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Internationally re cognize dI D documentsguaranteeaccessto the wo rld –n otonlybecaus et he y allo wc itizenstotr ave l.The yg ain re cogni tion and thu sb ri ng economicgr ow thto ac ountr y.
WhenofferingsafeIDs tructures, ac ountry fuelst henationaltrave l industr y, whichleadstomoretourists,butalsoenhancedinternational exchangeandknowledgetransfer.
Sure,establishingsuch ac omplex sys temtakestime, especi ally when ex istingstructuresha ve no t beenupdated re cently.W hatour ex pertsfr om Ve ridos re commend insuchsituations:startfromthe scratchan de va luate ho wtob rin g significantpartsof va luechain insid et hecountr y.
Oneofourcustomer sw ho ve nturedthi ss tepisUganda.The state-ownedUgandaPrintingand PublishingCompan y( UPPC)joine d fo rc eswith Ve ridosto fo rmthe UgandaSecurit yP rintingCompany (USPC).Thi se nablesthecountr y topr ov ideitscitizenswithst ateof-the-artidentit yd ocumentsinc ludin ge Pa ssports. An ew lyconstructed facilitywillcre atej obsfor highlyskilled wo rker s–ani mpor- tantsteptomakethecountr ymore independentandcost-efficientin theprocess.
Ve ridos,itself aj oin tv entur e betweenBundesdruckereiand Gieseck e+ Devrient,bring sk nowho wa ndmor et han150 ye ar so f ex periencetothe tabl e. Wi thour holisticapproach,wecanimpr ove theentir eIDs ys tem -f ro mp hy sicaldocu ments t oIDm anagement sys temsandbordercont ro l solutions. We beli ev einp erso na l exc hanges andinvolvementofloca le xperts. Th is isth eo nl yw ay tocreate as ustainab ledocument lifecyclethatpr ov ideseconomi c de ve lopmen tforbothgo ve rnment and citizens.
GFAConsulting Group GmbH Eulenkrugstraße82 -22359Hamburg
Phone:+4940603060 www.gf a-g roup.de