The Little Book - Part 2 - First Thunder - The deal between Two

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15 February 2011

The Servant

The Little Book Part 2

The First Thunder (Two Men shaking hands)

4 I looked and saw the ram pushing and charging charging westward and northward and southward; no beast could stand before him, neither could anyone rescue from his power, but he did according to his own will and pleasure and magnified himself. (Dan 8:4 Ampl)

Flashes of Lightning and rumblings and peals of Thunder The speed of light travels thousands of times faster than sound. This is how the awesome phenomenon called lighting works. We see the flash of light, in a wink of an eye, but depending how far we are from the actual position of the lighting striking,, seconds later, we will hear either rumblings or peals of thunder. The effect of the sticking lightning bolt is instant, but the terrible sound of thunder and power, which makes the earth tremble, tremble only comes later. The Witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria info@witnesse &


Lightning appears when the heavens are charged with a positive of a negative charge. Before rain comes there is a charging of the atmospheric layers of the earth. Because of turbulence in the air, caused by a difference between low pressure cells and high pressure cells, there is friction between water particles that are charged. Depending on the difference between the high and low pressure cells, with the low pressure cell moving in, underneath the high pressure cell, great amounts of charged particles gather together, polarizing the sky into to two opposite and equal charged forces. As soon as the particles, which have been charged reaches its climax, the de-electric isolation factor between them is overcome and in an instant, at the flash of a lighting, these charges jump towards one another, equalizing both, re-establishing the balance in the sky. Lightning can strike not only to the earth, also from the earth upward to the clouds, wherever a high enough static charge has been reached, overcoming that which has separated them from one another. This can happen between clouds, between the earth and the clouds or between the clouds and the earth. When lightning strikes, the energy, seen as a bolt of light, follows a path of least resistance, with other possible side strikes also occurring, which also strike towards other less highly charged positions or pockets of charges. This can cause a chain reaction, which causes secondary lightning bolts to also strike out of the primary bolt of lightning. The sound of thunder then seems to roll out like peals of thunder for a short period after the primary strike. In the book of Revelations the wrath of God is often compared to the striking of lightning and rumbling and peals of thunder. The apostle John saw a vision, in which he distinctly heard 7 thunders, as was written: 1 THEN I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven, robed in a cloud, with a halo like a rainbow over his head; his face was like the sun, and his feet and legs were like columns of fire. 2 He had a little book or scroll open in his hand. He set his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land, 3 And he shouted with a loud voice like the roaring of a lion; and when he had shouted, the seven thunders gave voice and uttered their message in distinct words. 4 And when the seven thunders had spoken or sounded, I was going to write it down, but I heard a voice from heaven saying: “Seal up what the seven thunders have said! Do not write it down!” (Rev 10:1-4 Ampl) Directly after the mighty Angel of Yahshua’s Presence, shouted, like a roaring Lion, seven thunders gave answer and the lightning of the final revelation of the mystery of YHWH was revealed and released. Each of these flashes of lightning was accompanied by rumblings and peals of thunder, which rolled out their explanations and their judgements to follow. Seven specific lightnings or revelations, would strike before the final mystery of all that was prophesied by all the prophets would be fulfilled. When we suddenly have an awesome revelation we say: “Then lightning struck!” It feels the revelation just came to suddenly, like lightning that strikes. Lightning, thus also resembles a specific revelation, as was told to John: “Seal up what the seven thunders have said! Do not write it down!” John was not allowed to reveal, at that time, what these lightings with their accompanying peals of thunder revealed, but was only told: “You are to make a fresh prophecy concerning many peoples and races and nations and languages and kings.” [Jer. 1:10.] Later however it was revealed to John who would reveal the final fulfilment of the seven thunders: 3 “And I will grant the power of prophecy to My two witnesses for 1,260, 42 months; three and one-half years, dressed in sackcloth. (Rev 11:3 Ampl)

The First Prophetic Event on the Time line On the 22nd of April 2002, YHWH revealed the first event in the sequence of events that will trigger the beginning the most terrible times the earth has ever seen and will not see again for many generations, called the time of Jacobs’s trouble. At first, this event will not seem like much, but will be followed by the second event in the time line, which would only commence after some time from the first lightning strike, starting the prophetic fulfilment of that which was revealed to the prophet Daniel. The Witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria &


In the first week of December 2010, I found out about a very important agreement that was made, which YHWH had indicated as the first event to be fulfilled on the chronological timeline, which would trigger a series of events, in sequence, which would bring about the final judgment and fulfilment of all that was revealed to all the apostles and prophets. No one would be able to stop the devastating effect it will have on the earth and on all mankind. The Creator of the universe revealed these things to two witnesses, through signs in the sky, using clouds, so that no man will be without excuse, for it is written: 4 Sing to God, sing praises to his name; extol him who rides on the clouds by his name, YAH; and be glad in his presence. (Psa 68:4 Ampl) Through signs in the sky, Yahshua shouted out the plans of the world leaders.

The First sign in the YHWH’sTime line The First sign, which we were shown in the time line, was two men shaking each other’s hands. This was a very important agreement that first had to be made. The Lord had revealed a very important alliance of nations, which would make an agreement between them. Who is this alliance of nations? It took me many more years to fully understand who the actual two leaders or President would be. It must be remembered that this time line already appeared to us on 22nd of April 2002, but we had to wait for its fulfilment, just as the Lord spoke to the prophet Habakkuk, saying: “Write the vision and engrave it so plainly upon tablets that everyone who passes may be able to read it easily and quickly as he hastens by. 3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time and it hastens to the end fulfilment; it will not deceive or disappoint. Though it tarry, wait earnestly for it, because it will surely come; it will not be behindhand on its appointed day. [Heb. 10:37, 38.] (Hab 2:2-3 Ampl) We had to wait until this word of the Lord to us, which came through signs in the heavens, would indicate the beginning of the end. We had to wait until the first lighting and thunder would announce the event, which would trigger the destruction of a 3rd of the world and it inhabitants. We must now reveal how this will lead to the judgment of YHWH being released, full strength, when He will pour out the cup of His wrath on all the nations who refuse to listen to His commands and the words of His prophets. This prophetic thunder will now become like a seismographic wave of an earthquake, which will shake the whole earth. Man must learn that the consequences of his wickedness has an equal and opposite effect. What a man sows he will reap. You might sow the wind, but you will reap the whirlwind.

Two men shaking Hands Yeshua Himself, through signs in the heavens, directly interpreted His own Words, which He had given to His servants to prophets in the past. Through great power and signs in the sky, YHWH stretched out His right-hand and revealed His power to all mankind. Himself interpreting words to the prophets, revealing those things to us, His servants, whom He had chosen, to prepare a people from Himself, who will give Him the honour that is due His Name. On the 10th of March 2002, a sign of the continent of South America appeared in the sky. While we looked, so that at the mouth of two witnesses Yahshua will establish His word, the Lord took the little nation of Venezuela and made it in two the little horn of a ram. Then again, the Lord took the country of Brazil and made it into the long horn of the same ram, just as was prophesied by the prophet Daniel: 3 And I lifted up my eyes and saw, and behold, there stood before the river a single ram, which had two horns, representing two kings of Medo-Persia: Darius the Mede, then Cyrus; and the two horns were high, but one Persia was higher than the other, and the higher one came up last. 4 I looked and saw the ram, MedoPersia, pushing and charging westward and northward and southward; no beast could stand before him, neither could The Witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria &


anyone rescue from his power, but he did according to his own will and pleasure and magnified himself. (Dan 8:3-4 Ampl) Thus, Yahshua unseals the words of the prophets Himself, revealing that Venezuela is the short horn of Daniel and that after this Brazil and others would follow, becoming the longer horn that came up last.

The Median Empire The Medes were an ancient Iranian people[3] who lived in central Iran in an area known as Media and spoke a language referred to as the Median language. Their arrival to the region is associated with the first wave of Iranian tribes in the late second millennium BCE (the Bronze Age collapse). By the 6th century BCE, after having together with the Babylonians defeated the Neo-Assyrian Empire, the Medes were able to establish their authority, lasting for about sixty years, from the Battle of Nineveh in 612 BC until 549 BC when Cyrus the Great established the Achaemenid Empire by defeating the Median king Astyages.

The Persian Empire The Achaemenid (c. 550–330 B.C.E.), also known as the Persian Empire, was the successor state of the Median Empire, expanding to eventually rule over significant portions of the ancient world which at around 500 B.C.E. stretched from the Indus Valley in the east, to Thrace and Macedon on the north-eastern border of Greece.[1] The Achaemenid Empire would eventually control Egypt, encompassing some 1 million square miles unified by a complex network of roads, and ruled by absolute monarchs to become the greatest empire the world had ever seen.[1] The Persians originally were nomadic, pastoral people in the western Iranian plateau and by 850 B.C.E. were calling themselves the Parsa and their constantly shifting territory Parsua. For the most part the early Persians had settled in the southwest Iranian plateau, bounded on the west by Tigris river and on the south by Persian Gulf which had become their heartland for the duration of the Achaemenid Empire.[1] It was from this region that eventually Cyrus the Great (Cyrus II of Persia) would advance to defeat the Median, the Lydian, and the Babylonian Empires, opening the way for subsequent conquests into Egypt and Asia minor.

Cyrus the Great In 553 BC, Cyrus the Great, King of Persia, rebelled against his grandfather, the Mede King, Astyages son of Cyaxares; he finally won a decisive victory in 550 BC resulting in Astyages' capture by his own dissatisfied nobles, who promptly turned him over to the triumphant Cyrus.[24] After Cyrus's victory against Astyages, the Medes were subjected to their close kin, the Persians.[25] In the new empire they retained a prominent position; in honour and war, they stood next to the Persians; their court ceremony was adopted by the new sovereigns, who in the summer months resided in Ecbatana; and many noble Medes were employed as officials, satraps and generals. Interestingly, at the beginning the Greek historians referred to the Achaemenid Empire as a Median empire. At the height of its power after the conquest of Egypt, the empire encompassed approximately 8 million km2[2] spanning three continents: Asia, Africa and Europe. At its greatest extent, the empire included the modern territories of Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, parts of Central Asia, Asia Minor, Thrace and Macedonia, much of the Black Sea coastal regions, Iraq, northern Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and all significant population centers of ancient Egypt as far west as Libya.

The Witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria &


Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is a cartel of twelve countries made up of Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela. The organization has maintained its headquarters in Vienna since 1965,[2] and hosts regular meetings among the oil ministers of its Member Countries. Indonesia's membership from OPEC was voluntarily suspended recently as it became a net importer of oil. [3] After thousands of years the Old Persian Empire still remarkably consists out of the same people groups today. Both the OPEC alliance of countries and the Arab League of nations still consist mainly out of the same ancient lands of Medo-Persia. Venezuela was the first country to move towards the establishment of OPEC by approaching Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia in 1949, suggesting that they exchange views and explore avenues for regular and closer communication among petroleum-producing nations. After the Six Day War of 1967, the Arab members of OPEC formed a separate, overlapping group, the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries, for the purpose of centring policy and exerting pressure on the West over its support of Israel. A direct link exists between the OPEC alliance of nations and the Arab League of nations.

The Leader of Gog and Magog On the 9th of September 2002, both my brother and I saw a storm brewing in the east. Mighty clouds, looking like a huge wave, came from the east. A terrible dark cloud, looking like a huge wave, which filled the face of the whole earth, came out of the east. Lightning flashed on the inside of these clouds, lighting up the wave, which seemed like it was about to break upon the earth. I had not seen such awesome and magnificent cloud, looking like a mighty wave, in my entire life before. I kept looking as these clouds just grew thicker and higher, filling the entire eastern horizon. When we reached our destination, I climbed out of the vehicle and started praising and worshipped God, for his great power, wisdom, understanding and His mighty works, which had once done for men, as was prophesied: 10 All Your works shall praise You, O Lord, and Your loving ones shall bless You, affectionately and gratefully shall Your saints confess and praise You! 11 They shall speak of the glory of Your kingdom and talk of Your power, 12 To make known to the sons of men God's mighty deeds and the glorious majesty of His kingdom. (Psa 145:10-12 Ampl) Those with us did not understand, but saw the mighty storm, which arose like a wave, coming up, out of the sea, ready to break on the seashore. It was an awesome display of the power of God, demonstrating His love and friendship towards all who would listen to His call. The Lord spoke to my brother and I about those things to come, confirming all that He had already shown us before. We both saw this great sign and understood its meaning. Then as I looked, the head of a ram, having two horns, the one long and the other shorter, appeared on the top of the large cloud which looked like a wave coming out of the east, leading this mighty and majestic wave coming out of the east. When we saw this sign, we said to those around us that God is showing through signs in the heavens that a mighty attack would come up out of the east like a wave, against Israel, and the west. Then by the Spirit of God and through the revelation, which Yeshua had given us, we prophesied, saying: “Although this mighty army would come up out of the east, like a mighty wave, against Israel, the Anti-Christ and the western armies of the world, they will suddenly be broken and fall backwards.� Through this sign, Yahshua showed us how this ram, having one short horn, Venezuela, and having a longer horn, which came up last, the OPEC alliance of nations, who only joined later, will be the leaders of this great army of people, who will The Witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria &


come up like a wave out of the east, just like the prophet Ezekiel prophesied: “2 Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, of Meshech, and of Tubal, and prophesy against him, 3 And say: “Thus says the Lord God: “Behold, I am against you, O Gog, chief prince ruler of Rosh, of Meshech, and of Tubal. 4 And I will turn you back and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you forth and all your army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed in full armour, a great company with buckler and shield, all of them handling swords-- 5 Persia, Cush, and Put or Libya with them, all of them with shield and helmet, 6 Gomer and all his hordes, the house of Togarmah in the uttermost parts of the north and all his hordes, many people are with you. 7 You, Gog, be prepared; yes, prepare yourself, you and all your companies that are assembled about you, and you be a guard and a commander for them. 8 After many days you shall be visited and mustered, for service; in the latter years you shall go against the land that is restored from the ravages of the sword, where people are gathered out of many nations upon the mountains of Israel, which had been a continual waste; but its people are brought forth out of the nations and they shall dwell securely, all of them. [Isa. 24:22.] 9 You shall ascend and come like a storm; you shall be like a cloud to cover the land, you and all your hosts and many people with you. (Ezek 38:1-9) Ampl As soon as I prophesied to them, a wind arose out of the west, blowing back the mighty dark cloud, looking like a mighty wave, which had now covered the eastern horizon. Those with us was not convinced and left, but I remained. Minutes later, the storm clouds were driven back completely; falling backwards, because of the powerful wind that arose out the west, confirming all that the Holy Spirit had shown us. Through this sign, YHWH revealed to us who the leaders of this great cloud of people, who will come up out of the east, will be. The Leader of the nations, which will cover the land, which the prophet Ezekiel sees, is called, the ruler of Gog and Magog – Gog. Gog is an ancient tribe, as was recorded in the Old Testament, saying: “The sons of: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras. 3 The sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, Riphath, and Togarmah. 4 The sons of Javan: Elishah, Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. 5 From these the coastland peoples spread. These are the sons of Japheth in their lands, each with his own language, by their families within their nations. (Gen 10:2 Ampl) Out of the sons of Japheth, came Magog. All that other nations who will come with Gog and Magog also came from the blood line of Noah’s son - Japheth. Also among these nations coming up out of the east was the nation of Kittim. On the 4th of January 2008, through a vision, the Lord revealed to me who this is nation is – China. (The Last Week of Daniel: Part 3a - A Nation of Obscure Language, Part 3b - Complacent Women, Part 3c - Coming up like a Wave out of the East) Thus, all these nations are an alliance of nations, who will be amalgamated into one formidable army of nations, having the nation of Gog as their leader or commander. (Also see Fasting Journal: Part 2 - An Ungodly Alliance) But the question remains: “Who is Gog?” In the month of December 2010, the Lord revealed to me who the two leaders would be who will make an agreement that will lead all the nations of the east in the battle against Israel: The heading of the CBS news on the 21st of Oct 2010, Hugo Chavez Visits Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Iran; Leaders Tout "Strategic Alliance" to End U.S. "Imperialism"(AP) The leaders of Iran and Venezuela hailed what they called their strong strategic relationship on Wednesday, saying they are united in efforts to establish a "new world order" that will eliminate Western dominance over global affairs. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and visiting Venezuelan counterpart, Hugo Chavez, watched as officials from both countries signed 11 agreements promoting cooperation in areas including oil, natural gas, textiles, trade and public housing.

The Witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria &


Among the agreements, Venezuela's state oil company Petroleos de Venezuela SA said the South American country was forming a joint shipping venture with Iran to aid in delivering Venezuelan crude oil to Europe and Asia. Asia It said in a statement that the agreement for a joint venture also would help supply Iran "due to its limited refining capacity." capa Both presidents denounced U.S. "imperialism" and said their opponents will not be able to impede cooperation between Iran and Venezuela. Iran's state TV quoted both Ahmadinejad and Chavez as calling their relationship a "strategic alliance" that would eliminate the current global order. order. "Iran and Venezuela are united to establish a new world order based on humanity and justice," Ahmadinejad said, repeating his predictions that those who today seek "world domination are on the verge of collapse." Chavez said this is a time of "great threats" that make its necessary to swiftly "consolidate strategic alliances in political, economic, technological, energy and social areas," according to the state-run run Venezuelan News Agency. Details of the latest accords rds were not released, and Chavez said some agreements went beyond those put on paper. He said a Venezuelan delegation will soon travel to Iran to follow up on the agreements. Iran has become the closest Middle East ally to Chavez's government as the left-leaning leaning leader has sought to build international alliances to counter what he sees as U.S. economic and political dominance. "Imperialism has entered a decisive phase of decline and ... is headed, like elephants, to its graveyard," Chavez said, according to the Venezuelan state news agency.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, Chav left, gestures, as he is welcomed by his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, during an official welcoming ceremony, in Tehran, Iran, Oct. 19, 2010. (AP Photo)

Chavez has staunchly defended Iran's nuclear energy program, program siding with Tehran by insisting it is for peaceful uses and not for nuclear bombs. U.S. officials have worried Iran may be using its civilian nuclear program program as a cover to develop atomic weapons. Four rounds of U.N. sanctions, as well as broader severe U.S. and European Union sanctions have not persuaded Tehran to halt the program. Chavez also has plans to develop a nuclear energy program in Venezuela and last week signed an agreement for Russia to help build a reactor.. Without mentioning the countries' nuclear ambitions, Chavez said his government demands respect for Iran's sovereignty and that "those who think they are most powerful and want to impose their will on the world respect Iran." Chavez's trip to Iran was his ninth as president. president Before coming to Tehran, he made stops in Russia, Russia Belarus and Ukraine. Later Wednesday, Chavez arrived in Syria, and is due to travel next to Libya and Portugal. Iran and Venezuela both belong to the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. Countries In recent years, the two oil-producing producing countries have also set up joint ventures to produce cars, ars, tractors and bicycles in the South American country. ("Iran, Venezuela Promise "New World Order").

Iran窶天enezuela Relations Iranian-Venezuela relations

The Witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria info@witnesse &




Iran–Venezuela relations have strengthened substantially in recent years. The current presidents of Venezuela and Iran, President Hugo Chavez and President Ahmadinejad, Ahmadinejad, respectively, have both described themselves on the world stage as opposed to US imperialism.. Citing this commonality of opinion, they regard each other as allies, and they have embarked on a number of initiatives together. For example, on January 6 2007, the two announced that that they would use some money from a previously-announced announced $2bn joint fund to invest in other countries that were "attempting to liberate themselves from the imperialist yoke", in Chavez's words.[1]

History President Chávez has developed strong ties with the government of Iran,, in particular in the area of energy production, economic, and industrial cooperation.[2] He has visited Iran on several occasions, the first time in 2001,[3] when he declared that he came to Iran to "prepare the road for peace, justice, stability and progress for the 21st century".[2] Mohamed Khatami also has visited Venezuela on three occasions. During his 2005 visit, Chávez awarded him the Orden del Libertador and called him a "tireless fighter for all the right causes in the world".[4] In May 2006, Chávez expressed his favorable view of the production of nuclear energy in Iran announced by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and denied that they had plans to develop atomic weapons.[5] His relationship with Iran and his support of their nuclear program has created concern for the US administration.[6] On March 16, 2007, Chavez said in a television interview that he disagreed with President Ahmadinejad's alleged call to "wipe Israel off the map" (which is widely seen as a mistranslation) saying "I don't support causing harm to any nation."[7]. (See also Israel-Venezuela relations.) Chávez paid a two-day day visit to Iran when the government faced international criticism for continuing its nuclear program and backing Hezbollah guerrillas.[8] On Chávez's birthday, July 28, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad presented Chávez with Iran's highest honor for "supporting Tehran in its nuclear standoff with the international community".[9] Chávez pledged that Venezuela would "stay by Iran at any time and under any condition." Ahmedinejad called Chávez a kindred spirit. "I feel I have met a brother and trench mate after meeting Chávez." Chávez." Chávez said he "admired the Iranian president for 'his wisdom and strength'," saying, "We are with you and with Iran forever. As long as we remain united we will be able to defeat (U.S.) imperialism, but if we are divided they will push us aside".[10] Reuters reported that Chávez told a crowd at the University of Tehran, "If the U.S. empire succeeds in consolidating its dominance, then the humankind has no future. Therefore, we have to save the humankind and put an end to the U.S. Empire". The reports adds that Chávez slashed out at Israel and labelled the 2006 Lebanon offensive offens as "fascist and terrorist." Decorating Chávez with the "Higher Medal of the Islamic Republic of Iran", Ahmadinejad said, "Mr. Chávez is my brother, he is a friend of the Iranian nation and the people seeking freedom around the world. He works perpetually perpetual against the dominant system. He is a worker of God and servant of the people."[11] At a time when Venezuela and Russia were working on nuclear cooperation, the Iranian Minister of Science, Research and Technology Mohammad-Mehdi Zahedi,, headed a delegation to Caracas to hold talks with high-ranking high officials in order to follow up on implementation of agreements which had been inked between the two countries in 2006. Additionally, two technical and educational committees for implementing Iran-Venezuela Iran agreements were also set up. The Iranian delegation The Witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria info@witnesse &


visited the Venezuelan Foundation for Seismological Research, Caracas Central University, Simon Bolivar University, and the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research.[12] Beyond the political-military sphere the two countries also pledged to work together academically in the commissioning of a new university programme at the existing, tuition-free Bolivarian University, with a focus on teaching socialist principles and to promote discussion of "21st century socialism." The government of Venezuela said this followed with plans to establish the University of Civilizations under accords recently signed with Iran.[13]

Trade relations As of the end of 2008, Iran's beneficence to Venezuela had paid dividends in the form of an Iranian ammunition factory, a car assembly plant, a cement factory and even direct air service between Tehran, Damascus and Caracas courtesy of Iran Air, amongst others.[14] Trade between Venezuela and Iran grown steadily and the two countries have launched joint ventures in a number of sectors, including energy, agriculture, housing, and infrastructure (2008).[15] The value of industrial development projects carried out by Iranian firms in Venezuela stands at around $4 billion (December 2008).[16]

Venezuela threat to sell F-16 fleet to Iran In 2006, the Iranian media have published series of reports that suggested Venezuela was interested to sell it's 21 F-16 Fighting Falcon to Iran.[17] The rumours were confirmed, when a Hugo Chavez advisor told the Associated Press that: "Venezuela's military is considering selling its fleet of U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets to another country, possibly Iran, in response to a U.S. ban on arms sales to President Hugo Chavez's government". In response, Sean McCormack, the U.S. State Department spokesman, warned Venezuela and suggested: "Without the written consent of the United States, Venezuela can't transfer these defence articles, and in this case F-16s, to a third country".[18]

Relations with other South American countries Trade between Iran and Brazil quadrupled between 2002 and 2007, and it will further increase as much as fivefold, from $2 billion to $10 billion annually. In addition to Brazil, Iran has signed dozens of economic agreements with Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador and Nicaragua. In Nicaragua, Iran and Venezuela have agreed to invest $350 million in building a deepwater seaport off the Caribbean coast, in addition to a cross-country system of pipelines, rails and highways.[15] Iranian firms are also planning to build two cement factories in Bolivia. Other developments include the agreement reached with Ecuador to build a cement factory as well as several other industrial cooperation MoUs (2008).[16]

"G-2 summit" and development bank During the 2009 G-20 London summit, Chavez and Ahmadinejad held their own meeting which they called the "G-2" summit, at which the formation of a joint Iranian-Venezuelan development bank was announced, initially with US$200 million capital.[19]

Bilateral visits During a visit to Iran in 2010 by Hugo Chavez, he condemned "military attack threats against Iran by some countries. We know that they can never thwart the Islamic Revolution." He also said that as a result of such "great threats" it was necessary to "consolidate strategic alliances in political, economic, technological, energy and social areas." Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, also supported the comments for a "strategic alliance;" he also added that "We are united and determined to end the current unjust which dominates the world and replace it with a new world order based on justice. Iran and Venezuela are united to establish a new world order based on humanity and justice. We believe that the only result of bullying movements of imperialism all around the world, and especially in Latin America, will be the fast decline of imperial power." The two countries also signed deals in areas such as oil, natural gas, textiles, trade and public housing.[20] The Witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria &


This strengthening of ties between the two nations has already started a decade ago. A year and two month ago, on the 25th of November 2009, the two presidents met to strengthen ties and to start a new series of deals, between Iran and Venezuela:

“Mr Chavez, who has said he wants to develop nuclear energy, has backed Iran's right to a nuclear programme. The Iranian leader arrived from Bolivia where he and President Evo Morales stressed the right of all nations to a peaceful nuclear programme. President Ahmadinejad was assured of a warm welcome from his Venezuelan host, Hugo Chavez. The two outspoken critics of the US have visited each other several times and co-operation between their countries has grown in recent years. "We have a solid foundation, a solid base that we have created over this decade in our relationship, and it shows how false are the

attacks of the world empire," said Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro. Iran's Ahmadinejad visits Hugo Chavez to deepen ties - Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Hugo Chavez and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have met several times

“The presidents of Iran and Venezuela have promised to deepen their "strategic alliance" against US "imperialism". Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez met Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during a two-day visit to Iran. Referring to each other as brothers, the two leaders said no one could stop them strengthening ties. Mr Ahmadinejad said they would build a "new world order" free of US domination. Mr Chavez condemned international sanctions and "military threats" against Iran over its nuclear programme. Both leaders said they were convinced that the age of Western domination was coming to an end. "Imperialism has reached a decisive phase of decline The two leaders refer to each other as brother and is headed, like an elephant, to its graveyard", Mr Chavez said. "The enemies of our nations will go one day", said Mr Ahmadinejad. "This is the promise of God and the promise of God will definitely be fulfilled". The two leaders looked on as officials signed a number of agreements on co-operation in areas including oil and gas, trade and construction. Venezuela's state oil company, PDVSA, said it was forming a joint shipping venture with Iran to deliver Venezuelan oil to markets in Europe and Asia. After Mr Chavez visited a new town development outside Tehran, Iranian officials offered to help Venezuela build similar public housing projects.

OPEC Allies Mr Chavez has been a regular visitor to Tehran over the past decade. He and Mr Ahmadinejad have forged a close relationship based on their strong opposition to the US. Iran and Venezuela are both major oil producers, and they have co-operated closely in the oil exporting cartel, OPEC. Mr Chavez has been a strong opponent of international sanctions against Iran over its nuclear programme. The US and other Western powers believe Iran is seeking to develop nuclear weapons, but Tehran insists its programme is aimed at generating energy and medical isotopes. Before arriving in Iran, Mr Chavez was in Moscow, where he secured Russian help to build a nuclear plant in Venezuela. deepen 'strategic alliance' - 21 October 2010

The Witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria &


Iran and Venezuela

“Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez is visiting Tehran today, along with his sidekick, Bolivian president Evo Morales. It’s Chávez’s ninth trip in the past 18 months but this one’s special because he’s stopping over on his way back from Moscow, where he announced a nuclear deal with the Russians. The Venezuelan strongman’s itinerary and business agenda hardly allays fears over the Venezuela-Iran-Russia partnership that some see as a growing threat in Washington’s backyard. It’s an alliance that features not only nuclear cooperation and energy resources, but also conventional arms and terrorism. Several deals were signed in the presence of Last Friday’s announcement from Moscow that Chávez and Presidents Chavez and Medvedev Russian president Dmitry Medvedev had reached an agreement for Russia to build two 1200-megawatt nuclear reactors in Venezuela got worldwide play. However, the deal has been in the works for over two years, or since 2008, when many in the international community criticized Russia’s incursion into Georgia, and Russia thumbed its nose at the West by offering Venezuela access to nuclear power. Moscow’s deal with Caracas follows on the heels of its construction of a similar reactor in Iran that it completed this August. Thus, the nations of Iran and Venezuela will lead the alliance of nations, mainly consisting out of the OPEC alliance of nations, with Iran as their commander. On the evening of the 10th of March 2002, after the Lord Jesus Christ had revealed who the ram having two horns, one short and the other a longer horn coming up later, would be, while waiting on the Lord, praising and thanking Him for the great signs, which He had shown us, confirming His word to us, the Lord gave me His word to His servant Ezekiel, asking Him a question, saying: 22 “Son of man, what is this proverb that you have in the land of Israel, saying: “The days drag on and every vision comes to nothing and is not fulfilled? 23 Tell them therefore: “Thus says the Lord God: I will put an end to this proverb, and they shall use it no more as a proverb in Israel. But say to them: “The days are at hand and the fulfilment of every vision. 24 For there shall be no more any false, empty, and fruitless vision or flattering divination in the house of Israel. 25 For I am the Lord; I will speak, and the word that I shall speak shall be performed, come to pass; it shall be no more be delayed or prolonged, for in your days, O rebellious house, I will speak the word and will perform it, says the Lord God.” 26 Again the word of the Lord came to me, saying: 27 “Son of man, behold, they of the house of Israel say: “The vision that Ezekiel sees is for many days to come, and he prophesies of the times that are far off. 28 Therefore say to them: “Thus says the Lord God: “There shall none of My words be deferred any more, but the word, which I have spoken, shall be performed,” says the Lord God. (Ezek 12:23-28) Ampl The fulfilment of this vision already started in 2001, 10 years ago. We must not say: “The coming of the Lord is still many years from now. The fulfilment of the words of the prophets will come to pass now, not in the distant future. This alliance between South America and Iran will lead to the Gog and Magog war, with all the nations of the east; all of the nations of the Arab League of nations; the nations of Russia and China and even India will come up out of their countries to attack Israel and the United Nations. Just like lightning which strikes, making the earth tremble, so the earth will soon tremble at the wrath of God, when He, at His appointed time, will remove His restraint on the wicked plans of the nations of the world.

The Witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria &


A Powerful confirmation 3 Days ago, on the 12th of February 2011, a sign appeared to me in the sky, which I saw, but did not understand. I only remembered that when I saw this sign in the heavens that I knew it was significant, but did not understand it. While doing this research I came upon an ancient inscription, which was made in the stone in the area where Iran is today, called the Faravahar on the

Behistun Inscription. This was the exact same sign, which YHWH, the God of heaven and earth, has given me. YHWH knew thousands of years ago, how the son of Abraham, Ishmael, whom he had with his maid servant, Hagar, will become a great nation, which will hate his brother to the end of time.

Now at the brink of this age, the nation of Iran will become the leader of Gog and Magog, leading an entire allegiance of nations with it in war against Israel, his brother.

God is in control Men do not know the God, with which they would have to deal, if they do not repent and surrender to Him now. The throne of God in heaven, ruling over the kings of the earth, was revealed to the apostle John, when he was in heaven. He wrote what He saw in the throne room of God: “Out from the throne came flashes of lightning and rumblings and peals of thunder, and in front of the throne seven blazing torches burned, which are the seven Spirits of God - the sevenfold Holy Spirit...� YHWH is a good and merciful God, not wanting that any man should perish, but have eternal life. In His hand he holds the hearts of kings. He is the one who give them their dominion and power and great authority, but man has chosen not to obey His instructions and laws. In His mercy and for the sake of the elect, he has held back the hand of evil, which they have proposed in their hearts. But when He withdraws His hand from restraining the wicked and evil plans of the kings and princes of this world, they will destroy the earth and themselves. In their hatred of God and his people they will relentlessly attack and brutally kill, with the same hatred that is in them. Yahshua had held back the hearts of kings, in His great mercy, but will not hold them back much longer. God has already started removing the restraint on the hearts of the kings, allowing them to proceed with their wicked schemes to destroy one another.

The Witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria &


When the wrath of God is kindled, full strength in the cup of His wrath, then He will pour out his wrath on all those who would not obey his commands nor accepted the great salvation, which He had offered them through Yahshua, as was prophesied and seen, by the beloved apostle of Yahshua, saying: 1 When He, the Lamb broke open the seventh seal, there was silence for about half an hour in heaven. 2 Then I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets. 3 And another angel came and stood over the altar. He had a golden censer, and he was given very much incense, fragrant spices and gums, which exhale perfume when burned, that he might mingle it with the prayers of all the people of God, the saints, upon the golden altar before the throne. 4 And the smoke of the incense, the perfume arose in the presence of God, with the prayers of the people of God, the saints, from the hand of the angel. 5 So the angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar and cast it upon the earth. Then there followed peals of thunder and loud rumblings and blasts and noises, and flashes of lightning and an earthquake. (Rev 8:1-5 Ampl) YHWH’s anger will be revenged on all those who, through the ages, have been persecuted and killed for their faith. Those who have trusted in Him, He will remember and He will become a swift witness against the kings and their armies and those who approved, favoured, applauded and sponsored them, as Paul wrote: 32 Though they are fully aware of God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve to die, they not only do them themselves, but approve and applaud others who practice them. (Rom 1:32 Ampl) The wrath of God is about to be revealed on all the ungodliness and the wickedness of man in their deceitful wickedness, as Paul said: 18 For God's holy wrath and indignation are revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who in their wickedness repress and hinder the truth and make it inoperative. 19 For that which is known about God is evident to them and made plain in their inner consciousness, because God Himself has shown it to them. 20 For ever since the creation of the world His invisible nature and attributes, that is, His eternal power and divinity, have been made intelligible and clearly discernible in and through the things that have been made, His handiworks. So men are without excuse, altogether without any defence or justification, [Ps. 19: 1-4.] 21 Because when they knew and recognized Him as God, they did not honour and glorify Him as God or give Him thanks. But instead they became futile and godless in their thinking, with vain imaginings, foolish reasoning, and stupid speculations and their senseless minds were darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools, professing to be smart, they made simpletons of themselves. (Rom 1:18-22 Ampl) The world and its leaders will refuse to listen to the Spirit of God who warns them from heaven. They think that they are wise and in their arrogance will rebel against the true Ruler of the world and its kingdoms, as was prophesied: “4 He Who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord has them in derision and in supreme contempt He mocks them. 5 He speaks to them in His deep anger and troubles and terrifies and confounds them in His displeasure and fury, saying: “6 Yet have I anointed and installed and placed My King firmly on My holy hill of Zion.” 7 I will declare the decree of the Lord: “He said to Me, You are My Son; this day I declare I have begotten You. 8 Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations as Your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth as Your possession. 9 You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them in pieces like potters' ware. 10 Now therefore, O you kings, act wisely; be instructed and warned, O you rulers of the earth. 11 Serve the Lord with reverent awe and worshipful fear; rejoice and be in high spirits with trembling lest you displease Him. 12 Kiss the Son, pay homage to Him in purity, lest He be angry and you perish in the way, for soon shall His wrath be kindled. O blessed, happy, fortunate, and to be envied are all those who seek refuge and put their trust in Him!(Psa 2:4-12 Ampl) YHWH advises and admonishes the kings and presidents of this world to acknowledge that He is the Only God and King of all kings and that the government shall rest on His shoulders. They were only granted stewardship over man and beast and must prove faithful to The Witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria &


the Son, lest YHWH’s wrath against them flares up and they perish in their wickedness. YHWH advises them and warns them to act wisely and to listen to instruction, submitting to His Son, just as the king of Babylon had to find out, saying: “...and I blessed the Most High God and I praised and honoured and glorified Him Who lives forever, Whose dominion is an everlasting dominion; and His kingdom endures from generation to generation. 35 And all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing. And He does according to His will in the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth, and none can stay His hand or say to Him, What are You doing? (Dan 4:34-35 Ampl) The hearts of the kings of this world are in anger and bitterness towards one another, because, as James wrote: “1 What leads to strife and discord and feuds and how do conflicts and quarrels and fightings originate among you? Do they not arise from your sensual desires that are ever warring in your bodily members? 2 You are jealous and covet what others have and your desires go unfulfilled; so you become murderers. To hate is to murder as far as your hearts are concerned. You burn with envy and anger and are not able to obtain the gratification, the contentment, and the happiness that you seek, so you fight and war. You do not have, because you do not ask. 3 Or you do ask God for them and yet fail to receive, because you ask with wrong purpose and evil, selfish motives. Your intention is when you get what you desire to spend it in sensual pleasures. (Jas 4:1-3 Ampl) Although men have technologically developed over centuries since our ancestors, Adam and Eve, yet he has not learnt from history, nor has grown in his heart. He has only grown more and more wicked and selfish, filled with bitterness and envy, forgetting what has happened to those before them who lived with a lust for power. Now, once more, the wickedness of men, just like in time of Noah, has reached to heaven and God has come down to see what the rulers and nations have become. Every thought of the hearts of men have now only become evil all the time. What are you thinking about all the time? Has your heart also grown arrogant, thinking you have all you need and that you don’t need anything from any man? YHWH laughs at the plans that the world leaders make, trying to create a world kingdom under one king. All the attempts of man will fail. God will strike at their plans with the voice of His thunder so that they will destroy one another, just like He did at the tower of Babel, when Nimrod tried to set up his one world government. Only this time His wrath will not only scatter them across the face the earth, but will scatter their dead bodies across the face of the whole earth, until they are no more.

God works for the Good in all things... Not one event stands separate from another. For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. Events trigger one another and like a series of balls on a pool table, one ball will strike another, putting into effect a chain reaction, which will change the face of the earth. YHWH is in full control over all that are happening on the whole earth, for the scripture says: 27 And He Who searches the hearts of men knows what is in the mind of the Holy Spirit, what His intent is, because the Spirit intercedes and pleads before God in behalf of the saints according to and in harmony with God's will. 28 We are assured and know that, God being a partner in their labour, all things work together and are fitting into a plan for good to and for those who love God and are called according to His design and purpose. 29 For those whom He foreknew, of whom He was aware and loved beforehand, He also destined from the beginning, foreordaining them to be moulded into the image of His Son and share inwardly His likeness, that He might become the firstborn among many brethren. 30 And those whom He thus foreordained, He also called; and those whom He called, He also justified, acquitted, made righteous, putting them into right standing with Himself. And those whom He justified, He also glorified, raising them to a heavenly dignity and condition or state of being. 31 What then shall we say to all this? If God is for us, who can be against us? Who can be our foe, if God is on our side? 32 He who did not withhold or spare even His own Son but gave Him up for us all, will He not also with Him freely and graciously give us all other things? 33 Who shall bring any charge against God's elect when it is God Who justifies, that is, Who puts us in right relation to Himself? Who shall come forward and accuse or impeach those whom God has chosen? Will God, Who acquits us? 34 Who is there to condemn us? Will Christ Jesus, the Messiah, Who died, or rather Who was raised from the dead, Who is at the right hand of God actually pleading as He intercedes for us? 35 Who shall ever separate us from Christ's love? Shall suffering and affliction and tribulation? Or calamity and distress? Or persecution or hunger or destitution or peril or sword? 36 Even as it is written, For Thy sake we The Witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria &


are put to death all the daylong; we are regarded and counted as sheep for the slaughter. [Ps. 44:22.] 37 Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him Who loved us. 38 For I am persuaded beyond doubt, I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things impending and threatening nor things to come, nor powers, 39 Nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Rom 8:27-39 Ampl) YHWH works for the good in all things for those who love Him. God is in control of the sequence of the events, like a master chess player who understand every move of the opponent thousands of moves ahead of time. Yahshua knew how history would play off and prophesied to Eve, saying: 15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her Offspring; He will bruise and tread your head underfoot, and you will lie in wait and bruise His heel. [Gal. 4:4.] (Gen 3:15 Ampl) Satan was allowed to tempt men, through all possible means in order to outwit God and His servants, those who will love Him and obey His commandments. Through the servants of Satan, those who hate God and follow after their own desires, in an attempt to destroy YHWH’s plans, will attack and kill the servants of Yahshua. Once before, YHWH, through Yahshua, caught Satan in a trap when he tried to use his own friend, Judas Iscariot the son of perdition, to kill the Saviour of the world. He thought that he had succeeded in destroying the plans of God, but actually played perfectly into YHWH’s hand. YHWH sacrificed His only Beloved so that you and I could be saved, through faith in His Salvation. Now, once again the same events is about to repeat themselves. No one could even have imagined that this boy from Nazareth was going to be become the Saviour of the world. A great persecution against those who truly love Yahshua – Jesus Christ, with all their hearts and souls and minds are now going to break out. A great separation is now coming. Even those whom you love will persecute you and will become greatly offended, because Yahshua is for you and not against you. This persecution will be carried to the highest echelons who move in the most powerful circles and will begin the greatest persecution on all who believe or put their trust in Yahshua. YHWH, Who holds time and the hearts of all men in His hand, will now allow His loved ones to gain victory for a short while, granting them a little strength to overcome, before Satan, through the world leaders, both in politics and religion, will be allowed to persecute and kill and overcome the church of God, in order to refine and purify them. YHWH in His mercy, not wanting any of the children of light to perish, wants all people, nations, tribes and tongues to know that He is God. He alone guides the destination of nations and their kings. He is the Creator of heaven and earth and will now punish all who do not want to heed the words of mercy, which He sends through His servants the prophets. Let us warn all mankind that the final hour has already begun and all the words of all the prophets have already started to be unsealed. This, YHWH’s first sign, which He gave us on the chronological time line, should make every man and woman who believe in God, realize that the end is so near. Let us lay down all our idols and let us throw off all that has entangled us in this world. Let us humble ourselves before the only true God and Father and our Lord Jesus Christ – YAHSHUA, so that His light might shine on us. Let us warn all our loved ones for the time of the coming of the Lord Jesus is at hand. Let us watch and pray and lift up our eyes, putting on our white garments in which we are made righteous not by our righteousness but through the perfect work of Jesus Christ on the cross, awaiting with eager expectation our Bridegroom to be revealed in heaven. All Glory and praise belong to the Lord Jesus Christ, who alone is worthy to unseal the scroll. From His servants and witnesses From His servants and witnesses.

The Witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria &


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