1 minute read



AMSE continues to be the first of its kind by military spouse entrepreneurs for military spouse entrepreneurs. Our military spouses continue to build mobile, remote careers in fields not being served or addressed by "at the time" programs. This is why AMSE is vital.


Our spouses are 97% female and work in fields such as: Consulting, Marketing, Crafting, Health & Wellness, Fitness, Writing, and Education Services.

Other "employment programs" were servicing brick-and-mortar small businesses, VC tech founders, or traditional contracting/consulting roles.

None of these fit our traditional military spouse demographic. Now we have the data to prove it.

Our spouses need resources to build digital online businesses with passive revenue streams and a digital, global presence.

They are the creatives and the freelancers, the designers and the bookkeepers, the social media gurus and the PR geniuses. And we need to have resources that cater to those industries

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