant to the first investigation. CNN exposed that the local coroner was not contacted until six hours after the death and that the body had been moved. Later CNN would state the coroner pled for a retraction. and in June, Johnson’s body was re-
moved from his grave in order to undergo a second autopsy provided by his parents. the results of this autopsy, released in september, revealed that the death was due to blunt force trauma.
The Johnsons demonstrated that whether answers exist yet or not, when the people demand them they will be sought after.
then it was reported that during the second autopsy Johnson’s organs were missing from his body, and the funeral home refused to answer questions. an interview with the sheriff, Chris Prine, led to no new infor-
mation but to more unanswered questions. CNN turned a local death into a national conundrum. One could even consider CNN’s efforts to expose the incident as a means of creating the second coming of the Zimmerman-Martin escapades. whatever the intent of the infamous news outlet was, Johnson was bound for justice. soon the case was brought to the courts, and the community demanded that the school system release the taped footage from the security cameras located in the gym. while the defense claimed the tapes were inaccessible without the consent of all students on the tape, the case continued. in mid-October the footage was released, revealing that Johnson was not alone when he entered the gym that day of his death. a new investigator would begin reviewing the case: fed-
eral attorney Michael Moore. whether the death of Kendrick Johnson was invoked accidentally or by another force is unknown, and the age-old saying “only time will tell” does not appear to apply to this situation. as time goes on more and more questions rise, and there may never be enough known evidence to form answers. the lack of support generated by local officials invoked the people, who were lost and desperate, to take to the streets. a peaceful-revolution-turned-federal-investigation brought the hope and comfort the Johnson family and supporters longed for in their time of need. Here at the spectator we hope that Kendrick’s parents find peace and that no more lives are harmed by the extent to which such an incident can inflate.
This editorial was written by Stephen Cavallaro ( and it expresses the general opinion of the editorial staff.
The many meanings of rape Taylor Stone s ta f f w r i t e r
the word “rape” has been loosely construed over the years to have a myriad of different meanings that change on a mystified whim depending on the individuals involved and the circumstances. to define an action, that action must have parameters that limit and characterize it, rather, it must have certain identifiable elements that allow us to clearly state what something is and what it isn’t. Many people believe that rape is a serious, damaging crime and that the amount of cases being reported on college campuses has become particularly disturbing. the
truth is, simply being on campus does not offer any additional protection against rape than if you were anywhere else. i think that there’s a common misconception that living in a dorm on a college campus somehow makes you less responsible for yourself. College campuses are not “rape free” zones and, as young adults, it’s necessary to take the same precautions to protect yourself as you would at any other “less safe” location. in many cases, it’s difficult to prove guilt for someone accused of rape because it often comes down to the word of the accused against the word of the accuser. Now, since rape has become a worldwide “epidemic,” individuals that truly fall victim to rape are overshad-
owed by the overwhelming amount of people using sympathy as a vice to further personal motives.
The very concept of rape has become so exploited, so grossly construed that it becomes a proverbial crutch.
earlier this year, a student from the University of Connecticut, claimed that the new “terrifying” husky logo for their basketball team was meant to “intimidate women” and “empower rape culture.” what? a logo of a dog empowers rape culture?
that’s just it, the very concept of rape has become so exploited, so grossly construed that it becomes a proverbial crutch for individuals that push unrelated agendas. rape cases are so often overlooked because we have expanded and diluted what rape is! we’ve taken a serious offense, rolled it in sprinkles and baked it in rainbows until it has become acceptable, even newsworthy, to claim that a cartoon of a dog sanctions rape. we need to be capable of recognizing what we see when we see it. we need to understand the difference between transgression and folly, between reality and forged truths. feel strongly about the issue? send the staff a tweet at @vsuspectator.
Legislation keeps LGBT employed Isaiah Smart s ta f f w r i t e r
the strength of the LGBt community has grown tremendously over the years. a minority that is easily overlooked when thinking about diversity at times, the LGBt community has worked tirelessly to gain an equal spot in society. the civil war this group has fought isn’t as bloody and violent as with african-americans in the ‘60s but is similar to the fight of the women’s suffrage movement. in that light, another issue peaks its head for this debate of human rights. the employment Non-Discrimination act, or eNDa, is a piece of legislation that has been on the table of Congress for over 15 years, and a similar document has lingered for
nearly 40 years. the proposed legislation would prohibit discrimination in hiring based on sexual orientation or gender identity by civilian, nonreligious employers with a minimum of 15 employees. this may sound familiar with past policies such as affirmative action, the voting rights act and Don’t ask,
tion infringes on property rights and freedom of association. those that are in favor of this bill cite title Vii and the Civil rights act of 1964 as ways to reference that this is indeed constitutional. a pro to this legislation passing is that members of the LGBt community can be
Don’t tell. all of the policies mentioned are coals to the fire of human rights that so many minorities have fought for. some opposition to this legislation brings in the potential of negative impact on children by eliminating a school’s ability to avoid hiring transgender instructors. Others note that the proposi-
comfortable when applying for jobs and working in different workplaces. everyone should be able to be comfortable in their own skin as opposed to having to pretend to be someone else in different settings. it has been proven, in the military for example, that orientation and gender identification doesn’t affect performance. in the event
that this is passed, students are given more of a freedom to apply for positions that they once felt shut out from. this is not only a student issue, as stated earlier; this is a human rights issue. so, the landscape of potential faculty and staff members could be changing as well. Of course, opposition will bring up the discrimination policy of many institutions, organizations and companies, but this legislation simply narrows the room for error in a case that is gaining momentum in terms of civil rights. as of april 25, eNDa had 56 supporters from the senate and 193 from the House. the bill was presented on the senate floor Monday. express your opinions by sending the staff a tweet at @vsuspectator.
Spectator Staff Editor-in-Chief: Jennifer Gleason Managing Editor: will Lewis Business Manager: Kristen Varney Advertising Manager: aimee Napier Circulation Manager: abbie Baggerly Opinions Editor: stephen Cavallaro Features Editor: sarah turner
Sports Editor: eric Jackson Photo Editor: ritsuki Miyazaki Multimedia Editor: rebecka Mcaleer Web Designer: John Preer Copy Editor: Olivia McLean Social Media Editor: Joe adgie Faculty Advisers: Dr. Pat Miller, Dr. ted
People Poll Given the recent Miami Dolphins incident: Is hazing an issue in America and/or across campus? Why?
Check out the Video People Poll online at:
Letter to the editor: VSU, reinvest in cleaner fuel are you concerned that the money you spend supports sweatshops in Bangladesh and elsewhere, perpetuating the misery of millions of our fellow human beings? Undoubtedly many of us are concerned, and we understand that we can make a difference in the world by being more judicious about where we shop. as ethical consumers become more aware of the need for greater social responsibility in the marketplace—exemplified by the fair trade movement—growing numbers producers are responding to our demands. the result is that positive changes are taking place in numerous industries all over the world. You’ll recall that it was divestment that contributed to the end of the racist apartheid system in south africa and to a decline in smoking in the United states. the same principles are at work right here on campus in s.a.V.e.’s fossil fuel divestment campaign. for the greater good, namely to stabilize the climate, s.a.V.e. is urging our administration to withdraw funds from corporations that produce and distribute carbon-based fuels and to reinvest them elsewhere. Divesting from oil and gas will encourage companies who specialize in producing energy to bring cleaner fuels to the market. Only by demanding corporate accountability and responsibility can we safeguard public health and allow our fragile
planet begin to heal itself. without this pressure, however, oil and gas companies have no incentive to change. some will argue that VsU’s coal, oil, and gas investments yield good returns, but i’d counter that there are plenty of other options promising solid returns these days. in fact, the last time i checked, the standard and Poor’s 500 index was up 23% from a year ago. so, the yield argument is a nonstarter. Moreover, if administrators really believed what they preach about education, they would see the fossil fuel problem holistically as members of s.a.V.e. do. they’d understand that what the professors in Geosciences are teaching their students is connected to what professors in Philosophy and religious studies, and professors in History, and sociology, anthropology, and Criminal Justice are teaching their students; namely, that we live in a globally interconnected world, and that failure to look beyond shortterm time horizons is irresponsible. indeed, there seems no better way to connect the disciplines—seen as an important issue in education—than over this issue. as an educator, i am extremely proud of this group of student activists who have taken to heart everything that they have learned here at VsU. Let’s follow their lead. Dr. Matthew richard associate Professor
Contacting Us Geltner, Keith warburg Reporters/Photographers: abbie Baggerly, Jordan Barela, Khiry Clements, essah Cole, Jessica Cooke, Cole edwards, allison ericson, Neil frawley, Olivia Gear, Brian Hickey, Victoria Johnson, David Lacy, isaiah smart, taylor stone, shane thomas, alex tostado, alexis waters, Von Kennedy, Hilary straba
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Online at Opinions expressed in the spectator other than editorials are the opinions of the writers of signed columns and not necessarily those of the spectator and its staff. all rights reserved. reprints by permission of the editors. Views in this newspaper are not necessarily those of the Valdosta state University administration, faculty and staff.
NOVEMBER 7, 2013
Drag show to raise awareness Isaiah Smart s ta f f w r i t e r
Hair will flow and hands will clap as the Gay straight alliance at VsU brings Drag Delight to campus next thursday. every year, Gsa puts on Drag Delight, a drag show, to raise funds and awareness for world aiDs Day. the event grows every year and brings in not only students and staff but community members as well.
Drag Delight 2013 will feature nine performances of drag queens and kings, a variety of sweepstakes, special recognitions and food during intermission. Brandon williams and Jason sininger created the event nine years ago. williams, who also goes by Deanna Dagger, has been the host for the past eight years and will return as this year’s host alongside raquel Payne. “i love being able to give back not only to the LGBt community but to everyone
by entertaining,� williams said. “aiDs is a disease that affects everyone. to be able to bring awareness about HiV/aiDs is a gift in itself.� `Drag Delight has raised over $8,000 in the past; this year’s executive board aims to raise $2,000. “we are looking most forward to the moment at the end of the night when we count up all of our donations and proceeds to announce how much we’ve earned,� Kris Duncan, Gsa treasurer, said.
this year’s proceeds will be donated to the Names Project – an aiDs Memorial Quilt foundation based in florida. Planning for Drag Delight 2013 has been underway since last year. while planning, the organization paid attention to every detail to ensure that participants and attendees have an enjoyable experience. General admission tickets are $5 in advance and $10 at the door. ViP tickets are $10 in advance and $20 at the
“AIDS is a disease
that affects everyone. To be able to bring awareness about HIV/AIDS is a gift in itself.� - Brandon williams, event creator
door but are limited in quantity. a ViP ticket includes a raffle ticket, a signed poster from the performers, early access to food during intermission, photos with the per-
formers and priority seating. Drag Delight will be held in all three of the student Union Ballrooms. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., and the show begins at 7:30 p.m. it is suggested that attendants arrive as early as possible. for more information, contact Megan Pugh, Gsa president, at or Kirsty Douglas, Gsa vice president, at
Gaga has bad luck, they read her ‘pokerface’
ello, world—anthoout with the update that songny here bringing you writer teddy riley is suing the her for latest celebri$500,000 for ty gossip that unpaid royalhad us ties on the buzzing this song “teeth.� past week. whew. it seems someone Anthony Pope Hollywood needs to has caught a throw Gaga a major case of the babies. life vest. Between all the negseveral stars have revealed ative press and the not-sopregnancies in the last week. nice reviews of her new alGwen stefani, Olivia bum, we may be seeing the wilde, Drew Barrymore and end of the pop star. No shade Kerry washington are all reno tea, but Britney spears portedly pregnant with babies also released a new single due in the spring and sumthis week that didn’t leak earmer. ly. it’s apparent that there Maybe Gaga can get some won’t be a shortage of new help from another troubled baby pictures gracing magasinger. Pop star Justin Bieber zine covers next year. was spotted coming out of a Lady Gaga is having a brothel in Brazil last weekrough week. first up, her end. fourth studio album “artPop� Biebs was reportedly at the leaked online over the weekbrothel for over five hours, end. Leaks are normal for an but no word on if he engaged album, but this was a full in any “activities� with nine days before the album Brazilian prostitutes. was released. Ouch! that’s it for Pop addict then came the news that this week. Check back next she was parting ways with week to see what your faher manager of over seven vorite celebrities are up to. years. she rounded that news
Pop Addict
Ritsuki Miyazaki / THE SPECTATOR Cast members of Shakespeare’s “As you Like It� practice at Wednesday’s final dress rehearsal before the premiere show tonight.
Play to find love on stage Cole Edwards s ta f f w r i t e r
if you think the hunt for true, romantic love is a quest today, imagine how difficult it was in the 17th century. the VsU theatre and dance department will premiere shakespeare’s “as You Like it.� the play explores the nature of love and the often-bumpy road it takes to find love. the play will premiere this evening at 7:30 p.m. in the sawyer theatre on the first floor of the VsU fine
arts Building. the play’s heroine, rosalind, is trying to find and capture the heart of her beloved. along the way, she arranges four other marriages in her quest to prove that love is the greatest treasure of all. the early-1600s play is a spirited, romantic comedy set in the pastoral setting of the forest of arden. “as You Like it� includes two of shakespeare’s most famous quotes, including “all the world’s a stage� and “too much of a good thing.� the play uses humorous de-
vices of mistaken identity and missed opportunities. the play will be driven by the 29 cast members and a crew team of 10 members. the theatre department hopes for a large audience due to the work of the students, as well as the popularity of shakespeare. “shakespeare tends to be more popular amongst students, so we encourage them to plan accordingly,� Jacque wheeler, professor of theatre and area chair, said. wheeler said the last shakespeare play they put on was “romeo and Juliet,�
but they were looking to do a comedy this time around since this is the last play of the semester. the show will run every evening at 7:30 p.m. until wednesday except for sunday’s show which will begin at 3 p.m. students are admitted free of charge with a valid VsU iD but can reserve a seat by stopping by the box office and leaving a $5 refundable deposit. the box office is open Monday through saturday 2-5 p.m. tickets can also be reserved by calling 229-333-5973.
Hedgehog returns with kicking vengeance
fter 2006, many thought that sonic was finished, but then the impossible happened: a sonic boom. after hits like sonic Unleashed, sonic Colors and sonic Generations, many wondered what sonic would do on next generation systems. sonic Lost world was announced exclusive to Nintendo and seems to have been heavily influenced by the company itself. is this title for the wii U all it’s cracked up to be? the story begins with sonic and tails in their plane trying to save
an animal capsule from eggman. Deadly six. all of the voice acting Unfortunately, sonic is great, and a lot of the and tails are shot out cut scenes are fun to of the sky, and they watch and even dark at land on a small landtimes. form called “the Lost the “boost to Hex.� win� gameplay formula with Steven Setser this landform is of the past few sonic home to the Deadly games is gone. for the six: six evil mutants first time, players have who look like they fell out of the a “parkour� system that allows skylanders universe. eggman is sonic to run up obstacles, run teamed up with the Deadly six, but along walls and catch himself from of course they turn on him. for the instant death. Other moves return rest of the game, sonic, tails and such as the spin dash, bounce ateggman must team up to defeat the tack and double jump. sonic has a
Spec Tech
new kicking move that he uses to disarm certain enemies to finish them with a homing attack. also, for the first time, just pushing the analog stick forward will cause sonic to walk. to run, you must also hold the Zr trigger. seGa wants players to have three different types of speed so that all players can join in on the fun.
continue this week’s spectech on the webspectator!
Sonic the Hedgehog
NOVEMBER 7, 2013
PagE 5 | VsusPEctatOR.cOM
Blazer basketball upcoming schedules
Mens: November November November November November November December December Eric Jackson/ The Spectator VSU guard Jalen Crawford is prepared to lead the Blazers’ back to a conference championship game.
Wool of a black sheep
Eric Jackson S p o rt S E d i to r
Jalen Crawford slides off a down screen to find some wiggle room in the corner of the floor during practice. After inhaling a crisp pass from one of his new teammates, Jalen doesn't hesitate. At the peak of his leap the ball releases off his fingertips almost picturesquely- he assuredly stares at the ball in mid-air as it sails toward the rim. Swoosh. that's what the Crawford brothers call playing “unconscious”. the trigger- happy offensive method was authenticated by three boys from the Westside of detroit. “You see a shot you like and you take it. You see a good pass you take it, and you don't think about it. if it doesn’t go how you planned [then] move on to the next play,” Crawford said. the Bradley University transfer is grateful to find another route on his quest to be the final Crawford to play professional basketball. Jalen is trying to iron out a few more wrinkles in his game before the season starts Monday night. there's no doubt that his tenacious work ethic derives from his lifelong thirst of reaching the NBA someday like his older brothers Joe and Jordan - but mainly from his beloved passion for the game as he patiently awaits his own destiny. His destiny perhaps could rest nowhere near a basketball court. don't tell that to him though. Even a steeled barricade can't stop him from accomplishing his primary goal. “i'm never going to stop chasing my dream,” Crawford said. “if i play here for two years and don't get an offer somewhere immediately, i'm going to keep chasing that dream, until i can't no more. right now i'm just focusing on my time here in Valdosta.” Jalen so far is enjoying the southern hospitality he has never experienced – a change of scenery from his previous peoria, ill. “He comes down here and doesn't have an ego, doesn't have an attitude,” VSU head coach Mike Helfer said. “He's treating this like an opportunity; he's trying to make the most of. He hasn't played a game yet but you can already tell. As a coach you can tell if a player is getting it or not. He gets everything. i don't even have to finish my sentence.” Jalen arrives to South Georgia with plenty critics to match his supporters – the same folk who consider him a disappointment, the ones who can't accept that he's not going to miraculously wake up with his brother Jordan's uncanny scoring ability or Joe's paralyzing crossover. this notion is outright unfair unfair being an understatement. there are no bones to be made about Jalen coming from a basketball family. the Crawford boys first drew attention in the bustling neigh-
borhoods of the Motor City, where numerous distinguished ballers first got their start. A city so nourished by the sport that its dwellers were excited to elect mayor and former detroit piston great dave Bing in 2009. ironically, the brothers' mother and biggest supporter, Silvia, is a former publicist for the city who worked under the Basketball Hall of Fame inductee. Joseph Sr and Silvia Crawford's first son of the trio was Joe Crawford ii. the former standout at Kentucky went on to play in the NBA with brief stints with the Los Angeles Lakers and New York Knicks. the swingman has recently played overseas for the Beijing ducks and Maccabi rishon. Joe, 27, garnered Mcdonalds All-American honors at renaissance High School before graduating in 2004. Meanwhile, three miles north, middle brother Jordan starred at neighboring magnet school, detroit's Communication and Media Arts School, where he too electrified crowds night in and night out. Jordan attended prep school, Hargrave Military Academy, following high school. While Joe's NBA career was struggling to blossom, Jordan became the most popular of his brothers once he transferred to Xavier in 2008 from indiana. the former first round draft pick generated national attention the following summer of 2009 when a video featuring Crawford dunking on LeBron James at a Nike mini-camp surfaced. rumors stating that the recorded videos of the action were confiscated by Nike under the request of James added to the significance of the account. Jordan currently plays for the Boston Celtics. if you need any greater example of the kind of confidence this family breeds, Jordan made headlines once after publicly claiming that he was a better baller than Michael Jordan. the statement was so blasphemous that Jalen seconded it then declared himself better than MJ too. “When you come from where we come from, nobody is better than you. You never let someone say they better than you,” Crawford said. “JC” as his friends tagged him with, was born July 2., 1992, and he says it feels like yesterday when he reminisces on his earliest basketball memories. the communications major says balling with his brothers in the harshest conditions, where fights and disputes were common, was a major reason behind his aggressive style. Joe and Jordan were the typical bully big brothers that refused to let baby brother win – at any cost. Nowadays, Jalen is sending his game tapes back and forth to his siblings for constructive criticism. “they're three peas in a pod,” dave Amata, director of Basketball operations at impact Academy, said. “they're always joking with each other. they're always looking out for each other and
giving each other advice. if Jordan or Joe have any opportunity to be around Jalen, they're going to be at his game.” the transfer's career began 15 minutes north of the detroit river at oak park High School, where he displayed raw talent his brothers refined - he averaged 21 points a night his senior year. three year varsity lettermen for the Knights, Crawford followed Jordan's prep school route and attended impact Academy (Las Vegas) after high school for a shot at more exposure. He finds his time in Sin City to be an essential step that “molded” him into the player he is today - from getting into the finest shape to tightening up his handle in transition. Crawford subsequently took his skills to BU over tCU, pepperdine, providence, and Northeastern with confidence of eventually being the program's cornerstone. the twenty-one year old played in 65 games for the Braves as reserve role player in two seasons. tired of riding the pine, the junior guard decided to go somewhere he could showcase. despite things never panning out the way he wished at BU, the 6'2’’ combo guard truly believes he has found a home under coach Helfer. “i was getting the college basketball experience at Bradley, but not playing is not the same,” Crawford said. “i've always wanted to be in those late game situations and being a key player to the team. At Bradley i wasn't getting what i've always dream of.” Sigh. Jalen can dream again. He may not be as gifted as his brothers. But guess what? He's perfectly comfortable with that. regardless of what happens in two years or twenty, the brotherly trio will forever flock together. Anyone who knows the closeknit family will agree that the clan could never stamp Jalen as a black sheep – they love him too much for that nonsense.
Womens: 11 - Trinty Baptist November 11 - Trinty Baptist 16 - Florida Memorial November 16 - Webber International 17 - Carver Bible November 23 - Georgia Southwestern 23 - Johnson Smith November 26 - at Eckerd 26 - at Albany State November 30 - at Saint Leo 30 - at Lynn December 14 - West Florida 14 - West Florida December 19 - at Lee 19 - at Lee December 22 - Lynn
PagE 6 | VsusPEctatOR.cOM
UWF too cool for school Alex Tostado A s s t. s p o rt s E d i t o r
Blazer soccer has been filled with ups and downs this season, and i expect the Gulf south Conference tournament to be the same way. the Blazers have lost three games this season, all in october. the team finished the season 3-3 but still solidified its place in the tournament. the tournament opens for the women with North Alabama playing West Alabama. this 4-5 matchup can be intriguing, although the winner goes on to play West Florida.
i still like West Alabama to take this game and play the hosts on Friday afternoon. With the first round game against a 4-9-5 AlabamaHuntsville, i, like many people, expect VsU to make its way to the Friday matchup against the No. 2 seeded Christian Brothers. VsU went to CBU on sept. 22 and won 2-1. this game is a tossup for me, and i feel like i need to flip a coin to determine this winner. However, i don’t think CBU’s extra day of rest will be enough
to take down the Blazers. VsU will come out and take this game in a slugfest, 3-2. UWF is expected to roll past UWA. UWA will put up a fight (after all, it is still a conference matchup), but they will not have what it takes to take down the defending national champs. UWF will win this one 3-1. this is where the “downs” of the tournament come in for VsU. West Florida is too experienced and too deep for the Blazers. don’t be surprised to see VsU show the fact that they have played three games in four days as opposed to UWF’s two games in four days. the Argonauts will win this one, 2-1.
Blazers welcome Eagles Shane Thomas s p o rt s W r i t E r
the VsU men’s basketball team opens its season Monday against the trinity Baptist Eagles. the Blazers have 11 new players around preseason AllGulf south Conference forward david Murray, forward Colin Cook and guard dylan Nsiah. Head coach Mike Helfer admits he is excited to start the season but warns that his team still has room to improve. “i think we’re getting better slowly,” Helfer said. ”it’s a process that’s going to take some time. We do some things right, and we do some things wrong
right now because we just don’t know. the one thing we’re doing well is (playing) really hard, which has been a staple here for a while.” Hosting non-conference trinity Baptist will be an immediate test as the Eagles, who tipped off their season oct. 31, finished last season with a 24-6 record and won the NCCAA south region Championship. “You’re going to try to play good competition whether it be outside the league or in your league,” Helfer said. “We’re excited about getting to opening night. i have a lot of respect for John (Jones) over at trinity and what they do. Hopefully we’ll come ready to play.” in preparation for the Eagles, Helfer believes rebounding will
be the difference against the Eagles. “We want to make sure we can rebound the basketball,” Helfer said. “the teams that can really hone in on that are the teams that are going to have success.” the Blazers will be at home for the first four games of the season as they welcome Florida Memorial, Carver Bible and Johnson C. smith to the p.E. Complex for the Comfort suites Classic. “Every game is important whether you play home or on the road,” Helfer explained. “it’s nice to be playing at home, but it doesn’t guarantee you a lot. it’ll be important that we come out on Monday and play well from the start.”
VSU to host Trinty Baptist Chris Kessler s p o rt s W r i t E r
the VsU Lady Blazers will look to get their season started on the right foot when they play their season-opener this Monday against trinity Baptist, despite battling with injuries in the preseason. despite being limited in the pre-season, Coach Kiley Hill isn't lowering his expectations. “if our expectations aren't high this time of year, then i probably need to get out of the profession,” Hill said. “i think this team has a chance to be very, very good.” the good news for the Lady Blazers is they are expected to have at least 10 players available on Monday. the bad news is they're still unsure of who will start. “We probably have a set three, but it's going to come down to a couple kids and what they do in our scrimmage when we go to Columbus for a quick scrimmage,” Hill said. “We'll see how
that goes, and i'll make a determination on saturday. it's just a matter of us figuring out who can do what and who can play the best together. it may not be the best players, but it'll be the five who play the best together.” it's safe to say VsU won't be fully in sync yet, but Coach Hill still demands effort from his team despite the adversity. “there are two things we demand and expect, one is maximum effort and two is playing through positions, and that is the foundation for the other things we're doing,” Hill said. “i'm going to put the kids who do two things, one is play with all their heart on every possession, and they're going to play through possession. those kids do that and defend every possession and somewhere in that find a shot and not turn it over, those kids are going to play.” trinity Baptist is coming off a 25-7 campaign from last season that saw the Eagles go undefeated in the NCCAA southeast region. However, the Eagles have struggled out of the gate with a 0-2 record.
“they're very athletic and can take you off the (dribble), and if we don't play smart it won't be good for us,” Hill said. “We're going to have to able to shoot well from the perimeter, we'll have to play inside-out, they'll play us a ton of zone, they'll press a little bit, we have to be very fundamental, and offensively we have to attack with a purpose. We're going to have to defend well, we better be able to (rebound) well, and we have to be able to value to basketball. those are the three big ones, and if we can do that we can put ourselves in a good position for success.” VsU defeated trinity Baptist in last season's opener 64-51. the Lady Blazers will have their mental toughness tested just as much as their basketball ability in the early parts of the season as they deal with injuries. “We're trying to figure out who's willing to consistently be a practice player as well as a game player,” Hill said. tip-off is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Monday at the p.E. Complex.
NOVEMBER 7, 2013
GSC women’s soccer heads down to the beach Blazers are amped for shot at conference title Alex Tostado A s s t. s p o rt s E d i t o r
six of the eight eligible women’s soccer teams remain alive to battle it out for the rights to the Gulf south Conference tournament title. the tournament begins today when the No. 5 seed, North Alabama, takes on in-state rival and No. 4 seed, West Alabama. No. 3 seed, Valdosta state, will take on the No. 6 seed, University of Alabama-Huntsville, in the night cap. West Florida comes into the tournament as the favorites after posting a record of 12-0-3 (9-01). the No. 3 team in the nation is also playing host to the tournament for the fifth straight year. Christian Brothers, No. 2 seed, along with UWF will have
a first round bye and will not play until tomorrow. the matchup between VsU 93-3 (5-2-3) and UAH 4-9-5 (26-2) is one that head coach Mel Heinz and the Blazers are not taking lightly. Coach Heinz saw her No. 3 seeded Blazers in 2012 get knocked out in the first round of the tournament by a No. 6 seeded West Georgia.
“ We already know that the teams we are getting ready to play we have beaten or tied -CoaCh Mel heinz
“We are the three seed; they are the six seed… Let’s act like a third seed,” Coach Heinz said. “Let’s pass well, let’s shoot
more; let’s do everything better.” the path to a GsC title is not an easy one, but according to Heinz, it can be done. “We already know that the teams we are getting ready to play (UAH, CBU and possibly UWF) we have beaten or tied,” Coach Heinz said. “Confidencewise, we need to take from that and say, ‘Look, it can be done; you’ve got to do it again, but if you can do it once, you can do it twice.’” Coach Heinz has a lot of confidence in her squad this season and believes there is no reason the Blazers cannot win. “[i have been telling the players] that you are the higher seed,” Coach Heinz said. “[i am telling them] to use our strengths and remember our strengths and do what we do. pass better, shoot more, play hard and win every 50-50 ball.”