The Advocate Issue 31 June 4, 2010

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Take a look back at MHCC music programs' year in review

dvocate Mt. Hood Community College Gresham, Oregon

Music p. 6-7

June 4, 2010

Communication top priority in appointing ASG positions Jen Ashenberner The Advocate

The Associated Student Government Senate confirmed all of next year’s ASG members during Wednesday’s Senate meeting in the Visual Arts Theater. ASG Vice president-elect Jon Francis said Wednesday night that the top priority for ASG next year is communication. “If the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing then there’s a problem,” he said. According to both Francis and ASG president-elect Larry Collins-Morgan, the selection of members was based upon the goal of improving lines of communication between ASG and students, as well as advisers and the media. Collins-Morgan said, “They all showed excitement, high energy, and passion during the interview process and they expressed their desire to be an advocate for fellow students.” Of the 50 applicants for 201011 ASG positions, 29 were hired by Francis, Pam Kuretich, Meadow McWhorter and Collins-Morgan. Next year’s ASG is comprised of a diverse group, coming from all different backgrounds and demographics, according to CollinsMorgan. “We’re thrilled with everyone we have,” he said. Senators confirmed are Antonio Guerro-Jimenez, Victoria LeMans-Beason, Alexis Cabrera, Brieanna Cave, Katie Brokaw, Helena Magana, Dario Morote, Jorge Lopez, Marcelino Bautista, Javier Moreno, Jorge Zurita, Kayla Anderson, Jordan Bradford, Jedidiah Lee, and Teresa Vega Garduno. Hired as the administrative assistant to Senate is Jessica Guy. The incoming Student Activities Board Director Leigh Oliver participated in the interview and selection process of those people

Volume 45, Issue 31

Farewell to a crazy year

chosen for SAB, according to Francis. SAB members include marketing coordinator Ari VanHorn, seasonal events coordinator Keishan Dorsey, receptions coordinator Jeannise Nichols, wellness programs coordinator Aundrea Hufana, and multicultural coordinator Carlos Jeronimo. After members were confirmed by the Senate, Francis explained why those selected for executive office stuck out among the candidates. Regarding returning ASG member Raul Reyes as director of communications, Francis said, “He’s very personable. Everyone likes him and a director of communications needs to be able to talk to people which he does very easily.” Francis said Dee Hawes, returning as the director of the student organizations council, will bring with him previous ASG experience and the willingness to learn more with the group. “Jennifer Hernandez stuck out to us during the hiring process because of her volunteer experience working for the Obama administration,” said Francis. “She has mad crazy credentials.” She was confirmed as the incoming administrative assistant to the executive cabinet. Hernandez will be the only member of the executive cabinet that is a first-year student at MHCC. Reliability, Francis said, is why Damien Rand was chosen as the director of diversity, while Michael Heath was hired as the director of finance because he is a “numbers guy,” according to Francis. According to the vice president-elect, Jonatan Lopez has

During the 2009-2010 academic year, Larry Collins-Morgan was elected as the new ASG President, the college experienced a power outage and faced a declining budget. At the beginning of 2010, the college went tobacco-free and Haiti was devastated by an earthquake, affecting current and former MHCC students. The Advocate reviews these events and others on page 2, 6 and 7.

ASG continued on page 3

College faces additional $2.1 million budget cut three weeks before state deadline Ron J. Rambo Jr. The Advocate

“All viable options” for cutting spending and increasing revenue will be evaluated in the coming weeks, Mt. Hood Community College President John Sygielski said in an email Wednesday following Gov. Ted Kulongoski’s announcement of additional state funding reductions. According to the Oregon Community Colleges and Workforce Development, Sygielski and his cabinet, along with the district board, must now create a budget proposal $2.1 million lighter than expected, bringing the total reductions the college must make to just under $8 million. “Our current budget situation is not just a faculty, administrators or classified staff

challenge. It is one that we all own and need to address, as has been shown by our Town Hall meetings,” said Sygielski. In a May 25 press conference, Kulongoski said state revenue had declined, leaving an approximately $560 million deficit to cover. Kulongoski exercised a gubernatorial power in which all state-funded entities must cut nearly 10 percent of their operating budget. Kulongoski said the cuts would “almost certainly” lead to layoffs, a subject Sygielski has yet not discussed. “It is more likely that even further cuts in state revenue will be imposed on us in the next biennium,” Sygielski said. Discussing additional ways of increasing revenue, Sygielski said he had not had talks with the board about a possible tuition in-

Venture is now available on newstands around campus

Retiring theater director plans to continue acting, directing A&E p. 8

crease of larger than $5, the previously approved amount, and that he would consider the parking fee implementation as recommended by the parking committee. “The budget is based on the parking fee generating $1.9 million of additional revenue,” Sygielski said. “President’s Cabinet will consider the parking committee recommendation and make a decision about a proposal to bring to the board at the July board meeting. At this time, I have had no discussions with the board about an additional increase in tuition for the fall term.” As far as possible additional cuts are concerned, programs that were able to avoid elimination might now face the possibility of having their budget slashed or being removed from the curriculum entirely, as the


A&E p. 10

Sygielski shuffles staff again; hires budget consultant to interim spot News p. 4

original list of 29 budget solutions has now come back into play, according to Sygielski. “Certainly all viable options will be considered and evaluated,” Sygielski said. This may not include furlough days, however. “This is a one-time only approach that therefore does not address an on-going and systemic problem,” Sygielski said regarding employee salary give-backs in the form of days worked. “Furlough days, at this time, does not seem to be a viable option.” Neither of the full-time faculty association co-presidents, Pam Shields and Jack Schommer, would comment. The final budget must be approved at the June 23 board meeting.


p. 2-3

Track record breaker, volleyball MVP honored at banquet


p. 4, 5


p. 6-7

Sports p. 11



p. 8-10 p. 11



The Advocate





Sanne Godfrey Editor-in-Chief Ron J. Rambo Jr. Executive Editor, Design Jake Fray Sports Editor Advertising Manager Brett Stanley Photo Editor Chelsea Van Baalen A&E, Web Editor Jen Ashenberner Music Editor Jordan Tichenor Opinion Editor Ollie Barker Reporter Devin Courtright Reporter Chealsey Fischer Reporter Jon Fuccillo Reporter David Gambill Reporter Chanel Hill Reporter L. John King Reporter Thelma M. Lucas Reporter M. Michael Rose Reporter Mario Rubio Reporter Bob Watkins Adviser Dan Ernst Assistant Adviser E-mail 503-491-7250 (Main) 503-491-7413 (Office) 503-591-6064 (Fax) Mt. Hood Community College 26000 SE Stark Street Gresham, Oregon 97030


June 4, 2010

As leaders discourage public involvement, students need to speak up


s another year comes to an end, it seems prudent to reflect on the numerous changes to the college that are undoubtedly going to have a dramatic effect on the student body as a whole. The biggest issue is how the MHCC District board has chosen to deal with the budget crisis, and more specifically, blatantly choosing to not involve students in talks with how much money they will have to spend to attend MHCC, and how their money will be spent. Yes, there have been budget forums, and yes anyone is allowed to come to board meetings and speak their mind, but board member Duke Shepard summed up the district board’s thoughts on public input when he said students should not come “at budget time and ask us to make all these changes.” As the Advocate editorial board has said before, when would someone attempt to give input on the budget? Students should be questioning how Shepard will reconcile his statement with the fact that the budget will now have to be changed to reflect the new $2.1 million shortfall that hadn’t been previously anticipated. The fact of the matter is the budget will affect how students will make their educational decisions, and apparently to be heard by the board, your voice needs to sound firmly before anyone can say that it is too late to speak. The Associated Student Government has also made some notable changes that have been discussed by the editorial board in previous issues, but deserve to be looked at again in light of some recent developments. Namely, the ASMHCC Senate overturned Bradley Best’s veto on a bill that allows the Senate to remove the ASG president by a four-fifths vote on Wednesday. The disturbing thing about this is that it very blatantly excludes the student body from the process of removing an official who was elected by the student body to represent them, although some senators insist that it is an impeachment. The problem is that it is clearly not an impeachment, since an impeachment involves a public trial with witnesses, cross-examination, and most importantly, a chance for the public to witness the entire process. “Impeachment proceedings are open. They’re public record,” said political science instructor Janet Campbell. Presumably, the impetus behind holding “impeachment” proceedings behind closed doors would be to protect the individuals who are accusing an elected official of wrongdoing. “Usually when people ask for proceedings behind closed doors, they want to protect the indi-

vidual, but when someone is being impeached, there is no protecting the individual; it’s covered. It has to be a part of the public record in order to make sure the procedures are followed,” said Campbell. At a federal level, impeachment proceedings are specifically a matter of public record to ensure that processes are followed to the letter of the law, or in ASMHCC’s case, the letter of their bylaws. The ASMHCC Senate seems to think that a removal behind closed doors would make things easier for them. For ethical reasons this is not a process that should, in any way, be easy. Campbell even said, “This is really kind of changing the process. There’s no trial in here. This is just straightout removal.” The difference between an impeachment and ASMHCC’s removal process is that a federal impeachment requires two separate bodies and separate votes to impeach, convict and remove a standing elected official. The federal government requires that Congress vote whether to impeach, while the Senate votes to convict and remove. This ensures that the accusing body is not also the convicting body, and therefore there are no conflicts of interest in the process. ASMHCC’s removal process clearly crosses ethical boundaries in that the accusing body is also the convicting body. At the same time, there is no clear definition in ASMHCC’s by-laws as to what sort of behavior is grounds for removal, only “formal complaints,” which could mean anything. At a federal level, grounds for removal from office usually means being convicted of specific criminal behavior, while ASMHCC’s removal could be for any kind of complaint. The fact of the matter is that without a trial, this whole process gives the Senate a lot of power. While Senate meetings are public, it should be noted that earlier in the year, when the Senate passed a resolution to ask Best to resign, there was no public discussion. There was a public vote, but the public was not privy to the reasons for why they wanted Best out. All of this to say that the student body needs to have an opinion about these things. Whether or not you agree with the changes being made, your voice can make a difference. But you have to have a voice in the first place. Major decisions are being made that affect every single person who attends MHCC. If you choose to not make your voice heard, that is your decision. However you will have missed a chance to affect real change on your surrounding community.

An editor-in-chief reflects on a newsworthy year Sanne Godfrey The Advocate

For the past decade, June 4 has been a day of mixed emotions. What was once a day of great joy and celebration turned to a day that reminded me that I would never see my sister grow old. My sister’s birthday was June 4, but she died of a brain tumor when she was four. The love I have for her and the sadness I feel about her not being here are magnified on this day. This year the day will be filled with even more emotions. Not only will I forever remember my sister on this day, but today also is publication day for the last edition of The Advocate under my guidance as editor-in-chief. The past year has been tumultuous to say the least, but it was all worth it in the end. “No rain – no rainbows” as a former staff member would say. My sister’s untimely death serves as a reminder for me to enjoy every day, because life’s too short to be upset about all the little things. The Advocate has been very enjoyable for me this year and even though we’ve had some stressful weeks, the year has been phenomenal and I will always remember the staff members

and the stories that were written this year. As a student newspaper, The Advocate has been through many changes and has had to deal with the day-to-day struggle of people coming into the production cycle in the middle of the year as well as people leaving after a term ends or dropping out before a term is over. During spring term, running meetings and conducting interviews was made harder when I had to start bringing my children to school with me three days a week, but the whole staff was on their best behavior when the little ones were around and even taught my son how to play videogames. Some of the stories that ran this year were emotional, such as reporting on the earthquake in Haiti when students of the CASS/IALS program couldn’t get a hold of family members and later learned that they lost family members in the devastation to their country. The reporters tried to be as respectful to their feelings as possible, but still report on the things that were happening both on campus and off-campus to help these students and other Haitians. In fact, the story was so touching that a decision was made to include a follow story in Venture magazine. The Advocate staff members tried to report on the events and news on campus and did so successfully. The stories were assigned a week

The Advocate encourages readers to share their opinion by letters to the editor and guest columns for publication. All submissions must be typed and include the writer’s name and contact information. Contact information will not be printed unless requested. Original copies will not be returned to the author. The Advocate will not print any unsigned submission. Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words and guest columns should not exceed 600. The decision to publish is at the discretion of the editorial board. The Advocate reserves the right to edit for style, punctuation, grammar and length. Please bring submissions to The Advocate in Room 1369, or e-mail them to Submissions must be received by 5 p.m. Monday the week of publication to be considered for print. Corrections: Opinions expressed in columns, letters to the editor or advertisements -In Issue 29 of The Advocate, there was an error in “Disciplinary are the views of the author and do student senate bill approved, awaiting ASG presidential signature.” A not necessarily reflect those of The two-thirds majority vote in the ASMHCC Senate is required to override Advocate or MHCC.

a presidential veto. The Advocate regrets the error.

in advance and often developed throughout the week, which meant reporters had to report on the newest news. Besides writing and reporting on the happenings on campus, the staff also bonded when we weren’t reporting. Monday nights I often received phone calls and texts reviewing the latest episodes of “Gossip Girl” and “One Tree Hill,” while on Wednesdays The Advocate office was the place to be to hear the most random collection of music. People were given nicknames such as Qorean Tae and in one case facial hair was nicknamed as the “beard of power.” Throughout the year the staff became a family and the Advocate office a home away from home. Thursday’s production day was a crazy rollercoaster of getting stories rewritten in time, getting last-minute photos and getting pages designed. After the print edition was done, the staff would stick around and listen to the song “Dreamweaver” while putting together the website for the newspaper in a computer application that goes by the same name. All the great things I learned this year and the friendships I’ve made are something that I will miss greatly. My journey at The Advocate is over, but the work that our staff did and the connections we made are something that will be with me throughout the rest of my career.

-In Issue 30 of The Advocate, there was an error in “Senate disciplinary bill vetoed by Best due to ‘vagueness’ concerns.” The new disciplinary bills states that the ASG president can be removed with a four-fifths majority vote. The Advocate regrets the error.


June 4, 2010

The Advocate 3

Head Start's takeover of Child Development Center to occur a year ahead of schedule Sanne Godfrey The Advocate

Management of the Child Development Center (CDC) will be taken over by Head Start and Early Head Start this fall, a year earlier than planned. CDC manager Kris Pearson said the decision was made to help relieve the college budget. Dean of Social Sciences Christie Plinski said, “We were planning for this to happen in a year from now.” The change in management means that all CDC employees will lose their jobs as of June 30, when operations shut down for the summer, Pearson said. According to Jean Wagner, director of child development and family support programs, the CDC will only have an infants and toddlers program during the summer, but will

be closed for all other students until fall term. Vice President of Administrative Services Joann Zahn said she didn’t have the number of employees that would lose their jobs when Head Start takes over but said that Human Resources would have that information. Associate Director of Human Resources Sheri Mosher was contacted Thursday but was unable to respond in time, because she was in meetings. “There will be options for the (CDC) employees to potentially have another position,” said Zahn. Wagner and Plinski said that all employees have been invited to apply for positions within Head Start and Wagner said that there will be several jobs opening up at the CDC site and other employees might be able to find jobs at the other Head Start sites.

ASG continued from page 1:

Senate approves 29 new ASG leaders

Head Start is a school readiness program that provides education, health, nutrition and parent involvement services to low-income families. The income requirements will affect families who have a child or children currently enrolled at the CDC. Wagner said letters were mailed to all parents to advise them to apply for Head Start and to inform them of the changes. The MHCC students enrolled in the Early Childhood Education program currently work at the CDC as part of their cooperative education internship and, according to Plinski, some positions will remain available for ECE students, but there will “probably not be as many as in the current state.”

2010 Spring Term Finals Schedule

been hired as the incoming director of community affairs because he balances his time well and “I don’t think there’s one person out there that doesn’t like him,” said Francis. A passion for legislation and experience going to Salem to speak up for students is what Francis said he found in Katherine Burns, Director of State and Federal Affairs. “She is hands down the most passionate person when it comes to legislative matters and getting students’ voices heard,” he said.

ASG 2010-11 Executive Cabinet - Katherine Burns, Director of State and Federal Affairs - Dee Hawes, Director of Student Organizations Council - Raul Reyes, Director of Communications - Michael Heath, Director of Finance - Jonatan Lopez, Director of Community Affairs - Damien Rand, Director of Diversity - Jennifer Hernandez, Administrative Assistant to the Executive Cabinet

2010-11 Student Activities Board - Leigh Oliver, Director of SAB - Ari VanHorn, Marketing Coordinator/Administrative Assistant - Keishan Dorsey, Seasonal Events Coordinator - Jeannise Nichols, Receptions Coordinator - Aundrea Hufana, Wellness Programs Coordinator - Carlos Jeronimo, Multicultural Coordinator

ASG 2010-11 Senate - Antonio Guerrero-Jiminez - Victoria LeMans-Beason - Alexis Cabrera - Brieanna Cave - Katie Brokaw - Helena Magana - Dario Morote - Jorge Lopez

- Marcelino Bautista - Javier Moreno - Jorge Zurita - Kayla Anderson - Jordan Bradford - Jedidiah Lee - Teresa Vega Garduno - Jessica Guy

Public Safety officers stay on the lookout for sketchy individuals 'lurking' in the lots Devin Courtright The Advocate

MHCC’s public safety officer Carl Stromseth, an officer for 20 years, said patrol time is “the most important part of this job.” “On patrol you get to know the staff and the students. That’s really important,” said Stromseth. “Then you’re able to see what’s out of place and what isn’t.” Public safety officers patrol the whole campus, including the Troutdale Road by the property toward the back of the school. Stromseth said it takes four minutes to go around the entire campus without stopping. “If you’re going to patrol, you really can’t just drive. You have to stop, look around because if you just drive, you’ll miss everything,” he said. Public safety officers routinely patrol the parking lots, mainly looking for anyone “lurking around, or doesn’t look really right” and anything else out of the ordinary. “That’s what patrol is all about: getting a good look around campus and seeing what’s happening,” said Stromseth. Asked what gives it away for people who don’t “look right,” Stromseth said, “A lot of times they’re actually looking inside the cars. You can see them trying to peek through the windows. That’s not at all uncommon.” Stromseth also said another “strange” indicator of anyone acting suspicious is people using their cell phones continuously out on the dirt surfaces toward the front of the school. He said that some people use their cell phones for networking criminal activi-

ties. When patrolling the parking lots, Stromseth says “looking at the cars, seeing if there’s any damage on the car that might have occurred, a broken window, and people standing, hunkering down beside them,” are the best indicators for public safety officers to report or prevent possible break-ins. “Day after day, you get used to seeing certain cars, the peoples’ cars everyday and you get to start to be able to put the faces with the cars and then you know which cars really belong and which one are really out of place,” said Stromseth. Another task public safety officers perform while on patrol is looking out for people parked in spaces they are “not suppose to be” parked. One area in particular is the parking lot by the College Center and the Performing Arts building, where they will check to see if the Cosmetology Department’s clients have a space to park. “They (cosmetology) have a sign-in sheet for all cars and so if the vehicle isn’t listed on the sheet, then we’ll issue a citation,” said Stromseth. He also said some people don’t list their license plate number on the sheet, “which is bad because if there’s two Toyota Camrys and they are both red, they’re both going to get tickets because I have no idea who they are.” Asked how many tickets a public safety officer normally writes in a day, Stromseth said, “It really depends how busy we are with call load and how many people are not parked properly. The most I think I got in a day was 50 and then there are days where I

Photo by Devin Courtright/The Advocate

A look at public safety’s newest vehicle. In the background is Public safety’s older patrol vehicle.

don’t give any.” All tickets issued by public safety are $15, except for parking in a handicap space, which is $100. “What’s really sad is after we give them a ticket, very often the state may come through and give them another ticket for $450,” said Stromseth. “The State of Oregon also deals with the handicap citations.” Within his patrol duties, Stromseth said his favorite part of patrolling the campus is

talking to everybody he sees and meets. He said building trust with faculty and students is essential so they can talk to him and feel comfortable enough to report anything that public safety should know about. “That’s really what I do,” said Stromseth. “I try to get to know as many students and staff members on campus as I can; that way they’ll be more likely to tell me if they see something they think looks strange or out of the ordinary.”



The Advocate

The ASMHCC Senate voted 9-1 Wednesday to override ASG President Bradley Best’s veto on a disciplinary bill.

June 4, 2010

Photo by Brett Stanley/The Advocate

Senate overrules presidential veto on bylaw change Jen Ashenberner The Advocate

The Associated Student Government Senate Wednesday voted 9-1 to override a veto placed by President Bradley Best on a disciplinary bill that was passed May 19. Best said Thursday he knew it was going to be overridden by Senate but he still doesn’t agree with the bylaw. “I feel sorry for future ASG members,” he said. “This just gives people another way to tear down the administration.” As a former senator, Best said he has sat in the shoes of senators before and the passing and override of the veto was “all about passing as many bills as possible because they want to see their constituents get their names on the wall on their way out.” ASG Vice President Bethany Peterman said Best’s ap-

peal to Senate last week was intimidating and unclear. “A lot of the senators were confused and upset afterward,” she said. “What he said didn’t make any sense and it was clear that he hadn’t done his legislative research.” According to Vice President-elect Jon Francis, the original bylaw did need to be restructured to represent a process. “We definitely don’t want to take the students voice away, but it did need more structure,” he said. President-elect Larry Collins-Morgan said, “I respect Bethany. She’s doing what she thinks is best based on U.S. legislation. My only fear is that it can be turned into a witch hunt.” Asked what he would change if he could revise the bylaws today, Collins-Morgan replied that he would ensure that there was a clear outline for steps to be taken before impeachment. Collins-Morgan said impeachment should be

used as a last resort. Francis said that including a student vote after claims are made against a president or vice president could remedy the situation but that the way the prior bill was written — it stated removal of a president or vice president required 200 signatures — was not ideal. Peterman said, “I could go out and get 200 signatures for anything right now.” She expects the bylaw will get “tweaked” next year but stands by it as passed. “It’s great the way it is,” she said. “It’s really effective and addresses all the points it needs to address. “It’s not a nefarious plot to get rid of Brad (Best),” said Peterman. Best said, “I have no fear regarding the bill being used to fire me and I feel no ill will toward the author or towards Senate for passing the bill.”

Sygielski shuffles administration; positions still unfilled Jordan Tichenor The Advocate

MHCC President John Sygielski announced changes in administrative services and faculty in an e-mail on Sunday. Heidi Franklin will become the interim vice president of administrative services on June 21. Franklin was hired earlier this year as a budget consultant for MHCC. According

to Sygielski’s e-mail, “active recruiting will begin soon to fill this position” on a permanent basis. Also among the changes, JoAnn Zahn, the current interim vice president of administrative services, will return to her original position of director of budget and auxiliary services. Gale Blessing, director of human resources and labor relations, will take on the position of director of institutional

Faculty uncomfortable with negotiation proposals Jordan Tichenor The Advocate

The MHCC administration gave its bargaining proposals, focusing on economic issues, to the full-time faculty during contract negotiations Wednesday. The proposals included eliminating the current stipulation of having 166 full-time faculty members and instead having a 60 percent-to-40 percent ratio of full-time to part-time faculty. Also, there is a proposed change to the step increases, which would freeze the step for topped-out faculty for three years and increase the bottom step by 3.5 percent. There are currently 80 faculty members in the top step and no faculty members in the bottom step. The proposal suggests changing the capped full-time faculty contributions for health care benefits to a shared percentage. Sara Williams, the full-time faculty chief negotiator, estimated this would be a $300 increase for some. Contributions for retiree health care benefits would go from 100 percent college-paid to the college providing a $4,200 a year subsidy, which faculty members said, would amount to sizable annual burden. Williams said the faculty are comfortable with temporary concessions, but are uncomfortable with the administration’s proposal as they are permanent rollbacks. The estimated savings in the administration’s proposal are $2.35 million for the first full year. Negotiations will be held through the summer and continue into fall quarter or until an agreement is reached term. The statemandated 150-day negotiation period ends at the end of October. If negotiations are not finished by the end of this period, either side can choose to continue negotiations or ask the state for a mediator.

safety and security. Sheri Mosher will become the interim director of human resources. Among changes at the faculty level, Chad Bartlett, Rick Bolesta, Daryle Broadsword and Chris Maier, current interim or associate deans, will be returning to faculty positions. There are currently 22 open faculty positions, two open administrator positions and six open support staff positions.


June 4, 2010

The Advocate 5

Three 'great teachers' earn May flowers, were rewarded for their accomplishments

Problems piling up

Devin Courtright

kind,” said Marion. “It just makes me feel renewed (and) invigorated.” Beth Sammons, English instructor and Rho Theta MHCC President John Sygielski, accompanied by instructors and students, surprised three full-time Honor Society adviser, was “nominated for her dedifaculty instructors — JD Kiggins, Jodie Marion and cation to the success of her students.” While SamBeth Sammons — with flowers and balloons last week mons was teaching her 10 a.m. class on Friday, Rho while honoring them as winners of the 2010 Distin- Theta members joined in with Sygielski to surprise her and Sammons said she was “surprised” with the guished Teaching Award. “Students are the life blood of Mt. Hood Commu- nomination and said her students were very proud of nity College,” said Sygielski. “However, to pump and her. “Everyone at the Humanities Department conmove the blood, MHCC must have great teachers.” JD Kiggins, Integrated Media and radio broad- gratulated me,” said Sammons. Onjalai Flake, president of Rho Theta and recasting/audio production instructor, was awarded for his collaborative efforts, positive attitude, valu- cently elected international vice president of the Phi able experience, knowledge in his field, and excellent Theta Kappa International Honor Society, said she teaching skills, according to an e-mail sent by MHCC wasn’t able to personally congratulate Sammons, for her award, because President John Sygielski. she was out of town “It’s an honor to win for a Phi Theta Kappa the award,” said Kiggins. “There are a lot of really good workshop in Mississippi. “There are a lot of really However, she said Samgood instructors and to instructors and to win it is really mons’s award is “defiwin it is really amazing, I amazing." nitely well deserved.” would have never figured JD Kiggins, “I’m excited, No one I would have done that.” deserves it more than Jodie Marion, literaIntegrated Media her,” said Flake. “She’s ture and composition inpassionate about teachstructor, was recognized ing.” for providing a learning June Jacobs, assiscommunity in her classtant to the president for room that fosters team- “It's a wonderful moment in strategic initiatives and work, peer teaching and board relations, said that academic achievement. my memory. There are a lot of every year in June up to Marion said the experi- difficult things about this job three full-time faculty ence felt like “Publishers members are honored, Clearing House style” but but that was one really beautiful with nominations cominstead being handed a ing from students, facbig check, she was given part." flowers and balloons. Jodie Marion, ulty and college employees. She said they can “It was a wonderful Literature and composition instructor nominate anyone and moment in my memory,” then a committee resaid Marion. “There are views the nominations. a lot of difficult things about this job but that was one really beautiful part.” The committee picks two to three people, “depending “I felt really happy because the fact that people on how many have been submitted.” Jacobs said the winners will attend the MHCC would take the time to say ‘Hey, you know you’ve been doing some things that have helped these stu- Foundation Board meeting, to accept a cash award of dents’ and these students were very generous and very $500 each from the foundation. The Advocate




Classes Start

Disbursement Date

June 21

July 1

September 20

September 29

Winter 2011

January 3

January 12

Spring 2011

March 28

April 6

Summer 2010 Fall 2010

Why we are making this change: ! More students will get more Pell grants. ! Fewer students will have to repay financial aid due to not attending. ! MHCC will not have to repay as much financial aid on behalf of students. What we are doing to help students through this transition: ! $500 credit at the Bookstore for eligible financial aid recipients. ! Budgeting tools provided online. ! Budget planning workshops (sign up at College Center, Gresham campus). ! Verification of financial aid eligibility (if awarded) and disbursement dates. What students should do: ! ALL students should apply for aid – many more students can get grants! ! Apply (file the FAFSA online) as soon after January each year as possible. ! Use MyMHCC to check your application status and provide documents. ! Plan your budget early for start of quarter costs. ! Attend budget planning workshops or use online budget planning tools. This is a paid advertisement from Financial Aid and Student Success and Enrollment Management of MHCC. June 2010


Mt. Hood Community College (MHCC) is changing the dates it disburses financial aid:

Photo by Thelma M. Lucas/The Advocate

Tobacco free campus littered with butts Thelma M. Lucas The Advocate

MHCC is among one of several Oregon community colleges to prohibit tobacco use this year but the college continues to have problems with discarded cigarette butts and people smoking on campus. June Jacobs, MHCC assistant to the president for strategic initiatives & board relations, said, “I think the majority of students and employees are doing a good job respecting the new policy. We do have a problem with smokers discarding their cigarette butts and littering the college grounds. I had two students in my office last Thursday with a huge bag of cigarette butts that had been discarded by smokers on college grounds in front by the bus stop,” Jacobs said. Markus Gilham, a psychology student, said, “After going with my Ecology & Evolution class to clean up the front of the school near the TriMet bus drop-off, I found that everyone in my group had at least 50 cigarettes in their clean-up bags. The place looked better once we were finished. “I recommend that we make it a project for biology classes and the health and sustainability program to clean up the school every few weeks, or allow it as an extra-credit assignment within whatever classes would be willing to give it, whether they are biology or literature,” he said. Ashley Offerman, a nursing student, talked about the tobacco free policy, “It is a good thing for everybody who doesn’t smoke, but we need to come out here (on the west side of campus). I think they should have it set up to where there’s a standing ashtray because, no matter what, we are going to come out here and smoke. It’s better than littering all over the ground.” Christine Anderson, a general “I think the majority of studies student, students and employees are said, “I think it would be nice if doing a good job respecting the campus allowed the people the new policy." that smoke to June Jacobs, possibly smoke MHCC assistant to the president in their vehicles. I don’t see any for strategic initiatives & board harm in that, so if relations they decide not to, maybe they could possibly put an ashtray out here so the students have a place to put their cigarettes butts, so it doesn’t look so tacky.” Jacobs said, “I think this is great that students took this on to help clean up the campus. I would hope that students and employees could not only respect the new policy but also respect others who do not want to walk through clouds of smoke and who do not want their campus littered with cigarette butts. There are small individual ashtrays that smokers can purchase to carry with them so they don’t have to litter.” MHCC does have fines not only for smoking but for littering college grounds. These fines are outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, the Tobacco Free Board Policy and Administrative Regulation. Public Safety has begun implementing these fines. The head Public Safety officer, Wayne Feagle, said, “People seem to be doing well. We hear complaints from other people saying people are smoking, but we are not finding as many now as when we first started issuing citations. We have been seeing a lot less smokers. We fined five people since April; before we were just giving warnings.” Boan Millre, a funeral service student, said, “I am a former smoker, and I think the college should have a designated smoking area, not in the Main Mall, but someplace.” Public Safety last week received an e-mail complaining about people in Lot F smoking in their cars and on the college grounds around the parking lot. They will be patrolling this area more (as much as they can with a very small staff) and will be issuing fines. A quote Jacobs received recently stated, “I admit that this [smoking] may seem like a petty matter to you, but to those of us that are allergic to the smoke, the resulting coughing and choking is not a petty matter.”



The Advocate

A glimpse back at music at MHCC in 2009-10 Genesis Fall Festival


HCC vocal jazz group Genesis started out the year with the Genesis Fall Festival in the first week of November. According to The Advocate, “Not a sour note was hit in their nearly flawless performance to a packed house at the MHCC Visual Arts Theater.”

The loss of Hal Malcolm


“I think the (January) Orchestra Festival that we hosted was a lot of fun. For someone who wants to be a music teacher eventually, it was really cool to see a lot of young people involved and really wanting to do more with music.” Seth Morgan, Violin, MHCC Orchestra

al Malcolm died of cancer at the age of 81 in December 2009. His influence ranged from music instructor to Genesis founder. Susie Jones, director of MHCC’s Jazz Band, said in Issue 12, “He affected many, many students over the years, personally and professionally.”

"All of these people have done everything they’ve said. You have Dave Barduhn who’s written for the Stan Kenton big band, you have Susie Jones who’s put together so many huge jazz organization things such as working as a manager for the Mt. Hood Jazz Festival which is substantial, and then Dr. Marshall Tuttle has played everywhere and basically plays every instrument. You really don’t find that top notch everywhere.” Samuel Solano, Saxaphone, Jazz Band/Violin & Flute, Orchestra

d goes to Taiwa n a B z z n Ja


he MHCC Jazz Band and director Susie Jones visited Taiwan in February. In issue 20 of The Advocate, Jones said the group performed for the Lantern Festival with an audience of about 20,000 to 30,000 people.


June 4, 2010

“All the instructors really know their stuff. You learn a lot. For someone who’s been doing music all their life, you kind of go in thinking you know a lot. You come out realizing that there’s always something more to learn.” Juliana Young, Violin, Orchestra/Pre-nursing student

MHCC Jazz Band joins the Gabriel Alegreia sextet on stage


HCC was given a taste of jazz culture when the Gabriel Alegria Sextet joined the Jazz Band on stage in April. The concert was held as a benefit to help pay off the Jazz Band’s trip to Taiwan in February, according to Susie Jones, director of Jazz Band, and to David Douglas High School for a music education scholarship.

Genesis' Tribute Concert


enesis director Dave Barduhn conducted the jazz ensemble through a performance in February. The performance was a tribute to the late Hal Malcolm who founded Genesis. The group dedicated their version of “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning” to Malcolm.

A look back at MHCC student bands and performers No matter what type of music you're into, MHCC has bands and singers to impress. Here are the groups The Advocate has covered this year.

Green Machine Jazz Ensemble

Chris “C-Dubb” Williams

The Everyday Life

Front Toward Enemy


A&E 'I'm going to try new things in my life' The Advocate

June 4, 2010

Theater instructor and director Rick Zimmer discusses post-retirement plans

Photo by Brett Stanley/The Advocate

Rick Zimmer (center) directs the cast of “King Lear” during winter quarter.

Chelsea Van Baalen

been considering retirement for a few years. “I’d been thinking about it for the last couple of years. Though Rick Zimmer will retire from directing MHCC’s This year, the early incentive was a little bit of a factor but theater productions, he said he doesn’t plan on departing more than that, it just felt like the right time, personally, profrom the field of directing. fessionally, to say ‘I’m going to try some new things in my “One of the things I want to do is dabble in directing life’,” he said. outside of education and being hired on just as a director to Aside from directing in the community, Zimmer plans on direct a show for the theater company,” Zimmer returning to acting. said. “When I miss it the most is when I’m in the While Zimmer is retiring from directing the audience of a really good show, and I’d love to be MHCC theater productions, he is not leaving up there with them,” he said. MHCC entirely. Another factor in Zimmer’s choice to retire “The plan right now is that I’ll be teaching the was the sabbatical he took in fall term to prepare acting sequence part-time,” he said. for the Winter 2010 production of “King Lear.” As for who will assume the role of directing “Having the sabbatical to do things for me next year, Vice President of Instruction Larkin opened my eyes to the possibility,” Zimmer said. Franks said via e-mail, “The hiring process has not “Having that freedom of time to read plays, go to begun to hire a theater director. All hiring notices plays — time was my time and in 32 years of eduare listed on the Human Resources website and cational theater you don’t have a lot of personal stay on the website until the position is filled. The time.” Rick Zimmer college follows human resource guidelines regardHowever, Zimmer doesn’t intend on making ing committee membership and interviewing for the hiring of his post-retiring all about the theater. faculty positions. “Early on I expanded my personal outside interests, “The college is working closely with the Faculty Associa- which are hiking, backpacking, sailing, bicycling, motorcytion regarding all hiring of faculty.” cling. Anything outdoors is important to me,” Zimmer said. After being a theater instructor and directing the theater This includes sailing to the San Juan Islands five times, department’s productions for 10 years, Zimmer said he has doing extended bicycling tours, as well as motorcycling tours. The Advocate

“People who only know me as a theater director, when they get to know that part of me, are really surprised,” Zimmer said. Zimmer said his activities have acted as a yin and yang to his career. He said, “I’ve always believed for sanity’s sake and for relationships sake, it’s important for one to have outside interest besides theater. I see too many actors and directors all consumed by theater to the point where they burn out.” To read about Rick Zimmer’s top five theater productions at MHCC, check out the 2010 Venture magazine.

"Having the sabbatical to do things for me opened my eyes to the possibility. Having that freedom of time to read plays, go to plays ­­—­was my time and in 32 years of educational theater you don't have a lot of personal time." Rick Zimmer, MHCC theater director

Astronomy instructor plans last show prior to retirement Mario Rubio The Advocate

The final MHCC planetarium show this year will include three showings of “Our Magnificent Universe” on Monday. The shows will be hosted by retiring planetarium director Doug McCarty, and will start at 6:30, 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. in the Planetarium Sky Theater on the Gresham campus. McCarty has been with the Mt. Hood astronomy department for 27 years. Each show will last about 50 minutes and will be open to the public. The three shows will include an informal lecture by McCarty presenting about 35 astrological images that he has shown in other lectures over the years and calls his personal favorites. “It’s a pretty informal presentation. It allows a more relaxed atmosphere when you let people ask questions in a more comfortable format,” said McCarty. McCarty has been director of the planetarium since 1983 and will continue to teach part-time at MHCC beginning winter term 2011. Tuesday’s show will be his last show on campus as planetarium director. At 65, McCarty is very optimistic about what is ahead of him. This summer he and a colleague from Portland State University

will be hosting an astrological slideshow at the Timberline Lodge Amphitheater in addition to other viewings and lectures across the state. McCarty cites astronomy as being one of his favorite pastimes, adding it became part of him at age 11. Many other hobbies included music and rock-climbing, but astronomy was one that moved and motivated him to teaching. “Since 1983 I have been paid to teach my hobby,” said McCarty, “and still the best part is still ahead of me.” McCarty is positive about his retirement and said he’s had a great run at MHCC. He said his connection to MHCC has really grown, as it is one out of five colleges in the state to have a planetarium, an instrument that has been a successful learning tool for astrology students. Along with other colleagues, McCarty will continue to give astronomy/cosmology lectures at conferences and formal presentations to a variety of groups in the future, including retirement homes, elementary schools, conventions and state parks. “65 may officially make me an old fart, but it won’t keep me from doing what I want to do,” he said. For more about the planetarium and Doug McCarty, check out the 2010 Venture magazine.

Web Photo

Images taken from the Hubble space telescope will be shown during the three-part astronomy show in the Planetarium Monday.


June 4, 2010

The Advocate 9

'A form of meditation' Cross country and track and field coach Matt Hart gets in touch with his creative side Jake Fray

time and forget about the daily grind that occurs before and after class,” Hart said. “However, to Matt Hart puts long hours into his job as cross get so caught up into something takes an emocountry and track and field coach but when he tional toll. I haven’t sculpted for quite a while as I invest a lot of time, energy and emotion into wants to clear his mind, he turns to sculpting. Since before he was in elementary school, teaching and coaching.” Recently Hart has gotten into sculpting action Hart said he has enjoyed the fine craft of sculptheroes and taking requests, such as making acing. “I have been playing with clay since before tion heroes. “I always hope to get some free time and do elementary school,” said the MHCC coach and health instructor. “My grandmother was the type a couple pieces but with coaching there is never of person who encouraged creativity and gave free time,” said Hart. “I currently have a themebased idea for four sculptures but gifts that stimulated learning. Instead need the time and energy to do of Star Wars figures or G.I. Joe action them.” figures, she would give erector sets, Hart said, “My last few pieces chemistry labs, puzzle games and clay.” have been sculptures that others Hart grew up in Newport where have wanted me to do. I have done he was a football and track and field a lot of superheroes, fantasy warathlete at Newport High School. Hart riors and dragons. I was so poor was being recruited by many colleges to one year for Christmas I sculpted play football but wasn’t performing well a Santa Claus for my mom’s gift. in the classroom. He came to MHCC It was Matt Hart’s take on Santa. as a track athlete for the Saints in 1993. “I currently have a Captain “Football was actually my thing,” America sculpture that I did for said Hart, “But I didn’t do well in the Matt Hart a guy who loves the character,” classroom and lost out on my scholarsaid Hart. “He offered me a pretty ship offers¨— so I came to MHCC for good price. Well, the economy track and field.” Hart found that sculpting was a way for him turned and I never heard from him again.” Hart really hasn’t thought that much about to meditate and get away from the stress. “It’s actually a form of meditation for me,” going into business because he says he has a “fear said Hart. “ When I’m really into a piece, I oper- of failure.” “My mom has encouraged me to try starting ate in the ‘zone.’ I am interacting and reacting to the clay without thought necessarily. Time be- my own business but like I said . . . fear of failcomes irrelevant as I am so liberated from worries ure,” he said. “I often have a fear of failure as I’m not sure and stressors that eight hours could go by without if a sculpture is coming out the way I envisioned even noticing. I love the freedom it brings. “However, sometimes it takes a lot out of me it,” said Hart. “Symmetry is difficult and stressful as I have gone days with little food or water be- as the details need to be as accurate as I can make them. It intimidates me sometimes. The faces cause I was so into a piece.” Hart said coaching at MHCC has made it and hands of sculptures are often the last things hard for him to find time to sculpt, as he really to complete as they are the most difficult for me.” Even still, Hart says sculpting is important cares about his students before his hobby. “I get so caught up interacting with the stu- to him. “It is liberating to saturate yourself into dents and the (course) material that I lose track of something,” he said. The Advocate

Contributed photo by Matt Hart

Cross country and track and field head coach Matt Hart has sculpted both Captain America (above) and The Incredible Hulk (below.)

"When I'm really into a piece, I operate in the 'zone.' I am interacting and reacting to the clay without thought necessarily. Time becomes irrelevant as I am so liberated from worries and stressors that eight hours could go by without even noticing. I love the freedom it brings." Matt Hart, Cross country and track and field head coach

Integrated Media programs wrap up year with displays Film festival brings a new 'quality of work'

Students to open portfolios

Chelsea Van Baalen

The Integrated Media Portfolio Show will be held June 9 at NemoHQ from 5 to 8:30 p.m. and will feature the work of students from the graphic design, photography, broadcasting and video programs. According to graphic design student Mark Graybill in a press release, the event has traditionally been held on campus. However, “We’re taking the show to the heart of the Portland creative community, to an agency that produces highly collaborative, integrated marketing. It’s a great venue for our creative talent.” For more information, contact Graphic Design and Digital Photography Instructor David Maier at 503-491-6992. NemoHQ is located at 1875 SE Belmont St. in Portland.

The Advocate

The ninth annual First Cut Digital Film Festival will be held in the Visual Arts Theater this Friday at 6 p.m. and according to film student Amee Taylor, “the quality of work is going to be different” than in years past. “People learn to do different things, they expand their reach,” Taylor said. “In our year, we hold ourselves to a much higher standard, we push each other.” There will be ten films featured in the festival, and Taylor said a wide variety of genres will be represented. Taylor said there is also a film featuring “a guy playing baseball with himself,” as well as a suspenseful thriller that

is “beautifully done.” Taylor’s film “Onward Dawn,” that will be shown at the festival, has been a work on progress for a year. “My film is very artsy, it’s all driven by sound,” she said. Taylor is looking forward to the festival and said, “With this film festival, it’s very rewarding to see my classmates’ work because we help each other.” She added that it’s also rewarding to see “your own work materialize.” The film festival is also free for all attendees. Taylor said, “You can just go in, find a seat and enjoy it.” For more information about the film festival contact Integrated Media Video Program Director Jack Schommer at (503) 491-7611.

10 The Advocate


June 4, 2010

Instructor helps students discover their story, voice Thelma M. Lucas

get those historic voices down. “English teachers have been guilty of separating students from their language, and Scarlett Saavedra came to Mt. Hood a lot of people would say ‘I am not good in Community College six years ago as an English,’ but they can be good writers if they English instructor, and she loves to help weren’t so sure that they aren’t good writstudents tell their stories, encouraging ers,” she said. their voices and helping their work in a Saavedra said, “A lot of times teachers powerful way. are responsible for saying to a student, ‘Well, “I really teach writing in many differyou don’t write as well as you should in this ent forms, from composition 121, 122, way or that way’ or they feel they’re not doetc. and creative writing, non-fiction,” said ing it properly, and yet they correspond and Saavedra. they write and they express themselves well, “The job chose me. My life’s labor is but they don’t know that they do. better because it is my real talent. My gift “As a teacher, I am very happy to show for the universe is to wave words, regards them how good they are in writing. So many telling stories.” people just need a little more confidence Before MHCC, she was an assistant about it. They need to be put back in touch professor at Florida A&M University, with their own language.” teaching creative writing and composiAccording to Saavedra, the first step tion. would be to take creative writing because Saavedra has two master’s degrees, one that’s more liberating than writing composiis in English literature from the University tions, which are more stiff, more formal. The of Alabama and the other in creative writcomposition teacher often dictates the subing from Jacksonville State University. jects, and then they are trying to go through “I wrote a novel for my thesis for my different rhetorical models. master degree,” she said. “It’s called “Liv“But here (in creative writing), you write ing in the River.” It’s fiction, but some about what you really care about, the worlds chapters are based on my family life. In you imagine, or worlds you lived in, and some of them I lie a little bit, so I can tell worlds you would like to interview other the truth about human nature as I know it. people on and see what world they lived in.” That’s what we do in fiction.” She said a really good start is to be in Saavedra said some teachers at MHCC touch with your own language. “Eventually are very good writers — one writes memPhoto by Devin Courtright/The Advocate we have to do it well enough to get the puncoirs and novels, one writes children’s tuation. The first thing is the writing,” she books and plays, and another one writes Scarlett Saavedra helps a student in her WR240 creative non-fiction course on Thursday. said. non-fiction. “There are a lot of very talnity who are may be retired and want to write their memoirs “I urge my students to apply for the ented writers who bring a lot to our students,” she said. Marylhurst contest. We have had students who have won. “A lot people don’t know what an excellent group of about their life. She’d like to create oral histories of people in the area Two non-fiction students won. Kelly Tallent wrote an amazwriters are here at MHCC and that while we teach compowho have been in agriculture and farming of all all kinds, ing story, as did Megan Jones” (who was published in this sition and literature, they don’t realize that,” she said. She also said MHCC has a Writer’s Club. “I work with whether people have been working in the fields or they have year’s “Perceptions” ). owned production. The Marylhurst contest is open to Clackamas Commuwriters, but more informally,” she said. “I am very interested to see what their lives have been nity College, Clark Community College, Mt. Hood ComSaavedra was a journalist for 10 years before she became a teacher. In her early teens, she was an editor of a school like and to help them write that,” she said. “Sometimes you munity College, and Portland Community College students. newspaper, and when she attended Auburn University, she have to do it as an oral history and then transform it into The categories are poetry, short fiction, creative non-fiction and literary analysis. was editor in chief for the “Southerner,” the college news- good writing.” She would like to get students to do this, to go into the For more information about the writing program, conpaper. One thing she would like to do is write more non-fiction, fields and really find people whose lifestyles are going to fade tact Saavedra at (503) 491- 7252 or by e-mail at saavedrs@ and work on writing with older people outside the commu- out because their jobs are no longer viable. “I would like to The Advocate

Venture magazine available Jon Fuccillo The Advocate

Venture magazine, the yearly publication produced by journalism students, is available on campus in many of the normal newsstands where The Advocate can be found. Since 1982, MHCC has produced and published Venture, a magazine that takes an in-depth look at both on- and off-campus issues and people. This year the magazine focused specifically on change. “This issue of Venture magazine presents several stories focusing on changes in

the lives of MHCC students and members of the community,” said Editor-in-chief Sanne Godfrey. The 32-page magazine features eight stories, including “Returning to a different Haiti” by first-year journalism student Jen Ashenberner. It speaks of the January earthquake that touched the lives of three MHCC students and two graduates and their families in the Caribbean country. “It was hardcore, in-depth journalism,” said Ashenberner about the research she put into her article.

Web Photo

From left: The Hellmans (Balthazor, Tina, Mandy, Josh, Pazuzu and Uncle Vlaartak) serve as the main characters for the TBS animated sitcom “Neighbors from Hell.” The show will premiere Monday at 10 p.m.

'Neighbors' move in some raunchy humor Jake Fray

The Advocate

TBS has decided to get a little more raunchy as it gets set to air a new animated sitcom, “Neighbors From Hell,” on Monday at 10 p.m. The pilot episode starts with main character Balthazor Hellman (voiced by Will Sasso) as a demon in Hell when the devil himself decides he needs to send Balthazor and his family to Earth to stop humans drilling into the underworld with a new drill. As the show progresses, the Hellmans move above ground where they must pull off the typical, AllAmerican family act. Molly Shannon voices Tina Hellamn, Balthazor’s wife, who has to deal with the family’s assignment of dealing with suburban housewives, like neighbor Marjoe who decides she needs to be intrusive on anything Tina would like to do. However, five minutes into her time on Earth, Tina learns she loves a hard drink to get her through her days. Mandy and Josh (voiced by Tracey Fairaway and David Soren) are Balthazar’s two average-demon kids from Hell, while their dog Pazuzu (voiced by Patton Oswalt) is the brains of the family but continually has to play the roll as the family pet, which he hates. The final member of the family is Uncle Vlaartak

(Kyle McCulloch) who decides he needs to spend all his time on Earth trying to satisfy his cravings of exotic animals that are common in Hell. While Balthazor’s task may seem simple enough to stop humans from drilling, he possesses a certain affection for humans making it difficult for him to be a demon around them. Balthazor loves human qualities so much — even his new boss Kilbride, who is a politically incorrect and corrupt, and his Turkish coworker Chevdet — that he doesn’t want to hurt them in any way. As soon as the Hellmans step foot on Earth, they believe they, although demons, are mild compared to how the humans live their lives. The show is written by Pam Brady, who is a writer from “South Park.” Mireille Soria, who wrote “Madagascar,” serves as the executive producer. “Neighbors from Hell” has taken over “South Park’s” role as the most distasteful show on TV and I could not figure out as to why I kept watching it, but it leaves me craving for more. I will definitely tune in for the next episode. All I can say is as long as you love blatant, racial and sexual humor, this is your show.

i wonder ...


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June 4, 2010

The Advocate 11

Speer and Velasquez take top honors

Photo by Brett Stanley/ The Advocate

Head Volleyball Coach Chelsie Freeman (far right) speaks at the 2010 Sports Banquet Award along with her team. The Saints ended the season taking second place in the NWAACC Tournament last fall.

Saints athletics revel in memories at 2010 MHCC Sports Awards Banquet Jon Fuccillo The Advocate

All-Americans Kyra Speer of the volleyball team and Jr. Velasquez of the track and field team stole the spotlight Tuesday night at the annual Sports Awards Banquet in the Town and Gown Room. Speer and Velasquez, both former Gresham High School Gophers, were honored as the Dutch Triebwasser Award winners, given to the top female and male athletes of the year as voted by the MHCC coaching staff. Speer, in her first season as a Saint, led her team to a perfect 10-0 record in the South Region (33-11 overall) and a secondplace finish in the NWAACC championship. Speer also received MVP on her team (voted by the players), MVP in the South Region and a spot on the All-Tournament Team in the NWAACC. “It was an honor,” said Speer on receiving MHCC’s top award for females, “especially because there were so many outstanding female athletes this year at Mt. Hood.” This came just year removed from when the 2008 volleyball team, accustomed to contending for the title each year, finished in last place in the South Region. “I think this award reflects on how remarkable one season is to another,” said Speer on the turn-around. “Hard work and dedication throughout a whole team shows that you can accomplish your goals.” First-year volleyball coach Chelsea Freeman said she was pleased to be back on board with the Saints volleyball program after leaving for one year to coach Pendleton High School’s team. “Thanks for bringing me back,” said Southern Region Coach of the Year Freeman, addressing former Athletic Director Fred Schnell. “This is like my second home.” Velasquez broke a 40-year-old MHCC record this spring when he hurled a shot put 54’ 8.25’’. “I knew I had it in me,” said Velasquez

Photo by Brett Stanley/ The Advocate

Jr. Velasquez (left) and Kyra Speer (center) listen to Interim Athletic Director Daryle Broadsword talk about their accomplishments at MHCC to earn the Dutch Triebwasser Athlete of the Year for male and female athletes. Velasquez and Speer are both Gresham High School graduates.

on setting a new school record in the shot put. “I have been trying to hit the record ever since last year, but finally accomplished that goal this year. I would really like to get beyond 60 feet as a college thrower. Breaking the 60 feet barrier is a very big deal at any level (for) shot putting.” He was honored as one of the most consistent athletes on the track and field team over the last two years and he wore a huge smile when his coach Matt Hart spoke of his accomplishments and the progress he’s made over the last two years, including his selection as a two-time NWAACC AllAmerican. Matt Hart also talked about the success of both his cross country and track and field teams. “You know I’m kind of a goof ball,” the coach said with a big grin on his face, “and I like to talk a lot. But I’m going to keep this brief.” The women’s cross country team finished

in sixth at NWAACCs (Amanda Faggard finished tenth overall and was the Saints top finisher) and the men finished ninth. In track and field, the women ended the season with a sixth- place finish and the men grabbed fourth place. Hart was in awe when he congratulated his men’s 4x100-meter relay team (Micah Strong, Zach Young, Nick Mulick and Chris Zeller) for setting a new school record while finishing second at NWAACCs with a time of 41.65. Larry Davis, coach of the women’s basketball team, gave a brief description of his team’s run at NWAACCs for the second season in a row. He pointed out that The Advocate made a mistake when printing a headline that his team was an “NWAACC disappointment” after its ninth-place finish. Davis said he was anything but disappointed and was very satisfied with his

team’s run throughout the year, which included a fourth-place finish in the South with a record of 10-4 and 19-10 overall. First-year men’s basketball coach and long time assistant Geoff Gibor was accompanied by two players (Chris Weitzel and Garrett Strasburg) at the Tuesday banquet. The team finished seventh place at NWAACCs and third place in the South with a 10-4 record and 20-8 overall. “We had a pretty good group of kids,” said Gibor. He said it was a “very difficult transition from assistant coach to head coach,” said Gibor after serving as assistant to Rob Nielson for 10 years. “We are going to be very big and tough next season,” said Gibor after the event. “I’m real excited about it. Baseball coach Bryan Donohue wasn’t able to be present due to work-related circumstances. First year assistants and former players Nic Chapin and Justin Speer introduced the team. “It was a disappointment,” said Chapin about the Saints missing the NWAACC tournament for the first time in 16 seasons. “It was a rollercoaster of a season and we are so used to success here.” The team finished in third place in the South (18-12 and 25-19 overall). McWhorter, NWAACC’s softball coach of the year, ended the evening with the microphone. This was McWhorter’s eighth season as head coach and she said, “It was a great year,” while holding back tears. “This was a phenomenal group of young ladies. This is a great family to be a part of (here at MHCC). She said that it won’t be the same next year, not only without her core of sophomore players but because first-year assistant coach and former player Kimi Daniel is leaving to finish her master’s degree at Florida International University. The softball team finished the season 14-6 in the most difficult region in the NWAACCs and 33-9 overall.

The graduating MHCC student-athlete class of 2009-2010 As the 2009-2010 year comes to close, sophomore student-athletes are moving on to continue their playing careers at universities. Here is the graduating class of Saints athletes and where they are or have a chance at continuing their career in their respective sport.


Corey Davis – Wright State (Division-I) Michael Blake – University of Hawaii (Division-I) Taylor Ard – Washington State University (Division-I) Derrick Hough – Hawaii Pacific University (Division-II) Tanner Hodges – College of Idaho (NAIA) Griffin Boyd – Undecided Six of eight sophomores are moving on. Undecided athletes are considering schools in parentheses.


Men’s basketball

Jeremy Jones-University of Anchorage Alaska Nicole Colpron- Western Oregon (Division-II) Bre Thomas- Undecided (Oregon Institute of Technol- (Division-II) Chris Weitzel- University of Anchorage Alasogy, Central Washington, Jacksonville State University) ka (Division-II) Ariel Fulkerson- Undecided (Central WashJamar Johnson-Undecided (Cal State Eastbay, ington) Eastern Oregon) Sarah McGregor- Portland State University Garrret Strasburg- Undecided (Eastern Or(Division-I) egon, Pacific University) Ari VanHorn- Undecided (Montana State at Chris Williams- Undecided (Portland Bible Billings) College) Myranda Sawyer- Undecided (Concordia UniFive of six sophomores are moving on. versity) Six of seven sophomores are moving on.

Women’s basketball

Brittany Yates- Concordia University (NAIA) Brooklyn Bahme- Concordia University (NAIA) Katie Smith- Warner Pacific College (NAIA) Shawnelle Campbell- Warner University of Florida (NAIA) Four of six sophomores are moving on.


Jaci Chew-Dorsey- Warner Pacific College (NAIA) One of three sophomores are moving on. Information gathered by Jake Fray and Jon Fuccillo

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