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Junior Corner

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Breeder Spotlight

Breeder Spotlight

By Laken Troup, Junior President & ABHA Queen

ABHA Members and breeders,


Iwould like to thank each of you for the abundance of love and support you continue to show the youth in this breed. We are beyond excited to announce the theme of this year’s AJBHA Junior Nationals, as we will be near Nashville, we have decided the theme will be “Black Herefords Top the Charts.” We are beyond excited for these opportunities and can not wait to see the best and brightest youth in this association, we will continue to have a wide variety of contests and educational opportunities to grow the next generation of ABHA members. As we plan this event, we will soon be looking for sponsors which creates a great advertisement opportunity for breeders and ranchers. We will have our officers reach out to as many as possible and we will soon be posting on Facebook as well. Thank you once again for all of your support to our youth.ABHA

� AMERIGAN Black Hereford nSoti!Jw,,,, � nSak Friday, April1, 2022

RUSKCOUN11YEXPOCENTER Hend�rson, Texas I : Dinner @ 5:00pm Sale @ 6:00pm � -·:::· "'."1 >¥ Carla Bacica ► �BJ0-8J51 ► wtnca@ao+m Jason �chroeder ► 573-680-1439 : sbh8627@gmail.com ;�p - i- The C0LOR you can COUNT ON. blackhereford.org Carla Bacica - 903-530-8551 - wtnca@aol.com or Ernie Dominguez - 512-567-7840 - ernie@blackhereford.org

Applications Available Online at www.blackhereford.org

AJBHA Scholarship Information

Requirements 1. Must be enrolled full–time in a post-secondary institution (2 or 4-year college or university, or trade school (includes embryology certification); 2. Must have participated in at least one ABHA event within the past 24 months and must have been a paid junior member currently or within the past 24 months; 3. Must be enrolled in classes currently or for the upcoming semester or quarter; 4. Provide proof of enrollment with application to be considered eligible (Class Schedule, school letter if schedule not available yet, etc.) 5. Student may only receive the scholarship once. 6. Please submit the completed application by email or mail. a. Email to ernie@blackhereford.org b. Mail to: ABHA Scholarship c/o Ernie Dominguez P.O. Box 936 Elgin, TX 78621 7. Applications must be postmarked by June 1st, 2022. 8. To ensure receipt of scholarship application, please email ernie@blackhereford.org to confirm receipt. (The scholarship committee will not be responsible for applications lost in the mail.) 9. Scholarship will be awarded at the annual Junior Nationals Banquet.

ABHA National Queen

Requirements 1. Must be a current member if the Junior American Black Hereford

Association. 2. Applicant must be a young lady, 16-21 years of age at the time of application. 3. Reign will be from June 2022 through the completion of the 2023

Junior Nationals. 4. Applicants understand if selected as Queen, you will be required to: a. Attend the 2022 National Show and Sale. b. Attend the 2023 Junior National Show. c. Submit 2 articles for publication in the Association Magazine. d. Complete the NCBA Masters of Beef Advocacy Program. 5. Please submit the complete application to Ernie Dominguez by email or mail. a. Email to ernie@blackhereford.org b. Mail to:

ABHA c/o Ernie Dominguez

P.O. Box 936

Elgin, TX 78621 6. Applications must be postmarked or emailed by June 1st, 2022. 7. To ensure receipt of application, please email ernie@blackhereford.org to confirm receipt. (The committee will not be responsible for applications lost in the mail.) 8. The National Queen will be announced during the annual Junior Nationals Banquet.

ABHANational Princess

Requirements 1. Must be a current member of the Junior American Black Hereford ‘

Association. 2. Applicant must be a young lady, 12 - 15 years of age at the time of application. 3. Reign will be from June 2022 thru the completion of the 2023

Junior Nationals. 4. Applicants understand if selected as Princess, you will be required to: a. Attend the 2022 National Show and Sale. b. Attend the 2023 Junior National Show. 5. Please submit the completed application to Ernie Dominguez by email or mail. a. Email to ernie@blackhereford.org b. Mail to:

ABHA c/o Ernie Dominguez

P.O. Box 936

Elgin, TX 78621 6. Applications must be postmarked or emailed by June 1st, 2022. 7. To ensure receipt of application, please email ernie@blackhereford.org to confirm receipt. (The committee will not be responsible for applications lost in the mail.) 8. The National Princess(s) will be announced at the Junior Nationals Annual Banquet.

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