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2F Akaushi BEEF


Welcome to Rancho Santa Fe, home of Felo and Stephanie Martinez. Rancho Santa Fe was established in 1927 by our Grandfather, Felix Flores Martinez. For the past 30 years, we have preserved the legacy of the 2F Brand by sustaining who we are and what we stand for. We pride our operation on self - reliance, integrity, authenticity, and true grit. Our livelihood is rooted in the raising of cattle and horses as we tend to God’s land.


After many years of studying maternal longevity, carcass merit, calving ease and growth, we discovered the Akaushi breed had all these characteristics and more. They have superior confirmation and structure and genetically can increase the intramuscular fat in their meat through a corn based feed program. Not only does this wagyu breed grade out mainly prime and top choice it has the hIghest concentration of monounsaturated fat than any other breed in the U.S. It is America’s Healthy Beef.

In 2014 we switched our breeding program over to Akaushi Bloodlines and 2F Akaushi Beef was established in 2018. The foundation Wagyu bloodlines of our Akaushi herd traces back to the 1994 importation of several Akaushi cattle from Kumamoto Japan. The American Akaushi Association was later established to maintain and verify the purity of the breed by starting a DNA


program where all certified Akaushi are registered with the Association. Our goal is to produce and raise the highest quality, healthy beef and to offer our product to local restaurants and households in the Rio Grande Valley.

Here at Ranch Santa Fe we carefully manage and monitor every stage of our cattle’s life. By retaining the legacy of our Ancestors we take pride in caring for our cattle everyday by riding through our herds on horseback to check them in the most natural habitat possible. Horses are a big part of our Heritage and will always be a way of life here. Using our expertise judgement we can maximize our cattle performance to produce the highest quality beef available. Our intense feed program starts right when our calves are weaned and hand selected for our beef program. We retain these selected calves in small grass pastures to roam freely starting them on a corn based growing ration, all hormone, additive, and preservative free. This is the most critical stage in a calf’s life, not only are they separated and weaned from their mothers but they have to learn to eat independently on their

own. We monitor them daily making sure that each of them are getting all the nutrition that they need to keep them healthy and stress free. After 6 months in our highly monitored feed program we sonogram their ribeye area to measure the intramuscular marbling and then decide which cattle will be transferred to a local feedlot to prepare them for the finished product.

After harvesting our premium carcasses they are hung and dry aged 14- 21 days to maximize their rich buttery flavor and tenderness. These carcasses are then transferred to our USDA Grant inspected processing center where they are custom cut and package by Felito’s Finest LLC, our distributing company named in memory after our first son, Felix Tadeo Martinez, Jr., who was a true Genuine Cowboy! We work closely together with our daughter and husband, Alyssa and Jason Hind, who share in producing, raising, and marketing the 2F Brand.




March 13-19, 2020 Houston Barrow Show RGVLS Mercedes, TX

March 24, 2020 Citrus Valley District Meeting Time: 5:30am - 8:30am Donna North H.S.

March 26, 2020 Palm Valley AST Meeting Time: TBA Redgate

April 1, 2020 TX FFA Scholarship Deadline To Jerome Tymrak

April 3, 2020 Area 10 Dairy Cattle Inv. CDEs, Boeing Bro. Floresville, TX

April 15, 2020 Area 10 CDEs, Robstown, TX Fairgrounds

April 18, 2020 Area X FFA Scholarship Review and AREA X Officer Selection Interviews Time: 9:00am-2:00pm Calallen H.S.

April 25, 2020 STATE CDEs, Texas Tech




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April 18, 2020 District 12 Roundup –Livestock Judging Time: TBA Fredricksburg, TX April 6, 2020 District 12 Roundup – Educational Presentations, Speaking Contests Time: TBA Kingsville, TX April 25, 2020 District 12 Shooting Sports Rifle (3-P & Silhouette) Time: TBA Benavides, TX April 28, 2020 County Council Meeting (Officer Position Declarations)/ Adult Leaders Meeting Time: 7pm Extension Office March 7 – 17, 2020 Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show RGVLS Grounds March 24, 2020 County Council Meeting/ Adult Leaders Meeting Time: 7pm Extension Office April 3–4, 2020 District 12 Fashion Sensation Time: TBA Alice, TX April 3–9, 2020 District 12 Photography Contest (Open to all Members) Time: TBA Virtual For upcoming events: hidalgo.agrilife.org/4-h-youth-development/4-h-times-newsletters/

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