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Pine Avenue project draws light interest to call for bids
By ryan Paice islander reporter
At least two contractors have shown some interest in the fi rst phase of Anna Maria’s Pine Avenue improvement plans.
City clerk LeAnne Addy told city commissioners April 13 that the municipality hosted an April 4 voluntary pre-bid meeting to talk with prospective vendors about the city’s request for proposals to complete sidewalk improvements along the commercial corridor.
Those attending the meeting included Sarasotabased C-Squared CGC and Tampa-based American Construction Services, according to Addy.
City commissioners voted in February to issue an RFP seeking a contractor to install end-to-end paver sidewalks along the roadway.
The city budgeted $1.5 million to complete the sidewalk improvements, as well as add and enhance crosswalks on Pine Avenue.
The improvements will be funded with a $1,288,400 state appropriation.
The city also budgeted $98,000 to test new lighting along a block of Pine Avenue to determine if further improvements should be made.
The project originally included a second phase that would have involved a roundabout at the northeast end of Pine Avenue, as well as the creation of bicycle lanes on both sides of the roadway.
However, commissioners voted in September 2022 to scrap the roundabout plans and in February to move forward with 5-foot-wide sidewalks instead of bike lanes.
Contractors have until April 17 to submit bids in response to the RFP.
The RFP asks contractors to provide bids to com-
ROAD WORK CONTiNUED FrOM PAGE 1 construction has reached the final stretch.
City engineer Sage Kamiya told The Islander April 10 that after Gulf Drive reopens, C-Squared would finish installing sidewalk pavers, landscaping and lighting conduits, as well as ropes and bollards.
After fi nishing those items, the contractor will demobilize and leave the area for about 30 days.
Then C-Squared will return to finish paving, including high friction surface treatments and restriping the roadways.
Kamiya said that the work likely would be conducted at night.
The final step will involve the installation of new light poles along Marina Drive but that work might not happen until late May-early June because the poles are on backorder.
Commissioners approve more road work
While work on the main corridor of the city center is nearing an end, a couple of other areas will receive additional improvements.
City commissioners unanimously voted April 11 for a $71,539.25 addendum to the city’s contract with
Motorists and pedestrians April 12 travel on Pine Avenue plete several improvements, including a meandering paver sidewalk from end to end. islander Photo: ryan Paice plete the project, including alternative prices for using permeable brick pavers or flexi-pavers, which are made of shredded rubber.
Following the pre-bid meeting, the city issued revised bid sheets and an addendum on April 5 providing answers to some of the questions expressed at the meeting.
One question — when the city wanted the project to begin — was answered. “The city expects to sign the contract and give notice to proceed to the selected contractor at some point in early to mid-June of 2023.”
A contractor expressed concern about the city’s proposed 120-day time frame since it may take time for flexi-pavers to be ordered and shipped to the city.
The city responded, “The city will grant up to 60 days of extension to the substantial completion date if