selling a cause. 14 Astheworldterns recall the Oar House. 6
cortez swarms. 16
Burning memories. 22 FEB. 20, 2019 FREE
VOLUME 27, NO. 17
City pressured inspectors into misconduct. 4
On the government calendar. 4 Beach renourishment on fall calendar. 5
The Islander editorial, reader letters. 6
10-20 Years ago
From the archives. 7
DOT sets meeting on LBK-BB bridge work. 8
Community announcements, activities. 10-11 Plan ahead. 12-13 AME calendar. 17
Gathering. 20 HB charter review committee learns of new job hire. 21 Man sentenced in fatal shooting. 24
Streetlife. 25
Celebrating the Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992
Keeping up with pier work
By Ryan Paice Islander Reporter a little bad weather failed to stop progress on the new anna maria city pier. Since feb. 1, i+iconSoutHeaSt has been at work six days a week, driving pilings in tampa Bay. as of feb. 14, the contractor had driven a fifth of the total pilings planned for the pier. around 40 pilings had been driven out of 206 piles, according to anna maria mayor dan murphy. murphy said, after two weeks of bad weather — inclement wind and rain — workers used monday-Saturday to drive seven pilings a day. as of feb. 14, they were back on target to finish pile driving in march. icon had nearly finished driving the 14-inch diameter concrete pilings for the t-end feb. 14, but had seven pilings to install before the barge went to the shipyard in Hillsborough county to load more piles, according to murphy. after icon finishes the t-end pilings, it will drive 12-inch diameter concrete pilings for the pier walkway. the 50-foot pilings, being driven 30 feet into the sand and clay bottom in tampa Bay using a combination of jetting and hammer driving, will be topped and evened off before the decking is installed. the t-end platform will be made of concrete. ipe wood — also known as Brazilian walnut, which is stronger than most woods and weather resistant — will be added as a top deck. the walkway will comprise wood bents shouldering the load of ipe decking. the city’s contract with icon requires the contractor to complete the pier walkway and t-end by aug. 26, or pay a $975 penalty for every work day after. the city has yet to prepare a request for proposals for the construction of the restaurant and bait shop at the t-end.
Work on pier surges past bad weather
The barge used by i+iconSOUTHEAST for construction of the new Anna Maria City Pier walkway and T-end is idle Feb. 13 as wind, rain and choppy surf delay progress on the pier pilings. Islander Photo: Ryan Paice
tourism impact nears $1 billion
Skate park contract approved. 26
For the good of the Gulf’s birds. 27
Pirates spring season to begin. 28 Stellar weather, near perfect fishing. 29
isl BiZ News for diners. 30
PropertyWatch. 32 CLASSIFIEDS. 32 Crossword puzzle. 35
Riding the retail wave
Haley Wells, right, looks through a rack of shorts Feb. 12 in the West Coast Surf Shop, 3902 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, as friend Savannah Smith thumbs through the swimsuits. The pair came from Palmetto to the beach to celebrate Smith’s birthday and stopped to browse at the reopened shop, one of the oldest surf shops in the state. For more, see page 3. Islander Photo: Sandy Ambrogi
By Sandy Ambrogi Islander Reporter despite the fits and starts of tourism in 2018, manatee county tallied up nearly $1 billion in economic impact from visitors. Walter Klages of research data Services — a research specialist for the manatee county tourist development council — was met with smiles and deep breaths feb. 11 when he made the announcement. “one billion. Yes, almost $1 billion in impact in 2018, despite all the issues of the year,” Klages said. the exact figure is $973,798,800, up 4 percent from 2017’s $936,548,700. Visitation fell 0.8 percent in 2018, but spending was up, along with the average daily room rate of $174.70, up 0.3 percent. the roller coaster numbers continued with an occupancy drop of 5.8 percent in PLEASE SEE Tourism, PAGE 2
2 n FEb. 20, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
in other business Kevin mcnulty of netweave Social networking recapped social media campaigns, noting a general misunderstanding of red tide on social media. He said pausing advertising campaigns due to red tide produced adverse effects on social media. Sean Walter and antonio Saviano made a presentation on the premier Sports complex on State road 70 in Lakewood ranch. also, tony derusso, managing director of improvement network development partners, reported
tant project on our table today.” council members discussed a concert series underway and touched on bed tax collection from airbnb hosts. Vernon deSear was re-elected vice chairman of the council for 2019. tdc members in attendance included deSear, manatee county commissioner carol Whitmore, BraPLEASE SEE Tourism, neXt page
Three concerts remain for tourism push
Elliott Falcione, executive director of the Bradenton Area Convention and Visitors Bureau, chats with Antonio Saviano and Sean Walter of Premier Sports Complex before the Manatee County Tourist Development Council meeting gets underway Feb. 11 in the county administrative building in Bradenton. Islander Photos: Sandy Ambrogi on the convention center-hotel partnership . following a failed attempt at building a hotel adjoining the convention center in palmetto, the BacVB in 2018 teamed with in development, which plans to build a 250-room Sheraton Key hotel on the 12-1/2-acre site. groundbreaking for the eight-story hotel with a rooftop lounge is scheduled for april. amenities will include retail and outdoor event space. Space also will be available for an additional Key hotel. falcione called the construction “the most impor-
When the manatee county tourist development council voted dec. 19, 2018, to make a $100,000 budget recommendation to the county to help fund a concert series in conjunction with two nonprofit venues, the lineup was just coming together. the first two shows at the center of anna maria island sold out, and people are buzzing about the remaining concerts. rounding out the first Bradenton area convention and Visitors Bureau concerts are: • march 8, Judy collins at the manatee performing arts center, 502 third ave. W., Bradenton. doors open 7 p.m. tickets are $80-$125. • march 21, BJ thomas at the center of anna maria island, 407 magnolia ave., anna maria. doors open 6 p.m. tickets are $35-$100. • april 1, the marshall-tucker Band at the center of anna maria island, 407 magnolia ave., anna maria. doors open 6 p.m. presale tickets are $50-$65. tickets are available at the manatee performing arts center box office 10 a.m.-5 p.m. tuesdayfriday and 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, or by calling 941-748-5875. for more information or to purchase tickets online, visit
Unique Pet Portraits
Composited images printed to stretched canvas
Tourism continued from page 1 2018 at 68.7 percent, but Klages noted a 6.8 percent increase in lodging inventory, which may have played into the numbers. For December 2018, Klages reported an increase of 2.1 percent in tourism economic impact over 2017, with a total of $48,472,000, although visitors fell by 1.6 percent. “We are still fighting the stigmatism of the red tide,” Klages noted, as occupancy fell 6.4 percent from december 2017 and average daily room rates backed off 1 percent. “people call us all the time wanting to know if the red tide is still here,” elliott falcione, executive director of the Bradenton area convention and Visitors Bureau, said. “it’s been over six weeks now with no red tide and we have to get passionate about this. it is only going to hurt if we keep talking about it,” he added. the tdc, with two members absent, voted unanimously to recommend spending $30,000 to continue a joint venture with the anna maria island chamber of commerce. the funding would provide the salary for a worker at the manatee public Beach kiosk, 4000 manatee ave., Holmes Beach, to distribute tourism information. the kiosk would be would be staffed seven days a week for four months. a kiosk initiative has been underway for about two years, according to ami chamber president terri Kinder. an employee is at the kiosk five days a week, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at the tdc’s recommendation, the county had funded $15,000 per year for staffing.
THE ISLANDER n Feb. 20, 2019 n 3
Tourism continued from page 1 denton Mayor Wayne Poston, Anna Maria City Commissioner Doug Copeland, hoteliers Eric Cairns and Jiten Patel and citizen member Jack Rynerson. Members Ed Chiles and Dale Sconyers did not attend. The TDC makes recommendations to the county commissioners for projects and uses for tourist development tax revenues. The council consists of nine people appointed to four-year terms.
Ronee Brady, left, and husband Jim beam in the board room — filled with surf and skim boards — of the West Coast Surf Shop in Holmes Beach. The pair reopened the shop Feb. 11, 10 months after fire destroyed the shop’s interior and inventory. Islander Photo: Sandy Ambrogi
Vernon DeSear, vice president of Manatee Memorial Hospital, smiles Feb. 11 on being re-elected Manatee County Tourist Development Council vice chairman at the bimonthly TDC meeting.
Bradenton Beach sunshine lawsuit hearing delayed
At a Feb. 7 city commission meeting, Bradenton Beach city attorney Ricinda Perry informed the commission of postponement of two hearings in the lawsuit the city filed with ex-Mayor Jack Clarke alleging Government-in-the-Sunshine Law violations against six city board members. A hearing for a motion for summary judgment filed by the defendants that was planned for Feb. 8 now is set for June 12. Additionally, a hearing for the suit, which was scheduled for the week of March 18, has been pushed to July. Mediation for the parties with attorney Jack Hawkins is scheduled for Feb. 25. As of Feb. 7, the suit had cost the city $146,138.30.
Surf’s up, iconic shop reopens after fire By Sandy Ambrogi Islander Reporter It’s time to hit the waves. Jim and Ronee Brady and their surf shop are back in business. Almost 10 months to the day of the fire that shuttered the West Coast Surf Shop, 3902 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, the couple reopened Feb. 11. Though shelves were still being stocked, the neon “open� sign in the front window was glowing red. “It’s been a long time,� Jim Brady told The Islander. “We are glad to see a lot of our original customers coming in and new customers, too. We are really happy with how many people have shown up.� The West Coast Surf Shop is one of the oldest surf shops in the state. The Bradys opened the original store in a building near Gulf and Marina drives in 1964. Despite the reach of the fire, they saved some of the mementos they had been collecting for more than
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a half-century. Jim Brady is looking forward to having a good season and, once again gave a shoutout to the Anna Maria Island community that helped he and his wife through the months after the fire. Brady also thanked the city of Holmes Beach, the police department and West Manatee Fire Rescue. For more information, call the shop at 941-7781001.
The Islander has an active Facebook community of more than 12,300-plus “likes.� To join the conversation, become a fan of “The Islander� on Facebook. We provide a direct link to our fan page from the islander. org website. The Islander also has an active Twitter feed where alert readers can comment, and online readers can post comments on the website.
4 n FEb. 20, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
Email supports clerk’s claim of city pressure on inspectors
By Ryan Paice Islander Reporter A city email has shed light and legitimacy on an allegation levied against the city of anna maria by a former employee. ousted code enforcement officer and administrative assistant angela albrecht, who was fired Jan. 24 without what she believed to be a proper explanation, alleged Bureau Veritas, a contracted inspection agency, was pressured into passing inspections without certification. a copy of a feb. 23, 2018, email — obtained by the islander through a public record request —
between Bureau Veritas manager matthew rush and city clerk Leanne addy lends credibility to albrecht’s claim. in that email, rush wrote that building official david greenbaum Albrecht asked his employee to complete mechanical, electrical and plumbing inspections despite knowing the inspector was not qualified to perform the inspections. “I was in meetings that day and told him the city will have to do them or roll until monday,” rush wrote. “He called me back later that same morning and said
Bradenton Beach to fill CRA vacancy
By Ryan Paice Islander Reporter the Bradenton Beach community redevelopment agency is looking to fill a vacancy. at a city commission meeting set for noon thursday, feb. 21, commissioners are scheduled to fill the cra seat John Horne left empty when he opted not to seek re-appointment in January. applicants include Sherman Baldwin, matthew mayo, david Bell, James Hassett, fidencia pla and patrick noonan. Baldwin, who owns paradise Boat tours, which operates on the pier, is a board member of the Bridge
Street merchants and included in his application he would be available to attend meetings every month of the year, except September and october, when he would attend via Skype. mayo is a full-time resident who heads Bridge Street events and is a pastor. He said he would be available to attend all meetings. Bell, a retired landscape architect, wrote, “i have worked as a planner and designer with engineers, architects and developers for large and small projects and budgets, including parks, rental housing, residential subdivisions, historic buildings, commercial properties and schools.” He included that he would not be available in october while on vacation. Hassett is retired from computer operations and facilities management, who wrote “lots” in his application under professional and community activities. He indicated he would be available to attend all meetings. pla, who works as a litigation paralegal, is a former member of the Scenic Waves committee and a volunteer for the anna maria island chamber of commerce. She would be unavailable to attend meetings mayoctober other than via conference calls. noonan, a product manager for avant and a volunteer with the Humane Society of manatee county, wrote he would be available to attend all meetings. the cra district, bordered by cortez road, Sarasota Bay, fifth Street South and the gulf of mexico, was declared blighted in 1992, allowing for incremental tax revenue from manatee county to promote restoration, growth and tourism. Former Anna Maria Commissioner Gene Aubry the cra includes the mayor, city commissioners addresses the commission Feb. 14. Islander Photo: and two appointed members. Ryan Paice other commission agenda items include an update from the florida department of transportation on gulf drive improvements, as well as an update on a stormwater project at avenue c. the meeting will be held at Bradenton Beach city the lack of railings planned for the new anna maria city pier has a former commissioner speaking Hall, 107 gulf drive n. up. gene aubry is an architect who was elected city commissioner in 2010 to serve a partial term — replacing recalled commissioner Harry Stoltzfus — and Anna maria City another full term. He used the comment section at the feb. 20, 5:30 p.m., special magistrate. canfeb. 14 commission meeting to air his concerns about CELED the need for handrails on the new pier. feb. 27, 10 a.m., charter review. “the fact that we aren’t building handrails is perfeb. 28, 6 p.m., city commission. sonally beyond my imagination,” he said. “i’m not march 12, 4 p.m., planning and zoning. saying it makes it prettier, or anything like that. it has march 14, 6 p.m., city commission. to do with safety and liability.” march 20, 5:30 p.m., special magistrate. aubry said he was concerned that a pier without Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, 941handrails wouldn’t comply with the u.S. americans 708-6130, with Disabilities Act, which prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities and ensures accesBradenton Beach sibility and safety in public areas. feb. 20, 1 p.m., planning and zoning. He added that blind people and those in wheelfeb. 21, noon, city commission. chairs could find themselves in danger without a railing feb. 26, 10 a.m., city commission. at the pier. Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., “as an architect, i would never submit something 941-778-1005, that’s over the water without railings,” aubry said. despite his criticism, aubry congratulated city Holmes Beach commissioners for getting work started on the new feb. 20, 5 p.m., planning and zoning. pier. feb. 21, 10 a.m., charter review. Before he left, he handed commissioners copies feb. 26, 6 p.m., city commission. of his book, “Born on the island: the galveston We feb. 28, 10 a.m., charter review. remember,” telling them it would explain his backmarch 6, 10 a.m., parks and beautification. ground. march 6, 6 p.m., planning commission. commissioners made no comments on aubry’s march 7, 10 a.m., charter review. concerns. march 12, 6 p.m., city commission. — Ryan Paice
Former AM commissioner rails on pier railings
dave (greenbaum) had asked if he can just do them, and i told him absolutely not. “come to find out that he was pressured to do them anyway by the city and completed the inspections,” Murphy he continued in the email. the matter ended with rush withdrawing all services by Bureau Veritas from the city. “i cannot have Bureau Veritas working outside the legal limits of the florida statutes, so after today 2/23/18 friday we will no longer be servicing the city of anna maria for inspections,” rush wrote in the same email. fredrick Zaremby, associate general counsel for Bureau Veritas, said in an interview feb. 15 that a confidentiality clause in the company’s contract with the city restricts them from disclosing information about their work in anna maria, unless they receive city approval to do so. mayor dan murphy said he learned about the claim that greenbaum had pressured the inspectors and asked him about it. greenbaum denied the claim altogether, according to murphy. However, albrecht claimed she told murphy and addy in January 2018 about greenbaum pressuring inspectors to pass properties without having the authority to do so, a month before rush’s email to addy. “So they told me, ‘don’t worry about it, we’re a small municipality,’ and pretty much, ‘the mayor can do whatever he wants,’” albrecht said Jan. 29. “that’s what (murphy) said — he’s the mayor and he can do whatever he wants.” albrecht said murphy told her then to give greenbaum more time to learn the position, but she overheard a conversation in february 2018 between greenbaum and an inspector who lacked certification in which he pressured the inspector to complete an inspection. “i overheard the conversation between david and the inspector, and i said, ‘You can’t do that, that’s illegal,’” albrecht said. “and he said, ‘i can do whatever i want. … the mayor said i could do whatever i want.’” after her dismissal, albrecht made other allegations, including that some parking officers issued tickets without certification for at least a month. She said her claims might be corroborated by other former employees, including former code officer pamela gibbs and clerks maggie martinez and Kathy thomas. martinez and thomas declined comment. albrecht also alleged that murphy had forced employees, including gibbs, out of their jobs. gibbs has since confirmed she was forced to retire. albrecht further claims she found the city to be a toxic work environment. march 14, 10 a.m., charter review. march 21, 10 a.m., charter review. march 26, 6 p.m., city commission. march 28, 10 a.m., charter review. Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, 941-708-5800, manatee County feb. 26, 9 a.m., commission. march 7, 9 a.m., commission (land use). march 12, 9 a.m., commission. march 14, 9 a.m., commission (land use). Administration building, 1112 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton, 941-748-4501, of interest feb. 26, 5-7 p.m., florida department of transportation public information meeting on Longboat pass Bridge repairs, Longboat Key town Hall, 501 Bay isles road, Longboat Key. march 11, 2 p.m., island transportation planning organization, anna maria city Hall. march 25, 9:30 a.m., Sarasota/manatee metropolitan planning organization, Holiday inn Sarasota Bradenton international airport, 8009 15th St. e., Sarasota. Send notices to and
THE ISLANDER n FEb. 20, 2019 n 5
County gives update on fall beach renourishment for AMI By Ryan Paice Islander Reporter Beach renourishment projects for anna maria island are on the fall calendar. charlie Hunsicker, director of the manatee county parks and natural resources department, updated county commissioners feb. 12 on beach renourishment plans, including the area from 79th Street in Holmes Beach south to Longboat pass. the first project is a minor repair to coquina Beach, using sand dredged from Longboat pass to replenish the beach in Bradenton Beach. the second project, beginning in november with completion by July 2020, will cover the beachfront from 79th Street in Holmes Beach to fifth Street South in Bradenton Beach. the section of work is known as the central beach project and is authorized to receive federal funding. at a total cost of $16 million, the u.S. army corps of engineers will pay 54 percent. the state and county will split the remainder. the third project will begin at fifth Street South and end at Longboat pass, at a total cost of $4 million. the federal emergency management agency will shoulder 75 percent of the cost, with the state and county sharing the remainder. for the third project, Hunsicker plans to coordinate with the contractor hired for the central beach project by the army corps of engineers to avoid additional mobilization costs. at a total cost of around $20 million, the projects would replace more than 700,000 cubic yards of sand lost to erosion. dredging from an offshore sandbar of beach-quality sand will be carried in pipes to the beach. engineer thomas pierro, a consultant for the county and director of Boca raton-based coastal planning and engineering, explained to commissioners how sand erosion on the island occurs.
Beach erosion exposes a buried rope fence that was installed to protect a dune area at Cortez Beach in Bradenton Beach. Islander Photo: Ryan Paice pierro said the beaches at the northwestern end of the island are maintained by a 20-25 year cycle, where eroding beach sand drifts to passage Key to the north before making its way back to the island. Sand also drifts from the middle of the island to its northern and southern ends, sometimes at the same time, according to pierro. the north-south migration maintains the northwestern end of the island but, at the southern end, coquina Beach sand moves into Longboat pass. all the while,
the beaches in the middle of the island suffer from the movement and storms accelerate the erosion. pierro said the best solution is to replace sand in renourishment projects consisting of two sections: a design beach, which serves as protection for upper beach and dunes against storm erosion, and advanced renourishment, which serves as a buffer for the design beach. He added that the county’s intention is to maintain the protective buffer both sections provide the upper beach and the infrastructure beyond in perpetuity. county commissioner Stephen r. Jonnson expressed pessimism about the success of renourishment projects. “not to be mr. doom and gloom, but we know that this is all never going to work in the long run,” Jonnson said. “With the sea rise coming on, global warming, storms getting worse and worse. … in the long run, i don’t think you can fight with mother nature and win more often than not.” Hunsicker said renourishment would help beaches resist up to 4 feet of sea level rise, but wouldn’t serve as a permanent solution. Jonnson said he spoke with several constituents who asked him why the county spends money on renourishment, to which he would reply that much of the cost is shouldered by the federal government and state. county commissioner Betsy Benac added that county funds for renourishment come from the tourist development tax — a 5 percent tax on the revenue from rentals of six months or less. She added with humor that she is happy to oversee the beaches. “as your at-large county commissioner that doesn’t live on the island, i will tell you, i take my responsibility to evaluate the beaches very seriously,” Benac said, with a chuckle. “even working hard on weekends, holidays, friday nights, you can find me there, evaluating the conditions of our beautiful beaches.”
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6 n FEb. 20, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
Where were you?
most of us recall some iconic moments in our lives, such as when president Kennedy was assassinated. Where were you when nixon resigned on prime time tV? When princess diana died? Sept. 11? i have pretty good recollection of those events as they related to my life. i was a senior in high school and about to walk into english class when the news about Kennedy spread through the halls. i was watching as nixon stunned the nation. and i walked into my home to hear the tV blaring the news of the car crash in france that killed diana. Sept. 11 — my news partner paul roat and i were sitting at the big production table at the islander office with a small 13-inch tV nearby tuned to the news as we heard the announcer shout about a plane hitting the World trade center. We turned to watch and, within seconds, we saw another plane hit the second tower. We struggled to comprehend what had happened — live on tV — before our eyes. these are unforgettable moments in our lives. But do you remember the night gregg allman was playing with dickie Betts and great Southern at the oar House in Bradenton Beach? How about when tom Waits showed up to sing? or when the bar burned? i was there for the Betts-allman reunion at the oar House, distracting myself from the crowd by playing pinball with paul roat — who had called me there to hear the band and enjoy a few margaritas — along with then-islander publisher don moore. But it wasn’t unusual to see Betts or allman or Betts’ band members on the island. Yes. the house was rocking. owner david reid — already an acquaintance from his campaign to be mayor of Bradenton Beach — was seeing dollar signs as the crowd and the music spread onto the beach. everyone was tan and beautiful. the walls were shakin’ with “ramblin’ man,” “Whipping post,” “midnight rider” and more. thankfully, reid and i have stayed in touch. But what really stood out for me that day was the Driving kindness beginning of a long love/work relationship with roat. to fellow residents and wonderful visitors: may i Like a first date of sorts. ask you to drive kindly? a lot of music, photo opps and years followed. it’s getting busy on our island and we have two and although paul the newsman leapt at the chance to cover the oar House fire when Bradenton main roads onto the island and mostly one main road Beach police chief phil Silverthorn called that night, up the island that we all need to use. So let’s share the road and drive kindly. i didn’t want to see it end. if there’s someone turning left, why not pause and — Bonner Joy let them through to allow traffic to continue? When someone does this for you, please return the kindness with a friendly wave of thanks. if you like this idea, please, post #amidriveFEB. 20, 2019 • Vol. 27, No. 17 Kindly on your social media and inspire others. ▼ Publisher and Editor Kindness changes everything. Bonner Joy, MaryKate Scott, Holmes Beach ▼ Editorial
▼ ▼
Lisa Neff, copy editor, Steve Albee, Sandy Ambrogi, Joe Bird, editorial cartoonist Kevin Cassidy, Jack Elka, ChrisAnn Silver Esformes, Ryan Paice, Kathy Prucnell, Contributors Jesse Brisson Karen Riley-Love Capt. Danny Stasny, Advertising Director Toni Lyon, Office Staff Lisa Williams, manager Vicki McIntyre Distribution Urbane Bouchet Judy Loden Wasco Ross Roberts (All others:
Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each. ©1992-2019 • Editorial, sales and production offices: 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217 WEBSITE: PHONE 941-778-7978 toll-free fax 1-866-362-9821
Designing Bridge Street
Just a quick note to thank the friends and mutual lovers of Bradenton Beach for all their time and input, interest and caring expressed at the community redevelopment agency workshop feb. 6 concerning parking and traffic safety on Bridge Street. I so appreciate the comments and ideas, as they enrich my creative visioning in so many ways. i appreciate the opportunity given me to share a new vision of the historic city of Bradenton Beach. thank you. Emily Anne Smith, Holmes Beach
Residing in R-2 ones
Holmes Beach mayor Judy titsworth recently referred to our r-2 zones as “vacation rental districts.” r-2 zones are defined in both the city code and comprehensive plan. notice that “residential “ is used six times: R-2, Two-family residential district. Purpose and intent. This zoning district is intended to provide locations for residential use in the form of a mix of singlefamily and two-family residential dwellings, and to protect and enhance the character of such residential areas located throughout the city. In addition, this district provides for essential services and accessory and related uses as may be necessary or normally compatible with such residential neighborhoods. This district implements the medium density residential land use category set forth in the comprehensive plan. on our immediate block, we have all permanent residences except for one, which is a non-problematic, three-bedroom rental. We have our own successful neighborhood watch. We are calling on r-2 residents to let the mayor know that they live in a residential zone, and that they are alive and well. Dick and Margie Motzer, Holmes Beach
Have your say
the islander accepts original letters of up to 250 words and reserves the right to edit for grammar and length. Letters must include name, address and a contact phone number (for verification). email: news@ anonymous letters will not be printed. readers also may comment on online. also, the islander has an active facebook community. to join the conversation, “like” the islander on facebook.
Visit for the best news on aMi.
THE ISLANDER n FEb. 20, 2019 n 7
10&20 years ago
In the headlines: Feb. 17, 1999
Reach for the sun
Students at Anna Maria Elementary School stretch before a game of soccer on the bayfront in September 1980. Islander Photo: Courtesy Manatee County Public Library Digital Collection
Ferrari fundraiser
With about 30 exotic cars at Longboat Key’s Zota Beach Resort Feb. 2, the Ferrari Driver’s Group of Sarasota promotes a Feb. 23 Exotic Car Festival in Lakewood Ranch. The festival aims to raise funds to support the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office annual Flight to The North Pole, which benefits terminally ill children. Islander Photo: MCSO
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We mail The islander weekly for a nominal $54 per year. We also offer online e-edition subscriptions — a page-by-page view of the weekly news for only $36 per year, but you must sign up online. it’s the best way to stay in touch with what’s happening on anna maria island. We bring you all the news about three city governments, community happenings, people features and special events … even real estate transactions … everything you need if your “heart is on anna maria island.” if you don’t live here year-round, use this form to subscribe by (snail) mail for yourself or someone else. (Sorry, we do not suspend mail subscriptions — you get The Islander free while you’re here!)
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four youths were hospitalized after ingesting a street drug named “Special K,” according to a Holmes Beach police report. the report said an officer found the youths in a car that had backed into a telephone pole at 3300 gulf drive. they admitted to drinking alcohol, smoking marijuana and taking the other drugs. the four were taken to a Bradenton hospital for treatment. Solicitors claiming they were collecting donations for the Holmes Beach fraternal order of police inadvertently called the wrong person to seek a donation. Holmes Beach city commissioner Sandy Haas-martens said when she told the solicitor there was no such organization, an argument ensued. the solicitor hung up after Haas-martens identified herself as a city commissioner. Haasmartens turned the matter over to police chief Jay romine, who said he would investigate.
In the headlines: Feb. 18, 2009
anna maria commissioners voted 4-1 in favor of the retail-office-residential ordinance. the hearing started with a packed house and public comment. Holmes Beach city commissioners decided not to lessen a restriction on short-term rentals in lowdensity residential districts from 30 days to seven days. Holmes Beach commissioners were nearing the final stage of approving amendments to the city’s comprehensive plan. the city submitted ear-based amendments to the plan to the florida department of community affairs in october 2008, and received a series of recommendations for revision.
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8 n FEb. 20, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
DOT sets meeting on Longboat Pass Bridge project
By Lisa neff Islander Reporter repairs to rusted, eroded, potholed parts of the Longboat pass Bridge could disrupt overnight traffic patterns for seven months — but add 10 years to the structure’s life. representatives from the florida department of transportation district one’s office will stage a public information forum to review proposed repairs to the State road 789 drawbridge connecting Bradenton Beach and Longboat Key. the meeting will be 5-7 p.m. tuesday, feb. 26, at the Longboat Key town Hall, 501 Bay isles road. the format will be an open house, with no formal presentation. attendees will discuss the project oneon-one with officials and view displays detailing the work expected to begin in may and continue through the fall. dot project manager douglas Schallmoser said improvements include repairing the rusted steel and grid deck on the movable span, as well as the concrete beams, deck, sidewalk and railings. also, plans call for the installation of underwater erosion protections, as well as repairs to mechanical and electrical systems in the movable span. “this work will help extend the service life of the current bridge and has no impact on plans to replace the bridge,” Schallmoser said. the drawbridge, built over Longboat pass in 1957, is one of three ways to drive onto anna maria island and one of two vehicle access points to Longboat Key. the dot has determined the bascule is in fair condition but, like its sister structures built the same year on manatee avenue and cortez road, the state considers the Longboat bascule functionally obsolete. in 2020, the dot will begin a study of options for the structure — long-term improvements or replacement. Similar studies on the anna maria island and cortez bridges resulted in dot recommendations for high, fixed-span replacements. the state’s budget for the Longboat pass improve-
The Longboat Pass Bridge, built in 1957, links Anna Maria Island and Longboat Key. The U.S. Coast Guard, finding the work will not impede navigation in the pass, signed off on Florida Department of Transportation plans to repair the structure beginning in May. Islander File Photo
ments is $3.7 million. the work is planned to take place outside of high season for tourism, but does coincide with hurricane and sea turtle nesting seasons. Schallmoser said the dot would ensure the plan from the contractor — not yet selected — satisfies environmental requirements, including shielding lights during nesting season. as for repair work during storm season, staging for the project either will be off-site or on barges. also, according to the dot, overnight bridge closures would be minimized to between midnight and 5 a.m. for a maximum of two days. temporary bridge closures would be limited to 15-minutes maximum between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m., according to dot public information specialist Brian rick. Lane closures would be limited to 9 p.m.-6 a.m. but no lane closures would be permitted from 9 p.m. friday to 6 a.m. Sunday. Bradenton Beach mayor John chappie said he reached out to the dot to discuss the repair plans. “it doesn’t sound like it is going to be awful bad for us during the day,” said chappie, adding that he received assurances the dot would notify the city of any bridge closures.
Holmes Beach mandates seat belts for golf carts By chrisann Silver esformes Islander Reporter golf carts can be a popular mode of transportation in small communities. But safety for drivers and passengers of the openair vehicles is a concern in the only city on anna maria island that allows golf carts — Holmes Beach. at a feb. 12 work session, Holmes Beach police chief Bill tokajer proposed amending the city ordinance pertaining to golf cart safety to require seat belts and age-appropriate child restraint devices, such as car seats. additionally, he proposed an amendment prohibiting golf carts on streets with a speed limit of 35 mph or higher, including east Bay, gulf, marina and palm drives and manatee avenue. the speed limit requirement isn’t a change, but the wording of the proposed ordinance was trimmed to remove specific streets where golf carts are not allowed and only state the speed-limit requirement. However, maps of city backroads where golf carts are allowed are available at city hall, the police department and the city website,, the chief said. previously, tokajer recommended LSVs be restricted from roadways that have a 35-mph speed limit, but this change was not included in the amended ordinance. according to the florida department of Highway Safety and motor Vehicles, LSVs go faster than golf carts, with a top speed of more than 20 mph, but less than 25 mph, compared to less than 20 mph for golf carts. additionally, LSVs require a title, registration, insurance and a licensed driver. tokajer said the rental companies in the city limit their vehicles to LSVs. according to the ordinance, neither golf carts nor LSVs are allowed on beach accesses, boardwalks or bike and multiuse paths. commissioner carol Soustek said she contacted
A low-speed vehicle crosses Marina Drive at Key Royale Drive/66th Street in Holmes Beach Feb. 13. LSVs are allowed on city streets. Islander Photo: ChrisAnn Silver Esformes several companies that install safety features in golf carts and it could cost $700 to install four seat belts, with added fees for pickup and delivery. “it’s not a cheap fix, but i think it’s a necessary fix,” she said. tokajer agreed, but suggested people could save money by purchasing kits and installing seat belts themselves. Soustek also asked if tokajer would consider a six-month deadline for people to install seat belts in golf carts. “We need to allow a reasonable time frame for people to come into compliance with this,” she said. tokajer said six months works, but the police department will issue warnings during that period for people who operate golf carts without seat belts or do
Looking north, a map from the Florida Department of Transportation shows the project area for work planned on the bridge connecting Longboat Key and Bradenton Beach at Longboat Pass. For more information people with questions or comments about the bridge project can contact project manager douglas Schallmoser at 813-612-3384 or Written correspondence can be sent to the florida department of transportation, p.o. Box 1249, Bartow fL 33831. in the spring, project details will be posted online at
Holmes Beach works to clean up sign pollution
Holmes Beach is cleaning out some clutter. at a feb. 12 commission work session, Holmes Beach police chief Bill tokajer said he and city engineer Lynn Burnett determined there are 15 signs that can be removed from florida department of transportation rights of way in the city. He said the city requested the dot remove the signs, as well as restripe the bike lanes. additionally, the chief said 35 signs placed by the city are unnecessary and can be taken down once the city completes the work on restriping bike lanes and installing crosswalks. He said there are redundant curb signs, bike lane signs, stop signs, “no left turn” signs and “right turn only” signs where there is not a right turn lane. tokajer said once the bike lanes are painted and crosswalks are placed, the city would implement another review to see if more signs could be removed. commission chair Jim Kihm thanked tokajer and Burnett for the recommendations. “it’s something that’s needed to be done for quite some time,” Kihm said. “a resident brought to our attention last year what a beautiful place we have here, with all the nature around us, it’s such a shame we have all these unnecessary signs.” — ChrisAnn Silver Esformes not place children in car seats. the commission reached consensus to move the amended ordinance forward to a first reading, with the stipulation that people have six months to install seat belts and car seat brackets. the next city commission meeting will be at 6 p.m. tuesday, feb. 26, at city hall, 5801 marina drive, with a work session to follow.
THE ISLANDER n FEb. 20, 2019 n 9
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10 n FEb. 20, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
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Island happenings A movie poster for “October Sky,” to be shown at City Pier Park in Anna Maria at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 20. Islander Courtesy Photo
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‘October Sky’ next movie featured in AM park
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Portraits by the Sea
“october Sky” will light up city pier park at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, feb. 20. the drama tells the story of Homer Hickam, a coal miner’s son inspired by the first Sputnik launch to take up rocketry against his father’s wishes. the film stars Jake gyllenhaal, chris cooper and Laura dern.
the city plans to serve popcorn and other snacks, as well as beverages at “movies in the park” at city pier park, located at the east end of pine avenue. the city will screen “despicable me” feb. 27, as the series continues Wednesdays through may. for more information, call city hall at 941-7086130.
Coast Guard exhibit to open
AGAMI to discuss art therapy
the florida maritime museum will host an exhibit about the u.S. coast guard feb. 22-dec. 31. an opening reception will be 5:30-7 p.m. friday, feb. 22, at the museum, 4415 119th St. W., cortez. “always ready: united States coast guard in florida” will be curated by the florida maritime museum and explore the stories behind the coast guard in the Sunshine State. for more information, call the museum at 941-708-6121.
the artists’ guild of anna maria island will hold a general meeting and feature a talk about art therapy monday, march 4. the title of the program, presented by polly tetrault, is “art Without Boundaries: How to improve the quality of life for alzheimer’s patients.” the meeting and program, as well as a social hour, will be at the episcopal church of the annunciation, 4408 gulf drive, Holmes Beach. the social will be at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting at 7 p.m. for more information, call the guild gallery at 941-778-6694.
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Annie Silver hosts book sale, lunch
About 20 people gather Jan. 25 at the Annie Silver Community Center, 103 23rd St. N., Bradenton Beach, for a book sale and potluck luncheon as part of the Senior Adventures program. Islander Photo: ChrisAnn Silver Esformes
Senior Adventures’ lunch, book sale date set
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the Senior adventures group hold its monthly potluck lunch and book sale friday, feb. 22, at the annie Silver community center, 103 23rd St. n., Bradenton Beach. Hardcover books will be $1 and paperbacks 50 cents. potluck diners are asked to bring a dish to share. Hours for the events will be 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Senior adventures is a group that plans weekly outings or gatherings — usually fridays — either off the island or at the annie Silver community center. for more information, call Kaye Bell at 941-5380945.
Garden club to gather
the anna maria garden club will meet at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, feb. 20, in the fellowship hall at roser memorial community church, 512 pine ave., anna maria. the program, according to an early notice, will include a general meeting, as well as ginger Huhn discussing floral arrangements and Kitty Kole leading a plant talk. the club’s flower show will be march 20 and the fashion show will be april 17. Both events will be at roser church. for more information about the garden club or the events, call charlotte noyes at 941-7786758.
Island happenings
THE ISLANDER n FEb. 20, 2019 n 11
Center selling tickets for murder-mystery dinner
Visit ‘Mermaid’s Garden’
Joan Pettigrew, a member of the Eyeland Needlers and the quilt designer, stands beside “Mermaid’s Garden.” Maureen Joseph of Kirkwood, Missouri, won the “name the quilt” contest and will receive 50 tickets for the quilt raffle that takes place during the Center of Anna Maria Island Tour of Homes. The tour is set for Saturday, March 16, and raffle tickets, which benefit the center, are on sale at the center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Raffle chances are $1 for one or $5 for six. For more information, call the center at 941-778-1908. Islander Courtesy Photo
the box office is open for tickets to the center of anna maria island’s theatrical whodunit dinner. the 11th annual murder mystery dinner theater will be friday and Saturday, feb. 22-feb. 23, at the center, 407 magnolia ave., anna maria. Brianna Roberts is directing the play, which she wrote with her parents Beth and mike Shaughnessy. actors include don and Leah purvis, ray gardner, monica Simpson, Jillian cacchiotti, mike Shaughnessy, chris Scott, clay Spangler and roberts. the mystery is titled “party Like its 1988 … What a difference 10 Years makes!” the plot involves the class of 1978 gathering for a 10-year reunion. the night seems full of promise — and good memories — until a murder occurs. the writer-director promised a different ending for those who want to attend friday and Saturday. guests are encouraged to celebrate the 1980s theme by dressing in ’80s style. there will be a cash bar and raffles. doors will open at 6:45 p.m. for the 7:15 p.m. show. tickets are $50 per person or $360 for a table of eight. also, a Vip meet-and-greet, for $15, will begin at 6:15 p.m. to purchase tickets or for more information about the event, call the center of anna maria island at 941-778-1908.
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IP box office to open for ‘totally hilarious’ farce
the box office will open monday, feb. 25, for tickets to the island players’ next production, “a flea in Her ear,” written by georges feydeau and directed by Kelly Wynn Woodland. A news release described the play as a “totally hilarious comedic french farce.” the performance run will be march 7-24. the current cast includes nancy denton, Judy glynn, daniel coppinger, mark Woodland, mike Lusk, Brannon Westfall, colin Brady, tiffany Baker, richard LeVene, rick Kopp, ginger King and Jennifer
caldwell as eugenie. performances will be 8 p.m. tuesday-Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday in the theater, 10009 gulf drive, anna maria. the box office is dark mondays. tickets are $20 each. the theater box office will be open 9 a.m.-1 p.m. mondays-Saturdays through the run, as well as an hour before performances. for more information about the group or the performance, call the box office at 941 778-5755 or go online to
Backstage pass
Island Players actor Robin Rhodes, center, leads a group of visitors through the makeup and wardrobe area backstage at the IP theater in Anna Maria. The Island Players hosted a Volunteer Open House Feb. 10 to showcase the theater and enlarge the roster of community helpers. Islander Photo: Sandy Ambrogi
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Saturday Artist Demos Feb 23 & March 2
Award-winning artist and art educator Graciela Giles will present watercolor techniques in Saturday demos on Feb. 23 & March 2. Public is invited. 10:30 to noon. Come early.
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Under New Ownership Ali Severson
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Send announcements for the islander calendar to the deadline for listings is the Wednesday before the publication date. please include the date, time, location and description of the event, as well as a phone number for publication.
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12 n FEb. 20, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
The Islander Calendar ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND Wednesday, Feb. 20 6:30 p.m. — Movies in the Park, showing “October Sky,” City Pier Park, North Bay Boulevard and Pine Avenue, Anna Maria. Information: 941-708-6130. Thursday, Feb. 21 2 p.m. — Friends of the Island Library Lecture and Travel Series lecture with policy adviser Sally Vastola discussing “Women in Politics,” Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. 6-8 p.m. — Reception with island artist Richard Thomas, exhibiting “Drawn to Line and Color,” the Studio at Gulf and Pine, 10101 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-1906. Friday, Feb. 22 7:15 p.m. — Center of Anna Maria Island murder-mystery dinner theater, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Fee applies. Reservations required. Information: 941-778-1908. Saturday, Feb. 23 10:30 a.m. — Island Gallery West oil painting demonstration with Jane Keeling, 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6648. 7:15 p.m. — Center of Anna Maria Island murder-mystery dinner theater, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Fee applies. Reservations required. Information: 941-778-1908. Wednesday, Feb. 27 6:30 p.m. — Movies in the Park, showing “Despicable Me,” City Pier Park, North Bay Boulevard and Pine Avenue, Anna Maria. Information: 941-708-6130. ONGOING ON AMI Throughout February, Sharon Lennox Woelfling exhibits “Blue,” Island Gallery West, 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6648. Throughout February, Diane Remington exhibits her work, Artists’ Guild of Anna Maria Island gallery, 5414 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6694. Through March 2, Richard Thomas’ “Drawn To Line and Color” exhibit, the Studio at Gulf and Pine, 10101 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-1906. Through March 30, Saturdays at 10:30 a.m., Island Gallery West artist demonstrations, 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6648. LOOKING AHEAD ON AMI March 6-April 6, Florida Suncoast Watercolor Society Transparent Exhibition, with March 14 reception, Anna Maria. March 7-24, Island Players’ “A Flea In Her Ear,” Anna Maria. March 9-10, Anna Maria Island Art League’s Springfest, Holmes Beach. OFF AMI Friday, Feb. 22 5:30-7 p.m. — Florida Maritime Museum reception for “Always
coMPiled BY lisa neff
Ready” U.S. Coast Guard exhibit, 4415 119th St. W., Cortez. Infor- 3580. mation: 941-708-6120. Most Fridays, 11:30 a.m. or 1 p.m. (call for times) mahjong games, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. InformaONGOING OFF ANNA MARIA ISLAND tion: 941-778-6341. Second Wednesdays, Think + Drink (science), South Florida Mondays, noon, bridge, Roser Memorial Community Church, Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-0414. 941-746-4131. Most Tuesdays, 11:30 a.m., mahjong games and instruction Wednesdays, 2-4 p.m., Shanty Singers, Florida Maritime for beginners, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Museum, 4415 119th St. W., Cortez. Information: 941-708-6120. Information: 941-778-6341. First Fridays, 6-9 p.m. ArtWalk in the Village of the Arts, around Tuesdays, noon, duplicate bridge, Episcopal Church of the 12th Street West and 12th Avenue West, Bradenton. Also, Saturdays Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941after the first Fridays. Information: 779-0881. Second Saturdays, 2-4 p.m., Music on the Porch, Florida MariOFF ANNA MARIA ISLAND time Museum, 4415 119th St. W., Cortez. Information: 941-708Wednesday, Feb. 20 6120. 8 a.m. — Manatee Audubon Society bird outing, Robinson Through Dec. 31, “Always Ready” U.S. Coast Guard exhibit, Florida Maritime Museum, 4415 119th St. W., Cortez. Information: Preserve, 10299 Ninth Ave. NW, Bradenton. Information: 616-5406429. 941-708-6120. Sunday, Feb. 24 LOOKING AHEAD OFF AMI 1:05 p.m. — Home opener, Pittsburgh Pirates spring training March 31, AMICCO’s “Diva Wars” concert, Bradenton. season, LECOM Park, 1611 Ninth St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-747-3031.
Through March 23, Pittsburgh Pirates spring training home Friday, Feb. 22 games, LECOM Park, 1611 Ninth St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. 10 a.m. — Forty Carrots, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Information: 941-747-3031. Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. CLUBS & Tuesday, Feb. 26 COMMUNITY 10 a.m. — Preschool storytime, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND ONGOING ON AMI Wednesday, Feb. 20 Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., City of Anna Maria “Movies in the 11:30 a.m. — Anna Maria Island Garden Club meeting and Park,” City Pier Park, North Bay Boulevard and Pine Avenue, Anna program, Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-708-6130. Maria. Information: 941-778-6758. ONGOING OFF AMI Thursday, Feb. 21 10:15 a.m. — Friends of the Island Library Book Club, Island First Saturdays, Family Night at the Museum, South Florida Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 6341. 941-746-4131. Friday, Feb. 22 Fourth Wednesdays, “Stelliferous Live” star talk, South Florida 10 a.m.-1 p.m. — Senior Adventures potluck lunch and book Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: sale, Annie Silver Community Center, 103 23rd St. N., Bradenton 941-746-4131. Beach. Information: 941-538-0945. 2-4 p.m. — Sunshine Stitchers Knit and Crochet gathering, GAMES, SPORTS & Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941OUTDOORS 778-6341. ONGOING ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND Saturday, Feb. 23 9 a.m. — CPR training, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Mondays, AMI Dragon Boat Fun and Fitness Club, time Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. depends on tides, 417 63rd St., Holmes Beach. Information: 9412 p.m. — Learn how to download audiobooks, Island Library, 462-2626. 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. Wednesdays and Saturdays, 9 a.m., horseshoes pitched, Anna Wednesday, Feb. 27 Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Information: 941-708Noon — Coloring club, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, 6130. Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. Thursdays, through March 28, bingo, Annie Silver Community ONGOING ON AMI Center, 103 23rd St. N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941-778-
Jazz notes
People slowdance Feb. 12 while the Gulf Drive Duo — Bil Bowdish and Karen Jones — and Matt Coates on the keyboard play “At Last” at the 16th annual Jazzfest, hosted at the Sandbar Restaurant, 100 Spring Ave., Anna Maria. Jazzfest benefits the Anna Maria Island Concert Chorus and Orchestra. Islander Photos: Ryan Paice
The Gulf Drive Duo — Bil Bowdish on saxophone and Karen Jones on tambourine — perform “Kansas City” with Matt Coates on keyboard for a crowd of more than 270 guests Feb. 12 during the 16th annual Jazzfest at the Sandbar Restaurant. The event was a benefit for AMICCO. The orchestra-chorus will perform its final concert of the season March 31 at Neel Performing Arts Center in Bradenton. For more information about AMICCO, go online to
The Islander Calendar Wednesdays through March, Anna Maria Island Historical Society sales of settlers bread, AMIHS museum, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-0492. Wednesdays through March, 1:30 p.m. Anna Maria Island Irish Ceili and Set Dancing, Sandpiper Mobile Resort clubhouse, 2601 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941-779-1416. Thursdays, 9-11 a.m., veterans services assistance, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-7786341. Third Thursdays, 11:45 a.m., Successful Women Aligning Together meets, Bridge Street Bistro, 111 Gulf Drive S., Bradenton Beach. Fee applies. Information: 941-345-5135. Fridays, Senior Adventures usually meets to carpool on an adventure or for an activity, Annie Silver Community Center, 103 23rd St. N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941-538-0945. Second Fridays, 6 p.m., AMI Resident Community Connections, Center of Anna Maria Island, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-1908. Saturdays, 8:30 a.m., Kiwanis Club of Anna Maria Island breakfast meeting, Anna Maria Island Beach Cafe, Manatee Public Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-1383. Tuesdays through May 14, 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m., Anna Maria Farmers Market, City Pier Park, North Bay Boulevard and Pine Avenue. Information: 941-708-6130. Tuesdays, noon, Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island, Bridge Street Bistro, 111 Gulf Drive S., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941718-0291. Tuesdays, 2-4 p.m., Tech Help, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. LOOKING AHEAD ON AMI Feb. 28, Friends of the Island Library lecture by Cathy Salustri, Holmes Beach. March 2, Anna Maria Island Historical Society’s Heritage Day Festival, Anna Maria. March 7, Friends of the Island Library lecture by Ronald Smith, Holmes Beach. March 9, Anna Maria Island Privateers’ Thieves Market, Bradenton Beach. March 15, Annie Silver Community Center dinner, Bradenton Beach. March 16, Center of Anna Maria Island Tour of Homes, islandwide. March 21, Friends of the Island Library lecture by Joe Arena, Holmes Beach. April 11, Center of Anna Maria Island Passion for Fashion
Studio hosts reception for ‘Drawn to Line and Color’
“drawn to Line and color” is a collection of 50 figurative paintings including small- to medium-sized works, some humorous in nature. Local artist richard thomas uses watercolor, gouache, acrylic and mixed-media in his work. a reception with the artist will be 6-8 p.m. thursday, feb. 21, at the Studio, 10101 gulf drive, anna maria. for more information, call 941-778-1906 or go online to
Show, Anna Maria.
ONGOING OFF AMI Fridays, 10:30 a.m., Paradise Cafe games, music and socializing, the Paradise Center, Temple Beth Israel, 567 Bay Isles Road, Longboat Key. Fee applies. Information: 941-383-6493. Saturdays through May, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Bradenton Farmers Market, Old Main, Bradenton. Information: 941- 621-6471. March, Mondays, Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium lecture series.
GOOD TO KNOW SAVE THE DATES March 10, daylight saving time begins. March 17, St. Patrick’s Day. March 20, spring begins. April 1, April Fools’ Day. April 19, Good Friday. April 19, Passover begins. April 21, Easter. April 22, Earth Day. April 26, National Arbor Day. May 5, Cinco de Mayo. May 5, Ramadan begins. May 12, Mother’s Day. May 27, Memorial Day.
THE ISLANDER n FEb. 20, 2019 n 13
Ukulele lessons offered
Want to say “aloha!” with a song? the center of anna maria island will offer two sessions of ukulele lessons. the first will be tuesday, feb. 26, and the second will be tuesday, march 26. the sessions will be 5:30-7:30 p.m. the cost per session will be $50, and a ukulele is included in this price. the center said different pricing is available for those who own ukuleles or repeat students. in each session led by Lakewood ranch high school orchestra director dan Shafer, students will learn to play a song. the center is at 407 magnolia ave., anna maria. for more information, go online to centerami. org or call 941-778-1908.
GET LISTED Send announcements for The Islander calendar to calendar@ The deadline for listings is the Wednesday before the publication date. Please include the date, time, location and description of the event, as well as a phone number for publication.
“Images of America: Anna Maria Island,”
a pictorial history of the island compiled by Bonner Joy is available at The Islander office, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. It includes many never-beforeseen photos from Joy’s collection. She is publisher of The Islander newspaper, launched in 1992, and a 44-year resident of the island.
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14 n FEb. 20, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
Art guild gets ‘hands-on’ at Sale-A-Bration
Jan Hess, left, of New York, and Robin Laura, of Delaware, take an oil-painting lesson Feb. 13 from artist Donna Grossman, while Holmes Beach resident Nina Monte looks on during the Artists’ Guild of Anna Maria Island Sale-ABration at CrossPointe Fellowship, 8605 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Islander Photos: ChrisAnn Silver Esformes Jane Preston, left, and Linda Hatmaker, both of Cortez, listen Feb. 13 as Jinny Goggin, Artists’ Guild vice president, announces a raffle at the AGAMI SaleA-Bration. Keeton’s Office and Art Supply of Bradenton provided door prizes for the raffle, as well as the supplies for art tables and a sale of supplies.
Local artist Jo Anne Curtain works Feb. 13 on a watercolor painting that was auctioned off at the Artists’ Guild Sale-A-Bration at CrossPointe Fellowship, 8605 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. The event included hands-on art lessons, prize raffles and an auction of artworks created that afternoon.
Bookworms, bibliophiles get fill at library book sale People pack into a room Feb. 14 to peruse books at the Friends of the Island Library annual book sale at Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Proceeds from the sale fund library programs, including the lecture and travel series. Islander Photos: ChrisAnn Silver Esformes
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Folks line up Feb. 14 to check out paperbacks at the Friends of the Island Library annual book sale at Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria.
Friends of the Island Library volunteer Sharon Rowe of Nebraska and Anna Maria speaks Feb. 14 with Michael Kulikowski of Perico Island during the Friends of the Island Library annual book sale at Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Kulikowski is a deacon at the church.
Massage Therapy
THE ISLANDER n FEb. 20, 2019 n 15
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16 n Feb. 20, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
FISH fest fun fills Cortez bayfront
Donna Pugh of Bradenton smiles ear-to-ear Feb. 16 as she carries Casper, a plush toy, and enjoys the music surrounding the Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival. Pugh is a longtime employee at Old Hamburg Schnitzel House in Holmes Beach — and an avid fishing festival fan.
Capt. Bobby Greene of No Excuses Charters of Sarasota serves shrimp to an anxious festivalgoer Feb. 16. Greene said he’s been a Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival vendor for at least 20 years. Jacob Reeder, a Cortez commercial fisher, educates young and old about blue crabs, seahorses, shrimp and other marine life Feb. 16 at the Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival “Touch Tank” exhibit.
The Eric von Band, with Tim Chandler, left, Eric von Hahmann, Randy Neubert and Rudy Ramos, strikes a chord with the audience Feb. 16 at the fishing festival. Not pictured on drums: Tim Gross.
Terry McKiernan and Dave Bartnowski of Warwick, New York, Angela Collins, a University of Florida Sea Grant extension marine pause and pose before digging into their seafood feast Feb. 16 at the fishing festival. Mike and Nancy Howell of St. Charles, Illinois, biologist, talks Feb. 16 about the types of fish in Sarasota Bay as part of “Dock Talks” at the Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival. hanging out across the table, finished their taste of the fest. A near record-breaking crowd packs the food court-picnic tables-music stage area Feb. 16 at the 37th Annual Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival. Islander Photos: Kathy Prucnell
THE ISLANDER n FEb. 20, 2019 n 17
Country star grosses $15K for center, two shows to go
By Ryan Paice,
AME calendar
• Wednesday, feb. 27, 3:30 p.m., parentteacher organization meeting in the media center. • friday, march 8, 1 p.m., early release. • Wednesday, march 13, 3:30 p.m., parentteacher organization meeting in the media center. • friday, march 15, record day, no school. • friday, march 22, 1 p.m., early release. • Spring break, no school, march 25-29. • monday, april 1, students return from spring break. • tuesday, april 2, fourth- and fifth-grade english Language arts writing assessment. • Wednesday-thursday, april 3-4, third-grade english Language arts reading assessment. • tuesday, april 23, 5-6:30 p.m., parentteacher organization dinner in the school cafeteria. Starting at 6:30 p.m., first-grade play in the auditorium. anna maria elementary is at 4700 gulf drive, Holmes Beach. for more information, call the school at 941708-5525.
By Ryan Paice Islander Reporter Southern rock and country tunes brought crowds and cash to the center of anna maria island. With two concerts in the rearview mirror, the Bradenton area convention and Visitors Bureau’s inaugural concert series has raised around $45,000 in ticket sales for the center before expenses. the outlaws concert Jan. 19 oversold its goal of 500 tickets and raised more than $30,000. the phil Vassar concert feb. 8 also exceeded its goal of 400 tickets and raised around $15,000 before expenses were tallied, according to executive director chris culhane. anna maria city commissioner amy tripp, who attended Vassar’s concert, called the night a success. “i thought it was a lot of fun, and i think it brings the community together,� tripp said in an interview feb. 14. tripp also attended the outlaws show. “it’s a good thing, and what i thought was really interesting was that the crowd (for Vassar) seemed completely like a different crowd than there was at the outlaws.� BJ Thomas’ CD cover
the next concert at the center will feature singer B.J. thomas, who penned “Hooked on a feeling� and popularized the Burt Bacharach and Hal david song “raindrops Keep fallin’ on my Head.� thomas will perform thursday, march 21. culhane said he anticipates the concert would accommodate the same number of people as the Vassar show. the final show for the center — other events are planned at the manatee performing arts center in Bradenton — will be almost twice as large as the Vassar show. culhane said 750 seats will be available for a concert headlined by the marshall tucker Band, a band that spans Southern rock, blues and country and is known for the songs “can’t You See� and “Heard it in a Love Song.� rich engler, the producer of the concerts for the BacVB, is seeking local talent to open the remaining shows. trevor Bystrom of Bradenton opened for the outlaws and andy pursell of arcadia opened for Vassar. people interested in concert tickets can visit the box office at the manatee performing arts center, 502 third ave. W., Bradenton, which is serving as the ticket agent for all shows. tickets also are available at B.J. thomas tickets start at $35. for tickets, call mpac at 941-748-5875.
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18 n Feb. 20, 2019 n THE ISLANDER B5
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THE ISLANDER n Feb. 20, 2019 n 19
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20 n FEb. 20, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
Tickets on sale for Lord’s fashion show
anticipation is building for the Lord’s Warehouse fashion Show, which will be at 11 a.m. tuesday, march 5, at the Longboat island chapel, 6200 gulf of mexico drive, Longboat Key. the event will begin with a preview at 10 a.m. and the luncheon and show at 11 a.m. the fashion show will feature models previewing “previously-enjoyed” clothing from the Lord’s Warehouse, a 50-50 drawing, raffle items and a silent auction. tickets are $25 and are available for purchase at the Longboat island chapel, 6200 gulf of mexico drive, Longboat Key. for more, call the chapel at 941-383-6491.
Roser Church to host comic
did you hear the one about the comic who walked into a church? roser memorial community church will host comedian taylor mason for a performance at 7 p.m. friday, feb. 22, in the sanctuary. doors will open at 6 p.m. an announcement from the church said free-will offerings will be welcomed. mason is a ventriloquist, musician and standup comic. His publicity bio says he has a quick wit, flawless delivery and polished material to make him a hit with all ages. He’s worked as a comedy writer and performer, entertaining corporate clients, cruise ship vacationers, church crowds and comedy club audiences. tickets are available at the church office, 512 pine ave., anna maria. for more information, call the church at 941-7780414.
Gathering plans
Comedian Taylor Mason will perform at Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, at 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 22. Islander Courtesy Photo
Duplicate bridge is in the cards Tuesdays at Annunciation The crowd assembles Feb. 12 at the Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, awaiting the start of duplicate bridge. Games are played Tuesdays at noon, and players are welcome. Islander Photos: Sandy Ambrogi
Richard Herman settles in for duplicate bridge at Annunciation. Herman, 99, has been coming to Anna Maria Island in the winter for 40 years and plays bridge regularly at the gatherings.
Thursday, Feb. 21 Noon — Women’s Guild Luncheon and Fashion Show, St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. SOLD OUT. Friday, Feb. 22 7 p.m. — Comic Taylor Mason concert, Roser Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-0414. ONGOING LISTINGS Christ Church of Longboat Key Presbyterian (USA), 6400 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Sunday service 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m.; men’s Bible study 9 a.m. Monday; women’s Bible study 10 a.m. Wednesday. CrossPointe Fellowship, 8665 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Sunday worship 9 a.m.; Sunday group 10:30 a.m.; women’s prayer 9:30 a.m. Tuesday; men’s Bible study 7 a.m. Wednesday; fellowship meal 6:15 p.m. Wednesday; Wednesday Night Blast 6:45 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Sunday Holy Eucharist (Rite I) 8 a.m.; Sunday Holy Eucharist (Rite II) 10:30 a.m.; men’s breakfast 8 a.m. Wednesday. Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 6608 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Saturday service 5 p.m.; Sunday service 9:30 a.m.; Sunday fellowship 10:30 a.m.; prayer partners 11:30 a.m. Wednesday; women’s Bible study 10 a.m. Thursday. Harvey Memorial Community Church, 300 Church Ave., Bradenton Beach. Sunday services 8:30 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Longboat Island Chapel, 6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Sunday service 10 a.m.; fellowship following service. Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Sunday worship 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m.; adult Sunday school 8:45 a.m.; Sunday book study 9 a.m. Also, first and third Wednesdays, Golfing for God, IMG Academy Golf Club, Bradenton; second and fourth Wednesdays, 11 a.m., Just Older Youth/JOY Brown Bag Lunch Series; Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m., Terrific Tuesdays. St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Saturday confession 3 p.m.; Saturday Mass 4 p.m.; Sunday Mass 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.; weekday Mass 8:30 a.m.
“Images of America: Anna Maria Island,”
Founded 1956
Sunday 10 a.m. Worship Service
a pictorial history of the island compiled by Bonner Joy is available for $20 at The Islander office, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach.
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THE ISLANDER n FEb. 20, 2019 n 21
Holmes Beach charter reviewers set schedule, get input
By chrisann Silver esformes Islander Reporter Holmes Beach charter review commissioners want to hear from all sides as they evaluate the document. the crc, a board of five people elected in 2018, has met weekly since Jan. 17 to review the charter, considered by many to be the “bible� for the city. crc members feb. 14 set a tentative schedule for the remainder of their meetings. they have a may 8 deadline to present recommendations to the city commission. Titsworth over the next six weeks, the crc plans to interview members of the 2014 ad hoc crc, as well as department heads, former Holmes Beach mayor rich Bohnenberger and mayors of Anna Maria, Bradenton Beach, Longboat Key and palmetto. the committee also plans to speak with elected officials in Juno Beach, madeira Beach and Highland Beach — cities with comparable issues and close in geographic size and population to Holmes Beach. at their feb. 7 meeting, Lynn tipton, the florida League of cities’ educational director, teleconferenced with the board members and led a PowerPoint presentation on charters in florida. following tipton’s presentation, former mayor Bob Johnson, who was a member the 2014 crc before running for the mayor’s seat, spoke about the review process. tipton said the 412 cities, towns and villages in the state must have a charter. She said the charter is a broad framework, “like a constitution� that explains the “vision, mission and structure of the municipality, how representatives will be elected, chain of command and fiscal authority� in eight to 10 pages.
at a previous meeting, the board discussed simplifying descriptions of charter positions, including the city clerk, treasurer, attorney, police chief and building official. tipton said job descriptions and qualifications usually are not in a charter, but instead are provided in the city’s administrative code. When considering forms of government, a topic to be discussed by the crc, she said about 45 cities in the state have a council-strong mayor form of government, such as Holmes Beach. in this form of government, an elected executive implements council actions and administers the city, and usually does not vote as part of the legislative body. tipton said the council-manager form of government — or commission-manager in the case of Holmes Beach — is the most prevalent form of government in about 278 cities in the state. in this form of government, a professional manager is hired by the mayor and commission to administer, hire and fire staff, oversee departments, recommend commission actions and prepare and present an annual budget. She said the 26 municipalities that formed in the state since the mid-1980s all are commission-manager based forms of government. as cities grow and day-to-day administrative duties increase in complexity to include such areas as utilities, stormwater and waste removal, tipton said many have opted for a commission-manager over a part-time mayor and/or commission. following tipton’s presentation, Johnson spoke about the work of the 2014 crc. He said the board considered the scope, structure and qualifications of city departments, the term limits and lengths of elected officials and considered a commission-manager form of government, but did not have the time to devote to an amendment to change the form of government.
Growing in Jesus’ Name
Johnson said he supports the commission-manager form of government because he has witnessed a professional manager working well in other cities. “You want some person in here that has the ability, experience and knowledge to be able to count on a bigger cache of resources that could be culled,� Johnson said. Johnson said that whatever changes the crc considers, he sees the “key criteria is dynamic stability� within the city. “that is the prime criteria for the charter,� Johnson said. “it’s got to be built in a way that allows for the ability to recognize, participate, prepare for and act appropriately to situational change.� charter changes approved by the supermajority of the committee will be submitted to the city commission in the form of an ordinance, and then to the manatee county Supervision of elections for a citywide vote on the november ballot. city attorney patricia petruff said she would prepare and review the ordinance for the ballot with the Soe.
Mayor shufes departments, hires director
a new administrative position has been created and filled in Holmes Beach. at a feb. 12 city meeting, mayor Judy titsworth told commissioners she hired a director of development services, a new position she created to oversee recruitment, employment and evaluation of the building, code and public works departments. titsworth said she would announce the new employee — who is still employed in another job — by the next commission meeting. — ChrisAnn Silver Esformes
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22 n Feb. 20, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
Beach bar stirs memories 40 years later By Kathy Prucnell Islander Reporter Sue Neill remembers the night when a spectacular fire brought down the house at a popular beach bar. So does David Reid, one of the bar’s owners. For the short time the Oar House did business, it made an indelible mark on Anna Maria Island before burning to the ground in the 2600 block of Gulf Drive North in Bradenton Beach. The Feb. 22, 1979, fire stretched through the nighttime into the early morning. Firefighters from three volunteer departments responded. No one was injured. The Oar House bar was on the ground floor of a 70-year-old three-story building, where the Anna Maria Island Club condominiums now stand. The night of the fire there were 15-25 people at the bar — known for attracting music legends such as Gregg Allman, Dickey Betts, Tom Waits and Leon see flames shooting from the second story. Redbone. “I ran back inside and grabbed the mic from whoThe evening of the fire was a slow night, Reid ever was on the stage and announced the fire. Everysaid. Neill, then single with her maiden name Swift, was body got out,” Neill told The Islander Feb. 14. According to a March 1, 1979, article in The about to leave, when she happened to turn around and Islander, Neill told reporter Paul Roat, “I said, ‘My God, the place was on fire, and everybody just looked at us like ‘Huh?’ and we kept saying it’s on fire. It’s on Gregg fire!’ and people finally started to run for the door.” Allman. As far as what caused the fire, fire marshal Bill Islander Clipperly told reporters at the time it apparently began Photo: Jeff
Booze, rock ’n’ roll, political controversy. All end in flames.
as an electrical short on the second floor. West Manatee Fire Rescue Chief Tom Sousa, then a Longboat Key firefighter, said he was off-duty that night and watched as the Anna Maria, Bradenton Beach and Cortez firefighters responded to the fire that quickly engulfed the wood-frame building. No official records exist for the 1979 fire due to state retention laws, he added. Only newspaper articles, photographs and memories remain. Oar House lore The Oar House bar was the brainstorm of Reid and Warren Jerrems about a year before the fire, said Reid, who now lives in California. The building was a seaside resort and bathhouse for people who came to the island by steamboat. There were showers on the first floor, a second floor with a large dining hall and a third floor with 12 sleeping rooms. Over the years, it fell into disrepair. By 1978, the third floor had literally fallen into the second floor, which was riddled with termites and closed, and the first floor housed the old Gulf Park bar, according to Reid. After a few months of hard work, Reid and Jemmers brought the first-floor bar to life again. Neill recalls the bar having restrooms labeled “outboard” and “inboard.” The Oar House attracted shift workers from big Bradenton businesses, including Tropicana and Miller The Allman Brothers Band at the Oar House. The photo appears in Gregg Allman’s book, “My Cross to Bear” with the caption, “Giving it one more try. 1979.” It also was published April 9, 1979, in the Bradenton Herald with no photo credit.
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THE ISLANDER n Feb. 20, 2019 n 23
Before the fire …
Islander archive photo
Firefighters weren’t able to save the Oar House, but managed to prevent the fire from spreading. Islander Archive: Gene Page VI
Sue Swift, center, is pictured watching the Oar House fire from the parking lot with friends Ray Preston and Oar House server Joanne Wallace on the hood of a car Feb. 22, 1979. Islander Archive: Don Moore
The Oar House was reduced to burnt timber, smoldering ash, bottles and cans. Islander Archive: Don Moore Trailers, with early morning and late evening happy hours. And the bar became a hangout for Gregg Allman — who then lived in Holmes Beach (in the home now owned by Mayor Judy Titsworth and husband Steve) — and Dickey Betts, who also lived in the area. Asked about seeing Allman and Betts at the bar, Neill said, “Oh yeah, they lived there then.” Reid also recalled Allman’s time at the bar. “Gregg used to come in at all hours,” he told The Islander. In the morning, Allman, who died in 2017, drank a shot of Ouzo. The evenings it was Cutty and Coca-Cola, Reid said. There were stories of Allman’s former wife, known in her own right as Cher, at the bar, although Dickey Betts’ Great Southern played more often and Betts sometimes brought his wife, Paulette, who often was mistaken for Cher. Betts and his band played the bar one Sunday, bringing Allman to sit in, which can be credited with bringing the Allman Brothers Band together again, featuring Betts’ second lead guitar and drummer, brothers Dan and Frankie Toler — also residents of AMI. Reid played on the bar’s popularity with the Southern rock legends, and marketed the Oar House by dropping off maps to the bar to his contacts at the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall in Sarasota to give to other performers. Some came to the beach for a drink and some performed after their shows. Waits performed with Nick Danger and the Heat and was photographed at the bar by Roat. Redbone also jammed with the group that night. In late 1978, after Allman was arrested by Bradenton Beach police for revving his motorcycle in the Oar House parking lot, the bar became a living memorial to him. Reid loaded the jukebox with Allman’s music and the songs got regular play. Once, he said, the Betts-Allman band set up outside and performed for people lining the beach and 30-40 boats hovering near the shore in the Gulf.
Tom Waits performed with Nick Danger and the Heat, the band playing the Oar House Nov. 11, 1978. Waits showed up at the beach bar with Leon Redbone after a concert at the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall in Sarasota. Islander Archive: Paul Roat
The bar often served Allman breakfast — Ouzo — and last call — Cutty and Coke. The night of the fire Reid and Jerrems were at the Oar House the night of the fire. Reid was sleeping in the office. Dan Crawford, a Southern jazz rocker who had opened for Allman, was onstage. Reid recalled the night. “I remember when it happened. Warren came into the office, saying ‘David, we have a fire in the house.” But drowsy from sleep, Reid thought his business partner said, “We have a fight in the house.” As soon as he realized it was a fire and not a fight — he said there were fights all the time — Reid looked around and saw the fire, safeguarded the cash, grabbed expensive cases of liquor and got out unharmed. Bradenton Beach politics circa 1979 Reid and Neill spoke about how the noisy beach bar raised the ire of some Bradenton Beach residents, including Sandpiper Resort neighbors across the street
and then-Mayor Richard Connick. “The trailer park people didn’t like it,” Neill said. “It was a lot of loud music, of course, with parties spilling out on the beach.” Reid ran for mayor in 1977 and lost to Connick by 40 votes, according to Roat’s article. Reid’s campaign platform espoused placing the island under one government, he said, as well as promising not to run for mayor of the island municipality. The article stated, “ironically” the mayor also fought the Oar House fire in his role as a fire chief. According to Reid, before the fire, Connick made no bones about it. He wanted to close the Oar House. At a Dec. 7, 1978, Bradenton Beach commission meeting, city officials, neighbors and the Oar House business owners faced off. Police Chief Don Pike told commissioners the department received 44 complaints about the Oar House in the preceding three months, according to a Dec. 10, 1978, Bradenton Herald article by Dan Stobler. Connick said the fire marshal closed the bar “more than once” because the 150-person limit set by fire code was “exceeded by as many as 50 persons,” the Herald article states. “Sandpiper was upset because it was becoming too popular,” Reid said. And Connick had a large voting bloc at the Sandpiper that he wanted to keep happy. There was no love lost between the political opponents and the Oar House was taking the heat. Reid also said he considered filing a federal suit against Connick for illegal use of his political office. The former Oar House owner long ago moved to Los Angeles and has a career in television, from assisting on the long-running sitcom “Cheers” to associate director of the “Cool Kids” TV series. He summed up the late ’70s at the Oar House: “It was quite an adventure that happened in less than 12 months time. “It was a great ride.”
24 n Feb. 20, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
Sarasota man sentenced to 13.5 years for fatal shooting
By Kathy Prucnell Islander Reporter Anna Maria remembers Mariah Hope Goode. A Sarasota man was sentenced Feb. 8 to 162 months in prison for fatally shooting Goode, who worked on Anna Maria Island as a youth counselor. Devon Lee Freeman, 23, pleaded no contest to a reduced manslaughter charge in January and was sentenced this month in a Manatee County courtroom. He was in the Manatee County jail Feb. 14, awaiting placement in the Florida Department of Corrections. Twelfth Circuit Judge Charles Sniffin meted out Freeman’s sentence and included an 821-day credit for time served. The judge also ordered Freeman to attend a oneday anger management course and serve 18 months probation following his time in prison. Freeman shot the 18-year-old Goode Nov. 6, 2016, in the 3300 block of Fourth Avenue East in Manatee County, when he unleashed 18 rounds from a handgun with extra capacity. One bullet that went through the front seat of the vehicle, where Goode sat as a passenger, struck her heart. She was with her friend, Frank Freeman Brice, when he and Freeman began arguing. After the shooting, Brice took Goode to the hospital, where doctors tried to save her. Throughout the proceedings, Freeman’s attorney, Brett McIntosh, contended his client felt threatened by Brice. The defense attorney told The Islander Feb. 14 that Brice showed Freeman his gun and warned him not to move into the neighborhood. However, according to Sniffin’s Dec. 21 order that denied Freeman’s stand-your-ground-immunity defense, there was no evidence Brice was carrying a firearm. McIntosh said, “It was totally a tragedy. Like I said at the sentencing hearing, you have two good people involved in a tragedy. (Freeman’s) a good young man. And it was self-defense, but I didn’t convince the judge of that.” McIntosh said Goode was an innocent bystander and testimony from Brice, the state’s only witness, about not possessing a gun was not credible. “That investigators didn’t find a gun anywhere and that means there wasn’t a gun — you’re kidding me,” he added.
The Center of Anna Maria Island honors the memory of Moriah Hope Goode with a portrait by Anna Maria artist Janet Kingman. The portrait hangs among plaques on a wall at the center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Islander Photo: Kathy Prucnell
Goode’s family and friends supported a maximum sentence for Freeman on Facebook, in letters filed with the court and testimony at the sentencing hearing. Freeman’s supporters asked the judge for leniency. Assistant State Attorney Art Brown said he agreed to Freeman’s plea — reducing a second-degree murder charge carrying a life sentence to manslaughter, punishable by a 15-year maximum — because of a lack of credible witnesses. “Two of the state’s witnesses were associates of the defendant and they could not be counted on for truthful testimony,” Brown said. McIntosh said he “was pleased to have the second-degree murder charge reduced,” adding that a jury might have thought shooting 18 bullets was excessive and his client would then face the possibility of a life sentence.
At the hearing, the prosecutor recommended the maximum prison sentence for manslaughter, he said, because Freeman killed Goode and could have harmed others. Four or five bullets went into three or four bedrooms in a neighbor’s home, Brown added, “where others easily could have been killed, as well.” “I think the judge gave a fair and just sentence. It was most of what the state requested,” Brown said. McIntosh said he recalled one or two bullets found at the home. The defense attorney also said he’s planning to appeal Sniffin’s denial of his stand-your-ground motion, which if he wins, will turn around the judge’s sentencing decision. Meanwhile, people who knew Goode are remembering her talents. She lived in Holmes Beach and began participating in the teen program at the community center as a shy 12-year-old, according to Aris Thompson, communications manager at the Center of Anna Maria Island. After the family moved off the island, Thompson said, Goode came back at age 17 and volunteered at the center as an after-school counselor. “I have known Moriah Goode and her family for many years,” wrote Jacqueline Jordan, an Anna Maria Elementary teacher, in a letter to the court. Jordan also recounted how Goode was respected at the center. She baby-sat, graduated early, had a bright future as an EMS/ambulance driver and was “a pillar of the community.” “The kids absolutely loved her,” Thompson said. “She was a good worker and dependable. She’d listen and observe a lot. She learned about the kids. That’s why she connected with the kids,” she said. “If I’m having a tough day,” Thompson added, she looks back at a staff birthday card containing a message from Goode: “I’m happy I know you.” She then remembers the joy Goode brought her and to other people. “And I’ll think, life is good. I’m OK.”
Island watch
In the event of an emergency, call 911. To report information on island crime, call the MCSO Anna Maria substation, 941-708-8899; Bradenton Beach police, 941-778-6311; or Holmes Beach police, 941-708-5804.
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THE ISLANDER n Feb. 20, 2019 n 25
Cops & Court
By Kathy Prucnell
Island police blotter
Anna Maria Jan. 29, 800 block of North Shore Drive and the beach, distress. Two people called 911 minutes apart to report an unknown man who was apparently in distress. The Manatee County Sheriff’s Office and the Holmes Beach Police Department searched for the man, but he was not located. Feb. 9, 800 block of North Shore Drive, domestic disturbance. A father dropped off his daughter with her mother. The parents argued and the father left the scene. A Manatee County sheriff’s deputy arrived and determined no physical contact occurred. Anna Maria is policed by the MCSO. Bradenton Beach Feb. 9, 1700 block of Gulf Drive South, domestic battery. Bradenton Beach police responded to a call for help from a woman who told police her boyfriend smacked her glasses off while they argued over their child. The man was found in east Manatee County, where an MCSO deputy interviewed him and he admitted to the altercation. Feb. 11, 100 block of Second Street North, theft. A woman reported $5,500 in cash stolen from her dresser drawer. She brought two dresser drawers and other items to the police station for fingerprint processing. Bradenton Beach is policed by BBPD. Cortez No reports. Cortez is policed by the MCSO. Holmes Beach Feb. 8, 5200-5600 block of Gulf Drive, trespass/ resisting. Juveniles were running on the beach, throwing rocks and bottles at the Martinque and Martinque North condominiums. When police arrived and ordered them to stop running, three of the youths stopped and were taken to the HBPD station, where their parents picked them up. HBPD found two more juveniles, who had failed to heed police warnings to stop, at their
homes and issued juvenile referrals. The juveniles said they were bored and acting out due to peer pressure at school. One subject told police he ran from law enforcement because he was scared. The area was checked for damage the next morning and none were found. Feb. 9, 3900 E. Bay Drive, criminal mischief/assist West Manatee Fire Rescue. Firefighters and police responded at 1:18 a.m. to a 2007 GMC engulfed in flames in the parking lot of the Publix Super Market. HBPD determined two 22-year-old men from Apollo Beach had been driving in circles, doing doughnuts and burnouts, leaving burnt rubber on the payment, when the fire started. One of the men told police they were trying to impress a 19-year-old woman who was waiting in another parking lot. The vehicle’s interior and engine were deemed a total loss. The estimated value of the vehicle was listed at $30,000. Publix reported the damage to the parking lot at $4,000. Feb. 9, 3900 E. Bay Drive, information. A witness observed a male swing at a parked car in the Publix parking lot. When police arrived, they found glass from the taillight under the car. The witness said the male appeared angry and left the area with other people. Police later found two juveniles near the 34th Street Beach access, one who told police he had broken light. The car owner did not want to press charges for the taillight damage. The juveniles were released to their guardians. Feb. 11, Jessie’s Island Store, 5424 Marina Drive, theft/heroin. A 24-year-old Bradenton woman was arrested for theft and possessing drugs and paraphernalia after taking chips, beef jerky and soda and stuffing them into her pants while in the store. When a clerk confronted the woman about the theft, the woman handed over the items, which were valued at $10.97. Police arrived as the woman attempted to get in the backseat of a vehicle that had a driver and another person in the front seats. The woman told the officer
By Kathy Prucnell, Islander Reporter
Holmes Beach man arrested for DUI
A 27-year-old Holmes Beach man was arrested in Holmes Beach for driving at more than twice the legal blood alcohol limit. Holmes Beach police stopped Mitchell Taylor at 10:11 p.m. Feb. 4 in the 2800 block of Gulf Drive after an officer observed him drive a KIA minivan with only one working headlight across the centerline of the road, according to an HBPD report. Taylor Taylor performed poorly on a road sobriety test, and an officer transported him to the HBPD. There, he consented to a blood alcohol breath test, providing two samples that measured 0.186 and 0.194. The legal limit is 0.08 BAC. Taylor was booked at the Manatee County jail, posted $120 bond and was released. His next court date is at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 6, at the Manatee County Judicial Center, 1051 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton.
Island watch
In the event of an emergency, call 911.To report information on island crime, call the MCSO Anna Maria substation, 941-708-8899; Bradenton Beach police, 941778-6311; or Holmes Beach police, 941-708-5804. she was a drug user and “messed up.” She told police she had heroin and a needle in her purse. An officer found two needles, 0.1 grams of heroin, a suboxone strip and two syringes. She was arrested and transported to jail. Holmes Beach is policed by HBPD. Streetlife is based on incident reports and narratives from the BBPD, HBPD and MCSO.
26 n FEb. 20, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
Skate park contract approved in Holmes Beach By chrisann Silver esformes Islander Reporter Holmes Beach officials took the skate park off the table and gave it their stamp of approval. the city commission feb. 12 approved an updated contract with american ramp co. to replace the skate park in the recreational complex at city field, adjacent to city hall, 5801 marina drive. commissioner Kim rash voted “nay.� the commission previously approved the project, not to exceed $150,000, with an option to include a skate bowl — an area similar to a swimming pool in structure, but custom-built above ground and about three times the size of an average 800-square-foot pool — if $100,000 could be raised from grants or donations. chair Jim Kihm said people had voiced concerns to him that the “not to exceed� cost estimate is not specific enough. However, he said, as a design-build project with a scope of work and graphic renderings, “this is how it is typically done.� “We have a complete design package with specifications, measurements and we are getting an updated cost estimate based on this design,� Kihm said. “this should take away some of these concerns about the cost of the project.�
A rendering of an updated skate park for the recreational complex adjacent to Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive. Islander Photo: Courtesy Holmes Beach additionally, the updated contract includes information regarding drainage around the skate park, including swales. “that was just a clarification — that there will be positive drainage in the surfaces surrounding the skate park — so the park is not going to be flooded,� city attorney patricia petruff said. commissioner rick Hurst asked the mayor and
Bradenton Beach City Hall oods, reopens
By Ryan Paice Islander Reporter Bradenton Beach is back to its routine at city hall following a water leak that closed the main offices for four days. the flooding was discovered by a passerby feb. 10, who observed water seeping under the back door and called 911, which dispatched the Bradenton Beach police department. Water covered about 90 percent of the floor in the building, according to public works manager tom Woodard. mayor John chappie and Woodard were notified the flooding was due to a broken waterline in the women’s restroom. they shut off water to the building and hired Servpro — specialists in water damage restoration and mold remediation. Servpro workers removed the water from the building and dried as much as possible, according to Woodard. next, they treated carpets and flooring for mold and mildew, and set up fans and dehumidifiers to finish drying the building interior. Woodard said a plastic connector on the waterline
to the toilet in the women’s public restroom had ruptured, due to what he believed to be normal wear. “We were able to shut it down, and now it’s just a waiting game,� Woodard said in an interview feb. 12. “We caught it pretty quick, luckily, so we don’t think we’re going to have to replace any carpet or drywall.� Woodard added that the city might replace some baseboards and wooden desks that have water damage from the flooding. the treasurer’s office, western-most offices and the upper dais in the Katie perola commission chamber were not affected, according to Woodard. city hall was closed to the public until thursday, feb. 14, but was open to contractors with appointments with the building department. chappie said city staff were sent home early feb. 11, but some staff members relocated to drier areas feb. 12 to resume their work. “it’s working out as best as it can, you know?� chappie said in an interview feb. 12. Woodard said he couldn’t estimate the water damage or the cost of Servpro’s restoration services. T-Shirts $10 @ The Islander, 3218 E. Bay Drive, HB.
commissioners if anyone is working on securing funding for the bowl and the deadline to raise the funds. city engineer Lynn Burnett said first the drainage must be installed, which is planned for may, with a project completion date of march 31, 2020. “that gives us that year’s window to get everything done that we need to, secure the funds and let arc mobilize,� Burnett said. “and if we can get the $100,000 in grant funds identified and procured in time, then they can continue on to that.� Burnett said the city has about six months to raise grant money for the skate bowl, which would add about four weeks to the project. arc representative tito porrata said, ideally the city would secure the funds by the start of construction, but there is flexibility. “We’ll cross the bridge when we get there,� porrata said. “Say the (skate bowl) funding comes in the middle of construction and i don’t have a job i’m committed to, we can always talk. once you’re part of the team, we’re working toward something awesome.� the next city commission meeting will be at 6 p.m. tuesday, feb. 26, at city hall, 5801 marina drive, with a work session to follow.
Eyes on the road
the florida department of transportation and manatee county posted the following notices for the week of feb. 18: Gulf Drive in Bradenton Beach: Beginning Wednesday, feb. 20, and continuing through Saturday, feb. 23, crews will mill and pave gulf drive from cortez road northward to 11th Street north, as well as gulf drive at 26th and 28th streets. Work hours will be 9 p.m.-5:30 a.m. crews will begin final milling and paving of gulf drive from 39th Street north to 28th Street north tuesday, feb. 26. this work will be performed during daytime hours. Avenue C: right-of-way restoration continues along avenue c. activities include installation of a stormwater infiltration system and driveway restoration. Gulf Drive in Holmes Beach: gulf drive, as part of a pipeline replacement project, is closed to northbound traffic at 81st Street. for the latest road watch information, go online to or dial 511.
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THE ISLANDER n FEb. 20, 2019 n 27
Carl Pellegrin, left, of the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, and Tim Kimmel, of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, prepare to net an oiled pelican in Louisiana’s Barataria Bay June 5, 2010, months after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the northern Gulf of Mexico. The pelican was taken to a center to be cleaned and then to a facility for stabilization. Islander Photo: Courtesy U.S. Coast Guard
By Lisa Neff
For the good of the Gulf’s birds
after the deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in april 2010, local tourism officials worked to convey to the rest of the world that the oil gushing from the well — for 87 days — didn’t taint anna maria island’s shoreline. islanders also expressed relief that the disaster occurred up north, but we shared common grief over the suffering and agonized over the losses. the Neff worst environmental disaster in u.S. history didn’t occur in sight from our shoreline, but it happened in our gulf waters. the oil spill caused an “ecosystem-level injury” — in the words of the final assessment survey — to the gulf of mexico, and bird mortality from the spill was conservatively estimated at 51,600-84,500. other estimates put bird mortality over 1 million. Vulnerable species, such as piping plovers, least terns, Wilson’s plovers and black terns, were heavily oiled and badly injured. Brown pelican populations, too, were devastated — only months after being removed from the endangered species list. today, nearly nine years after the disaster, efforts at recovery continue. earlier this month, the national audubon Society
released its vision for “restoring the gulf of mexico for birds and people.” audubon’s vision for restoring coastal habitat to benefit the birds — and people — would make use of some of the $20.8 billion settlement between Bp and the u.S. department of Justice. the 2015 settlement provided for payouts over 15 years. audubon’s proposal would put $1.7 billion into 30 restoration and conservation projects, including work in our region, where some birds rescued in Louisiana after the spill were released. one project involves protecting and conserving habitat at the richard t. paul alafia Bank Bird Sanctuary breakwaters in Hillsborough county. the sanctuary is the largest wading bird colony on the west coast of the state, with 5,000 pairs of nesting birds. the largest colony of roseate spoonbills in the state is in the sanctuary. tropical weather systems and freighter ship wakes
in tampa Bay continue to erode the sanctuary’s northern shoreline, but installing more wave attenuation devices can help protect the site, and that’s audubon’s goal. another effort to protect and conserve habitat involves installing nearshore breakwaters to protect rookery islands in the tampa Bay region, including one on the Braden river in manatee county, and several in pinellas county. regionwide, audubon’s plans include: • promoting stewardship of bird habitat. • researching the population and distribution of black skimmers. • Studying the possible creation of new gulf islands as bird sanctuaries. • protecting and restoring high marshes. “never before has this amount of funding been dedicated to ecosystem restoration,” says Kara Lankford, audubon’s director of gulf coast restoration.
Wetter spring in forecast for Anna Maria Island
When it rains, it tends to pour on anna maria island. But when is the rainy season, and hasn’t the past year been wetter than normal? granville Kinsman, the Southwest Florida Water Management district’s resident expert on rainfall and hydrologic conditions, recently provided the following answers to questions on the topic: Is there a rainy season and a dry Kinsman season in west-central Florida? granville Kinsman: Yes, rainfall is seasonal. our rainy season is June through September, with an average rainfall of about 7.8 inches each month. about 60 percent of our average annual rainfall is received during that time. the higher rainfall results in rising water levels in wells, lakes, rivers and springs. our dry season is october through may. during the dry season, our average rainfall is around 3 inches per month. Water levels typically
don’t forget… You can read it all online at
decline in wells, lakes, rivers and springs during these eight months. Has this year been wetter than normal? Yes, 2018 was considered a wet year in westcentral florida. rainfall was highest in the northern counties and lowest in the southern counties of our district, but all areas saw rainfall above the long-term yearly average of 53 inches. december was the third wettest in 103 years of record. districtwide, rainfall was about 7.5 inches higher than average. What is the role of El Niño in our weather? El Niño is a weather pattern related to the warming of waters in the eastern pacific ocean, and it has global impacts on weather. in florida, el niño results typically in a wetterthan-normal winter and spring. that means during
el niño episodes, our water resources typically increase. What is the forecast for the next several months? the national oceanic and atmospheric administration’s climate prediction center has been monitoring a developing el niño event for the past six months. the waters of the pacific are warm, but the atmospheric effects have not been wholly enhanced as expected. current forecasts indicate above-normal rainfall through may, when we expect to transition to our rainy season.
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28 n FEb. 20, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
New champ cards 2-over in KRC 36-hole golf challenge By Kevin p. cassidy Islander Reporter there’s a new tiger on the golf course in Holmes Beach. golf action at the Key royale club this past week was highlighted by the men’s club championship. Sixteen golfers put their hats into the ring, which meant playing 36 holes of golf over two days. Cassidy Bill Brodie took the honor of club champion after carding an impressive 2-over-par 130 to knock off five-time defending champion gary risner by 10 shots. risner finished second with a score of 12-over-par 140. the tourney was close after day one as Brodie held a one-shot lead over risner, but Brodie fired a 1-under-par 63 in his final round to win the event hands down. in regular rounds, the men played their monday morning modified-Stableford System match feb. 11 and peter Lund and alan tripp finished in a tie for first place after both carded plus-5s. Lund also was part of the winning team of Bill Brodie, dave richardson and terry tarras with a score of plus-5. the men were back on the course feb. 14 for a nine-hole shamble. the team of Brian comer, marty Hicks, alan tripp and nub turner combined on a 3-under-par 29 to earn clubhouse bragging rights for the day. the team of Bill Brodie, david crabbe, dale Hudson and marie taddeo finished in a tie for second with al carr, John Kolojeski, gary risner and terry Schaefer after both carded a 1-under-par 31. season ends, center football playoffs start the 8-10 division playoffs in the flag football league at the center of anna maria island kicked off feb. 12 with a pair of first-round games, starting with no. 3 seed taking on no. 6 seed Bins Be clean. Bins Be clean pulled off the upset in a 24-14 ending over Slim’s place. they will advance to the semifinals to take on no. 2 seed progressive cabinetry at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, feb. 20. the second game of the night saw no. 4 seed planet Stone take care of business with a 33-14 victory over no. 5 seed ugly grouper. planet Stone will take on no. 1 seed Beach Bums in the second semifinal game feb. 20. regular-season action came to a close in the 11-13 division feb. 12-13. caBB cleaning opened feb. 12 with a 27-6 victory over grooms automotive, while island charms claimed a forfeit on tyler’s ice cream. caBB cleaning wrapped up the top seed and an
Anna Maria Island Tides
Feb 20 Feb 21 Feb 22 Feb 23 Feb 24 Feb 25 Feb 26 Feb 27
1:14p 12:28a 1:22a 2:20a 3:25a 4:53a 7:16a 5:30p
1.3 2.1 1.9 1.6 1.3 1.1 0.9 1.8
— 1:35p 1:59p 2:27p 3:00p 3:40p 4:28p —
— 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.9 —
6:41a 7:15a 7:47a 8:16a 8:43a 9:07a 9:22a 12:59a
-0.6 6:04p 0.4 -0.3 6:59p 0.3 -0.1 7:57p 0.1 0.2 9:00p 0.0 0.5 10:12p 0.0 0.7 11:34p -0.1 0.8 — — -0.2 — —
AM City Pier tides; Cortez high tides 7 minutes later — lows 1:06 later
behind four touchdowns and an extra point from ray gardner. Lancaster design won the second game by forfeit over ugly grouper. the standings are pretty tight with three weeks of regular season action remaining. Lancaster design and progressive cabinetry are tied atop the standings with 4-1 records, while gulfview Windows sits at 3-2. Beach House real estate holds down the fourth seed with a 2-3 record, while ugly grouper and Hashmark Sports are both 1-4. action continues for the adult league feb. 28.
Five-time defending Key Royale Club champion Gary Risner, left, congratulates Bill Brodie on winning the 2019 men’s club championship Feb. 13. Islander Photo: Courtesy Tom Nelson unbeaten regular season, edging island charms 19-14 in the first game feb. 13. the final regular-season game saw Beach House real estate slip past tyler’s 14-13 to wrap up the no. 3 seed and a matchup with no. 2, island charms, in first-round playoff action at 7:30 p.m. feb. 20. the second game has no. 4 grooms automotive taking on no. 5 tyler’s ice cream at 8:30 p.m. the regular season concluded in the 14-17 flag football division feb. 13 with two games that did nothing to impact the standings. Blue Lagoon defeated cloud pest control 26-12 to end the season with a 3-3 record at no. 3, while the loss ended cloud’s season at 0-6. the other end of the spectrum saw ace Hardware roll to a 37-13 victory over no. 2 island fitness to wrap up an undefeated regular season and the no. 1 spot in the standings. playoff action kicks off feb. 19 — after press time for the islander — with island fitness taking on Blue Lagoon at 5:30 p.m. followed by ace Hardware versus cloud pest control. Adult flag football rolls on adult flag football completed its fifth week of action with a pair of games feb. 14 that kicked off with gulfview Windows edging Beach House real estate 15-13. the second game of the night saw progressive cabinetry roll to a 40-13 victory over Hashmark Sports
Volleyball action spikes the adult coed volleyball league at the center of anna maria got underway feb. 12 with five matches played. planet Stone earned a 15-25, 25-12, 15-11 victory over Solid rock construction in the first match of the night. Solid rock bounced back to earn a 25-11, 25-11 win over ugly grouper in the second match of the evening. Planet Stone won its second match with an easy 25-13, 25-12 win over ace Hardware in the third round match. the fourth match turned out to be a barnburner. ugly grouper earned a 25-17 win over freckled fin in the first game of the match and then held on for a marathon 33-31 victory in the second game. freckled fin bounced back to take a 24-26, 25-22, 15-6 victory over ace Hardward in the final match of the evening. Volleyball action starts at 6:30 p.m. on tuesday evenings at the center.
Free karate classes offered
the center of anna maria island will offer free Karate classes for new students in march. registration is required by march 1. the karate program is designed for all ages and skill levels, with classes led by omar Schwanzer taking place mondays and thursdays at 5:15 p.m. regular fees will begin april 1. the costs per month will be $85 for members, $99 for nonmembers, $165 for family members and $179 for family nonmembers. the center is at 407 magnolia ave., anna maria. for more information, go online to centerami. org or call the center at 941-778-1908.
Pirates play first game of spring training Feb. 23
play ball! the pittsburgh pirates will open their springtraining season Saturday, feb. 23, in clearwater with a game against the philadelphia phillies. the pirates will then host the miami marlins at 1:05 p.m. Sunday, feb. 24, in the home opener at Lecom park in Bradenton. the marlins last played in Bradenton march 17, 1993 — their first year as a team. fifteen home games will be played at Lecom, including a march 15 game against the rays and a St. patrick’s day game against the Boston red Sox. the pirates will close out the home portion of their 2019 spring schedule with a 1:05 p.m. game Sunday, march 23, against the phillies. the pirates then will go on the road, playing two games march 25 and march 26 in Houston to close out the spring training schedule, and then depart for Southernaire Fishing Charters
cincinnati to open the 2019 regular season thursday, march 28. pitchers and catchers reported for spring training feb. 13, followed by position players feb. 18. the 10th annual pirates pep rally took place on old main Street in downtown Bradenton feb. 16, with players signing autographs and Yesterdayze playing 1960s covers. Lecom park is at 1611 ninth St. W., Bradenton. for more information about spring training, go online to Did you know? all the major League Baseball uniforms in the 2019 regular season will sport an mLB 150 patch on the right sleeve to mark the 150th anniversary of the first openly all-salaried professional baseball team —
Make one stop to shop for the Dock!
marine docktor Sales • Service • Supplies & More
• Jet Ski Lifts & Boat Lifts • Remote Controls • Stainless Motors • Cables and Switches
• Dock Accessories • Piling Cones • Aluminum Ladders
Open Mon-Fri 8-4, Saturday by Appointment 12044 Cortez Rd. W, (941) 792-7657
THE ISLANDER n FEb. 20, 2019 n 29
Stellar weather results in near perfect fishing conditions
By capt. danny Stasny Islander Reporter With a week’s worth of stellar weather, fishing around anna maria island has been pleasurable. calm waters and warm southerly breezes have made for some near perfect days on the water. inshore fishing has been good for catch-and-release redfish. fishing around docks in the bays and intracoastal Waterway is yielding many Stasny 15-25-inch catch-and-release reds. most are on the smaller size of the range, which makes the larger ones a real treat for sport anglers. Sheepshead and black drum are around the docks, which adds some variety to the bite, as well as the potential to take home a fish or two for dinner. fishing offshore is even better, with reports of red grouper, numerous snapper and amberjack being caught. fishing depths inside of 120 feet is proving to be quite good as water temps slowly rise. for the groupers, live pinfish or frozen sardines work well. as for the snappers, live shrimp gets the job done. on my trips with Southernaire charters, i’m concentrating on dock fishing, as well as fishing wrecks and reefs around the inshore waters of tampa Bay. around the docks, i’m seeing encouraging numbers of redfish. casting live shrimp to these reds is attracting a bite. fishing the wrecks and reefs is proving to be good for sheepshead. again, live shrimp is working well as bait. the large concentrations of sheepies have yet to make a showing — i predict the bite should improve as we near the next full moon. Let’s hope anyway. fishing along the beaches with live shrimp is working — especially for pompano and whiting, and the whiting are ready to spawn. i’m seeing an abundance of them being reeled up to the boat. as for the pompano, there are some around, but the bite is sporadic. Jim malfese at the rod & reel pier says despite the fishing being a little slow, pier fishers are pulling up some nice-sized sheepshead. Live shrimp as bait is working well. on days when the sheepies are being obstinate, you may try fiddler crabs or sand fleas to get an advantage over the convict fish. While targeting sheepshead, anglers are hooking into an occasional redfish and some black drum. capt. aaron Lowman says he is fishing inshore on deeper grass flats with good results. casting soft plastics such as the doa caL jig in these areas is proving to be good for spotted seatrout and ladyfish, and he’s finding some scattered pompano. also while inshore, Lowman is casting live shrimp around rocks and docks to catch sheepshead, black drum, flounder and catch-and-release redfish. moving into the gulf of mexico, he’s putting clients on mangrove snapper, Key
flats is attracting some spotted seatrout and a few pompano. capt. david White of anna maria charters has been running charters offshore to fish, thanks to a string of warm, flat days on the gulf of mexico. in depths of 100 feet, White is finding plenty of red grouper. frozen sardines and live pinfish are the ticket. also, while offshore, White is putting clients on large amberjack around wrecks and other structure, while live pinfish are luring the predators to the hook. moving inshore, White’s anglers are catching a mixed bag of sheepshead, black drum, pompano and catchand-release redfish. capt. Jason Stock is taking charters offshore. the warm, calm days we’ve had are perfect for venturing offshore and Stock is cashing in on them. amberjack are the highlight of the offshore experience with catches ranging 40-100 pounds. if you’re looking to pull on a big fish, these are great candidates. You might wonder what you got yourself into halfway through the fight. these fish don’t give up until they are in the boat. other catches occurring offshore are mangrove and yellowtail snapper, as well as blackfin tuna and some goliath grouper. Send high-resolution photos and fishing reports to
Brothers Dylan and Lucas Engel of Bradenton took a trip with Capt. Jason Stock Feb. 10 and landed this 100-pound amberjack. The boys’ dad is Capt. Allan Engel and they’re regular anglers. Stock said it was “a little swelly in the a.m., making the amberjack really fired up.” They also worked some blackfin tuna in the area and Lucas reeled up a good a tuna catch. West grunts and porgies around areas of hard bottom and limestone ledges. Live shrimp as bait works well in all cases. capt. Warren girle is working nearshore for a variety of species. fishing in depths of 30-40 feet is where girle is finding the best concentrations of fish for his charters. using live shrimp as bait combined with a knocker rig is yielding mangrove snapper, Key West grunts, porgies and juvenile grouper. moving inshore, girle is fishing canals and residential docks, host to a number of fish, including sheepshead, black drum, flounder and catch-and-release redfish. again, live shrimp on a knocker rig is the combo for success. Lastly, jigging with soft plastics on deeper grass
Fishing Charters Capt. Warren Girle
Mark Willis of Harbour Isles on Perico Island proves “river monsters” exist as he shows off a jack crevalle he caught with Capt. Danny Stasny of Southernaire Fishing Charters while fishing around Fort Hamer on the Manatee River. Send your highres photos and fishing reports to
INSHORE RE Redfish Snook
O OFFSHORE SSnapper G Grouper
LIGHT G TACKLE C • FLY Over 30 years experience in local waters • USCG Licensed Full / Half Day Trips • 941.387.8383 (H) • 941.232.8636 (C) Facebook: Captain Warren
941.465.8932 AnnaMariaFishing
30 n FEb. 20, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
Vinny Esposito stands at the counter of his new Vinny’s Italian Kitchen, 5337 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Customers will find Esposito’s signature dishes at the storefront in the old Lobstah’s location. Islander Photo: Kathy Prucnell
BY sandY aMBrogi
Eateries top business news
Vinny’s back in the kitchen Where’s chef Vinny esposito? He’s in his new storefront kitchen at 5337 gulf drive, Holmes Beach, in the old Lobstah’s space. esposito is stocking the store and putting the finishing touches on a new Vinny’s italian Kitchen in the building that once housed Lobstahs restaurant in downtown Holmes Beach. He plans on opening feb. 25. “after i cook everything up to fill the cases,” esposito said. He is cooking his popular italian dishes for takeout and will offer gluten-free meals as well. esposito said he will host a grand-opening celebration in april. Vinny’s italian Kitchen will open 10 a.m.-7 p.m. monday-Saturday. for more information, call 941-896-9754. There’s a new truck in town Jamie and Scott mason locked the door of their Holmes Beach Scott’s deli feb. 11 and drove to miami to pick up the company’s first food truck. “We are pretty excited about it,” Jamie mason told the islander by phone feb. 12. “it’s going to open up a lot of opportunities for us.” the masons are giving themselves a few weeks to go over the truck and learn all the in and outs, then they will begin booking the mobile kitchen into events. the pair designed the food truck, which is “fully equipped” for off-site catering. Scott’s deli is at 5337 gulf drive, Holmes Beach.
Hours are 9 a.m.-4 p.m. daily. for more information, call 941-778-3000. Isola Bella says “ciao” to Longboat Key eatery the owners of isola Bella, the italian restaurant under the cell tower in Holmes Beach at 5904 marina drive, have purchased ciao! italia on Longboat Key and will rebrand the business. La norma will fill ciao’s space at the centre Shops of Longboat Key, and the owners plan to open by the end of this month. owners gianfranco Santagati and wife allessandra opened isola Bella in 2017. the menu at La norma will have a “Sicilian twist,” and will be similar to isola Bella’s menu, which includes pastas, seafood, pizza and salads. all dishes are made in-house by Santagati. isola Bella is open monday-Saturday 5 p.m.-9 p.m. for more information, call 941-242-5309. Stay busy, islanders. Scott and Jamie Mason of Scott’s Deli, 5337 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, collected the company’s new food truck in Miami. Islander Courtesy Photo
941-778-2246 OR 800-211-2323
2217 Gulf Drive, Bradenton Beach FL 34217
Cheeseburgers in paradise? Come live the island lifestyle at One Particular Harbour! This amazing 3BR3BA includes designer turnkey furnishings. Mark Reemelin (941) 932-3778 and Ron Eiseman (954) 9800425 #A4411602. $777,900
Island living at Perico Bay Club. Desirable Grand Cayman model with 2-car garage. Private, gated community with clubhouse, tennis, pools, and so much more. Penny Bray (941) 795-6685. #A4422606. $379,900
Marina merrymaking
Members of the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce join officials from Minto Communities and Margaritaville Holdings Feb. 9 at a ribbon-cutting for the new One Particular Harbor Marina, 12300 Manatee Ave., Perico Island. The companies hosted an open house at the property, with food, libations, tours of facilities and live music. Islander Photo: Sandy Ambrogi
Lowest Priced Brand New Construction on AMI $1,349,000 Holmes Beach gem on Marina Drive! Escape to “Old Florida” living at this fantastic 3BR/2BA elevated home on an oversized corner lot with room for pool, Boat slip and dock too! Gina and Peter Uliano (941) 920-0276. #A4421591. $699,000
Spectacular waterfront 3BR/2BA condo with 40 ft deep water boat slip in historic Cortez. Turnkey furnished with vaulted ceilings and 2 balconies. Mark Reemelin (941) 932-3778 or Ron Eiseman (954) 980-0425 #A4422376. $465,000
Fabulous views of the Gulf from this fully updated 2BR/2BA turnkey furnished unit with impact windows and doors, heated pool/spa, secured elevator, covered parking. Strong rental history. Miguel Rosa (941) 447-5928 #A4422412. $865,000
Village Green paradise, single-family pool home. Two master suites, large enclosed lanai plus private caged pool. No carpet! Floors are tile, bamboo and engineered hardwood. Penny Bray (941) 795-6685. #A4423944. $259,900
OPEN HOUSE Noon-4 pm Friday, Feb 22, at 12 Palm Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach 4 BEDROOMS/4.5 BATHS
This home was just completed with all high-end finishes. It comes turnkey furnished with a beachy decor. It is located in a quiet residential neighborhood, close to shops, restaurants, and just a short stroll to our white sand beaches. Come take a look at our open house, Feb. 22.
THE ISLANDER n FEb. 20, 2019 n 31
Hotel construction to begin soon on Perico Island
By Sandy Ambrogi Islander Reporter a picture-perfect South florida day greeted the well-wishers and curious public feb. 9, as one particular Harbour hosted a grand opening for its marina. mike Belmont, president of minto communities, and Jim Wiseman, president of margaritaville development, attended, celebrating the completion of the marina at the joint venture development at 12300 manatee ave. W., perico island. the men also discussed the next phase of their development. front and center is the new compass Hotel, which will wrap around the harbor. the hotel will be margaritaville developments’ first under the upscale boutique select-service brand. five more compass hotels are under contract. compass are smaller hotels in smaller markets that offer the lifestyle and amenities of margaritaville’s larger properties. “margaritaville is a lifestyle brand,” Wiseman said in an interview feb. 9. “We stand for paradise, and we know how to produce it.” margaritaville operates 17 lodging locations and has 20 projects “in the pipeline,” all inspired by the lyrics and lifestyle of singer-songwriter Jimmy Buffett. the new hotel will feature two buildings: a threestory, 101-room hotel to be built by Sarasota-based floridays development co. and a side building with 30 rooms. a 150-seat restaurant and bar with a wraparound deck will share the site, along with a resortstyle swimming pool.
Business news
does your business celebrate achievements? maybe you’re new in business or your staff deserves kudos. Submit your information to news@islander. org.
coMPiled BY sandY aMBrogi
AMI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Thursday, Feb. 21 6 p.m. — Ribbon-cutting and light bites, Bridge Street Events, 119 Bridge St., Bradenton Beach. Open to the public. Wednesday, Feb. 27 5 p.m. — Mix and mingle with the chamber board of directors at the office, 5313 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Members $5, guests $10, reservations requested. Information: 941-778-1541, Sunday, March 31 Deadline for scholarship applications. Information: 941-778Mike Belmont of Minto Communities and Jim Wise1541, man of Margaritaville Holdings relax on the veranda LONGBOAT KEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE of the One Particular Harbour Ship’s Store Feb. 9
during the grand opening for the marina. The pair attended the festivities and talked about the partnership between their companies. Islander Photo: Sandy Ambrogi
the main hotel will be located where the sales office stands, which will be demolished. the smaller lodging building will be located south of the opH Ship’s Store. Belmont said the construction should begin within the next 30 days, when the sales team will relocate to a trailer near manatee avenue West. “We felt this area has needed this type of hospitality for a while. the hotel complex will bring new food and entertainment to the island area,” Wiseman said. compass Hotel management also will manage vacation rentals at one particular Harbour margaritaville condominiums for absentee-owners. Belmont admitted the marina was an enormous endeavor and had taken longer to complete than expected. “But the proof is in the pudding. We have already had great success in leasing there.” “the marina is under a sales contract with confidential terms,” Belmont said, adding, “the marina was never intended to be held by minto.”
Tuesday, Feb. 26 5 p.m. — Lounge 15 at South St. Armands Circle, 15 S. Blvd. of the Presidents, Sarasota. Members $5, guests $10. Information: 941-778-154, Thursday, March 7 11:30 a.m. — Networking@Noon, Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse and Wine Bar, 2001 Siesta Drive, Sarasota. Members $25, guests $35. Information: 941-383-2466, gloefgren@ Send BizCal listings to and news@ The deadline is the Wednesday the week prior to publication.
“it’s a well-respected marina operative who has marinas all over the country. it will be in very good hands,” he said. “We’ve had a very successful several years developing this property. it’s a great place to live. now with the marina and the new hotel, we think it completes this as a great lifestyle community,” Belmont continued. and will Jimmy Buffett show up for the opening of the hotel and restaurant? “We guarantee Buffett will be here — sometime. With a place like this, he’ll be here,” Wiseman said. “this is paradise. He’ll be here.”
ILEXHURST 2500 Gulf Drive N Laurie M Mock 941-232-3665 A4424506 $2,949,000
K E Y R OYA L E 529 Key Royale Drive Hannah Hillyard & George Myers 941.744.7358 A4184576 $1,945,000
B R A D E N T O N B E AC H C LU B 1710 Gulf Drive N E Hannah Hillyard & George Myers 941-744-7358 A4215055 $1,899,000
S H O R E AC R E S 867 N Shore Drive Ken Kavanaugh, Jr & Margo Love Story 941-799-1943 A4418345 $1,850,000
C O R T E Z B E AC H 110 7th Street S Judy LaValliere & Deborah Nelson 941-504-3792 A4210751 $1,800,000
NW BR ADENTON 5948 Riverview Boulevard Kathy Valente 941-685-6767 A4409147 $1,800,000
W E L L S B AY H A R B O R 505 S Bay Boulevard Debbie Vogler 941-705-3328 A4199179 $1,799,000
R I V E R DA L E 633 Regatta Way Sandi Dietrich 941-704-0697 A4423581 $1,450,000
A N N A M A R I A B E AC H 111 Spring Avenue Kristi Berger & Deborah Capobianco 941-730-3801 A4421014 $1,125,000
W I N D I N G OA K S 3431 Winding Oaks Drive 16 Stacy Haas & Gloria Bracciano 941-587-4359 A4416478 $974,900
MARTINIQUE 5300 Gulf Drive 306 Laurie M Mock 941-232-3665 A4400024 $599,900
W I S T E R I A PA R K 8842 17th Avenue Circle NW Mark Boehmig 941-807-6936 A4421632 $575,000
PA L M A S O L A B AY C LU B 7620 34th Avenue W 101 Rich Sporl & Barb Eberhart 941-737-1754 A4423715 $415,000
PELICAN HARBOUR & BEACH CLUB 4234 Gulf Of Mexico Drive L2 2 Bed 2 Bath $4,200 Jaime Barcelo 941-275-3233 A4142671
8 8 8 . 552 . 52 2 8
A N N A M A R I A B E AC H 107 Willow Avenue Laurie M Mock & Maureen Horn 941-232-3665 A4421946 $1,449,000 L I C E N S E D R E A L E S TAT E B R O K E R
32 n FEb. 20, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
i s l a n d e r C l a s s i F i e d s ITEMS FOR SALE
TWO SLEEPER SOFAS: Two years old. Garage motor. $50 each. Karl, 941-704-7798.
KENNEDY TRAVEL CONCIERGE. Bradenton: We specialize in providing associates to accompany seniors and children during air travel. Call 847-970-8171 today.
ROSER THRIFT SHOP and annex open 9:30 a.m.- 2 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday. Donations preferred 9 a.m.-11 a.m., Wednesdays. 511 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Call 941-779-2733.
CEILING LIGHT: AMBER glass with bronze, 29-inches long, 15-inch irregular width, three bulbs. $20. 614-946-5070.
TROPICAL EGRET PREMIUM: Giclee print by Killian, poster framed, 22 bys 28 inches, $40. Phone 941-795-8971.
ANTIQUE PARTNER DESK: All wood, $1,000. Four oak chairs: Antiques, perfect for eclectic dining set. $125 each. See at The Islander office, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. 941-778-7978.
WANTED: WORKOUT DVDs, XBox, Wii units with games for Ministry of Presence for kids and teens in Haiti. Deliver to The Islander, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach.
WANTED: YOUR OLD cellphone for recycling. Deliver to The Islander, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach.
Individuals may place one free ad with up to three items, each priced $100 or less, 15 words or less. FREE, one week, must be submitted online. Email, fax toll-free 1-866-362-9821. (limited time offer)
AERIAL PHOTOS of Anna Maria Island. View and purchase onli ne:
Sandy’s Lawn Service Inc. Established in 1983 Residential and Commercial Full service lawn maintenance Landscaping – Clean-up Hauling tree trimming Licensed & Insured
Paradise Improvements
Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist Replacement Doors and Windows
Andrew Chennault
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RDI CONSTRUCTION INC. Residential & Condo Renovations Kitchens • Bath • Design Service Carpentry • Flooring • Painting Commercial & Residential
References available • 941-720-7519
AdoptA-Pet smokey and Diamond. Bonded pair, mother and son. 2 and 8 years old. Apply to adopt the pair at www. Call Lisa Williams at 941-345-2441 or visit The islander next to Paradise Cafe in Holmes Beach for more … SPONSORED BY
FREE GUN LOCK courtesy of Project Childsafe, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and Holmes Beach Police Department. Pick up at The Islander office, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. Don’t be sorry, be safe.
Island real estate sales
By Jesse Brisson Special to the islander 903 n. Shore drive, anna maria, one of two bayfront 6,750 sq ft lots sold 01/31/19, gerry to g&H florida investments LLc for $1,250,000. 903 n. Shore drive, anna maria, a bayfront 6,750 sq ft lot was sold 01/31/19, gerry to doyle for $1,250,000. 799 Jacaranda road, anna maria, a 1,100 sfla / 2,090 sfur 2bed/2bath/2car pool home built in 1981 on a 5,350 sq ft lot was sold 01/28/19, Van Loveren to rippy for $930,000; list $980,000. 522 Key royale drive, Holmes Beach, a 2,708 sfla / 3,679 sfur 3bed/3bath/2car canalfront pool home built in 1959 on a 11,000 sq ft lot was sold 01/24/19, porter investment Holdings LLc to crowe for $895,000. 2312 canasta drive, Bradenton Beach, a 1,034 sfla 2bed/2bath/1car bayfront home built in 1948 on a 9,650 sq ft lot was sold 01/22/19, canasta cottage LLc to Sniadach for $780,000; list $945,000. 606 ambassador Lane, Holmes Beach, a 1,380 sfla / 1,912 sfur 3bed/2bath/1car pool home built in 1966 on a 8,925 sq ft lot was sold, 01/30/19, Brettingen to Kiefer for $625,000. 5805 de palmas ave., Holmes Beach, a 1,150 sfla / 1,332 sfur 2bed/2bath pool home built in 1970 on a 5,050 sq ft lot was sold 02/01/19, Woznicki to Brattain for $615,000; list $645,000. 519 69th St., Holmes Beach, a 1,305 sfla / 2,105 sfur 2bed/2bath/2car canalfront pool home built in 1971 on a 9,690 sq ft lot was sold 01/29/19, Bartelsman to taylor for $585,000. 4225 gulf drive, unit 102, island Village, Holmes Beach, a 2bed/3bath condo with shared pool built in 1981 was sold 02/01/19, forsythe to gaynor for $390,000. 6500 flotilla drive, unit 151, Westbay point & moorings, a 1,114 sfla 2bed/2bath condo with shared pool built in 1978 was sold 01/31/19, moog to Vanderwarker for $360,000; list $385,000. 6200 flotilla drive, unit 312, Westbay point & moorings, a 1,066 sfla 2bed/2bath condo with shared pool built in 1979 was sold 01/28/19, davis to eagleson for $295,000. 1603 gulf drive n., unit 32, tradewinds, Bradenton Beach, a 380 sfla 1bed/1bath condo with shared pool built in 1971 was sold 02/01/19, ickowitz to alien tV productions LLc for $180,000; list $189,000. Jesse Brisson, broker/associate at Gulf-Bay Realty of Anna Maria, can be reached at 941-7787244.
ANNUAL FLEA MARKET: 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 25. Appliances large and small, furniture, clothing, sporting goods, jewelry, linens, books, bikes, artwork. Coffee, lunch available. Palma Sola Harbour condos, 9400 Cortez Road W., Bradenton. YARD SALE: 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday Feb. 23. Tools, treasures and more. Cortez Park.12507 Cortez Road by bridge. LOST AnD FOUnD LOST IN ANNA Maria: Ray Ban sunglasses in case on Feb. 15. Please, call 941-251-4418. PETS WANTED! FOSTERS, VOLUNTEERS to help Moonracer No Kill Animal Rescue. Please email: moonraceranimalrescue@ TRAnSPORTATIOn FOR SALE: 1978 Oldsmobile Delta 88, 73,000 miles, very clean, runs good, wellkept. $4,000 or best offer. Holmes Beach. Call 817-228-3787. BOATS & BOATInG BIMINI BAY SAILING: Small sailboat rentals and instruction. Day. Week. Month. Sunfish, Laser, Windrider 17 and Precision 15. Call Brian at 941-685-1400. PONTOON BOAT RENTAL Create life-long memories. Call 941-778-2121 or see HELP WAnTED JESSIE’S ISLAND STORE is now hiring night shift cashier, 3-4 nights. See Jimmy or April for details. 5424 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. 941-778-6903. WANTED: DETAILED HOUSE cleaner. Must be available any two days a week from 11 a.m. Richard, 941-518-1216. REPORTER WANTED: Full- to part-time. Print media, newspaper experience required. Apply via email with letter of interest to KIDS FOR HIRE KIDS FOR HIRE ads are FREE for up to three weeks for Island youths under 16 looking for work. Ads must be placed in person at The Islander office, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach.
“Anna Maria Island,” a pictorial history of the island by Bonner Joy, is available at The Islander office, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. Joy is publisher of The Islander newspaper. She launched the newspaper in 1992 and she is a 44-year islander.
THE ISLANDER n FEb. 20, 2019 n 33
LAWn & GARDEn Continued
ISLAND COMPUTER GUY, 37 years experience. On-site PC repairs, upgrades, buying assistance and training. Call Bill, 941-7782535.
STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Shell, lime rock, palms, river rock, construction demolition, fencing, pressure washing, hauling debris and transport. Shark Mark, 941-3016067.
CLEANING: RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, vacation, construction, rentals and power washing. 941-744-7983.
U FLY I drive your car anywhere in the USA. Airport runs, anywhere. Office, 941-4476389. 941-545-6688.
VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, interior/exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island references. Bill, 941-795-5100. www.
I DON’T CUT corners, I clean corners. Professional, friendly cleaning service since 1999. 941-779-6638. Leave message.
CUSTOM REMODELING EXPERT. All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Insured. Meticulous, clean, sober and prompt. Paul Beauregard, 941-730-7479.
NEED A RIDE to airports? Tampa $65, St. Pete, $55, Sarasota, $30. Gary, 863-4095875. B-SAFE-RIDES: Peggy, R.N I live on Anna Maria Island. Airport, 1-6 seats and personal rides, errands, etc. Don’t risk it! Call now, 727-902-7784. PRESSURE CLEAN SMALL/medium driveway, $50. 941-718-1134. Ken. ISLAND VACATION NANNY; Professional nanny 25-plus years. Get a night out. Call April, 586-843-5523.
TILE -TILE -TILE. All variations of ceramic tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, 941-726-3077. GRIFFIN’S HOME IMPROVEMENTS Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and wood flooring. Insured and licensed. 941-722-8792. JERRY’S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry, handyman, light hauling, pressure washing. Jack of all trades. Call 941-447-2198.
BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS JD’s Window Cleaning looking for storefront jobs in Holmes Beach. I make dirty windows sparkling clean. 941-920-3840.
ARTISAN DESIGN TILE and Marble. Building our reputation on excellent service and focused craftsmanship, one job at a time. Call Don, 941-993-6567.
BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigeration. Commercial and residential service, repair and/or replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and personalized service, call Bill Eller, 941-795-7411. CAC184228.
SOUTHWEST HOME IMPROVEMENT: Michigan builder, quality work guaranteed. Affordable, timely, within budget. Call Mike, 1-616-204-8822.
ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional creates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding! 941-778-2711. RELAXING MASSAGE IN the convenience of your home or hotel. Massage by Nadia, more than 20 years on Anna Maria Island. Call today for an appointment, 941-518-8301. MA#0017550.MA#0017550. LAWn & GARDEn CONNIE’S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, landscaping, cleanups, hauling and more! Insured. 941-778-5294. ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER Ser vice: Repairs, installs. Your local sprinkler company since 1997. Call Jeff, 941-778-2581. SHELL DELIVERED AND spread. $55/yard. Hauling all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free estimates. Call Larry at 941-7957775, “shell phone” 941-720-0770. NATURE’S DESIGN LANDSCAPING. Design and installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residential and commercial. 35 years experience. 941-448-6336.
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R. A. GONZALEZ CONSTRUCTION: Re-roof and leak specialist. Residential/hotels/commercial. Repairs, shingles, tile, metal, flat. Quick response. Quality work at reasonable rates. References. Insured/licensed. #CCC1330056. Call Bryan at 727-2779502.
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REnTALS JUST OFF THE Island: Two retail storefronts for lease on Cortez Road. High visibility, high traffic. Water included. 7818 Cortez Road, approx 800 sf, 7834 Cortez Road, approximately 1,600 sf. 941-746-8666. SEEKING FEBRUARY OR partial month. Mangrove Avenue to Cypress Avenue, Anna Maria, $4,000-5,000. 419-957-6794. HOLMES BEACH: ANNUAL elevated, unfurnished 2BR/2BA, garage, lanai, no smoking/ pets. $1,500/month. 941-524-9759.
@ The Islander, 3218 E. Bay Drive, HB
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BRADENTON BEACH, ANNUAL; unfurnished 2BR/1BA, ground level, will consider small pet, no smoking. $1,600/month. 941705-4737. HOLMES BEACH: 2019-20 winter rental. 2BR/2BA Gulf side of Gulf Drive, half block to beach. No pets, no smoking. 813-254-8844. 2020 SEASON: 2BR/2BA unit; first floor. Solar-heated pool, laundry. Three-month minimum. 941-778-9576. THE ISLANDER. The best news on Anna Maria Island since 1992. TURN THE PAGE for more rentals …
Jack Elka 941-778-2711
34 n Feb. 20, 2019 n THE ISLANDER
i s l a n d e r C L A S S I F I E D S Rentals Continued
Rentals Continued
ANNUAL RENTAL ON AMI: WEÂ make Island living carefree! Weekly cleaning service, pool and yard maintenance included. 2BR/2BA remodeled duplex with motel amenities. Private pool with Jacuzzi. Fully furnished. Available May 5. $4,000/month. Tom, 941993-4909.
HOLMES BEACH: 2BR/2BA condo. Gorgeous bay views. See: #1106. 207-944-6097.
NORTH BEACH VILLAGE:Â Gorgeous turnkey furnished totally updated 3BR/2.5BA, two blocks from the beach, hardwood floors, new kitchen, great rental history. Only $539,000. Call Kathleen White at 941-773-0165. Island Real Estate.Â
HOLMES BEACH DUPLEX: 2BR/2BA, garage. Beautifully furnished. January through April, 2020. No pets or smoking. $3,300/month. 941-778-2824.
WATERFRONT 2BR/2BA TWO-car garage townhome. 1,700-plus sf, new appliances, recently renovated, 13,000-lb. boat lift, no bridge, deep-water access to Gulf. Beaches, nature preserves, bike trails in neighborhood. Close to all amenities. Cable/WiFi included. $2,000/month plus utilities. 561262-2825.
HOLMES BEACH: WESTBAY Point and Moorings. 2BR/2BA condo, bay views, furnished. Association rules apply. May through December. $2,350/month. 941-778-2824. OFF-SEASON STARTING May 15. Perico Bay 2BR/2BA, one-car garage. Updated villa. Book now. $1,500/month. Flexible. Real Estate Mart, 941-356-1456. SMALL OFFICE SPACE for rent; approx. 150 sf. $600/month, $500 deposit. 5386 Gulf Drive, Suite 101. 941-746-8666. ANNUAL: 2BR/1BA, steps to beach, second story. $1,000/month, $700 deposit. 941-7468666. 2BR2BA CONDO ON the beach. Heated pool and tennis available. Feb. 23-March 16, $1,400/week. 765-477-7126.
ANNUAL RENTAL; 2BR/2BA, Bradenton Beach. Covered parking and storage. Two blocks to the beach. Available March 5. Call 925-596-0785.
REAL ESTATE STARTING FROM THE low $300,000s. Only minutes from the beach, this new active adult community is perfectly located just south of Manatee Avenue off Village Green Parkway. Perfectly designed, open 2BR or 3BR/2BA plus den and two-car garage floor plans. Luxurious amenities, pool, spa, gym, pickleball and fenced-in dog park. HOA only $209/ month. Models open daily. Contact us, 941254-3330. MOBILE HOME FOR SALE, Cortez, FL. 
All new inside and out, vinyl siding, lifetime roof, central AC, new granite counters with island and desk area, paver patio, 2BR/1BA. $129,500. Call 508-397-3953. MOBILE HOME FOR sale (55-plus Sandpiper Resort Co-op). 50 steps from the beach. 1BR/1BA, fully furnished, new floors. $75,000. Call Erik, 813-679-3561.
PERICO BAY CLUB ground-level updated 2BR/2BA villa with water views. $279,000. Call Kathleen White at 941-773-0165. Island Real Estate. ANNA MARIA ISLAND: Sweet spot. Waterfront 3BR/2BA home. Caged, heated pool and spa. Boat lift and dock. Vaulted ceiling. New, low price, $699,900. Exclusive, Real Estate Mart, 941-356-1456. AFFORDABLE DOUBLEWIDE: HANDYMAN. $29,000 or best offer. Nine miles to beach. Ask for JB, Real Estate Mart, 941356-1456. PERICO BAY CLUB; Beautiful water views. 2BR/2BA. available furnished, below comps. $219,900. View anytime. 941-545-5806. SNOWBIRDS, VISITORS, LOCALS! Must see, charming well-priced Northwest Bradenton home for sale. Call 941-795-5703. OPEN HOUSE: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday and Monday, Feb. 24-25, 306 Gulf Blvd., Anna Maria. Gulffront perfection. Emma’s House by the Sea. Beautifully renovated, lagoon pool, amazing views. An Island treasure. Holly Switow, Premier Sotheby’s International Realty, 941-735-3186. AFFORDABLE HOME IN west Bradenton. 3BR/2BA with community pool and marina. $179,000. Real Estate Mart, 941-356-1456.
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Windows & Doors
Since 1949 ~ 29 years on AMI Call Ted: 941.730.5045 CBC 125314531
Weatherside is here for you in all kinds of weather!
ght need‌‌, rent and finance your piece of EXPERIENCE REPUTATION RESULTS SALES/RENTALS 1301&35: ."/"(&.&/5 t 3&"- &45"5& 4"-&4 t 7"$"5*0/ 3&/5"-4
Make Your Life Easier!�
For the island lifestyle, call Lynn Zemmer, 941-778-8104.
“We Work Hard To Make Your Life Easier!� 941-778-8104 Ofc 877-778-0099 Toll Free 104 Bridge Street, Bradenton Beach 104 Bridge St., Bradenton Beach 941-778-8104
877-778-0099 Toll Free et, Bradenton Beach mer Broker/Owner
Gulf-Bay Realty of Anna Maria Inc. Jesse Brisson - Broker Associate, GRI 941-713-4755 800-771-6043
Come see this custom-built home in Anna Maria with a short walk to direct beach access. 4beds/6baths/3car home with over 3,200 sf under air. Home has pool and spa, no rental restrictions, tons of open space, elevator, privacy, way too many features to list. $2,099,000
Professional Service to Anna Maria Island Since 1974
HERON’S WATCH 10 minutes to beaches. 4 BR + Den. Excellently maintained, tastefully decorated. No rental limitations. MLS A4142821. $359,000. MEADOWCROFT 1308 56TH ST. 1BR/1BA enclosed lanai. Turnkey furnished. Beach cottage decor in living room. Heated pool, tennis, clubhouse. $121,000. VACATION/SEASONAL RENTALS GULFFRONT PROPERTIES BOOKING NOW 941-778-0807 •
For professional real estate sales, call a true island native, born and raised on Anna Maria Island. Marianne Norman-Ellis. 941.778.6696
Mike Norman Realty
RELEASE DATE: 2/17/2019
New York Times Sunday Magazine Crossword
THE ISLANDER n FEb. 20, No.2019 0210n 35
54 Subjects of some New Year’s resolutions 1 Parabolas, essentially 56 Deli order 5 Part of a 57 Reddish wedding 9-Across 59 When repeated, 9 See 5-Across emergency cry 13 Trophy winner to a fighter pilot 18 He planned 60 Wise-looking for a rainy day 63 Pub orders 19 Sled dog with 64 On base, say a statue in 67 Part of a department Central Park store where people 20 Jewish month before sit Nisan 70 Legally confer, 21 Corolla part as a power 22 Result of a foul 71 Opulent on a long 73 Kind of joke basketball shot 74 Lilac color 25 Bandleader Shaw 76 High regard 26 Start of Euripides’ 78 Certain intersection signature 79 Andrew Jackson’s 27 Bargain-basement Tennessee 29 See 92-Across home, with “the” 30 Took off the board 83 Family-reunion 32 Popular jeans attendee, informally 33 Does, as an animated 84 One taking character inventory? 87 ____ Pueblo (World 35 A, B or C, Heritage Site) in Washington 88 Polite 38 Albino orca, e.g. 89 Expensive outing 41 “You’re on!” and others 90 Philadelphia art museum, 42 Skedaddles with “the” 45 Country 92 With 29-Across, singer Chesney source of a 46 “It was all ____” famous smile 48 Chops down 93 Home of the world’s 49 Places for toasters only 14-lane and roasters suspension bridge 98 “Atonement” author 51 Word after Ian sock or bunny 100 Old barracks Online subscriptions: Today’s decorations puzzle and more Answers: 101 Catches up to than 4,000 past puzzles, page 32 102 Bollywood ($39.95 a year). instruments AC RO SS
105 Man Ray’s genre 106 Ham it up 109 Wine orders 112 Good servers 114 Timekeeper on the Emerald Isle 117 “Free ____” 118 Text-message status 119 Assists in a way one shouldn’t 120 One getting the redcarpet treatment 121 Diary passage 122 Avant-garde 123 Father 124 Scottish caps
17 “I beg of you” 19 A sharps 23 Aer Lingus destination 24 Performances for Hawaii tourists 28 Plane, e.g. 31 Column in soccer standings 34 Confesses 35 Picket line crosser 36 Hobbes’s favorite food in “Calvin and Hobbes” 37 Text-message status 39 Leading characters in “Mad Max” 40 Matter in court DOWN 43 Pretentious 1 Hill and 44 1984 Olympic tunnel builder gymnastics 2 Architect sensation Mies van der ____ 47 ____ Boston 3 Complain (noted hotel) 4 What a dairymaid does 49 ____ de leche all day long 50 Somewhat 5 Poi plants 51 Put an edge on 6 Chaiken who 52 Loopholes co-created 53 “Hey you!” “The L Word” 55 Wanna-____ 7 Printemps follower 8 Source of a deferment 56 Writer Stieg Larsson, e.g. in the 1960s draft 58 Hard way to 9 Syndicate say the answers 10 Big fan to the italicized clues 11 Yamaha competitor in this 12 Formerly, once puzzle (good luck!) 13 Figurehead? 60 Willow twig 14 Tim ____, frequent 61 San ____, Calif. collaborator with 62 Having a frog in one’s Adam Sandler throat 15 Ancient Greek state 64 Building with Athens direction, briefly 16 “The Marvelous 65 What “btw” means Mrs. ____” (award66 Mess (with) winning 68 Spanish direction Amazon series)
38 42
71 76
98 102
92 99
109 115
69 Book before Deut. 72 Extend a hand to after a fall, say 75 London’s Old ____ 77 Beyond that 79 Listens attentively 80 Declare 81 “Jane the Virgin” actress Rodriguez 82 Pizazz 85 Wine: Prefix
89 93
59 66
13 21
30 36
86 Was on the verge of collapse 87 What “light” cigarettes are lower in 89 Not so hip 90 “The Garden of Earthly Delights” painter 91 Cleverness 93 App release
94 One of the B vitamins 95 Underwater 96 Electrician’s concern 97 Like the smell of some bread 99 Where something annoying might be stuck 103 Less welcoming 104 Sample
107 What a headache might feel like 108 Start of a classic Christmas poem 110 James of jazz 111 Ponzi scheme, e.g. 113 Wilbur’s home in “Charlotte’s Web” 115 Box-score inits. 116 Time-sheet units: Abbr.
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36 n Feb. 20, 2019 n THE ISLANDER