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Hook, line and model. 24
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AM parking officers lacked certification to do job. 2 HB tightens restrictions on golf carts. 4
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Celebrating the Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992
On the government calendar. 4
The Islander editorial, reader letters. 6
10-20 Years ago
Looking back. 7
DOT details Longboat bridge project. 8 Missing dock hurts BB business. 8
Community announcements, activities. 10-11 Make plans, save a date. 12-13 HB, AM charter reviews continue. 16-17
street MaP
Getting around AMI. 18-19
Gathering. 20 Obituaries. 21 Heritage day, fun day. 22 Looking back at AME. 23
Streetlife. 25 Area delegation backs red tide institute. 26
Sunny days, nights. 27 Island pitchers defend home turf. 28 Anglers count down to spring. 29
isl BiZ
Tour brings walkable feast to Anna Maria. 31
PropertyWatch. 32 CLASSIFIEDS. 32 NYT crossword. 35
Seventy pilings for the T-end of the new Anna Maria City Pier pierce the surface of Tampa Bay March 1, while a work barge makes its way back from Hillsborough County loaded with 60 piles for the pier walkway. Islander Photo: Jack Elka
work on aM pier walkway to begin Boat captain takes
By ryan paice islander reporter there’s progress being made on the water. pile-driving for the new anna maria city pier walkway began march 4. anna maria mayor dan murphy said the i+iconSoutHeaSt work barge returned march 2 loaded with 60 12-inch diameter concrete pilings for the walkway. icon took the barge to a shipyard in Hillsborough county to load more pilings after workers finished driving 70 T-end piles feb. 21. murphy said the contractor discovered obstructions in the bay for five T-end pilings — broken, buried wood piles that remained from the old pier blocked the new piles as they were being driven. So new t-end piles were repositioned and driven, according to the mayor. He said the repositioned pilings would be addressed in the plans during placement of the concrete
Clam diggers
Ed Chiles, left, and Larry Stults, carry clams from a truck at Coquina Beach to a waiting boat that deposited the clams in Sarasota Bay next to the Historic Bridge Street Pier. More, page 3. Islander Courtesy Photo
top deck on the t-end. the 776-foot dock walkway will be supported by 136 pilings, more than two-thirds of the 206 pilings planned for the structure. Work driving walkway pilings began at the shore and will move east toward the T-end. When pile-driving is finished, Icon will install a concrete deck topped with ipe decking at the t-end and wood bents on the walkway. the bents will shoulder the load of the ipe walkway. the city’s contract with icon requires the contractor to complete the walkway and t-end by aug. 26 or pay a $975 penalty for every workday after. murphy said icon remained on schedule to finish pile-driving this month, with the contractor driving seven-eight piles a day in tampa Bay. the city does not yet have a request for proposals to construct the restaurant and bait shop at the t-end.
deal in sharkdragging case
By Sandy ambrogi islander reporter a crime that sparked an outcry from animal rights activists ended with a whimper for one defendant, who took a plea deal in a bay-area courtroom. michael Wenzel, 22, of palmetto, pleaded guilty feb. 28 in Hillsborough county circuit court to a misdemeanor charge of animal cruelty and using Wenzel an illegal method to catch a shark. Wenzel was the boat captain who, along with three friends, caught the attention of environmentalists and animal rights advocates around the world in July 2017, after a video of the them laughing and dragging a shark behind a speeding boat went viral. Wenzel and robert Lee Benac, 29, of Bradenton, were charged with two felony counts each of aggravated animal cruelty, as well as a misdemeanor violation of florida fish and Wildlife conservation commission rules. in the plea deal taken by Wenzel, one of the felony charges was reduced to a firstdegree misdemeanor and the second felony was dropped. Benac declined to take the state’s deal. He will stand trial June 24 and could face up to 10 years in prison if convicted on all counts. Wenzel will serve 10 days in jail on weekends beginning march 8. pLeaSe See Shark, page 3
2 n MARcH 6, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
Three AM parking officers lacked certification for the job
An Anna Maria parking enforcement vehicle sits outside city hall at 10005 Gulf Drive. Some parking tickets issued in 2017 and 2018 may be invalid. Islander Photo: Ryan Paice
a training program approved by the state criminal Justice Standards and training commission to become certified and write citations. John carrion, tonya Shaw and christopher elbon were each hired Murphy as code and parking enforcement officers before receiving certification to assess tickets. carrion, who was hired Sept. 1, 2017, and remains employed with the city, did not receive certification to assess parking tickets until feb. 13, 2019. mayor dan murphy told the Bradenton Herald that carrion issued 25 tickets before he stopped serving them and began the certification process. Shaw was hired may 15, 2017, and had not achieved certification before quitting Aug. 8, 2017. She had previously worked as a deputy for Hendry and glades county sheriffs, but was not a sworn law enforcement officer during her tenure in Anna maria.
elbon, who started work in anna maria may 12, 2017, also lacked certification during his employment, which ended feb. 24, 2018. He was a code enforcement officer for the town of Longboat Key when he was hired, and currently works as the town’s code enforcement department manager. city clerk Leanne addy wrote in an email march 1 there is no documentation for the number of parking tickets issued by carrion, Shaw and elbon during their employment with the city. at a city commission meeting feb. 28, murphy said he knew Carrion lacked certification, but only learned Shaw and Elbon were not certified Feb. 25, when The Islander’s record request was fulfilled. However, former building, code and parking manager pamela gibbs, corroborating albrecht’s allegation, indicated to the islander that murphy knew of the parking ticket issues. the islander reported Jan. 31 that gibbs said, “i do know that i had hired people that were to do parking enforcement that were not licensed to do it yet, and i would say ‘Hey, we’ve got to get these people licensed in order to do this.’ But, according to what i was told, the mayor was like ‘Well, i’m the mayor and we’ll do it my way. We need to get them out there and we need to get things done.’” regardless, questions surround the law when it comes to the municipal Home rules power act. “The question is, do they need to be certified?” murphy said. “the case is, we could present a reasonable case that they don’t have to be certified based on home rule. putting that aside, though, it’s always been my intent that everybody should be certified.” the florida Bar Journal’s interpretation of the home rule act is that cities cannot ignore state laws, however, the statute does state, “Both the florida constitution and the state statutes express a preference that, absent some necessity for a statewide enactment, local officials should deal with their problems relating to the health and welfare of their citizens.”
Unique Pet Portraits
Composited images printed to stretched canvas
By ryan paice islander reporter the validity of tickets served by three anna maria parking enforcement officers has come into question. angela albrecht, ousted code and parking enforcement officer and administrative assistant — fired Jan. 24 without what she believed to be proper explanation — alleged in a Jan. 29 interview with the islander Albrecht that the city knowingly allowed three parking enforcement officers to issue tickets without certification. a records request by the islander for personnel records of parking officers during the past two years supports albrecht’s claim, with three Gibbs people lacking certification from the state. Florida law requires that parking officers must either be sworn law enforcement officers or complete
THE ISLANDER n March 6, 2019 n 3
First of 200k clams for living shoreline arrive to Bradenton Beach
By Ryan Paice Islander Reporter The first batch of clams for Bradenton Beach’s living shoreline reached the waters of Sarasota Bay. Sixty-two bushels of large quahog clams were transported to the city March 2 and placed in the bay on the south side of the Historic Bridge Street Pier as a part of a community redevelopment agency effort to repopulate the waters with clams, which filter many gallons of water every day and help promote growth of seagrasses. Sarasota Bay Watch president Larry Stults, who helped coordinate the efforts, wrote in a March 1 email that the load contained 37,200 clams, or roughly onefifth of the 200,000 clams the CRA purchased for $36,000. Clams are the first stage of the living shoreline project, which CRA members have discussed building on with the addition of oysters and reef balls. Transportation was led by CRA member Ed Chiles, Shark continued from page 1 He will be on 11 months probation and must complete 100 hours of community service. Prosecutors asked that 50 hours be served in an animal shelter, but his defense attorney expressed skepticism that shelters would allow Wenzel access. Wenzel also must pay a $2,500 fine and lost his commercial fishing license for five years. The video showed the shark flipping violently on a rope tied to the boat as it was dragged across Tampa Bay waters near Egmont Key. “Look, it’s already almost dead,� one of the men could be heard saying to laughter. The Tampa Bay Times reported Wenzel, who appeared to smile during the proceedings when asked if he was under the influence of drugs or alcohol, was chided by Judge Mark Wolfe, who asked the defendant, “Is there something funny about this?� FWC authorities investigated the shark-dragging
owner of three local restaurants who volunteered a find their way to Bradenton Beach and the living refrigerated truck to haul the shellfish to the beach from shoreline at the bottom of Sarasota Bay. Carter Davis’s Farm Raised Clams in James City on The CRA will meet March 6 at Bradenton Beach Pine Island. city hall, 107 Gulf Drive. Chiles Group COO Robert Baugh and his son, Elijah, were enlisted in the effort. The two brought the truckload of clams to the South Coquina Boat Ramp, where the cargo was loaded onto boats and driven to their destination in the water near the base of the city pier. Clam farmer Aaron Welch III captained a workboat and assisted in seeding the bay bottom with clams, alongside volunteers, including Bradenton Beach Mayor and CRA member John Chappie and Charlie Hunsicker, director of the Manatee County Parks and Natural Resources Department, who joined the effort. The next clam delivery is scheduled for Saturday, March 9. Deliveries will be weekly until all 200,000 clams incident and determined it took place near Egmont Key, putting the proceeding into the Hillsborough County 13th Circuit jurisdiction. Wenzel’s attorney, Charles Britt, called the plea deal fair, based on the evidence, according to a report in the Benac Tampa Bay Times. A shark expert, Stephen Kajiura of Florida Atlantic University, had cast doubt in an Oct. 12 deposition as to whether the shark was alive while being dragged behind the boat. A third man on the boat, Spencer Heintz, 23, of Palmetto, was initially charged along with Wenzel and Benac, but his charges were dropped May 1, 2018. A fourth man on the boat, Nicholas Burns Easterling, cooperated with the investigation and was never charged.
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‘No parking’ posted, tickets, too
A few vehicles line the south side of State Road 64-Manatee Avenue March 1 near Gulf Drive and the Manatee Public Beach in Holmes Beach, where “no parking� signs were posted Feb. 27. Holmes Beach Police Chief Bill Tokajer said problems arose with people backing onto the state road to exit parking spots there and people who parked on the right of way were issued tickets by his patrol officers. Islander Photos: Robert Abruzzo
4 n MARcH 6, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
Golf cart restrictions tightened in Holmes Beach By chrisann Silver esformes islander reporter unsafe golf carts on Holmes Beach main roads soon will be a thing of the past. Holmes Beach commissioners voted feb. 26 to approve the first reading of an amended ordinance requiring seat belts and age-appropriate child restraint devices — such as car seats — for golf carts. additionally, golf carts will be prohibited on roads with a speed limit higher than 25 mph, including east Bay, gulf, marina and palm drives and manatee avenue. currently, golf carts are not permitted on city streets with speed limits of 35 mph or higher and must be operated by a licensed driver. there are no proposed changes for low-speed vehicles, which also only can be driven by a licensed driver and can go faster than golf carts. LSVs must be titled, registered and insured. the speed limit requirement remains the same as the current ordinance, but the wording of the proposed ordinance removed specific streets names. previously, police chief Bill tokajer recommended the wording change that golf carts be restricted from roadways with a 35-mph or higher speed limit, but at the feb. 26 meeting, commissioner rick Hurst suggested changing it to “anything above 25 mph.” He said changing the verbiage now would prevent having
Golf carts, such as the one pictured, soon will be required to have seat belts and child car seat capabilities and will not be allowed to operate in Holmes Beach on roads with speed limits above 25 mph. Islander Photo: ChrisAnn Silver Esformes to amend the ordinance if speed limits are reduced to 30 mph on roads with a 35-mph speed limit. tokajer and other commissioners agreed to the wording change.
Development director sworn in
Holmes Beach city clerk Stacey Johnston, left, swears into office Bernard “Barney” Salmon Feb. 25 in her office at city hall, 5801 Marina Drive. Salmon was employed as an urban planner with Manatee County. He started work that day for the city as the development services director. Islander Photo: Courtesy Holmes Beach
according to the ordinance, neither golf carts nor LSVs are allowed on beach accesses, boardwalks, bike lanes or multiuse paths. “those are things that are law now, but we’re just making it clearer to people that you cannot be on those areas,” tokajer said. commissioner carol Soustek said the wording includes prohibition on “other city-owned property,” which to her implied golf carts would be off-limits at city hall. tokajer said the clause was meant to include recreational areas, such as parks, and suggested the city attorney make the language more specific before the final reading and vote, set for the next commission meeting. the next city commission meeting will be at 6 p.m. tuesday, march 12, at city hall, 5801 marina drive, with a work session to follow.
New website in the works for Holmes Beach a new website is forthcoming for Holmes Beach. Holmes Beach city clerk Stacey Johnston updated the mayor and commissioners feb. 26 on plans for a u.S. americans with disabilities act compliant website to be built by revize Software Systems of troy, michigan. at a feb. 12 meeting, commissioners unanimously voted to authorize mayor Judy titsworth to sign a contract contingent upon positive references and Revize’s recertification with the Florida department of State division of corporations. Johnson said feb. 26 that revize applied for reinstatement, and should be listed by the second week in march. additionally, she said she received “nothing but positive comments” from other cities that use revize. “I feel confident in their support going forward,” Johnston said. according to revize’s proposal, the development of a website will cost $12,830, including an upgrade in the fifth year of service. The annual maintenance fee is $3,175. — ChrisAnn Silver Esformes
Holmes Beach shows mayor appreciation for service
Holmes Beach Mayor Judy Titsworth receives a placard Feb. 26, presented by Commission Chair Jim Kihm, for her six years of service to the city as an elected official. Titsworth served as chair for five of her six years as commissioner before being elected mayor in November 2018. Islander Photo: ChrisAnn Silver Esformes
march 14, 10 a.m., charter review. anna Maria City march 20, 11 a.m., special magistrate. march 12, 4 p.m., planning and zoning. march 21, 10 a.m., charter review. march 13, 10 a.m., charter review. march 26, 6 p.m., city commission. march 14, 6 p.m., city commission. Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, march 20, 5:30 p.m., special magistrate. 941-708-5800, holmesbeachfl.org. march 28, 6 p.m., city commission. Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, 941- West Manatee Fire rescue 708-6130, cityofannamaria.com. none announced. WMFR administration building, 6417 Third Ave. Bradenton Beach W., Bradenton, wmfr.org. march 6, 9 a.m., cip. canceLed march 6, 9:30 a.m., cra. Manatee County march 6, 11 a.m., pier team. march 7, 9 a.m., commission (land use). march 6, 2 p.m. Scenic WaVeS. canceLed march 12, 9 a.m., commission. march 7, 6 p.m., commission. march 14, 9 a.m., commission (land use). march 12, 10 a.m., commission. march 26, 9 a.m., commission. march 14, 1 p.m., department heads. Administration building, 1112 Manatee Ave. W., march 20, 1 p.m., planning and zoning. Bradenton, 941-748-4501, mymanatee.org. march 21, noon, commission. march 26, 10 a.m., commission. Of interest Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., march 11, 2 p.m., island transportation planning 941-778-1005, cityofbradentonbeach.org. organization, anna maria city Hall. March 19, 2 p.m., Barrier Island Elected Offiholmes Beach cials, Bradenton Beach city Hall. March 6, 10 a.m., parks and beautification. march 25, 9:30 a.m., Sarasota/manatee metromarch 6, 6 p.m., planning commission. politan planning organization, Holiday inn Sarasota march 7, 10 a.m., charter review. Bradenton international airport, 8009 15th St. e., march 12, 6 p.m., city commission. Sarasota. march 13, 6 p.m., town hall mobility and vehiSend notices to calendar@islander.org and cles. news@islander.org.
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THE ISLANDER n MARcH 6, 2019 n 5
Holmes Beach approves fourplex to replace 1956 home
By chrisann Silver esformes islander reporter plans for a new gulffront development in Holmes Beach are underway. a resolution approving a site plan for construction of a four-unit residential development at 101 67th St., a property owned by Jo adele and frank davis, who also own the Harrington House Beachfront Bed and Breakfast at 5626 gulf drive, passed feb. 26 with a 4-0 vote of the city commission. commissioner pat morton was absent with excuse. at a Jan. 8 work session, the commission and staff reviewed the application for the project, which will be named gulfside gables — at the site formerly known as the Huth House for the original owner — and attached several conditions to the site plan, which were addressed with the revised plan. city planner Bill Brisson presented a staff report, which states stipulations were met and he recommended commission approval. the plan was amended to include 5 feet of landscaping between the 24-foot-wide driveway and the east property line and an additional 130 square feet of landscaping, exceeding the 3,444 square feet of landscaped area required in the land development code. according to Brisson, the applicant reduced the size of the pool to create a wider driveway and add green space. the updated plan includes a 1,200-square-foot dog run, an 800-square-foot play area and 1,376 square feet of pool and deck area. additionally, the applicant provided the requested letters from Manatee County confirming there is adequate capacity for utilities. during public comment, thomas Sprenger, a resident of gulf place condominiums, 6700 gulf drive, had questions for the applicant regarding occupancy and parking. currently, the 1,900-square-foot Huth house, built
Holmes Beach commissioners voted Feb. 26 to approve a revised site plan for a four-unit development at 101 67th St., where a single-family residence, the Huth home, built in 1956, now operates as a rental. Islander Photos: ChrisAnn Silver Esformes
in 1956, operates as a Harrington House accommodation on the property. monica Simpson, land planner for the project, spoke on the owners’ behalf. She said the four units, each with four bedrooms, require 16 parking spaces, all provided on-site. additionally, the development can house 32 people total, per the Ldc. “there is no variance being requested with regard to any of the land development regulations that have been codified by the city of Holmes Beach, including the parking spaces, along with an abundance of recreational open space,” Simpson said. She said the units will be privately owned, “highend and will not attract owners that want a party house.” commissioner carol Soustek said she understood Sprenger’s concerns with increased occupancy, but said the development is in an area zoned for the planned use and the applicants have met the city and county requirements. the next city meeting will be at 6 p.m. tuesday, march 12, at city hall, 5801 marina drive, with a work session to follow.
Monica Simpson, planner for a proposed development at 101 67th St., speaks to commissioners Feb. 26 about the revised site plan during their meeting at Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive.
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6 n MARcH 6, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
No one’s talkin’
Loose lips sink ships. according to Wikipedia, the phrase was created during World War ii by the War advertising council for posters by the U.S. Office of War Information. the posters were part of american propaganda to advise servicemen and women and citizens to avoid careless talk that could undermine the war effort. “Loose lips sink ships” remains in the american idiom as an admonition to avoid careless talk. mostly we hear, “mum’s the word,” which originated among the British military around the same as the loose lips. for someone in the newspaper business, silence is deafening. it can result in a slanted story, when only one side in a dispute wants to talk. Such is the case in anna maria, where several former employees say they fear retribution or poor reviews on job recommendations, and won’t talk to the newspaper. oh. they have plenty to say, but it’s “off the record.” Well, who would want to hear anything they have to say if nothing is on the record? this also is the case in lawsuits. ie: the Bradenton Beach-versus-citizens lawsuit that evolved — mostly from political spite — when an ex-mayor convinced the city attorney, who in turn convinced the mayor and commissioners, to join him in slapping the wrists of six members of a couple of city boards. that slap on the wrist has evolved into a $168,000plus legal tab for city taxpayers and city attorney Ricinda Perry apparently isn’t finished. She threatened the six defendants — and taxpayers — last week that a trial could push the costs to $250,000. perry also implied the city previously had made settlement offers, which isn’t true. the parties, including the city and the defendants, recently met for mediation and, without a record of the meeting (to be disclosed when the suit is resolved), we won’t know what was discussed. We only know mediation ended in a stalemate. Still, it smells fishy to us that an offer was proffered without discussion — in the shade or in a public venue — among the mayor and commissioners. the attorney spelled out her offer, but why are city officials “mum” on the subject? Who’s the real source of the offer? The coconut telegraph? the defendants also are maintaining silence. and who wants to bet the offer to drop the lawsuit in exchange for their admission of guilt and a $500 fine isn’t sitting well? then again, if it stinks in denmark ... — Bonner Joy
MARCH 6, 2019 • Vol. 27, No. 19 ▼ ▼
▼ ▼
Publisher and Editor Bonner Joy, news@islander.org Editorial Lisa Neff, copy editor, lisa@islander.org Steve Albee, steve@islander.org Sandy Ambrogi, sandy@islander.org Joe Bird, editorial cartoonist Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org Jack Elka, jack@jackelka.com ChrisAnn Silver Esformes, chrisann@islander.org Ryan Paice, ryan@islander.org Kathy Prucnell, kathyp@islander.org Contributors Jesse Brisson Karen Riley-Love Capt. Danny Stasny, fish@islander.org Advertising Director Toni Lyon, toni@islander.org Office Staff Lisa Williams, manager Vicki McIntyre accounting@islander.org classifieds@islander.org subscriptions@islander.org Distribution Urbane Bouchet Judy Loden Wasco Ross Roberts (All others: news@islander.org)
Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each. ©1992-2019 • Editorial, sales and production offices: 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217 WEBSITE: www.islander.org PHONE 941-778-7978 toll-free fax 1-866-362-9821
Riding with cars
Bradenton Beach police do a terrible job of protecting cyclists. i had a motorcycle cut in front of me to ride on a sidewalk, causing a t-bone so forceful it cracked my bike in half and sent me to the hospital. An officer cited me for going too fast. He later took his citation back and ticketed the motorcyclist, but only after extreme pressure from my lawyer. You can cycle on anna maria island, but i would tell anyone who does to not pass cars fast, as no one looks. frankly, i ride in the car lane when vehicles are going as fast as i am because it’s not worth the risk — and legally we can ride in that lane. Ryan Leestma, Bradenton Beach
Enforce ‘no dog’ rule
Who’s monitoring dogs on the beach, bike paths and park at Coquina Beach in Bradenton Beach? there are numerous signs along the pathway stating there are no dogs allowed on the beach, no one appears to be monitoring or interacting with people who ignore the signs and continue to walk their dogs there, as well as on the beach and loose in the park. people who encounter the unbagged dog waste have to deal with the removal of excrement from toes and feet. for the past six weeks, my wife and i have observed numerous people walking their dogs on the beach, on the pathway and in the park, but we have not witnessed anyone interacting with these people in any way. if you ignore this behavior, it will continue and, if other dog owners see this happening, they will get the idea it is OK. If there were greater enforcement, including fines,
such behavior would decrease or discontinue. if the powers to be don’t want to enforce the ordinance, i suggest you remove the signs and stop paying to have them erected and updated. the rules should apply to everyone. Roy Thompson, Earleville, Maryland
For Tingley library
i’ve heard the city of Bradenton Beach may want to move the tingley memorial Library. Beulah tingley always wanted the library near city hall. In fact, the first library was in city hall. Her will provided $950,000 to the city for the library. a committee was formed in the 1980s. meetings and debate occurred. i was mayor at the time and pleaded no more arguments — get ’er done! money went into savings, to collect interest, and money also went to build the library. So it was built behind city hall. please, check the city charter. do not move the library. Katie Pierola, former Bradenton Beach mayor
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the islander accepts original letters of up to 250 words and reserves the right to edit for grammar and length. Letters must include name, address and a contact phone number (for verification). Email: news@ islander.org. anonymous letters will not be printed. readers also may comment online. also, the islander has an active facebook community. to join the conversation, “like” the islander on facebook.
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THE ISLANDER n MARcH 6, 2019 n 7
Crossing the pass
10&20 years ago
In the headlines: March 3, 1999
An aerial view of Longboat Pass shows “the new bridge” connecting the north end of Longboat Key near Whitney Beach and Longboat village to the south end of Anna Maria in 1961. The caption for the photo in a Whitney Beach Resort ad read, “Erosion along the pass has changed the shape of the pass and of islands. Greer Island, known as Beer Can Island, changes from a peninsula of sand to a separate island with Australian pine trees.” Islander Photo: Courtesy Manatee County Public Library Digital Collection
Transit team could bring back Longboat trolley
Longboat Key leaders looking to drive public transit on the island say an “island circulator” could boost ridership. Longboat officials, meeting with manatee county commissioners feb. 26, encouraged continued coordination between the manatee and Sarasota county area transit systems to develop a “single, unified, consist transit solution” for the island, as outlined in a memo from Longboat Key public works director isaac Brownman. currently, mcat operates a reservation-only Longboat Key shuttle service 6 a.m.-8 p.m. Mondayfriday, with reservations required the day before. mcat scuttled a daily service from coquina Beach in Bradenton Beach to Bay isles parkway on Long-
boat Key in 2017. Scat still operates a daily bus route on Longboat — route 18 from Bay isles parkway to downtown Sarasota — but the service may be reduced to mornings and evenings and supplemented during the winter-spring tourist season with “an island circulator” from Lido Key to Bay Isles Parkway. Longboat officials say if an “island circulator” is added, it should run the length of the island in coordination with mcat and be “of a style and delivery that is more amenable to increased ridership — such as a trolley or smaller vehicle style.” they also suggested approaching the state for transit funding. — Lisa Neff
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Bradenton Beach city commissioners rejected a suggestion to merge the public works and building departments, but agreed public works was overloaded after hearing from public works director Buddy Watts that he averaged 49 work hours per week. anna maria mayor chuck Shumard told city commissioners it was time to consider resurrecting the code enforcement board because violators who wanted to appeal a citation needed to drive to the Manatee County Courthouse to file paperwork. anna maria Vice mayor robert mcelheny called an emergency commission meeting to deal with administrative matters because, in his opinion, mayor chuck Shumard was not willing to deal with the issues facing the city.
In the headlines: March 4, 2009
fBi agents executed search warrants at two Anna Maria Island properties linked to financial consultant doyle Scott elliott. the searches took place while elliott was off the island, appearing in a phoenix federal courtroom on an allegation he sold unregistered securities. the manatee county tourist development council unanimously approved a recommendation to the county commission to increase the county’s resort tax from 4 cents per dollar to 5 cents per dollar. the anna maria city pier remained the top outdoor attraction in manatee county for visitors enjoying a vacation in the area, according to a 2009 study conducted by research data Services inc. for the Bradenton area convention and Visitors Bureau.
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8 n MARcH 6, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
DOT details $5M Longboat bridge project, repairs begin in May
By Lisa neff islander reporter Longboat Key residents Lynne and Bill Randa went to a Longboat pass Bridge forum in their town hall feb. 26 seeking assurance. So did Bradenton Beach mayor John chappie, local law enforcement officers, bridgetenders, island businesspeople and other Longboat Key property owners. From Florida Department of Transportation officials, they wanted to hear that a $5 million project to repair the 1957 drawbridge — work is to begin may 1 and continue through november — presents no more than an offseason minor inconvenience. the dot delivered the assurance. “if people don’t notice us, then we’re doing our job,” said James J. Jacobsen, a structures maintenance engineer with the florida department of transportation’s District 1 office. “We’re getting in at night and getting out.” the randas live in the Longboat terrace neighborhood on the north end of Longboat and routinely cross the bridge. “this affects us, but i don’t think it’s going to be a big inconvenience,” said Lynne randa as she glanced at a project summary. two Longboat pass bridgetenders, glen James and Lou Neri, were among the first to arrive to the forum. James tends the drawbridge during the day and boasted of having a “million dollar view” of the gulf of mexico.
Holmes Beach seeks input on bike, scooter rentals
a town hall meeting for citizen input on the rental or use of “docked and dockless mobility vehicles” on public property, will be at 6 p.m. Wednesday, march 13, at city hall, 5801 marina drive. dockless mobility systems comprise small vehicles — such as bicycles or scooters — that don’t require a station or attendant for users to rent, receive and return the vehicles. docked systems include bike- and scootershare vehicles with stations that must be permitted with a site plan for each location. the city is gathering input to determine regulations for vehicle availability and stations. — ChrisAnn Silver Esformes
Bradenton Beach Mayor John Chappie attends a public information meeting Feb. 26 at Longboat Key Town Hall. The Florida Department of Transportation presented details of a $5 million repair of the Longboat Pass Bridge. Islander Photos: Lisa Neff
the dot is funding the repairs with gas tax Studying dot handouts and posters arranged in money. the commission chambers, he said the project likely a contractor had not been hired as of feb. 27. won’t have much impact on his job. during construction, motorists may experience slowdowns and backups on the bridge connecting about the project for more information about the Longboat pass Longboat Key and Bradenton Beach as travel lanes Bridge repair project, go online to swflroads.com. will go from 12 feet to 11 feet. also, pedestrian access on the bridge will be limited, and boaters could find reduced clearance. However, the dot plans to limit lane closures to nighttime weekdays, nighttime bridge closures to 15 minutes and nighttime bridge closures with detours to a maximum of two nights. “our main mission is to extend the life of the bridge, to preserve the bridge,” said Jacobsen, who stressed the structure is safe, but was built 62 years ago in “a very aggressive environment.” the project to add 10-15 years life to the structure involves repairing the concrete approach, the bascule steel and fender system, rebalancing the bascule span, cleaning and painting the steel, installing new traffic signals and reconditioning mechanical and electrical systems. “i would describe it as an overall overhaul,” Jacobsen said. Representatives from the Florida Department of Transportation talk with attendees at a public information meeting Feb. 26 at Longboat Key Town Hall. The DOT provided details for a Longboat Pass Bridge project to begin May 1.
Delayed floating dock hurts Bradenton Beach business By ryan paice islander reporter The wait for a floating dock for the Historic Bridge Street pier in Bradenton Beach has left one businessman in choppy water. capt. Sherman Baldwin, owner of the paradise Boat tours that operates from a storefront at the foot of the pier, said the delay of the dock’s installation has limited traffic to the pier and pushed back the launch of his 149-passenger water taxi. The floats were due for delivery by early January. “It’s definitely impacted us, and it’s been such a long time,” Baldwin said in a feb. 27 interview. “the city has been very gracious in accommodating businesses like ours through the use of a dingy dock, and that’s been very helpful. in fact, it’s kept us alive, and kept a bunch of people with jobs. “We are looking forward to the day we can use that floating dock, but it becomes more and more of a distant memory with every day that passes,” he added. technomarine was contracted in april 2017 to build and install the dock to replace a damaged dock. Its chief executive officer, Erik Sanderson, sent an email feb. 28 to eric Shaffer, a project manager for Hecker Construction, detailing how the floats were shipped march 1 to arrive at Hecker’s laydown yard in gibsonton by march 4. Hecker was subcontracted by technomarine for the dock’s installation in the original agreement, and dock parts from Spain were shipped to Hecker’s lay-
Dave Gendreau, visiting from Connecticut, fishes Feb. 28 from the Historic Bridge Street Pier in Bradenton Beach. The city is working to install a floating dock at the location. Islander Photo: Ryan Paice
down yard. the city subsequently ended its contract with technomarine due to numerous failures to deliver the dock and opted to contract Hecker to install the dock. the dock will be assembled in gibsonton, before it is delivered to the city and installed at the pier. Baldwin said the dock is a necessary alternative to bring people to Bridge Street and the pier, which he
said struggles with accessibility and parking. “Having the floating dock would increase our ability to get people to the pier,” Baldwin said. “Via boat or water, get them to the pier in any way possible.” Along with hindering traffic to the pier, the delayed installation of the dock also postponed the launch of Baldwin’s water-taxi, connecting Bradenton Beach to Sarasota and downtown Bradenton. plans for the water taxi were approved by the three cities in 2017, but the boat — a 149-passenger highspeed catamaran — will not be released by lenders until all three dock locations are cleared for use. Baldwin secured docks for arrivals and departures in Bradenton and Sarasota, but must wait for the floating dock to be installed in Bradenton Beach. technomarine is in breach of a negotiated december 2018 settlement with the city for failing to deliver the floats by Jan. 20, the established deadline for delivery of parts. the deadline prompted the cra to authorize city attorney Ricinda Perry Feb. 6 to get quotes for floats from three contractors. cra members will discuss options at their meeting at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, march 6, at city hall, 107 gulf drive n.
THE ISLANDER n MARcH 6, 2019 n 9
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Island happenings
10 n MARcH 6, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
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Adventures group to host art day at Annie Silver
the Senior adventures will stay “home” friday, march 8 — the group will hold an arts and crafts day at the annie Silver community center, 103 23rd St. n., Bradenton Beach. the event will begin at about 10 a.m. Senior adventures is a group that plans weekly outings or gatherings — usually fridays — either off the island or at the annie Silver community center. For more information, call Kaye Bell at 941538-0945.
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Vintage flea
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‘Outsmart the Scammers’ lesson offered at center
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The Center of Anna Maria Island will host a financial adviser offering a lesson in how to “outsmart the Ronald Smith’s lecture in the Friends of the Island Scammers” at 10 a.m. friday, march 15. Library Travel and Lecture Series is titled “Conthe program will be federate Blockade of Washington, D.C.” Smith has led by John m. campora, devoted more than 40 years to researching the block- a financial adviser in the ade and is set to talk at 2 p.m. Thursday, March 7, Holmes Beach office of the at the library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. edward Jones investment company. Islander Courtesy Photo campora will offer strategies on how to spot red flags that could indicate a fraudulent encounter. the center is at 407 magnolia ave., anna maria. Center sprucing up for more information, call the center at 941-778island tour of homes 1908. the center of anna maria island tour of Homes will feature four homes — three in Holmes French farce to play Beach and one in anna maria. on Anna Maria stage the tour is set for 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, march 16, and will include visits to four homes the island players will open the fourth play of the “with distinctive architecture, elegant interiors and 70th season, “a flea in Her ear,” thursday, march stunning waterfront views,” according to a news 7. release from the center. the play, written by georges feydeau and directed the properties include the fangmeyer home, by Kelly Wynn Woodland, will continue through 95 52nd St., Holmes Beach; the Kerchner home, march 24. 637 Key Royale Drive, Holmes Beach; the Horne the cast includes nancy denton, Judy glynn, home, 8403 marina drive, Holmes Beach; and the daniel coppinger, mark Woodland, mike Lusk, Willow house, 222 Willow ave., anna maria. Brannon Westfall, colin Brady, tiffany Baker, richThe fifth stop on the tour will be the center, ard LeVene, Rick Kopp, Ginger King and Jennifer 407 magnolia ave., anna maria, which will feacaldwell, Laura morales and eric michael mongold. ture sales of crafts and home decor, as well as host the french farce, adapted by david ives, is about food vendors. a woman who suspects her husband of infidelity and additionally, the drawing for the tour of homes schemes to catch him at a hotel known to be a destinaquilt created by the eyeland needlers volunteers tion for extramarital trysts. will be at the center. performances will be at 8 p.m. tuesday-Saturday Tickets for the quilt raffle are available at the and 2 p.m. Sunday. the theater, 10009 gulf drive, center — $1 for one or $5 for six tickets. anna maria, is dark on mondays. tickets to the tour are available at the center, The box office is open 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Monday407 magnolia ave., anna maria, as well as various Saturday and an hour before performances. businesses in anna maria and Holmes Beach. For more information, call the box office at 941 Proceeds from the tour benefit the center’s 778-5755. programs and mission. for more information, go online to www.cenIsland Players auditioning terami.org or call the center at 941-778-1908. the island players will hold auditions Sunday, March 10, for the final play of the season. AMIAL’S Springfest the auditions will be at 7:30 p.m. at the theater, 10009 gulf drive, anna maria. to bloom in city field the play, “present Laughter” by noel coward, will the anna maria island art League will present the be directed by mike Lusk and will run may 2-12. 31st annual Springfest festival of fine arts and fine crafts march 9-10 in Holmes Beach. Hours for the festival will be 10 a.m.-5 p.m. the event will be at city field, 5801 Marina Drive, Holmes Off Stage Ladies Beach. to lunch, meet Springfest will feature music by Koko Ray and Karma, a food court, community organizations and the off Stage Ladies of the island players will — the main attraction — juried works by artists from meet at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, march 13, at the across the country but especially from florida. img academy golf club, 3450 el conquistador The festival will include raffles of artwork donated parkway, Bradenton. by Springfest artists to benefit AMIAL’s scholarship the cost of the luncheon is $16. fund. Raffle tickets will be sold for $1 each or six for checks should be made payable to oSL. $5. for more information, call president roe for more information, call amiaL at 941-778duncan at 941-567-4960. 2099
Civil War lesson at library
Visit www.islander.org
Island happenings
THE ISLANDER n MARcH 6, 2019 n 11
Kitchen prep
Jim Hassett, Annie Silver Community Center vice president, and Peg Miller, senior adventures co-coordinator, take a break Jan. 18 from preparations for the center’s community dinner. Big John’s Texas BBQ prepared the main course and proceeds benefited the center. The next community dinner will be Friday, March 15. Islander Photo: ChrisAnn Silver Esformes
Shore Thing Weddings Your Anna Maria Island “Toes in the Sand” Beach Wedding Specialist! s )NTIMATE 7EDDINGS s %LOPEMENTS s 6OW 2ENEWALS s $OMESTIC 0ARTNERS Britney Gary – Office:
Online: ShoreThingWeddings.com
Manatee celebrates heritage, history
manatee county’s historical organizations are coming together this month to present a series of events celebrating heritage and history. participating organizations include the anna maria island Historical Society, deSoto national memorial, florida maritime museum, manatee county Historical commission, manatee county Historical Society, manatee county Library System, manatee county parks and natural resources, realize Bradenton and Reflections of Manatee. One of the first events in the celebration occurred march 2 in anna maria, when the anna maria island Historical Society held its annual Heritage day festival. the event gave visitors an opportunity to watch craftspeople demonstrate their skills, browse a settlers market, tour Belle Haven cottage and the museum and enjoy music.
40% OFF LADIES & GENTS Pre-owned ROLEX! Limited Quantities 2-year service warranty
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Saturday Artist Demo
Artwalk to take place March 8
the third artwalk of the 2019 winter season will be 5:30-7:30 p.m. friday, march 8, in downtown Holmes Beach. artwalks take place monthly during the season at various venues in the downtown area of marina and gulf drives, where artists and their work are celebrated, entertainment and specials are offered and refreshments are served. a look at participating venues’ plans: • Island Gallery West will exhibit Sue Bokos’ “Small Wonders” exhibit during a reception with the artist. igW will serve appetizers and wine in the gallery, 5368 gulf drive, Holmes Beach. • Artists’ Guild Gallery, 5414 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, will feature the paintings of gwen Kodad during a reception with the artist. Also, AGAMI will serve hors d’oeuvre. • Waterline Marina Resort & Beach Club, 5325
other free events include: • Music in the Park, to be held at 6 p.m. Fridays in march at the riverwalk mosaic amphitheater, 606 third ave. W., Bradenton. • Walking tour of downtown Bradenton, set for 10 a.m. Wednesday, march 13, and departing from the manatee county Historical records Library. • Coffee with the staff at the Florida Maritime museum, 4415 119th St. W., cortez, set for 9-11 a.m. Saturday, march 23. • Five Centuries of Florida History, set for Saturday, march 23, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., at desoto national memorial, 8300 deSoto memorial Highway, Bradenton. for more information about the monthlong celebration, call the manatee county clerk of the circuit court’s historical resources department at 941-741-4070.
marina drive, will exhibit the work of charles townsend and host an open house in the lobby, with wine and light bites. • SteamDesigns Studio, Suite 600, 5343 Gulf drive, will feature work by Joyce Lazzara, who works in many mediums, specializing in vibrant tropical colors and detail. • Saltair boutique, 5508 Marina Drive, will feature work by local artist Kim Darnell, as well as serve refreshments to walkers. • Restless Natives, 5416 Marina Drive, will be participating in the evening. an announcement said, “enjoy booze and bites … while browsing our collection of curated and locally made goods.” the evening will feature a glass-blowing demonstration by Blue Bamboo Jewelry and ceramic artist Karen Prunier will attend. for more information, call a participating venue.
Saturday, March 9
Artist Charlotte Sorsen will demonstrate her techniques using acrylics on Saturday morning, March 9. Seats fill up fast for this free demo. 10:30 to noon. Come early.
Submit your social news to news@islander.org. Please, include the time, date and location for events, as well as a contact name and phone number for publication. And, thanks for sharing!
Under New Ownership Ali Severson
Get listed Send announcements for the islander calendar to calendar@islander.org. the deadline for listings is the Wednesday before the publication date.
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need a good laugh? visit the emerson quillin signature store. humor, art, gifts 317 Pine Ave., Anna Maria • www.emersonshumor.com
5311 Gulf Gulf Drive, Drive, Holmes 5311 Holmes Beach Beach
5311 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach
12 n MARcH 6, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
The Islander Calendar ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND Thursday, March 7 2 p.m. — Friends of the Island Library Travel and Lecture Series continues, Ronald Smith, “Confederate Blockade of Washington, D.C.,� Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. Friday, March 8 5:30-7:30 p.m. — Downtown Holmes Beach ArtWalk, various venues. Information: 941- 778-6648.
coMPiled BY lisa neff
Saturday, March 9 10:30 a.m. — Charlotte Sorsen demonstrates acrylic skills, Island Gallery West artist demonstrations, 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6648. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. — Anna Maria Island Art League’s Springfest, city ďŹ eld, 5801 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-7782099. 8 a.m.-3 p.m. — Anna Maria Island Privateers Thieves Market, Coquina Beach, Bradenton Beach. Information: 941-639-0986. Sunday, March 10 10 a.m.-5 p.m. — Anna Maria Island Art League’s Springfest, city ďŹ eld, 5801 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-7782099. ONGOING ON AMI March 7-24, Island Players present “A Flea in Her Ear,â€? 10009 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Fee applies. Information: 941-778-5755. Through March 30, Saturdays at 10:30 a.m., Island Gallery West artist demonstrations, 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6648. Throughout March, Gwen Kodad exhibits work at the Artists’ Guild of Anna Maria Island gallery, 5414 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6694. Throughout March, Sue Bokos exhibits “Small Wonders,â€? Island Gallery West, 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-7786648. Through April 6, Florida Suncoast Watercolor Society “Transparentâ€? exhibit, the Studio at Gulf and Pine, 10101 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Information: 941- 778-1906. LOOKING AHEAD ON AMI March 14, Florida Watercolor Society exhibit reception, Anna Maria. ONGOING OFF ANNA MARIA ISLAND
KIDS & FAMILY ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND Friday, March 8 10 a.m. — Forty Carrots, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. Saturday, March 9 10 a.m. — Origami Club, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. 2 p.m. — Lego Club, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. Tuesday, March 12 10 a.m. — Preschool storytime, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. ONGOING OFF AMI First Saturdays, Family Night at the Museum, South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-746-4131. Fourth Wednesdays, “Stelliferous Live� star talk, South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-746-4131.
GAMES, SPORTS & OUTDOORS ONGOING ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND Mondays, AMI Dragon Boat Fun and Fitness Club, time depends on tides, 417 63rd St., Holmes Beach. Information: 941462-2626. Wednesdays and Saturdays, 9 a.m., horseshoes pitched, Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Information: 941-7086130. Thursdays, through March 28, bingo, Annie Silver Community Center, 103 23rd St. N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941-7783580. Most Fridays, 11:30 a.m. or 1 p.m. (call for times) mahjong games, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. Mondays, noon, bridge, Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-0414. Most Tuesdays, 11:30 a.m., mahjong games and instruction for beginners, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. Tuesdays, noon, duplicate bridge, Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-
Fridays in March, 6-8 p.m., Music in the Park, Riverwalk Mosaic Amphitheater, 606 Third Ave. W., Bradenton. Information: 941-6216471. Through March, “An Art Expositionâ€? featuring art work by Cheryl At the Studio Jorgensen and Joan McArthur, Dancing Crane Gallery, 1019 10th Fran Mangino’s watercolor, “Noah’s Ark,â€? is an Ave. W., Bradenton. Information: 941-744-1333. example of work to be found in the Florida Suncoast Second Wednesdays, Think + Drink (science), South Florida Watercolor Society’s “Transparentâ€? show, which Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: opens Wednesday, March 6, at the Studio at Gulf and 941-746-4131. Pine, 10101 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. The exhibit Wednesdays, 2-4 p.m., Shanty Singers, Florida Maritime continues through April 6. A reception with the artMuseum, 4415 119th St. W., Cortez. Information: 941-708-6120. ists will be 6-8 p.m. Thursday, March 14. Islander First Fridays, 6-9 p.m. ArtWalk in the Village of the Arts, around Courtesy Photo 12th Street West and 12th Avenue West, Bradenton. Also, Saturdays after the ďŹ rst Fridays. Information: villageofthearts@gmail.com. Second Saturdays, 2-4 p.m., Music on the Porch, Florida MariThe Anna Maria Island Privateers final Thieves time Museum, 4415 119th St. W., Cortez. Information: 941-708- market of the 2019 season will be 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Satur6120. day, march 9, at coquina Beach in Bradenton Beach.
Privateers to present market
A Flea In Her Ear
By Georges Feydeau Directed by Kelly Wynn Woodland Co- Produced by Off Stage Ladies
MARCH 7-24
Raymonde believes her husband Victor Emmanuel has been unfaithful, so she hatches a scheme to catch him at a nearby hotel notorious for extramarital hanky-panky. The great French farce is full of mischief, mistaken identities and slamming doors in this new adaptation by David Ives.
an announcement promised “treasures to be found, food to be eaten, fresh veggies to be bought� and pirates to hang with at the beach. organizers are booking vendor space now. Proceeds benefit the Privateers’ youth scholarships and “kids and community� programs. For more information, call Kim “Syren� Boyd at 941-639-0986.
Tranquility knocks at your door ‌ Massage Therapy
Join us for OPEN HOUSE 9-4 Friday March 8 and 9-noon Saturday March 9
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The Islander Calendar 779-0881.
Thursdays, 9-11 a.m., veterans services assistance, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-7786341. Third Thursdays, 11:45 a.m., Successful Women Aligning Together meets, Bridge Street Bistro, 111 Gulf Drive S., Bradenton Beach. Fee applies. Information: 941-345-5135. Fridays, Senior Adventures usually meets to carpool on an adventure or for an activity, Annie Silver Community Center, 103 23rd St. N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941-538-0945. Second Fridays, 6 p.m., AMI Resident Community Connections, Center of Anna Maria Island, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria.
ONGOING OFF AMI Saturdays in March, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Valentine House open house, Robinson Preserve, 1704 99th St. NW, Bradenton. Information: 941-742-5923, ext. 6035. Through March 23, Pittsburgh Pirates spring training home games, LECOM Park, 1611 Ninth St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-747-3031.
THE ISLANDER n MARcH 6, 2019 n 13
Information: 941-778-1908. Saturdays, 8:30 a.m., Kiwanis Club of Anna Maria Island breakfast meeting, Anna Maria Island Beach Cafe, Manatee Public Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-1383. Tuesdays through May 14, 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m., Anna Maria Farmers Market, City Pier Park, North Bay Boulevard and Pine Avenue. Information: 941-708-6130. Tuesdays, noon, Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island, Bridge Street Bistro, 111 Gulf Drive S., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941718-0291. Tuesdays, 2-4 p.m., Tech Help, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341.
Wednesday, March 6 1 p.m. — Gulf Coast Writers, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. 3-4 p.m. — “What is it Worth: Antique Appraisal,” Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. Friday, March 8 10 a.m. — Senior Adventures arts and crafts session, Annie Silver Community Center, 103 23rd St. N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941-538-0945. 2-4 p.m. — Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-7786341. Wednesday, March 13 Noon — Coloring Club, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. 4:30 p.m. — Island Time Book Club, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341.
March 15, Annie Silver Community Center dinner, Bradenton Beach. March 16, Center of Anna Maria Island Tour of Homes, islandwide. March 21, Friends of the Island Library lecture by Joe Arena, Holmes Beach.. OFF AMI Thursday, March 7 6 p.m. — Anna Maria Island Sail and Power Squadron program and potluck dinner, 1200 71st Street NW, Bradenton. Information: 941-792-0394. ONGOING OFF AMI
ONGOING ON AMI Wednesdays through March, Anna Maria Island Historical Society sales of settlers bread, AMIHS museum, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-0492. Wednesdays through March, 1:30 p.m. Anna Maria Island Irish Ceili and Set Dancing, Sandpiper Mobile Resort house, 2601 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941-779-1416.
Attendees at a past Anna Maria Island Art League Springfest visit an artist’s booth. This year’s juried celebration of fine arts and crafts will be SaturdaySunday, March 9-10, in city field, 5801 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Hours will be 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Islander File Photo
Fridays, 10:30 a.m., Paradise Cafe games, music and socializing, the Paradise Center, Temple Beth Israel, 567 Bay Isles Road, Longboat Key. Fee applies. Information: 941-383-6493. Saturdays through May, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Bradenton Farmers Market, Old Main, Bradenton. Information: 941-621-6471.
GET LISTED Send announcements to calendar@islander.org. Please include the date, time, location and description of the event, as well as a phone number for publication
The Anna Maria Island Art League presents the 31st Annual
“Springfest” March 9th & 10th, 2019
Fine Arts & Fine Crafts Festival Sat. & Sun.
10am - 5pm
City Hall Field * 5801 Marina Dr. Holmes Beach, FL Juried Art Exhibit
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The Siren’s Lair Artwork Courtesy of Jay Canterbury
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14 n MARcH 6, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
Bradenton Beach offers Sunshine suit settlement By chrisann Silver esformes islander reporter mediation resulted in an impasse. Still, Bradenton Beach extended a settlement offer. at a feb. 28 special meeting, city attorney ricinda perry informed the Bradenton Beach commission that the feb. 25 mediation for a lawsuit, initiated by exmayor Jack clarke and joined by the city against six former board members, resulted in a stalemate. However, she said the city has indicated it would settle the lawsuit, which deals with alleged government-in-the-Sunshine Law violations, if the six defendants each paid fines of $500 and collectively admitted guilt. perry said that “on a number of occasions” at commission meetings, the mayor and commissioners indicated they would prefer to settle but, until now, no offer was made to defendants reed mapes, tjet martin, John metz, patty Shay and rose and Bill Vincent. according to metz, none of the defendants were notified of the special meeting and, therefore, none of them attended. as of feb. 28, the suit had cost the city $168,294 and, according to perry, the cost likely will increase to $250,000, not including appeals, if the case goes to trial. perry said some records requested by the defen-
dants were allegedly destroyed or not provided, which could result in additional counts against the defendants, further escalating the cost for the suit. the attorney presented a one-sheet summary of the lawsuit to the mayor and commissioners and reminded them “this was a case of sue or be sued.” She said when the suit began in august 2017, the city had been warned that if it did not join clarke’s suit against the board members, it could also be sued for violating the Sunshine Law. “Let’s come together, set our differences aside, and if you are willing to acknowledge that you have made the mistakes, pay a $500 fine to the city and you can truly all walk away,” perry rhetorically said to the defendants. “We will walk away.” “We’ve been very consistent throughout this whole thing,” mayor John chappie said. “i’m in total agree-
Bill Finan of Ayer, Massachusetts, looks at an area map Feb. 28 at the information kiosk at the Manatee Public Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Manatee County approved an agreement Feb. 26 with the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce to place a representative at the kiosk seven days a week during peak tourism months. Islander Photo: Sandy Ambrogi
County boosts bucks for beach kiosk manatee county gave a boost to spreading the word about anna maria island. manatee county commissioners gave the anna maria island chamber of commerce the go-ahead feb. 26 to expand an agreement to tout tourism. the commission approved an agreement increasing the amount paid to the chamber to $45,950 per year to “promote tourism to the anna maria island area and the county at large,” according to mymanatee.gov. the money will come from tourist tax collections in the manatee county tourist development council budget. the tdc unanimously voted feb. 11 to recommend the increase. funds will help cover the cost of an employee at a kiosk at manatee public Beach, 4000 gulf drive, Holmes Beach. currently, the county is contributing $15,000 per year toward the kiosk staffing. the increase will allow for extended days and staff at the kiosk. The kiosk had been staffed five days a week, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. the new funds will allow operation seven days a week in march, april, June and July. Hours will remain
Bradenton Beach Mayor John Chappie, left, Commissioners Marilyn Maro and Ralph Cole, city attorney Ricinda Perry and Commissioner Jake Spooner meet Feb. 28 to discuss settling a lawsuit. Commissioner Randy White attended by phone. Islander Photo: Ryan Paice ment we need to move forward. Let’s stop this madness.” commissioner marilyn maro agreed. “i think the taxpayers would like to see this happen,” she said. the mayor and commissioners unanimously approved a motion to offer the defendants the agreed settlement terms. additionally, commissioner Jake Spooner motioned for perry to draft the settlement document and provide it to the defendants and their counsel, as well as disseminate the offer to the public “so the community can see the commission is making an effort to resolve the cost in an efficient manner,” which also passed with a unanimous vote. as of march 1, the defendants had not said whether they would accept the offer.
the same. the agreement also states the chamber must provide 30 square feet of lobby space at its office and kiosk for Bradenton area convention and Visitors Bureau materials, for which the BaVcB reimburses the chamber $10,000. the agreement also reimburses the chamber for postage costs not to exceed $15,639.25 annually and for brochure space at six state visitors centers, which amounts to $571.75 monthly.
the chamber may be reimbursed up to $14,610 annually for website development, social media enhancements and a newsletter, as long as the enhancements are related to tourism. also, payment of up to $5,129 annually will be made to the chamber for marketing special events outside of manatee county. a BacVB logo must appear on the promotional material. — Sandy Ambrogi
BB building official addresses safety concerns over Bridge Street construction
By ryan paice islander reporter new construction on Bridge Street has one person airing complaints. former Bradenton Beach mayor Bill Shearon voiced his concerns with the construction of a twostory restaurant and retail building on Bridge Street owned by city commissioner Jake Spooner in a feb. 24 email to building official Steve Gilbert. Shearon said construction staging at 107 Bridge St. denies the public access to rights of way and city easements, as well as fences off public parking. Shearon said pedestrians must use the street to walk around the fencing and the project offers no safe alternative. construction encompasses three lots, including one that used to be where the outdoor Bridge Street market was held, adjacent to Spooner’s other business, the Bridge Street Bazaar and adventure golf course. “it’s his property,” gilbert said in an interview feb. 27. “He can do whatever he wants on his property.” gilbert said the fencing around 107 Bridge St. complies with the florida building code. However, gilbert said the city wants a 4- to 5-foot-
The job site for Commissioner Jake Spooner’s twostory restaurant-retail building. Islander Photo: Ryan Paice wide pedestrian pathway during construction, while recognizing that construction might require digging up portions of the sidewalk to connect underground utilities. “We agreed that they would notify us when it comes time to connecting some of the utilities,” he said. “they’d like to get all that stuff in the right of way done and out of the way first, which is a good
idea.” Shearon also stated his concern for protecting the stormwater infrastructure at the construction site. He said dewatering on-site led to standing water on both sides of traffic lanes. gilbert said the dewatering process — jetting water into the ground to bury the restaurant’s grease tank — was to finish by March 1, at which point the fence was to be moved back and a marked pedestrian path put in place. He said a condition of the construction permit requires the contractor to repair any damage to the right of way to the city’s specifications. City engineer Lynn Burnett has been monitoring construction to make sure every disturbance is accounted for, according to gilbert. gilbert said construction, which consists of retail space on the first floor and a restaurant on the second, could take at least a year to finish. Construction is expected to wrap up in march 2020 due to time needed to place the pile foundation and install kitchen equipment. Spooner did not respond to a text message feb. 26 and a phone call feb. 27.
THE ISLANDER n MARcH 6, 2019 n 15
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16 n MARcH 6, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
Holmes Beach charter reviewers gather information
By chrisann Silver esformes islander reporter Holmes Beach charter review commissioners are collecting bits of information and putting the pieces together. as of feb. 28, the crc had heard presentations from former charter reviewers and city staff. at the feb. 21 meeting, david cheshire and terry Schaefer, former members of the 2018 committee that compared the current strong-mayor form of government to a city manager form of government, summarized the committee’s findings. cheshire said the committee supported a city manager for Holmes Beach. the committee report can be viewed on the city website at holmesbeachfl.org. at a prior meeting of the current crc, members discussed simplifying descriptions of charter positions in the document, including the clerk, treasurer, attorney, police chief and building official, as well as eliminating human resources as a charter position. at its feb. 28 meeting, the crc heard presentations from city clerk Stacey Johnston, treasurer Lori Hill, Police Chief Bill Tokajer, building official Jim mcguinness and human resources analyst mary Buonagura regarding their positions as described in the charter, considered by some to be the “bible” for the city. Each staff member confirmed the importance of keeping their position in the charter, but agreed the descriptions could be revisited and streamlined, since
Holmes Beach charter review commissioners hear a presentation from Police Chief Bill Tokajer Feb. 28, during their meeting at city hall, 5801 Marina Drive. Islander Photo: ChrisAnn Silver Esformes
most job criteria is listed in the employee handbook. mcguinness suggested removing zoning and public works oversight from his job description, as those duties are fulfilled by other staff, including a newly created development services director. additionally, during the meeting, mayor Judy titsworth said the new director job does not belong in the charter as it is not a “do or die” position if the city must trim back staff. in the upcoming weeks, the committee plans to speak with officials in Juno Beach, Madeira Beach and Highland Beach — cities comparable in size and
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don’t forget… You can read it all online at islander.org
population to Holmes Beach, as well as the mayors of Anna Maria, Bradenton Beach, Longboat Key and palmetto and county commissioner carol Whitmore, who previously was mayor of Holmes Beach. The CRC comprises five people elected by citywide vote in 2018. it has met weekly since Jan. 17 to review the charter for possible changes. the committee has a may 8 deadline to present recommendations to the city commission. charter changes approved by a supermajority of the committee will be submitted to the city commission as an ordinance, and then to the manatee county Supervision of elections for a citywide vote on the november ballot. city attorney patricia petruff said she would prepare and review the ordinance for the ballot. the Holmes Beach crc meets at 10 a.m. thursdays through the end of april at city hall, 5801 marina drive.
the islander welcomes news of the milestones in readers’ lives — weddings, anniversaries, travels and other events. Send notices and photographs with detailed captions — along with complete contact information to news@islander.org.
BIG FLOOR SAMPLE SALE! COME SEE CLYDE FOR DEALS! 6807 14TH ST. W., BRADENTON (across from Alex Karras Lincoln)
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THE ISLANDER n MARcH 6, 2019 n 17
AM charter review continues, but almost no changes
By ryan paice islander reporter the review of anna maria’s city charter has yet to result in any meaningful changes. fifteen pages into the 20-page charter, the review commissioners have suggested typographical and grammatical corrections and discussed adjusting term limits for elected officials and hiring a city manager. However, they decided against proposing changes. charter review member mark Short began a discussion on changes to mayoral term limits at a meeting feb. 27, but the conversation didn’t last long. charter review commission vice chair Jack Brennan said that the city has struggled to attract new candidates for the post, and extending the term to three or four years could exacerbate the issue. mayor dan murphy, who attended the meeting, said the position comes with a learning curve, but a two-year term is adequate. He added that, at his age, he wouldn’t want to commit to a four-year term. charter review commission chair fran Barford, a former mayor of anna maria, said she felt the same way when she served in the role 2006-10. the group decided to keep two-year mayoral terms. the review board also discussed changing the number of commission votes needed to override a mayoral veto from four to a threshold of 80 percent. changing the threshold would allow a commission of three members to override mayoral vetoes.
that the mayoral post is a paid position. the provision does not prevent a mayor from running for re-election or other elected office. Vose agreed, saying the language should be clarified. Brennan suggested changing the prohibition to any paid positions in the city other than as mayor. the next charter review meeting will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday, march 13, at city hall, 10005 gulf drive.
Anna Maria charter review commission members Fran Barford, Jack Brennan, John Chambers, Sissy Quinn and Mark Short discuss the document Feb. 27. Islander Photo: Ryan Paice city attorney Becky Vose advised against such a change. attending via speakerphone, she noted that with a strong-mayor form of government, overriding a veto should require a supermajority vote of the commission. the review board decided against any change. one change the commission decided to propose was to Section 4.06, which prohibits a mayor from having a compensated city position for one year after leaving office. Commissioner John Chambers observed
Anna Maria issues RFP for solid waste services a change of waste collection services might be in store for anna maria after seven years. city commissioners voted 5-0 feb. 28 to issue a request for proposals for solid waste services. the city’s contract with Waste management, which began in 2012, will expire in april. mayor dan murphy said he expected to have a recommendation for commissioners later in march or in time for their first meeting in April. murphy said Waste management and Waste pro have expressed interest in submitting bids for trash, recycling and yard-waste collection. — Ryan Paice
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18 n March 6, 2019 n THE ISLANDER B5
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THE ISLANDER n March 6, 2019 n 19
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20 n MARcH 6, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
Roser to hold Ash Wednesday service in chapel
roser memorial community church will begin the Lenten season at noon Wednesday, march 6, with an ash Wednesday service. Worship will be in the chapel, 512 pine ave., anna maria, with a sermon by the rev. neil crowell about the power of reconciliation. the service will include prayer and music. For more information, call the church office at 941-778-0414.
Church group to learn about Blue Star military moms
roser memorial community church will welcome Karen Ferris-Fearnside at 11 a.m., Wednesday, March 13, for a program about Blue Star moms. roser’s Just older Youth group will host ferrisfearnside for the program, as well as a brown-bag lunch. She is the financial secretary of Blue Star Moms and the mother of u.S. army capt. Brittany fearnside. ferris-fearnside will talk about freedom Boxes for military service members and lunch attendees are asked to bring items to pack in freedom Boxes — including pop-tarts, coffee, tea, chapStick, dental floss, toothbrushes, Band-aids, puzzle books and pens. JoY usually meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month in the church fellowship hall, 512 pine ave., anna maria. for more information, call the church at 941-7780414.
Roser welcomes Ring Sarasota
Roser Memorial Community Church will host Ring Sarasota in concert at 4 p.m. Sunday, March 10, inviting the public to see the 15-member group ring 200 bells to create a symphony of sound. The concert will be in the church sanctuary, 512 Pine Ave., with the doors opening at 3 p.m. Free-will offerings support the concert series. For more information, call the church office at 941-778-0414. Islander Courtesy Photo
Church volunteers, thrift-show fashions to meet the runway
the roser Women’s guild will present its annual style show at noon tuesday, march 12, in the roser memorial community church fellowship Hall, 512 pine ave., anna maria. a luncheon will start at noon, and models will hit the runway at 1 p.m. The models will be wearing outfits selected from the roser Women’s guild’s thrift Shop, located across the street from the church. an announcement said, “Sometimes the results are glamorous, sometimes they are just a little off the wall.” for more information, call Jim morche at 734-3957708.
Gathering plans SPECIAL EVENTS
Wednesday, March 6 Noon — Ash Wednesday service, Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-0414. Sunday, March 10 4 p.m. — Roser Memorial Community Church concert featuring Ring Sarasota, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-7780414. Tuesday, March 12 Noon — Roser Women’s Guild style show, Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Fee applies. Information: 941-778-0414. SAVE THE DATE
Army Capt. Brittany Fearnside, center, sits with other soldiers in a helicopter while stationed in Afghanistan. Her mom will address a Roser Memorial Community Church group at 11 a.m. Wednesday, March 13. Islander Courtesy Photo At your service: obituaries are offered as a community service in the islander newspaper to islanders, both past and present, and family as well as people with ties to the island. Submit to news@ islander.org.
St. Patrick’s Day, March 17. Concert with Florida Gulf Coast Brass Quintet, March 17, Christ Church of Longboat Key Presbyterian (USA). Concert with Key Chorale Chamber Singers, March 31, Roser Church. Palm Sunday, April 14. Good Friday, April 19. Passover begins, April 19. Holy Saturday, April 20. Easter, April 21. ONGOING LISTINGS Christ Church of Longboat Key Presbyterian (USA), 6400 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Sunday service 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m.; men’s Bible study 9 a.m. Monday; women’s Bible study 10 a.m. Wednesday. CrossPointe Fellowship, 8665 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.
Ernest Casali Jr.
ernie casali Jr., the administrator of the anna maria moose Lodge 2188 in Bradenton Beach, died march 3. the lodge, on its facebook page, said the notice of casali’s death was delivered with “a sad and heavy heart.” the lodge said “ernie c.” will be remembered “for all the amazing things he has done for the anna maria island moose Lodge 2188” and called him the “heart and soul that created our Casali lodge, that we all enjoy today. “Without his vision, dedication and hard work, we would be just another spot on the map, instead of the wonderful and unique lodge that we have here.” islander publisher Bonner Joy said, “ernie had a soft heart, and one of the biggest hearts of anyone i’ve ever known.” a full notice is planned for the islander’s march 13 edition. Sunday worship 9 a.m.; Sunday life group 10:30 a.m.; women’s prayer 9:30 a.m. Tuesday; men’s Bible study 7 a.m. Wednesday; fellowship meal 6:15 p.m. Wednesday; Wednesday Night Blast 6:45 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Sunday Holy Eucharist (Rite I) 8 a.m.; Sunday Holy Eucharist (Rite II) 10:30 a.m.; men’s breakfast 8 a.m. Wednesday. Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 6608 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Saturday service 5 p.m.; Sunday service 9:30 a.m.; Sunday fellowship 10:30 a.m.; prayer partners 11:30 a.m. Wednesday; women’s Bible study 10 a.m. Thursday. Harvey Memorial Community Church, 300 Church Ave., Bradenton Beach. Sunday services 8:30 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Longboat Island Chapel, 6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Sunday service 10 a.m.; fellowship following service. Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Sunday worship 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m.; adult Sunday school 8:45 a.m.; Sunday adult book study 9 a.m. St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Saturday confession 3 p.m.; Saturday Mass 4 p.m.; Sunday Mass 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.; weekday Mass 8:30 a.m. Send listings to calendar@islander.org. Founded 1956
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THE ISLANDER n MARcH 6, 2019 n 21
Bridget ‘Gida’ M. Di Lena
Bridget “gida” m. (arpaia) di Lena, 86, of Bradenton and formerly of Holmes Beach, died Jan 10. She was born march 5, 1932, in Bisaccia, italy, and came from montclair, new Jersey, to SarasotaBradenton in 1957 with her husband, Vincent, after receiving her elementary teacher diploma. di Lena She was a devoted wife, loving mother and talented woman. She was a professional seamstress, creating custom designs and alterations, a nursery school teacher and an amazing cook. She was a member of Ss. peter and paul the apostles catholic church, catholic Women’s association and our Lady rosary makers. She was married 50 years to Vincent a., her childhood sweetheart. they resided in Holmes Beach 1990-95. a celebration of life and mass will be at Ss. peter and paul church Saturday, march 9. mrs. di Lena is survived by her daughter anita of tallahassee, sons michael and wife cathy of gainesville and Steve Hannan of Bradenton.
Out ‘West’
Tim and Margy Finley of Holmes Beach and David and Joy Platt of Isle of Man and formerly of Holmes Beach, meet up down-under for a holiday in the Margaret River wine country in western Australia. Islander Courtesy Photo
and generous grandmother. She loved to laugh and share her love and kindness with family and cherished friends. She leaves a legacy filled with wonderful memories. a celebration of life will be held noon-2 p.m. Sunday, march 10, in the galleria at the palma Sola Botanical park, 9800 17th ave. nW, Bradenton. mrs. egan is survived by her husband of 59 years, Jack; daughters Shawn and husband marc Blum of Longwood, Erin and husband Scott Kosfeld of Anna maria and Shea and husband craig nesbitt of cedar park, texas; grandchildren Logan and trent Blum, Mackenzie and Mallory Kosfeld, Connor and Ryan nesbitt; and a covey of nieces and nephews.
Judith Ann Butts Egan
Judith ann Butts egan, 83, died feb. 20, with her family by her side. She was born in West palm Beach to Jessie and clarence Butts and grew up in delray Beach, where she graduated from Seacrest High School. Her family owned Butts farms in Boca raton, and their produce was Egan sent by train as far north as Boston. Later, her family donated farmland where florida atlantic university was built. She attended meredith college in north carolina, where she studied fashion design. She worked in the banking industry in miami and Jacksonville, where she met her future husband, Jack egan. the egans started their family in gainesville, while he attended law school. eventually they settled into their beach house on anna maria island, where they enjoyed watching sunsets together for more than 50 years. She enjoyed making local fare of coquina chowder, fried shiners and seagrape daiquiris. She passed down her love for fishing to her daughters and grandchildren. She was a wonderful wife, loving mother, proud
Derwin ‘Doug’ Moore
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derwin “doug” moore, 61, died feb. 20. He was born Jan. 17, 1958, in canton, ohio, to ellis and June. He was a long-haul truck driver before he came to florida, where he worked at Westbay cove condominiums in Holmes Beach for 25 years with his friend, Jim carden. He was a one-of-a-kind person, Moore truly funny, kind and loving to all he met, and he will be missed. memorial donations may be made to tidewell Hospice of ellenton, 4151 37th St. e., palmetto fL 34221. arrangements were by covell funeral Home. mr. moore is survived by his wife of 25 years, Joanne; mother June; father-in-law rudy caminite; and many friends who loved him dearly.
Barry Newhart
Barry newhart, 76, of Holmes Beach, died feb. 28. He was born april 9, 1942, in cincinnati to Les and Hilda. He attended Sarasota High School and graduated from Stetson university. Later, mr. newhart moved back to Sarasota, where he met his loving wife of 52 years, elaine grace Newhart Salem. they settled down in Lancaster, pennsylvania, where they raised their son and two daughters. He was the most caring, loving and supportive father, husband, grandfather and business partner/ employer. He always sacrificed his needs for the good of his family and loved ones. He was a businessman at heart from a young age and a hard worker. He also enjoyed golfing, playing the bass and piano, and spending time with his family and friends. He was loved by many and his influence will forever remain in the lives of all who knew him. He is survived by his daughter and son-in-law torry and carmine Vitolo; son Bryson; daughter and son-in-law Lauren and colin Bourgoing; and granddaughters Zoé and ella. At your service: obituaries are offered as a community service in the islander newspaper to islanders, both past and present, and family as well as people with ties to the island. Submit to news@islander.org.
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22 n MARcH 6, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
Sweet heritage, island history
The Anna Maria Island Historical Society museum and park on Pine Avenue in Anna Maria are the site of the annual Heritage Day celebration March 2. The event was the first in a monthlong heritage program in Manatee County. Festivalgoers found children’s games, museum tours, a marketplace and more. Lynn Overton spins thread at Heritage Day March 2 at the Anna Maria Island Historical Society Museum and Historical Park in Anna Maria.
The AMI String Band performs at Heritage Day, presented by the Anna Maria Island Historical Society March 2 in the AMIHS Historical Park, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. The event featured music, food and beverages, games, crafts demonstrations and vendors selling wares. Islander Photos: Karen Riley-Love
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Rocky Darby, 4, of Parrish, awaits a sample of honey from master beekeeper Kevin Lausman of Suncoast Honey at the Anna Maria Island Historical Society’s annual Heritage Day celebration, held March 2 at the historical park, 402 Pine Ave., Anna
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THE ISLANDER n MARcH 6, 2019 n 23
Holmes Beach advances phased building moratorium
By chrisann Silver esformes islander reporter Holmes Beach is pausing to consider permitting for remodeling and improvements to noncompliant structures — mostly older, ground-level homes. at its feb. 26 meeting, the commission approved 4-0 the first reading of an ordinance for a five-month moratorium on consecutive permits that seek to improve federal emergency management agencyrated pre-firm homes. fema established home elevation rules in 1975 with the flood insurance rating map, or firm. the moratorium states improvements shall be calculated for a cumulative period of three years. However, according to building official Jim mcguinness, the cumulative period could change when the commission meets in a workshop. the ordinance exempts permits to repair involuntary damage, such as loss caused by a hurricane, as well as structures that comply with fema standards. fema restricts remodeling to 50 percent of a pre-firm structure’s assessed value. if the remodel surpasses 50 percent, the structure must be elevated or otherwise brought into compliance with fema. initially, the draft ordinance called for a nine-month By Ryan Paice, ryan@islander.org
AME calendar • Friday, March 8, 1 p.m., early release. • Wednesday, March 13, 3:30 p.m., Parentteacher organization meeting in the media center. • Friday, March 15, record day, no school. • Friday, March 22, 1 p.m., early release. • Spring break, no school, March 25-29. • Monday, April 1, students return from spring break. • Tuesday, April 2, fourth- and fifth-grade English Language arts writing assessment. • Wednesday-Thursday, April 3-4, third-grade english Language arts reading assessment. • Tuesday, April 23, 5-6:30 p.m., Parentteacher organization dinner in the school cafeteria. Starting at 6:30 p.m., first-grade play in the auditorium. • Thursday, April 25, progress reports go home. anna maria elementary is at 4700 gulf drive, Holmes Beach. for more information, call the school at 941708-5525.
timeout for the city to consider long-term regulations for a cumulative calculation of improvement values. However, according to mcguinness, fema representatives will return to the city in may to evaluate how the city is administering the permitting process, so the mayor and commissioners agreed to shorten the timeout to five months. “it’s critical that we have a moratorium at this time,” mcguinness said. “fema will re-evaluate the community rating standard in may, and we would like to enter with an ordinance, not just a moratorium. the moratorium is just a placeholder.” Land-use standards, including the 50 percent rule, must be maintained for the city to participate in fema’s national flood insurance program. the nfip uses a “community rating system” to grade a community on compliance with the floodplain map and the rating determines the insurance discount for the city and its property owners. the moratorium will be backdated to Jan. 8, when the commission first approved taking action on the
ordinance. it must be reviewed by the planning commission before going to a second, final reading and vote. the next city commission meeting will be at 6 p.m. tuesday, march 12, at city hall, 5801 marina drive.
Pre-FIRM ground-level homes in the city of Holmes Beach, such as this at the corner of Foxworth Lane and Key Royale Drive, require elevation if remodeling exceeds 50 percent, according to FEMA. Islander Photos: ChrisAnn Silver Esformes
AME prepares to open 1994 time capsule
By ryan paice islander reporter a “capsule” of anna maria elementary history will be revealed in may. School staff plan to unearth the time capsule buried in may 1994 to mark anna maria island’s centennial celebration, according to principal Jackie featherston. ame students from 1994 are invited back to the campus to watch the opening of the capsule, which is tentatively scheduled for monday, may 20, the 25th anniversary of its burial. featherston said the school wouldn’t mail invitations, but all are welcome.
She said the capsule might be uncovered beforehand to ensure a smooth reveal. featherston said no one she has discussed the capsule with knows what it contains. “any time you’re exploring something that was done in the past, it’s kind of like a treasure hunt,” she said. “an adventure, so it’ll be a ton of fun.” School resource officer Josh fleischer of the Holmes Beach police department located the capsule between the wishing well and auditorium with a metal detector, according to featherston. She said the county would be contacted before the school begins digging, to avoid underground pipes. AME fourth-grade student Sarah Thomas, center, and principal Jim Kronus, right, watch as school staff bury a time capsule in May 1994 to celebrate Anna Maria Island’s centennial. Islander Archive Photo
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24 n March 6, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
Local fishing guide moonlights, reels in model jobs By Sandy Ambrogi Islander Reporter Capt. Jason Stock has been teaching people to fish for years in the waters surrounding Anna Maria Island. He runs fishing charters on his boat, which he docks at Blenker Boatworks and Marina on the Manatee River. But you might see him in print. Stock also charters other excursions, including photo shoots. So when he was asked to appear in a photo while on a shoot on the water, it seemed a natural fit. The rugged local guide said yes. “I thought, I can do both. Why not?” Stock said. “It’s a pretty good deal,” he told The Islander. “They hire my boat and I get to be in the ad.” Stock has appeared in Bealls print advertising, as well as on the covers of Florida’s Sportsman, Saltwater Sportsman, Louisiana Sportsman and Waterline magazines. Most recently, he appeared in a Feb. 24 Bealls ad for Reel Legends, a line of outdoor clothing with Sunshine State appeal. “I think I look like the target market,” he said. Stock’s mother, Teresa Stock, is his biggest fan. He said she sends him texts when he appears in the local paper. “Also, she calls and says, ‘I saw you in the paper!’ She’s all excited every time it happens,” he said. Stock grew up on the water, helping in the family kayak business. He has been guiding fishing tours for the past 10 years, first teaching people to fish from a kayak for
Charter Capt. Jason Stock shows off a blackfin tuna he caught. He’s been guiding anglers to fish for 10 years, and also has worked four years as a model, appearing in Bealls Florida ads, as well as on magazine covers. Islander Courtesy Photos
A recent newspaper advertisement for Bealls features Jason Stock with rod and reel in hand.
target species, such as snook, trout and tarpon. Now Stock runs a 26-foot Yellowfin boat on inshore and offshore trips, as well as charters targeting certain fish. “I run seven days a week,” he said. His modeling career has been great for boosting
his social media image, he said. “It all works out. The advertisers want a guy in their mid-30s that looks like me. I got the boat. It’s great extra income. It’s game time,” Stock said. To contact Stock, call 727-459-5899 or email jmsnooky@gmail.com.
‘Hooked’ on fair food FAR LEFT: Mickey Hooke shows two of the dishes he prepared Jan. 12 for judging at the Manatee County Fair in Palmetto. Hooke, of Bradenton, and his partner, Kathy Johnson, entered two culinary dishes and won a purple rosette — best of show — for their Tropical Florida Kumquat Refrigerator Pie. Hooke also received second-place for his Boca Grande Boiled Peanuts, which take 23 hours to cook. Islander Courtesy Photos Prizes carried home by Mickey Hooke, of Bradenton, and his significant other, Kathy Johnson, from the Manatee County Fair in Palmetto in mid-January. Hooke and Johnson wanted to serve the judges old-Florida cuisine and their recipes will be included in a fair cookbook to be released in January 2020.
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THE ISLANDER n MARcH 6, 2019 n 25
Bradenton Beach-Cortez area offenders register addresses
a feb. 27 email from the florida department of Law enforcement shows a 45-year-old former Bradenton Beach man — convicted in manatee county of promoting sexual performance of a child, child sex porn, lewd and lascivious exhibition and battery against a child under age 16 in october 2014 — registered an address east of cortez in the 4200 block of La costa cove in Bradenton. another male sex offender registered a temporary address in the 100 block of Sixth Street South in Bradenton Beach. convicted of sexual offenses in machias, maine, in 2005, the 56-year-old reported his visit to the fdLe,
according to a feb. 12 email from the agency. the fdLe registry shows other sex offenders in the area as of feb. 28: • a 49-year-old male offender in the 2900 block of avenue c in Holmes Beach. • a 57-year-old male offender in the 4200 block of the 129th Street West in cortez. • a 54-year-old male offender in the 100 block of crescent avenue in anna maria. • a 60-year-old male offender in the 100 block of ninth Street north in Bradenton Beach. Sex offenders must register permanent and temporary addresses unless otherwise ordered by the court.
By Kathy Prucnell
Island police blotter
anna Maria Feb. 10, 875 N. Shore Drive, Rod & Reel Pier, fWc violation. a manatee county Sheriff’s deputy observed a group of people fishing on the pier and noticed the smell of marijuana. When approached, all said they did not have any drugs in their possession and a backpack search produced none. When asked for fishing licenses, one person could not produce one and was charged with a noncriminal offense. feb. 24, 9701 gulf drive, Slim’s place Bar and grill, domestic disturbance. a deputy responded to a domestic disturbance call. a man and women told the deputy it was a misunderstanding. domestic packets were given and the subjects were transported home. Anna Maria is policed by the MCSO.
Island watch
in the event of an emergency, call 911. to report information on island crime, call the mcSo anna maria substation, 941-708-8899; Bradenton Beach police, 941-778-6311; or Holmes Beach police, 941-708-5804.
Bradenton Beach feb. 27, 1800 block of gulf drive, runaway Bay condominiums, property damage. a man vacationing from michigan heard a noise. He went outside and found the rear window broken on his pickup truck cab broken. Bradenton Beach is policed by BBPD. holmes Beach feb. 20, 5400 B marina drive, Seaside Laundromat, battery. a man reported that a woman became verbally abusive toward him while he was doing laundry. She jumped on his back and tried to tackle him. the woman’s roommate arrived and tried to remove her from the laundromat. the victim returned 40 minutes later to find his clothes on the floor with beer poured on them. He contacted police, who took photographs of his injuries and looked at the surveillance video from the laundromat. When police went to woman’s home, she became verbally abusive and was arrested and transported to manatee county jail. feb. 21, 5600 gulf drive, warrant assist. a patrol officer went to a residence to arrest a man on a felony warrant. He was located nearby in a parked van gasp-
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Eyes on the road
the florida department of transportation and manatee county posted the following notices for the week of march 4: Gulf Drive in Bradenton Beach: crews are milling and paving gulf drive from 39th Street north to 28th Street north. the work is during daytime hours. avenue C: right-of-way restoration continues along avenue c. activities include installation of a stormwater infiltration system and driveway restoration. for more information about the pipeline replacement projects on the island, go online to amipipereplacement.com. for the latest road watch information, go online to www.fl511.com or dial 511. ing for air. manatee county emergency medical Services was called and administered naloxone and the man was transported to Blake medical center in Bradenton, where a manatee county Sheriff’s deputy placed the man under arrest. feb. 21, 4000 gulf drive, manatee public Beach, theft. a bag was stolen from a picnic table. it contained an apple ipad, cash, a credit card and a florida driver’s license. the bag was found and missing only the cash. Holmes Beach is policed by HBPD. Streetlife is based on incident reports and narratives from the BBpd, HBpd and mcSo. reporter Sandy ambrogi contributed to this report.
You can catch all the news online at islander.org
26 n MARcH 6, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
Bay-area delegation backs red tide institute at Mote meetup
members of the Bay area Legislative delegation gathered at mote marine Laboratory feb. 26 to discuss regional priorities, including red tide and the role of marine science and technology in addressing harmful algal blooms. the Bay area Legislative delegation comprises 38 state legislators from citrus, Hernando, Hillsborough, manatee, pasco, pinellas, polk and Sarasota counties. the purpose of the meeting on city island in Sarasota was to review priorities for the state legislative session that was to begin march 5, after the islander went to press. â&#x20AC;&#x153;our economy, health and quality of life are tied to the well-being of our environment,â&#x20AC;? florida Senate president Bill galvano, r-Bradenton, said, according to a news release from mote. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We must continue to explore innovative, research-based solutions that will help florida address ongoing environmental concerns including red tide and toxic algae blooms, among others.â&#x20AC;? mote president and ceo michael p. crosby briefed the legislators on red tide science and the impact of blooms on public health, tourism and fisheries. crosby then called for the Legislature to appro-
Senate President Bill Galvano, R-Bradenton, attends a meeting of the Bay Area Legislative Delegation Feb. 26 at Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota.
priate $3 million for a new, five-year Red Tide Mitiâ&#x20AC;&#x153;Developing new technologies to fight red tide gation & Technology Development Initiative to be is not science fiction,â&#x20AC;? Crosby said, according to the spearheaded by mote, the florida fish and Wildlife release. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We can do it. We are already doing it.â&#x20AC;? conservation commission and the florida department State Sen. Joe gruters, r-tampa, motioned to of environmental protection. make the initiative a delegation priority. the motion was seconded by state rep. Wengay â&#x20AC;&#x153;newtâ&#x20AC;? newton, d- St. petersburg, and unanimously passed.
Longboat Key seeks county cash for Beer Can groins
By Lisa neff islander reporter Longboat Key officials called on Manatee county commissioners to help stabilize a shore stabilization project with financial support and sand. the request came feb. 26 during a meeting involving county and town officials at the county administration building in Bradenton. Such meetings now take place at least once a year, with plans to improve beach maintenance and public safety at greer island â&#x20AC;&#x201D; also known as Beer can island â&#x20AC;&#x201D; coming from a february 2018 meeting. after that session, the county agreed to pay the town $60,000 a year for policing on greer island, owned by manatee county and located within the limits of Longboat Key. also, the county committed to conducting weekday cleanups on the island â&#x20AC;&#x201D; about an hour a day. Still in the planning stage is a shoreline stabilization project that involves building adjustable groins, which require permitting by the u.S. army
corps of engineers and the florida department of environmental protection. In a memo dated Feb. 15, Longboat Key public works director isaac Brownman outlined the townâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s intent to build three groins at greer island as early as next year, along with two groins on a southern segment of a shore stabilization project intended to address beach erosion on the north end. the preliminary cost of the project would be $14 million, with the greer island cost estimated at $10 million. Longboat Key and the county take turns dredging the pass. the countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s turn comes next, and it plans to provide sand from the next dredge to assist Longboat Keyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s stabilization project. However, according to Brownmanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s memo, county staff â&#x20AC;&#x153;notified the town that they do not intend to participate with financial support for the groins.â&#x20AC;? So the town, Brownman wrote, â&#x20AC;&#x153;respectfully requests financial support from Manatee County for the north end/greer island Structural Stabilization improvements.â&#x20AC;?
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Mote Marine Laboratory president and CEO Michael P. Crosby Feb. 26 addresses the Bay Area Legislative Delegation in the WAVE Center at Mote on City Island in Sarasota. Islander Photos: Conor Goulding / Mote Marine Laboratory
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THE ISLANDER n MARcH 6, 2019 n 27
By Lisa Neff
Sunny days and nights
check the calendar. check the clock. about a year ago, the Legislature passed the Sunshine protection act to observe daylight saving time year-round in the state beginning July 1, 2018. to quote from SB 858: “Whereas, the State of florida is known as the “Sunshine State,” and “Whereas as the “Sunshine State,” florida should be kept sunny Neff year-round, now, therefore. …” However, last nov. 4, when most of the nation went off daylight saving time and fell back an hour, so did florida. Why are the hour hands still being adjusted twice a year on the Historic Bridge Street clock? Because the state needs congressional approval to observe daylight saving time year-round. after the state legislation passed in 2018, u.S. Sen. marco rubio, r-miami, introduced the Sunshine State act to certify florida’s decision to stick with dSt, as well as the federal Sunshine protection act to put the nation permanently on daylight saving time.
Spring forward: Time change March 10
daylight saving time will begin at 2 a.m. Sunday, march 10, with most of the country springing forward an hour. though some u.S. territories and states do not observe daylight saving time, about 70 countries observe a time change. dSt is known in the european union as “the summertime period,” and dSt is observed in the southern hemisphere from about october to march. the primary reason for following daylight saving time is to conserve energy — demand for power is directly tied to when residents go to bed and when they get up. By moving the clock ahead by an hour in the spring, timekeepers make the sun set an hour later. Public safety officials say it’s a good idea to change batteries in smoke and carbon-monoxide detectors when you change the clocks. for planners, daylight saving time ends at 2 a.m. Sunday, nov. 3.
Horseshoe happenings
Spring is peak mating season for horseshoe crabs. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission biologists are asking the public to report horseshoe crab sightings on Florida beaches using the FWC Reporter application — a smartphone app available from digital shops. The most common time to see horseshoe crabs along the shore is in March and April, especially during the three days of a new or full moon. The next new moon will be Wednesday, March 6, and the next full moon will be Thursday, March 21. Islander Photo: Courtesy FWC rubio soon will re-introduce the legislation into the 116th congress, according to arielle mueller, a spokeswoman for the senator. Promoting a national DST, Rubio’s office has cited economic, safety and environmental reasons. one claim is a permanent national daylight saving time would eliminate the economic decline that comes in november when clocks move back. the argument is based in part on a study by Jp morgan chase indicating economic activity falls 2.24.9 percent when clocks move back an hour. I don’t know if island businesses can confirm a drop of nearly 5 percent when we go off dSt in november but, without question, island business booms in the spring and summer, when the sunsets are prime time viewing. Here are two other arguments for a nationwide DST cited by Rubio’s office: • With more daylight hours, the number of automobile accidents would fall, according to research in the american Journal of public Health and the Journal of Safety research. for the research conducted in the contiguous united States, fatal crashes were tabulated for sixhour periods around sunrise and sunset from 13 weeks before the fall change to standard time until nine weeks after the spring change to daylight saving time. the statistics showed fatal-crash occurrence was related to changes in daylight. during daylight saving time, which shifts an hour of daylight to the busier evening traffic hours, there were fewer fatal crashes. thus, the researchers estimated 901 fewer fatal crashes — 727 involving pedestrians, 174 involving vehicle occupants — might
have occurred if daylight saving time had been retained year-round over a five-year period. • Research indicates a nationwide, permanent dSt would positively impact wildlife conservation by reducing the number of vehicle collisions with animals because of shifting traffic patterns. this argument was tested in a 2016 study conducted in southeast Queensland, australia, where researchers tracked wild koalas and compared their movements with traffic patterns along roads where koalas often are killed. the species had declined by 80 percent over 20 years in the area, which does not observe dSt. the researchers determined that automobile collisions with koalas would decrease by 8 percent on weekdays and 11 percent on weekends by shifting the timing of traffic relative to darkness — in other words, observing daylight saving time. “Wildlife conservation and road safety should become part of the debate on dSt,” the researchers wrote in their study in Biology Letters. more research is needed, they concluded, but there is statistical and anecdotal evidence in the united States that driving at night, in the dark, is more dangerous for animals caught in motorists’ headlights. For confirmation, just take a drive on Manatee avenue around sunrise at 6:45 a.m. — or is that 7:45 a.m.?
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28 n March 6, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
AMI pitchers defend home turf, youth football rained out
By Kevin P. Cassidy Islander Reporter Members of the Bradenton Trailer Estates horseshoe pitchers descended on the island to take on the local AMI pitchers Feb. 25. More than 40 players stepped up for the tournament challenge. The locals successfully defended their home turf, er clay, opening up an early lead and holding on to win the daylong contest 33-15. Cassidy Tournament chair Bob Lee reported, “It was an enjoyable event and we extended our area horseshoe pitcher friendships.” Brooks Nelson of Trailer Estates added, “I even found that one of the AMI horseshoe pitchers lived less than 5 miles from my home in New York.” With the Trailer Estates group winning the first meeting on their turf a few months back by 18-14, odds are the Feb. 25 match won’t be the last time these two groups face off in the pits. In regular horseshoe action Feb. 27 at the Anna Maria pits, three teams emerged from pool play and battled for the day’s supremacy. The team of Dom Livedoti and Bob Palmer drew the bye into the finals and watched as Tom Skoloda and Al Booker eliminated Jerry Disbrow and Jim Waller by a 21-18 score. The championship match was a tight affair until a double ringer by Al Booker punctuated a 26-16 victory for Booker-Skoloda. The March 2 games also saw three teams advance
The Anna Maria Island horseshoe pitchers and the Trailer Estates horseshoe group pose for a photo Feb. 25 at the AMI horseshoe pits after their tournament. Among the players are, front left, Tom Skoloda, AMI pit boss Jay Disbrow, tournament chair Bob Lee, Trailer Estates president Archie Canterbury, AMI horseshoe group coordinator Sam Samuels, Gary Howcroft and the rest of the horseshoe pitchers. Islander Photo: Courtesy Bob Lee to the knockout stage. The bye went to Gene Bobeldyk and Rod Bussey, who watched Bob Mason and Del Reese advance to the finals on the strength of a 21-11 victory over Myles Macleod and Adin Shank. The Bobeldyk-Bussey team won the day’s bragging rights with a 22-20, come-from-behind victory over MasonReese. Play gets underway at 9 a.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays at the Anna Maria City Hall pits. Warmups begin at 8:45 a.m. followed by random team selection. There is no charge to play and everyone is welcome.
On the links Action at the Key Royale Club in Holmes Beach got started Feb. 25 with the men playing a nine-hole modified-Stableford system golf match. Individual honors went to Mike Pritchett, who carded a plus-4 to edge Tom Solosky and Bill Shuman, both at plus-3. Solosky was part of the winning team of Buddy Foy, Larry Pippel and Larry Solberg that finished at plus-6. The women got out on the course Feb. 26 for a nine-hole individual-low-net match in four flights. Helen Pollock rode a chipin on the eighth hole to a 1-under-par 31 to earn first-place honors in Flight A by one stroke over Phyllis Roe. Barb Krueger was Bins Be Clean defender Gabriel Conn lunges for alone in third place on a 1-over-par 33 round. a flag pull on Progressive Cabinetry quarterback Barb Estok won Flight B with a 5-over-par 37 by Connor Henderson during 8-10 flag football action one shot over second-place finisher Carol Duncan. Feb. 20 at the Center of Anna Maria Island. Islander Jan Turner carded a 3-under-par 29 to earn top Photo: Kevin P. Cassidy
Anna Maria Island Tides
March 6 12:25p March 7 12:35p March 8 12:27a March 9 1:05a March 10 2:48a March 11 3:39a March 12 4:46a March 13 6:31a
1.4 1.5 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0
11:50p — 12:51p 1:11p 2:37p 3:09p 3:46p 4:31p
1.9 — 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.1
Fishing Charters Capt. Warren Girle
5:58a -0.2 5:39p 0.5 New 6:21a 0.0 6:13p 0.3 6:42a 0.1 6:51p 0.2 7:05a 0.2 7:32p 0.1 8:28a 0.4 9:20p 0.0 8:51a 0.6 10:18p 0.0 9:14a 0.7 11:28p -0.1 9:29a 0.9 — —
AM City Pier tides; Cortez high tides 7 minutes later — lows 1:06 later
INSHORE RE Redfish Snook
O OFFSHORE SSnapper G Grouper
honors in Flight C. Connie Livanos finished in second place with a 1-under-par 31, while Fran Barford was alone in third with an even-par 32. Terry Westby fired a 3-under-par 29 to grab first place in the Flight D, followed by Marty Clark and Sue Powers in a tie for second place with matching even-par 32s. Ellen Boin finished with a 1-over-par 33 that included a chipin on the seventh hole. Flag football news Heavy rains that descended on the area put a damper on the Center of Anna Maria Island flag football league playoffs, forcing games to be rescheduled to Wednesday, March 6. No. 1 CABB Cleaning will take on No. 4 seed Grooms Automotive in the 11-13 division semifinal at 5:30 p.m. with the winner taking on No. 3 Beach House Real Estate in the championship game at 7:30 p.m. The 8-10 division championship game between No. 1 Beach Bums and No. 2 Progressive Cabinetry is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. March 6. The 14-17 championship game will culminate the evening at 8:30 p.m. as No. 1 ACE Hardware takes on No. 3 seed Blue Lagoon. The weather didn’t affect the adult flag football league, but having enough players to field a team did. Hashmark Sports won by forfeit over Beach House Real Estate, and Ugly Grouper won by forfeit over Gulfview Windows. Progressive Cabinetry rolled to a 33-13 victory over Lancaster Design to improve to a league best 5-1 mark. The loss dropped Lancaster Design into second with a 4-2 record, just ahead of Gulfview Windows, which sits at 3-3. Beach House Real Estate, Ugly Grouper and Hashmark Sports fill out the standings, all with 2-4 marks. Southernaire Fishing Charters
LIGHT G TACKLE C • FLY Over 30 years experience in local waters • USCG Licensed Full / Half Day Trips • 941.387.8383 (H) • 941.232.8636 (C) www.captainwarren.com Facebook: Captain Warren
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THE ISLANDER n MARcH 6, 2019 n 29
Fishing heats up as AMI anglers count down to spring
By capt. danny Stasny islander reporter despite a few erratic weather patterns from the west, Anna Maria Island fishing is shaping up for an excellent spring bite. Spotted seatrout are making a showing on the deeper grass flats in tampa Bay and its inland waters to the east. the same applies to catchand-release snook, which have made a bold showing in these areas. Stasny fishing structure in tampa Bay is yielding fish, especially sheepshead. The Rod & Reel pier recommends now is the time if you’re a sheepherder. fishing along the beaches of anna maria island is another option as there are numerous whiting and pompano foraging on sand fleas up and down the shoreline. And don’t forget, black drum and redfish action is occurring around residential docks and canals. You might want to act quickly on that one though, as those fish are going to be dispersing as water temps rise. also, reports from offshore are boasting of large amberjacks, mangrove snapper, permit and catch-andrelease gag grouper. things are looking good. more on the positive side, the florida fish and Wildlife conservation commission announced snook season will open May 1, but redfish will remain catchand-release in order for the reds to recover from last year’s red tide impacts. On my Southernaire fishing charters, clients are experiencing some of the goodness. With the arrival of white bait on the flats, the door to sport fishing for snook has opened wide. In fact, the door flew off the hinges. morning rallies of catch-and-release snook are shaping up nicely, with 20-30 hookups in a morning. After snook fishing, I’m patrolling deeper grass flats for spotted seatrout for the cooler. Some mornings are producing limits of legal-size fish — 15-20 inches. other mornings are more tough, especially right after a front. Switching to live shrimp as bait is providing action around rocks and docks, where large, pre-spawn sheepies are still available. mixed in are mangrove snapper and some grunts. Ducking into the canals and fishing docks on the windier days is always a good bet for catch-and-release redfish action. While targeting the reds, I’m also seeing black drum and flounder. Jim Malfese at the Rod & Reel Pier says the longawaited arrival of the mass is finally occurring — and no, he’s not talking about tourists — he’s talking sheepshead. that’s right, reserve your piling early and make sure you pick a good one. the older the better — choose one with a lot of barnacles and maybe a few oysters. The herd has arrived and the convict fish are
Fischer Stevens, 11, shows off a black drum he caught while visiting Anna Maria Island from Suffield, Connecticut, on school break. He grew up fishing with his grandfather, Dick Stevens of Holmes Beach, as did brother Chase, 13, who shows off a yellowtail jack. The family enjoyed fishing the bay waters and “can’t wait ’til next time.” Islander Photos: Richard “Dick” Stevens grazing on any crustaceans they can gnaw with their big bucked-teeth. Live shrimp are a good option when combined with a sharp hook. Fiddler crabs, sand fleas and tubeworms are deadly, too. remember, the bag limit for sheepies is eight per day per person and they have to be 12 inches to make it to the fillet table. Capt. Aaron Lowman is fishing nearshore ledges and other structure in the gulf of mexico. the bite remains consistent on mangrove snapper, grunts and porgies, as well as tripletail and catch-and-release grouper. Live shrimp as bait is working. a little closer inshore and around the tampa Bay wrecks and reefs, sheepshead are finding their way up to Lowman’s carolina Skiff. He’s also finding pompano, seatrout, bluefish and ladyfish present in Tampa Bay on deeper grass and channel edges. Lastly, Lowman is finding plenty of snook around mangroves and shallow grass flats to keep his clients reeling. capt. Warren girle is working nearshore structure for sheepshead, as well as other gulf species, including mangrove snapper, Key West grunts and porgies. using live shrimp as bait combined with a knocker rig is proving to be successful for his clients. moving inshore, girle is putting anglers on black drum and catch-and-release redfish around docks and oyster bars, where casting live shrimp is attracting fish to the hook. Mixed in are flounder and mangrove snapper for the coolers. When using artificials, Girle is doing well on pompano, spotted seatrout and jack crevalle. These fish are being found over deep grass areas and are striking soft plastics combined with a jig head. capt. david White of anna maria charters is catching respectable numbers of catch-and-release snook while guiding anglers to the back country of tampa Bay and beyond. free-lining live shiners over shallow grass flats and mangrove islands is resulting in some extraordinary numbers of catch-and-release
snook. Morning snook rallies of 30-40 fish are occurring when the conditions are right. On deeper flats, White’s clients are catching spotted seatrout, as well as pompano and jack crevalle, by drifting and jigging. moving offshore, White’s charters are hooking into mangrove snapper and grouper while bottom fishing in areas of 100 feet of water. capt. Jason Stock says big amberjack are his crowd-pleaser this week. With aJs in the 100-pound range, we can see why. this bite is consistent and a great option for those looking to pull on something big. for anglers in search of tablefare, Stock is putting them on mangrove snapper, as well as black fin tuna. Lastly, permit are beginning to make a showing and Stock is starting to see approachable numbers offshore — and catching them, too. Send high-resolution photos and fishing reports to fish@islander.org.
Rich Hunter of New Jersey, left, and Lauren Hunter and Al Lewis, both from Westerly, Rhode Island, show off a variety of fish they caught Feb. 28 on a charter fishing trip with Capt. Warren Girle. Using shrimp for bait, they have a triple tail, sheepshead and black drum.
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30 n MARcH 6, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
Newbies mingle
Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce president Terri Kinder, left, welcomes new members Dustin Dyer and Steven Walborn of D’s Auto Spa and Mobile Detailing, and April and Capt. Finney Wood of Captain Fin’s Sightseeing and Boat Tours, at the mix-andmingle event Feb. 27 hosted by the chamber at its office in Holmes Beach. New members wore white leis at the event to stand out in the crowd. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy
BY sandY aMBrogi
Selfie challenge, music beat, kudos to top chef
The Islander issues music selfie challenge attention local musicians and singers: the islander is issuing a selfie challenge. Turn around and take a selfie with your fans behind you, tell us the date, where the photo was taken and what song your audiences like best. then send the photo and image to news@ islander.org. Winners will be announced soon. Tony da Band playing da island Ready for some classic rock? Tony da Bass and his three-piece group of musicians, tony da Band, are performing classic rock at some of the live-music hotspots on anna maria island. the band will play freckled fin irish pub, 5337 gulf drive, Holmes Beach, at 7 p.m. Wednesdays, march 6 and march 20. call da Bass at 610-639-9609 to book the band for your next event. Island-bred chef is Beard semifinalist Jeannie pierola grew up running the beaches of anna maria island, then followed her dream. “it’s always been about the food,” she told the islander during an interview in 2018. now the owner of edison: food + drink Lab and edison’s Swigamajig at channelside has been named a semifinalist for the James Beard Foundations Restaurant and Chef Awards. Pierola was named a semifinalist in the Best chef: South category. The list will drop to five finalists per category after
judges and committee members vote. Winners will be announced in chicago monday, may 6. all those trips to fast eddie’s on ami sure paid off for pierola. Turtle compound gets new eatery continuing the growth of Joe and Laurie Sabath’s all-things turtle in anna maria, the turtle Shack has opened at 314 pine ave. the eatery features chicago-style hot dogs, italian
sandwiches, fried twinkies and fried pickles. original plans that called for a sit-down familystyle restaurant in the space are on hold while the Sabaths sell their restaurant in chicago. turtle Shack is open 11 a.m.-8 p.m. daily. for more information, visit the website at lazyturtleshack.com or call 941-254-4641. Stay busy, islanders. Got business news? Contact Sandy Ambrogi at sandy@islander.org or call 941-778-7978. Barbara McAleer of the Gitt Team, Keller Williams on the Water, left, mingles with chamber ambassador Barbara Baker, general manager of Anna Maria Island Resorts, and Karen Riley-Love of AMI Beach Weddings and a chamber board member Feb. 26 at the chamber office mixer. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy
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THE ISLANDER n MARcH 6, 2019 n 31
Tour brings walkable feast to Anna Maria
By Sandy ambrogi islander reporter It’s a walkabout with delicious benefits. an anna maria island culinary tour kicked off on the north end of the island. on the jaunt, participants enjoy bites and bits of history from seven locations. ami Beach Life food tours is the latest addition to Key Culinary Tours/Sarasota Suncoast Tours of Sarasota. maggie deitsch, tour director, told the islander the walking tour is one of 15 the company runs in the area, but the first for Anna Maria Island. the island tour began dec. 22, 2018, and features a stroll along gulf drive and pine avenue to visit restaurants and shops that specialize in food products, as well as deliver history lessons at the anna maria island Historical Society museum, where tour members may purchase a loaf of Settler’s Bread. Susan Robinson of Lido Key started the tours four years ago with a walking trip around St. armands circle in Sarasota. She employed two guides. now there are 15 walks — food trips, ghost walks, shark-tooth hunts and a tour at St. armands to explore the statuaries. the island tour begins at ginny’s and Jane e’s Bakery and cafe, 9807 gulf drive, anna maria, in the old iga store, and concludes at the anna maria island creamery and Bakery, 9801 gulf drive, anna maria. in between, tour members visit the olive oil outpost, poppo’s taqueria, and several other stops on pine avenue. the tour takes three hours and is offered at 11
Business news
Does your business celebrate achievements? maybe you’re new in business or your staff deserves kudos. Submit your information to news@islander. org.
coMPiled BY sandY aMBrogi
Wednesday, March 13 7:45 a.m. — Early-riser breakfast, Harry’s Grill and Bistro, 9903 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Members $8, guests $16. Information: 941778-1541, info@amichamber.org. LONGBOAT KEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
Key Culinary Tours/Sarasota Suncoast Tours tour director Maggie Deitsch, left, Poppo’s Taqueria general manager Allie Sykeny and food tour guide Robert Gaglio wait outside Poppo’s Taqueria, 212 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, during a culinary tour. Islander Photos: Courtesy Key Culinary Tours
Thursday, March 7 11:30 a.m. — Networking@Noon, Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse and Wine Bar, 2001 Siesta Drive, Sarasota. Members $25, guests $35. Information: 941-383-2466, gloefgren@ lbkchamber.com. Tuesday, March 19 8:30 a.m. — Chamber 360 New Member and Refresher Breakfast, chamber office, 5390 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. No charge but RSVP is required and space is limited. Information: 941383-2466 gloefgren@lbkchamber.com. Thursday, March 28 5 p.m. — Business After Hours, Cedar’s Cafe and Tiki Bar, 645 Cedar Court, Longboat Key. $5 members, $10 guests. RSVP requested. Information: 941-383-2466, info@lbkchamber.com.
Members of an Anna Maria Island Beach Life Food Tour dine al fresco on a Feb. 6 tour.
a.m. Wednesday-Saturday by reservation. each stop lasts about 20-25 minutes, and guests are treated to food samples. the culinary walkabout concludes with dessert. robert gaglio, an island resident, is a guide. “We tell people to bring their appetites,” deitsch said. “no one goes away from the tour hungry.” deitsch said special diets, such as gluten-free can be addressed with advance notice. for more information about the tour, visit the website at keyculinarytours.com or call deitsch at 941893-4664.
B I M I N I B AY E S TAT E S 240 Oak Avenue Kathy Harman 941-900-9828 A4424812 $2,299,000
A N N A M A R I A B E AC H 113 N Bay Boulevard Michael Habony 941-920-2494 A4409990 $2,247,500
K E Y R OYA L E 529 Key Royale Drive Hannah Hillyard & George Myers 941.744.7358 A4184576 $1,899,000
W E L L S B AY H A R B O R 505 S Bay Boulevard Debbie Vogler 941-705-3328 A4199179 $1,799,000
T I D E S O F L O N G B OAT 5555 Gulf Of Mexico Drive 201 Mark Huber 941-356-2435 A4424037 $1,245,000
K E Y R OYA L E 674 Key Royale Drive Michael Habony 941-920-2494 A4419598 $895,000
K E Y R OYA L E 622 Dundee Lane Laurie M Mock 941-232-3665 A4426329 $860,000
C O R T E Z B E AC H 103 8th Street S Jodene Moneuse 941-302-4913 A4423553 $825,000
H O L M E S G U L F T O B AY 5708 Holmes Boulevard Hannah Hillyard 941-744-7358 A4418675 $699,000
L O N G B OAT K E Y 690 Jungle Queen Way Chris Rivera & Sherri Mills, PA 941-301-1691 A4203769 $675,000
MARTINIQUE 5300 Gulf Drive 306 Laurie M Mock 941-232-3665 A4400024 $599,900
B AY PA L M S 503 70th Street Laura Rulon 941-896-2757 A4406584 $599,000
AV I G N O N V I L L A S 5611 Gulf Of Mexico Drive 5 Laura Rulon 941-896-2757 A4207769 $579,000
SMUGGLERS L ANDING 4115 129th Street W 4115 Laurie M Mock 941-232-3665 A4424939 $379,000
PA L M A S O L A B AY C LU B 3404 79th Street Circle W 203 Barb Eberhart & Rich Sporl 614-204-7687 A4423625 $510,000
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32 n MARcH 6, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
TWO SLEEPER SOFAS: Two years old. Garage motor. $50 each. Karl, 941-704-7798. dieter.kurz@bluewin.ch.
HIT AND RUN: On Monday, Feb. 18 (President’s Day) my son was hit by a Mercedes SUV at the corner of Gulf Drive. and Pine Avenue in Anna Maria at about 1:30 p.m. Thankfully, he escaped serious injury. If anyone witnessed or knows anything about this incident, I would be grateful if they contacted the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office and refer to case #2019004679. Thank you, Charles Cowin.
ESTATE SALE: 8 a.m. - noon Friday and Saturday, March 8-9. Lots of $1 DVDs. 218 82nd St., Holmes Beach.
DO YOU KNOW Cindy? Lives on AMI from Philadelphia. 40-ish shorthaired brunette loves to play pool. Met her and gave her my number incorrectly. Please pass this along if you know her. Many thanks. Robert, 941275-7251.
YARD SALE: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, March 9. Household, clothes, treasures. 305 59th St., Holmes Beach.
COLEMAN INSTANT CANOPY: 10-by-10foot, easiest setup, $50. 920-915-4961. ANTIQUE PARTNER DESK: All wood, $1,000. See at The Islander office, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. 941-778-7978. FOUR OAK OFFICE chairs: Antiques. The Islander newspaper, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. 941-778-7978. FREEBIE ITEMS FOR SALE Individuals may place one free ad with up to three items, each priced $100 or less, 15 words or less. FREE, one week, must be submitted online. Email classifieds@islander.org, fax toll-free 1-866-362-9821. (limited time offer)
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WANTED: YOUR OLD cellphone for recycling. Deliver to The Islander, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. AERIAL PHOTOS of Anna Maria Island. View and purchase onli ne: www.jackelka.com. FREE GUN LOCK courtesy of Project Childsafe, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and Holmes Beach Police Department. Pick up at The Islander office, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. Don’t be sorry, be safe.
Island real estate sales
WANTED: WORKOUT DVDs and retired but working XBox, Wii units with games for Ministry of Presence for kids and teens in Haiti. Deliver to The Islander, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach.
THE ISLANDER. The best news on Anna Maria Island since 1992.
Smokey and Diamond. Bonded pair, mother and son. 2 and 8 years old. apply to adopt the pair at www. moonraceranimalrescue.com. Call Lisa Williams at 941-345-2441 or visit The Islander next to Paradise Cafe in holmes Beach for more …
LOOKING TO SWAP our four-bedroom log home over Christmas, minutes from Mt. Rushmore for at least three bedroom, quiet with pool on AMI or Key Royale. 605-4305543.
By Jesse Brisson Special to the islander 6900 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, a 16,464 sfla 39 unit gulfront hotel built in 1971 on a 69,960 sq ft lot was sold 02/20/19, Bali Hai corporation to Bali Hai JV LLV for $16,890,000. 104 Mangrove Ave., Anna Maria, a 2,886 sfla / 5,034 sfur 4bed/3½bath/2car home built in 2018 on a 4,070 sq ft lot was sold 02/11/19, Bean point properties LLc to Slowey for $2,550,000. 3015 Ave. E, Holmes Beach, a 3,205 sfla 5 unit complex built in 1954 on a 13,125 sq ft lot was sold 02/21/19, mumm real estate ami LLc to 3015 avenue e LLc for $1,475,000. 509 Pine Ave., #A, Anna Maria, a 1,874 sfla 4bed/3bath home built in 1922 on a 7,482 sq ft lot was sold 02/08/19, Holland to Jackson for $1,050,000; list $1,099,000. 5610 gulf drive, unit 6, Hidden cove, Holmes Beach, a 1,456 sfla / 2,678 sfur 2bed/2½bath gulffront condo built in 1996 was sold 02/15/19, ruyle to Hagedorn for $950,000; list $999,000. 5610 gulf drive, unit 5, Hidden cove, Holmes Beach, a 1,456 sfla / 2,678 sfur 2bed/2½bath Gulffront condo built in 1996 was sold 02/15/19, Volenec to Butters for $905,000. 513 56th St., Holmes Beach, a 1,111 sfla / 1,331 sfur 2bed/1bath bayfront home built in 1951 on a 11,560 sq ft lot was sold 02/07/19, Kirby to grinenko for $800,000. 114 peppertree Lane, anna maria, a 1,976 sfla 3bed/2bath/1car pool home built in 1977 on
GARAGE SALES ROSER THRIFT SHOP and annex open 9:30 a.m.- 2 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday. Donations preferred 9 a.m.-11 a.m., Wednesdays. 511 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Call 941-779-2733.
LOST AND FOUND LOST IN ANNA Maria: Ray Ban sunglasses in case on Feb. 15. Please, call 941-2514418. PETS WANTED! FOSTERS, VOLUNTEERS. Moonracer No Kill Animal Rescue. Email: moonraceranimalrescue@gmail.com. TRANSPORTATION FOR SALE: 2017 Polaris GEM electric golf cart, Model E4, white, 650 miles, like brand new. 765-366-9920. BOATS & BOATING BIMINI BAY SAILING: Small sailboat rentals and instruction. Day. Week. Month. Sunfish, Laser, Windrider 17 and Precision 15. Call Brian at 941-685-1400. PONTOON BOAT RENTAL Create life long memories. Call 941-778-2121 or see boatflorida.net. 22-FOOT 2000 ANGLER cc 2004, 225-hp. Optimax mercury. Great in and offshore Aluminum trailer. $12,500 or best offer. 816-9145986. a 5,000 sq ft lot was sold 02/18/19, cunningham to coady development partners LLc for $770,000; list $845,000. 514 Bayview Place, Anna Maria, a 1,944 sfla 2,368 sfur 3bed/2bath/1car canalfront home built in 1967 on a 7,140 sq ft lot was sold 02/07/19, dohner to ami Life 514 Bayview place LLc for $735,000; list $745,000. 506 68th St., Holmes Beach, a 1,158 sfla / 1,770 sfur 2bed/2bath/1car canalfront home built in 1971 on a 7,725 sq ft lot was sold 02/14/19, Weston to Jackson for $600,000; list $629,000. 5300 gulf drive, unit 303, martinique north, Holmes Beach, a 1,057 sfla / 1,169 sfur 2bed/2bath gulffront condo with shared pool built in 1971 was sold 02/15/19, Hamilton to Sifford for $550,000; list $575,000. 1603 gulf drive n., unit 23, tradewinds, Bradenton Beach, a 1,080 sfla 2bed/2bath condo with shared pool built in 1971 was sold 02/08/19, BBdt LLc to nickolson for $380,000. 3801 e. Bay drive, unit 208, Sunbow Bay, Holmes Beach, a 1,146 sfla 2bed/2bath condo with shared pool built in 1981 was sold 02/11/19, Barber to Kiehn for $357,500; list $379,000. 3000 gulf drive, unit 10, palm cay, Holmes Beach, a 700 sfla 2bed/1bath condo built in 1980 was sold 02/20/19, Littleton to Sukenic for $330,000. 1801 gulf drive n., unit 122, runaway Bay, Bradenton Beach, a 691 sfla 1bed/1bath condo with shared pool built in 1978 was sold 02/15/19, costello to Benson estate properties LLc for $230,000; list $239,000. Jesse Brisson, broker/associate at Gulf-Bay Realty of Anna Maria, can be reached at 941-778-7244.
THE ISLANDER n March 6, 2019 n 33
SERVICES Continued
FOR SALE: 2017 GTI Sea-Doo, two hours of use, many extras serious texts only. Selling due to health, $9,500. 941-773-8204.
RELAXING MASSAGE IN the convenience of your home or hotel. Massage by Nadia, more than 20 years on Anna Maria Island. Call today for an appointment, 941-518-8301. MA#0017550.MA#0017550.
HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER: PART-TIME at Haleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Motel. Must have own transportation and speak English. Prior experience required. Haleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s is a non-smoking property. 941-7785405. OFFICE MANAGER: LOOKING for a new challenge in the vacation rental business? Florida Dreams Realty is looking for an office manager with experience in the industry, who knows how to handle the daily operations, is a kind of all-rounder, loves to work with people and is of high professional and ethical standard. Interested? Please, send your resume to info@florida-dreams.com or call 941-779-5700. REPORTER WANTED: Full- to part-time. Print media, newspaper experience required. Apply via email with letter of interest to news@islander.org. KIDS FOR HIRE KIDS FOR HIRE ads are FREE for up to three weeks for Island youths under 16 looking for work. Ads must be placed in person at The Islander office, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. HEALTH CARE CARING, COMPASSIONATE REGISTERED CNA, 10 years experience. Guisela, 941-6852329. SERVICES ISLAND COMPUTER GUY, 37 years experience. On-site PC repairs, upgrades, buying assistance and training. Call Bill, 941-7782535. CLEANING: RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, vacation, construction, rentals and power washing. 941-744-7983.
ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER Ser vice: Repairs, installs. Your local sprinkler company since 1997. Call Jeff, 941-778-2581. SHELL DELIVERED AND spread. $55/yard. Hauling all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free estimates. Call Larry at 941-7957775, â&#x20AC;&#x153;shell phoneâ&#x20AC;? 941-720-0770.
STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Shell, lime rock, palms, river rock, construction demolition, fencing, pressure washing, hauling debris and transport. Shark Mark, 941-3016067. HOME IMPROVEMENT VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, interior/exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island references. Bill, 941-795-5100. www. vangopainting.net. CUSTOM REMODELING EXPERT. All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Insured. Meticulous, clean, sober and prompt. Paul Beauregard, 941-730-7479. TILE -TILE -TILE. All variations of ceramic tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, 941-726-3077.
U FLY I drive your car anywhere in the USA. Airport runs, anywhere. Office, 941-4476389. 941-545-6688. I DONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;T CUT corners, I clean corners. Professional, friendly cleaning service since 1999. 941-779-6638. Leave message.
JERRYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry, handyman, light hauling, pressure washing. Jack of all trades. Call 941-447-2198.
NEED A RIDE to airports? Tampa $65, St. Pete, $55, Sarasota, $30. Gary, 863-4095875. gvoness80@gmail.com.
ARTISAN DESIGN TILE and Marble. Building our reputation on excellent service and focused craftsmanship, one job at a time. www.ArtisanDesignTileAndMarble.com. Call Don, 941-993-6567.
BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS JDâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Window Cleaning looking for storefront jobs in Holmes Beach. I make dirty windows sparkling clean. 941-920-3840. BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigeration. Commercial and residential service, repair and/or replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and personalized service, call Bill Eller, 941-795-7411. CAC184228. ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional creates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding! www.jackelka.com. 941-778-2711.
Landscape Design Lawn Care Cleanups Stone Paths Licensed and Insured
Gone All Summer? Home Unoccupied? Many Bad Things Can Happen
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Your Eyes Here â&#x20AC;&#x201C; While Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re Awayâ&#x20AC;? Keeping Homes Safe For 27+ Years!
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Bed: A bargain!
NATUREâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S DESIGN LANDSCAPING. Design and installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residential and commercial. 35 years experience. 941-448-6336.
GRIFFINâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S HOME IMPROVEMENTS Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and wood flooring. Insured and licensed. 941-722-8792.
B-SAFE-RIDES: Peggy, R.N I live on Anna Maria Island. Airport, 1-6 seats and personal rides, errands, etc. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t risk it! Call now, 727-902-7784.
iĂ&#x153;Ă&#x160; Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x2022;VĂ&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160;,iÂ&#x201C;Â&#x153;`iÂ?Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;} Â?Â?Ă&#x160;*Â&#x2026;>Ă&#x192;iĂ&#x192;Ă&#x160;Â&#x153;vĂ&#x160;*Â?Ă&#x2022;Â&#x201C;LÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;}Ă&#x160;,iÂŤ>Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;EĂ&#x160;-iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x203A;Â&#x2C6;Vi Â&#x2122;{ÂŁÂ&#x2021;Ă&#x2021;Ă&#x2021;nÂ&#x2021;Ă&#x17D;Â&#x2122;Ă&#x201C;{Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160;Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;Â&#x2122;{ÂŁÂ&#x2021;Ă&#x2021;Ă&#x2021;nÂ&#x2021;{{Ă&#x2C6;ÂŁĂ&#x160;UĂ&#x160;xxänĂ&#x160; >Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;>Ă&#x160; Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x203A;i]Ă&#x160; Â&#x153;Â?Â&#x201C;iĂ&#x192;Ă&#x160; i>VÂ&#x2026;
LAWN & GARDEN CONNIEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, landscaping, cleanups, hauling and more! Insured. 941-778-5294.
SOUTHWEST HOME IMPROVEMENT: Michigan builder, quality work guaranteed. Affordable, timely, within budget. Call Mike, 1-616-204-8822. R. A. GONZALEZ CONSTRUCTION: Re-roof and leak specialist. Residential/hotels/commercial. Repairs, shingles, tile, metal, flat. Quick response. Quality work at reasonable rates. References. Insured/licensed. #CCC1330056. Call Bryan at 727-2779502. LOOKING FOR A FREEBIE? You can read The Islander atislander.org. And itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s FREE! TURN THE PAGE for more classifieds.
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34 n March 6, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
i s l a n d e r C L A S S I F I E D S RENTALS
RENTALS Continued
JUST OFF THE Island: Two retail storefronts for lease on Cortez Road. High visibility, high traffic. Water included. 7818 Cortez Road, approx 800 sf, 7834 Cortez Road, approximately 1,600 sf. 941-746-8666.
HOLMES BEACH: 2BR/2BA condo. Gorgeous bay views. See: FloridaRentalbyOwners.com. #1106. 207-944-6097.
STARTING FROM THE low $300,000s. Only minutes from the beach, this new active adult community is perfectly located just south of Manatee Avenue off Village Green Parkway. Perfectly designed, open 2BR or 3BR/2BA plus den and two-car garage floor plans. Luxurious amenities, pool, spa, gym, pickleball and fenced-in dog park. HOA only $209/month. Models open daily. Contact us, 941-254-3330. www.MirabellaFlorida.com.
VACATION RENTAL: BEAUTIFUL one-bedroom condo. Pool, one block to beach, cable, Wi-Fi. Available January-March, $3,000/ month. 941-778-1915.  SEEKING FEBRUARY OR partial month. Mangrove Avenue to Cypress Avenue, Anna Maria, $4,000-5,000. 419-957-6794. HOLMES BEACH: ANNUAL elevated, unfurnished 2BR/2BA, garage, lanai, no smoking/ pets. $1,500/month. 970-331-1042. ANNUAL RENTAL ON AMI: WE make Island living carefree! Weekly cleaning service, pool and yard maintenance included. 2BR/2BA remodeled duplex with motel amenities. Private pool with Jacuzzi. Fully furnished. Available May 5. $4,000/month. Tom, 941993-4909. HOLMES BEACH DUPLEX: 2BR/2BA, garage. Beautifully furnished. January through April, 2020. No pets or smoking. $3,300/month. 941-778-2824. HOLMES BEACH: WESTBAY Point and Moorings. 2BR/2BA condo, bay views, furnished. Association rules apply. May through December. $2,350/month. 941-778-2824.
ANNUAL RENTAL; 2BR/2BA, Bradenton Beach. Covered parking and storage. Two blocks to the beach. Available March 5. Call 925-596-0785. AVAILABLE RENTAL: APRIL 2019 and October-April 2020. 2BR/2BA ground-level with carport and patio. Charming, plantation shutters. 1.5 blocks to Gulf beaches. Updated, granite countertops, recessed lighting, flatscreen TVs in each room. Must see! Anna Maria. 941-565-2373. ANNUAL RENTAL: 2BR/2BA, Bradenton Beach. Covered parking and storage, two blocks to the beach. Available March 5. Call 925-596-0785. LOCAL SEEKING EFFICIENCY: Or small 1BR for year lease. On a budget, on Island preferred. 941-720-9910. LOOKING FOR: ANNA Maria Island house to rent, prefer 2BR, consider other. Nov. 10-Dec. 1. Must have room in driveway for a 20-foot Bass boat. Jeannene, 608-2066250. HOLMES BEACH: 2BR/2BA condo. Gorgeous bay views. See: FloridaRentalbyOwners.com. #1106. 207-944-6097.
You can read it all online at www.islander.org Gulf-Bay Realty of Anna Maria Inc. Jesse Brisson - Broker Associate, GRI 941-713-4755 800-771-6043
MOBILE HOME FOR SALE, Cortez, FL. â&#x20AC;¨All new inside and out, vinyl siding, lifetime roof, central AC, new granite counters with island and desk area, paver patio, 2BR/1BA. $129,500. Call 508-397-3953. NORTH BEACH VILLAGE: Gorgeous turnkey furnished totally updated 3BR/2.5BA, two blocks from the beach, hardwood floors, new kitchen, great rental history. Only $539,000. Call Kathleen White at 941-773-0165. Island Real Estate. MOBILE HOME FOR sale (55-plus Sandpiper Resort Co-op). 50 steps from the beach. 1BR/1BA, fully furnished, new floors. $75,000. Call Erik, 813-679-3561. PERICO BAY CLUB ground-level updated 2BR/2BA villa with water views. $279,000. Call Kathleen White at 941-773-0165. Island Real Estate. KWhite35@tampabay.rr.com. PERICO BAY CLUB; Beautiful water views. 2BR/2BA. available furnished, below comps. $219,900. View anytime. 941-545-5806. SNOWBIRDS, VISITORS, LOCALS! Must see, charming well-priced Northwest Bradenton home for sale. Call 941-795-5703.
ght needâ&#x20AC;Śâ&#x20AC;Ś..buy, rent and finance your piece of
Professional Service to Anna Maria Island Since 1974
Come see this custom-built home in Anna Maria with a short walk to direct beach access. 4beds/6baths/3car home with over 3,200 sf under air. Home has pool and spa, no rental restrictions, tons of open space, elevator, privacy, way too many features to list. $2,099,000
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For the island lifestyle, call Lynn Zemmer, 941-778-8104.
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HERONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S WATCH 10 minutes to beaches. 4 BR + Den. Excellently maintained, tastefully decorated. No rental limitations. MLS A4142821. $359,000. MEADOWCROFT 1308 56TH ST. 1BR/1BA enclosed lanai. Turnkey furnished. Beach cottage decor in living room. Heated pool, tennis, clubhouse. $121,000. VACATION/SEASONAL RENTALS GULFFRONT PROPERTIES BOOKING NOW 941-778-0807
tdolly1@yahoo.com â&#x20AC;˘ www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com
For professional real estate sales, call a true island native, born and raised on Anna Maria Island. Marianne Norman-Ellis. 941.778.6696
Mike Norman Realty
Place classified ads online at www.islander.org
RELEASE DATE: 3/3/2019
New York Times Sunday Magazine Crossword
THE ISLANDER n MARcH No. 6, 2019 n 35 0224
EVERYTHING EVENS OUT IN THE END BY ERIK AGARD / EDITED BY WILL SHORTZ Erik Agard, 25, is a professional puzzle maker from Gaithersburg, Md. He is the reigning champion of the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament. On average he finishes a Sunday New York Times crossword in a frighteningly quick five minutes. Last October he won $66,802 in a three-day winning streak on ‘‘Jeopardy!’’ This is Erik’s 32nd crossword for the paper. — W.S. AC RO SS
1 Solo partner 10 Multidecker sandwich 14 Stack at Starbucks 18 Word that follows “standard” and means something nonstandard 19 Abundant 20 Nettie’s sister in “The Color Purple” 21 Likely inexpensive place to get one’s hair done 23 During the time that 24 Baton Rouge sch. 25 Auctioneer’s cry 26 Brownish tint 28 Final: Abbr. 29 En ____ (chess move) 33 Jolly time 35 Sports rival of Union College, for short 36 Chemistry unit: Abbr. 37 Wee devil 38 Cry like a baby 40 Tourist activity in northern Scandinavia 44 Backpack filler 46 “I dare you!” 48 Make a quick move 49 Chinese dynasty ended by Kublai Khan Online subscriptions: Today’s
puzzle and more Answers: than 4,000 past puzzles, page 32 nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year).
50 It’s groovy 52 Get to the bottom of 55 Lockup, to Sherlock 57 Villain’s hideout 59 Source of call-ups, in baseball lingo 61 Prefix with culture 62 Virgil described its eruption in the “Aeneid” 63 “You got it, boss man!” 64 Posting that blows in the wind 67 Serenaded 71 Odyssey 72 Has little excitement for 77 Florentine : spinach :: lyonnaise : ____ 82 Curry go-with 83 To be abroad? 84 Allen Ginsberg, e.g. 88 Baby beavers 89 Bird akin to the nene? 90 Arab country expelled from the Arab League in 2011 91 Green, in a way 92 Word cried before and after “all” 94 Governing org. of soccer 96 Reaction of shock 98 Analytics fodder 99 Bottom-of-page design choice 103 Spanish muralist José María ____ 105 Actor Cariou
106 Place for a bouquet 107 Boston’s Mass ____ 108 Pb 110 Away from the wind 112 U.F.C. fighting style 113 Get Wired again, say 116 Hotel visit 118 ____-Magnon man 119 Scarecrow portrayer Ray 121 “How lucky was that?” … or a hint to the answers to the italicized clues 127 Seated yoga pose 128 Well-being 129 Seriously worry 130 What the Joneses may elicit 131 Tater 132 “Crazy Rich Asians” actress whose stage name puns on a bottled water brand
10 Charging station for a smartphone 11 Rapper ____ Yachty 12 Sci-fi saucers 13 Part of N.B. 14 Hula dancer’s adornment 15 Subject of many conspiracy theories 16 Knocking out of place 17 End a lawsuit, say 20 Musical ____ 22 Speak indistinctly 23 Erase 27 One of South Africa’s capitals 29 Oink-filled pen 30 Don who won an Oscar for “Cocoon” 31 Converted splits 32 1400 34 Holiday marking the end of Ramadan 39 Feature of a Welsh accent DOWN 41 Winter Olympics host before Salt Lake City 1 Bank offerings, for short 42 Dreadfully slow 2 Fashion line 43 List in the credits 3 Fashion model Marcille 45 Wearers of striped shirts 4 Documents that name executors 47 Calendar column: Abbr. 5 Tree resin used in fragrances 51 Part of a trunk 6 On the same 53 Worker often found wavelength on hands and knees 7 A.F.L. partner 54 Mini maker 8 Bullies 56 Jargons 9 Grate on 58 Bled
32 38
34 40
47 52
43 49 56
103 109
104 110
105 111
118 123
74 Counterpart of local channels 75 Beginning 76 Pranks, in a way, informally 78 Mini, for one 79 “How fancy!” 80 Like a tidied-up room, now 81 Bit of hair 85 Alternative to .net 86 Some Spanish babysitters 87 Art-studio prop
96 101
90 94
60 Not to be seen or heard by children 65 Tower construction material 66 Men 68 Infrequently 69 Howe nicknamed “Mr. Hockey” 70 Restrict with a string 72 Challenge for a stain remover 73 Popular Japanese manga series with a schoolgirl heroine
89 93
48 53
26 33
22 24
93 Alternatives to nets 95 HuffPo purchaser in 2011 97 Make easier to eat, as an infant’s food 99 Clumsily drop 100 Finished 101 Like a set of measuring cups, typically 102 “Later, luv!” 104 Mother ____ 109 Role in “Our Gang” or “Queen Sugar”
111 “To the Lighthouse” novelist 114 ____ milk 115 Swatting sound 117 “Jeez, that’s hot!” 120 Man 122 The Sun Devils, for short 123 “No, you shouldn’t have” 124 Opus ____ 125 Iniquity site 126 Springs for a vacation?
Visit www.islander.org for the best news on anna Maria island.
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36 n March 6, 2019 n THE ISLANDER