The Spectator Online Edition, March 6, 2014

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March 6, 2014

W W W. V S U S p E C TAT o r . C o M

Inside This Issue

Roll those clocks forward on Sun day, VSU! Day light savings is upon us!

- opinionS: Distribution list serves up spam - FEATUrES: Pokemon “catches ‘em all” - SporTS: Heinz uses D-1 savvy at VsU

Today at VSU safe breaks rule! -the Offices of alcohol and Other Drug education and Health Promotions will have information on driving under the influence of intoxicants, alcohol poisoning, fun in the sun, over-driving, and stDs. free movie! -Come to the student life Office and sign up to win a free ticket to roboCop at Valdosta’s stadium 16 cinemas. social justice -women and Gender studies is hosting a new type of dialogue at 6:15 p.m. in the student Union theatre.this production has pieces that men will be performing as well as men's stories on violence from the perspective of watching violence towards women and more. Proceeds will go to charity. get vertical! -stack some crates with your fellow students at the rec Centers annual Crate stacking competition. entry is only $5 and the event begins at 7.


On the Web w w w. v s u s p e c ta t o r. c o m

Check out Neil Frawley’s preview to the Gulf South women’s hoops tourney!

SGA votes ‘yes’ to divest Joe Adgie sOCial MeDia eDitOr

saVe’s (students against Violating the environment) divestment campaign now has the support of the student Government association. the sGa voiced their approval at their Monday night meeting, a few months after saVe failed to gain the sGa’s support. saVe President Danielle Jordan attended the meeting

Provost: finalist come to final round

and explained that divestment−meaning withdrawing investments−from fossil fuel companies would bring about a minimal impact to VsU’s endowment fund, if an impact existed at all. “we’re working with a really small portion of the endowment portfolio, five percent or less,” Jordan said. “we’re trying to divest from the top 200 fossil fuel extraction companies.” Jordan called the five percent an estimate based off of

a national average of endowment portfolios, and the actual number is unknown because the VsU foundation has not given saVe the exact number. Jordan also said the negative impacts from this divestment would be minimal, and the positives would “far outweigh any setbacks” this divestment would cause. senator Matt Cowan, who attended an informational session of saVe after the initial sGa rejection, explained

where the divested money would go. “the money will be going to, if i’m correct, long-term investments toward more green-fuel projects,” Cowan said. “in the long-term end of it, it would actually increase profit.” Cowan also said that with the amount being so low, the endowment portfolio would not be damaged by a company going bankrupt. Jordan explained that re-investment would be an ideal

Abbie Baggerly

s ta f f w r i t e r

s ta f f w r i t e r

This Day in History Aspirin cuts people a break for the first time on this day in 1899, the Imperial patent office in Berlin registers aspirin, the brand name for acetylsalicylic acid, on behalf of the German pharmaceutical company Friedrich Bayer & co. Source:

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S e e S AV E , p a g e 2

New event speaks out against violence

Curtain call at last:

LaMarcus Wilkerson VsU is nearly finished with its search for a new provost/vice president of academic affairs. the nationwide search has been ongoing since summer 2012, and the VsU Provost and Vice President of academic affairs search Committee now has three finalists for the second highest position at VsU. the finalists are Dr. Hudson rogers, a dean at florida Gulf Coast University, Dr. alberto ruiz, a dean at texas a&M University-Kingsville and Dr. stephen Kolison, Jr., an associate vice president for the University of wisconsin system. ruiz was the first to visit the university. He holds a doctorate in physical education from the University of Houston and currently occupies the dean position for the College of education and Human Performance at texas a&M University-Kingsville. second, VsU welcomed rogers, who received his Doctor of Business administration in Marketing from the University of Memphis and has held the dean position at fGCU for three years. Kolison was the last finalist to come to the campus, visiting March 3-4. He received a Doctor of Philosophy from iowa state University, and he has held his position for over six years. each contestant’s visit consisted of an on-campus interview, a campus tour, breakfast with the search committee and a close meeting with VsU President william McKinney. VsU officials are unable to go into specifics about finalists, but Dr. McKinney believes candidates should possess several qualities. “a successful provost is entrepreneurial and visionary and understands the rapidly changing landscape of higher education here in Georgia and across the country,” Dr. McKinney said.

situation, but the current goal is to divest from fossil fuel companies within the next five years. senator Micah Howell wondered out loud just how effective this divestment would be. “the five percent seems like a walk around [the actual amount],” Howell said. “if we go for it or not go for it, we as a senate cannot physically do anything.”

Sierra King / The SpecTaTor

Moviegoers stand outside Ashley Cinemas on Sunday night, the icon’s last night. Ashley Cinemas opened in 1979 and was affectionately known as the ‘dollar theatre.’

Valdosta students say goodbye to local icon Will Lewis eDitOr-in-CHief

after nearly 30 years of business, students will have to say goodbye to a local icon. ashley Cinemas, deemed the “Dollar theater,” closed its doors March 2. the theater closed due to a recent decision made by film distributors to cease production of movies in 35mm film, the kind used by the projectors at ashley Cinemas, and instead use the more popular digital format for modern theater projectors. “the theater has been operating for almost 35 years and has been in the Georgia theatre Company family for 23 years,” Bo Chambliss, Georgia theatre Company president, said in an interview with the Valdosta Daily times. “the theater industry is going through a dynamic change and ashley Cinemas has fallen victim to those circumstances.” GtC issued a statement to the Valdosta Daily times saying that replacing the old 35mm projectors at ashley Cinemas would be cost prohibitive. the improvement would also push ticket prices up from the current $2.50 price. VsU purchased the ashley Cinemas lot in January 2012

Summer Yates / The SpecTaTor

“Coming Soon” posters are ominously absent at Ashley Cinemas. The Cinema closed its doors after 35 years.

for nearly $2.4 million. the theater continued to lease the property but GtC issued a statement earlier this semester that it planned to terminate its lease by March 6. Currently, VsU is planning on constructing an indoor softball stadium on the lot. “an indoor batting/pitching building that will be used for practice is already under construction in the east parking lot of the theater behind the steel’s Diamond at Blazer Park scoreboard,” thressea Boyd, VsU director of communications, said in an email. “Construction should be completed by end of March.” “at this time there are no confirmed plans for the building,” Boyd said. “the parking lot continues to be used for north campus parking.”

students shouldn't fear expensive movie theater prices. Boyd said that CaB shows free movies at least once a month. “students organizations can also work with CaB to arrange movie showings that are open to all students,” Boyd said. students living in dorms can also take advantage of movies on demand, which are offered through cable in their rooms. ashley Cinemas was first introduced as a small fourscreen theater in 1979. it operated as a traditional theater, receiving new releases, until May 2003 when the larger and more modern stadium 16 theater was built next to Valdosta Colonial Mall.

women’s and Gender studies will be presenting “a Memory, a Monologue, a rant and a Prayer” March 68 at 7 p.m. in the student Union theater. “a Memory, a Monologue, a rant and a Prayer” is a groundbreaking collection of monologues by worldrenowned authors and playwrights. VsU students will perform the monologues to raise awareness about domestic violence. “these diverse voices rise up in a collective roar to break open, expose and examine the insidiousness of violence at all levels: brutality, neglect, a punch, even a put-down,” said Kaylan Hand, director of VsU’s Vday, a group committed to ending violence against women and girls. Offering a cross-cultural perspective, this performance demonstrates how both men and women can be victims of domestic violence. “we want to change people’s perspectives so that we may one day be able to change the world’s view on domestic violence,” Hand said. the performance is a charity event designed to help women in and around our community overcome their own situations and start a new life. all proceeds from the performance will be donated: 10 percent will go toward VDay’s 1 Billion rising for Justice Campaign, and 90percent will be donated to the Haven, a local shelter for battered women, and VsU’s women’s and Gender studies sexual assault Program. tickets for the performance will be $5 with a student iD and $10 for general admission. they can be purchased at the women’s and Gender studies building, and only cash is accepted. “we all have to rise up in order to see a change in this issue,” Hand said.

PAge 2 | vsusPeCtAtoR.CoM SAVE Continued from Page 1 Senator Tamelonie Thomas suggested that SAVe start up its own portfolio and compare it to the VSU Foundation’s. Thomas said she did not like the idea of severing relationships with fossil fuel companies, and there were no guarantees with cleaner energy companies. “This is not the gold rush

Upcoming Events March 7 The Society of international Students will have an international Bake Sale on Friday March 7 in front of Nevins Hall from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. The treats being sold will be international treats and proceeds go toward the 38th international Dinner. March 7 VSU Campus recreation is hosting Sink or Swim March 7 from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. This is an opportunity for students to enjoy a swim lesson for free. All interested participants please report to the Campus recreation pool deck March 7 at 2 p.m. March 7 Students can come out and get a ring personalized from 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. in Ballroom A. This event is sponsored by CAB. March 8 The NeDA (National eating Disorder Association) will host a walk on March 8th on the Front Lawn from 9:30 a.m. – 11 a.m. All money raised by participants & sponsors goes back into the non-profit organization to support treatment centers and other resources for those who need help. Support our campus' overall health and beauty perspective and sign up at Contact Tori Baldwin for more information at March 13 Phi Mu is hosting a blood drive March 13 from 10:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Head over to Palms Quad to the one Blood Mobile. March 29 The 38th Annual international Dinner, Journey Around The world, will take place on March 29 at 6 p.m. in the VSU Student Union Ballrooms. Tickets are $10 for VSU students (with VSU iD) and $20 for general admission. Children ages 5 and under are free. Tickets are on sale at the VSU Center for international Programs. Contact Lauren at or 229-333-7140 for more information. VSU Campus recreation wants your feedback! if you have not already done so, please take a moment to complete our 2014 Needs Assessment Survey and enter a drawing for a chance to win one of our many prizes.

that was happening in Alaska,” Thomas said. The vote passed with 23 “yea” votes, six “nay” votes, and five abstentions. with the support of the SGA, SAVe will now go to VSU’s president, Dr. william McKinney, for support and then to the VSU Foundation. Jordan said a rejection of the proposal would reflect badly on the VSU Foundation. “it would show a lack of concern for what the student body wants, what the SGA wants, and the Faculty Senate is in favor of it as well,” Jor dan said. The faculty senate voted unanimously to support the organization back in Novem-

News ber while simultaneously condemning the VSU Foundation for the way it rejected SAVe’s suggestion of divestment. Dr. Michael Noll, faculty advocate for SAVe and parliamentarian for the faculty senate, called the proposal a win-win situation. “it is, from an economic point of view, the best thing to do, if you look at the performance of solar stocks versus fossil fuel stocks in general,” Noll said. Noll expressed the hope that both SAVe and the VSU Foundation would sit down and work out an agreement to get this done. “where there’s a will, there’s a way,” Noll said.

MARCH 6, 2014

Boiler malfunction causes fire at Palms A malfunction with a boiler led to fire trucks being called to Palms Dining on Tuesday. According to Thressea Boyd,

there was no fire at Palms. This is not the first problem to plague boilers at VSU this semester; the boilers at Hop-

per Hall failed several weeks ago and are still in the process of being replaced.

VSU email provides news to some, bothersome to others John Preer weB eDiTor

if you are a VSU student or faculty member, a certain format should be fairly familiar: the initial of your first name, a middle initial (sometimes) and your full last name followed by “” every student is set up with an email address in a similar format when he or she registers at VSU. This email is a useful tool for students because it provides them with a way to maintain contact with professors and colleagues. The VSU email address also serves as a username for Blazeview and Atomic Learning. Students who recently received their VSU email addresses can enjoy a few hours of relative peace and small inbox numbers before the onslaught begins. Almost out of nowhere that fresh, new email inbox is filled with advertisements and random promotions for events and restaurants all around the city. To a lot of students these advertisements are little more than a minor annoyance; however, some actually peruse the emails for deals and offers. Perhaps the most-received emails by students are the VSU Student Activities messages. For students looking for an escape from these emails,

there is a way out. The iT Helpdesk has an entire page on VSU’s website specifically dedicated to teaching users how to filter emails in their inboxes. This page has step-by-step directions for toggling the automatic spam filter, applying new filters and customizing them to fit individual specifications. This is a useful tool for students, but many don’t realize that they have this option available. “i had no idea, but the emails have never bothered me to the point of using the filter,” Charles Cortez, senior biology major, said. Like Charles, not all students despise the automated emails. Some students actually find the emails useful. “i’ll read emails from Blanton Commons, but only because i’ve been interested in living there,” Jaleesa evans, junior communications major, said. There are also a large percentage of students who selectively skim the emails for information that they find useful or interesting. “i’ll read the events-list email from Trisha Taylor, but most of the time i just glance over them,” Kaala white, sophomore early childhood education major, said. Spam mail has become the norm in the digital age, and it seems that VSU’s student body has accepted and assimilated it into everyday life.

Police Briefs Feb. 26 Letarius, a student, wanted to file a report for 2 textbooks being taken within the last two weeks from his dorm room in Patterson hall room 136. Feb. 28 A champagne colored Ford F150 parked in the first row of the physical education complex. The vehicle was removed and moved to oak Street Parking Deck, and two guns were taken from the vehicle. March 3 A lost/stolen wallet was reported. March 4 A student named roman needed to file a report of a stolen textbook from his room at Centennial Hall, room 339.

The Classifieds The Spectator prints free classifieds for students of Valdosta State University only. These must be no more than 40 words, or a $8.00 charge will apply. Classifieds for faculty, staff, student organizations,student-owned businesses and the general public cost $8.00 for up to 40 words. Ads should be sent to The Spectator or delivered to our office in 1238 Hopper Hall. The deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. if payment applies, it should be submitted in a sealed envelope at the time the ad is placed. Ads must be accom-

panied by the name and phone number of the person submitting the ad. Ads must be resubmitted each week, as necessary. The Spectator address is: 1500 N. Patterson St.,Valdosta, GA 31698. Our email address is The Spectator reserves the right to reject any classified ad. All ads are subject to standard editing procedures. The Spectator is not responsible for mistakes due to a submitted error. The categories for classifieds include: For Sale, wanted, roommates and Help wanted.

ISO Roommate Roommate Needed: $375 Rent Includes all utilities. Available:1 bdrm in a 3 bdrm house. Lease Jan through July. Email Ashley:

ISO Housing ISO private room to rent with several males. Able to pay up to $400/month for utilities,internet & cable. Prefer own bathroom if possible. Need access to washer & dryer. Supply own groceries. Contact Jasper at 229-415-8607.

For Rent


Sell Your Stuff Here! Have a Job? PoSt it Here! email:

acnaPier @v aldoSta . edu


march 6, 2014 | page 3

Distribution list serves up spam T

ired of your important emails being lost under a pile of spam messages? So are we. Every day, VSU students receive dozens of messages from various clubs, groups and organizations−burying essential emails from professors and classmates. Highpriority emails, like Campus Alert, become lost within this disorienting system. Despite the haphazard appearance of email distribution, there is a system currently in place, but it is ultimately insufficient in controlling these bulk messages. When a VSU-affiliated organization produces an announcement, it must first be sent to and approved by a list of moderators. These moderators are made up of

members from the Communications Department, Information Technology, the Registrar Office and many other VSU departments. Once approved, the announcements are collected into a single email to group members. The email addresses of students, faculty and staff fall into three different VSU Distribution groups. When a VSU group (or other external domain) dispatches emails to the school, they are sent to the appropriate audience. Although this dizzying output of quasi-informative spam is not harmful to your computer, it can definitely slow down productivity and increase annoyance. These unwanted emails must be controlled and regulated.

Brian A. Haugabrook, interim chief information officer of IT, is on the radar of his department. “IT is evaluating different options for people to subscribe to these lists,” Haugabrook said. “We will be evaluating with the communications team on the proper set-up for groups.” Haugabrook says that students can still control the flow of incoming emails. “One option is to separate emergency/high-importance emails into their own distribution lists,” Haugabrook said. “Students, faculty and staff have too many emails going out daily.” Haugabrook promises that progress is on the way. “This semester has been challenging with the new

HSBA (Health Sciences and Business Administration) building,” he said. “We will be able to make more progress in April.” Until these changes are made, filters and other methods of mail regulation are available. Students can create folders for these unwanted messages and drag them out of their inbox into a folder marked as appropriate (spam, trash, etc.). Students can also format their email accounts to automatically send unwanted mail to these separate folders, creating more space and time to see important emails. Although these filters are helpful, we at the Spectator find this surplus of electronic mail unacceptable. It is an issue that must be solved by

Rebecka McAleer/ THE SPECTATOR

those in charge of distributing it. It is not the responsibility of the students to compromise with this mess, but that of our university to take action when a campus-wide is-

sue arises. For further questions or concerns, the IT Helpdesk is accessible at 229-245-4357 to help alleviate any frustration.

This editorial was written by a member of the editorial staff and expresses the general opinion of the Spectator.

People Poll

Being the change you seek Isaiah Smart S TA F F W R I T E R

Silent protests, marches and peaceful gatherings have re-emerged as the precursor to thousand of injuries and months of political unrest. All over the world, citizens have taken it upon themselves to change the environment they live in and make a difference. In the last year alone, citizens from numerous nations have ignited protests and social revolutions. Recently, Ukraine, Russia and Venezuela have been in the news with their own social uprisings. Despite the injuries sustained by these peaceful protesters, I support

their efforts. Most of these protests had peaceful beginnings, but the outcome has been dog attacks, hosing and shootings. nations that lack the democratic process of the United States have been searching for more freedom in their government and a new crop of leaders. Ukraine’s protesters have generally been well-organized and peaceful in their approach, and their cause has increased dramatically over a short time. After one encounter with the police, the group doubled over night. In Venezuela, the largest protests since Hugo Chávez’s death a year ago are centered on gaining the right to freely criticize Venezuela’s government. There have already been

demonstrations concerning high inflation, shortage of basic goods and rampant crime, according to an article in The new York Times. It’s great that people are taking matters into their own hands. Often we speak of change that we want to see but sit around and wait for it to happen. We, no matter who or where we are, can’t expect others to bring about change. We have to be willing to get our hands dirty and sacrifice for the betterment of the world. Always remember that it is better to be proactive than reactive, and this truth applies to large and small issues. Whether it is your grades or the policies of a nation, you have to be the one to initiate change.

Letter to the Editor

cal Monday that normally initiates the fall semester. If we start three days early, we have two extra days in the schedule. We can take those two days and give students back their Fall Break and a full week for Thanksgiving. This also allows us to add a winter break during the spring semester along with the full week of Spring Break. Because of a late start in January, this will have a slight impact on summer, but not as much as one might think. These changes were discussed and essentially approved by the SGA last semester. I provided a survey to the campus that introduced my proposed changes to students and faculty, and a majority of over 270 favored my suggestions and the SGA requests over faculty proposals. The proposed schedule certainly will not please everyone, but we should be able to adapt to changing circumstances to ensure students’ success. This is one of those times.

Jose Hernandez senior economics major

Brittany O’Neal sophmore international business major

“I think it’s being misused. Theres a lot of miscommunication of what it is and who should be on the list.”

“I really just scroll past them and don’t read them.”

Want more opinions? Check out the Video People Poll online at:

Extend finals week I have spent the past year and a half trying to extend finals from a three-day period to something that is more conducive to student success. Too many students find themselves with three or four finals on the same day. no other school in Georgia has such a finals period, and I believe that it is shameful that we subject students to such a condensed timeframe. I recently proposed that we drop dead day and give students four days to take finals. I still think that there should be a five-day exam schedule, but this way no repercussions would be felt throughout the rest of the schedule. That idea was nixed by several departments that use dead day to give exams. To keep a day for special exams, I proposed that we move to a four-day schedule with a “Special Dedicated Exam Day,” which then requires a move for the Monday during finals week. In order to extend finals week and keep the dedicated day, we could start on the Wednesday prior to the typi-

Do you think the VSU distribution list is misused?

The only argument against this proposed schedule is that no other school in the state of Georgia has a winter break, but we can set precedent. We have talked about a culture change at VSU since before Dr. McKinney arrived. It seems that we want a culture change, yet anytime something comes up that starts to alter our culture to better fit our students’ needs, we balk at it. So, I have one question for the university community: do we want to change? If the answer is yes, we have to find the will to change our culture. Ultimately, I don’t care if it is my schedule or a different schedule that is approved. I do care whether or not we have the will to make the necessary changes so that all members of our community have an opportunity to succeed. I believe we do. I hope you do too. This version has been edited. To see complete letter to the editor, visit

Penalty for a potty-mouth Jordan Hill A S S I S TA n T OpInIOnS EDITOR

The nFL is considering penalizing teams 15 yards if players use derogatory slurs, including the n-word and homophobic comments. A second offense could result in ejection from the game. The Fritz pollar Alliance, the diversity organization for the nFL, brought up the idea and the nFL committee will meet soon and decide on the new rule. To approve the change, 24 of 32 teams (75 percent) must approve. Some nBA players, such as Chris Bosh, think the nword is used primarily in a friendly way but also believes it creates uncomfortable situations for players. Steelers safety Ryan Clark disagrees, telling ESpn Radio that he isn't in favor of the nFL penalizing players for saying the n-word during

Spectator Staff Editor-in-Chief: Will Lewis Managing Editor: Olivia McLean Business Manager: Kristen Varney Advertising Manager: Aimee napier Circulation Manager: Sara Turner Opinions Editor: Elan Waite Features Editor: Hillary Straba

Sports Editor: Eric Jackson Photo Editor: Summer Yates Multimedia Editor: Rebecka McAleer Web Designer: John preer Graphic Designer: Galen Coles Copy Editor: John Stephen Social Media Editor: Joe Adgie

a game. "The n-word is used in so many ways that we as black people have learned to make it a term of endearment," Clark said. "If it's used in that way and a white referee comes in and says, 'I'm throwing a flag because I heard you use the n-word,' I would absolutely lose it on the field. I would go nuts."

to think of other words to trash talk with. If the nFL is going to penalize the use of the n-word and gay slurs, it should penalize the use of all slurs that may be offensive to any nFL player. Jonathan Martin, a former Miami Dolphins player, left the team after Richie Incognito harassed him by using

Football is built upon the trash-talking and rivalry of teams, but some players are taking the hatred too far and making it too personal. If players don’t find the nword or gay slurs a problem, why should the committee? What about the players who are offended by the language? It’s better to be safe than sorry, nFL. penalize the mean, ignorant players who do not have the intelligence

racial slurs and threatening his family. As common as derogatory slurs may be in our language, they can still hurt the feelings of men who are 6 feet 3 inches tall and weigh 300 pounds. Feel strongly about nFL players using offensive language? Express your opinions by sending the staff a tweet @vsuspectator.

Contacting Us Faculty Advisers: Dr. pat Miller, Dr. Ted Geltner, Keith Warburg Reporters/Photographers: Stephen Cavallaro , Khiry Clements, Jessica Cooke, Allison Ericson, Jordan Hill, Tyra Mills, Isaiah Smart ,Taylor Stone Alejandro Tostado, Alexis Waters, Christopher Webb, Lamarcus Wilkerson

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VSU Spectator 1500 N. Patterson St., Valdosta, GA 31698 Letters must include name, year in school, major, job title or other appropriate identification and phone number for verification. Letters should be no longer than 300 words in length. Letters are subject to editing for style, length, grammar, and libelous material. not all letters are published. Letters should be typed and turned in with a disk, or e-mailed as an attachment by Tuesdays before 5 p.m.

Online at Opinions expressed in the Spectator other than editorials are the opinions of the writers of signed columns and not necessarily those of the Spectator and its staff. All rights reserved. Reprints by permission of the editors. Views in this newspaper are not necessarily those of the Valdosta State University administration, faculty and staff.

PAge 4 | vsusPeCtAtoR.CoM


MARCH 6, 2014

Pokemon ‘catches `em all’ Website surprises with response to multiplayer gaming experiment The Infinite Monkey Theorem states, “With one thousand monkeys typing on a typewriter, eventually one will write Shakespeare.” That deduction was considered when an anonymous programmer decided to create a program that allowed multiple people to play the same game simultaneously. The social experiment named “Twitch Plays Pokemon” began on Feb. 12, and was hosted by the website The concept was simple: people would type in commands and the character, named red, would execute them; eventually, with enough time and effort, the game would be completed. Once the game started, people immediately began typing commands. The website featured a real-time stream of the game’s screen, a clock to document the

amount of time elapsed and the feed of commands typed in by the participating Twitch users. As the stream became more and more popular, more users joined Twitch to take part in the fun.

Spec Tech with Joseph Albahari

According to a blog post made by the Twitch website, 1,165,140 users entered commands to help red finish his Pokémon journey. Over nine million people watched the stream without entering commands. After a struggle with an ingame puzzle that caused the game to come to a halt, the

programmer introduced the “Anarchy and Democracy” system. This meant that while people entered commands, others could vote for anarchy or democracy. While in anarchy mode, all commands were input into the game. In democracy mode, voting on commands took place and the character was able to finally overcome the puzzle. After 16 days, seven hours, 45 minutes and 30 seconds, red defeated his rival and the game credits began to roll. By the end of the game, the stream had over 36 million views. The final roster of the Pokémon red used was: an Omastar, Pidgeot, Venomoth, Zapdos, Lapras and a Nidoking. While watching the stream, fans began to create their own mythology, religions and political standings within the game. The main belief to

Millions of people gather online to participate in’s second Pokemon multiplayer game. Each individual player types commands to move the game’s character through different areas.

‘Blazer Buddies’ work to spread literacy Jessica Ingram S TA F F W r I T E r

With the help of VSU student volunteers, the Sullivan Literacy Center is helping local children learn how to read. Dr. Gina Doepker, Sullivan Literacy Center director, said the goal of the center is to increase the confidence, motivation, and skills of children in regards to reading and writing. “Our mission is to be an integrated system of care for these children and their families throughout Valdosta and the surrounding areas,” Dr. Gina Doepker, Sullivan Literacy Center director, said. Doepker encouraged VSU students to participate in the Literacy Center’s volunteer programs. The program offerings vary from semester to semester, as does the number of

volunteers needed. Currently, there are around 50 VSU student volunteers, according to Doepker.

“ I love my VSU

student volunteers. I could not run successful programs without them.” -Dr. Gina Doepker, Sullivan literacy center Director

“This is a great opportunity for all VSU students to receive service hours for volunteering to help out with the different programs in the Sullivan Literacy Center,” Doepker said. This semester, the Literacy Center is offering two volunteer programs: the Dear Blazer Buddy pen pal program and the Multidisciplinary Child Advocacy Team (MCAT) program. In the Dear Blazer Buddy

Academy Awards spark Twitter outrage High-energy tweets full of pointing defeat. government scandal and angry In 2013, fans saw DiCaprio Oscar reactions fueled timein “The Great Gatsby” and lines in the last week. “The Wolf of Wall Street.” The popular ABC show “The Great Gatsby” won Best Scandal returned to the spotCostume Design and Best light Thursday after a twoProduction Design, but that month hiatus and picked right offers little to no satisfaction back up where it left off. for DiCaprio and his fans. With Sally looking to reDiCaprio was nominated for sign, the team scrambled to Best Actor for his role in “The find a potenWolf of Wall tial replaceStreet”; ment. Matthew McHuck, a Conaughey endfan favorite, ed up snatching blackmailed the award away the coroner from DiCaprio who worked for his role in Isaiah Smart the death of “Dallas Buyers Daniel DouClub.” glas, who died of natural causOn the lighter side of the es. night, “12 Years A Slave” took The spin of the show was home three awards: Best PicOlivia’s threat to resign. Her ture, Best Adapted Screenplay, conversation with Fitz sent and Lupita Nyong’o took Twitter into overdrive and home the Oscar for Best Supwould’ve sent the system over porting Actress. capacity had that bug not been Nyong’o joined the ranks of fixed a year or so ago. African-American women like In typical “Scandal” fashMo’Nique (“Precious”), Jenion, the hour of plot twists and nifer Hudson (“Dreamgirls”), dumb decisions left fans want- and Whoopi Goldberg ing more. Luckily (and not so (“Ghost”) who have also won luckily), more scandal would the coveted award. come during the weekend. “12 Years A Slave” has won The Oscars were just as an impressive 216 awards out scandalous as the ABC show. of 409 nominations. After another year of great WHEW! What an eventful performances, Leonardo Diweek! Who knows what twists Caprio once again left the Os- and turns pop culture will take cars with a feeling of disapnext?

Pop Addict

pen pal program, VSU students write letters to children that are participating in the Literacy Center’s skill-building programs. This semester, most of the student volunteers have chosen to participate in this program because of its flexibility; they can write letters during their free time and drop them off at the Literacy Center when their schedule permits. For a more involved experience, the M-CAT program offers VSU students the opportunity to provide one-on-one tutoring to a child in the program. “I love my VSU student volunteers,” Doepker said. “I could not run successful programs without them.” For more information about the Sullivan Literacy Center and their volunteer opportunities, call 229-333-5645 or email

come out of the game was centered on the worship of “The Lord of Helix.” March 1, the day the game was completed, has now been declared Helix Day (there is a real petition to have this

recognized as a legitimate holiday). Once the first game ended, a countdown began. When the time ran out, Pokémon Crystal, a second-generation Pokémon game, began and

the system started all over again. “For as long as there’s still interest, I’ll continue to run the stream,” the programmer said.

Check out Sydney Devine’s preview of the NEDA Walk at


MARCH 6, 2014

Heinz uses D-1 savvy at VSU Alex Tostado A S S t. S p o rt S e D i t o r

Valdosta State women’s soccer coach Mel Heinz has built two collegiate soccer programs from the ground up. Heinz started Winthrop University’s program from scratch in 2003 and at VSU in 2011. Heinz saw much different results between the two programs, however. During Heinz’s seven years at WU, the team compiled an overall record of 56-72-17. the eagles went to two Big South Conference tournaments. So far with the Blazers, Heinz has a 33-16-7 overall record with two national tournament berths. Heinz learned plenty during her time with the eagles that she brought to VSU. For instance, leadership doesn’t come naturally to some players. “i didn’t realize these freshmen and sophomores coming in, by their junior and senior year, wouldn’t know how to (lead others),” Heinz said. “they didn’t know how to lead because they weren’t led by any other players.” Heinz has put in place a leadership committee with her team that meets once a week. players who are interested in becoming a leader can attend, and junior goalkeeper olivia Mills has seen it firsthand. “She talks to us about what leadership truly looks like,” Mills said. “She is always trying to instill leadership in us and confidence in us.” Although Heinz struggled in the win/loss column at WU, VSU Athletic Director Herb reinhard did not let that interfere with his decision to hire Heinz. “(Heinz) had considerable success at Winthrop initially. Winthrop was trying to play Division-i soccer with three scholarships; that’s like me trying to play center in the NBA,” reinhard, who stands well under six feet tall, said.

“Since we were getting ready to start our program, the idea of having someone who already started a program was very appealing. Her win loss record didn’t mean anything to me because she didn’t have an opportunity to be successful.” the VSU soccer program has the equivalency of 9.9 full scholarships. Heinz can offer scholarships to as many (or as few) players as she wants, as long as the limit isn’t surpassed. Heinz admits to setting her standards low when she began her tenure as an eagle. Her goal was to win a conference championship. “When i started Winthrop’s program, it was, ‘Hey let’s just go win a conference tournament,’” Heinz said. “i felt like i had the bar a little lower at Winthrop, and maybe it was a little more realistic… Maybe winning a conference tournament was as high as we could go.” From day one at VSU, the goal has been winning a national championship, and this is something she instills in her recruits and staff. “(Heinz) has done so well at recruiting for what she wants that we (as players) are all on the same page for what we want,” Mills said. “We are as close as a team through that.” Heinz credits her players and the support of reinhard and the VSU community for the success she has had as a Blazer. “When you are at a D-i program, you have a tendency of looking down on D-ii (programs),” Heinz said. “When i came down (to VSU) i was pleasantly surprised by the mentality. i love to win and it was hard at Winthrop not to have so much winning.” Heinz has embraced VSU’s tradition of winning to bring in more recruits. “Honestly that’s what i use to sell recruits, ‘Look, this is title town,’” Heinz said. “i would brag about softball, (basketball, tennis and football).”

S p o rt S W r i t e r

the No. 7 seed Valdosta State (15-11) take on No. 2 seed West Alabama (14-6) in Game A of the Gulf South Conference tournament today. reminiscent of last season, the Blazers enter the conference tournament having lost their last two regular season games. VSU lost to Christian Brothers 90-73 in the regular season finale. today’s opening game will be the third time the Blazers and tigers meet this season. the Blazers won at home 9383 on Jan. 4 but the tigers got revenge at home 72-68 on Feb. 6. UWA claimed the No. 2 seed in the tournament by winning seven of their last eight games to close the regular season. “the main thing with [West Alabama] is containing their aggression,” junior guard Jalen Crawford said. “they’re a very aggressive team on the boards and their offense so if we can match their aggression, that shouldn’t be a problem,” Crawford said. “Any time you play a team three times, it’s not really so much what’s developed or what’s changed,” Mike Helfer, Blazers head coach, said. “We learned last year that when you enter tournament play, anything can hap-

pen. i thought we played great in the opening two rounds last year so hopefully, we can play well and i know they will play well and the game will probably be close.” the Blazers made an improbable run to the GSC championship game last season before falling 65-62 to Christian Brothers. As a lower seed in this year’s tournament, Helfer insists his team must focus on the task at hand against the tigers. “i don’t think you ever look at how far you can go in the tournament,” Helfer said. “For us, we expect to just be ready to play on thursday. really, your focus just has to be on West Alabama.” “our biggest thing is rebounding,” Crawford added. “We’ve got to make sure we don’t take plays off and we’ve got to stick together. if we play our game—attacking the basket, inside-out—we should be fine.” in college basketball, tournament play is an opportunity for a team or player to raise their level and step up on the big stage. Last season, Blazers forward Josh Sparks carried the load; averaging 21.0 points and 11.6 rebounds en route to a GSC All-tournament team selection. this season, the Blazers have had many players rise to the occasion and any player could emerge in Birmingham. “our team this year is a lit-

Read Neil Frawley’s Lady Blazers GSC tournament preview online at Want to be a sports photographer? Email:

Mel Heinz is preparing for her fourth season as VSU head coach Photos by Sierra King/The Spectator

For the future recruits, Heinz will assess over 100 players during tournaments and will receive dozens of emails every day. “recruiting is just an everyday thing. Whether you are in season, out of season, in the summer, on winter break, you are constantly recruiting,” Heinz said. “Some days it is more because you get more time to put into it.” the recruiting window to sign players closes quickly in women’s soccer at the college level. “We already have three 2015 recruits that have already committed to (VSU),” Heinz said. the recruiting process is not held to only the United States for Heinz, as she has a German and two english recruits set to play for her in the upcoming season. “i like to have a couple of international (players) because i think it seasons the team,” Heinz said. “they bring in that confidence and

a different culture that our American (players) don’t have.” Heinz likes having the international players for offfield reasons as well. “it helps kids learn different cultures and diversity and ultimately that’s what the world is so if they can figure it out in four years, hopefully they do alright,” Heinz said. every practice, game and recruitment is a learning curve for Heinz and the Blazers. “Just knowing what i didn’t think about at Winthrop is what i’m trying to do here (at VSU),” Heinz said. Follow Alex on twitter: @Alex_tostado12

VSU geared up for first-round of tourney Shane Thomas

PAge 5 | vsusPeCtAtoR.CoM

tle more balanced than last year,” Helfer said. “this team could win a lot of different ways—one person having a great game, maybe—but we could also win with five guys having 12 points. “i don’t necessarily want to put any pressure or talk about somebody stepping up—our entire team has to step up.” Following the VSU-UWA game, No. 8 seed West Florida takes on top seed Delta State (23-5). the Argos have struggled to find traction most of the season but have won four of their last six heading into today. Four of DSU’s five losses have come against GSC opponents; UWF (7-19) has the distinction of being one of those four, winning 67-61 on the road in the regular season finale. the winner of the VSUUWA matchup will take on the winner of the West Georgia-North Alabama game in the semifinal round Saturday. the 2014 raymond James Gulf South Conference tournament tips off from the pete Hanna Center on the campus of Samford University at 5:30 p.m. thursday. the championship game will be played on Sunday, Mar 9.

Follow Shane on twitter: @its_athomasthing





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march 6, 2014



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The Spectator |

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TABLE OF CONTENTS What we’re doing


What are the editors doing on Spring Break?

Spring Break Survival Guide


Follow this guide and you’ll be able to make it back to VSU

Volunteer Opportunities


There are plenty of ways you can get involved here if you stay in Valdosta

We here at the Spectator hope you have a tremendous and safe spring break!

Spectator’s enjoying time off; are you? John Preer Web editor

there is more to the editors here at the Spectator than what readers see in each weekly issue. the students that work countless hours to make sure you get dependable and interesting news can only do so if they are at their best. So, over the upcoming Spring break the editorial staff will be taking a break from copy editing and laying out pages to enjoy themselves in their own way. Contrary to popular belief, english and journalism majors do know how to have fun. editor-in-Chief Will Lewis is traveling to dubai with his girlfriend for Spring break to soak up

some Middle eastern sun. it’s hard to top an international spring vacation, but there is plenty of fun to be had stateside. our photo editor, Summer Yates, is heading to the sunshine state to enjoy a few Miami nights. Like many VSU students, opinions editor elan Waite is going to Panama City. Florida has to be the ideal Spring break destination because Multimedia editor rebecca McAleer is going to Fort Lauderdale to spend time with her family. Web editor John Preer is taking a trip to South Carolina for bike Week to admire American muscle at its best. our copy editor, John Stephen, is trading sun for slopes and plans to travel to Colorado for a skiing adventure. Some of the staff is still undecided about their

Spring break plans. Managing editor olivia McLean hasn’t chosen a destination, but she definitely wants to travel somewhere. A firm believer in placing the journey over the destination, Sports editor eric Jackson just wants to go to the beach over the break and relax. Social Media editor Joe Adgie is keeping things simple and plans to spend some quality time with his fiancee and son. Features editor Hillary Straba has no firm plans but will probably spend the break bingewatching House of Cards and going to the beach. As we go our separate ways, we hope you all have a Spring break to remember, and we look forward to bringing you more news when school resumes!

March 6, 2014

LOW ON CASH? Don’t let that keep you from enjoying your Spring Break! There are plenty of cheaper options. Ashley Dailey S tA F F W r i t e r

1. Camping at Anastasia State Park Anastasia State Park is a beautiful place to camp, and only $28 per night. Located on the beach, it’s a great option for students who want to catch some sun but don’t have the cash for a hotel. Just a short drive from downtown St. Augustine, the park is near many eclectic dining options and local shopping. there is also the 450 year old historic fort Castillo de San Marcos that only costs $7 per ticket (good for a week). 2. Hike the Appalachian Trail the Appalachian trail is a daunting hike that takes experienced hikers over six months to trek. However, for VSU students seeking a respite from blazeview and emails, hiking a portion over spring break is a great option. Visit to find detailed maps and hiking tips. You can even cheaply rent equipment from Core. 3. Kayak the Rio Grande with CORE Students can spend eight days at big bend National Park for only $195. the majority of this trip will be spent on the river, kayaking between thousand foot cliffs and viewing the Chihuahuan desert. travelers will also hike a two mile trail to a canyon. the cost even includes meals! 4. Book a Last Minute Cruise Deal Carnival Cruises have March deals leaving from various ports in Florida starting at $224 per person. Cruises are great options because they are all expenses paid (minus alcohol and outings at the various stops). the cruise provides endless entertainment and food, and you never have to pull out your wallet. 5. Stay at a Hostel in Savannah While hostels have recently gotten a pretty bad rep thanks to horror movies, they’re actually a great option for groups seeking inexpensive boarding. Savannah, Ga. has Savannah Pensione, located about a mile from the city’s center. While it’s easy to overspend in Savannah, students can seek out cheap entertainment options. Historic bonaventure Cemetery, made famous by the movie/book Midnight in the Garden of Good and evil, and the recently restored Cathedral of John the baptist are both free to tourists and well worth the visits. 6. Camp at Cumberland Island

Sea Camp Campground is located on the remote Cumberland island, known for its wild horses that roam its beaches. the island is only accessible by ferry, so be sure to take $20 extra for the fare, and don’t forget to check ahead for its departure times (guests should arrive 30 minutes ahead of time). Camping is only $4 per person per night, and tourists can rent bikes for $16 per day. Pack lightly, and be prepared for a hike to the campground from the ferry! 7. Take a Daytrip to Gainesville, Florida For those students who don’t have the time or cash to take longer adventures, take a daytrip to the nearby city of Gainesville, Fla. to explore its underrated museums. Gainesville is home to the University of Florida’s Harn Art Museum which boasts pieces from artists Andy Warhol, Jerry Uelsmann and other notables. Next door to the art museum is the Florida Museum of Natural History, the largest natural history museum in the Southeast. best of all for you students on a budget, general admission to both museums is free. 8. Stay at a Hostel in Tampa, Florida Gram’s Place is a hostel located in tampa, Florida, and at $25 per night per person, this place is reasonable for any college student on a budget. Gram’s Place is unique; its board includes the cost of entertainment. Musician friendly, this place encourages traveling musicians to take advantage of its courtyard area that is equipped with two pianos and a full drum set. 9. Canoe the Okefenokee Located less than an hour away from Valdosta, the okefenokee Swamp is the largest freshwater swamp in North America. tent camping varies in price from $20-25, and guests can also rent kayaks, canoes, or paddleboats for $20 and up. 10. Check out Valdosta’s Hidden Treasures For those of you who can’t venture out of town this spring break due to financial or time constraints, take time to visit some of the fun local destinations. downtown Valdosta is home to many unique local restaurants (try to hit these at lunchtime for cheaper deals!). Grand bay is a picturesque state park that is located less than twenty minutes from VSU.

The Spectator |

March 6, 2014

The Spring Break Survival Guide Let’s face it-- safety isn’t the first thing on the mind of the typical spring-breaker. That said, keep the following safety tips in mind to ensure a fun and safe Spring Break. 1. Mind your drinks. If you’re ordering a drink, make sure you are watching it from the first pour to the moment it’s in your hand. If you leave your drink unattended, throw it away. 2. Park with care. Make sure to park in well-lit parking lots and

avoid parking next to suspicious vehicles. Also, be smart with your possessions; don’t leave anything on the seats or out in the open. 3. Stay with a group. There’s a reason for the old saying, “safety in numbers.” Staying with a group of people decreases the likelihood of an assault or mugging, so don’t wander off by yourself. 4. Don’t stop for hitchhikers or disabled vehicles. Heaven knows who you may pick up. 5. Watch your back

at ATM’s. Be aware of your surroundings and don’t visit an ATM alone or late at night. Also, take care to avoid ATM’s located in sketchy areas. 6. Don’t carry too much cash. Be discreet. Have enough cash for entertainment and cab fare but not so much that it draws attention. 7. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! This means drink water, not booze. 8. Don’t be an idiot. Use your head. If you think something is a bad idea, it probably is.

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The Spectator |

March 6, 2014

It’s time to spring forward! Daylight Savings Time in the spring means one thing: we lose an hour of sleep. Don’t forget to set your clocks an

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March 6, 2014

The Spectator |

MCT Campus A family enjoys the fun in the sun at a beach in Maui. Picturesque beach areas such as Maui are very popular Spring Break locations for students and families alike.

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The Spectator |

March 6, 2014

Springtime in the swamp


Spring brings new life to Grand Bay National Park. The park is located 20 minutes from VSU’s main campus and features scenic walks through the swamp.

March 6, 2014

The Spectator |

Spend Spring Break giving back to community


olunteering in the community is a good alternative for students who are searching for a more rewarding Spring Break experience. While it may not sound like the most relaxing way to spend the break, volunteering can be a very fun and fulfilling experience (and it feels better than a hangover). There are many organizations around the Valdosta are where students and members of the community can work together to make a difference. On campus, Volunteer

Services can be used as a resource to provide students with a list of volunteer opportunities in our area, including working with the Humane Society, the LAMP Homeless Shelter, Habitat for Humanity, Jacob’s Ladder Therapeutic Riding Center or Haven Women’s Shelter. For a complete list of volunteer opportunities or for more information, contact Volunteer Services at 229-333James Edward Bates/ MCT Images 5674 or by email at Habitat for Humanity volunteer Liza Pratt of San Francisco paints the interior of a home.

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The Spectator |

March 6, 2014

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