12 minute read

A Growing Future

o many, bio stimulants are the future of farming, and, recently, we learned of a new one in the marketplace that is creating great promise through research and real-world applications. The early validated successes T Gorton’s Solution with Humic & Fulvic Acids is showing is impressive, and looks to have great value in plant health, growth, production, and increased revenues for growers, as well as positive regenerative effects for soil and the environment.

But first, what are bio stimulants? According to the 2018 Farm Bill, they are “a substance or microorganism that, when applied to seeds, plants, or in the rhizosphere, stimulates natural processes to enhance or benefit nutrient uptake, nutrient use efficiency, tolerance to abiotic stress, or crop quality and yield.” In everyday terms, their general purpose is to stimulate plant growth and optimize plant health, and ideal plant health leads to less stresses and possibly more resistance to pests and diseases. According to an online UMass Extension Greenhouse Floriculture Program article, there are many new products in the market so look for one that has been tested by a relevant 3rd party and on a crop type most beneficial to each grower and with the desired outcomes each seek. Then buy some of the product and test it for potential large-scale use.


Gorton’s Solution with Humic & Fulvic Acids first showed up to us in the Rio Grande Valley where we learned first-hand of the new, bio stimulant product. And much like the UMass recommendation, it is backed up with numerous impressive studies and successful 3rd party test applications. The product was created in 2020 and is the third generation created by Santa Fe Resource Development and Mr. Stephen Gorton.

Mr. Gorton holds a Master’s in Science degree from Iowa State University and spent many years in agricultural food safety and science. By happenstance and wonderment, knowing that iron is good for plants and life in general, Mr. Gorton dissolved an old iron railroad spike with phosphoric acid and treated his garden with the resulting soluble mix. According to Mr. Gorton, iron acts as an oxygen carrier and is an essential micronutrient critical in cell division, growth, and chlorophyll formation. Seeing positive results versus non-treated plants, he dissolved other essential metal micronutrients into a product now forming the basis for Gorton’s Solution (first generation). Mr. Gorton patented the product, and then started developing and advancing its science that has now led to today’s third generation product. The enhanced product includes nutrients, micronutrients, humins, and carbon, plus natural polymers for increased water retention. The all-natural ingredients are conservation positive and are regenerative to soil, all the while stimulating plant health and growth. He believes many new bio stimulants focus on Humic & Fulvic Acids or micronutrients as the main catalyst, but that his new product significantly achieves both.

Early real-world research and application visuals took place at Bent Tree Country Club in Dallas, TX, on turf grasses. Bent Tree quickly saw positive greening results, and then soon also realized the increased plant health led to the ability to water less (up to one-third) while still receiving similar results, providing them with water conservation and lucrative savings. With increased savings in mind, Bent Tree further experimented cutting down on fertilizer use (up to two-thirds less) and also still believed they maintained previous conditions but at substantial conservation and dollar savings. Recently, on July 6, the Greens & Grounds Superintendent for the club wrote “The grass is bluer than I have ever seen it, and it’s very cool to see the definition versus areas we did not treat.” The Dallas Arboretum was next to trial Gorton’s Solution, and they, too, noticed positive results. For the Arboretum, they were especially impressed with product benefits during hot, dry months when many non-treated plants showed heat distress. They noticed azaleas and other plants treated with Gorton’s did not wilt during hot, summer afternoons. As an ornamental garden, displaying perfect looking plants is of utmost importance.

To validate plant growth and health, Santa Fe Resource Development (manufacturer of Gorton’s Solution with Humic & Fulvic Acids) commissioned Penn State University, ranked as the #1 Agronomy college in the US, to conduct a research study on bent grass. The results of this complex 2020 study showed, when coupled with a nitrogen source (fertilizer), Gorton’s Solution with Humic & Fulvic Acids produced the absolute longest root in the 16-plot study, 22% longer than the control group, and it had the longest average root length, 17% longer than

control. School of thought is that longer and larger root mass provides increased storage and advantages against drought and other plant stresses. The test grasses were then dried and sent directly to Texas A&M University AgriLife Extension in College Station, TX, for a nutrient forage data analysis. Texas A&M results showed the dried grasses applied with Gorton’s bio stimulant product provided the highest plant nutrient uptake profile in the study with ALL nutrient levels increasing versus the control (watering and fertilizer). Further, micronutrient uptake met or exceeded all upper range levels contributing to plant health, chlorophyll production, plant sugar increase (Brix/ taste), and growth. And sulfur, iron, zinc, copper and manganese levels, in particular, were outstanding, all teetering at the top of their range for bent grass.

In a separate forage analysis, also conducted by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, St. Augustine grass treated with Gorton’s Solution with Humic and Fulvic Acids had 13% higher protein levels than that of untreated St. Augustine. Bermuda grass showed even higher results at a 59% gain in protein levels

versus untreated. Both grass levels were achieved after just 3 applications at 1 time per week over a 3-week span. Each week ly application increased protein levels starting with just the first week’s application. Also, over the 3-week period, overall grass and carbon mass each increased at least by 50% - 99%.

Most relevant to our farming com munity are two key agricultural studies that either just concluded or is still in the process of finalization, with each showing positive performance v. control. The first study has concluded and it’s on watermelons here in the Rio Grande Valley. The study was conducted under the leadership of Dr. Juan Anciso, a PhD with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, specializing in vegetables and turf. The second study underway is on corn in Nebraska, and it is being conducted by Dr. Dan Davidson, a PhD and consultant with Davidson Agronomics.

In the Texas A&M AgriLife Valley study, versus control, the use of Gorton’s Solution with Humic & Fulvic Acids successful increased the total crop harvest production of watermelons in pounds, though not necessarily statistically significant. Also, importantly, Gorton’s increased valuable sugar content known as Brix (to 11.6), providing sweeter tasting watermelons for growers, retailers, and consumers. Finally, according to the researchers, the foliage throughout the full growth process seemed to be deeper green which possibly leads to healthier, more stress tolerant plants.

Once finalized, results of the corn study in Nebraska will be provided. Dr. Davidson says, “Visually, everything is looking good so far.” To quote “real world” farmers, bloggers, and co-owners of Old World Garden Farms in OH, Jim Competti and his wife Mary, “We have been using Gorton’s Solution with Humic and Fulvic Acids on our seedlings, garden transplants, as well as on our hanging baskets and container plants, and the results have truly been impressive!”

Many commercial, non-agricultural growers have also tried Gorton’s and the verbal “success” rate is over 80%. A tester for Proven Winner’s branded plants tried the product on about 15 various garden and ornamental plants. Via that success, Proven Winner’s recommended many of their “Certified Proven Winners Professional Landscapers” across the country try the product and consider using it on plants for faster plant growth, better health, and enriched soils. And, most recently, a very large-scale commercial wholesale nursery grower for Walmart, Target, Costco, and Lowe’s Home Improvement ornamentals tried the product stating afterwards, “we saw really good results with a significant difference in root quality and mass, and foliage. We think this faster start will lead to continual quicker crop time and heartier plants translating to increased sales.”

In total, Santa Fe Resource Development has conducted enough studies and shown enough real-world experience to believe their bio stimulant product can help agricultural growers produce more sellable crop pounds, with a significantly higher brix count potentially commanding premium branding and pricing, and healthier plants leading to higher stress tolerance levels. Other benefits for Ag growers include conservation efforts, potential cost savings related to less water and fertilizer usage, and regenerative effects on soil.

For ag grower use and application, Mr. Gorton recommends soaking seeds for faster germination and/or weekly maintenance applications depending on each farmer’s needs. Gorton’s Solution with Humic & Fulvic Acids is highly concentrated mixing with water for a large area application yield. For a great crop planting start, the mixed solution should be sprayed once a week in a regular maintenance application program for up to 3-4 weeks. According to the Penn State research, the product works best when used in conjunction with low levels of nitrogen (fertilizer). Versus competition, Santa Fe Resource Development believes the product to be low cost per acre.

According to UMass Extension, David Agronomics, and others, bio stimulants are proving their place, and the more use of these conservation positive products, the better, providing richer soils and harvests for growers. This seems to be a nice story for all. Bio stimulants, like Gorton’s Solution with Humic & Fulvic Acids, look to be the future. And the goal of Gorton’s Solution is simply to “help ALL growers grow!”

For more information on Gorton’s Solution and their products, visit www.gortonsolution.com or contact Paul Studebaker at pdstude@gortonsolution.com or (214)-263-6422 cell. Gorton’s Solution can even customize product blends for individual grower conditions and needs.

Certis Biologicals Cements Bio Leadership with New Name, Milestone

Today, growers have more choices than ever for the inputs they use to protect their crops from insects, disease and weeds. What once was a market driven only by synthetic chemistry now has evolved into a wide range of methods and products.

For Certis Biologicals, choice is a principle they’ve long stood behind.

“We believe the more opportunity that growers have to protect their investment, the better their operations and end-use products will be for it,” says Amy O’Shea, President and CEO.

While Certis Biologicals spends 2021 celebrating a 20-year history of providing biological crop protection solutions, their legacy companies date back farther.

As the market for bio-based solutions is rapidly growing, driven by consumer demand, focus on sustainability, registration setbacks for traditional chemistries and resistance management, Certis Biologicals is cementing its leadership in that market. “We have transitioned our brand from Certis USA to Certis Biologicals because we wanted our grower and distributor partners and potential partners to understand that we squarely lead in biologicals,” O’Shea says. “We have decades of experience and expertise needed to manufacture and bring to market the biological solutions that growers need right now.”

With the most extensive portfolio of biological solutions, Certis Biologicals has a fit for most every crop protection need. Legacy biofungicide Double Nickel and bioinsecticides Deliver and Javelin have paved the way for innovations including the introduction of LifeGard® WG with plant activator technology, which blazed the trail for a new mode of action category-microbial elicitors. A new LifeGard® LC formulation is planned for launch in 2021.

Through a partnership with OmniLytics, Certis Biologicals continued its dedication to innovation with the introduction of bacteriophage technology to combat plant diseases, such as Fire Blight, Citrus Canker and Tomato Speck and Spot along with providing an effective tool for resistance management.

“We have transitioned our brand from Certis USA to Certis Biologicals because we wanted our grower and distributor partners and potential partners to understand that we squarely lead in biologicals,” O’Shea says. “We have decades of experience and expertise needed to manufacture and bring to market the biological solutions that growers need right now.”

With the most extensive portfolio of biological solutions, Certis Biologicals has a fit for most every crop protection need. Legacy biofungicide Double Nickel and bioinsecticides Deliver and Javelin have paved the way for innovations including the introduction of LifeGard® WG with plant activator technology, which blazed the trail for a new mode of action category-microbial elicitors. A new LifeGard® LC formulation is planned for launch in 2021.

In 2020, Certis Biologicals launched Homeplate®, an OMRI-Listed® biological herbicide, BoteGHA® an OMRI-Listed® bioinsecticide, and received OMRI-Listing® for OSO® biofungicide.

All of the Certis Biologicals products are backed by more than 500 field trials, proving their efficacy and value for growers. “There are many benefits that biologicals offer growers, including low PHIs and REIs and low residues but flexibility is a primary driver of adoption,” says Mike Allan, Certis Biologicals Vice-President, North America. “Biologicals can be incorporat ed into diverse IPMs to enhance efficacy, many can be used in con ventional or organic acreage and can often be tank-mixed to reduce the number of appli cations needed.”

Biologicals saw early adoption in fruit, vegetable, tree nut, citrus and other specialty crops. In Texas and in the Southwest U.S. growers are increasingly seeing the benefits on tomato, strawberry, citrus, potato and leafy vegetables. and growers in this region are beginning to rely upon the biologicals in Certis’ portfolio to help them address some of their most pressing concerns,” says Jody Gomez, Regional Manager-Southwest.

“When there are many options in the market, growers are turning more and more to Certis products and that means our expertise, training and dedication to biologicals is giving back to the agriculture industry. That’s a great feeling when you are out in the field with the people who are feeding the world.”

If you are interested in incorporating any of Certis Biologicals’ products into your IPM, you can learn more at www.Certis Bio.com or by follow ing the leader on social media.

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