The Last Week of Daniel - Part 4 - The Beast System

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Fast Journal

The Servant February 2010

The Last Week of DaniĂŤl...

11 And as for the beast that once was, but now is no more, he himself is an eighth ruler or king, head, but he is of the seven and belongs to them, and he goes to perdition. (Rev 17:11) Ampl

The Beast Systems Part 4 On the 22nd of March 2002, after these signs, another sign appeared in the heavens. I saw something like a large cone appear in the heavens. I was reminded of another sign that appeared to me in the heavens once. This cone looked like a large screw orgar and its hopper or a type of space ship, having a barrel of a cannon mounted at the bottom of the cone. Not long after that I spoke to pastor in a church who told me that he had seen this same image before in vision one night, while praying and interceding before the Lord. I told me The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -1-

Fast Journal

The Servant February 2010

how he was taken into Russia and taken under a mountain in the USSR. Hear the Lord showed him how a different kind submarine was being build. This submarine had a cone shape and had a large cannon barrel mounted on it in order to be able to shoot nuclear missiles or other missiles. After this another sign appeared in the heavens. A sign of some kind of an anchor structure, looking very oblong, appeared in the south western heavens. See the Prophecy – The Smouldering Mountain – The United States. After this another sign appeared in the heavens. I saw a sign of a submarine, which were submerged under the Atlantic Ocean, which became a pirate ship, shooting a torpedo towards the nations of North and South America in the south west. Then the word of the Lord came to me and I heard the words: “The last 3 years” – indicating that this event would take place during the second 3.5 year period, after the covenant with Israel was broken, during the period that the Anti-Christ will be ruling the earth. This sign reminded, me of the third signs which appeared, on 13th of May 2001, to two of us at the same time, as a witness of the Glory and those things which will come to pass on the earth. We saw how an old Sampan or Japanese boat came up the Atlantic Ocean and then changed into a submarine, as it passed the eastern coast of South America, at Rio de Janeiro, on its way towards the Cuban Islands and fired a torpedo, towards North America. See the Prophecy: Signs in the Heavens Part 1 - The Twin Towers & The Harvester As I looked towards the north, a sign of a large crow appeared in the heavens. This crow resembled the arrogance and the cocky attitude of the Nazi movement or the Illuminati. After this a sign of a perfect cube, resembling the temple of God, standing in the Holy Land, appeared in the heavens. Then I heard how one made an announcement in the north. Then I heard how the head of off one was chopped off or removed. After these signs another sign appeared in the heavens. The Lord showed me the former beast that arose in the east. This beast had two heads. The head towards the east had the head of a ram, having two horns. While I watched I saw how one of the two heads was removed and disappeared. Then the beast changed and the head of a wolf replaced the two heads, as was prophesied: 7 But the angel said to me: “Why do you wonder? I will explain to you the secret symbolic meaning of the mystery of the woman, as well as of the beast having the seven heads and ten horns that carries her. 8 The beast that you saw once was, but now is no more, and he is going to come up out of the Abyss, the bottomless pit, and proceeds to go to perdition. And the inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been recorded in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world will be astonished when they look at the beast, because he once was, but now is no more, and he is yet to come. [Dan. 7:3.] 9 This calls for a mind to consider that is packed with wisdom and intelligence, it is something for a particular mode of thinking and judging of thoughts, feelings, and purposes. The seven heads are seven hills upon which the woman is sitting; 10 And they are also seven kings, five of whom have fallen, one still exists and is reigning; the other, the seventh, has not yet appeared, and when he does arrive, he must stay but a brief time. 11 And as for the beast that once was, but now is no more, he himself is an eighth ruler or king, head, but he is of the seven and belongs to them, and he goes to perdition. 12 Also the ten horns that you The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -2-

Fast Journal

The Servant February 2010

observed are ten rulers, kings, who have as yet received no royal dominion, but together they are to receive power and authority as rulers for a single hour, along with the beast. [Dan. 7:20-24.] 13 These have one common policy, opinion and purpose, and they deliver their power and authority to the beast. (Rev 17:7-13) Ampl The eight beast described by the apostle John is the Anti-Christ and will rule with and over 10 kings. I saw how the beast, looking like a Nazi crow that was spreading its wings towards the east and the west. The two wings became two arms, one towards the western nations and the other towards the eastern nations. Then a terrible sign appeared in the heavens. The Coat of Arms of the French Grande Armée is an eagle, standing with spread wings.

The Grande Armée The Grande Armée (French for "the Great Army" or "the Grand Army") first entered the annals of history when, in 1805, Napoleon I renamed the army that he had assembled on the French coast of the English Channel for the proposed invasion of Britain. It never achieved its primary goal, as Napoleon had to re-deploy it East in order to eliminate the threat of Austria and Russia, which were part of the Third Coalition assembled against France. Thereafter, the name was used for the principal French army deployed in the Campaigns of 1805-07 (where it got its prestige), 1812, and 1813-14. In practice, however, the term "Grande Armée" is used in English to refer to all of the multinational forces gathered by Napoleon I in his campaigns of the early nineteenth century (see Napoleonic Wars).[2] The first Grande Armée consisted of six corps under the command of Napoleon's marshals and senior generals. When Napoleon discovered that Russian and Austrian armies were preparing to invade France in late 1805, the Grande Armée was quickly ordered across the Rhine into Southern Germany, leading to Napoleon's victories at Ulm, Austerlitz and Jena. Coat of Arms: The army grew in size as Napoleon's might spread across Europe. It reached Grande Armée: 1805–1815 its maximum size of 600,000 men at the start of the invasion of Russia in French Imperial Eagle 1812. All contingents were commanded by French generals, except for a Polish and an Austrian corps. The huge multinational army marched slowly eastwards, with the Russians falling back before it. After the capture of Smolensk and victory in the Battle of Borodino, Napoleon and a large part of the Grande Armée reached Moscow on 14 September 1812; however, the army was already drastically reduced in numbers due to bloody battles with Russians, disease (principally typhus) and long communication lines. The army spent a month in Moscow, but was ultimately forced to march The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -3-

Fast Journal

The Servant February 2010

back westwards. Assailed by cold, starvation and disease, and constantly harassed by Cossacks and Russian irregulars, the retreat utterly destroyed the Grande Armée as a fighting force. As many as 400,000 died in the adventure and only a few tens of thousands of ravaged troops returned.[3] Napoleon led a new army to the Battle of Nations at Leipzig in 1813, in the furious defence of France in 1814, and in the Waterloo campaign in 1815, but the Napoleonic French army would never regain the heights of the Grande Armée in June 1812. The Grande Armée or the alliance of nations that fought with the French army was as can be seen in the table. All the nations of Europe around France stood allied with Napoleon, making up a very large army, consisting out of 554 500 men. These nations are a remarkable resemblance to the European Union. See Prophecy: The Last Week of Daniël - Part 2 - A Time of Trouble

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1805–1815 France At its height in 1812 consisted of 554,500 men: • 300,000 Frenchmen and Dutchmen • 95,000 Poles • 35,000 Austrians • 30,000 Italians[1] • 24,000 Bavarians • 20,000 Saxons • 20,000 Prussians • 17,000 Westphalians • 15,000 Swiss • 3,500 Croats Valeur et Discipline (Bravery and Discipline) Le Tricolore

The sign of a swastika with one of its arms arising, Motto looking like that of a scorpion, appeared over the Colors rooster, who made an La Victoire Est a Nous announcement in the north. March (Victory is ours/upon us) Then I saw how two large arms and the head of a wolf appeared, replacing the cocky rooster’s head. As I looked, while one of the arms become larger a German tiger moth appeared in the heavens, this arm representing the weapons arsenals and nuclear and biological warfare power, which was now given into the hands of the Anti-Christ. Underneath the wings of the aeroplane were German or Nazi signs, just as I saw the dream, which I had on the 23rd of March 2002. See Fasting Journal - Part 6 - O Jerusalem – Jerusalem The Lord Jesus, Who is the Ruler of all the earth, showed me how this man received a crown. He crowned himself the king of all the nations of the earth. As this man was crowned I heard something like the sound of a large chain, with which he will strike at all the nations, like a war monger, having a ball and chain, with many spikes, in his hand. When he received his authority to rule the earth, I heard how the bottomless pit was opened. As I looked I saw a man bending down over the nations of the earth, looking down on them, to treat them like ants, for they had become nothing in his eyes. I saw how he became a very powerful man on the earth, having The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -4-

Fast Journal

The Servant February 2010

great muscles. As I looked I saw, while a demon was whispering into his ear, giving him his instructions, he shot at the nations with the other arm. This was the same man to whom Satan had given a wicked plan, so that he should lie to the two kings, who were with him in the aeroplane or private jet, flying from South America. I saw how this man, by the power of Satan became a mighty commander, riding on a horse, which had the head of a crocodile and swallowed up everything, breaking all into pieces all who would oppose him. The beast, on which he rode, was looking towards the south west; as I looked another beast appeared in the heavens. I saw a ram having one large horn, having a tail like a 10 pound hammer, which was towards the south west, because he had betrayed them, closing the gates on them, putting them under sanctions. As I looked I saw how one of the heads of the former beast was healed, after they were struck by the man of sin, the Anti-Christ. While I looked at these signs I asked the Lord Jesus to give me more details on these events so that I may understand what would happen to the nations of the west. Then another sign appeared in the heavens. I saw a sign of the Empire State building, standing in New York in North America. I heard how phone calls were made from New York or Washington D.C. As I looked I saw a large dollar sign appear in the heavens. Then a sign of a private jet, flying from New York towards the north in Brussels or Switzerland, appeared in the heavens. I did not understand who this was or where he was going. I asked the Lord Yeshua, who alone knows all things, to explain these events to me. I had become very weak because of the exhaustion and it became difficult to because the sun had sapped all my energy. Then Lord showed me that he came from the north, but was returning to the north. The headquarters of the United Nations are situated in New York.

United Nations The United Nations Organization (UNO) or simply United Nations (UN) is an international organization whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and the achieving of world peace. The UN was founded in 1945 after World War II to replace the League of Nations, to stop wars between countries, and to provide a platform for dialogue. It contains multiple subsidiary organizations to carry out its missions. There are currently 192 member states, including nearly every sovereign state in the world. From its offices around the world, the UN and its specialized agencies decide on substantive and administrative issues in regular meetings held throughout the year. The organization is divided into administrative bodies, primarily: the General Assembly (the main deliberative assembly); the Security Council (for deciding certain resolutions for peace and security); the Economic and Social Council (for assisting in promoting international economic and social cooperation and development); the Secretariat (for providing studies, information, and facilities needed by the UN); the International Court of Justice (the primary judicial organ). Additional bodies deal with the governance of all other UN System agencies, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Food Programme (WFP) and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). The UN's most visible public figure is the Secretary-General, currently Ban Ki-moon of South Korea, who attained the post in 2007. The organization is financed from assessed and voluntary The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -5-

Fast Journal

The Servant February 2010

contributions from its member states, and has six official languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.[2]

The Organization The United Nations system is based on five principal organs (formerly six – the Trusteeship Council suspended operations in 1994);[6] the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the Secretariat, and the International Court of Justice. Four of the five principal organs are located at the main United Nations headquarters located on international territory in New York City. The International Court of Justice is located in The Hague, while other major agencies are based in the UN offices at Geneva, Vienna, and Nairobi. Other UN institutions are located throughout the world. The six official languages of the United Nations, used in intergovernmental meetings and documents, are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish,[2] while the Secretariat uses two working languages, English and French. Five of the official languages were chosen when the UN was founded; Arabic was added later in 1973. The United Nations Editorial Manual states that the standard for English language documents is British usage and Oxford spelling (en-gb-oed), and the Chinese writing standard is Simplified Chinese. This replaced Traditional Chinese in 1971 when the UN representation of China was changed from the Republic of China to People's Republic of China.

Secretariat Main article: United Nations Secretariat The United Nations Secretariat is headed by the Secretary-General, assisted by a staff of international civil servants worldwide. It provides studies, information, and facilities needed by United Nations bodies for their meetings. It also carries out tasks as directed by the UN Security Council, the UN General Assembly, the UN Economic and Social Council, and other UN bodies. The United Nations Charter provides that the staff be chosen by application of the "highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity," with due regard for the importance of recruiting on a wide geographical basis. The Charter provides that the staff shall not seek or receive instructions from any authority other than the UN. Each UN member country is enjoined to respect the international character of the Secretariat and not seek to influence its staff. The Secretary-General alone is responsible for staff selection.

The United Nations Secretariat Building at the United Nations headquarters in New York City.

The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -6-

Fast Journal

The Servant February 2010

The Secretary-General's duties include helping resolve international disputes, administering peacekeeping operations, organizing international conferences, gathering information on the implementation of Security Council decisions, and consulting with member governments regarding various initiatives. Key Secretariat offices in this area include the Office of the Coordinator of Humanitarian Affairs and the Department of Peacekeeping Operations. The Secretary-General may bring to the attention of the Security Council any matter that, in his or her opinion, may threaten international peace and security. For more info see Wikipedia: United Nations A few days later, on the 30th of April 2002, after coming back from the fast, during the day, as I was working outside, being strengthened, signs appeared to me, like the signs, which had appeared to us since the beginning. As I looked something like a time line of events appeared in the heavens. Starting in the far south and ending in the far west. It was a complete time line of all the events that YHWH, by the power of signs and wonders had shown us during the 40 day fast. The time line stretched from the time that the two in the south west would be deceived, until the coming of Yeshua, when He would become Immanuel, God with us, coming to judge all the earth. This time line consisted of signs stretching for south to west, included the 7 years seize fire and covenant that would be made with many, as was prophesied: 26 And after the sixty-two weeks of years shall the Anointed One be cut off or killed and shall have nothing and no one belonging to and defending Him. And the people of the other prince who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its end shall come with a flood; and even to the end there shall be war, and desolations are decreed. [Isa. 53:7-9; Nah. 1:8; Matt. 24:6-14.] 27 And he shall enter into a strong and firm covenant with the many for one week or seven years. And in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and offering to cease for the remaining three and one-half years; and upon the wing or pinnacle of abominations, shall come one who makes desolate, until the full determined end is poured out on the desolator. (Dan 9:26-27) Ampl As I looked a date appeared in the heavens: 04 03 18. After this roman numerals appeared in the heavens. I did not understand what they meant, but only wrote them down. The following signs appeared briefly one after the other. The signs of MX IV, X, 3, 3 and a little less than a half”, a ‘7’ and an ‘8’, appeared in the heavens. After every one of these signs other signs appeared, indicating what would happen at that specific time. The Lord drew my attention to a large semi-automatic rifle that fell to the ground, resembling, gun down or a seize fire, as was prophesied by the prophet Ezekiel: 9 And when you, Gog, are no longer, they who dwell in the cities of Israel shall go forth and shall set on fire and burn the battle gear, the shields and the bucklers, the bows and the arrows, the handspikes or riding whips and the spears; and they shall burn them as fuel for seven years, 10 So that My people shall take no firewood out of the field or cut down any out of the forests, for they shall make their fires of the weapons. And they shall despoil those who despoiled them and plunder those who plundered them, says the Lord God. (Ezek 39:9-10) Ampl The alliance of nations coming out of the north, coming upon Israel, will fall back and be destroyed. See the prophecy: The Last Week of Daniël - Part 3a - Nation of Obscure language. After the 7 years their will be peace and reconciliation for The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -7-

Fast Journal

The Servant February 2010

Israel, for then “to finish and put an end to transgression, to seal up and make full the measure of sin, to purge away and make expiation and reconciliation for sin, to bring in everlasting righteousness (permanent moral and spiritual rectitude in every area and relation) to seal up vision and prophecy and prophet, and to anoint a Holy of Holies. After this many signs appeared, in the heavens. I was given the opportunity to look at all these signs, but they were removed before I could make thoroughly make notes or fully understand their timing and events. This time line consisted out of two sets of events, one for the church and the bride of Jesus Christ, the other for the coming world events and the espionage of the beast system and is final rule and control. Another sign appeared after this sign, looking like a meter and like an upside down crescent moon. I knew in my spirit that this was the last week or 7 years, which the angel Gabriel referred to in the visions, which was shown to Daniël the prophet. Next to these signs appeared another sign. A sign of a large man, having two legs and two arms, also appeared in the heavens. The one arm was lifted up into the heavens while the other was hanging down next to his body, with his body in the middle of the 7 year period, as was written by Daniël the prophet: “And the people of the other prince who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its end shall come with a flood; and even to the end there shall be war, and desolations are decreed. 27 And he shall enter into a strong and firm covenant with the many for one week or seven years. And in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and offering to cease for the remaining three and one-half years; and upon the wing or pinnacle of abominations shall come one who makes desolate, until the full determined end is poured out on the desolator. (Dan 9:26b-27) Ampl The schematic picture of the man, our the beast, which the Lord Jesus Christ, drew through this sign in the heavens is The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -8-

Fast Journal

The Servant February 2010

a representation of the 5 kings or persons in the world and the alliance of nations in the east, also representing the nations of both the western alliance of nations and the eastern alliance of nations. A sign of a large crayfish and a scorpion, with his sting and tail lifted up in the heavens, ready to strike the nations, appeared in the heavens. The crayfish and scorpion represented the plan he was given to go beyond his border, using flattery and bribery to deceive the nations of the east, going across the Pacific Ocean. He played a double agent in the east, without the knowledge of the west, although he himself was part of a secret organisation or society in the west, which is ruled by Satan, the scorpion, being the symbol of this secret organisation. The two arms of this man, or system, are the warfare arm of this secret organisation, and the other, the monastery arm, or the world banking systems. The two legs respectively, represented the two legs to the statue, which king Nebuchadnezzar saw, having two legs and two feet and 10 toes, as was revealed to DaniĂŤl, saying: 41 And as you saw the feet and toes, partly of baked clay of the potter and partly of iron, it shall be a divided kingdom; but there shall be in it some of the firmness and strength of iron, just as you saw the iron mixed with miry earthen clay. 42 And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of baked clay of the potter, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly brittle and broken. 43 And as you saw the iron mixed with miry and earthen clay, so they shall mingle themselves in the seed of men in marriage bonds; but they will not hold together for two such elements or ideologies can never harmonize, even as iron does not mingle itself with clay. 44 And in the days of these final ten kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed, nor shall its sovereignty be left to another people; but it shall break and crush and consume all these kingdoms and it shall stand forever. [Dan. 7:14-17; Luke 1:31-33; Rev. 11:15.] 45 Just as you saw that the Stone was cut out of the mountain without hands and that it broke in pieces the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold, the great God has made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter. The dream is certain and the interpretation of it is sure. (Dan 2:41-45) Ampl God revealed that just before the time of the coming of Jesus Christ, 10 kings will rule the earth. This is represented by the two legs and two feet of the statue, which king Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream, which God gave him, regards the future of the kingdoms of the world through history. During that time God will set up His kingdom, by breaking the statue, striking it on its feet, during the time of those 10 kings, the ten toes, being the 10 main divisions of the world, into the western and the eastern nations of the world. He had to remove 2 in the west in order to become the new leader of the most powerful, satanic secret society in the west, having its headquarters in Brussels. He allowed the cocky one in the west to remove the 5 most powerful nations in the east, in order to take his rulership over the other weaker nations of the world.

Western Alliance of Nations United Nations Security Council The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is one of the principal organs of the United Nations and is charged with the maintenance of international peace and security. Its powers, outlined in the United Nations Charter, include the establishment of peacekeeping operations, the establishment of international sanctions, and the authorization of military action. Its powers are exercised through United Nations Security Council Resolutions. The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -9-

Fast Journal

The Servant February 2010

The Security Council held its first session on 17 January 1946 at Church House, London. Since its first meeting, the Council, which exists in continuous session, has travelled widely, holding meetings in many cities, such as Paris and Addis Ababa, as well as at its current permanent home in the United Nations building in New York City. There are 15 members of the Security Council, consisting of five veto-wielding permanent members (China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States) and ten elected nonpermanent members with two-year terms. This basic structure Leaders of the five permanent member states at a is set out in Chapter V of the UN Charter. Security Council summit in 2000 members must always be present at UN headquarters in New York so that the Security Council can meet at any time. This requirement of the United Nations Charter was adopted to address a weakness of the League of Nations since that organization was often unable to respond quickly to a crisis. Members Permanent members The Security Council's five permanent members have the power to veto any substantive resolution: •




United Kingdom

United States

The five permanent members (also known as the P5 or Big 5) were drawn from the victorious powers of World War II, and at the UN's founding in 1946, the Security Council consisted of France, the Republic of China, the United Kingdom, the United States and the USSR. There have been two seat changes since then, although not reflected in Article 23 of the Charter of the United Nations as it has not been accordingly amended: •

China's seat was originally filled by the Republic of China, but due to the stalemate of the Chinese Civil War in 1949, there have been two states claiming to represent China The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria &

All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -10-

Fast Journal

The Servant February 2010

since then, and both officially claim each other's territory. In 1971, the People's Republic of China was awarded China's seat in the United Nations by UN General Assembly Resolution 2758, and the Republic of China (based in Taiwan) soon lost membership in all UN organizations. •

Russia, being the legal successor state to the Soviet Union after the latter's collapse in 1991, acquired the originally-Soviet seat, including the Soviet Union's former representation in the Security Council.

The five permanent members of the Security Council are the only nations recognized as possessing nuclear weapons under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. This nuclear status is not the result of their Security Council membership. Several other countries with nuclear weapons have not signed the treaty and are not recognized as nuclear weapons states. The Permanent Representatives of the U.N. Security Council permanent members are Zhang Yesui (China), GĂŠrard Araud (France), Vitaly Churkin (Russia), Mark Lyall Grant (United Kingdom), and Susan Rice (United States).[3] See also: China and the United Nations, France and the United Nations, Russia and the United Nations, Soviet Union and the United Nations, United Kingdom and the United Nations, and United States and the United Nations Non-permanent members Ten other members are elected by the General Assembly for two-year terms starting on 1 January, with five replaced each year. The members are chosen by regional groups and confirmed by the United Nations General Assembly. The African bloc chooses three members; the Latin America and the Caribbean, Asian, and Western European and Others blocs choose two members each; and the Eastern European bloc chooses one member. Also, one of these members is an Arab country, alternately from the Asian or African bloc.[4] See also: List of members of the United Nations Security Council, United Nations Security Council election, 2008, and United Nations Security Council election, 2009 President Main article: President of the United Nations Security Council The role of president of the Security Council involves setting the agenda, presiding at its meetings and overseeing any crisis. The President is authorized to issue both presidential statements (subject to consensus among Council members) and notes,[5][6] which are used to make declarations of intent that the full Security Council can then pursue.[6] The Presidency rotates monthly in alphabetical order of the Security Council member nations' names in English and is held by China for the month of January 2010.

The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -11-

Fast Journal

The Servant February 2010

Veto power Under Article 27 of the UN Charter, Security Council decisions on all substantive matters require the affirmative votes of nine members. A negative vote, or veto, also known as the rule of "great Power unanimity", by a permanent member prevents adoption of a proposal, even if it has received the required number of affirmative votes (9). Abstention is not regarded as a veto despite the wording of the Charter. Since the Security Council's inception, China (ROC/PRC) has used its veto 6 times; France 18 times; Number of resolutions vetoed by each of the five Russia/USSR 123 times; the United Kingdom 32 permanent members of the Security Council times; and the United States 82 times. The majority of between 1946 and 2007.[7] Russian/Soviet vetoes were in the first ten years of the Council's existence. Since 1984, China (PRC) has vetoed three resolutions; France three; Russia/USSR four; the United Kingdom ten; and the United States 43. Procedural matters are not subject to a veto, so the veto cannot be used to avoid discussion of an issue. Main article: United Nations Security Council veto power Criticism There has been criticism that the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, who are all nuclear powers, have created an exclusive nuclear club that only addresses the strategic interests and political motives of the permanent members: for example, protecting the oil-rich Kuwaitis in 1991, but poorly protecting resource-poor Rwandans in 1994.[32] Critics have suggested that the number of permanent members should be expanded to include non-nuclear powers,[33] or abolishing the concept of permanency altogether.[34] Another criticism of the Security Council involves the veto power of the five permanent nations; a veto from any of the permanent members may cripple any possible UN armed or diplomatic response to a crisis. John J. Mearsheimer claimed that "since 1982, the US has vetoed 32 Security Council resolutions critical of Israel, more than the total number of vetoes cast by all the other Security Council members."[35] The practice of the permanent members meeting privately and then presenting their resolutions to the full council as a fait accompli has also drawn fire.[36] On the other hand, a 2005 report by the American Institute for Peace on UN reform states that contrary to the equality of rights for all nations enshrined in the UN Charter, Israel continues to be denied rights enjoyed by all other member-states, and a level of systematic hostility against it is routinely expressed, organized, and funded within the United Nations system.[37] Since 1961, The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -12-

Fast Journal

The Servant February 2010

Israel has been barred from the Asia regional group and therefore could not even theoretically be a member of the Security Council. In 2000, it was offered limited membership in the Western European and Others Group (WEOG). Other critics and even proponents of the Security Council question its effectiveness and relevance because in most high-profile cases, there are essentially no consequences for violating a Security Council resolution. During the Darfur crisis, Janjaweed militias, allowed by elements of the Sudanese government, committed violence against an indigenous population, killing thousands of civilians. In the Srebrenica massacre, Serbian troops committed genocide against Bosnian Muslims, although Srebrenica had been declared a UN "safe area" and was even protected by 400 armed Dutch peacekeepers. Other critics call the UN undemocratic, representing the interests of the governments of the nations who form it and not necessarily the individuals within those nations. The UN Charter gives all three powers of the legislative, executive, and judiciary branches to the Security Council.[38] Another concern is that the five permanent members of the UN Security Council are five of the top ten largest arms dealing countries in the world.[39] Membership reform: There has been discussion of increasing the number of permanent members. The countries who have made the strongest demands for permanent seats are Brazil, Germany, India, and Japan. Indeed, Japan and Germany are the UN's second and third largest founders respectively, while Brazil, the largest Latin American nation, and India, the world's largest democracy and second most populous country, are two of the largest contributors of troops to UN-mandated peacekeeping missions. This proposal has found opposition in a group of countries called Uniting for Consensus. Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan asked a team of advisors The G4 nations: Brazil, Germany, India, to come up with recommendations for reforming the United and Japan. Most support one another's Nations by the end of 2004. One proposed measure is to bids for permanent seats on the Security increase the number of permanent members by five, Council, though are heavily opposed by which, in most proposals, would include Brazil, Germany, various member nations of the UN. India, Japan (known as the G4 nations), one seat from Africa (most likely between Egypt, Nigeria or South Africa) and/or one seat from the Arab League.[40] On 21 September 2004, the G4 nations issued a joint statement mutually backing each other's claim to permanent status, together with two African countries. Currently the proposal has to be accepted by two-thirds of the General Assembly (128 votes). Main article: Reform of the United Nations Security Council

The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -13-

Fast Journal

The Servant February 2010

The Eye of the Dragon The question is who is the one, whom the Lord Jesus implicates as the Eye of the Dragon? China will be head of the Security Council and a permanent member of the Council in January 2010.

United Nations Security Council

President of the United Nations Security Council Main article: President of the United Nations Security Council The role of president of the Security Council involves setting the agenda, presiding at its meetings and overseeing any crisis. The President is authorized to issue both presidential statements (subject to consensus among Council members) and notes,[5][6] which are used to make declarations of intent that the full Security Council can then pursue.[6] The Presidency rotates monthly in alphabetical order of the Security Council member nations' names in English and is held by China for the month of January 2010. Another position which is more permanent and also is seated in the east is the United Nations Secretary-General:

UN Security Council Chamber in New York, also known as the Norwegian Room Org type

Principal Organ


China (for January 2010)



Established 1946

United Nations Secretary-General


Main article: Secretary-General of the United Nations The Secretariat is headed by the Secretary-General, who acts as the de facto spokesman and leader of the UN. The current Secretary-General is Ban Ki-moon, who took over from Kofi Annan in 2007 and will be eligible for reappointment when his first term expires in 2011.[9] Envisioned by Franklin D. Roosevelt as a "world moderator", the position is defined in the UN Charter as the organization's "chief administrative officer",[10] but the Charter also states that the Secretary-General can bring to the Security Council's attention "any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security",[11] giving the position greater scope for action on the world stage. The position has evolved into a dual role of an administrator of the UN organization, and a diplomat and mediator addressing disputes between member states and finding consensus to global issues.[9]

The current SecretaryGeneral, Ban Ki-moon of South Korea

The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -14-

Fast Journal

The Servant February 2010

The Secretary-General is appointed by the General Assembly, after being recommended by the Security Council. The selection can be vetoed by any member of the Security Council,[12] and the General Assembly can theoretically override the Security Council's recommendation if a majority vote is not achieved, although this has not happened so far.[13] There are no specific criteria for the post, but over the years it has become accepted that the post shall be held for one or two terms of five years, that the post shall be appointed on the basis of geographical rotation, and that the Secretary-General shall not originate from one of the five permanent Security Council member states.[13]

The Heart of the Beast System As was prophetically revealed by the Holy Spirit and through the Anointing, the former advisor and possible heart of all decisions made, points to Henry Kissinger. Also see the Prophecy: Fasting Journal - Part 14 - The Sequence of Events of the last days Kissinger remained at Harvard as a member of the faculty in the Department of Government and at the Centre for International Affairs. He became Associate Director of the latter in 1957. In 1955, he was a consultant to the National Security Council's Operations Coordinating Board.[15] During 1955 and 1956, he was also Study Director in Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations. He released his Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy the following year.[16] From 1956 to 1958 he worked for the Rockefeller Brothers Fund as director of its Special Studies Project.[15] He was Director of the Harvard Defense Studies Program between 1958 and 1971. He was also Director of the Harvard International Seminar between 1951 and 1971. Outside of academia, he served as a consultant to several government agencies, including the Operations Research Office, the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, and the Department of State, and the Rand Corporation, a think-tank.[15] Role in U.S. foreign policy Kissinger left office when a Democrat, former Governor of Georgia and "Washington outsider" Jimmy Carter, defeated Republican Gerald Ford in the 1976 presidential elections. Kissinger continued to participate in policy groups, such as the Trilateral Commission, and to maintain political consulting, speaking, and writing engagements. In 2002, President George W. Bush appointed Kissinger to chair a committee to investigate the terrorist attacks of September 11 attacks. Kissinger stepped down as chairman on December 13, 2002 rather than reveal his client list, when queried about potential conflicts of interest. Kissinger and the Balkans In several articles of his and interviews that he gave during the Yugoslav wars, he heavily criticized the United States' policies in that region, among other things for the recognition of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a sovereign state, which he described as a foolish act.[43] Most importantly he dismissed the notion of Serbs, and The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -15-

Fast Journal

The Servant February 2010

Croats for that part, being aggressors or separatist, saying that "they can't be separating from something that has never existed".[44] In addition, he repeatedly warned the West of implicating itself in a conflict that has its roots at least hundreds of years back in time, and said that the West would do better if it allowed the Serbs and Croats to join their respective countries.[44] Kissinger was similarly critical of Western involvement in Kosovo. In particular, he held a disparaging view of the Rambouillet Agreement: The Rambouillet text, which called on Serbia to admit NATO troops throughout Yugoslavia, was a provocation, an excuse to start bombing. Rambouillet is not a document that any Serb could have accepted. It was a terrible diplomatic document that should never have been presented in that form.—Henry Kissinger , Daily Telegraph, June 28, 1999

Kissinger speaking during Gerald Ford's funeral in January 2007.

However, as the Serbs did not accept the Rambouillet text and war broke out, he opted for a continuation of the bombing as NATO's credibility was now at stake, but dismissed the usage of ground forces, claiming that it was not worth it.[45] Kissinger and Iraq In 2006, it was reported in the book State of Denial by Bob Woodward that Kissinger was meeting regularly with President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney to offer advice on the Iraq War.[46] Kissinger confirmed in recorded interviews with Woodward[47] that the advice was the same as he had given in an August 12, 2005 column in The Washington Post: "Victory over the insurgency is the only meaningful exit strategy."[48] In a November 19, 2006 interview at BBC Sunday AM, Kissinger said, when asked whether there is any hope left for a clear military victory in Iraq, "If you mean by 'military victory' an Iraqi Government that can be established and whose writ runs across the whole country, that gets the civil war under control and sectarian violence under control in a time period that the political processes of the democracies will support, I don't believe that is possible... I think we have to redefine the course. But I don't believe that the alternative is between military victory as it had been defined previously, or total withdrawal."[49]

In an April 3, 2008 interview by Peter Robinson of the Hoover Institution, Kissinger re-iterated that even though he supported the 2003 invasion of Iraq he thought that the Bush administration rested too much of the case for war on Saddam's supposed weapons of mass destruction. Robinson noted that Kissinger had criticized the The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -16-

Fast Journal

The Servant February 2010

administration for invading with too few troops, for disbanding the Iraqi Army, and for mishandling

relations with certain allies.[50] Kissinger and Southwest Asia After apologizing for his use of the word 'bitch' in reference to Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Kissinger met India's main Opposition Leader Lal Krishna Advani in early October 2007 and lobbied for the support of his Bharatiya Janata Party for the Indo-US civilian nuclear agreement. Kissinger was present at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Summer Olympics. He was also in the Chinese capital to attend the inauguration of the new US Embassy complex.

Kissinger said in April 2008 that "India has parallel objectives to the United States" and he called it an ally of the U.S.[50] Kissinger and Iran Kissinger's position on this issue of U.S.-Iran talks was reported by The Tehran Times to be that "Any direct talks between the U.S. and Iran on issues such as the nuclear dispute would be most likely to succeed if they first involved only diplomatic staff and progressed to the level of secretary of state before the heads of state meet." [51] Achievements In 1973, Kissinger received the Nobel Peace Prize for the Paris Peace Accords of 1973, "intended to bring about a cease-fire in the Vietnam war and a withdrawal of the American forces," while serving as the United States Secretary of State. On January 13, 1977, Kissinger was presented with the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Gerald Ford. In 1995, he was appointed an honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire.[56] In 1998, Kissinger became an honorary citizen of Fürth, Germany, his hometown. He has been a life-long supporter of the Spielvereinigung Greuther Fürth football club and is now an honorary member. He served as Chancellor of the College of William and Mary from February 10, 2001 to the summer of 2005. In April 2006, Kissinger received the prestigious Woodrow Wilson Award for Public Service from the Woodrow Wilson Centre of the Smithsonian Institution. In June 2007, Kissinger received the Hopkins-Nanjing Award for his contributions to re-establishing Sino– American relations. This award was presented by the presidents of Nanjing University, Chen Jun, and of The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -17-

Fast Journal

The Servant February 2010

Johns Hopkins University, William Brody, during the 20th anniversary celebration of The Johns Hopkins University—Nanjing University Centre for Chinese and American Studies also known as the Hopkins-Nanjing Centre. In September 2007, Kissinger was honoured as Grand Marshal of the German-American Steuben Parade in New York City. He was celebrated by tens of thousands of spectators on Fifth Avenue. Former German chancellor Helmut Kohl was supposed to be a co-Grand Marshal but had to cancel due to health problems. Kohl was represented by Klaus Scharioth, German Ambassador in Washington, who led the Steuben Parade with Kissinger. Kissinger is known to be a member of the following groups: •

Bohemian Grove[57]

Council on Foreign Relations[58]

Aspen Institute[59]

Bilderberg Group[60]

For more information see Henry Kissinger

Eastern Alliance of Nations In order to find the implicated eastern alliance of nations, we need only look to that which Yeshua had revealed. Yeshua opened up that the ram which was seen by the prophet Daniël, had two horns, one short and the longer one came up last. By the signs in the heavens, the Holy Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ, made it clear that Venezuela was the short horn. Who then is the long horn? See the Prophecy: Signs in the Heavens – Part 3 – The Smouldering Mountain & Fasting Journal – Part 2 - An Ungodly Alliance & Fasting Journal - Part 16 - An Evil and a Treacherous plan & Fasting Journal - Part 19 - The Trojan Horse. A direct link exists between the OPEC alliance of nations and the Arab League of nations. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is a cartel of twelve countries made up of Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela. The organization has maintained its headquarters in Vienna since 1965,[2] and hosts regular meetings among the oil ministers of its Member Countries. Indonesia's membership from OPEC was voluntarily suspended recently as it became a net importer of oil. [3] Venezuela was the first country to move towards the establishment of OPEC by approaching Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia in 1949, suggesting that they exchange views and explore avenues for regular and closer communication among petroleum-producing nations. In 10-14 September 1960, at the The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -18-

Fast Journal

The Servant February 2010

initiative of the Venezuelan Energy and Mines minister Juan Pablo PĂŠrez Alfonzo and the Saudi Arabian Energy and Mines minister Abdullah al-Tariki, the governments of Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela met in Baghdad to discuss ways to increase the price of the crude oil produced by their respective countries. OPEC was founded in Baghdad, triggered by a 1960 law instituted by American President Dwight Eisenhower that forced quotas on Venezuelan and Persian Gulf oil imports in favor of the Canadian and Mexican oil industries. Eisenhower cited national security, land access to energy supplies, at times of war. When this led to falling prices for oil in these regions, Venezuela's president Romulo Betancourt reacted seeking an alliance with oil producing Arab nations as a preemptive strategy to protect the continuous autonomy and profitability of Venezuela's oil. As a result, OPEC was founded to unify and coordinate members' petroleum policies. Original OPEC members include Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela. Between 1960 and 1975, the organization expanded to include Qatar (1961), Indonesia (1962), Libya (1962), the United Arab Emirates (1967), Algeria (1969), and Nigeria (1971). Ecuador and Gabon were members of OPEC, but Ecuador withdrew on December 31, 1992[8] because they were unwilling or unable to pay a $2 million membership fee and felt that they needed to produce more oil than they were allowed to under the OPEC quota. [9] Similar concerns prompted Gabon to follow suit in January 1995 [4]. Angola joined on the first day of 2007.Russia and Norway joined as non-permanent members in the organisation in early 2000. [10] Indicating that OPEC is not averse to further expansion, Mohammed Barkindo, OPEC's Secretary General, recently asked Sudan to join.[11] Iraq remains a member of OPEC, though Iraqi production has not been a part of any OPEC quota agreements since March 1998. In May 2008, Indonesia announced that it would leave OPEC when its membership expired at the end of that year, having become a net importer of oil and being unable to meet its production quota. [12] A statement released by OPEC on 10 September 2008 confirmed Indonesia's withdrawal, noting that it "regretfully accepted the wish of Indonesia to suspend its full Membership in the Organization and recorded its hope that the Country would be in a position to rejoin the Organization in the not too distant future." [13] According to its statutes, one of the principal goals is the determination of the best means for safeguarding the Organization's interests, individually and collectively. It also pursues ways and means of ensuring the stabilization of prices in international oil markets with a view to eliminating harmful and unnecessary fluctuations; giving due regard at all times to the interests of the producing nations and to the necessity of securing a steady income to the producing countries; an efficient, economic and regular supply of petroleum to consuming nations, and a fair return on their capital to those investing in the petroleum industry.[4] OPEC's influence on the market has been widely criticized. Several members of OPEC alarmed the world and triggered high inflation across both the developing and developed world when they used oil embargoes in the 1973 oil crisis. OPEC's ability to control the price of oil has diminished somewhat since then, due to the subsequent discovery and development of large oil reserves in the Gulf of Mexico and the North Sea, the opening The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -19-

Fast Journal

The Servant February 2010

up of Russia, and market modernization. OPEC nations still account for two-thirds of the world's oil reserves, and, as of March 2008, 35.6% of the world's oil production, affording them considerable control over the global market. The next largest group of producers, members of the OECD and the Post-Soviet states produced only 23.8% and 14.8%, respectively, of the world's total oil production.[5] As early as 2003, concerns that OPEC members had little excess pumping capacity sparked speculation that their influence on crude oil prices would begin to slip.[6][7]


Joined OPEC[21]

Population (July 2008)[22]

Area (km²)[23]












South America

2007[A 1]




Middle East

1960[A 2]




Middle East

1960[A 2]




Middle East

1960[A 2]














The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -20-

Fast Journal

The Servant February 2010


Middle East




Saudi Arabia

Middle East

1960[A 2]



United Arab Emirates

Middle East





South America

1960[A 2]





11,854,977 km²


The OPEC alliance of nations has controlled the world’s markets, using oil. The only way that the dollar was kept strong was by prohibiting oil form being bought in any other currency than the dollar. But the Arab League of Nations has opted to sell oil to other nations by means of the euro and even the yen. Venezuela's president Romulo Betancourt reacted seeking an alliance with oil producing Arab nations as a preemptive strategy to protect the continuous autonomy and profitability of Venezuela's oil. The Arab League of Nations is strongest League of Nations, with which Venezuela’s President could make an alliance, who had the same interest as Venezuela. The Arab League The Arab League, is a regional organization of Arab states in Southwest Asia, and North and Northeast Africa. It was formed in Cairo on March 22, 1945 with six members: Egypt, Iraq, Transjordan (renamed Jordan after 1946), Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Syria. Yemen joined as a member on May 5, 1945. The Arab League currently has 22 members and four observers. The main goal of the league is to "draw closer the relations between member States and co-ordinate collaboration between them, to safeguard their independence and sovereignty, and to consider in a general way the affairs and interests of the Arab countries."[1]

The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -21-

Fast Journal

The Servant February 2010

There was a continual increase in membership during the second half of the 20th century, with additional 15 Arab states and 4 observers being admitted. Egypt's membership was suspended in 1979 after it signed the Egyptian–Israeli Peace Treaty, and the League's headquarters were moved from Cairo to Tunis. In 1987, Arab countries restored diplomatic relations with Egypt and the country was readmitted to the league in 1989 while the league's headquarters moved back to Cairo. In September 2006, Venezuela was accepted as an observer and India in 2007. Israel is not a member despite 20% of its Members and observer members of the Arab League population being of Arab origin, nearly half the Jewish population being descended from Jews from Arab countries, and Arabic being an official language. Neither is Chad a member, although Arabic is in both official and vernacular use there. Four countries are observer states — a status that entitles them to express their opinion and give advice but denies them voting rights.[4] Through institutions such as the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALESCO) and the Economic and Social Council of the Arab League's Council of Arab Economic Unity (CAEU), the Arab League facilitates political, economic, cultural, scientific and social programs designed to promote the interests of the Arab world.[2][3] It has served as a forum for the member states to coordinate their policy positions, to deliberate on matters of common concern, to settle some Arab disputes, and to limit conflicts such as the 1958 Lebanon crisis. The League has served as a platform for the drafting and conclusion of many landmark documents promoting economic integration. One example is the Joint Arab Economic Action Charter which sets out the principles for economic activities in the region. Each member state has one vote in the League Council, while decisions are binding only for those states that have voted for them. The aims of the league in 1945 were to strengthen and coordinate the political, cultural, economic, and social programs of its members, and to mediate disputes among them or between them and third parties. Furthermore, the signing of an agreement on Joint Defense and Economic Cooperation on April 13, 1950 committed the signatories to coordination of military defence measures. The Arab league has played an important role in shaping school curricula, advancing the role of women in the Arab societies, promoting child welfare, encouraging youth and sports programs, preserving Arab cultural heritage, and fostering cultural exchanges between the member states. Literacy campaigns have been launched, intellectual works reproduced, and modern technical terminology is translated for the use within member states. The league encourages measures against crime and drug abuse, and deals with labour issues—particularly among the emigrant Arab workforce.

The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -22-

Fast Journal

The Servant February 2010

Members and dates



Iraq[6] Jordan[7]b Lebanon[8] Saudi Arabia[9] Syria[10]

March 22, 1945a


June 12, 1972

Bahrain Qatar

September 11, 1971


September 29, 1971


November 26, 1973


February 14, 1974


September 9, 1976


May 5, 1945


April 9, 1977


March 28, 1953c


November 20, 1993


January 19, 1956


observer since 2003[12]

Moroccod Tunisia

October 1, 1958


observer since 2003 [13] [14] [15][16] [17]


July 20, 1961


observer since 2006[18] [15]


August 16, 1962


observer since 2007[19]

The Arab League is rich in resources, with enormous oil and natural gas resources; it also has great fertile lands in south of the Sudan, usually referred to as the food basket of the Arab World. The region's instability has not affected its tourism industry, that is considered the fastest growing industry in the region, with Egypt, UAE, Algeria, Tunisia, and Jordan leading the way. Another industry that is growing steadily in the Arab League is telecommunications. Within less than a decade, local companies such as Orascom and Etisalat have managed to compete internationally. Economic achievements initiated by the League amongst member states have been less impressive than those achieved by other smaller Arab organizations such as the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). However, several promising major economic projects are set to be completed soon.[24] Among them is the Arab Gas Pipeline, scheduled to be accomplished in 2010. It will transport Egyptian and Iraqi gas to Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Turkey. The Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA), planned to come into effect on January 1, 2008, will render 95% of all Arab products free of customs. Economic development in the Arab League is very disparate. Significant difference in wealth and economic conditions exist between the rich oil states of UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, and Algeria on the one hand, and poor countries like the Comoros, Mauritania, and Djibouti on the other hand. Arab economic funding is under The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -23-

Fast Journal

The Servant February 2010

development. As an example, the Arab League agreed to support the Sudanese region of Darfur with 500 million dollars, and Egyptian and Libyan companies are planning to build several wells in this dry area. Geography Main article: Geography of the Arab League The area of members of the Arab League covers around 14 million km2 and straddles two continents: Western Asia as well as Northern and North-eastern Africa. The area consists of large arid deserts, namely the Sahara. Nevertheless, it also contains several very fertile lands, such as the Nile Valley, the High Atlas Mountains, and the Fertile Crescent which stretches from Iraq over Syria and Lebanon to Palestine. The area comprises also deep forests in southern Arabia and southern Sudan as well as the major parts of the world's longest river—the Nile. The area has witnessed the rise and fall of many ancient civilizations: Ancient Egypt, Rome, Ancient Israel, Assyria, Babylon, Phoenicia, Carthage, Kush, and Nabateans. Comparisons with other organizations The Arab League resembles the Organization of American States, Celtic League, the Council of Europe, and the African Union, in that it has primarily political aims. However, membership in the league is based on culture rather than geographical location. In this respect, the Arab League resembles organizations such as the Latin Union or the Caribbean Community.

Map Comparison of the Arab League with Russia, USA and Europe (without Russia)

The Arab League differs notably from the European Union, in that it has not achieved a significant degree of regional integration and the organization itself has no direct relations with the citizens of its member states. However, the Arab League is based on principles that support and promote a unified Arab nationalism and a common position among Arabic states on various issues. All Arab League members are also members of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference. In turn, the memberships of the smaller GCC and Arab Maghreb Union organizations are subsets of that of the league. After years of prayer and waiting on the Lord Jesus, who knows the end from the beginning, we can now put together all the prophetic events and the current world organisations so as to complete that which was hidden for thousands of generations. Revealing by the power of God, how the eight beast will rise to power.

The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -24-

Fast Journal

The Servant February 2010

God does nothing unless the do not first reveal it to His servants the prophets. God, in His great mercy, is in control and will not allow His people to be caught like a thief in the night, so that sudden destruction will come upon them. 13 But when anything is exposed and reproved by the light, it is made visible and clear; and where everything is visible and clear there is light. 14 Therefore He says: “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall shine, make day dawn, upon you and give you light. 15 Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise, sensible, intelligent people, 16 Making the very most of the time, buying up each opportunity, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is. 18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but ever be filled and stimulated with the Holy Spirit. (Eph 5:13-18) Ampl Let us awake from our sleep, for the night is far spent. The time is at hand for all these things to be fulfilled. All praise and glory belong to him who granted His servants the ability to complete this work, in much perseverance and patience, preparing the way before His coming. Come Lord Jesus come!

From the directors: “The Witness�

The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -25-

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