The Advocate, Issue 10 - Dec. 2, 2016

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Volume 51 Issue 10

December 2, 2016

Independent Student Voice of MHCC

‘Starboy’ touches on rise to fame PAGE 5

Flugelhornist plays with Mt. Hood Jazz musicians PAGE 6

Saints finish third in Red Devil Classic PAGE 8

Servant leader shares values-driven ideas PAGE 4

MHCC President Derr affirms “sanctuary” campus



General excellence Oregon Newspaper Publisher Association


December 2, 2016


Sometimes no news is good news


hat makes s o m e t h i n g newsworthy? Is it just something you don’t know? Is it something that’s interesting? How about something that could be true but isn’t really true? How about when it’s a straight out lie, but is still a good read? Is that news? For a long time now, people have had a hard time telling the difference. Fake newsmakers in Macedonia, the Philippines and Africa (and some scattered across the U.S.) spending hours in front of a computer, coming up with stories that they can post on Facebook or on Google sites and use as “click bait” to draw people to their websites that were built to do nothing but showcase advertisements and bad information but encourage people to click on the ads, which earns the sitemakers money. For the majority of the history of

is actual, factual news goes against the integrity, honor and truth that the vast majority of American news media try to represent. Now that we know who is making this fake news, we need to think about who is distributing it. How are these newsfakers getting their camouflaged misinformation to you? Actually, the same way that you get great Aunt Ruth’s snickerdoodle recipe: Facebook. According to a recent report, 62 percent of Americans get news from Facebook, and 66 percent of people get the majority of their news from social media. We expect our newspapers, TV reporters and radio news jockeys (not the talk show yakkers) to give us truthful, relevant information, and if we found out they were just making crap up, we would call them out on it, boycott their media and stop going to them for news. And rightfully so. This, however, is a new world.

“66 percent of people get the majority of their news from social media.” Western mass media, this would be unheard of. Using lies and doctored photos on such a large scale to sucker people into believing this

the advocate

We go to nontraditional sources for our news, companies that aren’t held to the same standards as traditional “legacy” media, who aren’t bound

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to a code of ethics for how they disseminate information because they aren’t official news outlets. That said, even if they didn’t intend to be a news outlet, society has decided to make these new media giants de facto news sources. This means that they need to be held to some kind of standard. Maybe not the same standards as traditional news media, but it has to be something better than “anything goes.” Since the recent criticism over lax oversight of fake news from the recent presidential election connected to Facebook and Google, there have been some changes. Facebook updated its terms of service, banning fake news, and Google has changed the availability of its “ad sense” program to discourage its use on fake news sites, and sites that distribute misinformation. While a great first step, there is

Editor-in-Chief Gloria Saepharn

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still a long climb ahead of us before we 21st century citizens arrive at a balance between the freedom that technology affords us, and the integrity and restraint that real news reporting demands. What can you do to climb this mountain? Well, like anything, if there is no money in it, there is no need for it to exist on a large scale. The MHCC library has again distributed a list of hints for recognizing false and misleading news stories at wocz6r and This is helpful information to keep you informed online and help you from being tricked into believing a lie. Also, we need to make sure we are letting Facebook and Google know we are counting on them for our news. Do all you can to let them know – email them – and circulate good and correct information and encourage

Cover Photo by Megan Phelps Cover by Prisma Flores

Contact us! E-mail: Phone: 503-491-7250 Website: Twitter: @MHCCAdvocate Facebook: Instagram: @MHCCAdvocate #MHCCAdvocate Mt. Hood Community College 26000 SE Stark Street Gresham, Oregon 97030

your friends to do the same. One thing to remember however, is that all of the news – good, bad, and indifferent – comes from someplace, usually from a reporter who has tracked down the story, done the research and published the information via a traditional media outlet like a newspaper or magazine. Then, that article is taken and sprinkled across the web like frosting on a cake. Unless we make sure those traditional news outlets stick around, Google and Facebook won’t have a legitimate place to get those articles from. Getting news from social media is convenient and makes your day easier. But we need to make sure that we are savvy about what we believe and what we share so that we aren’t tipping the balance between technology and integrity to the wrong side of the scales.

The Advocate encourages readers to share their opinion by letters to the editor and guest columns for publication. All submissions must be typed and include the writer’s name and contact information. Contact information will not be printed unless requested. Original copies will not be returned to the author. The Advocate will not print any unsigned submission. Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words and guest columns should not exceed 600. The decision to publish is at the discretion of the editorial board. The Advocate reserves the right to edit for style, punctuation, grammar and length. Please bring submissions to The Advocate in Room 1369, or e-mail them to advocatt@mhcc. edu. Submissions must be received by 5 p.m. Monday the week of publication to be considered for print. Opinions expressed in columns, letters to the editor or advertisements are the views of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Advocate or MHCC.

Eastern Oregon University Happy Holidays GET 4-year degree at the MHCC Gresham campus 2 years at MHCC + 2 years w/EOU @ MHCC = > 4 year Bachelor’s Degree in Education Contact Margie Webster at 503-491-7000 or above the library in 3308A

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December 2, 2016

Starbucks co-founder advocates servant leadership at MHCC

Photo by Davyn Owen

Co-founder and former president of Starbucks Coffee Company International, Howard Behar, talked about what it means to be a servant leader in the College Theatre on Wednesday at noon.

Greg Leonov the advocate

What does it really take to be the driving force of a multi-billiondollar corporation in the twenty-first century? According to one veteran of such a company, it means knowing one’s individual core values, and building a team that is able to align with the values of the company. Howard Behar, co-founder and former president of Starbucks Coffee Company International, visited Mt. Hood on Wednesday to talk about “servant leadership” and what it means to have a values-

driven life’s work. He addressed several dozen staff, students and faculty in the College Theatre.

Discovering his personal values

Behar said his journey started by getting into personal development material, and using a process to discover the type of person he wanted to be. He wrote down his core values, and then simplified the list to eight separate values. He then realized that honesty was his “No. 1 core value,” he said. “If we went a little deeper, each of us might have a different level of what honesty means,” he said.

“What white lie might you tell, what wouldn’t you tell, and that’s all of us that’s human beings, and so I went through my core values, and I had to describe and sense what those core values meant to me.” He followed steps from the personal development material, and got to a point where he took all of his personal research and put it “into a paragraph or some sentences that would inform how you do everything in your life,” he said. “I created a piece of paper that basically was a picture of Howard in 50 words or less.” This journey of self-discovery encouraged him to learn about others. “It started me on a journey of trying to discover what made other people tick,” he said. He conversed with and learned about as many people as possible, and he read every book on personal development he could find. “That’s how I formed, and over time I formed this view of leadership.” It wasn’t about capital health, the office, or one’s position, he explained. “The most important person you’ll ever have to lead is you,” he said. “That pain that you go through of self-development is the hardest work that you’ll ever have to do. Learning to lead yourself is the most difficult process, one of the most difficult train(s) you’ll ever be on. And the worst part about it is it never ends.”

Putting others first

The term “servant leadership” was coined by Robert Greenleaf, who was head of organization and development for AT&T. When Greenleaf retired, he looked back at his career and wondered why some companies thrived after their leaders left, while others collapsed. Behar said that when one looks at Greenleaf ’s research, the answer to insuring a firm’s success after

leaving is to be a servant leader. “The ones (companies) that survived their leaders… were the ones that were led by a servant leader,” said Behar. “Someone that intrinsically understood, whether intellectually or not… that their whole role in life was to serve the people on their teams,” rather than simply themself. According to Behar, to be a good servant leader one has to prioritize the needs of the individuals on one’s team – to help individual team members accomplish their personal goals. When the team supports the individual, the individual will find reason to commit to the goals of the organization. And company success will follow.

Going after something greater than oneself

What kept Behar driven and committed to his goal was knowing that there was something bigger than himself. “I needed something that drew me towards it that was bigger than making money, that was bigger than anything I would get,” he said. “Something that just drew me towards it – that had a cause to it, and it didn’t make any difference of what I was doing.” Behar decided that he was going to use Starbucks as a means to bring people together. “We were going to use Starbucks International to build a bridge among people around the world; that no matter where we

Howard Baher’s steps to a successful life’s work as a servant leader • Identify core values. Write them down. • Put others first. Help individuals on a team achieve personal goals. • Commit to something bigger than oneself.

went, we were going to be bridge builders, and the vehicle that we would use, or the raw material that we would use, was Starbucks coffee and its stores and its place,” he said. Finding people who identified with the message was a challenge. That grew clear when Behar needed to hire a top finance person. “There was this one guy, his name was David, and he was a bright guy, he had a Harvard MBA,” he said. When he interviewed him, he talked about “bridge-building,” but David’s first question was about his compensation and job title at the company, so he quickly knew David’s values didn’t align with the mission of Starbucks. In contrast, when Behar described his vision to Troy Alstead, the latter’s first question was “When do I start?” he recalled. “Troy became CFO of the organization, then president of the organization, ’cause that’s the kind of guy Troy was, he was a servant leader,” said Behar.

A look back

Reflecting on his work with Starbucks, Behar said that “no matter what you do in life, no matter how much you think you affect the world or affect whatever you’re doing, even your own children, you don’t own any of that. You’re just borrowing it, and life goes on and people make their own decisions.” Upon leaving, it took Behar some time to adjust to life away from the company. “I had serious depression because, and I just tell everybody – Starbucks is not you, and you’re not it. And I was lying to myself, because when I left, I realized how much I had become enmeshed in that place. “I had a tough time releasing, but I finally realized that my life’s work was my life’s work, and I was still Howard,” he said.

MHCC’s policy councils get reorganized for efficiency Kyle Venooker the advocate

When I pictured MHCC President Debbie Derr’s office, I imagined corporate fat cats in impeccable suits; tiger-skin rugs; a blue haze of cigar smoke. In reality, her office is well-lit and delightfully smoke-free. I sat down with Derr to discuss some of the upcoming changes in Mt. Hood’s participatory governance structures. A brief overview: We currently PA G E 4

have 11 councils contributing, in some way or another, to the policyshaping and decision-making process at Mt. Hood. Each includes a mix of MHCC faculty and staff members, and department or administrative managers. (A full list of the councils can be found on the left side of, under the “Resources” tab). Eleven of these councils is a lot, and has, at times, resulted in some needless confusion. That’s why, with the backing of the college’s board of education,

MHCC is keeping two of its current councils (People Strategies, and Access, Diversity and Inclusion) and creating three new ones: Institutional Effectiveness; College Infrastructure; and Learner Success. Any existing councils not listed above have submitted alignment plans to Derr’s office to determine where they will fit, if at all, in this new framework. The decision to revise the council organization came, in part, from feedback surveys indicating that “there were...too many councils, too

many meetings, confusion about how decisions are made...” Derr explained. “(W)e need to revise our council structure.” Student involvement in participatory governance is encouraged. After all, it’s your college, your classes, your money (be it tax-funded or otherwise) paying for tuition, and you should have a say in what goes on here. The best way to get your voice heard is by utilizing the ASG, or Associated Student Government. President Kelly Bernardino and

Vice President Santiago Velasco will be included on the Access, Diversity and Inclusion Council, and will be assigning ASG representatives to the other councils when meeting times and locations have been established (ideally early in Winter Term). Any requests, complaints or concerns can be addressed to either Bernardino (asgp@mhcc. edu) or Velasco ( to ensure your student voice gets heard at these councils.


Bad Santa 2: “Who wanted this?” Glen n ’ s A sequel to a movie no one remembers Glenn Dyer

the advocate

1/5 on the ‘Bad Santa’ scale

Who wanted this? Did you? Did Billy Bob Thornton? Did anybody in the world? I sure didn’t, and I highly doubt anybody else wanted it either. So why does this exist? Why on earth is there a “BAD SANTA 2”?! For those of you not familiar with the “series,” “Bad Santa” is a film from 2003 about a desolate drunk called Willie who poses as a shopping mall Santa in order to rob the stores on Christmas Eve. However, the plan changes when Willie befriends a young boy, beaming with innocence,

who is somehow able to bring out what little kindness he can manage. The film wasn’t anything special, but it was quite a novel premise and managed to get a few laughs out of people at the time. Clearly, nobody wanted a sequel. The movie had a very conclusive ending, box office returns were moderate at best, and even the most generous websites gave it the critical equivalent of a C+. So, why does one exist 13 years later? Perhaps, you might say, the studio came up with a really good story to go along with it? NOPE. The premise of this movie is similar to that of “Ghostbusters 2.” Several years after the events of the first film everything is back to Square One. Willie engages in another heist extremely similar to the one in the first movie, and is even lured back to the good side

by the same kid. Every joke that is not blatantly recycled from the first movies appears to be a contest to create the most disgusting imagery possible. I guess the logic here is “If we do something really gross, somebody will have to find it funny.” This movie is merely the latest in a recent trend of 10-20 year later comedy sequels which have been plaguing the theaters recently. Films such as “My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2,” “Zoolander 2,” “Bridget Jones’ Baby,” and “Dumb and Dumber To,” each one worse than the last. Why is this a thing? What exactly is the world’s obsession with seeing the same movie with the same jokes, but with older and more washedout actors? My theory is that it has something to do with a form of morbid curiosity. Such as a small thought in the back


of your head asking “What exactly is Bill Murray’s character from ‘Groundhog Day’ doing at this very moment?” Of course, were this question brought into your consciousness, you would likely dismiss such an idea as inane. So instead it remains in the subconscious, feasting off of your memories and tinting your eyes r o s e colored, until

The Weeknd album is

New game meets fan expectations splendidly Otto Dawson the advocate

Pokémon Sun and Moon for the Nintendo 3DS has finally been released and being one of the most hyped game releases of the year has lived up to the expectations we fans developed since its announcement earlier in the year. There are a few changes in this generation than there were in previous games. The game features four islands that you can go to that create the Alola Region. Being modeled after Hawaii, some Pokémon here are different than their original design. For example, Exeggutor has a ridiculously long and skinny neck; Ninetails is an iceand-fairy type. My personal favorite is Raichu, though, not because he became an electric psychic type but because he surfs on his tail. Gyms are no longer a feature. Instead the player will take on various trials, but the main goal is still to complete the Pokémon Champion and complete the pokedex. The villains of the game, Team Skull, are an interesting bunch. They’ve often been called funnier

than they are scary. From their crazy gangbanger wannabe hand motions, to their boss yelling “It’s ya boy Guzma!” every time you encounter him, it’s understandable how funny they can truly be at times. The dialogue of the grunts is probably even funnier because they realize they don’t actually have names and they are all named “grunt.” Let’s talk competitive for a second. If any of you are like me, then you are probably already trying to sort out a team for the 2017 competitive season. The format is pretty simple compared to how it has been the last three years. Double battle, Pokémon level will be converted to 50; mega stones are banned but Z-crystals are allowed; you can use any Pokémon that is registered in the Alolan Pokedex; Pokémon such as the ultra beasts and island guardians are allowed but Pokémon such as Solgaleo, Lunala, Celebi and Zygarde are banned.

To view the full unabridged story, visit:

eventually we find ourselves with a Wayne’s World cinematic universe and not one person can figure out why. Either that, or the easy answer of reliable money with little effort. Overall score 1/5.

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‘Starboy’ explores new tones & vibes

Ryan Moore the advocate

Musicians have many ways of displaying how fame has affected them. And now, The Weeknd has created an album with a theme centered around that very idea. “Starboy” is The Weeknd’s third studio album, and prior to its release the title track

produced by the legendary Daft Punk has already reached radio airplay as the album’s leading single. Starboy includes 18 total tracks, which is on the larger side of albums recently released by such popular artists. Loaded with plenty of bass and captivating melodies, this album has a sound that is consistent with that of The Weeknd’s last album, but that also pushes into some new directions. “Love To Lay” is one of the record’s upbeat songs, and fans of his last few hits will likely hear the similarity to “Can’t Feel My Face” and “In The Night,” since all of these songs share the same producer, Max Martin. This is also true with “Rockin,’ ” “A Lonely Night,” and “Ordinary Life,” all of which showcase groovy beats guaranteed to make listeners bob their head or snap their fingers. It wouldn’t surprise me if any one of these songs – if not several – found its way onto the radio or even the Billboard charts. On the flip side, songs like “Reminder” and the

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collaboration with Kendrick Lamar, “Sidewalks,” dive deeper into The Weeknd’s R&B influence. In addition, Lana Del Rey returns for a brief interlude in the middle of the album after being featured on “Beauty Behind The Madness,” and the popular rapper Future is featured on the song “All I Know.” What’s even more impressive about this production is that Daft Punk, who are infamous for have so few releases over very long periods, worked on not one, but two, tracks on the album, placed at the very beginning and the end. The second Daft Punk collaboration, “I Feel It Coming,” is one that can immediately be identified as a hit from the late Michael Jackson. Personally, this song is my favorite on the entire album, largely because of its nostalgic and euphoric sound, plus it leaves the listener on nearly the same note as the first track with the high collaborative production value given by the French electronic duo. This new album is a shimmering example of modern R&B but also with a plentiful variety of pop-crossover, and several tracks on Starboy show potential for becoming additional hit singles for the highly successful pop singer. PA G E 5


December 2, 2016

Traveling musician shares passionate mindset Monique Mallari the advocate

Nationally renowned flugelhornist Dmitri Matheny, 50, continues to wow his audiences with his graceful tone and technique. This week, he worked with MHCC Jazz Ensemble and performed Wednesday as the guest soloist as the Mt. Hood musicians showed off their musical skills in the Visual Arts Theatre. Matheny is currently touring schools and colleges across the West to host improvisation workshops, focusing on the mental process of performing instrumental solos and improvising skills. “Little babies, toddlers, are natural improvisers,” he said. “If you sing a song to kid, and teach it to a kid, at 4 or 5 years old, you go away and come back, the kid will have changed it and made their own lyrics They’re fearless.”

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When people decide that they’re interested in pursuing music, they often become shy with going outside the box. As a musician and teacher, Matheny wants to encourage musicians and those interested in pursuing music to have the confidence in creating different tunes and in what they’re feeling. “Music is this very emotional and spiritual thing,” he said with evident passion, “and to just call it ‘organized sound’ sound(s) very mechanical, like a computer or robot can do it.” Matheny says he became interested in music at a young age when he heard his father play a Miles Davis record. When he heard the track, the excitement was immediate, and he thought, “Well, that’s what I wanna do when I grow up, I want to play jazz.” Ambitious to play an instrument, he began playing the piano at 5 years old, and then trumpet at age 9. He said the reason he didn’t start with trumpet earlier was his music teacher had told him he was ‘too young’

Photos by Megan Phelps

ABOVE: The MHCC Jazz Ensemble performs the song “Just Friends” with Ben Trombi on vocals. BOTTOM LEFT: Dimitri Manthey playing with the Jazz Ensemble, contributing his soloist skills to those of talented Mt. Hood students during Wednesday night’s Evening of Jazz concert.

to play it and that he had to wait a few years more. Throughout his career, Matheny has been considered the protégé of famous trumpeter and flugelhornist Arthur Stewart Farmer (Art Farmer), whom he says was his hero and role model. Matheny added that he’s had the chance to work with Farmer, saying that he inspired him to switch from trumpet to flugelhorn – a slightly longer, bugle-like brass horn – at age 18. “It made me feel terrified,” he said, happily recounting his decision. “I don’t think I can

ever live up to his (Farmer’s) standards. He was such an amazing musician.” Also performing with the Mt. Hood musicians on Wednesday was Charles McNeal, an outstanding saxophonist. Matheny is scheduled to perform in the area again later in December. His Dmitri Matheny Group will play at the five-0-three restaurant and bar in West Linn on Dec. 23, starting at 6:30 p.m. For those interested in learning more about his background future performances, go to:


Womens Mt. Hood team off to a hot start Hoping to build off success of early play Jamie George the advocate

The “Fab Five’’ are gone, and new talent is in. The women Saints have been working hard this basketball preseason, and had a chance to show what they were made of this weekend. They didn’t disappoint. After starting their season 2-0, the Saints played in the Clackamas Thanksgiving Invitational this past weekend and went 2-1, bringing them to 4-1 on the season. The four wins already this season is no small feat compared to last season’s nine total wins for Mt. Hood – but that team did only have five players, total, in most contests due to injuries and other issues. Friday night they lost to Olympic Community College 68-52, placing them in the losers bracket of the tournament. Saturday, they faced Pierce and won 62-53. In their final game on Sunday, they topped Green River 62-51, earning them fourth place out of eight teams. The tournament was more than just an opportunity to showcase what these ladies can do on the court. It also allowed the Saints to grow together as teammates in solid bonding time. Starting guard Brooke Plecker said, “As a team we were able to learn more about each other and what we are capable of. We were able to see what we have improved on so far, and what we still need to work on.”

Photo by Davyn Owen

Freshman forward Katlin Farris with a fastbreak layup, in the Saints’ win over Edmonds Community College on Nov. 20.

Plecker considered it time well spent. “Overall, I’d say it was a successful weekend. It is a learning process and I’m excited to do it with this team,” she said. She finished the tournament averaging shy of eight points per game. She had her biggest game Sunday with 13 points and six rebounds against Green River. One thing the Saints showed was an ability to come back in the second half. Saturday and Sunday the Saints headed into halftime trailing by around 15 points, but came back

to win both times. Freshman point guard Jessica Parker was proud that they won those games. “I would say the most successful thing we did as a team this weekend was not give up,” she said. “We were down in both games and came back and won… even with injuries and foul trouble.” Parker led the team in scoring over the weekend, averaging 13.3 points per game, and she shot over 48 percent. Sophomore guard Chloe Cummins was second in team scoring averaging 12.3 points. Cummins put

up 19 points in Saturday’s win and pulled down seven rebounds. Part of the success this season is thanks to the work the Saints are putting in. Second-year coach John Hawley is making these girls work in practice. He’s even brought out a few MHCC baseball players to practice with them and compete, hoping to make them tougher. He has the guys holding football pads during practice, knocking the girls around as they finish layups and grab rebounds.

“We do a lot with that to learn how to take on contact,” said Hawley. “Some of that stuff, especially in the post, we want them to know how to get a body on somebody and then be able to protect the basketball and come through.” Another takeaway from the weekend’s play: The Saints need to work on their composure with the ball. As often is the case with young teams, they looked a little unsure of themselves with the ball when the defense was pressuring them. Parker said, “We tend to panic and that’s where you’ll see more turnovers from us.” She also said the Saints need to work on defensive pressure against their opponents. Plecker acknowledged Mt. Hood has some work to do but felt really good about how it performed. “Our team exhibited mental toughness. Each game, we had to make a comeback and despite certain challenges, we did,” Plecker said. “Instead of sinking any deeper and letting the score get the best of us, we were able to dig deep and push through.” It’ll be exciting to see what this team can do this season. The Saints will hit the court today in the Walla Walla Warrior Classic, but you’d have to drive to Walla Walla, Washington. Mt. Hood’s next home game isn’t until Jan. 7 when they face Umpqua Community College, in NWAC South Division play.

Struggling U of O falls to OSU

Ducks fire head coach Mark Helfrich Brody Mathews the advocate

Last Saturday, the Oregon State Beavers topped the Oregon Ducks, 34-24, for the first time since 2007. Both teams have had tough seasons – Oregon entered the game with a record of 4-7, Oregon State with a record of 3-8 – neither with a bowl game on the line. The game its self didn’t mean much, but the outcome tells an important story of which direction each organization is heading. For the Ducks it meant it was time to change direction, and they fired head coach Mark Helfrich. The Beavers on the other

hand can now see light at the end of the tunnel. At halftime the game was tied at 14. In the third quarter the Ducks jumped out to a 24-14 lead and looked like they had taken control of the game... Until they allowed 20 unanswered points. Oregon State won it with their running game. The Beavers’ final three touchdown drives ended in a run. They completed only one pass in the second half on three attempts, for a three-yard gain. In all, the Ducks allowed 310 total rushing yards. Both teams had disappointing seasons, but the coming years could be promising for Oregon

State. Head coach Gary Andersen began rebuilding the program last season, in his first year in Corvallis. Fans are very optimistic about Andersen after this season. Things are looking up for the Beavers with quarterback Marcus McMaryion and running back Ryan Nall returning next season. McMaryion finished the season with a 59 percent completion rate, averaging 7.6 yards per pass, and threw for 10 touchdowns, and five interceptions. Nall finished the year with 147 carries for 951 yards and 13 touchdowns. The question for the Beavs is, can they capitalize on this season’s

successful finish (winning their last two games) next year? Oregon, on the other hand, has been a powerhouse the past several years and had begun to be held to a very high standard. This season was very frustrating for fans, and the program – leading to the firing of Helfrich Tuesday night. He had been on the hot seat all season and many people were questioning his future at Oregon. This will most likely affect recruiting this year, and the coming years. Helfrich was the man who recruited Marcus Mariota. Just who the Ducks are going to hire is anyone’s guess, at this

point (Advocate deadline time of Thursday afternoon). There are still things to look forward to if you’re a Duck fan, however. Freshman quarterback Justin Herbert looked very impressive and could be even better next season. Herbert started seven games this season and finished with 1,936 passing yards and 19 passing touchdowns. Running back Tony Brooks-James has been in the shadow of Royce Freeman the last couple seasons but could be a big part of the Oregon offense next season. It’ll be interesting to see how things play out. PA G E 7


December 2, 2016

Saints sneak into third Josh Faulk

the advocate The NWAC men’s basketball Red Devil Classic was played over Thanksgiving break at Lower Columbia College in Longview, Washington. And the Mt. Hood Saints finished in third place in the tournament, winning two of their three games. They lost Friday to Centralia 93-91, topped Yakima 106-91 on Saturday, and on Sunday ended the tournament with a victory over Lower Columbia College, 85-67. Against the Centralia College Trailblazers, sophomore forward Cody Thompson was the leading scorer for the Saints with 21 points, six rebounds, and three steals. He was followed closely by sophomore shooting guard Elijah Fuller, who had 20 points, two

steals, and one block. The Saints shot a blazing 50 percent for the game, going 30-for-60, bettering the Trailblazers’ 46 percent on 31of-68 shooting. At the half the Saints led 48-37, and the win looked to be within reach. But the Trailblazers caught fire, scoring 56 points on 18-of32 shooting in the second half. It proved to be too much for the Saints, who lost the hard-fought nail-biter by two. After the game Fuller said, “We realized as a team that we aren’t good enough to come in and think we’ll win a game just off pure talent. We need to stay focused for the whole 40 minutes.” In Game Two against the Yakima Valley College Yaks, Fuller led all scores with 20 points, four rebounds, and two steals. Freshman post Wes Persinger had

Photo by Davyn Owen

Freshman point guard John Tibbs drives the lane and scores against Blue Mountain Community College in the Saints' 104-67 victory, on Nov. 20. PA G E 8

a solid contribution with 16 points and 10 rebounds in just 17 minutes of play. The Saints led the Yaks at halftime, 54-45. In the second half they put up 52 points more and held the Yaks to a dismal 26 percent from the field. The Saints shot nearly 50 percent for the game, compared to the Yaks’ sub30 percent shooting. With an allaround better performance than on Friday, the Saints toppled the Yaks by 15 points. At that point, Mt. Hood was sitting in the 5th place slot. If things went as normal, the Saints would have played for fourth place in the tournament against South Division rival Southwestern Oregon. But NWAC rules prevent inter-region play before scheduled division games begin. So, instead, the Saints were moved into a game against Lower Columbia College for a chance at third place. Against the tournament host Fuller led the Saints in scoring again, totaling 16 points, seven rebounds, four assists, and three steals. At the end of the first half, Mt. Hood led 34-30, but both teams were struggling to score, shooting under 40 percent. In the second half the Saints turned up the heat, shooting a blistering 64 percent and scoring 51 points. They pulled away to win handily, 85-67, and take third place. After the win, Persinger said, “After the first loss we all knew that we had to play as a team and come out with a ton of energy. When we play as a team I don’t think anyone can beat us. “This week we shot amazing from the field, we passed the ball nicely and played great team defense towards the end of the tournament. I think we need to keep playing Saints basketball, and it will be an amazing year for Mt. Hood.” Freshman point guard John Tibbs still sees room for improvement. “Our goal in the future is to maintain a lead and make it greater each four minute segment, (and) that consists of defense as a priority,” he said. Mt. Hood starts play in the two-day Walla Walla Warrior Classic tonight, in eastern Washington. The Saints are hoping they can take what they learned last weekend and see it translate in this tournament.

Letter to the Editor: Everyone is welcome here Dear MHCC Students, As with any election in a democratic society, and especially so in the wake of the recent presidential election, change can bring about great uncertainty, confusion and worry about what impact it has for us at an individual level. There are students attending MHCC right now who are fearful and anxious about what the future may bring under our country’s new leadership. There are fears around deportation, accessibility of financial resources to attend college, and potential impacts on our laws that protect individuals from harassment and discrimination. These concerns are very personal and very real and even if you personally are not feeling this anxiety, I would not be surprised if someone close to you – a family member or friend, co-worker or classmate – was living this anxiety right now. It is one of the college’s core beliefs that “we are a dynamic community of intercultural learners committed to meeting the evolving needs of an increasingly interconnected global society.” As the president of Mt. Hood Community College I must reaffirm our commitment to creating a safe and welcoming environment on our campus and throughout our district. MHCC is committed to providing a respectful, inclusive and accessible learning environment for every student. In accordance with state legislation, Oregon is already a sanctuary state. Oregon law provides that no state law enforcement agency will be called, “for the purpose of detecting or apprehending persons whose only violation of law is that they are persons of foreign citizenship present in the U.S. in violation of federal immigration laws.” We are embracing the principles of a sanctuary state through our actions, and will we continue to do so as we support and welcome current and future students at MHCC. To that end, MHCC: • Will not release confidential student information on any matter, including immigration status, to any federal agency unless required to do so by law. • Will take steps to provide information and support to undocumented students confronted with immigration challenges. • Will form a DACA/undocumented student task force to work with community partners in providing access to appropriate expertise for legal and other supports services. • Will provide training to faculty and staff on supporting students experiencing discrimination. • Will be a safe and respectful venue for debate, discourse and discussion about these important topics. We have resources on campus that can help if you have encountered situations that have not been respectful; where you have felt harassed or discriminated against; or if you simply need someone to talk to. Please, share those concerns with a friend, family member or reach out to someone here on campus: • AVID Learning Center: Gresham Campus, Room 3315 • Counseling Office: Gresham Campus, Room 1152 • Diversity Resource Center: Gresham Campus, Room 1050 • Public Safety: Gresham Campus, Room 2330 • Maywood Park Center, Room 222 • Bruning Center, Dean of Health Occupations Our students are why we are here, and why we have served the East County for the past five decades. Our students are at the heart of our mission: Transforming Lives/Building Community, and through our actions we hope to embody that sentiment in everything we do. My actions will be to continue the conversation, make every effort to provide a safe and welcoming environment and drive further goals in support of the united and positive vision of who we are here at Mt. Hood Community College. Debbie Derr President, Mt. Hood Community College

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