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Closing the Gate in the East - Part 2 - Setting up the 'abomination of desolation'

Do not Fear their Conspiracy
The prophet Isaiah prophesied to this generation, saying: “Do not call conspiracy all that this people will call conspiracy; neither be in fear of what they fear, nor make others afraid and in dread.” 13 The Lord of hosts - regard Him as holy and honor His holy name by regarding Him as your only hope of safety, and let Him be your fear and let Him be your dread, lest you offend Him by your fear of man and distrust of Him. (Isa 12-13 Ampl)
That which the rich, those who call themselves the elite, the world’s leaders and Presidents, are doing behind the scenes are very wicked and a terrible abomination in the sight of God, All that Yahshua are about to reveal should not move or shake our faith, through the fear of man and their systems of control. Neither should we, in the same spirit as they, avenge or retaliate. Yahshua wants us to know that He knows all things and that He is in control and we must trust in Him even to the point of death, just as He had told the church in Smyrna in Rev 2:10-11. A great persecution is about to break forth against all those who truly trust in Yahshua – Jesus Christ.
Closing the gate in the East
Through all those prophetic events, which Yahshua had taught me, through the anointing, during the fast, he revealed how, next prophetic event to be fulfilled, after the covenant of peace is made with many nations, is the closing of a gate in the east.
According to that which Yahshua had revealed to us, a sign or a symbol, which sounded like the ‘closing of a large gate in the east’, will be the next prophetic event that will be fulfilled and will have a rippling effect in the entire world. From the first time that Yahshua gave me this sign; I understood that it was major sanctions against the East. I did not know when this event would take place, but I understood that it would happen, before the peace agreement was broken, not long after the peace agreement or nuclear treaty was made by the prince of covenant. Yahshua revealed how this event will trigger a nuclear war.
Setting up the Abomination of Desolation
In order to understand this very intriquet woven web that Satan is spinning in order to bring the world to the brink of utter destruction, we must first understand a few other pieces of this strategic puzzle that is piece-by-piece being brought into position. YHWH revealed the impact that this evil and treacherous plan will have on the nation of Israel and the city of Jerusalem,...
The Lord God of heaven and earth, pointed to the exact time when Yahshua came to be an atoning sacrifice for our sins, completing His 3.5 year ministry, being cut off in the middle of His seven year ministry.
The Wild Boar – The Double agent in the East – Secret Society Espionage
May 2, 2002 the Lord Yahshua gave me a dream, which confirmed that which He had already taught me through the anointing during the fast. In my dream I saw a wild boar coming out of the west that pushed against a green iron door or gate trying to close it. Suddenly there was a change in scenes. Then I saw how this same wild boar came from the opposite side of the door or gate, the east, now acting like it was also trying to prevent the same door from opening.

The Lord God of heaven and earth, Yahshua, who knows what these wicked and lawless men, who think they are gods, are doing in secret and will reward them accordingly for their abominations and the atrocities, which they have set up shamelessly and brutally killing men like ants.
The Witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria