The Advocate, Issue 26, May 3, 2013

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Gresham, Oregon | May 3rd, 2013 | Volume 48, Issue 26

advocate the

The independent student voice of Mt. Hood Community College

www. ad vo cate - onl ine . ne t

Latest ASG candidate news

Elsie Praeger-Goller: a passion for forensics Jeff Hannig The Advocate

Seventeen-year-old Elsie Praeger-Goller is making quite a name for herself at MHCC. Before she emceed the Associated Student Government (ASG) presidential debates on Tuesday, she captured five trophies for the MHCC forensics team at its most recent tournament: four first-place trophies, and one second-place award. “It’s the one place I feel comfortable,” she said about speaking in front of a group. “I hate being in the audience.” Praeger-Goller fell in love with public speaking in high school when she gave some speeches and a classmate told her she “was too loud to not be in debate,” she said. “The time commitment is the hardest part. I have to remember to make time for other things,” she said, adding that she considers forensics her job. Members of the forensics team practice six hours a week, and according to Praeger-Goller, tournaments can take up a whole weekend. This year, destinations have included Missouri, Los Angeles, Washington and all over Oregon, she said. MHCC is in first place for community colleges in the state “because we Elsie Praeger-Goller have awesome coaches and an awesome team,” said Praeger-Goller. She said her own self-confidence continues to grow. “ I don’t get nervous. Once you’ve done it three or four times, it’s like, ‘Okay, let’s do it again.’ Liz Kinnaman, interim director of the forensics team, showered praise on her young competitor. “It has been our pleasure to meet and work with such a vivacious and energetic student,” Kinnaman said. “Elsie has a lot of great things ahead of her, and we are pleased to help her on her way.” The best part of competing in forensics, PraegerGoller said, is the amount of learning. The education gained in 20 minutes of debate is “more than I get in a three-hour lecture. Not only are you learning both sides (of an argument) but you’re learning the history, politics, economics, and then you condense that into a five-to-seven-minute speech.”

Vice pres id en p os ition a s t d rops p otentia l ca nd id a te

t thei r u o t s e t a Ca nd id deba tes g n i r u d s ta lent

Paul Capell plans to dedicate his time toward MHCC’s district board

See “FORENSICS” on page 9

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2 Endorsement: Slaughter and Schwartz for president Opinion

May 3, 2013

I­­­­ n years past during the Associated Student Government (ASG) election season, The Advocate has been known to endorse candidates for election. The Advocate editorial board believes it is valuable to highlight a pair of candidates who are the most qualified or experienced and who seem to best represent the needs of the students. After sifting through research, conducting personal interviews and looking at responses from the debates, The Advocate endorses Brett Slaughter and Kyle Schwartz for ASG president and vice president. This support stems from our editorial board’s long-standing coverage of ASG events, actions and movements as well as half of this year’s editors having covered three ASG administrations. This factors into our decision to endorse candidates from outside the current ASG administration, because we see a need for fresh ideas

and a new way of doing things in student government. While we identify Slaughter as an outside candidate, we want to make the distinction that being an outside candidate doesn’t mean that Slaughter is inexperienced. He was a shadow for the Sandy City Council, thus showing he has participated in local representative government. While two of the other candidates have experience with student government, both with ASG and in high school, we don’t necessarily see ASG experience as a prerequisite to being ASG president. We’ve previously voiced our concerns about ASG and provided constructive criticism and have seen some improvement, but we’d like to see more change for the better. Slaughter said during the presidential debates that he first attended MHCC for a term in 2010 and noticed some over-arching issues that students face. He left for two years

on a mission trip and then returned to MHCC and found the same issues and so decided to run for ASG president to address and solve them with common sense and with full student involvement, he said during the debates on Wednesday. The Advocate shares this viewpoint and feels Slaughter is ready. Members of our board have seen three years’ worth of ASG elections and read through three years of election platforms. We see some of the same issues pop up each year, especially from candidates from the current ASG administration; however, we’ve noticed that those issues are not always seen through to the end. While the other candidates this spring raise similar issues – safety, increased student representation and involvement – they don’t seem to recognize that ASG exists to serve the students’ needs as the students see them, and not needs that ASG merely feels students have.

We see many good qualities in the different candidates seeking the top two student government positions, but believe the Slaughter-Schwartz ticket will serve students best. We urge the other candidates to use their positive attributes in support of the next ASG president, and to work together to help all students.

For more information on ASG elections, see Pages 4 and 5

The good, the bad and the unfiltered – news

John Tkebuchava The Advocate

The world is changing. Moon landings, Mars landings, growing new human organs. Technology has been exploding in what seems like just a few years. But beyond just that, our fundamental flow of information has undergone a massive change in the way it is transmitted within the last 100 years. Thanks to the Internet, you no longer must rely on specific news groups and organizations in order to acquire information. Not only do you have many options of information outlets online, you also get it lightning fast.

And it’s instantaneous. For example, during the whole drama with the mass manhunt for the remaining Boston bombing suspect, when the suspect was apprehended, a user from the website “” almost immediately posted an image of the man on the ground being handcuffed. The user had an acquaintance on the Boston police force and said the officer took a photo as it all went down and had sent him/her the photo. Just like that, you didn’t have to wait for the capture photo to be worked into a news segment or be uploaded into a story online — it was just suddenly there, one click away. However, having user-generated content comes with a price. During a CNN television segment called “Reliable Sources,” it was mentioned how quickly the information on the Boston bombing was posted on such sites as Reddit and Twitter, and how much faster that was than anything broadcast on the news. One speaker, troubled by such a statement, said that even though these sources might put out in-

formation frequently, that information is not necessarily accurate. Of course, when it comes to content on the Internet (as produced by random users), you run the risk of falling victim to misinformation. Hiding behind their computer screens with very little fear of facing much consequence for anything they say, people can tend to spout lies left and right. Not to say that misinformation isn’t also rampant offline, but the Internet can compound the problem. The whole point of a journalist is to take information, pick through all the crap that users/ viewers don’t need (often false crap) and choose what you think the public wants to/should know. What’s happened now is consumers must fulfill that filtering role. Now that there’s this huge amount of information online, and many more people are getting their news from posts on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc, people must decide for themselves, more than ever, what is true and what is not.

What makes this so much different is not the speed at which information is now available by the Internet, but rather how it is given out: through “normal” people. Instead of a regular news anchor you see every night giving you an update on a traffic accident, you have posts from average Joes like yourself from the site of the accident itself, giving you info from ground zero. Never before has humanity been able to become so attached and aware of occurrences from thousands of miles away, and because of the looseness of the Internet, that information on the web is always visceral. A news station can never show you what the world is truly like when it broadcasts through its politically correct lens and miles of family friendly tape and censorship. On the web, however, reality is available in all of its often gory, cruel and truthful simplicity. It’s all there, unfiltered and uncensored for your consumption, if you can manage to stomach it, that is.

the advocate Co-Editors-in-Chief

Assistant News Editor



John Tkebuchava & Mike Mata

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“Where do you go for your news?” ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊


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The Advocate encourages readers to share their opinion by letters to the editor and guest columns for publication. All submissions must be typed and include the writer’s name and contact information. Contact information will not be printed unless requested. Original copies will not be returned to the author. The Advocate will not print any unsigned submission. Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words and guest columns should not exceed 600. The decision to publish is at the discretion of the editorial board. The Advocate reserves the right to edit for style, punctuation, grammar and length. Please bring submissions to The Advocate in Room 1369, or e-mail them to Submissions must be received by 5 p.m. Monday the week of publication to be considered for print. Opinions expressed in columns, letters to the editor or advertisements are the views of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Advocate or MHCC.


the advocate

Mustache or No Stache?


A mustache is something special for men to cherish and protect

Jeff Hannig The Advocate

Mustaches are a privilege, a gift from the universe, a birthright and not for everyone. I can say with confidence that I am one of the truly blessed individuals on this planet who has an invisible mustache. Allow me to explain: When a man’s mustache is more noticeable if it goes missing than it is when present, it should be considered “invisible.” And so, as a member of the elite Invisible Mustache Warriors I implore you to not seek out a mustache for a lark. It is something special for a handful of men to cherish and protect. Please don’t take it away from us because you think it might get a few laughs. Burt Reynolds, Ron Burgundy, Tom Selleck, Freddy Mercury, Ni-

etzsche, Sam Elliot, Carl Weathers, Ned Flanders, Hulk Hogan, Albert Einstein and Ron Swanson are all examples of men who are part of the elite force of Invisible Mustache Warriors (IMW). If you have any doubts as to whether any of them, or yourself, is part of the IMW, just try and picture any of these men/ yourself without said mustache. If part of their (your) being is missing, then that mustache is legit. My gripe with mustaches today is that (even if it already seems to be fading) there is this fad of ironic mustaches. I am not a fan; I’m more than a fan. Yes, I am a Warrior. I’m the guy with his shirt off at a Pittsburgh Steeler game in the heart of winter, in full body paint. These ironic mustaches threat-

en the next generation of IMW from even stepping forward. Right now, at this very moment, there is an adolescent boy second-guessing his decision to grow out what very well could be the next generation’s Selleck’s mustache. Is this what we want? A world without Selleck’s mustache? I felt obligated to write this because I have been fighting the good fight for the IMW of the world for a whole year now. I will be receiving my one-year sterling comb May 14 on the shores of the Columbia River at the coordinates 34N, 234W if you are interested. Please sign up for the potluck and bring plates (we always run out). I realized the true transparency of my mustache in a moment of

weakness last year. Truly, I had hit rock bottom. When I shaved my mustache, the week that followed was the longest of my life. My wife took it the hardest. She said she couldn’t look at me, she said I was a stranger in our house. In my house — our house — I was unwelcome! Others noticed that there was something wrong and didn’t hesitate to ask, “Hey, Freakshow! What’s wrong with your face?” or “Why did you do it, man?” as if I had sunk my grandpa’s fishing boat or something. I never want to feel that way again. I beg you to take mustaches more seriously. Don’t grow them lightly – not for my sake, but for that of future generations of Invisible Mustache Warriors.

Some men can pull off the clean-shaven baby-face but others cannot

Shelby Scwartz The Advocate

A creepy “stache” on a creepy man is not ironic. Mustaches are attractive on the right guy but on others, they are just creepy. Facial hair offers a guy a way to express himself; it’s like how girls tan and dye their hair until it is virtually unknown what their natural color is. Guys grow hair on their face and shape it; they wax it and style it to fit their personality. But let’s get this little tidbit straight: mustaches do not look good on all guys. So just because you CAN grow one doesn’t mean you should. Like just because I could dye my hair bleach blonde

doesn’t mean I should. Having a mustache requires work. You can’t just leave it there sitting on your upper lip to fend for itself. You have to decide what style works best for you. You might try a petite handlebar and find that it’s just not for you, so you try a simpler style. If you really want to grow one, find out what style speaks to you. But you might find that it isn’t your thing in the end, so go for the clean-shaven, babyface look. Some men can pull off the clean-shaven baby-face but others cannot. Men without facial hair seem

to take themselves too seriously. In order to sport a “stache” you really have to own it. You need a unique style and presence. Now, back to those baby faces. I feel that guys who have mustaches are a little bit more laid back and guys without the “stache” are a little bit more uptight. It may be that the clean-shaven mug gives them an uptight aura or that they feel they are better than those hipsters with an ironic mustache because they don’t want a chunk of hair hanging from their face, scraggly and unwashed. The mustache is a very Portland thing but while I don’t care

whether or not a man has a stache, the whole facial hair craze isn’t for everyone. For one thing, I’ve heard growing a beard or mustache is rather labor-intensive and timeconsuming. Another thing is that after you start growing it, you have to actually style, trim and groom it. This whole mustache scene seems a lot like owning a pet that is attached your face at all times. I should clarify that not all men with facial hair are doing it for the latest hipster craze, to fit in or to give themselves some street cred. Some have them simply because they like it.

I wear them for my nerdy obsession and just like the way they look

Mike Mata The Advocate

People say that looks can be deceiving. In the case of my mustache, they would be correct. On first glance, people would guess that my mustache, with my tight- (some might say ill-) fitting pants, deep v-necks and flannels, would seem ironic, a typical ridiculous hipster-stache. My mustache usually looks like a petite handlebar mustache, a smaller version of the typical handlebar mustache. For those who are unaware of what a handlebar mustache is, it’s a mustache that

is fairly thick and/or bushy that is curled at the ends with wax. The handlebar mustache was popularized in the late 1800s and early 1900s and was worn by many men all over the Western world, including athletes, soldiers, emperors and presidents. The handlebar was revived with the recent introduction of hipster culture into the mainstream, where usually unkempt-looking young men cultivate elaborately groomed handlebar mustaches to contrast with the fact that they

didn’t regularly shower. This is where my appearance deception comes in. While I do self-identify as being rather hipster and I sport a form of a handlebar mustache, complete with locally made gin-and-tonic-scented mustache wax, I wear my mustache for non-ironic reasons. I’m a history buff and prospective history major. One of my favorite periods of history, the Victorian era, took place in the golden age of the handlebar mustache and I’ve come to adore a finely crafted

handlebar mustache. Thus, when I was able to wear my own, it was for two reasons: as an homage to my nerdy obsession with the Victorian era and because I just like the way it looks. Still, I endure disparaging remarks about the sheer coincidence of my apparent hipster-ness, as well as my supposedly flamboyant mustache. However, I tell my side here not as a rebuttal to all my “haters” but rather as a step to own the handlebar mustache and wear it for the right reason: because it looks good.

4 ASG presidential election profiles wrap up News

Couple seek to ease student burdens and issues Mike Mata The Advocate

Providing both experience from current student government and an outsider’s view, Steven Page and his running mate and fiancé Grace Eide seek to become the heads of next year’s Associated Student Government (ASG). Page graduated from Gresham High School in 2010 while Eide graduated from Portland Lutheran in 2011. Both are secondyear students at MHCC. Page is a Computer Information Technology major with a focus on Forensics and plans to transfer to Portland State University or University of Oregon. Eide is an Art major and hopes to transfer after next year. Page and Eide are campaigning on three main platform goals: improved representation of various students groups on campus, increasing financial stability of students and improved campus safety. Page said in an interview last week, he wants to increase representation of students on campus to include recognition that some students have food allergies and to bring as much diversity as possible to his ASG administration. “I feel that everyone deserves to be represented, no matter who they are, what color they are, no matter what age they are, ” said Page. He said he wants to improve awareness of problems that students with food-borne

allergies face, such as not having options in the Vista Dining Center, St. Helen’s Bistro and the Bookstore. Page described his plans to boost students’ financial stability. “I want to start a book exchange. Textbooks are expensive, tuition is expensive. Let’s give them a little cut,” he said. In addition, Page wants to implement a system for students to start each term with $10 in printing credit to ease their burden. The couple’s third platform concerns safety on campus, including maintaining campus property such as the parking lots. “I have a friend whose tire got popped. She had to pay for that out of her pocket,” Page said of the pothole-prompted damage. Page said that he chose Eide to be his vice president not so much because they are a couple, but because she provides a different perspective than his, and that her strengths complement his weaknesses. Page is currently the Senator of Finance, Mathematics and Science for ASG. He is the current vice president of the Gamer’s Club. Eide was in student government for two years in high school. She is co-proprietor of a costume company, Abyssal Angel Products. Asked to sum up her vision for MHCC next year under an ASG run by herself and Page, Eide said, “A lot more student involvement. I know now William (Miller) and Antonio (Guerrero) don’t really get out and talk to people.”

May 3, 2013

Duo look to increase unity and ASG dedication Mike Mata The Advocate

The suited duo of Brett Slaughter and Kyle Schwartz look to utilize a three-prong plan to lead next year’s student body as Associated Student Government (ASG) president and vice president. Slaughter, a second-year political science/pre-law major planning to head for the University of Oregon after MHCC, graduated from Sandy High School in 2009, and Schwartz, a 2004 Sandy High graduate, plan to use common sense, dedication and unity to bring fairness to students. The duo wants students utilize every opportunity available at MHCC, including participating in events on campus; that ASG increases its dedication to students; and that all students come together to learn from and to support one another. Slaughter said part of the common sense plan is that many opportunities the school provides are missed by students, such as the online textbook exchange and all the events staged by ASG and Student Activities Board for students’ enjoyment. Slaughter cited the poor financial returns from textbook buyback as an issue. “It is a slap in the face for education and that’s just not acceptable,” he said, adding it’s important for teachers and students to emphasize and make use of the exchange. Slaughter said in order to improve student involvement, campus events need to

planned and advertised early on. He said he would make sure the Executive Cabinet of ASG “is on the same page and willing to communicate with people. Slaughter said while the general requirements for ASG president call for about 20 hours a week, he would like to put more time and effort put into turning ASG from a job into a lifestyle, noting that extra time would produce greater results. Slaughter said unity is important for students because, “a lot of learning comes from each other, where we talk with different people who have lived completely different lives than us, who have completely different backgrounds from us.” Slaughter continued, “I have strengths and weaknesses, but we (ASG and the students) cannot do this alone. We have to be unified... Being president, it’s just a title, it’s nothing more. It just means that I have the responsibility to help create that unity.” Slaughter has prior leadership experience through his shadowing of the Sandy city council as well as his two-year church mission in Arizona. While on his mission, Slaughter and his colleagues would ride their bikes around and try to help people; they once helped to convince a suicidal woman they met to not commit suicide. Asked why he chose Schwartz to be his running mate, Slaughter said, “He is very patient with me, and very patient in general.” He called Schwartz “very calming” and “very centered.”

Update: VP candidate drops out; Aguon left as write-in Danny Perez-Crouse The Advocate

As the Associated Student Government (ASG) elections approach next week, a vice presidential change has been made on one of the original tickets. Presidential candidate Laura Aguon originally was running with Nathan Doering as her vice presidential candidate, but has since switched to running with Eduardo Ortiz. As a result, Aguon’s name will no longer appear on the ballot; Aguon and Ortiz are now write-in candidates. Doering said he could no longer run with Aguon due to personal reasons. “There were some conflicts and some disagreements,” he said. “I decided I didn’t want to be in her

administration.” Doering said his decision was officially made April 26. “I sat her down at one of these tables (outside the Student Union) and said I don’t want to have a long conversation about this, but I don’t want to be a part of your ticket anymore.” Doering said he was disappointed he did not get to participate in the vice presidential debates, but added that he may still want to run for president himself as a write-in candidate. In order to be a write-in candidate, students must be enrolled at MHCC. They must be taking at least six credits and have a GPA of 2.0 or higher. They must submit a presidential petition form and an elections form before the polls are open. Doering said that he is not worried about joining the race a little late. “The last week is

always the biggest in these campaigns,” he said. “It’s all about the ground game.” He said the only thing holding him back from running for the presidency is finding a vice presidential running mate. “I have someone who I really want to run with, but unfortunately they don’t go to this school.” Ortiz said the transition to running with Aguon has been a good fit. “Me and Laura have been very good friends for about a year now,” he said. Aguon concurred, saying that, “Eduardo and I are very compatible.” Ortiz added he has been helping Aguon with her campaign since the beginning, and knew all the ins and outs of what Aguon wanted to do. “I felt it was my duty to step up because I knew all the points,” he said, adding, “When we prepped for the debates, it wasn’t hard at

all because I knew everything.” Despite the switch, Doering approved of his replacement and still respects his former running mate. “I love Eduardo, he is a great guy and I think he has a lot of potential,” he said. “Laura and I had disagreements but I still respect her and I think she is a good candidate.” The respect was mutual, with Aguon saying that, “Nathan knew what was best for him and I respect his decision.” Doering said that if he doesn’t run for president, he still wants to aid the new president in some way. “There are some candidates I feel strongly for and would like to help in their campaign,” he said. “I think Laura can do good things, and I think I can do good things, but we can’t do good things together.”

ASG election voting how-to The polls open May 6 at 12:01 a.m. and close 11:59 p.m. on May 9. Absentee ballots are due by 5 p.m. on May 9.

Go to http:// StudentLife. aspx?id=1615 and log in with your student I.D. number and birth date.

Select the candidate duo you would like to vote for or write in your own choice.

Wait for the election winner to be announced at the Spring Dinner Dance May 11 from 7 to 11 p.m. at Persimmons Country Club.


the advocate

Photos by Jeff Hannig/ The Advocate

ASG candidates pitch platforms in presidential debates


ASG presidential candidates Jeremiah Lee Whitfield, Brett Slaughter, Steven Page and Laura Aguon spoke at the presidential debates in the main mall on Tuesday

Danny Perez-Crouse The Advocate

The candidates at the Associated Student Government (ASG) presidential debate Wednesday spoke about student representation, safety on campus and relating to the student body — but Mother Nature interrupted the event with rain showers. The rain came 35 minutes into the debate, where the candidates were asked various questions, some from students who were offered pizza for submitting a question. The rainfall required that the debate be moved to the Student Union where the candidates gave their closing statements. The candidates were asked why they want to be president, what experience they have, what their weaknesses are and how they plan to balance being president with the rest of their commitments. All the candidates talked about how much they loved the college and wanted to make MHCC a better place. Jeremiah Lee Whitfield started by explaining his attire and how dressing casually in a t-shirt and pants is his way of showing the students that he is one of them. He said, “A student once told me, why should I listen to you since your wearing a suit, so

that’s why I am dressed like this.” He admitted that his biggest weakness is that he has no experience in this type of position and has never done anything like this. “It’s a huge leap for me,” he said. Whitfield’s main message was that he accepted everyone and wanted to be a friend to the student body. “I just want to make it known that the president is around here and that you can talk to him,” said Whitfield. “I don’t care what you wear, what association you are, or the color of your skin, I am here to talk to you guys.” He closed by saying, “I am a radical thinker with some new ideas.” Brett Slaughter talked about how he has heard a lot of complaints that can be easily fixed. “There are so many simple solutions to these big problems,” he said. Some of the key issues he talked about was the lack of safety in the parking lots and the lack of awareness about the book exchange on the MHCC website. Slaughter also talked about how he was inspired to serve people by going on a Christian mission trip to Arizona. He also served as a shadow for the Sandy City Council. “I learned that I just love to serve people and hear their concerns,” he said. Slaughter said he realizes what a big job

Visit The Advocate’s website at Finish your degree at WSU Vancouver

this is and that he is willing to commit all of his time to it. “If I have to work Friday night and Saturday morning, it will be worth it,” he said. Steven Page said he wanted to make sure that every student had their voice heard and that everyone felt accepted. He explained how he was a nerd in high school and knows the feeling of being left out, but that things are different here. “When I came here I felt like I belonged and I want everyone to feel that they belong,” said Page. “I want to make sure everyone feels tall.” Page also touched on the textbook issue, saying he wants to have a book exchange event two times a term where students can buy and trade books. Page also wants to put a system in place that would give each student $10 per term for printing costs that would “make printing easier.” Page noted his work as a public relations representative for the Gamers Club that he said helped give them a better image. Page said his main weaknesses are that he is too much of a people pleaser and that he talks too much. “I am always saying yes and trying to make people happy,” he said. Laura Aguon praised the support areas in the college, such as academic advising,

This is the second of two installments of profiles on the four ASG electoral candidates. saying how well they represent MHCC and how the ASG president should be supportive in this area. Aguon also talked about her various experiences working in ASG and how they would prepare her for the role of president. She said her weakness is that she likes to take the reins on a project and see it through to the end, when she may not necessarily have to. Aguon said she wants to focus on giving better service to veterans who come to MHCC. “With all the veterans coming, we need to give them a safe and secure place,” she said. The polls for voting will be open online May 6 at 12:01 a.m. and close May 9 at 11:59 p.m. The winner of the election will be announced May 11 at the Spring Dinner Dance.

News Briefs WSUV transfer scholarship deadline today Today is the deadline to apply for the WSU-Vancouver Community College President’s Award, still available to MHCC students interested in transferring to WSUV. Applications are due by 5 p.m. This award is given to a student nominated by President Michael Hay. For information on submissions for nomination, contact the president’s office, at Room

AC2350 (or 503-491-7212). A press release indicates the ideal candidate would be community service oriented, possess leadership potential, and have a satisfactory GPA. The recipient would receive a renewable full-tuition scholarship to attend WSUV and is not required to be a Washington resident. Last year’s winner from MHCC was Beatriz Madriz-Ro-

driquez, a David Douglas High School graduate who was actively involved in the Mt. Hood Student Outreach and Recruitment (SOAR) team. Those interested in this scholarship must submit an application by 5 p.m. today to the Office of Student Life, located in the Student Union.

— Marc Lohn-Thomas

Budget committee continues budget hearings Scan the code to hear what transfer students, like Morgan, think about WSU Vancouver.

Call. Visit. Apply. the bout Ask a ill— it lets r B B orde iden ts n re s o g e tion r O te tui s. a t s -­ pa y in to 8 credit p for u

The MHCC District board will consider a proposed contract for president-designee Debra Derr on Wednesday, after board members formally adopt the school’s 2013-14 budget plan. Board members convene a budget meeting at 6 p.m., then take up regular board business at 6:30 p.m. Acting as the district budget committee, the MHCC board held a public hearing on the budget plan April 24, but after no visitors signed up to speak, the meeting was adjourned after less than 30 minutes. “In a sense, I see it as a positive,” said board member Diana Noriega, head of the budget committee, regarding the lack of speakers. It might mean

people don’t have any pressing issues with the budget in its current state, she said. “Bill Farver and the (financial team) have done such a good job engaging with staff and faculty for months” with regard to the budget, she said. Following the planned budget committee vote on Wednesday, the budget must be reviewed by the Multnomah County Tax Supervising and Conservation Commission in June before final board approval is considered. Derr is scheduled to succeed outgoing MHCC President Michael Hay on July 1.

—John Tkebuchava


Living Arts May 3, 2013

“One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”

Photo by Carole Riggs/ The Advocate

The spring play is May 9-11, 16-18 at 7:30 p.m. in the Studio Theater. Adult tickets are $10. Student and senior tickets are $5.

Drew Pierce (Left) as Chief Bromden and Matt Rowning as McMurphy in MHCC’s student directed production of “One Flew over a Cuckoo’s Nest” rehearse a scene at on Tuesday April 23 in the studio theater.

Actor tackles serious character as Chief Bromden in play Kayla Tatum The Advocate

The second-year MHCC student playing Chief Bromden in MHCC’s student-directed production of “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest,” is excited to pursue a potential career in acting.

Pierce regrets that many people quit actbit that he ‘breaks his chains’ towards the his acting endeavors. “My interests are different from (theirs) ing to pursue another career. end, and I’m trying my best to do my re“You don’t necessarily have to do actsearch on that (Native American culture) but they have been totally supportive of me and key into that” before the play opens, in this,” he said. They say, “ ‘You can do it, ing full-time as a career, you can do acting you’re more than capable of doing this.’ ” in your spare time,” he said. He gave one Pierce said. He hopes to boost his children’s aspira- example from the “RENT” show MHCC Pierce said he can personally relate to Chief. “He speaks up and nobody really lis- tions, someday, as his parents have his own, staged this winter. “In ‘RENT’ we had this lady and she had a (doctorate degree) and tens to him (prior to his institutionalization) he said. It can be a struggle to thrive as a success- was a lawyer and she loves acting,” he said – and I feel that a lot. It’s not a good feeling not to mention, she was and eventually a gymnast in her spare you stop talking. time. And that was Beyond acting, one where I was, at of Pierce’s own favorite one point,” he hobbies is music, which said. emerged only during He cautioned high school, he said. that patrons who attend “Cuckoo” should expect “heart- ful actor in Portland, Pierce said. “I see (as- He’s active with his own band, Shoo-Shoo, sociate degree) students and theater majors a name that he and a friend lifted from a break” during the play. Pierce said he has struggled with a cer- here (on campus) and I say ‘Hey, haven’t scene in the animated television show “Futain part of the play, “where I have to do a seen you here for a while, you should audi- turama.” “Cuckoo” will open Thursday in the Native American traditional dance. It is the tion,’ and they say, ‘Oh, I have to go find a MHCC Studio Theater. most difficult part for me, especially being real job,’ ” he said. some white guy that doesn’t know anything about the Native American culture. Pierce said he has been looking up YouTube videos to help figure out the dance. Theater Artistic Director Jesse Merz, the producer MHCC will host the 35th Annual Northwest There will be a headline concert at 5 p.m. in of “Cuckoo,” said Pierce has Jazz Band Festival Saturday, with jazz bands the College Theater featuring the Mel Brown made progress with the dance from colleges, high schools and middle schools Septet, a Portland jazz group, and the MHCC and continues to improve. across the region performing. Jazz Band. Tickets are $5. “He is doing a great job with The festival starts at 10 a.m., is free and open There will be an awards ceremony after the it. He’s been doing some reto the public, with bands playing and competing competitive performances for first- through search.” campus-wide all day. third-place in each division, as well as for outMerz has known Pierce Nontraditional bands, defined as bands standing soloists. since September and said he made up of students from multiple schools, afNo evening finals will take place. has seen significant growth. ter-school clubs, and non-accredited high- and Brown, who has worked with Buddy Guy, “He has had a fantastic middle schools, are included. They will be scored B.B. King and Billy Preston, will give musical year for acting with us at Mt. against bands within the division they play in, clinics for students throughout the day. Hood Community College,” but will compete for awards in the separate Open Merz said. Division. — Danny Perez- Crouse Pierce said his parents have been very supportive of

“You can be really good but if you don’t network well then you won’t go anywhere.”

Drew Pierce

Drew Pierce Theater major Drew Pierce graduated from Sandy High School in 2011 and was involved in many theater productions there. “The play ‘Leaving Iowa’ was probably one of my favorites,” he said. Pierce has been involved in acting for four years and is pursing an associate degree with plans to transfer to Portland State University this fall. As for leaving Oregon to pursue his acting career, he said he’s open to it. “California is looking promising but I haven’t made a solid decision,” he said. The character Pierce portrays in “Cuckoo” is Chief Bromden, a mental patient in the institution where the play takes place. Pierce explained his approach to the role. “It’s easier for me to key into the disturbed factor, that he is mentally not there,” he said. “Bromden is a very socially awkward character, and that takes up the majority of Chief’s character, and (there also is) a little

Living Arts Brief

Annual Northwest Jazz Band Festival

Living Arts

the advocate


Photos by Jeff Hannig/ The Advocate

Printmaker makes home in Fireplace Gallery until May 30

A bystander looks through the exhibit “Natural Reliefs” that is on exhibit in the fireplace gallery and features works from local printmaker Kelli MacConnell. The Gallery will feature this exhibit until May 30.

Shelby Schwartz

MacConnell said that carving the image into the block is “fun and challenging at the same time. One of the challenges is looking at that block and visualizing my final product and trying to form that.” The Portland printmaker taking residence in the FireShe said that sometimes the reaction to the final product place Gallery in the Student Union with her exhibit “Natural varies. “You have a good idea but sometimes things happen Reliefs” finds her work to be a fun and challenging experiand between when you’re rolling the ink and it’s in the press ence. it comes out the other side and you pull the paper Kelli MacConnell, a 2012 graduate of PSU, said, “I up and you’re like, ‘Oh my gosh! This is amazhave dabbled in a few different kinds (of printmaking!’ or sometimes you look at it and you’re like, ing.)” MacConnell has worked with screen printing ‘This is horrible…,’” MacConnell said. and relief printmaking. In printmaking, all of the prints are considRelief printing is her main focus. “With that proered originals. MacConnell will make up to 30 cess, traditionally it is woodblock printing,” she said. prints of each image. “These are all considered MacConnell also uses the Linocut technique for her reoriginal prints even though they look very similief printmaking, which uses linoleum. “I do a little of lar, because they are hand printed and then each both. My main focus right now is linocut relief printprint I do an edition of a certain number, so it making,” she said. shows the value of it,” she said. Making the move from Ohio to Portland in 2006, MacConnell signs and numbers each print, she attended PSU to achieve a bachelor of fine arts. and when that edition is sold out, it is considMacConnell works at a café on the weekends and is ered expired. According to her, if she ever wantalso a mom. ed to do another edition of an expired print, she In the past six months she has been cutting her would then “have to change something about hours in order to dedicate more time to her art. “Right the block. Something would have to be different now I’m in the transition period to doing art full about it,” she said. time,” she said. Her prints focus on Pacific Northwest landGrowing up, MacConnell was into drawing and scapes. She said, “I’ve always been drawn to working with oil pastels. “Through my early college Kelli MacConnell’s piece entitled “Alpine Meadow” is a 15” x 18” linocut relief print from 2012 that is part of her “Natunature.” years I was still mainly doing charcoal and pastels and ral Reliefs” exhibit and can be seen in the fireplace gallery until May 30. MacConnell is an avid hiker, biker and “I love drawing and painting as well.” She took her first printmaking class as a sophomore in tracing paper and reverse it that way. If it is a photograph I exploring the wilderness so it’s been something that resocollege. “I didn’t know anything about printmaking, but it can reverse it, in Photoshop or something like that, and then nates with me and comes out in my art. The Pacific Northjust opened a new world to me. I just felt like it was using so from there I can make a sketch. And I will sketch that onto west landscape has been my focus on this large body of the block and from there I will use release carving tools,” work for probably the last four years. I still feel like I have many things and more,” MacConnell said. so much that I want to cover, so I feel like it’s probably not The artist, who does most of her prints in black and white she said. going to change anytime soon,” she said. “I will carve away whatever is going to be white or the oil-based ink, said, “With the printmaking process, you reHer exhibit “Natural Reliefs,” is on display in the Fireverse the image onto a block.” MacConnell’s current work is negative space or any sort of highlight. I will be carving that place Gallery in the Student Union until the end of May. focused on Pacific Northwest landscapes, “so I go out into away. You are carving away, around the object,” she said. The Advocate

the field and do sketches and take photographs,” she said. MacConnell will do a sketch of the image that she wants to see a final product of. She said that image is essentially reversed “because I would be carving it into a block, printing it onto paper. So when I carve it, it needs to be the reversed image,” she said. According to MacConnell, there are numerous ways she could transfer her image onto the block. “I can transfer onto

Japanese Culture event organizers prepare for busy event Aaron Marshall The Advocate

MHCC’s Japanese club will be collaborating with the Gresham Sister City Association next week to host their signature cultural event, “Skosh (a little) Japanese Children’s Festival and Cultural Fair. “ The free event will be held on the main Gresham Mt. Hood campus from 10 a.m to 3 p.m. on Saturday, May 11. “A lot of things will be going on: There will be performances, art work, comic story telling. This is a good opportunity to get people aware of what Japanese culture is and to get emerged from where you come from,” said Yoko Sato, MHCC Japanese ad-

viser. All ages are welcome, she said. Performances are to include Japanese singing, dancing, Taiko drumming from the Portland Taiko group, Japanese Koto Music by Mitsuki Dazai, and more. Art will be displayed across the campus, including the Student Union, Vista dining hall and the College Theater. Bamboo Grove Hawaiian Grille will serve food for the event, Sato said. MHCC students with I.D. may get a free lunch and snacks. “Things like this happen sometimes in Portland but not in Gresham,” she said. We’re all hoping people come and we’d like to make this an annual event from now on.” Last year, the event was much smaller

and was staged at the Greater Gresham Baptist Church. Mary Jo Warr-King, head of publicity for the Gresham Sister City Association, said the festival will be a large event, with more than 30 presenters and activities to provide something of interest to every age. The goal is “showing off the Japanese culture in an honorable, beautiful and fun way,” she said by e-mail. Warr-King says she has admired the Japanese culture for many years for its emphasis on hard work and respect. “Going back in the 50s and 60s and my days in the Gresham schools, I developed a deep respect for East (Multnomah) County’s Japanese community. I had lots of Japanese

friends who worked very hard and set the bar high for the rest of us students,” said Warr-King. “My interest in Skosh II (sic) is to highlight these special folks in a very fine way. They certainly deserve the recognition,” she said. The festival is expected to be the largest Japanese culture event in the Gresham area. “MHCC, Gresham High and Reynolds High all have very vibrant Japanese programs. It fit naturally that we should all join forces for Skosh II (sic),” said Warr-King. Sato said Mt. Hood’s Japanese club has been meeting every Friday for the past three months. “A lot of work has been put in to prepare for this event,” Sato said.

May 3, 2013

Kylie Rogers The Advocate

Planetarium director Pat Hanrahan has handed off the last two planetarium shows of the year to Portland Community College (PCC) Astronomy instructor Todd Duncan and to former MHCC planetarium director Doug McCarty. Duncan will host the next show on Monday, “Connecting to a Cosmic Perspective.” Duncan is linked to Hanrahan through the Rose City Astronomers club and through his teaching at Portland State University. Hanrahan, taking a break this spring term, asked if Duncan could fill in, and he was glad to comply. “I’ve given lots of presentations like this before but I’ve never done it in a planetarium,” Duncan said. He currently teaches the astronomy course sequence at PCC, but without use of a planetarium. He’s no stranger to the setting, however. “I went to high school in Iowa and my school was the only high school in the state, that I know of, that had a planetarium. I’ve watched a lot of planetarium shows,” Duncan said. He has a doctorate in Astronomy and Astrophysics from the University of Chicago. Duncan’s theme of cosmic perspective relates to why he thinks astronomy is important, aside from the knowledge it brings: “The feeling that the world is way bigger than the little world you’re used to living in.” His presentation intends to remind individuals to have an open mind and to be aware. “Awareness that everything you were just worried about, or (that) you didn’t do well on a test or some-

thing, that that is all happening on this little tiny dot,” he said of Earth’s place in the universe. “It doesn’t mean it’s not real, but it means there is another point of view where it’s not so devastating.” Duncan intends to maintain the streak of playing Monty Python’s “The Galaxy Song” (during/after his show??) “That’s tradition. I think Doug (McCarty) started that tradition a long time ago and I agree it should be continued,” he said. Duncan recommends that visitors bring questions and come prepared to stretch their minds to expand awareness. But he’s equipped to handle at least one sure-fire subject, he said. “I sort of have this joke that somebody always asks about black holes, no matter if the talk has anything to do with black holes or astronomy. You’re an astrophysicist, they’re gonna ask about black holes,” he said. Duncan expects no less on Monday, he said. He will host two showings, the first at 7 p.m. and the second at 8:15 p.m. The show is free to MHCC students with I.D., and is $2 for the public. Duncan will keep busy sharing his stargazing over the summer, also. He has founded a nonprofit organization called the Science Integration Institute that will host a free viewing of stars in the Timberline Lodge parking lot on Mount. Hood, on July 13 and August 3. “It’s like a planetarium show in that there’s discussions and questions, but you’re outside under the stars and there are lots of people with telescopes,” said Duncan. For more information on the Timberline viewings go to

First Thursday event



Final Planetarium shows feature guest presenters

io n


Living Arts

o de Mayo

it Ed

the day tripper

your weekend event planner

today - Sunday 5.5

Waterfront Park

The three-day 29th Annual Cinco de Mayo Fiesta offers live music and entertainment, authentic food, amusement rides and family fun. The Portland Guadalajara Sister City Association is hosting this event. There will be fireworks tonight at 9:55 p.m. Admission is $4-6, with free entry 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Friday only. Hours are 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. all three days. For more details, see 1020 Naito Parkway, Portland.

today - Sunday 5.5

NW Portland

Starting tonight, the Dixie Tavern will host three days of parties, “Cinco de Trio,” which includes jalapeno eating and Mexican hat dancing contests. There also will be a grand prize raffle. There is a $5 cover fee. 21+. 32 N.W. Third Ave., Portland.

Wednesday 5.8


As part of the Dead Mathematicians series, Steve Bleiler from Portland State University will discuss the mathematical theory of games and how knowledge of your own attitude toward risk can help improve decisions. No mathematical background beyond algebra is required. The presentation is at 3:15 p.m. in AC1575.

Tuesday 5.7


Music, dancing, and fashion will be part of a Cinco de Mayo celebration from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. today in the main mall. The performances include regional Mexican dancers, Mariachi music, a Quinceanera dance choreographer and Aztec dancers. For the first 80 students, with student ID, food and drink will be provided.

Photo by Jeff Hannig/ The Advocate




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12/20/12 4:34 PM


the advocate

Two board candidates run unopposed in May election Yellott refused to comment multiple times Katelyn Hilsenbeck The Advocate

George “Sonny� Yellott has run for public office before, but this time he is also running from the media. Yellott, an unopposed candidate for the District 4 seat on the MHCC District board on the May 21 ballot, refused a telephone interview request from The Advocate on three separate occasions and abruptly hung up on the second try. During a brief phone exchange, his reasoning for refusing an interview was his skepticism of the media. The media prints lies and quickly becomes hostile after appearing cordial at first, Yellott said. Asked again for an interview on Thursday morning, Yellott said he did not wish to be exposed to what he called a “lying media.� “The media has not been comporting itself properly over the last 10 years,� said Yellott. He called the media a lying and corrosive entity. Yellott cited this reason for his reluctance to speak with any member of the media, including The Advocate. Lisa Anderson, a reporter from The Outlook, Gresham’s twice-weekly newspaper, contacted Yellott Thursday with a phone call during which he told her “the media is a radical organization� that he does not trust to

Capell hopes to continue work with colleagues

report the truth, she said. Anderson had previously tried contacting him three times with no response. Yellott did tell The Advocate that he wanted to run for the board to continue the traditions of MHCC. Yellott ran as a Republican for the Oregon House of Representatives District 48 seat against Democratic candidate Jeff Reardon in 2012, and was defeated in November, 5,343 votes to 1,755. Yellott was previously a precinct committee person and District 48 captain for the Multnomah County Republican Party, according to his campaign filing documents. His statements say he has experience as an associate member at Pacific Northwest Paralegal Club, Oregon Citizens Lobby and Americans for Prosperity. According to Yellott’s filing information, he has been a casino employee, a bartender and a truck driver. Yellott wrote that he attended the Maywood Park Campus to take computer classes on two separate occasions. His statement said, “I will research ways to enable the board of MHCC to continue in the quest for excellence and to develop ways to enhance building the stellar image of this fine institution.� Yellott is running to replace two-term MHCC board member Rod Monroe, who chose not to seek re-election this year.




Katelyn Hilsenbeck The Advocate

Paul Capell is running unopposed to continue his service on the MHCC District board. During the 2012-13 year there was a vacancy for an at-large seat. Capell applied and was interviewed by the board before he was selected. He had been a member of the MHCC Foundation board, which he resigned from upon his selection. Capell is running for the at-large position seven to finish the final two years of the term started by Ralph Yates, who resigned last year. Because he is running unopposed, he said he is able to “focus my time and energy as a current board member for Mt. Hood Community College and I’m not spending my time campaigning.� His candidate filing states that he is the Vice President and Northwest Region Energy Lead at HDR Engineering. “I support the East Country and support the academic opportunities. I thought I could best support Mt. Hood Community College by being on the board,� he said. “It’s an opportunity to give back to the community.� Capell decided soon after being appointed to the seat that he would run for election. “I wanted to make sure that for my own well being, and so forth, that the board was going productive and was headed in the right direction and that I was in a position to add value to the board,� he said. “I am grateful to be selected and look forward to continuing for at least the

Continued from Page 1


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next two years.� Previous to his time on MHCC boards, he served on “numerous boards, commissions and councils,� including a Prineville middle school management team, he said. He was also the mayor of Prineville from 1997-98. “I value education and academics, want to see the community grow and prosper, and I think that quality education is essential to our future,� he said. Three current board members are not running for re-election. Capell said the 2013-14 board will be “significantly different.� Changes also will occur with the introduction of a new MHCC president. Debra Derr will assume that position in July. “We will have to deal with some change, but I think the efforts underway today to improve the college, to finalize the budget, complete the contract negotiations . . . and then ultimately focus on building up the relationships and partnerships with the community, K-12 schools, business and industry, and students, will be ongoing,� said Capell. “I don’t see this being a huge transition. I just think it’s going to be a continuation of this process.� Once negotiations and budgets are finalized, the focus will shift to building community relationships and to “provide the students of Mt. Hood Community College the opportunity to achieve their career and academic goals,� he said. “I have been very impressed with my fellow board members, because of their dedication, their preparation and commitment to providing quality education and the betterment of Mt. Hood Community College,� he said. “I’m focused on the educational opportunities for East County and I elected to continue, because I feel there’s work to be done.�

Forensics: Debater looks to increase campus involvement ÂŽ


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1/15/13 10:49 AM

She and her family moved to Oregon from Anaheim, Calif., only a few weeks before fall term this year. She now says – to her own astonishment – that if given the choice, she would rather live here. “I miss my friends and it’s cold and you can never do your hair because it just gets all frizzy, but everyone is so nice,� she said. “My neighbors came over and introduced themselves and gave me cookies!� She added that she didn’t really know any of her neighbors where she grew up. Praeger-Goller quickly got on the fast-track, academically. She began taking classes at Fullerton College when she was 14. “I did high school during the day, went home, did homework and ate dinner, did volunteer work and then went to college, came home and did homework, went to sleep, repeat,� she said. Her reason for taking on so

much at such a young age? “I wanted to get involved and do other things,� she said modestly, as if it were the most natural thing in the world to want to double her homework load and volunteer. She taught scrapbooking classes at the Braille Institute, was a national delegate for the Girl Scouts and did story time and puppet shows at the Yorba Linda library. Praeger-Goller is an education major and hopes to be an elementary school teacher, she said. “I love children and talking in front of people. I truly value education and really respect the career.� For the remainder of the time here at MHCC, Praeger-Goller plans to take on new responsibilities in ASG. She is currently Elections Committee marketing coordinator, but plans to be part of the executive cabinet next year while continuing to debate and pursue her degree requirements.

10 Sports

May 3, 2013

Traditional tennis foes to clash at second Grand Slam tournament Advocate staff analyze the contenders for the 2013 French Open

Danny Perez-Crouse The Advocate

The French Open is almost upon us, tennis fans. It may be early, but that doesn’t stop us from speculating who will be holding the trophy at the end. For those of you who don’t know, the French Open is one of the four biggest tennis tournaments of the year. These tournaments are referred to as Grand Slam. At a Grand Slam tournament, the stadiums are bigger and the prize money is sweeter. There is a cool $1 million awaiting the winner. The French Open is also held in Paris, where the courts are clay-based, as opposed to the conventional hard courts. I know people say this about every Grand Slam tourney, but there is just something so unique about the French Open. The way the players glide across the sea of red clay and how the incredibly animated French crowds howl in the background makes each match feel like a true battle between titans of tennis. The matches always go a little longer, and we end up staying up a little later because we can’t take our eyes off the screen. On the men’s side, it’s usually a nobrainer as to who will win the French. Rafael Nadal is always the favorite because he is well established as the greatest claycourt player of all time. Rafa has won the French Open seven times, and is the fourtime defending champion.

Rafael Nadal

While it’s true that Nadal has been having some knee troubles, it does not seem to be showing. He won the first tournament he played after his injury hiatus, without breaking a sweat. He has had a few hiccups along the road, but he is still in great form and going deep in every tournament. Of course Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic are always good to bet on in any Grand Slam. Djokovic in particular has been giving Nadal a lot of trouble lately. If Rafa does not make it to the finals, my money would be between Federer and Djokovic. I only leave out Andy Murray because he is not as proficient on clay as the other big three on the clay. He will certainly make it to the semifinals, but I believe that’s as far as he’ll go this year. If Nadal can make quick work of the competition leading up to the final legs of the tournament, his body should be able to handle whatever the other three have to throw at him. Nadal’s movement, agility, shot selection and power is far too devastating and consistent on the clay for anyone to best him. Plus, his unbreakable will is always at its strongest in the French. We have seen people give him a run for his money, but it all ends the same way. I have no doubt that we will see Nadal again taking a bite (his special tradition) of the Roland Garros trophy again next month. Now for the ladies. It may seem easy to go with the defending champ again, but Maria Sharapova is looking great on the road to the French. Just like last year, some of Sharapova’s best tennis came out of the clay court season. She recently won a tournament on the clay and has been on the cusp of another Grand Slam title since last year’s Wimbledon, but just hasn’t been able to get through. It seems like Serena Williams and Victoria Azeranka always get the better of her in the finals of a Grand Slam event, but I don’t think that will be the case here. Azeranka is not the best on the clay and while Serena is good on clay, it’s not where she plays her best tennis. Serena is usually the favorite everywhere she goes, but she has trouble getting away with relying on brute-force alone on a surface where the rallies are much longer. I am not completely sure where the chips will fall because there are always plenty of upsets in the women’s draw, but I am certain that Sharapova will make it to the finals. Sharapova has a tendency to get in her own way with the unforced errors, but if she can stay consistent, stay aggressive and not let her serve taper off, then she has it in the bag. So that’s one man’s opinion. Make your own predictions and check out the French Open on May 26 for all the action.

Kayla Tatum The Advocate Opening night of the French Open begins May 26 and tennis fans are ready to see some outstanding tennis played by the best in the world. For the men’s side of the tournament, Rafael Nadal is predicted to win the 2013 French Open title because of the seven French Open titles he has already won that gained him the nickname “King of Clay.” Nadal had a roller coaster year last season. He was beaten by Novak Djokovic in the finals of the 2012 Australian Open and their five-set match made history for being the longest Grand Slam final, lasting five hours and 53 minutes. Nadal also lost in the second round to Lukas Rosol in a five-set match at the 2012 Wimbledon tournament, one of the greatest shocks in Grand Slam history. What was also unfortunate was that he had to withdraw from the London Olympics and the U.S. Open last year due to the tendinitis in his knee. Although he had some challenges last year, people are expecting him to make a fierce comeback and win the 2013 French Open title. Last year in the 2012 French Open he beat the No. 1 ranked Novak Djokovic. Nadal can surely be the player to look out for in the finals and it is likely he will be up against either Roger Federer or Djokovic in the finals because they have both consistently been playing in Grand Slam finals throughout their career. Whatever the outcome and whoever ends up playing in the finals, we know it is going to be exciting to watch. As for the women’s competition, it isn’t as clear who is going to win the title. Some favorites are Serena Williams, Li Na and Maria Sharapova. Williams has a great chance of winning, although she struggled with injuries last season. She is still a fierce competitor, stays focused and is always someone to look out for in any Grand Slam event. Williams has won 27 Grand Slams and is thought by many to be the greatest to have ever played tennis. “To me, Serena is the best

ever just because I think physically she just stands out,” Grand Slam champion Kim Clijsters said in a news conference at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center. Although Serena hasn’t won a French Open title since 2002 when she played against her sister, Venus, she still can make it out on top this year. Someone else to look for in the finals is Li Na. Even though Na won the French Open in 2011 and was the runnerup twice for the Australian Open, many people think of her as an underdog. But she is going to cause some stir in the tournament this year and will go far. She plays well on the clay courts; the speed of the ball on the court fits her style of play. She is a great role model to others and made history in 2006 as being the first Chinese player to be seeded in a Grand Slam tournament. She has been training with her new coach, Carlos Rodriguez, who has been helping her get ready for the tournaments she has entered. Last but not least, Maria Sharapova will be someone to definitely look out for in defending her title at the French Open. She defeated Sara Errani in two sets last year. Sharapova is only 26 years old and has had a great career; she has won four Grand Slam titles, including one Wimbledon title, one Australian title, one U.S. Open title and her French Open title last year. Sharapova is a fierce competitor with many different strategies that she uses in her matches. Her serve hasn’t been consistent in the past because of a shoulder injury but now she is ready to compete. Whoever ends up playing in the women’s final will create an entertaining match for tennis fans.

Serena Williams


the advocate


Photos by Jonathon Long/The Advocate

Saints gear up for ‘Sophomore’ day tomorrow The Saints will play their last home game of the season tomorrow against Chemeketa Community College Aaron Marshall The Advocate

Seeing the Saints softball team lose this season has become a rare occurrence. That trend continued this past week. The softball team picked up four wins and no losses, two on the field and two by forfeit. The Saints are now 31-4 overall and 11-3 in the Southern Region, one game above Clackamas Community College for first place in the region. “The team is playing well but we have three big doubleheaders left in our schedule. We need to remained focused and control what we can control,” said head coach Meadow McWhorter. Last week, freshman pitcher Kristen Crawford was awarded player of the week honors in the Southern Region by NWAACC. Crawford is 12-0 on the season with a 2.20 ERA, and in 85 innings has 69 strikeouts, allowed 27 earned runs and thrown eight complete games. “Kristen is a fighter on the mound. I am so impressed with her maturity, demeanor and heart. She has been very impressive as a freshman in the circle. I couldn’t be prouder,” said McWhorter.

On Wednesday, two wins were handed to MHCC as Clark Community College forfeited due to injuries. Clark has had their struggles this season and their record shows it: 2-22 overall and 0-15 in conference play. Last Saturday, the Saints earned two wins against Southwestern Community College defeating them 4-1 in game one and 7-5 in game two. The opener was a scare for the Saints as the game went into extra innings. The Saints scored one run in the bottom of the sixth off an error but SWOCC answered with a run in the top of the seventh to tie the game. In the bottom of the eighth, freshman first baseman Jamie Martin hit a walk-off, three-run homerun to end the game. Freshman pitcher AnnMarie Guischer earned the game one win — and then she got another win in game two as she only gave up one hit through six innings and struck out 11 Lakers. MHCC took control of the game after scoring five runs in the bottom of the fourth. The Saints kept the lead from then on and ended with the 7-5 victory. “We need to continue to work executing our bunt game, timely hitting and be-

ing aggressive on defense. Our pitchers need to continue to work on getting ahead in the count,” said McWhorter. On Saturday, the team hosts Chemeketa Community College. The doubleheader begins at noon. This will be the team’s last home games of the season and is also “Sophomore Day.” “We split the doubleheader at Chemeketa earlier in the season. They are a strong opponent. There is no such thing as an underdog in the Southern Region. We will work to come out strong in the first game and play for our sophomores,” said McWhorter. She also expressed her gratitude to all the fans who have showed support since the first day of the season. “We are blessed to have such incredible and supportive fans. It is sad that our home schedule is coming to an end,” said McWhorter. Sophomore Outfielder Kylee Gasper returns the ball to the infield during Saturday’s game against Southwestern.

“We will work to come out strong in the first game and play for our sophomores.” softball coach Meadow McWhorter

Above left:Sophomore Infielder Kali VanCleave attempts to hit the ball during an at-bat against Southwestern. Above right: Sophomore Outfielder Maycee Abendschein attempts to catch a fly-ball against Southwestern.

12 Sports

May 3, 2013

Photos by Jonathon Long/The Advocate

Baseball extends lead in division with win over Linn-Benton

Left: Sophomore Myles Richard sits at base in the Saints game against Clackamas Community College last Saturday. Middle: Sophomore Ian Erickson connects with the ball on Saturday. Right: Freshman Clint Burris launches the ball to a Clackamas batter.

Shaun Lutz The Advocate

MHCC’s baseball team has extended its lead in the South Region of the NWAACC as it heads into the late stages of its schedule. The Saints swept a doubleheader Tuesday at Linn-Benton, winning 7-4 and 9-3 in Albany. That pushed the Saints (15-5 in the South, 22-10 overall) two games ahead of second-place Lane Community College in the region. The sweep came after MHCC split two doubleheaders on its home field. Linn-Benton entered Tuesday’s showdown for first place after splitting its own weekend series with Chemeketa. In the first game against the Saints, the Roadrunners struck quickly with a four-run first inning, but their offense was shut down from there.

The Saints pulled within 4-2 after the third, then exploded for five runs in the top of the fifth. Two Roadrunner fielding errors allowed five Saints to cross the plate and for Mt. Hood to take a commanding lead. Sophomore Jon Bjorklund threw eight innings, and after surviving a difficult first, earned the victory. Sophomore Zev Egli came in and shut the door to earn a save, striking out two in the bottom of the ninth. The second game was no different for the MHCC offense. The Saints took the early lead, scoring seven runs on five hits in the top of the second, taking advantage of an error by Linn-Benton third baseman Jordan Farley. The Roadrunners scratched out one run each in the third, fifth and seventh innings, but never overcame the early hole MHCC put them in.

Saints sophomore Ryan Degner homered in the top of the fourth, and freshman Cole Hamilton drove in sophomore Ian Erickson with an RBI single in the fifth as the Saints went on to win 9-3. Sophomore Eric Huson threw five innings, struck out five LinnBenton hitters and earned the win. On April 25, the Saints split a make-up doubleheader against Chemeketa, winning a 9-4 but losing 4-2. In game one, the Saints scored four times in the first three innings and never looked back. Eric Huson got the win, allowing only two runs in seven innings, and Shea Coates was 3-for-3 with two RBIs. But the Saints lost the second game, falling behind when the Storm scored three times in the fourth inning. Brandon Williams took the loss. Hunter Weiss and Ryan Degner each had two hits in the losing effort. The Saints outhit

Chemeketa eight to four but could not push enough runners across the plate. The Clackamas Cougars were the next opponent on Saturday, when MHCC welcomed them to Oslund Field. The Cougars proved to be anything but an easy task in the first of the two-game set. Overcoming two fielding errors, Clackamas scored the game’s lone run on an RBI double by freshman Luke Marks, scraping by for a 1-0 win. Saints freshman pitcher Zane Bambusch started and went all nine innings, but took the loss as the MHCC bats were unable to get in a groove. It was Clackamas’ first win over the Saints this year. Game two was important as MHCC didn’t want to lose further ground in the South — and the Saints took care of business. Freshman Clint Burris took the mound and tossed six innings of two-hit

ball, paving the way for the offense. A leadoff double in the bottom of the second by freshman Dakota Farmer, followed by another twobagger from sophomore Myles Richard, gave MHCC a lead it wouldn’t give up. Richard would soon score on a fielder’s choice produced by Hamilton. Richard scored again in the sixth inning off a sacrifice fly by sophomore Kendall Main, giving the Saints a 3-0 cushion. That became the final score once sophomore hurler Zev Egli came in and made quick work of the Cougars to earn a save. The Saints will host Southwestern Oregon in a doubleheader on Saturday with games set for 1 and 4 p.m., with hopes of padding their lead as they enter the stretch run leading to the NWAACC tournament.

Saints lead NWAACCs in three events as regional meet approaches John Tkebuchava The Advocate

With the final stretch of the track and field season rapidly approaching, the Saints capped off the regular season with over a dozen top five finishes at the Titan Twilight meet last Thursday. At the meet, the Saints brought home three golds, including two first-place finishes by MHCC record holders freshman McKenzie Warren in the hammer throw, 49.15-meters, and sophomore Tyler Callahan in the javelin with a throw of 68.14-meters (beating the runnerup by more than 12 meters). Sophomore Molly Scoles put up another gold in the 400-meter hurdles, finishing in 1:05. On top of these finishes, the women’s 4x100-meter relay team placed second

with a time of 50.68 seconds, and their male counterparts placed third in their relay with a time of 43.28. Sophomore distance runner Christa Collmer placed second in the 1500-meters, crossing the finish in 4:50. In the women’s hurdles, freshman Charlene Manning placed fourth with a time of 15.77 seconds. The Lady Saints also had a good showing in the javelin, with freshmen Megan Nelson placing second, 34.40 meters, and Lihau Perreira in fourth, 32.84 meters. Warren also placed third in the shot put, 12.65 meters, with her upper classmen Tori Dixson coming in at fifth, 11.85 meters. In the women’s jumps, freshman Carrie Haguewood was caught in a three-way tie for second, jumping for 1.52 meters. In the men’s 400-meters, sophomore

LT Avants had another strong showing, placing third overall with a time of 50.84, and freshman Cody Beierle placed third in the 800 meters, 1:58. Next up, the Saints have the Oregon Twilight meet at the U of O (which is for qualified athletes only) today, and as the team enters its final stretch of the season with Southern Region Championships on May 11. Heading into next week’s regional championship meet, the Saints have 11 of their athletes sitting in the top five for all of NWAACCs and three who occupy the top spot with Callahan in the javelin, Scoles in the 400-meter hurdles, and Warren in the hammer throw. When it comes to quality over quantity though, the phrase can be a bit of an understatement for the women’s distance squad, which consists of solely Collmer.

Nonetheless, she is ranked third in all of NWAACCs in the 800-meter, second in the 1500-meter and fifth in the women’s 400-meter. “(Collmer’s performance) is outstanding so far,” said distance coach Keith Maneval. Asked what her chances were at winning NWAACCs in any of her events, Maneval said, “Very strong.” Maneval said that the 800-meters, which is something Collmer has excelled in this year, was not something they focused on until later in the 2012 season. The event has since become a staple of Collmer’s success on top of her 1500-meter performances. Following the Southern Region Championship meet, the NWAACC Championships will be held May 20 and 21 in Spokane.

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