Commissioner’s goodbye. 2 VOLUME 26, NO. 16
AsTheWorldTerns embrace V-Day. 6 AM pier makes cut for state cash. 3
On the government calendar. 4 Petitioners defend fired city employees. 5
The Islander editorial, reader letters. 6
From the archives. 7
Bradenton Beach simplifies path project. 8
Community announcements, activities. 10-11 Make plans, save a date. 12-13 Celebrating Presidents Day. 16 HB committee flooded with concerns. 18
Streetlife. 20 BB plans historic district improvements. 21
AM commission cultivates farmers market concept. 26 AME calendar. 27 Flag football champs crowned. 28 Fishing through the fog. 29 Expansions, shifts in local business. 30 CLASSIFIEDS. 32
Fish fest details. 14
Happy Valentine’s Day
The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992
Heartfelt walk. 19 FEB. 14, 2018 FREE
DEP sues to remove house built in Sarasota Bay
By Kathy Prucnell Islander Reporter The Florida Department of Environmental Protection filed a two-count complaint Feb. 6 asking a judge to order Raymond Guthrie Jr. to take down the house he built in 2017 in Sarasota Bay near Cortez. The 1,211 square-foot house stands on stilts about 350 feet from the A.P. Bell Fish Co. docks. In the first count, the DEP seeks to enforce the department’s November 2017 “final order” requiring the structure’s removal and $6,500 in fines. The second count asks for a court to assess Guthrie an amount “not to exceed PLEASE SEE DeP PAGE 2
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection filed suit Feb. 6 to remove a house built without permits over the water in Sarasota Bay near the Cortez docks. Islander Photo: Kathy Prucnell
HB prepares to force treehouse demolition 23-year-old dies in
By Terry O’Connor Islander Reporter The demolition deadline came and went but the doomed treehouse still stands. Treehouse owner Lynn Tran emailed The Islander Feb. 9, on the afternoon of the city-imposed deadline to apply for a demolition permit for the structure, stating there will be “no demolition.” What’s next likely involves more trips to the courthouse and thousands more spent on attorney fees with a role reversal casting the city as plaintiffs and the treehouse owners as defendants. The final legal appeal by treehouse owners Lynn Tran and husband Richard Hazen ended when the U.S. Supreme Court declined Jan. 8 to hear their petition. The city issued a code enforcement notice Jan. 18 directing Tran and Hazen to apply for a demolition permit by Feb. 9. Holmes Beach Mayor Bob Johnson wants the owners of the illegal treehouse to tear it down voluntarily. Removing the twostory structure nestled in an Australian pine will require a demolition permit. As the owners apparently are declining to acquire a demolition permit, Holmes Beach will take “appropriate action,” according to a letter from city attorney Patricia Petruff. The next move is likely a city lawsuit to force compliance, according to Johnson, as it is long past time to end this costly standoff. Tran and Hazen have been under city order to remove the $30,000 treehouse since
2013. The treehouse was built in 2011 without city or state permits at 103 29th St., which includes Tran and Hazen’s home and four rental units named Angelinos Sea Lodge. Tran and Hazen say they’ve paid more than $180,000 in attorney fees and costs, plus they are liable for city-ordered fines of $50 per day since July 22, 2015, amounting to $46,650 as of Feb. 9. Tran incorporated HLT Dream Inc. in 2011 — the year the treehouse was built — to sell treehouse merchandise online and help pay their costs to retain the treehouse. City treasurer Lori Hill said Holmes Beach has paid nearly $130,000 in attorney fees and costs.
The treehouse in 2017. Islander File Photo
Cortez Road crash
By Kathy Prucnell Islander Reporter A motorcyclist died Feb. 8 from a crash with a van near an RV park on Cortez Road West in Bradenton. He was the son of former Bradenton Beach Police Officer Mike Bazell. Ryan Bazell, 23, of Bradenton, was traveling east on Cortez Road on a 2007 Yahama R6 when Carol Ann Nelson, 80, of Bradenton, driving west in a 2015 Kia Sedona, turned left “into the direct path of the motorcycle,” a Florida Highway Patrol report states. The motorcycle collided with the right, rear side of the van as the motorist turned into Sarasota Bay RV Park, 10777 Cortez Road W., according to the report. Bazell was pronounced dead at the scene of the crash. Nelson was transported to Blake Medical Center in Bradenton with minor injuries, according to the FHP. FHP ticketed Nelson for failing to yield the right of way. Bazell may have been traveling at a “very high rate of speed,” according to Bradenton Beach Detective Sgt. Lenard Diaz, who added FHP is investigating the crash. “It’s so sad to lose such a young person, especially when it’s a former officer’s family. We pray for the family and our thoughts and prayers are with them,” Diaz said.
2 n FEB. 14, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
Anna Maria commissioner says goodbye, candidates line up By Bianca Benedí Islander Reporter Nancy Yetter has said her goodbyes to the city of Anna Maria. The city held a reception Feb. 8 ahead of Yetter’s final city commission meeting to send her off. Yetter announced in January that she and her husband were relocating to Tampa to be closer to family. At the reception, Mayor Dan Murphy presented her with a key to the city and thanked her for her service to the city. Murphy said Yetter spent her time on the city com-
mission advocating for citizens’ rights and taking up topics with passion. “I’ve always been interested in giving back to my community,” Yetter said at the reception. “Hopefully I’ve done more good than harm… .You never know what’s right, you just have to go with your heart.” Yetter said she stayed true to her campaign promise of prioritizing resident’s interests. “Right or wrong, it’s what I promised and it’s what I stayed with,” she said. Yetter served on the city’s planning and zoning board before joining the commission in 2012, filling a seat with no competition on the ballot. She was reelected in 2014 and 2016.
term to November. Those interested in serving on the commission must meet certain qualifications and submit a city form by 4 p.m. Friday, Feb. 16. Applications are available at city hall and on the city’s website, Those interested in serving must reside in the city for at least two years. The form asks candidates to identify if they’re legal residents, if they’re registered to vote in the city and whether they work for the city, among other questions. The appointee will be sworn in Feb. 22. As of Feb. 9, five people had expressed interest in filling the vacant seat. David Bouchard, Jonathan Crane and Amy Tripp submitted the required forms Commission prepares to fill Yetter’s seat for consideration. The commission will hold a vote at its Feb. 22 Former Commissioner Gene Aubry and Jack Brenmeeting on a successor to fill the remainder of Yetter’s nan also expressed interest in applying. DeP CONTINuED FROM PAGE 1
$10,000 per day” plus investigative costs and expenses for failing to abide by the DEP order. Both counts seek attorney fees and costs. The DEP first inspected the structure in May 2017 and determined it had been built on state-owned submerged lands without a permit. Guthrie told The Islander that month he planned to conduct seagrass experiments at night from the house in the water. In October 2017, the DEP issued Guthrie a notice of violation and administrative orders for corrective action, including the structure’s removal, and assessed penalties for Guthrie’s noncompliance. The final order Nov. 17, 2017, reaffirmed the October orders. To date, according to the complaint, Guthrie has Anna Maria Mayor Dan Murphy presents Commissioner Nancy Yetter with a key to the city at her fare- failed to meet DEP deadlines or demands. Guthrie’s representative, Joanne Semmer, presiwell reception Feb. 8. The commission meeting that followed was Yetter’s final meeting in office. Islander dent of Ostego Bay Environmental Inc. of Fort Myers, claims the structure should be grandfathered because Photo: Bianca Benedí
it stands where a net camp once stood. Net camps and spreads, once a necessity for Cortez fishers, fell out of use. One shed still stands about 200 feet from Guthrie’s structure. It was built before 1960, according to local historians, and renovated by the Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage. FISH is a nonprofit watchdog for commercial fishing. Guthrie was offered a consent order in August, which would have allowed him to apply for a Butler Act disclaimer — a DEP-recognized exception for structures built on state land before 1951 — but he failed to accept some of the DEP terms. Semmer said Feb. 8 she was pursuing a Butler Act designation, researching and collecting affidavits from people who’ve lived in Cortez for years. Guthrie will have 20 days to file an answer to the DEP complaint after he is served, according to DEP public information manager Shannon Herbon. Twelfth Circuit Judge Lon S. Arend is assigned the case.
Give the gift of love!
Custom canvas prints from your camera or cell phone
THE ISLANDER n FEB. 14, 2018 n 3
BB pier team member calls dock holdup ‘ludicrous’
By ChrisAnn Silver Esformes Small boats are tied Feb. Islander Reporter 8 at the public dock on “This is ludicrous,” John Horne, owner of Anna the waterfront near the Maria Oyster Bar on the Historic Bridge Street Pier in Historic Bridge Street Bradenton Beach, said Feb. 7 regarding the delayed Pier in Bradenton Beach. installation of a new day dock at the pier. Boaters are relying on The new floating dock was the small dock while approved by the Bradenton Beach the city awaits instalCommunity Redevelopment Agency lation of a new floating in March 2017. dock at the pier. Islander After receiving a deposit in August Photo: ChrisAnn Silver 2017, representatives from the conEsformes tractor, Technomarine, said they could Horne begin work in September 2017. However, Technomarine representatives soon after said a busy hur- nomarine representative Ben Talbert wrote, “The dock However, at a Feb. 7 pier team meeting, Horne ricane season delayed progress. is in production and will ship in a few weeks.” pointed out the contractor said they would “mobilize” In an Oct. 2, 2017 email to Bra“A few weeks” came and went. at the pier Jan. 29 and delivery would be Feb. 5. denton Beach Police Chief Sam SpeAccording to a December 2017 schedule from Tech“Didn’t this send up any red flags to someone?” ciale, who chairs the pier team, Tech- nomarine, the dock installation was to be this month. Horne asked Speciale. Speciale As another tourist season ramps up, business owners who rely on the dock — including Horne and some tour operators — are growing frustrated. Sherman Baldwin, owner of Paradise Boat Tours, The Anna Maria City Pier rebuild is getting supMurphy wrote Feb. 9 in an email that the city which operates on the pier, used the dock for his ponport from Tallahassee. owes “a big thank you to Sen. Bill Galvano and Rep. toon boat tours. His plan to launch a 149-passenger Both chambers of the Legislature passed pro- Jim Boyd for making this a priority in their budget water taxi, loading and unloading passengers at the posed 2018-19 state budgets Feb. 8 that include line submissions.” new dock, awaits the docking facility. items appropriating $750,000 to Anna Maria’s pier The proposed funding was part of a plan pre“We are only waiting on this dock,” he said. rebuild project. sented by Murphy to seek up to $4.5 million for the Currently, Baldwin is launching tours from a small The House and Senate must negotiate differ- pier rebuild. public dock on the south side of the pier. ences between their budgets before sending a final Other proposed sources to fund the rebuild for “The pier is the backbone of everything here, and version to Gov. Rick Scott for consideration. the pier, which has been closed since Hurricane Irma the dock was meant to enhance it,” Speciale said. “It’s However, with the pier receiving identical passed Sept. 10-11, 2017, include Manatee County’s frustrating to us … it should have been done already.” amounts of funding from both sides, it’s likely to beach concession fund and the Federal Emergency According to Speciale, Technomarine was to probe included in the final bill, according to Anna Maria Management Agency. vide a new schedule Feb. 9, but the city had no such Mayor Dan Murphy. Manatee County approved in December a pronotice and Technomarine has not explained its failure Murphy said he expects Scott to approve a posal to fund $1.5 million of the rebuild from the to deliver. budget that includes the pier funding without an tourist development tax on accommodations. Technomarine did not respond to calls Feb. 9 from issue. — Bianca Benedí The Islander.
Anna Maria City Pier makes cut for state funding
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4 n FEB. 14, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
HB formula business cap deadline nears
By Terry O’Connor Islander Reporter After spending several months word-wrangling an ordinance proposal aimed at limiting the incursion of formula businesses, Holmes Beach Planning Commission chair Chuck Stealey said enough is enough. “I think this is the best we can do,” said Stealey. The ordinance planners voted unanimously to recommend to the Holmes Beach City Commission would double the maximum number of allowed formula businesses from four to eight in Holmes Beach. The ordinance states the city commission seeks
Holmes Beach Planning Commission chair Chuck Stealey, right, talks and gestures during the Feb. 7 meeting. Islander Photo: Terry O’Connor
to prevent the proliferation of elements that project an overwhelming sense of sameness and familiarity and to encourage elements that promote variety and charm, while still leaving opportunities open for all. The planning commissioners displayed a sense of deadline urgency while working on the ordinance and vision statement at their Feb. 7 meeting. Since June 14, 2016, the city commission twice extended a temporary moratorium after missing deadlines to develop an ordinance barring formula businesses. The latest extension will expire Sunday, Feb. 28, and it is likely another deadline will be missed, if only by a day. The commission also could extend the temporary moratorium at its 6 p.m. meeting Thursday, Feb. 15. The vision statement also was discussed but ultimately left untouched. “We’ve spent seven months grinding out a vision statement,” said alternate committee member David Lester. “I believe it’s a very good document.” Planner Bill Brisson said it is a near certainty the commission will amend their proposed vision statement. “We need something that aims at protecting the downtown,” said Brisson. “There’s nothing about the downtown in the vision statement.” The planning commission will next meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday, March 7, at city hall, 5801 Marina Drive.
The Circle K convenience store at 103 Gulf Drive S., Bradenton Beach, was approved by the city commission as a major development. Holmes Beach has a moratorium on formula businesses as it works to adopt an ordinance. Islander Photo: ChrisAnn Silver Esformes
Encroaching formula business a nonissue for BB By ChrisAnn Silver Esformes Islander Reporter While Holmes Beach officials struggle to determine how to handle formula businesses and Anna Maria has banned them, Bradenton Beach does not see the matter as a concern. According to the Bradenton Beach comprehensive plan, any “multi-unit business using a common brand name, i.e., franchise or chain-type stores,” is not allowed in the city. However, there is no supporting definition of franchise or chain stores in the land development code to put teeth behind the comp plan. “The decision to address that would be up to the city commission,” building official Steve Gilbert said Feb. 8. “I just don’t see the need.” According to Gilbert, platted lots in Bradenton Beach aren’t big enough to support a drive-thru restaurant or similar chain. He said a restaurant with a drive-thru could require six contiguous lots measuring 50 feet by 100 feet. However, he said there would be many variables to consider. “It’s too expensive and they’re not going to be able to get the traffic demand that they need to do business,” Gilbert said. According to Gilbert and land planner Alan Garrett, the two Circle K convenience stores and Shell gas station were approved without opposition as major developments by the city commission. Gilbert said Bradenton Beach doesn’t face the same problems with large chains as the other island cities. “In that regard we are different, because they have larger lots than we do,” Gilbert said. “Personally, I don’t see a franchise trying to come in here, other than maybe a small storefront.”
Holmes Beach commission varies meeting schedule
Anna Maria defers complaint on formula business
By Bianca Benedí Islander Reporter Anna Maria takes its ordinances seriously. The city has been keeping an eye on Vacasa, an international company that recently began operations in the city, for potential violations to its formula retail ordinance, according to Mayor Dan Murphy. Murphy said at a Feb. 8 meeting that another real estate company expressed interest in moving to Anna Maria, but complained that if the city’s ordinance banning chain businesses prevents them from operating, then Vacasa also should be prohibited. However, Murphy said Vacasa does not appear to be in violation of the city’s ordinance. Commissioners adopted an ordinance in August 2017 that defines a formula retail business as one with more than three locations, that maintains two or more of the following features: standardized merchandise, facade, décor or color scheme, standard uniforms or standard signage or trademarks. In November 2017, Island Real Estate entered a partnership with Vacasa, giving the company control over its 300 Anna Maria Island vacation rental properties, including some in the city. In December 2017, Island Real Estate sold its vacation rental division to the Oregon-based company. Island Real Estate broker Larry Chatt declined
The Islander welcomes news of the milestones in readers’ lives — weddings, anniversaries, travels and other events. Send notices and photographs with detailed captions — along with complete contact information to
to comment when asked Feb. 12 what use he has for his company’s Pine Avenue office. He said he needed a “week or two” to answer the question. Vacasa manages more than 7,000 vacation homes across the globe, including more than 900 in Florida. The company said in December it would retain all staff at the Island Real Estate offices. If the city determines Vacasa falls under the ordinance, the company will be cited by code enforcement, Murphy said.
A scheduling quirk has the Holmes Beach City Commission meeting once in February and fives times in March. Normally, the commission meets four times a month but it lost a February date to a building department-contractor seminar and another to the shortness of the 28-day month. The commission will next meet Thursday, Feb. 15, followed by a work session at city hall, 5801 Marina Drive. The commission also will convene Thursday, March 1, followed by a work session; Tuesday, March 13; Thursday, March 15; Tuesday, March 27; and Thursday, March 29. Commission meetings begin at 6 p.m. — Terry O’Connor
941-708-5800, Anna Maria City • Feb. 14, 2 p.m., commission (special meet- West Manatee Fire rescue ing) • Feb. 20, 6 p.m., commission. • Feb. 22, 6 p.m., commission. WMFR administration building, 6417 Third Ave. Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, 941- W., Bradenton, 708-6130, Manatee County Bradenton Beach • Feb. 27, 1:30 a.m., county commission and • Feb. 15, noon, city commission. Longboat Key Town Commission. • Feb. 20, 1 p.m., city commission. Administration building, 1112 Manatee Ave. W., • Feb. 21, 1 p.m., planning and zoning. Bradenton, 941-748-4501, Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., 941-778-1005, Of interest • Feb. 19 is Presidents Day, when most governHolmes Beach ment offices will be closed. • Feb. 14, 10 a.m., parks and beautification com• Feb. 26, 9:30 a.m., Sarasota/Manatee Metromittee. politan Planning Organization, Holiday Inn Saraso• Feb. 15, 6 p.m., city commission. ta-Bradenton International Airport, 8009 15th St. E., • Feb. 26, 1 p.m., ad hoc form of government Sarasota. committee. Send notices to and Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive,
THE ISLANDER n FEB. 14, 2018 n 5
Petitioners defend fired Anna Maria employees
By Bianca Benedí Islander Reporter Some 260 people are asking the city of Anna Maria to reconsider firing two city employees who removed planks without permission from the city pier. Former city Commissioner Gene Aubry and Sandra Rich of Anna Maria turned in petitions with more than 200 signatures asking the city to consider “a less drastic punishment” for former public works employees Peter Piir and Taylor Mannhart. On Jan. 19, Piir and Mannhart removed two planks from the Anna Maria City Pier — closed since September 2017 — at the request of two plank sponsors. The city discovered the planks had been removed Jan. 22 and retrieved them. Public works manager Dean Jones and his assistant manager Kevin Schoedel, as well as deputy clerk Debbie Haynes, then interviewed Mannhart and Piir Jan. 24 about the incident. On Jan. 25, both employees received termination notices. Residents were quick to respond to the city’s Mannhart. Richard and Jeanette Langer of Bradenton Beach, actions. Aubry and Rich co-wrote a letter to The Islander the sponsors of one of the removed planks, sent a letter asking Murphy to explain the city’s decision, as well asking Murphy to reconsider his decision. Anna Maria resident Steve Doyle wrote a letter to as describe any potential appeals process for Piir and The Islander claiming the city has “shown very bad judgment” in the decision. Buchanan staffer books In a statement, Mayor Dan Murphy responded to requests to address Piir’s and Mannhart’s dismissals time on island by saying the city would not “turn any matter between A representative from u.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan employee and the city into a public spectacle.” an’s office will meet with residents Thursday, Feb. “There are two sides to every story,” Murphy 15, in Bradenton Beach. wrote. “The decision to discharge these two employees Constituents with questions, comments or conwas made after four days of deliberation, as well as cerns regarding a federal matter are encouraged to consultation with legal counsel and others. It was not meet with field representative Gary Tibbetts. taken lightly nor was the outcome one I would have His hours will be 10 a.m.-noon at Bradenton desired.” Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N. Murphy stated that his position may allow others to For more information, or to make an appoint“give a one-sided picture of a very serious matter,” but ment, call Tibbetts at 941-747-9081. asserted he would not make it a public issue, regardless
Fog rolls in Feb. 8 from Tampa Bay into the city of Anna Maria, obscuring the Anna Maria City Pier. Islander Photo: Bianca Benedí
of the ramifications. He added the city would consider reviewing its decision if the employees involved came forward with new information about the incident, but said it would still be a private matter between the city and the employees. The engraved pier planks will be removed and replaced when the pier is rebuilt, but there is yet no date set. In January, the city approved a proposal to either give engraved planks to the sponsors or reuse the planks in memorial fences at City Pier Park, on the corner of Pine Avenue and North Bay Boulevard, and at the Anna Maria Island Historical Museum, 402 Pine Ave. The deadline passed Jan. 26 to request planks. The engraved planks were offered as a sponsorship by The Islander newspaper in a partnership with pier management during the 2010-11 pier centennial celebration.
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6 n FEB. 14, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
Feeling the love
If I have a Valentine to give you all, it would be waiting for you at the water’s edge, where another sunset — flaming orange, purple, pink and a flash of green at the finish — would convey my wishes. Another day in paradise. My mother and step-father were married on Valentine’s Day in 1953, and while I don’t recall things always being blissful in my young life, there were some occasions when he stepped up to the plate for that special anniversary. I definitely recall him “gifting” a red convertible sports car one year, although it turned out to be a oneweek rental. There is a really lovely gold broach in the shape of a heart he gave her —mom wore it on her winter coat lapel — tucked away somewhere in my collection of things from mom. And I recall a small vinyl record they recorded at a studio in Norfolk, Virginia — “Let Me Call You Sweetheart,” a 1934 release by Bing Crosby. I could have listened to it hundreds of times, but mom cherished it and worried we’d wear out that sweet music. My three younger siblings and myself were always primed to recognize Valentine’s Day as “special” for Joyce and John. The special relationship I had with my mother is what I most recall. As a youngster, she stood between me and the wrath of my step-father, who often came home from work with anger and resentment. As I got a little older — age 13 — I went to work in the women’s companion store to the menswear store he managed. They were side by side. Jules Strauss offered top-of-the-line apparel and accessories and I was quick to learn the lessons offered — like how to make change from the cash drawer. I also learned how to spend only what I made and to put something aside. Good lessons for later in life, as a single parent, dependent on weekly pay. John and I finally had something in common. They moved to Bradenton in 1972 and the Valentines ceased shortly after. My mom died suddenly. I was led by a photo she sent me to Anna Maria Island and the Manatee Public Beach by the seagrape trees. She wrote on the side: “My beach.” So take yourself to the beach and share the beauty of blue waters and a blazing sunset. There’s love on the horizon. And it’s the best kind of Valentine I know. — Bonner Joy
FEB. 14, 2018 • Vol. 26, No. 16 ▼ ▼
▼ ▼
Publisher and Editor Bonner Joy, Editorial Lisa Neff, copy editor Sandy Ambrogi, Bianca Benedí, Joe Bird, editorial cartoonist Kevin Cassidy, Jack Elka, ChrisAnn Silver Esformes, Terry O’Connor, Kathy Prucnell, Ed Scott, Contributors Jesse Brisson Karen Riley-Love Capt. Danny Stasny, Advertising Director Toni Lyon, Office Staff Lisa Williams, manager Jennifer Powell Distribution Urbane Bouchet Judy Loden Wasco Ross Roberts (All others:
Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each. ©1992-2018 • Editorial, sales and production offices: 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217 WEBSITE: PHONE 941-778-7978 toll-free fax 1-866-362-9821
‘Small town stuff’
Among all the bad and divisive “news” we’ve had recently here’s a list of just some of the good stuff that’s happened or is going to happen on our lovely island and in the surrounding area. Did happen: Kids’ science skills, so smart! Darcie Duncan, our very own. Sissy Quinn, the fundraiser. Trolley money donations. Good financial news and upcoming events at the Center of Anna Maria Island. Going to happen: Holmes Beach ArtWalk, Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival, Beach Bistro’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Anna Maria Movies in the Park. To name just a few things. And there’s going to be so much more happening in season. I’m grateful to be here. I love this small town stuff don’t you? Susan Hatch, Anna Maria
Center success
The Center of Anna Maria Island has never looked better nor served more people with more comprehensive and successful programs than it does today. These are facts that have occurred against all odds and many predictions. It’s the realization of the vision first brought forth in response to the financial crisis that caught most by surprise five years ago. Motivated by a steadfast commitment to the survival of this true center of island life, some of the most successful, creative and generous among us stepped up and joined the board. With generous hearts they opened their checkbooks and devoted precious time to the task of identifying and solving the issues that brought us to the brink of collapse. In the midst of all this, executive director Kristen Lessig shouldered the responsibilities and burdens of leadership. Hired by unanimous consent and re-affirmed in repeated votes of continuing confidence, she worked tirelessly to implement the policy directives
of the board while negotiating the demanding waters of local community life. She made tough decisions, sometimes wrong but always with the best interests of the center in mind. Throughout her tenure, those with the most information and the most invested, continued to support her. The reasoning is simple. We believed that the investment of time, money and energy to date were best protected under her leadership. She was hired based on very significant credentials and impeccable references. In my personal observation, she has exceeded the promise of both. The edges of her success in rehabilitating the center are just now becoming visible. Over the coming months, this will be clear to all. Take a tour, see for yourself. Micheal Coleman, Anna Maria
Punting Patriot fans
If indeed what I read in the Bradenton Herald newspaper Feb. 5 is true, that Jack and Debbie Connors were asked to leave Slim’s Place in Anna Maria because they are Patriots fans, then that establishment should be boycotted forever. Many years ago, I was in Chicago at the Billy Goat Tavern to watch the university of Michigan play Notre Dame university. I was the only Michigan fan in the entire establishment. Rather than be asked to leave, the bartender came to me and said, “You’re not having a very good time and I understand. Your lunch and beer are on the house. Sorry.” Michigan lost but I will never forget how nice that bartender — a real class act — was to one lonely, losing Wolverine. Jim MacVicar, Bradenton
Anna Maria Islander
THE ISLANDER n FEB. 14, 2018 n 7
10&20 years ago In the headlines: Feb. 11, 1998
The Anna Maria public works department painted safety striping in front of Islander’s Market on Gulf Drive at Magnolia Avenue, prompting a complaint from property owner John Cagnina that the business lost parking spaces. • A memorial to the late Anna Maria Commissioner Mary Ross was erected outside city hall, following controversy after the city removed the gardens Ross had planted in a beautification project. • Holmes Beach commissioners amended the city’s land development code to prohibit residents from keeping farm or exotic animals. “The raising of cows, chickens, pigs, horses or any other item or fowl is prohibited for either private or commercial use, except nothing herein should be construed to prohibit the keeping of house pets.”
Baseball’s Birdie
Baseball player Birdie Tebbetts displayed the oil painting featured on the cover of Time in 1957 in his Anna Maria home. At the time, Tebbetts, who died in 1999, was managing the Cincinnati Reds. This photo and many other historical images can be found in “Images of America: Anna Maria Island” by Islander publisher Bonner Joy. Islander File Photos
In the headlines: Feb. 13, 2008
The late Birdie Tebbetts, who moved to Anna Maria Island in the 1950s, shows off the 1997 World Series ring he earned as a master scout for the Marlins. You can peruse The Islander newspaper archive, dating back to its launch in November 1992, at this website:
Have your say
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We’d love to mail you the news!
• Local businesses romanced visitors in the first annual Anna Maria Island Wedding Festival, held the weekend before Valentine’s Day. • Across much of the united States, businesses were dealing with a downturn and concerns about a recession. But occupancy rates on Anna Maria Island continued to increase year over year and month after month. • Call it the Tour of Stations. West Manatee Fire Rescue Chief Andy Price led fire commissioners on a tour of the district’s three stations and administration building, hoping to prove his message that the department needed more space. The issue archives for The Islander can be found online Archived stories can be found online at
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8 n Feb. 14, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
Bradenton Beach simplifies bike/pedestrian path project
By ChrisAnn Silver Esformes Islander Reporter Connectivity, walkability, safety and beautification are being considered as Bradenton Beach commissioners plan improvements to neighborhood streets. Commissioners and the mayor met Feb. 6 for the second of two workshops on possible improvements to Avenue C between 22nd Street North and 26th Street North in Bradenton Beach, including bike/pedestrian paths and landscaping along the rights of way. City engineer Lynn Burnett presented four options, including several combinations of bike/pedestrian paths rerouting casual cyclists and walkers away from Gulf Drive onto Avenue C at the S-Curve intersection of 22nd Street North to connect back with Gulf Drive at 26th Street North. The majority of residents present said they did not see the need for such improvements. Instead, people said signage, such as “sharrows” — arrows painted in the street indicating lanes shared with pedestrians and cyclists — should suffice. Additionally, consensus was reached by the commission to consider enhanced crosswalks at or near the intersections of Gulf Drive and 22nd Street North and 26th Street North. Currently, Manatee County is clearing rights of way along Avenue C in Bradenton Beach and replacing water and sewer lines as part of an islandwide force main project.
The view Feb. 6 looking south on Avenue C at the S-curve where Gulf Drive and 22nd Street North intersect shows cars and cyclists sharing the roadway in Bradenton Beach. City officials are considering funding to enhance safety features near the busy stretch of road. Islander Photos: ChrisAnn Silver Esformes The city has plans to undertake a stormwater drainage project in 2019 in the same area of Avenue C. When the drainage project is complete, the city, as part of a Florida Department of Transportation “complete streets” application, plans to begin a project to incorporate a bike/ped/vehicle route on the avenue. Burnett said the county is required to resurface the rights of way as directed by the city. Since the city planned to install a consistent surface material across the rights of way after the stormwater project, the county was directed to cover the area with 57-stone, a base for whichever surface the city chooses. Additionally, the city plans to install a subsurface material to support landscaping. “It didn’t make any sense to rip out the surface material and replace it three times,” Burnett said. However, during the Feb. 1 and Feb. 6 workshops, some residents of the avenues said they do not see a need for bike/ped paths channeling people through a residential area and they are concerned with damage to driveways from the ongoing construction. Additionally, residents of Avenue C and some neighbors said “casual walkers” are few and far between, and are usually walking east/west, to or from the beach, rather than north/south along Avenue C. Speed cyclists, they said, use main roads. Bradenton Beach is considering the use of surplus revenue from the Manatee County beach concession budget to help fund the street enhancements. The fund, which has grown to nearly $1 million, is
allocated by the county for capital improvement projects recommended by the three island municipalities — Anna Maria, Bradenton Beach and Holmes Beach — to benefit the public. John Burns, planning and zoning board vice chair, and a resident of Avenue B, said he does not see the need to spend $300,000-$500,000 on the project. “Do we need to spend this much money for this short a section to wreck up this much neighborhood, when we’re not talking that many people?” Burns asked. Mayor John Chappie said he understands why people who live along Avenue C are frustrated with the construction in the rights of way. “I’d be a little ticked myself if someone came in and ripped everything up, even in the right of ways,” Chappie said. He suggested using funds earmarked for the path to restore driveways since people do not want the multiuse path or bike lanes on the avenues. He directed Burnett to speak with city attorney Ricinda Perry regarding use of concession funds to replace private driveways, saying he is not sure it would meet the terms for funding. Meanwhile, the commission directed Burnett to draft a proposal for signage and striping, crosswalks at Gulf Drive and Avenue C near 22nd and 26th streets north and restoration of the Avenue C corridor, including driveways in the rights of way. The next commission meeting will be at noon Thursday, Feb. 15, at city hall, 107 Gulf Drive N.
By Bianca Benedí Islander Reporter Anna Maria commissioners approved three more settlement offers Feb. 8 for Bert Harris negotiations recommended by city attorney Becky Vose. Commissioner Nancy Yetter voted against the settlement offers. The three new offers are among 113 claims filed against the city since its vacation rental ordinance went into effect April 2016. Graham and Hazel Hansen filed a claim in December 2017 alleging the city’s vacation rental ordinance, which limits the occupancy of vacation rental homes to eight people, violates their property rights. The couple claimed their property at 107 Elm Ave., a three-bedroom home, could accommodate up to 10 people before the ordinance. An appraisal set the loss
in value at $420,000. Vose recommended the city stick to its ordinance for the property and offer an eight-person occupancy. She recommended the city stick to a 12-person occupancy for a property at 211 Chilson Ave. owned by O&S Holdings LLC. The property owner previously requested 14 occupants for the five-bedroom home. Vose also asked commissioners to again offer a 12-person occupancy to Allen Weinstein and Allison Boak for a five-bedroom property at 211 Willow Ave. Weinstein and Boak’s Bert Harris claim has been in negotiations since May 2016, when the claim was filed. The city initially offered to buy the property for $1,121,575. The owners responded with a counteroffer of 16 occupants or a $1,799,999 price tag.
The city countered with a 12-person occupancy offer, which was rejected and countered with a 14-person occupancy. Commissioners wanted to stand firm and authorized Vose Feb. 8 to again offer a 12-person occupancy. The Bert Harris Jr. Private Property Protection Act of 1995 allows property owners to seek relief if they can prove a government action lowered the value of their property. Claimants must provide appraisals to establish value and settlements, in lieu of cash payments can either fully or partly restore the rights that existed before the prohibitions. The city has 150 days to respond to claims submitted. One of the most contested portions of the city ordinance involves the eight-person occupancy limit.
By Bianca Benedí Islander Reporter Anna Maria Island elected officials have ears in Tallahassee. And they are staying tuned to the ongoing session of the Floriday Legislature. Senate Bill 1400, introduced by Greg Steube, R-Sarasota, and David Simmons, R-Seminole, passed the second of three committees Feb. 8. Steube The bill would place vacation rental regulations with the state, including licensing and inspections. Steube failed to pass a bill in the 2017 session that would have nullified a majority of vacation rental regulations enacted in Anna Maria, Holmes Beach and
Bradenton Beach. All three cities hired lobbyists to fight the measure. In December 2017, Steube and Simmons introduced a new bill proposing assigning oversight of vacation rental regulations to the Florida Department of Professional Regulation Division of Hotels and Restaurants. The bill passed the community affairs committee Jan. 30 in a 4-2 vote. It passed the regulated industries committee Feb. 8 with a 9-1 vote. The bill is now before the appropriations committee. If approved there, it will move to the Senate floor. Sen. Bill Galvano, R-Bradenton, chair of the appropriations committee, did not respond Feb. 9 to requests for comment. Rep. Mike La Rosa, R-Osceola, introduced a com-
panion bill in the House. The bill was introduced Jan. 9, but has not been referred to subcommittees. Anna Maria Commissioner Carol Carter attended the Senate Community Affairs meeting Jan. 30 in Tallahassee. Carter said Steube and Sen. Tom Lee, R-Brandon, “had determined how things would go” and prevented Simmons from introducing an amendment that would have weakened state control over vacation rental legislation. Simmons also sits on the appropriations committee. Mayor Dan Murphy said Feb. 8 it is important for opponents of the legislation to “continue our blitzing with emails and phone calls.” “Prayers are needed for our small cities,” Carter said.
BB shade meeting for sewer-line conflict canceled
A planned shade meeting to discuss strategy for a lawsuit involving Bradenton Beach was canceled. Bradenton Beach officials had planned to meet in the shade Feb. 7 with their attorney for the dispute, Mark Barnebey, but according to Mayor John Chappie, Barnebey recommended in a Feb. 6 email that the meeting be canceled. The meeting was for a case filed against Bradenton Beach and developer Shawn Kaleta by Manatee County for residential development that would cover a sewer line. As of Feb. 8, plans had not been made to reschedule the meeting. — ChrisAnn Silver Esformes
3 more city offers go out from Anna Maria to Bert Harris claimants
Vacation rental legislation moves forward in state Senate
THE ISLANDER n FEB. 14, 2018 n 9
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10 n FEB. 14, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
White Elephant Sale $5 admission 3-5 Friday Feb. 16 Free! 9-1 Saturday Feb. 17
Island happenings Center to stage murder-mystery nights
Church of the Annunciation '5,& $2)6% s (/,-%3 "%!#(
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Anna Maria Island,â&#x20AC;? a pictorial history book of the island by Bonner Joy, is available for $20 at The Islander office, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. Joy is publisher of The Islander newspaper. She launched the newspaper in 1992, and is a 43-year islander.
Handmade Sterling Jewelry
NOW OPEN at our new location! 714 43rd St. W â&#x20AC;˘ Bradenton Tue-Fri 10-5, Sat 11-4
The Todds â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Paul, right, and Paul Jr. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; will perform Sunday, Feb. 18, at Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria.
Roser church presents The Todds in concert
Roser Memorial Community Church will present The Todds â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Paul and Paul Jr. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; in concert at 4 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 18. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Although Paul is first and foremost a Christian artist, his concerts also include original, classical, popular and Broadway selections,â&#x20AC;? said a news release from the church. Paul Todd plays six keyboards simultaneously and son Paul Jr. is a singer, songwriter and percussionist. The free-offering concert will be held in the church sanctuary, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. For more information, call the church at 941-7780414.
The Center of Anna Maria Island will stage its 10th annual murder-mystery production Feb. 16 and Feb. 17. The Vegas-themed play is titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;What Happens on the Island â&#x20AC;Ś Stays on the Islandâ&#x20AC;? and is for adults. Doors will open at 7 p.m., and the show will start at 7:30 p.m. Tickets cost $45 and include dinner and the show. The center also will offer a cash bar, live auction, and raffles. Admission to a VIP pre-show party with the cast will cost $15. For more information, contact the center at 941-778-1908.
Senior Adventures sets out for Sarasota concert, brunch
The Senior Adventures group will attend a concert and brunch in Sarasota Friday, Feb. 16. The Senior Adventures meets most Fridays for an outing or an activity at the Annie Silver Community Center, 103 23rd St. N., Bradenton Beach. Feb. 16, the group will depart from Annie Silver at 9 a.m. for a piano concert and brunch at Sunnyside Village in Sarasota. The cost is $5 for the ride and $2 for the concert. Feb. 23, the group will hold its monthly book sale and potluck lunch. Lunch will be at noon and the sale will be 10 a.m.-1 p.m. For more information or to reserve a van seat, call Kaye Bell at 941-538-0945.
15% OFF Kelley Baker Brows & IMAGE Skin Care products Massage starting $55 Facials $45+ by Karen Gel manicures by Katy Color with Cindy. Gift certificates available Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget Valentineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day. Call for appointment
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9516 Cortez Road W, Ste 7 Mount Vernon Plaza #MM34454
AMI Chamber of Commerce 2017 Best Business of the Year
Senior and featured student
Taylor Sage, a senior at Manatee School for the Arts, is the featured student of the month in the gallery operated by the Anna Maria Island Artistsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Guild, 5414 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Her print, made from an acrylic painting, is titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Cortez Lion.â&#x20AC;? The work is on display throughout the month. Taylor studies art under teacher Diane Rosenbarger and hopes to attend the Ringling College of Art and Design and major in game design or animation. Islander Courtesy Photo
Cortez Village Historical Society collecting jewelry
full service salon and spa oďŹ&#x20AC;eringâ&#x20AC;Ś Hair ~ Nails ~ Massage ~ Facials Acupuncture ~ Body Treatments ~ Bikini and Brazilian Waxing ~ 3612 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach, 941.778.0400 313 Pine Ave, Anna Maria, 941.778.0500
The Cortez Village Historical Society is collecting jewelry for a fundraiser. An announcement said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We need your old jewelry as we are repurposing to resell as a fundraising project. We have a volunteer â&#x20AC;Ś donating her time and talent.â&#x20AC;? Items can be dropped off 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Thursday-Saturday at the Cortez Cultural Center at the FISH Preserve, 11655 Cortez Road W., Cortez. For more, call the CVHS at 941-705-4656.
Jack Richardson attends a past Friends of the Island Library book sale. This yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sale is at Roser Memorial Community Church Feb. 15-17. Islander File Photo
3-day book sale benefits Island Library
The Friends of the Island Library annual book sale will take place Feb. 15-17 at Roser Memorial Community Church. A preview sale will be 1-3 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 15, and is exclusively for those with memberships â&#x20AC;&#x201D; which can be purchased at the door to the event at the church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. The general sale will be 9 a.m.-3 p.m. FridaySaturday, Feb. 16-17. Beginning at 1 p.m. Feb. 17, shoppers will be able to fill plastic bags â&#x20AC;&#x201D; donated by Publix â&#x20AC;&#x201D; for $2. Proceeds from the book sale go toward programs at the library, including the groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s annual lecture series and the purchase of new books. For more information, call the library at 941-7786341.
Island happenings
40% OFF
Cortez folk school offers workshops, demos
“Low Country” by Joanna Coke, who is exhibiting her artwork at the Studio at Gulf and Pine in Anna Maria. Islander Courtesy Photo
Studio at Gulf and Pine shows ‘Flora & Terra’ exhibit
The Studio at Gulf and Pine is featuring the work of Joanna Coke in a solo exhibit through March 3. The studio also will host Coke for a three-day workshop. Coke combines various water media on paper with strong use of color to create vibrant floral and landscape paintings for her exhibition entitled, “Flora & Terra,” said a news release from the gallery. At the workshop, set for 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Feb. 21-23, students will draw the structure of vegetation before painting, create depth through mixing warm and cool greens and learn to increase the range of values where it counts. The cost to enroll is $295. Coke has worked as a graphic designer and fashion designer. She studied at Harvard University, University of South Florida and Louisiana State University and also abroad in Paris, Venice, Rome and Florence. The Studio at Gulf and Pine is at 10101 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. For more information, call 941-778-1906.
The Folk School at Florida Maritime Museum will host a forum, including a series of programs ,10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 24. The forum will provide the opportunity to learn about southwest Florida’s traditional arts and culture, as well as techniques on how to conduct oral history projects. The schedule includes: 10 a.m., Fieldwork and Oral history: Putting Folklore to Work, with state folklorist Amanda Hardeman discussing how to identify, document and preserve oral histories and cultural resources. 11 a.m., Circus Arts and Clowning Traditions, with professional clowns Karen Bell and Robin Eurich of the Circus Arts Conservatory discussing traditions and history. 1 p.m., Southwest Florida Fieldwork Survey, with folklorist Eleanor Wachs and tribal oral historian Eric Griffic discussing the project they conducted with the Florida Folklife Program. 2 p.m., Seminole Canoe-Making Demonstration, with Brian and Pedro Zepeda presenting traditional canoe-making techniques. 3 p.m., Bharatanayam Workshop, with Shaila Sateesh of the Sai Nrityala Dance Troupe introducing history and basic technique of Bharatanatyam, a classic Indian dance form. 4 p.m., Cuban music performance, with tres musician Renesito Avich sharing traditional styles of Cuban music. Admission will be $25, including lunch. The forum will be held at the Florida Maritime Museum, 4415 119th St. W. Cortez. For more information, call 941-708-6120.
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EMBROIDERY! Purses • Bags • Clothing • Towels • Cups • Koozies & Marketing Materials Apparel & Accessory SHOP. PLUS we do Wash & Fold and Dry Cleaning Island Shopping Center 5400 Marina Drive at the Holmes Beach laundromat 941-705-4603 •
Super winner
Jay Drisbow, an avid horseshoe player at Anna Maria City Hall, turned his attention to another game Feb. 4. He entered The Islander’s annual Super Bowl contest and won $100. Remember to “get in the game” next fall, when the 2018-19 football season begins. Islander Photo: Lisa Williams
Reception for ‘A Plein Air Affair’
Cathleen Larson’s “palms” are on display in “A Plein Air Affair,” an exhibit at the Studio at Gulf and Pine, 10101 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. A reception will be 6-8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 15. The exhibit will continue through March 3. For more information, call the studio at 941-778-1906.
Under New Ownership! Ali Severson Hair.Skin.Nails.Massage Open 6 days a week 941.778.5400
need a good laugh? visit the emerson quillin signature store. humor, art, gifts 317 Pine Ave., Anna Maria •
5311 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach
12 n FEB. 14, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
Thursday, Feb. 15 10:15 a.m. — Friends of the Island Library Book Club meeting, discussing “The Nightingale,” Island Library, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. 1-3 p.m. — Meet the Author opportunity with Carl Jeronimo, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941778-6341. 6-8 p.m. — “A Plein Air Affair” reception, Studio at Gulf and Pine, 10101 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-6694. Friday, Feb. 16 7 p.m. — Center of Anna Maria Island 10th annual Murder Mystery dinner theater, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Fee applies. Information: 941-778-1908. Saturday, Feb. 17 10:30 a.m. — Layering watercolor demonstration by Judy Saltzman, Island Gallery West, 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6648. 7 p.m. — Center of Anna Maria Island 10th annual Murder Mystery dinner theater, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Fee applies. Information: 941-778-1908. Sunday, Feb. 18 4 p.m. — Roser Memorial Community Church concert featuring The Todds, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Donation requested. Information: 941-778-0414. Wednesday, Feb. 21 1 p.m. — Ringling College of Lifelong Learning lecture, “Our Digital Future — Helpful or Hopeless,” Alex Beavers, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. 1-3 p.m. — Meet the Author opportunity with Ken Boring, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-7786341. ONGOING ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND
at Gulf and Pine, 10101 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Information: 941- April 8, Sea to Shore Alliance cocktail party, Bradenton. April 28, De 778-6694. Soto Grand Parade, Bradenton. LOOKING AHEAD ON AMI
March 8-25, Island Players’ “The Curious Savage,” Anna Maria. March 9, ArtWalk, Holmes Beach. March 10-11, Anna Maria Island Art League Springfest juried arts and crafts festival, Holmes Beach. March 11, Roser Memorial Community Church concert, Anna Maria. March 25, Roser Memorial Community Church concert, Anna Maria. March 17, Center of Anna Maria Island Tour of Homes, islandwide. April 13, ArtWalk, Holmes Beach. April 14, Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce Beach ’n Food Truck and Music Festival, Bradenton Beach. May 3-13, Island Players’ “An Inspector Calls,” Anna Maria.
OFF ANNA MARIA ISLAND Saturday, Feb. 17 10 a.m.-6 p.m. — Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival, on and around the grounds of the Florida Maritime Museum, 4415 119th T. W., Cortez. Fee applies. Information: 941-725-9189. 5-9 p.m. — Pirates Pep Rally, downtown Bradenton. Information: 941-747-3031. 7 p.m. — Manatee Community Concert Band “The Tony Award Goes to …” Broadway concert, Braden River High School auditorium, 6545 53rd Ave. E., Bradenton. Information: 941-462-3188. Sunday, Feb. 18 10 a.m.-6 p.m. — Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival, on and around the grounds of the Florida Maritime Museum, 4415 119th T. W., Cortez. Fee applies. Information: 941-725-9189. Wednesday, Feb. 21 3 p.m. — “Fogartyville Revisited” lecture by Bob Pitt, Florida Maritime Museum, 4415 119th St. W., Cortez. Information: 941-7086120. ONGOING OFF AMI • Through May 6, “How People Make Things,” South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-746-4131. • “Sea debris: Awareness Through Art” exhibit, Mote Marine Aquarium, 1600 Ken Thompson Parkway, City Island, Sarasota. Fee applies. Information: 941-388-4441. • Second Wednesdays, Think + drink (science), South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-746-4131.
• Throughout February, Joanna Karpay exhibits her artwork in “The Color of Sunlight,” Island Gallery West, 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6648. • Throughout February, Artists’ Guild Gallery exhibits the work of mixed-media artist Wendell Graham, 5414 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6694. • Throughout February, the Anna Maria Island Art League presLOOKING AHEAD OFF AMI ents the “James Pay Exhibit,” 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach. Feb. 21, Florida Maritime Museum lecture on “Fogartyville,” Information: 941-778-2099. Cortez. Feb. 25, Anna Maria Island Concert Chorus and Orchestra • Through March 3, “A Plein Air Affair,” Studio at Gulf and Pine, Broadway and Beyond concert, Bradenton. March 25, Anna Maria 10101 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-6694. • Through March 3, “Flora and Terra” watercolor exhibit, Studio Island Concert Chorus and Orchestra Opera Concert, Bradenton.
Golf goes to the dogs!
Tuesday, Feb. 20 10 a.m. — Preschool Storytime, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. ONGOING ON AMI • Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m., Wednesday night Blast, CrossPointe Fellowship, 8605 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-7780719. • Tuesdays, 3:15 p.m., after-school children’s choir, Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-0414. • Third Tuesdays, 10 a.m., Winter Time Turtle Talks with Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch and Shorebird Monitoring, Waterline Marina Resort and Beach Club, 5325 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-5638. • Terrific Tuesdays for community and families, 5:30 p.m., Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-0414. ONGOING OFF AMI • First Saturdays, Family night at the Museum, South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-746-4131. • Fourth Wednesdays, Stelliferous Live star talk, South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-746-4131.
GAMES, SPORTS & OUTDOORS ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND Wednesday, Feb. 14 4 p.m. — Chess club, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. ONGOING ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND • Wednesdays and Saturdays, 9 a.m., horseshoes pitched, Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Information: 941-708-6130. • Thursdays, 7-9 p.m., through March 29, Annie Silver Community Center bingo games, 103 23rd St. N., Bradenton Beach. Fee applies. Information: 941-778-3580. • Fridays, usually at 1 p.m., mahjong games, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. • Second and fourth Fridays, 6 p.m., Center of Anna Maria Island bingo games, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Fee applies. Information: 941-778-1908. • Mondays, noon, bridge, Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-0414.
Moonracer No Kill Animal Rescue
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Golf Outing for the Rescue Tourney Golf and Awards Lunch at Terra Ceia Bay Golf & Tennis Club, Palmetto 7:30 Registration, 8:30 Shotgun Start ~ Saturday, April 28 Single Golfer $65: green fees, cart, lunch +2 drink tickets, awards & gift bags Proceeds Benefit Moonracer For more information, golf signup and sponsor opportunities, call Toni Lyon, 941-928-8735 or email
“Images of America: Anna Maria Island,” a pictorial history of the island by Islander publisher/owner Bonner Joy, is available at the Islander newspaper office, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach.
THE ISLANDER n FEB. 14, 2018 n 13
• Tuesdays, 11:30 a.m., mahjong games and instruction for beginners, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. • Tuesdays, 12:15 p.m., duplicate bridge, Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-779-0881. OFF ANNA MARIA ISLAND Friday, Feb. 16 4-6 p.m. — Manatee County celebrates the opening of the NEST at Robinson Preserve, Ninth Avenue Northwest and 99th Street Northwest, Bradenton. Information: 941-742-5923. ONGOING OFF ANNA MARIA ISLAND • First and third Wednesdays usually, Roser Memorial Community Church Golfing for God, IMG Academy Golf Club, 4350 El Conquistador Parkway, Bradenton. Fee applies. Info: 941-778-0414. • Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 1-4 p.m., ACBL Open Pairs Duplicate Bridge, The Paradise Center, 6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Fee apples. Information: 941-216-9600. LOOKING AHEAD OFF AMI Feb. 24, Pittsburgh Pirates spring training home opener, Bradenton. April 4, Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island golf tournament, Bradenton.
CLUBS & COMMUNITY On Anna Maria Island Wednesday, Feb. 14 Noon — Coloring club, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341.
Thursday, Feb. 15 1-3 p.m. — Friends of the Island Library Members Only Book Sale, Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-6341. Friday, Feb. 16 9 a.m.-3 p.m. — Friends of the Island Library Book Sale, Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-6341. 9 a.m. — Senior Adventures depart for a concert and brunch in Sarasota, Annie Silver, 103 23rd St. N., Bradenton Beach. Fee applies. Information: 941-538-0945 1 p.m. — Knit and crochet club, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. 3-5 p.m. — White Elephant Preview Sale, Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Fee applies. Information: 941-778-1638. Saturday, Feb. 17 8:30 a.m. — Kiwanis Club of Anna Maria Island breakfast meeting with remarks on “Launching Leaders in the Arts,” Anna Maria Island Beach Cafe, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-1383. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. — White Elephant Sale, Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941778-1638. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. — Friends of the Island Library Book Sale, Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-6341. Monday, Feb. 19 11:15 a.m. — Anna Maria Island Democratic Club luncheon and meeting, with remarks by a representative of U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson on oil drilling, IMG Academy Golf Club Clubhouse, 4350 El Conquistador Parkway, Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941779-0564. Wednesday, Feb. 21 Noon — Anna Maria Island Garden Club meeting, Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: at 941-778-6758. ONGOING ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND • Wednesdays, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Anna Maria Island Historical Society sales of Settlers Bread, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Fee applies. Information: 941-778-0492. • Second and fourth Wednesdays, 11 a.m. Just Older Youth/ JOY Brown Bag Lunch Series, Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-0414. • Thursdays, 9 a.m.-noon, Manatee County Veteran Services Divisions counseling and assistance, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. • Third Thursdays, 11:45 a.m., Successful Women Aligning Together meets, Bridge Street Bistro, 111 Gulf Drive S., Bradenton
Members of the Anna Maria Island Democratic Club listen Jan. 15 as Claire Snyder-Hall, a Sarasotabased political theorist and communications consultant, lectures on the voting habits of the white working class and the 2018 elections at IMG Academy Golf Club Clubhouse, 4350 El Conquistador Parkway, Bradenton. Snyder-Hall discussed what motivated working class voters to vote “against their interests” in the lecture, which was titled “Whither Democrats — 2018?” Islander Photo: Bianca Benedí
Kiwanis to meet
The Kiwanis Club of Anna Maria Island will gather Saturday, Feb. 17, for a program on “Launching Leaders in the Arts.” The program will be at 8:30 a.m. at the Anna Maria Island Beach Cafe at the Manatee Public Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.Club members and guests will gather for breakfast at 8 a.m. For more information, call Sandy Haas-Martens at 941-778-1383.
Looking Ahead on AMI March 3, Anna Maria Island Historical Society Heritage Day Festival, Anna Maria. March 10, Anna Maria Island Privateers Thieves Market, Bradenton Beach. March 16, Annie Silver Community Center fish fry dinner, Bradenton Beach. March 21, Anna Maria Island Garden Club Penny Flower Show, Anna Maria. April 18, Anna Maria Island Garden Club Fashion Show, Anna Maria. ONGOING OFF ANNA MARIA ISLAND • Second Wednesdays during season, Off Stage Ladies meeting and luncheon, various venues, Bradenton. Information: 941-9322798. • Saturdays, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. — Bradenton Farmers’ Market, Main Street, downtown Bradenton. Information: 941-621-6471.
GOOD TO KNOW Save the dates • Wednesday, Feb. 14, Valentine’s Day. • Monday, Feb. 19, Presidents Day. • Sunday, March 11, daylight saving time. • Saturday, March 17, St. Patrick’s Day. • Friday, March 30, Passover begins.
GET LISTED Send announcements for The Islander’s calendar to calendar@ The deadline for listings is the Wednesday before the publication date. Please include the date, time, location and description of the event, as well as a phone number for publication.
GOOD DEEDS Volunteer opportunities Looking for volunteer opportunities on or around Anna Maria Island? These organizations are seeking help: • The Roser Food Bank needs donations of cash and nonperishable food. The pantry is administered by Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-7780414. • Moonracer Animal Rescue seeks volunteers to offer foster and forever homes for rescued animals. Information: 941-345-2441. Seeking volunteers for an organization or an event? Email with the details. Please include a contact name and phone number.
Anna Maria screens ‘Babe’
Dems to discuss drilling
The Anna Maria Island Democratic Club will hold its monthly meeting at 11:15 a.m. Monday, Feb. 19, at the IMG Academy Golf Clubhouse, 4350 El Conquistador Parkway, Bradenton. The guest speaker will be Digna Alvarez, regional director for U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson. She will discuss Nelson’s efforts to permanently ban oil drilling off Florida’s coasts. A buffet lunch will be served. The cost is $17 for members and $20 for nonmembers. Registration will begin at 11:15 a.m. For more information, call Harry Kamberis at 941779-0564.
Beach. Fee applies. Information: 941-345-5135. • Fridays, Senior Adventures usually meets to carpool on an adventure or for an activity, Annie Silver Community Center, 103 23rd St. N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941-538-0945. • Saturdays, 8:30 a.m., Kiwanis Club of Anna Maria Island breakfast meeting, Anna Maria Island Beach Cafe, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-1383. • Tuesdays, noon, Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island, Bridge Street Bistro, 111 Gulf Drive S., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941518-1965. • Tuesdays, 1-3 p.m., through March, Anna Maria Island Irish Ceili dance social, Sandpiper Mobile Resort, 2601 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941-779-1416.
Garden club presentation
Craig Huegel, ecologist, author and professor of botany and biological sciences, discusses landscaping and how it can help wildlife during a meeting of the Anna Maria Island Garden Club at Roser Memorial Community Church, Anna Maria. Following the lecture, the group enjoyed lunch. The next meeting of the club will be at noon Wednesday, Feb. 21, at Roser. Islander Photos: Sandy Ambrogi
Garden club to meet
The Anna Maria Garden Club will meet at noon Wednesday, Feb. 21, in the fellowship hall at Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Special events on the club’s calendar include: • Penny flower show, 1 p.m. Wednesday, March 21. • Fashion show, noon Wednesday, April 18. For more information, call Charlotte Noyes at 941778-6758.
What are you doing on Wednesday evening? The city of Anna Maria will host movie night on Valentine’s Day, screening “Babe,” the 1995 classic about a gallant pig, at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 14 at City Pier Park, at the corner of Pine Avenue and North Bay Boulevard. The event is BYOB, snacks and lawn chair or blankets for seating. The city is showing family-friendly movies weekly in the park through March 7. Young piglet Babe is taken from his mother and siblings and offered as a prize at a fair. Watch with friends and family at Anna Maria City Pier Park Feb. 14. Islander Courtesy Photo
14 n Feb. 14, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
36th Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival ready to rock ’n’ roll
By Terry O’Connor Islander Reporter A crowd fills Except for one major uncontrollable detail, all is the food court ready for the 36th annual Cortez Commercial Fishing at a past Cortez Festival, according to chair Rose Lipke. fishing festival. “We’re in the two-week window,” Lipke said. “We Islander File just need good weather.” Photo Lipke, in her fourth year as event chair, said Mother Nature will go a long way toward determining if the Feb. 17-18 festival generates crowds in excess of 20,000. Lipke projected more than 25,000 will attend over the two-day festival this year — if the weather cooperates. The festival is the sole fundraiser for the nonprofit Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage, which is dedicated to protecting the environment and preserving the fishing village and commercial fishery. All proceeds go to the expansion and restoration of the 95-acre FISH Preserve, which includes environ- ocean explorer Jean-Michel Cousteau, founder of the For more information, go to or call mentally sensitive wetlands along Sarasota Bay on the Ocean Futures Society, according to FISH member 941-245-4972. east side of the village. John Stevely. The festival cause earned the endorsement of “It’s economic value cannot be judged in terms of Fish fest at a glance dollars alone,” Stevely said Cousteau wrote to FISH. When: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday-Sunday, Feb. “Your project is an important reminder of the vital 17-18. connection between nature and humanity.” Where: On the grounds and around Florida More than 200 volunteers contribute to the festival, Maritime Museum, 4415 119th St. W., Cortez according to Stevely. What: Live music, boat rides, nautical arts and Lipke said the festival will have as many as 60 art crafts, children’s games, marine life exhibits, fresh vendors and more than 30 food vendors. seafood, beer and other beverages. The festival entertainment schedule includes: Admission: $4. Saturday, Feb. 17: 10-11 a.m. Shanty Singers; Parking: Free. 11:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Doug Deming; 12:45-1:30 p.m. Park and ride: Manatee County Area Transit awards and introductions; 2-4 p.m. Eric Von Band; and shuttle runs during the event from G.T. Bray Park, 4:30-6 p.m. Jason Haram. 5502 33rd Ave. Drive W., Bradenton, and Coquina Sunday, Feb. 18: 10:30 a.m.-noon Soupy Davis Beach on Gulf Drive in Bradenton Beach to the Rose Lipke, serving her fourth year as chair of the and his Band; 12.30-2 p.m. Manatee River BlueGrass; front gate of the festival. Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival, also designed 2:30-4 p.m. Soul R Coaster; 4:30-6 p.m. Koko Ray; Info:, 941-245-4972. this year’s logo for festival T-shirts, posters and and 1-5 p.m. Eric Von on the Bratton store porch. other promotional items. Islander Courtesy Photo Admission is $4. Children under 12 get in free.
FISH floats new BoatWorks operational plan
By Terry O’Connor Islander Reporter Two mariners from Bradenton promise to raise the Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage boat-building program from its slumber. Joe Egolf and David Miles were approved Feb. 5 by the Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage board of directors to revive the idled FISH boat-building program. “Nothing up our sleeves but to clean up the place and open it,” Egolf said. “Maybe we can try it for a few months and see what happens.” For five years, BoatWorks offered boatbuilding, restoration and repair services at its facility at 4404 116th St. W., Cortez. The BoatWorks program ground to a halt after manager Rick Stewart resigned May 1, 2017. Only one boat has since been approved for repair at the yard. Egolf lives in Florida year-round. Miles lives here part-time and operates a boatyard in Bradenton. “FISH obviously needs help,” Miles said. “I’ve always been raised to believe we need to give back to the community.” FISH board member Herman Kruegle warned the Joe Egolf, standing, and David Miles, seated to his right, were approved Feb. 5 by the Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage board of directors to run the FISH boat-building program. Islander Photo: Terry O’Connor
men of the dangers of the volunteer position. They would be supervising people who might lack experience working on vessels. “There’s very dangerous equipment in there. There’s a saw that can cut you in half,” Kruegle said. “But, I think it would be great if you could come in there and open that shop again.” Egolf assured FISH members he and his partner were well versed in handling the shop equipment. Board member David Cadmus asked the applicants if they were familiar with fishing vessels and they admitted it was not an area of expertise. “We want to try to stay with fishing vessels,” Cadmus said. “That’s what it’s for. We don’t want a bunch of people coming in with boats that don’t make any sense at all for Cortez.” Stewart also taught volunteers how to work on wooden or fiberglass boats. “We are looking for a person who has experience building and repairing boats,” Kruegle said. “They must know how to manage and teach people the skills involved.” Stewart was a master of wooden boat restoration, however, his perfectionism meant too few vessels were
repaired, said Kruegle. His successor should focus on fixing more boats, Kruegle said. “I think it should be different from the way Rick was running it,” Kruegle has said. “He was a perfectionist and made museum pieces.” After receiving unanimous board approval, FISH vice president Jane von Hahmann requested the men give regular updates on progress at BoatWorks during board meetings. Founded in 1991, FISH supports a preserve and boat-building and repair programs. Its mission includes fighting land developments seen as harmful to Cortez village interests. FISH will next meet at 7 p.m. Monday, March 5, at Fishermen’s Hall, 4511 124th St. W.
FISH board, officer nominees familiar
No new nominations were made for Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage board members and officers at the Feb. 5 meeting at Fishermen’s Hall in Cortez. Three-year terms on the FISH board are expiring for president Kim McVey, vice president Jane von Hahmann and members Kaye Bell, Plum Taylor and Janet Miller. So far, all are running unopposed for re-election. The nonprofit’s leadership slate is the same, too, barring any late nominations: McVey, president; von Hahmann, vice president; Karen Bell, secretary; and Mike Northfield, treasurer. The list of board nominees will be finalized by a FISH committee at least 45 days before the election. The election will be held in late March or April 1 at the latest, according to von Hahmann. The FISH board will officially select officers after it is installed. Nominations are encouraged and can be made by contacting any of the 15 FISH board members or going online to The board will next meet at 7 p.m. Monday, March 5, at Fishermen’s Hall, 4511 124th St. W. — Terry O’Connor
THE ISLANDER n FEB. 14, 2018 n 15
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16 n FEB. 14, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
By Lisa Neff
Celebrating Presidents Day
On the third Monday in February, many take a holiday to celebrate what’s popularly become Presidents Day. I plan to spend at least some of the holiday by relaxing on a beach or pier, or perhaps in one of our nature preserves with a picnic supper and a good book. I’m reading Terry Tempest Williams’ “The Hour of Land: A Personal Topography of America’s National Parks,” an exploration of what these Neff lands mean to us and what we mean to them. Chapter 3, about Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota, led me to re-read a couple of letters and a speech by Roosevelt, who helped to shape the national park system. In 1905, he urged the creation of the National Forest Service and proclaimed more than 150 national forests during his time in the White House. In 1903, he began the National Wildlife Refuge System by proclaiming Pelican Island near Vero Beach as the first federal bird refuge. Two years later, he established Passage Key National Wildlife Refuge off the north end of Anna Maria Island. So perhaps my Presidents Day picnic should be on Bean Point, where I can look to Passage Key and re-read Roosevelt’s 1904 letter to the writer John Burroughs about “Yellowstone Park” and littered tin cans but how “the grounds of the White House are lovely now, and the most decorative birds in them are some redheaded woodpeckers.” I have a copy of another letter written by Roosevelt in February 1899 to Frank Chapman, who originated the Christmas Bird Count. This letter, found in “Environmental Truth: Environmental Writing Since Thoreau,” I’ll share, and if you choose, you can save it for reading on Presidents Day. Roosevelt wrote: My dear Mr. Chapman, I need hardly say how heartily I sympathize with the purposes of the Audubon Society. I would like to see all harmless wild things, but especially all birds, protected in every way. I do not understand how any man or woman who really loves nature can fail to try to exert all influence in support of such objects as those of the Audubon
Eagle observation ‘nest’ to open
President Theodore Roosevelt is responsible for the first protections on Passage Key. At the urging of the National Audubon Society, Roosevelt declared Passage Key a federal bird reservation in 1905. Conservationists were alarmed by the slaughter of birds, which were being hunted for plume feathers to adorn hats. Islander Photo: Wikipedia Society. Spring would not be spring without bird songs, any more than it would be spring without buds and flowers, and I only with that besides protecting the songsters, the birds of the grove, the orchard, the garden and the meadow, we could also protect the birds of the sea shore and of the wilderness. The loon ought to be, and, under wise legislation, could be a feature of every Adirondack lake; ospreys, as every one knows, can be made the tamest of the tame, and terns should be as plentiful along our shores as swallows around our barns. A tanager or a cardinal makes a point of glowing beauty in the green woods, and the cardinal among the white snows. When the bluebirds were so nearly destroyed by the severe winter a few seasons ago, the loss was like the loss of an old friend, or at least like the burning down of a familiar and dearly loved house. How immensely it would add to our forests if only the great logcock were still found among them! The destruction of the wild pigeon and the Carolina Paroquet has meant a loss as severe as if the Catskills or the Palisades were taken away. When I hear of the destruction of a species I feel just as if all the works of some great writer had perished; as if we had lost all instead of only part of polybius or livy. Very truly yours. Thank you, President Roosevelt.
The Manatee County Parks and Natural Resources Department is hosting a celebration to mark the opening of its observation NEST in Robinson Preserve. The celebration will be 4-6 p.m. Friday, Feb. 16, and feature a ribbon-cutting, “nest” tours, nature-themed activities and a peek at the ongoing expansion. Islander Courtesy Photo
County to open NEST at Robinson Preserve
Manatee County Parks and Natural Resources Department will host a Feb. 16 opening of the Mosaic Center for Nature, Exploration, Science and Technology — a treehouse education center featuring classrooms for environmental programs. The Mosaic NEST will open at Robinson Preserve South 4-6 p.m. Friday, Feb. 16, with a ribbon-cutting, guided tours of the NEST, nature-themed activities and sneak peek hikes on the new expansion at Robinson Preserve. The NEST is surrounded by 150 acres of the Robinson Preserve expansion, which, when completed, will include canoe and kayak launches, mangrove islands, a 5K track, a jogging and walking trail, freshwater ponds for a sport-fish nursery, restored wetlands and a connection to the existing preserve. The Conservation Foundation, through funding by the Mosaic Company Foundation, acquired the property for the county. “The Mosaic NEST represents a community effort to imagine, design and build a one-of-a-kind learning environment in northwest Bradenton,” Melissa Nell, volunteer and education division manager with the parks and natural resources department, said in a news release. “The site’s new programming, launching this fall, will offer educational programs and special events that will help participants gain a better understanding of wild Florida and coastal Manatee County. We are extremely excited to bring this resource to our county’s residents and visitors.” To attend the event, enter Robinson Preserve South through the gate at the corner of Ninth Avenue Northwest and 99th Street Northwest. Parking will be available inside of the expanded preserve. For more information, call the parks and natural resources department at 941-742-5923.
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THE ISLANDER n FEB. 14, 2018 n 17
The Gulf of Mexico, bay waters slowly encroach on paradise
By Sandy Ambrogi Islander Reporter Think of it as akin to in-season traffic, a local environmental scientist said. Sea level rise is not unlike the number of cars building up slowly on the barrier islands as season gets underway. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be an inundation, like we have in a storm,â&#x20AC;? Jennifer Shafer said of the rising waters encroaching on paradise. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s more a slow-motion creep where we begin to notice business as usual is disrupted, and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s happening on more and more days of the year.â&#x20AC;? Shafer, of Shafer Consulting of Sarasota, says places such as Egmont Key â&#x20AC;&#x201D; named to Floridaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most endangered places list in November 2017 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and the bustling streets of Anna Maria Island and other barrier islands around the world, will soon look very different. The â&#x20AC;&#x153;best understandingâ&#x20AC;? of the science of ice melts is driving the predications, which in some cases are dire. Though some factions dispute the possibility of or even the existence of global warming, the melting of the planetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s polar regions and northern ice sheets cannot be denied. The National Snow and Ice Data Center, a NASA supported entity, said January statistics for the arctic ice cap set a new daily record low for coverage â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 42,0000 square miles below the monthly averages of 2017. Antarctica, likewise, hit a low that was second only to one reading since records started in 1979. But scientists like Shafer say the worst sea level rise caused by ice melt is that of land ice, such as Greenlandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, which is thawing at a rate that is raising sea level 0.74 millimeters a year. Andrea Dutton, assistant professor of geology at the university of Florida, told Scientific American the rate is increasing and the acceleration has doubled Greenlandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s contribution to sea level rise compared to the period from 1992-2011. The water is rising slowly. What can be done Global sea level has been rising over the past century and was 2.6 inches above the average for the past two decades in 2014. It continues to increase yearly, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Levels are monitored by satellite and at tide stations, such as the local station in St. Petersburg. Sea level rise is a circle of cause and effect â&#x20AC;&#x201D; greenhouse gas emissions, warming ocean waters, the melting ice sheets, changing ocean currents due to warming. Oceans absorb more than 90 percent of the increased atmospheric heat associated with emissions from human activities, NOAA states. Shafer said there are things we can do to mitigate sea level rise, such as the obvious cutting of green
Water gurgles up from a stormdrain cover in the road June 7, 2017, at North Shore Drive and North Bay Boulevard in Anna Maria after several days of downpours. Street flooding across the island is not unusual, especially during the rainy season. Islander Photo: Sandy Ambrogi
house gases. We are just beginning to explore â&#x20AC;&#x153;new scienceâ&#x20AC;? and what we can do to save coastal cities and land masses. Local conditions need to be addressed, Shafer said, and climate patterns such as the familiar El Nino and La Nina which occur when the Pacific current is warmer or cooler than normal, need to be recognized as contributors to precipitation, cloud patterns and local tide levels. The city of Anna Maria has installed eight of 12 WaStop Inline Check Valves to help control tidal and coastal flooding. The valve is a hollow cone-shaped barrier with an apex facing inward and upward. When water fills the pipe, the pressure lifts the bottom of the barrier, allowing stormwater out. WaStop valves can enhance the network of drainage ditches and swales installed along the roads on the island more than a decade ago in an attempt to control flooding. Holmes Beach, likewise, has already installed valves and Bradenton Beach is in the planning stage for installation. The three island cities are funding the projects â&#x20AC;&#x201D; without county or other government funds â&#x20AC;&#x201D; according to Dean Jones, public works manager for Anna Maria. Longboat Key announced in January that it is installing valves to mitigate north end tidal flooding and investigating other control measures. Nuisance flooding, a problem for most barrier islands, is occurring at the north end of Longboat Key at a rate between 300 percent and 900 percent more frequently than 50 years ago, according to NOAA. All of this adds up to a lot of water than needs to be managed.
from the north end of Anna Maria. It now sits on that most endangered places list compiled by the Florida Trust for Historical Preservation. But itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not just because if Egmont disappears, weekend boaters will have no stop to wander the beaches or check out the old lighthouse. Egmont Key means a lot more than leisure to some Floridians, including Paul Backhouse, director of the Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum and Tribal Historic Preservation Office in Clewiston. Backhouse knows a piece of history tied to the key â&#x20AC;&#x201D; the placing of captured Seminoles during the Seminole War of the 1850s. Captives were rounded up and carried by boat to Egmont, where there was no way to escape. More than 100 Seminoles were placed on the island in what Backhouse likened to Alcatraz or a POW camp, and left to wait. Some died, while some surviving tribe members were taken west to what is now Oklahoma. Backhouse said unmarked graves are on Egmont, including that of Tigertail, who crushed up a glass bottle and ate the shards, rather than being taken West. The Seminole tribe doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want Egmont to disappear. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If that key goes underwater, a part of our tribal history will disappear with it,â&#x20AC;? Backhouse said. The tribe works with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to get sand replenished on the beaches of Egmont and has an ongoing project to locate the Seminole graves. No matter the personal view on global warming, the fact that sea levels around the globe, including here on the beaches of Anna Maria and Egmont Key, are rising is undisputable. Why egmont is important â&#x20AC;&#x153;Acceleration is real,â&#x20AC;? Shafer said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;A fraction of Islanders can spot Egmont Key across Tampa Bay an inch adds up over time.â&#x20AC;?
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18 n Feb. 14, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
Holmes Beach building department readies online tools for builders
By Terry O’Connor Islander Reporter They don’t build homes like they used to in Holmes Beach. They can’t. A major overhaul of the Florida building codes in 2017 forbids it. The changes became effective Jan. 1. Roughly 40 building professionals attended a Feb. 6 seminar conducted by Holmes Beach building official Jim McGuinness and his staff on the state code changes. “Great buildings start with great plans,” McGuinness said. “We want resilient buildings here.” But one of the most welcome changes comes from the city, not the state. Holmes Beach soon will handle site-plan submissions online. “Online viewing and online submission of applications will be offered” later in 2018, said Angie Birdwell, building department permit technician. Dawn Wash of Wash Family Construction, 407 72nd St., Holmes Beach, said she plans to study the 48-page analysis offered by the building department after the nearly two-hour meeting. She did share some initial reactions. “They are definitely making things tougher, more stringent,” Wash said. That’s not all bad, she said. “They’ve elaborated more than before to make things safer,” she said. It’s not all good either, she said with a laugh.
Holmes Beach building official Jim McGuinness gestures while introducing staff members Joe Aukstikalnis, chief plans examiner, left; Roy DeMauney, dwelling inspector; and Bruce Sherman, building official. Islander Photo: Terry O’Connor
“I agree with a lot of the changes,” she said. “Some are ridiculous, but I’m sure they have their reasons.” An example of an “important” change cited in the analysis is the definition of an attic has been clarified to show it can be on parts of a building other than the top story. Another example: The requirement all dwelling units must have a habitable room with floor space of at least 120 square feet has been eliminated. Another revision involves floodplain construction. Buildings and structures in more than one flood hazard area now have to comply with the most restrictive provisions.
The 2017 revisions are the first to the state building code since 2014. Other Florida building code changes discussed affect commercial and residential construction, mechanical, plumbing, accessibility, energy renovations, fuel gas and electrical. Mayor Bob Johnson and building department staff, McGuinness, Joe Aukstikalnis, Roy DeMauney, Birdwell, Brenda Wynn and Bruce Sherman took part. The Holmes Beach planners, who consider building department projects, will next meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday, March 7, at city hall, 5801 Marina Drive.
Holmes Beach parks committee flooded with drainage concerns
Renee Ferguson’s golden retriever dog paddles after it rains at the flooded Homes Beach dog park. Islander File Photo
Nearly two-dozen people attended the Feb. 7 meeting of the Holmes Beach Parks and Beautification Committee and many commented on flooding at the dog park. “That’s an issue that needs to be dealt with,” said committee chair Zan Fuller. Flooding also is hard on park grass, according to resident Don Anthony. Sopping wet grounds are more easily torn up by the pounding of paws. Witness the park’s current status, he said. “It’s back to just sheer dirt,” Anthony said. Anthony has proposed artificial turf as a solution. But the cost — estimated at more than $50,000 — likely eliminates the specialty turf as an option. “That’s certainly way over budget,” Fuller said. City engineer Lynn Burnett and public works employee Dave Benton have been charged with improving drainage at the park. “The dog park does drain fast,” said committee member Dennis Groh. “But during rain season, when you get rains back to back, drainage can’t keep up.” Improved gate access is another concern. Holmes Beach resident Mary Miller, who visits the dog park nearly every day, attended her first park committee meeting with two issues in mind: the sorry
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condition of the grass and access difficulties caused by locked gates. “We can’t use the gates sometimes,” Miller said. She also said another “hot-button” issue is determining who controls the information posted on the park bulletin board. Police Chief Bill Tokajer said messages are posted after being approved by the police department or public works. “We can’t use advertising or anything off-color,” Tokajer said. The city allocates $5,000 annually for public works crews to maintain the dog park, which has a pavilion, benches and a water hose. City commissioners allocated $50,000 to be spent on the park’s improvements in 2018, but the committee has yet to make any expenditures. That should change soon. Estimates are being gathered to add plumbing for canine water stations, landscaping, new benches and shade trees. Dog park improvements will be the only agenda item when the parks committee next meets at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 14, at city hall, 5801 Marina Drive.
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By Terry O’Connor Islander Reporter Dogs often swim at Scentral Park on Flotilla Drive next to Birdie Tebbetts Field in Holmes Beach. Not by virtue of design. By necessity. “When it rains, it floods,” said resident Renee Ferguson during public comment. “I have a golden retriever, and sometimes it swims” at the park.
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THE ISLANDER n FEB. 14, 2018 n 19
Island mom walks for millions of ‘broken’ hearts By Sandy Ambrogi Islander Reporter Hearts get broken every day — by love, attack or accident. Some hearts just come into the world broken and such a case makes for a lifetime of special heart care. Susan Timmins, wife and partner with Sean Murphy in the Beach Bistro, chose Valentine’s Day once again to highlight a special cause close to her family and her heart — congenital heart disease or CHD. Last year, the couple’s daughter, Alexandra, turned 30 and Timmins celebrated by walking 30 kilometers on Anna Maria Island, every step to raise funds for the Adult Congenital Heart Association. When Alex was born, doctors told Timmins and Murphy that the chances of seeing her first birthday were slim. Timmins pledged to walk 31 kilometers on the island this Feb. 14 to celebrate another birthday and again raise funds for ACHA. Her route is from the northern tip of the island to the Longboat Pass bridge and back until the 31K mark is reached. Timmins says anyone who wants to join her along the way is welcome. She’s also collecting pledge money. Donors will be treated to a beachside evening reception in April at the Beach Bistro —the couple’s most award-winning of three island eateries —as a thank you for supporting the cause. The week of Feb. 7-14 was Congenital Heart Awareness Week. Money raised on the walk will be used to improve care for those living with congenital heart disease. One in every 100 people are born with CHD — more than 40,000 babies a year in the United States. Based on
This valentine is all about CHD ...
numbers extrapolated from Canadian studies, about 2.4 million people in the United States are living with the condition. Research into congenital heart defects, the most common of all birth defects, remains underfunded and treatment is lacking, though innovative medicine in recent decades has resulted in 85-95 percent of people born with CHD now living to adulthood according to the ADHA. Consequently, more adults are living with CHD than children and specialized care is needed. “The ACHA has new initiatives I am really excited about,” Timmins said. “If only the day would come when we didn’t have to do so much research and treatments were clearly defined.” Timmins added, “There is still a gap for adult survivors and we have to find the answers.” Timmins planned to get the walk underway at 8:15 a.m. Feb. 14 at the City Pier in Anna Maria. Last year’s walk took more than 10 hours to complete. The link to Timmins page about ACHD is She can be reached for more information at 941-
730-4751 or “I want my daughter and everyone born with congenital heart defects to have a long lifetime of birthdays to celebrate,” Timmins said about the cause that is so close to her heart. And what better way to draw attention to that cause than Valentine’s Day, when hearts and heartfelt love leave us with a sweeter taste for life?
Susan Timmins arrives at the Anna Maria City Pier Feb. 14, 2017, having completed a 30-kilometer fundraising walk for the Adult Congenital Heart Association. Timmins, who took the walk to celebrate her daughter’s 30th birthday, will repeat the walk this Valentine’s Day, this time covering 31 kilometers. Islander Courtesy Photo
Tiki & Kitty’s Adventures in Shopping … Antiques, Art-Tiques and Chic Boutiques!
Let’s go shopping! Tiki and Kitty are busy shopping for great values in their favorite shops. The sun is bright, the weather’s crisp and so is the look at Retro Rosie’s Vintage! The Cottage has been revamped with a bright new atmosphere. If you haven’t been in lately — or you’re new to town — stop in, shop, have fun. Vintage clothing is taking a turn for the chic with designer names popping up on the racks in dresses, skirts, shirts and even hats.
Looking for something for a special event? Go see Retro Rosie and let them make you feel beautiful and confident! tide & Moon on the Bridge Street Pier in Bradenton Beach has a great selection of handmade jewelry, perfect to take care of your sweetie for Valentine’s Day. This week you can save on the Anna Maria Pendant at $49.99, regularly $69.99, or get 20 percent off one item. But hurry in, the offer is only thru Feb. 20. Check out the downtown Bradenton location at 1209 Third Ave. W., where you can also learn to make jewelry. Be sure to stop often for the changing array of home
Historic East Manatee Antiques District
decor, furnishings, jewelry, shoes and clothing for the entire family at Community thrift Shop on Manatee Avenue in Bradenton. It’s the spot for consignment bargains, including books and collectibles. Kingberry estate Finds in Palmetto offers home furnishings and decor, emphasizing quality, comfort and style at affordable prices. The estate inventory includes items for inside and outside your home. As an added bonus, you’ll find Annie Sloan Chalk Paint exclusively in Manatee County at Kingberry. And, be sure to check out Scavengers Marketplace event Feb. 16 ... come sip and shop to help Moonracer No Kill Animal Rescue. Wine, hors d’oeuvre and savings? How can you lose? Please, be sure to tell our friends in the shops, “The Islander sent me.”
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20 n Feb. 14, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
Cops & Court By Kathy Prucnell, Islander Reporter
Bradenton woman arrested by HBPD for DUI
Police arrested a Bradenton woman for driving under the influence after following her vehicle from Holmes Beach across the Anna Maria Island Bridge to Perico Island. Angela Bingham, 40, of Bradenton, was stopped in the 12000 block of Manatee Avenue at about 2:30 a.m. Jan. 20. HBPD Officer Alan Bores observed her tires cross the roadway Bingham center lines in the 4000 block of Gulf Drive and in the 700 block of Manatee Avenue, and then almost hit the bridge curb, before he pulled her over. Bingham told the officer she was coming from work, where she had consumed two glasses of wine, according to the police report. Bingham agreed to take a field-sobriety test, but it was discontinued after she was unable to complete the one-leg stand as instructed. She refused to provide breath samples and declined an interview after being read her Miranda rights. In addition to the DUI, Bingham was ticketed for failure to drive in a single lane, provide proof of insurance and display her vehicle registration. She posted a $500 bond and was released. Her arraignment is set for 8:25 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 21, at the Manatee County Judicial Center, 1051 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton.
By Kathy Prucnell
Island police blotter
Anna Maria Feb. 6, 100 block of Peppertree Lane, open doors. Manatee County sheriff’s deputies found several doors left open on two residences under construction. They searched and secured the properties, found nothing suspicious, and left a message for the property manager. Anna Maria is policed by Manatee County Sheriff ’s Office. Bradenton Beach Jan. 27, Coquina Park, 1800 Gulf Drive S., reckless driving. A Bradenton Beach police officer noticed an altered tag on a pickup and observed a man get into the truck. The officer followed the vehicle as it sped into Longboat Key and back to Bradenton Beach. The truck passed five to seven vehicles near the Longboat Pass Bridge, causing oncoming traffic to stop. The officer caught up with the motorist in the parking lot, where he told the officer he’d altered the tag with a Sharpie a while back and forgotten about it. The BBPD cited the man with reckless driving, an expired and altered tag, an expired driver’s license and no proof of insurance. Feb. 2, 100 block of Gulf Drive North, Marchman Act. BBPD responded to a report of an impaired woman. Police determined she was unable to take care of herself, placed her into custody and transported her to a medical facility. Feb. 5, Blue Marlin Seafood, 121 Bridge St., disorderly intoxication. An intoxicated 33-year-old Bradenton woman was observed screaming and smashing the restaurant’s outdoor menu board. An officer responded and arrested the woman. Bradenton Beach is policed by BBPD. Cortez Feb. 1, Seafood Shack, 4110 127th St. Court W.,
The Islander welcomes news of the milestones in readers’ lives — weddings, anniversaries, births, deaths, travels and other events. Submit notices and photographs with detailed captions — along with complete contact information — to
Taillights out in Holmes Beach, motorist faces DUI
A woman driving through parking lots in Holmes Beach at about 1:30 a.m. Jan. 27 was arrested for driving under the influence. Tracy Moore, 47, of Bradenton, was arrested after she was pulled over in the 4500 block of Gulf Drive. HBPD Officer Adam Desantis reported observing Moore’s vehicle without taillights illuminated and Moore driving in the wrong direction in the 5300 block of Marina Drive before crossing Gulf Drive and stopping in the southbound lane. Desantis noted the scent of air freshener coming from the vehicle after Moore rolled the window down to speak to him. Moore told Desantis she’d come from D.Coy Ducks Tavern, where she had consumed a beer and shots, according to the police report. Field-sobriety tests were stopped when Moore almost fell, and she was transported to the police station. There, she provided breath samples, measuring 0.169 and 0.182 blood-alcohol content. The legal limit is 0.08. Her vehicle was towed. Moore posted a $500 bond and was released. The state attorney filed a formal DUI charge against her Feb. 7 in the 12th Circuit Court. Her arraignment is set for 8:25 a.m. Monday, Feb. 26, at the Manatee County Judicial Center, 1051 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton.
ALS implementation delayed on the island
By Bianca Benedí Islander Reporter West Manatee Fire Rescue announced Jan. 23 that it could implement advanced life support care by Feb. 1 from Station 3 on Anna Maria Island, but that date was pushed back to Feb. 20. Two snags delayed WMFR’s implementation, Chief Tom Sousa said. The district is finalizing “some minute details” with the county regarding how units will be dispatched, Sousa said. WMFR administrators have a meeting scheduled with county representatives Feb. 15 to go over the technical arrangements of implementation, Sousa said. The district also hit a snag when it learned multiple medications required to provide ALS were out of stock. Medications such as epinephrine, a drug used to treat cardiac arrest, were unavailable until recently, Sousa said. The drug orders started coming in to WMFR Feb. 7. Three firefighters — Andrew Powers, Alex Flores and Frank Agresta — have clearance from the county medical director to operate as paramedics for WMFR and five more are in training, Sousa said. In addition, the rescue truck that WMFR will use to offer ALS services on the island is equipped with a defibrillator and other equipment used for ALS care, Sousa said. By putting the ALS equipment on a rescue truck instead of a fire engine, the district can minimize sending out the fire engine for medical calls, Sousa said. The rescue truck is temporary, Battalion Chief Richard Losek said. Over the next three to five years, the district will equip fire engines with ALS equipment in its three other stations.
vehicle burglary. A woman reported a purse missing from her vehicle. Cortez is policed by MCSO. Holmes Beach Feb. 1, Harrington House Beachfront Bed & Breakfast Inn, 5626 Gulf Drive, defrauding innkeeper. A guest left without paying his bill for two nights in two rooms. The charges totaled $1,120. Feb. 5, Manatee Public Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, trespass. Police responded to a verbal disturbance between a woman and a Manatee County public works employee about her having slept overnight on the beach. An officer issued a written trespass warning and helped the woman relocate her belongings to the trolley-bus stop, where she was told to board and leave the island. Feb. 5, 600 block of Key Royale Drive, fraud. Holmes Beach police are investigating reports of $3,000 in fraudulent purchases on two credit cards since November 2017. Feb. 5, 100 block of Neptune Lane, noise. An offiRichard Losek, WMFR battalion chief, demoncer was dispatched to a complaint about noise from a strates the rescue truck defibrillator outside the loud machine and observed water being pumped from district’s administrative office, 6417 Third Ave. a pool at Haley’s Motel at Gulf Drive and 81st Street. W., Bradenton. Islander Photo: Bianca Benedí The complainant told police the machine had been running 24/7 for about a week. The motel manager told police the machine was necessary to construct the pool. The officer referred the matter to code enforcement. Feb. 7, Anna Maria Elementary, 4700 Gulf Drive, suspicious circumstances. Two unknown persons Eyes on the road were reported on the roof near the main entrance. A custodian told police he yelled at the suspects and The Florida Department of Transportation posted they jumped off the roof and left in a pickup truck. the following notice for the week of Feb. 12: Holmes Beach is policed by HBPD. • State Road 789/Gulf Drive from SR 64/ManaStreetlife is based on incident reports and narra- tee Avenue to SR 684/Cortez Road: Manatee County tives from the BBPD, HBPD and MCSO. crews are replacing force mains and water mains. For more information about the project, go online to Island watch • SR 789 at the Longboat Key Drawbridge: Crews In an emergency, call 911. To report informaare working on the bridge and motorists should expect tion on island crime, call the Manatee County Sherlane closures 9-5 p.m. through Thursday, Feb. 15, and iff’s Office Anna Maria substation, 941-708-8899; Sunday, Feb. 18-Monday, Feb. 19. Bradenton Beach police, 941-778-6311; or Holmes For the latest road watch information, go online Beach police, 941-708-5804. to or dial 511.
THE ISLANDER n FEB. 14, 2018 n 21
Bradenton Beach plans historic district improvements
By ChrisAnn Silver Esformes Islander Reporter The Bradenton Beach Community Redevelopment Agency is filling in the details for its hardscapelandscape plan for the district. During a Feb. 7 meeting, city engineer Lynn Burnett presented information about undergrounding utilities along Bridge Street and addressed the CRA master plan with Grant Beatt, owner of Greentech Landscaping, the company contracted by the CRA to provide the landscaping design. Additionally, Burnett presented recommendations for safety improvements to the intersection of Gulf Drive and Bridge Street and the surrounding area. Burnett said she and public works director Tom Woodard met with Longboat Key staff regarding the town’s recent switch to underground utilities, to learn from their process. “They offered a wealth of advice,” Burnett said. She said Longboat Key hired two consulting firms to determine feasibility, costs and design. Additionally, Burnett said the $160,000 quote Bradenton Beach received to ground utilities on Bridge Street was only for the Florida Power and Light portion of the project. She said connections with other utility hubs, providers and permitting would bring the cost up significantly. “There are lots of moving parts to this,” Burnett said. She recommended the CRA direct staff to keep moving forward with a proposal for the project, including determining the additional costs. “From a safety standpoint and a hazard mitigation standpoint, it’s something I certainly would recommend,” Burnett said. Commissioner Ralph Cole, CRA chair, who initiated the project, said his goal is to underground utilities throughout the district, but starting with Bridge Street seemed best. “You have to start somewhere,” Cole said. “With all the progress going on in this area, it might be time to lay the foundation.” CRA board member Ed Chiles said, “To me, this checks all boxes. Its environmentally better and certainly a whole lot safer.” The board unanimously approved a motion to direct staff to continue pursuing proposals from consultants and contractors, per the methodology employed by the town of Longboat Key, and to bring such proposals back to the board in March. CRA master plan As part of an updated master plan to hardscape — incorporate architectural features — and landscape in the CRA district, which is bounded by the north side of Cortez Road, Sarasota Bay, Fifth Street South and the Gulf of Mexico, the board contracted Greentech to create a sustainable and consistent landscaping
Utility poles line Bridge Street in the historic district of Bradenton Beach. The community redevelopment agency is considering undergrounding utilities on the street. Islander Photos: ChrisAnn Silver Esformes design. Beatt began his presentation with suggestions to improve the planters lining Bridge Street. The structures were designed to contain rainwater and were added during a stormwater project in 2015. Initially they held plants, but those died, apparently due to lack of maintenance. Beatt recommended spindle palms for the planters and emphasized the importance of maintenance. “My druthers would be a totally integrated irrigation system with clear maintenance,” Beatt said. Additionally, he suggested floral hanging baskets affixed to the 22 light poles along Bridge Street that could be lowered for upkeep. Mayor John Chappie, CRA member, reminded the board that CRA funds cannot be used for maintenance, so that expense would fall to the city. Burnett said she presented the master plan Jan. 27 to residents of Pines Trailer Park, who provided feedback. She said she plans to do similar presentations for the Scenic WAVES Partnership Committee and the Bridge Street Merchants. Burnett also said she presented the plan to the Florida Department of Transportation barrier island traffic study steering committee, comprising officials in Manatee and Sarasota counties and members of
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local agencies. The steering committee will provide recommendations to the DOT in the final phase of the traffic study, which is planned for September 2018, according to the DOT. Burnett said the steering committee recommended short- and long-term improvements based on the study that “touched the CRA.” She said recommendations included safety improvements to the roundabout at Bridge Street and Gulf Drive, signage, lighted crosswalks and conversion of some streets in the CRA to one-way with limited connection points on Gulf Drive. Burnett said short-term improvements considered during a walk-through with DOT representatives included fixing inconsistencies with ropes, bollards and sidewalks surrounding the Gulf Drive-Bridge Street roundabout, as well as installation of solar lights or reflectors on the bollards. She said the CRA board needs to give her direction on the DOT’s safety suggestions to Gulf Drive, a state road. Police Chief Sam Speciale said the ropes, bollards and surrounding vegetation help channel people away from the roadway. Furthermore, he said, a thinner sidewalk makes it less likely for people to “rough house” and end up falling into the street. He said the ropes are getting old and some of the bollards are crooked, so it could use updating. Chappie said the maintenance and repair of the ropes and bollards is the DOT’s responsibility. Burnett said the city would need to ask the DOT for the improvements. The DOT would then review its contract with the city and make a determination. The board reached consensus to direct Burnett to send correspondence requesting DOT install low-level lighting on the bollards, repair and replace damaged ropes, bollards and curbs and maintain landscaping. However, if the maintenance agreement does not include those responsibilities, the city should move forward of its own accord. City attorney Ricinda Perry referenced a plan for new ropes, bollards, signage, lighting and irrigation in the area between Second Street North and Third Street South that was approved by the CRA in January 2017, but wasn’t implemented. The board unanimously approved a motion to direct Burnett to begin the planning phase of the previously approved plan and to communicate with the DOT regarding the maintenance agreement.
22 n FEB. 14, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
Annunciation announces 2 sale days
The Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, will hold a white elephant sale Feb. 16-17. Admission to the Friday, Feb. 16, sale day — hours will be 3-5 p.m. — is $5. Admission to the Saturday, Feb. 17 sale day — hours will be 9 a.m.-1 p.m. — is free. Available items will include housewares, jewelry, books, collectibles, clothing, baked goods and the church’s “famous pickles,” as well as lunch. Ash Wednesday service in chapel For more information, call the church at 941-778- Roser Memorial Community Church will hold an 1638. Ash Wednesday service at noon Wednesday, Feb. 14, in the chapel, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. The Christ Church presents chapel also is open Sunday-Friday for prayer and concert meditation. For more information, call Roser at 941Christ Church of Longboat Key will host soprano 778-0414. Islander File Photo Ewa Nowakowski performing a concert at 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 18, in the second of three winter conAt your service certs. Obituaries are provided as a community serAn announcement said Nowakowski “as having vice in The Islander newspaper to residents and the voice of an angel.” The concert will feature “music family of residents, both past and present, as well of the masters, from Schubert to Strauss and everyas to those people with ties to Anna Maria Island. where in between and beyond.” Information may be submitted to news@islander. The concert and parking are free. org. Paid obituaries are available by calling sales The Presbyterian church is at 6400 Gulf of Mexico rep Toni Lyon at 941-778-7978 or by email, toni@ Drive, Longboat Key. For more information, call 941-383-8833.
Carolyn D. Wurzel
Carolyn D. Wurzel, 83, of Holmes Beach, died Jan.
She was born in Toledo, Ohio, and raised in Napoleon, Ohio, by William and Gladys (Butchbach) Puehler. She attended Bowling Green University and later began her career as an X-ray technician, where she met husband Robert Wurzel. They married July 1, 1956, in Napoleon, Ohio. They moved to Holmes Beach in 2005, where her family owns and operates Island Garden Villas. She attended Trinity Lutheran Church in Bradenton. A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 17, at Trinity Lutheran Church, 2200 26th St. W., Bradenton. Brown & Sons Funeral Homes & Crematory 43rd Street Chapel is in charge of the arrangements. Condolences may be made to Memorial donations may be made to Tidewell Hospice or Trinity Lutheran Church. She is survived by her husband of 61 years, Robert; son Geoffrey; daughters Lisa and Christy; sisters Marilyn, Nancy and Norma; six grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.
The Islander welcomes stories about islanders and island life, as well as photographs and notices of the milestones in readers’ lives — weddings, births, anniversaries, travels, obituaries and other events. Submit your announcements and photographs with captions for publication — along with contact information — to Also, visit us on Facebook and join the 11,000-plus friends who “like” The Islander and share their social news.
The St. Bernard Catholic Church Women’s Guild hosted about 225 guests for its annual fashion show and luncheon Feb. 7 in the church activity center in Holmes Beach. Lunch was catered by Ginny’s and Jane E’s at the Old IGA in Anna Maria. The lunch provider and date published in the Feb. 7 edition of The Islander was in error. Islander Photo: Nenita Daguinotas
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THE ISLANDER n FEB. 14, 2018 n 23
Bethena Wallace, front, and best friend Andrea Bennink, both from Michigan, peruse a children’s book and sign display Feb. 9 at Restless Natives, 5416 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, in the Island Shopping Center while enjoying ArtWalk. The women said they ran away from their children for a few days of R&R on AMI. Islander Photos: Sandy Ambrogi
Browsers and shoppers filled Island Gallery West, 5368 Gulf Drive, during the Feb. 9 ArtWalk celebration in Holmes Beach. Artists were on hand in the gallery to answer questions and discuss their work, and guests were treated to light bites and libations. Artist Cory Wright watercolors at Waterline Resort Feb. 9 during ArtWalk. Islander Photo: Kathy Prucnell
Holmes Beach crafts fair celebrates creativity
Local bluegrass band and pickers Florida Mountain Men entertain guests Feb. 9 in the parking lot of Island Gallery West during the ArtWalk. It was the band’s first appearance at the seasonal monthly art and music event.
James Hersey entertains guests Feb. 9 at SteamDesigns Studio during the February ArtWalk.
Debbie Robinson, a tourist from Indiana, samples a savory seasoning mix dip Feb. 10 offered by Shirley Chung of Emmy and J Gourmet at the TNT Events arts and crafts fair to benefit the Anna Maria Island Concert Chorus & Orchestra at the city field in Holmes Beach.
Bonnie Gustow, Paul Devine, Ellen Devine and Michael Gustow show off their purchases Feb. 8 — garden art by H&H Creations — at the Holmes Beach arts and crafts fair.
Michael Szavapka and Elizabeth Taylor, Holmes Beach residents, check out garden decorations Feb. 10 sold by Paradise Air Plants during the arts and crafts fair.
24 n FEB. 14, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
Turtle watch request: Wish upon a star, not a lantern
By ChrisAnn Silver Esformes Islander Reporter “When you wish upon a star…” so the 1940s song goes. It was written by Leigh Harline and Ned Washington for Walt Disney’s 1940 adaptation of the movie “Pinocchio.” Wishing upon a star is harmless, but a wish lantern could harm wildlife and the environment. Similar to balloon and dove releases, lantern releases have grown in popularity in recent years as a memorial at celebrations, but, like balloons, lanterns are known to be dangerous and wasteful, with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission reporting wildlife injuries around the state due to lantern litter. usually made of paper or cloth with a flame supported by a wire, floating into the sky when lit, the lantern debris falls to the ground when the flame burns out. “They are trash,” said Suzi Fox, Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch and Shorebird Monitoring executive director. “They are frequently advertised as biodegradable when they are not.” Fox said, as Anna Maria Island becomes more and more popular for family reunions and weddings, lantern launches have become a problem. Additionally, a wish lantern — also referred to as a sky lantern, sky candle or sky balloon — is prohibited by Florida law as a “firework.” Public use is prohibited, though permits can be issued by local fire districts for controlled releases in low-wind conditions. Bradenton Beach Police Chief Sam Speciale said use of the lanterns escalated several years ago, but decreased for a time after firefighters with West Manatee Fire Rescue frequented the beach and warned people who were launching lanterns. According to Fox, the wire support hoop in some lanterns is a hazard for sea turtles, shorebirds and other
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Suzi Fox, Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch and Shorebird Monitoring executive director, displays the unburnt remains of a wish lantern found at Tortuga Inn Resort in Bradenton Beach in 2014. She said the lantern was one of about 14 she and code enforcement officers found partially burnt following a nighttime launch. Islander Photo: Courtesy AMITW marine life and wildlife, which can become entangled in the debris. “They can float over a mile away from where they were launched and frequently land in trees and on rooftops,” Fox said. “Not to mention what can happen to wildlife.” To report use of wish lanterns or other fireworks, call code enforcement in the appropriate city: • Anna Maria code enforcement — 941-708-6130, ext. 139 or ext. 129. • Bradenton Beach code enforcement — 941-7781005, ext. 280. • Holmes Beach code enforcement — 941-7085800, ext. 247. Report sick, injured, entangled or dead sea turtles or shorebirds to the FWC Wildlife Alert Hotline, at 1-888-404-3922, #FWC or *FWC on a cellphone or text
Cold stun fatal for green sea turtle, another on the mend
ChrisAnn Silver Esformes Islander Reporter “In this big world, you can try, but you can’t save them all,” said Suzi Fox, Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch and Shorebird Monitoring executive director, regarding a cold-stunned green sea turtle rescued Jan. 19 after it washed ashore near the Rod & Reel Pier in Anna Maria. The turtle — named Molly by rescuers — was transported Jan. 20 to Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota for rehabilitation, but died several days later. The juvenile turtle was suffering the effects of a rapid drop in water temperature, known as “cold-stunning,” but also had contracted fibropapillomatosis, a disease specific to sea turtles. The condition is a Herpes virus characterized by benign but crippling tumors on the skin and occasionally the carapace. “It is important to know that this little one will be studied and help us conduct more research to help bring this virus to an end,” Fox said. PLEASE SEE Green turtle, NEXT PAGE EAT-IN OR TAKE-OUT
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THE ISLANDER n FEB. 14, 2018 n 25
Green turTle continued from page 24 Another cold-stunned green turtle was rescued a day later, Jan. 20, when it was found stuck in a crab trap in Tampa Bay near the north end of Anna Maria Island. The sub-adult green turtle — named Reel by rescuers —was transported to Mote for rehabilitation and is improving. According to Fox, Reel should soon be ready for release. “Green turtles are still struggling on the endangered list,” Fox said. “The life of each of these turtles is precious to preserving the species.” To report a cold-stunned or stranded turtle, contact Fox at 941-778-5638, or call the FWC Wildlife Alert Hotline at 888-404-3922.
Turtle lovers try art skills
More than two dozen turtle lovers tried their hand at painting Feb. 8 at Painting With a Twist in Bradenton. Longboat Key Turtle Watch attended the fundraising event, part of an ongoing program for nonprofits that returns 50 percent of the evening’s proceeds. Islander Photos: Courtesy Hope Kinney Participants line up at easels Feb. 8, creating turtle paintings to raise funds for Longboat Key Turtle Watch. More than two dozen turtle watch supporters spent the evening creating a take-home painting. A juvenile green sea turtle Jan. 20 is prepped for transport to Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota for rehabilitation. The turtle was discovered in rocks on the shoreline near the Rod & Reel Pier in Anna Maria after being cold-stunned from a drop in water temperature. Islander File Photo: Courtesy AMITW
A painter wears a Longboat Key Turtle Watch shirt to the fundraiser.
26 n FEB. 14, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
Islander helps everything come up roses in Pasadena By Sandy Ambrogi Islander Reporter The mantra of Rotarians is service above self. So, it’s not surprising that Carter Montross and his family, when they discovered the opportunity to serve during a short vacation, immediately jumped in. The Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island member, along with his wife Barbara, their son and daughter and spouses and three grandchildren volunteered Dec. 30, 2017, to help decorate the Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee decorate an entry for the 2018 Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, California. It’s a year of big anniversaries in the Montross family and the group thought a trip to Pasadena for the project would be something different. Carter Montross and wife Barbara are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary, while their son and daughter are celebrating 20th and 10th anniversaries with their spouses. The group signed up for an eight-hour shift, had a primer and got busy, toiling and working with The Rotary’s Tournament of Roses Parade float goes by the stands as Anna Maria Islander Carter Montross and his family watch Jan. 1 in Pasadena, California. The family combined a vacation with volunteerism — helping decorate the float.
hundreds of roses and pounds of greenery. Even the Anna Maria Island. grandchildren assisted with the float creation. According to parade rules, every inch of a float must be covered with flowers or other natural material. Rotary’s float, “Planting the Seeds of Service,” celebrated the difference Rotary makes with its work to promote peace, fight disease and provide clean water to communities around the world. The float earned the Princess Award for the most outstanding floral presentation among entries 35 feet and smaller. “This was probably a once-in-a-lifetime thing for us,” Montross said by telephone. “We consider ourselves lucky to be able to participate in the parade where the theme is service and what we do all over the world — serve.” On New Year’s Day, the entire Montross clan settled into bleachers along the 5-mile parade route to see their handiwork along with 41 other floats. Then the Montross children and their families boarded planes to return home to Boston and Carter and Barbara Montross returned home to the sweet smell of
Carter Montross, a member of the Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island, hands another volunteer greenery while decorating Rotary’s national entry in the 2018 Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, California. Islander Photos: Courtesy Rotary AMI
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THE ISLANDER n FEB. 14, 2018 n 27
Anna Maria mayor-commission debate hosting farmers market By Bianca BenedĂ Islander Reporter What would you want from a farmers market in Anna Maria? The city of Anna Maria is hoping to initiate a market at City Pier Park, on the corner of Pine Avenue and North Bay Boulevard. As part of a citywide effort to increase business and foot-traffic on Pine Avenue, commissioners voiced support for Mayor Dan Murphy to direct city staff to look into organizing a farmers market. One condition, Murphy said, is limiting goods offered at the market to produce. Items like jewelry or prepared foods would be prohibited because they would compete with Anna Maria businesses, Murphy said. At a city commission meeting Jan. 25, Murphy said the city has had discussions with the operator of the Sarasota Farmers Market. The Sarasota Farmers Market is operated year-
round through a nonprofit and an alliance with the Sarasota Downtown Merchants Association. Murphy said Phil Pagano, manager of the Sarasota market, showed interest in a similar project in Anna Maria. The benefits of enlisting the Sarasota market manager include his ability to bring vendors and provide insurance. However, Pagano expressed interest in selling some foods offered by stores in Anna Maria, like ice cream, as well as hosting cooking demonstrations and other programs, Murphy said, which could defeat the purpose of the market by providing competition to local businesses. Produce is difficult to find in Anna Maria, commissioners pointed out. Commissioner Carol Carter said to her recollection, only Olive Oil Outpost, 401 Pine Ave., offers fresh produce. However, Commissioner Doug Copeland said
storeowner Kelly Kary informed him that her produce vendor was retiring. â&#x20AC;&#x153;She really has no produce,â&#x20AC;? Copeland said. Copeland said bringing produce to Anna Maria might bring tourists and would provide fresh options to residents. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As we all know, you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t buy good produce on this island. It would serve not just to draw people there but also a source for residents to have,â&#x20AC;? Copeland said. Commissioner Brian Seymour, owner of the Anna Maria General Store, agreed. He sells some groceries, but produce is not his specialty and, he said, he would not be in competition with the market. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s so difficult in this area to get a consistent, good produce delivery,â&#x20AC;? Seymour said. Copeland suggested that in addition to the produce vendors, local businesses could put booths in the market to show shoppers what they offer.
By Bianca BenedĂ,
AME calendar
â&#x20AC;˘ Friday, Feb. 16, fifth-grade field trip with Natureâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Academy to Coquina Beach in Bradenton Beach. â&#x20AC;˘ Monday, Feb. 19, Presidents Day, no school. â&#x20AC;˘ 5 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 20, PTO dinner by Anna Maria Oyster Bar and third-grade play. Everyone is welcome. â&#x20AC;˘ Friday, Feb. 23, third-grade field trip to Durante Park on Longboat Key. â&#x20AC;˘ 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Monday, Feb. 26, Mad Scientist Assembly. â&#x20AC;˘ Monday, March 5-Friday, March 16, Manatee County School District elementary school choice enrollment period. â&#x20AC;˘ 7-11 p.m. Friday, March 9, AME-PTO Spring Fling, South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Anna Maria Elementary is at 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. For more information, call the school at 941708-5525.
A former outdoor market organized on Bridge Street by the merchants association in Bradenton Beach included produce, art, jewelry and other sundry sales tents. Brick-and-mortar merchants said the market attracted business to their stores.
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at Paradise Bagels
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Visit for the best news on AMI.
Special: Cream of Tomato Soup. Stuffed Chicken Breast with Spinach, Cheese and Garlic, with spätzle, side salad.
Âş/Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x20AC;iĂ&#x160;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x160;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x153;Ă&#x160;Â?Â&#x153;Ă&#x203A;iĂ&#x160;Ă&#x192;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;ViĂ&#x20AC;iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;>Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x160; Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x160;Â?Â&#x153;Ă&#x203A;iĂ&#x160;Â&#x153;vĂ&#x160;vÂ&#x153;Â&#x153;`°Ă&#x160;pĂ&#x160; ° °Ă&#x160;-Â&#x2026;>Ă&#x153;
A variety of goods in addition to produce were sold at the Bridge Street market before it closed. The market also included live entertainment and cooking contests. Islander File Photos
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28 n Feb. 14, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
Centerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 3 flag football league divisons crown champions By Kevin P. Cassidy Islander Reporter The youth flag football league at the Center of Anna Maria Island came to an end in two nights of action on the center field and the crowning of three division champions. The 11-13 divisionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s championship game Feb. 7 saw No. 1 seed Planet Stone taking on No. 2 seed Blue Lagoon. Planet Stone wasted no time getting on the scoreboard on its first possession. A 26-yard pass from Evan Christenson to Jeremiah Sculco gave Planet Stone the ball deep in Blue Cassidy Lagoon territory, where Riley Quillin finished off the drive with a 6-yard touchdown run. Christenson then hit Quillin for the extra-point pass and a 7-0 lead. Blue Lagoon answered with a drive of its own. After two plays for minimal yardage, Kale Petrin connected with John Holbrook for 18 yards and a first down. Holbrook then connected with Tres Maddox for 6 yards before finding Sam Leister in the endzone for a 12-yard touchdown pass. Petrin hit Holbrook on the extra-point pass to tie the score at 7-7 with 4:39 left to play in the first half. Planet Stone responded quickly. Christenson found Quillin for a 9-yard swing pass before breaking out some razzle-dazzle on second down. A double reverse resulted in Riley â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dashâ&#x20AC;? Lawson getting around the corner and outrunning everyone down the sideline for a 29-yard touchdown run. Petrin hit Holbrook to complete the extra point and take a 14-7 lead. Blue Lagoon went three and out on its next possession, giving Planet Stone the ball back with just under a minute left in the half. Christenson got loose for an 18-yard run on first down and then connected with Sculco for a seven-yard completion, giving them a first down. Sculco completed a 7-yard pass to Christenson on first down before Christenson connected with Sculco for an 11-yard touchdown pass and a 20-7 halftime lead. Unfortunately for Blue Lagoon, Planet Stone got the ball to start the second half and wasted little time in
Planet Stone, 11-13 division champs. Coach Joe Christenson, Evan Christenson, Riley Quillin, Anthony Nguyen, Jeremiah Sculco, Grayson Mitchell, Dylan Jacques and Riley Lawson.
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Blue Lagoon, which also received a pair of touchdown passes and a touchdown reception from Petrin. Patterson completed the scoring for Blue Lagoon with a touchdown reception. Slimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Place completed an undefeated season by rolling to a 51-26 victory over Blalock Walters to win the 14-17 division championship. The victory ends Slimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s season with an unblemished 8-0 record. Members of Slimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Place are Connor Ludwig, Tuna McCracken, Jackson Runo, Nicholas Bigelow, Parker Davis and David Daigle. Monica Simpson coached. The 8-10 division championship game was played on Feb. 6 and saw No. 5 seed Cortez Pump roll to a 25-14 victory over No. 3 seed Bins Be Clean. Members of the 8-10 champs are JM Feeney, Frankie Coleman, Layla Yavalar, Colten Shook, Caden Quimby, Ava Harlan, Peyton Harlan and Krosby Lamison. Cortez Pump was coached by Gary Harlan.
Planet Stone defender Anthony Nguyen closes in on Blue Lagoon quarterback John Holbrook in the 11-13 division championship flag football game at the Center of Anna Maria Island, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Islander Photos: Kevin P. Cassidy extending its lead. Christenson connected with Quillin on a short swing pass that Quillin turned into a 45-yard touchdown. Christenson then hit Anthony Nguyen for the extra point and a 27-7 lead. Blue Lagoon got the ball back and Petrin connected with Jiles Kirkland for 6 yards on first down and, after an incomplete pass, Petrin found Holbrook for 14 yards and a first down. David Patterson ran a sweep for 9 yards on first down and then took a lateral from Petrin to the right, before reversing field and outrunning everyone to the corner for an 11-yard touchdown. Petrin hit Holbrook for the extra point to pull to 27-14. Planet Stone took possession and Quillin gained 6 yards on a sweep before Lawson again put his blazing speed on display with a 26-yard run on a reverse. An incomplete and a false start penalty moved Planet Stone back 5 yards but, on third down, Christenson scrambled to keep the play alive before hitting Nguyen with a 10-yard touchdown pass. Christenson connected with Sculco to extend the lead to 34-14 with 8:24 left to play. Blue Lagoon got the ball back but, on first down, Sculco broke through to sack Holbrook in the end zone for a safety to extend the Planet Stone lead to 36-14 and get the ball back for the offense. Blue Lagoon and Planet Stone traded three and outs as the clock ticked down. Lagoon got the ball back with 50 seconds to play. Holbrook hit Petrin with a pass out to midfield before connecting with him again on a 26-yard touchdown pass as the clock ticked away, ending the game with the score 26-20 and Planet Stone on top of the world. Christenson threw three touchdown passes to lead Planet Stone, which also received two touchdowns and an extra point from Nguyen and touchdowns from Quillin and Lawson. Sculco added a touchdown reception, 2 extra points and added a sack for a safety in the victory. Holbrook had a touchdown catch and a touchdown pass to go along with a pair of extra points to lead
Key Royale golf news Once again rain plagued the menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s regular Monday Stableford match, but the course dried out in time for the women to play a nine-hole individual-low-net match Feb. 7. Judy Christensen fired a 4-under-par 28 to edge Phyllis Roe by a stroke to win Flight A. Sue Little and Joy Kaiser finished in a tie for third with matching 1-under-par 31s. Fran Barfordâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 1-under-par 31 gave her first place in Flight B, one stroke ahead of Marcia Helgeson and Roxanne Koche, who tied for second place. Penny Williams and Gloria LaDue tied for third at 1-over-par 33. Janet Razze fired a 2-under-par 30 to grab a oneshot victory over second-place finisher Connie Livanos. Carol Duncan was alone in third with an even-par 32. Peggy Clauhs carded a 3-under-par 29 to grab first place in Flight D by a stroke over Markie Ksiazek. Jane Perkins and Susan Van Orsdel tied for third with matching 1-over-par 33s. The men played a nine-hole scramble Feb. 8 with 49 golfers participating. The team of Jim Auch, Peter Lund and Hoyt Miller matched the 4-under-par 28 carded by Tim Friesen, Nub Turner and Larry Pippel for a two-way tie for first place. The team of Gary Alfor, Gary Risner, Greg Shorten and Quentin Talbert tied the team of John Cassese, Gary Razze, Gary Silke and Debbie Wohlers with a score of 3-under-par 29. Horseshoe news Four teams posted 3-0 records during Feb. 7 horseshoe action at the Anna Maria City Hall pits and battled it out for the dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s championship. The team of Bob Brown and Bob Lee eliminated Steve Hooper and Bill Fox 22-13 in the first semifinal, while Gene Bobeldyk and Bob Rowley defeated Bob Mason and Art Kingstad in the second semifinal. Bobeldyk and Rowley stayed hot and rolled to a 22-2 victory over Brown and Lee in the finals. Four teams also advanced to the knockout stage during Feb. 10 action. Fox and Mason rolled past Jay Disbrow and Myles Macleod 25-11 in the first semifinal match while Jim Kleiner and Rod Bussey advanced to the finals with a 21-13 victory over Dom Livedoti and Steve Smith. Kleiner and Bussey earned the dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bragging rights thanks to a 21-6 victory over Fox and Mason in the finals. Play gets underway at 9 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at the Anna Maria City Hall pits. Warmups begin at 8:45 a.m. followed by random team selection. There is no charge to play and everyone is welcome.
Anna Maria Island Tides
Feb 14 Feb 15 Feb 16 Feb 17 Feb 18 Feb 19 Feb 20 Feb 21
12:35p 12:47p 12:58p 12:01a 12:42a 1:27a 2:18a 3:20a
1.2 1.3 1.3 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.3
10:45p 11:23p â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 1:14p 1:35p 2:02p 2:33p 3:11p
2.0 2.0 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8
5:31a 5:59a 6:26a 6:52a 7:19a 7:48a 8:18a 8:48a
-0.5 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4
4:36p 5:13p 5:51p 6:31p 7:16p 8:08p 9:08p 10:20p
0.8 0.7 New 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0
AM City Pier tides; Cortez high tides 7 minutes later â&#x20AC;&#x201D; lows 1:06 later
THE ISLANDER n FEB. 14, 2018 n 29
Fog might put a damper on pleasure boating, but not fishing By Capt. Danny Stasny Islander Reporter Well, how about that fog? Yes, I was fortunate to have charters numerous days and go fishing in nearzero visibility. It’s not that the fog affects the fishing one way or the other, but it sure makes it hard to get around. Safety is the most important factor on any trip on the water. So remember, go slow in the fog because you never know what you’ll encounter. I’m really glad it hasn’t been cold this past week. Aside from the fog, fishing around Anna Maria Island is steadily improving as we approach Stasny spring. On my Southernaire excursions, I’m doing a variety of fishing depending on what the weather provides. On calm days, I’m venturing offshore to ledges, reefs and wrecks, which is resulting in a variety of species. Hogfish, Key West grunts and snapper are being caught around the ledges. Reefs and wrecks are producing two predominant species — sheepshead and flounder. On calm days, fishing the beaches and passes is proving to be good for pompano and whiting. Lastly, fishing the bays and Intracoastal Waterway is producing decent action on spotted seatrout and an occasional bluefish. Skinny water redfish and trout that are taking residence on shallow grass areas also are taking our bait. Jim Malfese at the Rod & Reel Pier is starting to see the sheepshead bite take hold. In the days to come, these convict-colored fish will be gathering by the hundreds to munch on the tasty barnacles on the pilings at the R&R Pier. They’ll also be there for another reason — to spawn. If you time it right, these fish will eagerly take shrimp, crabs or sand fleas in their pre-spawn mode. This is when they’re trying to store up energy for you know what. If you’re into catching and frying
knocker rig and dropping the combination around ledges and reefs is providing good action for his clients. Hogfish, porgies, mangrove snapper and catchand-release gag grouper round out the bite for Lowman’s anglers this week. Moving inshore, Lowman is putting fishers on sheepshead, black drum and redfish around residential docks and canals. Lastly, lucky anglers are hooking into pompano while working the passes and ledges. Capt. Rick Gross of Fishy Business is patrolling nearshore reefs for a variety of species. Using live shrimp as bait is resulting in numerous sheepshead, as well as mangrove snapper, Key West grunts and hogfish. Moving inshore, Gross is targeting spotted seatrout in Sarasota Bay. Working a measles-colored DOA shrimp in 3-5 feet of water over the flats is working well. Gross says pompano are being caught on the flats with a 1/4-ounce jig head combined with a green grub tail. Capt. Warren Girle is working offshore for a variety of species. Fishing ledges, reefs and wrecks in 40-50 feet of water is resulting in hogfish, mangrove snapper, Key West grunts and porgies. All of these speSpencer Ash, 11, of Newfoundland, Canada, shows cies are being caught on bottom rigs baited with live off the beautiful male hogfish he caught Feb. 7 on a shrimp. Moving inshore to the flats of Sarasota Bay, charter trip with Capt. Aaron Lowman. Spencer and Girle is enjoying watching his clients reel up spotted his family caught more hogfish, as well as countseatrout and pompano. Shrimp-tipped jigs are working less porgies, sheepshead, mangrove snapper, grunts for both. juvenile groupers and more — all caught on light Capt. Jason Stock is finding good action while spinning gear using live shrimp as bait. Lowman fishing “skinny” water grass flats. In depths of 2-3 took them up to 9 miles out in Gulf of Mexico to feet of water, Stock is instructing his clients to cast an “live bottom areas.” array of artificials, including top-water and sub-surface plugs. While doing this, hungry “gator” trout are up sheepies, the R&R should be on your list of places “taking the bait,” which is resulting in some trophyto watch so you’re there at the peak time. size catches. Trout in the 26-inch range are common. Capt. Aaron Lowman is fishing offshore with Moving to slightly deeper water on runs offshore to good results. Combining live shrimp with a 1-ounce the wrecks, reefs and ledges, Stock is putting clients on sheepshead, flounder, hogfish and tripletail. Capt. David White of Anna Maria Charters is catching his share of red grouper in 100 feet of water. For bait, frozen sardines or live pinfish are luring these “fire trucks” to the hook. Moving inshore, White is casting soft plastic jigs over deeper flats to hook up with some spotted seatrout. White says his clients also are casting shrimp around the bayside docks, where they’re finding action on sheepshead and black drum. Send high-resolution photos and fishing reports to Sophie Schmid, left, Ed Wetherill, Mike and Leah Schmid and Chris Wibe, all from Minnesota, loved fishing and our weather, according to Capt. Warren Girle. The group is showing off the trout and pompano they caught Feb. 6 on an inshore fishing trip guided by Girle.
Fishing Charters Capt. Warren Girle
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30 n FEB. 14, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
Businesses expand, test concepts, swing into season
Now we have the cupcakes all to ourselves The only place to get those crave-able dessertflavored cupcakes from Judy Owens is now on Anna Maria Island. On Feb. 20, Owens will turn over the keys to her original Mount Dora location of Cupcake Delights to new owners, Sweet & Savory. Owens opened the downtown Mount Dora location more than 10 years ago. The sale was “bittersweet,” but traveling between the locations was becoming difficult. “A huge weight has been lifted, but I love my crew, customers and community there so much,” Owens said. Owens now will focus on pouring her love into cupcakes, specialty cakes and high-octane coffee drinks on AMI 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday and 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday-Monday at Cupcake Delights, 3324 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. Self-serve rentals? Now that’s new ABC Baby Furniture Rental, 5352 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, is undergoing remodeling, and the outcome may be a first for Anna Maria Island rental companies. Karin Schilling bought the store in late summer 2017 and is upgrading the location to be self-service. “The renters will be given a code to unlock the door,” Shilling said, “and they go in and pick up their own rentals.” No clerks will be present in the store, only a bank
Imelda Mata, co-owner of the La Brisa Tacos Y Mariscos, 8799 Cortez Road W., Bradenton, stands by the warmer that holds her fresh-made tortilla chips at her new location on Cortez Road. Islander Photo: Sandy Ambrogi of cameras making sure customers take what they rented. Beach equipment also will be available at the location. Schilling, from Germany, joins a presence of European entrepreneurs and restaurant owners who have opened businesses on Anna Maria Island. New Cortez eatery getting techy with tacos After remodeling and the permitting phase of restaurant construction, a new Mexican restaurant has replaced a location long dominated by Cuban fare. La Brisa Tacos Y Mariscos opened a new location at 8799 Cortez Road W., with a focus on fast ordering and fast delivery. The eatery has a few dine-in tables, but the family-owned establishment is working from
a new online ordering system that they hope will drive business to the location — mainly for takeout and as a delivery hub. Hairo Padilla, wife Imelda Mata, Padilla’s mother Ermila Silva and husband Felipe Silva hope to be as successful at the new location, but with a pared down menu from their Sarasota original, concentrating on fast service. La Brisa is open 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Friday-Saturday. For menus and ordering, go to or call 941795-4898. Just a tidbit Janet Mixon said Feb. 7 that Mixon Fruit Farms, 2525 27th St. E., Bradenton, has purchased a larger tram for grove tours and the owners are in the process of wrapping it with signage before it starts service. Seems the Mixons bought the tram from Dollywood in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, so riders are apt to break out in country song and dance anywhere among the orange trees. The Mixons reside on AMI, and the grove is a generational family business. For business news, contact Sandy Ambrogi at
Chambers enjoy meals, networking
The Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce will hold its monthly business card exchange 5-7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 28, at the Manatee County Golf Course, 6415 53rd Ave. W., Bradenton. LPGA golf pro Cathy Schmidt, owner of Golf Boot Camp, is hosting the event and will present a clinic at the get-together. Beverages and light bites will be served. Cost is $5 for members and $10 for nonmembers. The AMI chamber introduced a new administrative PLEASE SEE BIZCAl, PAGE 31
ANNA MARIA ISLAND 532 70th Street George Myers 941-224-6021 A4184561 $1,750,000
ANNA MARIA ISLAND 871 N Shore Drive Kathy Marshall 941-900-9777 A4204189 $1,699,000
BR ADENTON 5016 64th Drive W Debbie Capobianco & Adam Cuffaro 941-704-2394 A4136838 $1,350,000
ANNA MARIA ISLAND 529 Key Royale Drive George Myers 941-224-6021 A4184576 $1,955,000
ANNA MARIA ISLAND 318 Bay Drive S 7 Ralph & Megg Faillace 941-713-9142 A4178742 $1,170,000
ANNA MARIA ISLAND 2307 Avenue C Laurie M Mock 941-232-3665 A4205599 $989,000
BR ADENTON 330 Compass Point Drive 202 Susan Nemitz & Betsy Hagen 941-237-0045 A4200223 $750,000
L O N G B OAT K E Y 5611 Gulf Of Mexico Drive 5 Laura Rulon 941-896-2757 A4207769 $750,000
ANNA MARIA ISLAND 234 Gladiolus Street Deborah Capobianco & Kristi Berger 941-704-2394 A4199942 $675,000
ANNA MARIA ISLAND 101 66th Street 9 Ken Kavanaugh, Jr & Margo Story 941-799-1943 A4178549 $635,000
ANNA MARIA ISLAND 6300 Flotilla Drive 99 Kathy Marshall 941-900-9777 A4208643 $379,000
BR ADENTON 4817 61st Avenue Terrace W Mary Jo Violett 941-928-8474 A4205741 $224,500
BR ADENTON 3404 79th Circle W 301 Barb Eberhart 614-204-7687 A4208992 $520,000
8 8 8 . 552 . 52 2 8
ANNA MARIA ISLAND 2907 Avenue C Laurie M Mock 941-232-3665 A4191229 $749,000
RENTAL ANNA MARIA ISLAND 309 65th Street A 3 Bed 2 Bath $2,600 L I C E N S E D R E A L E S TAT E B R O K E R
THE ISLANDER n FEB. 14, 2018 n 31
BIZ CAl CONTINuED FROM PAGE 30 assistant at its networking luncheon Feb. 7 at enRich Bistro in Bradenton. Kelly DeForest of Bradenton is the new hire assisting the chamber staff at the office. DeForest most recently managed two small businesses, Boxer Finish Carpentry and Boxer Seamless Gutters of Bradenton, both operated by her husband. She was selected for the job from more than 50 applicants. “We had a big pool to choose from,” president Terri Kinder said. “We are thrilled to have her,” Kinder added. For more information, call the island chamber at 941-7781541, visit the office and tourist center at 5313 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, or go to the website at The Longboat Key Chamber of Commerce will host a Networking@Noon lunch-and-mingle event at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 20, at Amore Restaurant, 446 S. Pineapple Ave., Sarasota. Cost is $25 for pre-
registered members, $30 for walk-ins and $35 for nonmembers. The Longboat chamber is taking reservations for its first long-table dinner, The Feast on the Beach, at 6 p.m. Thursday, April 19, at the Resort at Longboat Key Club. Cost is $150 per person and 100 tickets will be sold. Tickets are on sale at the chamber office. For more information about events for the Longboat Key Chamber of Commerce, call the chamber at 941-383-2466, visit the website at or the office at 5390 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Amalie Flores of Manatee Children Services addresses guests Feb. 7 at the AMI Chamber of Commerce lunch at enRich Bistro in Bradenton. Flores talked about MCS initiatives and its needs. Islander Photos: Sandy Ambrogi
More than 200 beautiful hand-selected properties to choose from. Stop by our offices or visit our web-site to book your next vacation in paradise!
Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce president Terri Kinder, left, dines with new chamber administrative assistant Kelly DeForest at the Feb. 7 chamber luncheon.
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RENTAL HOME OWNERS Why pay more than 15% commission for great quality and outstanding service? Benefit from our state-of-the art tools: Responsive website, online booking, travel insurance, safe credit card processing, 24/7 inquiry responder, keyless, every day check-in. Family owned and managed: Enjoy the personal touch – be treated as a VIP and not like a number. Get in touch with us. Let us detail our favorable conditions for renting and managing your rental.
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32 n FEB. 14, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
Sandy’s Lawn Service Inc. Established in 1983 Residential and Commercial Full service lawn maintenance Landscaping – Clean-up Hauling tree trimming Licensed & Insured
Paradise Improvements
Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Specialist Replacement Doors and Windows
Andrew Chennault
FULLY LICENSED AND INSURED Island References Lic#CBC056755
CBC 1253471
RDI CONSTRUCTION INC. Residential & Condo Renovations Kitchens • Bath • Design Service Carpentry • Flooring • Painting Commercial & Residential
References available • 941-720-7519
Bed: A bargain!
King, Queen, Full & Twin, pre-owned from $30 new/used. 941-922-5271
WICKER HENRY LINK sofa, loveseat, chair, ottoman with cushions, end tables, coffee table, $1,400. 941-504-0526.
8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 17. Antiques, collectibles, bedroom set, dining chairs, furniture, etc! 424 Pine Ave., Anna Maria.
WHIRLPOOL WASHER/DRYER: Signature/ matching, $250, excellent condition. 941-7207519.
APPLIANCES, REFRIGERATOR, RANGE, dishwasher, microwave, set in white, $375. Excellent condition. 941-720-7519. Staples office chair: black mesh, adjustable seat and arms, like new, $30. 319-653-8663. large collection of vintage marbles for sale.724986-0314. Bradenton area. 18 panarizon history cards. Elvis, Marilyn and more. $25. 724-986-0314. Bradenton area. 1959 SCHWINN BIKE, $100, Nishiki bike, $95, golf clubs, $100. 941-757-7603.
PET PAL PET sitting: Short and long term, in your house or mine. 18-year Island resident. 941-7045937.
QUEEN MATTRESS, AS new, double recliner, nearly new. $100 each. 941-778-5542.
WANTED: RELIABLE, CLEAN, low-mileage, inexpensive used sedan or small SUV for grandchild. Call 941-778-7978.
Individuals may place one free ad with up to three items, each priced $100 or less, 15 words or less. FREE, one week, must be submitted online. Email, fax toll-free 1-866-3629821. (limited time offer)
BIMINI BAY SAILING: Small sailboat rentals and instruction. Day. Week. Month. Sunfish, Laser, Windrider 17 and Precision 15. Call Brian at 941685-1400.
PONTOON BOAT RENTAL Create life long memories. Call 941-778-2121 or see
ESTATE SALE: 7 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 20-21. Bedroom furniture, twin mattresses, sleeper sofa/love seat, other furniture, kitchen items, pictures. Everything must go. 111 Cedar Ave., Anna Maria.
iHOME CHARGER FOUND at Avenue C and Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Call 941-962-2580
COMPUTER: DELL DUAL core, refurbished, $50, 941-756-6728.
FREE GUN LOCK courtesy of Project Childsafe, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and Holmes Beach Police Department. Pick up at The Islander office, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. Don’t be sorry, be safe.
LOST: CAR KEYS. Customer accidentally picked up while at Bridge Street Interiors, Bradenton Beach, Jan. 23. If found, call 941-979-0113.
TWO SINGLE GUEST beds, brown headboards, linens. $300 each. 941-704-7755.
AERIAL PHOTOS of Anna Maria Island. View and purchase online:
LOST SUNGLASSES Marina Drive, Holmes Beach yard sale. Contact Charlotte at 541-4500091.
YOU CAN HELP! Fosters, volunteers, retailtype help needed for Moonracer No Kill Animal Rescue. Please email: moonraceranimalrescue@
WANTED: YOUR OLD cellphone for recycling. Deliver to The Islander, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach.
WANTED: WORKOUT DVDs, XBox, Wii units with games for Ministry of Presence for kids and teens in Haiti. Deliver to The Islander, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. Rollo is a happy boy! He’s a 3-year-old mixed breed. He has all his shots and he’s in great health. Available to adopt: or email Call Lisa Williams at 941-345-2441 or visit The Islander next to Walgreens in Holmes Beach for more …
FREE BOOK PRESENTATION : Manage cancer treatment side effects naturally . More information or call 941447-0544.
GARAGE SALES ROSER THRIFT SHOP: Open 9:30 a.m.-2p.m. Tuesday and Thursday and Friday, 10 a.m.-1p.m. Saturday. Donations preferred 9 a.m.-11 a.m. Wednesdays. 511 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. 941-779-2733. Moving sale: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Friday-Sunday, Feb. 23-25. Henry Link furniture, lamps, etc. 503 68th St., Holmes Beach. GARAGE SALE: 8 a.m.- noon Saturday, Feb 17. Furniture, golf, decor. 206 68th St., Holmes Beach. MULTI-FAMILY: 7:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 17. Great stuff! Furniture, little of everything! 403 72nd St., Holmes Beach. More ads in The Islander = more readers 4 U.
HELP WANTED DELIVERY DRIVER/WAREHOUSE man. Work on Anna Maria Island. Part- or full-time. Resume to:
HOUSEKEEPER: PART-TIME needed immediately. Must have housekeeping experience and must be able to work on weekends on Holmes Beach. Cell, 216-225-1706. REPORTER WANTED: Newspaper experience or journalism degree required. Apply via email with letter of interest to
KIDS FOR HIRE MY NAME IS AIDAIN, I live in Holmes Beach I’m available to do any small yard, house chores for a fee. I do dog walking, pet sitting or run small errands. I’m available after school, 4-9 p.m. or all day Saturday and Sunday. I can be reached at 941-243-4473. Text or call. Thank you. KIDS FOR HIRE ads are FREE for up to three weeks for Island youths under 16 looking for work. Ads must be placed in person at The Islander office, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach.
SERVICES ISLAND COMPUTER GUY, 37 years experience. On-site PC repairs, upgrades, buying assistance and training. Call Bill, 941-778-2535. T.H.S. CLEANING: RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL vacation rentals. Dependable and detailed. 941756-4570.
U FLY I drive your car anywhere in the USA. Airport runs, anywhere. Office, 941-447-6389. 941-545-6688. POWER WASHING AND windows: Residential, commercial, resort, real estate. Ask about our exterior cleaning. 941-251-5948. AUTHORITY ONE SERVICES: Cleaning, construction, residential, commercial, rentals. Call 941-251-5948.
THE ISLANDER n FEB. 14, 2018 n 33
SERVICES Continued
I DONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;T CUT corners, I clean corners. Professional, friendly cleaning service since 1999. 941779-6638. Leave message.
GRIFFINâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S HOME IMPROVEMENTS Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and wood flooring. Insured and licensed. 941-722-8792.
AMI DELIVERY SERVICE: Anything picked up and delivered for $20 or less! 941-920-0743. K LEIGH CLEANERS COMMERCIAL/residential cleaning. 941-524-2982. Dependable. Bryanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Handyman Service: No job too small. Anna Maria/Manatee/Sarasota. References upon request. 678-446-9584. PIERLY MAID CLEANING Service: Two former City Pier employees looking to make your home, vacation rental, office spic and span! Please, give us a call, 941-447-2565 or 941-565-0312. BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS JDâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Window Cleaning looking for storefront jobs in Holmes Beach. I make dirty windows sparkling clean. 941-9203840. BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigeration. Commercial and residential service, repair and/or replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and personalized service, call Bill Eller, 941-795-7411. CAC184228.
JERRYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry, handyman, light hauling, pressure washing. Jack of all trades. Call 941-778-6170 or 941-447-2198. ISLE TILE: QUALITY installation floors, counters, backsplashes, showers. Licensed, insured. Call Chris at 941-302-8759.
ANNA MARIA HOME Accents: 20 years experience in building and remodeling. Local, licensed and insured. No job too small. We accept all major credit cards. 786-318-8585. SOUTHWEST HOME IMPROVEMENT: Michigan builder, quality work guaranteed. Affordable, timely, within budget. Call Mike, 1-616204-8822. ARTISAN DESIGN TILE and Marble LLC. Quality craftsmanship since 1983. Professional, courteous service at a fair price. Our customers are our top priority! Call Don, 941-993-6567.
ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional creates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding! 941-778-2711.
RE-SCREEN RIGHT The 1st Time LLC: Screen repairs, installation, pool cages, lanai, windows, porches. Licensed/insured. 941-4055899. Joseleyva1019@
RELAXING MASSAGE IN the convenience of your home or hotel. Massage by Nadia, more than 19 years on Anna Maria Island. Call today for an appointment, 941-518-8301. MA#0017550. MA#0017550.
ISLAND GATER RESTORATIONS: Interior/exterior, painting, pressure cleaning, drywall repair, textures, stucco. Danny, 941-720-8116.
FENCING: NEW/REPAIR, free estimates, quality work. Island resident. Richard, 941-448-3571.
CONNIEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, landscaping, cleanups, hauling and more! Insured. 941-778-5294.
MASTER CARPENTER/HANDYMAN: Free estimates. Island resident. Richard, 941-448-3571.
ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER Service: Repairs, installs. Your local sprinkler company since 1997. Call Jeff, 941-778-2581.
SHELL DELIVERED AND spread. $55/yard. Hauling all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free estimates. Call Larry at 941-795-7775, â&#x20AC;&#x153;shell phoneâ&#x20AC;? 941-720-0770. NATUREâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S DESIGN LANDSCAPING. Design and installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residential and commercial. 35 years experience. 941-448-6336. STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Shell, lime rock, palms, river rock, construction demolition, fencing, pressure washing, hauling debris and transport. Shark Mark, 941-301-6067.
HOME IMPROVEMENT VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, interior/exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island references. Bill, 941-795-5100. CUSTOM REMODELING EXPERT. All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Insured. Meticulous, clean, sober and prompt. Paul Beauregard, 941-730-7479. SUBSCRIBE ONLINE TO The Islander e-edition to view all the news, page by page, all the same as the print edition!
TILE -TILE -TILE. All variations of ceramic tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, 941-726-3077.
iĂ&#x153;Ă&#x160; Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x2022;VĂ&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160;,iÂ&#x201C;Â&#x153;`iÂ?Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;} Â?Â?Ă&#x160;*Â&#x2026;>Ă&#x192;iĂ&#x192;Ă&#x160;Â&#x153;vĂ&#x160;*Â?Ă&#x2022;Â&#x201C;LÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;}Ă&#x160;,iÂŤ>Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;EĂ&#x160;-iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x203A;Â&#x2C6;Vi Â&#x2122;{ÂŁÂ&#x2021;Ă&#x2021;Ă&#x2021;nÂ&#x2021;Ă&#x17D;Â&#x2122;Ă&#x201C;{Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160;Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;Â&#x2122;{ÂŁÂ&#x2021;Ă&#x2021;Ă&#x2021;nÂ&#x2021;{{Ă&#x2C6;ÂŁĂ&#x160;UĂ&#x160;xxänĂ&#x160; >Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;>Ă&#x160; Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x203A;i]Ă&#x160; Â&#x153;Â?Â&#x201C;iĂ&#x192;Ă&#x160; i>VÂ&#x2026;
TOO BIG or TOO SMALL. Free Estimates. Call Dan, 941-713-3108
No Job
Windows & Doors 941-730-5045 WEATHERSIDE LLC
NEED A RIDE to the airports? Tampa $65, St. Pete, $55, Sarasota, $30. Call Gary, 863-4095875. Email:
Family Owned and Operated since 1975
Residential & Commercial #CFC1426596
Island Limousine
We provide design plans~You preview 3-D drawings
>Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x160; °Ă&#x160;7>Ă&#x192;Â&#x2026;Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160;State Lic. CBC1258250
RENTALS WEEKLY/MONTHLY/ANNUAL rentals: wide variety, changes daily. SunCoast Real Estate, 941-779-0202, or 1-800-732-6434. SEASONAL RENTAL: NORTHWEST Bradenton. 1BR/1BA open living room, kitchen, washer and dryer in unit. No pets/smoking. $450/weekly, $1,600/monthly. Call 941-792-0258. SEASONAL RENTAL: 2BR/2BA with den sleeps six. Few step to beach. Nice location. Call 703587-4675. AVAILABLE WINTER SEASON 2018 and 2019: 2BR/2BA ground level with carport and patio. 1.5 blocks to Gulf. Updated, granite countertops, recessed lighting, flat-screen TVs. Must see! Anna Maria. 941-565-2373. HOLMES BEACH ANNUAL rental: 2BR/1BA single-story. $1,450/month first, last, security. 941-451-7403. ANNUAL RENTAL: MODEST older unfurnished 1BR apartment. Available Jan. 20. $950/month, utilities not included. First, last security deposit. Small pet OK with deposit. Holmes Beach. 352328-4550.
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34 n Feb. 14, 2018 n THE ISLANDER
i s l a n d e r C L A S S I F I E D S RENTALS Continued
2BR/2BA ANNUAL IN Bradenton Beach. $1,800 a month. 941-527-9416.
SLIGHTLY OFF THE Island: 3BR/2BA completely renovated lake house, 5 miles from the beach. No condo/HOA fees, no deed restrictions, no traffic, huge boat/RV storage area, no flood insurance. $319,500. For sale by owner. 941-795-5225.
FOR SALE: 14 units, transient apartments. Cash buyers only. Call Joe, 941-302-0732.
HOLMES BEACH: 1-2BR, limited availability. 49 steps to beach. Pick up your phone, call Mike! 727-999-1011. COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR rent: Beautiful 825-sf ground-level commercial space located at 115 Third St. S., Bradenton Beach. 941-962-2538 for appointment. HOLMES BEACH: 2BR/1.5BA close to beach, fully equipped. March, $3,500. April, $2,500. 845206-3930.
REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE: BUY, sell, invest. Enjoy. Billi Gartman, Realtor, An Island Place Realty. 941-5458877. The best news since 1992: The Islander.
STARTING FROM THE low $300,000s. Only minutes from the beach, this new active adult community is perfectly located just south of Manatee Avenue, off Village Green Parkway. Perfectly designed, open 2BR or 3BR/2BA plus den and two-car garage floor plans. Luxurious amenities, pool, spa, gym, pickleball and fenced-in dog park. HOA only $209/month. Models open daily. Contact us, 941-254-3330.
PINE AVENUE BAYOU condo for sale by owner. Steps to shops and city pier. â&#x20AC;¨Newly renovated, ground-floor, two-bedroom unit. Great northend location!â&#x20AC;¨ $320,000. 941-321-5454.
WHITNEY BEACH LONGBOAT Key condo for sale: Attractive, turnkey 2BR/2BA unit, updated, expanded kitchen with stainless steel appliances, granite counters, large bedrooms, with extensive closet space, screen lanai, steps away from private beach, boat docks and amenities. Pet friendly. $374,000. 941-383-1304 or 302745-0597.
Brock Real Estate Inc. Greg Brock REAL ESTATE BROKER
43 Years of Professional Service to Anna Maria Island
(941) 778-6066
HERONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S WATCH 10 minutes to beaches. 4 BR + Den. Excellently maintained, tastefully decorated. No rental limitations. MLS A4142821. $359,000.
BAY PALMS 3BR/2BA well-maintained, recent roof and other improvements, garage, pool, spa, private rear yard. $583,500. VACATION/SEASONAL RENTALS GULFFRONT PROPERTIES BOOKING NOW John van Zandt OVER 20 YEARS OF REAL ESTATE EXPERIENCE
941-778-0807 â&#x20AC;˘
EST. 1978
EST. 1978
For professional real estate sales, call a true island native, born and raised on Anna Maria Island. Marianne Norman-Ellis. 941.778.6696 LUXURY BEACHFRONT 3BR/3BA condo located in a premier complex on Anna Maria Island. Complex offers a huge, heated pool & Jacuzzi, garage, secured entrance and elevator. Selling â&#x20AC;&#x153;turn-keyâ&#x20AC;? furnished. $1,599,000
BRIDGEPORT CONDO 2BR/2BA unit located across the street from beach with peeks of the Gulf AND Bay. Easy access to the beach, new hurricane-rated windows and sliding doors, updated kitchen. $374,900
1301&35: ."/"(&.&/5 t 3&"- &45"5& 4"-&4 t 7"$"5*0/ 3&/5"-4
Gulf-Bay Realty of Anna Maria Inc. Jesse Brisson - Broker Associate, GRI 941-713-4755 800-771-6043 EXCEPTIONAL BEACH FRONT CONDO located in the Anna Maria Island Club. This updated 2 BR/2BA unit offers beautiful views of the beach and Gulf. Great rental history, large heated pool, secured entrance and elevator. Selling furnished. $824,900
Mike Norman Realty INC
800-367-1617 941-778-6696 31O1 GULF DR HOLMES BEACH
MINUTES TO THE BEACH: This Anna Maria pool home features 5 bedrooms, a spacious game room, ceramic and wood floors, and a light beach decor. Granite counter tops and stainless steel appliances adorn the kitchen. A short walk to the Rod & Reel Pier and local shops. $1,399,000 SWEEPING GULF VIEWS: This 2bed/2bath condo at Anna Maria Island Club has breathtaking Gulf views from the living room and master bedroom. A rare opportunity to own at one of the most soughtafter condo complexes on the Island. $699,000
Call Jesse Brisson â&#x20AC;˘ 941-713-4755
RELEASE DATE: 2/11/2018
New York Times Sunday Magazine Crossword
THE ISLANDER n FEB. No. 14, 2018 0204n 35
1 52-story Boston skyscraper, familiarly 7 Brass instrument with a mellow sound 15 ____ Malfoy, student at Hogwarts 20 Sorkin and Spelling 21 Kind of equinox 22 Puerto ____ 23 “Stop! You’re killing me!” 25 ____-garde 26 Give some lip 27 Uncut 28 More than willing 30 For whom the Lorax speaks 31 Internet home to “Between Two Ferns” 34 Latin for “womb” 38 Monsieur’s mate 41 Y or N, maybe 42 Shakespeare character who says, “This above all: to thine own self be true” 45 Actor Jason 47 Zugspitze, e.g. 50 A person skilled at deadpan has one 52 What “4” may stand for 54 French river or department 55 Beseech 56 Advert’s ending? Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more Answers: than 4,000 past puzzles, page 32 ($39.95 a year).
57 Designer Geoffrey 58 Carrier to Karachi 61 Tugboat sounds 65 Decked out 67 Unimpressed response to someone’s one-liner 72 ____ intolerance 73 Novo-Ogaryovo is the official one of the Russian president 74 Lavatory sign 75 Hawke of “Training Day” 76 Regrettable 79 Broadway’s Hagen 81 “Roméo et Juliette” segment 85 Coin-toss call 86 Stand-up chain started in Los Angeles 92 Big engine additive 93 Log-in needs 94 Verbally assail 95 “Iglu,” for “igloo”: Abbr. 97 Cover over, in a way 99 Start limping 100 It might involve someone being “so poor” or “so old” 104 “____, amigo” 107 Count ____ 108 Nail-salon employees, at times 110 Its “reeds are a pain / And the fingering’s insane,” per Ogden Nash 114 Lipinski and Reid 115 “Jeez … lighten up!” 120 Be grandiloquent
121 To this day, Marie Curie’s are still radioactive 122 Mystery 123 Lacoste and Descartes 124 Star of 1976’s Oscar winner for Best Picture 125 Smoothed in a shop DOWN
1 Some body art, for short 2 “Hilarious!” 3 Noteworthy times 4 Lobster traps 5 Med. professionals who take a pledge named for Florence Nightingale 6 Welcomes 7 Plaster 8 Condition for filmdom’s Rain Man 9 Suffix with speed 10 “Oh, what the hell … I’ll do it” 11 “Uh, you’ve told me quite enough” 12 Where Michael Jordan played coll. ball 13 Meadow call 14 Poet Ginsberg 15 “Game of Thrones” creature 16 Joan who quipped ”A Peeping Tom looked in my window and pulled down the shade” 17 “Pick ____ …” 18 “Pretty please?” 19 Doing a pirouette, say 24 Poison ivy, e.g.
29 Some sneakers 30 Something carried onstage? 31 “Terrif!” 32 Fifth category of taste with a Japanese name 33 “Peter ____ Greatest Hits” (1974 album) 34 High hairstyle 35 Doughnut figures 36 Late ’50s singing sensation 37 One of many scattered in a honeymoon suite, maybe 39 Light bark 40 Cry from Homer 43 Kind of port for a flash drive 44 Manage 46 Night vision? 47 Bowl 48 Maid’s armful 49 Made an appeal 51 Hymn starter 52 Habitation 53 Around the time of birth 59 Chains 60 Car-rental giant 62 Poet who wrote “Fortune and love favor the brave” 63 Org. that offers Pre✓ enrollment 64 ____ fly 66 One on the left?: Abbr. 67 Greatly bother 68 TV blocking device 69 Tops 70 Finish all at once, in a way
30 36
52 56 62
79 87
108 116
99 105
71 Things taken by government officials 72 “Sounds like a plan!” 77 “Don’t be ____!” 78 ____ Walcott, Nobel Prize-winning poet 80 Patriots’ org. 82 Bad state to be in 83 Mine transport 84 Modern party summons
93 95
64 70
55 58
87 Euros replaced them 88 Bustle 89 Grp. that puts on a show 90 Fleets 91 Wall St. bigwigs 93 Like Mount Narodnaya 95 Empty 96 Brings a smile to 98 Like some angels and dominoes
100 Champion 101 Airport that J.F.K. dedicated in 1963 102 Erin of “Joanie Loves Chachi” 103 Locks up 105 Concoct 106 Bug 108 Jester 109 Feeling
110 Anthony Hopkins’s “Thor” role 111 City NNE of San Antone 112 “My treat!” 113 “My stars!” 116 Cambodia’s Angkor ____ 117 Court org. 118 Skit show, for short 119 What makes you you?
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36 n Feb. 14, 2018 n THE ISLANDER