4 minute read
Changing What We Say (part

2. Ecclesiastes 3:12-13
So I concluded there is nothing better than to be happy and enjoy ourselves as long as we can. And people should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor, for these are gifts from God.
A Letter from the Editor
Michelle Martin
Owner/Editor michelle@theagmag.org (956) 330-8870
Al Benavides
Graphic Designer (956) 492-6407
Put this into perspective: Life expectancy is about 78 years while retirement is about 67. So, we work 50 years to enjoy about 11? Start enjoying life now. Tomorrow is never guaranteed. How many times in your life have you heard, “Enjoy the Moment.” I know I have heard it more times than none and it seems to go through one ear and out the other. I can’t tell you how many times recently I’ve looked back and said to myself, “I wish I would have enjoyed that moment more.” At the time, I thought I was enjoying that moment, but honestly I was just going through the motions and practicing what I preach. I am constantly preaching about time passing quickly, and advising to not take days for granted. I’d be a hypocrite, however, if I said I didn’t take some days and moments for granted. I am human and I tend to let my circumstances control me at times. I tend to get so caught up in completing tasks that I may be present, but mentally, my ADHD mind is running with the things I should be doing.
I’ve recently been extremely busy traveling for work filming, having meetings, magazines, and managing my home and personal life. I am raising my hand high, declaring I’ve been taking many of these days for granted. I take the time to notice the beautiful world around me, and enjoy the momentous moments in life, but it is the small ones that I’m letting pass me by. That’s it folks. It’s the little moments that usually impact our lives the most. Of course, there are great big things that happen, and big tragic things, but sometimes the littlest ones make us smile and bring us the most happiness. It could even be a moment when we are alone. God didn’t create a world for us to be controlled by the to-do list, or try to be better than the person next to us. Our lives are meant to make a difference, to enjoy the world and the life God gave.
One recent day, a Jeremy Camp song came on my playlist and I started singing the song as if it were one of my favorites. I hadn’t ever heard it, but somehow the words stayed in my brain, and I felt God was speaking to me. I believe God was telling to me slow down, to enjoy the days, the bad and the good. Enjoy the people who come into your life, even for a short amount of time. I know everyone that enters my life, is meant to stay in it. God places people and circumstances in our life to teach us something. Not every bad day or year will remain. Our lives are constantly changing, and we are always evolving and changing with it.
Look back upon you from just two years ago. A lot has happened since then. You probably are not the same person you were. That is the way life works when we are trying to fulfill the purpose God has given us. We are becoming more aware of who we are. It’s a life journey, always looking and finding ways to better ourselves and ways to do better- -- in whatever area of life you are trying to better at or figure out.
God works in mysterious ways and the New Year is approaching, I know many people make a “resolution,” but I don’t think we need a New Year to do that. Every day we should set goals, but not become so fixated on them that we neglect the little moments that mean the most in life.
In This Issue:
6. Solar shrink Mulch Film Technology AVAILABLE to Growers Throughout North America 10. Q&A with Nathan Atkinson 12. A New Standard for Pivot Irrigation and Traction 16. Reborn To The Land 19. Farmworker Wages Up 7% from Last Year, According to USDA Farm Labor Survey 26. A Growing Legacy For Leadership Education 28. North Alamo Water Supply Corporation 30. 2022-23 Calendar of Events 33. Worries About Mississippi River and Potential Rail Strike Impacts 34. 2023 FFA/4-H Calendar Of Events 38. All About Sod 44. Ag Labor: Changing Perception Means Changing What We Say (part 2) 48. Golf Tourney 2022 Photos 54. A Look Into Hurricane Protection 60. Life On The Run 64. As Rio Grande Shrinks, El Paso Plans for Uncertain Water Future 66. RGV Crop Variety Trials
Cover photo by: Michelle Martin
Year 9, Issue 49
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