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Shrinking Cattle Herd Could Equal High Calf, Beef Prices
Reprint from Agri-Life Shrinking cattle herd could equal high calf, beef prices
The shrinking Texas cattle herd is likely to translate into higher calf and beef prices years beyond a break in the 2022 drought, according to a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service expert.
David Anderson, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension economist, BryanCollege Station, said Texas cattle producers have culled earlier and deeper than normal this year due to drought. He suspects the number of culls, and the small number of replacement heifers could mean post-drought herd recovery could be longer than the years following record drought in 2011. It could also drive calf prices toward records set in 2014.
“It’s clearly bad out there based on the number of culls we’ve seen,” he said. “Drought is forcing the issue. Whether it is zero grazing, low forage stocks, high feed and hay prices, or running low on water, Texas ranchers are facing tough decisions right now.”
Texas drought shrinking cattle herd
Historically, Texas accounts for a big chunk of the U.S. beef cattle herd. Mother Nature’s impact on Texas ranchers is likely to ripple into sale barns and grocery stores around the country years beyond the drought. The U.S. herd has been shrinking in recent years, and the Texas drought is further reducing cattle numbers.
The U.S. beef cow herd was just over 30 million head in January, down 2% compared to last year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The total estimated inventory of Texas cows that had calved and heifers was 5.1 million head, down 3% compared to 2020. Anderson said this weather-related contraction is impacting producers negatively. There are no estimates available that quantify the economic hardship Texas’ ranchers have endured so far in 2022, but livestock losses during the 2011 drought were estimated to be $3.23 billion.
Losses included the increased cost of feeding livestock due to the lack of pastures and ranges and market losses. Market losses included the impact of fewer pounds sold per calf and any impact on market prices due to above-normal cattle sale volumes over a short time. The 2011 drought was a bad time for ranchers, but the years following included historic cow/calf prices as the Texas and U.S. herd numbers recovered.
Anderson said nominal prices are higher now than in 2011 as the drought was taking hold and forcing widespread herd consolidation and liquidations. The weekly weighted average price for 500-600-pound steers at auctions across Texas in 2011 was $139.73 per hundredweight compared to $181.12 per hundredweight so far this year.
Record prices occurred as the beef cattle herd recovered, and the same weight class steers rose to a weighted average of $236
Cattle receiving supplemental feed at the Diamond K Ranch in Hempstead, Texas. Many producers have been providing supplemental rations, including hay, grain and cubes all summer due to poor grazing conditions. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Courtney Sacco)
per hundredweight in 2014. Calf prices peaked in late October 2014 at around $283 per hundredweight.
“The beef cattle market isn’t something that turns on a dime,” he said. “It takes time. Cattle are a long-term cycle, and I suspect this will all play out similarly to the years following the 2011 drought.”
Record low number of replacement heifers
Anderson’s concern about the Texas herd this time compared to 2011 is that replacement heifers – the young, future calf-producing cows – are at their lowest point nationally since USDA began keeping numbers in 1973.
The number of beef replacement heifers fell to 4.15 million in July, which represents around 13.7% of the national cattle herd, Anderson said. There were more replacement heifers available in 2011, but heifers made up 13.4% of the herd at the time.
“That means we are going to see tight supplies of replacement heifers, and were it to rain and break the drought and pastures recover, we’ll see higher replacement heifer prices,” he said. “The absolute numbers of heifers in 2011 through 2014 are interesting because it indicates a lot of Texas heifers were shipped elsewhere. But this year, we’re already looking at the bottom in terms of estimated numbers.”
Anderson said rainfall spurring winter forages and good spring growth could trigger a reversal, but that a fall and winter with below-average rainfall could make conditions even uglier for Texas
Despite the relatively good prices cattle producers are seeing at sale barns now, they are also dealing with much higher input and feed costs compared to a decade ago. Corn and hay prices will continue to weigh on calf prices.
AgriLife Extension beef cattle specialists are warning producers to calculate stockpiled forages, hay rations and potential feed costs against calf sale potential. Feeding cows for extended periods could exceed expected price increases on calves.
“If there is any way to keep young cows and hold on to some replacement heifers, we’re going to see record-high calf prices,” he said. “I think that’s an opportunity, but that’s also easier said than done.”
The 68th annual Texas A&M Beef Cattle Short Course, BCSC, Aug. 1-3 in Bryan-College Station will focus on guiding beef cattle producers through many drought-related management decisions. To register, go to https://beefcattleshortcourse.com/. The cost is $240 for in-person attendance and $160 for online if registered by July 27. A $40 late registration fee will be charged after that date.

Calf prices could trend upward due to herd contraction from the drought. They hit record levels in 2014 following the 2011 drought. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Laura McKenzie)
AgriLife Extension district reporters compiled the following summaries:
The district reported no precipitation and record-setting high temperatures. Soil moisture levels were very short and severe drought conditions continued. Pasture conditions were very poor and declining, and stock tanks were dropping with some already dry. Ranchers were reducing livestock numbers due to hay shortages and escalating hay prices. Corn harvest was in full swing with below average yields reported. Few reported corn yields were exceeding 100 bushels per acre, with most acres yielding 50-70 bushels and some yielding below 50 bushels per acre. Sorghum was being harvested as well with decent yields reported. Some specialty crops like double-crop sesame looked surprisingly good. Cotton fields were declining and were developing large areas of chlorosis with patchy necrosis. Crop scouts were actively looking for mites, but no significant infestations were reported so far. At this time, growers typically begin securing winter wheat seed for September/October plantings, but Conditions continued to be extremely hot and dry, but some areas reported improvement following recent rains. Cotton still looked rough with most still not over a foot tall. Sorghum looked fair with some fields starting to head out. The corn crop failed, and some fields were baled as salvage forage. Some sorghum fields were likely to be baled soon. Rangeland and pasture conditions improved some, and tanks received some runoff water. Some farmers cleaned up wheat fields for fall planting. Large numbers of grasshoppers were reported. Large volumes of hay bales were changing hands and prices ranged from $110-$150 for round bales.
Conditions remained extremely hot and dry. Producers harvested corn and grain sorghum and were nearing completion with yields well below average from both crops. Cotton was being defoliated and some was harvested. Rice was nearly all headed out and harvest has begun in areas. Rangeland and pastures continued to decline, and livestock producers were feeding hay to try and extend their grazing. Hay yields were short, bale inventories were low, and prices were higher. There was some baling of grain sorghum and corn stubble. Producers were increasing heavy culling and early weaning as resources were depleted.
Drought conditions worsened despite a few popup showers. Subsoil and topsoil conditions were very short. Burn bans were implemented across the district. Producers were finding it very difficult to find hay for purchase. Crops, pastures and stock ponds continued to dry up. Pasture and rangeland conditions were very poor to poor. Livestock were in fair condition with supplemental feeding taking place. Producers reported issues with gophers and moles.
A small portion of the district received trace amounts up to 1.25 inches of rain. Rain fell hard and created some runoff that helped stock tank levels some. The rain should help pasture conditions. Cotton ranged from nine true leaves with two first position squares to five nodes above white flower. Square set continued to be above 90%. Producers were fertilizing and continuing to water. Only irrigated cotton was squaring, and some dryland farmers were plowing what came up because stands were so sparse. Banks grass mites were seen in grain crops, but not yet at economic threshold. Reports of increased moth pressure turned out to be garden webworms and smartweed borers. Integrated pest management agents indicated little concern for cotton but more for gardeners. Cattle were in good condition.
Producers were running pivots hard and fast to help crops survive. Soil moisture levels were very short to short. Triple-digit temperatures were taking a toll. The hot, dry weather continued to reduce pasture, corn and sorghum conditions. Overall crop conditions were poor to fair, and rangeland and pasture conditions were very poor to poor.
Topsoil moisture throughout the district was very short. Some counties reported a few sporadic rains but not enough to make a difference to pasture and crop conditions. Cattle were being sold due to a lack of grass and hay. Hay bales were difficult to find, and some soybean fields were baled up as forage. Corn was doing well and close to harvest. Cotton and sunflowers were doing well. Grain sorghum maturity stalled, and many producers were harvesting grain sorghum for livestock forage. No insect or disease pressure was reported. Grasshopper populations were steadily increasing but not causing major damages. Calves were being weaned early, and culls cows were being shipped.


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