6 minute read
Closing the Gate - Part 3 - Iran – The Scapegoat
08 March 2012

Iran – The Commander of Gog and Magogg
On the 12th of February 2011, a sign appeared to me in the sky, which I knew was very significant, but did not understand. Not long after that, the Spirit of Yahshua, at His predestined time, released me to reveal the first thunder, unsealing how two men will make a strong agreement, in order to form a new alliance of nations in the east, working together to fulfil that which was prophesied 2500 years ago, by Ezekiel. Yahshua had revealed that the President of Venezuela, the originator of OPEC, would be who the one nation who would make this agreement.
At the end of 2009, Yahshua revealed and confirmed how the other person, who will be making this agreement, will be the President of Iran. Suddenly, the Lord revealed to me how these two Presidents will be the catalyst that will crystallize an eastern alliance of nations, with Iran leading the east. Thus, the world will be divided into two main alliances of nations, conglomerating the world into an eastern and a western group of nations.
The question was how would they get these great superpowers of the world, Russia and China, to follow them, leading them into war against the western alliance of nations?
• The Little Book o Part 2 - The First Thunder - Two Men shaking hands
• The Muslim Alliance of Nations o Part 4 - Warning the nations before the Wrath of YHWH is fully kindled
The Scapegoat
Through this dream of the wild boar, on the one side trying to close the door or gate, and on the other, pushing, trying to prevent it from closing, Yahshua reveals how the Illuminati will use Iran to be the scapegoat in order to achieve its wicked and abominable goals. By blaming Iran for making weapons of mass destruction, the world is blinded in believing that Iran is the enemy, thus hating them. While behind the scenes they are wolves in sheep’s clothing that like a scorpion are waiting for its prey, so that, at the right time, it can strike it, with the deadliest precision and then afterwards step in as the restorer of peace or the saviour of the world.
Pushing against the Gate in the East
‘Thesis’ - The Sanctions against Iran Nuclear non-compliance
The United Nations Security Council have systematically been blaming Iran for non-compliance to the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty (NPT). According to the International Atomic Energy Agency they have be defiant against all steps that the UNSC has done to bring peace in the world, by ridding the world of nuclear weapons as a was explained in UNSC Resolution 1887:
In reaction to this defiance of Iran the UNSC has proposed even more stringent and stricter sanctions against Iran, systematically closing the gate in the east against Iran. These sanctions against Iran have been motivated and described by a series of UNSC Resolutions:
The effects of these sanctions on Iran have been pre-calculated and planned in order to bring about the purposes of Satan through secret societies, whose foundation is built on a counterfeit satanic religion that in their deliberated hatred and rebellion have been setting up the abomination that will cause desolation. The planned effects on Iran will provide the global elite with the desired outcome they have been waiting for.
The planned effects as explain by the secular media does touch on the desired effects that, like a domino effect, will trigger and world war and a total global economic collapse. The effects that sanctions will cause on Iran will accomplish multiple goals, which need to be brought into place, affecting the main players of the world, without the general public realizing they have being duped. The latest round of sanctions against Iran starts to clearly point out the adverse effects that the Illuminati want to achieve.
As witnesses of Yahshua, preparing His people to be ready when He comes for a spotless bride; warning this generation of His wrath that will be poured out on those who refuse to give heed to His prophets, whom He sends them, Yahshua gave us insight and revealed through many signs, how this final act of Satan will be brought about, putting together the pieces of the puzzle. The effect on Iran will be twofold: Forces for and forces against.
Firstly, closing the gate against Iran or sanctioning Iran, will amalgamate the nations of the East: Russia and China and the Arab League of nations against common enemies – The United States of America and Israel, as was prophesied: “Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am against you, O Gog, chief prince, ruler of Rosh, of Meshech, and of Tubal. 4 And I will turn you back and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you forth and all your army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed in full armour, a great company with buckler and shield, all of them handling swords-- 5 Persia, Cush, and Put or Libya with them, all of them with shield and helmet, 6 Gomer and all his hordes, the house of Togarmah in the uttermost parts of the north and all his hordes--many people are with you. 7 You Gog be prepared; yes, prepare yourself, you and all your companies that are assembled about you, and you be a guard and a commander for them. 8 After many days you shall be visited and mustered for service; in the latter years you shall go against the land that is restored from the ravages of the sword, where people are gathered out of many nations upon the mountains of Israel, which had been a continual waste; but its people are brought forth out of the nations and they shall dwell securely, all of them. [Isa. 24:22.] 9 You shall ascend and come like a storm; you shall be like a cloud to cover the land, you and all your hosts and many people with you. 10 Thus says the Lord God: At the same time thoughts shall come into your mind, and you will devise an evil plan. (Ezek 38:3- 10 Ampl)
• The Last Week of Daniel o Part 3a - A Nation of Obscure Language o Part 3b - Complacent Women o Part 3c - Coming up like a Wave out of the East
Secondly, the United States of America has applied an almost total economic embargo on Iran, which means that no state in North America is allowed to import anything from Iran, including oil. The European Union has also agreed to an oil embargo on Iran, effective from July 2012. This will force Iran to find other avenues to export their oil. Iran is also strategically situated between Russia and China. It has already become very clear how both Russia and China have been against a total sanctioning of the import of oil from Iran: “China has become Iran's largest remaining trading partner. [13] ”
Oil is the real reason Iran has been chosen in the east to bring about the desired destruction of mankind. The article in the Bloomberg describes the purpose of the sanctions well: “U.S. and EU leaders are trying to tighten restrictions on business with Iran, which produced 3.55 million barrels of crude a day in January, 11 percent of OPEC's total.”
• Fasting Journal of 2002 o Part 19 - The Trojan Horse
Iran has made statements like they will: “Wipe Israel off the map.” Iran is a kind of scapegoat to be blamed so that no one will realize that it was only a smoke screen for world control.
The Witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria