2 minute read
Prof. Dr. N.S. Murthy
Prof. N.S. Murthy with doctorates in Vasthu, Medical Astrology and Alternative Medicine, has received innumerable awards such as Vaasthu Brahmarishi, Jyotisha Jyanacharya, Jyotisha Maha Mohapadhyaya, Man of the Year 2009, Vaasthu Diggaja, Great Astrologer of Asia 2008, Jyotisha Vidya Vachaspathi, Man of the Year 2007, Jyotisha Shastra Bruhaspathi, Vaasthu Jnana Vishwakarma, Jyotisha Padmashree, Vaasthu Gnana Brahma, Jyotisha Visharada, Vaasthu Shilpa Praveena, Jyotisha Guru, Vaasthu Nidhi, Jyotisha Kalamani, Vaasthu Alankara, Jyotisha Samrat. He is the Secretary of Astro Science & Heritage Research Council, South Zone, Karnataka.
Sadesati Shani is a period of 7.5 years of Transit Shani period. Shani stays in one Rasi for 2.5 years. When Shani transits 12th from Chandra (Janma Rasi) in a horoscope then, it denotes the start of Sadesati period. This is the first leg of Sadesati Shani for 2.5 years. When Shani transits on Chandra i.e. Janma Rasi then, this is the second leg of Sadesati Shani for 2.5 years. When Shani transits 2nd from Chandra (Janma Rasi) then this is the last leg of Sadesati Shani for 2.5 years. [Another school of thought indicates that the Shani Kaata should also be considered from Janma Lagna, Surya Lagna and Chandra Lagna.]
Sadesati Shani is also called Elnaatu Shani or Shani Kaata. People fear the 7.5 years of transit Shani period. This period occurs once in 30 years of an individual’s life. First Cycle of Sadesati Shani occurs in 30 Years of the Native. The Second Cycle occurs in 60 Years of the Native. The Third Cycle occurs in 90 Years of the Native. In case, the native was born with Shani Kaata, then the Second Cycle for this individual will be in 30 Years and Third Cycle will be in 60 Years.
The First Cycle of Sadesati Shani indicates sorrow, difficulties obstacles and unhappiness in life. The Second Cycle gives good and favourable result. The Third Cycle indicates the end of the native’s life. Hence, usually a person goes through 3 cycles of Sadesati Shani in one’s life. But, in case the native has Dheerga Ayushya Yoga then even after third cycle, the native will survive. Such an example of Deergha Ayushya Yoga and other such benefic yogas, an unusual case of 4 cycles of Sadesati Shani is seen in none other than our beloved Dr. B.V Raman’s horoscope which is provided at the end of this article.
In this article, we will understand the Sadesati Shani effects through stories from Puranas, Astrology dictums and remedies, examples and the analysis of Dr. B.V Raman’s horoscope with respect to Sadesati Shani
Unlucky Fourteen and their Stories:
Do you know how many great people suffered the bad effect of Sadesati ? They are the unlucky fourteen.
1. Shani’s Father Surya 8. King Sathya Harischandra
2. King Vikramaditya 9. King Devendra
3. Shani’s Guru 10. Chandra Graha
4. Lord Shiva 11. Maharishi Vasista
5. Lankadipathy Ravana 12. Rishi Parashara
6. Lord Krishna 13. Pandava Vanavasa
7. King Nala 14. Down fall of Kauravas
Here are their experiences during the Sadesati period in their life -
1. Shani’s father, Surya : As soon as Shani was born, his gaze fell on his father and caused a skin disease called Vitiligo. His next gaze fell on his charioteer who fell and broke his thigh and the seven horses lost their sight. After Shani’s aspect was removed, Surya’s skin cleared, his charioteer’s bone healed, and his horses regained sight.
2. King Vikramaditya: The king lost his kingdom, was falsely accused of the theft of pearl necklace, lost his hands and legs and worked as a slave in an oil presser.
3. Shani’s bad effect on his Guru: His Guru was carrying two watermelons on his shoulder which turned out to be the heads of a King and the Minister’s Son.