29 minute read
Gyan Sangam
from Gyan Sangam

Independence Day Special : Patriotic Edition
Issue 1 ; August 2019
ज्ञान संगम
The first Issue of the Monthly Magazine to dedicate to all the warriors, Martyrs and Patriots of our freedom struggle. Students of PDM boys hostel are always associated with Cultural, Social, Artistic and Patriotic activities.
This Magazine is truly dedicated to all the students who has hidden talent. Presently we are publishing our Magazine in all the digital platforms.
➢ Editor: Abhinav (For English), Satyam (For
Hindi) ➢ Design: Tanuj ➢ Guidance: Abhijit Debnath ➢ Advisory: Dr. Gautam, Mr.Devendar
Cover Photo, Current Affairs, Sports
Literature Review
Abhinav: Articles, Recent Activities at Hostel
Poem, Shayari, Interview
Photography, Shayari
Siddharth: Music
Science & Tech
1. Current Affairs
2. Articles (Science, Literature, Social or anything related to National interest)
3. Poem and Shayari
4. Art and Memes
5. Music
6. Literature
7. Photography

Current Affairs


Current Affairs
Former President Pranab Mukherjee was conferred the Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian honour by President Ram Nath Kovind on August 8 at a grand ceremony at Rashtrapati Bhavan. The President also conferred the Bharat Ratna posthumously upon late singer Bhupen Hazarika and late RSS leader Nanaji Deshmukh.
❖ 66th National film awards 2019: Andhadhun wins Best Hindi Film, Ayushmann Khurrana, Vicky Kaushal Best Actor.Uri Director Aditya Dhar won the Best Director award and Ayushmann Khurrana and Vicky Kaushal shared the Best Actor national film award.
❖ India has won the unanimous support of all countries in the 55-member Asia-Pacific Group at the United Nations in support of its bid for a non-permanent seat at the UN Security Council (UNSC)for a two-year term in 2021-22.
❖ Saudi Arabia allows women to travel without approval of male guardian. Saudi women can now travel abroad without approval from a male guardian. Saudi Arabia issued new laws on Friday that will allow Saudi women to travel abroad without approval from a male guardian. The new rule allows women to obtain passports and travel freely, ending an age-old restriction.
❖ Burqa ban: Netherlands imposes ban on burqa and niqab in public places. Netherlands new law bans wearing of burqa and niqab in public transport, hospitals, schools and government buildings. Denmark had imposed a ban on face-covering cloth in all public places in August 2018. France had also banned the wearing of burqa or niqab in public places in 2011 and imposed a fine of up to 150 euros for breaking the law.
❖ China praises Chandrayaan 2 mission, wants to work with India for outer space exploration. China congratulated India for its Chandrayaan-2 and expressed its interest to work together for space exploration programmes. Chang’e 6 mission is expected to launch in 2023 or 2024 while Chang’e 7 and 8 will be launched in 2023 and 2027 respectively. As per the media speculations, Chang’e 8 will carry a lander, a rover, a flying detector and a 3D Printer to build a small structure on the lunar surface. It may also conduct a brief ecosystem experiment on the Moon.
❖ Ebola Outbreak: Ebola outbreak in DR Congo was declared as a global health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO) on Wednesday. The Ebola outbreak, considered to be Congo’s worst-ever, has already killed over 1700 people in Congo. The deadly Ebola virus now threatens to affect neighbouring nations and infect millions of people.
❖ Sri Lankan Government has exempted Indian tourists from Visa Fees for tourism purposes. This decision comes into effect from 1 August 2019. With this ...
❖ United States has designated China a “currency manipulator”, after country’s central bank allowed Yuan (Chinese Currency) to fall against dollar.
❖ Ireland declares climate emergency; UN appoints actress Dia Mirza as SDG advocate- Current Affairs
❖ The British Parliament became the world’s first to declare a climate emergency by passing the largely symbolic motion on May 1.
❖ India Ranks 43rd in IMD World Competitiveness Rankings-2019. India has gained one point benefit by coming to 43rd position. India is also facing some challenges like maintaining high growth with employment generation, fiscal discipline and Digital literacy.
❖ India has increased its annual financial contribution fourfold to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) core budget, from USD 1.25 million in 2016 to USD 5 million in 2018.
❖ Recently, the Government of India has granted the final approval to three National Investment and Manufacturing Zones (NIMZ), namely Prakasam (Andhra Pradesh), Sangareddy (Telangana) and Kalinganagar (Odisha).
❖ Indian Bollywood Superstar Shah Rukh Khan was felicitated with ‘Excellence in Cinema’ honour at Indian Film Festival of Melbourne (IFFM) 2019.
❖ Central Government has given states and Union Territories June 30, 2020 deadline, to roll out the ‘one nation, one ration card’ system. Under the scheme the beneficiaries can buy subsidized food grains from a ration shop in any part of the country. Ration card Aadhar linkage is mustto access the scheme. A person will only be eligible for the subsidies supported by the centre such as those under Nation Food security act, 2013.
❖ Top 10 Bollywood Movies 2019: Kabir Singh: 277.07 Cr, Uri - The Surgical Strike: 243.77 Cr, Bharat: 209.36 Cr
❖ India's top highest-grossing films



Quacks playing withhealth of patients
By- Dr.Gautam Sharma
Amidst the increasing number of mismanaged dental procedures and complications occurring during the treatment done by dental quacks, it is imperative for the general public to keep away from quacks and visit qualified dentists for any dental problems.
Quack is an untrained person who pretends to be a doctor and dispenses medical and dental advice along with treatment for which he is not authorised.
Public in general is not aware of the fact that how to differentiate that a clinic is being run by a doctor or by a quack when visiting a private clinic for their dental treatment. It can easily be judged by looking at the three certificates displayed in the waiting area or at a prominent place in the clinic. These three certificates are
1) Bachelors of Dental Surgery (BDS) or Masters of Dental Surgery (MDS) certificate. This certificate is issued to the doctors after successfully completing their degree from a university. Any dentist you visit for the dental treatment must have either BDS or MDS university certificate otherwise he/she is not a qualified dentist and is not permitted to administer specialized treatment on the patient.
2) Certificate of registration of Dentist by State Dental Council or Dental Council of India. This registration certificate is of utmost importance as it certifies that whether a dentist is registered by dental council to treat patients or not.
3) Clinic registration certificate. This certificate is issued by the state dental council after inspecting that a dental clinic is equipped with all the material, instrument and equipment to treat a patient. For example autoclave is an important equipment required to sterilize the instrument and prevention of cross infections from one patient to another. Without autoclaved instruments fatal infections like HIV, hepatitis B etcetera, from blood or saliva of a patient can transmit to other patients.
To save a little amount of money, patients visit a quack as their prices are lower than a qualified dentist. But the consequence of visiting a quack for treatment can be dangerous. These quack never ask medical history of a patient like diabetes, hypertension, bleeding disorders and drug history like anticoagulant therapy or thyroid drugs and so on and so forth. This can have serious repercussions like massive bleeding during tooth extraction, severe reaction with local anaesthesia and life threatening conditions like thyroid strom in hyperthyroid patients due to injection of local anaesthesia with adrenaline. Although these complications can even occur while a patient is treated by a qualified dentist but he has been taught the management of these complications while quacks fail to manage such situations.
General public should be aware of certain things before undergoing their dental treatment. A patient should only visit a qualified dentist having the three certificates mentioned above and should not hesitate in asking for these certificates from a doctor (if not displayed in the waiting area) as treatment from an unqualified person can lead to long term complications and sometimes life threatening and fatal outcome.
By- Abhijit Debnath
➢ India was the richest country on Earth until the time of the British in the early 17th Century. ➢ India never invaded any country in her last 100000 years of history. ➢ Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus are studies, which originated in India. ➢ The World's First Granite Temple is the Brihadeswara Temple at Tanjavur, Tamil Nadu. ➢ The game of Snakes & Ladders was created by the 13th century poet saint Gyandev. ➢ It has been estimated that the total amount of treasure that the British looted from India had already reached £1,000,000,000 (£1Billion) by 1901. ➢ India invented the Number System. Zero was invented by Aryabhatta. The place value system, the decimal system was developed in India in 100 BC. ➢ Aryabhatta was the first to explain spherical shape, size, diameter, rotation and correct speed of Earth in 499 AD. ➢ The World's first university was established in Takshila in 700 BC. Students from all over the World studied more than 60 subjects. ➢ The University of Nalanda built in the 4th century was one of the greatest achievements of ancient
India in the field of education. ➢ Sanskrit is considered the mother of all higher languages. Sanskrit is the most precise and therefore suitable language for computer software - a report in Forbes magazine, July 1987.
➢ Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to humans. Charaka, the father of medicine consolidated Ayurveda 2500 years ago.Today Ayurveda is fast regaining its rightful place in civilization.
➢ Christopher Columbus was attracted India's wealth and was looking for route to India when he discovered the American continent by mistake.
➢ The Baily Bridge is the highest bridge in the world. It is located in the Ladakh valley between the Dras and Suru rivers in the Himalayan Mountains. It was built by the Indian Army in August 1982.
➢ The four religions born in India - Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, are followed by 25% of the world's population. ➢ Islam is India's and the world's second largest religion. ➢ The art of Navigation was born in the river Sindh 6000 years ago. The word ‘Navigation’ is derived from the Sanskrit word NAVGATIH. The word navy is also derived from Sanskrit 'Nou'. ➢ pi" was first calculated by Boudhayana.
अमर अटल
By- Satyam Rai
"टू टे हुए सपने की सुने कौन सससकी, अंतर को चीर व्यथा पलकों पर सििकी, हार नहींमानूंगा, रार नहींिानूंगा, काल के कपाल पर सलखता-समटाता हं। गीत नया गाता हं। "
हार नही मानने वाले, रार नही िानने वाले, स्वगीय भारत रत्न, कसव हृदय, पू व प्रधानमंत्री अटल सिहारी वाजपेयी को पहली पुण्य सतसथ पे भावभीनी श्रद्ांजसल ।
अटल सिहारी वाजपेयी का जन्म 25 सदसंिर, 1924 को मध्य प्रदेश के ग्वासलयर के सशंके का िाडा मुहल्ले में हुआ था। उनके सपता पंसित कृ ष्ण सिहारी वाजपेयी अध्यापन का कायव करते थे और माता कृ ष्णा देवी घरेलू मसहला थीं।
स्वगीय श्री अटल सिहारी वाजपेयी जी जनसप्रय कसव हृदय वाले राजनेता थे। अटल जी प्रखर वक्ता , कु शल कायवकताव हर सदल अज़ीज थे। उनको सुनने और देखने के सलए लोग घंटों इंतज़ार सकया करते थे ।
"भारत जमीन का टुकडा नहींजीता जागता राष्ट्र पुरुष है ।
यह वन्दन की भूसम है, असभनन्दन की भूसम है, यह तपवण की भूसम है, यह अपवण की भूसम है, इसका कं कर-कं कर शंकर है, इसका सिंदु-सिंदु गंगाजल है, हम सजएं गे तो इसके सलए, मरेंगे तो इसके सलए और मरने के िाद भी गंगा मैया में िहती अस्थथयों को कोई कान लगाकर भी सुनेगा तो अंदर से ससर्व और ससर्व एक ही आवाज आएगी भारत माता की जय"- यह कथन कसव हृदय राजनेता अटल सिहारी वाजपेयी का है। ऐसे महान पुरुषों से भारतीय युवाओं को िहुत कु छ सीखने की जरूरत है।
जि लालकृ ष्ण आिवाणी जी राष्ट्र ीय स्वयंसेवक संघ से जनसंघ मे आए और अटल जी से मुलाकात हुई तो सकसी शाम सकसी संघ के नेता से पररहास में ही कहा सक अटल जी के साथ वह हमेशा दो नंिर के ही रह जाऐगे, क्ोंसक इनका व्यस्क्तत्व िहुत िडा है।
अटल जी वह राजनेता थे सक सजन्ोंने कभी भी सदन की गररमा नहींसगराई, वह तंज कसते थे तो भी िडे प्यार से ,इससलए तो उनके देहांत पर पूरा भारत रो पडा, क्ा पक्ष - क्ा सवपक्ष सि सदल्ली की सडकों पर उतर गए। अंसतम यात्रा पर प्रधानमंत्री, राज्ोंके मुख्यमंत्री, मंत्री राज् मंत्री ,सांसद, सवधायक आसद अंदाजा लगाइए उनका व्यस्क्तत्व सकतना सवराट रहा होगा।
अक्सर सदन में सुना जा सकता था सक सकस प्रकार अटल जी अपनी कसवताओं से िात रखा करते थे।
अटल सिहारी वाजपेयी ने कहा था ‘सत्ता का खेल तो चलेगा..सरकारें आएं गी जाएं गी, पासटवयां िनेंगी सिगडेंगी, मगर ये देश रहना चासहए, इस देश का लोकतंत्र अमर रहना चासहए। वाजपेयी के भाषण के िाद उनकी सरकार सगर गयी लेसकन देश की जनता की नज़रों में वो नायक िन गए। ये भाषण एक िानगी थी, एक झलक थी प्रखर वक्ता अटल की, उनकी राजनीसत की। सवश्वास मत के इस भाषण से लोगों के मन में अटलसिहारी वाजपेयी की ऐसी असमट छसव िनी जो कभी धूसमल नही हुई, सजसे ससर्व उनके दौर के लोग ही नही िस्ि पीस़ियां याद रखेंगी।

“At the stroke of midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes which come but rarely in history, when we we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of the nation, long suppressed, finds utterance." so said Jawaharlal Nehru, in the speech given on the eve of India's Independence. He called that magical moment our 'tryst with destiny'. On August 15, 1947, the great Nation of India turned a new chapter in its History - an era of freedom, struggles and progress. This was made possible by the great sacrifice made by countless freedom fighters. We pay homage to them all, as we celebrate the 72th Independence Day. Our country India 3000 years old culture, tradition, full of Patriotism and the biggest youth power in the world. It means the country 3000 years old and Beautiful civilization. Once Netaji has said, "Give me the 100 young man of knowledge and energy I will bring revolution in the entire country. Today let's bring his thought into action and let promised to the sovereign of India that we shall worth and Die for the development, enlargement and richment of the country. On 15 August 1947, the world were gifted by the world largest democracy. A country got independence. I appeal to each of the countrymen that not to break the country and Nation by the narrow domestic walls. Freedom and patriotism is not only that when we host the national flag tricolour on the auspicious day of 15 August and 26 January, but it is than when every youth of the country shall have employment in his hand, freedom will be than when the every corner of the country should be neat and clean, freedom will be then when we have statical economy, own houses and own vehicles, and this will be happen only when the every citizen of the country especially the students and the youth combined hand and work hard, sacrifies everything for the Nation building because it's my opinion that every person can make a difference. The world think we Indians are fool, knows nothing, but the word is forgetting that we were ones who gave the world zero, we were once who gave the concept of Pie, the concept of trigonometry system. The famous physicist Robert oppenheimer credit the discovery of atom bomb to the Bhagwat Gita. We were ones who define the motion of solar system. We have to remember the presence of Navagraha idols at temples, indicates that our ancestors had knowledge of the ninth planet in our dolor system even before the discovery by modern science. In the name of diplomacy the world pushes us behind but they all are forgetting that from Kashmir to Kanyakumari in the time of independence we have 565 princely state and this all are combined by one person Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the biggest diplomacy in the world. The world things we are coward, they thought we followed the path of non-violence, yes we follow the path of non-violence showed by Gandhiji. But the world is forgetting that this is the only country where
Brave Bhagat Singh take birth. This is the only country where brave Chandrashekhar Azad take birth, and this is only where the king of kings Chhatrapati Shivaji take birth, and this the soil of Rajputana great, the son of Bharat mata, the legend Maharana Pratap. Friends our beloved Bharat Mata is recalling his sons and Daughters once again to stand for the Nation, because this is the country made up of many sacrifices and bloods of our freedom fighters. Friends this is the high time to recall those things and work hard for the betterment of the Nation. Always remember one thing friends for the every work, we need the guidelines of Guru, A very nice lines in Vedas :- "गुरुर्ब्वह्मा ग्रुरुस वष्णुुः गुरुदेवो महेश्वरुः । गुरुुः साक्षात् परं र्ब्ह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमुः ॥"

Picture credit-@tanuj_pico_graphy
Throwback: fondmemory
On Saturday May 4 th , 2019, the sumptuous eve for the students of PDMU fond with adore.
Fest means “FEW STAGES TO SHINE” which indeed tell us the fest provide a platform where we could enhance our socialising and communication skills. It is always the stage that we fear the most and the only way possible to cure this phobia is indulging self into the fest.
Yes, it’s the fest freaking time , which stir the teens in joy, apart from those assignments and hectic roots.
The resemblance of gathering was cool as the campus, and it become freezy by the astonishing, eye popping voice of Harrdy.
Yaa, it is Harrdy Sandhu Time!!! With his lit performance he become the backbone of everyone gathered over there, with his “SOCH” he lit the moment by recalling ”KYA BAAT AY” from the crowd. The reckoning of desire and joy was unlimited. The shine of moon and shine of Sandhu glitter the event, and proclaimed his presence in the garh of Bahadur’s.

Picture Credit -@tanuj_pico_graphy
Condolence to Pulwamaattack soldier:
Tribute to martyrs of Pulwama:
On 14 feb 2019, a convoy of vehicle loaded security personnel on the Jammu Srinagar national highway was attacked by a vehicle- comprises suicide bomber at Lethpora in the Pulwama district, Jammu & Kashmir, India which further results to nation biggest threat hearted cause.
On this heartful cause PDMU family resemble their unified bond to the bond family of soldier and nation by giving tribute/homage to martyr of Pulwama attack. The nation is bleeded inside, as the cause was deeply saddening & shocking.
But still the moral of students and nation was high as always and we harvest that session with great patriotic songs, slogans, debate and much more in G-4 hall.
At last a very heart touching and sensible reply given by the students that was revenge and hatred must be condemned. Perpetrators of hatred must be given a befitting reply.

Samsung is bringing PCgame streaming to theNote 10:
We all are acquainted with simulators that allow us to play PC games on our mobile devices, albeit they are rather clunky and riven with glitches. So when Samsung announced this ultra-futuristic feature, we were left absolutely flummoxed. This is indubitably an innovative feature and will blaze a new trail in the domain of gaming on mobile.
One of the more interesting news that Samsung jammed a lot into an event that ran just over an hour, virtually sprinting through a handful of gaming announcements.
Samsung introduced a new feature that makes it possible to stream games directly from a PC to the Galaxy Note 10.when Apple and Google are really starting to get involved in gaming in earnest, Samsung really ought to have shone a bigger light on the new technology. Samsung's feature will be similar to one that Microsoft has been working on for the Xbox, letting users stream games from their PC onto the mobile device, whether or not they’re on a shared Wi-Fi.And the new Note offers a number of hardware features optimized for gaming, it does appear that, as with Microsoft and Google’s offering, the PC is doing the heavy work.

Sixth Sense:
Have you ever witnessed that fear in your heart of something that is going to be? We all have a Sixth Sense inside ours. Which gives us info about the incident that is going to take place. Have you ever witnessed that whatever I'm doing I have already seen it before Or we have seen it in our dreams? Or we have felt it with our bare eyes?
Sixth sense is our extrasensory perception. If anything bad is going to happen our sixth sense precepts about the incident.
Excluding Sixth Sense we have five other sense- Sight , Touch , Smell , Hearing and taste.
As said from Researches, ⅓ of the population of the world has this Supernatural Sense which gives us the perception about the Future incident.
We sense all those things which we neither see nor had any trust on it.
The uniqueness of the Sixth Sense is all different. Apart from the Sixth sense someone in us has the ability to sense the future. He/She feels their future.
Have your ever felt that we Say 'NO' to a thing that we wanna Do but afterwards we think that I had done very right that I had Said NO. This is a Supernatural power inside us which Retain us before doing anything wrong.
Sometimes Sixth sense Retains us from doing anything wrong, sometimes it gives us the perception of the Future Event .

सि ्47 में यही था िारा,हर घर में स्वराज हो हमारा,
अरे गली चौबारे पर गुजता था वंदेमातरम,अबकी बार अखंड भारत हो हमारा।
अरे िेहरू-जजन्िा सत्ता के शलए इतिा गगर गए,बंटवारे करिे से पहले भारत मां के बेटो को भूल गए।
हर तरफ थी खुशियां हर तरफ था गुलाल,देखो ककतिे खुि थे भारत माता के वह लाल।
अरे भूल गए उि बजचचयों को जजन्हें िोचा गया था,
अरे भूल गए उि लावाररस लािों को जजन्हें कु त्तों िेखाया था।
अरे आजादी का बेला आया था,साथ संग त्योहारों का मेला लाया था।
लाहौर में मिती थी ददवाली-ददल्ली में ईद,
भूल गए उि ट्रेिों को जजसमें बचचों को कु चला गया था,
इंसाि िहीं था वह जािवर जजसिे मासूमों को जजंदा जलाया था।
ढाका में दुग ा पूजा तो कोलकाता में बकरीद।
इंसािों को शसफा और शसफा इसशलए काटा गया था,
जि-जि में थी खुशियां होिे वाले थे आजाद,कफर से अखंड भारत का सपिा होिे वाला था साकार।
क्योंकक उन्हें दहंदू-मुसलमाि के िामों पर बांटा गयाथा।
कहां अपिों का भारत होिे वाला था इंसानिस्ताि,कहां लािें बबछ गई िाम पर दहंदुस्ताि-पाककस्ताि।
इस बंटवारे िे आजादी की सारी खुशियां छीि ली,हर चेहरे से मुस्काि तो ककसी की जजंदगी छीि ली।
अरे िेहरू-गांधी-जजन्िा सब जजम्मेदार थे मां केटुकडे पर,
अरे िेताओं िमा िहीं आई बबक गए अंग्रेजों के रोकडेपर।
अरे शसहर जाता हूं शसफा सोच कर ही इस दृश्य को,तोसोचो उि पर क्या बीती होगी जजन्होंिे देखा होगा इसकृ त्य को।
गांधी बाबा तुम तो थे देि कै से बटिे ददया,
मािा तुमिे सब कु छ अपिा आजादी में कु ब ाि कर ददया,
इसशलए बाबा तुम को लख-लख प्रणाम, मगर यह देि शसफा दो लालच करो में बांट ददया।

1. खंड खंड में बटी अखंडता की पररभाषा हूं मैं, जजसे दुनिया संस्कृ नत की गढ़ मािे वैसी मुरत हूं मैं, अपिे वीर बेटों की बशलदाि कक नििाि हूं मैं, हां! भारत हूं मैं - हां! भारत हूं मैं।
2. हे! प्रभु हे! मौला हे! ऊपरवाला, मुझे बस यह वरदाि दे देिा,
मेरी सभी बहिो को,
बस खुशियााँ आबाद दे देिा। (Satyam)
3. आज बचचों को देखा तो बचपि याद आया, वह गचडडया उड - वह रेलगाडी याद आया, जब हुई बाररि तो सारे बचचे भागे, वह भीगिा वो कागज की कस्ती याद आया।
4. मैं तुझे रोज मोहब्बत भरी निगाहों से देखता हूं, मैं तुझे रोज ददल की आवाज से पुकारता हूं, एक बार तो माि ले तू मेरी फररयाद को, चल बि तू मेरी राधा मैं तेरा कृ ष्ण बि जाता हूं।
5. बेखबर है वो उसे बेखबर ही रहने दो,यह इश्क़ मेरा है इसे मेरा ही रहने दो ।
6. मेरा ख्याल रखने वाले मुझे मेरे हलातो पे छोड़ दो,कोइ पुछे तो बता देना ए इश्क़ है इसे इश्क़ मे छोड़ दो ।
7. पढ़ना था कु छ प्यार भरा,बस तेरा नाम पढ़ ललया।
8. लकसी को उसे पाने की चाह,लकसी को उसे खोने का डर।(Tanuj)
9. कु छ दू र साथ चलो उस मोड़ तक सही,जब वह मोड़ आएगा तुम्हें बताऊं गा नहीं।
10. पानी की कीमत और उसकी तड़प,तो बस एक प्यासा ही बता सकता है।
11. अब बाररशों से क्या उम्मीद रखें,
हमें तो आफ़ताब ने लभगाया है।
(Tushar Pathak)


An art expressing or appearing to express deep and creates an emotional endure and something soothe the person’s mind and soul depending on the situation, the present state of mind of an individual that called an art of music. Music is an art which allures the person’s mind, body and soul. Once can easily get hypnotized and mesmerized by the tides and waves of music and in some point of life, it defines our reality or in other words once can easily relate his past experience, present scenario and future outcome by music. Some people are so enthusiastic for music and their passion for music help them to achieve heights and success as this art is the only key for their survival and this art is the only key for their survival and this what they believe. Music what defines the person’s character his vision for life and is the key role of calmness. The psychology of music seeks to interpret musical phenomenon in terms of mental function which seeks to characterize the ways in which people perceive, remember, creates and respond to music.
Music is an art of sound in time that expresses the ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony and color. The tides and waves are the rhythm and melody which creates the music and ultimately it is soulful for the ears.
Music also helps an individual to escape or get rid out of dilemma. If a person is in fear, sorrow and happy music is then only key element which defines the person’s state of mind. Music can teach us lessons to build their career and helps them to motivate the people by listening the motivational songs and helps an individual to get a proper and clear vision of their future. Some peoples are so lethargic, and heartbroken that they believe that music heals them and so they ate trustworthy for the same. For some major instances, music is also considered as yoga as it makes us happy and helps in keeping the hormonal balance in the body and relief our body, mind and soul and thus keeps us physically and mentally healthy. It also prevents us from being obese and overweight as well as other mental problems.
So at last music heals with outcome of better results and also have to build the same trust among the people across the world.


Five books youshould read this
Independence Day
By Aaditya
India’s freedom was never a single time purchase. Indian soldiers, spies and many more associated pay a massive price on a regular basis to retain this sovereign entity of our nation. When raising questions over the morality of the Indian Army is in trend and raising antinational slogans is considered “cool”, here are my few suggestions which might reaffirm your faith in the “National Pride”.
1- India’s most fearless (Shiv Aroor, Penguin): A part of Amazon India’s “memorable non-fiction books of 2017”, it covers the fourteen true accounts of Indian soldiers in hostile conditions who fought hard for the nation. From the Army Major associated with the 2016 Surgical Strike to the soldier who gunned down 11 terrorists in 10 days, this book is a must-read for every interested in the stories of these unsung heroes.
2- The Brave (Rachna Bisht, Penguin): The brave is a bone-chilling account of all the 21 soldiers who fought brave-heartedly for the nation and were awarded Param Vir Chakra for the same. 20 of these 21 awardees belong to the Indian Army while the rest one to the Indian Air Force. This excerpt from the book justifies the vehemence with which this book is written; “Soldiers don't die when bullets
pierce their hearts and heads through their olive-green shirts and woollen balaclavas. They don't die when they fall before an enemy onslaught, or even when they get buried in trenches, staining the earth with their warm crimson blood. It is only when we forget their acts of bravery that soldiers die."
3- The Undaunted (Bhaavna Arora, Westland): The Undaunted is the biography of Lt. Ummer Faiyaz who was murdered by the militants just at the age of 22 when was out for attending a wedding. When a significant number of Kashmiris feel ashamed to be an Indian, Faiyaz not only felt proud to be a part of the nation but also served a higher purpose by joining the Indian Army. The tale of this undaunted hero will continue to inspire others.
4- Calling Sehmat (Harinder Sikka, Penguin): Calling Sehmat is a fictional story inspired by a real event. It is the story of a Kashmiri girl named Sehmat who was in a relationship with a guy but soon the things turned upside down when she got the chance to marry the son of a high-ranking Pakistani Army officer. She had the chance to spy on them. And she chose nation over love. This book is now transformed into a major motion picture Raazi starring Alia Bhatt.
5- Train to Pakistan (Khuswant Singh, Penguin): Khuswant Singh has been a highly controversial author of his times. This masterpiece of his is about the partition of India. Khuswant Singh successfully captured the emotions of the people at that time. He wrote about the insensitive killings of people. His book is bound to leave a lasting impression on the mind of the reader.

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SHOT BYINSTA HANDLE-@tanuj_pico_graphy