The Advocate, Issue 14 - Jan. 22, 2016

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January 22, 2016

advocate Independent Student Voice of MHCC

Volume 51 Issue 14

$125 million on the line An elephant-sized fiasco PAGE 2

Method behind the madness PAGE 3

Mt. Hood is officially on the ballot for a new general obligation bond... How does MHCC plan for success after six consecutive defeats? PAGE 4

No day off for volunteers PAGE 4

has it really been 42 years!?

advocate exclusive - Winterhawks coverage PAGE 7




Metro bails on elephant reserve, meanwhile... ZooLights, elephant ears – even freaking tigers! What’s not to enjoy about the Oregon Zoo? Some of our staff’s earliest memories happened there, and along with growing up near the Cascades, the zoo helped instill a healthy respect of nature in us. So when we heard that Portland’s zoo was ranked No. 7 this year on In Defense of Animal’s list of the Ten Worst Zoos for Elephants, we immediately tried to think our way out of it. Hopefully there just weren’t that many bad zoos out there to begin with, right? That’s why Portland ranked so high?... We’ve had animal cruelty laws in place forever – how could mishandling become institutionalized? Morbid curiosity got the better of us, though, so we did our homework. One of the first things we dis-

covered is that this isn’t Portland’s first appearance on this list; it’s the zoo’s sixth. The best example, at least of the elephant conditions there, is Packy. Packy is the Zoo’s franchise quarterback. He was born in captivity, the first elephant calf to be born in the western hemisphere in 44 years (elephants rarely voluntarily breed in captivity), at the time, and has lived at the Oregon Zoo since 1962. He has sired seven calves, while being subjected to artificial insemination attempts, the most common methods being rectal palpation and use of artificial vaginas. He has never lived in an enclosure larger than six acres. Asian elephants, in the wild, are normally active for about 18 hours a day, and are known to walk almost constantly, up to 30 miles a day. Packy’s 53 years old currently,

but the Zoo won’t retire him since they don’t want to remove him from his family, even though, as an older bull elephant, Packy would normally spend very little time with a herd – so now he lives in isolation. He was recently diagnosed with tuberculosis, a disease that occurs only in captive elephants, according to the CDC. Not that Packy is the only elephant in rough shape at the Oregon Zoo. Two elephants died in 2015 at ages 31, and 45 (an Asian elephant’s lifespan in the wild is about 48 years). Plus bull hook marks have been spotted on multiple elephants throughout the years. What’s a bull hook, you ask? For those of you who like fishing, it’s kind of like a giant, sharpened gaffing hook. For those of you who don’t, it’s a giant, sharp metal rod zookeepers push the elephants with

to direct them. What really hit close to home for us, though, were the Zoo’s announced plans for a 100-plus-acre elephant reserve to be built in Roslyn Lake, near Sandy. “Now the elephants can roam freely again – our faith in humanity has been restored!” we thought, “and right in our own backyard, too!” It sounded too good to be true – and it has for a while now, actually, since 2008 when the Zoo announced this “reserve” as a selling point for a $125 million bond measure. The bond passed, and for another seven years the zoo (managed by Metro, local government overlord for greater Portland) frantically constructed the perfect elephant Elysium in the woods for Packy to retire in. Just kidding. In the first six years, officials renovated the elephant enclosure at the Zoo instead, which is

now about six acres, not counting the visitor walkways, viewing areas, and stables that intrude into it. There was public unrest, since, you know, we were promised a five-bedroom townhouse and instead got a new porch swing for our trailer home. Finally, in 2015, after the elephant reserve had been on “indefinite hold” due to “a lack of staff,” Metro announced it was purchasing Rosyln Lake from the city of Sandy for $1 million. Then Metro promptly didn’t do that, after zoo surveys of the area found it was too wet for the elephants. What?! But how?!? Sandy has always seemed very similar to western India to us – it has to be one of the driest places near the zoo. As of now, no final decision on the site, or plans for a future reserve, has been made.

Yelpers: Get off your horse and in touch with reality

Clay Vitale

the advocate For those of you not familiar with Yelp, it is both an online site and phone app that generates hatemongering and self-proclaimed critics with no background in statistical research or the skills required to tie their own shoes. Whoa, where’d that come from, you ask? Well, I am not delivering this from blind angst or even telling you the idea of Yelp is nonsense, because it could work...with a careful screening process. The perceived food critic “Help Wanted” ad

hypothetically generated by Yelp’s staff should read like the following: “We are looking for someone with an understanding of how a business is run and does not walk around all day with a ‘holier-thanthou’ attitude. Must possess a more refined palate than your average six-year-old, be able to afford the meal at the spot up for review, have the ability to communicate with other humans using rational thought. Douchebags, ass-clowns and window-lickers need not apply.” My point here is not to trash the “Yelpers” or the community supporting them, but to tell my side of the story. You see, I was the District Manager for an investment firm that operated a franchised restaurant chain in San Diego. My duties included day-to-day operations of the business, but had many other side jobs attached, such as the appointed administrator for

our local Yelp page. I never had to kiss so much ass in my life. Don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy the customer service aspect of the business, and still relish the chance to provide the best product and service at my current job. But as you all know, once people get online, they turn into feral animals with no sense of judgment. I’ll provide you with an anecdote to support my claims. At one of my locations, a first-time guest dined in while I was at a different store (as much as my ownership group wanted me to be in three different places at once, I never could figure out how), and had a less than amazing experience. Instead of telling the manager on duty (always, always, ALWAYS get a manager to help you on the spot - you’ll feel a lot better about life), he took to Yelp and began trashing the store over something that should’ve easily been

resolved in real time, had he voiced his issue then. These online ferals’ patience meter goes from zero-to-fuckyou in about seven seconds if they don’t get a reply by then. I, as the admin, would reach out to almost everyone who commented about one of my three locations, whether good reviews (we stayed at 4.5 stars throughout my tenure), bad reviews, or anything in-between. On this particular day, I was arriving home at about 11 p.m., typical for my 80hour work week, before opening up my laptop and scouring through reports before bedtime. This late hour was also reserved for my Yelp replies, and wouldn’t you know it, the same guest who complained earlier in the day messaged me directly, basically telling me I was a piece of shit for not getting back to him earlier that afternoon. Okay, folks, results will come

with just an ounce of patience, and don’t let a less-than-satisfactory lunch ruin your entire day. Better yet, don’t let it ruin someone else’s, either. Talk it through like the mature adults we pretend to be, and move on. Of course, I was nothing but cordial to this young gentlemen, and went out of my way to cater for his entire retail office, on my company dime. I was happy to do it, too, because without customers, there is no business. But without Yelp, there’d be better business.

graphic from web

the advocate Editor-in-Chief Adam Elwell

Sports Editor Clay Vitale

Associate Editor Hayden Hunter

Graphic Designers Cody Holcombe

Arts+Entertainment Editor Ivy Davis

Photo Editor Nick Pelster

News Editor Gloria Saepharn

Opinion Editor Adam Elwell

Public Relations Manager Emily Wintringham Features Editor Jon Fuccillo Video Editor Chuck Masi

Video Team Members Ben Baxter Thomas Stewart Ad Manager Joseph Frantz Copy Editor Quincy Smith Staff Writers Lena Simon

Nicole Kaadi Monique Mallari Brandon Cunningham Candice Sandland Konah Nimo Web Editor Matana McIntire Advisers Howard Buck Dan Ernst

Front cover by Cody Holcombe

E-mail: Phone: 503-491-7250 #mhccadvocate Mt. Hood Community College 26000 SE Stark Street Gresham, Oregon 97030

The Advocate encourages readers to share their opinion by letters to the editor and guest columns for publication. All submissions must be typed and include the writer’s name and contact information. Contact information will not be printed unless requested. Original copies will not be returned to the author. The Advocate will not print any unsigned submission. Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words and guest columns should not exceed 600. The decision to publish is at the discretion of the editorial board. The Advocate reserves the right to edit for style, punctuation, grammar and length. Please bring submissions to The Advocate in Room 1369, or e-mail them to Submissions must be received by 5 p.m. Monday the week of publication to be considered for print. Opinions expressed in columns, letters to the editor or advertisements are the views of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Advocate or MHCC.


January 22, 2016



Teachers are more than just ‘tools’ in the system

Gloria Saepharn the advocate

Attending a class that you paid for sometimes seems like a pain when you feel like you don’t have time for it or just don’t want to go. In some, when a teacher says that if you don’t attend class, your grade goes down. Does that make them the bad guy? Probably not. I don’t think they say those things because they don’t care about you – it’s probably because they do, and you just may not realize it. Teachers may be one of the

most empathetic people on earth. When thinking about how they may possibly ‘ruin’ your life by giving you homework, they’re actually giving you knowledge. They are the people who chose to go to school for six years to study how to be the ones to control the information being put into your brain. Some students forget that teachers have been in our exact positions and have also ‘suffered’ at the hands of their instructors. I’ve seen, heard, and felt the effect that teachers had on their students and honestly, some students brush it off and don’t think twice about their instructor’s kindness. When I graduated high school last year, there were a couple of teachers known to pass students who were close to failing their class – although, even if the students told others that the class was easy, it usually wouldn’t be. The main reason why students would eventually pass their class was because they actually got it across that they were having

a hard time and needed to ‘get themselves together.’ There was a teacher I talked to every day during my senior year, because I was his TA (teacher assistant) one day and his student

“...students forget that teachers have been in our exact positions and have also ‘suffered’ at the hands of their instructors.” the next. Talking to him on a regular basis, I realized that many teachers have a life that’s more adventurous than mine had been – especially since he was a bouncer in a club during his own college time and

Multitasking: a new definition fit for a new generation

Matana McIntire the advocate

Working at the Advocate, as I do, you consider a wide range of people your peers. All ages, all demographics – people straight out of high school, to adults going back to school. I suppose that’s community college in a nutshell. But here, you truly get to know them better – they become peers, coworkers, and friends. Me being 20 years old, sometimes there’s a generational gap in perspective. Even more so, if you consider the drastically different culture I was raised in compared to, say, baby boomers (you know, our parents). The other day, I was working collaboratively

with a peer at the Advocate, and we were discussing attentiveness; he was expressing how he couldn’t understand how some of his peers in classes were so tuned out from the teacher. I agreed, for the most part. Except, well… I’m also like those students. I totally will tune out the teacher to do whatever it is I need to get done, and then tune back in when I need to. I know that’s frowned upon. I know. But, as I tried to argue to my buddy during the conversation, multitasking is sometimes a valuable function. He didn’t get it. I distinctly remember him saying, “You’ll change your mind when you get older.” So, let’s take a pit stop here to explore multitasking in itself. Don’t go wagging your fingers yet, even my editor has already tried to tell me what I already know: Multitasking is physically impossible. It has been proven that your mind can’t focus fully on two separate tasks at the same time. Minds just don’t work that way, apparently. However, I’m working off the cultural definition of the word. What I really mean when I say it, is “divided attentions.” Like scrolling through Facebook on your laptop while you sit in front of

the TV. I call it “culturally learned ADHD.” If I’m only doing one thing at a given time, I honestly get bored. See, my theory is that people such as myself, who were raised in the dawn of the Internet with 700+ channels of TV, have this habit ingrained into ourselves. We’re always on our phones, laptops and TVs at the same time. And it’s supposed to be bad – all the adults tell us it is. Or is it just different? Older generations were often raised on the idea of “one task with your full attention and devotion creates a quality result.” I beg to differ, because you know who produces quality results often? This gal. I think when it comes down to it, it’s a matter of different values. I understand the value of dedicated focus, don’t get me wrong. I’m sure one day when I’m halfway through my life I’ll get to a point where I want to slow down and live at a leisurely pace, but until then I’ll stay as I am. You’ll see me spending my nights doing work, checking my Facebook and watching Rick and Morty for the rest of my life. After all, we’ve only got so much time in the day and too many things to accomplish in our lives. Agreed?

occasionally talked about it during class. The experiences that he had, the friends he told me about and even past students that visited their class from time to time – it made me see that these just weren’t teachers who forgot their students, once they graduated. The moment when I realized that teachers weren’t just ‘tools’ to a school district affected me so much, that I began to help and talk to them when I wasn’t in class. They go through things and have gone through troubled times – just like students. Instructors most likely don’t tell their students about their personal lives, in order to follow the rules and keep the relationship strictly professional. The difference between a high school environment and college, is that high school teachers refrain from cursing around students, in order to not suggest ‘vulgar language’. In terms of college, I’ve run into teachers that swear up and down the hall, as well as not caring

about what the students think about their lanuage. From time to time, teachers do admit they curse, but only when they feel it’s appropriate. At times, I find it weird that they have lives, because they talk about their children or siblings and it makes students think twice. In high school, there were students that found out the odd quirks about their teachers and had the greatest reactions – the students started talking to the teacher as if they were their friend and then spent their lunch hour with them, discussing their greatest aspirations. In the aspect of schoolwork and turning things in, it’s important to communicate with these people, because they can’t read your minds. You have to tell them if something’s wrong or affecting your life so much, that you can’t do your work. It’s weird, because while growing up, I didn’t think I’d ever want to trust a teacher or anyone, for that matter – they truly make a difference.



Ongoing coverage

Mt. Hood bond effort will need money, student help Hayden Hunter the advocate

Now that Mt. Hood’s board of directors has decided to put a $125 million general obligation bond measure on the May 17 primary election ballot, it will be up to a political professional – and the efforts of MHCC students, she says – to find the winning votes. Paige Richardson, a co-founder of political consulting group Springwater Partners who has been hired by MHCC to lead its bond campaign, has shared some of her strategies for the bond measure campaign. It will be a tight deadline – mail ballots go out to east Portland and Multnomah County voters in just over 13 weeks. The short timeframe is one reason Mt. Hood board member Michael Calcagno voted “no” on the bond attempt (joined by board member George “Sonny” Yellott). Richardson, Mt. Hood’s bond specialist, along with President Debbie Derr, said she believes May offers the college the best chance of winning, however. Waiting to place the measure on the November general election ballot would be a mistake, Richardson said. Avoiding the ‘SmackDown’ Mt. Hood’s bond could get lost in the “noise” and attention hogged by the U.S. president and Oregon governor’s race, among other things. “It’s WWE, but like the Grand SmackDown, where everyone is coming in” to the wrestling ring, Richardson said. In November, by the time voters “move down a long ballot to a small little measure” – Mt. Hood’s bond measure – “their heads are going to want to explode,” she said. Getting enough “yes” votes to pass the first MHCC bond measure since 1974 will take money for

advertising and outreach, but also considerable effort by those attached to the college, Richardson said. A key will be if Mt. Hood’s Political Action Committee (the Friends of Mt. Hood Community College PAC) can raise enough money to spread bond supporters’ message to voters in time. “If they can raise the dollars to do that, we have a really good shot,” said Richardson. That fundraising goal hasn’t been declared by anyone, yet. Through Wednesday, the ‘Friends’ PAC had raised a total $58,000 since it formally filed with the state of Oregon – including $50,000 contributed by the Mt. Hood Foundation. The PAC had about $31,500 in cash on hand. Several thousand dollars have already gone into research and polls that Richardson has gathered to apply to the campaign. She said that entails figuring out how many voters the college has to talk to in order to be successful, and then how many times the college needs to communicate with them to solidify their vote in favor of the bond.

Using student stories At last week’s board meeting, before the members voted 5-2 to pursue the May vote, Richardson unveiled her plan for achieve this, stating that she would be focusing

Proposed design of new Workforce and Applied Technology Center on the Gresham campus. The proposed building is part of a $125 million bond measure that will appear on the May 17 ballot.

on the undecided and “yes” voters, instead of trying to sway the voters who have already indicated they would vote “no.” She told the board approximately 46 percent of potential voters surveyed said they were likely “yes” voters on the bond; another 15 percent were undecided. The key to a bond measure passing is to connect with those 15 percent, she said. Richardson plans a story project that is just student and alumni stories about why Mt. Hood is/has been such a great place to them. “Everybody is being transformed all the time; to tell those stories is the

Photo by Hayden Hunter

MHCC President Debbie Derr said she agrees that the May primary election and a strong effort to reach millennials are the best path for a successful bond measure.

best way to talk to folks (voters),” she explained. Richardson said she plans to get the word out through social media and paid media, such as newspapers, TV, and radio advertisements. Social media, and the web in general, will be a main focus. “Most every student has a connected device. Whatever media platform they are on, we (the bond campaign) will be on,” she said. Counting on millennials Richardson aims to use the student/alumni stories on social media for storytelling, “and then we’ll use those (stories) in the paid media ... because that stuff is real.” Derr said she agrees with making younger voters a priority. “The lowest voter turnout (population) are millennials, and yet our millennial students will be able to see the greatest benefit with the passage of this GO bond,” Derr said. Since it has been so long since Mt. Hood has gotten a bond measure passed – several attempts have failed in the past four decades – Richardson’s idea is that the community will be very receptive to the idea, this time around. Especially when the bond campaign gets to

Photo courtesy of MHCC

talking about the benefits for the MHCC community, she said. As currently outlined in the bond proposal, Mt. Hood would build a new Workforce and Applied Technology Center on the Gresham campus; would completely rebuild the Maywood Park satellite campus; would pay off millions of dollars of current debt; and would look to upgrade the Gresham campus’ safety, security, and infrastructure, including improving accessibility for students, staff, and community members who have disabilities. To Derr and Richardson, the bond effort is mostly about sharing the news. That’s where the needed money to drive the campaign is important. Fred Sanchez, an east Portland real estate business owner and a leader of the MHCC PAC, expressed strong support for the cause at last week’s board meeting. “I promise you, that I and our committee, will do everything in our power to spread the word and get an overwhelming ‘Yes’ from the electorate,” Sanchez told members. The bond PAC has launched a new website to promote the bond measure. For more information, visit:

MHCC set to host ‘Stalking: More than a Crime’ Gloria Saepharn the advocate

“Stalking: Know It. Name It. Stop It.” January is National Stalking Awareness Month. The theme is known to challenge the nation to fight this crime that affects an estimated 7.5 million victims per year. And on Jan. 29, MHCC Public Safety will host “Stalking: More than

a Crime” with guest speaker, Kelley Cloyd, Assistant District Attorney for Multnomah County who specializes in Stalking cases. Open to all, the awareness and prevention presentation will run at noon in the Student Union. If communities understand stalking, they can support victims and fight the crime, experts say. “If more people learn to recognize stalking,” said Cherilyn Nederhiser,

MHCC Public Safety lead officer, “we have a better chance to protect victims and prevent tragedies.” Stalking is now formally a crime in all 50 U.S. states and territories. It’s said that many victims and criminal justice professionals underestimate its seriousness and impact. Victims suffer anxiety, social dysfunction and severe depression at much higher rates – in a word, trauma. In one of five cases, stalkers

use weapons to harm or threaten victims. There’s an elevated risk of homicide for women in abusive relationships. Stalking can take many forms, such as assaults, threats, vandalism, burglary or animal abuse, as well as unwanted cards, calls, gifts or visits. It may consist of a series of acts, less noticeable then some crimes, with a stalker’s plan for how they can get a target’s attention and cause them to fear them.

Modern technology, including GPS devices or hidden cameras, can track the victim’s daily activities. Stalkers fit no standard psychological profile and many of them follow the victims from one place to another – which makes it difficult to make authorities to investigate and prosecute their crimes. For more information, see: and


January 22, 2016



Club fair ends, but it’s not too late to sign up

Photos by Beka Haugen

Activities were laid out, aimed toward students, in order for clubs to attract members. The Student Union hosted the Winter Term Club Fair on Tuesday through Thursday. There was also entertainment to encourage visitors to visit the Student Union.

Ryan Moore the advocate

The first day of the Winter Club Fair on Tuesday was a very rainy one, the usual Oregon weather this time of year, and this helped bring inquiring students inside the niceand-toasty Student Union. There were coffee and snacks, as well as live music from a large stringed instrument, providing a nice atmosphere for students and community members to come in and ask questions. Clubs had tables set up with all sorts of various

artwork, take-home gifts, signup sheets, and extra information about what each club has to offer. Speaking with a number of the clubs meant asking about what they offered, when they met and generally, what people could expect if they happened to be interested in learning more about them. The American Sign Language, or ASL, club said they are encouraging anyone to come down and learn more, whether or not that person is an MHCC student, or not. They mentioned that what people like most about being a part of ASL is

Redesign Barney Bernard Enjoy drawing, digital graphic design, vectoring and creating original designs? Graphic from web B a r n e y Bernard, Mt. Hood Community College’s halo-wearing dog mascot, needs a serious makeover and MHCC students are encouraged to enter a campuswide artistic contest. The winning entry will earn the designer a 12-credit tuition waiver for Spring or Fall term of 2016. Requirements to participate are: Entrant must be a currently enrolled student. • Logo must be a St. Bernard.

Logo must be sent from student’s Saints email account. • Logo must be able to work both in color and in blackand-white. • Logo drawings are okay, but logo will be reconstructed digitally. The makeover of a St. Bernard dog must be submitted by Feb. 5. Students can then vote for the winner, Feb. 20 through March 11, on the MHCC website. For more information, submission or questions, email: or visit the website at: -Gloria Saepharn

Elvis Presley panel On Wednesday, Mt. Hood’s History Department will host a

that it provides a place to practice and improve on the ability to sign better, in addition to playing games with fellow club members. Another club attending was the Clay Club, which had several examples of finished ceramic pieces, all of them very impressive. The club meets at noon on Fridays, every other week, and there are workshops coming up in March. The representative told me that the club and the (ceramics art) class are separate, meaning you can join if you are not enrolled in the class. More samples of completed pieces

can be found during showings in Mt. Hood’s Visual Arts Gallery. The Associated Student Government also had a booth, providing information about the application/hiring process students need to complete to become involved. ASG is divided into three branches and takes on responsibilities such as determining funding for clubs, cocurricular activities, and planning for events associated with MHCC. Other clubs featured included the Gamer Club, which meets at the Student Union to play Magic:

mid-day panel discussion on Elvis Presley and how he changed our world today. The event will be headed by history instructor Jim Barnes, who met Elvis in 1955 at a musical audition. He’ll be joined by colleagues Elizabeth Milliken and Pat Casey, also from the history department. The panel welcomes comments and questions at the event, in part of honoring Presley’s birthday (Jan. 8). The panel will meet noon to 1 p.m. in Room 1710. The event is free, and open to the public. - Matana McIntire

Answers from the experts will be available on Jan. 28, when Mt. Hood will be hosting its annual Oregon Transfer Day event. From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Vista Dining Hall, students will be able to learn about the many universities and colleges that Oregon (as well as Washington, Idaho, and Alaska) has to offer. Representatives from many schools will be attending. Students can also attend a workshop on filling out applications for universities, that starts at 1:30 p.m. Students should bring in their own information and can have their own applications professionally edited by Mya Hoffman from Pacific University. Faculty and staff members are asked to remind and encourage your students to attend this important event. - Lena Simon

Transfer to a 4-year

Are you planning on transferring to a four- year university after Mt. Hood? Are you having a hard time finding the best fit for your needs?

The Gathering card games or Dungeons and Dragons with fellow players on campus; the Japanese Club; the Black Student Union; and Spectrum, which is a club offering a safe place for all members of the LGTBQ community and its allies, so anyone is welcome. All students and community members are encouraged to learn more about all of the various clubs and organizations located here on the MHCC campus to get more involved. For more information, visit:

Support Staff Awards Nominations for the 2016 Outstanding Support Staff Awards are open. The deadline to nominate is Feb. 4. This honor goes to the Mt. Hood staff member who demonstrates a respect for MHCC and excellent customer service skills. Any person from the college community may submit a nomination as long as they have personal and direct knowledge of the staff member. Comments on the nominee’s outstanding characteristics are encouraged. For the link to nominations, visit: For questions, contact executive assistant Pam Benjamin in the President’s Office. - Emily Wintringham



MLK Day: a call to personal and community action Emily Wintringham the advocate

Martin Luther King Jr. taught the American people the importance of service – decades later, schools and organizations honor his legacy by serving on MLK Day. This week marked the seventh annual “We are the Dream: MLK Jr. Day of Collaborative Service,” sponsored by the Corporation for National and Community Service and Campus Compact Oregon. Thanks to service leaders and administrators, seven colleges united to serve and beautify the East County. Mt. Hood, Concordia University, George Fox University, Portland State University, University of Portland and Warner Pacific College were the schools involved. Volunteers were greeted to the rally with banners and cheers at the MHCC gymnasium. Classic Motown music inspired some dancing and refreshments were provided to begin the day. Janna Allen paid a tribute to MLK’s speech, “I’ve been to the Mountaintop,” with her own piece. In her poem, she thanked MLK for his enduring work, but also stated why her people were ‘not yet to the mountaintop’. Speakers raised awareness to the Black Lives Matter movement, discussing how even still, the black community suffers income inequality and discrimination from law enforcement. Keynote speaker and Portland State student leader Tony Funchess asked of the volunteers: “What are you doing to serve others?” That message was taken from MLK’s words, he said. “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’ ” he said. Soon after, students loaded onto buses and spread out to work on service projects. One of the many projects included the Wetland Conervatory near Gresham, where volunteers cleared the land of invasive blackberry plants. This helps to maintain amphibian wildlife and to perserve fresh water. Throughout the day, it was mentioned that Monday could have been a good day to sleep in. What made students decide to get up early and put forth physical labor? Chidozie Urom from MHCC said simply, “I can’t think

Let’s Talk. You’re in college. Learning new things. Making the grade. And now you want to go farther. And further. You sound like our favorite kind of person. Like a Duck. That’s why Sylvia Hernandez, our Portland admissions counselor, is headed your way. Go see her at Mt. Hood Community College on January 28 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for Oregon Transfer Day. We also have info sessions in Eugene every third Friday at 1:00. Just for transfer students. Like you. No flying required—but maybe a train ticket. Or a car. See you soon.

of a better way to honor the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.” For Urom, just the idea of serving his community gets him excited. During reflection time, one group leader, John Gee of Portland State, asked the group serving the Conservatory this question: “What does this quote mean to you: ‘In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.’ ” Urom said, “The quote to me reinforces unity and togetherness and why it’s so important for our community, as a whole, not to be silent against any form of injustice. “Personally, I expect my friends and those who are around me to speak on my behalf when I can’t. And not to turn a blind eye when I face a plight. And if that doesn’t happen, that silence is what is remembered. Actions speak louder words and I’m glad that MHCC and our fellow colleges came together to service our community and reflect on the significance of MLK Day,” he said. On the bus ride home, Gee put some significant thought into what he wanted to say about this day. “MLK day reminds us, sadly, that the Civil Rights Movement was not fully realized during his amazing life, nor did it die with his deplorable assassination. Today is our day you show each other that the fight is still very much alive, and that this movement will need all the help it can get.” As volunteers arrived back at MHCC, everyone walked in line and observed a series of photos of the civil rights struggle. Tears were seen as people looked back at pictures of segregation and hateful demonstrations. Pictures showed the work of MLK and President Lyndon Johnson signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964, along with others who fought for the cause. As the line moved along, pictures moving across time, attendees saw the efforts of the Black Lives Matter movement, which is regarded as the latest step to the ‘promised land’. At the end, each volunteer wrote on a sticky note about how or what they envision for a bright and thriving community. Funchess, key-note speaker, had encouraged volunteers to continue serving others every day: just like Martin Luther King.

First photo above: Charidee Phillip shoveling. Second photo: a wall of sticky notes, saying what people wished for to help the world. Third photo: Chidoze Urom smiling.


January 22, 2016



Portland Winterhawks go Giant hunting

All photos by Cody Holcombe

Top Left: Giants and Winterhawks battle for the puck on the boards behind the Portland net. Center: Hawk defenseman Caleb Jones stands front and center during the starting lineup announcement before the puck drops. Top Right: Portland mascot Tom A. Hawk chills with fans during the first period of Monday’s game against Vancouver.

Clay Vitale

the advocate The Canadian Hockey League is our northern neighbor’s highest level of junior hockey and serves as an umbrella to its three members: the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League, Ontario Hockey League, and Western Hockey League. The QMJHL, or “the Q” as it is commonly referred to, is the only league of the three with Canadian-only teams, while the OHL has teams in Pennsylvania and Michigan. The WHL, with 22 teams total, supports four teams in Washington, and one in Oregon: your Portland Winterhawks. The Hawks have been a staple in Stumptown since 1976 after transitioning from their prior Edmonton, Alberta location, where known as the Oil Kings. That’s now 40 years of watching the likes of Marion Hossa, Paul Gaustad, Brenden Morrow and Adam Deadmarsh (among many others) graduate Portland’s Junior League team and then do great things in

professional hockey. Portland plays the majority of its home games with larger crowds at the Moda Center, while the Veterans Memorial Coliseum, a more intimate venue, picks up the other share and offers a quite different fan experience. The latter is where the Winterhawks invited the Advocate to take in their game on Monday. Portland played host to the Vancouver Giants (that’s Vancouver, British Columbia, not Washington) on MLK Day, a matinee 3 p.m. start time that has become a bit of tradition on select occasions. The unique open design features of the Coliseum allowed for a spot of sunshine in the midafternoon, a welcome sight on a rainy week in town. However, the unexpected light briefly pushed back the first puck-drop by a half hour, to prevent the glare on the ice from being a nuisance. Vancouver had arrived in town bringing up the rear of their B.C. Division at 17-25, with 39 total points in the bank. The

Winterhawks came in with 22 wins against 20 losses to go along with 46 points on the year, good for third place in the U.S. Division. Able to move about the “Glass Palace” to gain the best vantage point, our Advocate team took in the first period from behind the

Winterhawk RW Evan Weinger drops the gloves with Vancouver agitator Brennen Menel deep in the Portland zone in the 2nd period.

home bench, getting a sense of the action from the players’ perspective. Not much action in the first, though, as it seemed both clubs were sizing each other up, like a staring contest, just daring the other to blink.

It wasn’t until moving just above the Hawks’ offensive end (offensive goal) that we watched Portland captain Dominic Turgeon open the scoring 6:13 into the second period, set up beautifully in front of the net by winger Rihards Bukarts. Only 1:21 later, the Hawks doubled their lead after defenseman Blake Heinrich slammed home a rebound off Vancouver netminder Ryan Kubic. The Giants tallied their first goal after Matt Barberis rifled one in from the point, deflected by Taylor Crunk past Portland goalie Adin Hill at 13:30. The 2-1 Portland lead would carry over into the third period as we set up shop at ice level, next to the Portland locker room entrance, with a killer view of the home net. The home team would strike first at 5:48, when slick, 16-year-old Ryan Hughes split the Vancouver defense and beat Kubic high on the glove side. Barberis again got his club within one after scoring at 13:38, creating a tense atmosphere as the game was winding down. The Giants pulled their goalie with about

a minute and a half left, sending out an extra attacker in an attempt to even the score. Portland’s defense was solid, however, and hung on to seal the victory. Portland was a perfect 2-for-2 in penalty killing on the day, and were 1-of-3 on their own power plays, the lone goal coming from Turgeon. These “kids” (16-20 year-olds play in the CHL) grow up in the rink, constantly working, hoping to make it big one day just like NHL Hall of Famers Cam Neely and Mark Messier, also former Winterhawks. Currently nine Hawks have attended training camp with an affiliated National Hockey League team, with more eligible for the NHL professional draft soon. It was a great overall experience, watching a close-knit club pour their hearts out on the ice. Portland next plays a home-and-home series against their rival Seattle Thunderbirds, first at the Moda Center tonight (Friday) before heading up to suburban Seattle (Kent, Wash.) on Saturday. Both games are slated for 7 p.m.

Oregon football shuffles coaching spots; OSU gains experience

Clay Vitale

the advocate Oregon replaces major coaching pieces The University of Oregon bucked its trend of internal coaching hires by bringing in former Michigan head coach Brady Hoke to run the Duck’s defense, following the addition of David Yost out of Washington State as their new quarterbacks coach. Hoke is 78-70 all-time as a head coach, but hasn’t been a defensive coordinator since 1982. He was, however, heavily involved with

the Wolverine’s defense during his four-year tenure, and turned around what was among the worst defenses in NCAA to No. 6 among all Division I teams, in 2011. This earned him national coach of the year honors, and now he’ll work under Oregon head coach Mark Helfrich – the third DC in Helfrich’s four years leading the Ducks. Yost has coached the receiving corps at WSU since 2013, where the offense has set numerous school records for receptions, yards and points under head coach Mike Leach’s Air Raid offense. Yost took a year off from

coaching, citing burnout before joining the Cougars. Washington State’s receivers have led the country in receptions every year since his hire in 2013. Prior to his Washington State work, he coached with Gary Pinkel at Toledo and then Missouri starting in 1997, and it was with the Tigers that Yost gained a reputation for developing quarterbacks such as Blaine Gabbert (an NFL first round draft pick in 2011), former Heisman Trophy finalist Chase Daniel, and Brad Smith. With new Montana State transfer Dakota Prukop on tap to

start next season as the Ducks’ No. 1 quarterback, time will tell what kind of impact Yost will have on him, or on the following recruiting efforts. OSU hoping experience turns into success When Gary Andersen took over the head coaching job from Mike Riley at Oregon State University, he didn’t envision the road as rocky as it’s been. Starting off with a 2-1 record after their first three games, the Beavers lost their last nine to finish 2-10 on the 2015 season. One of the lone bright spots for a team that ranked 115th in scoring

defense and 114th in scoring offense was third-year linebacker Rommel Mageo. He developed into a leader with 87 tackles, two sacks and two interceptions, all stats either leading the team or tied for first. OSU was one of the youngest teams in the country last year, and Mageo’s senior contributions next season will help their rebuild, paired with new Defensive Coordinator Kevin Clune. Andersen praised Clune’s hiring, citing him as a “proven recruiter and tactician” during his time with Utah State, where Clune was coaching under Andersen.



Fate brings the NFL world the matchups it craves

The Peyton and Tom show looks to air Episode 17 this Sunday afternoon.

Ryan Moore the advocate

There was no shortage of intensity during last week’s NFL divisional playoff round, with the stakes raised yet again. Last year’s Super Bowl champion, the New England Patriots, kicked off the weekend facing possibly the hottest team in the AFC, in the Kansas City Chiefs. But the Patriots were ready to go, playing at home and with weapons like Julian Edelman, Danny Amendola, and Dont’a Hightower healthy and returning to the active roster. QB Tom Brady wasted no time utilizing his arsenal, connecting with Edelman straight out of the gate. After a touchdown pass and a quarterback sneak, the Patriots gained a 14-6 lead by the end of the first half, due in part to some questionable game clock management by Chiefs head coach Andy Reid. Kansas City gained a little momentum in the second half, but a fumble recovered by the Patriot defense produced an even bigger lead. However, the Chiefs’ offense didn’t go down without a fight. After the Chief scored a touchdown late in the fourth quarter with 1:13 on the clock they went for the onside kick. Unfortunately for Kansas City, star tight end Rob Gronkowski was there to recover the ball,

Web Photos

sending New England to their fifth consecutive AFC Championship game. Out west in the NFC, the Arizona Cardinals hosted the Green Bay Packers in what proved to be the most electrifying game of the weekend. Both teams kept pace with one another for the majority of the game, only the Packers’ Aaron Rodgers had to switch up his passing targets since Davante Adams was out, along with Randall Cobb, injured early in the game, and Micah Hyde injuring his hip. With injuries accounted for, the Packers got the ball at the start of the second half and Aaron Rodgers began targeting Jeff Janis, eventually connecting with him for a touchdown. But his Arizona counterpart, Carson Palmer, did not disappoint in the passing game, making play after play on Green Bay’s secondary. The fourth quarter is where things got really interesting. One costly tip off the shoulder of a Green Bay defender landed the ball right into the hands of an Arizona receiver and resulted in a touchdown, giving the Cardinals the lead. With less than three minutes left to play and the Green Bay down by 7 points, the Packers then drove the length of the field with Jeff Janis catching the ball on two fourth-down situations, the latter on Aaron Rodgers’ unbelievable Hail Mary to the end zone that sent

the game into overtime. The team captains met in the middle of the field for the coin toss, but what would normally seem like a simple determination hit a slight complication as Julius Peppers of Green Bay pointed out that the referee hadn’t actually “flipped” the coin. The coin was flipped again, and the Cardinals (again) won the toss. The very first play, Palmer faced lots of pressure but scrambled and managed to find Larry Fitzgerald wide open across the field, who then ran for 75 yards to the Packers’ 4-yard line. Two plays later, Carson completed a shovel pass to Fitzgerald to secure the touchdown, and the OT win for Arizona. On Sunday, the Seattle Seahawks visited the Carolina Panthers for a game that began looking like a complete blowout. Carolina had the lead 31-0 at the half, but Seattle QB Russell Wilson was not ready to give up just yet, stating on the field that this would be the most epic

Cam Newton is revealing his true self.

comeback ever. He certainly gave it a mighty effort, bringing Seattle back to just a 7-point game after a comeback that included a successful fake punt play. But, with limited time on the clock, the Seahawks also had to go for an onside kick that was unsuccessful, and the Panthers advanced to the NFC title game. Finally, another seemingly close game was the matchup between the Denver Broncos and Pittsburgh Steelers. Throughout the game, Denver showcased their highly skilled defense, with Aqib

Talib lighting up Steeler wide receivers and breaking up several passes, one-on-one. Through three quarters, both teams were just one point apart, but Pittsburgh couldn’t muster another touchdown against the Broncos’ “D”. Denver quarterback Peyton Manning was more successful, slipping a pass rush to avoid a sack, and complete a crucial pass to further the drive. The Broncos would go on to score a touchdown, and a good 2-point conversion extended the lead to 7. With the Steelers in critical condition, QB Ben Roethlisberger was sacked on 4th down, giving the ball back to Denver. In the final minutes, the teams traded field goals, but the score remained 2316 for Denver, as Pittsburgh – you guessed it – also tried for an onside kick. It also didn’t work, and now the stage is set for Manning to face Brady for the 17th, and most likely the final, time in their great careers, for the AFC Championship.

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January 22, 2016

Muhammad expresses himself on the hardwood Part 2 of 2 Jon Fuccillo the advocate

Muhammad finds hope in a mentor The name Dominique Davis means a whole lot to Jamal Muhammad, who has known his mentor since he the day he was born. Davis used to date Muhammad’s mother for a while before and after Jamal was born. “He’s the reason why I am where I am today,” said Muhammad. “He has been the biggest father figure in my life and has kept me out of trouble and kept me in the gym and we trained a lot together.” While at Lake Washington High School, near Seattle, he gained interest from a handful of colleges, including Portland State University. The combo guard visited PSU, but due to “grade like issues” wasn’t able to play for the Vikings, who are a Division I college in the Big Sky Conference.

What drives Muhammad? Muhammad, who’s now averaging 16.2 points per contest to lead his team, is focused on the task at hand, which is to play the best basketball he can and to get a good education while at Mt. Hood. He still isn’t too sure where he might end up signing the dotted line for a four-year school to attend next season. “I’ve been in contact with a lot of schools lately, including Oregon State University and George Fox called the other day, and I’m trying

Photo by Jon Fuccillo

to get in contact with Washington State University,” he said. As for the following stage, Muhammad said he wants to make a career of playing basketball, especially to provide for his mother. “My biggest motivation is my mom and to take care of her,” he said. “I love basketball so much... I could get robbed, jumped, hurt or anything... but once I get on the court, it’s a whole new world. “When I used to get into trouble, I would shoot hoops for hours and hours and sometimes until 2 a.m. When I play basketball my true self comes out and that’s my way of talking and expressing myself on the court.” Read part one online at:


“Fab 5” drops buzzer beater

turn around in his life, especially when it comes to his character, which he said completely transformed for the better. “I went from a little hood guy to getting baptized and coming out here and changing my life,” he said. “I just laugh at those who try to fight now. I like to be goofy. I just try to be myself... I love joking around and making others laugh.”

Saints 5-foot-9 sophomore guard Jamal Muhammad goes up for a dunk before a game with the Clackamas Cougars Wednesday night.

“I got a look from PSU, but my grades were messed up,” said Muhammad, who admits his grades were below average in high school. “But I used to train with Lake Washington High School’s girl’s varsity assistant coach and he was friends with coach (Geoff Gibor) and called him for me.” Gibor coached the Saints and resigned after last season. The same season that saw Muhammad average 19.5 points per game, good for fourth place in the entire NWAC. “Gib called me one night around 10 or so and asked me to come down for a visit and to play in a open gym” he said. “And then I ended up moving down here with no scholarship or nothing. I killed last season and was given a scholarship right away.” Muhammad is thankful for the


Photos by Jon Fuccillo

Saints sophomore Jesse Morris (left) draws Clackamas defenders while driving to the basket Wednesday night in the Mt. Hood gymnasium. Sophomore Alexis Imbler (right) goes up for a lay-up in the Saints’ 65-62 loss to the Cougars.

Jon Fuccillo the advocate

Ouch... With the score knotted and Clackamas controlling the ball, Cougar sophomore forward Johanna Paine sank a shot from the right key in the Mt. Hood gymnasium with 0.3 seconds remaining, almost Dirk Nowitzkilike, and drew the foul. The 6-foot Oregon City native then sank the “and-1”, which iced the cake. The arch-rival Cougars (4-2 in the South Region, and 13-6 overall) headed back to Oregon City with a 65-62 victory over the Saints (0-6, 5-12) in hand. Saints sophomore guard Jesse Morris threw up a desperation shot at the buzzer, but the damage was done and the shot came up short. The Saints kept their heads held high, though they had just let a close game slip away from them. Prior to that wild ending, the Saints led for most of the game, but Clackamas kept chipping away, going on big runs, including an 8-0 stretch at the 4:15 mark in the third quarter. Mt. Hood built another big lead early in the fourth quarter, but from there the Saints saw their lead dwindle yet again, eventually turning to a 62-59 deficit. That is, until Morris stroked a triple in the right corner to tie the game, inside the final minute. Then it was Paine’s turn to take over. She was the only Cougar to finish in double figures. Before coming to Clackamas, Paine spent one season at Division I Santa Clara where she started all 30 games and averaged 10.3 points and 4.9 rebounds per game. The Saints are now riding a nine-game skid, mainly due to the

fact that they still only have five players physically able to suit up for each game, while two players nurse injuries. “I really felt for them last night,” said Saints head coach John Hawley Thursday morning. “We just came up a little bit short in the last three minutes, but kudos to (our girls) for their effort, especially with having only five players for the past 10 or 11 games. That’s pretty amazing in and of itself.” No denying that notion. Heading into the half, the Saints had a comfortable 39-26 lead, but as the game continued, the five players started showing signs of having “heavy legs,” according to Hawley. “Again, it’s tough with five girls,” said the first-year Saints coach. “It’s the same thing, like most of these games (recently), we haven’t been able to finish down the stretch, but I am real proud of these girls for their efforts. This isn’t an easy task. This is the first time I have had to coach like this.” While the Saints lost, credit goes to Paine, who finished the contest with a season-high 43 points while shooting 14-for-25 from the field, including a perfect 7-for-7 from behind the arc. She also shot 8-for11 from the charity stripe. Hawley credited Paine and her effort and was kind of in awe when the game ended and he checked the stat sheet. Paine put on quite a clinic and had the Cougar fans on their feet after every made shot, especially when it mattered most. Clackamas ended up outscoring the Saints 23-8 in the fourth quarter. Paine is second in the NWAC with an average of 22.6 points per game and was instantly greeted by teammates giving her hugs and high

fives as they helped her up after being fouled. She also ranks fifth in the NWAC with 11.5 rebounds per game. “Jo was obviously huge for us,” said Cougars head coach Jim Martineau. “We struggled playing fast all day, so when the game became a grind, she took over. She made almost all of the plays the last four minutes. “We had a baseline out-ofbounds (play) and we said if the lay-up was there we would take it. If not, hold for the last shot. The layup was there and we missed it, but we rebounded the miss and that set up the last shot. We just cleared the side for (Paine) and she got herself to a good spot on the floor and knocked it down.” Hawley was impressed with Paine’s performance, especially in the clutch. “She came alive in the fourth quarter and she was knocking down some big threes. She just took over.” Four Saints finished the contest in double figures. Sophomore Lacey Weddle led the way with 18 points, while sophomores Delanee Martin finished with 16 points. Morris and fellow sophomore Madison Weaver chipped in with 13 points a piece. Hawley said the only thing that left a bad taste in his mouth was the fact that his team had a chance to come away with the upset over their chief rival. “The worst part about it was giving them three opportunities with them getting offensive rebounds,” said Hawley. “We got to get to those boards, but those things happen when you’re fatigued. We kind of hit a wall.” Once again, Hawley kept his smile even during a rough season, as he knows this isn’t an ideal situation to not have an available sub. “They never complain and always remain real positive,” he said of the Saints. “They’re really embracing the situation.” Saturday, the Saints travel to Eugene for a game with the red-hot Lane Titans (7-0, 20-0). The game is slated for 2 p.m.

Watch the video: Clay’s Corner at: MHCCAdvocate



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January 22, 2016


The method behind the madness Nicole Kaadi and Ivy Davis the advocate

Paintings ranging from contemporary to the abstract, along with the vibrant and compelling can be seen at MHCC’s Visual Arts Gallery this month. The artwork displayed has been created by the Watercolor Society of Oregon’s along with the artist Ed Labadie. Labadie is an award-winning artist whose paintings are part of personal and corporate collections all over the U.S., New Zealand and Australia. His works are touted online for their “vibrant colors, creating memorable impressions with viewers, elevating his art from simple depictions to personal visions.” His painting style ranges from contemporary abstracts, scenic outdoor images and wildlife works, to

whatever sparks his interests at the time. The artist uses a number of mediums, including watercolor, oils, and acrylics. Labadie says in one of his YouTube videos, “I think that the secret of painting is to enjoy the process.” He has adapted a style of painting he calls “creating from chaos” – one that allows the artist to use visualization and imagination to create pictures from letting paint slide and mix naturally on the canvas, with only minor manipulation. After the background is complete, the artist steps back and imagines what kind of picture the background can become, then can start bringing the picture to life with paint and design.

Some of Labadie’s pieces shown at MHCC include a woman painted with acrylic, with a but imperfect form. He used greens, pink, yellow, and cremes to paint her, making her beautifully and elaborately colored. Under her is what looks to be a cement slab painted in blues, and the background of the painting include a variety of colors and shapes. The technique in color on this piece is so arresting, mixed into a vibrant, breathtaking piece. It is clear that Labadie truly loves his color, when looking at all of his art work. An-

sic and cooking. She plays the piano on a regular basis, specifically jazz, which she feels has a connection to her art. “My opinion is that abstract art is like jazz, and jazz is like abstract art,” she said – abstract, freeform yet tempoed – ideals that apply to both. Britfeld said she has struggles with her artwork: “Oh, absolutely, all the time,” she replied. Each piece is a journey, or a gamble, if you will. Some ideas don’t translate from mind to canvas, and when that happens, she puts them away to come back to another time. It’s when she pulls the canvas out for the second time that the idea shifts into gear and inspiration strikes again, she said – which makes you wonder which of her pieces in the Gallery this process applied to. Britfield’s artwork is indeed abstract, but carries inspiration from Pacific Northwest nature. The canvas size varies, and materials vary - many of her works are not simply paintings, but abstract creations of mixed media. One will see a heavy use of collaging in her work, as well. Pieces such as her “Rain Forest” and “Desert Cathedral” stand out against the white Gallery walls. Both are abstract, but in different ways. “Rain Forest” pulls you in with its vivid colors and three-dimensional texture, as well as the use of collage as a focal point. “Desert Cathedral” takes it a step further, integrating a sense of story behind the piece while still maintaining the abstract nature. The latter in particular was an experimentation for Britfeld –

she described using large spatulas and household rulers to create the linear and effervescent effect of the painting. One could say it brings the viewer to another world. Britfeld found Mt. Hood through the Internet, responding to an ad, and leading her to connect with the organizers of the Fireplace Gallery. After

other piece of his shown in the Gallery is that of a railroad town. Tall buildings rise with mountains, as a railroad track finds its way around everything. The sky in this piece is was is most visually capturing, however. The artist outlined a large dove in the yellow sky and green mountain. The dove is soaring in the sky like some amazing and mythical creature, giving all the townspeople hope. Some of the products of Labadie’s “creating from chaos” style and other works of his may be found in the Visual Arts Gallery through Feb. 4. The Gallery is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays.



y Iv to b


A day in the life of an artist Matana McIntire the advocate

A new Fireplace Gallery exhibit was installed at the start of the Winter Term, introducing artist Karla Britfeld to MHCC. Britfeld has roughly 15 pieces hung for viewing inside the Student Union, which will stay up until Jan. 28. Britfeld started experimenting with art at a young age, around five years old. Growing up in a small town in northern Canada, she didn’t have television to occupy her younger self. Art came into the picture as a hobby to entertain herself. “I would basically spend my time drawing and making things,” she said. For Britfeld, the term ‘art’ was all-inclusive. Through her adolescence and into her adulthood, she experimented with different forms. In high school, she took art classes; after, she explored watercolor, ceramics, and crafting. She said she had always aimed for realism in her art, finding inspiration in accurate depictions, whether of landscapes or portraits. In recent years, her art has taken a sharp turn in a new direction, however: abstract. And this is the theme of her show, “Abstraction on Nature,” in the Fireplace Gallery. “The biggest learning experience has been doing abstract,” Britfeld said. “(It) is the hardest form of art that I have ever attempted.” When she’s not working on her art, Britfeld works as a legal assistant at a small law firm. In her free time, she pursues other arts, such as mu-

sending samples of her work, the mission was a “go” and Britfeld found her artwork on display for Mt. Hood staff and students to enjoy. Students, staff and visitors can see her work at the Fireplace Gallery, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Mon-Thurs and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays.

11 Winter Jazz Ensemble Performance PAGE

Ivy Davis

the advocate Dan Davey, jazz director for Mt. Hood, plans to bring a show to MHCC this winter. Last term proved very successful for the school’s Jazz Ensemble and it only has room to get better, Davey said. He said he plans for this year to “yield more growth and successful exploration of the jazz idiom” and that it is his job as the instructor to always challenge students to “take educational ‘risks’ that allow them to grow and develop new skill-sets.” This term’s performance will feature MHCC’s Jazz Combos, along with the Jazz Ensemble working with a special guest from the University of Oregon. The Ensemble is mainly made up of “big band instrumentation” but Davey welcomes all types of players into the Jazz Combos. Anyone looking to explore the style of jazz is welcome to join the Jazz Ensembles, he said. The winter performance will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 9 in the Visual Arts Theatre. The show is open to the public. Look for the saxophone symbol for more information on the Jazz Ensemble!

Photos by Nick Pelster

Pieces by artist Karla Britfled. Above is what looks to be a flower and below is a mountain. Both pieces were created using newspaper, magazine, and other scrap paper.




T P 5 Sandwiches to make your mouth water BLAST FROM THE PAST

NOW16 Bringing back the beloved songs from our childhood. Now That’s What I Call Music 16 brought us the best songs of 2004, and I’m bringing them back. Here are some (not too old) oldies but goodies.

Hey Ya’ll - Outkast

Backyard bites, 3 of 4 Gloria Saepharn the advocate

4.5/5 on the sandwich scale

Food around $10 while on a college budget? I think “Yes.” Shut Up and Eat Sandwich Shop is a restaurant that resides in Southeast Portland on at Cesar Chavez Boulevard and Gladstone Street. I live a few blocks away and usually make food at home. The restaurant’s front door has always been intriguing to me. Upon arrival, I was greeted by a lovely woman behind the cash register. She described her favorite sandwiches for the morning and afternoon – those being the butternut squash, egg and Italian sausage sandwich, and the sweet Italian sausage and peppers sandwich.

The cooks were in the kitchen area seemed to enjoy their jobs as they sung along with a song that played from speakers. I got the grilled Italian chicken sandwich (which is available after 11 a.m.); honestly, I thought I could finish the whole sandwich at first, but then I ate half of it and felt full. The cashier mentioned that nearby Reed College students have ordered the sandwiches and find them great for groups, because two people can help finish one order. The first bite of chicken was flavorful with a lemon scent, along with a bell peppery flavor and cheese atop of it. Maybe the fact that I hadn’t eaten until 11:30 a.m. on a Friday morning had built up that burst of flavor in my mouth? I started munching on a vegetable that left some of its leafy greens in between my teeth and it had a hint of mustard flavor, making me believe it to be mustard greens – a popular Chi-

nese vegetable. I somehow went past the middle fillings and made it near the bottom of the bread and ate a squishy, soft, green pepper. I realized the filling was cooked thoroughly and a lot of it was warm and soft. The red pepper placed on top was pretty much happiness for me – it was really flavorful and it had steam rising from it as I picked it up to eat. I completely forgot to mention the onions, because I’m used to onions in my food and I like them. Many people tend not to like onions, but the thing is, it adds flavor and a hardly noticeable scent (I probably lied on that one, because a lot of people can no-

tice it… I’m just used to it. Hahah.). I actually ended up eating all of the filling and ate the baguette last, because that’s how I am. While eating, I noticed one of the owners observing and watching over the shop and cleaning tables as customers bussed their tables and drifted out of the store. He smiled as I awkwardly looked up as he walked by and I realized he really enjoyed his job. T h e food is great and the staff are incredibly friendly, and it can also be shown from their awesome chalkboard that they hung. I rate this establishment a 4.5 out of 5. Photo by Gloria Saepharn

‘Shadowhunters’ doesn’t follow the book Ivy Davis

the advocate

My Band - D12 4/5 on the magical rune scale

Dip It Low Christina Milian

Slow Motion - Juvenile

Leave - Jojo

The new television series “Shadowhunters” premiered Tuesday the 12th at 9 p.m. For those of us who read the book, we found out the show wouldn’t be 100 percent right. However, for those people who hate books and see no reason to read one if you can learn the story by watching a movie or TV series, the show was awesome. Shadowhunters is based off the book(s) “Mortal Instruments” by Cassandra Claire. The story follows the life of a girl named Clary Fray (played by Katherine McNamara), who finds out she’s not “mundane.” In the story, Clary loses her mother to a misguided group called “The Circle,” who work for a man named Valentine. After losing her mother, Clary meets a group of young Shadowhunters and finds out that she, and the Circle, are also Shadowhunters. Important characters in the story besides Clary are her best friend, Simon Lewis, played by Alberto Rosende; her mother, Jocelyn Fray,

casted as Maxim Roy; Lucian Graymark, Jocelyn’s very close friend, casted as Isaiah Mustaf (the Old Spice guy); Jace Wayland, one of the young Shadowhunters who helps Clary, played by Dominic Sherwood (who is also in Taylor Swift’s music video for “Blank Space”); Alec and Isabelle Lightwood, two other young Shadowhunters, casted as Mathew Daddario and Emeraude Toubia; and Magnus Bane, a warlock played by Harry Shum Jr. As a fan of the books, it was very easy for me to pick apart the new series. Within the hour of the premiere episode I had found 13 things that just didn’t quite fit the original story. In my mind, I thought the writing let it down and talking to my friends during the commercials would be okay – my friends thought otherwise. Halfway through the first episode my uber-nerd-bookworm of

a friend almost killed me out of annoyance. The end result of my questions, and comments, along with my friend’s annoyance, were these words of wisdom: “If they make a book into a TV series, they don’t want to make it exactly the same. The producers want to keep you on your toes, and if it was exactly the same you would lose interest due to the fact that you already know the story. Their changes are what makes this more interesting.” The second round of advice was, “Ivy, shut up, or our friendship will be over and you will never be invited to my house for this again.” The second episode to the series came out this last Tuesday. In this episode I was less angsty, and therefore commented less on the changes the producers made. In Episode 2,

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Top left, Katherine McNamara as Clary. Bottom left, the Shadowhunters logo. Right, cast of Shadowhunters.

Clary, Simon, Jace, Alec, and Isabelle work on trying to find a warlock in order to unlock Clary’s memories. The group does achieve some memory recovery, but in the end they are set back. All in all, I appreciate that the television series copied the beginning of the book better than the movie did. However, I cannot say I am happy with the show’s choice of a bald Valentine – it’s just simply wrong to cast every other character perfectly, and mess up on him. I do highly recommend this new TV series, which streams Tuesday nights at 9 o’clock on the FREEFRM network (formerly ABC Family network).

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