— robert anderson
The child and his mother were taken to the North Coquina Boat Ramp in Bradenton Beach, where they met the chopper.
Orms then continued to render aid until Manatee County Emergency Medical ServicesEMSarrived.determined the child needed transport by a trauma helicopter to Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg.
According to the BBPD reports, the child’s father had been watching him play in the pool but looked away for less than half a minute. The dad looked back to see his son was under water. He dove in and pulled out the child, who was unconscious.
By ryan Paice islander reporter
Road work staged and ready
anna maria elementary fourth- and fifth-graders show off their red, white and blue at school Sept. 16 for a celebration of u.S. constitution day. they learned that on this day in 1787, the delegates of the constitutional convention met for a final time to sign the document. also pictured are teachers Sandy fisher, left, and Stephanie davis. islander
Drowning child rescued from pool
BBPD Lt. Lenard Diaz said Sept. 15 that the child was stable and expected to make a full recovery.
People visit manatee Public Beach in Holmes Beach Sept. 16, where the city commission has banned cigarette smoking. islander Photo: ryan Paice
A 2-year-old boy nearly drowned Sept. 11 while playing in a pool in Bradenton Beach.At 5:36 p.m. that day, Bradenton Beach Police Officer Kyle Orms responded to a 911 call from the 2100 block of Avenue A relating to a near drowning.
Orms arrived to render aid to the child until he regained consciousness and began expelling water from his lungs.
guy Harvey schooling. 2 county mulls fare-free transit. 3 Q&A 092122 3 BB slows drive for paid parking. 4 Meetings 4 Ballots go in the mail. 5 Opinions 6 looking back. 7 am oKs modifications to historic home. 8 county sinks Kingfish ramp expansion. 9 calendar events and announcements. 10-11 ‘cliffhanger’opens. 12 ame-Pto plans for 2022-23. 13 Bridge Street gets holiday nod. 15 Budget talks. 16-17 get in the game. 19 am puts brakes on roundabout. 20 Streetlife 20 King tide washes out sea turtle nests. 22 migration season takes off. 23 action at the pitch. 24 rains drive fishing. 25 Isl Biz: 26 lucky moves, mighty wins & water taxi update. 27 CLASSIFIEDS. 28-29 PropertyWatch. 30 NYT puzzle astheworldterns31 6 opens. PLAYERSISLAND the Best news on anna maria island Since 1992 islander.org 10-20 YEARS AGO 2022 elections Gathering. 14 turn to Ban, Page 2 VOLUME 30, NO. 48 SEPT. 21, 2022 free construction equipment is staged Sept. 16 near Holmes Beach city Hall, 5801 marina drive, ready to hit the road for the Sept. 19 start of construction along marina drive between gulf drive and 56th Street. more, see page 21. islander Photo: ryan Paice
City commissioners unanimously voted Sept. 16 to adopt three ordinances prohibiting smoking at public beaches and parks, adjusting sea turtle lighting regulations and establishing a recovery management organization tasked with creating and fulfilling a post-disaster recovery plan.
The city is preempted by the state from regulating smoking other than at beaches and parks in the city and the state exempts unfiltered cigars from regulation.
Celebrating Constitution Day
Commissioner Kim Rash was absent withTheexcuse.smoking prohibition was created in an effort to limit the improper disposal of cigarette butts and also secondhand smoke.
The Holmes Beach Police Department has some new city code to enforce.
The prohibition declares smoking a “public health nuisance” at city fi eld, the skate park and Grassy Point Preserve, as well as the city’s several pocket parks and public beaches.
Holmes Beach bans beach, park smoking
Photo: courtesy ame/Julie Sawyer
The ordinance amending the city’s sea turtle light ing ordinance lowers the allowable light transmittance value for tinted windows and glass doors facing sea ward from 15% to 45%.
Ban continued from Page 1
DOLPHIN TOURS CALL US ABOUT the SANDBAR AND EGMONT KEY EXPRESS Or Cruise with us aboard the Anna Maria Princess Music 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays Comedy 6 p.m. Fridays Great for all ages! CALL OR BOOK ONLINE TODAY! www.bradentonbeachmarina.com941-778-2288402CHURCHAVE.,BRADENTONBEACH RENT A BOATBEYOUR OWN CAPTAIN! Plenty of parking at the marina! and Deckboats Take a relaxing 90-minute cruise, featuring dolphin, sandbar and sunset cruises — fun for the whole family!
There was no public comment on the three items.
Sea turtle hatchlings use light reflected from the moon and stars on the Gulf of Mexico to navigate to the water, where artificial lighting can disorient them, sometimes leading to their death by dehydration or
Plastic straw prohibition
Chief Bill Tokajer said his officers would treat the cigarette ban similar to the prohibition on alco hol beverages on the beaches, with a warning followed by a citation. The citation fine would be paid at city hall and appeals would be to a special magistrate.
AME kids schooled on Guy Harvey lessons
“Students find the differences between what they learned about real whale sharks versus Walter’s char acteristics in the book,” AME principal Mike Masiello wrote in an email to The Islander Sept. 9.
The third ordinance tasks the RMO with preparing a recovery plan for commission consideration, which, if adopted, puts the organization in charge of coordi nating and implementing post-disaster situations.
Masiello explained how students learn about fic tional and real characters by using texture plates and crayons during art lessons.
and English language arts,” Masiello said.
Meanwhile, second- through fifth-grade teachers are leading conservation lessons with concept-based and real-world problems that engage students “by weaving together science, technology, visual arts, math
anna maria elemen tary kindergartners melania Brannock, left, nina comkowycz, mason gazzo, Jason grimes and Viviana Harwood show off their guy Harvey shark art Sept. 9 at the school in Holmes Beach.
The city initially implemented the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s recommended 15% light transmittance value, but the Florida Depart ment of Environmental Protection recommends 45%.
islander Photo: cour tesy ame
The ordinance authorizes the RMO to implement some temporary regulations if deened “reasonably jus tifiable” for recovery or the protection of public health and Suchsafety.temporary regulations could include prohibit ing public access to damaged or hazardous areas, estab lishing a moratorium on new building permits or allow ing the RMO director to issue permits for the temporary use of property as critical facilities.
The first-ever Guy Harvey Academy program, a partnership between the School District of Manatee County at AME and the Guy Harvey Ocean Founda
director and the city attorney as legal adviser.
The five “Es” are engage, explore, explain, elabo rate and evaluate.
And kindergartners are learning the difference between fictional and real characters with studies of “Walter the Whale Shark,” a book by Katrine Crow.
By Brook morrison islander reporter
turn to Ban, Page 3
Page 2 THE ISLANDER | islander.org SePt. 21, 2022
Mayor Judy Titsworth previously said the amend ment would bring the city more in line with state stan dards and encourage more people to buy into new win dows since the new rules would be more lenient.
The RMO would be directed by the mayor, with the city’s public works supervisor serving as deputy
Kindergarten and first-grade lessons in the Guy Harvey Academy program increase kids’ understand ing of sharks through an appreciation of art.
A city code citation for a first-time offense would cost HBPD$75.
tion, helps students learn and implement ocean con servation using a “5-E” model to create interest.
City commissioners also reached consensus to
Anna Maria Elementary began implementing Guy Harvey Academy lessons focused on ocean and marine life conservation with the new school year.
A. 90-plus degrees.
Commissioners James Satcher and Kevin Van Ostenbridge, who chairs the board, voted no on Kruse’s motion to draft a resolution.
Ban continued from Page 2
Van Ostenbridge, who represents AMI as a District 3 commissioner, said he’s a “soft no” who needs to study the issue.
The Sept. 27 meeting will begin at 9 a.m. in the administration building, 1112 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton. table an ordinance that would have prohibited the distribution and sale of single-use plastic straws within city limits to add considerations for biodegradable plasticPlasticstraws.straws, one of the most common types of single-use plastics — plastic products generally used once and then disposed of — contribute to pollution and are small enough to become lodged in sea turtle noses or ingested by marine life.
However,straws. Titsworth said a company that manufactures biodegradable plastic straws that would be prohibited under the proposed ordinance reached out to her ahead of the meeting.
By lisa neff islander editor
City attorney Erica Augello said an amended measure would need to go again through the city’s ordinance adoption process.
The commission will meet next at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 27, at city hall, 5801 Marina Drive. Directions to attend can be found at holmesbeachfl.org.
allowances for such products since they are biodegradable and do not contain PFAs, or polyfluoroalkyls, which are long-lasting and often cancerous chemical compounds.Manypaper straws use PFAs to provide resistance to liquidCommissionerabsorption.Jayne Christenson said she supported putting the proposed ordinance on hold to consider changes but said biodegradable plastic straws also might not be environmentally friendly.
District 6 County Commissioner Carol Whitmore, who also served Holmes Beach as mayor and commissioner, recollected the launch of the island trolley and the quick climb in ridership.
good idea.
“Bottom line,” said Kruse, “I look at this as a lowcost, high-impact potential for Manatee County to take cars off the road.”
The fare-free island trolley’s success is a driving inspiration as Manatee County commissioners consider a fare-free bus service for at least 18 months.
Year-to-date, ridership has increased 27.8% compared with fiscal year 2021.
C. Businesses on break.
“We went from 60 a month to 1,000 a day,” Whitmore said, adding that a fare-free transit system is a
To answer the poll, go online to islander.org.
5%. Seeing sunrises to sunsets.
Today, the trolley sees the most ridership of any MCAT route. In July, ridership increased 4% from July 2021 and 91% over ridership in July 2020, a pandemicimpacted month.
City officials wanted to regulate single-use plastics as a whole but state laws preempt local municipalities from regulating any single-use plastic or foam other than
D. All of the above.
Kruse cited multiple reasons for proposing Manatee County Area Transit go fare-free — decreasing
Fares — at about $1.50 per ride for adults — amount to $1.2 million a year but, after removing expenses associated with handling those fares, Kruse said the net income is about $165,000.
The trolley connects with other MCAT routes at two hubs on the island — Coquina Beach in Bradenton Beach and Manatee Public Beach in Holmes Beach.
He also noted that other U.S. communities are finding success with such programs.
Satcher objected to acting on an agenda item for discussion and said Democrats led other communities with fare-free transit systems.
The board voted 5-2 Sept. 13 to instruct the county attorney and administrator to prepare a resolution that would lead to a fare-free system.
Christenson said if it takes too long for such a straw to biodegrade it could still cause damage.
Q&A 092122
The Islander poll
vehicles on roads, boosting ridership by removing obstacles to short trips and the federal money likely available for the program.
By lisa neff
Titsworth said the commission should consider
1%. Meh.
This week’s question
SePt. 21, 2022 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 3 941.778.1515 | 111 South Bay Blvd | Anna Maria Island, FL. Watermelonbalsamicsaladreductionwatermelonarugulaoliveoilbasilmintfeta
B. Daily thunderstorms.
All aboard!
Last week’s question
The county transit system costs about $20 million a year to operate.
“That’s September on AMI …”
The resolution could be voted on at the Sept. 27 meeting and the pilot program could begin Oct. 1.
Commissioner George Kruse proposed the program and called for the resolution during a discussion at the regular commission meeting Sept. 13 in Bradenton.
Kruse cited the success of the island trolley, which operates 6 a.m.-10:30 p.m. 365 days a year between Coquina Beach in Bradenton Beach and the Anna Maria City Pier in Anna Maria.
Manatee officials mull countywide fare-free transit service
50%. Sunsets over sunrises 40%. Both.
I prefer ….
County administration building, 1112 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton, 941-748-4501, mymanatee.org.
Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, 941708-6130, cityofannamaria.com.
Send meeting notices to calendar@islander.org.
By lisa neff
Commissioners agreed to hold a work meeting to get input from merchants and employees of the Bridge Street area on the Commissionerissue.Ralph Cole, a proponent of seeking bids from the beginning, said he favored more research.“Inlistening to everybody, I think we should look at this a little more,” Cole said. “As I said before, I would like to look at our other options. If we are going to do this, we need to do it right.”
The CRA-funded EZ Parking-shuttle service program was created to alleviate parking issues in the district.
Josh andersonPhotos:meeting.cityduringpaidspeaksParkingownerlarose,ofeasygroup,aboutparkingaSept.15commissionislanderrobert
ing those of Bridge Street employees and visitors.
Sept. 27, 10 a.m., code compliance. Sept. 27, 5 p.m., commission.
“the problem we do have is with workers, parking all day,” debbie myers said. She’s the owner of Bridge Street interiors. She said Bridge Street is too small to accommodate paid parking.
West Manatee Fire Rescue
None announced.
There was a full gallery for the meeting, as commissioners were expected to establish a paid program administered by Easy Parking Group.
Bradenton Beach city commissioners met opposition Sept. 15 as Bridge Street merchants and employees had their say about concerns over a proposed paidparking program in the commercial district.
“You are faced, as a commission, to make a decision today with where we go with this and I say let’s keep looking at it. I believe this is a viable way to get money into the city,” Rodocker said.
Sept. 22, 5:30 p.m., commission.
Anna Maria City
Sept. 22, 1:30 p.m., commission (land use).
The discussion also included paid parking on Bridge Street.
Bradenton Beach
At the conclusion of public comment, commissioners discussed alternatives and agreed there should
Bridgewalk resort owner angela rodocker addresses commissioners on the paid parking plan during a Sept. 15 meeting.
Nov. 11, 1 p.m., Veterans Day Old Soldiers and Sailors Parade and Ceremony, Pine Avenue.
Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., 941-778-1005, cityofbradentonbeach.com.
Nov. 8 is Election Day nationwide.
Sept. 21. 9 a.m., special magistrate.
By robert anderson islander reporter
Change doesn’t always come easy.
Also of interest
Easy Parking is contracted with the city’s community redevelopment agency to operate a fare-free shuttle between Coquina Beach and the business district.
The next commission meeting will be at 9:30 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 6, at city hall, 107 Gulf Drive S.
islander Photo: robert anderson
“a lot of us don’t live on the island so i understand we don’t get a vote but we should be heard,” says Brandt clark. clark, an employee of Bridge Street Jewelers, presented a petition of more than 360 signatures against paid parking. islander
Sept. 27, 9 a.m., commission.
WMFR administration building, 701 63rd St. W., Bradenton, 941-761-1555, wmfr.org.
Sept. 21, 1 p.m., planning and zoning.
Sept. 26, 9:30 a.m., Sarasota-Manatee Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization, Holiday Inn-Sarasota Bradenton International Airport, 8009 15th St. E., Sarasota.
The commission has been discussing a proposal from Easy Parking owner Josh LaRose that would include paid parking at city-owned lots between First Street North and Bridge Street, the city hall lot at 107 Gulf Drive N. and an unpaved lot between Church and Highland avenues near the police department.
Page 4 THE ISLANDER | islander.org SePt. 21, 2022
“I am going to be the outlier because I am not against it. I actually believe it would be valuable for our city,” Rodocker said. “I’m sorry, Josh, but I don’t believe that EZ parking is the right company to move forward with.”
Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, 941-708-5800, holmesbeachfl.org.
She also cautioned against not shopping for the best company to run the program.
Angela Rodocker, owner of Bridgewalk Resort on Bridge Street, spoke in favor of paid parking but against EZ Parking as the vendor.
Commissioner Jan Vosburgh motioned to deny direct negotiations with EZ Parking for the terms outlined. Commissioner Jake Spooner seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
9/11 Remembrance
The commission is interested in paid parking as a way to generate revenue and increase the city’s reserves.According to estimates from city attorney Ricinda Perry, projected revenue in a year for 56 spaces at a rate of $3.50 per hour for 12 hours a day with an estimated occupancy of 85% would yield the city $744,902, with a share for the city of $469,288.
“What is the best interest for the community as a whole?” Walter loos, owner of island Scoops ice cream and island donut co. in Bradenton Beach, asks city commissioners Sept 15.
Holmes Beach
Manatee County
During the more than three-hour meeting Sept. 15, commissioners heard from eight speakers on paid parking, most of them opposed, particularly on Bridge Street. Also, commissioners received a petition opposing paid parking of more than 360 signatures, includ-
be more community involvement.
Bradenton Beach slows its roll toward paid parking
Photos: robert anderson
a memorial adorns a flagpole Sept. 11 at the Bradenton Beach Post office on Bridge Street. mayor John chappie placed the remembrances to mark the 21-year anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the united States.
Commissioner Kim Rash, whose term is up in November, did not qualify for the ballot.
Mayors are paid $27,120 annually, while commissioners earn $7,819.92 a year.To vote in the November election people must register with the Manatee County Supervisor of Elections office by Tuesday, Oct. 11.
Early in-person voting will begin Saturday, Oct. 29, and close Saturday, Nov. 5.
Voters in November will see a transition of power as longstanding Manatee County Commissioner Carol Whitmore exits the board.
Bearden spent $104,228.87 of $108,303.09 in contributions. Roughly $42,000 went to the Tampa-based political planning and advertising firm of SIMWINS. The Bearden campaign also spent just over $14,000 on Facebook advertising. The remaining $51,767.96 was spent on other media and consulting, graphics, events and fees.County commission pay is based
Bearden had filed a complaint against Whitmore for removing his signs, however, following the primary, said he would drop pursuit of the charge, which had been sent by the Holmes Beach Police Department
Campaigns wind down, island politician exits county board
Sign dispute dropped
Whitmore spent $134,405.97 of her campaign money. Roughly $100,000 went to Metzner Media, a political planning and advertising firm in Bel Air, Maryland. The other $34,405.97 was spent on other media firms, graphics, events and fees.
Whitmore will earn $91,913 for her last year on the commission and Bearden will earn the same for his first year on the commission.
Ready forfall season?
Voter registration is open until Tuesday, Oct, 11, for the general election.
will retain her seat without opposition since no one else qualified to run for mayor. Titsworth served as city commissioner 2012-18 and has served as mayor since 2018.
— lisa neff
Write-in candidates Manuel Antonio Llamas and Robert Lesher have not declared any campaign con-
Diggins, who has experience in commercial aviation, challenged former Commissioner Marvin Grossman for appointment to a commission seat in 2016, when Grossman failed to qualify for reelection.
“The state cannot prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant possessed the criminal intent to steal the signs,” Lopez wrote. “Whitmore was under the mistaken belief that 2 of the signs she removed were on (Shawn) Kaleta’s private property and that he had given her permission to remove said signs. The evidence does not show that she possessed the criminal intent to steal.”
There were 2,678 registered voters in Holmes Beach as of Sept. 14, according to the SEO.
Kerchner is chair of the city’s planning commission and has served on the board since 2019.
Whitmore raised $139,576 in campaign contributions.Bearden has raised $108,282 and his campaign continues.AndFelts raised $11,080, according to the Manatee County Supervisor of Elections Office.
tributions or expenditures ahead of the Nov. 8 vote.
Are you getting ready for the fall on AMI? You can improve your odds for success and reach The Islander’s readers — residents, seasonal visitors and vacationers — looking for things to do. Shop, dine, events and indoor and outdoor fun. For advertising info, call or text 941-778-7978.
“She will be missed,” Holmes Beach Police Chief William Tokajer said in an Aug. 24 phone interview.
2022 Elections
Whitmore Bearden
The deadline for people to request the SEO mail vote-by-mail ballots is 5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 29.
Mail ballots set to ship
For more on the election, go to the SEO’s website, votemanatee.com.
By robert anderson islander reporter
Meanwhile, incumbent Mayor Judy Titsworth
Election Day — with local, state and federal races — will be Tuesday, Nov. 8.
Voters can find sample ballots on the SEO’s website at votemanatee.com.
christenson diggins Kerchner
SePt. 21, 2022 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 5
The Manatee County Supervisor of Elections Office will begin sending mail ballots this month, with international ballots going out Sept. 23 and domestic ballots going into the mail Sept. 30.
Whitmore lost her bid for the seat in the Republican primary race by a wide margin to opponent Jason Bearden, who faces nominal opposition from two write-in candidates in the November general election.
Please, send election-related announcements to news@islander.org.
By ryan Paice islander reporter
In 2006, she was elected to the county board from District 6, one of two at-large, countywide seats.
In the primary, Bearden won 28,011 votes or 61.54% to Whitmore’s 11,532 votes or 25.33% and Carol Ann Felts’ 5,977 votes or 13.13%.
on a Florida statute that apples a formula for population size. As the population of a county changes, so does a commission salary.
Early voting, in which people can turn in vote-bymail ballots or vote in person at designated early voting centers, will run 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 24, to Sunday, Nov. 6.
Vote-by-mail ballots must be mailed or delivered to the SEO by 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 8.
On the ballot for HB Commission
Whitmore, a resident of Holmes Beach, was elected in 1991 to serve as a Holmes Beach commissioner and then mayor 1998-2006.
People can request vote-by-mail ballots by calling the SEO at 941-741-3823 or emailing info@votemanatee.com.
They say three is a crowd.
The new term will be her third two-year term as mayor.
8 by visiting the precinct 305 polling location at St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 Harbor Drive S.
Primary votes, primary money
Residents can vote 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov.
Especially when competing for two seats.
Incumbent Commissioner Jayne Christenson, looking for a second term, is facing challengers Daniel Diggins and Greg Kerchner in the race for two seats on the Holmes Beach City Commission on the Nov. 8 ballot.
Whitmore, a familiar face in local politics, having been a county commissioner for more than 16 years, as well as Holmes Beach mayor and commissioner, was defeated in the August primary.
With the end of the primary season, came the end of a dispute involving the alleged theft of Bearden campaign signs from two residences in Holmes Beach.
The Islander reached out to Whitmore but received a reply of “no comment” regarding her plans after leaving the county board.
to the state Meanwhile,attorney.in an Aug. 19 letter to Gov. Ron DeSantis, 13th Judicial Circuit State Attorney Susan Lopez said her offi ce would not pursue a criminal charge against Whitmore.
Christenson was first elected to a two-year term on the city commission in 2020.
Grossman won reappointment over Diggins, who has not served in public office.
Manatee County government also provides a 401(a) Special Pay Plan as a retirement benefit for all eligible employees of the board of county commissioners.
3 candidates vie for 2 seats in HB race
There’s a search option in the top right corner on the main page at islander.org.
The ability of the oil industry and the federal government to respond to a major oil spill is questionable at best.Oil drilling will place the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, an area of high environmental sensitivity and marine productivity, at risk. Oil that reaches wetlands and estuaries near the Gulf Coast will render these areas uninhabitable to plants and animals.
Please, email news@islander.org.
There’s change in the air.
find the islander dating to november 1992 online at the uoff
And, if you’re still a slave to big tobacco, huffing cigarettes that warn on the label that they cause cancer, be aware: Holmes Beach has put a halt on smoking at public parks and the public beaches, and, IMHO, it’s about
The nights are already a little cooler but we’ll still be seeing daytime highs in the 90s.
— Bonner Joy, news@islander.org
Written comments on the proposal will be accepted through Oct. 6.
ManaSota-88 supports permanently banning offshore drilling on the Outer Continental Shelf off Florida. There is no need to rush to develop nonrenewable natural resources and, the environmental nonprofit maintains, less environmentally damaging fuels should be used.Concerns regarding the BOEM leasing program center around oil spills, long-term impacts resulting from routine discharges associated with oil drilling activities, and onshore impacts.
Program” and sent to Kelly Hammerle, National OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program Development, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, 45600 Woodland Road, Sterling, VA 20166-9216.
Have your say
Local folks are giving the thumbs up to the lull of September like it was before the full-on rush from pandemic escapees and swollen vacation rental homes, remembering the times when each year we took a deep breath, painted and fixed up our shops and homes and spent more time enjoying our island.
The Earth’s yearlong trip around the sun hits the milestone of the fall equinox at 9:04 p.m. Sept. 22.
Page 6 THE ISLANDER | islander.org SePt. 21, 2022 OpinionYour Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each. ©1992-2022 • Editorial, sales and production offices: 315 58th St., Suite J, Holmes Beach fl 34217 WeBSite: islander.org text or call: 941-778-7978 OpinionOur SEPT. 21, 2022 • Vol. 30, No. 48 ▼ Publisher, Co-editor Bonner Joy, news@islander.org ▼ Editorial editor lisa neff, lisa@islander.org robert anderson, robert@islander.org Joe Bird, editorial cartoonist Kevin cassidy, kevin@islander.org Jack elka, jack@jackelka.com Kane Kaiman, kane@islander.org Brook morrison, brook@islander.org ryan Paice, ryan@islander.org ▼ Contributors Karen riley-love Jacob capt.SamaramerrifieldPaicedannyStasny, fish@islander.org nicole Quigley ▼ Advertising Director toni lyon, toni@islander.org ▼ Webmaster Wayne ansell ▼ Office Manager, lisa Williams info@, accounting@, subscriptions@islander.orgclassifieds@, ▼ Distribution urbane Bouchet ross roberts Judy loden Wasco (All others: news@islander.org) Skimming online … Web (register for free news alerts) islander.org Facebook @islandernewspaper Twitter @ami_islander Instagram @theislanderami Pinterest @islandernewspaper E-edition For $36 a year, online subscribers have access to the weekly e-edition with page-by-page views of all the news and advertisements. To subscribe online, visit islander.org.
While we’re barely past the peak of hurricane season, there is a tangible change as we transition to autumn and, hopefully, cooler, dryer weather.
You have some time to mull over your vote and if you want to look back on past discussions and decisions on island issues, you can do so on our website.
Lull before the storm
The Islander accepts letters up to 250 words. Letters must include name, address and a contact phone number. Only the name and city are published.
Also with this week’s news, your vote-by-mail ballots should be arriving in your mailbox.
Comments can be sent by mail or delivery service. Envelopes should be labeled “Comments for the 2023-28 National OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Proposed
Oil will remain for years, destroying the eggs and larvae of marine organisms, adversely impacting waterfowl and destroying or disrupting food chains.
What’s really palatable this week is the slower pace for traffic on the roads, lines at restaurants and people on the beach.
The current oil- and gas-leasing program has not provided the best way to bring about the lowest level of environmental damage and thwart the tendency of the oil industry to lease more land than can be safely explored and developed.
Manasota-88, Nokomis
There’s a lot at stake in the cities and for the 2022 mid-term election.
In fact, this year, much more than the past few Septembers, businesses are realizing there’s a lull and again taking advantage of the downtime.
Marine life will be affected in a myriad of poorly understood ways, smothering bottom dwellers, and subtly changing marine and shoreline ecosystems.
But don’t get overly excited. As the days grow shorter, we must wait until Nov. 6 to turn the clocks back an hour to greet the sun an hour earlier in the morning.
think about lighting up at the Manatee Public Beach, city field or the boat ramps.
There was a time 40-50 years ago when resorts and restaurants on Anna Maria Island closed for a week or two, or the whole month, to refurbish the mind on vacation and the business for the coming winter-spring tourism season.
Lease fiasco in the Gulf
Better call ahead if you’re planning an impromptu visit to your favorite dining spot — they just might be on break.
Read your ballot carefully and vote by mail — or at the polls during early voting or Nov. 8.
The U.S. Department of Interior is proposing up to 10 new leases in the Gulf of Mexico.
• Holmes Beach Commissioners Sandy HaasMartens and Roger Lutz, being unopposed in the November election, automatically were returned to office. Two mayoral candidates — incumbent Carol Whitmore and activist Joan Perry — were readying to face off.
We’d love to mail you the news! cast the island Players rehearses onstage at the anna maria theater for a winter 1973 performance of “Kiss Kate,” music and lyrics cole Porter. the island Players currently are onstage with a run of “cliffhanger.” See page 12 for the review. islander Photos: courtesy manatee county Public library System
• Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch executive director Suzi Fox said a green sea turtle nest on the island yielded 126 hatchlings.
• The city of Anna Maria appeared headed into a legal dispute over parking access at the Historic Anna Maria City Pier, where a tenant operated the restaurant and bait shop.
look for the islander in at the uoff florida digital newspaper collection at ufdc.ufl.edu.
• The trial of a former Holmes Beach man, David Viens, began in Los Angeles, where he faced a second-degree murder charge for killing Dawn Viens, his wife.
We mail The Islander weekly for a nominal $54 per year. We also offer online e-edition subscriptions — a page-by-page view of the weekly news for only $36 per year, but you must sign up online. It’s the best way to stay in touch with what’s happening on Anna Maria Island. We bring you all the news about three city governments, community happenings, people features and special events … even real estate transactions … everything you need if your “heart is on Anna Maria Island.” If you don’t live here year-round, use this form to subscribe by (snail) mail for yourself or someone else. (Sorry, we do not suspend mail subscriptions — you get The Islander free while you’re here!) BULK MAIL U.S. SUBSCRIPTION (allow 2 weeks for every week’s delivery) ❑ 1 year: $54 ❑ 3-6 Months: $36 ❑ 1-3 Months: $24 U.S. FIRST CLASS AND CANADIAN MAIL SUBSCRIPTION ❑ 1 year: $160 ❑ 3-6 Months: $98 ❑ 1-3 Months: $54 ❑ Single Issue: $5 FIRST CLASS MAIL, U.S. ONLY, maximum four weeks MAIL CITYADDRESSTO: STATE ZIP Credit card: ❏ d ❏ u No. Name shown on card: Exp. Date Credit card billing address: MAIL START DATE: THE BEST NEWS ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND — SINCE 1992 315 58th St. • Holmes Beach FL 34217 CHARGE BY PHONE 941.778.7978 ONLINE (secure server) islander.org E-MAIL subscriptions@islander.org Print Your MemorieOwns the 1940s.inonKrasnabyedyromantic-com-1978.inmariaat“dearrehearsalductPlayersislandcon-adressforruth”theannatheaterdecemberthewrittennormanopenedBroadwaythemidRehearsal time the
lisa neff
10&20 years ago
Looking back
SePt. 21, 2022 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 7
• Data from the Manatee County Tax Collector website showed property taxes paid in 2001 by island residents averaged nearly double the tax paid by mainland residents.
From the Sept. 19, 2012, issue
From the Sept. 18, 2002, issue
• The owners of a beachfront treehouse asked the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to reconsider an order to remove the structure built without a permit in an Australian pine tree at their resort property.
people going to park?”
The proposed modifi cations to 302 Gulf Blvd. include further enclosing an inset front porch, adding French doors and a Juliet balcony to the facade, changing two rear windows and replacing existing windows with hurricane-rated original-style replica windows.
renderings of proposed changes to a historic building at 302 gulf Blvd., anna maria, and the existing house. the plan calls for further enclosing the inset front porch, adding new french doors and a Juliet balcony, changing two backside windows and replacing all existing windows with hurricane-rated windows which replicate the original style. islander graphics: courtesy anna maria
David Gilson, the city’s building official, said the board did not need to adhere to a staff recommendation.
Board member Sharon Wisniewski seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Castner Castner FINE FURNITURE& CC BLOWOUT SUMMER WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE! playitagainjams.com941.896.9089 8208 Cortez Road W., Ste.5, Bradenton Used & Consigned Musical Instruments Music Lessons: Guitar, Piano, Ukulele, Saxophone and Drums www.IslandGalleryWest.com Island Gallery West Fine Art, Photography, Ceramics, Jewelry 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, AMI 941-778-6648 Hours Tues-Sun 10-5 MOUNT VERNON PLAZA 9516 CORTEZ RD. W., CORTEZ941.795.5227MM34454|MM87857 A Hair Day Salon & Spa A Hair Day Salon welcomes Rita from Bayshore Family Hair Care. 10% OFF 1st time with Irene, highlights & style. Summer is time for deep conditioning treatments... Please, mention ad. i.wed ACCOMMODATIONS Bungalow Beach Resort DIRECTLY ON THE BEACH! Classic 1930s island-style resort. bungalow@bungalowbeach.com800-779-3601www.bungalowbeach.com The Islander Wedding Directory MUSIC/ENTERTAINMENT Chuck Caudill Entertainment Beach weddings and events. DJ, live guitar and more from an experienced island professional. 941-778-5676 • www.chuckcaudill.com Gulf Drive Band The Best! Classic Danceable Tunes Musical Entertainment DJ for Weddings, Receptions. Call: 941-778-0173. email: gulfdriveband@gmail.com TO BE INCLUDED IN IWED, CONTACT ISLANDER SALES DIRECTOR TONI LYON 941.928.8735 OR toni@islander.org Islander archive? Look online at ufdc.ufl.edu. Visit islander.org for the best news on AMI.
She said the proposal lacked detail and the city could seek more information if the item was delayed.
Anna Maria historic preservation board members unanimously voted Sept. 7 to approve a certificate of appropriateness for proposed modifications to a home at 302 Gulf Blvd.
Board member Gary McMullen said the changes were not severe enough to be deemed inappropriate for a historic building.
Board member Thomas Wagner said he thought the proposed modifications were an improvement over the building’s current state.
The board’s next meeting will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 25, at city hall, 10005 Gulf Drive. Directions to attend via Zoom can be found at cityofannamaria. com.
The business was put on notice by the city and the signs were taken down a few days later.
The designation is an official recognition and can help a property owner acquire grants or tax incentives for preserving or repairing a structure.
Spooner motioned to direct public works director Tom Woodard and Mayor John Chappie to work with the owners of the inn to maximize parking opportunities for the benefit of both the business and the city — and added a caveat: If the city met with resistance, the city would implement its original plan.
Holmes Beach-based Wash Family Construction was hired by the owner to complete the modifications and owner Darrin Wash attended the meeting to represent the Ashleyapplicants.Austin,the municipality’s new city planner, told the HPB via Zoom that city staff recommended denying the certificate of appropriateness.
By robert anderson islander reporter
He asked commissioners to consider another course of action on behalf of one business.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ralph Cole and passed 4-1, with Commissioner Jan Vosburgh dissenting. Vosburgh said it was a lot of work to only gain a few extra spaces and she agreed with Cosby: It’s better to keep the city from possible legal trouble.
By ryan Paice islander reporter
Board member Jack Brennan said he preferred tabling the item so the city could seek the state’s recommendation on the certificate of appropriateness
“Our judgment here will set the tone for how this board will be viewed,” Wagner said.
Bradenton Beach Commissioner Jake Spooner Sept. 1 objected to a city plan to reclaim parking being used by some beachside businesses.
The board, created in 2017 to help preserve the city’s older properties, designated the residence historic earlier this year.
of parking near the Seabreeze at Anna Maria Inn at the beach end of 23rd Street North.
Meanwhile, the commission voted to task the police and public works departments to designate public spaces at the 23rd Street North and 27th Street North beach ends to make sure emergency vehicles have access to the beach.
Wash, speaking from the gallery, said the proposed modifi cation would further enclose the front porch
Page 8 THE ISLANDER | islander.org SePt. 21, 2022
Cosby warned against taking steps that make the city liable for a parking-related incident.
since it was the board’s first handling of such a case.
The city plan was created after a June 16 meeting, when commissioners decided to reclaim parking at the city-owned ends of beachside streets in the northern section of Bradenton Beach.
However, Brennan said, he also did not see the proposed modifications as “drastic.”
Gilson said that, if the board were to table the item, it would take at least a month before the certificate could be approved.
McMullen moved to approve the certifi cate of appropriateness with the proposed modifications.
Spooner said he wanted the city to work with the Seabreeze to see if the plan can be redesigned to provide the business some parking.
Wagner added that the board needs to pick its battles regarding modifications to historic buildings, since they did not want to discourage property owners from seeking historic designation.
Police Chief John Cosby delivered such a plan Sept. 1. The redesign would increase parking at the end of 27th Street North from seven to nine spaces and the street end at 23rd Street would be modified for six perpendicular spaces and two parallel spaces.
Austin said the defi ning feature of the historic building was its inset front porch, which originally spanned most of the length of the facade, and the proposed modifications would further enclose the porch.
How many changes can be made to a historic property before it’s no longer historic?
BB commissioner seeks new parking strategy at beachside street ends
“My concern is the same as before,” Spooner said. “You’ve had these businesses to the north and south forever and they don’t have any parking. Where are
by about 4 feet. He said the majority of construction would occur in the interior.
AM board OKs modifications to historic home on Gulf Blvd.
Spooner, during a commission meeting Sept. 1, took exception to a new parking plan for 23rd Street North, voicing concern for the business that uses spaces for guest parking.
The county commission’s next regular meeting will be at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 27, at the county administration building, 1112 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton.
County commissioners unanimously voted Sept. 13 to authorize Chair Kevin Van Ostenbridge to sign a letter terminating a $4,500,000 Florida Department of Environmental Protection RESTORE grant that would have partially funded the project.
However, the phase drew criticism from city officials since it also involved paving the boat ramp’s sand-and-shell parking lot and removing roughly 140 non-native Australian pine trees.
“I feel sorry for the people of Manatee County that have these rogue governments working against them,” County Commissioner James Satcher said.
County Commissioner Vanessa Baugh asked if the county could pursue a legal challenge against the city to recuperate the money spent.
County administrator Scott Hopes said it was “painful” to bring the item before the commission, blaming “the pushback and barriers the government of Holmes Beach put in our way.”
Manatee County’s plans to redevelop Kingfi sh Boat Ramp in Holmes Beach may be sunk.
Phase 1, which was projected to cost $11.2 million, would involve adding a bathroom, expanding the ramp to four vessel launch lanes, installing 600 feet of new seawall and 5,000 square feet of new docks.
suggested a county offi cial sit down with city officials and discuss the project.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection owns the boat ramp and leases the property to the Florida Department of Transportation, which in turn subleases the property to the county.
Danielle Geyer, the county’s fiscal operations division manager, said the county had spent roughly $540,000 to complete the Phase 1 design.
The meeting will be streamed live on YouTube.
In response, the county will seek a lease from the DEP to use the boat ramp.
The adjusted project would include several repairs, new shell for the parking area and the removal of zero trees from the site, according to a report.
SePt. 21, 2022 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 9 HDIE20K0019 HOMEDEPOT.COM/MYCABINETMAKEOVER 000-000-0000 Name goes Here Home Depot Installation Services Local Team Leader photoportraithere Elisia Tummings Home depot installation Services local team leader 941-900-4179
County Commissioner Carol Whitmore redirected some of the blame from the city and said confusion over the boat ramp’s ownership also played a part in the project’s struggles.
Hopes said the grant needed to be terminated so the county could reapply for funds elsewhere.
Since the project can be categorized as maintenance, work may not require permitting, and a $2,500,000 grant from the West Coast Inland Navigational District could partially fund it.
Plans for Kingfish began in 2019 and included two phases of improvements for the boating facility, which currently offers three vessel launch lanes, 47 boat trailer parking spaces, 14 passenger car parking slots and a single portable toilet.
Meanwhile, county staff will adjust the scope of the defunct plans to bring the cost in line and to extend the life of the existing facility.
By ryan Paice islander reporter
However, the DOT’s lease does not allow it to sublease the property, so the county currently does not have permission to build or occupy the property.
She added that county commissioners should not make “veiled threats” against chartered governments.“If we’re all ticked at everybody else, we still have to provide that service for our citizens,” Whitmore said. “We have to get over all this and try to figure out what to Whitmoredo.”
Bradenton resident nick Brandt holds up the peace sign Sept. 16 as he heads out with his daughter, nova, 8, from Kingfish Boat ramp on a personal watercraft. islander Photo: ryan Paice
“The holdup has been within the city of Holmes Beach because they have the final sign-off for us to pull our permits so we can move forward on construction,” deputy county administrator Charlie Bishop said.
A second phase of improvements would have involved expanding the boat ramp’s capacity to 88 boat trailer spaces by expanding the parking lot east, but wasn’t supposed to begin until the Anna Maria Island Bridge is replaced with a planned megabridge.
On the permitting end, only the city has posed an obstacle to the project.
Van Ostenbridge volunteered to meet with city officials about the issue.
Mayor Judy Titsworth said Sept. 15 that the city was not to blame for the county’s struggles since they did not have a valid lease and, further, the city would not approve the tree removal.
A report from county staff lists several reasons for the decision, such as an inability to secure a permit from the city, confusion about the boat ramp’s ownership and the grant’s November 2023 expiration date.
County sinks Kingfish Boat Ramp expansion, blames HB
“I’m tired of Holmes Beach,” Baugh said. Bill Clague, assistant county attorney, said legal recourse likely would not pay the aforementioned cost, only overturn a denial.
pete.First Fridays, 6-9:30 p.m., Village of the Arts First Fridays Artwalk, 12th Street West and 12th Avenue West, Bradenton. Information: villageofthearts.com, @villageofthearts.
Nov. 23, Realize Bradenton’s Main Street Live, Bradenton.
Fridays, 11:30 a.m., Mahjong Club, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: mymanatee.org/library, 941-7786341,Saturdays,@manateelibraries.8:30a.m., Kiwanis Club of Anna Maria Island meeting, Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941-7781383,Tuesdays,amikiwanis.com.11:30 a.m., Mahjong Club, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: mymanatee.org/library, 941-778-6341,
10 a.m. — Disaster planning for older adults, Information: mymanatee.org/library, 941-778-6341, @manateelibraries.
Tuesday, Sept. 27
Through Nov. 27, “Queens of the Air and Empresses of the Arena,” the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, 5401 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota. Fee applies. Information: 941-360-7390, @ TheRingling, ringling.org.
11 a.m. — Senior Adventures group departs for Tampa Museum of Art from Center of Anna Maria Island, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Fee applies. Information: 941778-1908.Noon-
Sept. 28, Turtle Watch Wednesday fundraiser, Holmes Beach.Oct.
15, Suncoast Waterkeeper’s Brunch for the Bay, Palmetto.Oct.
Oct. 29, Moonracer No Kill Animal Rescue Golf Goes to the Dogs tournament, Palmetto.
Second and fourth Saturdays, 2-4 p.m., Music on the Porch jam session, presented by the Florida Maritime Museum and Cortez Cultural Center, outdoors, 4415 119th St. W., Cortez. Information: floridamaritimemuseum. org, fmminfo@manateeclerk.com, @FloridaMaritimeMuseum.“CaughtintheStorm: 100 Years of Florida Hurricanes” exhibit, Florida Maritime Museum, 4415 119th St. W., Cortez. Information: floridamaritimemuseum.org, fmminfo@manateeclerk.com, @FloridaMaritimeMuseum.
Nov. 19, Bridge Street Holiday Tree Lighting, Bradenton Beach.Dec.
Wednesday, Sept. 21
Through Oct. 2, Manatee Players’ “Rent,” Manatee Performing Arts Center, 502 Third Ave. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-748-5875, @ManateePAC, manateeperformingartscenter. com.
Tuesdays through Nov. 13, 6 p.m., open volleyball, Center of Anna Maria Island, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: centerami.org, @TheCenterofAMI, 941-778-1908.
Throughout September, artist Shirley Rush Dean’s “Birds of a Feather” exhibit, Island Gallery West, 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: islandgallerywest.com, 941-778-6648, @islandgallerywest.
Through Sept. 25, Tuesday-Sunday, Island Players present “Cliffhanger,” 10009 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Fee applies. Information: islandplayers.org, 941-778-5755.AROUNDAMI
Through Sept. 25, “Ballroom Florida: Deco and Desire in Japan’s Jazz Age,” the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, 5401 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota. Fee applies. Information: 941360-7390, @TheRingling, ringling.org.
Thursday, Sept. 22
Friday, Sept. 23
Oct. 8, Florida Maritime Museum Nautical Flea Market, Cortez.Oct.
Dec. 31, Realize Bradenton’s Main Street Live, Bradenton.
First Wednesdays, “SOAR in 4” family night, The Bishop Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941746-4131, bishopscience.org, @BishopScienceFL.
Second Tuesdays, 4 p.m., Cortez Village Historical Society meetings, Cortez Cultural Center, 11655 Cortez Road W., Cortez. Information: 941-840-0590, cortezvillagehistoricalsociety.org, @ CortezVillageCulturalCenter
6 p.m. — One Blood donations, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: mymanatee.org/library, 941-778-6341, @manateelibraries.
10 a.m.— Preschool yoga, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: mymanatee.org/library, 941-778-6341, @manateelibraries.ONGOING
Oct. 15, Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce’s Bayfest, Anna Maria.
— will entertain attendees of the “musical movie matinees” program at 1 p.m. thursday, Sept. 22, at the Paradise center for Healthy living. admission is free for members and $10 for guests. the center is at 546 Bay isles road, longboat Key. for more information, call 941-383-6493.
11 a.m. — “Marine Heritage of Manatee County,” Information: mymanatee.org/library, 941-778-6341,
3, Holiday Lighted Boat Parade, Bradenton Beach. Dec. 17, Bradenton Beach Area Merchants Christmas on Bridge Street celebration, Bradenton Beach.
Thursday, Sept. 22
1, Master Gardner Plant Fair, Palmetto.
Dec. 2-3, Realize Bradenton’s Bradenton Blues Fest, Bradenton.
Nov. 3-13, Island Players’ “I Ought to be in Pictures,” Anna Maria.Nov.
12-March 26, the Museum of Fine Art’s “True Nature: Rodin and the Age of Impressionism,” St. Petersburg.
1 p.m. — Paradise Center for Healthy Living movie matinee, “Snow Falling on Cedars,” 546 Bay Isles Road, Longboat Key. Fee applies. Information: 941-383-6493. Saturday, Sept. 24
“Snow falling on cedars” — a 1999 legal drama
Through Sept. 25, “The Marvelous Marbling of Matsui Kosei,” the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, 5401 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota. Fee applies. Information: 941-360-7390, @TheRingling, ringling.org.
Noon — Coloring club, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: mymanatee.org/library, 941-778-6341, @manateelibraries.
2 p.m. — Sunshine Stitchers Knit and Crochet, Information: mymanatee.org/library, 941-778-6341, @manateelibraries. Wednesday, Sept. 28
2 p.m. — “Tales under the Tree with Asolo Rep,” The Bishop Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-746-4131, bishopscience.org, @BishopScienceFL.
‘Snow Falling’ matinee
6:30 p.m. — CPR and first aid for children class, Center of Anna Maria Island, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Fee applies. Information: 941-778-1908.
Through Jan. 15, 2023, “Multiple: Prince Twins Seventh-Seven” exhibit Museum of Fine Arts, 255 Beach Drive NE, St. Petersburg. Fee applies. Information: 941-896-2667, mfastpete.org, @mfast-
Oct. 6-9, Theatre Odyssey’s Fourth One-Act Play Festival, Bradenton.Oct.29, Realize Bradenton’s Main Street Live, Bradenton.
Oct. 2, Palma Sola Botanical Park plant sale, Bradenton.
Oct. 8, Cortez Cultural Center Arts and Crafts Sale, Cortez.
Page 10 THE ISLANDER | islander.org SePt. 21, 2022 compiled by lisa neff, calendar@islander.org. Massage Therapy | Acupuncture | Yoga 2219 Gulf Drive N | Bradenton Beach 941.778.8400 | www.alunawellness.com Holistic wellness center and spa Now offering yoga and meditation in the ambiance of a healing Himalayan salt wall. PleaSe, See Calendar, Page 11 WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED.
22, Kiwanis Club of Anna Maria Island 70th anniversary luncheon, Longboat Key.
Thursday, Sept. 22
Tuesdays, 11:30 a.m., Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island lunch meeting, Slicker’s Eatery, 12012 Cortez Road W., Cortez. Information: 512-944-4177, amirotary.org.
10 a.m. — Forty Carrots, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: mymanatee.org/library, 941-778-6341, @ manateelibraries.
The Center of Anna Maria Island will offer opportunities for field trips, fitness classes, tutoring sessions, volunteerism and more in October.
Oct. 4, Yom Kippur.
Oct. 29, National Cat Day.
The center will resume its shoreline cleanup campaign with an outing Oct. 1. Volunteers will meet at the center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria, at 9 a.m.
National Public Lands Day celebrated at Robinson
Sept. 25, Rosh Hashanah.
First, Manatee County Parks and Natural Resources will host a celebration at the NEST, 10299 Ninth Ave. NW, Bradenton, 9 a.m.-noon.
The Islander newspaper is free at Publix Holmes Beach. Just stop by the customer service desk, hold out your hand and say, “Islander, please!” And maybe remind staff you’d like the serve-yourself community newsrack returned to the
For more information, call Lyon at 941-9288735.
The Senior Adventures group plans three outings in October — to the James Museum of Western Art in St. Pete Wednesday, Oct. 5; the Red Barn Flea Market in Bradenton Friday, Oct. 14; and the Lucky Frog Restaurant in Bradenton Wednesday, Oct. 26.
free ...
October — the month of Halloween and fall harvest traditions — also means the return of the Pumpkin Palooza day camp for kids Friday, Oct. 7, with registration required by Thursday, Sept. 29.
SePt. 21, 2022 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 11 MON- FRI 10-2 • ATM & CCs • 941.798.9585 Custom ServiceWatchConsignmentsJewelryEstateSalesRepairsTune-UpsBatteriesonSite 40% SALESESTATEOFF Submit social news to news@islander.org. Please, include time, date and location for events, as well as a contact name and phone number for publication. And, thanks for sharing! Island happenings
Nov. 11, Veterans Day.
9 a.m. — National Public Lands Day celebration and volunteer planting, Robinson Preserve Nest, 10299 Ninth Ave. NW., Bradenton. Information: 941-742-5923,ONGOINGmymanatee.org.AROUNDAMI
A Paradise is partnering with Hurricane Hanks to present the fourth annual Turtle Watch Wednesday bash, with musical entertainment by Mike Sales, silent auctions, raffles and T-shirt sales.
Second, the county in partnership with Tampa Bay Watch will host a volunteer planting for shore stabilization. Volunteers will assemble at the Robinson expansion parking lot at 9 a.m.
For more information, including details of costs, call the center at 941-778-1908.
The center also will offer recovery support meetings Mondays beginning Oct. 3 and, for kids, tutoring sessions beginning Oct. 3 and a fitness foundation program, also beginning Oct. 3.
Nov. 1, Día de los Muertos.
National Public Lands Day will be observed Saturday, Sept. 24, when a million volunteers will unite to celebrate the preservation of public lands.The national event involves volunteering for trail maintenance projects, cleanups, tree plantings, invasive species removals and more.
Stewart elementary fifth-grader rusty dilley and Saint Stephens episcopal fourth-grader Karlie niehus moose around Sept. 4 at anna maria island moose lodge 2188, 110 gulf drive S., Bradenton Beach. islander Photo: courtesy gini dilley
Moonracer continues to offer sponsorship opportunities — as low as $50 and as high as $500.
Oct. 15, Keep Manatee Beautiful cleanup, Bradenton Beach.
Two opportunities to participate are offered at Robinson Preserve in northwest Bradenton.
Be one in a million.
Oct. 1, Keep Manatee Beautiful village cleanup, Cortez.
Seasonal planners
Nov. 24, Thanksgiving.
Lunch-only tickets cost $30 per person.
Moonracer No Kill Animal Rescue invites players and pet pals to support “Golf Goes to the Dogs,” a golf tournament set for Saturday, Oct. 29.
The event at the Terra Ceia Bay Golf and Tennis Club, 2802 Terra Ceia Bay Blvd., Palmetto, will begin with registration at 7:30 a.m., followed by a shotgun start at 8:30
For more information, call the county at 941742-5923, or go online to mymanatee.org.
Groups preparing for the 2022-23 season are encouraged to send their events calendars to The Islander, which is readying its preview of the season. Please, email calendars, logos and photos to calendar@islander.org.
Nov. 6, daylight saving time ends.
A Paradise Realty and Vacation Rentals is hatching a celebration for the nonprofit that monitors nesting seasons on Anna Maria Island.
Sept. 21, International Peace Day.
For more information, call A Paradise Realty at 941-729-2381.
The event will be 4-6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 28, at Hanks, 5346 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.
Oct. 1, International Coffee Day.
Oct. 14, National Dessert Day.
General admission is free. VIP admission is $75.Proceeds will go to Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch and Shorebird Monitoring.
Moose-in’ around the beach
Saturday, Sept. 24
Oct. 31, Halloween.
Turtle Watch party planned
Calendar continued from Page 10
Center: opportunitiesAdventures,ahead
Saturdays, 9 a.m., Robinson Runners run, walk stroll, Robinson Preserve NEST, 10299 Ninth Ave. NW., Bradenton. Information: 941-742-5923, crystal.scherer@mymanatee.org, mymanatee.org.
Saturdays, 9 a.m., Mornings at the NEST, 10299 Ninth Ave. NW., Bradenton. Information: 941-742-5923, mymanatee.org.
AMI Dragon Boat Team-Paddlers from Paradise practices and meetups, various times and locations. Information: 941-462-2626, mrbradway@gmail.com,AROUND@PaddlersFromParadise.AMI
Feesa.m.of $75 per golfer include green fees, a cart, lunch and awards, drink tickets and a gift bag.
Moonracer’s founder, Lisa Williams, is The Islander’s office manager, and Toni Lyon, a member of the board of directors, is The Islander’s advertising director. The Islander is an event sponsor.
to the Dogs’ tournament set
Oct. 5, World Teachers Day.
Nov. 13, World Kindness Day.
Odd Duck Designs ShopWearable T-shirt art by local artist Connie Wolgast. etsy.com/shop/OddDuckDesignsShopshop!hereScan 941-224-1897 to
Nov. 8, Election Day.
Adventures in Shopping … Antiques, Art-Tiques and Chic Boutiques!
might happen if the Lowenthals come clean about what happened.
• The Florida Maritime Museum’s Christmas in Cortez 1-4 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 10.
during the nautical market.
FISH partners on events, plans for future, explores dock repair
Polly continues to provide philosophical conversation to discuss the outcomes and cross-examine what
• The Cortez Nautical Flea Market 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 8;
FISH is partnering with FMM and CVHS for the nautical flea market and Christmas festival.
Performances are 7:30 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday. Mondays are dark.
By Kane Kaiman islander reporter
Mi preserve es su preserve.
FALl FÊTe Holiday Market Scavengers Marketplace Presents www fallfeteholidaymarket com ber 8th Sun Oct b 9th sota Fairgrounds, Robarts 000 Ringling Blvd, Sarasot 80+ Merchants Live Music FAMILY FUN FOR EVERYONE! Pumpkin Patch Kids' Activities Face Painting Santa Sat Octob Saras 30 FA ctober Arena ta !
The next FISH meeting will be at 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 3, at Fishermen’s Hall, 4515 124th St. W., Cortez.
The lighting by Ethan Vail dimmed and brightened to accentuate the scenes.
The predicament leaves the professor puzzled for
For more information or to purchase tickets, call 941-778-5755 or visit islandplayers.org.
Martinez also prompted a conversation about upkeep at the boat works, a FISH workshop adjacent to the cultural center.
According to Florida fire prevention code, docks more than 150 feet away from a firefighting apparatus require a standpipe system.
Blue Flamingo is home to hip and trendy upcycled and repurposed goods, furniture and decor, garden features, candles, jewelry and work by local 10-5 Sola Square Dixie Plaza 615 59th St. 941-896-8800BradentonW. Local Vendors Artists MINERAL PAINT
White-bearded Rick Kopp portrays Henry Lowenthal, channeling an esteemed philosophy professor as he pontificates to his wife of 35 years, Polly, played by Cathy Hansel-Edgerton.
The loving couple dread the impending visit from the cut-throat chairman of the philosophy department, Edith Wilshire, played powerfully by Sue Belvo.
Detective Dave Devito, played authentically by Sam DiGiammarino, arrives to ask the Lowenthals questions about the murder.
Costume designer Priscilla Boyd gives the actors academic accoutrements, such as leather patches for the professor and the campus cop’s coat.
artisans. They also offer Dixie Belle paints.
Edith arrives and makes it clear she is still angry about how Henry treated her many years ago.
Scavengers Marketplace regrets the island store in Holmes Beach has closed. Please visit the Palmetto store, 2100 U.S. 301, where a portion of your purchase benefits Moonracer No Kill Pet Rescue — our favorite pet rescue group. Founder Lisa Williams leads the rescue efforts and also works at The Islander as office manager.
Your place for fun, funky quirky!
Board member and A.P. Bell Fish Co. owner Karen Bell and FISH treasurer Jane von Hahmann suggested the organization reevaluate the boat works property at a future meeting.
The system, which terminates at an upright fixture to which hoses can be attached, can cost tens of thousands of dollars to install.
The power roles are reversed and she will make sure he retires at 65, regardless of his desire to keep teaching.
Tiki and Kitty are loving their fall shopping trips! We’re always ready to visit our favorite thrifts and boutiques.
The play twists in unexpected directions.
Players open 73rd season, seek Socrates in ‘Cliffhanger’
Page 12 THE ISLANDER | islander.org SePt. 21, 2022 4307 26th St. W. 941.782.8883Bradenton
Limited tickets remain at $25 for the play, which runs through Sept. 25 at the theater, 10009 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. The Island Players box office opens 9-1 daily and one hour prior to showtime.
Blessed and Distressed is a tastefully designed store — so inviting, you’ll want to stay and visit — filled with collectibles and work by local artists. The store is in Palma Sola Square, around the corner from Winn-Dixie. It offers 30-plus vendors, including vintage, upcycled, shabby chic, fanciful frocks and local crafts and art. You won’t be disappointed.
Great work from Local Artisans Upcycled, Repurposed, Vintage Dixie Belle Paint, Fun Gifts & More!
Fusion Paints. And don’t forget, tell people you meet along the way, “The Islander sent me.”
At a Sept. 12 meeting at Fisherman’s Hall in Cortez, the Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage board unanimously voted to allow the Florida Maritime Museum and Cortez Village Historical Society to use a portion of the approximately 100-acre FISH Preserve for three events:
The wooden dock includes a net shed and lies within the southeastern corner of the FISH preserve.
She represents a living “Socratic” method and weighs the conflict between moralilty and the laws of state for her husband.
Tiki & Kitty’s
Members discussed the uncertainty of the project and Bell suggested FISH employ an attorney to determine the organization’s fire safety obligations.
A murder occurs just before the “odd rich kid” Melvin McMullen, played with gusto by Colin Brady, arrives, begging the professor for a favor.
The board tapped CVHS volunteer Kris Martinez to prepare the FISH-owned space around the Cortez Cultural Center, 11655 Cortez Road W., for 32 vendors
The curtain opens on a cozy living room and kitchenette with a bust of Socrates displayed near the doorway.
The final phase of the restoration project that began in 2005 could begin as early as October.
By Brook morrison
The Island Player’s 74th season opened Sept. 15 with “Cliffhanger,” written by James Yaffe, directed by Mike Lusk and produced by the Ugly Grouper.
the cast of “cliffhanger” takes a bow on opening night Sept. 15 at the island Players theater. the dark comedy — an academic professor and his wife find themselves in an ethical dilemma — will play through Sept. 25. islander Photo: Brook morrison
Meeting attendees said groundskeeping volunteers are hard to find and the property requires attention.
a moment before arriving at a more ethically virtuous decision.
FISH president Kim McVey then presented the board with a $94,000 bid to refurbish a dock in Sarasota Bay at the end of 119th Street West.
Whether “Socrates” calls up the Greek philosopher or the 1989 movie “Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure,” this dark comedy will leave you laughing.
While the play focuses on a married couple on the verge of retirement, the Socrates bust is an integral part of the“Cliffhanger”cast. is produced by the Ugly Grouper restaurant in Holmes Beach.
FYI: Scavengers also carries
Set designer Jan Van Wart takes us into the Lowenthals’ cozy home and kitchen and the stage director brought the production to a seamless time.
Sales & Workshops
Hair and makeup were understated and precise from Rita Lamoreux.
Martinez sparked a discussion about creating a visitors center for the preserve, 95-plus acres of natural land with trails and bridges.
Devito, a former student, and the popular professor, examine and diffuse the situation.
island Players
In July, the organization allocated $55,000 for the project and aims to secure two more bids.
Bell said FISH should explore the feasibility of reconfiguring the structure into two docks shorter than 150 feet with a gap in the center to accommodate firefighting vehicles.
• A Keep Manatee Beautiful cleanup in Cortez village 9 a.m.-noon Saturday, Oct. 1;
For more information, call 941-301-4000 or visit cortez-fish.org.
Cat’s Meow has 7,700 square feet of vintage, unique and repurposed items. You may want to lace up your skates, as this large vintage skating rink has plenty to offer bargain, antique, unique hunters. Plus, there’s a mancave and a cool clothing boutique. You don’t want to miss this vast collection of vendors.
A philosophy professor and his wife take the Island Players’ audience on a Socratic method journey.
• Monday, Oct. 10, 3:30 p.m., PTO membership meet.
• Tuesday, Nov. 15, 5:30 p.m., PTO dinner in the cafeteria, 6:30 p.m., fourth-grade play in the auditorium.
Anna Maria Elementary staff and parents got an early taste of the 2022-23 AME Parent-Teacher Organizations event line-up Sept. 16 at the Waterfront Restaurant, 111 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria.
• Wednesday, Nov. 2, 1:50 p.m. early release day.
AME Calendar
ame third-grader Brandon Sato points to a dolphin fin on a whiteboard Sept. 2 during Stem lessons. Students listened to dolphins and learned about how and why scientists track them. islander Photo: courtesy ame BOARDING BEGINS SEPT. 941-704-6606
30 Staff on site and working! 24-7-365 6312 Cortez Road W, Bradenton For more info, call or text
At the social, AME-PTO president Jamie Hinckle opened the floor by announcing the board’s intent to host events without pressure to volunteer.
Your best friend, our friendly staff! Let’s get to know each other! Pools Playsets Shaded outside park Cool indoor play area
• Tuesday, Nov. 8, cookie sales launch.
• Dec. 7, STEM night.
• Oct. 3-6, fire safety week.
AME is at 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.
Hinckle announced a winter fest event is in the works for January and a princess ball in February.
For more information, call the school at 941-708-5525.
• Wednesday, Sept. 21, 9 a.m., Peace Day celebration, open to the public.
AME-PTO social previews coming events
• Monday, Nov. 7, 3:30 p.m., PTO board meet.
We welcome news of scholastic achievements and other honors from island students. Share photos and stories. Please, email news@islander.org.AmE NEWS
Parents and staff listen to details about impending social events for the 2022-23 school year at the Pto reception Sept. 16 at the Waterfront restaurant. islander Photo: courtesy margaret Van Wormer
The first hour was devoted to connections with the new PTO board, parents and staff, who enjoyed light bites and refreshments.
PTO treasurer Erin Goodier will be chairing the Oct. 22 fall Goodierfestival.willbe working with former AME parent Lisa Coba to create a haunted house and a not-so-scary haunted house for little ones.
— Brook morrison
PTO vice-president Tammy Collins chimed in to say, “We want to make sure the kids have the best time and parents, too.”
SePt. 21, 2022 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 13
To follow along or get involved, visit amepto.org for more information.
• Friday, Oct. 7, record day, no school.
• Dec. 5-8, scholastic book fair.
going to be the best year under this board.”
“I hope people feel comfortable to spread the word to friends and be more social with us this year,” HinckleAMEsaid.administrator Shiela Zinks said, “This is
• Nov. 21-25, Thanksgiving holiday, no school.
Worship: Thursdays, 9:30 a.m.; Sundays, 9:15 a.m.
Photos: courtesy Peggy nash 941-383-3428.
Ongoing: Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Lord’s Warehouse Thrift Shop; Wednesdays, 10 a.m., Bible study; Mondays, 4 p.m., choir rehearsal.
• Moonracer Animal Rescue seeks volunteers to offer foster and forever homes for rescued animals, as well as assist with technology. Information: 941-345-2441.
Ongoing: Wednesdays, 8 a.m., men’s meeting.
Worship: Sundays, 9:30 a.m.
Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-0414, roserchurch.com, @roserchurch.
mary Picken is the first shopper to arrive as the roser Women’s guild thrift Shop reopens for the season. opening day was Sept. 6.
By lisa neff
Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Info: 941-778-1638, amiannunciation.org, @EpiscopalChurchoftheAnnunciationatHolmesBeach.
Worship: Sundays, 10 a.m.
Worship: Sundays, 9:15 a.m.
Sept. 25, Rosh Hashanah. Oct. 4, Yom Kippur.
Men’s Bible Study: Monday @ 9:00
If you would like more information, or to purchase tickets for our holiday services, please call us We would be glad to hear from you. And, of course, if you’re considering joining a vibrant Reform temple, whether you’re a full time or part time resident, you’ll find yourself right at home at Temple Beth Israel.
Christ Church of Longboat Key Presbyterian USA, 6400 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Info: 941-900-4903, christchur-
choflbk.org, @CCLBK.
SUNDAY WORSHIP 8:30 AM in the Chapel 10:00 AM in the Sanctuary Nursery • Children’s Church ONLINE � Watch LIVE or LATER RoserChurch.com
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 6608 Marina Drive. Holmes Beach. Info: 941-778-1813, gloriadeilutheran.com.
• 512 Pine Ave, Anna Maria • FOLLOW us on Facebook @RoserChurch Roser Church “...a beautiful place to explore your faith...”
Temple Beth Israel, 567 Bay Isles Road, Longboat Key. Info:
Worship: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.; Saturdays, 4 p.m.; Sundays, 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m.
Thrifty business Volunteers ready the thrift shop for business. Proceeds fund women’s guild programs, including scholarships, missions and support of their church. for more information, go online to roserchurch.com or call 941-778-0414. islander
Worship: Sundays, 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m.
Temple Beth Israel 567 Bay Isles Road Longboat Key, FL 34228 941.383.3428 www.longboatkeytemple.org
Worship: Sundays, 10 a.m.
Ongoing: Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m., social gathering, private home; Sundays, 10:15 a.m., coffee and fellowship.
By lisa neff
Assistance sought on AMI
The CHAPEL is open during office hours for prayer and meditation 941-778-0414
St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Info: 941-778-4769, stbernardcc.com, @stbernardcc.
Text ROSER to 22828 to receive the weekly eBulletin
Longboat Island Chapel, 6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Info: 941-383-6491, longboatislandchapel.org, @longboatislandchapel.
Ongoing: Wednesdays, 7 a.m., men’s Bible meeting; Wednesdays, 6 p.m., supper; Wednesdays, Night Blast, 6:45 p.m.; Fridays, 10 a.m. women’s Bible meeting.
Worship: Fridays, Shabbat, 5:30 p.m.; Saturdays, 10 a.m. Ongoing: Fridays, 6:45 p.m., choir call.
You are always welcome at Temple Beth Israel, especially during the High Holy Days, when we celebrate the New Year with a sense of shared values, friendship, and faith This is both our tradition and our fresh look to the future. Our services reflect the spiritual meaning of the holiday in a beautiful and uplifting way.
• The Friends of the Island Library seeks storage space for donations to an annual book sale. Information: 941-7786341.
Ongoing: Mondays-Fridays, 8 a.m., rosary; Wednesdays, 7:30 a.m., Rosary on the Beach at Manatee Public Beach; Saturdays, 3:30 p.m., confession.
CrossPointe Fellowship, 8605 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Info: 941-778-0719, crosspointefellowship.church, @CrossPointeFellowship.
Women’s Bible Study: Wednesday @ 10:00
Page 14 THE ISLANDER | islander.org SePt. 21, 2022
The Rev. Dr. Nor man Pritchard
Harvey Memorial Community Church, 300 Church Ave., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941-779-1912.
Worship: Sundays, 9 a.m.
Visitors & Residents Welcome Watch Our 10: 00 AM Ser vice Live: www bit ly/cclbksermons or www christchurchof lbk org (follow YouTube link)
• Roser Food Bank seeks donations. Roser MemoPleaSe, See gooddeeds, next Page
Ongoing: Wednesdays, 10 a.m., Women’s Bible Study; Mondays, 9 a.m., Men’s Bible Study.
Sunday Ser vice 10:00 AM
Volunteer Joyce Karp celebrates the reopening of the roser thrift Shop, 511 Pine ave., anna maria. Shoppers will find “gently used” clothing, small appliances, linens, jewelry, framed art, books and more.
Ongoing: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30 a.m., Roser Robics; Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. and Saturdays, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Roser Thrift Store; second and fourth Thursdays, 11 a.m., Just Older Youth group programs with brown-bag lunch; Thursdays, 5:30 p.m., Roser Ringers rehearsal; 7 p.m., Thursdays, choir rehearsal; Sundays, 8:30 a.m., adult Sunday school.
Worship With Us At Our Church
• Roser Food Bank welcomes applicants who live and/or work on Anna Maria Island for food assistance, Roser Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Informa tion: 941-778-0414.
Commissioners unanimously approved special events permits for the activities on Bridge Street.
need a good laugh? visit the emerson quillin signature store. humor, art, gifts 317 Pine Ave., Anna Maria • emersonshumor.com
Bazzy said last year they hosted 21 boats and it was the largest lighted boat parade in the area.
GoodDeeds Organizations: Please, send listings — assistance sought or offered — for GoodDeeds to calendar@islander.org. Please include a contact phone number to publish.
Ho, ho how many days until Christmas?
Santa’s already preparing for Bridge Street visits.Sherman Baldwin, owner of Paradise Boat Tours, and Mike Bazzy, owner of Bradenton Beach Marina, informed Bradenton Beach city commissioners Sept. 15 of holiday plans in the commercial district.
Bradenton Beach agrees to feed anti-hunger campaign
By robert anderson islander reporter
“We have had a lot of help from the city and Chief Cosby, as well as all the merchants,” Baldwin said.
• Dec 17, 3-9 p.m., Christmas on Bridge Street celebration, with visits from the Anna Maria Island Privateers and Mr. and Mrs. Claus, as well as songs by the Dickens Carolers.
Mayor John Chappie. “It gives great recognition for how great Anna Maria Island is and, in particular, how great Bradenton Beach and Bridge Street are.”
Plans include:
• Nov. 19, 5:30-7 p.m., the lighting of the Christ mas tree at the post office, 116 Bridge St., with a sin galong involving Sweet Adeline’s Manatee Chorus and a fundraiser for Wildlife Inc.
Meanwhile, the Bradenton Beach Police Depart ment is organizing a food drive during the Christmas on Bridge Street celebration, which will be Saturday, Dec. 16.
Bradenton Beach is endorsing the Mayors Feed the Hungry campaign and helping with a $500 donation.
Implemented by former Sarasota Mayor Fredd Atkins, organizers of the campaign are seeking endorsements and donations from mayors and county commissioners in the region.
Paradise Boat tours owner Sherman Baldwin, left, and Bradenton Beach marina owner michael Bazzy update commissioners Sept.15 on Bridge Street merchants plans, including christmas on Bridge Street. islander Photo: robert anderson
Assistance offered on AMI
“This is a premier event in Manatee County,” said
• Dec 3, 3-9 p.m., the fourth annual Bradenton Beach Holiday Boat Parade, which will run simulta neously with a Bridge Street party. An alcohol waiver will be enacted for the party for celebrants to make merry on Bridge Street.
d i B
• AID offers financial help to those who live on the island, go to church on the island, attend school on the island and work on the island. Information: 941-7252433.
… and gives OK to holiday events
The program has collected and distributed more than 600 tons of food and $4,200,000 in food gift cards in Sarasota and Manatee counties since 1987.
rial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, administers the pantry, supported by All Island Denom inations. Information: 941-778-0414.
“They help a lot of people and I appreciate all their work,” Commissioner Jake Spooner said.
SePt. 21, 2022 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 15 gooddeeds from Page 14
“Because of the cost of food that has skyrocketed they are asking for a donation from the municipalities for $500,” Bradenton Beach Mayor John Chappie said Sept. 1, during a commission meeting at city hall. “I would like to see it. I think it’s a good program.”
Submit your social news, weddings, anniversaries, births, travel photos and event news news@islander.org.toSharethefun.
Spooner motioned to donate $500 to the campaign and was seconded by Commissioner Jan Vosburgh.
Bradenton Beach commissioners and community redevelopment agency members in back-to-back meetings Sept. 15 adopted 2022-23 fiscal budgets.
Budget revenues: 720,265 reserve spending: (21,479) millage rate: 2.3329 rollback rate: 2.0210
To avoid a tax increase, the city would have needed to adopt a rollback rate of 2.0210. That’s the rate needed to generate the same ad valorem revenue as the 2021-22 fiscal year.
Percent of increase in taxable value: 16.87 total assessed property value: $858,959,630
ad valorem revenue: $5,475,606 operating revenue: day,thetaxableunassigned/unrestrictedcapitaloperatingPersonnelcarryovers/reserves:$12,740,543$12,595,699expenditures:$6,905,393expenses:$5,050,624outlayexpenditures:$7,004,313funds:$6,375,909propertyvalue:$2,783,933,890finalhearingandvotewillbe5p.m.tues-Sept.27.
Mayor Judy Titsworth said $4,181,296 in grants and appropriation funding allowed for the proposed millage reduction from the current rate, but increasing costs in construction and labor prevented the city from further reducing the tax rate.
Holmes Beach by the numbers… 2022-23 proposed expenditures/revenues:budget $25,336,242
say that the city needed to lower its budget or proposed millage, but nobody offered ideas about what should be cut.
Hill said the difference was made up in several areas, such as delaying the purchase of bulletproof windows for city hall and a Ford F-250 for the police department, as well as the completion of some stormwater projects, until fiscal 2023-24.
The new fiscal year will begin Oct. 1.
2022-23 CRA budget
She said the city’s projected $6,375,909 in unassigned/unrestricted funds was about 24.31% of the city’s operating budget — close to the 25% recommended by auditors.
One public hearing remains before the city of Holmes Beach’s 2022-23 budget may be approved.
Commissioner Jayne Christenson voted “no” to both motions, expressing desire to further lower the millage rate toward the rollback rate.
Holmes Beach runs with tax increase, $25M budgetbudget talks
Since WMFR commissioners must be residents in the district, the move will disqualify him from his position on the commission.
Harris thanked the commission and district staff. “It’s been a busy eight years,” Harris said. “Thanks for the memories. … I’m excited with what we’ve got done here.”
Morton moved to approve the first reading for the proposed spending plan.
Bradenton Beach 2022-23 budget
City commissioners voted 3-1 Sept. 15 on motions to approve first readings for a proposed 2.07 millage rate and $25,336,242 budget ordinance for the upcoming fiscal year, which begins Oct. 1.
Commissioner Kim Rash was absent with excuse.The proposed 2.07 millage is a 6.10% increase over the 1.9509 rollback rate, which would net the city the same ad valorem income as the current budget, but a decrease from the current 2.25 millage.
That rate would amount to a tax hike since taxable property value in the city increased by $429,544,799 over the past year, according to the Manatee County property appraiser.
Budget revenues: $4,408,216 reserve funding: $130,482 millage rate: 2.3329 rollback rate: 2.0210
Budget expenditures: $4,173,261
After final public hearings Sept. 15 at city hall, CRA members and city commissioners unanimously voted to adopt the joint millage rate of 2.3329 and budgets of $4.4 million for the city and $741,744 for the CRA district.
To avoid a tax increase, the city must adopt the 1.9509 rollback rate.
The owner of a property appraised at $500,000 with a 1.9509 rollback rate would pay $975.45 in property taxes.
At the rollback rate, the owner of a $876,517 property would pay $1,771.44 in taxes.
Commissioner Terry Schaefer said it was “easy” to
She said the projected ad valorem income was set to decrease from $5,917,325 to $5,475,606 due to the proposed drop in millage from the 2.25 rate.
Harris said there is a Sept. 22 closing date on his home and he will move to the Panhandle.
Harris’s seat will remain vacant until his term expires in November. Then, Derrick Warner — who ran unopposed for the position — will be sworn in.
According to information from the Manatee County Property Appraiser’s office, the average taxable value of a residential home in Bradenton Beach for 2022-23 is $876,517.
The millage rate is the amount per $1,000 of property value used to calculate property taxes. The owner of a property appraised at $500,000 with a 2.07 millage rate would pay $1,035 in property taxes.
Fire commissioner says goodbye to district home
With a millage rate of 2.3329, the Bradenton Beach tax on such a property will be $2,044.83.
Schaefer seconded the motion, which passed.
If the city were to adopt the current 2.25 rate, which the city used as a tentative rate for 2022-23, the owner of a property appraised at $500,000 would pay $1,125 in property taxes.
Page 16 THE ISLANDER | islander.org SePt. 21, 2022 Register with Toni Lyon: 941-928-8735 | tlyonami@gmail.com Golf Goes to the Dogs! Moonracer No Kill Animal Rescue Golf Outing for the Rescue Tourney Golf & Awards Lunch at Terra Ceia Bay Golf & Tennis Club, Palmetto Saturday, October 29, 2022 • 7:30 a.m. Registration • 8:30 a.m. Shotgun Start OTHER OPPORTUNITIES: Donate gift bag goodies, ie., coozies, golf balls or TEE SPONSOR $100 • Your sign on a tee Proceeds Benefit MOONRACER 941-928-8735 tlyonami@gmail.com or 941-720-4560 jamiesuemc@gmail.comBEVERAGECARTSPONSOR $400 • Sign on green GREEN SPONSOR $50 • Your sign on a green RegistrationDeadline:10/21/22Lunch Only • $30 per personSingle Golfer • $75 before 10/15 $85 after 10/15ChecksCash, & CreditAcceptedCardsor Jamie Pasko: 941-720-4560 | jamiesuemc@gmail.com Includes green fees, cart, GOLD SPONSOR $500 • Recognition during event SILVER SPONSOR $400 • Sign on green
Bradenton Beach approves 2022-23 fiscal budgets
By robert anderson islander reporter
Schaefer moved to approve a first reading for the proposed millage Commissionerrate.Pat Morton seconded the motion, whichHillpassed.alsosaid some changes had been made to the proposed budget since she now has real numbers instead of estimates.
Budget expenditures: $741,744
A mix of revenues will fund the budgets, including $2,005,086 in ad valorem tax revenues.
The city will hold a final reading and public hearing for the proposed budget ordinance and millage rate at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 27, at city hall, 5801 Marina Drive.
Directions to attend via Zoom can be found at holmesbeachfl.org.
By ryan Paice islander reporter
Resident Margie Motzer said the proposed budget was not a wise use of taxpayer funds. She asked the commission to further reduce the millage to the rollback rate and to send the budget back to each department to see what could be cut.
She added that they had to make up for several years in which the city hadn’t lowered its millage.
Commissioner George Harris waved his advance goodbyes at the end of a Sept. 13 meeting.
Christenson agreed, saying the city’s friction with Manatee County over its park-by-permit system led to a reduction in county funding that city taxpayers have been left to shoulder.
Commission Chair Larry Jennis said working with Harris had been “a pleasure and a privilege” and presented a plaque recognizing his service to the district on the commission.
— ryan Paice
Wmfr workSept.holdsgeorgemissionercom-Harrisaplaque13honor-inghimforhisforthedis-trictsince2014.islanderPhoto:ryanPaiceClick! The Islander welcomes news of the milestones in readers’ lives. Send notices — along with contact info — to news@islander.org.
However, much of that difference is due to a pro jected decrease in reserves — from $5,485,935 in 2021-22 to $4,899,475 in 2022-23.
The proposed budget is a slight decrease from the $13,708,22 budget adopted for the year that ends this month.
The decrease can be attributed to spending some district reserves to pay off debt owed on Station 1, 407 67th St. W., Bradenton, which eliminates the last of the district’s debt service expenses.
The proposed budget also factors in a 4% increase in assessment rates, which leads to a projected $363,701 increase in assessment revenue over this year.
Fire district adopts $13 million budget, raises assessment rates
Commercial property owners will pay $753.19 for
There was no public comment.
With the current rates, residential property owners pay $323.28 for a 2,000-square-foot home and $443.22 for a 3,000-square-foot home.
Vote YES
PAID ADVERTISING YESVotetosweepouttermlimits!
WMFR by the numbers… 2022-23 adopted budget revenues: $8,604,738 tax assessments: $8,244,921 expenses: $8,721,988 Personnel expenses: $7,361,980 reserve funds: $4,899,475
Commercial property owners pay $724.23 for a 2,000-square-foot building and $943.08 for a 3,000square-foot building.
By ryan Paice islander reporter
a 2,000-square-foot building and $980.79 for a 3,000square-foot building.
erin a
Bill, right, pins
SePt. 21, 2022 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 17 termtoYESVoteremovelimits.
The district’s current rates include a $203.35 resi dential base rate and a $0.1199 additional charge for every square foot more than 1,000, as well as a $505.38 commercial base rate with a $0.2188 additional charge per square foot more than 1,000.
West Manatee Fire Rescue’s 2022-23 budget is in the books.Commissioners voted 4-1 on two motions Sept. 13 to adopt a $13,621,463 budget and certify fire assess ment rates for the upcoming fiscal year, which begins Oct. 1.
Commissioner Al Robinson voted “no,” without expressing a reason for his opposition.
Directions to attend via Zoom can be found at wmfr.org.
Bradenton Beach voters will be asked on the Nov. 8 ballot to remove term limits for elected officials. Don’t limit your right to decide who represents you — the city is too small! Open up the opportunities for people to run for office. to remove term limits!
The district’s new rates include a $211.48 resi dential base rate and a $0.1247 additional charge for every square foot more than 1,000, and a $525.59 com mercial base rate with a $0.2276 additional charge per square foot more than 1,000.
Wmfr capt. Paul Hopkins, left, hands a certificate Sept. 13 to aaron reese, recognizing reese’s pro motion to a second-class firefighter/paramedic.
meghan Powers, right, pins a medal Sept. 13 to the uniform of her husband, andrew, who was pro moted to lieutenant for Wmfr
Under the new rates, residential property owners will pay $336.18 for a 2,000-square-foot home and $460.88 for a 3,000-square-foot home.
The commission’s next meeting will be at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 18, at the WMFR administration build ing, 701 63rd St. W., Bradenton.
The next ITPO meeting will be 2 p.m. Monday, Oct. 17, at Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive.
She also said that Holmes Beach already has capacity for 12,000 beachgoers daily.
Paid parking sparks visitor capacity discussion at ITPO meet
Following Chappie’s explanation, Titsworth said she was surprised planners intended to add spaces to the parking areas without conducting a traffic study.
The paid program also could include spaces on Bridge Street.
The next MPO board meeting will be 9:30 a.m. Monday, Sept. 26, at the Holiday Inn Sarasota-Airport, 8009 15th St. E., Sarasota.
The group also briefly discussed a Gulf Drive crosswalk installation project but Merkle could not provide details.
City officials and Manatee County leadership are in talks to add designated spots for Bridge Street employ ees near the Coquina Beach North Boat Ramp, he said, but the initiative is on hold until the county finishes a stormwater project on the beachfront at Coquina.
Is shoehorning in more parking the answer?
The DOT programmed the study for 2025.
Stormwater projects related to the initiative are slated to begin in October.
Titsworth said Holmes Beach’s city center project is underway thanks to federal American Rescue Plan Act funding.
“I’m just wondering, where will that be and how will that work?” Hutchinson said.
“Take a bird’s eye picture of the beach on Memo rial Day weekend and all you see are umbrellas and people are crammed there,” Titsworth said. “That’s OK for a holiday but do you want that every single day?”
Anna Maria Mayor Dan Murphy did not attend the meeting.
At the meeting, Chappie, Titsworth, Hutchinson and Florida Department of Transportation Community liaison Tanya Merkle discussed an 8.7-mile “complete streets” study of Gulf Drive that will identify roadway improvements along the island’s main thoroughfare.
Chappie and Titsworth discussed the county’s decision to pull funding for a Kingfish Boat Ramp redevelopment project.
She said island leaders should determine how crowded they would like island beaches to be on a daily basis before pursuing “unlimited” parking lots.
find the islander dating to november 1992 online at the uoff digital news paper collection at ufdc.ufl.edu.
Chappie replied that city officials were working through details of a pilot program to convert some parking spaces to paid parking near the public works department building, 107 Gulf Drive N., the police department, 403 Highland Ave., and nearby Lou Barolo Park.
Know your ITPO
a Kaneipality’svelopprojectonnearinontruckconcreteexcavatorworkerconstructioninandropsintoabedSept.12marinadriveHolmesBeachKeyesmarinadayoneofatoredethemunicicitycenter.slanderPhoto:Kaiman
He said the strain tourists put on island facilities should motivate state legislators to rewrite tourist tax spending
Chappie lamented that state law forbids county commissioners from spending “bed” tax dollars on ini tiatives indirectly related to tourism, including island infrastructure improvements and lifeguard salaries.
Municipal developments
“Everyone’s saying we’ve got to provide more and more (parking),” Titsworth said. “Well, we’ve got to watch it. Right now, at full capacity, we’re at 12,000 beachgoers. What does that look like? We’re concerned about the health of our waters, as well.”
DOT initiatives
By Kane Kaiman island reporter
He described the municipality’s “ultimate plan” of using Bradenton Beach’s tram service to shuttle Bridge Street visitors and employees from an expanded park ing lot at Coquina Beach.
At a Sept. 12 Island Transportation Planning Orga nization meeting at Holmes Beach City Hall, Mayors John Chappie of Bradenton Beach and Judy Titsworth of Holmes Beach discussed a long-term plan, strategic approach and legislative changes they maintain will alleviate the island’s parking problem and ward off overcrowded beaches and strained infrastructure.
“It would work with the shifts to make it easier for them,” Chappie said. “We don’t want to hurt (the employees).”“Sowe’re definitely not forgetting the employ ees and we’re trying to make it safe for them and not expensive for them,” he added. “But it’s difficult with the limited parking spaces we have right now in the community redevelopment agency (area).”
The ITPO comprises the mayors of Anna Maria, Bradenton Beach and Holmes Beach. One official rotates as a Sarasota/Manatee MPO board member and as DOT Titsworth,liaison.chair of the organization, currently rep resents the island municipalities on the MPO Board.
Chappie reported he is in talks with the DOT to change the style of light fixtures on the planned high, fixed-span replacement for the Cortez Bridge.
A question about Bradenton Beach’s plans to create a paid parking program on city-owned lots from Sarasota/Manatee Metropolitan Organization execu tive director David Hutchinson prompted the conversa tion.
The DOT plans to build the new bridge 2026.
She said she would follow up.
Titsworth said Holmes Beach was in full support of the project but technicalities forced the county to pull funding before revisiting the initiative.
“That’srules.what needs to change,” Chappie said. “To develop that other revenue stream so our communities can provide a safe place out here on the island for our visitors and residents.”
He said Bradenton Beach nearly had finished undergrounding utilities in the southern portion of the city and planned to bury utilities from Sixth Street South to Bridge Street during the next phase of the project.
SePt. 21, 2022 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 19 Call YOUR778.7978941.togetinthegame!ADHERECOMING SOON! THE WOOF DOGGIE DAYCARE & BOARDING Indoor and Outdoor 24/7/365Playgrounds 6312 Cortez Road W., Info@TheWoofonCortez.comBrdthewoofoncortez.com941704-6606 Enjoy stunning sunset views, and libations from our expansive outdoor chickee and cocktail bar. Fresh seafood specials daily. First-come dock space. Dine in or out: Lunch & Dinner Happy Hour 4-6 941.741.8700M-F 12332 Manatee Ave. W., Perico Island GRAZE STREET AMI FreshSandwichesgrazestreetami.com3218941-896-6320E.BayDriveHolmesBeach@grazestreetami|CharcuterieGourmetRetail|CheeseBread|SweetTreats BARNETT BLINDS PLANTATION SHUTTERS SILHOUETTESBLINDS & LUMINETT INSTCUSTMOTDUETTESORIZATIONOMIZATION Your treatmentwindowexperts Call Keith Bar nett for free in-home design service STALLATION mettee 25 years on AMI 941.730.0516941.778.3526 Call YOUR778.7978941.togetinthegame!ADHERE All prepared to order! kiwistylefishandchips.com3608EastBayDr.,HB 941-704-5040 The Island Exper ts Since 1972 5347 Gulf Drive #4 Holmes Beach Business Center 941-778-9622 778-9622 NFL PACKAGE, SEC & BIG 10! Voted BEST Wings, Philly Cheese Steak, & Sports Bar OPEN 7 DAYS-LUNCH & DINNER 9701 Gulf Drive, slimsplaceami.com941-567-4056AM $5O BUCS CONTEST Your correct score prediction for this week’s Buccaneer game could win you $50. Drawing in the event of a tie. Rollover if there’s no winner! (no game/no prize) BUCS ________ vs ___________ SCORE SCORE Your name Address/City Phone 315 58th St., Suite J, Holmes Beach, or by mail. paper office and arrive by noon Saturday every week. dress and phone number. ONLY PER PERSON, PER WEEK. Winner Advertiser 6543217 Winner Advertiser 15141312111098 6 7 8 9 10 1211 51 2 3 4 13 14 15 Saints at Panthers Eagles at Commanders 941-778-5092 Chiefs at Colts Texans at Bears Lions at Vikings GET IN THE GAME www.tomsangerpools.comPool/SpaConstructionNewCustomPoolRenovationEquipmentRepairs&Installation941-932-1414 CPC1458020 Falcons at Seahawks Raiders at Titans Ravens at Patriots ISLAND PACKER BRIDGETENDERINN.ROCKSBAR! 135 BRIDGE ST., 941-778-4849BB ON THE WATER. LIVE GREATNIGHTLY.MUSICFOOD. Packers at Bucs Jaguars at ChargersRams at Cardinals UF at Tennessee 49ers at Broncos Bengals at Jets Giclée & Large-Format Printing 3230 E. Bay Drive | Holmes Beach 941 778.1911 Island Mail & Print Bills at Dolphins Nick Graham, holmes Beach rollover
Sept. 9, 100 block of 78th Street, forgery. An offi cer responded to reports of fraud and spoke with the complainant, who said a check he mailed had gone missing and did not make it to the recipient. The com plainant said he called his bank, which told him the check was cashed with a different amount than origi nally written.
Anna Maria
City commissioners voted 4-1 Sept. 12 not to move forward with design plans for a roundabout at the northeast end of the commercial corridor.
The first phase will involve installing meander ing paver sidewalks, as well as adding and enhancing crosswalks and street lighting.
The second phase initially involved converting the northeast end of Pine at Bay Boulevard into a round about, as well as adding bicycle lanes on both sides of the commercial corridor.
Commissioner Mark Short voted against the motion.
“Is this really what we want to do?” Murphy asked. “They brought us a solution that is not a solution.”
No new reports.
Sept. 9, 5200 block of Gulf Drive, internet fraud. A woman reported that she purchased a cat over the internet but had not received it as promised. She said she would provide the officer a sworn statement and screenshots of the transaction payments.
AM officials apply brakes to Pine Ave-Bay Blvd roundabout
The roundabout would have had a 29-foot radius to accommodate trucks as long as 45.5 feet, cut into the southeast corner of City Pier Park, 101 N. Bay Blvd.
Mayor Dan Murphy expressed concern that the roundabout couldn’t accommodate 18-wheelers, which frequently deliver to Pine Avenue businesses. He said an expansion to accommodate such trucks would
Sept. 11, 6900 block of Holmes Boulevard, grand theft. A tow truck employee called the HBPD to report that a car dolly, estimated to be worth $996, was stolen from a vehicle.
The commission will next meet at 5:30 p.m. Thurs day, Sept. 22, at city hall, 10005 Gulf Drive.
Holmes Beach Sept. 6, 3900 block of Sixth Avenue, camping. An officer from the Holmes Beach Police Department saw a man sleeping on a city bench at about 3 a.m. The officer informed the man of city code and issued a court summons. The man left without issue. Sept. 6, 5400 block of Marina Drive, camping. An officer saw a man sleeping on a bus stop bench around 3:30 a.m. and recognized him as a man he’d issued a warning about camping. The officer issued a court summons and the man left without issue.
Plans for a potential roundabout on Pine Avenue in Anna Maria hit a red light.
The MCSO polices Anna Maria.
The MCSO polices Cortez.
Sept. 9, 4000 block of Gulf Drive, leaving scene of crash with property damage. Two officers responded to reports of a potential vehicular crash and found skid marks leading to a damaged electrical box. The offi cers searched for a vehicle described by a witness and found what appeared to be the vehicle. The officers detained the driver, who said he lost control of the vehicle and drove away because he was “startled by the incident.” The officers had the vehicle towed and issued the driver a criminal traffic citation. Sept. 9, 500 block of Manatee Avenue, no license/ marijuana. An officer saw a motorist driving a scooter that lacked a functional brake light. Also, the driver was not wearing a helmet or eye protection. The officer conducted a traffic stop. The officer spoke with the driver and saw a medical marijuana product, for which the drive had no prescription. The officer confiscated the marijuana. The driver also did not have a driver’s
Sept. 10, Walgreens, 3200 E. Bay Drive, distur bance. Two officers responded to reports of a distur bance and found two juveniles arguing. The officers separated the pair and interviewed them, as well as the store manager, who said a woman ran inside the store asking staff to call police about an argument in the parking lot. The officers called the juveniles’ families to pick them up.
By ryan Paice islander reporter
The roundabout, as proposed, would not require the acquisition of additional rights of way or adjustments to the existing gazebo at the entrance of the city pier.
Young Inc. presented plans for the roundabout in lieu of the city’s traffic engineer, Gerardo Traverso, who was absent due to a family emergency.
require the city to cut further into City Pier Park or acquire rights of way.
license. The officer issued criminal and uniform traf fic citation, as well as a code ordinance violation for marijuana possession under 20 grams.
Page 20 THE ISLANDER | islander.org SePt. 21, 2022 WWW.BRIDGETENDERINN.ROCKS 135 BRIDGE ST. BRADENTON BEACH 941-778-4849 ON THE WATER. LIVE MUSIC NIGHTLY. GREAT FOOD. PleaSe, See streetlife, next Page 315 58TH ST. , HOLMES BEACH 941 778-7978 • WWW ISLANDER ORG
Sept. 10, 800 block of North Shore Drive, 2:24 a.m., noise complaint. A Manatee County sheriff’s deputy was dispatched for a complaint of loud music. The deputy located the home and issued a citation for noise ordinance violation.
Sept. 7, 4900 block of Fourth Avenue, missing property. A woman reported cash, a vehicle registra tion and proof of insurance were missing from her vehicle. She said she found the vehicle glove box and center console open.
Sept. 7, 100 block of Bridge Street, disturbance. Two tourists were assaulted by two bar patrons during an argument at a bar. The tourists where injured in the assault and taken to HCA Blake Medical Center in Bra denton. After treatment and discharge, BBPD officers attempted to interview them about the disturbance but they refused to press charges and asked to sign waivers of prosecution.
Little Italy in the of Anna Maria Island.❤ Open Tuesday-Saturday 11-7 5337 Gulf Drive ~ at the corner of Holmes Boulevard and Gulf Drive 941-896-9754 SERVING LUNCH AND DINNER TAKE-OUT ONLY Manatee Avenue Market Gumbozilla Andre’s Famous Gumbo Made-Fresh Daily Breakfast & Lunch Sandwiches & Salads Pressed Cubans . Chicken Salad . Soup du Jour Dog food, household items, cold beverages, beer, wine, cigs. FRIENDLY SERVICE! Look for the BLUE market at the light . 51st & Manatee 5104 Manatee Ave W Bradenton 941 896 6245 ❊ Truly Homemade Ice Cream (yes, we really make it ourselves) ❊ Voted Best Ice Cream ❊ Open 7 Days a www.tylersicecream.comWeek SERVING GOURMET ICE CREAM SINCE 1984 Cortez & 941-794-5333119th Longboat Center 941-383-6935Shops Takeout & Delivery • Open 7 Days/3:30-9 5406 Marina Drive • Island Shopping Center Holmes Beach • 941.778.5092 “There is no love sincerer than the love of food.” — G.B. Shaw
It would cost the city up to $225,000 to construct the roundabout, according to Adler.
Commissioner Deanie Sebring said she lives on a roadway with a cul-de-sac comparable to the proposed roundabout and sees trucks that have to pull into rights of way and driveways to turn around.
Alan Ward also expressed opposition to the proposed roundabout due to a lack of space, and had questions about the safety of pedestrians using crosswalks at the intersection.
“It’s apparent there isn’t enough room for a round about,” Ward said.
Sept. 10, 7700 block of Gulf Drive, property damage. An officer responded to reports of damaged surfboards and spoke with a man who admitted to the damage and compensated the complainant. The com plainant did not want to press charges.
Mark Adler from Bradenton-based George F.
Directions to attend via Zoom can be found at cit yofannamaria.com.
The roundabout was part of the plans to improve Pine Avenue over two phases of work.
“I just don’t think there’s enough space,” Sebring said.Resident
Sept. 11, Manatee Public Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive,
Adler said the roundabout’s central curb would be low enough for some vehicles, especially trucks, to drive over if the turn fell short. He added that the roundabout’s 5-foot apron provided extra space to navigate the turn.
The Bradenton Beach Police Department polices Bradenton Beach.
Bradenton Beach
Island police reports
For MCAT-trolley info, call 941-749-7116.
HBPD polices Holmes Beach.
Eyes on the road
Mayor Dan Murphy said that while he didn’t see a need to increase the cost of tickets, the $15 late fee is too low to secure interest from collection agencies.
• Unanimously voted to approve a consent agenda, including special event permits for the Vintage Flea Market 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 20, and the cityhosted Old Soldiers and Sailors Veterans Day Parade and Ceremony noon-3 p.m. Friday, Nov. 11.
Murphy said the city next would issue a request for proposals from collection agencies.
Sept. 12, 500 block of Key Royale Drive, identity theft. A man reported he’d received two credit cards for which he had not applied — one with his name and one with another person’s name. The man contacted his bank to cancel the cards. The officer sent an information report to the man.
The mayor suggested charging an $85 late fee for tickets paid after 60 days, which would bring the total cost of an unpaid parking ticket to $150, a cost he said agencies would be more interested in collecting.
— lisa neff
City commissioners also:
near drowning. An officer responded to assist emergency medical services in a near drowning. The officer located the victim’s identification and called a family member. The victim was transported to HCA Florida Blake Hospital in Bradenton.
Island watch In an emergency, call 911. To report info, call the MCSO Anna Maria substation, 941-708-8899; Bradenton Beach police, 941-778-6311; Holmes Beach police, 941-708-5804. Maria Island Trolley Holmes Beach City Center Roadwork Starting, Monday, September 19, 2022
The cost of skimping on a parking ticket in the city of Anna Maria skyrocketed Sept. 8.
• Holmes Beach is improving the roadway from the intersection of Gulf and Marina drives to the 5600 block of Marina Drive to include new crosswalks, sidewalks, bicycle lanes, landscaping and lighting. Intermittent road and lane closures are expected on Marina Drive.
a b _ ®DRIVEMARINA Gulf Drive Anna
NORTHBOUND ONLY 9-16-2022 56th Street LIBRARYBANKSHOPPINGISLANDCENTER Trolley passengers should wave for the trolley driver at any safe location along the detour route. Call our Customer Information Line at 941-749-7116 for additonal information. Legend Closed Trolley Stop Regular Trolley Route Marina Drive Closed Future Road Closure Trolley Detour Route
• Unanimously voted to approve a resolution establishing seven reserved parking spaces at city hall for Island Players’ staff noon-5 p.m. on select Sundays;
He added that while agencies keep 35%-60% of what they collect, the city probably would make more on timelyCommissionerpayments.Robert Kingan suggested charging the additional $85 late fee after 30 days instead of 60 days.“We need to push this,” he said.
By ryan Paice islander reporter
In other matters…
Streetlife is based on incident reports and narratives from the BBPD, HBPD and MCSO.
The commission will meet next at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 22, at city hall, 10005 Gulf Drive. Directions to attend can be found at cityofannamaria.com.
SePt. 21, 2022 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 21 ▼ Modern Chop Happy Hour 4-6 ▲ Martini Monday: Signature Martinis, $7 ▼ Prime Rib Tuesdays ▲ Wine Down Wednesday, 5O% OFF Wines by the Glass ▼ Live Maine Lobster Thursdays1830 59th St W, Bradenton 4-9 modernchopsteakhouse.com941.201.60064-10Monday-ThursdayFriday-Saturday 5 6 0 0 G u l f o f M e x i c o D r i v e | 9 4 1 3 8 3 0 7 7 7 | w w w H a r r y s K i t c h e n c o m A L o n g b o a t K e y L a n d m a r k Restaurant Reservations Suggested H a r r y ' s C a t e r i n g B o o k i n g P a r t i e s F o r A l l O c c a s i o n s P a r t y S p e c i a l t i e s H a r r y ' s R e s t a u r a n t B r e a k f a s t B r u n c h L u n c h D i n n e r W i n e W e d n e s d a y 2 5 % o f f B o t t l e s o f W i n e ( R e s t a u r a n t ) T u e s d a y + T h u r s d a y S t e a k a n d F r i t e s S p e c i a l $ 3 2 . 9 9 4 C o u r s e D i n n e r P r i x F i x e $ 4 9 w i t h W i n e P a i r i n g s $ 6 6 H a r r y ' s G o u r m e t D e l i 1 1 A M 7 P M T a k e O u t / C u r b s i d e P i c k u p R e o p e n i n g S e p t e m b e r 2 2 n d ! Harry’s Caymus Wine Dinner Thursday October 20th | 6:30pm | $175/person+tax+gratuity streetlife from Page 20
City commissioners unanimously voted to approve a resolution creating an additional $85 late fee for parking tickets paid after 30 days in an effort to attract the attention of collection agencies.
over the past quarter.
Anna Maria increases cost for overdue parking tickets
The fine for a parking ticket is $50 in Anna Maria, the lowest on the island and there is a $15 late fee if a ticket in Anna Maria is not paid within five days.
For road watch information, go to swflroads.com. To check road cameras, go to fl511.com.
During construction, the eastside trolley stop on Marina Drive north of Gulf Drive will be closed. The northbound trolley will go north on Gulf Drive, then east on 56th Street and then north on Marina Drive.
• Unanimously voted to approve easement agreements with five Pine Avenue properties so the city can complete sidewalk improvement plans;
Murphy said the city doesn’t have the resources to enforce the fine, so the percentage of tickets that go uncollected has increased from about 8% to about 20%
• Manatee County is working on a force main project along Holmes Boulevard, which can result in some traffic delays and congestion.
Commissioner Mark Short moved to approve the resolution with Kingan’s proposed change and Jonathan Crane seconded the motion, which passed.
as of Sept. 16, amitW had identified 531 nests, 490 false crawls and 439 hatched nests with 35,850 hatchlings to the sea.
King tide wreaks havoc with sea turtle nests
AMITW volunteers don’t move turtle nests, even for king tides or storms.
nesting notes
But there were signs of life Sept. 10, when AMITW volunteers Hans Duerr and Birgit Kremer identified loggerhead hatchling tracks that headed to the Gulf on Coquina Beach in Bradenton Beach.
The washed-out nests are empty and the eggs are in the Gulf of Mexico.
Because FWC requires a 70-day waiting period from the date a nest is laid until excavation, AMITW won’t examine the washed over nests until they reach their maturity dates.
a king tide washes over a sea turtle nest near lifeguard tower no. 11 on coquina Beach in Bradenton Beach.
They can be predictable but also destructive.
A king tide washed over several nests and washed out several others.
Page 22 THE ISLANDER | islander.org SePt. 21, 2022
ZAGAT’S Top Restaurants in America – “Best in Florida” Surfside … Anna Maria Island 941 778-6444 www.BeachBistro.com
Moving a clutch of eggs is a delicate process that should be done only in the first 12 hours after eggs are laid, only when necessary and only as approved by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch and Shorebird Monitoring volunteers said the king tide that started after the full moon Sept. 10 impacted nests on all island beaches.King tides occur after a full or new moon and are higher than normal high tides.
About AMITW amitW is a nonprofit focused on collecting data on threatened or endangered sea turtles. the organization also collects data on shorebirds. the nesting data is required to meet beach renourishment contracts and amitW is compensated by the county for its service. for more info, contact Barbara riskay at snqqpy24@aol.com or 404-275-9422.
An embryo attaches to an eggshell after 12 hours and any movement of an egg might detach an embryo from the eggshell, which is one reason to leave eggs where they are laid and let nature take its course.
By Samara Paice
Birdcastshifting.estimated nearly 900,000 birds crossed Manatee County between sunset Sept. 13 and sunrise Sept. 14.
Tennessee warblers and other songbirds, black terns, semipalmated sandpipers, common nighthawks, Eastern kingbirds and many more species.
On birdmigrationexplorer.org, a user can enter a location and see where birds travel from and where they go after their departure.
Ten leading conservation organizations collaborated to create the platform: Cornell Lab, National Audubon Society, Birds Canada, Bird Conservancy www.ginnysandjanees.com941.778.3170 a courtesyBeach.inatnesseemightbirdwatcherstolerythetheartwork,seeshowsbon’sJamesbasedrobertwovenengravinghand-coloredonpaperbyHavellonJohnaudu-workatennes-warbler.thepartofcollectionatnationalgal-ofart,dates1832.Patientseeaten-warblerleffisKeyBradentonislanderimage
And nationally, Sept. 13-14, an estimated 272 million birds were in flight.
What’s to come in the next month?
Using the database, I can see a tagged blackpoll warbler identified in Bradenton Beach was tracked to Brazil and a snow goose identified in Bradenton Beach was tracked to Baffin Island.
To take the pledge to go lights out for the birds, go online to birdcast.info.
At the state level, about 27 million birds were in flight Sept. 13 a couple of hours after sunset.
“People have always been curious and amazed by migratory birds and their incredible journeys but only recently are scientists piecing together the full picture of how these birds travel from one end of the globe to the other,” said Dr. Jill Deppe, senior director of Audubon’s Migratory Bird Initiative.
Visit islander.org for the best news on AMI.
Esther remains in 8th
Tour de Turtles, which will end Oct. 31, is an educational effort led by the Sea Turtle Conservancy, which started in 2008 to educate and gather research data.
By Lisa Neff
& JaneGinny’sE’s GERMAN & MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE Join us 4:30-8:30 Sat., Oct. 1 German Music Party
One of the best resources for tracking the fall migration is the Birdcast Migration Dashboard at birdcast.info.Thedashboard —created by Colorado State University, University of Massachusetts and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology — features a suite of tools that forecast migration at national, state and county levels.The fall avian adventures began in August and Birdcast’s radar shows numbers markedly on the rise in
September, with the days growing shorter and weather patterns
A fall bird migration is underway that’s building, building, building toward a climax in October.
The Waterline Resort, Mainsail Vacation Rentals, both located on Marina Drive in Holmes Beach, and AMITW worked with the conservancy to make the tagging of Esther possible.
Lights out … still
Season takes off
For some birds, the island might be a destination for the winter and for others the island might be a resting spot on a journey south.
Look up during the day.
This month in Anna Maria, a birdwatcher might not see species from A-Z but they might see A-Y.
Turn out the lights at night.
And remember, in the evening, to turn out those lights for the birds on their flights.
Each turtle has a cause. Esther’s is light pollution. — Samara Paice
Look up and around to see the Arcadian flycatcher and also the yellow-throated warbler in the morning.
The tour started Aug. 1 and can be followed online at Esthertourdeturtles.org.traveled284miles through Sept. 15.
of the Rockies, Bird Genoscape Project, Birdlife International, Esri, Georgetown University, Movebank and Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center.
ISLAND BAKERY, CAFE AND STORE BREAKFAST • LUNCH • COFFEE • BAKERY Cage-Free Eggs • No Added Nitrates • Locally Sourced Produce •Local Dairy From Daiken Farms in Myakka City We Sell Local Arts & Crafts OPEN 7-3 EVERYDAY 9807 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria •
Birds usually migrate at night, beginning about 30 minutes after sunset and peaking about two or three hours later. So on Sept. 13, peak travel time arrived at 9:30 p.m., when about 229,000 birds were on the move in Manatee, traveling south at about 21 mph.
SePt. 21, 2022 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 23 St.,315Islander,$10T-Shirts@The58thHB.
Conservation groups encourage people to turn off or dim nonessential lighting during critical bird migrationTurningperiods.offlights dramatically reduces hazards from attraction to and disorientation by light, allowing birds to safely proceed with their migratory Andjourneys.“lights out” also saves energy and money, especially for commercial properties.
Epic numbers of birds in flight. Consider that on one night in October 2021 an estimated 850 million birds were in flight in the United States, according to birdcast.info.Andwhat can we expect to see on AMI this month and next?
The site also produces lists of what species might be found in a location during a particular month.
a u.S. map tesy13-14.birdbirdcast.infofromforecastsmigrationforSept.islandercour-image
Esther, a loggerhead sea turtle tagged and released June 20 on Coquina Beach in Bradenton Beach as part of the Tour de Turtles, stayed in eighth place through Sept. 15.
Earlier this month, another useful migration tool debuted — the Bird Migration Explorer, a digital platform with migration data for 458 bird species that breed in the United States and Canada.
With shorebird nesting season on Anna Maria Island nearing an end, local birdwatchers are looking up from the sand to the sky, to tree branches, to backyard birdfeeders and garden birdbaths to see migratory birds.
tom farrington, center, made two trips to the winner’s circle with Jerry disbrow, left, Sept. 14, and Sept. 17 with Stuart lindberg at the anna maria city Hall pits. islander Photo: courtesy ami Pitchers
From the pits
The last hurrah of the evening was a 14-and-under match that saw HSH Designs obliterate Progressive Cabinetry by an 11-0 score. Jack Zaccagnino led the way with a hat trick and an assist, while Jesse Zac-
Wash player amy ivin and Pool america’s chris Yavalar converge on the ball during Sept. 15 adult soccer action at the center of anna maria island.
The first match saw LaPensee Plumbing cruise to a 6-1 victory over Cloud Pest Control in the 10-and-under division. TJ Hagey and Preston LaPensee paced the winners with three goals each, while Owen Mahoney made two saves in the victory.
The adults took over the pitch Sept. 15 with a bevy of matches, starting with Wash Family Construction versus Pool America. Wash held on for a 7-5 victory behind three goals from Amy Ivin and two goals from Austin Nutting. Kevin Roman played a strong game and finished with a goal and an assist while Tyler Brewer completed the scoring with a goal. Goalie Mark Long helped preserve the victory with seven
cagnino and Sterling Holiday each finished with two goals. Braelyn Curtis, Ava Gitt, Krosby Lamison and Jasmine Sparks scored a goal each in the victory.
On Sept. 14, Jerry Disbrow and Tom Farrington earned the day’s bragging rights after posting the lone 3-0 record during pool play.
Kevin roman heads the ball on goal for his Wash family construction team Sept. 15 as Pool america goalie max gazzo prepares to make the save on the pitch at the center of anna maria island.
PleaSe, See sports,
The sports lull that was August and early September has passed and the games are on at the Center of Anna Maria Island.
Matthew Darak scored the lone goal for Solid Rock on an assist from Obe Roadman, while Isaac Roadman made two saves in the tie.
Phil Salick, left, joins the aloha Hula dancers of Brevard and some of the 37th annual nKf rich Salick Pro am Surf festival organizers and national Kidney foundation of florida volunteers following their performance at the Sept. 4 taste of Brevard Silent auction, a highlight of the surfing festival, which is held at the Westgate Pier in cocoa Beach. Salick is a former islander who got his start on the waves of anna maria island. the islander newspaper sponsors an auction package annually to the event, which this year included a weekend stay at Bali Hai resort, gift certificates to the Beach Bistro, doctor’s office and freckled fin, and a half-day fishing trip with capt. Scott moore. islander courtesy Photo
islander Photos: Kevin P. cassidy
Moss Builders cruised to a 6-0 victory over Servis First Bank thanks to two goals each from Jessica Williams and Daniel Hampton. Jake Parsons chipped in a goal and an assist and Jamal Duzgan finished with a goal in the victory.
Farrington completed a perfect week at the Sept. 17 games, this time teaming up with Stuart Lindberg to post the only 3-0 record during pool play.
Real Estate. Keith Mahoney led the way with four goals, while David Kesten and Raul Loera both finished with two goals. Brandon Rolland chipped in a goal and Tuna McCracken had six saves.
Page 24 THE ISLANDER | islander.org SePt. 21, 2022
Youth and adult soccer are underway while “red cup kickball” is on the horizon. More on that later.
Aidan Guess scored for AMI Coconuts on an assist from Jordan Steele.
The last match of the evening saw Gulfview Windows and Doors earn a 9-1 blowout victory over Sato
Horseshoe action last week at the Anna Maria pits was short and sweet with two outright winners.
next Page Docked at Bradenton Beach Marina, 402 Church Ave., Bradenton Beach EXPRESSEGMONT IslandPearlExcursions.comSANDBAREXPRESS ISLAND EXCURSIONSPEARL Dolphin Watch Sunset Cruise Family Fun Fishing Express & Private Cruises Book 941-780-8010Now! AM City Pier tides; Cortez high tides 7 minutes later — lows 1:06 later Anna Maria Island Tides Date AM HIGH PM HIGH AM LOW PM LOW Moon Sept 21 9:11a 2.4 11:57p 1.9 3:08a 1.7 4:41p 0.3 Sept22 10:13a 2.5 — — 4:03a 1.5 5:17p 0.4 Sept23 12:06a 1.9 11:02a 2.5 4:44a 1.3 5:48p 0.5 Sept24 12:13a 2.0 11:45a 2.5 5:20a 1.1 6:14p 0.6 Sept25 12:21a 2.0 12:25p 2.5 5:55a 0.8 6:38p 0.7 New Sept26 12:32a 2.2 1:06p 2.4 6:32a 0.6 7:00p 0.9 Sept27 12:48a 2.3 1:49p 2.3 7:11a 0.4 7:21p 1.1 Sept28 1:10a 2.5 2:38p 2.1 7:56a 0.3 7:40p 1.3
Nextsaves.up on the pitch, Slim’s Place slipped past Ross Built by a 5-4 score behind two goals and an assist from Joey Hutchinson and a pair of goals from Eric Pullen. Matt Darak added a goal and Cody Wright and PJ Smargisso combined for five saves.
The second 10U game of the evening saw Sato Real Estate and Solid Rock Construction battle to a 1-1 tie. Dylan Sato scored the lone goal for his namesake team, while Gunnar Maize made three saves in the tie.
The last 10U match of the night saw Island Real Estate earn a 3-1 victory over AMI Coconuts behind a pair of goals from Oliver Barr and a goal and an assist from Callin Westfall. Wayne A. Comegno added an assist in the victory.
The 2022 fall youth soccer season officially got underway at the center Sept. 13.
Gabriel Spann notched the lone goal for Cloud Pest Control, which also received two saves from Thadeous Daniels in the loss.
Kids soccer takes the pitch
P. cassidy islander reporter
Play gets underway at 9 a.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays at Anna Maria City Hall. Warmups begin
Kids, adults back in action at the pitch in Anna Maria
On my Just Reel charters, I’m spending most of my time around the mouth of the river. Spotted seatrout are taking our bait in several areas, with some fish reaching 22 inches. Many fish are slot-sized: 15-19 inches.
. SCUBA INSTRUCTION . SCUBA BOAT CHARTERS . SCUBA AND SNORKEL GEAR RENTAL AND SALES . GUIDED BEACH DIVES 5352 Gulf Drive Holmes Beach 941.200.0660 Floridaunderwater sports.com
With many days of afternoon and evening thunder storms, Anna Maria Island anglers are finding them selves gathering around the mouth of the Manatee River in search of a bite.
Send high-resolution photos and fishing reports to fish@islander.org.
At the club
Capt. Johnny Mattay is targeting mangrove snap per and gag grouper in Tampa Bay. For the snapper,
Girle is finding plenty of action while fishing the flats of Sarasota Bay. Redfish — one of Girle’s specialties — are making a showing throughout the shallower flats of the bay and are frequently taking
Lastly, fishing structure for mangrove snapper is resulting in limits for patient anglers willing to weed through the steady bite of Spanish mackerel.
It often results in schools of reds on the shallow bars of the flats, as well as next to the mangrove shore lines lining the north and south sides of the river.
Moving onto the deeper flats in the bay, Girle is catching spotted seatrout and mangrove snapper. The trout are most apparent although with persistence anglers are catching limits of the snapper.
Angler bonus: Rainstorms push fresh water, fish from river
SePt. 21, 2022 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 25
medium spinning gear is working great to free-line live shiners over wrecks and reefs where the snapper are taking up residence. Chumming in these areas is helpful in raising the snapper from the depths to where they’re visible behind the boat. Once this occurs, a free-lined shiner among the chum often results in a bite.
Massive rainstorms can raise water levels in Lake Manatee to dan gerous levels, which triggers large releases of fresh water into the river.
Fishing the flats also is producing action for Mattay, who reports snook are being caught on the flats near and around the mangrove shorelines during higher stages of the tides. Again, live shiners as bait work
sports from Page 24
For more information about START, go online to start1.org.
— lisa
at 8:45 a.m., followed by random team selection. It’s free to play and everyone is welcome.
The county commission Sept. 13 authorized their staff to execute an agreement awarding $9,500 to Solu tions to Avoid Red Tide for fiscal year 2023, which begins Oct. 1.
Golf action at the Key Royale Club in Holmes Beach remains in a bit of a summer swoon as club members make their way back to the island from the north.
Targeting snook and redfish along the mangrove shorelines also is a good bet. Finding slot-size snook is slightly difficult, although many fish 20-26 inches are being reeled by my clients.
Allcrustaceans.ofthereds caught this past week were released, as they were larger than the maximum legal size of 27 inches. As for the snapper, most are 10-14 inches, perfect to take home for dinner and limits of snapper are being caught by determined anglers.
On windier days, Stock is working in the shel tered waters of Tampa Bay to target redfish, which are schooling and producing great action on medium spinning gear. Permit also are begin caught inshore in Tampa Bay and around some of the nearshore reefs in the Gulf of Mexico.
Theannouncements.countyannually awards money to START, founded in 1996 on Longboat Key by area resi dents concerned about the impact of harmful algae blooms.Island businessman Ed Chiles is a founding board member and past chair.
the bait. Schools of redfish can be found, which can result in great medium-spinning tackle action. When schooled up, these reds will eat a variety of live or dead baits, as well as artificial lures — spoons or soft plastics on a jig head. When targeting the reds with live bait, Girle’s clients often are hooking into snook.
By capt. danny Stasny islander reporter
Gag grouper are present in these areas and usually make their presence known by eating a bait rigged on light tackle for snapper. This battle is usually shortlived as the angler with medium gear is outmatched by the savvy, powerful grouper. That being said, a quick switch to a heavy rod and the addition of a live pinfish for bait is resulting in keeper-size gag grouper.
Snook can be found in the same areas as the reds but are most apparent along the shorelines, where good water flow exists.
lynn of charters.Justdtripcharter15caughtted22-inchshowsBradentonoffaspotseatroutheSept.whileonafishingwithcapt.annyStasnyofreelfishing
Capt. Jason Stock is finding action on a variety of species while fishing well offshore on his full-day charters. Amberjack are being caught regularly around wrecks, reefs and springs. Free-lined live baits or baits fished on a bottom rig are working to hook into these high-speed, offshore jacks. Cobia are being caught in the same fashion, although not with the frequency of the amberjack.
Jim Malfese at the Rod & Reel Pier says he’s seeing snook caught by anglers using stout tackle capable of handling the fish. Snook of all sizes are being caught, including some 28-33 inches, which is the legally acceptable size to keep. For bait, live shrimp is working well, as well as pinfish, shiners and even small ladyfish. When using shrimp as bait, anglers are not limited to hooking a snook, as redfish and mangrove snapper also are taking interest in the small
Manatee County continues to seed START.
For anglers looking for a snapper dinner, Stock is accommodating them with mangrove and yellowtail snapper. Both are being caught over structure with live shiners as bait. Again, either free-lining baits or bottom fishing is producing the action.
START, a nonprofit focused on research and educa tion related to red tide, will use the money for outreach costs — web-hosting service, brochures and public service
$9,500 OK’d for red tide work
As a result, many species that take residence up river move west in search of higher salinity levels, including snook, redfish and spotted seatrout.Concentrations of these species are being found at the mouth of the river and throughout the waters of Anna Maria Sound.
As for the trout, deeper flats in these areas can hold a variety of sizes, ranging 14-24 inches.
Anglers in search of action on Spanish mackerel and mangrove snapper are fishing the waters closer to the Gulf of Mexico which aren’t as impacted by the fresh water action from the Manatee River. Fishing the reefs and wrecks by Egmont Key, as well as the passes of Bean Point and Passage Key, is working well for both species. And on the right structure, lucky anglers are hooking into keeper-size gag grouper.
The week of golf ended with a nine-hole scramble Sept. 15. The team of Rod Hammonds, Ron Huibers, Ken Nagengast and Blake Ress combined on a 3-un der-par 29 to win the day’s proceedings.
The men played their regular modified-Stable ford system match Sept. 12 with Jim Hill and Terry Schaefer finishing in a tie for first place, both at plus-1 for theTheday.women attempted to play Sept. 13 but only one foursome showed up so there was no official round.
For more information, visit HowluckyAMI on Facebook.
Leadership Award of Excellence while Joy Shames won the Golden Gavel Award.
5608 Marina Drive Holmes 941.896.7898Beach
After a weeklong closure for reorganization, Holmes Beach’s Cheesecake Cutie and Cafe reopened Sept.
Tickets are $10 for members and $18 for prospective Tomembers.RSVP, call the chamber at 941-778-1541 or emailAndinfo@amichamber.org.asalways…
The cheesecake break is over.
For more on the lodge, visit moose2188.org or call 941-778-4110.
Page 26 THE ISLANDER | islander.org SePt. 21, 2022 PleaSe, See food trUCK, next Page Kaiman bizisl By Kane Kaiman ISLAND LOCATION COMING SOON! ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ BRADENTON / SARASOTA / AMI DAILY/WEEKLY/MONTHLY SERVICE ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ BEN AND KAREN COOPER TAXES & ACCOUNTING 4401 MANATEE AVE. W., BRADENTON NEXT TO REGIONS BANK 941-795-7048 Office 941-795-4878 Fax benacooper@aol.com kacooper77777@aol.com WHERE‛S YOUR COMFORT ZONE?
Looking for business associates?
HowluckyAMI owner Jane Sperlazzi is overflowing with gratitude for the island and the opportunity to move her business into a storefront in the Island Shopping Center.
HowluckyAMI launched at the Holmes Beach Post Office in 2016 and has maintained a booth at the Pineapple Marketplace, 425 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, since 2018.
City commissioners Sept. 15 discussed a draft ordinance that would allow food trucks as a permitted
The brand offers an exclusive line of resortware, beach dresses, organic cotton T-shirts, drinkware, jewelry, home goods and more.
use in the city’s C-2 and C-3 zoning districts.
In July, Anna Maria city officials began discussing a food truck ordinance to create a 20-by-90-foot area in a city right of way at the northwest end of Bayfront Park, 316 N. Bay Blvd., but public opposition tabled the item until October and may lead to changes.Bradenton
Grateful threads
For more information, visit cheesecakecutie.com or call 941-779-2253.
The lodge, 110 Gulf Drive S., Bradenton Beach, also was recognized as the donations leader for the Moose Legion Director’s Project and the Florida Moose Association Disaster Relief Fund.
By ryan Paice islander reporter
Up to two food trucks would be allowed to oper-
Lucky moves, mighty wins
Holmes Beach’s draft ordinance follows a different path from the other island cities.
Food trucks soon may have some ground rules for operating within the city of Holmes Beach.
Customers can take advantage of a 20% discount on HowluckyAMI goods at the marketplace through Sept. 30.
Beach officials started talking about a food truck ordinance earlier this month, including a potential site adjacent to the Wicked Cantina restaurant between Seventh and Ninth streets north along Gulf Drive.
…Got biz news? Contact Kane Kaiman at kane@ islander.org or 941-778-7978.
The marketplace location will remain open.
Egg-cellent networking event
The outfit had been tucked in Restless Natives, a lifestyle boutique in the same shopping center, since 2017.“The new space is such a blessing because we were so wanting to stay within that plaza as we feel that’s our homebase, as well as the heart of the island,” Sperlazzi said.
The19. eatery, 3324 E. Bay Drive, offers cheesecake from a more than 40-year-old family recipe, as well as charcuterie, flat breads, coffee and more.
Racking up recognition
People browse the offerings from the food trucks in 2018 at the anna maria island chamber of commerce’s
The Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce wants to point you in the right direction Oct. 6.
Sweet ending
The organization is holding a 7:30-9 a.m. sunrise breakfast event at Compass at Margaritaville, a hotel at 12324 Manatee Ave. W. on Perico Island.
The Island moose can hold its antlers high after an awards ceremony in Orlando.
At the order’s 75th state convention in early September, Anna Maria Island Moose Lodge No. 2188 brother administrator Byron G. Dalton Sr. won the
Sperlazzi and her business partner, Carol Birrell, are moving HowluckyAMI to 5402 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, by Oct. 1, Sperlazzi said Sept. 16.
Just as Restless Natives afforded HowluckyAMI an opportunity, they plan to help others — AMI GUY and AMI GAL, Anna Maria Island Wines, Anna Maria Island Bath Time and Island Blu— at the new store.
The ordinance would allow food truck operators to seek written consent from business owners in the city’s C-2 and C-3 commercial zones to operate 7 a.m.-7 p.m. up to two days per week from that businesses’ excess parking spaces or other finished surfaces.
Holmes Beach steers food trucks to businesses
City code currently prohibits food trucks but a state law — House Bill 1193 — passed in 2020 preempts local governments from regulating their operation except to establish a “reasonable” space to operate.
an interlocal agreement with the county.
Fares would be purchased via an app and no cash would be handled at the boats.
• Reached consensus to move forward with two ordinances that would amend the comprehensive plan’s future land use map and rezone city-owned properties from residential to recreational/open space and conservation.
By lisa neff
Negotiations continue for a water taxi that would navigate between downtown Bradenton and Anna Maria Island.
The talks involve a vendor with experience operating a water taxi service, Manatee County administrator Scott Hopes and Bradenton Area Convention and Visitors Bureau executive director Elliott Falcione.
SePt. 21, 2022 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 27 food trUCK from Page 26 Just Listed! This adorable condo offers beach to bay amenities on Becky Sirigotis, Principal Tradewinds-Anna941.201.8000becky.sirigotis@compass.comAgentMariaIsland 1603 Gulf Drive North #14, Bradenton Beach, FL 34217 1 BD | 1 BA | 540 SF | $520,000
“This is the basic infrastructure to get it going,” he said.The county commission meeting Sept. 27 will begin at 9 a.m. at the administration building, 1112 Manatee Ave., Bradenton.
County commission awaits draft contract for water taxi
Chad Minor, the city’s planning and zoning administrator, said food trucks were prohibited from operating within the C-1 zoning district, the city’s most intensive commercial zone, since restaurants already were prohibited in the district.
Cheers commerceto
The service initially would operate 10:30 a.m.-9 p.m. Friday-Sunday.
a customer raises a glass of lemonade Sept. 5 at a stand organized by three entrepreneur island kids “just for fun.” they sold lemonade on gulf drive in the 8600 block of marina drive in Holmes Beach — and who knows? maybe Jasmine Sparks, 11, Braylen curtis, 11, and ava gitt, 11, used their earnings to buy ice cream! islander Photo: courtesy Skylar Purcell
The adult fare would be $8 per ride or $10 for a day pass and negotiations include discussion of a farefree ride for workers using the service to commute.
ate simultaneously at each site, unless otherwise allowed as part of a permit for a specialFoodevent.trucks operating for more than four hours at one site must have that business’s consent to access a publicFoodrestroom.trucks would be prohibited from operating within rights of way, conducting retail sales or business activities unrelated to food and beverages, as well as use of spaces reserved for people with disabilities.
Commissioners reached a consensus to move forward with the ordinance. In other matters …
Commissioner Carol Whitmore, who lives in Holmes Beach, cautioned against the use of pontoon boats to carry so many people on the sometimes rough IntracoastalCommissionerWaterway.Vanessa Baugh asked about passenger carry-ons — beach chairs, bikes, coolers.
Holmes Beach commissioners also:
He said allowing food trucks to operate where restaurants can’t operate would be inappropriate.
• Unanimously voted to approve a resolution amending the city budget to reallocate $46,147 from contingency to donations and city field/park improvements to fund the purchase of parcels near the Grassy Point Preserve;
Holmes Beach resident rickard Jensen, wearing a black hat in the front boat, plugs away aug. 27 alongside about 85 new paddlers in other dragon boats at a first-timer event at nathan Benderson Park in Sarasota. Jensen, a Vietnam War veteran, is organizing a veterans-only new paddler event for november. Beginners can experience the sport at the park 4:30 p.m. Wednesdays and 9 a.m. Saturdays each week. to attend a beginner event, email Jensen at rickardallaanjensen1@gmail.com or text 575-749-9211. islander courtesy Photo
Falcione told county commissioners Sept. 13 they would see a draft contract at their Sept. 27 regular meeting.
Stops would include the day dock along the Riverwalk in downtown Bradenton just east of the Green Bridge — within walking distance to three hotels — as well as the Anna Maria City Pier in Anna Maria and the Historic Bridge Street Pier and a Coquina Bayside dock in Bradenton Beach.
“We will need to enhance the piers,” Falcione said.Earlier this month, Anna Maria commissioners approved a draft interlocal agreement. Bradenton Beach Mayor John Chappie has spoken enthusiastically about the project while Bradenton Mayor Gene Brown has indicated the mainland city will work on
He also said he expected to ask the county tourist development council for a recommendation at a meeting in October, since the project would need to allocate tourist tax
County commissioners took no action Sept. 13 but they raised questions and expressed opinions.
The terms could result in a water taxi launch by February 2023.
Since then, Falcione said, the county entertained several“Weproposals.arecloseto finalizing a public-private partnership,” he told commissioners.
“We’refunds.allin and we got to make this happen,” Falcione said.
The commission will meet next at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 27, at city hall, 5801 Marina Drive. Directions to attend can be found at holmesbeachfl.org.
Endless Season
“We’ll look at that,” Falcione said.
The county sought bids for a water taxi earlier this year but received no interest.
The service would employ two pontoon catamarans that can carry 49 passengers.
Commissioner James Satcher asked about additionalFalcionestops. said he anticipated the question. The service would expand, including a likely stop near the convention center and hotel in Palmetto.
islander editor
The C-1 zone is mostly at the intersection of Manatee Avenue West and East Bay Drive.
PreSSure WaSHing, PaVer sealing, driveway, roof, fence, pool area. also, window cleaning. licensed, insured. 941-565-3931.
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Hiring at BotH locations: 6646 cortez road W., Bradenton and 9th Street by Wicked cantina on the island. Hiring front desk and estheticians. call 941-896-7225 or email noWleah@leahchavie.comHiringHandYman: full-time professional services. $15 an hour and up, based on experience. call JayPros, 941962-2874.
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KidS for Hire ads are free for up to three weeks for island youths under 16 looking for work. ads must be placed in person at the islander office, 315 58th St. Suite J, Holmes Beach.
individuals may place one free ad with up to three items, each priced $100 or less, 15 words or less. free, one week, must be submitted online. email classifieds@islander. org , fax toll-free 1-866-362-9821. (limited time moreoffer)ads= more readers in the islander.
HelP reScued PetS! Volunteer, foster! moonracer animal rescue. email: moonraceranimalrescue@gmail.com.
BiKe cruiSer, neW tires and seat, $70, chandelier brown, like-new, $20, office chairs, white seat, black legs, $25. 941-920Side2494.taBleS: BroWn with glass top. two for $25. antiQue941-920-2494.PartnerdeSK: all wood, $500. inquire at the islander office, 315 58th St. Suite J, Holmes Beach. 941-778-7978.
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eState Sale: 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. friday, Sept. 23. 605 ivanhoe lane, Key royale, Holmes Beach. loveseat, sofa bed, rattan and maple dinettes, barstools, three stressless-style chairs. Queen-size danish teak bed set, tV, glass-top dining room set. desks, dressers, wrought iron patio set, cut glass-paintings, cds, videos, set of china, kitchenware, linens, china, glass and bric-a-brac. See pictures at estatesales.net. Sale conducted by Palma Sola Sales. numbers given out at 8 a.m.
large Yard Sale: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 24, rain date Sunday, Sept. 25. furniture/furnishings, infant bed, bedding, towels, fishing poles, exercise equipment, miscellaneous household items, jewelry, plus much more. 401 42nd St., Holmes Beach.
Page 28 THE ISLANDER | islander.org SePt. 21, 2022 Paradise Improvements 941.792.5600 Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist Replacement Doors and Windows Andrew Chennault FULLY LICENSED AND INSURED Island References Lic#CBC056755 I S L A N D E R C L A S S I F I E D S Residential & Condo Renovations Kitchens • Bath • Design Ser vice Carpentr y • Flooring • Painting Commercial & Residential RDI CONSTRUCTION INC. References available • 941-720-7519 1253471CBC ANSWERS TO SEPT. 21 PUZZLE Sandy’s Lawn Service Inc. ESTABLISHED IN 1983 Residential & Commercial Full-service lawn maintenance. Landscaping ~ Cleanups Hauling ~ Tree Trimming. LICENSED & INSURED AdoptA-Pet Perry is a male blonde Florida mix, 8 years old, about 65-pounds, fully schooled and well behaved. To meet this cutie, call Lisa Williams at 941-345-2441 or visit The Islander office in Holmes Beach. For more about pet adoption, com.moonracer-animalrescue.visit SPonSored BY Perry needs YOU! free ... The Islander newspaper is free at Publix Holmes Beach. Just stop by the customer service desk, hold out your hand and say, “Islander, please!” And maybe remind staff you’d like the serve-yourself community news returned to the lobby.
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SePt. 21, 2022 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 29 CLASSIFIED____________ RATES: Minimum $12 for up to 15 WORDS 16-30 words: $20. 31-45 words: $40. BOX ad: additional $4. (Phone number is a "word.") The deadline is NOON Monday ever y week for Wednesday’s paper. Run issue date(s) or TFN star t date: Amt. pd Date Ck. No � Cash � By _________ Credit card payment: � d � u No Name shown on card: card exp. date / House no or P.O. box no on cc bill ________________________Billing address zip code Your e-mail for renewal reminder : Web site: www.islander.org E-mail: classifieds@islander.org 315 58th St., Suite J Fax toll free: 1-866-362-9821 Holmes Beach FL 34217 Phone: 941-778-7978 CLASSIFIED AD ORDER Place classified ads online at islander.org AMI TA XI 941-447-8372 professional, metered, on-call, gps, cards accepted www.amitaxi.com • amitaxi4u@gmail.com holmes beach, bradenton beach, anna maria airports • shops • dining I S L A N D E R C L A S S I F I E D S Island Limousine and Airport Transportation Prompt, Courteous Service New Vehicles 941.779.0043 PLACE CLASSIFIED ADS ONLINE ISLANDER.ORGAT TurnerRick Personal 941.504.2894Driver
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historic cottage. Half block to gulf beach and one block to Pine avenue shopping and restaurants. available november. $2,700/month. terryaposporos@gmail.com. 941-
rent: one-car garage in west Sarasota-Bradenton area. 845-304-0911.
SERVICES Continued
Screening SerViceS: replace your old or ripped window, door or porch screens. many screen types available. retired veteran here to serve our community! free estimates, call lane, 941-705-5293.
and handy-
142 Crescent Drive, Anna Maria, a 2,163 sq ft 4BR/5BA pool home on a 5,502 sq ft lot built in 2021 sold Aug. 29 by AMI Raintree LLC to Chartier 2004 Trust for $3,100,000, list price $3,350,000.
Anna Maria
Does your business celebrate achievements? Maybe you’re new in business or your staff deserves kudos. Submit your info to news@ islander.org.
5-6:30 p.m. — Longboat Key Chamber of Commerce Off The Clock!, Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse and Wine Bar, 2001 Siesta Drive, Sarasota.
Summer sun sets the sun sets Sept. 1 at the anna maria island moose lodge no. 2188, 110 gulf drive S., Bradenton Beach. the long labor day holiday weekend followed, marking a symbolic end to the unofficial summer season. islander Photo: Brook morrison
Median listing home price: $1.7 million, up 32.9% year-over-year.
Median sold home price: $1.2 million.
Oct. 31, Trail of Treats, chamber office, Holmes Beach.
Oct. 27, business card exchange, Crowder Brothers Ace Hardware, Bradenton.
By lisa neff
204 Church Ave. No. 9, Bradenton Beach, a 590 sq ft 1BR/1BA condo in Coquina Reef built in 1982 sold Aug. 31 by Pensco Trust to Kilicarslan for $500,000, list price $525,000.
Visit islander.org for the best news on AMI. INC Mike Norman Realty 31o1www.mikenormanrealty.comGulfDrive,HholmesBeach800-367-1617|941-778-6696 OFFERING THE BEST SELECTION OF SALES & RENTALS ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND SINCE 1978 T hinking about what is best for your rental property? If so, choose QUALITY over quantity, and get in touch with us! 3340 E. Bay Drive, HB Office 941 462 4016
Wednesday, Sept. 28
Listings: 45 properties, $699,000-$8.4 million.
Holmes Beach
LBK Chamber
Page 30 THE ISLANDER | islander.org SePt. 21, 2022 PropertyWatch carol Bernard Island real estate transactions
Compiled by Island Real Estate staff. Island Real Estate sales professionals can be reached at 941-7786066, islandreal.com.
6321 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, a 1,206 sq ft 3BR/2BA condo in North Beach Village built in 1989 sold Aug. 30 by JN Properties LLC to Sea Breeze 6321 LLC for $1,100,000, list price $1,100,000.
Oct. 6, chamber sunrise breakfast, Compass Hotel,Oct.Bradenton.13,chamber luncheon, Slicker’s Eatery, Bradenton.
compiled by Kane Kaiman
Bradenton Beach
Info, RSVP: longboatkeychamber.com, 941-383-2466.
445 63rd St., Holmes Beach, an 890 sq ft 2BR/1BA home on a 2,701 sq ft lot built in 1962 sold Aug. 30 by Partyka to Byrne for $550,000, list price $549,000.
Thursday, Sept. 22
Median listing home price: $822,000, trending down 29%
Oct. 15, Bayfest, Anna Maria.
AMI Chamber
Median sold home price: $2.6 million.
Listings: 35 properties, $449,000-$6.5 million.
kjatich@gmail.com941-504-3874 Waterfront Penthouse at Margaritaville on Anna Maria Sound! JatichKim WE TWEET TOO @ami_islander
Medianyear-over-year.soldhomeprice: $625,000.
Listings: 72 properties, $65,000-$12 million.
5-7 p.m. — Sept. 22, business card exchange, Beach House Waterfront Restaurant, 200 Gulf Drive, Bradenton Beach.
When it comes to buying or selling your home, Please, CALL ME FIRST! Let my years of experience work for you. — Chantelle Chantelle Lewin Broker 941.713.1449LicensedAssociatesince1983 WWW.CHANTELLELEWIN.COM 3BR/2BA den plus private pool and hot tub. $649,900. QUITE THE LIFESTYLE! 3bd 3ba, turnkey furnished condo. Exquisite finishes. Taller ceilings. Extra windows. Sunsets and bay views from private screened lanai. One owner, gently lived in. Includes 2 parking spaces, 16-by-8 storage, private beach club, fitness, four community pools, kayak & paddleboard launches, outdoor grills, cabanas, event lawn, splash pads, playgrounds and more. Additional perks at the adjacent Pier 77 Marina,
Median listing home price: $3.4 million, trending up 36% year-over-year.
Info, RSVP: 941-778-1541, becky@amichamber.org.
Source: realtor.com Compass Hotel, and Floridays Grill & Bar. Phenomenal rental income potential. $1,595,000. INC.
SePt. 21, 2022 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 31 UPS AND DOWNS BY TRACY GRAY / EDITED BY WILL SHORTZ No. 0911 9/18/2022DATE:RELEASE ACROSS 1 Exfoliants 7 Foofaraw 10 Cookout chuckouts 14 Thickener used in desserts 18 Like favorite radio stations, perhaps 19 Calico calls 21 Memo starter 22 N.F.L. Hall-of-Famer Yale ____ 23 Backpacker’s snack 24 Big huff? 25 Have an presenceoutsize 27 ‘‘I didn’t need to know that!’’ 28 What a net might toattach 30 Flying Cloud of old autodom 31 Jazz clarinetist Shaw 32 Soaring shot 33 Some Six membersNations 35 *Mount Everest scaler 37 Hogs 39 *Went out of control 40 A.M.A. members: Abbr. 42 Marketingexperimentcomparingtwovariants 44 Some red marks 45 Big lugs 48 Say ‘‘Whomever did this …,’’ say 49 Alice who wrote ‘‘The Color Purple’’ 51 Org. with a sizable registry 54 Yellow jacket, for one 55 Syrup brand since 1902 57 Word before Roger or Rancher 58 To a profound degree 60 *’’Cinderella’’ meanie 62 Fieldconveyancestrip 63 Middle van Pelt child in ‘‘Peanuts’’ 64 Use Tinder, say 65 Airs 69 Big exporter of pistachios 70 Features of some bygone muscle cars 71 Give an elbow bump to, say 72 Free of fizz 73 *Lateral-breakingpitches 75 Skulk 76 Maker of the world’s first quartz watch 77 Javanesetechniquedyeing 78 Potala Palace city 79 One of representedseven in the Pleiades 80 *Glide down from above 81 Sleigh driver’s need 82 Sound of ungracefulan landing 84 ____ card 85 Fashion house whose logo is two interlocking C’s 87 Like the Carolina Reaper pepper 88 Visionary 91 Title for Baltimore 92 Crow language family 95 Sounds of hesitation 96 da-DUM 99 On pins and needles 101 Homebrewer’s sugar 103 Cartoonish villains 106 ‘‘Little ol’ me?’’ 107 Woodard ‘‘Clemency’’of 109 Article in Aachen 110 ‘‘Where ignorance is bliss, ____ folly to be wise’’: Thomas Gray 111 ‘‘Eh . . . I’ll pass’’ 112 It’s a banger in Germany 114 *Portrayer of Scrooge in 1951’s ‘‘A Christmas Carol’’ 116 Surgical seam 118 Unagi and anago, for two 119 What parallel lines never do 120 It beats scissors 121 Passionate 122 Secretary, e.g. 123 ____ Noël 124 Place to wallow 125 Butterfly garden bloomers DOWN 1 Places 2 ‘‘Mad Money’’ host Jim 3 Eye part with rods and cones 4 Kind of port 5 Boot-campfoursperformedexercisesonall 6 Narrow groove 7 One for the roadie 8 Most beloved 9 Dominated, informally 10 Pico de gallo herb 11 Not yet in stock 12 Soup bases 13 Highway heavyweight 14 ____ mode 15 Like toum or agliata sauce 16 ForestLorraineChampagnebetweenand 17 Cousin of kvass 20 Plant pore 26 ‘‘____ Miz’’ 29 Earlyacronymcomputer 34 O.E.D. part: Abbr. 36 Some rideshares 38 They may be hidden behind paintings 41 Knot-tying and lashing, to a sailor 43 Like some short tennis matches 46 Install, as sod 47 Record-playerannoyances 50 Actor Guinness 51 Improvised comment 52 ‘‘Colette’’Knightleyactress 53 Comedian Wyatt of ‘‘Problem Areas’’ 56 Porter, for one 57 Derby cocktail 59 Bad Brains and Bikini Kill, for two 61 Muckety-mucks 62 Colorful bird named for its diet 64 Not easily moved 65 Ocho menos cinco 66 Buttonholes, basically 67 Actor/activist George 68 Seattle’s W.N.B.A. team 70 Absolutely wrecks 71 K 74 Reason to do a ‘‘stupid human trick’’ 75 X 76 Tangential topics 78 Allow to access 79 ‘‘I am,’’ in Latin 80 Incomplete dentures 81 Ball game that all players might lose 83 Lacks 85 Place to wear muck boots 86 One roasted or toasted 87 More raspy 89 Dramatize, as a historical event 90 Teller, maybe 93 ‘‘That time is fine for me’’ 94 Lack of musicality 97 Teeny-tiny 98 Word after ring or water 100 movementSide-to-side 102 Pastoral skyline features 104 Tyler of ‘‘Whose Line Is It Anyway?’’ 105 Places for hoses and hoes 108 Oatmeal glob 113 Judgy sound 115 Jupiter’s realm, in myth 117 Pic on a pec, say Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 4,000 past ($39.95nytimes.com/crosswordspuzzles,ayear). Tracy Gray lives in Hunt Valley, Md. She and her husband have owned and operated a lawn-and-landscaping business for the past 33 years. She got the idea for this puzzle last Christmas while riding an escalator, up and down, at her local mall, proving again that ideas can come from anywhere if you’re alert to them. This is Tracy’s 33rd puzzle (and ninth Sunday) for the paper. — W.S. TimesYorkNew CrosswordMagazineSunday Visit ISLANDER.ORG for the best news on Anna Maria Island. pageAnswers:28
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