Jan. 16, 2014

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City council hopefuls announce bids for election VA





Rochelle Swanson, Daniel Parrella initiate campaigns

TAYLOR CUNNINGHAM city@theaggie.org

Two more candidates have announced their bids for the upcoming Davis City Council election. Daniel Parrella and Rochelle Swanson will be running against a third candidate, Robb Davis, for the June 2014 election. As of now, two City Council seats will become available in June, but if mayor Pro-Tem Dan Wolk wins the fourth Assembly District seat, a third seat in City Council will open up. Rochelle Swanson has been a member of City Council for the past two years, and is seeking re-election in order to continue her work with the City of Davis. “There is still work to be done on issues, specifically getting our fiscal situation truly sustainable for the long term so that we can preserve and enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Davis,” Swanson said. On the other side is Daniel Parrella, who had to drop out of UC Santa Barbara because of rising tuition and cost of living, which is something that he said he sees happening in Davis and hopes to prevent. “We are rapidly becoming a town of boomers and college students with nothing in between … we need to find ways of keeping young families and young professionals in Davis,” Parrella said in an email. According to Parrella, this would also increase the city’s revenue and balance the budget. Parrella would like to create a business park, which, he says, would generate hundreds of jobs for graduates, while also producing revenue to pay for the services that the city provides citizens. “My biggest hope for the City Council moving forward is that we create a sustainable economy that produces highpaying jobs,” Parrella said in an email. According to current City Council member Brett Lee, finances are the biggest issue that the City of Davis faces moving forward. “City Council is struggling to pay for infrastructure costs.We haven’t been taking care of the roads, and it’s something that we’ve deferred for many years,” Lee said. “We also need to set more money aside for the future.” While Swanson is aware of the financial problems that the city is facing, she said that the economic future of the city is bright. “Even with all of the cuts that we’ve made, we’ve started looking at revenues,” Swanson said. “As we continue to move forward, we’re being efficient in our spending.” To Swanson, economic expansion and city-university involvement go hand in hand. “Leveraging taxes with the University, and adding more industry and manufacturing will help the city utilize the student resources we have,” Swanson said.“It also creates hands on experience for students.” When asked about the relationship between the University and the City of


USES BUDGET FOR SIGNS, STICKERS $74,868.25 looks small to University, significant to students NAOMI NISHIHARA features@theaggie.org

The cost of implementing “Breathe Free UC Davis” has reached $74,868.25, according to the Smoke and Tobacco Free Communication Budget. Beginning Jan. 1, “Breathe Free” has banned all smoke and tobacco products across campus, and signs announcing this mandate began going up in September 2013. In total, money spent on signage, meaning ash urn stickers, door stickers, window clings and banners, have dominated the budget, costing $67,580. Program communication has an allotted $77,000 for this first year, and an additional $15,000 for the next, after which the policy’s success will be evaluated and future funding will be considered. While this amount appears mod-





budget on 10

Members, senators rally to save Experimental College

BRIAN NGUYEN / AGGIE Loshandra Ostrava, music teacher for 14 years, gives a student a music lesson at the Experimental College.

HANNAH KRAMER features@theaggie.org Estevan Sanchez, a second-year African American and African studies and sociology major couldn’t get away with



ject the welcoming spirit of our campus and support the educational approach the campus is taking in introducing the new policy,” Brady said in an email. Clark stated however, that the new policy, which also bans products like ecigarettes, has banned things that have no effect on other people. “The question I have is: why is it the responsibility of the University?” Clark said. “It is a totally personal decision that they’re trying to modify. Is this the best use of the resources of the University?” The resources spent on “Breathe Free UC Davis” were largely allotted toward communication, and within that fund, were primarily spent on signage. Throughout campus, there are currently several hundred signs on or near building entrances, building exteriors,

It takes a village to save a college

candidates on 10


est within the University’s $3.8 billion yearly budget, it still presents a philosophical issue, according to Professor Gregory Clark of the Economics Department who is a member of the Budget and Planning Committee. “It’s not so much the money, because it’s amazing how much we spent,” Clark said. “I think it’s more of a philosophical issue, of who decided that this was a good expenditure of the resources of the University.” Barbara Brady, director of Communication, Administration and Resource Management for “Breathe Free,” said that the communication program’s goal is to affect cultural change around tobacco use in the Davis community, an outcome which they believe will manifest itself over time. “The design and messaging of our signage program are intended to pro-




skipping Jiu-Jitsu practice at the Experimental College (EC). “There have been times when I’ve thought about taking a day off, but I see other students on campus and they say, ‘Hey! You’re coming today, right?’ There



E L E C T I O N S . U C D AV I S . E D U .

Wa nt to r un fo r AS UCD S enate o r P res i dent / Vi ce- P res i den t ? Petition s are available begin n in g at 10:00 A M on Januar y 2 1st in t he Student Gover nm ent Adm i ni st rat i ve O ffi ce (S G AO) on th e t hird flo o r of t he Me mo ria l Unio n, r oom 348. A ll you n e ed to d o is co llect i s 1 25 st u d en t s ig n at u res for S en ate an d 250 co mbine d signat ure s fo r Pre side nt / Vice - Pre side nt ! Pe t it io ns will b e d ue by 4 : 00 P M o n Ja nua r y 28 t h. Thi s i s a great oppor tu n ity to h ave you r voice h eard on c ampu s!


is a great vibe and respect there, and the people care and want you to come back,” Sanchez said. In light of the recent suspension of the experimental on 10

P R E S I D E N T / V I C E - P R E S I D E N T


LU C K !

2 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2014

DAILY CALENDAR dailycal@theaggie.org

16 / THURSDAY BME Distinguished Seminar Series 4:10 to 6 p.m. | GBSF Auditorium The Biomedical Engineering Distinguished Seminar Series will continue with a talk given by Dr. Melissa Knothe Tate from the University of New South Wales, Australia. Professor Knothe Tate will speak on Mapping the Mechanome: Multiscale Approaches to Decipher Mechanisms of Stem Cell Mechanoadaptation.

17 / FRIDAY MSA West Annual Conference 2 p.m. to midnight | UC Davis Campus Join us at the 16th Annual MSA West Conference at UC Davis on Jan. 17-19, themed “Islamic State of Mind,” for a glimpse back into the past, a look deep into ourselves and a vision far into the future. With a lineup of inspirational speakers, activists and professionals leading a variety of sessions and workshops, the aim of the conference is to foster the revolutionary ideas and thoughts of Muslim college students into actionable changes while also catalyzing the spiritual growth of a practicing individual. San Francisco Guitar Quartet 8 to 10 p.m. | Davis Art Center, 1919 F St. Come listen to a quartet that draws from a rich background of musical traditions including classical, world and ethnic traditions, and improvisation

18 / SATURDAY MSA West Annual Conference All Day | UC Davis Campus Join us at the 16th Annual MSA West Conference at UC Davis on Jan 17-19, themed “Islamic State of Mind,” for a glimpse back into the past, a look deep into ourselves and a vision far into the future. With a lineup of inspirational speakers, activists and professionals leading a variety of sessions and workshops, the aim of the conference is to foster the revolutionary ideas and thoughts of Muslim college students into actionable changes while also catalyzing the spiritual growth of a practicing individual. Farmers Market 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. | Central Park Buy baked goods and seasonal produce while supporting local farmers. Planting Event 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. | 23 Russell Blvd. Join Putah Creek Council and community volunteers to help plant native trees and shrubs along the North Davis Ditch, Riparian Greenbelt Project. The new plantings will provide food and shelter to wildlife, and help protect water quality by preventing erosion and filtering runoff. Register at putahcreekcouncil.org. The event is free.

19 / SUNDAY MSA West Annual Conference Midnight to 3 p.m. | UC Davis Campus Join us at the 16th Annual MSA West Conference at UC Davis on Jan. 17-19, themed “Islamic State of Mind,” for a glimpse back into the past, a look deep into ourselves and a vision far into the future. With a lineup of inspirational speakers, activists and professionals leading a variety of sessions and workshops, the aim of the conference is to foster the revolutionary ideas and thoughts of Muslim college students into actionable changes while also catalyzing the spiritual growth of a practicing individual. Sunday Service Noon to 4 p.m. | Bike Forth Free, 12215 Fourth St. Participate in this day to service, “Bike 4th”. Everyone is welcome, and tasks will include organizing inventory, harvesting parts, posting shop signs, cleaning and maintenance and general shop improvement. Food for a potluck is encouraged but not required.

20 / MONDAY Pub Quiz 7 to 9 p.m.. | DeVere’s Irish Pub Join Dr. Andy Quizmaster and he hosts his weekly celebration of knowledge, strategy and raucous company. Teams can have up to six players and are encouraged to arrive at 6 p.m. to secure a table.

21 / TUESDAY Trivia 9 to 11 p.m. | Sophia’s Thai Kitchen, 129 E St. Gather a team and test yourself in subjects from world geography to ’80s music to sports to The Big Lebowski. The event is free and there will be prizes!


City-UCD Student Liaison Commission votes against Minor Alcohol Preclusion Act Students push for emphasis on preemptive education GABRIELLA HAMLETT

city@theaggie.org The City-UCD Student Liaison Commission voted not to support a recommendation to Davis City Council for the Minor Alcohol Preclusion Act on Jan. 8 in a 4-2-0 motion. The commission is made up of 11 voting members and nine non-voting members that include UC Davis students, community members and law enforcement. The Minor Alcohol Preclusion Act has been in the works for about three years. It states that a person under the age of 21 will be arrested if they are in a public place and they are presumed to be under the influence of alcohol, even without a preliminary alcohol screening test. Said individual can, however, request a preliminary alcohol screening test. While the commission has consistently voted not to support the ordinance, Davis City Council is still capable of voting to pass it. There are currently no set plans to take it to City Council. ASUCD Vice President Bradley Bottoms, a fourth-year political science and sociology double major, voted not to support the Minor Alcohol Preclusion Act. He comments that while binge drinking on our campus is a problem, the ordinance is not the most effective way of addressing the issue and that it will instead adversely affect students’ health. “A lot of the culture around this ordinance has been about noise rather than about alcohol … they are trying to add … ‘a tool in the tool-box’ to help control these parties … I also didn’t like how the ordinance almost pits students versus the police when the police should always be there to serve the community rather than being punitive,” Bottoms said. “I don’t think that’s effective for the health of our students or the culture of the town.” Captain Darren Pytel of the Davis Police Department (DPD) drafted the Minor Alcohol Preclusion Act. At the commission meeting, Pytel expressed that the act is less geared towards high-schoolers because he feels they cause less disturbance. He said it is the older 19 and 20 year olds who cause a greater disturbance in the neighborhood. Individuals leaving a party in control will not meet the standard for the ordinance.

Student on 11

UC Student-Worker’s Union represents needs of student employees SEAN GUERRA

features@theaggie.org Teaching assistants (TAs) permeate the UC system. These graduate students are both pupils and employees of the UC who, according to United Automobile Workers (UAW) 2865, are facing high class sizes and low wages. The UC Student-Worker’s Union represents an estimated 12,000 tutors, readers and teaching assistants throughout the UC. The union started their contract campaign in June 2013 for renewing a three-year

bargaining agreement with the UC. Third-year anthropology graduate student and executive board guide of the UAW 2865, Caroline McKusick sees the union as an integral part of labor representation for Academic Student Employees (ASEs) and TAs in particular since they act as a liaison between undergraduates and professors. “One of the reasons I’m involved in the union is because I think students deserve a good education and TAs that can give them attention,” McKusick said. “In this contract campaign, we envision a bargain-

ing process that makes grad students’ concerns heard across the state, a space where members can speak to the seriousness of the issues they are facing.” One of the requirements of student employees is that TAs must work 50 percent of their full-time student attendance, and one of the agreements made between the union with the UC is that this time should not amount to more than 20 hours per week. However, due to the increasing ratio of students to TAs, McKusick TA on 11

UC policy change results in shorter winter break for 2014-15 school year UC Davis professor hosts multi-county competition

22 / WEDNESDAY Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities Conference Info Session 3:10 to 4 p.m. | Meeting Room D, Student Community Center Are you interested in presenting your research at the 25th annual conference? Do you want to learn about what benefits there are to presenting your research? Drop in to the information session to learn more about the conference, get your questions answered and meet other students!

Vive Le Public 7 to 9 p.m. | UC Davis Nelson Gallery, Nelson Hall, Old Davis Road The Davis Art Salon is having an open call for artists. Submissions will be accepted from any member of the greater Davis community, and any person in attendance can vote privately for who they think should win.The following twoweek exhibition will exhibit the winner’s work. The event is free.

“It’s a bell-shaped curve. There’s people that will never have any problems ... you’ve got that group that is always the problem. A little bit of consequence may end up changing their behavior … passing this is a huge educational tool,” Pytel said at the commission meeting. Bottoms and some other community members disagreed with this comment because students at UC Davis “know the rules and tend to follow them.” “We’re not all perfect student leaders … there was a lot of rhetoric thrown around of ‘well it’s only the under-21-yearolds that cause noise because they are different when they drink.’ Eighteen year olds tend to have a lot of life experience … I don’t think a difference of one year makes the difference of a loud versus a not loud partier,” Bottoms said. Bottoms adds that though some believe there is a historical precedent for the act, we would be the first college town to have this kind of ordinance. Cities like San Diego, Santa Cruz and Chico have curfews for kids under the age of 18. “In all of these places a police officer doesn’t have the ability to stop you and breathalyze you. I think that’s pretty degrading to [UC Davis] students of such a high caliber,” Bottoms said. Some members of the commission believe that an ordinance may be beneficial to the health and wellness of

TAs struggle with low pay, large classes

Salsa Tuesday 9:30 to 11:30 p.m. | The Graduate, 805 Russell Blvd. Attend dance lessons at the Grad. The event is $6. 18+

Happy Dogs 5 to 7 p.m. | Davis Public Library, 315 E 14th St. Join Dr. Sophia Yin, noted veterinarian and animal behaviorist, for her lectures: “ Teaching Fido to Learn to Earn” and “Help! My dog barks and lunges at other dogs, people and objects.” Learn how to to help your dog overcome behavioral problems. No reservation is required and the event is free.

Sarah Raphael / Aggie


Professor Shapiro holds a cabbage white butterfly, which students have been searching for to help him with his research.


city@theaggie.org UC Davis Professor Art Shapiro, of the UC Davis Evolution and Ecology (EVE) Department, offers a pitcher of any kind of beer to the first person who catches the first cabbage white butterfly of each new year. The official flyers for the competition regard any participants as being an essential part of a 43-year study of climate and butterfly seasonality. Spring is commonly associated with the emergence of

the cabbage white butterfly (Pieris rapae). For Shapiro, it means one more step to his research. “I study phenology, which is the timing of biological cycles and why organisms do what they do at different times of the year. I study the variation from year to year and if it correlates to weather,” Shapiro said. Another species that follows an annual biological cycle and blooms at specific times of the year is the cherry blossom tree in Washington, D.C. “If you go to the other side of Wickson Hall, there is a cherry blossom tree of the same kind as in Washington, D.C., the species called a Piunus mume,” Shapiro said. “This tree should be blooming around early March, but it is blooming now, which is its earliest ever.” The question then arises of the reasoning behind this biological shift.The same mystery applies to these cabbage white butterflies.This competition enables Shapiro to have eyes all over the area to identify emergence patterns. Shapiro is studying physiological responses to environmental cues and if they have a genetic basis. Concerning the cabbage white butterfly, he has found that the cues are a combination of night length and temperature. “He has actually based his research on life cycles of the cabbage white butterfly. It is his study organism,” said Ivana Li, former president of the UC Davis Entomology Club and currently working with Shapiro on his Biological Sciences 2B course. Particular emergence times depend on location and climate, so the competition is open to everyone in the local area, specifically Solano,Yolo and Sacramento counties. According to Shapiro, people notice the cabbage white butterflies. They are easy to recognize as well as being the Butterfly on 13

THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2014 | 3


PG&E raises residential gas, energy bills Students face difficulties meeting rent, energy payments ROHIT TIGGA

city@theaggie.org For 2014, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) projected an increase of 2.8 percent in total residential natural gas and electric bills. This will translate to an increase of about $3 to $4 in payments for normal residential energy prices. “These increases in prices are not arbitrary,” said Jonathan Marshall, a representative from PG&E. “For us at PG&E, upholding trustworthy service and maintaining safety are top priorities. Thankfully over many years, our rates are moving side by side with inflation and our average customer bills are under the national average and will continue to be that way.” PG&E is increasing fees to account for greater wholesale energy purchase costs and to improve, maintain and modernize the utility’s infrastructure. These fees will rake up an additional $145 million in revenue in comparison to last year. “California’s fast-growing use of renewable power will also add to monthly PG&E bills in 2014. State law requires California utilities to get 33 percent of their electricity from the sun, wind and other renewable sources by the end of 2020,” said Tom Bottoroff, a PG&E worker. “We have added about 1,400 megawatts of renewable generation to its portfolio in 2013. That’s nearly the output of three nuclear reactors.” In most cases, the changes in residential energy bills will not change the amount students pay for rent. “The increases in PG&E energy bills will not affect the subsequent rent lease; energy bills are paid separately by residents,” said Breinna Ghiorzo, a representative from Alhambra Apartments. “Even though we have yearly increases of $20, those are because we are following market trends.” Jimmy Chen, a worker for Ca-



PG&E’s power facility at Second and L streets. Davis residents should expect 2.8 percent rise in their natural gas and electricity bills soon.

mellia Apartments, said that he has no complaints about PG&E. “I pay mine, and you pay your bills,” Chen said. “I pay about $20 to $30 personally for electricity; PG&E is very reasonable in comparison to Cupertino [and] Sacramento for energy. I only pay $65 to $90 for air conditioning and heating. I cannot complain.” Bryce Vick, a fourth-year sociology major living off-campus, said that he finds it challenging to deal with the energy bill. “Gas was really expensive last month, usually we are charged about $9 to $12 a month, but last month we were charged $41. It has been [a] challenge to find the additional funds; however, we always find a way to pay it,” Vick said. “Usually it is about $50 … which is about three to four hours of work for my apartment mate and myself each, which is still hard to fit in with all the school work and groceries. “ For Ferris Elhein, a fourth-year biochemistry major living in a house in Davis, the energy and rent bill is mildly affecting his budget since he shares a house with four other people. “For me, rent increased from last year by around $500. But that didn’t affect my budget because we just had an extra person to help

pay the bills in the house,” Elhein said. “I don’t think PG&E is charging fair rates on energy consumption, but there’s nothing we can do about it other than applying for low-income prices. Personally, other than that, I haven’t had any problems with them.” Overall, because of the increasing cost of living, Elhein is very conscious in his finances. “I limit how much I eat out, spend less money on clothing and don‘t spoil myself,” Elhein said. Marielle Tanton, a third-year genetics major, said the energy bill is not drastically affecting her budget. “Overall it is not really affecting me right now. It is low enough for my financial aid and paycheck to cover,” Tanton said. “For PG&E, I have not felt cheated when I got a bill, and I have never had to call customer service.” “There used to be a dispensary in downtown [Davis] but it got ran out of town. The problem is that it’s up to the locality and whether or not they want to put dispensaries and it’s such a controversial subject that people try to ignore it and hope that it goes away. I think it’s a sticky subject that a lot of politicians don’t want to touch so … [they] leave it to the local authorities and what they want to do,” Rea said. n

ASUCD Senate temporarily suspends Experimental College classes Introduced legislation focuses on reinstating courses, creating task force MELISSA DITTRICH JORDYN MAY

campus@theaggie.org ASUCD Senate voted in December 2013 to suspend the Experimental College (EC) courses for the time being due to financial burdens. The ASUCD unit has been steadily losing funds from their reserves over the past eight years. Courses were suspended to stop funds from decreasing further. ASUCD Controller Eric Evans said the decline in funds was due to not consulting the issue on a large scale sooner. After losing more than what was in their reserves, the EC has now completely depleted their funds. “The Experimental College is at a net loss. The losses have exceeded the reserves. It lost $7,000 more than it had,” Evans said. ASUCD Senator Miles Thomas said the loss of funds is due to various reasons, one being a lack in marketing. “The ARC opened in the mid2000s and Campus Unions and Recreation began to have a ton of fitness and martial arts courses. These are Experimental College’s most profitable courses,” Thomas said in an email interview. “The unit could have been marketed better.” Although the EC’s courses have been temporarily suspended, their garden plots are still available to rent. Renting garden plots has been a continuous source of revenue for the EC, which is why the plots were not suspended along with the courses. “The gardens have a strong business model.They sell out every year and either break even or make a small profit,” Evans said. A possible solution to the temporary suspension of courses is to offer part-

Watts Legal

time and pro-bono classes. Some instructors at the EC are willing to offer classes on a donation basis that will add to the EC funds. “We are starting a pro-bono instruction initiative in which free classes will be offered to maintain awareness of the Experimental College courses program,” said Richard Schubert, chair of the EC’s Instructors Advisory Board. “We are hoping that we can begin offering these classes within the next couple of weeks.” Two pieces of legislation are being brought to ASUCD Senate to allow courses to return fully and help reorganize the college.The first piece of legislation is a resolution that, if passed, will present the catalog of courses this spring and support more pro-bono classes in the summer. The second piece is a bill which will aid the EC with a financial task force to provide support in advertising their services and restructuring their business model. “The resolution will help get classes back permanently,” said Bradley Bottoms, ASUCD vice president. “It will give long-term solutions instead of temporary ones.” ASUCD Senator Gareth Smythe said several members of ASUCD and professionals from the EC will work together on the task force. “The task force will consist of two senators, one commissioner from the business and finance commission, one commissioner from the Internal Affairs Commission, ASUCD controller and ASUCD president or a designee, the student unit director of the Experimental College as the chair of the taskforce and the chairperson from the Instructors Advisory Board,” Smythe said. Schubert said if the bills pass, the task force would help the EC offer courses

again. “We hope that the task force will authorize advertisement of courses during the winter and spring 2014 quarters,” Schubert said. A new marketing campaign for the EC began in Fall Quarter 2013 with the help of the ASUCD unit Creative Media. The campaign included a more user-friendly website with online course registration and new designs. “Just as we were rolling out the marketing campaign, we received suspension notice from ASUCD,” Schubert said. “We will continue the campaign along with extensive changes for this year.” Marketing did not start earlier because the amount of money being lost from the EC was not brought to the attention of ASUCD until 2013. EC Director Chriselle Vinson said that the suspension of courses may not have happened had the campaign begun earlier. “The depletion of money has been going on for eight years,” Vinson said. “The realization that a big change should be made was caught too late.” ASUCD and the EC faculty said they are moving forward with the reorganization of the unit. “The goal of the task force is to have the Experimental College come back as a sustainable model,” Smythe said. “We want to keep it completely student-run, but get advice from the faculty.” The current plan for the EC if the resolution is passed is to bring parttime and pro-bono classes back in summer 2014 and permanent courses back in fall 2014. The resolution and the bill will be publicly brought to ASUCD Senate by unit director Chriselle Vinson on Jan. 16. n

Question I’m a server at a certain Davis restaurant that I’d rather not name. People who come into the restaurant almost always leave us tips. My boss (the manager) has a policy of taking all those tips, putting them into a single account, and then deducting a portion for the restaurant before equally splitting the remainder among all the waiters, bartenders and other staff.The tips make up the majority of my paycheck, but they’d make up a lot more if I got to keep my own tips rather than sharing with everyone, including the boss (who did nothing to earn them!). Is it legal for a restaurant to split tips like this? — G.N. Davis, CA Answer No, it’s not legal. The part about your boss taking your tips is definitely against the law in California. Mandatory tip pooling is fine; he can force all the service staff to share tips with each other as long as they are distributed fairly. But your boss cannot skim a percentage off the top before distributing the tips. In California, your right to your tips are protected by Section 351 of the California Labor Code. Section 351 states in part: “No employer or agent shall collect, take, or receive any gratuity or a part thereof that is paid, given to, or left for an employee by a patron, or deduct any amount from wages due an employee on account of a gratuity, or require an employee to credit the amount, or any part thereof, of a gratuity against and as a part of the wages due the employee from the employer. Every gratuity is hereby declared to be the sole property of the employee or employees to whom it was paid, given, or left for.” This means that your employer cannot keep any of the optional gratuities that customers give you. The ban applies to all management and supervisors. But there’s an important caveat: the restaurant can indeed require you to “tip out” to other employees on the service line, unless they are managers. Courts have upheld such tip pooling arrangements as long as they are reasonable, “fair” to all employees and do not include managers. Here’s an example.Your boss might occasionally wait on tables if the restaurant gets busy or another server flakes on his shift. Even though he pitches in as a waiter sometimes, your boss can’t collect other people’s tips or join the tip sharing pool. He is still a supervisor, and supervisors can’t participate in tip sharing. He can still require you and the other employees to pool your tips and give it to the bus boys, though. Mandatory service charges are trickier.Your restaurant might charge patrons an 18 percent fee for large parties. I hate those fees, for both legal and moral reasons. The labor code defines a gratuity or tip as money that a patron has left for an employee in excess of the actual amount due for the services or goods he bought. In other words, a tip is a discretionary amount that the customer voluntarily leaves behind for the wait staff. If a customer’s bill is $15 and he leaves a $20, saying “keep the change,” that extra $5 is a tip. A service charge, however, is usually mandatory, not discretionary. And since it’s not discretionary, it’s not a tip. Patrons might think that they’re leaving an 18 percent tip for their waiter, but there’s nothing forcing the boss to actually give that service charge to the employees. Only discretionary tips are yours; mandatory tips are not really tips at all, so they’re not yours to keep unless the boss decides to be nice. You should also keep in mind that the same section of the Labor Code prevents your boss from charging you credit card transaction fees when customers pay tips by credit card. As regular readers of this column know, California is really strict about credit card surcharges. Even though Visa and Mastercard charge merchants a fee for every credit card transaction processed at their store or restaurant, the merchant is banned from passing the fee along to consumers. Restaurants can’t charge their customers a fee when paying with a credit card, and they can’t pass the fee along to their employees, either. California has strict rules about credit card fees and employees, too. If your employer charges you a fee for each tip received via a credit card transaction, your employer is breaking the law. And your boss has to pay out these credit card gratuities in your next regular paycheck. They can’t wait until the end of the year or delay payment. Refusing to pay you the tips, or delaying payment of tips, would constitute an unlawful withholding of your wages. In such circumstances, you’d be entitled to sue the employer for up to 30 days worth of waiting time penalties for each day he delays paying you what you’re owed. Show this column to your boss and have him Google section 251 of the California Labor Code. If he still withholds your tips, you can file a claim with the California Labor Commissioner at dir.ca.gov/dlse/HowToFileWageClaim.htm. Daniel is a Sacramento attorney, former Davis City Council candidate and graduate of UC Davis School of Law. He’ll answer questions sent to him at governorwatts@gmail.com or tweeted to @governorwatts.


4 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2014


Are you BEST, SMART, NOW or independent?

Talking trash

ASUCD Senate slates explained


On Leigh Drive, a known subject came up to someone’s door to ask who takes out the garbage and told her he was thinking of moving into the complex.

10 / FRIDAY Getting blood from a stone Someone ran over a pebble on East 14th Street which then flew up and hit someone’s windshield. The owner contacted the person demanding $400 to fix it.

Such swag Someone got out in front of the complex, exposed himself, urinated, then got back in the car and proceeded to spin donuts on Valdora Street.


Childish A drunk woman called from her neighbor’s residence to say her son was annoying her on Inner Circle.

Old college try Someone on I Street reported finding two people had jumped the fence into the backyard. When confronted, the two said they had just moved in two houses down and were mistakenly at the wrong house. Police briefs are compiled from the City of Davis daily crime bulletins. Contact EINAT GILBOA at city@theaggie.org.

WEEKLY WEATHER Short-Term Forecast More dry weather is ahead of us as we continue on into the week. Calm winds will continue to come from the north. Expect mainly sunny skies for the most part with a few passing clouds on Sunday and Monday. Today (1/16): 64/32 Mostly Sunny, cold at night Friday (1/17): 63/33 Mostly Sunny, cold at night Saturday (1/18): 64/33 Sunny, cold at night

Long-Term Forecast Remarkably, there is little hope for rain in the long term. The persistent high pressure ridge will continue deflecting storms well to the north for the foreseeable future, leaving Northern California high and very dry. The Climate Prediction Center predicts a high probability for below-normal rainfall and above normal temperatures through Jan. 28. Sunday (1/19): High 66, Low 36, partly cloudy, calm to light winds, periods of high clouds, otherwise mostly sunny Monday (1/20): High 65, Low 36, partly cloudy, calm to light winds, periods of high clouds, otherwise mostly sunny Tuesday (1/21): High 65, Low 36, partly cloudy, calm to light winds, periods of high clouds, otherwise mostly sunny Wednesday (1/22): High 65, Low 36, partly cloudy, calm to light winds, periods of high clouds, otherwise mostly sunny — Aggie Forecast Team


features@theaggie.org Six ASUCD senators are elected each fall, and six more, the president and vice president every winter. Candidates can choose to run on slates, comparable to United States political parties, and if elected, serve a year-long term. The Fall 2013 ASUCD Senate election season saw two independent candidates elected, along with three from the NOW slate and one from SMART. The established slates on the UC Davis campus, NOW, BEST and SMART, each have specific goals, and their senators often vote accordingly. Current ASUCD Senator, Miles Thomas, a fifth-year managerial economics major and co-founder of BEST, said that BEST is the only slate that doesn’t require a senator’s vote on specific issues. “NOW wants you to vote against divestment from companies profiting off of the Israeli occupation of Palestine,” Thomas said in an email. “SMART wants you to primarily represent underrepresented communities.” For example, SMART’s newly elected senator Mariah Kala Watson is interested in re-investing in the Food Pantry, according to her per-

sonal statement. Yee Xiong, a fourth-year Asian American studies and design double major and the first Hmong ASUCD senator, chose to run with the SMART slate because she felt that there was a lack of representation for cultural issues at the table. “In 2012, I was co-coordinating the 5th annual Southeast Asian Graduation and had heard that our student body government was not financially supportive of community specific graduations (CSG). I had to find out why,” Xiong said in an email. After attending the spring budget hearings that year, Xiong was inspired by former senators who fought to support CSG, and who eventually got their bill passed. “Representation from marginalized communities is hard to find, and this slate is the start of changing that around,” Xiong said. The NOW slate has gained popularity in this election and in the last. Currently, six of the twelve senate seats are held by candidates who ran with NOW. Felicia Ong, a third-year political science and communication double major and a former ASUCD senator whose term ended last quarter, ran with the NOW slate because she appreciated

its vision for ASUCD. “I loved what the slate had envisioned for our campus: making students on campus feel like they are a part of something larger than themselves,” Ong said in an email. Ong ran for Senate as a second year after experiencing some things that she wanted to change. “I noticed that there was this culture in ASUCD where student leaders became solely interested in themselves or the little things associated with politics,” Ong said. Typically, senators vote with their slates, but on occasion have voted with other slates on specific issues. “Please note that while Senator Nonga is to the right of the ‘table middle,’ she is very partisan, as she votes with SMART every time there’s a ‘SMART issue,’ and with NOW on everything else,” Thomas said. The three recently elected NOW senators reflected a variety of different goals in their personal statements, which include creating online tutoring programs for late night help, making American Sign Language an accredited course at UC Davis and creating an advisory board to improve communication between students and city officials. There are also independent candidates, whose deci-

sions in senate are not influenced by the goals of slates. “Independent senators are perceived as thinking more critically and not voting along party lines,” Thomas said. “They don’t swear allegiance to outside interest groups.” The platforms of the two recently elected independent senators include promoting “open license” textbooks which have been adapted by professors for specific classes and are available to students at a reduced cost, as well as increasing involvement in international programs by all students. While independent senators may be appealing because of their rapport for non-partisan voting, they have a more difficult time being elected because they don’t get as much exposure. “Major credit to those independent candidates who ran and won — they probably must’ve worked twice as hard just to earn a seat,” Xiong said. “When you run with a slate, you have higher chances of being noticed and supported by others who know the established slate.” The Fall 2013 Senate elections saw two independent candidates elected, which is relatively uncommon, and Thomas doesn’t predict a repeat of this in the future. “An independent acting on their own cannot carry an election in single choice voting,” Thomas said. “If there are only two slates running, [like there were this quarter], independents would have a chance.” However, in this Fall 2013 election, independent candidate Gareth Smythe was elected to senate by a large margin. Thomas attributes this to the fact that while Smythe ran independently, he had a lot of support from current ASUCD members. “Most of the best and brightest in ASUCD supported him, which is how he came up on top by such an incredible margin,” Thomas said.“He’s an anomaly in a lot of different ways; I wouldn’t expect independents of the future to do as well.” n

Meet your representatives NICK FREDERICI



Spencer McManus Chairman of the Internal Affairs Commission, ASUCD Majors: chemistry and political science, with an emphasis in public service 1. How did you decide on your major? In high school, I had a really great chem teacher who inspired me. He had all these really cool demonstrations. Then I got here and had really great general chemistry teachers that kept me going on that. I worked in the lab for a little while and I decided that wasn’t my thing, so that’s why I picked up the political science major also. I want to go to law school and I’ve always been interested in political institutions here in the United States. 2. What is your life motto? “Each day is its own” I think is a nice one. I’ll be honest, I’m a pretty busy person so I have to look at my calendar every morning to re-

I know that sounds beyond corny, but I do truly strive to see the good and beauty in everyone and everything.

member what I’m doing. I’m sure a lot of people here are the same way. Also just being cognizant of what everyone else thinks too, as a student rep that’s an important thing to have, and just as a general life motto, just being able to listen to other people. 3. What do you do when you’re not studying or working? Besides working at ASUCD and the occasional studying, I’m a peer advisor for the College of Letters and Science. Outside of that I’m a huge San Jose Sharks fan. I enjoy reading a lot. I’m a big tech nerd. And I need to catch up on Breaking Bad, so maybe that’ll be my thing this quarter. 4. What is your favorite stress-relieving activity? Probably going running, which I haven’t done enough lately, that would be my stress reliever. Or going on a hike. 5. What’s your favorite restaurant in Davis? 3rd and U, I get their BBQ cheeseburgers a little bit too often. 6. If you were a fruit, what would you be and why? I would be a strawberry. Sweet, the seeds are on the outside so you can kind of see where I’m at. But also I’m sweet and willing to listen. Is that a little corny? MCMANUS on 11


Mariah Kala Watson ASUCD Senator Major: international relations, with an emphasis in peace and security 1. How did you decide on your major? I’ve had the privilege of being able to travel around the world with my parents from the very young age of six months. My first trip ever was visiting my extended family in Bermuda. Many trips soon followed. But my favorite trip of all time was my first trip to Egypt. I fell in love. The culture, the people, the food. It was all so amazing and enchanting. I had never felt more at home in a foreign country. When I got older people began telling me to explore what I was passionate about. I decided to play sports, and then finally joined my local chapter of the YMCA’s Youth and Government when high school was nearing an end. And wha-la! I found another home in being engaged in dialogues and debates about politics both foreign and domestic. So I picked a major that mirrored both my love for Egypt and politics; international relations is perfect. 2. What is your life motto? “Love everyone for every reason”

3. What do you do when you’re not studying or working? There’s time for something else? In all seriousness my job is my joy, so I spend a lot of time doing things that revolve about ASUCD or the Cross Cultural Center. I’m always at retreats and conferences meeting fellow students. We talk about social justice, inequality, student leadership and cultural affairs, as well as the issues we face on campus and how we plan to fix them. However, when I do have “freer” time I lalala-love movies. You can pretty much play anything, doesn’t matter how terrible the quality or plot is and I’ll find something enjoyable about it. I enjoy going out with my friends on the weekends. Brunches during the day and parties at night. 4. What is your favorite stress-relieving activity? Watching Netflix snuggled in a blanket with tea = perfection. 5. What is your favorite restaurant in Davis? Mikuni or Zen Toro for special occasions. 6. What is your greatest accomplishment outside of school? Volunteering at an all girls camp called “Girls to Goddess” every summer for five WATSON on 13

THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2014 | 5


Long tradition of strikes, protests characterizes UC Davis

High cholesterol is not only bad for heart, study finds

Former employee recalls past, grad student analyzes present

Research implicates high amounts of “bad” cholesterol as risk factor for Alzheimer’s EMILY SEFEROVICH


Sarah Raphael / Aggie


features@theaggie.org Historically, campus protests have received some form of support from the University, community or police, and as the University of California’s culture continues to host strikes and movements, this UC Davis tradition has as well. On Nov. 20, 2013, AFSCME 3299, the union for UC service and patient care workers, held a strike disputing unfair labor practices. The strike involved several types of UC workers and students, and one student recalled how her professor held class off campus to show support. “We went to The Graduate and moved two benches together,” said Falon Darville, a fourth-year English major. “Then we had our usual class discussion.” Perhaps the most active times for strikes and protests, according to Dr. Jerry Drawhorn of CSU Sacramento, were during the Vietnam War era, when several issues like race, homosexuality and anti-war efforts were swirling together. For a book he is currently writing, Drawhorn is creating a timeline of UC Davis’ radio station, KDVS, where he once DJ’ed. His research has catalogued the dates of several strikes and protests. Several subjects that students in Davis and surrounding areas have spoken out against were women’s liberation, anti-apartheid, nuclear energy, free speech, the Natural Food movement, Davis’ local D-Q University for indigenous people and field workers’ rights. “There were enough broad issues to give everyone something to stand for,” Drawhorn said. Drawhorn also remembered a short blurb in an issue of The Aggie that displayed the era’s general skepticism of authority and the government. In 1967, a former veteran and off-campus representative of ASUCD was investigated by agents of the U.S. Secret Service. According to The Aggie’s original article, Chuck Papke wrote on the outside of a government return: “Johnson’s war in Vietnam makes America puke.” The aspersion was seen as a legitimate threat to President Lyndon B. Johnson’s life, and the Secret Service questioned Papke at his home. Agent Larry Sheafe was quoted as saying in explanation, “If enough people puked on the President, he would die.” At least three of Papke’s G.I. benefit allotments were not granted because of his statement. “It’s not a time I’d want to go back to,” said David Lundquist, a former UC Davis librarian who was employed in 1966. Lundquist remembers casually bumping into a Hell’s Angel on Berkeley’s Telegraph Avenue. According to UC Berkeley’s Social Activism Sound Recording Project, members of the motorcycle club were opposed to the anti-war protesters and even attacked them. A young student once told him it sounded exciting, and she wished she could have been there. Lundquist responded: “You really don’t want to.” In 1970, several hundred universities and schools nationwide, including UC Davis, responded to the Kent State shooting in Kent, Ohio on May 4, 1970.The Ohio National Guard shot several unarmed college students during a protest. “What are we going to do? How are we going to respond?” Lundquist recalled overhearing from the students. They had immediately responded, forming committees in the library and planning protests. One such protest was held at Mrak Hall, Lundquist said. University administrators

appeared to support the students, arriving at the scene and asking students what they could do to help. Lundquist said that even Chancellor Emil Mrak sat with the protesting students. According to Lundquist, the University knew Kent State was a terrible occurrence. They didn’t want anything like it happening at UC Davis, so they did what they could to accommodate the students’ desires. A few years later, protesting students found support from the city police. On April 28, 1973, a boxcar owned by the U.S. Department of Defense and carrying 250 pounds of bombs exploded near Sacramento in Antelope, Calif. The shipment would have eventually been sent to Vietnam, and in response, UC Davis students staged a sit-in on the railroad tracks. Lundquist said that the city asked the students which streets they would need to use, and if they would like an escort. “I remember seeing the march come down Second Street with a police escort,” Lundquist said. “At least one or two police cruisers were in front clearing traffic.” Lundquist also recalled an incident where the police specifically took action to protect the students. During the railroad sit-in, one train engineer got fed up with the demonstration. He started moving the train and honked his horn. Students were forced to climb up on the train to prevent getting run over. A police officer promptly climbed up into the cabin and arrested the engineer. According to Lundquist, it also wasn’t just students involved in this protest. He recalled a professor of environmental sciences and his wife sitting on the tracks. At some point, the police had to clear the tracks and warned the protesters that they would be arrested if they stayed. The professor left, but his wife stayed and was arrested. “I wonder what their conversation was like the next day,” Lundquist said. Protests in more recent years have also ended in arrests. In November 2009, Mrak Hall was used as a demonstration location and 50 students were arrested for attempting to occupy the hall. In that case, students were protesting budget cuts and fee increases. Again in 2011, students protested rising tuition fees during Occupy UC Davis.The Occupy movement at UC Davis resulted in the campus police pepper-spraying several students. However, Lundquist recalled that several people of the Davis community still brought soup and chili to feed the students, perpetuating a long history of community support. “The city and the University wanted to take care of them,” Lundquist said. “The whole pepper spray thing just doesn’t compute. It really tarnished Davis.” However, not all activism in Davis has ended in arrests. Drawhorn remembered Jose Arguelles, a UC Davis art instructor who, in 1969, put on an “Art Happening.” According to its website, it was an event students used to focus their enthusiasm for activism and environmental issues through art. After the United Nations’ declaration of Earth Day in 1970, the “Art Happening” was renamed and became the annual Whole Earth Festival. Instances of community collaboration at the scale of the “Art Happening” have been rare. It’s tempting, then, to draw conclusions or make contrasts between the protests of then and now. However, Duane Wright, a graduate student in the Sociology Department, suggests the relationship is complicated. “You really will need to understand the UCSTRIKES on 11

In a recent study conducted at the UC Davis Alzheimer’s Disease Center, a team of experts confirmed the relationship between unhealthy cholesterol fractions in the blood and an increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Led in part by Dr. Brian Reed of UC Davis, the study was the first of its kind to demonstrate the correlation between unhealthy cholesterol levels and cerebral amyloid plaque deposition in the brain. The study was published online as “Associations Between Serum Cholesterol Levels and Cerebral Amyloidosis” on Dec. 30 in JAMA Neurology. The study revealed that elevated circulating levels of cholesterol, specifically “bad” LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol, and low levels of “good” HDL (high density lipoprotein) cholesterol, lead to the deposition of amyloid proteins in cerebral tissues; amyloid deposits are significant pathological markers for Alzheimer’s disease. “Alzheimer’s disease is defined by a combination of clinical findings and pathology. Clinically, the person has a dementia — a loss of multiple cognitive abilities severe enough to impair day-to-day function … this dementia is due to damage to the brain associated with amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles,” said Bruce Reed, lead study author and associate director of the Alzheimer’s Disease Center. The study itself was conducted on a diverse population of 74 men and women aged 70 years and older. The participants were recruited from California stroke clinics, support groups, senior facilities and the Alzheimer’s Disease Center itself. Of the participants, three of the recruits already suffered from mild dementia, 38 had slight cognitive impairment and the remaining 38 participants had normal cognitive function. The research team was able to measure the participants’ amyloid plaque levels by using a chemical tracer. It was confirmed that a trend of high levels of fasting LDL cholesterol (above 100mg/dL) and low levels of fasting HDL cholesterol (less than 40mg/dL) associated strongly with increased amyloid deposition in cerebral tissue. “We have several ideas about how cholesterol levels might influence amyloid deposits. Cholesterol in the brain plays several important roles in the production and transport of beta amyloid. Theoretically, cholesterol levels could influence the rate at which amyloid is created, or it could slow down the rate at which it is cleared from the brain,” Bruce Reed said. Cholesterol is a hydrophobic, wax-like substance that is found in animal-derived foods; it is also produced naturally by the liver. It’s important to note that cholesterol itself is an important molecule with a myriad of biological functions and is not an antagonistic compound. Cholesterol-derived health problems arise when individuals consume it in extreme excess. “Cholesterol’s main function in all tissues is

to provide structure to cell membranes. In the liver it also undergoes its first conversion step to vitamin D. It also serves as a precursor for steroid hormones in the reproductive organs,” said Angela Zivcovic, member of the Nutrition Department faculty and part of the UC Davis Foods for Health Institute. Some of the most common foods high in cholesterol include solid animal-fats (found in high-fat milk products, butter or lard), fatty meats (such as beef patties, and bacon), cheeses, egg yolks, non-vegan processed foods and some seafood (lobster being the most notorious). When consumed in moderation, most of the cholesterol from the diet is packaged into high or low density lipoproteins. A fraction of cholesterol is incorporated into bile and is lost through the dietary tract; this is the only way that the body may rid itself of excess cholesterol. Soluble fiber helps to expedite this necessary process by sequestering excess cholesterol in the dietary tract. In extra-cerebral vasculature, “bad” LDLpackaged cholesterols (LDL) collide with arterial walls, causing microscopic injuries and the induction of immune response. Over time, these collisions lead to a scar-like plaque formation that remains on the arterial wall. Continuous plaque formation results in the narrowing of the arterial pathway. “Good” HDL-packaged cholesterol (HDL) helps to clear the arterial pathway by breaking up the plaque deposits and returning rampant cholesterol back to the liver. In individuals with cholesterol-derived health disorders, there are often sub-optimal blood concentrations of HDL cholesterol. “HDL cholesterol can be difficult to raise in comparison to LDL cholesterol … but increasing physical activity does help to raise HDL levels in the blood,” said Francene Steinberg, chair of the UC Davis Nutrition Department. The most commonly discussed consequence of unhealthy cholesterol levels are high blood pressure (due to the narrowing of the arteries), atherosclerosis (the hardening of arterial walls) and elevated risk for stroke and heart disease. As per the results of this study, Alzheimer’s disease has now joined the list. Though the research team did not study the direct pathway by which unhealthy cholesterol levels cause amyloid plaque deposition in the brain, the confirmation that these levels are associated with amyloid plaque is a significant finding. The typical American diet is highly conducive to a myriad of preventable health disorders. For atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke, elevated cholesterol is just the tip of the iceberg. Evidence that a disease as devastating and challenging as Alzheimer’s is a cholesterol-related health problem proves once again that significant steps should be taken to improve dietary choices and key lifestyle factors in individuals who are, or who may one day be, at risk. High-fiber, low-fat diets and regular physical activity are highly effective natural remedies that may help to mitigate preventable health disorders. n

This Week In senate ASUCD Vice President Bradley Bottoms presided over the first senate meeting of Winter Quarter on Jan. 9. The meeting was called to order at 6:17 p.m. Senator Miles Thomas was elected as the new President Pro Tempore of the senate. Ben Marchman was confirmed as the new Student-Police Relations Committee Chair. New members of the Internal Affairs Commission, Academic Affairs Commission, Ethnic and Cultural Affairs Commission, Outreach Assembly and Environmental Policy and Planning Commission were also confirmed. A large focus of the meeting was on the temporary closure of the ASUCD Experimental College (EC) due to a budget deficit. Jonathan Goh, an instructor for the Experimental College, gave a presentation on the suspension of the EC due to a struggling market for its classes, which he faulted to a lack of awareness by the students of the EC’s existence. “I was blown away to learn that the EC was such a secret,” Goh said. The meeting then entered a public

discussion in which Rick Schubert, chairman of the EC Instructors Advisory Board, shared similar opinions on the obscurity of the EC by the students. Schubert attributed this fault to poor marketing of not switching from print to online advertising quick enough. Senator Mariah Watson claimed the decision to suspend the EC was done on poor timing as six of the 12 senators had just been sworn in that night. Senator Amrit Sahota claimed that the senate started drafting a plan to restart the EC by Fall Quarter 2014 as soon as the EC was suspended. During the meeting, Sahota suggested using Winter Quarter to find the bare minimum needed to restart the EC and raise that money during Spring Quarter. A bill was introduced to create the special committee on restoring services for the Experimental College to be known as the Experimental College Task Force (ECTF). The bill was authored by Senator Shehzad Lokhandwallah. No new legislation was passed. — Jason Pham

6 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2014







JAMES KIM arts@theaggie.org The future of fashion is evolving, but in a way that you would least expect. Currently, fashion is undergoing a seemingly endless phase of minimalistic design, but what ever happened to celebrating color and embracing what makes fashion so fun and personal? Well, the time has finally come and we couldn’t be more excited! As seen in spring/summer 2014 collections from the likes of Chanel, Lanvin and Marc Jacobs during New York and Paris fashion weeks, we are witnessing a new age of

design and a sense of freedom through embracing ostentation and the idea that “enough is never enough.” We’ve come to a point where we are no longer creating art with perspective, but instead are conforming to the hegemony of modern day fashion and taking a Fordist approach to design. Designers are exhausted of creating “what sells” and trying to achieve the impossible by thinking of ways to design something more minimal than “minimal.” Soon enough, we would be running around either naked or in blankets and, no, I am not joking. In the following season, we will see lots of sequins, neon, hard-shell clutches, transparents and a whole lotta color. I









would say this is a palatable transition, especially because some trends from fall/winter 2013 have carried on into spring/summer 2014, like the tuxedo suit and blazer. Our muse of the week, second-year microbiology major Aysha Wildman, is already way ahead of the trend as they truly embody the quintessential idea of being yourself, whether they be femme-representing or masc-representing. I decided to feature Aysha in this week’s edition of Campus Chic because they represent what it means to embrace all of your identities and celebrate what makes fashion so exciting and expressive.

TUNE IN TYLER WEBB • arts@theaggie.org

Addressing all types of music AKIRA OLIVIA KUMAMOTO arts@theaggie.org Emotional Communication


Everyone can relate to a well-written piece of sad music. At least, everybody can relate to one when the moment is

521 FIR ST ST.

This Thursday is the first poetry night of the quarter at John Natsoulas Gallery. All poets and prose writers are welcome to perform at the open mic around 9 p.m. Featured poet readings start at 8 p.m. The featured poet will be announced this coming week.


Enjoy a free performance of Schubert’s Trio Op. 100. The show will feature Rachel Vetter Huang on violin, Susan Lamb Cook on cello and Hao Huang on piano. The event is non-ticketed and anyone is welcome to attend.



Some artists have truly mastered this ability to translate their depression into music. right; that is, when they feel the need to wallow in their misery or acknowledge their softer, more vulnerable side. There is something cleansing about listening to a beautifully sad song — it brings out strong emotions and reminds us what we are capable of feeling. I feel more “human” after connecting to a tragic song, more in touch with myself. Solemn songs are easy to connect with because, for the most part, artists are drawing directly from their own emotional bank when writing them. They feel depressed or lonely and translate their mood directly into emotionally rich, genuine music. Indeed, artists do this when they

write happy songs too, but the melodies in sad songs pack an emotional punch that hits the listener straight in the heart. They inspire us and humble us at the same time, and in my opinion, carry more gravity than happy songs. Some artists have truly mastered this ability to translate their depression into music. It takes true skill for an artist to evoke strong emotions from a listener, and the following list includes artists who are able to harness their depression in an impactful way: 1) Matchbox 20 (Songwriter: Dave Thomas): Dave Thomas uses Matchbox 20’s songs to communicate the issues raging inside his head. In songs like “Unwell” and “Push,” he offers unmistakably genuine examples of how he is simply unable to cope with life, romanticism and his own emotions. He writes about his secret desire to assume full control over his lover, how he talks to himself and doubts his sanity. The band’s background music is always beautiful, but the hopeless morbidity of his lyrics and the way he inserts tremendous passion into his singing truly impact me as a listener. 2) The Smiths (Songwriter: Morrissey): Morrissey is truly the loneliest songwriter T UNE I N O N PAGE 1 3

THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2014 | 7


COURTESY Left to Right: Roberto Grandos, Patrick O’Connell, Matthew Fish and Jon Mendle make up the San Francisco Guitar Quartet

P E R F O R M I N G I N D AV I S :

The San Francisco Guitar Quartet Classical guitarists play music in fresh way CHLOE CATAJAN arts@theaggie.org Saccharine guitar melodies will soon ring through the halls of the Davis Art Center. On Jan. 17, the San Francisco Guitar Quartet will be performing to debut some new pieces, as well as showcase some international favorites. Since 1997, the San Francisco Guitar Quartet has devoted itself to performing rich, innovative and complex interpretations of arrangements old and new. The current members of the San Francisco Guitar Quartet are Matthew Fish, Roberto Granados, Jon Mendle and Patrick O’Connell.Together, the group stands as a profound classical guitar ensemble in today’s music.

According to Fish, the guitar’s limitless ability to express emotion is what flourishes the group’s music-making process. “The guitar can play the same note/pitch on many different strings, each giving that note a distinct sound,” Fish said. “We can also change the sound of our guitars by simply moving our right hand to a different spot when we pluck the strings, which opens up a whole spectrum of tone colors.” The quartet members are all distinguished soloists, each adding a unique sound to the group’s medley voice. Because each musician possesses a distinct musical style, the group must approach arrangements pragmatically. Mendle mentions that a lot goes on behind achieving the group’s ultimate aim: to play expressively and introduce listeners to a

euphoric getaway. “When reinterpreting classic pieces, it is first and foremost our goal to be truthful to what is essential to the original piece,” Mendle said. “Yet on another level we cannot be too tied to this, as each member of the quartet has a unique voice on the instrument. Sometimes it is a kind of balancing act — trying to find an appropriate balance between putting ourselves into the music, yet not altering what is already there.” After establishing the motive behind a piece comes the actual procedure of reinterpreting arrangements. O’Connell further describes the process as a balance of both individual and group work. “We usually tackle arrangements and original pieces individually,” O’Connell said. “We collaborate when we improvise and spontaneously arrange traditional songs, or when a piece written for us calls for improvisation or indeterminacy.”


San Francisco Guitar Quartet performances thus exemplify the group’s elaborate diversity and complexity. While audiences can always expect a show of innovativeness, the group’s upcoming Davis show has an even newer component in store. “Our program this year is quite varied and will feature music from Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Australia and works that are dedicated to the San Francisco Guitar Quartet,” O’Connell said. “We will be playing a variety of instruments. This will be the first time the quartet will perform using mixed instrumentation.” Overall, O’Connell anticipates a moving performance. “We hope to keep our audiences engaged in our performances by exposing them to music that they are not used to hearing in juxtaposition, to get them thinking about how unique composers and different genres can be and show them how versatile the guitar is as an instrument,” O’Connell said.


MUSE inquires about singer-songwriter’s unique craft COLEMAN SAWYER arts@theaggie.org Famed singer-songwriter and storyteller Chuck Brodsky will be performing Jan. 16 at Bill Wagman’s House at 1350 Monarch Lane in Davis at 7 p.m.Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at the door. Brodsky, born and raised in Philadelphia, began his career performing in San Francisco coffee shops and busking across Europe during the late 1980s. Over the last 20 years, Brodsky has released 10 albums and toured North America and Europe extensively. However, it is Brodsky’s incorporation of baseball and many of its eccentric characters into his songs that has brought him critical acclaim. As a result, 18 of his baseball story songs have been enshrined in the National Baseball Hall of Fame sound recording library. MUSE spoke with Brodsky and asked him about his approach to writing music, why he loves baseball and his future as a musician. MUSE: How would you describe your approach to music and what do you think separates you from other folk musicians? CB: My approach to music is very organic I think. I don’t mean to sound smug, but music isn’t a career for me as much as it’s my calling. It’s a craft. Something I take great pride in. I’m not B R O DS KY O N PAG E 1 1



Davis resident opens house to film fans JOHN KESLER arts@theaggie.org At first glance, the Davis Pleasure Dome seems no different from any of the other houses on Pole Line Road. It’s certainly not a dome at any rate. However, one of the Pleasure Dome’s residents, Drew Evans, envisions the Pleasure Dome as an anchor for the community. One of the community events he hosts at his home is the Yolo County Film Society, a free movie screening that takes place on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. FI LM O N PAGE 1 1

8 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2014



editorial from the board


UC Online

Ineffectively efficient

CLAIRE TAN Managing Editor ADAM KHAN Campus News Editor PAAYAL ZAVERI City News Editor

The University of California (UC) has recently started enrolling students in online courses through a program called UC Online. This offers courses available to all UC students, which in theory, seems like a great idea. While we appreciate the idea behind the program, it’s important to recognize that online courses can never truly replace a traditional classroom experience. Online courses offer flexibility for a number of reasons. Cross-campus enrollment allows students from any UC campus to take any online course regardless of whether that course is taught by a professor from their campus. For example, an online psychology course from UC Irvine may have students from UCLA, UC Irvine and UC Davis. It also allows students who commute to take certain classes with more ease.

NAOMI NISHIHARA Features Editor TANYA AZARI Opinion Editor KYLE SCROGGINS Science Editor KENNETH LING Sports Editor CRISTINA FRIES Arts Editor BIJAN AGAHI Photography Editor EMMA LUK Copy Chief JANICE PANG Design Director JAMES KIM Art Director BRIAN NGUYEN New Media Manager RYAN HANSEN-MAFFET Business Manager BEAUGART GERBER Advertisting Manager

Students struggling to graduate on time may also find these online classes helpful, as they can take them in addition to a full course load and therefore complete more units. Online courses have the potential to enroll many more students than in a traditional classroom setting. All units from UC online courses are transferable between campuses, so one advantage is that these online courses are encouraging collaboration between campuses. For Winter Quarter/Spring Semester, UC Online is offering 11 pre-existing courses from four campuses: elementary Spanish and a climate change course from UC Davis; psychology, statistics and American cybercultures from UC Berkeley; pre-calculus and astronomy from UC Irvine; and computer science from UC Riverside, to name a few. UC Online states on their

website that their program differs from massive online open courses (MOOCs) because they aim to have more student-to-instructor interaction and offer real course credit, which MOOCs do not. With online courses students lose essential interaction time with the professor and fellow students. Typing an answer into a chat box is not the same as simulating the spontaneity of a classroom environment. Online courses also make it easier for students to cheat on quizzes and exams. Although UC Online courses require weekly online discussions, these are not a completely effective replacement for face-toface interaction and therefore not much better than MOOCs. While this type of platform has the potential to be effective, it makes it easier for most students to get distracted during lecture. At least you can fall asleep without the professor calling you out.

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lot can change in 20 years; conversely, very little can change in 20 years. As we look back on two decades of the North American Free Trade Agreement — which recently turned 20 on Jan. 1 — it would seem that a qualifier might be in order: a lot has changed for the worse, and very little has changed for the better. The scope of NAFTA, while large, can be pared down to some basic tenets. Its primary function as a trade agreement between the U.S., Canada and Mexico

While there is undoubtedly a larger middle class today, Mexico is the only major Latin American country where poverty has grown in recent years. was and continues to be the breakdown of trade barriers between the three nations. It attempted to accomplish this primarily through the easing — and in many cases the outright elimination — of trade tariffs and import quotas.The much hoped-for outcome of these reforms — by policymakers on all sides — was a gradual but decisive implementation of neoliberalism (better known in the U.S. as liberal democracy) amid the promise of all the goodies that come with it. The goal of NAFTA from a Mexican

perspective was simple: the fostering and maintaining of economic growth.The promise delivered to the Mexican people by Mexican lawmakers was one of stability in a country known for instability, equality in a country known for inequality and political honesty in the land known for la mordida (the bribe). However, since NAFTA’s implementation, the Mexican economy has registered one of the lowest growth rates in all of Latin America; a reality all the more troubling given the tremendous economic growth seen in many other nations of the region (chief among them Brazil). Growth has stalled — ironically enough — in large part because of the increased interdependence of the three economies in a time of U.S. economic decline. In certain cases Mexico did end up taking advantage of the opportunities NAFTA afforded.The automotive and high tech sectors grew considerably; foreign banks moved in, easing access to much needed credit lines; but a majority of Mexicans saw little of benefit in their daily lives. While there is undoubtedly a larger middle class today, Mexico is the only major Latin American country where poverty has grown in recent years. Socially, the promise that NAFTA would accelerate Mexico’s much vaunted entry into the “First World” is belied by data like that recently published in a World Bank report, according to which the proportion of Mexicans in poverty compared to the total population is now as high as it was two decades ago: 52 people out of every 100. Recent calls by Mexican officials for the need to reformulate NAFTA allow for, Juarez on 13



he California Community Colleges (CCCs) have endured radical change in recent years.Tuition has spiked, budgets have been slashed and students are left in the crossfire. In defense of the CCCs, I understand they’re under an unparalleled amount of pressure.They are desperately trying to satisfy an abundance of student needs. They’re facing high school graduates looking to transfer out as quickly as possible, students returning to education after gaining job experience, pupils seeking

I met a variety of students who felt hopeless after failing high school classes, or who spent semester after semester attempting to pass seemingly remedial courses. The plethora of opportunities the CCCs provided came as a relief to them. English language and remedial computing classes and a sluggish group reluctantly gaining responsibilities in the real world. In my three years at a CCC, I noticed changes of all magnitudes. One of the most noticeable changes, and one that rings true even for UC students, was a spike in tuition. Prior to 1984, community colleges

charged no fees for classes. However, since 2009, tuition has been steadily increasing every year and is now at an all-time-high of $46 per unit. While that is still well under the financial bar set by UCs, the summer of 2012 brought a 22 percent increase in tuition to the CCCs. Twenty-two percent — compared to the zero dollars the CCCs charged just 30 years ago. Aside from tuition, I also noticed an interesting change in the demographics of students in my classes. CCCs have become a popular place for students to return to after gaining job experience or switching careers. It wasn’t uncommon for my classes to be filled with students in their thirties, forties or fifties. In my time at a CCC, I also underwent the recently-adjusted registration priority system. In order to compel graduation rates, incoming students are automatically disadvantaged when registering for classes. Additionally, CCC’s have become so impacted that students aren’t allowed to make counseling appointments for the first two weeks of the semester. At my CCC, we either had to sit through endless dropin waits or figure it out for ourselves. After barely surviving registration, I often noted the abundance of remedial courses my community college offered while I struggled to find just four general education courses. Logically, I understood that the CCCs needed to provide these classes. Students who failed these subjects in high school or didn’t place well in initial examinations now had a place to turn.They had the chance to work their way up through a Marshall on 13

THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2014 | 9


Huxley’s airplane

Got raw milk?




here are not a lot of issues on which I disagree with Kurt Cobain. Not that I have a lot of knowledge of his opinions on things; I like his music, and therefore I like to agree with him on everything. However, one point on which I must show my divergence is in his lyric, “I’m on a plane, I can’t complain.”When I am on a plane, there is a lot I can complain about. I know that some people love to fly, but I am generally pretty stressed out during the whole experience. At the end, when the plane safely lands can I finally exhale. For me, riding in an airplane is like

...as the book takes off there are all these alternative sexual things going on, which is like when you close your eyes and you lose your orientation and cannot keep them closed because it makes you nervous. reading Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. (Note: this article contains a spoiler, so if you were looking for a captivating reading experience and have not yet read the novel, please read the column next to mine instead. It really is a great book). The whole time you think about all these crazy, terrible things, your heart is thumping, and you’re just trying not to notice the disgusting state of your palms. Your mind is all,“Let’s think of everything terrible that can happen, shall we?” But then, a certain amount of hours later, you are safely to your destination, and everything turned out way better than your imagination might have had you believe. The book starts in a really stressful way, just like takeoff.There are these guys doing eugenics and everything is really bad. It’s like when the plane is making all that noise and you’re just like, “No, this is not right.This is just not right,” and you start looking at the flight attendant to make sure they look calm. And then as the book takes off there are all these alternative sexual things going on, which is like when you close your eyes and you lose your orientation and cannot keep them closed because it

makes you nervous. Just thinking about this is making my hands gross. I guess that’s the sign of a great novel — being able to make you sweat a little. In the same way you’re disturbed by children’s sexuality, the way that the captain says reassuring things from the flight deck makes you think uncomforting thoughts like, “This guy is drunk. Oh man, I’m on a plane with a drunken man.” Brave New World does a good job of going through periods of calm, and then just scaring the jeepers out of you a page later. “Ladidida, everything goes so well, why was I so…” AND TURBULENCE. I can just see Aldous Huxley being all, “This seems like a nice time to make something great happen in this novel. But no, maybe not.”The flight, and the book, continue on like this for about 100 pages, which in plane time seems like, well, eternity because every time you look at your watch only 15 seconds have passed. The assuredly drunk captain then decides it is time to give you the one complimentary beverage. Great.When the flight attendant gets to you, you look pissed off and ask for Coke. It’s like when Huxley throws you a bone with some more obvious political commentary and he thinks you’re going to be all, “Wow, thanks man.This makes it all worth my hands being drenched in sweat. Awesome!” My response was more, “Go away. I want to be alone.” Suddenly, the fasten seat belt sign comes on. Or, if you are reading Brave New World, you only have five pages left. “This is it.” Queue ’80s pump up jams. As you slowly make your descent, you finally look out the window.You see pretty lights, and the skyline of your destination. Maybe you’re now in Paris or Tokyo or Chicago.Your whole vacation awaits you! Queue Tame Impala music! Everything is suddenly so relaxing and cathartic. As Brave New World ends, everything just works out. Although there are some casualties, it turns out a whole lot better than the prior 150 pages would have had you think. From dystopia to happiest place on earth, making it through Brave New World is like taking a journey on a plane. It may not have been the best experience of your life, but it was a necessary step, and you made it. To be nervous a mile up in the air with EREN KAVVAS you should email her at ebkavvas@ ucdavis.edu.


aw milk is a controversial topic, especially among food scientists and public health officials.Why? Because raw milk has not been pasteurized, or heated to the point where microbes are killed, and thus is considered “dangerous” by the Food and Drug Administration. Pasteurization of milk began during the Industrial Revolution when raw milk was linked to the spread of tuberculosis, a deadly infectious disease common at the time. Pasteurization succeeded at decreasing the amount of illness associated with raw milk consumption and was hailed as a public health achievement.Throughout the 20th

The pleasure I took in drinking their raw milk is something akin to the satisfaction of drinking a chilled beer on a sweaty, humid day, only I drank the milk in the morning before I tromped out to the barn for some teat-time. century, pasteurization became the norm for nearly all dairy products destined for consumers. The same is still true today. If you go to a grocery store, you’ll likely find rows of milk products from various producers. Nearly all of those cartons and jugs hold pasteurized milk.Although less common, fluid raw milk products can be hiding somewhere among that aisle. Hard cheeses made from raw milk are also popular enough to be stocked by major grocery stores like Trader Joe’s. But why do I care about raw milk? I’m a dairy lover who has worked the past two summers on raw milk dairies.The first was a raw cow dairy in Massachusetts and the other a raw goat dairy in California. I had never had raw milk before working on the farms.What did I experience? Farmers exceptionally devoted to their herds that provided me with about as much raw milk as I could consume.The pleasure I took in drinking their raw milk is something akin to the satisfaction of drinking a chilled beer on a sweaty, humid day, only I drank the milk in the morning before I tromped out to the barn for some teat-time. We took great strides to ensure the quality



hat do we hope to gain from our time at this university? Are we looking for an education or merely the ability to get a good job or get into a good professional or graduate school? All of us would like to be educated during our time here. However, that does not mean merely having a high GPA, but more importantly having character qualities like innovative problem solving, communication and the ability to work in a team. Have you ever done well on an exam but not remembered any of the material two weeks later? When this happens often, your GPA is high — but have you really been educated? On the contrary, if you understand the material for a class, the good grade will come by itself without you having to work specifically for it. If we under-

stood this, we would not worry about our grades but rather about whether we learned the material; that is, if we were educated. While a high GPA helps to open the door to graduate or professional school or a job, it is not enough by itself. As it is possible to get good grades without truly being educated, a high GPA indicates that you may be educated, not that you are definitely educated. As a result, employers or admissions committees look at more than just your grades and qualifications to tell if you are truly educated. Before (and after) you get accepted, these executive figures will evaluate your attitude and work ethic. For example, last summer I applied for a job at a veterinary hospital as an undergraduate with no professional training. I was told that there were no openings, but I asked to

volunteer there and was accepted. Even though I had no formal training, the staff saw that I was highly adaptable and learned quickly; I became the unofficial fix-it person for whatever needed attention at the moment, whether it was a nonfunctional fax line or monitoring an anesthetized patient. After two weeks, I was on the payroll. In contrast, a few weeks after I started working there, a new technician was hired. He had completed a two-year formal technician program, but we quickly realized he struggled with basic techniques such as drawing blood. More importantly, he lacked self-direction in his work: we had to continually tell him what to do, which made him an ineffective worker. Finally, his arrogant attitude and resentment towards being told what to do made him miserable to be around.

of the milk or cheese, and I felt far from an accomplice in a “dangerous” activity. The messages being sent to the public about the safety of raw milk are contradictory.The Center for Disease and Control (CDC) clearly label raw milk as “dangerous,” yet it is legal in the European Union and 11 U.S. states to sell in retail stores — including our very own Golden State.An additional 18 U.S. states allow raw milk sales from farmers directly to consumers. Clearly, people throughout the U.S. and Europe are drinking raw milk without any catastrophes. The danger of raw milk exists if it is produced in unclean conditions and handled irresponsibly. If dairy herds are healthy, their living conditions are clean and the dairy farmer upholds responsible sanitary standards, then there is no reason why I shouldn’t be able to squirt milk directly from an udder straight into my mouth. The European Union and several U.S. states have proven that the production of raw milk can be regulated in such a way that is safe for the public’s consumption. For many, the successful regulation of raw milk is overshadowed by the claim-making and myth-busting gossip surrounding it. Raw milk enthusiasts claim that raw milk is more nutritional than pasteurized milk. Opponents claim there is no significant difference between the two. Raw milk enthusiasts claim lactose intolerant individuals can drink raw milk without digestive troubles. Opponents say that is based on anecdotal, not scientific, evidence. Any attempt at researching the debate will return endless pages of results both for and against raw milk. More scientific studies would certainly help people make better decisions about their health, but should it change the raw milk debate? Ultimately, the consumption of raw milk should be considered a personal freedom. After all, people are not banned from consuming raw fish in sushi restaurants based on food safety concerns. Nor are they banned from ordering their steaks cooked rare while out to dinner. It is overextension of the government to completely ban an entire industry based on food safety concerns when it readily allows and regulates so many food industries that are susceptible to the same microbial contaminations. Enough with the scare tactics. Just label the milk, and let consumers make their own decisions. If you’d like to call ELLEN PEARSON raw or dangerous, you can email her at erpearson@ ucdavis.edu.

He was fired after a month on the job. Unfortunately, many of us students care only about our grades, forgetting the many other things that matter: recommendation letters, experiences, personal statements and interviews. Each of these other factors helps evaluators see what a GPA cannot show: your integrity, work ethic, attitude, intelligence beyond mere knowledge and teamwork ability. In fact, these attributes are more important than rote knowledge: if you have them, you can easily be trained in any field you desire to enter. However, if you have the training and knowledge but not these character traits, you cannot be trained to obtain them. As a result, employers and schools value those character qualities just as much as, if not more than, knowledge. Of course, knowledge is essential as well. If you do not know something, you cannot use it to solve a problem. However, you can know something but not be able to apply it to a new situation. Thus, knowledge is a means to an end, but not an end in and of itself. Unfortu-

nately, many of us see knowledge as the ultimate purpose of education, an attitude beaten into us by tests in high school and college that ask us to merely repeat what we heard in class. Most classes test only our knowledge because they cannot test anything else. How could a professor with 500 students evaluate each student’s attitude and work ethic? In addition, how could that professor teach those traits? Those traits cannot be obtained through someone giving a lecture; we must attain them ourselves through experience. As a result, in order to get this experience and develop the character traits schools and employers look for, we must do more than take classes and passively listen to lectures. We must actively educate ourselves through means such as taking internships or jobs, joining clubs or doing research. The opportunities are out there, but we must seek them, not expect them to come to us. To share what you hope to get from UC Davis, contact WILLIAM CONNER at wrconner@ucdavis. edu.

10 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2014

CANDIDATES Cont. from front page

Davis, Parrella said that each group needs to realize the importance of the other. “The first step towards a positive relationship is having the students understand that local political decisions affect them just as much as federal or state decisions, if not more,” Parrella said in an email. “The City Council needs to understand that students are the reason we have such a thriving downtown.” Lee stressed the importance of a strong relationship between the City of Davis and the University and its students. He believes


that what sets UC Davis apart from many universities is that it is surrounded by such a great city to live in, something that he wants to preserve for future generations. Lee would like to see an improved relationship between University students and elected officials. “The city can do a better job of identifying what would make the town more university friendly,” Lee said. Lee, a UC Berkeley graduate, stated the importance of having a quality living environment surrounding a university. “I like Berkeley, but I had some colleagues that didn’t want to go to Berkeley because of the town or city environment,” Lee said. “[The City of] Davis [is] a

place that parents want their kids to go to school,” Lee said. Davis resident David Reid says that he has noticed more student involvement in the City of Davis recently. “I see [students] at the farmer’s market and downtown more than I used to,” Reid said.“The University is bigger, and we need its students to fit into the city environment well, and to continue to support it.” Reid added that because university students are exposed to such a wide variety of perspectives on a daily basis, they can often come up with creative solutions to problems, which is exactly what the city needs. Swanson wants to work more with stu-

dents and residents to create a more cohesive, receptive environment. “People have great ideas, and I’ve found it rewarding to incorporate them,” Swanson said. “I want to support that creative environment.” All voters registered in the City of Davis will be eligible to vote in the upcoming election. Reid said that the June 2014 election will be one of City Council’s most unpredictable to date because of the wide range of candidates. “You have an interesting combination of incumbent [Swanson], relatively unknown and young Parrella, and Robb Davis,” Reid said. “Should be interesting.” n



Cont. from front page Rochelle Swanson announced her bid for the next city council election.

BUDGET Cont. from front page

outdoor seating areas and other gathering places, according to Brady. The number and placements were largely chosen in order to replace existing smoking-related signs, particularly those which indicated previous smoking policies. According to the Communication Budget, 8,000 brochures and 10,000 policy reminder cards were also printed, and Brady said they have been distributed to various audiences, like new students during orientation, and placed in around campus and in tool kits for anyone who wishes to support the new policy. “The other question I have is: what effect will this have? Is there any sign that all these signs will have any benefit?” Clark said. “People see [the stickers], but they know already that in California you can’t smoke inside a building.You can’t smoke close to a building. There are still going to be people smoking at the University because there are still going to be people who smoke.” Clark said that while the effort to implement “Breathe Free” may amount to little change on campus, the amount spent is also tiny relative to the University’s budget. “For example, they’re redoing classrooms at present — lecture rooms — and one of the things they have to do is make the podiums Americans with Disabilities Act compliant. You’re talking about $75,000 to do one lecture room,” Clark said. “Things are incredibly expensive with the University.” Kelly Ratliff, associate vice chancellor of the Office of Resource Management and Planning, said that though the University budget is largely composed of things like money from the state, students’ tuition and individual faculty members’ research grants, the funding for “Breathe Free” did not come from any of these external sources. Instead, the funding came from entities on campus like the Memorial Union Bookstore and Student Housing. According to Ratliff, these units make their own money, but still use the Campus Accounting Office and HR Services, which allows the University to tax them. Additionally, the University puts money in a bank and earns interest, which also provides some revenue. Interest and internal taxes are both part of a general category of unrestricted funds controlled by the Provost, and according to Ratliff, something like “Breathe Free’s” communication efforts would have been funded by this. “So funding wasn’t literally taken away from somebody else, but once you spend money on this, you can’t spend it on something else,” Ratliff said. The University’s financial planning be-

gins in November, when the Regents adopt their budget, according to Ratliff. Early January, Gov. Jerry Brown follows with his budget proposal, and while state funding is only nine percent of the University’s funds, Ratliff said they still wait for it before planning their own budget, because it amounts to over $300 million. Tuition is also a large part of the budget, and during the third week of Winter Quarter, the number of students on campus are counted; then in February of each year, the Provost sends out the year’s projection. According to Ratliff, financial decisions are usually wrapped up around July, which the new year for the budget starts. However, Ratliff said that “Breathe Free” came off cycle, meaning that it was not part of the usual budget process. “If it happens in the whole budget process, you can line everything up side by side and know what you’re going to do and what you’re not going to do,” Ratliff said. “This one had to come through with its own timeline, so then it’s more speculative. We don’t know what else might be out there, but the money’s spent.” The unrestricted funds managed by the Provost and funding “Breathe Free UC Davis’” communication budget are typically used for one-time expenses. “During the budget crisis, almost everything was [used to help] bridge the budget cuts,” Ratliff said. “In the current year, it could be used for anything, from noticing that there were waitlists last year and trying to add some additional sections to some courses, to something like ‘Breathe Free.’” Ratliff also said that the unrestrictive one-time funds are also used to pay for international student advising, English as a Second Language Program instructors and developing some online courses. According to Clark, there was no pressure group pushing for a mandate like “Breathe Free,” and that while the University did not spent a huge amount on it, it was still an odd decision to make. “We can actually cost it out,” Clark said. “In terms of having another class offered, to get an instructor for that class costs typically something like $8,000 or $9,000. So the campaign is the same as giving up about 10 classes that undergraduates could have had. Or it could have paid for another 20 teaching assistants.” The communication funding is currently set for two years, at the end of which it will be decided if additional funding is still needed, according to Brady. “Rather than having these stickers out, there could be more teaching assistants. If you presented people with a choice, which would people rather have?” Clark said. “It’s not huge, but it just seems kind of frivolous … a frivolous use of the money on the campus.” n

EC, however, Sanchez and others will not only be taking a day off, they will be taking every day off until fall 2014 at the earliest. In early December 2013, the outlet for those interested in learning martial arts, belly dancing, meditation, massage, pottery, DJing and just about anything that couldn’t be taught in a traditional classroom was suspended indefinitely by ASUCD due to financial losses. In the past five years, the EC has experienced dwindling enrollment and failed to make the jump from print to digital advertising. Additionally, the high turnover of management resulted in lacking institutional memory and ultimately, failure to remedy the College’s financial issues. “The Experimental College clearly had a marketing problem, its marketing had been based in print media for the last four decades… Unfortunately, [it] did not make changes in its marketing approach, [instead, it] cut its marketing budget in response to the problem that caused its inadequate marketing,” said Rick Schubert, Experimental College Instructors Advising Board chair during Jan. 9’s ASUCD meeting. In their attempt to save money on marketing, the EC ended up becoming advertised through a few paper adverts and by students already enrolled in classes. While content remained at the same caliber, the inability to get the word out led to the EC’s decline. “I’ve been taking social dance classes there for several years. Because it doesn’t really get advertised, I heard about the EC through word of mouth and most of my fellow students heard about it in the same way. Once people find out about it, just like me, they’re hooked,” said Charles Hagen, a student of the EC in an email interview. This fall, in an effort to fix the EC’s many issues, a new, more communication-based management has taken steps toward opening up lines of communication between instructors, students and those in charge of finances. A new EC website was also designed to mitigate advertisement woes. “The changes that are necessary to save the EC have been made, but unfortunately it was too little too late,” said ASUCD Senator Ryan Wonders, a third-year political science and international relations double major during Jan. 9’s senate meeting. The suspension closed all classes and retained The Gardens, which was hoped to generate revenue in order to eventually reopen the College. Instructors and students alike were taken aback by the news. “I was very surprised to hear about the suspension,” said Experimental College Social Dance instructor Donnelle Yoshino, in an email interview. “Communication between the EC, EC instructors and ASUCD has been very limited. I knew the EC was in a bit of trouble, but I was unaware how severe it was until fall 2013. We were told we would be able to hold classes in winter 2014, but then were told suddenly that all classes were suspended.” In response to the originally indefinite suspension, an outpouring of support for the EC has occured. At the Jan. 9 ASUCD meeting, the conference room was flooded with

EC members, who range from veterinary school students and undergrads, to professors and Davis residents, all determined to petition for a resolution to the suspension. “I feel like ASUCD really listened and now understands how valuable the institution is. It impacts lives. We have so many long-term students who have been coming for decades. You get to build an informal oneon-one relationship with these role models that you could never have had in a traditional lecture setting,” said Sarah Bonnar, a UC Davis graduate and student at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. “I would have never made a personal connection to [Professor] Sarah Lievens without my Hapkido class. I knew her first as one of my very good friends.” After hours of testimonials from EC members and discussion with the senate on Jan. 9, it was decided that a task force dedicated to working with EC leaders was to be initiated and a loose date of reopening was set for fall 2014. “I think that I would be very surprised if there was a member at this table that is not willing to work their butt off to get these problems taken care of and get us back online as quickly as possible,” Wonders said. With steps made to get the EC up and running eventually, most members of are hopeful that its return will be a swift one. “I have high hopes for the committee formed on Thursday [Jan.9] to restart the EC, but time is of the essence; the longer the closure persists, the more student interest will disperse,” Hagen said. The passion of those involved in the EC has led to some instructors stating that they are willing to continue their classes free of charge, while others plan to relocate until classes open again. “Some of the EC instructors, including myself and Gwen Burton Luke, have offered to teach the classes for free, asking our students to donate to the EC during the quarters of suspension. If we are not able to use the EC facilities to teach the classes, the social dance classes may be able to rent space at other dance studios in town,”Yoshino said. The close relationships between the instructors and students have resulted in the continuation of the community, despite the EC’s suspension. “The instructors are keeping us updated [on what the classes plan to do] and some are trying to go pro bono to retain and protect the community. We are community based, and deeply invested in these classes. It isn’t just the technical aspects of whatever you are learning — these are lifetime connections. I went through hip surgery, and these were the people that were sending me cards and checking on me. That doesn’t happen at the ARC; if you stop coming to classes, you drop off the map,” Bonnar said. As part of the personal lives of those who attend, the EC has proven to be fiercely defended and loved by those who have walked through its doors. “It provides tremendous value. It offers classes unique in content and unique in approach. It provides an environment in which students, faculty, staff and Davis residents can develop mentor-mentee relationships,” Schubert said. “The Experimental College is an incredibly valuable asset to UC Davis as a 47-year part of the institution, and it is arguably part of the very culture and character of the campus.” n

THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2014 | 11




Cont. from page 4

Cont. from page 5

7. What would be the theme song to a show about your life? “What If,” it’s a Five For Fighting song. It talks about thinking about things that could happen or would have happened, and I like to plan ahead a lot.

ways in which the social, economic and political are tied together, and what the effects of one causes in the others,” Wright said. Wright said a particular movement may emphasize some of these aspects to give their cause an advantage. For example, Wright said he personally knows many people fighting for accessible public education. “[They] are deeply invested in the social justice aspects of this cause,” Wright said. “It’s not just about num-

8. If you could own any animal, what would it be and why? A little owl. Have you seen the pictures of the cute little baby owls? I would love one of those just to sit on my shoulder. I think that’d be pretty cool. n

BRODSKY Cont. from page 7

in the business of music. I love songwriting and I love performing too much. The goal for me when writing a song is just to please myself on an artistic level and the goal when doing a concert is to feel connected with everybody while doing something I love doing. That’s it right there. I can’t really speak for other musicians, as far as what they might strive for, or how they might define success, but for me it’s never been about trying to reach some level of fame or some great big number of sales. That’s all good, but it’s not healthy to have those things be your focus. I like to keep it only about trying to reach people, having some fun, telling some stories worthy of telling, making some good music … it’s like being unleashed. It’s something I’m grateful that I get to do. I’m an independent musician who’d love to have a manager and a book-

ing agent, but since I don’t, I do those jobs myself, make all my own arrangements, drive myself around, and then when I show up at the gig … that’s when I get to let it just be about the music. How did your signature style of combining folk music and baseball come to develop over the years? It happened completely by accident. I was a little bit unsure about playing my first baseball song. I thought people would find a song about sports to be trite. I was surprised people liked it so much when I started to sing it.When I wrote a second baseball song I noticed I was often being referred to as the guy who writes baseball songs, and that was just after two of them. By the time I’d written my third baseball song it occurred to me I might continue writing them until one day I had enough to fill an entire CD of them. I did ultimately release The Baseball Ballads. I kept

TA Cont. from page 2

has observed the struggles of TAs who also often have research, seminars and other campus jobs to manage. “I’ve been a TA every year of grad school and worked in different departments, and what I’ve seen is that the kinds of pressures to increase class sizes and squeeze TAs happening on the UC-level is happening all over campus and is something that faculty and grad students are struggling with,” McKusick said. “With these increases in class sizes the responsibilities of TAs is really serious and we’re very concerned that TAs are working more than the hours that they should be working and that this is impacting students’ education.” Besides expressing grievances for the assurance of fair working conditions and treatment during this contract campaign the UAW 2865 adopted an open bargaining process for the first time by inviting all members to UC negotiations to diversify the amount of coordination and representation of ASEs. They have also highlighted forums such as gender neutral bathrooms on campuses, undocumented student support and child care services for graduate student workers. Third-year sociology graduate stu-

STUDENT Cont. from page 2

students and the community. Residential manager of The Colleges at La Rue Apartments and commission member Trish Whitcomb states she believes both sides make very legitimate arguments and that the police have valid concerns about the safety of kids. “Our overall position is that we understand both sides. We understand the concern of students and their belief that they could be targeted but also we support the police department’s desire to make sure students are safe as possible,” Whitcomb said. She adds that she has never experienced the animosity students speak about with police because she’s always witnessed positive interactions. Most commission members, even if they don’t agree with the language of the act do agree that the premature alcohol use in our community

bers of dollars, but about oppression and inequality.” Likewise, similar issues may have come up in protests of the past. Although people of all backgrounds were drafted into the Vietnam War, Wright said the poor and minorities were disproportionately sent to the front lines and killed in combat. In the present day, he also said high tuition fees can make it difficult for these same disadvantaged groups to attend universities. Wright also mentioned the AFSCME 3299 strike and the protest against President Napolitano, when protesters demanded the UC president’s resigna-

writing more baseball songs, and a few months ago I released the follow up CD,The Baseball Ballads 2. Why do you find baseball and its role as America’s national pastime so intriguing? I think baseball is something that most people are probably exposed to at some point in their lives in one way or another. It’s something almost universally shared by fathers or by mothers with their children, playing catch in the backyard, following the favorite team together, going out to the ballpark — something a lot of people can relate to. It’s all been just a great big tremendous amount of fun, writing and singing about baseball. It’s taught me just how beloved baseball really is, by old and young, rich and poor, people of all colors, male or female. On a cultural level, I think baseball is an incredibly rich and colorful treasure trove of folklore.There have been so many great characters through the years, some of mythic

tion in November 2013. “Both of those protests/demonstrations were very upfront about the issues of race, immigration, status, gender and class in the University,”Wright said.“The anti-Napolitano protest had many demands, such as stopping the surveillance against students, making the UC a sanctuary campus for undocumented peoples and fair contracts for campus unions.” Though history demonstrates that strikes and protests on this campus have and continue to receive some form of community support, Wright suggests that students pay closer attention to the purpose behind the movements, rather than simply joining the crowd. n

proportions — the heroes, the goats, the winners, the losers, the goofballs — while generations of fans have lived and died with their teams. How and why do you choose the stories that you tell? It starts with me being touched by a story, whether it be one told to me face to face, or one I come across in a newspaper or magazine article, or even a photo that catches my eye and provokes me to imagining something very real. I look for stories that lift your spirit, or make you feel you’re not alone in your troubles, stories of people doing kind things, stories of the good examples we can be to others. I look for stories that are unique and worthy of telling, or I try to give voice to somebody else who has something profound to say but not a way of saying it. It might sound hokey, but it’s true… a lot of the best stories seem to find me. What does the future hold for

dent and Davis unit chair for UAW 2865 Duane Wright is a parent himself, and previously spent eight years as a substitute teacher at elementary schools in Massachusetts before coming to Davis. “Coming here I had an expectation that I would be teaching, but it’s a little disappointing that you only get less than 10 hours with your student in the quarter,” Wright said. “The problem with the lecture hall pedagogically is that it’s a one-way mode transmission … A quality education is one in which people participate and become subjects of their education instead of objects of their education. And [ideally] discussion section is a way to try to fill that gap … but now those are getting too big.” According to Wright, the current subsidy of child support for union workers is $600 per quarter or $900 per semester, and there are talks in changing the amount to $900 per quarter instead due to the already low incomes of ASEs. “Having an extra mouth to feed, having to have an extra bedroom; these are all extra costs for a student and I’m not making any more money than anyone else, ”Wright said. “It’s tricky. Especially my first two quarters here were so intense and required so much of my time … [My son] was in third grade at the time and I really

don’t know much of what went on his third grade year... I’m not really sure how I feel about that.” Ph.D candidate of geography Katharine Bradley, who has been both a TA and graduate student researcher (GSR) for most of her graduate experience, has seen the position of the TA as an educator in the UC system to be important, though she agrees they tend to have a lot to manage. “As a TA, part of my job is to create as many distinct and diverse opportunities for students to connect with something about the class even if they’re not going to connect with me personally,” Bradley said. “[Grad students] have course work, they have to juggle whatever [their] on-campus job is and … looking for work every quarter can take a lot of energy away from the things we want to be studying.” According to McKusick the experience as a TA is beneficial, however the labor legalities and time struggle they face can often take away from their interaction with students. “In my experience, being a TA can be really fun,” McKusick said. “You work with faculty and try to get students to think really critically about the material which is impossible in lecture or other spaces. Some of the difficult things about it are having a lot of students and not feeling I can reach out to everybody.” n

should be addressed. Executive vice president of the Interfraternity Council and commission member, Mitch Davis, a fourthyear biochemistry and molecular biology and applied mathematics double major, believes the act is “well intended but misguided” and that a problem is already established by the time someone is stopped with alcohol in their system. “I think the ordinance will just create more problems than it’ll solve. I think there are better ways to reach out to the people who the ordinance is trying to educate — alternative and more effective means,” Davis said. “We applaud people in law enforcement and people who are trying to address problems with underage drinking in Davis, but the ordinance simply won’t benefit the fight at all.” There are existing programs to help students such as ASUCD’s “Tipsy Taxi” which drives any student home for three dollars, the informational website Safe Party Initiative and the Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs

(ATOD) program. Bottoms believes additional measures can be taken to address underage drinking without adding a “punitive law.” “I’d like to see a system where Davis Police can talk to first-year students before they move out of the dorms where they can say, look these are the policies. Instead of a resident advisor writing you up it’ll be a police officer with a $300 ticket,” Bottoms said. He adds that students can play a huge part. He suggests that students get involved so that they can realize the impact the City of Davis has on their everyday life. “Since half the Davis population is students we really should have a voice. Currently we really don’t — we are here for four years, we tend to not vote, we don’t get angry and go to City Council meetings,” Bottoms said. “My other suggestion is to be safe. Know the resources out there like Tipsy Taxi … know your limit, know your rights but really know what you can handle and what you can’t.” n

you career and how do you see yourself developing as an artist? I think as an artist my songwriting keeps getting better and better, and I think my performances do too. I’d mostly just like for that to continue. I plan to continue touring throughout North America, Europe and elsewhere, hopefully for many more years. I’d like to play my songs for as many people along the way as I can. I’d like to send as many of them home happy and satisfied as I possibly can. That’s what I see as realistic. That’s all I can really control. I’m alive. I’m doing it better than I’ve ever done it. Anything beyond that is gravy. Continuing to be able to make my living as a performer and songwriter, being able to continue making records, is all a great privilege that I really don’t take for granted. My career goal is to keep on going, try to hang onto my integrity in a world that celebrates the phony and joyously make my way until my dying day. n

FILM Cont. from page 7

“When I moved into this house, me and the other residents wanted to make this place a community fixture,” Evans said. “We would host potluck meals and gatherings. Eventually, we decided to get a projector and screen movies.” Evans has said that while he is open to suggestions as to what he will screen, he will show one American film and one foreign film each month. For instance, Evans showed Into Great Silence, a German documentary about monks in the French Alps, on Jan. 12 and will show Groundhog Day, an American comedy starring Bill Murray, on Jan. 26. “I’ve seen a lot of movies so I have an idea of what function film serves in a community,” Evans said. “I try and select movies that tie into that function.” Steve Watson, UC Davis campus employee who has attended three screenings, discussed how the Film Society not only screens quality films, but also provides a welcome space to be a part of a community. “I keep coming back because Drew’s nice and it’s a nice group,” Watson said. “It’s great to get people together and talking. I support it.” Evans lets people discuss the movie afterwards, although the amount of discussion depends on the group. “Some people want to talk afterwards, and some people just want to watch and leave,” Evans said. The two movies that caused the most discussion were Barton Fink and Adaptation, although for different reasons. “Fink had a lot of weird imagery and allegorical stuff, which people wanted to figure out,” Evans said. “Adaptation caused discussion because some people were like, ‘What just happened?’” On average, Evans said that about five or six people show up, although this number varies. He’s hosted around 20 people for some screenings. “There seems to be no correlation between attendance and the movie I show,” Evans said. “One night I played a Woody Allen movie and one person showed up, but when I played a weird Klaus Kinski movie, a lot of people came for that.” Andy Stewart, a resident of Davis, was present for the screening of Into Great Silence. It was the first time he attended a screening since the documentary appealed to his interest in monastic culture. “This is the kind of Davis culture I like,” Stewart said. “I like that there are events like this. It’s a good kind of art culture.” Evans’ goal with the Film Society is to try and get people to be less isolated. “Society is geared around phones and virtual worlds, which are isolating,” Evans said. “I’ve been passionate about things that get us into a shared space, and the theater is the ultimate example of this. It’s nice to have a bunch of people get together and share the same experience.” To learn more about the Yolo County Film Society, visit yolofilm.wordpress.com. n


12 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2014


of the




Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

C R O S S W Edited O RbyD Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis


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13 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2014


BUTTERFLY Cont. from page 2

first one,” Shapiro said. Unfortunately, the competition is at a close for 2014. The first cabbage white butterfly of 2014 was caught by Shapiro on Jan. 14 at 12:20 p.m. in West Sacramento. It was flying eastward along the edge of the service road and Shapiro caught it with a self-proclaimed jump shot. There are only a few rules regarding the competition itself. The specimen must be captured alive, outdoors within the three counties and after Jan. 1. Only adult members of the species Pieris rapae are eligible, excluding pupae or caterpillars. Refrigera-

JUAREZ Cont. from page 8

and indeed necessitate, a popular and critical reexamination of the inequitable and damaging nature that was present in the agreement from the start. In macroeconomic terms, the figures are compelling. At the time of NAFTA’s signing, Mexico’s trade balance showed a surplus of more than $500 million. This same balance showed a deficit of more than $2 billion in the first half of this year. In these 20 years, imports of grains and oil seeds have increased from 8.8 million tons in 1993 to 29 million in 2012, an increase which has served to not only destroy a significant part of Mexico’s productive infrastructure, but has also increased unemployment among the Mexican agricultural class and has directly contributed to the mass exodus of Mexican workers to the U.S. Over the past two decades, this trade agreement has resulted in a

tion is recommended to retain the health of the specimen if kept in captivity for an elongated amount of time. “[Shapiro] usually beats me by at least half a month. I always get excited when I find one,” said Nick McMurray, the UC Davis Entomology Club president. According to Shapiro, he has been running this competition annually since the early 1970s and has only been beaten three times and tied once within 20 minutes. “Rumor is that Art has never lost, so I have never tried,” said Nick Fabina, a UC Davis graduate student with the EVE Department. “I’ve heard that Art has a secret place where he reliably finds them.” Shapiro hinted that a common place that he has been successful is in West Sacramento

number of disastrous consequences for many of Mexico’s most important industries. It has caused profound damage in various sectors of the Mexican national economy, and has, contrary to its stated goals, weakened the domestic economy as a result of the unfair terms under which it was signed. Several voices spoke out to warn us; the Zapatista uprising in Chiapas was violently put down because of the truths that were exposed by such an action. There was nothing healthy about bare-boned competition. Mexico had no business going toe to toe with the U.S. economy, and as such, this was never the mutually beneficial agreement we were sold — one which its proponents claimed sought nothing more than North American integration. If you are in any way unhappy with JORGE JUAREZ and his adherence to the free trade of ideas you can lodge a formal complaint at jnjuarez@ucdavis. edu.

MARSHALL Cont. from page 8

variety of subjects as slowly as they needed to. I met a variety of students who felt hopeless after failing high school classes, or who spent semester after semester attempting to pass seemingly remedial courses. The plethora of opportunities the CCCs provided came as a relief to them. However, it was still frustrating to me. Why had I worked so diligently in high school just to be waitlisted in classes? But after my pity party had commenced, I reminded myself that I was part of a newly formed demographic. We transfer students were a fresh trend amongst the CCCs. In the past five years, CCCs have become a growing option for many families as state and university tuition rates spike. CCCs have been intercepting students and giving families a more financially accessible option while signifying their value as an alternative route for higher education. The Foundation for California Community Colleges discovered that almost 30 percent of

WATSON Cont. from page 4

years. I’m a head camp counselor and it’s always incredible to see how much personal growth and self discovery can happen in one week. I’m happy to be a part of it. 7. If you were a fruit, what would you be and why?

or in various warm microhabitats. However, he will not disclose a specific location. “Shapiro spends over 200 days of the year outside and he has been doing this for 30 years,” said Alex Nguyen, UC Davis Entomology Club secretary. This dedication may seem daunting, but over the years, several undergraduates, graduates, faculty and members of the public have tried hopefully and ardently to succeed. “I think that I will never catch one,” said Professor Sebastian Schrieber of the EVE Department. “I’m co-teaching with Art and I think he is amazing at what he does.” If you are able to find a cabbage white butterfly before Shapiro or any of your county-wide competitors, you will gain no-

Cont. from page 6 NE L S O N G A L L E RY


Come experience the full range of California through the art from the San Diego/Tijuana region of Southern California. Featured artists delve into what it means to be a Californian and explore what it’s like to live in the California-Mexico border region.




8 :1 5


S UNDAY S 2 :1 5 P.M., THRO UG H JAN. 2 6 , $ 1 8 G E NE RAL, $ 1 6 S TUDE NTS AND S ENI O RS. DAVI S




6 0 7 PE NA DRI VE

NOW U NT I L M A R . 1 4 , F R E E

Set in a club in 1920s Germany, Cabaret is a high-energy musical full of drama, humor and vivacious musical numbers. This rendition of the musical is directed by local talent Jan Isaacson and will be featured at the Davis Musical Theatre Company through the end of January.

C. N. G O R M A N M U S E U M , 1 3 1 6 HART

Marie Watt is an artist who knits quilts based off of Native American and colonial patterns. The gallery will display a wide range of designs inspired by old cultures and the museum will offer communal knitting circles.



G A L L E RY 1 8 5 5 , 8 2 0 PO L E L I NE ROAD


Rick York is set to display his new set of photos taken in the San Francisco and Sacramento streets. The gallery is meant to inspire people to slow down and take a look at the interesting

The UC Davis Film Festival Board is now accepting submissions for their annual film festival. Information regarding submission can be found on facebook.com/UCDavisFilmFest.

To swap stories about working your way out of a CCC, email SARAH MARSHALL at smmarshall@ucdavis.edu.

Eat Well

— Melissa Dittrich

aspects of life they might otherwise miss. York prides himself on capturing the rich colors and nuances of the world around him.


UC students transferred from a CCC and over 60 percent of California’s first-time higher education students initiated their education at a CCC. Recent budget cuts have forced CCCs to refocus their overarching priorities. CCCs can now meet a variety of needs, but can’t prioritize any one group. As a result, transferring out of a community college has become far more difficult. It’s more expensive, it takes longer and we feel lost in the system because we can’t gain access to the tools or administrators that we need. Overall, the largest change the CCCs have endured is the quality of its transfer students. I can attest that these students are among the elite. They beat the odds, have an unparalleled work ethic and demonstrate an undying appreciation for the opportunity of education. So next time you meet a transfer student in one of your classes, keep in mind the barriers they’ve overcome just to be here, and keep an eye out — they’re here to succeed.

Passion Fruit — it’s sweet, unique and unexpected.

toriety but also the task of deciding what kind of beer you will celebrate with. “There is a long tradition in this department to get Pabst Blue Ribbon,” Shapiro said. However, some may have a more upscale beer in mind. The possibilities are endless. “I would get a Firestone or a nice IPA (India Pale Ale),” said Alex Dedman, a UC Davis Entomology Club member. Those who are able to catch this coveted bug should bring it promptly to Shapiro’s office in Storer Hall. Unfortunately, the competition is now over, but students are encouraged to still be on the lookout next year.

humming this song, I’m in a fantastic mood!

8. What would(Winter) be the theme 9. If you could own any anisong to a show Aggieabout Ad- B&Wyour mal, real or mythical, what life? 3 column x 4 inches would it be? Paolo Nutini — New Shoes A half wolf and half Australian It’s my happy <filename: song. To eat-well-winter.pdf> me, it’s German shepherd the size of the about finding the little things in wolves from the Twilight saga. It life that make you joyful and let- would be extremely sweet and ting them fill your life with bliss. cuddly and also fun to ride and If you ever hear me singing or hike with. n

TUNE IN Cont. from page 6

I have ever heard. In “Unloveable,” his lyrics communicate just what you’d expect: that he is undesirable to any woman. His wailing voice croons about how he is strange, plain and devoid of happiness. In “Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now,” he wails about how he spends time with people who don’t care about him and who make him feel bad about himself. The really unique thing about The Smiths, though, is that they pair such depressing and lonely lyrics with upbeat, groovy music. The combination can be misleading, but paying attention to Morrissey’s lyrics is a quick giveaway that the man is lonely and emotionally disturbed. 3) The Script (Songwriter: Danny O’Donoghue): I might get a little flack from my male friends for writing about The Script, but it would be plain wrong to exclude them from impactful emotional artists — they do it so well. A large majority of Script songs are about being hopelessly heartbroken, and O’Donoghue communicates this theme so well. He paints pictures of a man waiting relentlessly on a street corner for his girl to come back to him (“The Man Who Can’t be Moved”), another of a

Eat Well, Live Healthy! Weight Management Series

drunk and lonely man desperately screaming for his girl to give him another chance (“Nothing”). Many can relate to these feelings of hopeless and seemingly pointless attachment to someone, and he portrays them to a T. On top of this, the background guitar in Script songs is clean, sad-sounding, but beautiful as well. 4) Counting Crows (Songwriter: Adam Duritz) Adam Duritz writes some beautifully depressing music. An example of this is the song “Round Here,” in which an unmistakably sad guitar riff is accompanied by stories of how Adam is horribly out of touch with his lover whom he cannot stop thinking about. He sings of how he hears her crying and doesn’t know why, how she’s “slipping through his hands,” how he “got lost sometime.” His singing could almost be described more accurately as moaning or whining, but he does so in a way that does not annoy the listener. He seems genuinely lost and helpless. In a musical world filled with apple bottom jeans and swaggy boyfriends, it’s great to get some authenticity once in a while. These artists’ “swag” derives from how they put themselves fully into their music. Give them a listen if you ever feel the need to get in touch with your vulnerable side. n

Want to manage your weight but aren’t sure how to get started? Come to the Eat Well, Live Healthy! weight management series. This series covers quick and easy cooking tips, physical activity, meal planning and more! The best part? It’s free to all UC Davis students. You must register to attend. Visit the Student Health Services Nutrition Services webpage. shcs.ucdavis.edu/services/nutrition


Weight Management Series: Tuesdays 3:30-5:00pm Jan 28, Feb 4 - 18 Student Health & Wellness Center

THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2014 | 14


CAMPUS CHIC Cont. from page 6

1. If you could describe your personal style in three words, what would they be? Queer, colorful, dynamic. 2. Who or what is your style icon? I don’t really think of any one person as an icon — there are a lot of queer people whose style I admire. I find aspects of people’s outfits that I like, and then I emulate or outdo them. 3. What are your three must-have items in your wardrobe? Collared dress shirts, all kinds of ties (regular, skinny, bow ties, bolo ties, ascots) and shiny jewelry. 4. What is your favorite accessory and why?

I love hats; I’ve been a hat person for years and I currently own over 20. They’re great for adding more flair to an outfit or pulling different parts together. (Hats are also a must-have for keeping my ears warm during 11 p.m. bike rides.) 5. Where do you love to shop and why? I prefer getting clothes as hand-me-downs, from thrift stores or from places like Target or Ross that aren’t super expensive. I’ve found some dress shirts that fit me really well at Uniqlo. Hand-me-downs are great because I know they’re clothes that someone else already loved. That and thrift stores are good for finding things that have “gone out of fashion,” but look cool on me. 6. What is your most treasured item in your wardrobe? I’m really glad that I now have two binders. Wearing a binder really helps me feel more comfortable with my body on days when I’m more of a guy. I like the way that

Cooking Class (Winter) Aggie Ad- B&W 2 column x 5 inches

<filename: cookingclass-january.pdf>

shirts fit me and ties lay flatter when I wear one. A binder helps my body work with the clothes I want to wear. 7. How has your style changed since high school? Since high school, I’ve begun exploring more masculine ways of presenting. I feel like I’ve experienced many more genders and I love playing around with my expression of that. 8. What does fashion mean to you? Fashion is a way of expressing myself and turning a basic necessity into art. Sometimes my fashion expresses whatever gender I’m currently feeling; other times it’s just a way for me to feel fabulous and confident. 9. What final tips can you give to our fashionforward readers? Don’t listen to rules about what you can’t wear.Too much color for winter? No such thing. Too many patterns together? Never. Too femme to be a boi? Frak that. n




Cooking Classes The Teaching Kitchen @ the Student Health and Wellness Center All cooking classes are designed with the busy student in mind. The classes are meant to provide cooking skills and nutrition education as well as inspire even the busiest student body to cook!

Next Class:

Easy Winter Meals Thurs., January 23, 4:00 - 5:30 pm Visit: shcs.ucdavis.edu/nutrition for more classes and information. Walk-ins ok for most classes

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Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Dan Quinn will discuss how you can make a difference overseas and return home with the experience and global perspective to stand out in a competitive job market.

Life is calling. How far will you go?

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Department: Student Health Services Contact: Holly Guenther, 752-5954, hguenther@ucdavis.edu

THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2014 | 15


BACKSTOP Inside the Game with Sydnee Fipps SCOTT DRESSER sports@theaggie.org

The UC Davis women’s basketball team has caught its stride of late, winning four of its last six. Junior guard Sydnee Fipps has been, without question, the Aggies’ MVP this season. The Mariposa, Calif. native and managerial economics major leads the team in points per game (17.3), rebounds per game (6.5) and free throw percentage (84 percent). Fipps has led the Aggies in scoring in 11 of their 15 games, accumulating a streak of five straight 20-plus point scoring games in the process. She took a minute after practice to discuss with The Aggie what goes on behind the scenes and off the court for the women’s basketball team. Why did you choose UC Davis? Between my junior and senior years of high school, I tore my ACL, and that’s the big recruiting summer. I didn’t have too many offers, only three or four. UC Davis started taking an interest in me, helping me find a doctor. I came on campus, and I loved it. I fell in love with the coaches and the system and knew it would be a perfect fit for me. How was winter break? What’s it like spending it with your team and not at home? It’s way different. It’s fun to watch Netflix and hang out with the team. This break, I watched Scandal, and Lauren [Beyer] went a little insane. She watched like 10 seasons [with] over 20 episodes [each] of “Grey’s Anatomy.” That shows how much time we have. And Davis is empty, so we kind of run it. What’s your favorite place to travel on road trips? Hawaii. Even though you don’t get to do much — it’s strictly business and a lot of basketball — still, you’re in Hawaii in shorts and flip flops and it’s fun to just be there. Not many people can say they go to Hawaii every year to play basketball. So you don’t get much time to explore the cities that you go to? Not as much as you would think. Who do you room with on road trips? It changes each time. You’re never going to have the same roommate twice, so it’s fun. Who’s been your most memorable roommate? Brianna [Salvatore] is definitely one of my most memorable roommates, because she just stays up really late and likes to talk and I always get a lot of funny stories from her. Who’s the funniest on the team? Celia [Marfone]. Do you guys have a good time on bus rides and flights? Yeah. You get to hang out with your team, talk, goof around and just get to know each other. What do you do on the long trips? The Cal Poly bus trip is really rough. It’s very long, so we watch a lot of movies and have study hall time. We watched She’s the Man more than once. Last year, we watched Pitch Perfect. I loved the movie going in to the Cal Poly trip, but now I can never hear


[any] of those songs. Did you want to be a basketball player growing up? I was always into sports. Club volleyball was more prominent in my town, and everyone thought I was going to be a volleyball player. There wasn’t enough physicality in the game for me. I liked to hit people, so I had to change from just hitting a ball to a contact sport, so I switched over to basketball. Are your teammates good at other sports too? Yeah. Every year we play IM football. Freshman year, we won it. Last year, we lost in the championship game. We’re really fortunate that coach Jen [Gross] let’s us play IMs. We’re obviously way taller than everyone, so we played IM volleyball last year too. We couldn’t hit the ball very well, but we blocked everyone’s shots. Who’s the quarterback? Celia. Kelsey [Harris] and I are receivers. Ally [Doherty] and Lauren decided they weren’t good enough for us, so they would cheer and bring us oranges and gatorade. Speaking of Kelsey, she hit a monster three the other night. What was that like? It was insane. I was on the weak side, and I didn’t even go to rebound because I knew it was going in. How are you feeling? You were sick around the end of last week. I had food poisoning. It was the worst thing ever. I couldn’t eat for two days. And the day of the [Long Beach State] game, once I was able to stand vertically, they just put me on IVs. So you were like Michael Jordan during his “flu game.” I guess. But I don’t know if it was my best game. I was kind of out of it. Favorite pre-game music? As a team, we listen to the song “Turn Down for What” right before we run out. But I love country music, so before every game, I listen to country and it calms me down. Favorite country singer? Rascal Flatts. If you weren’t playing basketball for UC Davis, what would you be doing? I would be getting straight As and probably almost be a doctor. Just kidding. Probably not. If I could, I’d play volleyball. Plans for after college? I’d like to continue to play as long as my body will let me. So I think shortterm I’d like to play overseas for a little. What’s something nobody knows about you? I’m from Yosemite and I’ve never climbed Half Dome. That’s kind of weak, being an athlete and everything. On your bucket list? Definitely. Anything you’d like to add? Go Ags!

Men’s tennis springs into the New Year Teams UC Davis, Santa Clara Where Degheri Tennis Center — Santa Clara, Calif. When Saturday, Jan. 18 at 11:00 a.m. The UC Davis men’s tennis team will open their spring season with a trip to Santa Clara on Jan. 18.The Broncos are the No. 73 ranked team in the nation and will provide stiff competition for the Aggies, who will need to hit the ground running after returning from the brief winter break. “The guys came back ready, hitting the ball sharply,” said head coach Eric Steidlmayer.“Our singles play is very sharp.” That is good news for the team as they embark on a schedule that has them playing nearly every single week for the next few months, which will hopefully culminate with a strong showing at the Big West championships at the end of April. “We have a good schedule,” coach Steidlmayer said.“We play a lot of WCC, Big Sky, WAC and Mountain West teams. It’s a good opportunity to play good players.”


The Aggies will look to maintain their strong play started at the end of the fall season by continuing to rely on fundamentals and each player’s respective strengths. If the team fully commits to playing strong tennis every point, then the goal set at the beginning of the season of being ranked in the top 75 teams nationwide is possible. “Each player played within themselves and that was a big deal,” coach Steidlmayer said. “Top 75 is realistic.We have the skill set to get the wins.” The importance of not trying to do too much and overplaying is vital in any sport, none more so than the individual efforts in singles play in tennis.The team will still look to improve, building on the foundations already laid. “We need to serve better and be more aggressive,” coach Steidlmayer said. “We’re a good team and we’re playing good teams. We want to be a team to reckon with.” Senior Kyle Miller will lead the team and play at one of the top three spots in singles. Fellow senior Parker Kelley and sophomore Brett Bacharach will make up the other two slots, and freshmen Alec Adamson and James Wade will likely also be included in the lineup. The number six position will be probably be given to senior Adam Luba or sophomore Adam Levie.


16 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2014


BACKSTOP MEN’S BASKETBALL EMBARKS ON A THREE GAME HOMESTAND Teams UC Davis vs. UC Riverside; vs. Cal State Fullerton Records UC Davis 5-12 (0-2); UC Riverside 5-11 (0-2); Cal State Fullerton 6-9 (1-0) Where The Pavilion — Davis, Calif. When Thursday, Jan. 16 at 7 p.m.; Saturday, Jan. 18 at 7 p.m.

RYAN REED sports@theaggie.org

Who to watch Freshman forward Georgi Funtarov went on a tear in the seven games before the Aggies lost to Long Beach State on Jan. 11.The sweet-shooting big man averaged 11.3 points and 6.1 rebounds per game over that stretch while making just under half of his field goal attempts from the field. UC Davis needs Funtarov to shoot better from beyond the arc, as he is making just 28 percent of his attempts in the past eight games, but the Aggies have enjoyed his recent play. Look for Funtarov to bounce back after a poor showing against Long Beach State. Preview The UC Davis Aggies men’s basketball squad is returning to Davis for a three-game homestand after two straight losses to Southern California rivals. Their first competitor, the UC Riverside Highlanders, are coming into the contest having lost five of their last six games.This includes a recent five-point loss to Cal State Fullerton who the Aggies will play later in the week. The Highlanders are anchored by forward Taylor Johns who has averaged 12.8 points and 8.6 rebounds per game on 54.4 percent shooting. Johns has also chipped in 2.1 blocks and 0.8 steals a game on the defensive end. While Riverside has gotten strong play out of forwards Taylor Johns and Chris Patton, the the production of their guards has been largely disappointing. 5’10” guard Nick Gruninger, who leads all guards in minutes played, has averaged 8.0 points, 3.3 rebounds, and 2.9 assists per game. More importantly, however, he has shot just 35.8 percent from the field and 35 percent from beyond the arc. The rest of the guard rotation has been more of the same for the



teams UC Davis vs. Cal State Northridge; vs. Long Beach State records Aggies, 5-8 (0-0); Matadors, 4-10 (0-0); 49ers, 8-6 (0-0) where The Pavilion — Davis, Calif. when Thursday, Jan. 9 at 7 p.m.; Saturday, Jan. 11 at 2 p.m.

Who to Watch The UC Davis women’s basketball team will head to Southern California the end of this week for a multi-game road trip, taking on UC Riverside and Cal State Fullerton. After a down-to-the-wire win against Long Beach State on Jan. 11, the Aggies evened up their conference record at 1-1 and hope for continued success this week. Returning from the road


Junior Sydnee Fipps dribbles past Long Beach State defender during the Jan. 11 home game.

Highlanders, which is good news for the Aggies whose strength lies in that position. Both Aggies junior guard Corey Hawkins and senior guard Ryan Sypkens played exceptionally on their recent Southern California road trip. Hawkins averaged 22.0 points and 3.5 steals per game on 55 percent shooting while Sypkens added 16.0 points, 4.0 rebounds, and 2.0 assists each contest. The Aggies also shouldn’t be handicapped by their lack of size inside, something that has proved to be a problem throughout the year.While UC Riverside has 6’10” forward Chris Patton, no other players on their roster stand over 6’8”. The game will also feature a battle for the made-up title of “best Australian big man in the Big West,” as both Patton and junior forward Iggy Nujic hail from Down Under. On Jan. 18, the Aggies take on the Cal State Fullerton Titans, winners of three of their last five games. The Titans are led by guard Michael Williams who is averaging 15.6 points, 3.8 rebounds and 2.3 assists per game. He has been helped by backcourt mate Alex Harris who has poured in 12.1 points to go along with 3.5 rebounds and 2.5 assists per game.

trip with two more wins would put them in good position atop the Big West Conference. Especially hot from beyond the three-point line in the victory over the 49ers was junior Kelsey Harris, who racked up three three-pointers throughout the game with her most essential three-pointer coming in the final 14 seconds of the matchup. With the 49ers and Aggies tied up at 60 a piece, Harris got herself open in the left corner where she sank the final basket of the game. Harris’ three-pointer would take UC Davis to a 63-60 lead. Out of timeouts, Long Beach drove back down the court with enough time for two attempts for three-pointers. However, they were unsuccessful as the clock ran down to zero, giving the Aggies their fourth win in six games. Harris finished the game with 11 points and four rebounds, aiding in that 63-60 victory. Other standout players on the court Saturday afternoon included junior Sydnee Fipps, sophomore Alyson Doherty and sophomore Celia Marfone. Fipps recorded her third double-double of the season with a game-high 18 points, four steals and 10 rebounds, making this her third double-digit rebounding game so far this season. Doherty finished the game with 12 points, eight rebounds and a career-high four blocks. Marfone, back on the court after missing the

Cal State Fullerton has been hindered by an inability to shoot effectively from beyond the arc. On the season, the team has shot 31.2 percent from three point range. Only guard Josh Gentry has made above 40 percent of his attempts, doing so while taking 2.5 three-pointers per game. Like the Aggies and UC Riverside, the Titans do not have a tall frontcourt to worry about. 6’9” freshman forward Joe Boyd is the only player over 6’7” on the roster who averages over 15 minutes of playing time, and he is tied for third on the team with 3.8 rebounds per game. This should benefit UC Davis immensely as it allows rangy forwards Funtarov, Nujic and Josh Ritchart to spread the floor without having to bang down low too much. The Aggies should also have the upper hand as they are a slightly better shooting team. UC Davis shoots 44.9 percent from the field and 34.8 percent from beyond the arc as a team. They are led by Ritchart who is making an outstanding 63.2 percent of his shots, including 56.3 percent of his attempts from beyond the arc. If UC Davis can continue to shoot well and capitalize on the continually improving play of several key players, the Aggies could come out of this rejuvenating homestand two wins richer.

previous six games due to leg injury, returned in style, scoring seven points and collecting five rebounds. Preview After a long stint of home games, the women finally depart from UC Davis at the end of this week to take on UC Riverside on Jan. 16 and Cal State Fullerton on Jan. 18 in two essential Big West Conference matchups. The Aggies first face the UC Riverside Highlanders, who currently hold an overall record of 4-11 and 0-2 in conference play. The athletes then travel to Fullerton, Calif., where they take on the Titans, 5-9 overall and 1-0 in the Big West. Returning to Davis, Calif. with two wins would boost the Aggie’s conference record to 3-1, putting them in excellent standing in the Big West and giving them eight wins in the past 10 games. UC Davis hopes to carry that high energy finish versus Long Beach State into their Southern California road trip, establishing themselves as a force to be reckoned with this season. — Sloan Boettcher

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