Psalm 1

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The Witness 12 Augustus 2000

Psalm 1: - 15 June 2001 First Psalm O, how my Soul long for You my God! How I love to praise your name in the morning. Who is worthy to be highly exalted on the earth? Is it not you my God, Holy one of Israel? You, who have shown and manifested Yourself to me. You drew for us in the skies daily. Your love for me, show your desire to communicate with man. Even though I am sinful and my heart always goes astray. How my enemies wanted to over take me. They whom I cannot see or hear try to keep me from serving you my God. Daily they wait in the morning to over take us. They lay hold of our evil hearts. They make their nests with those who does not fear, They wait for of destruction. They want us to come to a horrible end. But fear not O my soul. Your God is with you. Every where you go, every turn you make, He has delivered me from the snare and trap they have set for me. Nothing will harm you, nothing will suddenly over take you. I long for Your word. I long to fill my stomach with your precious gifts. Strengthen me to drink deeply of that which you give this morning. Teach me as you taught David to love you. " I have come to show all man who I am!! I am truly the only one that the world seeks”. “O, my children where is you faith today? Do you not know that I am the author and Perfector of your faith. The Witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & This letter was written as a witness to the Lord Jesus Christ so that by all possible means God’s people will be prepared for the works of service to which He has called them. Proclaim His coming, for His coming is soon at hand. (1 Cor 9:1-27) Please send this letter to as many others so that they may be blessed. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as revealed from the Lord Jesus Christ and those ministries mentioned. Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong.



The Witness 12 Augustus 2000

My fire goes out before you. My presence will destroy those that think they are gods. Express yourself to me and I will show myself to you." "How I love to see you understand my love, entering deep into your heart to renew you forever.” “I am the creator of all life. Live and I will give you rest. I am the rest that the world and all the people seek. But they hate me; they swear never to call me.” They say:" I have all I need. My chariot will bring me to my destination. I have acquired wisdom since my birth. Who do I need to look up to?" "If only they knew there God. If they would only have recognised my name. Then they would have called me. They would have accurately drawn themselves to me when I called them" O, my Loved one. You who love me every morning. You supply me with strength. I seek you. I seek to know the love you have for me. My mouth call to your throne. You the only one that can in a moment open my heart. You are my only hope for survival. O, my Strength come quickly to save me. My trust is in your promise and your love for me. My request is in your wonderful name - Jesus Christ my only LORD.

The Witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & This letter was written as a witness to the Lord Jesus Christ so that by all possible means God’s people will be prepared for the works of service to which He has called them. Proclaim His coming, for His coming is soon at hand. (1 Cor 9:1-27) Please send this letter to as many others so that they may be blessed. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as revealed from the Lord Jesus Christ and those ministries mentioned. Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong.


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