T h r o i veA T e d b i ilit u
For Tomorrow’s Change-Makers On how to thrive in the 21st century
We are interested in supporting schools to help their students become creative thinkers, confident communicators and empowered leaders. Burning2Learn attends business, education, technology and entertainment events all year round to learn more about the post-education options on offer to young people in today’s job market. At each event we explore different pathways into a variety of industries and gather personal experiences and advice from top professionals on the core skills and mindsets needed to flourish within their respective fields. Our team recently attended a ThriveAbility Masterclass in London to learn how people, organisations and the planet can truly thrive in the 21st century. The key messages and takeaways from the Masterclass have been captured in this guide and transfered into the language of 15-25 year olds. Our experience has proven this to be an authentic, relevant and effective way of preparing young people for life in modern Britain. Alan Dean, Managing Director Burning2Learn Media Team
01322 614000 schools@burning2learn.co.uk www.burning2learn.co.uk @burning2learn/Twitter.com
Dear Friend, You have the power to make a difference in the world we live in. There are millions of young people who wake up and want to change the world. If you have an idea to make a difference take it beyond the breakfast table and do something about it today. We’d like to share this guide to a thriveable future with all young adults, aspiring leaders and creative thinkers who are looking to put their stamp on something new. But in order to do this, we need you; your creativity, your wisdom, your autonomy and your good will to help get things back on track. The world is pretty stuck. Our current economic systems are floored, businesses are no longer able to function viably - let alone sustainably - and many leaders are set in their ways, unable to cross the threshold from what they know and what feels safe, to the hazy uncertainty of the future. Thankfully, we have you. You, and your entire generation have the power, ambition, determination and self-government to change things up and turn it around. Through this guide you will learn about how aligning purpose, creating the right culture, shifting mindsets and leading with positive action can enable us all to go beyond sustainability alone, and truly thrive. We’d like to present the key messages and principles of ThriveAbility , with which we believe we stand an infinitely greater chance of achieving the world that we would like to live in. Your ThriveAbility journey starts today, good luck!
Burning2Learn Media Team
In June 2016 the ThriveAbility Foundation delivered a two-day Masterclass to 13 pioneers who are looking to become early adopters of their impressive model. The group came together at the Crown Estate, Regent Street, London.
What you should know before we begin... What is ThriveAbility?
If you aren’t familiar with these concepts yet - that’s ok! But if you’d like to find out how to bring about the world you want, you’re in the right place...
The Global Goals For Sustainable Development
ThriveAbility is an approach primarily used in business to enable The Global Goals, also known as the Sustainable Development Goals key decision makers - in business and civil society - to maximise the (SDGs), represent 17 world-wide priorities that need to be met within thrival of every key stakeholder in and around their organisation. the next 15 years. The aim of the goals is to achieve three extraordinary things - end poverty, combat climate change and fight injustice and inequality. The Global Goals were launched by the United Nations in September 2015. Who created it? The ThriveAbility approach was created by The ThriveAbility Foundation, a UK registered charity conceived to assist the transition of expired business models to deliver a more green, inclusive (all together) economy by 2050. Executive Chairman in the UK of ThriveAbility Global Ltd, Dr Robin Wood delivers each Masterclass with support from Creator of Integral Mentors, Paul van Schaik and 5 Deep Consultant Chris Cooke. Masterclasses in other parts of the world are delivered with the support of ThriveAbility directors Ralph Thurm and Bill Baue.
Global Citizens Being a global citizen means taking responsibility for global issues. It means you’re somebody who identifies with being part of an emerging world community, and whose actions contribute to building this community’s values and practices. Essentially, it’s when you start looking at how your actions impact the world around you, and not just what’s in front of you.
Adopting new business models is a major challenge for any organisation - big or small - but it is essential to making progress on a large scale in the world today. To achieve this, we all have a role to play – people like you, your family, your teachers, your friends, your community can all contribute. It is crucial that we all think about the actions we can take to contribute to the changes we want to see - even small steps can add up to big progress if the millions of people around the world are involved!
A Holistic Approach It’s not just about thriving businesses, but rather whole communities and city-regions. This cross-sector transformation is made possible through ThriveAbility.
Key phrases and words you ought to know..
s models that make “The current profit-centred, egotistical busines and accountability up our economy have expired. Lack of trust e is a great divide has spawned corruption and as a result, ther “ - Alan Dean, B2L between where we are and where we need to be.
Thrive: Flourishing in ways that benefits all life. Mind Shift: A shift in the established set of attitudes held by someone. Capitals: The ThriveAbililty model is based on 7 capitals, or principles, that govern all life on Pioneer: A person who is amongst the first to earth. explore a new area of knowledge or apply a new method/activity. Silo: The Silo Mentality is a mindset present when certain departments or sectors work in Holistic: The belief that the parts of something isolation, as oppose to sharing knowledge and are intimately interconnected i.e. all sectors in insights with others (internally and externally). society are connected. Sustainability: Business sustainability is often defined as ‘managing the ‘triple bottom line’ - a process by which companies manage their financial, social and environmental risks, obligations and opportunities. These 3 impacts are sometimes referred to as profit, people and planet.
People-centred: an approach that focuses on improving local communities’ self-reliance and social justice, where the good of the human beings is at the heart of the decision-making.
The Problem: The Story so far: A gap has emerged, and continues to widen, between what needs to be done to enable the population to thrive, and the current ‘business as usual’ outcomes that we are generating.
$11 Billion is lost annually due to employee turnover
individuals, organisations and communities to meet the needs of the common greater good; Instead of prioritising and being driven solely by financial capital (profit), we need to think about our impacts on people and on the planet as well; Moving towards a more holistic, human-centred business “Closing this gap will make the difference between a thriving approach needs to become a core principle embedded within human civilization on a thriving planet by the end of this the organisation. century and the end of human civilization as we know it.” Who can enable this transformation to happen? The What does that mean? This means that society requires a answer is all of us. You, me and everyone around us has the fundamental shift in the way we think and operate at all levels ability to bring about change. As leaders, we need to drive within our organisations. organisations towards new cultures and demonstrate that culture through our every day actions. As employees, we Which industries/sectors need to transform? All of them. can reevaluate why we do what we do, unlock our intrinsic This transformation applies to us all; from individuals, small motivators and unleash our full potential to impact on the groups, SMEs (Small or Medium sized enterprises) and charities greater good. to large corporates, international governments and global organisations. Is there a name for this transformation? Right now, there are pioneers working around the world to respond to these Examples of the types of change we mean include: changes - all of which require a fundamental shift in the way Realign the vision, purpose and motivators that drive us as things are done. We call this the ‘paradigm shift’.
Companies with engaged employees outperform those without by up to 202%
What can w e do?
We can thin k about the se issues, talk to each oth er about them , map-out a plan of actio n, make ou r collective v oice heard and give our ed ucators and leaders no c hoice but to listen!
The Proposed Solution:
Capit n e als v e S
• How
thriveable are you today? • What does it take to truly thrive; in business and society on the whole?
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Int ell Ca ectua pit al l
The term ‘capital’ can mean many things. Its specific definition depends on the context in which it is used. Here, it is used to refer to seven types or resources available for use in any business.
al Cap
ta l pi Ca an m
Relationship Capital
What will it take to make ‘thriveable’ choices irresistible to leaders at every level of human development?
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“What’s emerging for me is synergy, this whole idea that looking through the lens of one capital is insane. It’s the equivalent to giving the quid to the guy on the street which changes nothing.” - Dr Wood, speaking at the ThriveAbility Masterclass on June 21st.
ThriveAbility starts with you, and it starts with me. This approach encourages leaders in business to think beyond financial capital alone and to consider seven capitals as a measure of success and progress. Once we have an understanding of these capitals we can use them to make better decisions.
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a pit
The Discovery & Alignment Unlocking Our Intrinsic of True Purpose Motivators Dr Wood believes that we are ‘entering an age of purpose’ and that in order for organisations to progress there needs to become a much more visible and recognised alignment between the purpose of each individual within the organisation and the overall purpose of the business.
Useful Link: Check out Simon Sinek’s popular Ted Talk on how great leaders can inspire genuine action!
What’s the one most important thing that drives you when you are studying in class or revising at home? What’s your ultimate goal and where do Developing a new metric you want to end up? There are different drivers that fuel each of us to achieve our goals and Once an organisation has unlocked employee be successful. And success itself even means motivators and aligned the multiple individual something different to us all. University lecturer, purposes with the overall ambition, we are in Stating that ‘few organisations actually know Simon, believes for his students the definition of business. Organisations can then develop an integral why they do what they do’, Dr Wood added that success is to ‘get rich’; and for Jane, representative governance framework that helps to make better purpose is also probably the most neglected topic from The Crown Estate, it’s ‘our total contribution decisions at all levels. If you want to measure value you have to measure it in lots of capitals; and that’s in the boardroom. “People aren’t interested in to society’. where the Seven Capitals of ThriveAbility come what you do or how you do it, they are interested in why you do it.” The most powerful motivation for people is into play to build an autopoetic fractal system. intrinsic. This means that it’s very natural and How can we create this alignment? It starts by personal to us as individuals and that it’s something first identifying our own purpose as individuals. we feel very deeply. Unfortunately, we tend to go Business leaders need to create opportunities through most of our day-to-day life without fully What is your personal for individuals to express and work towards their grasping hold of that intrinsic motivation. It’s like personal goals, as well as creating spaces for an untapped resource within all of us waiting to purpose? How does that employees to work together in pursuit of their be freed, and that’s where the responsibility of the align with the purpose of shared ambition as an employee of the organisation. leader comes in to enable that intrinsic motivation your: classmates, colleagues to be released. If we can bring that consciousness and organisations? “People are really hungry to connect with other into the workplace, we can catalyze an people,” states Dr Wood, “and being disconnected evolutionary shift that’s autopoietic. Autopoiesis means is totally disempowering. If you’re an inspired leader self-creating or self-producing, you are communicating from the inside out”. and refers to a system capable of If we want a thriveable habitat, leaders need to reproducing and maintaining itself. learn more about where people are coming from, Which of course is the overall purpose what drives them and how to unleash their fullest of life on earth... to produce potential. life on earth.
Mind Shift Part of the challenge of this work is to refine our understanding, and to do so will require a behavioural change. The way that we think dictates the overall outcome of everything we do. “It’s not about what we do out there (as an organisation) it’s how we think that influences all that we do out there,” says Dr. Wood. ThriveAbility uses a Deep Psychological Perspectacle to demonstrate how patterns of the mind influence all that we do. These capacities speak through us and influence all that we think, do, design and say. Even just reading this guide is an expression of world views.
“The eye can only see what the mind can comprehend, and the mind can only comprehend what it’s world view allows.”
Multiplicity of World Views
Therefore, we have to shift our thinking. Instinctively, all creatures have a concept of what’s We live in a world of paradox because a lot of good, true beautiful and just, even the amoeba the systems cannot differentiate through these swims upstream towards the sugar. So ThriveAbililty world views even though we use the language of is a language that’s evolved to help us talk about it. sustainability and innovation. “Sustainability is as much an opportunity to change our mental models as it is a problem of making flows of materials, energy & other resources more eco-efficient.”
This diagram illustrates the mind shift that occurs throughout the ThriveAbility journey. In order to fully grasp an understand of the range of consciousness levels of the transition, the Masterclass group headed onto the streets of London to immerse themselves in and explore the cultures around them.
n a c S e r u t l Cu
d n E t s e W ’s n o d n o of L
Where is your centre of gravity? Have you ever thought about what makes you tick? What drives you, which behaviours do you display the most and what ultimately determines the decisions you make?
What is a Culture Scan?
What were our findings?
The Culture Scan was a segment of the ThriveAbility Masterclass in which small groups of participants walked through the streets of London’s West End to identify as many different cultures and ‘Coping Mechanisms’ as we could find.
• “We witnessed a continually evolving city filled with pockets of communities embodying every single category. Each time the context changed the culture and mindset changed too.”
What’s a coping mechanism?
• “The coping mechanism that stood out most was within the nomads, whose mindsets all seemed to centre around the survival coping mechanism.”
Coping Mechanisms or ‘Complex Adaptive Intelligences’ are stages of human development that determine how people think, as oppose to what they think. They define the structure of the mind, shape human perceptions and underpin all aspects of individual development, interpersonal relationships, group dynamics and organisational design. Coping mechanisms play within all of us as a completely unique musical chord, and the chord changes over the course of our lifetime as conditions change. For example, the human race on the whole has changed from a species that was purely instinct driven 120,000 years ago when all that mattered was to survive, to now becoming success driven and people driven.
Why do the Culture Scan? To explore the range of drivers, perspectives, cultures and coping mechanisms around us in day-to-day life. Additionally, to reflect on our own coping mechanisms and identify which resonates the most with each of us today, and how we felt being surrounded by the different types.
• “Modern technology drives everyone; you could not survive with the coping mechanisms of a bushman in today’s world. The cultural evolution between each community is palpable.” • “There is no one-size-fits-all solution. It will all depend on the harmonization between our ideas and life conditions that need to be met.”
Which of these 8 coping mechanisms best relates to you? Are you most driven by instinct, safety, power, order, success or equality?
• “There’s a multiplicity of world views on the planet that express themselves in different way. World views influence the life conditions we see, as life conditions influence our world views. It’s a revolving spiral dynamic/process that shapes the way we think and lead.” • “It’s difficult to find peers than can have a conversation with you because you experience the world in different ways. In the transition to a human-centric world view the reality is we come to a point where we get stuck because of our conflicting world views. Through ThriveAbility, each intelligence can be mapped and better understood.”
The emergence of
human consciousness has been mapped by this Integral Theory. It is the story of a dynamic interplay of human coping mechanisms that leave behind observable patterns in ‘bio-psychocultural-social systems’.
The Evolution of Human Consciousness As we walked through those literally different worlds we took note of things that we’d usually just take for granted. “Suddenly there was richness. London is amazing the way it brings together these cultures, it’s just mind blowing.” We counted 8 different worlds within ten minutes from headquarters and observed as they overlapped and collided seamlessly. We noticed that not only can people embody different colours from each other, but they can embody different colours within themselves. To overcome the challenge of emergence, we must nurture the transition through each colour with a whole new perspective.
Over to you: Label each image on pg. 16 with the co-
lour/coping mechanism that you think applies to each habitat the most. Does it look like a thriveable habitat to you? Select the colours from the diagram above.
Going beyond what exists today “I still have this dream where we find hotspots to get all the stakeholders together from all different perspectives to draw this future and start to materialize it.”
Thriveability challenges are not just in the city – its everywhere, and we need to identify the right people to actually build on them. It’s getting into the right head space. The capacity to move into thrival is there, its just invisible if you look at it through The 8 colours were there all the time, so maybe a traditional lens. The ThriveAbility Foundation this is what it takes - a lot of different cultures referred to ‘hotspots’ and this is something that all working together. From that, we gain the ability to leaders need to search for in order to transform. build momentum and can create change.
Thriveable Governance We all want to create value. To do this, and to gain a business advantage, you have to get the executive team to understand what ‘value’ really is. This is called a business eco-change. Purposeful leaders: Within every organisation there is hidden value that’s suppressed. Is this because we are scared of not being able to manage their emergence? Or simply because we are unaware of their ability? “If culture, engagement and strategy is 80% of the value in your business, why aren’t we measuring it or valuing it as much as we value other capitals, like financial capital?” The decision makers of today are not necessarily the only people we need to influence; it’s also about getting the leaders of tomorrow to switch onto these concepts. Targeting new and young employees across the of business will enable bottom-up ideas to emerge. Leaders of today have a responsibility to discover and empower the high potentials and leaders of tomorrow within their own organisations. Once they are identified, they can learn about the seven capitals and strategize how they can be applied.
How do we measure everything that we do as an organisation: There are some things that organisations would like to measure but are unsure of how to quantify. ThriveAbility presents a new metric (method of measurement) called True Future Value.
True future value Finding True Future Value is all about providing the tools for leaders to make better decisions. The Seven Capitals are a helpful tool in determining true future value, as they provide a starting point/ foundation for any platform. However, if you want to make a business decision that will bring true future value, you must examine each of the seven capitals, and not just a few.
Goals 13,14,15 refer to the basics that we have to get right (climate action, life on land and below sea). Then as we begin to redefine capitalism we can work towards sustainable innovation (which applies to Goals 7-12). Each goal is critical, so how do we put them into the equation to calculate true future value? Problem solving is one area that high potentials can bring added value to an organisation; as they have the empathy, altruism and creativity to find solutions that our businesses need.
We can also measure true future value by considering the following:
Regenerative inclusive economy: We are the species most effected by our fluctuating environment. If you had the choice, why wouldn’t you opt for the most positive outcome?
• People/Potential/Participation: What kinds of leaders, competencies and work are needed to ensure we attract those organisations prepared to invest in the future through innovative approaches?
We can take the ThriveAbility calculation for True Future Value into any organisation right now and get benefits... Why, then, wouldn’t we do it?
• Places and spaces: What is needed to ensure the future thriving of this place/space and its resources for future generations?
ThriveAbility proposes 8 capacity modes to transform human activity system, stating, “To engage authentically you need to care”.
• Organisations/purpose/partners: What kinds of products, services and solutions are needed to help make a thriving future a reality?
• • • • • • • •
• Markets: Determining which strategies ensure true future value for all stakeholders by using the Seven Capitals of ThriveAbility Why this approach? True future value really makes a difference and instills a long term objective. It is about collaboration and purposeful content. One example may be to integrate the Global Goals into the company’s vision.
Caring and engaging Sensing and measuring Mapping and modeling Re-perceiving and re-framing Synthesizing and integrating Embodying/leading change and transformation Creating and developing Reporting and accountability
Good leaders give us the space to thrive and develop, and can learn to do so by embodying these 8 capacities.
10 Critical Elements to start
implementing and living thriveability in the 21st century (All interdependent/interconnected)
1: Aligning Purpose: Identifying intrinsic (personal) motivators/flow triggers and aligning them with the multiple purposes of others and the organisation on the whole. This will enrich relationships and better engage employees across all levels. 2: Mind Shift: We need to apply the knowledge about mindsets and mindset shifts within every societal sector. Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different outcomes. Therefore, we must re-imagine how we look at the world in order to fix its problems; which cannot be resolved from the current standpoint.
3: Purposeful Placement: Businesses can accelerate transformation by bringing in the right people for the right roles. A stagnant workforce’s response to these challenges is too slow. If employment can go beyond ‘carrying out a task’ to purposeful and meaningful work, they will create emergence, bring added value and solve problems beyond the organisation’s previous capabilities. We call these individuals ‘High Potentials’, and to conceive the future they will need a very open, structureless culture.
Once they have conceived a solution, they can translate that solution to the 20% integral and people centred workers to develop who understood the vision and value propositions. These people can then task the remaining 80% of the workforce to execute it. Every person in the workforce or classroom has a role to play, it cannot be a one size fits all solutions. 4: Moving beyond financial capital alone to encompass all seven thriveability capitals into the decision making process. This approach enables all societal stakeholders to respond to their own accountability of the 21st century (e.g. all issues raised by the Global Goals). The current system which principally values financial capital - drives wrong behaviours and leads to disengagement. 5: Context based Leadership that allows people on all levels of the spiral dynamics framework to grow, be developed and motivated intrinsically. 21st century leadership is about setting the right culture, structure and reason for the organisation to be. 6: The development of a new kind of workplace
culture that is inclusive, that accepts and respects all and that reinforces value. 7: Enabling True Future Value: We must ensure that we have a metric that is used to measure maturity (i.e. context based true future value across pub/ private sector) - changing the way the financial work looks at businesses/SMEs - any activity requires cash, that’s what we want to change. This will enable us to become thriveable. 8: Being sustainable is no longer enough. We need to move beyond regimes of repair to thriving, from a focus on balance to innovation and breakthrough and from an individualist value system to alchemy. 9: Becoming Global Citizens by considering our own role to play from a family, citizen and professional perspective. The purpose of ThriveAbility is to create a regenerative system for people and planet. 10: Discover ‘hotspots’ to implement change on a societal level.
Wh o
a s n r d e e e n a o rly a i p e do h t p e r t e a
The ThriveAbility
Masterclass was attended by professionals from many sectors. To be surrounded by so many others who shared our common goal was truly inspiring. Who would you want to be sitting round the table with you to kick off the debate in your community?
Who are the pioneers and early adopters working on these principles?
BT is ready to thrive! Determining impactful outcomes BT’s Neil Shorter and Scott Barlow shared why they believe the core messages of ThriveAbility can and should be applied in business today. BT already embodies some of the key ThriveAbility principles and uses similar metrics to determine the best and most effective outcomes for the triple bottom line. For example, Scott described how an IIRC Six Capitals Model can be adapted and used in any business. Many people are familiar with each input, Scott continued, but the decision makers will still look at singular capitals - or several at the most. BT’s ambitions for 2020 are a fantastic example of how any organisation can tie each of the seven ThriveAbility capitals into their mission. 2020 Ambitions • Creation of a collaborative forum to bring the largest and biggest suppliers together to respond to key challenges. This creates huge opportunities for cross-disciplinary knowledge transfer to take place. • 3:1 carbon emission: This goal is net positive, which means it’s not just about doing what’s good for the company, but considers how it actually has a positive impact in the world.
“An increase in employee engagement by 5% improves customer satisfaction by 1.3%.”
• Encourage 66% of our workforce to do some sort of volunteering. This is used as a form of personal development and brings huge business benefits; such as an engaged workforce that are also involved in and supporting the community. • Using our products and services to help over 10m people overcome social disadvantages • Help charities and services raise £1 billion; this is not a philanthropic gesture, BT is empowering people to achieve the target which enhances resilience and motivation • Help 5 million children around the world get better technology computing skills; through learning opportunities and by getting parents to understand that the jobs of he future are going to require different skill sets. “We are all on a journey,” says Neil. Lots of organisations currently work at level three of the journey (see diagram), but have the capability to move to the ThriveAbililty zone. “If organisations look to ThriveAbility the people will start to look at the capitals.”
BT Backs The Global Goals From switching to clean energy and taking action on climate change, to helping children get a good education, the organisation is looking into how they can support these challenges through solutions they have already developed in their industry. Scott shared an example of when BT created a homehub that was designed with sustainability in mind; from using less plastics to being designed to fit through a letterbox to reduce the organisation’s carbon footprint by eliminating the need for re-delivery.
Surrey Community Surrey demonstrates how a city-region can bring together all sectors within the local community to get involved and adopt the ThriveAbility principles.
As well as enhancing and sustaining quality of life, health and wellbeing, overseeing sustainable land use management and smart (green) economic growth, Surrey County Council is the first in the UK to produce a National Capital Investment Strategy. Mark Pearson and Sarah-Jane talked us through their findings... Developing a framework The decisions of the council impact the local environment, economy and - ultimately - the people. Having collaborated with public health teams, the Surrey Nature Partnership, elected councilors, large land owners and the University of Surrey, the County Council started to establish its own values framework. It began with the exploration of four key capitals: to develop human capital, secure social capital, protect environmental capital and provide physical capital. They were then able to start making evidence-based decisions for and with the community.
Smart Economic Growth
that there is a financial value to it and understanding how it links into economic growth is key. The Surrey With a view to constantly innovate and grow as Nature Partnership is an incubator and innovator a whole community, the council designed and that combines the intellectual capacity of a range delivered 8 community projects for: finance and of standpoints. Each standpoint brings added value business skills, business incubation, opportunities and is should be part of the discussion. to export and to show that the county was open for business to inward investors. As a result of their • Surrey Future: With a projected growth of forward-thinking leaders, an enhanced strategy around 70,000 population, the county will need for Smart Economic Growth was developed. about 46,000 homes by 2030, so local people are going to see a jobs growth creation of 50,000. Outcomes of the strategy and the capitals Surrey is £5.5 billion hard infrastructure which that were applied: generates about £7 billion a year, so the county is also bringing local partners together for investment • Superfast Surrey: There are 65000 enterprises, in infrastructure. of which over 300 are large business and over 150 are global brand names. The county is also aiming • Surrey Business Leaders Forum: Relationships for 100% coverage of fibre based outputs and are a key aspect of what we all do, so Surrey has currently stands at 95.7%. developed an investment opportunity for business leaders through story-telling. The forum is a bridge • Surrey Nature Partnership: The natural between different sectors that would usually work environment underpins everything that we do. We in silos. “Rather than us coming up with a theory rely on it intrinsically for everything, so recognising and directing, it’s a bottom up approach”.
Wild West End Comes to London!
In 2015, as part of the Mayor’s Air Quality Strategy, The Crown Estate teamed up with Westminster City Council, the Regent Street Association and The Mayor of London to bring ‘Summer Streets’ to London. The event encouraged shoppers to experience London’s finest retail destination in a traffic-free, spacious and usually unheard of environment. The events are part of The Crown Estate’s wider place-making strategy to improve the environment for visitors and workers in the West End.
The Vision
Holistic Consultation
End objectives
Whilst most organisations do their bit when it comes to CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), for many of us there’s still a long way to go. It shouldn’t just be able ‘doing less bad’ and it’s not just a bolt-on with a tick-box that proves we’ve done it. Thinking about the common greater good of people and planet needs to be in the DNA of any organisation looking to survive over the next 15 years.
Wild West End stems from The Crown Estate’s Ecology Master plan, which aims to: enhance biodiversity, improve amenity/local environment, attract tenants and visitors and add value. The organisation is the biggest single contributor to the project, creating green roofs, planting trees and rallying support from local retailers and community people.
• Creating more ecologically valuable green space • Encouraging wildlife into the West End • Raising awareness and promoting benefits of green infrastructure • Engaging community and education opportunities - Also linking with academic institutions, lots of research taking place across universities and how we can support masters thesis.
As part of the process, The Crown Estate held The Crown Estate is an impressive role model for consultations with all stakeholders; NGOs, Local any large corporate property group on how to do Government, Other Landowners, Tenants, Local just this. Their latest project, Wild West End, aims Community, Visitors. This opened the conversation to increase green space in London’s West End by up to talks about aims for biodiversity, improved over 6000% - that’s bigger than the size of a football environment, retail commercial value, office pitch. The Crown Estate is teaming up with partners commercial value and how to make the West across London to make it happen, and they’re end more visually attractive. Other large property already a third of the way there! groups from London shared their common ecological objectives and came on board to collaborate for greater impact.
For other organisations in the sector - these are some drivers for integrating sustainability:
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• Alignment with corporate values • Delivering commercial value • Future proofing the durability of our assets • Focus on key material issues • Strategy developed on case-by-case basis • Embedding sustainability within projects • Sharing best practice results
Community engagement catapulted at the Summer Streets event last year, with help from volunteers and support from 85% retailers. 58% visitors revealed they had come to the West End for the event. The whole purpose was to raise more awareness of green buildings, and even included the sale of honey produced by bees on the rooftops of Regent Street. This herb garden is amongst many others in the area, and can be found on the veranda of The Crown Estate.
Change Agents in The 21st Century “People and organisations have got to start taking ownership and action.”
Whether you are the designer of a new framework or value propositions, the builder of a new platform or the strategic connector who synergises the This guide highlights the key messages from the available strengths and resources, we all have a ThriveAbility Masterclass and provides uniquely role to play. We need to test and validate these impactful methods for responding to the ongoing visionary ideas in local contexts, industries, multi-polar crisis in modern society. We have businesses, communities and city-regions to learnt that it is ineffective for leaders to use generate the necessary paradigm shifts. traditional and known practices if/when they are no longer useful. And we have discovered new “Listening is the key to understanding, approaches to replace redundant business models. and we must listen without leaving Dr Wood and his team offer concrete , proven and impactful solutions to the challenges that all businesses face. We cannot wait for the tipping point to happen, however. This long-term, forward thinking and holistic approach laid out by the ThriveAbility Foundation provides real and viable levers for change for any business.
anybody out.”
Burning2Learn and Praneo have seen hope and excitement for solutions that benefit us all. Any one of us can be the catalyst that organisations and projects around the world need. www.burning2learn.co.uk www.praneo.org
The Global Goals can be used as a starting point and as a guideline for any individual, school, community or businesses. They provide us with 17 topics to address from both a global and a local context-based perspective. Goal 17 is about uniting people and organisations to work together for the greater and common good - and this is a message that we can all take forwards for positive action.
Thank You ThriveAbility Let’s start bringing these concepts to life! Adopting a new business model is a challenge for any organisation, big or small, but it is essential to making progress on a large scale in the world today. To achieve this, we all have a role to play – people like you, your family, your teachers, your friends, your community can all contribute. It is crucial that we all think about the actions we can take to contribute to the changes we want to see - even small steps can add up to big progress if the millions of people around the world are involved! To find out more about ThriveAbility Masterclasses, get in touch via contact@thriveability.zone or visit the official website at www.thriveability.zone. For more on Burning2Learn contact schools@burning2learn.co.uk www.burning2learn.co.uk 01322 614000
Check out the United Nations Global Compact to learn more about how business can be a force for good