Qualifying continues. 4
Happy place. 8 Stylin’ 4 charity. 17
AsTheWorldTerns play the Name Game. 6
JUNE 20, 2018 FREE
VOLUME 26, NO. 34
The Islander editorial, reader letters. 6
From the archives. 7
On the government calendar. 8 AM redefines grand trees, OKs removals. 9 Make plans, save a date. 10
Community announcements. 11
HB planners talk rising sea levels. 12
Obituaries. 15 BB discusses stormwater drainage. 16
Streetlife. 18 Defendant seeks reduced charges in shark-dragging case. 19
“Red tide� on Capitol Hill. 23
Adult soccer season ends. 24 Summertime pattern, great fishing. 25
ISL BIZ Business roundup. 26-27 CLASSIFIEDS. 28 No. 0610 RUSH-HOUR HEADACHES
RELEASE DATE: 6/17/2018
NYT Sunday crossword puzzle. 31
The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992
Pier demolition begins, 250 engraved planks removed
By Ryan Paice Islander Reporter It was a clear, blue morning and the Anna Maria City Pier was buzzing with activity. But not the kind you think. Workers were removing planks. The demolition of the pier began June 11 with the removal of some 250 requested planks from the 800-foot-long walkway. Early that day, Frank Agnelli, owner of Agnelli Pools & Construction, 6000 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, and Anna Maria public works manager Dean Jones and their crews began removing and cataloging the pier planks — first the requested planks and, later, the remainder. Almost 250 people, according to Mayor Dan Murphy, asked for planks from the 1,000 boards bought and installed during the pier centennial 2010-11. The remaining engraved planks will be stored for use in memorial fences at City Pier Park, 101 N. Bay Blvd., and the Anna Maria Historical Society park at 402 Pine Ave. Agnelli volunteered for the job. The requested planks are being held and distributed by the city, while Agnelli will store the other boards until the city is ready to install fences. Demolition of the superstructure is
expected to be completed in September. The initial removal of planks was the first stage for the city pier demolition. The final plank removal will come later, as the walkway is needed to access the T-end. The city commission voted 4-1 June 6 to authorize Murphy to contract Speeler and Associates to bring down the pier. Commissioner Dale Woodland voted no. PLEASE SEE Pier PAGE 3
By Terry O’Connor Islander Reporter Traffic signals could become obsolete on Anna Maria Island. Roundabouts planned in the barrier island traffic study by the Florida Department of Transportation have the hurricanehardening benefit of eliminating traffic signals. Police Chief Bill Tokajer questioned a DOT-proposed roundabout in Holmes Beach at the intersection of East Bay and Gulf drives. “There’s so little traffic there going anywhere but north-south,� he said. Frank Domingo, DOT consultant project engineer, said if the East Bay-Gulf Drive roundabout is scrapped, the traffic light at the intersection would be the only lighted signal in Holmes Beach — after the other planned roundabouts are built. Domingo’s point of view swayed Tokajer, who noted the power outage during Hur-
ricane Irma knocked out all traffic lights on the island. “That is an improvement for that intersection,� said Nathan Kautz, traffic services engineer for District 1. “It might be beneficial to put a roundabout there to do away with traffic signals,� Tokajer said. “That way we would have no signalized lighting in Holmes Beach at all.� Other Holmes Beach roundabouts proposed in the study include intersections at Palm/Marina-Key Royale drives, and Marina-Gulf drives. Thirty people attended the final steering committee meeting June 8 at CrossPointe Fellowship in Holmes Beach where the DOT updated the $675,000 barrier island traffic study. The BITS goal is to make operational improvements in the short term, develop alternatives to driving to the island and PLEASE SEE trAffic PAGE 2
A drone view June 16 of the Anna Maria City Pier — minus about 250 engraved planks — reaches north on Pine Avenue from the T-end in Tampa Bay to the Gulf of Mexico. See more photos and video online. Islander Photo: Jack Elka
AMI trafďŹ c lights may go dark
At loggerheads on Shore Drive A disoriented loggerhead was found early June 13 crossing North Shore Drive in Anna Maria. While female sea turtle apparently did not nest, Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch and Shorebird Monitoring volunteers turned her around to find the shore and return to the water. For more sea turtle news, go to page 22. Islander Photo: Courtesy AMITW/Amy Evans
2 n JuNE 20, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
Roundabouts proposed for Bradenton Beach, Cortez, Holmes Beach and Longboat Key roads would improve island traffic flow, according to the DOT barrier island traffic study. Islander Graphic: Courtesy DOT
churches were deleted from the list after church officials rejected the concept as incompatible with their needs. The DOT also condensed project zoning into north and south from three previous zones. “We saw that a lot of concerns, issues and options could be grouped into two areas,” said BITS project manager Bessie Reina of the DOT. The north zone ranges from Anna Maria to the southern tip of Bradenton Beach. The south zone ranges from Longboat Key to Lido Key. Short-term projects can be completed within one to three years, according to the DOT. Mid- to longrange projects will take years longer. “Not everything on the list is going to be done,” Kautz said. The DOT is seeking to address limited island access, a parking shortfall and traffic jams. Solutions will be prioritized in order of anticipated effectiveness, according to the DOT. “We want to use options that will give us the most
Jack Elka captures a bird’s eye view of the roundabout at Gulf Drive and Bridge Street in Bradenton Beach east to Sarasota Bay with his drone. benefit in reaching our goal,” Reina said. The study begins its third and final phase this fall when an operations plan will be devised showing adopted strategies, plans for implementation and locations of proposed improvements. The study will be completed in spring 2019, Reina said. “My concern is: Don’t take the slow road from there,” said Holmes Beach Mayor Bob Johnson. Bradenton Beach Mayor John Chappie said his confidence level was up after the meeting. “We all want to move forward in a positive way,” he said. “FDOT can only do so much and then the communities are going to have to step up and do their part.”
Unique Pet Portraits
Composited images printed to stretched canvas
trAffic CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 make visitors and residents aware of all travel options, according to the DOT. All BITS recommendations have been vetted to ensure compatibility with major projects such as the new Anna Maria Island Bridge and work on the Cortez Bridge, according to the DOT. For example, the roundabout proposed for the intersection of East Bay Drive and Manatee Avenue in Holmes Beach is tied to construction of the new Anna Maria Island Bridge on Manatee Avenue. So, the roundabouts in the study do not include that project. “What we don’t want to do is put something in that isn’t compatible with a future improvement,” said Domingo. Two projects were officially added to the DOT list of 72 proposals: an extended westbound right-turn lane from State Road 64/Manatee Avenue onto northbound Gulf Drive/SR 789 and an eastbound thru-lane and median on SR 64 from Gulf Drive to Sixth Avenue in Holmes Beach. Two proposed shared-parking projects with
THE ISLANDER n JuNE 20, 2018 n 3
Workers from Agnelli Construction and Anna Maria Public Works Department spent June 11 removing requested planks from the Anna Maria City Pier. Islander Photo: Courtesy CofAM Pier CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Mobilization of demolition vehicles and equipment at the pier is next. Upon completion by June 30 of the mobilization, Speeler will receive an initial payment of $100,000. Payments to Speeler will be made in four installments, with a final payment of $109,000 due Oct. 1, with completion of the work. In all, the demolition will cost the city $732,000. The completion date for the demolition is Sept. 30, depending on weather and tides. The contract stipulates Speeler must pay a $500 daily penalty for
Waterspouts form off Anna Maria
A waterspout near the mouth of Tampa Bay June 14 is visible in Holmes Beach. “I just happened to look out the window and saw one,” Jenny Oelfke wrote to The Islander with her photos. A National Weather Service report said the waterspout formed about 9 a.m. near Bean Point in Anna Maria. Oelfke, who took photos from the balcony of her home near city hall in Holmes Beach, said three formed and disappeared quickly but a fourth “emerged and lasted about 5 minutes.” Islander Photos: Courtesy Jenny Oelfke every day the project continues past the completion deadline. The city pier rebuild is projected to cost up to $4.5 million. So far, the city has raised $2.83 million toward the project. Murphy anticipates receiving at least $1.1 million from the Federal Emergency Management Agency in response to the $2.1 million request for pier damage sustained by Hurricane Irma in September 2017. The new city pier structure is planned to wrap up by December 2019, with the restaurant, bait shop and facilities to follow.
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Plank retrieval
People who requested engraved planks will be asked to collect them at city hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, 10 a.m.-noon weekdays, beginning Monday, July 2, and through July — excluding July 4. Be forewarned: The planks are marine-grade lumber, 2 by 8 inches by 12 feet, and may require assistance to move and transport in an appropriatesized vehicle.
4 n JuNE 20, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
Election 11-06-18
Anna Maria incumbents step up for re-election in November
By Ryan Paice Islander Reporter Five days after qualifying opened June 11, only Mayor Dan Murphy had filed the forms to run for reelection on the Nov. 6 ballot in Anna Maria. The deadline for qualifying is Friday, June 22. As of June 15, only the incumbents had pursued qualifying for the election. Murphy, first elected mayor in 2014, was optimistic about a third term. “This work is the most diverse and rewarding of any job I have ever Murphy had and I love a challenge.” Two incumbent commissioners also will seed re-election. Commissioner Brian Seymour confirmed June 14 he will seek another term in office. He was first Seymour elected in November 2016. Commissioner Amy Tripp said June 6 she hopes to retain her seat. She was appointed by commissioners in February to complete Nancy Yetter’s term after Yetter resigned and moved to Tampa. Candidates must file forms with Tripp the Manatee County Supervisor of Elections Office, name a campaign treasurer, establish a statement of candidacy, provide the candidate oath, residency affidavit, statement of financial interests and a petition containing the signatures of 10 registered city voters. Candidates must either file an oath of undue burden or pay an election assessment fee of $196 for the mayor’s seat and $48 to run for commissioner. The mayor earns $19,400 a year, while commissioners are paid $4,800 a year. Anna Maria had 1,111 active voters in May 2018, only one more than recorded in April according to the SOE. The deadline for registering to vote in the Nov. 6 general election is Oct. 9. For more information, visit the SOE website at votemanatee.com.
Qualifying begins for candidates for BB commission
ChrisAnn Silver Esformes Islander Reporter And, they’re off! Almost. Qualifying began at noon June 18 in Bradenton Beach and two incumbents and two former planning and zoning members have filed qualifying paperwork with the Manatee County Supervisor of Elections Office. Bradenton Beach has two commissioners whose terms are up, Ralph Cole and Marilyn Maro. Both have committed to seek re-election. They are being challenged on Cole the November ballot by former P&Z members John Metz and Bill Vincent. It’s a first run for Metz, while Vincent ran and lost in 2016 to nowMayor John Chappie. Qualifying ends at noon Friday, Maro June 22. The top two vote-getters in the November balloting will take seats on the commission. Commissioner Ralph Cole will wrap-up his third year in office in November. Cole lost his bid to retain his seat in 2017 but was appointed by the commission to fill the one-year remainder of then-Commissioner John Chappie, who was elected mayor. Commissioner Marilyn Maro also is running for re-election. She was among two candidates considered
Dive Into Reading participant Jaden Smith bites into an omelet June 13 at the Anna Maria Oyster Bar, 6696 Cortez Road, Bradenton, before diving into reading. Jaden and a group of kids eat, work on social skills and table manners, listen to a book read aloud by a mentor, then pair off for reading of grade-level books. The Anna Maria Oyster Bar is taking the lead in the summer reading program — a nationally recognized initiative by owners Amanda and John Horne — to increase skills and prevent the “summer slide” in literacy. Islander Photos: Sandy Ambrogi
qualifying date. The qualifying fee for commission candidates is $48 and must be paid from a campaign bank account. Candidates must submit qualifying paperwork, including an affidavit, financial disclosure and fees to the Manatee County Supervisor of Elections Office, 600 301 Blvd. W., Bradenton. The final day to register to vote is Oct. 9. The election will be Nov. 6. Of 744 registered voters in Bradenton Beach, 387 people voted in the November 2017 municipal election. Bradenton Beach is the only city on Anna Maria Island with term limits, restricting commissioners and the mayor to three consecutive two-year terms.
10 Holmes Beach candidates poised for fall election
By Terry O’Connor Islander Reporter Let the election begin. All three Holmes Beach races have competing candidates, said city clerk Stacey Johnston. Holmes Beach voters will choose a new mayor, two city commissioners and five charter review commissioners in the Nov. 6 municipal election. At least 10 candidates have picked up election qualifying packets from Johnston. Candidate qualifying opened June 18 and closes at noon Friday, June 22. Two candidates have stepped up in the hope of succeeding Mayor Bob Johnson, whose second twoyear term expires in November. He announced earlier this year he would not run for re-election. Commission Chair Judy Titsworth, a Holmes Beach native, will forfeit her seat as commissioner if elected mayor. Her campaign treasurer is her twin sister, Jean Bystrom. Holmes Beach native Joshua Linney, a member of the Holmes Beach Parks and Beautification Committee, also will run for mayor. He is serving as his own treasurer. “It’s going to be a tough run,” Linney said. “If it was easy, it wouldn’t be fun.” Commissioner Pat Morton wants an eighth term, having been returned to office each election cycle since 2003. He will be his own treasurer. The mayor and city commissioners serve two-year terms. Before opening a campaign bank account or accept-
Election 11-06-18 Dive into breakfast, reading
by commissioners for an appointed seat in 2016, and she won the seat after a tie vote and a card draw. Former P&Z member Bill Vincent qualified, but declined an interview in light of pending litigation with the city. Planning and zoning chair Jim Lynch picked up a packet at city hall, but said June 13 he decided not to run, citing his volunteer ombudsman work and time with family as priorities. Candidates must be registered voters who have lived in Bradenton Beach for a minimum 12 months as of the
Qualifying ends June 22 for island races
ing or spending funds, candidates also must appoint a campaign treasurer and establish a bank account. Kim Rash also is a commission candidate. He has yet to raise any campaign funds, according to a report filed June 4 with the Manatee County Linney Supervisor of Elections by campaign treasurer Marjorie Motzer. Claudia Carlson, David Cheshire, Nancy Deal, Major Leckie, John Rigney and Edward F. Upshaw all are possible charter commission candidates. Morton Neither Leckie nor Upshaw have raised funds or named a campaign treasurer, according to the Manatee County supervisor of elections website. They were the only qualified charter review candidates listed on the SOE website as of June 15. Charter review commissioners serve until the review is completed. Titsworth Candidates for Holmes Beach office must be U.S. citizens, registered voters in Manatee County and a city resident for two years before qualifying. The candidate election assessment fee is $240 for mayor, $60 for commissioner and free for the charter commission, which is a volunteer position. Candidates may file an oath of undue burden if they want to avoid paying the filing fee. All candidates must collect 15 petition signatures from voters living in the city and file a candidate residency and financial affidavit.
Qualifying for municipal elections, which takes place Nov. 6, continues through noon Friday, June 22, in Anna Maria, Bradenton Beach and Holmes Beach. Voter registration remains open until July 30 for the state primary, which will be Tuesday, Aug. 28. Registration for the general election will close Oct. 9. The Manatee County Supervisor of Elections Office reports 102,547 registered Republican voters, 72,134 registered Democratic voters and 62,556 other voters for a total of 237,237 registered voters. Marilyn Maro wins a card draw in 2016 for her seat For more information, go online to votemanatee. on the Bradenton Beach Commission. Islander File com or call the elections office at 941-741-3823. Photo: ChrisAnn Silver Esformes
THE ISLANDER n JuNE 20, 2018 n 5
KORN responds to city challenge on charter amendments
By ChrisAnn Silver Esformes Islander Reporter Not surprisingly, opinions are divided in Bradenton Beach. A petition drive to put amendments to the charter — often referred to as the bible for municipalities — on the November ballot appears to have a challenger. The city commission appointed a charter review committee, which had its first meeting June 8, to review the three 2017 charter amendments approved by the electorate, and address four new proposals proffered by the political action committee, Keep our Residential Neighborhoods. Reed Mapes and John Metz, former planning and zoning board members, registered KORN as a PAC and collected signatures in support of four initiatives for the November ballot that — if approved — would amend the city charter. However, the Mapes-Metz petitions hit a stumbling block at city hall. In a letter to Metz June 11, city clerk Terri Sanclemente disputes the effort by KORN, saying the city charter requires KORN have at least five members. Additionally, she wrote none of the petitions include an affidavit affirming the petition was signed in the presence of a committee member. Sanclemente returned KORN’s signed petitions to Metz, although he refused to accept them. In an email response June 16 to the city, Mapes wrote that the petitions comply with state statutes, which supersede the city charter. He wrote it is the legal responsibility of the city to file the petition forms with the supervisor of elections and, if not, KORN will litigate. Mapes and Metz encountered the same problem last year when the city tried to block the CNOBB petitions from reaching the SOE. However, the city relented in the final hour, delivered the petitions and the amendments went on the ballot and passed. The charter committee was formed by the city
To Beaches
Manatee Ave. W
Palma Sola Bay
Cortez Rd. W To Beaches
75th St. W
Pa lm
Blv d.
34th Ave. W
commission in response to the 2017 amendments and KORN’s new charter amendments. The 2017 amendments replaced the city’s fourward representative system with at-large representation, reduced residency requirements for elected officials and prohibited changes to the city charter by a resolution of the commission. City Attorney Ricinda Perry said June 8 that by not correcting inconsistencies that resulted from the 2017 amendments, the charter work was not finished. She noted the amendment removed the four-ward structure, but references to the wards still exist elsewhere in the charter. “That’s her job, not ours,” Mapes, who helped get CNOBB’s amendments on the ballot, said June 14. “We did what we needed to do to get votes. Now it’s the city’s responsibility to clean it up.” The charter committee is considering an amendment for the November ballot that would re-establish wards, citing concerns that candidates might come from one area of the city. Mapes said the reason CNOBB proposed the amendment removing wards was so more people would be eligible to run for office. “In the last 10 years, 70 percent of people placed on the city commission either ran unopposed or were appointed because no one ran,” Mapes said. “We are looking for a way to get more people to run.” He added that the other island municipalities do not have wards. The 2018 ballot questions on KORN’s petitions would prohibit the construction of a multilevel parking garage; require commission vacancies be filled by election; prevent construction within setbacks; and require a certified public manager to serve as chief executive officer. According to Perry, language in the 2018 KORN amendments is leading and, if approved, the actions proposed might be detrimental to the city. “They were written by my attorney, Bob Hendrick-
son, so the language is legally permissible,” Mapes said June 14. At the June 8 CRC meeting, Perry told the members that the city runs well with the weak-mayor form of government; departments heads that “wear many hats;” and it doesn’t make “fiscal sense” for taxpayers to fund a city manager. A city manager previously employed by Longboat Key touted a manager can more than make up for his/ her salary with grants, savings and other funding. And Holmes Beach also is considering a charter change from a strong-mayor to the city manager form of government. According to Mapes, the city is a $3 million business requiring an experienced city manager. “Would a company with a $3 million budget hire an $800-a-month boss?” Mapes asked, referring to the mayor’s monthly stipend. He added that the city touts its department heads’ efficiency, but perhaps that is not an effective way to manage the city. “I’ve got nothing against him, but the chief of police should be doing that job, not negotiating contracts and maintaining the website,” Mapes said. At the CRC meeting, Perry implied the city manager would assume city hiring and firing responsibilities. However, Mapes said as CEO, the city manager would work for the city commission. “The city commission can fire the city manager if he doesn’t do his job correctly,” Mapes said. He said the city may be small, but it faces big issues, including tourism, traffic and flooding, that need to be managed by a professional. Metz said he will attend the next CRC meeting. “I’d be glad to speak to the issues so people understand our point of view,” Metz said June 14. The CRC will continue reviewing the charter at 9 a.m. Thursday, June 21, while the KORN amendments are on the agenda for discussion at the noon commission meeting, both at city hall, 107 Gulf Drive N.
6 n JuNE 20, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
It’s all a game
Did you ever feel like you’re living in a TV game show? “Let’s Make a Deal,” “The Price is Right,” “Jeopardy,” “Wheel of Fortune” or, my favorite as a kid, “Concentration.” And who didn’t wish they’d been a guest on the “Oprah Show” when she gave all the audience members a VW Bug? Well, with candidate qualifying firing up for city elections, I’m sure the wannabes would rather play “Hollywood Squares” — everybody wins! — for a seat at the dais. And wouldn’t you like to play the “Price is Right” for the Anna Maria City Pier— all the rights — to repair the pier? Sell the planks? Reopen the restaurant? It’s priceless. In Anna Maria, apparently you can play “Let’s Make a Deal” to beat the odds and defy regulations. Pour your cash into buying door No. 3 and — wait for it! — a swimming pool appears as the curtains part. In Bradenton Beach you may find yourself running the gauntlet in “American Ninja Warrior” to beat the establishment and accomplish your goals. Or maybe you’d like to perform on “America’s Greatest Talent” for the rights to “happiest city in the country?” No problem, just sparkle whilst you whistle the tune “Bluebird of Happiness” for the judges. If that doesn’t work, stay under the radar, lower your standards, grab the family and compete for most underrated vacation on “Family Feud.” Next stop in Hollywood? Detour on “Cash Cab.” Wind your way to your destination on a series of roundabouts without stopping for traffic lights. On the “$100,000 Pyramid,” you could cleverly answer all the clues for naming rights to the next sea turtle that nests on Anna Maria Island. On the “Dating Game,” the lucky winning couple will walk away with a free destination wedding at their favorite underrated beach town. They’re just no losing on Anna Maria Island. We can “name that tune” for a free trip to the seafood buffet. Tap dance or way to the top on the “Gong Show.” And put the politicians to test for a prize on “To Tell the Truth.” Committee conclusions And “Deal or No Deal.” Just go for it. We’re winI would like to respond to the letter to the editor ners. with regard to the current work done by the Holmes If the prize is toes in the sand, you win. As for the “Wheel of Fortune,” if the proposed Beach ad hoc committee on the form of government. I found it offensive to imply this committee went traffic roundabouts ever come about, we’ll be big wininto the process with preconceived ideas. ners in the “Gridlock” game. We came to our conclusions from many different — Bonner Joy directions. The fact that we all determined our city needed a professional to manage it just proved that we did our homework. JUNE 20, 2018 • Vol. 26, No. 34 Hopefully, we will all benefit from this decision ▼ Publisher and Editor and vote to get our city the professional help it needs Bonner Joy, news@islander.org ▼ Editorial Renee Ferguson, Holmes Beach
▼ ▼
Lisa Neff, copy editor Sandy Ambrogi, sandy@islander.org Joe Bird, editorial cartoonist Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org Jack Elka, jack@jackelka.com ChrisAnn Silver Esformes, chrisann@islander.org Terry O’Connor, terryo@islander.org Ryan Paice, ryan@islander.org Kathy Prucnell, kathyp@islander.org Contributors Jesse Brisson Jennifer Glenfield Karen Riley-Love Capt. Danny Stasny, fish@islander.org Advertising Director Toni Lyon, toni@islander.org Office Staff Lisa Williams, manager Emily Long accounting@islander.org classifieds@islander.org subscriptions@islander.org Distribution Urbane Bouchet Judy Loden Wasco Ross Roberts (All others: news@islander.org)
Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each. ©1992-2018 • Editorial, sales and production offices: 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217 WEBSITE: www.islander.org PHONE 941-778-7978 toll-free fax 1-866-362-9821
The true truth
In a recent letter to the editor concerning the Holmes Beach government committee, Commission Chair Judy Titsworth asserts as “true” that “the chair and the majority of the committee members were predetermined to recommend a city manager.” As a member of both the unofficial group of concerned citizens and of the ad hoc committee, what is “true” is a group of Holmes Beach citizens exercised their constitutional right to gather and assumed the responsibility assigned to them by the Declaration of Independence. Relative to government, it is our duty “…to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government…” Naturally, I refer not to the extremes of colonial times but to the duty of modern U.S. citizens to consider the effectiveness of their governments and, if deemed necessary, alter them. What is “true” is these volunteer citizens conducted extensive, objective investigations into Florida governments, exclusive of any initial opinions. Discussions of our findings were lively, even contentious. It is insulting to these citizen volunteers to imply their
final recommendation was “predetermined.” Titsworth has frequently voiced her “predetermined” opposition to a city manager, begging the question — who should determine a form of government? One politician or many concerned, informed citizens? Nancy R. Deal, Holmes Beach
For the record
I am writing in response to Holmes Beach Commission Chair Judy Titsworth’s letter (The Islander, June 13). I served on the original citizen’s committee formed following discussion of a city manager form of government by the commission and mayor. Following that discussion, 14 citizens expressed interest in pursuing the topic and volunteered to serve. We met in March 2017 and then regularly for three months, assessing issues, clarifying forms of government, researching data, conducting online interviews. Following considerable discussion and review, the committee requested an opportunity to present its findings to the commission. A draft dated June 15, 2017, was created and a presentation was made. The unanimous consensus of the committee was there was merit to a city manager form of government and further study of all forms of government should be conducted. This is the “point of clarification” I am addressing in Titsworth’s letter, where she states, “I am convinced the chair and majority of the committee members were predetermined to recommend a city manager.” I am disappointed by her statement. The commission acted upon the committee recommendation, published a notice creating the committee to study forms of government. Nine individuals applied to serve, two of whom had not served on the original committee. PLEASE SEE OPiniOn, NEXT PAGE
THE ISLANDER n JuNE 20, 2018 n 7
Laying the foundation
Construction is underway on the Bradenton Beach City Hall. The image is not dated but the city website says the current city hall was built in the 1970s and the first city hall constructed in the 1920s — about three decades before the city was incorporated. Islander Photo: Courtesy Manatee County Public Library digital collection
OPiniOn CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 The committee was sworn in Sept. 20, 2017, met biweekly and identified 30 communities similar to Holmes Beach and representing all available forms of government. These cities were assigned to the members for interviews. We spoke with elected officials to assess their answers to a questionnaire along with open dialog for additional comments. Their responses were vital in forming our ultimate opinions and consensus. The data documenting our findings is available to anyone. The results of our study will be presented to the commission June 26 at city hall. Terry W. Schaefer, Holmes Beach
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In the headlines: June 17, 1998
• The city of Bradenton annexed the north part of Perico Island despite objections from nearby residents, the three island cities and the Manatee County Commission. Bradenton Mayor Bill Evers said the five owners of a majority of the property on the north side had requested the annexation. • Anna Maria residents complained to their city commission that juveniles were vandalizing homes, businesses and cars. Commissioner Robert McElheny said the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office wasn’t patrolling the city as it should. • Anna Maria city commissioners agreed to let the Florida Department of Transportation build a bicycle path on Gulf Drive from Maple Avenue to Palm Avenue after learning the path would cost about $67,000. The city had $25,000 in its budget for the path.
In the headlines: June 18, 2008
We’re campaigning for a friendlier, kinder, gentler attitude toward guests, visitors, vacationers and all Write! The Islander welcomes your opinion letters. who come to love Anna Maria Island. “We’re Glad Submit your opinion along with name, address and a You’re Here” originated in the 1980s with a rescontact phone number to news@islander.org. taurant trade group. We believe Anna Maria Island needs a new attitude — one that makes everyone feel welcome. — The Islander
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• The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requested consideration of an alternative route for a proposed natural gas pipeline near Anna Maria Island. The request came as the U.S. Coast Guard began its review of dozens of documents raising concerns about the project. • Crews for J.D. Allen Construction of Naples demolished the humpback bridge on 127th Street in Cortez at the start of a 90-120 period to repair and rebuild the bridge to meet new specifications for boat traffic. • The county’s preliminary 2008-09 budget called for reducing the hours of branch libraries from 63 hours a week to 40 hours a week and also reducing hours at the Central Library in Bradenton.
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8 n JuNE 20, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
Coastal Living: Anna Maria 6th happiest seaside town in U.S.
By Ryan Paice Islander Reporter Along with beautiful beaches, excellent restaurants and nifty shops, Anna Maria residents might just have another reason to smile. On June 12, Coastal Living magazine released its 2018 rankings for the 10 happiest seaside towns in the United States, placing the city of Anna Maria at No. 6. The 10 finalists were nominated on social media and deemed finalists by the magazine. The order of cities in the final ranking was based on popular vote on the magazine’s social media. It is worth noting the final rankings were based on an online popular vote, with Anna Maria having the second smallest population of the 10 finalists. Factors considered in the ranking were the percentage of clear and sunny days, wellness index, crime rate, standard of living, the financial well-being of locals and “coastal vibe,” among other criteria. In naming the finalists, Coastal Living describes Anna Maria as “an old-Florida dream of an island town, with a sweet little main street, community gardens and streets lined with candy-colored cottages.” “We’re just very proud that we’ve been nominated and recognized for being a happy city,” Mayor Dan Murphy said June 11 in a phone interview. “I’ve always felt that our residents are very happy. “It kind of makes you happy to even visit our city,
Holmes Beach sets fireworks limits ahead of holiday
The sky is definitely not the limit as far as igniting fireworks within Holmes Beach city limits. Police Chief Bill Tokajer issued an online reminder June 4 that exploding, projectile and sky lanterns and other floating fireworks are illegal and may be seized by authorities. Citations will be issued at the officer’s discretion, Tokajer said. The flyer appears on the police website and Facebook page, Tokajer said. A Holmes Beach curfew prohibits noisy fireworks 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. Sparklers, smoke devices, party poppers, snappers and snakes are permitted by state law, according to Tokajer. Children using fireworks should be supervised at all times. The chief’s reminder includes two restrictions not tied to fireworks or the holiday: Consumption and/or possession of alcohol on public beaches is prohibited and open fires are not allowed on the beach. — Terry O’Connor
Lisa Carrier, left, and Cruce Shields, happily create sandcastles on the beach June 13. Islander Photo: Ryan Paice
I think.” “Tra-la-la,” Murphy emailed to The Islander. no. 1 underrated beach town Meanwhile, the three cities on Anna Maria Island were collectively ranked No. 1 in a June 15 Huffington Post story. Writer Jess Bolluyt states: “Whether you love the ocean or prefer to spend your beach days at the lake, there are plenty of beaches and beach towns to explore across America. While some have gotten incredibly popular, others remain underrated, especially the most affordable ones.” The Huffington Post reports that Trip Advisor users named Anna Maria Island as one of the most underrated beach towns in the United States. “This 7-milelong island, located just across from St. Petersburg, retains its ‘Old Florida’ feel. The island feels laid-back and less developed than the surrounding area.”
Coastal Living’s 10 happiest U.S. seaside towns
1. Ocean City, New Jersey. 2. Traverse City, Michigan. 3. Cape Charles, Virginia. 4. Vero Beach, Florida. 5. Bluffton, South Carolina. 6. Anna Maria, florida. 7. Cambria, California. 8. Hampton/Hampton Beach, New Hampshire. 9. Bellport, New York. 10. Cannon Beach, Oregon.
It’s pure magic at the library!
Magician Elliott Smith holds the arms of his volunteer assistant, Nate Carter, at a magic show June 14 at the Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, as onlookers watch and wait for the magic. Nate was selected from the audience of children and parents who attended the summer show. Islander Photo: Nenita Daguinotas
Eyes on the road
The Florida Department of Transportation and Manatee County posted the following notices for the week of June 18: • SR 64/Manatee Avenue on Perico Island from Martinique Drive to 107th Court West: Crews are improving drainage, constructing sidewalk and bicycle lanes and installing new signage and pavement markings. Work occurs off the roadway and does not require lane closures. Florida Safety Contractors Inc. is the contractor. Expected completion is fall 2018. • Gulf Drive between Avenue C and Cortez Road: Equipment has been mobilized and directional drilling and open-cut installation of a force main along Gulf Drive, between Avenue C and Cortez Road, is expected to continue through the month. To accommodate the work being performed, 10th Street will be closed at Gulf Drive. However, travelers can access 10th Street by taking 11th or 12th streets to Bay Drive North. • Avenue C from Gulf Drive toward 26th Street: Crews are working on installing an force main down the center of Avenue C. Intermittent road closures will be in place as work is performed along each segment. For more information about the pipeline project, go online to amipipereplacement.com. For the latest road watch information, go online to www.fl511.com or dial 511.
Anna Maria Island is No. 1 on the list of beach towns in the post to “add to your bucket list.” If you have a bucket list.
CELED Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, 941-708-5800, holmesbeachfl.org.
Anna Maria city • June 22, noon, election qualifying ends. West Manatee fire rescue • June 28, 6 p.m., commission. • None announced. Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, 941WMFR administration building, 6417 Third Ave. 708-6130, cityofannamaria.com. W., Bradenton, wmfr.org. bradenton beach • June 20, 1 p.m., planning and zoning. • June 21, 9:30 a.m., charter review committee. • June 21, noon, city commission. • June 22, noon, election qualifying ends. • June 26, 10 a.m., city commission. Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., 941-778-1005, cityofbradentonbeach.org.
Manatee county • None announced. Administration building, 1112 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton, 941-748-4501, mymanatee.org.
Of interest • June 20, 1 p.m., Coalition of Barrier Island Elected Officials, Longboat Key Town Hall, 501 Bay Isles Road, Longboat Key. • July 4 is Independence Day, when most governHolmes beach ment offices will be closed. The Islander office also • June 22, noon, election qualifying ends. will be closed. • June 26, 6 p.m., city commission. Send notices to calendar@islander.org and • June 28, 6 p.m., city commission. CAN- news@islander.org.
THE ISLANDER n June 20, 2018 n 9
Anna Maria redefines grand trees, approves 2 for removal
By Ryan Paice Islander Reporter “It feels like I’m playing ‘Let’s Make a Deal,’” Ronnie Leto told commissioners during the June 14 Anna Maria commission meeting. Leto, owner of residential property at 319 Hardin Ave., was the first of two property owners to cut a deal for replacement trees and a cash payout to the city in his appeal of a denial to remove a grand tree. He said the tree prevents him from adding a pool to his property and poses a threat to the foundation. Leto first sent a letter to the commission May 7, appealing the public works department’s decision denying his application to remove the tree. He went to the May 24 commission meeting, but a decision was delayed until June 14. Anna Maria can charge a maximum $5,000 for irreparable damage or removal of a grand tree without permission. Leto hired Lucas Davis, an arborist, to help make his appeal at the June 14 city meeting. Davis suggested Leto could add two buttonwood trees to replace the lost canopy of the cypress and two palm trees in the backyard, as well as contribute $2,500 to a city tree fund. Davis estimated the $2,500 contribution to the city tree fund would equate to the value of the lost canopy.
Commissioner Doug Copeland asked Leto to make his offer and, based on the suggestions from Davis, the commission voted unanimously for the plan and to allow Leto to remove the cypress. Davis also suggested the commission alter the city’s ordinance on grand trees to use caliper in tree measurements rather than diameter or circumference. Commissioners relied on Davis’s expertise and voted unanimously to amend the specification in the grand tree ordinance from a 24-inch diameter to an 8-inch or greater caliper to be measured 4.5 feet above ground level. Commissioners also voted unanimously to require the replacement tree species and size be agreed on by the commission after hearing from an arborist. Leto’s case set a precedent for the appeal by Robb Bauman, who had previously been denied a permit to remove a native southern red cedar from his back-
yard. Bauman owns a home at 211 Oak Ave., where he wants to demolish the existing home and build new. However, a grand tree prevents him from building a swimming pool. He said he would do whatever the commission required to make up for the tree’s removal, offering to plant a new southern red cedar in the frontyard, as well as a gumbo limbo tree on the canalfront. Davis recommended a 50-gallon red cedar to replace the lost canopy, as well as a 5-inch caliper gumbo limbo. Commissioner Amy Tripp noted the two canopy trees, as well as their installation, could cost about $2,500. The commission unanimously voted for Bauman’s plan to replace the grand tree with new red cedar and a gumbo limbo, as well as a contribution of $2,500 to the city’s tree fund. The Anna Maria City Commission unanimously agreed June 15 to allow Rob Robb Bauman of 211 Oak Ave. to remove a problematic southern red cedar in the center of his backyard in exchange for planting two new trees and a $2,500 payment toward a city tree fund. Islander Photo: Ryan Paice
The Islander welcomes stories about islanders and island life, as well as photographs and notices of the milestones in readers’ lives — weddings, births, anniversaries, travels, obituaries and other events. Submit your announcements and photographs with captions for publication — along with contact information — to news@islander.org. Also, visit us on Facebook and join the 11,300plus friends who “like” The Islander and share their social news.
10 n JuNE 20, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
“Anna Maria Island,” a pictorial history book of the island by Bonner Joy, is available for $20 at The Islander office, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. Joy is publisher of The Islander newspaper. She launched the newspaper in 1992, and is a 43-year islander.
Island Shopping Center 5400 Marina Drive at the Holmes Beach laundromat.
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The Islander Calendar ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ONGOING OFF AMI • Through Aug. 19, “Things Come Apart” exhibit, South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-746-4131. • Second Wednesdays, Think + Drink (science), South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-746-4131. • Wednesdays, 2-4 p.m., Shanty Singers, Florida Maritime Museum, 4415 119th St. W., Cortez. Information: 941-708-6120. • First Fridays, 6-9 p.m. ArtWalk in the Village of the Arts, around 12th Street West and 12th Avenue West, Bradenton. Also, Saturdays after the first Fridays. Information: villageofthearts@gmail.com. • Second Saturdays, 2-4 p.m., Music on the Porch, Florida Maritime Museum, 4415 119th St. W., Cortez. Information: 941-7086120.
313 Pine Ave, Anna Maria, 941.778.0500
• Second and fourth Wednesdays, 11 a.m. Just Older Youth/ JOY Brown Bag Lunch Series, Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-0414. • Thursdays, 9-11 a.m., veterans services assistance, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-7786341. • Third Thursdays, 11:45 a.m., Successful Women Aligning Together meets, Bridge Street Bistro, 111 Gulf Drive S., Bradenton Beach. Fee applies. Information: 941-345-5135. • Fridays, Senior Adventures usually meets to carpool on an adventure or for an activity, Annie Silver Community Center, 103 23rd St. N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941-538-0945. CANCELED June 22. • Second Fridays, 6 p.m., AMI Resident Community Connections, Center of Anna Maria Island, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-1908. • Saturdays, 8:30 a.m., Kiwanis Club of Anna Maria Island breakfast meeting, Anna Maria Island Beach Cafe, Manatee Public ONGOING ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Info: 941-778-1383. • Through July 28, Libraries Rock! Summer Reading Program, • Tuesdays, noon, Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island, Bridge Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941- Street Bistro, 111 Gulf Drive S., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941778-6341. 518-1965. • Tuesdays, through July, 10 a.m., Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch and Shorebird Monitoring Turtle Talks, CrossPointe FellowGOOD TO KNOW ship, 8605 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-5638. SAVE THE DATES LOOKING AHEAD ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND Thursday, June 21 10 a.m. — Wonders of Nature wildlife show with Matt Edmonds, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941778-6341. 6 p.m. — Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch and Shorebird Monitoring Turtle Talks, Waterline Marina Resort and Beach Club, 5325 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-5638. Friday, June 22 10 a.m. — Forty Carrots: Partners in Play, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. Saturday, June 23 2 p.m. — Tweens and Teens board games and STEM toys, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941778-6341. Tuesday, June 26 10 a.m. — Preschool storytime, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341.
• July 4, Anna Maria Island Privateers Independence Day Parade and Scholarship Party. ONGOING OFF AMI • First Saturdays, Family Night at the Museum, South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-746-4131. • Fourth Wednesdays, Stelliferous Live star talk, South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-746-4131.
3612 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach, 941.778.0400
CLUBS & COMMUNITY Thursday, June 21 2 p.m. — Knit and crochet gathering, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. 5-9 p.m. — Summer Solstice Party to benefit the West Coast Surf Shop, Acqua Aveda Salon and Spa, 5311 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-5400. Saturday, June 23 9 a.m. — CPR training, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Reservations required. Information: 941-7786341. Wednesday, June 27 Noon — Adult coloring club, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341.
full service salon and spa offering… Hair ~ Nails ~ Massage ~ Facials Acupuncture ~ Body Treatments ~ Bikini and Brazilian Waxing ~
at LECOM Park, 1611 Ninth St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-747-9442.
• Wednesdays and Saturdays, 9 a.m., horseshoes pitched, Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Information: 941-708-6130. • Most Fridays, 11:30 a.m. or 1 p.m. (call for times) mahjong games, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. • Mondays, noon, bridge, Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-0414. • Most Tuesdays, 11:30 a.m., mahjong games and instruction for beginners, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341.
• Wednesday, July 4, Independence Day. • Monday, Aug. 13, first day of class for Manatee County School District students. • Monday, Sept. 3, Labor Day. • Wednesday, Oct. 31, Halloween. • Sunday, Nov. 4, daylight saving time ends. • Tuesday, Nov. 6, Election Day. • Sunday, Nov. 11, Veterans Day. • Thursday, Nov. 22, Thanksgiving Day. • Monday, Dec. 24, Christmas Eve. • Tuesday, Dec. 25, Christmas Day. • Monday, Dec. 31, New Year’s Eve. • Tuesday, Jan. 1, New Year’s Day.
GET LISTED Send announcements for The Islander calendar to calendar@ islander.org. The deadline for listings is the Wednesday before the publication date. Please include the date, time, location and description of the event, as well as a phone number for publication.
• The Roser Food Bank needs donations of cash and nonperishable food. The pantry is administered by Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-7780414. ONGOING OFF ANNA MARIA ISLAND • Moonracer Animal Rescue seeks volunteers to offer foster and • First and third Wednesdays usually, Roser Memorial Commu- forever homes for rescued animals. Information: 941-345-2441. Seeking volunteers for an organization or an event? Email nity Church Golfing for God, IMG Academy Golf Club, 4350 El Concalendar@islander.org with the details. Please include a contact quistador Parkway, Bradenton. Fee applies. Info: 941-778-0414. • Through Aug. 26, the Bradenton Marauders play home games name and phone number.
Island happenings
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Privateers krewe planning Independence Day parade
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The Anna Maria Island Privateers will host a Fourth of July parade on the holiday, beginning at about 10 a.m. at Coquina Beach. The July 4 parade route will stretch from South Coquina Beach in Bradenton Beach to the Anna Maria City Pier at the east end of Pine Avenue. Participation in the parade is open to the public and there is no entrance fee. Privateers encourage entrants to show their “red, white and blue” pride and entries must be on wheels — no walking or marching because the allisland route is too long. After the parade, the Privateers will host a scholarship awards ceremony at the AMI Beach Cafe, 4000 Gulf Drive at the Manatee Public Beach, Holmes Beach. The party will feature the presentation of more than $17,000 in college scholarships to local students. Also, there will be an after-party at D.Coy Ducks, 5410 Marina Drive. For more information, call Kim Chauncey The Anna Maria Island Privateers will repeat Boyd 931-639-0986 or visit the Privateers’ website the 2017 Fourth of July parade from end to end of AMI this July 4. Islander File Photo at amiprivateers.org.
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Susanna Spann, a resident of Cortez, won the Airfloat Award from a recent Southern Watercolor Society’s exhibition for her painting “New Year’s Eve.” The show is at Art Center Manatee in Bradenton through June 22. Spann also won the Tallahassee Watercolor Society award from the Watercolor Society of Alabama for “Friday on Frenchman’s Street.” Islander Courtesy Image
Summer bash to benefit surf shop
FMM will close for training, holiday
The Florida Maritime Museum will close to the public Saturday, June 30, for staff training, and Wednesday, July 4, for Independence Day. Normal hours of operation Tuesday-Saturday will continue the rest of the month and in July. Hours are 9 a.m.-4 p.m. The Florida Maritime Museum is at 4415 119th St. W., Cortez, and admission is free. For more information, call the museum at 941708-6120.
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Jeweler Clara Ricker Precious metals, meteorites and gemstones are featured in Clara’s nature-inspired, unique jewelry. This necklace, in her Meteorite Art collection, incorporates sterling silver with Sapphire, Topaz, Tourmaline and Labradorite stones.
A “Summer Solstice” celebration will be held Thursday, June 21, at Acqua Aveda Salon and Spa, 5311 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. The party will raise money for the West Coast Surf Shop, which was temporarily closed following a fire in April. Plans include a surf shop merchandise sale and raffles, as well as food service and a bar. Participants will include Acqua Aveda, as well as Island Fresh Market, AMI Spirits, Rusty Crickett’s Coastal City Cottage, Blue Marlin seafood restaurant and more. For more information, call the salon at 941-7785400.
Submit your social news to news@islander.org. Please, include the time, date and location for events, as well as a contact name and phone number for publication. And, thanks for sharing!
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12 n June 20, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
HB files compel, contempt motion against builder/developer others on Anna Maria Island, Longboat and Siesta keys, was selected by the McCaffreys to testify at trial as an expert because of his knowledge of building practices, before and after the vacation rental ordinances at issue were adopted by the city. McCaffrey The attorney for the city subpoenaed Kaleta to a deposition and ordered him to bring documents, including closing documents from the last five years. “To be sure, Mr. Kaleta did not produce a single document in response to the 15 categories of documents sought in the subpoena — none” — from the June 11 motion, wrote Jay Daignaeult for the city. He is with the Trask Daigneault law firm of Clearwater, attorneys assigned by the city’s insurer, Florida Insurance Municipal Trust. “It’s a frivolous motion and it will be defended as such,” wrote Najmy in a June 14 text response, adding he expects to file for sanctions, including attorneys’
HB planners weigh rising sea-level consequences
By Terry O’Connor Islander Reporter Rising sea levels imperil Holmes Beach. How taxpayer dollars should be spent to preserve as much land as possible was debated June 14 at the Holmes Beach Planning Commission meeting. Continuing to enhance drainage and strengthen seawalls will cost millions of dollars Holmes Beach does not have in it budget. It also will inflate the cost of living and carry no guarantees if a large storm strikes the island. “We’re nothing but a sandbar,” said commissioner Barbara Hines. “It’s not going to take much for us to disappear.” At the most recent meeting, planner Bill Brisson introduced a proposed coastal management and conservation amendment to the city’s comprehensive plan. The planning commission reached consensus to recommend the city commission adopt the amendment. Brisson emphasized the amendment lacks the power of land development code mandates. It simply recommends what the commission could adopt in the land development code. The stormwater system already is being enhanced said city engineer Lynn Burnett. Within 20 years, however, island roadways, driveways and sidewalks will require elevation, she said. Property owners will need to work with city and county governments to preserve as much island property as possible, she said. Chair Charles Stealey said he agrees with the principles laid out by Brisson and Burnett. He expressed concern the stiff costs of fortifying city infrastructure would lead to a loss of homeownership.
“It just disturbs me to no end,” Stealey said. Vice chair Scott Boyd said pursuit of best-management practices increases the cost of redevelopment, which tends to drive property taxes higher. “It’s a cost-benefit analysis,” Boyd said. A grant program could be devised to help homeowners unable to finance required improvements, Burnett said. “We should do what we can do that is reasonable and practical,” said Stealey. A city stormwater utility assessment fee designed to defray costs is budgeted to raise $216,000 this year. And a Southwest Florida Water Management District grant matches Holmes Beach stormwater spending dollar for dollar. Doing nothing is not an option. Loss of land already is occurring, Hines said. She supported the “middle-of-the-road” strategy devised by Burnett. “What she did was sound,” Hines said. “She is an expert.” The planners will next meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday, July 11, at city hall, 5801 Marina Drive.
Hines plans to retain seat
Terms are expiring for Holmes Beach planning commissioners Barbara Hines and Jayne Christenson, according to city clerk Stacey Johnston. Hines has applied for reappointment, Johnston said. Christenson has yet to apply for another term. The Holmes Beach City Commission is expected at the June 26 meeting to consider reappointing Hines and Christenson or possibly new members to serve three-year terms starting July 1.
The Islander Wedding Directory T
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fees. Kaleta and wife Jennifer Kaleta hold interests in various properties in Holmes Beach, where they’ve filed Bert Harris claims, including several in queue for trials against the city. There are 54 total Bert Harris claims against the city with $25 million in losses claimed for devalued investment property, including14 lawsuits alleging $6 million in losses. The McCaffreys — represented by Fred Moore of Blalock Walters — say the city destroyed their reasonable investment-back expectations and retirement savings with some of its vacation rental ordinances. Their case is set for Judge Lon Arends’ July 16 two-week trial docket but, according to the McCaffreys’ attorney Fred Moore of Blalock Walters, another continuance is expected.
Holmes Beach mayor signs up for free FPL LED changeover
By Terry O’Connor Islander Reporter Mayor Bob Johnson said Holmes Beach will have new street lighting by the end of the year courtesy of Florida Power & Light. “I have signed off on it,” Johnson said June 13. “We will be converting this year.” All 433 city streetlights in Holmes Beach will receive new LED lighting at no charge in a deal presented to the city commission May 22 by Police Chief Bill Tokajer. “I was told the streetlight installation is at no cost to us and it would save the city around $5,000 in FPL bills annually,” Tokajer said. The contract Johnson OK’d also was signed by FPL’s Eric S. Culling. It shows Holmes Beach agrees to pay the “amount of $0.00” for the installation. “There’s zero cost to the community,” Culling said. “It’s something our customer base has been asking for for years. From the business side, we’re cutting wattage anywhere from 40 to 50 percent.” Culling said the new lights have “smart nodes” to communicate wirelessly with meter readers. If a streetlight goes out, the smart node will automatically notify FPL, generate a work order and schedule a repair. “It’s automating the process, which ultimately will keep the lights on more consistently,” Culling said. Johnson said he believes the deal has value for Holmes Beach. “You look at where you are,” Johnson said. “This is better all-around as far as we’re concerned. To me, it’s the right base system. The way the lights can be tilted is better than we have now.” FPL will begin replacing 30 lights per week in September, Johnson said.
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By Kathy Prucnell Islander Reporter Similar to a shot across the bow, Holmes Beach may be sending a message to Shawn Kaleta in the Bob and Ellen McCaffrey case — the first Bert Harris case to challenge the city’s vacation rental ordinances in court. The city filed a motion June 11 asking the 12th Circuit Court to hold Kaleta in contempt and compel him to provide records, pay costs and fees, as well as a “coercive fine” for failing to bring the requested documents to Kaleta his deposition three days earlier. Kaleta was out of town but his attorney returned fire. Louis Najmy of Najmy and Thompson said the motion is something the Kaleta camp will defend and counter-attack. The builder/developer of about 70 vacation homes in Holmes Beach since 2012, as well as numerous
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THE ISLANDER n June 20, 2018 n 13
Anna Maria holds off on center request for money
By Ryan Paice Islander Reporter Nothing trumps paperwork and details. At the Anna Maria City Commission meeting June 14, the city postponed a decision on the Center of Anna Maria Island’s request for $18,000 for two programs — Beyond the Classroom After School and summer camp. David Zaccagnino, chair for the center’s board of directors, was told by Commission Chair Doug Copeland that it’s up to him to convince them to approve the center funding request. Zaccagnino said the center experienced a better fiscal year than in recent years, but the board wants to ensure sustainability by offsetting the losses of the typical downtime over summer with city funding. Zaccagnino said the center was $226,682.42 in the red for the 2016-17 fiscal year, and the budget was $18,876.70 in the black by May 2018 — a positive difference over the previous year. The center’s fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30 and there are no fundraisers planned for June. Commissioner Carol Carter said she would like more information on the programs — including projected income and expenses — before agreeing to the request for funds. Copeland added that Zaccagnino must submit a written request for any funding greater than $2,500, including how the funds would be spent. Commissioner Brian Seymour said the center appeared to him to have engineered a financial turnaround, and should be in good standing with the city. He added that the city’s center contribution is less than half of 1 percent of the 2017-18 budget. Still, the commission sought more information. Copeland assured Zaccagnino the city would likely grant the funding with a proper request. The next city commission meeting will be at 6 p.m. Thursday, June 28, at city hall, 10005 Gulf Drive.
West Coast Surf Shop hosts surf camp, fundraiser
By Bianca Benedà Islander Reporter The West Coast Surf Shop is looking at four to six months to repair and reopen the store after an April 15 electrical fire burned through a wall and portions of the roof, leaving the building uninhabitable. In the meantime, Jim and Ronee Brady aren’t sitting around. The owners of the surf shop, which opened at a different location in 1964, are keeping some business going despite the closed storefront. The couple organized a fire sale June 2 in the parking area at the shop after finding mostly undamaged stock — boards, shoes and hats — in a back room. Employee Kaitlyn Kee said June 7 the shop was giving away surfboard wax. However, they’re counting on an upcoming surf camp and benefit to keep moving forward. Kee said the annual camp for kids ages 4-12 will be held in one-week sessions starting Monday, June 25, and running through Friday, July 20. Kee, Brandi Brady and 10 other instructors will lead classes in how to surf in the Gulf of Mexico at the Manatee Public Beach. Camp is $205 per week, and those interested can call the shop at 941-778-1001. The surf shop team also will participate in a benefit at the Center of Anna Maria Island, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. At 3 p.m.-7 p.m. Saturday, June 30, the center will host a luau to raise money for surf shop repairs. The benefit will include live music, food and drinks and a silent auction. Organizers are looking for items to auction and
An April 15 electrical fire at the West Coast Surf Shop in Holmes Beach caused damage to the store, retail stock and residential units in the building. Islander File Photo: Courtesy HBPD talent to entertain at the event, Kee said. Those interested in donating can drop items at the surf shop, 3902 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Volunteers can call Kee at 941-920-2202 or Brandi Brady at 561267-0847. Kee said the surf shop team hopes to continue the benefit in the future, making it an annual event to raise funds for others in need. The benefit will go hand in hand with a fundraiser started for the Bradys by islander Janae Rudacille. She created a GoFundMe account April 16 to help the Bradys cover the cost of rebuilding. As of June 8, 100 people had donated $9,300 toward the $75,000 goal. Kaitlin Kee, an employee of the West Coast Surf Shop, cleans a board under the store June 7, as store owner Jim Brady hoses soot from a chair. Islander Photo: Bianca BenedĂ
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14 n JuNE 20, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
Roser to host Summer Speaker Series
Roser Memorial Community Church will host a Summer Speaker Series featuring the Rev. Dr. William Willimon. The series will be in the fellowship hall at the church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, Sunday, June 24, through Tuesday, June 26. Willimon is the author of “Why Jesus?” He also is professor of the practice of Christian ministry at the divinity school at Duke University. He served eight years as bishop of the North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church. For 20 years before the episcopacy, he was dean of the chapel and professor of Christian ministry at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. In 1996, a survey conducted by Baylor University named him one of the 12 “most effective preachers in the English-speaking world.” Willimon’s articles have appeared in many publications and his pulpit resource is used each week by thousands of pastors. The sessions will begin at 5 p.m. and meals will be served at 7 p.m. The menus are June 24, Italian night; June 25, chicken casserole; and June 26, pork loin and roasted
veggies. Each dinner will include salad, bread, tea and dessert, as well as a vegetarian option. The cost to attend is $85 for three nights or $30 per night and includes the evening meal, speaker sessions and a copy of Willimon’s book. To register, go online to www.roserchurch.com/ summer or call the church office at 941-778-0414. Ten scholarships are available.
Island Players name scholarship winners
The Island Players named four Manatee County graduating seniors as winners of the Dolores Harrell The Rev. Dr. William Willimon preaches. Scholarship Awards for 2018. • Jalynn Brown, a graduate of Manatee High All this bling for fur babies! School, will attend Howard University in the fall as a biology major with plans to become an orthopedic surgeon. She also plans to continue in musical theater at college. Her stage career began at age 8, and she has performed in 10 musicals. When offstage, Brown volunteers at Manatee Memorial Hospital. • Sean Michael Koch is a Braden River High School graduate. He has been accepted to Ringling College of Art and Design in Sarasota, where he will major in art. His accomplishments include a mural at Fiorelli Winery, designing cards for the Humane Society of Manatee County and mentoring a new generation of young artists. • Lily Meaker, Saint Stephen’s Episcopal School, has been accepted at Syracuse University, where she will major in lighting design. Meaker has volunteered backstage and as a stage manager for a children’s summer theater. • Destiny Summerville is a Braden River High School graduate. She will be attending Ringling College of Art and Design, with a major in illustration and a minor in business of art and design. She served as president of her school art organization and volunteered at local schools, businesses and shelters. The Island Players is at 10009 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. For more information, call 941-778-5755 or visit the website at theislandplayers.org. — Sandy Ambrogi
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Supporters Susie Koch, left, and Judi Bjork along with Rhonda Poklemba of Moonracer, show logo bags June 10 at the Blu Mangrove Grill in Palmetto. Shoppers received the bags as a gift with purchase at the Jewelry to the Rescue fundraiser for Moonracer No Kill Animal Rescue, which raised more than $3,500. Islander Photo: Sandy Ambrogi
9:30 Sunday Service
2 blocks north of Bridge St. Clock Tower
Shoppers peruse tables of jewelry and raffle baskets at the Moonracer No Kill Animal Rescue’s Jewelry to the Rescue party June 10, at the Blu Mangrove Grill in Palmetto. The event raised more than $3,500 for the rescue. The Islander’s office manager, Lisa Williams, serves as president, and advertising director, Toni Lyon, is vice-president. Islander Photo: Courtesy Shellie Szeezil
Pastor Stephen King
PO Box 243, Bradenton Beach 34217
The Rev. Dr. William Willimon and wife, Patsy. Willimon is the speaker during Roser Memorial Community Church’s Summer Speaker Series, which will be Sunday, June 24, through Tuesday, June 26, at the church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Islander Courtesy Photos
941-778-0414 • www.RoserChurch.com • www.facebook.com/RoserChurch
Robert E. ‘Bob’ Dickinson
Robert E. ‘Bob’ Dickinson died June 6 in Holmes Beach. He was born in Pittsburgh Jan. 19, 1934, to Roy Ezra and Atta (Hogaboom). He was the last of five children. He graduated from Dormont High School in 1951, the University of Pittsburgh in 1955 and Suffolk Law Dickinson School in Boston in 1972. After graduating from Pitt, he worked in the steel industry. In 1968, he moved to Boston and went to law school at night at Suffolk University. Upon graduation, he worked as director of labor relations for the Associated General Contractors of Massachusetts until 1984, when he practiced law until his retirement. For many years, until fall 2008, he and his wife, Dorothy M. “Dotty” Dickinson, wintered in Holmes Beach and summered in East Falmouth, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. In 2008, they became full-time residents of Florida. They were members of the Key Royale Club in Holmes Beach. For many years, they were members of Falmouth Newcomers and Encore clubs. He played golf for many years in East Falmouth and Sandwich. They enjoyed biking the Shrining Sea Bikeway from Falmouth to Woods Hole and having lunch in Swope Hall in Woods Hole on Ell Pond. They were longtime members of the Falmouth Free Wheelers bike group, active members of the Square Riggers Square Dance Club and attended many conventions and events. A celebration of life was held in Sandwich. A celebration of life also will be held at 11 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 7, at the Shell Point clubhouse, 6300 Flotilla Drive, Holmes Beach. A luncheon reception will follow. Brown & Sons Funeral Homes & Crematory 43rd Street Chapel is in charge of arrangements. Memorial donations may be made to the Anatomical Board of the State of Florida, 1600 Southwest Archer Road, Gainesville FL 32603; and Trinity United Methodist Church, 3200 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton FL 34205. Condolences may be made to www.brownandsonsfuneral.com. Mr. Dickinson is survived by his stepson, Thomas J. Curtin; grandchildren Elizabeth, Thomas Jr. and Michael; sister-in-law Helen Doherty; sister-in-law Gaye Carol Guinter; and many nieces and nephews.
Julie Ann (Milks) Martin
Julie Ann (Milks) Martin, of Petersburg, Michigan, and Bradenton Beach, died June 6. Her final word was “perfect.” She was born Sept. 10, 1963, in Adrian, Michigan. She attended Spring Arbor as well as UT College. She graduated with honors with a doctorate in law and criminal jusMartin tice. She was diagnosed with terminal cancer in September 2017. She was a fighter and spent her final time studying Scripture and writing to pass on to her loved ones. She was deeply loved and will be truly missed. A celebration of life will be held in Petersburg. Condolences may be made to Tidewell Hospice in Bradenton or Harvey Memorial Community Church in Bradenton Beach. Mrs. Martin is survived by her mother, Gloria
THE ISLANDER n June 20, 2018 n 15
Holmes Beach honors partner, former Waste Pro liaison
By Terry O’Connor Islander Reporter Waste-collection workers tend to be noticed only if the garbage piles up. The late Bob Baublitz, former lead operations supervisor for Waste Pro in Manatee County and an adjunct Holmes Beach city employee, broke the mold. He used an outgoing personality seasoned with a great sense of humor to make a difference in Holmes Beach and beyond, according to Commissioner Pat Morton, who worked closely with Baublitz. “He always tried to think positive about things,” Morton said. “His passing, it’s a really sad thing to lose a friend. It’s sad but he’s in a lot better place than he was down here. He was a good man.” Born July 24, 1956, Robert E. “Bob” Baublitz, 61, of Bradenton, died June 8 after a short battle with cancer. Morton announced at a May 22 Holmes Beach City Commission meeting that Baublitz had taken an early medical retirement. A letter sent May 29 by Holmes Beach Mayor Bob Johnson reflected the high regard Baublitz inspired at city hall. “The city of Holmes Beach was deeply saddened to learn of your recent retirement, and it is important to us that you know just how much we appreciate you as a faithful and loyal member of our staff at the city of Holmes Beach,” Johnson wrote. Baublitz and Morton are credited with expediting the Holmes Beach recovery from Hurricane Irma damages in September 2017. Morton said while some took issue with the speed of debris clearance, no one could have worked harder than Baublitz on behalf of residents. “He was top-shelf with Irma,” he said. “We all caught flak over it. But he did an excellent job. He had Holmes Beach totally in his heart on that. I know other companies wish they had a guy like him.” Morton said Baublitz was “an honest guy.” “He was here for the city like it was more personal than this is just another corporate job,” Morton said. “He was always Johnny on the spot for calling me back.”
Bob Baublitz volunteers at the grill, cooking burgers and dogs for the Holmes Beach Night Out event held on the field adjacent to city hall. Islander Photo: Courtesy Chief Bill Tokajer Johnson wrote Baublitz was the key to making the city franchise agreement work with Waste Pro. Johnson also praised Baublitz for Irma performance. “We were the first to finish debris pickup in our region and the only company, Waste Pro, that submitted the proper documentation to FEMA securing our reimbursement,” Johnson wrote. “We remember countless selfless deeds you have fulfilled for Holmes Beach residents and visitors,” Johnson wrote. “We thank you for the times you have sponsored city events with your fine culinary skills at the famous Waste Pro grill.” Baublitz was a member of the Anna Maria Island Moose Lodge No. 2188 and Crime Stoppers. His hobbies included golf and grilling for family and friends. “Bobby, you have made our city a better place to live and play,” concludes Johnson’s letter. “ You are honored and respected for all you have given us.” A celebration of life was held June 16 at Brown & Sons Funeral Homes & Crematory Chapel, Bradenton. Memorial donations may be made to Tidewell Hospice Inc. 5955 Rand Blvd., Sarasota FL 34238. Online condolences may be made at brownandsonsfuneral.com. Mr. Baublitz is survived by his wife of 25 years, Jaye-Lynn; sons Scott and wife Kelly and Brent and wife Samantha McConville; daughter Heather; mother Mildred; brother Sam; sisters Debbi Ross and Patricia Brooks; and grandchildren Dillan, Aydan and Addelyn.
Milks-Mayfield of Bradenton Beach; sister Janet Milks-Puska of Iron River, Michigan; husband Charlie; son Raymond and his wife Heather of Toledo, Ohio; son Shawn; and grandchildren Maverick and Jayden of Petersburg.
is in charge of arrangements. Memorial donations may be made to Tidewell Hospice, Inc. 5955 Rand Blvd., Sarasota FL 34238. Condolences may be made to www.brownandsonsfuneral.com. Mr. Baublitz is survived by his wife of 25 years, Jaye-Lynn; his sons Scott and wife Kelly and Brent and Robert E. ‘Bob’ Baublitz wife Samantha McConville; daughter Heather; mother Robert E. “Bob” Baublitz, 61, of Bradenton, died Mildred; brother Sam; sisters Debbi Ross and Patricia Brooks; grandchildren Dillan, Aydan and Addelyn. June 8. He was born July 24, 1956. He moved to Bradenton from Maryland, he was a member of the Moose Lodge of Anna Maria Island At your service and Crime Stoppers. Obituaries are provided as a community serHe loved life to its fullest. He loved to golf. He vice in The Islander newspaper to residents and also loved to cook for his family and friends. family of residents, both past and present, as well He was humorous, always telling a joke and as to those people with ties to the island. Submit making people laugh. He was a very generous man to news@islander.org. who loved his family and friends and would do anything for anyone. He was a great father, grandfather, uncle and wonderful husband. A celebration of life was held June 16. Brown & Sons Funeral Homes & Crematory 43rd Street Chapel
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16 n JuNE 20, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
Bradenton Beach discusses stormwater drainage, delays decision-making
By ChrisAnn Silver Esformes Islander Reporter Bradenton Beach is considering its next phase of stormwater drainage and retention improvements. City engineer Lynn Burnett led a workshop at city hall June 12 to illicit feedback on what could be done to reduce flooding in the city as weather patterns intensify and sea level rises. According to Burnett, the system she helped implement 2006-10 was a continuation of old drainage systems, which were not effective at removing pollutants before runoff was discharged into Sarasota Bay. In 2012, the city installed vertical infiltration in the rights of way — ditches covered with rock — as a test project and determined it worked. In fall 2016, the first infiltration systems were approved and installed at Bay Drive North and Ninth, 10th and 12th streets north. She said a problem arose with stone used to cover the ditches that needs to be addressed before the next phase begins. She said stone becomes ground under vehicle tires and the wear creates dust, so alternate surfacing is being considered. Before that can happen, a grant request to the Southwest Florida Water Management District for funding stormwater infiltration
Waves aplenty from Cinci
Adrienne Robers, 15, Katee McBride, 15, Morgan McBride, 13, and Alyssa Robers, 13, of Cincinnati, wave to passersby in the 1300 block of Gulf Drive North in Bradenton Beach. They said they counted 79 people waving back the afternoon of June 5 as they tooled around Anna Maria Island in a golf cart. Islander Photo: Kathy Prucnell
Contractors pour stone into a newly dug and lined infiltration system in December 2017, in an alley at the north end of Bradenton Beach. Islander Photo: Courtesy John Chappie
along avenues C and B must be submitted with design plans and a budget. Otherwise, the city will need to withdraw the request and wait a year to submit a grant application with new criteria. Alternatively, Burnett said, other city funds, such as the local gas tax, could be used to restore Avenue C, which is undergoing a Manatee County water and sewer main project. Burnett asked what materials the city wants to use to restore the surface within the rights of way. She said grasspave, geogrid and porous asphalt systems are options, but they are expensive and require more maintenance. Mayor John Chappie agreed, the city has decisions to make before the October deadline with Swiftmud. “We all have concerns with 57-stone,” Chappie said. “Most of us don’t like it.” He said the commission has said it wants to restore the driveways that were torn up during the force main project on Avenue C, but they want it done right. “It’s not certain that we are going to use the same type of system we have been using — the 57-stone,” Chappie said. “I’m coming to the belief that we should consider the right system in the right place that also meets requirements.” He said covering the infiltration system with stone in the alleys on the north end of the city are working, but something different could be better for other parts of the city. However, if they need more time to determine what would be best for the next phase, it might be better to wait for the next funding cycle. Planning and zoning board vice chair John Burns suggested the city consider using the same size stone, but granite or a similar material that doesn’t generate dust or turn to clay. Commissioner Ralph Cole said the 57-stone along his street — 12th Street North — which extends to the
seawall on the bay, are clogged with sand and sediment that flow from Gulf Drive onto his street. He said three outfall pipes along the seawall were closed when the infiltration system was installed, causing water to back up into peoples’ yards, and the pipes were re-opened. “Would you rather have the water flowing down the road or into your house? I’m all for cleaning the water up, but let’s do it right.” There was no consensus beyond agreement for the city to hold more stormwater workshops as the October deadline approaches.
Bradenton Beach considers audit review, future budget
Bradenton Beach is starting budget preparations for fiscal year 2018-19. In planning for the new budget year, commissioners and staff met June 13 with auditors Randy Dillingham and Jeff Gerhard of CS&L CPAs of Bradenton to discuss the city’s 2017-18 fiscal year audit. Dillingham said the city is in a good financial position, with no material weakness or compliance issues. “There were no difficulties,” Dillingham said. “It was a clear and transparent process.” He said one difference is the county has assumed collection of the city stormwater assessment fee. Homeowners pay an annual stormwater management fee to the city. For every $100 a property owner pays in stormwater assessment fees, $3 goes to the county. The fees were increased by 3 percent in 2016 to cover the additional cost. “Several years ago, the city was in bad shape,” Mayor John Chappie said. “But, over the last four years we have stuck with a plan and the city is right where it needs to be and continuing to improve.” The first 2018-19 budget workshop was to be after The Islander’s press time at 10 a.m. Tuesday, June 19, at city hall, 107 Gulf Drive N. — ChrisAnn Silver Esformes
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THE ISLANDER n JuNE 20, 2018 n 17
TOP LEFT: Holmes Beach Police Chief Bill Tokajer and wife Thea head to the runway June 10 for “Puttin’ on the Ritz, New York, New York,” a fashion show presented by Strength in Action, Mt. Carmel Resource Center and the Mayors’ Feed the Hungry campaign. Local officials, businesspeople and professional models participated in the event at the Center of Anna Maria Island in Anna Maria. CENTER: Holmes Beach Mayor Bob Johnson and wife Denise pause before stepping on the runway for “Puttin’ on the Ritz,” a fashion show and dinner to benefit the Mayors’ Feed the Hungry campaign. RIGHT: Suzanne Atwell, left, former Sarasota mayor, and her granddaughter, Olivia Letourneau, pause on the runway June 10 during the “Puttin’ on the Ritz, New York, New York” fundraiser to benefit the Mayors’ Feed the Hungry campaign. Local officials and nonprofit reps modeled at the fundraising event, which also included dinner.
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18 n JuNE 20, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
Cops & Court
Obstruction, trespass case ends with guilty verdict
By Kathy Prucnell, Islander Reporter
HBPD, MCSO stop lost driver, charge DUI A Manatee County sheriff’s deputy arrested a Treasure Island woman who said she was trying to find her way home. Sarah Williams Nagel, 48, was arrested June 2 at the Manatee Public Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, for driving under the influence. Holmes Beach Police Sgt. Joel Pierce Nagel detained her in the parking lot at 2:13 a.m. for swerving off the roadway and crossing the center line near the 600 block of Manatee Avenue. She was ticketed for the traffic infractions. Nagel told Pierce she’d taken Adderall and was trying to find her way to Treasure Island. Believing
By Kathy Prucnell
Island police blotter
Anna Maria June 7, 300 block of Pine Avenue, domestic disturbance. Manatee County sheriff’s deputies responded after three 911 calls were abandoned and found a married couple arguing about their child. Officers determined it had been a verbal dispute. June 8, 800 block of South Bay Boulevard, suspicious incident. A woman alerted authorities to a possible human bone she found near the shore. Deputies collected the bone for further examination. Anna Maria is policed by the MCSO. bradenton beach June 9, Coquina Park, 1600 Gulf Drive S., vehicle burglary. A Pennsylvania man reported his Jeep had
she might be impaired, Pierce called for an MCSO assist. Nagel told Deputy Carlo Montemagno she thought she was in Reddington Beach or Indian Rocks Beach, according to the officer’s report. After performing poorly on a field-sobriety test, she was taken into custody and to the Manatee County jail, where she performed breath tests that measured 0.138 and 0.135 blood-alcohol content. The legal BAC for a motorist is 0.08. Police also determined Nagel was driving on a suspended license. She was released on $620 bond. Nagel’s arraignment is set for 8:30 a.m. Monday, July 9, at the Manatee County Judicial Center, 1051 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton. been burglarized earlier in the day while at the beach. His credit card and $92 were stolen from the locked vehicle. When the man noticed the items were missing, he checked with his credit card issuer and determined someone made $1,283.99 and $748.99 in fraudulent purchases. Checking the vehicle, a BBPD officer found pry marks on a door handle. Bradenton Beach is policed by BBPD. cortez No reports. Cortez is policed by the MCSO. Holmes beach June 7, 300 block of 62nd Street, noise/party. Holmes Beach police responded to a noise complaint about a loud party just after midnight and observed vehicles lining the street and parked in the yard. More
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Charges against an Ohio man for his part in a January 2017 altercation with a Holmes Beach police officer held up after an all-day trial at the Manatee County courthouse. A jury found Joseph Darby, 39, of New Albany, Ohio, guilty June 5 of trespassing on a Keyes Marina boat and obstructing a law enforcement officer without violence — two misdemeanor offenses. Judge Renee Inman sentenced Darby, 39, to 12 months probation and 50 hours of public service and, the next day, agreed to Darby’s transfer request — allowing him to serve his sentence in Ohio. He was assessed $1,953 in court costs and fines. Darby’s case is connected to two others. HBPD Officer Alan Bores’ arrested Darby and two Holmes Beach men, James Leary, 41, and Joseph Cucculelli, 43, after observing them in a red pickup that was swerving through the 5300 block of Marina Drive. As Bores was attempting to arrest Cucculelli, who was suspected of driving impaired, passengers Leary PLEASE SEE ObstructiOn, NEXT PAGE than 20 people were inside the residence, including underage drinkers. Other partygoers were in the street. A woman at the house told the officers the guests would stay overnight, but police advised that would violate the maximum occupancy for the property. Vacasa Rentals was notified and an agent responded and served an eviction notice. The partygoers left, mostly by Uber, although five vehicles were allowed to remain. The officer cited the woman for an open house party and contributing to the delinquency of minors. June 7, 300 block of 61st Street, battery. An argument turned physical when a female renter allegedly kicked a bedroom door and attempted to hit her male landlord. The renter denied the report, and said the landlord shoved her out of his room. A police officer issued a request to the state attorney to consider a battery charge against the renter. The landlord advised police he’d be starting the eviction process. June 8, Manatee Public Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Baker Act. Holmes Beach police were summoned by PLEASE SEE streetlife, NEXT PAGE EAT-IN OR TAKE-OUT
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THE ISLANDER n June 20, 2018 n 19
Obstruction continued from page 18 and Darby argued, yelled and refused to leave the scene, interfering with the arrest, according to police reports. Darby later ran onto a boat at Keyes Marina. At trial, Bores and Sgt. Brian Copeman testified for the prosecution and Darby and Leary for the defense, according to Assistant State Attorney Samara Sweet. The jury came in at 6:30 p.m. with its verdict, she said. In April 2017, Cucculelli pleaded no contest to an obstruction charge, and the state dropped a disorderly intoxication count. The judge withheld adjudication and sentenced him to six months probation and 10 hours of public service work. Fines of $789 were imposed, according to court records. The state also dismissed Cucculelli’s tickets for failure to drive in a single lane and no proof of insurance. Leary, who allegedly pulled away and struggled on the ground with Bores as he attempted to place him in custody, was let off by the state in March 2017. The prosecutor dropped a resisting with violence charge initially filed against Leary, saying the state could not prove a violent act. streetlife continued from page 18 lifeguards about a woman on the beach with her dog. An officer determined she was under the influence of drugs and alcohol and needed medical assistance. EMS was called and the woman was transported to a medical facility. Police contacted a relative of the woman to pick up the dog. June 9, 700 block of Manatee Avenue, drug/ license/vehicle. A 34-year-old Bradenton man was arrested on an outstanding warrant and for possessing meth and driving with a suspended license as a habitual traffic offender. An officer observed the man operating a Dodge van with a cracked windshield, ran the tag and pulled him over when he determined the vehicle tag was registered to a Ford pickup and the man was wanted on a Sarasota County warrant in a
1 in ‘shark drag’ case seeks to reduce charges Kathy Prucnell Islander Reporter Nearly a year after a video of a fateful boat ride went viral, there’s been another turn in court. An attorney for Michael Wenzel, 22, of Palmetto, filed a June 12 motion to dismiss one of three counts in the “shark drag” case pending against his client in the 13th Judicial Circuit Court. With the motion, Wenzel’s attorney, Charles M. Britt III, asks the court to throw out a misdemeanor count for spearing a black nose shark, saying a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission publication leads “a reasonable person” to believe spearing sharks is not illegal and alleging “(Bo) Benac shot and killed with a speargun,” while Wenzel drove the boat. No similar motion was filed the week of June 11 on behalf of Benac and, at press time, no hearing was set for Wenzel’s motion, according to online records. The prosecutor will respond in writing to the Wenzel motion, according to 13th Judicial State Attorney communications director Estella Gray. In addition to the misdemeanor count, Wenzel and Benac, 29, of Sarasota, face two felony counts of aggravated animal cruelty, one for shooting and one for dragging a blacktip shark on a June 26, 2017, fishing trip near Egmont Key. Both men pleaded not guilty to all charges. The case began after a 10-second video of four men on a boat, shown dragging a shark at high speed, went viral on social media in the summer of 2017.
Public outrage echoed worldwide, from animal rights activists, fishing enthusiasts to Florida Gov. Rick Scott. The FWC began its investigation with the 12th Circuit-Manatee County prosecutor’s office. The investigation later transferred to the 13th Circuit and, Dec. 11, 2017, the State Attorney’s Office in HillsBenac borough County filed the animal cruelty cases against three Manatee County men. In May, the state dropped all charges against Spencer Heintz, 23, of Palmetto, saying he was largely a Wenzel spectator. Heintz is cooperating with the prosecution. Nicholas Burns Easterling, 25, who grew up on Anna Maria Island, was in the boat but not charged. According to a courthouse news service report in May, he provided information and cooperated with the investigation. Heintz, Benac and Wenzel have prominent Manatee County parents. Heintz is son of a personal injury attorney. Benac’s mother is a county commissioner. Wenzel’s father is a county planning section manager. At a June 13 hearing, the cases against Wenzel and Benac were postponed to 9 a.m., Tuesday, Aug. 21, in the Criminal Court of Hillsborough County, 401 N. Jefferson St., Tampa.
grand theft case. The man told police he was a meth user but didn’t know about three bags of meth found by police in a hidden compartment near the center console. The vehicle was towed. The tag was seized. A passenger in the vehicle was arrested for possessing crack cocaine pipes. June 11, Manatee Public Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, alcohol. A Tampa man sitting at picnic table was cited
for possessing alcohol in a prohibited area. June 13, Manatee Public Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, vehicle burglary/criminal mischief. A rear window in a vehicle was smashed and a woman’s purse, containing $150, glasses and her driver’s license, was stolen. Holmes Beach is policed by HBPD. Streetlife is based on incident reports and narratives from the BBPD, HBPD and MCSO.
20 n JuNE 20, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
A nurse’s tale
By Sandy Ambrogi Islander Reporter Her face belies her age. There are plenty of wrinkles, but it’s the twinkle in Ruth Heckinger’s eye that draws a listener and keeps the person enthralled in 75-year-old tales of exotic lands and interesting people. These days, traveling to Anna Maria Island for breakfast at Paradise Cafe and Bagels is a good outing for Heckinger and her companion, Gus Podd. “We’ve been engaged for 11 years, that’s a good one, uh?” Heckinger says as she turns a ring on her finger. Heckinger and Podd met years ago when they both lived on Perico Island — in separate residences, she says. A relationship developed and, at some point, all the running back and forth between houses became tiring. So, they moved together to Freedom Village in Bradenton. But it’s the early part of Heckinger’s life she most cares to discuss — the part about World War II. So few of the “Greatest Generation” are left to tell the tale firsthand — war veterans are disappearing at a rate of 362 a day according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Lt. Ruth Heckinger was an Army flight nurse — one of 59,000 nurses in the U.S. Army Corp in World War II. She grew up in Queens, New York, and after graduating high school, she found her male friends in the neighborhood were signing up to go to war. Several years later, in the midst of nurse’s training at Columbia University’s St. Luke’s Hospital in New York City, Heckinger took the challenge, too. She found herself on the opposite side of the globe tending to sick and wounded soldiers in the China-Burma-India Theater. Karachi, Calcutta and Casablanca
Ruth Heckinger says she is looking forward to a party for her birthday June 19, when she turns 95. The nurse, who was 21 years old when she went into the U.S. Army in World War II, had simple advice for today’s world: “Everybody should just calm down.” Islander Photo: Sandy Ambrogi became commonplace. Heckinger also flew “the Hump” — the army’s nickname for the route across the Himalayas to ferry wounded soldiers to China. Early in her hump flights, she recalls, “We were in Northern Burma when one engine went out and the other started conking. But it wasn’t until the door came off the plane that they said we would have to jump.” Heckinger hesitated, but someone pushed her out. “I landed in a tree, which was fortunate because they could see me. They came and cut me down. We made it. The pilot didn’t.” From 1944 to 1946, when the war ended, Heckinger flew numerous medi-vac flights and tended to wards of sick and injured soldiers. On the planes, there were no flight surgeons. On the ground, multiple wards at a time, sometimes under quarantine, had to be con-
stantly watched. “I plowed around in my trousers and combat boots like the guys. No skirts for Army nurses. The only other women wearing pants at that time were Katharine Hepburn and Marlene Dietrich,” Heckinger quipped. Heckinger has held on to a treasure trove of memoirs from the war days, both in print and in memory. She credits a childhood friend named Walter from the Queens neighborhood for joining the Army. “He said, ‘We are all going’ and I said, ‘Well, I will, too,’” Heckinger remarked. The same Walter, as it turned out, joined the Navy and was on the U.S.S. Arizona Dec. 7, 1941, when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. “He and three other guys swam away,” she said. “It was truly amazing. I was so relieved when I found out he had survived.” Letters and photographs boxed away from her days of service in the war tell of long hours, fascination with foreign lands and occasional moments of frivolity, such as buzzing the Taj Mahal in a B-24. There are accounts of hobnobbing at the officer’s club and bringing POW’s back from Iwo Jima, all viewed through the eyes of someone who was barely 21 years old. After the war, Heckinger returned to Queens and “went home to sleep in my old bed.” She did private duty nursing, finished at Columbia, got married and had two sons. One son extensively traveled the world, like his mom, before perishing in a hang gliding accident in Australia. “He was born with sand in his diapers,” she said. “Not everybody is. I probably was, too.” Heckinger continues to speak at local gatherings from time to time about her experiences in World War II, but these days, she mostly hangs with Gus and the crowd at Freedom Village. It’s an apt place for an Army nurse who helped secure our own freedom so long ago.
Ruth Heckinger flashes a smile while working in the field in 1944. She served in the U.S. Army Nurse Corp. in the China-Burma-India theater during World War II. Islander Courtesy Photo
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THE ISLANDER n JuNE 20, 2018 n 21
New technology helps nip island party noise in the bud
By Terry O’Connor Islander Reporter Noisy parties can bring police visits to unsuspecting vacationers, as well as property owner headaches and fines. What a party pooper. A new noise-detection device being tested in Holmes Beach promises to soften the scenario by eliminating the need for police intervention. The Dallas-based firm Noise Aware teamed with an Anna Maria Island property management company in April to monitor noise at two of its short-term rental properties with bad reputations among neighbors and the police. Voila. No more house-party hangovers for property owners or guests unaware they were violating noise ordinances. Hopefully, no more lightning rod homes, those that attract complaints about loud noise from guests using the swimming pool. “It’s been very impressive,” said Adam Mott, coowner of AMI Locals with wife Jennifer. “Once we notify our guest, we can literally see the decibel levels adjust in real time as the guests lower their voices, turn down the music or just head inside, which lets us know that we have corrected the potential problem before it occurred.” Holmes Beach Police Chief Bill Tokajer agrees. He said there were no noise-nuisance calls from neighbors during the month at an address police had been monitoring weekly. “I think this is going to be a very good tool for our rental agents to use,” Tokajer said. “Looks like it’s good technology. I truly appreciate AMI Locals looking into this and I will share this information with other
Adam Mott inspects a decibel sensor at what once was a problem party house in Holmes Beach. Holmes Beach Police Chief Bill Tokajer said his department has not been called since the noise-alert device was installed.
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Adam and Jennifer Mott, co-owners of AMI Locals, left, with property manager Andrea Powell. Islander Photos: Terry O’Connor
ments and neighbors for notification of disturbances, Adam Mott said. “We found some of our properties were in sensitive areas,” he said. “We wanted to try to reduce our impact.” Smart-home sensors in living spaces and pool areas alert property managers when noise becomes excessive. If noise exceeds a set threshold, renters are notified immediately. Letting loose is to be expected for vacationing guests, but Noise Aware ensures the party hubbub doesn’t spill over to the neighbors. “We also hope that it will reduce the demand on our public resources to monitor noise prevention, as we will be doing that for them,” said Adam Mott. Founded in 2015, Noise Aware can prevent costs related to improper guest activity, improve customer reputations in the community and defend against false complaints with historical data, according to Saba. NoiseAware charges $99 per sensor plus a $99 annual subscription fee. “I’m not sure if there will ever be a perfect solution, but we hope this is a proactive approach toward that,” Adam Mott said. For more information, go online to noiseaware.io or amilocals.com or call 941-757-8226.
rental companies so they can vet it on their own.” Jennifer Mott said the smart technology enhances vacation experiences. “I had hoped this would allow our guests to have a more enjoyable time,” she said. “We’re able to notify them personally rather than them getting a knock on the door from code enforcement.” AMI Locals property manager Andrea Powell can’t be at all 45 properties managed by the island company, so she loves the technology. “It gives me visibility to what’s happening on the property without me being there,” Powell said. “I like being that first line of defense.” Powell received two noise alerts during the first four weeks of testing indicating noise exceeded allowable levels for more than three minutes. She quickly called the guests. “I told them, ‘Hey, I’m glad you’re having fun on vacation, but you have to move the fun inside before somebody else does.’” AMI Locals sets the system below allowed decibel limits in order to notify guests before their noise Adam and Jennifer Mott, co-owners of AMI Locals, becomes excessive, Mott said. The device cannot record conversations, sounds left, demonstrate how they monitor a decibel reader with AMI Locals property manager Andrea Powell. or video. It is not a tape recorder. “It is configured so that it can only monitor and collect decibel levels, as well as other factors with sound,” said Christine Saba, Noise Aware’s head of marketing. “It is only able to collect decibel- and noise-level data. It is compliant to privacy standards.” AMI Locals previously relied on police depart-
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22 n June 20, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
Sea turtle season in full swing on Anna Maria Island
By ChrisAnn Silver Esformes Islander Reporter It’s game on for sea turtle nesting season on Anna Maria Island. As of June 13, Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch and Shorebird Monitoring reported 187 loggerhead nests on island beaches — the same number on the same date last year. By June 17, there were 223 nests and 238 false crawls. The 2017 season was a record-breaker on Anna Maria Island, with 488 reported nests by season’s end, Oct. 31. Sea turtles nest mostly at night on dark beaches, so increased efforts to keep the beach dark and smooth have helped AMITW’s success. However, turtle watch executive director Suzi Fox said so far this season, five mature female loggerheads have disoriented on island beaches due to either lighting issues or human interference. Early June 13, a female loggerhead was found on North Shore Drive across from Bayfront Park in Anna Maria. AMITW volunteers discovered the loggerhead on their morning survey and were able to get the turtle turned around and headed back to the water. The disoriented turtle may have had an adventure, but she did not nest. “Some of the disorientations appear to be due to people on the beach at night not keeping their distance,” Fox said. She said AMITW also has seen an unusually high number of empty nests, which means the turtle dug a hole and started to nest, but returned to the water without laying its clutch. “A false crawl is one thing, but to have someone mess with her after she’s gotten that far, and return to the sea without nesting, is hard on a turtle,” Fox said. She said the first thing people should do if they see a sea turtle on the beach is “put down their cellphones.” She said the bright flash of light could disorient the turtle, which only leaves the water to nest. She also said people should give the turtle at least 50 feet of distance if they choose to watch it nest. “Just let the turtle do her job without interference from you and for goodness sakes, stop taking pictures of her,” Fox warned. She added that unless there is a problem — like
Suzi Fox, Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch and Shorebird Monitoring executive director, helps Aiden Esformes, 6, of Bradenton, look through a light filter on a card June 14. The film filter allows people to see lights like a sea turtle during a lighting inspection in Holmes Beach. Aiden is the son of Islander reporter/ photographer, Chris-Ann Silver Esformes. the turtle found in the road — there is no need to call turtle watch to report a sighting. Each morning during season, May-October, AMITW volunteers take turns conducting daily beach walks on one of nine 1-mile sections of beach to look for tracks indicating a sea turtle nest or, later in the season, tracks from tiny hatchlings headed to the Gulf of Mexico. Volunteers mark new nests with stakes and tape for protection and data collection. Beachfront lighting is another issue faced by nesting sea turtles. Exterior lights at beachfront properties visible from the shoreline must be low, shielded turtle-friendly lighting and indoor lights should be turned off or shielded by curtains or blinds after dark. Mature female sea turtles only leave the water to nest, so lights visible from the shoreline can distract nesting turtles away from the water. Fox works in advance of nesting season with code enforcement in Anna Maria, Bradenton Beach and Holmes Beach to ensure any possible lighting violations come into compliance. During a June 14 nighttime inspection along the beach in Holmes Beach, Fox spotted several structures with intrusive lighting. AMITW used grant funds received as a result of the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf to outfit waterfront businesses, resorts and residences with Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission-approved
The house pictured on the left is outfitted with turtle-friendly exterior bulbs and fixtures, while the porch lights on the house on the right are not turtle-friendly. Code enforcement in the three island municipalities address lighting issues by a notice to the property owner to come into compliance. Islander Photo: ChrisAnn Silver Esformes
Want to see what a sea turtle sees?
AMI, LBK host sea turtle walks, talks
Sea turtle season has begun and, with it, come precautions to protect the animals and their habitat. To learn guidelines and some interesting facts about nesting sea turtles, Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch and Shorebird Monitoring hosts a series of Turtle Talks at 10 a.m. Tuesdays in June and July at CrossPointe Fellowship, 8605 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. The presentations, which last about 35 minutes, consist of video and photos, a question-and-answer session and interactive activities. Attendees receive promotional materials, such as stickers, door hangers, temporary tattoos and flyers. AMITW also will host Turtle Talks at 6 p.m. Thursdays June 21 and July 19 at the Waterline Marina Resort & Beach Club, 5325 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach.
bulbs and fixtures. Fox said she has free turtle-friendly bulbs and can consult with people who may have questions about lighting. “We are here to help,” Fox said. She added that turtle watch does not want to be a killjoy for beachgoers. “We want people to have fun on the beach this summer,” Fox said. “We just ask that people remember to respect the nesting environment and be good stewards of our beaches.” For more information on nesting season, contact Fox at suzifox@gmail.com or 941-778-5638. Visit myfwc.com/seaturtle and click on “Sea Turtles and Lights” or “Wildlife Friendly Lighting” for more information on helping sea turtles. To report sick, injured, entangled or dead sea turtles or shorebirds contact the FWC Wildlife Alert Hotline at 888-404-3922.
For more information, contact AMITW executive director Suzi Fox at suzilfox@gmail.com or 941-7785638. Additionally, Longboat Key Turtle Watch, in partnership with Mote Marine Laboratory, is hosting turtle walks led by Mote-trained volunteers on sea turtle patrol. Volunteers will scout for signs of nesting, and share tips on wildlife history and habitats. The walks, which may be up to a mile and a half, begin at 6:45 a.m. Saturdays in June and July and depart from the public beach access at 4795 Gulf of Mexico Drive. Walks are rain or shine, but volunteers do not walk in thunderstorms. For more info on the LBK walks, visit lbkturtlewatch.org.
One simple measure to determine if beachfront lighting is a problem is to walk after dusk to the water’s edge, crouch low near the waterline and look landward. If you see lights, a sea turtle might also see the glow. When female sea turtles — mostly loggerheads on AMI — come ashore, they have a steely glare and one purpose — to lay their eggs in the sand. They typically aren’t looking around, but they do feel their way with their flippers, seeking just the right texture and temperature in the sand for their deposit of eggs. Lights on land can distract the turtle from its goal and, if it nests, can cause the turtle to head towards the light on land rather than the twinkle of the moon and stars on the water. Keep in mind, this is the only time a sea turtle leaves the familiarity in the water. Males do not come ashore. And once on land, these female turtles are unaccustomed to immovable objects, such as lawn chairs and volleyball posts, canopy poles and benches. These items are obstructions that sea turtles are incapable of maneuvering. So now that you “think like a sea turtle,” have a little respect. Get busy and keep the beach dark and clear of obstructions. Mother Nature will thank you.
THE ISLANDER n JuNE 20, 2018 n 23
By Lisa Neff
‘Red tide’ on Capitol Hill
I’m three seasons into “The Americans,” that sexy, outlandish, thrilling FX network series about Soviet KGB “illegals” spying, romancing, conning and battling the FBI on U.S. soil during the Reagan years. Mind-warped from evenings of binge-watching on Amazon, a headline about “red tide” and Capitol Hill caught my attention and I thought Neff “KGB,” not “Karenia brevis,” but not for long, because under the headline was a photograph of those who testified at the congressional briefing. “Isn’t that Ed Chiles?” I thought. And yes, on the left in the photograph is Chiles, the local businessman and environmentalist who has taken a keen interest in Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, and the sources of other harmful algal blooms. U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., and U.S. Rep. Bill Posey, R-Fla., co-hosted the briefing, where Chiles testified, along with others representing the scientific, environmental and business communities. Thousands of species of algae can be found in fresh and salt waters and are vital, as the basis of the food web and a source of oxygen. Most types of algae are harmless. However, when some multiply, they can create harmful, toxic blooms that kill marine life, pose health risks to humans and doom businesses. Harmful algal blooms can have consequences for coastal communities from California to New England, Ohio to Florida, but the Sunshine State is especially Clip and save.....
Do’s and don’ts for sea turtle nesting season, now through Oct. 31
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission recommends people follow these guidelines for sea turtle safety: • DO turn off or adjust lighting along the beachfront to prevent nesting sea turtles from becoming disoriented and moving toward the glow of light on land, instead of natural light reflecting on the surface of the water. Indoor lights should be turned off, with curtains closed after dark, and outdoor lighting should be turtlefriendly bulbs. Use fixtures low to the ground and shielded from view at the shoreline. • DON’T use flashlights or camera flashes on the beach at night. They can distract nesting sea turtles and cause them to return to the water. • DO clear the way at the end of the day. Nesting female sea turtles can become trapped, confused or impeded by gear left on the beach at night. Remove items such as boats, tents, rafts and beach furniture and fill in holes or level sand castles before dusk. Holes trap turtles and can injure people. Call code enforcement to report unattended property or large holes on the beach. City of Anna Maria code enforcement — 941-708-6130, ext. 139 or ext. 129. City of Bradenton Beach code enforcement — 941-778-1005, ext. 280. City of Holmes Beach code enforcement — 941-708-5800, ext. 247. Report sick, injured, entangled or dead sea turtles to the FWC Wildlife Alert Hotline, at 1-888-404-3922, #FWC or *FWC on a cellphone or text Tip@MyFWC.com. For more information on nesting season, contact Fox at suzifox@gmail.com or 941-7785638.
Congressional briefing
Islander Ed Chiles, left, testifies during a congressional briefing on red tide June 11 on Capitol Hill. The panel included Richard Stumpf, oceanographer with the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science; Barbara Kirkpatrick, executive director of the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System; Katherine Hubbard of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; Cecil Pendergrass, a Lee County commissioner; and Steven Thur, director of NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science. Islander Courtesy Photo vulnerable. With red tides, brown tides, cyanobacteria in lakes, the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System says Florida has more toxic algal blooms than any other state in the nation. Chiles testified as the owner of a trio of restaurants, including the Sandbar and Beach House on Anna Maria Island and the Mar Vista on Longboat Key, about the effects of red tide — or harmful algal blooms — on coastal businesses. “You can see, we’re very exposed,” Chiles said, referring to a slideshow depicting the waterfront businesses. “We’re on the edge here.” Punctuating his talk with colorful reflections of yesteryears on the island, he spoke about the need for continued funding of research into red tide and mitigation, as well as the need to continue funding forecasts
Turtle watch: ‘Flashlights aren’t the problem’
Lights visible to sea turtles are a problem — one that’s potentially life-threatening for nesting and hatchling turtles. As nesting season peaks, Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch and Shorebird Monitoring executive director Suzi Fox said it is OK for people to use flashlights on the beach, just “use good judgment.” After nesting or hatching, adult sea turtles and their hatchlings are drawn by their instincts to the Gulf of Mexico by the reflection of the moon and stars on the water’s surface. Disorientations can occur when lights visible from the shoreline attract turtles from the water, making them vulnerable to predators, exhaustion or dehydration. It can result in death. Fox said if people are planning to be on the beach at night, a red LED flashlight is best, however, she asks that people never shine lights on wildlife and refrain from flash photography. She encourages families to enjoy the beach after dark this summer and be considerate of others, including wildlife and marine life. — ChrisAnn Silver Esformes
to the public. “There’s real progress,” Chiles said, but it must go forward. Lee County Commissioner Cecil Pendergrass also testified at the video-taped briefing, talking about the negative impact of Karenia brevis-fueled red tides that continue on the Gulf Coast, as well as the blue-green algae blooms on the Caloosahatchee River. Katherine Hubbard, on the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, reviewed the monitoring work needed to ensure shellfish are safe for human consumption. Barbara Kirkpatrick, executive director of the GCOOS, said bloom forecasting has improved over the past 20 years. Still, she said, monitoring is needed at more beaches. Two others to testify were with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science and they research, forecast and respond. Together, the panelists called for more federal support, including reauthorization of the Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act, first passed in 1998 to create funding for research, monitor blooms and ensure a safe seafood supply. They also stressed the need to generate forecasts for beaches rather than counties and asked for money to help impacted Florida communities respond to blooms. Chiles, with a screen overhead showing a blackand-white photograph of the Sandbar circa 1920, said, “We’re right there on the frontline at the coast. We are heavily affected by what goes on in coastal waters and what goes on with harmful algal blooms.” He mentioned how business owners in the state must be prepared to deal with all kinds of threats, including hurricanes that can devastate. “But as bad as hurricanes are,” Chiles said, “red tides can last so much longer and can knick at you on and on.” That’s the menace of Karenia brevis. Bill Booher, right, AMITW volunteer, motions to a loggerhead sea turtle nest on the beach in Anna Maria and shares information about nesting season with a group of tagalongs. Islander Photo: ChrisAnn Silver Esformes
24 n June 20, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
Adult soccer finale ends 1 team’s undefeated campaign By Kevin P. Cassidy Islander Reporter In a tense, back and forth battle that was finally decided in overtime, Lancaster Design handed Legler & Flynn Law its first loss of the spring adult soccer league at the Center of Anna Maria Island and won the Paul “Ace� Hayward championship trophy. The championship game, played June 14, saw Lancaster Design win despite being a player short due to Sumiko Chipman’s absence. It didn’t matter. Lancaster took the lead in the third minute when Danny Anderson hit a Cassidy beautiful cross that Robert Armstrong headed past Legler goalie Sean Flynn for a 1-0 lead. Lancaster almost extended its lead five minutes later when Greg DeMeuse passed ahead to Ricky Anderson, but his shot went just wide of the goal. And Lancaster nearly gifted Legler a goal in the ninth minute, when goalie Trey Horne’s bad touch on a pass left the goal wide open. Horne somehow recovered the shot to preserve the 1-0 lead. Lancaster extended its lead a minute later when a long punt by Horne saw Diego Felipe and Daniel Anderson challenge for the ball. Anderson got a bit higher and flicked the ball with his head over the outstretched hands of the goalie for a 2-0 lead. Legler & Flynn had a strong scoring chance in the 16th minute when Amy Ivin found some space and crossed the ball inside to Felipe, but his shot was saved by Horne. A couple of minutes later, Legler & Flynn’s Jeremias Gramajo found space up the middle and got off a strong shot. Horne made the save, but the ball popped out to Flynn. Horne somehow made a juggling save. Legler & Flynn finally broke through with four minutes left in the half when Felipe found Ivin with a pass up the left side. She held the ball to draw the defender before passing back to Felipe, whose shot deflected off a defender and into the goal to halve the Lancaster lead. Thirty seconds later, an attempted long ball by Lancaster rolled to Flynn at the back of the Legler & Flynn defense. He launched a long ball all the way into the Lancaster penalty area, where John Coleman shanked his kick into the goal to tie the score at 2-2. The second half saw fewer scoring chances and more long balls from both teams. Lancaster capitalized on a long ball in the 35th minute as Daniel Anderson found Ricky Anderson up the left side. Ricky Anderson cut back and passed inside to Coleman, who atoned for his earlier gaffe with a nice finish and a 3-2 lead. Scoring chances were few until the 42nd minute ,when Yorvi Moreira took a shot off of a corner kick by Gramajo and unleashed a screamer that deflected off a
his chest and ripped a strong shot that Legler & Flynn goalie Steve Oelfke saved, but the ball went right back to Anderson, who blistered it into the goal to set off a celebration for Lancaster Design. Daniel and Ricky Anderson led the way for Lancaster Design with a goal and an assist each, while Armstrong and Coleman both notched single goals. Horne, who was huge between the pipes, finished with seven saves. Moreira and Felipe scored a goal each to lead Legler & Flynn, which also received an assist from Gramajo and 10 combined saves from Flynn, Felipe and Oelfke in the loss.
Legler & Flynn’s Jeremias Gramajo shields the ball from Lancaster Design player Daniel Anderson during the championship game of the adult soccer league at the center. Islander Photos: Kevin P. Cassidy defender and into the goal to tie the match at 3-3. The game ended 3-3, sending it to a 5-minute, sudden-death overtime. Shortly after the overtime was whistled to begin, Lancaster came through. Michael Lewis chipped the ball ahead to Ricky Anderson on the left side of the penalty area. He settled the ball with
Key Royale news Summer heat has settled on the island, but that didn’t keep the golfers from taking to the Key Royale course in Holmes Beach. The action got started June 11 with the men’s morning modified Stableford-system match. Gary Duncan earned clubhouse bragging rights for the day with a plus-5. The women took to the course June 12 for a ninehole, individual-low-net match in two flights. Carol Duncan’s 2-under-par 30 gave her a three-shot victory over Helen Pollock and Phyllis Roe, who finished in a tie for second place. Jana Samuels ran away with Flight B with a 4-underpar 28 and low round of the day — a five-shot victory over second-place finisher Marilyn Niewijk. Pollock and Penny Williams both had chipins to highlight their rounds. For more championship photos and more sports, go online to www.islander.org.
Lancaster Design: Robert Armstrong, Michael Lewis, Greg DeMeuse, Trey Horne, John Coleman, Ricky Anderson and Daniel Anderson. Not pictured: Sumiko Chipman and Cody Crouch.
Fishing tip! If you hook a bird, remember: Reel, remove and release!
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Anna Maria Island Tides
June 20 7:28a 1.8 6:30p June21 8:04a 1.9 8:12p June22 8:40a 2.1 9:44p June23 9:14a 2.3 11:03p June24 9:47a 2.4 — June25 12:10a 1.4 10:18a June26 1:07a 1.4 10:48a June27 1:55a 1.4 11:18a
1.8 12:15a 1.6 1:02a 1.5 1:47a 1.5 2:28a — 3:05a 2.5 3:38a 2.5 4:09a 2.6 4:37a
0.2 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3
12:45p 2:15p 3:27p 4:25p 5:13p 5:56p 6:33p 7:08p
1.1 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.2
AM City Pier tides; Cortez high tides 7 minutes later — lows 1:06 later
THE ISLANDER n JuNE 20, 2018 n 25
Weather, fish fall into routine summertime pattern By Capt. Danny Stasny Islander Reporter Falling into our typical summertime pattern of calm east breezes in the morning followed by a spattering of thunderstorms in the afternoon is providing excellent fishing around Anna Maria Island. Inshore fishing is providing good action on spotted seatrout and catch-and-release snook. Deep grass flats are holding many and all sizes of trout. To find good action on snook, try fishing around the passes and beaches. And speaking of the beaches, the tarpon are running and sport fishing for the silver king is Stasny getting good — especially with the calm, clear water we have now. Look for schooling migratory fish cruising the beaches and the passes and be ready to cast your bait at their noses. Moving offshore in the summer brings a variety of species — mangrove snapper, American red snapper, gag grouper, cobia and permit. For the mangoes and gags, reefs and wrecks are proving to be good. Wrecks are holding the cobia and permit. If its red snapper you fancy, try fishing hard bottom and ledges in depths of 100 feet or more. On my Southernaire charters, I’m putting clients on plenty of catch-and-release snook. Most catches are 20-30 inches. Live shiners are the best bait to attract the linesiders on the flats and in the passes. Spotted seatrout are keeping clients busy. A free-lined shiner — with the addition of a small split shot cast over deep grass — is quickly being eaten by hungry trout. A lot of small, under-slot trout are present in these areas, but so are the 18- to 20-inch fish. You just have to catch a lot of trout to yield a limit. Spanish mackerel, small blacktip sharks and ladyfish are present in these areas, providing a nice variety for anglers. Jim Malfese at the Rod & Reel Pier is seeing a smorgasbord of fish coming to the deck at Anna Maria Island’s northern-most pier. Pier fishers using live shrimp as bait are catching redfish, black drum, sheepshead and mangrove snapper. Casting shrimp under the pier is yielding the best results. Pier fishers casting shrimp away from the pier are having luck on flounder, whiting, blue runners and jacks. Those using shiners as bait are finding even more fish to be caught, including mackerel, ladyfish and catch-and-release snook. Capt. Aaron Lowman is working both nearshore structure and hard bottom for a variety of species. Around the artificial reefs, mangrove snapper, cobia and permit are taking the hook. Due to the extremely clear water, Lowman is finding the best bite occurs when he can mask the bait on the hook by heavily chumming the waters with a mix of frozen and live chum. Moving inshore, Lowman is putting clients on Southernaire Fishing Charters
Jeff Davis of Bradenton and David Green of Longboat Key each caught a permit offshore June 7 while using small blue crabs for bait. The sportsmen released their catch after the photo. They were guided by Capt. Warren Girle. redfish and catch-and-release snook along mangrove shorelines and around the passes. Early morning brings the best action, according to Lowman, because the water is slightly cooler than in the afternoon. Tarpon fishing is proving to be good during morning hours, too. Casting live crabs or threadfin herring as bait are producing hookups with the silver king. Capt. Rick Gross of Fishy Business Charters is working a variety of species. To start, he’s finding catch-and-release snook in good numbers around the passes. Fish ranging from 22-40 inches are taking live shiners on the hook. For the larger linesiders, palm-size pinfish and grunts work well. Spotted seatrout are tops for Gross’ clients looking to fill the cooler. Trout can be found in grass patches of 3-6 feet of water, which is yielding many 16-18 inch trout. While targeting trout, Spanish mackerel, bluefish and an occasional blacktip shark are being caught. Lastly, tarpon fishing is rounding out the bite for Gross. Early mornings spent casting crabs and threadfin herring is proving successful for Gross, with fish in the 100-pound range running the norm for his anglers. Capt. Warren Girle is working inshore throughout the lush grass flats of Sarasota Bay, where sport fishing for snook is going strong, especially during morning tides when the water is cooler. Redfish are being caught by Girle’s anglers on the morning tides around oyster bars and mangrove shorelines. To round out the morning, Girle is targeting spotted seatrout on the deeper grass areas throughout Sarasota Bay. Mixed in with the trout bite are bluefish, macks and ladyfish. When not flats fishing, Girle is running clients to the beach to patrol for tarpon. Casting live crabs to schooling fish as they migrate north and south along the beaches of Anna Maria Island is resulting in acro-
batic jumps, drag-screaming runs and happy anglers. Capt. David White of Anna Maria Charters also is targeting tarpon along the beaches of Anna Maria Island — and in Tampa Bay. With near-perfect conditions, the tarpon bite is following suit. Casting live crabs and threadfin herring to schooling fish is resulting in numerous hookups. Fish in the 80-pound class are the norm, but bigger fish are in the mix. When he lets up on the tarpon, White is hunting mangrove snapper and mackerel over structure in the Gulf of Mexico and Tampa Bay. This bite is occurring in depths of 20-50 feet of water. Moving out deeper to depths of 100 feet or more is proving good for American red snapper. Capt. Jason Stock is spending his days tracking tarpon from Egmont Key south to Longboat Key. Numerous fish are taking live bait — crabs and herring. While cruising the beaches, Stock is encountering an occasional cobia, and he keeps his gear ready for a cast. Moving offshore, Stock is sight-casting to permit on wrecks and reefs in depths of 40-60 feet of water. Moving out to depths of 80-120 feet, Stock is finding gag grouper, American red snapper and mangrove snapper accommodating. On lucky days, while bottom fishing, Stock is even finding mahi-mahi schools passing the boat. Although not a regular occurrence in those waters, Stock said, “it sure is welcome.” Send high-resolution photos and fishing reports to fish@islander.org.
Send your fishing, sports, event news and photos to news@islander.org. Share the fun.
941.465.8932 LIVE Whitebait & Crabs
On the water at the Kingfish Boat Ramp
AnnaMariaFishing Guide.com
26 n JuNE 20, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
Patrons gather June 7 at Tommy Knockers Saloon, 101 Seventh St. N., Bradenton Beach. The bar recently sold to Frank Commendatore of Ohio. Former owner Mark Rosato retains ownership of his two other bars, also named Tommy Knockers, in Bradenton. Islander Photo: Sandy Ambrogi
Sale, art and facelifts top this week’s biz news
Bar changes hands, again. It’s been less than two years since Mark Rosato of Bradenton bought Mary Ann’s Castaway Bar in Bradenton Beach from its namesake Mary Ann Speciale and set about on a remodel, turning it into Tommy Knockers Saloon. Rosato sold the bar, 101 Seventh St. N., Bradenton Beach, in April to Ohioan Frank Commendatore. Commendatore also purchased a full liquor license for the location. Rosato was said to have taken his license for the bar with him to Bradenton, when he acquired Bada Bing! Bar on Cortez Road and rebranded it as a Tommy Knockers. Commendatore has been in the bar business for the past 18 years in Columbus, Ohio. He has no plans for a new name, but that could change, he said. Cookouts are planned and other special events are in the works to drive interest and bring customers in the door. Tommy Knockers Saloon in Bradenton Beach is open 1 p.m. to midnight daily. For more information, call 941-896-8555. New mural salutes old Cortez At the east end of Cortez at the Village Center, artist Rose Lipke is adding color to the end of an otherwise ordinary building. Lipke, known for her artwork depicting life around Cortez, is creating a mural on the end of the
strip center at the corner of 119th Street West and Cortez Road. The painting shows the small islands known as the kitchen, an old net camp on the water and other bits of life in the community. The mural was commissioned by Village Center owners Rocky and Jane Von Hahmann. As of June 12, Lipke said she was about halfway through with the project, having started the week of June 4. It’s just an update, folks Beachfront property is hard to come by and harder to maintain. Updates to the main building and kitchen are underway at the Gulf Drive Cafe, 900 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach, but the rumor of a knockdown and two-story rebuild is just that — a rumor. Owner Wendy Kokolis said June 14 the kitchen at the Gulffront establishment is getting a muchneeded update. An environmental engineer has been consulted to be sure the remodel is eco-friendly. The beachfront patio will get a facelift, too. Kokolis said permitting is in the works. The Kokonut Hut and wedding venue at the cafe are not included in the update, and the restaurant continues to serve customers daily 7 a.m.-9 p.m.
Artist Rose Lipke paints history June 12 into a mural of the Cortez shoreline at The Village Center in Cortez, home to Tyler’s Homemade Ice Cream, Sally’s Salon and the Beach Shop. Islander Photo: Kathy Prucnell Got news? Reach out to Sandy Ambrogi at sandy@ islander.org or call The Islander office at 941-7787978.
ANNA MARIA ISLAND 528 72nd Street Mark Boehmig 941-807-6936 A4204971 $2,995,000
ANNA MARIA ISLAND 105 Park Avenue Ken Kavanaugh & Margo Love Story 941-799-1943 A4400428 $2,795,000
ANNA MARIA ISLAND 1710 Gulf Drive N E Hannah Hillyard 941-744-7358 A4215055 $1,975,000
ANNA MARIA ISLAND 110 7th Street S Judy LaValliere 941-504-3792 A4210751 $1,800,000
ANNA MARIA ISLAND 3708 Gulf Drive 1 Hannah Hillyard 941-744-7358 A4209523 $1,250,000
ANNA MARIA ISLAND 664 Key Royale Drive Hannah Hillyard 941-744-7358 A4404064 $1,000,000
ANNA MARIA ISLAND 216 83rd Street Laurie M Mock 941-232-3665 A4203519 $683,000
ANNA MARIA ISLAND 2509 Avenue C A Laurie M Mock 941-232-3665 A4208163 $595,000
CORTEZ 4121 Osprey Harbour Loop Maria Christenson 941-920-3583 A4208963 $519,000
BR ADENTON 1317 Calle Grand Street Deborah Capobianco 941-704-2394 A4214765 $473,383
ANNA MARIA ISLAND 6300 Flotilla Drive 99 Kathy Marshall 941-900-9777 A4208643 $349,900
ANNA MARIA ISLAND 600 Manatee Avenue 230 Bruce Meyer 941-266-8152 A4403816 $338,000
BR ADENTON 7610 34th Avenue W 102 Barb Eberhart 614-204-7687 A4404696 $329,990
8 8 8 . 552 . 52 2 8
ANNA MARIA ISLAND 2509 Avenue C B Laurie M Mock 941-232-3665 A4208192 $585,000
RENTAL ANNA MARIA ISLAND 5806 Gulf Drive 201 2 Bed 2 Bath $1,375 Maria Kagin 941-779-4150 A4402329
michaelsaunders.com L I C E N S E D R E A L E S TAT E B R O K E R
THE ISLANDER n June 20, 2018 n 27
AMI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Wednesday, June 27 5 p.m. — Business card exchange, Key Royale Club, 700 Key Royale Drive, Holmes Beach. Members $5, guests $10. Phone: 941-778-1541. Email: info@amichamber.org. • Through July 31, AMI chamber membership drive, rewards for joining and recruiting. Phone: 941-778-1541. Email: info@amichamber.org. • Through October, third Thursday, Lunch and Learn seminars, Center of Anna Maria Island, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. $10, reservations required. Phone: 941-778-1541. Email: info@amichamber.org.
Members gather for tri-chamber celebration
Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce board chairperson Bev Lesnick, left, and members Amy Tobin and Sheri Panxa join new member Christy Norris at a table June 7 at the annual tri-chamber BBQ on the Bay at the Resort at Longboat Key Club, Longboat Key. Members from the AMI, Longboat Key and Siesta Key chambers attended. Islander Photo: Courtesy AMI C of C
Islander archive 24/7 You’ll find The Islander at the UofF library Some years ago, The Islander was invited to among the digital stacks, now and into the future. take part in a pilot project with the University of Weekly. Florida George A. Smathers Libraries. Find weekly We donated our collection of printed newseditions of The papers covering from the first edition in 1992 to Islander — 1992 the digital era of 2005, and the digital editions. to present — It took some time, but it’s all on the UofF digital online in the library site now, all searchable by key word, name University of or date. Florida Digital It’s simple, easy and available 24/7. Library at There’s 26 years, 52 weeks a year, the complete ufdc.ufl.edu. collection of The Islander, online at ufdc.ufl.edu.
Tuesday, June 26 8:30 a.m. — Chamber 360 new member and refresher breakfast, chamber office, 5390 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Limited space with RSVP required. Register online at www. longboatkeychamber.com. Phone: 941-383-2466. Wednesday, July 4 9-11 a.m. — Freedom Festival 2018, featuring a parade and fourth festivities. Centennial Park, Bay Isles Road, Longboat Key. • Through July 6, nominations for the 2018 Small Business of the Year in four categories. Email: info@lbkchamber.com. Phone: 941-383-2466.
You can read it all online at www.islander.org Business news
Does your business celebrate achievements? Maybe you’ve just opened the doors, received an award or staff deserves kudos. Submit your information to news@islander.org.
Mike Norman Realty INC RENTAL HOME OWNERS Why pay more than 15% commission for great quality and outstanding service? Benefit from our state-of-the art tools: Responsive website, online booking, travel insurance, safe credit card processing, 24/7 inquiry responder, keyless, every day check-in. Family owned and managed: Enjoy the personal touch – be treated as a VIP and not like a number. Get in touch with us. Let us detail our favorable conditions for renting and managing your rental. We also serve you in German, French, Italian and Spanish.
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28 n JuNE 20, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
Sandy’s Lawn Service Inc. Established in 1983 Residential and Commercial Full service lawn maintenance Landscaping – Clean-up Hauling tree trimming Licensed & Insured
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DELL COMPUTER WITH monitor, refurbished, $100. 941-756-6728.
PET PAL PET sitting: Short and long term, in your house or mine. 18-year Island resident. 941-704-5937. e.davies5937@gmail.com.
BELL MOTORCYCLE HELMET $20, Holly Roller kayak mounts, $35, Thule ski racks, $45. 941-778-7003. UPRIGHT VACUUM: NAME brand, excellent condition, refurbished. $29. 941-778-5542. TWO SOFAS, WICKER armoire and dresser, low media stand, miscellaneous. 813-6258442. LEATHER LOVE SEAT, ottoman, two bar stools, dresser, $125. 941-704-0418 . ANTIQUE PARTNER DESK: All wood, $1,000. See at The Islander office, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. 941-778-7978. FOUR OAK OFFICE chairs: Antiques, perfect for eclectic dining set. The Islander newspaper, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. 941-778-7978. FREEBIE ITEMS FOR SALE
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Individuals may place one free ad with up to three items, each priced $100 or less, 15 words or less. FREE, one week, must be submitted online. Email classifieds@islander. org, fax toll-free 1-866-362-9821. (limited time offer) ANNOUNCEMENTS WANTED: WORKOUT DVDs and retired but working XBox, Wii units with games for Ministry of Presence for kids and teens in Haiti. Deliver to The Islander, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach.
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WANTED: YOUR OLD cellphone for recycling. Deliver to The Islander, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach.
AERIAL PHOTOS of Anna Maria Island. View and purchase online: www.jackelka.com. FREE GUN LOCK courtesy of Project Childsafe, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and Holmes Beach Police Department. Pick up at The Islander office, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. Don’t be sorry, be safe.
April is 3 years old, 17 pounds and gets along with cats, dogs and people! Mixed breed. Apply to adopt April at wwww.moonraceranimalrescue.com. call lisa Williams at 941-345-2441 or visit the islander next to Paradise cafe in Holmes beach for more …
ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open 9:30 a.m.-2p.m. Tuesday and Thursday, 10 a.m.-1p.m. Saturday. Donations preferred 9 a.m.-11 a.m. Wednesdays. 511 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. 941-779-2733.
MOVING SALE: 8 a.m. Friday and Saturday, June 22-23. 6315 Gulf Drive, North Beach Village, Holmes Beach. 941-962-2178.
BOATS & BOATING BIMINI BAY SAILING: Small sailboat rentals and instruction. Day. Week. Month. Sunfish, Laser, Windrider 17 and Precision 15. Call Brian at 941-685-1400. PONTOON BOAT RENTAL Create life long memories. Call 941-778-2121 or see boatflorida.net. 2004 SAILFISH 2100 Bay boat, Anna Maria. F150 engine, 500 hours, ProFish package, two 160-quart fish boxes, raw water washdown, remote fill (four-stroke) dual battery switch, Bimini top, etc. Maintained and clean. $17,000 (price reduced due to no trailer). Mary Ann, 908-339-2058. HELP WANTED PART-TIME HOUSEKEEPER for a 17-unit hotel on Anna Maria Island. Must have transportation and housekeeping experience. Please, call 216-225-1706. PART-TIME RESORT manager for small resort located on Anna Maria Island. Must have experience in hospitality industry. Please, call 216-225-1706. SATURDAY HOUSEKEEPERS NEEDED for beach resort (7 a.m.-2 p.m.) per unit pay. Please, call 941-778-6667 for details. REPORTER WANTED: Full- to part-time. Print media, newspaper experience required. Apply via email with letter of interest to news@islander.org. KIDS FOR HIRE KIDS FOR HIRE ads are FREE for up to three weeks for Island youths under 16 looking for work. Ads must be placed in person at The Islander office, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. SERVICES
YOU CAN HELP! Fosters, volunteers, retailtype help needed for Moonracer No Kill Animal Rescue. Please email: moonraceranimalrescue@gmail.com.
MORE ADS = more readers in The Islander.
ISLAND COMPUTER GUY, 37 years experience. On-site PC repairs, upgrades, buying assistance and training. Call Bill, 941-7782535. T.H.S. CLEANING: RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL vacation rentals. Dependable and detailed. 941-756-4570. THE ISLANDER. The best news on Anna Maria Island since 1992.
Think Global, Read Local WWW.ISLANDER.ORG 3218 E. Bay Drive, AMI Centre Shops, Holmes Beach • 941-778-7978.
THE ISLANDER n JuNE 20, 2018 n 29
LAWN & GARDEN Continued
AUTHORITY ONE SERVICES: Cleaning, construction, residential, commercial, rentals. Call 941-251-5948.
ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER Service: Repairs, installs. Your local sprinkler company since 1997. Call Jeff, 941-778-2581.
I DON’T CUT corners, I clean corners. Professional, friendly cleaning service since 1999. 941-779-6638. Leave message.
SHELL DELIVERED AND spread. $55/yard. Hauling all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free estimates. Call Larry at 941-7957775, “shell phone� 941-720-0770.
NEED A RIDE to airports? Tampa $65, St. Pete, $55, Sarasota, $30. Gary, 863-4095875. gvoness80@gmail.com. B-SAFE-RIDES: Airport and personal, Peggy, R.N. Specializing in women and seniors. $34 and up. 727-902-7784. WEDDING CAKES, SPECIALTY cakes, cookies, scones, cupcakes, quiche. Well, just take a look: bakeshoptogo.com. 941-447-4037.
NATURE’S DESIGN LANDSCAPING. Design and installation. 66Tropical landscape specialist. Residential and commercial. 35 years experience. 941-448-6336. STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Shell, lime rock, palms, river rock, construction demolition, fencing, pressure washing, hauling debris and transport. Shark Mark, 941-3016067. HOME IMPROVEMENT
PIERLY MAID CLEANING Service: Two former City Pier employees looking to make your home, vacation rental, ofďŹ ce spic and span! Please, give us a call, 941-447-2565 or 941-565-0312.
VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, interior/exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island references. Bill, 941-795-5100. www.vangopainting.net.
BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS JD’s Window Cleaning looking for storefront jobs in Holmes Beach. I make dirty windows sparkling clean. 941-920-3840.
CUSTOM REMODELING EXPERT. All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Insured. Meticulous, clean, sober and prompt. Paul Beauregard, 941-730-7479.
BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigeration. Commercial and residential service, repair and/or replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and personalized service, call Bill Eller, 941-795-7411. CAC184228. ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional creates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding! www.jackelka.com. 941-778-2711. RELAXING MASSAGE IN the convenience of your home or hotel. Massage by Nadia, more than 20 years on Anna Maria Island. Call today for an appointment, 941-5188301. MA#0017550.MA#0017550. LAWN & GARDEN CONNIE’S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, landscaping, cleanups, hauling and more! Insured. 941-778-5294.
TILE -TILE -TILE. All variations of ceramic tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, 941-726-3077. GRIFFIN’S HOME IMPROVEMENTS Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and wood flooring. Insured and licensed. 941-722-8792.
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ISLAND GATER RESTORATIONS: Painting, interior/exterior, drywall repair, textures, pressure cleaning, stucco. Danny, 941-7208116. islandgater@gmail.com.
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30 n JuNE 20, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
RENTALS Continued
WEEKLY/MONTHLY/ANNUAL rentals: wide variety, changes daily. SunCoast Real Estate, 941-779-0202, or 1-800-732-6434. www. suncoastinc.com.
VACATION RENTAL: 2BR condo and boat slip, near AMI and Gulf, across from nature preserve. Walking distance to beach. $900/ week plus tax/security. 941-798-3842.
AFFORDABLE SINGLE-FAMILY home, Bradenton. 2BR/1BA, garage. Deluxe upgrades. Community pool and golf. 55-plus. $225,000. Real Estate Mart, 941-356-1456.
ANNA MARIA BUNGALOW: 1BR/1BA, carport and sundeck. Manufactured home. Boat dock and new pool coming. Everything upgraded. Move-in ready. $84,000. Real Estate Mart, 941-356-1456.
ANNUAL GULFVIEW HOME: Steps to beach. 2BR/2BA with den, two-car garage, sunroom, deck. 703-587-4675. PERICO BAY VILLA: 2BR/2BA, one-car garage. Off-season, $1,500/month. All upgraded, turnkey furnished. Real Estate Mart, 941-356-1456. ANNUAL RENTAL: BRADENTON Beach, 1BR/1BA, Bay in back, Gulf in front, pool, kayak and bike storage, very walk-able, $1,150/month, no smoking, no pets. 603969-6840.
STARTING FROM THE low $300,000s. Only minutes from the beach, this new active adult community is perfectly located just south of Manatee Avenue, off Village Green Parkway. Perfectly designed, open 2BR or 3BR/2BA plus den and two-car garage ďŹ&#x201A;oor plans. Luxurious amenities, pool, spa, gym, pickleball and fenced-in dog park. HOA only $209/ month. Models open daily. Contact us, 941254-3330. www.MirabellaFlorida.com. BEACHFRONT CONDO, 2BR/2BA, fourth ďŹ&#x201A;oor â&#x20AC;&#x153;Martinique North.â&#x20AC;? $659,900. Iva Fadley-Dane, Wagner Realty, 941-447-0738. FOR SALE: 2BR/2BA. Walk or ride to beach. 100 feet to bay. Bring your kayaks! $158,500, cash. Call 941-753-0585.
WEST BRADENTON FIXER-upper. 3BR/2BA, garage. $165,000. Call for more information. Real Estate Mart, 941-356-1456. ANNA MARIA WATERFRONT canal home. Fixer-upper, 3BR/2BA, oversize two-car garage. Heated pool and spa, dock and boat lift. $725,000. Real Estate Mart, 941356-1456. LOOKING FOR AN EARLY BIRD? You can read Wednesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s classiďŹ eds on Tuesday at www. islander.org. And itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s FREE! More ads = more readers in The Islander.
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RELEASE DATE: 6/17/2018
New York Times Sunday Magazine Crossword
THE ISLANDER n JuNE 20, No.2018 0610n 31
52 Mousetrap brand 1 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Me tooâ&#x20AC;? 54 Take a hit 6 Expert on jingles 55 Highway obstructed by accidents, 11 U.K. V.I.P. detours and 15 Corp. leadership construction? 19 Babyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s woe 59 Things sometimes 20 Nap for a loafer? stolen in Hollywood 21 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cien ____ de 61 East Berlinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s land: Soledadâ&#x20AC;? (Gabriel Abbr. GarcĂa MĂĄrquez 62 Prosperous period novel) 63 Standing Rock tribe 22 Bailiwick 65 Pays attention to 23 Lane restricted to 66 Rope for allow motorcades strangulation through? 69 Package sender to an 26 Ribs enlistee, maybe 27 Jerryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s adversary, in 71 Kosher cartoons 74 Title kitten in a Key 28 ____ colada and Peele action 29 Night vision? comedy 30 Early online forum 76 Not stay in the pail, say 32 Honoluluâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s historic 77 Youth org. since 1910 ____ Palace 80 They sit in front of 34 Current a cox 36 Pressing and shoving 82 Took public me as I enter the transportation while subway? oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wheels were at 41 Sounds before the shop? sneezes 86 City near Provo 42 Word repeated by Romeo in â&#x20AC;&#x153;As mine 87 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Time ____ a premiumâ&#x20AC;? on ____, so ____ is 89 Grp. with a co-pay set on mineâ&#x20AC;? 90 Bit of dangly jewelry 43 Brown v. Board of Education city 91 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Star-belliedâ&#x20AC;? Seussian creature 44 Last words of a pep 93 Net fisher talk, perhaps 96 Song lead-in to â&#x20AC;&#x153;diâ&#x20AC;? 48 Not taking a bow? or â&#x20AC;&#x153;daâ&#x20AC;? 51 New Haven collegian 97 Rural turndown Online subscriptions: Todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 98 â&#x20AC;&#x153;This tollbooth line puzzle and more Answers: will make me late!â&#x20AC;?? than 4,000 past puzzles, page 28 nytimes.com/crosswords 103 Portal in â&#x20AC;&#x153;Alice in ($39.95 a year). Wonderlandâ&#x20AC;? AC RO SS
106 Shellac and myrrh 107 Rule against singing 108 Toodle-oos 111 Peddle 112 đ&#x;&#x2DC;&#x201A; 115 Where Scarlett got a letter? 116 Split an Uber? 120 Fun-run length, for short 121 Last thing said before eating? 122 Washington, but not Jefferson 123 Any local in â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Music Manâ&#x20AC;? 124 Matter of interest? 125 Spot 126 Like legalized marijuana 127 Alternating-current motor inventor
13 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hmm, the oven was on. Did ____ didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t â&#x20AC;Śâ&#x20AC;? 14 Time release 15 Get to Grand Central right at 5:00? 16 Tool for a blacksmith 17 Jasonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wife in myth 18 Finger-licking good 24 Thread: Prefix 25 San Francisco : BART :: Philadelphia : ____ 31 Sweater damage 32 â&#x20AC;&#x153;No more for me, thanksâ&#x20AC;? 33 Force onward 35 Utahâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ____ Canyon (locale of petroglyphs) 36 Kale alternative 37 Fix, as a golf green 38 Pianist Rubinstein 39 Rise above the din, say DOWN 40 Somewhere over 1 ____ no. the rainbow theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re 2 Home of many blue, in song Big Apple galleries 45 Carry-____ 3 One with â&#x20AC;&#x2122;18 after oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 46 Scraped (out) name, say 47 Cleanup target 4 Alma mater of Wm. Hewlett of Hewlett- 49 Tax ____ 50 Queen dowager Packard of Jordan 5 Colorful summer treat 52 ____ Homme (fashion 6 Like the â&#x20AC;&#x153;sâ&#x20AC;? in â&#x20AC;&#x153;aisleâ&#x20AC;? line) 7 Dodge S.U.V. 53 Awkward 8 Brave adversary 56 Decision point 9 Condition for some 57 Simple life? distracted kids, for 58 Through short 60 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Quanticoâ&#x20AC;? actress 10 Not eâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;en once Priyanka ___ 11 Like some oil money 64 Prefix with -phone 12 Canine coat?
55 61
76 83
96 101
66 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m scared by the speed youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going in this traffic!â&#x20AC;?? 67 Not sagging at all 68 No-nonsense quartet? 70 Pout 71 Eltonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s johns 72 Bring in 73 Special soldier 75 Did some theater work, casually
85 90
65 70
54 59
41 44
51 56
43 50
34 39
77 Good olâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; boy 78 Certain vodka order, informally 79 Up 81 Neighbor of Hond. 83 Radiate 84 Campaign supporter 85 Expressive facial features 88 ____ Tzu (dog) 92 Doofus
93 Take care of 94 Put on a pedestal 95 Sister of Snow White 99 Delaying response to â&#x20AC;&#x153;Is it time?â&#x20AC;? 100 Comic Boosler 101 ____ qua non 102 Sends a breakup text, say (tsk!) 103 Helicopter feature 104 Refrigerator handle?
105 Snacks during hora feliz 109 N.Z. neighbor 110 Mlle., in Managua 112 House work? 113 ____ cavity 114 Golden Globe winner Dunham 117 Friend of Francine 118 Kind of paper 119 Help make the bed?
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32 n June 20, 2018 n THE ISLANDER