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The Official Newsletter of Group 3
Volume 1
Issue 1
Submitted to: Maria Frenchia Domdom team, tasks can be lead to more efficient use of time
The phrase “Teamwork popular saying that emphasizes the importance of collaboration and cooperation among team members to achieve a common goal, This saying has some truth to it.
In many cases, working in a team can lead to better outcomes than working solo, as each team member brings their unique set of skills, knowledge, and perspectives to the table. When team members work together effectively, they can combine their strengths and compensate for each other’s weaknesses, leading to a more efficient and effective use of resources

However, it’s important to recognize that not all teams are created equal. A team that lacks clear goals, effective communication, or strong leadership may not be able to achieve the same level if success as a well-functioning team. tasks are best suited for teamwork, and in some cases, working solo may be more appropriate.
Overall, teamwork can be a powerful tool for achieving success, but it requires a commitment from all team members to work together effectively and overcome any obstacles that may arise.
Ateacher from Compostela National High School conducted a program for students that are in the Science Technology Engineering (STE).
The Principal from the school of Compostela National High School (CNHS) and Ma’am Debie Teruel have planned that the program will be held at the Mini Gymnasium, it was attended by the leaners of STE 7, 8, 9, and 10. With a theme of “Two-day School Based Research Congress” On June 7-8, 2023.

It was also attended by Aryenne Ysabelle Rodrigo from Grade 12 STEM that soon be studying at Harvard University, she was the guest speaker on the program.
Aryenne gave some inspirational message and shared the story of her life especially the story of all her hard works in the past and in present, all students have been inspired of her speech.

A student from Grade 7 STE, Maria Angelique Cocamas said “I had an amazing time at Research Congress, I felt happy and proud when we confidently shared our project with the other students and judges.”
Learners from STE have experience exploring Science concepts, they have learned many things about technology Research Congress helps students to improve their skills and helps them to motivate their self confidence about doing Research, experiments and technologies.