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On Feb. 1, workers in the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees trade union picketed at the ARC in protest of the treatment they receive in their positions from the UC. AFSCME represents over 24,000 employees across all 10 UC campuses. Others outside of the union came out to support, including both undergraduate and graduate students and community members. Eric Gudz, a former UC Davis graduate student who was pursuing a masters degree in Transportation, Technology, and Policy, elaborated on the reasons he came out to support AFSCME workers. “A lot of the workers, both student workers and non-student workers, have presented a series of demands and certain needs that have been unfulfilled and unmet within our administration system,” Gudz said. “They have a list on their website and Facebook group for all the demands they have, but where it boils down to is pay, benefits and making sure that we do everything we can within the university to protect employees’ right to unionize and to prevent any sort of attack or reduction in unionizing power. It’s very important that we’re here supporting unions and everyone’s right to unionize and organize effectively.” Blanca Centeno, a UC Davis worker with the custodial department, discussed a few of the reasons why she was picketing.
AFSCME workers picket at ARC
“We’re here right now because we’re fighting for justice, equality, respect and dignity,” Centeno said. “It doesn’t matter how many years pass by, we always have to keep fighting for our future.” UC Davis employee Kristina Torres also discussed her reasons for picketing. “We are here today because the service workers and the patient care workers under AFSCME do not have a contract,” Torres said. “The University of California has not been bargaining faithfully with us and so service workers have been out of a contract since June 30 of 2017 and patient care workers since Dec. 31 of 2017.” Torres talked about what her hopes were for the outcome of the picket. “We’re hoping that the university hears us, sees us in solidarity, and that we’re going to fight for everything that we deserve because they’re coming to the table with giving us zero across the board for any kind of salary wages,” Torres said. “They’re saying that all of us make too much, they want to cut our pensions, they want us to pay more for our health benefits and raise the age of retirement from 60 to 65. This is the second protest that we have had. Obviously, the university still came to the table with no negotiating.” Caroline McKusick, a graduate student pursuing a Ph.D. in anthropology, also came
UC Davis team documents deportee
Picketers protest UC treatment of workers
narratives BY GEOR GE LI AO
out to support AFSCME workers. “I am out here today because I am also a part of a union on campus and I am here to support AFSCME workers,” McKusick said. “We have to stand together right now when labor is under attack across the country and at the UCs. I believe that AFSCME workers have every right to be making the contract demands that they are making and UC’s reaction has been insulting.” McKusick also explained the correlation between what the union she is a part of is fighting for and what AFSCME workers are currently fighting for. “I’m a part of the UAW and we have a lot of shared ground and demands with AFSCME workers such as getting sanctuary campus status for the UC and these are things that we can win if we all work together as students and workers on campus,” McKusick said. “It’s my hope that during these bargaining processes we can win some concrete victories for students and workers on campus.” As a worker at the UC Davis Medical Center, Carla Alston schedules specialty appointments. Alston gave insight into why the picket happened to be on this particular day. “Today is the 50th anniversary since the passing of our brothers at Memphis, Tenn.,”
AFSCME on 11
Accessing CalFresh through mRelief UC Davis students can address food insecurity with mobile, virtual aid
CalFresh is a form of government aid that provides funds for groceries. Although many college-aged students are eligible for it, few access the resources available. Why is this? There are numerous possible explanations, the first being the ignorance surrounding the program itself. What is CalFresh, anyway? “I see CalFresh as a part of the overall support system that we all tap into sometimes in order to move forward in life,” said Rose Afriyie, the executive director of mRelief. “These are resources that have been set aside for you that we in a democracy have voted on that we believe should exist for people that fall under a certain income. That there should be no shame in this.” Afriyie directs and developed the platform, mRelief, which helps to connect individuals to social services virtually. mRelief is a governmentsupported program on the internet and through text messaging. Its goal is to make sure that those in need of social services, like food stamps, can easily discover their eligibility and sign up. In partnership with Yolo County Department of Health, mRelief can now determine your eligibility through 10 questions answered over text. The sign-up process is another potential barrier for food-insecure students. In the past, it has been difficult to know whether or not one is eligible for the resources. Now, it can be determined in a 10-question survey available online or via text. “I do think it’s really helpful for students
to find out, in 10 questions or less, whether or not they qualify,” Afriyie said. “Sometimes when you’re stressed out [...] we want to just give back their time and their energy and their efforts. Use that mental muscle for calculus, but maybe not for finding out whether you qualify for CalFresh.” Ease of accessibility is being addressed by oncampus forces, too. Aggie Compass, a basic needs hub in the MU that will direct students toward available resources regarding food security and mental health, will arrive at UC Davis at the beginning of Spring Quarter. Third-year economics and psychology double major and former ASUCD Senator Daniel Nagey is working to create Aggie Compass, as well as the Aggie Food Connections Coalition, which has hosted a CalFresh Clicks events in which representatives are available to help students sign up. “One of the biggest things about CalFresh is [...] a lot of people don’t know about it,” Nagey said. “It’s not very heavily advertised, I think the statistic I was told, which might be out of date, that [of ] about 8 percent of students at UC Davis who qualify for CalFresh, only about 8 percent of them are using the CalFresh resource. It seems to me that students are kind of unaware. We just want to get the word out.” Former ASUCD senator and current ASUCD presidential candidate Michael Gofman similarly focuses on food security, especially broadening the impact of The Pantry on students’ lives and on their plates. “Primarily, as a senator back in Spring Quarter, and as a presidential candidate today, I fight to CHECK OUT OUR
Humanizing Deportation project tells story of deportees through video
increase The Pantry’s budget and resources,” Gofman said. “I successfully lobbied for more money allocated to The Pantry during the last budget hearings, and hope to do so again next quarter.” In addition to ignorance of the program itself and difficulties with signing up and identifying qualifiers, Afriyie said that there tends to be a stigma surrounding aid. “We have to also honor [...] stigma and sometimes shame about government aid,” Afriyie said. “That should not be the case, because we all get support from the government at some point in time.” Fourth-year environmental science and management major Stephanie Lew admitted that she didn’t always feel confident in using CalFresh. It was desperation and stress around food security that pushed her toward it, and she now knows that it was the right choice. “When I became aware that I was actually eligible for it and I was desperate, I was like, ‘I’m going to apply’,” Lew said. “At first I was a little bit embarrassed about it but now [...] I don’t mind admitting to people, ‘Hey I rely on CalFresh for groceries.’” Lew’s experience is a testament to the fact that access to healthy groceries is something students are entitled to without added stress. “I really care about my personal health,” Lew said. “That’s where my money should be going.” This belief is often dwarfed by the concern students have that they are not desperate enough MRELIEF on 11
The Humanizing Deportation project is a collaboration between UC Davis and Colegio de la Frontera Norte, in Tijuana, Mexico, to document personal stories of deportees expelled from the United States. The narratives were collected last summer over the course of a month-long field study. Robert Irwin, a professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at UC Davis, co-leads the Humanizing Deportation project. “Humanizing Deportation is a digital storytelling project,” Irwin said. “Its objective is [to] help disseminate more true, nuanced and humanized idea[s] about deportation than what we hear about in the media.” Irwin said that the purpose of the project is to provide a more genuine view of deportation. “A lot of people have opinions about deportation and about people getting deported without knowing up close what it is like,” Irwin said. “We devised this project in order to [deliver] to the media and the world through our website a more real view of what is happening.” Irwin also discussed why Tijuana was chosen for the study. “The project was conceived in collaboration with people here at UC Davis and Colegio de la Frontera Norte, which is a university in Tijuana,” Irwin said. “We chose Tijuana as a field site from which to launch the project because it receives more deported people than any other city in Mexico and probably the world, with something like 350 [people] arriving there everyday.” Irwin stated that videos by deportees gave them the ability to tell their personal stories. “We are simply giving a platform for people in the [deportation] community who have something they want to say [and] to say it in an audio-visual form,” Irwin said. “We facilitate the production but we don’t control the content. They are not our stories, and we don’t select just certains kinds of people — anyone who wants to say something about deportation, about their personal experiences with deportation, is invited to do so on our platform.” Irwin also talked about how issues related to deportation have resulted in homelessness, substance abuse and the breakup of families. “It is definitely a humanitarian issue,” Irwin said. “Another problem that occurs in Tijuana, unfortunately, is many of the people end up living in shelters. They have difficulty getting employed. Some of them fall into drug addiction or other forms of substance abuse. Some of them fall into homelessness or semi-homelessness where they are drifting [from] shelter to shelter.” Lizbeth de la Cruz Santana, a second-year Ph.D. candidate in Spanish as well as a member of the Humanizing Deportation team, further discussed the separation of families caused by deportation. “We noticed when we were there [that] you could see more men who have been deported and you can see more women and children as well,” de la Cruz Santana said. “Dr. Irwin would encourage us to go to a shelter. There you would see the reality of the DEPORTATION on 11
“I love their sandwiches and hot food... I can trust the products I buy here—the staff really cares about sourcing sustainable and local goods.” Tara P.
Michael Gofman, a second-year economics and political science double major, has been serving his term as an ASUCD senator since he was elected in the Winter Elections of 2017. Gofman ran on the platforms of environmental sustainability, affordability for low-income students and student-teacher relations. ASUCD President Josh Dalavai and Vice President Adilla Jamaludin de-
On Jan. 28, the ASUCD Senate was called to order at 6:10 p.m. in the Mee Room of the Memorial Union. President Josh Dalavai was late to the meeting, as were Senators Danny Halawi, Marcos Rodriguez, Jesse Kullar and Gender and Sexuality Commission (GASC) Chair Becca Nelson. Senator Yajaira Sigala was absent, as were Business and Finance Chair Shubhanji Gulati and Environmental Policy and Planning Commission Chair Alex Beittel. In the first part of the meeting, Creative Media presented its recent developments. The unit has grown over 30
scribed Gofman as composed, organized and proactive during his campaign for Senate. “I wanted to get more involved in our student government,” Gofman said. “I figured joining the ASUCD Senate would be the best way in order to create some of the changes that I wanted to see on campus and tackle some of the problems that I had heard from other students going on with campus.” In office, Gofman has served as the adopted senator for the Campus Center for Environment, the Bike Barn, the
percent on Instagram, with over 3,500 followers, and it also announced that the new Unitrans website has been completed. In addition, an ASUCD website will be released soon. The next segment of the meeting was the Student Health and Wellness Committee member confirmation. Fourthyear sociology major Lily Johnson answered questions and was confirmed as a commission member. Next, the meeting moved into the Internal Affairs Commision (IAC) confirmations. Applicants discussed their goals for IAC, including working with ASUCD senators, working with The Pantry, making it easier for students to approach ASUCD and having increased
A year of accomplishments, controversy, pursuits for the executive office
CoHo, Entertainment Council, KDVS, Refrigerator Services and Unitrans. He regularly worked with Senator Marcos Rodrigues, former Senator Julie Jung, interim Senator Shaniah Branson and Internal Affairs Commission Chair Jacob Ganz — he referenced these individuals’ “unit-centric” outlooks and like-minded goals. Gofman became involved with controversial ASUCD legislation over whether or not to mandate the presence of the American flag at Senate meetings. National media outlets including Fox News weighed in. Gofman voiced his disapproval about removing the mandate to keep the flag present. “I think [the flag legislation] put him in a very controversial position for a period of time,” Jamaludin said. “I have been impressed at the way that he has made very good relationships, for the most part, [...] with the unit directors and has done his duties.” In the summer of 2017, the Campus Center for the Environment removed Gofman as its adopted senator over disagreements regarding the senator’s decision to abstain from voting on a resolution concerning the student organization
lighting around campus. Senators and commission chairs then asked follow-up questions, including how the applicants planned to balance IAC responsibilities with their own lives. The members were later confirmed. After a quick break, the Senate reconvened for Specialized Transportation Services (STS)/Tipsy Taxi confirmations. Fifth-year student Robert Yang discussed problems with STS, including the lack of communication and culture, and how he plans to address these issues. He was confirmed as the director of STS. The Senate then moved on to discussion of Senate Resolution #3, which is the resolution to support the #BeyondtheBudget movement organized by
Jan. 20 “Male stealing recyclables, has child in stroller with him screaming.” Jan. 21 “Approximately 30 people with people spilling out of the unit into the walkway.” “Unknown subject shining flashlight into living room window on the east side, reporting party looked out and saw a subject with short hair across the street, subject is doing it to other apartments as well, requesting area check.” Jan. 22 “Intoxicated female laying on the grass near the bus stop.” Jan. 24 “Knock heard on downstairs back sliding glass door, reporting party went to check but didn’t see anyone outside.” Jan. 25 “Occurred 30 minutes ago — male came into the clinic and was refused service due to him being rude to employees — male then threatened to burn down the building after being asked to leave — reporting party advised subject is no longer on site and unknown if he left in vehicle or on foot.” “Customer inside location yelling at other customers and slamming doors, claiming he has a pistol in his bag.” Jan. 28 “In the intersection, sinkhole next to manhole — 8 inches wide by 2 feet deep.”
students in response to the UC Davis administration’s actions against the production of student-led centers. The bill passed without objection. Subsequently, Senate bills were passed for removing the Assistant Director for ASUCD’s Academic and University Affairs, allocating money for wooden stakes and new sheds to EC Gardens and relocating money from STS’ reserves. Next, the meeting proceeded to ex officio reports. Among these reports, Environmental Policy and Planning Commission Chair Alice Beittel reported that she had finalized Unit Sustainability Audit Rubrics and Ethnic and Cultural Affairs Commission Chair Julienne Correa reported that she had attended the
His attention to affordability led to the creation of the Career Closet. In association with Alumni Relations, the closet provides professional attire to students who cannot afford clothes for jobs or interviews. Unit directors who have to work with him described Gofman as responsive and attentive to their respective units. Liz O’Neill, the Entertainment Council unit director, said Gofman maintained a communicative relationship with the unit, and CoHo Unit Director Darin Schluep said he feels the needs of his unit are being supported. “It’s helpful to know that every Thursday we have someone at the Senate table who is representing our interests and would let us know if we came up as a topic of discussion,” Schluep said. “This doesn’t happen very often, but it’s nice to know that you have that support.” Jamaludin also discussed Gofman’s strong connection to his voter base and to “the communities he comes from.” “A lot of senators will cultivate that relationship when they’re running and sort of drop off the face of the planet once GOFMAN EVALUATION on 11
#BeyondtheBudget Town Hall. Administrative Advisory Committees Chair Abby Edwards created the Graduate Application Preparation Conference agenda, and GASC Chair Nelson worked on Reproductive Justice Week. This segment was followed by elected officer reports, among which President Dalavai met with Solano Park activists and activists from West Davis Active Adult Community, and Vice President Adilla Jamaludin attended a discussion with the Chancellor at the Transformative Justice Center. The Senate then moved into public announcements. The senators discussed Tapingo’s alleged connection to private prison companies, and Ibrahim brought up the group Beyond the Stats for formerly incarcerated students. The meeting ended with public discussion, where senators discussed the possibility of dining services using other apps and services in the place of Tapingo such as the UC Davis-founded Joyrun. The meeting adjourned at 9:57 p.m.
Police Logs:
You don’t see (or hear) that every day
Environmental Justice for Underrepresented Communities. Gofman said the separation between himself and the CCE prevented his ability to move forward with projects he had in mind for sustainability on campus. Efforts to synthesize environmental groups into a coalition toward progress in environmental sustainability did not come to fruition. “A lot of the work that I was hoping to do with them they did not want to do and they didn’t want to do it with me,” Gofman said. “If I could do things over again, I would definitely have tried to get closer with them earlier on so that even if we may have had political disagreements it wouldn’t have gotten in the way of the work that I was hoping we’d be able to do together.” Gofman’s accomplishments are tangible within the CoHo, after legislation was passed to get more microwaves available to students. He spoke on the finalization of a project that would create a space for students to “bring their food from home and cook it in that 20-minute period in between classes instead of having to wait for that half-hour line that starts across the CoHo.”
The Davis Bike and Pedestrian and Safe Routes to School Program both seek to prevent bike collisions and other problems by educating the youth on bicycle safety. Jennifer Donofrio, the bike and pedestrian coordinator for the city of Davis, gave her insight on why she thinks bike education is necessary. “Many people we meet are not sure of the laws, so we help answer questions about the rules of the road,” Donofrio said. “Every year, people from all around the world arrive in Davis, and our goal is to provide them with the skills to safely bike around their new community.” The Davis Bike and Pedestrian Program has many classes, spanning from education to bike assemblies. “The City provides private and group bike education classes through the City of Davis Park and Recreation Department,” Donofrio said. “We also work with all of the DJUSD schools to provide bike education to students by hosting bike rodeos, off-campus bike classes and bike education assemblies.” David Takemoto-Weerts, a retired bicycle program coordinator for UC Davis, explained how the programs came to Davis.
Davis Bike and Pedestrian, Safe Routes to School programs provide activities, events to ensure bicycle safety “A gentlemen by the name of Dave Pelz was the city public works director,” Takemoto-Weerts said. “He was quite visionary, and he was a fan of bicycling. When he was in college in the ‘50s, he visited Europe and traveled around by train and by bicycle and saw the potential for a city like Davis to adopt the bicycle facilities that he saw in Europe. He brought those ideas back with him, and he started to implement those things as he could.” The program started around 1994, which changed the game for the city in terms of bicycle policies. “Davis was the first city in the country to put bicycle lanes in the streets in 1967,” Takemoto-Weerts said. “The main reason why Davis became a popular place for bikes is because it’s a college town, which is a common place for students to use bicycles.” The city also collaborates with the Safe Routes to School Program to help provide a safer environment for students. Lorretta Moore, the Safe Routes to School program coordinator, noted how the program started. “The Safe Routes to School Program is an operation since 2007,” Moore said. “We work with parents — each school has a parent champion and we work with them.” One of the activities this program provides is bike rodeos.
“Bike rodeo is a bike education program that happens on Wednesday afternoons at the schools,” Moore said. “There are eight rodeos a year, and we have four in the fall and four in the spring. There are eight stations, and with each station we go over some bike safety, either a skill or we do mechanic checks. We not only check their bikes — we also talk about how they can maintain their bike.” Moore emphasized the importance of knowing safety rules when biking. “There’s a difference between knowing how to ride a bike and knowing how to ride a bike safely,” Moore said. “I think that we have a lot of kids on bikes in Davis, so it’s important to know the rules on the road, and we like to get kids to schools safely.” The Davis Bike and Pedestrian Program is now planning activities for the upcoming months. “We also organize a fun casual bike ride called Bike Party Davis,” Donofrio said. “This ride occurs from April to October. We light up our bikes, play music and ride around Davis. Everyone is invited, and the rides start at Ken’s Bike Ski Board at 8 p.m. The next ride is on April 27.” The Safe Routes to School Program is also seeking volunteers to help out. Anyone interested in working with kids and assisting in the Bike Rodeos can contact Lorretta Moore.
A CLOSER LOOK AT CAMPUS CADAVERS Investigating UC Davis gross anatomy course, cadaver origins DR . G ROSS A N D J E N N Y P LASS E TEAC H STU DE N TS AT O F F I C E H O URS .
While most introductory anatomy classes are taught in a typical classroom setting with a textbook, only a handful of undergraduate universities offer a class that’s actually centered around the use of cadavers as a learning tool. UC Davis is one of these schools. “My informal research has [shown] that there’s maybe four or five [undergraduate courses that are cadaver-based] in the entire United States,” said Dr. Doug Gross, a UC Davis School of Medicine professor in the departments of cell biology and human anatomy and a UC Davis Medical Center pediatrics professor. “There are many undergraduate-level anatomy courses [that are] relatively low introductory level that rarely use cadavers. In terms of a really high level, detailed, very cadaver-based-focused course, it’s very rare in an undergraduate institution.” The undergraduate class offered here, instructed by Gross, is officially called CHA 101: Human Gross Anatomy and is made up of a lecture and lab component (CHA 101 and CHA 101L). Every week, about 500 students file into the lab room at the rear of Haring Hall in order to take what they learned in the classroom and apply their knowledge to the examination of real human cadavers. “Gross anatomy is what we’re talking about,” Gross said. “That’s the study of the human body that you can see with the naked eye. Anatomy includes pretty much any study of the structure of the human body from microscopic to ultramicroscopic to neuroanatomy to developmental anatomy — they’re all a part of anatomy.” Gross has been teaching anatomy for more than 40 years. When he came to UC Davis, he was expected to take hold of the anatomy class that al-
ready existed and ramp it up to become a more focused and rigorous course. Of all the undergraduate classes taught today at UC Davis, it is easily one of the most demanding. Indeed, students are expected to learn nearly a thousand new terms every week. “I would say the majority of the undergraduate anatomy courses [besides UC Davis] take a different approach and teach from a systemic approach rather than a regional approach,” said Jenny Plasse, an academic coordinator for all of the undergraduate and School of Medicine anatomy courses. “They’re looking at an entire body system, like these are the bones in the entire body, these are the muscles in the entire body, they look at the entire vascular system and so on and so forth. We’re looking at a regional approach, which I think is more clinical-based.” The class is not limited to any certain field, though, and is open to any major as long as the student has taken the introductory biology prerequisite. However, many of the students who do take the class need it as a prerequisite for future endeavors like physical therapy or nursing. Plasse points out that it’s a common misconception that the class is made up of mostly pre-medical students, and that yearly surveys show that only about 18 to 19 percent of the students intend to go into medicine. In fact, this course isn’t too far off from the anatomy class medical school students have to take. “I would say there’s only really two major differences between the undergraduate course, CHA 101, and the medical school course,” Gross said. “[For the] first year medical school course, CHA 400, one difference is in terms of the content, they’re virtually identical — the scope of coverage ANATOMY LAB on 12
Regents elect to defer vote on tuition hike S C R E E N SH OT O F L I V ESTREAM FRO M M EETI NG
From Jan. 24 to 25, the UC Board of Regents met for its bimonthly meeting at UC San Francisco. Among the most anticipated topics discussed was the proposed undergraduate tuition increase.
The meeting began with an open forum. Most of the speakers present urged the regents to vote against tuition hikes. Varsha Servashya, the Fund the UC campaign manager at the Associated Students of the University of California, was one of the speakers. Servashya criticized regents for holding this meeting on
Meeting opened to students, public BY AARO N LI SS
On Jan. 26, UC Davis students and Students for a Democratic Society held a public meeting with Chancellor Gary May and other UC Davis administrators in the Student Community Center. While the meeting was spurred by proposed UC tuition hikes, SDS also demanded that UC Davis address housing and food insecurity, the removal of lethal weapons from the campus police department, the Noah Benham case, student protest referrals, May’s severance from outside boards and other issues. Students also advocated for the reallocation of the UC’s $175 million in funds that the the state auditor said the UC Office of the President had hidden. Since the findings from the state auditor’s office were released, the proposed tuition increase the regents will vote on in May would raise $143 million for the school. SDS seeks to hold the UC administration and regents responsible and is calling for increased student input over budgetary decisions and democratizing administrative decisions. According to The Sacramento Bee, May profits from Leidos and Charles Stark Draper Laboratory by serving on the boards of the companies. In 2015, May earned $288,280 in salary and stocks from Leidos, a defense company that has partnered with Lockheed Martin. May acknowledges his positions on these boards, but says he has a right to do whatever he wishes if it does not impact his duties
a Wednesday morning as well as on the second week of Winter Quarter for UC Davis, UC San Francisco and UC Berkeley, where, in many classes, if students are absent in the first two weeks, they are dropped from courses. “Holding this vote today puts students last,” Servashya said at the meeting. “It shows you are not willing to work with students as equal partners and making sure that the state gives us the money that we need.” On Jan. 24, the following committees were heard from: public engagement and development, compliance and audit, governance and compensation, academic and student affairs, national laboratories subcommittee, finance and capital strategies, finance and capital strategies and special meeting of the board. President Janet Napolitano welcomed regents to the first meeting of 2018. Napolitano said that regents need to work with the state to attain necessary funds to keep tuition costs the same. “I would like to begin by saying how important it is to maintain direct communication with the leaders of the State Assembly and the Senate as well as with the Governor’s office,” Napolitano said at the meeting. “As we strive to secure the
as chancellor. “The focus should be on how we improve the experience of UC Davis students and the overall quality of the university,” May said at the meeting on Jan. 26. “My board service doesn’t detract from my service as chancellor.” There were similar concerns with Chancellor Emerita Linda Katehi, who ‘moonlighted’ by taking board positions at outside companies — online education and textbook companies Devry Education Group and John Wiley and Sons. B.B. Buchanan, a sociology graduate student worker and leader of the Jan. 26 SDS meeting, agreed that May’s time may be his own, “but being on boards of defense businesses is not just something that affects” his time, but also “affects the people right here campus.” Buchanan also laid out a goal of collective bargaining between students and administration for budgetary allocations. “When we say we want to have meetings, we aren’t just [interested] in what you have to say,” Buchanan said. “We know what you need to do and we need to be part of the process.” After May stated that he does not set his salary which is “determined by university president and regents,” SDS member Shira Briskin, a fourth-year entomology major, responded. “You still have the option to commit those funds [toward students],” Briskin said. “There’s no reason SDS NEGOTIATIONS on 12
funding needed to maintain access and quality and to ensure students’ success, we must also strengthen our working relationship with state leaders.” Interim Associate Vice President Chris Harrington updated regents on federal issues including the budget of fiscal year 2018, legislative efforts to protect DACA recipients and changes to tax laws. The Governance and Compensation Committee met next. Chair George Kieffer spoke about proposed policy and bylaw changes. The proposed changes are in response to a recent University of California audit. Kieffer went through each policy and bylaw amendment. The first would require that university employees do not obstruct or interfere with the protected disclosures of any audit. “During a state audit of the Office of the President, the Chief Compliance and Audit Officer is going to report directly to the board through the chair of the Compliance and Audit committee,” Kieffer said. Finally, the Special Meeting of the Board convened to discuss the proposed tuition increase tuition. “I think the board would be better advised to defer voting on this item until its May meeting, with the proviso that
the portion of the item related to out-ofstate tuition may be brought [up] at the March meeting,” Napolitano said. Napolitano and other regents said they hope the State of California allots more funding for the UC. “The Office of the Presidents will work with campuses to identify and possibly mitigate any specific needs they may have due to the delay,” Napolitano said. “But I think we need to show that we have done everything possible here. We should accept the invitations of the students with us here this morning to fight together for funding for the University of California.” The regents elected to defer the vote until May. The board reconvened on Jan. 25. The meeting began with the 25 speakers that had signed to address the regents and voice their concerns. Concerns included low average salaries for faculty at UC Santa Cruz, the need for labor unions within the UC system, graduate student housing, protection for DACA students and better working accommodations for nurses across the UCs. First, Judith Gutierrez, a fourth-year REGENTS MEETING on 4
Cannabis workshop at Senior Center to inform public about policy, health
The Senior Citizens Commision of Davis requested an educational workshop on cannabis, which is to be held on Thursday, Feb. 8 at the Davis Senior Center. The workshop aims to spread knowledge about both the policy logistics and the health benefits of the newly legalized drug. “One of the commissioners brought up at a meeting that it would be important to share information about cannabis to the general public and, specifically, to help seniors learn more about it from the policy perspective and the health care perspec-
tive,” said Maria Lucchesi, the community services supervisor at the Davis Senior Center. “We want people to know the dos and don’ts, and we wanted to have a physician on-hand share information so that folks can then talk to their doctor.” The workshop will include two speakers from different fields in order to address a variety of issues or concerns regarding cannabis. Ron Trn, a Davis police officer, is covering city policies and regulations that are being implemented while Dr. Karen Mo, a physician from UC Davis, is discussing medicinal aspects and benefits. “We’re just trying to get information out to people that may have questions regarding cannabis laws in city regulation and be upfront and answer as many questions as we can,” Trn said. “The city council has allowed up to four cannabis dispensaries in the city, along with manufacturers and delivery services. They also have rules and regulations for places in the city where people can grow.” Trn also suggested that most of Davis is currently ill-informed of these rules and regulations and said he hopes that an increased dialogue will promote CANNABIS on 4
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Summer Practicum. Real-world experience through a tech firm internship, or a research or open-source project. Who Can Apply? Students with a basic introduction in one programming language. Contact us: Visit:
Davis Teachers Association calls community together
On Jan. 18, the Davis Teachers Association held a rally for better wages and benefits at three major intersections in Davis: 5th and B, Mace and Chiles and Covell and Pole Line. The rallies were attended by teachers working all over the district, from Patwin Elementary to Davis Senior High School. Davis students and parents joined educators as they picketed and rallied. “We’re concerned about the district compensation gap in that it’s making it very difficult to hire new teachers and retain existing ones,” said Dianna Huculak, a history teacher at Davis Senior High School and the president of the Davis Teachers Association. “It’s bad for our school communities, and we’re looking to promote stability and sustainability for our students. There’s a 3 to 5 percent compensation gap the district has identified throughout the district. We’re asking for 4 percent, and we’re still working on it [...] I’m really hopeful that we can close the gap.” Huculak also emphasized the need for the district to stay competitive in recruiting teachers. She noted that, currently, the district has trouble even retaining teachers, let alone attracting new ones, and that the teacher turnover rate is high, as new teachers aren’t willing to take lower pay and benefits to work in the district. Huculak emphasized that it is the goal of DTA to not only retain more promising teachers, but also to attract more talented teachers to the district and that competitive wages and benefits would be necessary to do so. “We feel there are some things challenging the ability of the students to be successful, so we felt we needed to be reaching out to the community for them to understand that we are together trying to strive forward,” said Victor Lagunes, a member of the teacher union negotiations team and organizing committee and a teacher at Da Vinci Junior High. “For example, the math department at Davis Senior High School is highly impacted right now. We have teachers teaching six classes instead of five
Rallies held around Davis to protest for better wages, benefits [...] Some classes have gone without teachers for months now [...] Students aren’t getting the attention they need.” Lagunes also explained the negotiations process, stating that, while the gap has been identified as around 4 percent, the district has offered lower numbers, like a one-time payment of 1 percent, around $450, and another offer for a 2 percent increase. Negotiations are still going on, but Lagunes and Huculak remain hopeful that the union and district will come to an agreement that will help the students. “In Davis, we have a compensation gap; this is no secret,” said Maria Clayton, a spokeswoman for the Davis Joint Unified School District in an email interview. “Because we value our employees, we are committed to closing this regional compensation gap [...] The employee compensation gap is a result of a state funding model that has disadvantaged Davis. We receive below average funding—about 87 percent of the state average for a unified school district. What this means is that we have less money than our regional neighbors to do the things we need to do.” Clayton also mentioned that DJUSD’s Strategic Plan, which shows its commitment to its employees, can be viewed on its website and that the district board is discussing a parcel tax for the November ballot. The parcel tax might tax Davis residents on multiple items such as rent, housing or power so that more money might become available to the district, teachers and, in turn, the students. “I could work literally anywhere else and get paid more, but I found a good situation and a good community at my school,” said Jamie Kerr, a fifthgrade teacher at Patwin Elementary and an organizer for DTA. “Like many other Davis teachers, I live 45 minutes away and I drive and commute every day. I’m not alone in that daily commute from far and wide because we can’t afford to live in the community that we work in [...] We want to let the district know that we’re serious about establishing and negotiating a fair contract that values the teachers and students.”
political science major at UC Santa Cruz and the President of the UC Student Association, spoke out against tuition increases and lack of transparency. The Board then moved on to committee reports. Before giving the National Laboratories Subcommittee report, Regent William De La Peña made an announcement about Regent Norman Pattiz’s contribution to the Board of Regents. Regent Norman Pattiz will retire effective Feb. 2018 following a year of pressure from student organizations over sexual assault allegations. “I had the privilege of working with Norm as
the vice-chair of this committee for 11 years so I got to know him quite well,” De La Peña said. “We were very, very fortunate to have [Pattiz] as a chair.” De La Peña made no reference to the sexual assault allegations. Napolitano recognized awards, achievements and research advancements made by the UC affiliates in the last year. The meeting closed with the resolution to accept the resignations of Regent William De La Peña, Regent Norman Pattiz and Regent Bruce Varner. Pattiz was not present at his last meeting as a regent.
Parking-protected bike lanes coming to major Sacramento street Bicycling advocates are wheelie excited BY DYLAN SVOBODA
The City of Sacramento plans to install parking-protected bike lanes on J Street from 19th Street to 30th Street this summer. J Street Safety Project is designed to calm traffic, improve pedestrian crossings and make the street more inviting for travel and spending time on the corridor. The one-way street connects downtown and midtown Sacramento to Capital City freeway to the east. The project will bring the street down from three car lanes to two. The J Street project is a part of an ongoing effort by the City of Sacramento to make its streets safer and more convenient for bikers and pedestrians. “We are taking traffic safety very seriously, and we’re going to do whatever we can to improve conditions on the high-injury network,” said Jennifer Donlon Wyant, the active transportation program specialist for the City of Sacramento. “J Street is on the high-injury network.” The project is funded by Senate Bill 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, which provides funding and encourages transit and safety for roads, bridges and freeways across California. “Thanks to SB1, Sacramento can make safety improvements to a commercial corridor during a maintenance project,” said Drew Hart, the active transportation program analyst for the City of Sacramento. Kirin Kumar, the executive director of Walk Sacramento, expressed his excitement over the J Street Project and other active transportation projects being conducted by the city. “The City is continuing to move in the right direction toward making walking and biking safer
and more accessible, not just in the central city but throughout Sacramento with its Vision Zero initiative and updated Bicycle Master Plan,” Kumar said. “Making active transportation more of a priority here in Sacramento is critical to elevating the city’s profile in a way that advances our public health, economic development and climate change goals. Projects like these get us there.” “Great news,” said William Burg, a local historian and author. “This will make life easier and safer for pedestrians, cyclists and commuters too, with beneficial effects for stores along J Street, too.” Since the construction of parking-protected bike lanes in 2016, the City of Oakland has seen a 40 percent decrease in collisions and no pedestrian collisions on Telegraph Avenue despite a 78 percent increase in biking and 100 percent increase in walking along the street. Some commuters are worried about what the reduction in car lanes will mean for rush-hour traffic. “I just want to get home for dinner on time,” said Shane Ramos, a frequent J Street commuter. “I don’t see how traffic is going to get any better with this project.” According to, Sacramento has a bike score of just 69, compared to Davis and Berkeley’s bike scores of 89. J Street is home to restaurants such as Centro Cocina Mexicana, Jungle Bird and Tank House; venues such as Sacramento Memorial Auditorium and Sacramento Convention Center and parks such as James Marshall Park and Cesar Chavez Park. UC Davis’ midtown Sacramento extension campus borders J Street. The street stretches from Old Sacramento to Sacramento State University. Repavement of J Street is expected to get underway early summer of this year.
New water meters coming to Davis
safety and prevent mishaps. “I think this will at least build a dialogue with as many groups as we can so if they do have any questions, concerns or issues they can feel comfortable calling us and reporting that stuff and we can work together in taking care of any issues that come up,” Trn said. “Obviously this is a new thing for everyone in the state, so it’s hard to say what’s going to come of it. We’re hoping for positive interactions and positive outcomes, but I’m sure there’s going to be a few glitches as it goes on.” Many UC Davis students, including Rikky Patel, a third-year managerial economics major, also share this sentiment of wanting to increase
dialogue in order to encourage safety and proper usage. “I know a lot of people who don’t know much about the exact details of the law regarding cannabis,” Patel said. “So hopefully people will actually use these attempts of informing the public to learn more and know how to be safe and legal. I think it’s great that both a police officer and a physician are going to be there — also to make sure they cover everything.” Members of the community are encouraged to do research and ask questions at the workshop so that all issues and concerns can be addressed and clarified.
as a quickening of the groundwater cleanup process — an estimated change from 150 to 30 years due to the use of solar energy. As food and energy needs grow and change in the next century, sustainable and renewable food
and energy production methods in California will be sorely needed. Solar energy developments in the Central Valley which don’t compete with prime agricultural land or existing natural ecosystems could be enough to power California many times over.
Potential benefits for Davis water consumers KY L A ROU N DS / AGG IE
New water meters will be installed in the city of Davis, replacing the existing water meter boxes. The upgrade will use an advanced metering infrastructure to transmit hourly water usage information approximately four times a day. Having access to water usage information will help consumers keep track of their daily and weekly water usage and spending. The upgrade will also enable customers to set up usage alerts, which will notify them of water leaks. “The water meter upgrade project will modernize city infrastructure and allow for real-time monitoring of water usage by our customers aiding leak detection and water conservation efforts,” said Mayor Robb Davis in a press release. The majority of existing meters in Davis were installed in 1997. “The city’s existing water meters are past their useful life, and replacing them was identified as a Capital Improvement Project and brought to Council,” said Michael Mitchell, the principal civil engineer for the City of Davis. “The meter project is consistent with the Davis City Council’s goal to fund, maintain and improve infrastructure.” Dawn Calciano, the conservation coordinator for the City of Davis, predicts that the project will most likely expand to other cities in California as well. “The economic and environmental benefits will be advantageous for most communities,” Calciano
said. “Knowing daily and hourly consumption will allow for a better understanding of a property’s water usage and allow households and businesses to set up alerts for potential leaks and other unusual usage.” According to Mitchell, the installation will be quick and efficient. Prior to installation, postcards will be sent to residents’ homes to let them know when the contractor will be in their area. “On that day [of installation], the residents’ water will be shut off for about half an hour while the meters are changed out,” Mitchell said. “When the work is complete, the installer will leave a door hanger, which explains the procedure that took place, communicates any further actions needed by the customer if a meter was unable to be exchanged and provides instructions for flushing the water line prior to use.” If needed, a new meter box will be installed. Preand post-installation photographs will be taken. Using the city’s new water-use portal, AquaHawk, water usage will be tracked on an hourly basis instead of the current monthly basis. Residents can help contractors by clearing pathways from obstructions and by securing pets away from water meters on the day of installation. The project is expected to be completed by early March in North and West Davis, March in Central Davis, April in downtown Davis and mid-June in East and South Davis. The entire upgrade will be completed by midJune 2018.
Totally Psyched UC Davis psychology students, faculty provide insights on major MICHELLE GORE / AGGIE
Psychology is consistently at the top of the list of UC Davis’s most popular majors. For the 2016-17 school year, 8 percent of all undergraduate students at UC Davis declared a major in psychology. But what exactly is the study of psychology, and what makes it such an attractive major? UC Davis offers two tracks for the psychology major, a B.A. or a B.S. If the latter is chosen, students have the option of narrowing down their studies with a biology emphasis or a quantitative emphasis. Kristen Diaz, a third-year psychology B.A. major, described psychology as a multifaceted field of study that encompasses many areas of specialization. She added that, contrary to popular belief, psychology is, a science. “I think the best way to describe the study of psychology is to do so broadly, because there are various branches of psychology, including but not limited to: social psychology, personality psychology, developmental psychology, industrial-organizational psychology, cognitive psychology and clinical psychology,” Diaz said. “A general definition that would cover all areas of the science is that psychology is the study of the human mind and behavior. And yes, psychology is considered a science.” Daniella Lara, a first-year undeclared major who plans on pursuing a B.S. in psychology with an emphasis in biology, notes that psychology is often misconstrued for its divergence away from conventional fields of science, but she says that in no way undermines the curriculum. “There are many misconceptions about the curriculum because it strays away from traditional science courses such as biology and chemistry,” Lara said. “However, psychology is just as important because it answers more conceptual questions about why people behave [the] way they do.” According to Diaz, psychology is not only fascinating, but it’s also highly applicable and can provide analytical insight into everyday activities. “By studying psychology, you learn about and understand how people think, why they do what they do, and how you can use that information to influence your own and other people’s behavior,” Diaz said. The major’s versatility makes it desirable for individuals with all different career trajectories. Those who obtain degrees in psychology can branch off into numerous ca-
reer paths. Diaz plans to obtain her master’s degree before ultimately seeking a career in human resources. “I want to pursue a career in human resources because it’s the perfect blend of psychology and business,” Diaz said. “After I graduate from UC Davis, I plan to pursue a master’s degree in organizational behavior or organizational development before I try to find a job to make myself a competitive candidate.” Gabrielle Montiel, a second-year psychology B.A. major, wishes to attend graduate school to further immerse herself in the field of psychology post-undergrad. “I would love to go to graduate school and get a master’s in a specific field of psychology [...] and eventually I would love to do something in the [field] of mental health,” Montiel said. Montiel encourages all students to take at least one introductory psychology course throughout their collegiate career because she says that the curriculum’s universal applicability makes it valuable to all individuals, even those who are not psychology majors. “I believe that every student would benefit from taking an intro to psychology class because it is extremely relevant to everyday life and circumstances,” Montiel said. “It is [also] very interesting.” Dr. Joshua Herrington, a professor of psychology, shared his own experience with the major and explained what initially intrigued him into entering the vast realm of psychology. “I decided to major in psych because I volunteered as a research assistant as an undergraduate,” Herrington said. “At the time I was a biochemistry major, and I was just taking a couple of psych classes just out of interest. I got really interested in the research, and from there I just kind of followed what really made me happy, which was being in a lab [...] and studying the biological basis of behavior.” Herrington believes that psychology is increasing in popularity as a major because of its ability to relate to individuals on a more personal level. “I think a lot of what draws students here to the psychology department is just an inherent fascination with the subject, based on the fact that we are all people, and we all have human experiences,” Herrington said. “A lot of people come into the major thinking ‘I want to learn more about myself,’ so anecdotally, I would assume that a lot of people choose psychology because they have a personal connection to it.”
New affordable housing and emergency service center proposed Paul’s Place to accommodate displaced individuals in place of H Street transitional housing BY GENEVI EVE MUR P HYSKI LLI NG
A $5 million project was proposed at a forum addressing homelessness on Jan. 21. Held at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis, the forum was centered around providing affordable care and shelter to self-identifying homeless individuals across Yolo County. The city of Davis has anywhere from 120 to over 150 homeless living in shelters and on streets each night. Organizations such as Davis Community Meals and Housing provide transitional residence up to a week for each individual, while the Interfaith Rotating Winter Shelter provides emergency housing seasonally. Though many programs address the need for shelter, around 39 percent of homeless individuals sleep outside. Paul’s Place would be a three-story development on H Street, replacing the established 12-bed shelter. It would offer services such as showers, first aid, laundry, emergency and longer-term residence. Martha Teeter, a professor at the UC Davis Medical Center and the president of Davis Opportunity Village, emphasized that small details, such as an orange “H” archway that would symbolize home at the entrance to the proposed building, make all the difference. “A sense of home gives a sense of safety and well-being,” Teeter said. Construction has been set tentitavely for early 2019, but Maria Ogrydziak, the architect behind Paul’s Place, commented that this
was an ambitious estimate. With construction costs at $4.5 to $5 million, DOV has enlisted several organizations around Davis to help fundraise. “We need people with a heart and the resources,” Teeter said. For Bill Pride, the executive director of Davis Community Meals and Housing, the struggle lies in getting everyone into safe beds at night. “The lack of affordable housing is a huge impediment everywhere in this field,” Pride said. “Most people become homeless because of job loss or their rent went up, and those people utilize these programs and temporary housing.” The city’s efforts to accommodate lower-income residents include maintaining 1,200 units of permanently affordable housing as well as recently approving Creekside Court, a 73-unit building with single-room apartments. Affordable housing is available to individuals who make 30 percent or less of the median income. “We want to make sure we have the resources going forward,” said Lucas Frerichs, a Davis city councilmember. In the meantime, social services have been boosted, according to Mayor Robb Davis, who recently endorsed Police Service Specialist Supervisor Ryan Collins. Police have been receiving training in conflict resolution and community outreach. “It’s a long engagement process with these folks,” Pride said. “Get them to trust you, and maybe then you can get them some help.”
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Opinion editorial board
the California Aggie EDITORIAL BOARD
Ram exploits King legacy for financial gain
BRYAN SYKES Editor-in-Chief EMILY STACK Managing Editor HANNAH HOLZER Campus News Editor
Car company runs commercial using Dr. King sermon
KAELYN TUERMER-LEE City News Editor TARYN DEOILERS Opinion Editor GILLIAN ALLEN Features Editor ALLY OVERBAY Arts & Culture Editor VERONICA VARGO Sports Editor HARNOOR GILL Science & Tech Editor
CHIARA ALVES New Media Manager BRIAN LANDRY Photo Director CHRISTIE NEO Design Director AMY YE Layout Director MAXINE MULVEY Copy Chief OLIVIA ROCKEMAN Copy Chief JAYASHRI PADMANABHAN Website Manager ALEX GUZMÁN Social Media Mangager MADELINE ONG Newsletter Manager LAURIE PEDERSON Business Development Manager
The answer to the question on everyone’s mind this past Sunday — “Did Ram really just try to profit off a Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. speech?” — is, unfortunately, “Yes.” Dodge Ram ran a “Built to Serve” commercial on one of the most high-profile advertising days of the year: Super Bowl Sunday. This year’s Ad Bowl featured a commercial overlayed with an excerpt from Dr. King’s “The Drum Major Instinct” sermon, delivered exactly 50 years prior to the 2018 Super Bowl, over a series of clips featuring people laboring in various tasks including training, fishing, herding cattle, relocating a church and rescuing animals. The ad was not approved by Dr. King’s family, but rather by the manager of the Estate of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Eric D. Tidwell, who said in a statement, “We found that the overall message of the ad embodied Dr. King's philosophy that true greatness is achieved by serving others. Thus we decided to be a part of Ram's 'Built To Serve' Super Bowl program.” The attention paid to the historical game between the Philadelphia Eagles and New England Patriots was quickly diverted as many viewers took great offense to Ram’s commercial. The Editorial Board could not agree more with the disapproval of the sermon being used for the company’s monetary gain. The selection from the sermon featured a quote from Jesus instead of the more ironic lines where Dr. King blatantly criticizes car advertisements. Clearly, Ram counted
on an ignorant audience unfamiliar with the contents of the sermon and chose to appeal to American beliefs about patriotism and Dr. King’s lasting influence in the current political climate surrounding racial equality. This year, the cost for a 30-second commercial averaged upwards of $5 million. The Chicago Tribune ranked the Ram commercial as the lowest grade — a D — and, although it gathered approximately 11.5 thousand mentions, Fox News reports that most of them were negative looks. Ram wasted $5 million. While the words of Dr. King were used with permission from the Estate, the decision to use them in a time of political tension — when African Americans are still widely discriminated against — was a poor one. It’s vital that the drive for profit not deafen companies to the tone of the country. Featuring a leader of the civil rights movement for financial gain is appalling. Using the sermon out of context is insulting; airing it during the event where professional sports players have been previously attacked for peacefully protesting in support of the Black Lives Matter movement is repulsive. Advertisers and big-name companies should be more culturally sensitive when creating a 60-second bit of money-making propaganda. Important topics of the political climate do not exist to be financially banked on. This ad can join the Kendall Jenner Pepsi commercial disaster.
Coffee may be the game changer for reversing climate change skepticism CLIMATE CHANGE THREATENS GLOBAL COFFEE SUPPLIES BY JESS DRIVER Americans disagree on a lot of things — politics, musical tastes, sports teams, appropriate places for tattoos. But we pretty much agree on one thing: coffee, good. A study conducted by the National Coffee Association USA found that 62 percent of the 3,000 people surveyed in 2017 were daily coffee drinkers — which is why over half of the country may cry when they learn that climate change affects coffee bean production and could impact future coffee supplies. Climate change makes areas too hot and dry for coffee plants, threatens coffee-pollinating honey bees with higher temperatures and less rainfall and allows just the right conditions for leaf rust fungus, which kills coffee plants. Coffee produced under such circumstances may not even taste the same, since hotter temperatures affect the way that beans ripen and develop flavor. Researchers predict that, due to climate change, countries that grow coffee beans will experience a loss in area where coffee can grow. They estimate Latin America will lose 88 percent of coffee-growing land to climate change — with Honduras, Nicaragua and Venezuela being impacted the most.
“Scientists think good coffee ground in 2050 will span only a fifth to a quarter of current coffee-friendly habitat,” said Meghan Bartels, a science writer at Newsweek. Coffee growers in Ethiopia — where 15 million people rely on coffee to make a living — have already experienced a 15 to 20 percent decrease in summer rains, which has devastated crops in the country. Researchers predict that the country could lose up to 60 percent of coffee-growing land by the end of the century. Coffee farmers who depend on the crop for their livelihoods will have to move their crops or implement new strategies like mulching to continue growing coffee. The added hardship may prove too difficult for already struggling farmers. Some coffee growers have already made the switch to more reliable crops. Coffee farming will become less possible and less practical. Coffee demand could make coffee more expensive, too. What does all this mean? A large coffee frappe might cost more and taste worse in the future. But that’s only part of the problem. "There is a whole lot more at stake here than, ‘Is my nice espresso in New York going to get more expensive?’” said Taylor Ricketts, the director of the University of Vermont's Gund Institute for Environment. “Climate change is going to threaten this primary livelihood for
millions of people in vulnerable communities all over the world.” Coffee is the largest global commodity besides oil and provides an income for 25 million families in over 60 countries. Climate change impacts on coffee production will devastate family incomes. In other words, people are depending on you to drink more coffee — and to make small lifestyle changes toward sustainability so that they can continue farming. The Sustainable Coffee Challenge is facilitated by Conservation International and promotes sustainable coffee practices. The challenge strives to make coffee a more sustainable crop, prevent deforestation, protect jobs and make coffee available in the future. "It's time to think about coffee beyond our daily cup,” said Dr. M. Sanjayan, the CEO of Conservation International. “Coffee holds the promise of driving sustainable agriculture and farmer prosperity across commodity crops and engaging hundreds of millions of people around the globe in sustainable living." If nothing else will bring people together to combat climate change, I hope coffee will. If endangered pikas, poor air quality and extreme weather events won’t sway people to believe that climate change is real science, maybe losing that morning cup of joe will. Individuals can encourage sustainable coffee practices by asking whether their next cup was sustainably grown.
Latinos are underrepresented in higher education THE ROLE THAT RACE PLAYS IN LEARNING BY ALEJANDRO L ARA I’m a first-generation college student, and this spring I will finally graduate from Davis. While it certainly hasn’t been an easy road to get where I am, it has been a memorable journey. Against all the odds that I’ve had to overcome in my life, I’ve never been closer to achieving this lifelong dream my parents envisioned for me. My parents immigrated to the U.S. over 25 years ago in order to provide a better lifestyle for me and my siblings. I owe everything that I have in life to the sacrifices my parents made. Thanks to them, I have countless more opportunities than they had growing up. My mom grew up in Mexico in the ‘80s during a time when things were different. Even though my mom begged my grandpa, she wasn’t allowed to continue her education because it was deeply rooted in society that women back then didn’t need to go to school. Because my mom was denied her access to higher education, she made sure to try to instill within her children the value of a fouryear degree. My mom is by far the biggest role model in my life. She showed me that, against all odds, anyone can beat the system. She inspires me. I remember when I was in high school, my mom obtained her GED. She took night classes while juggling the duties of a mom and wife and working in the mornings. When I look back on old memories that I have with family members, my parents, uncles, aunts and cousins all said the same thing to me: “Stay in school and go to college.” From a young age, I felt like
going to school was my entire purpose. Yet there are institutional barriers in place that greatly limit the odds of someone like me graduating. Even though the high school dropout rate has considerably dropped over time, Hispanics still have the highest dropout rate among blacks, whites and Asians, according to the Pew Research Center. There are a number of factors that contribute to this phenomenon. For one, Hispanics and children of immigrants tend be poorer. There’s a variety of statistics that show the same trend: students who come from lower socioeconomic backgrounds struggle academically versus their more affluent counterparts. When I was in high school, my parents couldn’t afford to hire an SAT tutor or enroll me in Study Smarter programs. I had to buy an SAT book and study on my own. I didn’t have any tutors to help me with math or science homework. There are students who don’t have the necessary resources to help them succeed in the classroom because of a lack of funds. To a certain extent, parents’ income and education affect whether a student will go to college. I went to school with students whose parents gave them everything they needed to succeed. I was jealous because I didn’t have those same resources. Nonetheless, I still managed to thrive in school through my own hard work. A college degree opens the door to the middle class; a college degree holds power. The difference in income between high school graduates and college graduates is staggering. A college graduate will
make $1 million more over their lifetime versus someone with a high school degree. The advantages and benefits that come with a college degree are significant. Yet as of 2014, only 15 percent of Hispanics between the ages of 25 and 29 have a bachelor’s degree. Moreover, Hispanics are least likely to earn a bachelor’s degree among whites, blacks and Asians. In particular, this is because Hispanics are less likely than other ethnic groups to enroll in a four-year college. Hispanics, more than any other race, enroll in community college or two-year schools instead. The rising cost of education prevents students from wanting to go to college. Student debt is higher than credit card debt in the U.S. For that reason, so many students are exploring other alternatives, such as community college, with the intent to transfer to a public university later on. Hispanics have always been at a disadvantage when it comes to higher education. Language barriers in the classroom greatly limit our vocabulary. I grew up speaking Spanish at home while speaking English at school. As such, my diction was much different than my peers’. During my time at school I felt like I always had to play catch up because my other classmates were way ahead of me in other subjects. The barriers that stand in the way of Hispanics are threatening — yet they are surmountable. I’m an example of such. My classmates and other Hispanics at four-year universities are also examples that we can succeed. Hard work pays off. Educational equity is the goal for the future.
Chancellor mistakes tuition hike for Davis Hiking Club event EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT A TUITION HIKE IS JUST A TUITION-THEMED HIKE BY L ARA LOPTMAN Oftentimes it’s easy to mistake one thing for another. Whether that thing be a word you misheard, an item you misplaced or a protest against rising tuition costs, we all inevitably have caught ourselves in one of those silly moments. Sometimes, one thing just sounds like another, and even though they have completely different
meanings that don’t have any relevance or relation to another, the words happen to be homophones and we suddenly forget everything we learned in the second grade. Recently, a beloved chancellor and all-around man who doesn’t usually make mistakes was caught in one of these wild situations, but we won’t give away who we’re talking about just yet. If you’re curious who we may be referring to, it is in fact Gary May. Gary May made the honest error of confusing recent gatherings
in Mrak Hall to protest tuition hikes with one giant tuition-themed hike — a humble mistake. Sources say May could not tell that the protesters were not dressed up to go on a hike because everyone in Davis wears hiking boots and Patagonia all the time. Additionally, May could not understand why all the students LOPTMAN on 11
This year’s flu created by UC Regents to combat over-enrollment in classes THEY’VE DONE IT AGAIN BY ROSIE SCHWARZ This might come as no surprise to you, but it turns out the UC Regents are behind this year’s especially horrible flu. How, you ask? I’m not exactly sure (I never am), but between all their degrees, I’m sure they found some way to do something that would screw over the entire student body. Anyway, I guess Davis ran into a problem with seating all its students, and instead of figuring out how to open more classrooms or
staff more teachers, the UC Regents thought it would be best to take their favorite approach — one that disregards everyone but themselves. I’m sure it’s more complicated than this, and I don’t really know anything about this particular strain of flu, but I’m just guessing that it had to come from somewhere. And since the property of one bad thing must be caused by another bad thing, I’m choosing to blame the school or the system or whoever is actually in charge. I’m a little hesitant to say something that’s veering too close to the truth when we’re constantly living in satire, so if it ends up that the UC Regents happened to be funding some ineffective flu vaccine and
whatnot, I’m severely sorry. But also, nothing is out of the realm of possibility anymore. This issue boils down to the simple matter of our lecture halls only seating 300 students while the school continues to admit even more students who are interested in taking that specific class at that specific time. I’m sure there’s an algorithm. So how did the big people up top escape this epidemic? Easy. They just stay the heck off of college campuses and watch from above SCHWARZ on 11
Young adult pays to work rather than getting paid to work UC DAVIS SELLS STUDENT ORGANS BY DREW HANSON A study has revealed that over 35,000 residents in the Davis area are afflicted by a strange mental illness in which they pay to work. “We love this,” said a shady capitalist businessman in a top hat. “Slavery was a terrible idea. This is way better.” “What the hell is the point of this homework?” asked guy-whohas-better-things-to-do Drew Hanson.
“It’s to improve your critical thinking skills,” replied professorwho-solely-reads-off-the-PowerPoint. “I can think critically, which has brought me to the conclusion that my time is better spent doing something else,” replied Hanson, “such as writing satire that nobody reads, as far as I’m aware.” “I love the university,” said automaton Mary Johnson. “I have a UC Davis hat, UC Davis sweater and even this tattoo that says, ‘UC Davis owns my soul.’” “We own the souls of many students,” Chancellor Gary May said
at a private tour of the student salvage factory in Lower Wellman. “Souls just don’t sell for as much as the actual physical form, though. Even when the physical vessel gets worn out and depreciates, we can always scrap the organs for their salvage value.” May scooped the liver out of a partially-conscious animal science major and put it into a steel bucket, the wet plop of the liver masked by the student’s moans. The liver had done much overtime in its HANSON on 11
in Davis
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Firehawks more than myth
Indigenous knowledge of birds spreading fires rediscovered in Australia BY R AC HE L PAUL
The type of environment, climate, vegetation and human activity all play a role in how fires spread. In Australia’s deserts, a new factor must be considered: birds. The indigenous peoples of Australia had myths and tales of raptors starting fires, and recent ethnographic work has shown birds using fire is a real possibility. These hawks are known as fire-foragers, and feed on animals fleeing fires or the remains of animals caught in fires. These “firehawks” supposedly grab burning sticks to drop them elsewhere. It is theorized that the purpose of starting fires elsewhere is to feast on the numerous small prey that collectively flee the fire. Their direct association with dangerous territory makes this issue difficult to document, as
many people do not wish to be near wildfires. “The birds aren’t doing things optimal for fire management and need to be taken seriously,” said Dr. Mark Bonta, a geographer at Pennsylvania State University and one of the authors of the paper published about firehawks. The birds in question are the brown falcon (Falco berigora), the whistling kite (Haliastur sphenurus), and the black kite (Milvus migrans). All of these birds are common in the Australian savanna, especially the black kite, which has the nickname of “shithawk”. Although illegal, it is suspected these birds are killed as pests. Bob Gosford, an indigenous lawyer for Australia, reached out to Bonta about the project. Previously, Bonta had done ethnobotany research in Central America on cycads and the relationship between humans and the plant.
“It [firehawks] surprised me initially, but I have a track record of finding stuff,” Bonta said. “The earth has been imperfectly explored. We know a tiny bit and most of it is probably wrong.” Bonta helped Gosford structure interviews to get primary accounts claiming the birds were spreading the fires. Bonta later went to Australia with funding from Pennsylvania State. Most of the funds were spent on plane tickets. “It’s still a low-budget operation, it’s still exploratory,” Bonta said. “By and large, raptors aren’t one of the groups of birds most renowned for tool use,” said Julie Cotton, the volunteer and outreach coordinator at the California Raptor Center. “[...] most of the tool use in raptors is some vultures species use rocks to help break open eggs. There are some vultures, and some eagles as well that are known to do that. But the birds most famous for tool use out there tend to be the corvids; the crows, ravens.” While there has been no official documentation of firehawks starting fires, eyewitness accounts and blurry YouTube videos have called attention to this behavior. “I’ve had people say I saw a cougar and then it’s like an orange housecat... I always take people’s wild sightings with a grain of salt. But if it’s a trained person, then I trust them a little bit more,” Cotton said. “[...] these people were trained people who’ve lived there, who know the different species, who work in the field, so that, to me, gives it a lot more credibility.” The knowledge of the firehawks had been mostly reserved to the Aboriginal community and those battling wildfires. Sightings of the hawks using fire were rare, even in this setting. Although having known about birds’ abilities to use fire, Monique Borgerhoff-Mulder, a UC Davis anthropology professor who has done conservation and development projects in multiple African countries, warns against idealizing indigenous knowledge. “There are many things science miss, many things indigenous peoples miss,” Borgerhoff-Mulder said. “Important indigenous knowledge is how to make a living in an area. Knowledge is important, but be very careful to not romanticize it.” One future research topic on the firehawks that needs to be addressed is whether or not the birds are picking up the burning sticks on purpose. Even if the smouldering sticks are accidentally dropped by the birds, the end result of feasting on fleeing animals would be the same. “There are so many wild animals, their response to fire is fear, they flee. It will be interesting if those birds really do have some way to put aside that, you know, evolutionary history fear of fire,” Cotton said. Bonta is aware the team has to win over skeptics that think fire is solely reserved for humans. The team is planning on doing controlled burns in May to see if they can document the phenomenon. Aboriginal communities and fire managers have cooperated and helped Gosford and Bonta in their fieldwork. Bonta appreciates the traction this work has gotten with only preliminary results. “We haven’t published the best stuff,” Bonta said.
Career Fair: STEM students seek connections
Solar energy development in unconventional zones
Aggies connected with potential employers including US Department of Veterans Affairs, CA Resource Board, Amazon
Agricultural land can be spared while allowing solar energy to flourish
On Jan. 24, 144 companies attended the Engineering and Physical Sciences Internship and Career fair at the UC Davis ARC Pavilion. The Internship and Career Center hosted the event. Marci Holland, the executive director of the ICC, was excited to see Aggies making connections. “I hope students gain confidence in their ability to speak with employers about the great assets that they have to offer,” Holland said. “And I hope that they make connections that result in internships and jobs.” As noted on name tags, some employers were UC Davis alumni or transfer student alumni who graduated as recently as 2016 and others from 2009 or prior. Many of the recruiters said they obtained their jobs by speaking to company representatives at a career fairs years ago. Holland hoped the name tags would help students build their confidence. “Knowing that the recruiter they are talking to is a UC Davis graduate [or] was a transfer student, gives them common ground, which can open the door to more comfortable conversation,” Holland said. “It also helps transfer students see that they are not ‘behind’ and have great career prospects.” The ICC hosts four career fairs each academic year, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Internship and Career fair being the only career-specific event. Organizations from previous years returned, such as Advanced Semiconductors Materials Lithography, the California Energy Commission and
ACCO Engineered Systems, Inc. “I’m mostly looking for semiconductor jobs,” said Diana Mikhail, a third-year chemical engineering undergraduate. “I talked to ASML at the fall career fair. It was cool to see them here again.” Mikhail is hoping to find an internship before entering her fourth year at UC Davis. The ICC introduced other companies to the career fair for the first time, including VVH Consulting Engineers and Condon-Johnson & Associates. The President of CJ & Associates, James Johnson, said he was excited to attend the fair and meet “the next generation of designers and builders.” CJ & Associates is a specialty contractor focusing on geotechnical projects. “We are looking for candidates who are looking for the challenge of designing and then following through with the actual construction of the project,” Johnson said. The company met a large number of candidates for both internships and full-time positions. Some companies were seeking to hire interns for their social media department. While the Engineering and Physical Sciences Internship and Career Fair is tailored toward students in STEM, “it doesn’t mean that they are only hiring engineers,” Holland said. “They have accounting, human resources, sales departments to name a few. Firms are hiring for many tasks associated with business operations.” For the first time, the career fair was located on ENGINEERING on 11
A case study in “Environmental Science & Technology” demonstrated that all of the energy needs of California can be provided by solar panels in the Central Valley. By using existing built environments, salt-affected lands, contaminated lands and water reservoirs, solar energy developers can meet the energy needs of the future without encroaching into prime agricultural land. Madison Hoffacker is first author of the study and serves as a renewable energy scientist in the Department of Land, Air and Water Resources at UC Davis. Hoffacker created maps from national databases and satellite imagery to model both the solar energy potential of the land in the Central Valley as well as what types of activities are currently performed on these spaces. “A lot of rooftop spaces in the Central Valley are rather large, and if you take advantage of those facilities or commercial buildings, there’s a lot of opportunities in developed areas,” Hoffacker said. “Especially because rooftops on commercial areas are flat, it’s perfect ground space to work around.” Developed areas with large structures, such as warehouses and production facilities, could be fitted to use most of their energy from solar panels, bringing down the energy costs of food production and transportation. “In hiking in southern Germany last summer, I was struck by the nearuniversal use of solar panels on barns and outbuildings, methane collectors on many dairy barns, and biofuel generators from ma-
nure,” said Michael Allen, a distinguished professor emeritus in the Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology at UC Riverside, in an email interview. “The key here is a diverse portfolio of options for generating on-farm energy for direct use, and sometimes selling of energy while sustaining food production.” Besides built environments with existing structures, Hoffacker’s team found land contaminated with salt or chemical waste could be used for solar energy production without impinging on other economic pursuits. Many contaminated sites were within 10km of urban areas, reducing the transmission infrastructure necessary for transporting energy from where it is generated to where it is needed. “Contaminated sites should be an easy location to put panels, same with salt-affected areas,” Hoffacker said. “If you have land that can’t produce anything, and it’s isolated in an area where it won’t return to its natural habitat, why not take advantage? At the same time, you can help recover the land by letting things grow underneath the panel.” In Davis, two contaminated waste sites exist. One is located south of UC Davis, where experiments on radiation exposure to animals left soil and groundwater contaminated, and another is to the east of Davis, where storage of pesticides and herbicides by Frontier Fertilizer similarly contaminated the earth and water. At the Frontier Fertilizer site, solar panels are being used to help remediate the land by generating power and heating the area. Significant cost savings are being reported, as well SOLAR on 4
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The aggie
Listen up A list of notable gay podcasts BY JOSH M A D RI D
With so many podcasts out there to get addicted to, I couldn’t help but wonder: Where are the gay ones? Podcasts are a great at-home and on-the-go companion that can make you laugh, cry or both. Sometimes at the same time. They cover everything from short and sweet comedy and topical conversations to historical retrospection. Here’s a few podcasts that I think you might like in no particular order. “The Savage Lovecast”
For Art’s Sake The value of art in the classroom BY CA RO L I N E RUT T E N
Many teachers value art in their classrooms but are limited by the number of art programs, so art must often be incorporated into other subjects. “There are things we have to do, but we have a lot of flexibility,” said Gigi Bugsch, a third grade teacher at Cesar Chavez Elementary. “We have times where we have guided reading, and we have to do it at a certain time and make sure we have the minutes of math in. We can weave the art and the cooking and the crafts in throughout the day as long as we are making our minutes required for different subjects.” With the large amount of curriculum expected to be covered in elementary schools, this integration is a main way for arts to continue its
A sex-advice columnist on the side, gay podcaster Dan Savage focuses most of his time answering calls from frustrated lovers. His show centers around sexual and relational problems that can use an objective opinion. The couples that call into the show are of different kinds — we all have problems regardless of the labels we stick to our relationships. There are complications in every relationship out there, and Dan Savage has heard it all. There’s a lot to learn about love and relationships, and it doesn’t hurt to have a knowledgeable man whispering some advice in your ear from time to time. “The Savage Love-
presence. “The curriculum for 6th grade on is enormous, so for me I find that most all my art is worked into something else other than art,” said Marla Cook, a 6th grade teacher at Robert E. Willet Elementary. “This is my 29th year, so probably for my first 10 or 15 years I always had art [...] but now we have so many demands on us having a regular time does not work.” For Cook, the embedded nature of art is best displayed in social studies, where art naturally arises in the material that is covered. “In 6th grade we teach ancient history and there is so much art during that time that we can do it when we are studying social studies,” Cook said. I think the best thing about doing art through social studies is that we put it in more context. Mosaics were discovered in Mesopotamia, so we will create mosaics when learning about that. I used to do it with real tiles, but that became cost-prohibitive, so now we do them with paper [...] We also do art in math with tessellations, for example.” This extensive curriculum stems in part from Common Core standards, the educational initiative to establish a consistent nationwide curriculum. “Don’t get me wrong, I like Common Core,” Bugsch said. “I like it because it feels like it is more challenging. The only thing that is impeding arts in education is the amount of meetings we have to go to because of it. I can weave art in here. I can weave technology in here. You just need to give me the educator unstructured time to think about what I want to do and how I want to do it. The lack of confidence that administrators have in educators is what is imped-
Entertainment Council: Past, Present, Future ASUCD’s entertainment unit hopes to bring more big names to campus BY SY D N EY OD M A N
Upon walking into the headquarters of Entertainment Council, located in the basement of Freeborn Hall, the walls of the small office tell it all. Lining the wall from floor to ceiling are music posters and event promos accumulated
over the years. While it may seem reminiscent of an angsty teen’s bedroom, the posters tell a story, documenting all the artists, bands and performers that have made their way to the UC Davis campus over the years. It all started in 1979, with a goal to bring the best possible entertainment content to the cultural scene of the UC Davis student body. Now, nearly 40 years later, EC has managed to bring the likes of Chance the Rapper, Kendrick Lamar, Drake, Porter Robinson and Vampire Weekend directly to the Davis campus. But how
cast” is a witty and sharp listen for anyone. “The Love Bomb” Nico Tortorella is all about explosive love in his podcast “The Love Bomb.” The star of TV show “Younger” invites “humans that he loves” to his show to talk about what love means to them. This light conversational topic never fails to brew interesting responses and perspectives. He has interviewed familiar names, such as his co-star Hilary Duff and YouTube sensation (and his ex) Kyle Krieger. LA-based Tortorella also provides interesting insight into the industry and how love is portrayed on the big screen. Tortorella is a great advocate of self-expression and self-worth, which makes for a great, uplifting podcast. “What’s the Tea?” RuPaul’s podcast, “What’s the Tea?” covers all the bases, from drag to Golden Girls to politics. RuPaul is a hilarious, shade-throwing icon with a microphone in one hand and a cup of tea in the other. She is regularly accompanied by Michelle Visage along with a featured guest each podcast. Past guests have included Lady Gaga and Vanessa Williams. This is a great source for current gay culture and entertainment. “Making Gay History” I did say podcasts can make you cry, didn’t I? Making Gay History is a collection of interviews done by Eric Marcus to document LGBT activists and icons that have contributed to gay civil rights movements. Older (but still very relevant) influencers like Sylvia Rivera reveal what life was like for a transgender woman in New York in the mid 20th-century. Ellen DeGeneres, a more well-known name nowadays, talks of the historic turning point when non-heterosexual couples were first shown in television. This podcast enshrines the history of LGBT activism and the long journey that has led to where we are now.
ing art. The district office or those at the state level, those people who are making plans for us, don’t know what we have to do or what hurdles we have to go through on a day-to-day basis.” Indeed, such structure outside the classroom can mirror how the teacher will teach in the classroom. A lack of time to be creative behind the scenes dictates the level of ingenuity a classroom activity will entail. “If our time outside of the classroom is always so structured that is only going to teach us to be more structured with the kids,” Bugsch said. “If you’re stubborn like me, that doesn’t get in the way, but if you’re new [at teaching] and if you want to stay in a particular district, you’re going to follow what they tell you. I think that is what’s going to be difficult in the future: when you have structured meetings and structured things for teachers outside of the classroom, you are going to mold a teacher who favors structure. And structure does not favor art.” For Cook, the problem is not Common Core in itself or what it aims to teach, but rather the structure in how material is taught and what lessens the availability of art in the classroom. The current educational trend of high-stakes testing similarly inhibits arts within the classroom. “There has been a narrowing of curriculum that has happened over a number of years,” said Steven Athanases, a professor at the UC Davis School of Education. “In the last 15 years, big accountability contexts, high-stakes testing and the No Child Left Behind push in many ways yielded this testing mania. There is generally a pattern in which teachers are denied the ELEMENTARY on 12
do they do it? In recent years, EC has worked largely with big event promoters, such as Live Nation and Another Planet Entertainment, to bring students the artists they want to see. This past fall, EC put out an empty survey to the student body, asking what kind of artists and bands that students would hope to see on campus in the future. After determining which artists were in greatest demand, EC worked with APE to make the wishes of Davis students a reality. “I hope that with our growing connection with Another Planet Entertainment we’ll get more and more big shows like the ones we’re having in the spring,” said EC assistant director and third-year genetics major Katie Lewis. “Hopefully, if the student body continues to be interested in these bigger artists, then our connection with APE will continue to grow.” But booking and hosting massive concerts isn’t all that EC does. They also hold several showings and advanced screenings of films, such as the upcoming feature of “Game Night” at Varsity Theater on Feb. 14. In the past, EC has also brought advanced viewings of movies including “The Social Network,” “Big Hero 6” and, most recently, “Justice League.” In addition, EC holds quarterly open mic nights in the ASUCD Coffee House for Davis students to perform and showcase their talents. “We’re the only organization on campus that gives students access to different forms of entertainment
A Valentine’s Day Meal Whether attached at the hip or partnerless, this meal leads to the impossible: Valentine’s Day enjoyment BY R OWAN O’CONNELL-GATES
That’s right, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner once again. For some, this Hallmark holiday is a time to lament the lack of a relationship, and yet for those in relationships, it can prove to be just as vexing to try and meet the expectations of your partner. Either way, it seems we can’t win — but what we can do is make a potentially troublesome evening into a fun and delicious one. Here is a four-course dinner to rescue your lonely night or, better yet, wow your lover. To begin we have Tuna Tartare. Tartare, ceviche, carpaccio, whatever you want to call it, this dish has all the elements of an incredible Valentine’s Day meal. Not only is it tasty, but it’s also elegant and easy. There’s no cooking involved in this dish, just high quantities of lime juice. The acidity of the lime “cooks” the raw tuna, creating a stunning texture and unforgettable taste. Martha Rose Shulman’s New York Times recipe covers all the bases, and all that’s left for you to do is toast some thin slices of baguette and pile the bread crisps high with the tartare as you start your evening with a bang. After the tartare, we have David Lebovitz’s Winter Salad. Topped with pecans, pears and gorgonzola cheese, this recipe is unsurprisingly perfect for the winter season. Toasting the pecans provides a satisfying crunch and a smoky-sweet aftertaste, which is nicely followed by the salty blue cheese and sweet pears. Needless to say, this simple salad will take your tastebuds on a pleasing roller coaster that neither you nor your partner will soon forget. For the all-important main course, it has to be something delicious and unforgettable. Ribeye easily meets this criteria. This incredible cut of meat has plenty of soughtafter fat marbling as well as an incredible texture when cooked rare or medium rare. With ribeye being on the pricier side, any steak can be used for the entrée. However, if you really want to spoil your Valentine, this cut is for you. Mark Bittman’s sauces in this recipe are optional — and in my opinion, overkill. But what you should be serving with this steak is a nice bottle of red wine. That will have your night headed toward perfection. With the main course behind you, your night is winding down and your belly is full of delicious food and drink — what could possibly make this dinner better? Chocolate. Chocolate mousse to be exact. It is Valentine’s day after all, and there aren’t many foods on this earth sexier than chocolate. Not only is it an aphrodisiac, but it’s simply delectable as well. If you pull this out of your hat, then you’ve truly won the evening. Layered with air bubbles, Matty Matheson’s velvety recipe is surprisingly easy to whip up and sure to impress. With this exclamation point on your evening, you can be assured that you won’t dread another Valentine’s Day ever again. In fact, you just might begin to relish them.
throughout the year,” said EC promotions coordinator and third-year managerial economics major Emmy Hughes. “I especially enjoy the open mic nights because we get to see burgeoning talents on campus that might not have another outlet to perform or be heard anywhere else.” This spring, Entertainment Council will also be hosting its annual event, Lawntopia, a free outdoor concert for the student body. Lawntopia, spearheaded by EC director Liz O’Neill, has brought artists such as Elephante, Mako and Sydewaze to UC Davis in past years. “I think my favorite part of it all is getting to see the events come together,” said O’Neill, a third-year managerial economics and psychology double major. “It takes a lot of work and months of planning to do it, and once the day comes it’s really quite rewarding.” O’Neill also said she hopes to soon see a fee referendum on a future ASUCD ballot in order for EC to receive funding to put on more student shows. The director hopes that, with more financial stability, EC will one day be able to bring a festival event to the Davis campus, similar to that of UCSD’s Sun God Festival or UCSB’s Extravaganza. As for upcoming shows, alt-J and BØRNS are to perform at the ARC Pavillion on Apr. 23, while R&B artist Khalid will be making a stop in Davis on May 7. For more information, visit EC’s website and Facebook page.
Alston said. “They were out here 50 years ago trying to fight for dignity and equality and fairness in the workplace here, and here we are 50 years later and we’re still fighting for that here.” According to the Facebook event page for the picket, Feb. 1 is “the 50th anniversary of the two men whose deaths moved Memphis’s 1,300 sanitation workers to join AFSCME in 1968, stand with Dr. Martin Luther King, and strike for over 10 weeks against the same issues we’re dealing with at UC today.” According to Alston, the UC is offering a contract that will yield only negative effects for workers like her. “We’re hoping that UC regents will take into consideration what we’re trying to propose here at the bargaining table because what they’re proposing is not fair or equal,” Alston said. “The UC is offering zero percent pay raise for the next five years, raising in our health care benefits so we’re going to be paying more in healthcare costs with no increase in pay. They want us to have to pay more in our pensions and they don’t want to give us more staffing.”
Alston also believes that the staffing levels for workers at the UC Davis Medical Center is worrisome for both the workers and for those receiving care. “Staffing levels are unsafe in the workplace here, so we’re trying to get that at safe levels,” Alston said. “It doesn’t only affect us, it affects anybody that walks into any UC campus. Many departments are so understaffed and overworked. There are a lot of departments with double-time shifts and overtime pay all the time because there is no staffing there and they’re tired and being taken away from their families and that is not safe.” Chants and signs at the protest included sayings such as “Zero percent won’t pay the rent” — in reference to the zero percent increase in wages for the next five years that the UC has offered to service and patient care workers. During the picket, a few of the organizers called together those in attendance to make an announcement that an AFSCME picketer at a recent rally at UC Berkeley had been arrested. The footage of the arrest can be seen on the AFSCME Facebook page.
whole issue. They come with a deported mom and dad or one of [the parents] stays behind, so you then start seeing families being separated. For me, that was one of the biggest issues with deportation.” De la Cruz Santana also talked about how people in the United States often do not see the real situation in Tijuana. “It is a different type of way in which we talk about [deportation] here in the United States, because it is a phenomenon we see that is going on,” de la Cruz Santana said. “But once you go into Tijuana, you see the reality of how their lives are and how they try to get out of that state.” Marinka Swift is a fourth-year Ph.D. candidate in sociolinguistics at UC Davis and another member of the team that went to Tijuana. Her interest in the project stemmed from how the Spanish language is used by deportees compared to that of native speakers in Mexico. “I was looking for opportunities to learn about people’s language experiences in Mexico — people who have been deported and repatriated back to Mexico,” Swift said. “I was interested in the linguistics experiences of the deportees [and] I was curious about what languages people are using after they are deported. I know that many people who are deported are not necessarily fluent in Spanish
or they will simply choose that they would rather be speaking English, because it was their dominant language after spending so much of their lives in the United States. I wanted to get a sense of how people feel about Spanish and English and looking at that through the lens of human rights and linguistic rights.” Sarah Hart, a second-year Ph.D. candidate in performance studies at UC Davis and another member of the field study team, said she wanted to understand the plight of the deportees and how to express their experiences through her work. “I come from a background in socially-engaged performance,” Hart said. “I was interested in how to work with narratives or testimonies that people experienced in a creative way, and how to express those experiences to a public audience in order to raise awareness around social issues.” When asked how she would describe her experience in Tijuana, Hart said she “would tell people to be informed and to question where they are getting their information [from] and why they are being told the things they are being told about people. And to exercise some empathy.” The Humanizing Deportation narratives can be viewed at
— and through the cameras in the lecture hall when they’re feeling sneaky. The unfortunate thing they failed to consider was the flu’s effect on teachers. Turns out sick teachers cost the school money somehow, and even though the problem of over-enrollment was solved, the problem of no teachers was only beginning.
The Regents quickly decided that this would not do, so they whipped out the cure for the flu that they developed in the ‘80s and quickly distributed it with a price tag so high that only the teachers’ UC health insurance could afford it, thereby fixing the problem of over-enrollment in students while simultaneously ensuring that teachers would never miss a day again.
who were about to embark on the hike were so angry. However, he brushed it off because he figured it might have all just been in his head, justifying to himself that the students probably weren’t angry but were instead jazzed to go on the tuition hike. It wasn’t until May offered to Venmo the stu-
dents for gas if they drove him to Lake Berryessa that they began to realize he thought their protest was an actual hiking event. After explaining what was actually going on, May immediately lost interest and reportedly sought out the nearest hiking trail.
the second tier of the ARC Pavilion instead of the ground floor where the basketball court is normally set. “It has some definite benefits, though some parts are quite difficult to maneuver,” Holland said. “We’re trying to get rid of the choke points.” Staff at the ICC will be examining the advantages and drawbacks of the setup to analyze whether it will be an optimal configuration for the future. The career fair is an opportunity for both undergraduate and graduate students to make connections. Arman Asrani, a master’s student in computer science who received his undergraduate degree in Mumbai, attended the event. “The career fair seems less crowded than last year,” Arsani said. “I like the fact that it’s upstairs.” Amazon was at the top of Arsani’s list. Arsani was one of the many students who stood in line to speak with representatives from Amazon at the fair. “Amazon used to sell mostly books, and now they’re everywhere — even grocery stores,” Asrani said. Not only was Amazon the largest company at the career fair, but it also had the longest line — with about 30 minute wait times. But not all lines were this long. Some ranged for a few minutes while others were closer to 15. In addition to bringing quarterly career fairs to campus, the ICC hosts information sessions and on-campus interviews, bringing work opportunities directly to students. Located in South Hall, the ICC provides career counseling, mock interviews and workshops for students interested in gaining early work experience in their respective field. About 80 percent of undergraduates participate in internships during their time at UC Davis. The ICC has aided this feat by facilitating over 10,000 internship opportunities each year.
to qualify. Afriyie, Lew and Nagey each stressed the fact that if one meets the eligibility requirements, they are entitled to the service and are not keeping it from others in more need. “I think that people are under the impression that CalFresh is for people that are dirt poor,” Lew said. “You just have this image of someone who needs social services. You would never think that someone like me would need CalFresh. We have this idea in our heads that it’s for very, very poor people that don’t have any money at all, when it’s really not.” Nagey encourages students not to feel that they are taking from others. “I think a lot of students really think that there must be students worse off but I think that it’s important to remember with government programs like this [...] you’re not taking from another person if you apply,” Nagey said. “That’s not really how the program works. It’s a need-based program so there will be money if there’s need.” The online platform supplemented by mobile access for text message reminders and interviews provided by mRelief thus provides students with a quick way to verify eligibility, apply and receive the
help they deserve. In fact, the sign-up takes eight minutes or less and those eligible should be approved within a month of applying. This aid comes in the form of an Electronic Benefit Transfer card to be used at grocery stores. The uses of the funds don’t need to be reported back or recorded. If mRelief can address all aforementioned concerns, the one that glaringly remains is the absence of community between CalFresh users. “It’s really about creating a community of support,” Afriyie said. “We’ve got technology, we’ve got people who know about the system, but you know what, sometimes it’s really great to tap into people in your community [...] especially at a time when 48 percent of students are food insecure.” To create community, Afriyie called for student ambassadors to join mRelief and spread the word. “We are looking for campus ambassadors who are either on CalFresh right now or know more about the process and want to be able to help their fellow students out,” Afriyie said. Those interested can text 4544 in order to begin the process.
they’re in the Senate,” Jamaludin said. “[They] tend to forget that, yes, you’re in this ivory tower, but you should try and democratize the ivory tower and make it more accessible to other people. I think Michael has done a good job of doing that.” Gofman acknowledges disagreements among voices on the table and welcomes discussion over disagreement. “I get into disagreements over bills, issues with senators and commission chairs all the time,” Gofman said. “I think we’re able to move past it and generally agree to disagree. But we manage to put those things aside so that on the issues we both want to work on together we can actually work on instead of fighting over the little things.” Gofman is currently pursuing the position of ASUCD president. He said he advises the Senate to focus on financial management and says the association is “on the brink of falling apart.” Gofman men-
tionioned the inconsistencies regarding election cycles and waning public interest, but places the most stress on irresponsible spending by ASUCD. “The cost of operating the [association] has skyrocketed but our income has not,” Gofman said. “I’m really worried as less and less experienced senators and executives coming in, that some of those issues are going to go to the wayside while they focus on important current event issues, not realizing that the association is falling apart through their wasteful spending.” Gofman leaves Senate with pride in his work and takes his relationships with ASUCD members into the 2018 Winter Elections. “I’ve stayed true to myself and I’ve stayed true to the people that voted for me and hopefully that helps me out this Winter Quarter,” Gofman said. “But even if it doesn’t, I can leave knowing I never betrayed my principles.”
college years, yet had outlived the other organs. Ultimately, the student’s brain had undergone so much indoctrination and seemed to have put itself into a coma. “All of the drugs we confiscate are generally used in place of general anaesthetics,” said UC police officer Dick Grimes, making strange wet noodle nois-
es from behind the hospital curtains. “Although we generally do all the drugs we find. How the hell else could I numb the existential pain of being a campus police officer?” “Do you know what happens to the rest of this student’s body?” asked May in a sardonic tone. I was given a complimentary meal to the dining commons.
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for a large mansion — how can you sit in your mansion when students don’t have a place to sleep or food to eat?” According to an article published by The Sacramento Bee, the chancellor’s residence is 7,779 square feet, and stocked with a large staff and household allowance. SDS members at the meeting asked that his residence be sectioned off for student-dedicated areas, such as a mental health building. May responded that “the residence is actually a university property and its use [is] determined by the Office of the President and regents.” May agreed to look into food and housing insecurity issues as well as setting up means of transporting students to Board of Regents budget meetings. He told students that their other demands were controlled by the regents or UCOP. One of SDS’ demands responded to this point — asking for administration to advocate for these needs to their higher-ups, like legislators and regents. May then took a moment to reply to student comments regarding the UC upholding institutional white supremacy. “My staff and my wife have counseled me not to take this personally,” May said. “I mean this with all due respect and love, but I will not be lectured to about white supremacy by people [who] haven’t been called a n***** to their face. I will not be lectured to about white supremacy by people who don’t have two daughters that other parents said they couldn’t play with because they’re brown.” In response, SDS members said that the point they made to the UC upholding institutional racism and white supremacy was not directed specifically at May, but instead toward the institutional umbrella of UC administration. Amara Miller, a graduate student worker within the department of sociology, spoke about the university cost trajectory since the UC was started in 1868. Until 1956 — nearly the first 100 years — tuition for in-state students did not exist, and the student and incidental fees were only $84 per year. In 1970, a shift away from free tuition began in the form of an additional student educational fee. Miller posited that this change was enacted for political reasons and has been continued to price out marginalized students, student activists and students of color. SDS members placed posters on the wall of the conference room that read “I still can’t believe we still have to protest this shit” and “Why are UC athletics coaches being paid millions a year while students starve?” Another sign listed May’s base chancellor salary — $495,000 — as well as the salaries of other UC Davis administrative figures. SDS members asked the administration and Student Judicial Affairs to be transparent about the Noah Benham case. Benham is a UC Davis student who was allegedly arrested and charged with felonies for non-violent protests at Milo Yiannopoulos’ UC Davis appearance last year. Sheri Atkinson, an interim associate
vice chancellor, spoke about the criminalization of student protesters such as those who received referrals for protesting in Mrak Hall and Noah Benham’s situation. “There will be an opportunity for those folks to provide their defense and go through the proper channels to express your disagreement, but we will not be dropping those at this time,” Atkinson said. “There will be a due process for those.” Miller rejected some of these answers as dismissive. “I wanted to note that the two things you did not say you would help us with or respond to were the SJA referrals being dropped and the Noah Benham case,” Miller said. “You are targeting student activists.” According to Miller, de-escalating the militarism of campus police is imperative to democratizing the UC. “The Picnic Day 5 are a wonderful example of […] police regularly targeting people of color on our campus,” Miller said. “Most of us have seen the little, fancy, god-knows-how-much vehicle the police drive around in on Picnic Day. That shit should be going to tuition, housing and food. The police do not need a fancy car. I also want to point out when police pepper sprayed students in 2011, they were doing so with military grade pepper spray. Socio-psych research shows that the very nature of having a [gun] on their person makes them more likely to use it. You have to make sure that they do not have lethal weapons that they are able to use in high-intensity situations. Why give them this?” Buchanan again asked if the administration is “against using lethal force on students.” “That has been something that you’ve skirted around quite significantly,” Buchanan said. The administration did not directly answer this and did not agree to remove lethal weapons from the UC Davis police. One student spoke about how administration could be incorporating cheaper on-campus housing, as it claimed it was in the beginning of the meeting. They pointed out that students who are priced out of expensive university housing become de-incentivized from going to class and work due to lack of proximity, Unitrans hours and expensive campus parking permits. According to this student, the university is helping out the people who don’t need help by giving better access to education to people who can already afford it. May responded to student remarks that his answers were not solidified in his response to SDS’ demands. “One comment about the wishy-washy language, every time I said we’re happy to consider something, consider that a ‘yes,’” May said. By the end of the meeting, May and other administration agreed to meet with SDS regularly and publicly. Concrete agreements revolved around addressing food insecurity through campus projects, providing transportation and access to UC Regents’ budget meetings, advocating for the Cross Cultural Center and accessing the lost $175 million. The student organization said it wants to hold UC Davis to the agreements made at the meeting.
of anatomy, the detail, the expectation, the rigor, is very, very similar, [but] the medical school course includes embryology, which is developmental anatomy, [...] and radiologic anatomy, and that’s studying imaging along with it.” According to Plasse, the UC Davis undergraduate lab itself holds a collection of 250 specimens. The sheer amount of specimens available for UC Davis students begs the question of where they come from and how they get here. “[Body donation] is all done through programs at most major medical schools,” Gross said. “Medical schools have programs called donated body programs, so the UC system — all the five medical schools — have their own. Then the [University of California Office of the President] has an overarching donating body organization.” The UC Davis Body Donation Program has been around since 1968 in order for people to contribute to the educational goals of the UC Davis Medical School. According to its website, the Body Donation Program receives donors who were Davis alumni or have some other tie to the university or medical school. Every year the program receives about 150 body donations to be used as teaching materials and support research. “[The program has] a director, an assistant director and a number of staff who go through all the legal proceedings,” Gross said. “They do all the forms, they contact the families, and then when that individual dies, they arrange for the transportation of that body, which has to be done through a mortuary service. They then test the body for certain communicable diseases, and then if it’s deemed being a suitable body for embalming and use in education, then they do the embalming and they then distribute those bodies without charging — so they’re not buying the body.” According to Plasse, the majority of the specimens used in the undergrad lab are created by faculty members — that is, they’re meticulously dissected to become high quality specimens that should last a long time. On any given day, students in CHA 101L could be examining a specimen that has been on campus for 20 years, or one that was donated only a year or two prior. “There are some [specimen] that are very delicate structures, so when you’ve got a class like ours when we have 10 lab sections in the winter, each with 40 students, that’s from 6 or 7 in the morning until after
midnight every single day,” Dr. Gross said. “Students going through them, you can imagine things are going to get worn out, broken, at some point they are no longer useful and they need to be replaced.” Each lab section is headed by a teaching assistant, generally a graduate student or someone who has been involved in the anatomy program at UC Davis for a number of years. Each of these TAs then has four lab aids to teach during the lab sections. The aids can be current students or graduates who have taken the class, done well and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. “I think it’s a very, very unique opportunity for undergrads to actually see and learn off of actual human beings and the cadavers that were donated,” said Alexander In, a TA for the class and a UC Davis class of 2016 graduate with a degree in exercise biology. “That aspect alone makes this class very special, and it’s the reason why most of us come back to help teach and share that experience with the other students.” During lab, students rotate between four stations, each headed by a lab aid, and examine various specimen. Whatever they are learning in lecture corresponds exactly with their lab material; they can be examining spinal chords, shoulders, skulls, hearts or any part of a cadaver that has been previously dissected by a skilled anatomist for presentation and teaching. “[For] me personally, as a student, you go in [the lab] on day one and are like ‘oh my goodness I’m going to see real dead human beings, something I’ve never seen before,’” In said. “We generally try to ease people into it, we don’t just show faces and hands right away, we start with general breastplates and something very neutral.” Not only is the course rigourous, but it’s taken extremely seriously by everyone involved. In emphasizes the depth of respect and care the students are taught on day one of instruction. In fact, students don’t really learn the material the first day in lab, but are shown how to take care of and handle the specimens as well as the facility. “The thing about this course, and the concept behind using donated specimens, is really respect for those specimens,” Plasse said. “This is something that we really try to take home with our students, [that] these are actual people who their last wish was to donate their remains so that someone else could learn and make the world a better place. We need to give them the reverence they deserve.”
opportunity to be innovators, and there is the expectation that they will follow a curriculum that is scripted.” With these current programs and educational trends, the prospect of teaching art exclusively, its principles and techniques alike, and not in the context of other subjects, diminishes. “The way I have been talking about the arts so far, some might say it is instrumentalist in nature,” Athanases said. “It’s using the arts so they can learn content better and express themselves better. There are also some who say that we need to teach art for art’s sake. When you study or are involved in art what does that yield? And some folks have theorized about problem-solving; that is, [when] you are making a painting you need to solve problems about what is going to be my focus, what colors and textures and materials am I going to use.” Cook, however, argues that this more embedded instruction might be a more organic way of instilling art in education. Requiring students to take an art class might produce projects that yield the same outcomes — every student ends up drawing a version of the same flower. Such art of an embedded, informal nature might be the best method to express creative thinking, the true essence of art. Nonetheless, in whatever form it takes, art instruction itself can hold value in educational settings. “I can say there clearly have been many documents written about the multiple ways arts can be explored from kindergarten all the way up,” Athanases said. “Art as its own curriculum or to extend into other forms of academic content — there is value in all of those.” One such value is its ability to aid a teacher in conveying information while still abiding by the curriculum and fundamental standards they are required to teach. “I used to show pictures to students and ask ‘What do you think this author wanted you to get out of this?’” Cook said. “Students would say ‘Don’t you mean artist?’ ‘No, I mean author because it’s something they created and had a message they wanted to get across to you.’ I would show them a picture, and we would talk about the colors and what do you think the author would want to take away from it. It was all about reading, but reading a picture.” The instructional design of teaching literature concepts without using a book aids students in learning to go deeper with the material, according to Athanases, ridding students of “dry curriculum” in favor of “emotional contours and texture.” In the same vein, Cook spoke of an activity she did with her students to demonstrate this concept: comparing two pictures with her students and the message each was trying to convey. “When I did this activity and asked if students wanted to make a comment, I had 27 out of my 29 students raise their hand,” Cook said. “That particular lesson intrigued them, it was interesting. How many times can you ask a question and have that many kids have something to say?” Going deeper is not the only motive to apply art within learning, but the ability for it to engage a multitude of students. Art can appeal to the different learning styles of various students, those who are kinesthetic or visual learners, for example.
“Kids may not take in information the way that you do,” Cook said. “There is not one way to deliver what you have to say and take it in. And many students in here would rather draw pictures than take notes. And it’s not that they want to be an artist, but that’s how they think [...] art has to be part of it because that’s how so many people learn.” More fundamentally, art aids memory and understanding of complicated ideas, according to Athanases. In addition, the genuine creativity that is required from art is an essential skill for students to acquire. “We’re hearing a lot from the tech world and corporate world of other kinds that folks who are graduating with college degrees and also those without degrees, that they don’t understand the nature of innovation and creativity,” Anthanases said. “There is a cookie-cutter way that they are graduating and entering the workforce, so many are calling for innovation and creative thinking. And the arts can really fuel that. When we value the making of something, whether it is something visual or performance or communicative art, it can promote the idea that success is often dependent on thinking creatively and out of the box.” Not only does art have long-term impacts, but it also directly impacts the work students do in elementary schools. Bugsch noticed the direct implications a knitting project had on her students. Not only did the students want to make beanies with pom-poms on the top, but their cursive handwriting improved by fostering strong fine motor skills. For parent Ashley Muir Bruhn, whose son attends first grade at Cesar Chavez Elementary, the skills her child learns through art make it an important aspect of her child’s education. “When kids are encouraged to express themselves and create their own art, they develop a sense of innovation that will be important throughout their lives,” Muir Bruhn said. “Making art requires decision-making, helps with motor skills, an acceptance of mistakes and sets the stage for the kind of visual learning we all use daily. I think it’s crucial to a well-rounded education.” The question of the future status of arts in California elementary education still remains how to balance resources, how to allocate funds effectively. For Athanases, in order to fully comprehend the value of arts in education, more empirical research needs to be conducted and properly conveyed to the public, those developing curriculum and those in the policy position. “I think folks who are in decision-making positions need to be aware of the 21st-century individual and the increasingly diverse context that folks are really engaging in,” Athanases said. “I think that conventional ideas about schooling are no doubt part of the function of what occurs, and then art gets cast as fluff and cute. It is incumbent upon educators and researchers to do the work of demonstrating the linkages between art forms and other forms of academic learning.” Until then, the future of arts education in the Davis Joint Unified School District is in the fiscal hands of the state, allocation decisions of the district and the instructional discretion of the teachers. Bugsh’s and Cook’s students, respectively, will be making beanies and Mesopotamian mosaics in the meantime.
the second tier of the ARC Pavilion instead of the ground floor where the basketball court is normally set. “It has some definite benefits, though some parts are quite difficult to maneuver,” Holland said. “We’re trying to get rid of the choke points.” Staff at the ICC will be examining the advantages and drawbacks of the setup to analyze whether it will be an optimal configuration for the future. The career fair is an opportunity for both undergraduate and graduate students to make connections. Arman Asrani, a master’s student in computer science who received his undergraduate degree in Mumbai, attended the event. “The career fair seems less crowded than last year,” Arsani said. “I like the fact that it’s upstairs.” Amazon was at the top of Arsani’s list. Arsani was one of the many students who stood in line to speak with representatives from Amazon at the fair. “Amazon used to sell mostly books, and now they’re everywhere — even grocery stores,” Asrani said. Not only was Amazon the largest company at the career fair, but it also had the longest line —
with about 30 minute wait times. But not all lines were this long. Some ranged for a few minutes while others were closer to 15. In addition to bringing quarterly career fairs to campus, the ICC hosts information sessions and on-campus interviews, bringing work opportunities directly to students. Located in South Hall, the ICC provides career counseling, mock interviews and workshops for students interested in gaining early work experience in their respective field. About 80 percent of undergraduates participate in internships during their time at UC Davis. The ICC has aided this feat by facilitating over 10,000 internship opportunities each year. The last two Internship and Career fairs for this academic year will be on Wednesday, Feb. 28 and Wednesday, April 18 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the ARC Pavilion. Over 150 companies are estimated to attend the upcoming general career fair in February. “People may not walk out with a job offer in their hand here, but they’ll walk out with a contact that will potentially lead to that — if they follow-up,” Holland said.
BAY AREA NATIVES TAKE CENTER STAGE IN SUPER BOWL 52 Brady, Ertz make their mark in Big Game
For the first time in franchise history, the Philadelphia Eagles are champions of the NFL after outlasting the New England Patriots 41-33 in an action-packed Super Bowl on Sunday night in Minnesota. A pair of Bay Area natives were thoroughly in the spotlight, with the entire nation watching, and ended up being directly involved in two of the most critical plays that decided the outcome of the game. Patriots’ quarterback Tom Brady, who was born in San Mateo and attended Serra High School, played in his eighth Super Bowl, the most by any single player in NFL history. With just over two minutes remaining in regulation, Brady was sacked at his own 26-yard line and had the football stripped out of his hands. Rookie defensive end Derek Barnett recovered the fumble for the Eagles, who eventually kicked a field goal on the drive before surviving a last-second “Hail Mary” attempt by Brady on the final play. Despite the loss, which moved his career record in Super Bowls to 5-3, Brady’s 505 passing yards on Sunday night are the most ever in a single Super Bowl game. The Eagles’ fifth-year tight end Zach Ertz caught a pass over the middle and dove headfirst towards the end zone for an 11-yard touchdown, giving his team a late lead with 2:21 left to play. It would end up being the game-winning score for Philadelphia. Ertz is a Danville, Calif. native. There, he played
at Monte Vista High School. He also played college ball at Stanford University in Palo Alto before being selected by the Eagles in the second round of the 2013 NFL draft. During the regular season, Ertz was the team-leader in both catches and yards while also finishing third in the NFL in receiving yards among tight ends. He caught seven balls for a total of 67 yards in the Super Bowl. Besides Brady and Ertz, a few other players with ties to Northern California were involved in the Big Game on Sunday night. Philadelphia’s tight end coach Justin Peelle grew up in Dublin, a small town in the East Bay. Peelle has been on the staff since 2013 and has worked with Ertz from the very beginning of his career. Peelle deserves some credit for helping to develop Ertz into one of the most consistent tight ends in the NFL. New England’s top wide receiver Brandin Cooks, who grew up in Stockton, Calif. and attended Lincoln High School, was forced to leave the game early in the second quarter after taking a huge blow to the head by an Eagles defensive back. Cooks had one catch for 23 yards before exiting. For the Eagles, a couple of lineman with Bay Area ties are lucky enough to call themselves Super Bowl champions. Elijah Qualls, from Petaluma, is a defensive tackle who was taken in the sixth round of last year’s draft. In addition, Darrell Greene, a guard from Oakley, was on the practice squad for the Eagles this year.
Hairstyles bring in funds, team wins in shut out against UCSB BY L IZ JACO BSON
On Sat. Feb. 3, the UC Davis men’s club rugby team took the field against UC Santa Barbara sporting some interesting, and possibly embarrassing, hairstyles. For the third year in a row, the men’s rugby team held a fundraiser where fans and friends could bid on what hairstyles the players would debut on Saturday. Because men’s rugby is a club team, the team holds fundraisers throughout the year to offset travel, uniform and participation expenses. A few weeks ago, the team was selling its annual calendar that features different players for each month. The team expects to make $2,000 to $3,000 from this event, and while that sum won’t cover everything, it will cover a good amount of the costs associated with being a club sport. Harrison Morrow, a rugby team captain and a fourth-year wildlife, fish and conservation biology major, will be participating in the fundraiser for the third time.
“I have a $50 bid to get triple rat tails on the back of my head,” Morrow said. “The craziest one [that I’ve seen] was probably… [it was] a classic... there was this kid who just got a circle of his hair shaved off, so he looked like an old-school friar.” The fundraiser doesn’t have a lot of restrictions. Fans can bid for just about any hairstyle, as long as it isn’t something hateful or inappropriate. Hair dye and facial hair are also fair game. If a player really doesn’t want to mess with their locks, their only option is to outbid the bet, which is exactly what the girlfriend of Kyle Heien, a third-year electrical engineering major, did. “It started out as $30 betting [for me] to get a reverse mohawk […] so bald down the middle [of my head],” Heien said. “My girlfriend really did not want that. She outbid him and then people started choosing sides. He’s up to $85 from various people and she’s at $100 from various people. She wants to keep my hair as is.” Anthony Goldstone, a fourth-year aerospace science and engineering major, had just a $10 bid to get “MAGA” (short for Make America Great
Again, Donald Trump’s presidential campaign slogan) initialed into the side of his head. “It’s pretty standard. Last year, I had to shave my head,” Goldstone said. “My favorite one [was] last season someone had a bid to have a guy shaved into the back of their head. It was like a Michael Jordan basically.”
AGGIES DOMINATE DONS UC Davis men’s tennis team defeats USF Dons 5-2 in home opener BY RYA N BUG SC H
The UC Davis men’s tennis team defeated the University of San Francisco Dons 5-2 on Feb. 3 in a non-conference match at the Marya Welch Tennis Center. Beginning the competition in three doubles matches, freshman Ivan Thamma and senior Everett Maltby secured a 6-3 victory for the Aggies. Taking a loss in the second doubles match, an overall one-point lead for UC Davis all came down to a tiebreaker in the third doubles match, where freshman Chethan Swanson and sophomore Jonathan Star were able to pull out a nail-biting 7-6 victory, giving the Aggies two of the three doubles victories and the 1-0 overall lead on the day. “Both teams had match points before the tiebreaker and that doesn’t happen very often but it does happen at times,” said Head Coach Eric Steidlmayer about the final doubles match to finish. “Both teams were playing very hard and once we got to the tiebreaker we loosened up, played well, and got the win.” It was then on to six separate singles matches to decide if the Aggies could capitalize on their lead for the overall victory, or if the Dons could produce a comeback from their doubles deficit. Senior Tommy Lam and sophomore Mitchell Iwahiro were the first and second players, respectively, to secure victories in singles, Iwahiro winning in two straight sets 6-3, 6-2, and Lam with an incredible performance, winning each of his sets 6-4 and 6-0, respectively. “[In] the game I was a little nervous because this is our first home match of my senior year,” Lam said. “I am glad I fought through and was playing well in the end.” After two singles victories by the Dons, the overall score came to a close 3-2 margin with the Aggies leading. However, the Aggies kept on rolling, with Maltby defeating his opponent 7-6, 6-2 in straight
sets, and Thamma finishing out the day for UC Davis, winning the finals singles match in a dominating first (6-1) and a close second set (7-5), to propel the Aggies to a 5-2 victory. This win pushed the team’s overall record to 2-4, and their home record to 1-0. “I am pretty happy with the way I played,” Thamma said about his singles performance. “I played pretty loose in the beginning but just got a little nervous toward the end and luckily I was able to stay mentally tough and pull it out.” The Aggies continue their season play tomorrow, Feb. 9, at the University of Washington, and will surely look to pull out another win. “I think we have already made a good stride forward,” Steidlmayer said. “It has been six weeks of practice this winter and every week we have improved. We are going to get better.” From a player perspective, Thamma agrees that the team will continue to gain experience and get better moving forward. “I feel we are getting better and better and each match we are learning,” Thamma said. “We got a good win here today and we get a little more experience match by match and we are gonna be a good team.”
Luckily for the men of the rugby team, they only had to keep their hairstyles for the game and are free to shave off, or dye back, what they were challenged to do. But their crazy haircuts didn’t seem to shake their performance. The Aggies won against Santa Barbara 55-0. The team returns to Russell Field on Feb. 10 to take on San Diego State University.
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Please note that this product cannot be delivered on campus as UC Davis is a smoke and tobacco free environment.
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Please note that this product cannot be delivered on campus Please note that this product cannot be delivered on campus as and tobacco-free environment. asUC UCDavis Davisisisaasmokesmoke and tobacco free environment.
Please note that this product cannot be delivered on campus
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