The Advocate, Issue 30, June 01, 2012

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Notice: Issue 31 is this year’s last issue of The Advocate. Production resumes in September. June 8, 2012

Arts in review: a year-long look at MHCC events and productions


Retirees: Payroll manager and economics instructor bid adieu

advocate the

Volume 47, Issue 31

Pomp and circumstance More than 600 students will take part in commencement, including both GED and associate degree recipients by Dorothy Ocacio The Advocate

The 2012 commencement for students earning degrees from MHCC will be Saturday, June 16, at 10 a.m. in the Earl L. Klapstein Track and Field Stadium. Graduates have been directed by the college to assemble for the procession no later than 9 a.m. Graduation ceremonies for the GED/Adult High School Diploma will be Friday, June 15, at 7 p.m. in the stadium. Graduates are to arrive by 6:15. A cap, gown and tassel are on sale in the bookstore for $27.99. Bookstore hours are 7:45 a.m. to 6:15 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays. There will be extended hours on the day of graduation, when they will open at 8 a.m. and remain open until the end of the ceremonies The Saturday event is general admission. Those attending the commencement have been invited by commencement organizers to bring chairs or blankets for overflow seating on the lawn. More overflow seating will be in the gym with a viewing by simulcast. Gates will open at 8:45 a.m. Seating areas will be provided for disabled attendants for both ceremonies. There is a disability parking lot near the reserved seating area on the track. The entrance to the lot is east of the stadium parking lot entrance. An interpreter for hearing-impaired will be available for the ceremony. Rehearsal is on Friday, June 15, at 2 p.m. in the stadium. On the MHCC website commencement page, it says the rehearsal is scheduled for 30 minutes and instructions for the rehearsal were mailed at the beginning of June. For more information, call the Admissions, Registration and Records Office at 503-4917393. For the GED/ABS event call the Adult Basic Skills office at 503-491-7333.

Swimmer takes a dive toward Olympics See Page 8 Mt. Hood Community College

3 instructors greeted with roses in class by John Tkebuchava The Advocate

Three MHCC instructors were surprised with cheers and roses as they were awarded in their classes with the 2012 Distinguished Teaching Award this week. The recipients were automotive technology instructor Jerry Lyons, literature and composition instructor David Wright and nursing instructor Katherine Conrad. “I was very surprised and thankful,” said Lyons in regard to his winning of the award. “This is very rewarding on a personal level because all MHCC faculty are here for the students first,” said Lyons. Wright, equally surprised by the award, said, “I was absolutely shocked . . . and startled,” with a laugh. “It’s just quite an honor to be recognized by my colleagues and students whom I respect so much,” he added. “To have them really heap praise upon me is humbling and a real honor,” said Wright. Conrad, who had difficulty holding back tears when receiving her award, said, “It is really nice to be recognized for hard work and trying to do ‘whatever it takes’ to support student’s success. “Dr. Hay mentioned one nursing student commented about ‘teaching from the soul level.’ That really sums up my calling here at MHCC, to reach deep into the nursing students and help them find that place that connects them to patients in the most personal and intimate level,” said Conrad. “I truly thank all of the nursing students that took the time to nominate me. You rock. I also want to thank all of my colleagues in the nursing program. We are a team and work together and support each other at any level needed,” she said. The award winners will be presented with a $500 check from the MHCC District Foundation and will be honored by the district board at Wednesday’s board meeting.

Gresham, Oregon

2 opinion

advocate the

June 8, 2012


Take the summer to decide your vote in the upcoming presidential election As the presidential election continues to ramp up toward the November election, we at The Advocate understand that politics may not be the most interesting or important thing in your busy life. Some might even prefer to go dig a hole in their backyard just to avoid it. But before you flip the page grumbling something along the lines of “I hate politics,” please give us a chance to let our voices be heard from our soapbox. If you fill out a FAFSA and receive aid for school, if you pay taxes, if you think healthcare is a godsend or a spawn of the devil, you are armed with your vote to peacefully change any of the above if you choose to do so. While we recognize that it is a personal choice to vote or not, the current state of the nation and communities calls for a more participatory democracy. Voter apathy is killing the whole point of a democracy. Although it does not feel like it, the economy is technically in a recovery as opposed to a recession. The price for higher education has been rising astronomically, causing collective student loans to outweigh credit card debt nationwide. More and more, college graduates are facing unemployment. The income gap between the middle class and wealthy is also increasing. Are the current policies and state of the nation reflective of the people? Something has gone awry here. With this in mind, we’d like to point out an interesting and scary fact: Only about 20 percent of the eligible population needs to vote in support of one person for that person to take office. Let’s take the November 2008 report from the U.S. Census for example, since it had a relatively good voter turnout. About 70 percent of the eligi-

ble population was registered to vote, and 60 percent of the registered voters actually voted. Only a little over half (51 percent) needs to vote for one person for him or her to become president. That turns out to be about 20 percent of the population, and that’s when voter turnout is “high.” In 2010 for the general elections, a little less than 60 percent were registered, and about 45 percent of the registered voters voted, which means that even less support was needed. On top of that, older generations consistently churn out a higher voter turnout than young folks, which skews the representation of the nation as a whole. The support of 20 percent of the country is not reflective of the nation as a whole. According to the November 2010 U.S. Census, a little over 30 percent of the population 18 to 44 years old reported that they were too busy or had conflicting schedules and could not vote. A little over 15 percent of all age groups reported that they did not vote because they were not interested. American culture is one culprit for voter apathy. It is more of a “me” society than a “we” society. People think, individually, that their vote has very little impact on the election. Although this is somewhat true in the presidential election, where the pool of voters is nationwide and voting is done through the Electoral College, only 20 percent or so of active supporters are needed to elect a president. Also, if people are turned off because they consider their vote not counting for much, that is even more reason to vote in smaller, local elections. Oftentimes local elections for representatives and policies are much more relevant to people’s lives than national matters. However, voting should be seen as a collective

effort rather than an individual effort. The point of this democracy, which Americans so often advocate for, is so that the people can peacefully implement change. At what point will people care? How bad do things need to be in order to make people inspired to vote? Starting now, we want you to care just a little more about politics and believe in your vote. The elections are coming up in the fall but there is more than enough information out there now that people can start piecing together a game plan for voting. We understand that it’s impossible to be aware of all the issues in the world, let alone in our nation, state, city, or even our school. On top of that, it’s even harder to know about the approach each candidate takes about all these issues. So dear readers, we’d like to end this school year asking you to start your voting research early, preferably over the summer before school becomes hectic again in the fall. So you can come prepared, so you won’t be too busy or uninterested when the ballot is conveniently mailed to your doorsteps. And we’re asking that you at least pay attention to what is going on in your life. Be aware of what policy changes affect you and the people you care about. Despite all this, we still believe in the freedom of choosing to vote or not. The beauty of this all is ultimately that we have the freedom from the government to choose how involved we want to be. Note: voter registration deadline in order to vote in the November election is Oct. 16. Eligible Oregonians may register to vote online at and click on “Register.”

Letter to the Editor

Administrator seeks to clarify organizational changes To the editor, The June 1, 2012, Advocate carried many inaccuracies and failed to offer balanced reporting in the article “College to reorganize administrative titles.” While we understand that covering complex budgets can be a difficult journalistic assignment, it is important that Advocate readers have an opportunity to learn the facts. This letter provides the incorrect information followed by the factual information for just three of the inaccuracies. Erroneous: “I don’t see any cost savings in this plan. All this did was move people from one title to another; they probably got a raise with the new job title.” Fact: The College eliminated a number of dean and vice president positions. The net impact is a savings of more than $700,000 a year from those alignments. This fact ($700,000plus in savings) was not included in the article, nor was the College asked for a comment to balance the reporting. Erroneous: “ …I would encourage (President) Hay and the board to really listen to what staff, faculty and the students have to say.” Fact: The College held numerous meetings with students, faculty and staff and also invited those stakeholders and the general public to participate in an online survey and develop a trade-off list. This budget process was by far the most inclu-

sive we have ever had and feedback on the process has been positive. Erroneous: “A two-day furlough of a level 16 custodian saves $276.24.” “This is an attempt to balance the budget on the backs of the College’s most affordable employees.” Fact: Prior to this budget process, non-represented employees already had three furlough days, faculty had two furlough days and classified employees had zero furlough days. Creating a couple of furlough days for classified employees was in response to the board’s desire for shared sacrifice for all employee groups.

Editors Note:

The Advocate would like to assure our readers the quotes in the article were recorded correctly and represent the opinion of sources used in the article. Sources opinions are represented by their responses and do no reflect the opinion of The Advocate.

On Page 3 of the June 1 issue of The Advocate, there was a graphic of smoking survey results. The first two headlines over the information boxes titled “With which campus are you most affiliated?” and “What is your relationship with the college?” were switched and placed over the incorrect box. The Advocate regrets this mistake and apologizes for any confusion.



Copy Editors


Jill-Marie Gavin

Kylie Rogers & Yuca Kosugi

Leah Emura

Associate Editors

Web Editor

Jeff Hannig

John Tkebuchava & Mike Mata

John Tkebuchava

Living Arts Editor

Web Designer

David Gambill

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Assistant Living Arts Editor

Advertising Manager

Kylie Rogers

Yuca Kosugi

Shelby Schwartz


Maggie Huffman Director of Communications Mt. Hood Community College

the advocate

Opinion Editor

Poll results for June 1:

Laura Knudson Shaun Lutz Dorothy Ocacio

Advisers Dan Ernst

Lisa Marie Morgan Bob Watkins

E-mail 503-491-7250 (Main) 503-491-7413 (Office) 503-591-6064 (Fax) Mt. Hood Community College 26000 SE Stark Street Gresham, Oregon 97030

The Advocate encourages readers to share their opinion by letters to the editor and guest columns for publication. All submissions must be typed and include the writer’s name and contact information. Contact information will not be printed unless requested. Original copies will not be returned to the author. The Advocate will not print any unsigned submission. Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words and guest columns should not exceed 600. The decision to publish is at the discretion of the editorial board. The Advocate reserves the right to edit for style, punctuation, grammar and length. Please bring submissions to The Advocate in Room 1369, or e-mail them to Submissions must be received by 5 p.m. Monday the week of publication to be considered for print. Opinions expressed in columns, letters to the editor or advertisements are the views of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Advocate or MHCC.

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Access fee adds to student expenses by John Tkebuchava The Advocate

Fees that will go in effect for the upcoming summer term are the $5 tuition increase per credit hour, the college services fee increase of $10 ($40 total) and the new access fee of $35 per term, which will replace the current parking permit and fee system. The access fee is $35 a term for any student enrolled in at least one credit class, regardless whether a student will be taking courses on campus or online. The parking permit system, implemented in 2011-2012, fell short of projections by the administration and district board. Mark Denney, a senior budget analyst, when asked whether the new access fee aimed to fill the gap made by the parking permit system, said, “It’s definitely true that the parking fee fell short in two areas. One, it didn’t generate the revenues, and two, it had significantly higher administrative costs than what were projected.” He also said that the administrative costs associated with the effort spent collecting and deliberating ticket challenges submitted by students were higher than anticipated. “Third, and equally important, is it had some unintended

consequences in that it drove students away from parking on campus and just parking in nearby surrounding locations,” said Denney. Denney said that with the removal of the parking permit system, security on campus will be able to dedicate more of its time to campus safety rather than making sure cars are not parked illegally. “The existing campus security staff, which was increased for the parking fee, will be retained and will focus more on actual security as they will no longer have to check whether a car is parked illegally on campus,” he said. Denney said a portion of the money generated by the access fee will go toward expanding security as well. Among the security expansions, Denney mentioned expansions to the closed circuit surveillance as one way the college aims to increase security on campus. According to the school website, a portion of the revenue generated will also be used to subsidize the sale of discounted TriMet passes at the bookstore and to purchase new bike racks. The website also states that the parking signs and kiosks that have been used for the

parking permit system will be repurposed to help visitors and students find their way through the school parking lots and buildings. The kiosks will be repurposed as illuminated signage. The college is evaluating the resale value of two permit machines. In earlier budget committee meetings, committee members were asked whether they would consider implementing the access fee on a sliding scale basis, meaning charging more or less depending on the amount of credits a student is taking. “The board expressed a willingness to make some type of sliding scale. At present, no specific plans are in place,” said Denney, adding that “all initiatives in this year’s budget are going to be reviewed and they’re going to be compared to expected results and where appropriate, we will be making adjustments.” Final budget approvals will be made at Wednesday’s board meeting following a public hearing session by the Multnomah County Tax Supervising and Conservation Commission (TSCC). The commission will review the 2012-13 budget, which will then make its way back to the district board for final approval.

June 8, 2012

News Briefs

‘Aging’ electrical equipment to be replaced Parts of Gresham campus will close from June 19-21 and June 28-29 for the completion of the Campus Electrical Replacement Project (CERP) started last February. The Gresham campus will be split into two sections, the north and south campuses. The south campus will be comprised of the health, physical education, aquatics and athletic fields and buildings. The north campus includes the rest of the Gresham campus. When summer term starts June 25, the north campus section will have had five power substations replaced by June 20. Campus will return to full functioning capability by June 21. The two power substations in the south campus section will be replaced June 28-29.

All Gresham campus employees, with the exception of Public Safety and Facilities employees and others pre-approved to work, will not be allowed on campus when their portions of campus are closed during the replacements. The equipment replacement is an effort to cut down from the multiple power outages on the Gresham Campus over the last few years. “The decision is in response to an aging and deteriorating infrastructure that has led to multiple power outages, including one in 2007 that shut down the Industrial Tech and Visual Arts buildings for two weeks while we replaced the cables,” said Associate of Director of Facilities Management Russ Johnson.

Integrated media to present student portfolios Graduating students from Integrated Media will present their portfolio pieces at “Unwrapped” on Wednesday from 5:30 to 9 p.m. at the EcoTrust Building in Portland. Portfolios will include works of graphic design, photography, video and broadcasting. Among the pieces at the show will be a highlight on “Success Stories”, an iPad app developed by 15 students. There will also be a chance to

catch previews for films showing at the eleventh annual First Cut Digital Film Festival on Thursday at 7 p.m. at the Visual Arts Theater. Both events are free, with no charge to park at the Gresham Campus for the film festival. For more information on the portfolio show or about the Integrated Media program, search Unwrapped #IM2012 on Facebook, #IM2012 on Twitter or

APPLY EARLY — get money on time If you need financial aid by the start of the academic terms:

File the FAFSA by these dates:

You must also complete all MHCC paperwork by the following deadlines:

Summer Term

As soon after Jan. 1 as possible

April 1

Fall Term

April 1 — earlier if possible

July 1

Winter Term

July 1 — earlier if possible

October 1

Spring Term

Nov. 1 — earlier if possible

February 1


1. 2. 3. 4.

File your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) online for faster processing ( Check MyMHCC regularly for your application status and turn in required documents promptly. If you missed deadlines, financial aid will not be available until after the start of the term. Students are served first-come, first-served for fairness - do not ask for exceptions unless the College made a clear error in your file completion date. This will help us serve you and all students faster!


Remember: It can take up to 12 weeks for your financial aid to be ready after you file your FAFSA!

4 living arts

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June 8, 2012

a year in review....

Photo by Riley Hinds/The Advocate

Photo by Logan Scott/The Advocate

Photo by Riley Hinds/The Advocate

Photo by Riley Hinds/The Advocate

Photo by Mike Mata/The Advocate

Clockwise from top left: Louise Maske (Sydney Hope) takes down a “For Rent” sign while her friend Gertrude Deuter (Missy Paulson) comes to talk about the renter during a dress rehearsal of the spring play “The Underpants.” A collection of vendors, students, staff and faculty met in the College Center to buy and sell goods during the annual Scrooge Lives event in December. Students perform in traditional garb during the Day of the Dead celebration on campus in November. Ru Paul’s drag queens made their on-campus debut April 25 in the College Theater with performances by BeBe Zahara Benet (pictured) and Shannel. Venus is captured passing in front of the sun by Planetarium Director Pat Hanrahan during an on-campus class June 5. This event will not be visible again until 2117. Lucy Van Pelt (Kara Pierson) gives Charlie Brown (Jacob Westfall) advice during the winter musical “Snoopy!!!” in February. Photo contributed by Pat Hanrahan

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June 8, 2012


Metric vocalist highlights tracks on fifth studio album ‘Synthetica’ by Shelby Schwartz the advocate

Releasing their fifth studio album next week, Canadian indie rock band Metric is again delighting fans with their dark, moody sound in “Synthetica.” The band gave fans a taste of their new album when the single “Youth Without Youth” was released in May. The band members consist of vocalist Emily Haines, guitarist James Shaw, bassist John Winstead and drummer Joules Scott-Key. The album’s first track, “Artificial Nocturne,” starts with “I’m just as F*cked up as they say.” These lyrics are definitely an attention grabber. Both “Artificial Nocturne” and the album’s single, “Youth without youth,” are accompanied by a depressing tone and sung with perfection by Haines’ flawless voice. “Speed the collapse” has a more upbeat sound, although the lyrics are thoughtful; the music lends a brighter tone to the album, as does “Breathing Underwater.” These tracks are probably among the best on the album. The first two tracks were relatively lackluster, but the remainder of the album is given hope because of these tracks. Although “Speed the collapse” has a more upbeat sound, the tone and lyrics of the song are dark and slightly angry. Even with Haines bright sing-song voice, this song is worth listening to over and over again. It will be the song on the track to leave listeners thinking long afterwards about the dark lyrics. “Dreams so Real” offers a futuristic sound not heard on any of the other tracks; the lyrics are accompanied by the heavy use of a synthesizer. This album is surprising as each song has an entirely different sound. Some are dark and slow, depressing even while others are more upbeat with a hint of dark and depressing, some with synthesizer and offering a totally different sound. In “Lost kitten,” Haines’ voice is distorted into sounding like a 15-year-old pop star. It is not one of the more inspiring of the tracks.

“The Void” has a techno vibe and is rather upbeat although the lyrics don’t seem to have much meaning. The song repeats the phrase “all night” over and over and over again, until it becomes so redundant that one is probably thinking “All right we get it, you can ‘stay up all night’, so stop repeating yourself.” Despite the annoying lyrics, the song isn’t half bad as a whole. It has a great beat that will undoubtedly cause head bobbing. The title track “Synthetica” talks about not needing drugs and having the ability to think for oneself. The track “Clone” has a mellower vibe than most of the other tracks. The lyrics talk about regrets making one stronger and the aftermaths of never doing anything the safe way. “The Wanderlust” is probably the most out-ofplace track on the album. The bridge of the song features collaboration with Lou Reed of The Velvet Underground. The first and second verses have an echoing effect on each of the lines Haines sings; she echoes herself in lower pitch. This was meant to add an interesting effect to the song but it was a complete flop. The song felt as if one was at camp singing an echoing song. But instead of the usually upbeat tone of echoing music, it is a rather depressing song. The final track, “Nothing but time,” has a techno, fastpaced sound that does not match the slower lyrics. Surprisingly though, the finished product isn’t terrible

Metric has a number of hits and misses in this album. The hits include “Speed the Collapse,” “Breathing underwater” and “The Void.” Some of its misses are “Artificial Nocturne,” “Lost kitten,” and “The Wanderlust.” One thing is for certain after listening to this album— Haines’ voice is flawless and blends perfectly with the haunting lyrics and sad melodies that Metric produces. This album has some great tracks and I would definitely recommend this album for current fans of Metric and new listeners. This isn’t a get up a dance type of album but it’s nice for an easy listen in the car.

Photo illustration by David Gambill/The Advocate

Summer primer: Living arts editor picks summertime activities As the school year comes to an end some MHCC students will be looking for ways to occupy their newly found time. Some will travel out of town, some will continue with summer school and some will pick up extra work. For students who find they still have extra time on their hands, here are some ideas to help students occupy themselves.


ortland Art Museum, 1219 SW Park Ave., Portland:

The Portland Art Museum offers free admission each fourth Friday of the month from 5 to 8 p.m. This summers exhibits include art by 19th century impressionist Claude Monet and 20th century figurative painter Francis Bacon.


regon Historical Society, 1200 SW Park Ave., Portland: Admission to the Oregon Historical Society is free to Multnomah County Residents. The museum is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, noon to 5 p.m. Sunday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays from June 18 to Aug. 27. The summer exhibit “Oregon Voices: Change and Challenge in Modern Oregon History” highlights events and issues that have changed Oregon in the last half of the 20th century.


orest Park, NW 29th Ave. & Upshur St. to Newberry Road, Portland: Spend some time outdoors at the 5,171 acre Forest Park. The park is open from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. and features bike, equestrian and hiking trails, more than 112 varieties of birds and 62 mammal species.


regon Zoo, 4001 SW Canyon Road, Portland: The Portland Zoo offers

a special $4 price the second Tuesday of each month. The zoo is open daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. until Sept. 3. In addition to a wide variety of animals, the zoo also features a botanical collection and several educational resources.


he International Rose Test Garden, 850 SW Rose Garden Way,

Portland: Open from 7:30 a. to 9 p.m. the free rose garden serves as a testing area for new varieties of roses. Free guided tours are available through Sept. 19 at 11:30 a.m. Tuesdays and 1 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Just meet the guide at the sign outside the Rose Garden Store. Large tours can be arranged for a fee by calling 503-823-3664. There are over 500 types of roses in this year’s garden.

6 news

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June 8, 2012

Retiring instructor to leave- and is taking his Ted bucks with him by Jeff Hannig The Advocate

After 30 years of handing out “In Ted We Trust Bucks,” and trading them for Snickers bars in his economics classes, Ted Scheinman is retiring from MHCC. Before he came to MHCC, Scheinman worked for the governor in Maryland and a friend asked him a question, “what would you do if I told you that you had six months to live…a year… a few years?” With a few years to his name, Scheinman said he would move back to Oregon and teach economics again, but not before he enjoyed some of Maryland’s frozen yogurt, another simple event which would change his future. He was born in Peoria, Ill., and completed his undergraduate degree in economics at Washington University in St. Louis and his graduate degree in economics at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. He taught for a year in West Virginia, and at Lewis and Clark College for two years before working for the governor in Maryland. He also ran a profitable frozen yogurt shop for three years in downtown Portland. While running Piper’s Yogurt Parlor, Scheinman said he had expressed his interest in working for MHCC. Through careful networking, he was contacted by his predecessor who let him know the job was available if he wanted it. Soon after, Scheinman was hired to teach part-time. He continued running Piper’s Parlor, but eventually sold it and started to teach fulltime.

“I had no syllabus the first day at MHCC; I had no direction,” explains Scheinman, who said his goals for teaching economics are to “increase students economic literacy and make good life decisions so they can follow their dreams.” “It’s not all about money. I like to teach ideas like ‘opportunity cost,’ what a student gives up in exchange for something else,” said Scheinman. He allows students

actually it’s quite the opposite. “I’ve always wanted to be in a position where I had to stay at the job because I wanted to be there – not because I had to,” Scheinman said. “I’ve never taken a job only for the money.” Although he does wish to be compensated for his work, he said teaching has been rewarding in itself. “I wake up every morning and can’t wait to get in and teach a class,” he said,

“I’ve never taken a job only for the money.” -Ted Scheinman

economics instructor

to keep their phones on in class, “but I charge them.” Charging a student $1 for a phone call is a way Scheinman said he teaches students the idea of external cost, or the effects their actions have on the world around them. The money is used for a pizza party at the end of the term said Scheinman. For someone who said his class isn’t all about dollars and cents, he makes good use of currency. With his charges for phone use and the In Ted We Trust Bucks he passes out – one might think he was obsessed with money. He is not though;

adding that he would rather come in and work than stay home and be sick. “It’s exciting to see the light go on for students or to see them go on to be successful- it’s a thrill,” he said. Such is his dedication to teaching that Scheinman said he “hasn’t really given much thought to what I’ll do when I retire – I haven’t had time to.” “I’ve thought about teaching overseas somewhere, maybe China or Norway. I’m sure new horizons will come up. It has been a struggle whether to leave or not,” said Scheinman, who also said it was a

possibility that he would come back as a part-time instructor. There are, however, some things Scheinman looks forward to in retired life. “I’m looking forward to not dealing with the politics and bureaucratic business of the school,” said Scheinman. Naomi Abrahams, MHCC sociology instructor and adviser, said “in staff meetings he (Scheinman) was able to cut to the chase in order to meet the needs of the students and has a real care for students.” Scheinman has seen 21 deans come and go and even was one for two weeks, “administration is not my interest; teaching is. I enjoy positive connections with people and helping people to learn.” When he was asked to elaborate on the changes he has seen through his years at MHCC; or if there was a golden age for instructors at MHCC, he answered, “there hasn’t been a time for pay increases- it’s just the little things were there.” “Recently,” he said, “I was getting upset at the wrong things.” Scheinman said, “I was concerned with what kind of institution that would place a classroom in the Planetarium – it just showed a lack of appreciation of education,” said Scheinman. “I’m amazed at how other countries have gotten it (a priority for education) and we (America) haven’t. Education just isn’t a high priority right now.” But for Scheinman, who does place a priority on education, said retirement will be difficult. “It’ll be hard not to come to school everyday – I’ll miss the daily connection with students,” said Scheinman.

Retired payroll manager excited to move onto next stage of life by Jill-Marie Gavin The Advocate

After 38 years of working for MHCC, Becky Weisen retired from her position as Manager of Payroll and Benefits on May 1. Weisen said she was hoping to slip out the back door unnoticed, and even requested to not have a phone or an extension through June 29, the date she’ll be leaving MHCC after working part-time to train her replacement Debbie Leingang, who has been selected as her replacement. Weisen took over Leingang’s cubicle on the first when Leingang moved into Weisen’s office. In 1974, Weisen was hired as a cashier for the business

office, which is now the student services office. She said she started in the payroll department in 1976 and was promoted to manager of payroll and benefits in 1986. Weisen said, “I’ve been blessed with a great staff and co-workers.” She said she will miss them the most. Weisen also added the influence of MHCC students on her work. “I have enjoyed my long tenure here at MHCC because of all the great energy that students have contributed to this great academic environment,” said Weisen. Asked what she won’t miss, she said the rigorous deadlines of payroll. “Working in payroll is a lot of pressure.” Weisen said, “People have to get paid. The pressure of deadline is high when you have 1,700 people on waiting for paychecks.” She said during the snowstorm four years ago, her husband, who works for Trimet, had to drop her off at campus at 3 a.m. because she still had to get payroll done. When she leaves the college for good Weisen said she

plans on laying low and doing some volunteer work. Weisen said her husband is retiring in September and until then she plans to volunteer at a hospital. She said she always wanted to be a nurse and now she has free time to help out. Weisen said she started taking classes at MHCC but never finished her degree and said that’s one of her biggest regrets. Leingang said, “I’m so grateful for her help and I wish I had more time with her.” Associate director of Human Resources Sheri Mosher said, “She has been an expert in her field. We have worked together for over 30 years and I will miss her very much.” Mosher also said she wishes Weisen the very best. She also said of Leingang, “Debbie has been a great addition to the team and she will serve as a great replacement.” Weisen said she is excited about moving on to the next stage of her life. She said of leaving the college, “I always say that I was raised here, I was married here. I had kids here and I had grandkids here, but I will not die here.”

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news 7

advocate the

June 8, 2012

Investigation of WLEE instructors on leave continues Registration by Jill-Marie Gavin The Advocate

Three Wilderness and Experiential Leadership (WLEE) program instructors who are on administrative leave are under personnel investigation. Director of Communications Maggie Huffman said of the instructors on administrative leave, “It’s a confidential personnel investigation.” She also said the investigation is not open for public discussion. WLEE instructor Bryan Anaclerio said in an interview Wednesday that Rockwall Manager and WLEE instructor Kim Anaclerio, WLEE part-time instructor Lindsay Montgomery and himself were all placed on administrative leave April 16 and were escorted from campus by public safety. Kim Anaclerio and Montgomery were unavailable for comment. Anaclerio said, “I was told April 16 that I was being placed on paid administrative leave pending a safety investigation. I was told I had five minutes to gather some of my personal belongings and leave campus before Public Safety escorted me off campus in front of my peers and colleagues.” Concerning the investigation, Anaclerio said he was not told what the specific nature of the investigation was, only that he and the other WLEE instructors were being place on leave pending a safety investigation. He also said, “We (WLEE instructors)

have always preached transparency and respect in our leadership and I feel I haven’t received that from administrators at all. That’s what makes this situation so difficult for me.” Anaclerio said he has been banned from the Gresham campus since that day and was only allowed back on campus for two interviews conducted May 10, one by Dean of Instruction Rodney Barker and one by Dean of Integrated Media Janet McIntyre. Asked about Anaclerio’s claim he had not been notified of his specific reason for being placed on leave, McIntyre said, “That’s not true.” Huffman, when asked why McIntyre and Barker are involved in the investigation, said, “It’s customary for multiple individuals from campus to conduct investigative interviews.” Asked if administrators and deans have been involved in such interviews in the past, Huffman said, “I’m sure they have. I have only been here a couple years so I’m not entirely sure.” Head public safety officer Wayne Feagle said Wednesday the instructors have not been “criminally trespassed” from the campus. He said the ban from campus was issued by college administrators. Asked if being banned from campus is a common part of paid administrative leave, Huffman said, “It’s unusual.” Asked if the investigation was pertaining to safety issues, Huffman said, “Myself

and other administrators can’t talk about the confidential matter.” Asked what specific day the leave was issued, Huffman said she needed to check the fact and later responded by email declining to comment. Anaclerio said the classes taught in the program did receive replacement instructors. He also said a 35-day immersion wilderness trip required by the course included the new instructors. “I’m incredibly concerned for my students,” Anaclerio said. “We have all been planning this trip together all year and now we [Bryan and Kim Anaclerio and Montgomery] are not there to make sure everything is going as planned.” Karen Reynolds, MHCC manager of environmental health and safety, said Wednesday she is unaware of a safety investigations. Kim Hyatt, dean of Health & Physical Education, Aquatic Center & Athletics, gave no comment when asked about the WLEE program class schedule for spring and fall. Huffman said the Office of Instruction is putting together a plan for fall classes. Huffman said the second-year classes will be offered but she doesn’t know if the firstyear classes will be scheduled. Anaclerio said, “I’m super concerned about my program and students. This year alone we have had more than 30 out-of-state students inquire about the program. It’s an incredibly unique program that offers people a chance to connect with the outdoors.”

All-state scholars to graduate from MHCC spring term by Jill-Marie Gavin The Advocate

Both MHCC students named as All-Oregon Academic Team Scholars are graduating this spring and moving on to the next level. Ryan Lindquist and Meadow Geddes were nominated by faculty for the statewide award and were invited to Salem in April for an honoring ceremony. Since the ceremony, Lindquist has been accepted to University of Oregon. He said he plans to major in biochemistry. He said of winning the award and finishing school, “It’s been an honor. It took a lot of hard work and it’s definitely not been easy.” He added that he has been a

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tion. She said, “Good things are in store for Meadow. She has done a great job.” Kjensrud said the faculty of the PTA program unanimously nominated Geddes for the award because of her academic excellence and leadership skills. Kjensrud said Geddes has a 4.0 GPA in the PTA program. She said Geddes picks up concepts quickly but always takes time out to show other classmates how to do things correctly. Kjensrud also said Geddes was heavily involved in organizing a class team for Walk MS, an annual fundraiser hosted by National Multiple Sclerosis Society Oregon Chapter. Geddes did not respond by press time.

student at MHCC since 2009. Lindquist said he was given a $1000 scholarship after winning the award, which he said he will use for books at the U of O. Asked how he feels about leaving MHCC, Lindquist said, “I’ve had really good experiences all the way across the board.” He said, “It’s been really awesome. I’ve had really strong support from my instructors.” Geddes, who has a bachelor’s degree in English, is graduating from the physical therapy assistant (PTA) program at the end of this term. Physical therapist and PTA program instructor Kristin Kjensrud said Geddes has been offered a job starting the Monday after gradua-

• • • • • • •

Ryan Lindquist

Meadow Geddes


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for FastTrack classes open by Dorothy Ocacio The Advocate

Registration is open for FastTrack, a new program which offers accelerated classes starting June 25. The catalog describes the program as classes designed to help a variety of students. New students coming from high school, the military or anyone wanting to start college can jump start their education. The catalog states that university students can save on tuition and professionals can brush up or add new skills to help boost their careers. According to Maggie Huffman, director of communications and college advancement, FastTrack is a way to make the most of the summer by completing classes, earning credits and finishing college faster. “It’s just really a smart choice,” she said. “We are very excited to offer FastTrack to students,” Huffman said. “We think it is a great opportunity for students to make the most of their summer, take the core classes that they need to take pretty quickly in a concentrated manner and then they’re able to finish their college degree or certificate much faster.” The program, similar to the FastPass program offered a couple years ago, offers bundled classes in a convenient grouping for particular areas, such as math and English. “This is a list of core classes (in the catalog and online) in an efficient sequence that the departments have put together,” said Ursula Irwin, associated vice president of instruction. “I would have appreciated that as a student.” The FastTrack classes are 3-, 5-, 8- and 10-weeks long. A full list can be found on the MHCC site. Irwin does not recommend taking more than one set of classes during the summer, as they are at twice the speed of regular class. “You have to be conscientious and conscious of the fact they’re intensive classes,” she said. “If that’s all you do in the summer, it’s possible to take more than one at a time.” Once registered, fill out a contest entry form and complete all the classes to win a free iPad. Only those registered for bundles and who pass the classes are eligible for the drawing. Irwin recommends considering time for classes and homework when signing up for the classes. For more information, contact MHCC advising office at 503-491-7315.

8 sports

advocate the

June 8, 2012

Trial Bound

For a longer version of the story, see

Corbett grad trains for the Olympic Trials at college pool Colin Eaton, 18, is an Olympic Trial qualifier training with Mt. Hood Aquatics at the Mt. Hood Aquatic Center. Photo by Laura Knudson/The Advocate

by Laura Knudson The Advocate

It’s not every day that a recent high school graduate gets to spend part of his summer training for the Olympic Trials. However, this is the case for 18-year-old Corbett High School grad Colin Eaton. Eaton grew up in Gresham and has been swimming since age 10. His career began because “the girl I had a crush on in third grade was a swimmer so I wanted to be on the swim team, too.” Aside from being a top-notch student, taking five AP classes and finishing with a 4.7 weighted GPA. Eaton’s accomplishments in the pool are just as impressive. This includes an Oregon State Activities Association (OSAA) All-American title, five state championship titles, high school state records in the 50-yard freestyle and 100yard freestyle, USA Swimming Scholastic All-American, Junior National finalist, and Oregon state 17-18 recordholder in the 50 yard freestyle. Eaton sticks to the sprints when it comes to swimming. His best races are the 50-meter freestyle, the 100-meter freestyle and the 100-meter butterfly. Eaton will be swimming the 50-meter freestyle at the trials June 25 through July 2 in Omaha, Neb. His current PR is 23.27 seconds, which places him third in the nation for 18-year-olds and under. He said his ultimate goal is to break the 2008 Oregon swimming Open Age Group record at 23 flat. “This doesn’t seem like much time, but in such a short race every hundredth of a second counts, hence why swimmers spend far too much time shaving unnecessary parts of the body,” said Eaton. He feels this is an obtainable goal. However, to qualify for the Olympics, he would have to swim somewhere

around a 21.6. “Unfortunately, I am not yet at this level,” he said. “This year I am just happy to be competing at Trials.” Skip Runkle, head coach of Mt. Hood Aquatics where Eaton swims, echoed this, saying, “He is not yet at a point where I would call him a ‘player’ to make the team, but he certainly would like to go his lifetime best in Omaha (where the trials will be held), plus gain some valuable experience in case he is in a position to make the team in 2016.” Eaton said in four years his goals for the Olympic Trials will be much higher. Eaton has been swimming for Mt. Hood Aquatics for four years coached by Runkle. “Skip is a fantastic coach and has so much experience,” said Eaton. Runkle has been part of the USA National Team coaching staff 13 times and was voted Oregon Coach of the Year three times. “Needless to say, I am lucky to be coached by him, despite some of the grueling sets he gives us,” said Eaton. Grueling seems like an understatement when describing Eaton’s 21 hours of training a week, including waking up at 4:30 a.m. to train for an hour and a half. He swims 6-8 miles a day on top of dry-land training, which means hitting the weight room after swim practice. Runkle said, “He has been focusing on training better than ever in all aspects and has been doing some additional speed work with resistance (buckets, parachutes) in the water.” Eaton said, “After qualifying for Olympic Trials in the 50 freestyle, Skip really intensified my sprint training.” Working on building power, Eaton swims across the pool as fast as he can with the bucket attached to a tower with a pulley system, usually weighing 80-180 pounds in water.

Runkle said Eaton is coachable and “has good natural talent (speed) but his biggest attributes are his strong work ethic, his commitment to the process of training and passionately pursuing his goals.” As if qualifying for the Olympic Trials at 18 wasn’t enough, Eaton has also been offered a spot on the USC swim team. This was both exciting and relieving to him. “All the years of waking up at 4:30 in the morning, swimming 10 miles a day, having to cancel social plans, and enduring many awkward social encounters after having to shave my legs for a big meet, had paid off. It felt like finally receiving a paycheck after years of hard work,” he said. Eaton deferred the offer due to the high tuition. He added, “It is not a 100 percent guarantee that I will attend USC, in that I have not signed to go there.” If Eaton were to attend USC it wouldn’t be until August 2013. Because it is harder to get accepted as a transfer student, Eaton will be taking the year off from school. Backed by his parents, he plans to stay another year in Gresham training at Mt. Hood and possibly collecting more offers from top colleges. All in all, Runkle said of the soon-to-be Olympic Trial competitor, “I would like to see him achieve his goals in swimming but more than that, I want to see him apply what he’s learned in the pool to other areas of his life for even bigger successes.” Although it can become repetitive sacrificing a social life and swimming back and forth all day long, he still loves it. Eaton said he definitely wouldn’t stop swimming. “It has brought so many positive things to my life; new friendships and the ability to work hard as well as significant travel opportunities,” said Eaton.

Saints baseball players recruited by D-I and D-II, drafted by Mariners by Shaun Lutz The Advocate

The baseball season has ended for the Mt. Hood Saints but several players have signed scholarships to continue their playing careers, six of whom have Division I destinations. Sophomore pitcher Taylor Williams will be heading to Kent, Ohio, to become a member of the Kent State Golden Flashes. Sophomores Isaac Henslee and Nick Paxton are taking their talents further east to play for the Liberty Flames at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Vir. Three Saints are becoming members of the Aggies of New Mexico State, including sophomore pitcher Riley Barr, sophomore shortstop Alex Foulon and sopho-

more outfielder Tristan Metcalf. Catcher Dane Lund is one of the Hood baseballers staying on the West Coast, attending San Jose State next year to continue his playing career as a Spartan. Rounding out the list is sophomore closer Christian Bannister. Heading to play for the Otters of Cal StateMonterey Bay, Bannister is taking his strong left arm to the Division II level. All these players were sought after by their respective future schools, according to head coach Bryan Donohue. “All the players signed scholarships. They aren’t walking on. Any junior college transfer is expected to come in and make an impact. They’re brought in to fill a need at a certain position,” said Donohue. While these players are venturing out to a new

chapter in their careers, a former Saint made his move to the place any player wishes to have a chance at: The Show. Taylor Ard, a member of MHCC’s baseball team in 2009 and 2010, was drafted earlier this week by the Seattle Mariners. Taken 221st overall out of Washington State, Ard is eventually expected to make the move from college to the majors. This is Ard’s third time being selected. In 2010 the Miami Marlins took him in the 35th round; the slugger declined and chose to play at Washington State instead. Selected again in 2011 by the Boston Red Sox in the 25th round, 772nd overall, he opted to stay another year in the college ranks. Finally, with his earliest exit from the draft pool, Ard is expected to sign and work his way through the Mariners farm system.

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