Pier progress. 8
Market day on AMI. 22 Season registers. 14
VOLUME 28, NO. 6 Astheworldterns shop with mom-and-pop. 6
Happy Holidays
DEC. 4, 2019 FREE
gangway contractor awaits parts for BB dock. 4 BB applies brakes on LSV regs. 4
The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992
Meetings. 4 county looks to fill seat on tDc. 5
Opinions. 6 10-20 YEARS AGO from the archives. 7
am joins state preservation program. 8
Happenings announcements. Jeannie Bystrom, an animal activist, found a laughing gull and other birds in a colony dead oct. 8 at Passage Key, north of anna maria island and sounded the alarm. islander file Photo: Jeannie Bystrom
Save the date. fundraising continues for man dragged under vehicle.
Streetlife. get in the game.
Gathering. Obituaries. 19
Kindergartners celebrate thanksgiving. 20 Where to deliver toys for tots. 21
uprooting tree protections. 23 atlantic hurricane season ends. 23 Sports: at the pits, on the fairway. 24 tired of turkey? How about fried fish? 25
ISL BIZ: 26-27 additions, anniversaries, adjustments. CLASSIFIEDS.
NYT puzzle.
Messages convey happy times, happy ‘Thanks-Living’ on AMI With a little spelling help from dad, mickey meltzer, Sydnee, 5, proclaims “sunsets” as what she loves about anna maria island on a chalkboard at thanks-Living, held nov. 27 at city Pier Park in anna maria. for more, see page 15. islander Photo: Sarah Brice
Giving Tree grows at AMI cafe By mike Dunn islander reporter
Every holiday tradition has a story. Just stop into Jackie Estes’ cozy cafe in Holmes Beach, help yourself to coffee and pull up a chair. Estes will tell you about an island tradition that started 24 years ago. It’s the tale of a Christmas tree. But, this is no ordinary tree. Estes calls it a Giving Tree. It shines with the usual constellation of Yuletide accoutrements: lights, ribbons, baubles. But this tree has something more — tags that call out for gifts for underprivileged children in the community. Estes encourages her customers at Paradise Cafe, Bagels and Catering to pull a tag from the tree. Each tag references a child age 12 or younger and clothing size. The children’s names are withheld. Customers then purchase clothing and toys to help make that child’s Christmas morning a little brighter. Estes then makes Jackie estes and her granddaughter, sure every child gets their gifts. Jazzy Sparks, 8, are celebrating an island It’s a tradition that has been growing tradition with their “giving” christmas tree. PLeaSe See TREE, Page 3
EatHereFlorida.com (941) 778-0411 5315 Gulf Drive • Holmes Beach
islander Photo: mike Dunn
Fungus killed gulls on Passage Key By Sandy ambrogi islander reporter
Investigators now have the reason for why laughing gulls were found dead in October on Passage Key. Researchers with the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Georgia in Athens informed the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and Save Our Seabirds in mid-November that aspergillosis killed the birds. The fungal infection is common in the warm, moist environs of Florida. Dana Leworthy, avian hospital administrator with Save Our Seabirds in Sarasota, told The Islander aspergillosis can come from any rotten item and laughing gulls are known for consuming most anything. “It grows in swampy areas or on dead fish,” Leworthy said of the fungus. “It can reproduce without hesitation.” More than 30 dead gulls were retrieved by the FWC for testing Oct. 13. And they were found to have microscopic lesions in their throats. Lesions and growths are two symptoms of aspergillosis, which can cause lung problems, including respiratory issues. PLeaSe See GULLS, Page 2
Page 2 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Dec. 4, 2019 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Gulls that show symptoms of illness on Anna Maria Island are treated at Wildlife Inc. Islander File Photo: Sarah Brice gulls continued from page 1
Demo on the drive A house in the 600 block of Key Royale Drive in Holmes Beach is demolished Nov. 25. The city’s special magistrate ordered Sept. 11 the demolition take place by Dec. 6. The building was deemed unsafe and had gone unoccupied for several years. Islander Photos: ChrisAnn Silver Esformes INSET: A beehive discovered during the demolition of the Key Royale Drive house is removed for relocation.
Researchers call aspergillosis “the great pretender” because it mimics so many other diseases and can display a variety of symptoms, Leworthy said. Aspergillosis was definitively confirmed by blood tests at the University of Georgia. But where or how the gulls contracted the fungus remains a mystery. Leworthy speculated they may have become infected eating a single rotten food source. The fungus is common in birds, but Leworthy said it was “weird” only the laughing gulls were affected and found dead on Passage Key. No other bird species appeared to be sickened on Passage Key. “Maybe they had some sort of stressor that made them more susceptible to illness,” Leworthy said. “It’s just very strange that they were the only ones.” The Passage Key gulls were not the only group of gulls that died mysteriously in October. Before the Passage Key incident, more than two dozen sick laughing gulls were taken to Save Our Seabirds from Siesta Key. More than half died within 24 hours, according to Jonathan Hande, a senior hospital technician at SOS. Nine more birds died on the beaches. Their cause of death has not been established. The incident ended and no birds have turned up dead since October.
Transforming the Way You Go to the Beach TENTS, CHAIRS, TOWELS, SPEAKERS, FANS AND MORE … ALL SET UP FOR YOU ON THE BEACH! UÊ i ÛiÀÞÊÌ ÊÌ iÊLi>V ÊÊ >ÌÊ{x³Ê>VViÃÃÊ« Ìð UÊ-iÌÊÕ«ÊLÞÊ£ä°Ê ivÌÊÕ«Ê½Ì Ê {\Îä°Ê i>ÛiÊ> ÞÌ i° U7 Êv ÀÊÌ iÊÜ À > V]ÊÊ Ì ÞÃÊv ÀÊÌ iÊ `ÃÊ> `ÊÊ }> iÃÊv ÀÊÌ iÊÌii Ãt 7 Ê 1-/" < Ê/"ÊÊ -1 /Ê9"1,Ê -°
Serving Anna Maria Island! AMI CENTRE SHOPS, 3216 East Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. Call 941-243-3871
Dec. 4, 2019 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 3 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Just like â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Magicâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
Islander adds to news team
The Islander recently hired Phil Colpas as an addition to its reporting team. He will cover Anna Maria, the West Manatee Fire Rescue District and community events. Colpas earned his bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree in journalism from the University of Florida in 1996 Colpas and has worked since in various capacities as reporter, writer and editor. He spent 10 years with the Pelican Press, where he worked his way to associate editor and earned several Florida Press Association awards. He also is a guitarist and vocalist for his band King Louie, which he founded in 1992. Colpas teaches guitar part-time at the Music Compound in Sarasota. He can be reached at The Islander, 941-7787978, or phil@islander.org.
Take 5:00 on break with Michael Dunn Giving tree continued from page 1
since Estes started it nearly a quarter-century ago. And, like many traditions, it started by accident. Estes said her grandson mentioned one day that there was a girl at Anna Maria Elementary School who wore the same dress every day. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Her shoes were taped,â&#x20AC;? Estes recalled. Estes, who was a school volunteer, worked with the guidance counselor to solicit donations and pro-
The Magic of Manatee Sweet Adelines serenade the crowd with Christmas favorites Nov. 30 just before the Christmas tree lighting near the Historic Bridge Street Pier. The lights on the tree were turned on at sunset Nov. 30. Islander Photo: Sarah Brice
vide new clothes and shoes, plus some needed household items for the child and her family. As she learned of other kids and families with similar circumstances, Estes hit upon the idea of a Giving Tree. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Each year, it has gotten more and more involved,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our peak year, we probably had 75 kids. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just snowballed each year.â&#x20AC;? As the islandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s residential base has shifted over the years to rentals and a more well-to-do demographic, Estes said, there are fewer island kids. So the program has been extended to include youngsters from the mainland. Estes wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t accept cash donations, but she gets assistance from friends, customers and others who provide contacts and help distribute gifts. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Everyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been so good,â&#x20AC;? Estes said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Please come and get a tag,â&#x20AC;? she added. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll make sure (your gift) goes where it needs to go.â&#x20AC;? For more about the Giving Tree, call Estes at 941-779-1212 or visit the cafe at 3220 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach.
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Anna Maria extends holiday lights contest
The city of Anna Maria extended the registration deadline for participating in its holiday lighting competition. Registration now will close Thursday, Dec. 5, an extension from the original Dec. 2 deadline. People can register on the website at cityofannamaria.com, as well as at city hall, at 10005 Gulf Drive, or by calling 941-708-6130. The contest will be judged in commercial and residential categories by a panel of three people to be appointed by the city commission. The judges will tour the city and review the entries the week of Dec. 9. Santa Claus will present trophies to winners at the cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Holiday Carols in the Park event at 4 p.m. Friday, Dec. 13, at City Pier Park, at the corner of Pine Avenue and North Bay Boulevard.
Page 4 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Dec. 4, 2019 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Contractor awaits parts for Bradenton Beach dock repairs By ryan Paice islander reporter
The floating dock at the Historic Bridge Street Pier in Bradenton Beach soon may be open to the public. Public works director Tom Woodard said Nov. 26 that Sarasota-based Duncan Seawall was cross-bracing four timber pilings to form a support structure for the gangway, the walkway connecting the pier to the dock. The gangway was pulling away from the pier and removed. The dock was closed Oct. 4 for repairs to the gangway. The pilings form the foundation of a support structure, where the gangway will rest when it is reinstalled. It previously was connected to the pier. Work the week of Nov. 25 involved cross-bracing the pilings with lumber and placement of a support beam between the pilings closest to the pier. The final step will be to build a 6-foot extension of the pier deck to connect to the support beam and gangway. Duncan also will install safety railings on the floating dock. Duncan took Nov. 28-29 off to celebrate Thanksgiving, but Woodard said the contractor would complete the job “hopefully by Dec. 6.” He added that the city would open the dock to the public when the work is finished. City officials opened the dock Aug. 2, after twoand-a-half years of turbulence due to failures by the company originally contracted to build and install the dock. The dock, which cost $191,524, replaced one damaged by storms and removed in 2017. The dock was closed within a month of opening because of the gangway. The repair will cost $73,317, including the cost of 18 new rollers — the mechanisms connecting the dock platforms to the support pilings to allow for tidal movement — after the city procures the parts from Ronautica Marinas.
Duncan Seawall employees climb nov. 25 off a work barge used to make repairs to the floating dock at the Historic Bridge Street Pier in Bradenton Beach. the gangway rests on the dock. islander Photos: ryan Paice
a structure to support the gangway to connect the Historic Bridge Street Pier to the floating dock stands partially constructed nov. 25. the structure consists of four crossbraced pilings.
Bradenton Beach hits brakes on lsv ordinance By ryan Paice islander reporter
Bradenton Beach must work through a hitch in a proposed ordinance regulating golf carts and lowspeed vehicles. Low-speed vehicles, if licensed with the state, are allowed on roadways with speed limits of 35 mph or less, according to state code. On the other hand, the use of golf carts on roadways is prohibited unless a city allows for their operation. Also, the use of LSVs on multi-use paths is prohibited unless authorized by local ordinance. Just such an authorization is needed for a proposed jitney to shuttle passengers in the city, according to city attorney Ricinda Perry. She presented a draft ordinance that would allow an LSV with a passenger tram to shuttle people on Perry a multi-use, off-road trail between Coquina Beach and Bridge Street. The “jitney trail” would run alongside Gulf Drive. Also, the proposed ordinance would prohibit golf carts and LSVs from sidewalks, but allow their opera-
tion on city roads. Before driving ahead, the city must work out an issue with vehicle classifications. As Commissioner Jake Spooner noted at a Nov. 7 meeting, a 32-passenger jitney couldn’t be classified as an LSV because it would exceed the 3,000-pound weight limit defined by state and federal law. Spooner Perry suggested during a commission meeting Nov. 21 that the city could either reduce the shuttle vehicle’s seating to meet the LSV weight limit or designate a “beach tram” in the ordinance. Spooner backed the beach tram designation, saying the alternative would reduce the shuttle’s seating capacity and reduce effectiveness. Commissioner Ralph Cole moved to continue the discussion to a commission meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 5, at city hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., allowing time to adapt the proposed ordinance. Commissioner Jan Vosburgh seconded the motion, which passed on a 4-0 vote. Commissioner Marilyn Maro was absent with excuse.
Dec. 5, 6 p.m., city commission. Dec. 10, 10 a.m., city commission. Dec. 12, 1 p.m., department heads. Anna Maria City Dec. 19, 11 a.m., pier team. Dec. 5, 6 p.m., commission (organizational Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., meeting). 941-778-1005, cityofbradentonbeach.org. Dec. 5, 6 p.m., commission. Dec. 10, 4 p.m., planning and zoning. Holmes Beach Dec. 13, 4 p.m., Holiday Carols in the Park, City Dec. 4, 10 a.m., parks and beautification. Pier Park. Dec. 4, 6 p.m., planning. Dec. 18, 5:30 p.m., special magistrate. Dec. 10, 6 p.m., city commission. Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, 941Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, 941708-6130, cityofannamaria.com. 708-5800, holmesbeachfl.org. Bradenton Beach Dec. 4, 9 a.m., CIP. Dec. 4, 9:30 a.m., CRA.
Bradenton Beach readies to bury Bridge street utilities By ryan Paice islander reporter
The wait to underground utilities on Bridge Street in Bradenton Beach may be close to an end. But the Bradenton Beach Community Redevelopment Agency’s $53,853.88 deal with consultant CDM Smith wasn’t equipped for the now five-month delay. CRA members, meeting Nov. 21, voted 6-0 for a six-month concole tract extension with the consultant. The CRA hired CDM Oct. 3, 2018, for a year to coordinate on a design to underground utilities with Florida Power & Light. CRA member Marilyn Maro, a city commissioner, was absent with excuse. A plan exists, but the CRA has waited since June for a cost-binding estimate from FPL for its work. CRA Chair Ralph Cole, a commissioner, said CDM project manager Mark Porter told him that FPL had mailed the estimate or was preparing to do so. The CRA already has contracted Wilco Electrical to begin work on Bridge Street as soon as FPL’s estimate is received. Wilco is the company hired to bury utilities on Longboat Key, so Bradenton Beach piggybacked on that contract to cut costs. Porter previously said the project would take two weeks to complete. The CRA has been working on undergrounding utilities for months with the goal of giving Bridge Street a cleaner look. CRA members also have discussed undergrounding utilities districtwide. W., Bradenton, wmfr.org. Manatee County Dec. 5, 9 a.m., county commission (land use). Dec. 10, 9 a.m., county commission. Administration building, 1112 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton, 941-748-4501, mymanatee.org.
Of interest Dec. 9, 9 a.m. Manatee County Tourist Development Council, county administration building. Dec. 17, 2 p.m., Coalition of Barrier Island Elected Officials, Holmes Beach City Hall. Dec. 25, Christmas, most government offices closed that day, as well as Dec. 24. West Manatee Fire Rescue Jan. 1, New Year’s Day, most government offices None announced. WMFR administration building, 6510 Third Ave. closed.
Dec. 4, 2019 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 5 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Bradenton Beach post office OKs after-hours parking By ryan Paice islander reporter
Bridge Street needs all the parking it can get. To add to the limited availability on the street, the post office at 116 Bridge St., Bradenton Beach, agreed to open its parking lot to the public for after-hours and weekend use. Bradenton Beach public works director Tom Woodard told The Islander Nov. 26 that the lot opened Nov.
18 after the city posted signage displaying rules for parking. The city, its community redevelopment agency and the U.S. Postal Service came to an agreement on the parking lot use in October, allowing for parking at the property unrelated to post office business. However, the agreement didn’t take effect until the city furnished and installed signage in November. Piror to the agreement, some vehicles left in the lot
a new red-and-white sign boasting rules for public parking at the post office, 116 Bridge St., Bradenton Beach, stands nov. 25 at the entrance of the parking lot. in the background, three green-and-white signs designate three parking spaces reserved for the post office. islander Photo: ryan Paice
were towed and others were ticketed by the Bradenton Beach Police Department. Now, public parking is allowed anytime on weekends and also weekdays 4:30 p.m.-8 a.m., according to the signage. During business hours, non-post office parking is not permitted. Also, public parking is not permitted in three spaces marked by green-and-white signs as reserved for post office use. Woodard said the work, which involved restriping the lot, cost the city $2,089.39. The agreement requires the city and CRA to maintain and repair the parking lot, owned by the Miami Beach-based Fryd Family Partnership, and lists the CRA as responsible for any damages to the property. The agreement also requires the Bradenton Beach Police Department to police the lot.
eyes on the road
Manatee County seeks to fill tDC vacancy Manatee County is accepting applications for a vacancy on the tourist development council. The vacancy is a result of Anna Maria Commissioner Doug Copeland’s decision not to seek re-election in November. The citizens advisory committee makes recommendations to county commissioners on how to spend tourist tax revenues and promote tourism. The council consists of nine people, appointed by the county commission, who meet the third Monday of every other month at 9 a.m. A news release from the county said the term to be filled will expire June 30, 2020, when the seat will be filled with a four-year appointment.
Applicants must be registered voters in Manatee County. In October, Bradenton Beach Mayor John Chappie announced his intention to apply for the seat. “We need a strong presence on the TDC,” Chappie said at the time. “Most of the funds come from the island communities. Another reason is that a Bradenton Beach elected official has never been on the TDC.” Applications can be found online at mymanatee. org. They must be submitted by Dec. 20. For more information, call Monica Luff at the Bradenton Area Convention & Visitors Bureau at 941-729-9177, ext. 3944.
Midtown Hol id THE ANNA MARIA
The Florida Department of Transportation posted the following for the week of Dec. 2: • Bay Drive South in Bradenton Beach: Manatee County’s AMI Pipeline Replacement project involves work on Bay Drive South continuing north to Bridge Street, shifting to Church Avenue and continuing on Church to Cortez Road. Construction is expected to conclude in December. • Longboat Pass Bridge: Repairs on the Longboat Pass Bridge on Gulf Drive between Bradenton Beach and Longboat Key continue. Overnight work requires decreasing lane sizes, flagging operations and occasional lane closures. For the latest road watch information, go online to fl511.com and swflroads.com or dial 511.
ay Par ty
You’re invited to a night of festive cheer … food, refreshments, door prizes, visits with Santa and the Privateers aboard their sleigh, snow flurries and a performance by the MHS Drumline 5-7 • Friday • Dec. 13 at the Centre • 3200 E. Bay Drive • Holmes Beach
Page 6 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Dec. 4, 2019 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
On your marks
We’re off and running into the holiday season. Shopping over the weekend was mild to good on Anna Maria Island, so we hope it’s just a matter of pace. The mom-and-pop shops in Anna Maria, Bradenton Beach and Holmes Beach deserve a first look, before you resort to online or mall purchases. About 40 years ago I can recall telling my kids to shop at the Sterling Anvil — a jewelry story in Holmes Beach that was run by locals. “There’s nothing at the mall that I want,” I said, hoping to break through the mindset of aunts, uncles, in-laws and other family members and friends to head to the mall and wander in awe — but find nothing meaningful. And just in case you’re missing the old Sterling Anvil, you can find a longtime loyal employee with an eye for some of the jewelry styles of the past and some of her own creation at Terra’s, just off Manatee Avenue in Bradenton. Terra (Bundy) is an islander at heart — with her own boutique of treasures. In fact, we lived in Bradenton Beach just a house or two from the Bundys many years ago — about 45 years — near what is now the Gulf Drive Cafe. It was back in an era when there were few, if any, shops on Pine Avenue. The Anna Maria City Pier had only a snack bar and pinball machines. The Manatee Public Beach had a snack bar and where they now sell beach gear and chotzky was filled with long picnic tables and a tiny book exchange. There was a grocery store in Anna Maria, two in Holmes Beach, and a small market on Bridge Street, along with a game room and a dive shop that sold Christmas trees. The other storefronts housed rowdy bars, but there was a hardware store in the middle of Bridge Street, where one Christmas I found a holiday decoration — a great find — a small glass stand that holds a light bulb with a filament that glows with the shape of Santa handing a gift to a child when it’s lit. And light it, I do, every Christmas. I also have a small, porcelain Christmas tree, made by my mother (some 60 or more years ago) — the kind that lights from within. And I have wave rings from the “Anvil,” among my treasures of gifts from Christmas past. So as you head off with your Christmas list, remember, shop local, handmade, antique, unique — and special. There’s treasure to be found on the beach — generations of memories. — Bonner Joy
DEC. 4, 2019 • Vol. 28, No. 6 ▼ ▼
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Publisher and Editor Bonner Joy, news@islander.org Editorial Lisa neff, editor, lisa@islander.org chrisann allen, chrisann@islander.org Sandy ambrogi, sandy@islander.org Joe Bird, editorial cartoonist arthur Brice, arthur@islander.org Sarah Brice, sarah@islander.org Kevin cassidy, kevin@islander.org Phil colpas, phil@islander.org michael Dunn, michael@islander.org Jack elka, jack@jackelka.com Leslie Lake, leslie@islander.org Brook morrison, brook@islander.org ryan Paice, ryan@islander.org mike tokars, miket@islander.org Contributors Jesse Brisson Karen riley-Love capt. Danny Stasny, fish@islander.org Advertising Director toni Lyon, toni@islander.org Office Staff Lisa Williams, office manager Vicki mcintyre, office assistant, reader advocate info@, accounting@, classifieds@, subscriptions@islander.org Distribution urbane Bouchet Judy Loden Wasco ross roberts (All others: news@islander.org)
Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each. ©1992-2019 • Editorial, sales and production offices: 3218 e. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach fL 34217 WeBSite: www.islander.org PHone 941-778-7978 toll-free fax 1-866-362-9821
equestrians’ anniversary
I just read the story regarding the possible ban on horses along Manatee Avenue in the Palma Sola Bay (The Islander, Nov. 20). Three years ago my husband and I were looking for a place to celebrate our 20th anniversary. We had criteria that had to be met and one of those was a beach ride, mostly for me since my husband isn’t an equestrian. Our search was not limited to a particular state but pretty much any place that touched an ocean. We had not heard of Anna Maria Island until we found CPonies, but we booked a trip right away. The beach ride was the highlight of our trip and not something that can be found just anywhere. Since then I’ve had at least six equestrian friends visit the area based on my recommendation of the beach ride. This activity should be embraced and revered as an attraction that could draw the estimated 2 million horseowners in the United States. CPonies isn’t just a unique experience. They use magnificent Gypsy horses, they are professional and inviting. They are truly ambassadors for the area. Please, consider ways to work together and continue to offer this amazing experience for your tourist population instead of banning it. Rhonda Brutscher, Edwardsville, Indiana
not horsing around
In response to the story “County trots out ban on horseback surfing,” about Manatee County possibly banning horseback riding in Palma Sola Bay, the following comments were posted online at islander.org: Holly Harrison: So sad to hear of this. This company is rescuing these horses and providing a life for them free of cruelty and harm. I was a customer when visiting Florida from
skimming the islander online …
Web (register for free news alerts) islander.org Facebook islandernewspaper Twitter @ami_islander Instagram theislanderami Pinterest islandernewspaper E-edition For $36 a year, e-edition subscribers have access to an e-edition, with page-by-page views of all the news, photos, columns, community announcements and advertisements weekly. To subscribe, visit islander.org. Ohio. They are very conscious of the environment and even had a full disclosure given to customers on how they run things, which includes a rundown on the clean-up and care of the area and the horses. The owner and the employees are animal lovers here, not cruel planet destroyers. They do clean up after the horses. Darlene Williams: My daughter works for one of the companies that provides beach rides. They have someone walking behind the horses with a wheel barrel picking up any droppings. The county needs to pay more attention to the chemicals and raw sewage that is being dumped. Beach horse rides add something beautiful and unique to our area. Why would you want to ban it?
Dec. 4, 2019 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 7 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
From the archives
Of bake sales and bazaars … at the episcopal church of the annunciation in the fall of 1976, women prepare for the annual holiday bazaar. this year’s sale will be 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7, at the Holmes Beach church.
10&20 years ago
islander archives, Dec. 2, 1999
• Anna Maria Mayor Chuck Shumard closed the city pier to the public after he said he received a number of reports of vandalism and unsafe conditions. The pier restaurant had been vacant since October after negotiations with the tenant for a new lease were unsuccessful. Shumard said the city was looking for a new pier tenant. • Bradenton Beach city commissioners voted 3-2 to drop the concept of constructing a “Welcome to Bradenton Beach” sign at the foot of the Cortez Road-Gulf Drive intersection after Commissioner Bill Arnold said he had not seen any plans for the sign.
islander archives, Dec. 3, 2009
• The Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage announced its purchase of the Church of God property in the heart of the Cortez fishing village, with plans to renovate the classroom building. • The first meeting of Anna Maria’s parking safety committee started with a clash over membership — and whether the committee was stacked with opponents of commercial developments on Pine Avenue. • Members of Bradenton Beach’s Scenic Waves advisory committee called for state action to reduce the use of single-use plastic bags, possibly with a bag tax or a ban. • A proposal to ban indoor smoking at the Anna Maria Island Moose Lodge in Bradenton Beach had some members bellowing, some cheering and also some women members challenging their lack of voting rights.
at St. Bernard catholic church in Holmes Beach, women prepare for their annual christmas bazaar. the photograph is from the fall of 1980. islander Photos: manatee county Public Library
— Lisa neff
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Master of Sunset pictures
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Page 8 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Dec. 4, 2019 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Anna Maria extends deadline for city pier lease proposal By Phil colpas islander reporter
Anna Maria commissioners voted unanimously Nov. 26 to extend the deadline for the current tenant of the Anna Maria City Pier to pitch his final offer for a new lease. The city commission held an emergency meeting at city hall to consider the extension, which was pushed from Dec. 13 to Dec. 31. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He would like to present his final offer sometime between Dec. 26-30,â&#x20AC;? Mayor Dan Murphy told commissioners. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That seems to me to be a reasonable extension of time.â&#x20AC;? Murphy said the current leaseholder, Mario Schoenfelder, requested the extra time to analyze costs based on the ďŹ&#x201A;oor plan and equipment needed in the bait shop and restaurant. Murphy is pressing to reopen the pier in February and Schoenfelderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lease expires in December 2020. Commissioner Mark Short asked about issuing a request for proposals for a new tenant in case a deal cannot be reached with Schoenfelder. Murphy said the city could not issue an RFP until early January and would need 30-45 days to collect bids, as well as 15 days to review and select a bidder. Initiating the RFP process would move the pier reopening from February to March 2020 or later. But in case a bidding process becomes necessary, Short said he wanted an RFP ready to go before the commissionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s next regular meeting, set for Jan. 9. Murphy agreed, suggesting commissioners submit questions in advance to help prepare the RFP. The mayor also raised the possibility of meeting individually with each of the commissioners before Jan. 9 to discuss Schoenfelderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s final offer. Also at the emergency meeting, the commission voted unanimously for a resolution detailing a $285,000 state grant for pier enhancements. The agreement is being handled by the Florida Department of Transportation.
Boaters drop anchor in tampa Bay just off the anna maria city Pier, where construction on a new pier is ongoing, with an anticipated opening in february 2020. islander Photo: Jack elka
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Before we can get the money, we have to show them our bidding process with contractors,â&#x20AC;? Murphy said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are more hoops to jump through than previous fundage from the state, but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s $285,000 and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s worth it to the taxpayers.â&#x20AC;? The commission also unanimously approved an addendum to an engagement letter from CSL, the city auditor, for federal and state audits of pier funds. Meanwhile, work continued the week of Nov. 25 to fix a design ďŹ&#x201A;aw in the pier project. Ayres Engineering designed the T-end at an angled slope for stormwater runoff, but architect Schimberg Group planned the restaurant, restrooms and bait shop for a level surface. Murphy said the solution involves raising door headers, raising ďŹ&#x201A;oors by pouring additional concrete, expanding drain holes in the platform and adding a curb around the perimeter.
The work will take an estimated three weeks and cost an additional $109,000, which Ayres Engineering agreed to pay. Murphy told The Islander in a Nov. 20 email that Mason Martin, the contractor for the accessory buildings on the T-end, had begun resolving the discrepancy in the pitch of the concrete base and the buildings. The contractor was slated to begin pouring concrete Dec. 2, Murphy said. Additionally, the fire suppression system must be completed before the pier can open. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Everything is being done to code or better than code,â&#x20AC;? Murphy said. Present at the meeting were Mayor Dan Murphy and Commissioners Amy Tripp, Dale Woodland and Carol Carter. Commissioners Doug Copeland and Mark Short attended the meeting remotely, by phone.
Anna Maria joins state preservation program shopping * lively music * tasty treats * santa's sleigh
Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce Tree Lighting & Holmes Beach Holiday Open House
CrossPointe Fellowship Family singing holiday tunes. Holmes Beach businesses open for holiday shopping.
Preserving the historic in Anna Maria may get easier. Timothy Parsons, director of the Florida Division of Historical Resources, wrote in a Nov. 8 letter to Anna Maria that the city was accepted into the Florida Certified Local Government Program. The program offers access to grants to promote property preservation, including developing educational materials, maintaining a registry and surveying the city for historical properties. Certification creates new possibilities for the cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s historic preservation board. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Designation as a Florida Certified Local Government affirms the City of Anna Mariaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s commitment to historic
preservation, and begins a new partnership with the (Florida) Bureau of Historic Preservation and the 75 other certified local governments throughout Florida,â&#x20AC;? Parsons wrote. He wrote that an agreement formalizing the cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s participation in the program would be sent. The city applied to join the program earlier this year, per the recommendation of the historic preservation board. Mayor Dan Murphy received the letter Nov. 18 and forwarded the document via email to members of the preservation board. He wrote, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Here it is at long last. Congratulations! Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s move forward!â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D; ryan Paice
2020 Anna Maria Island Calendar
Dec. 4, 2019 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 9 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Anglers back to fishing after brief r&r pier closure By Phil colpas islander reporter
the rod & reel Pier, 875 n. Shore Drive, anna maria, saw a light morning of fishing nov. 26 after a failed piling and a sinking walkway forced a short closure of the pier and restaurant. islander Photos: Phil colpas
Imagine Anna Maria without a fishing pier. This was the case the week of Nov. 18. But only for a short time. The Rod & Reel Pier — a 72-year-old pier, restaurant and bait shop at 875 N. Shore Drive, Anna Maria — was closed Nov. 20 after a sinking piling led to the partial collapse of the walkway, according to Dave Cochran, the pier’s general manager. To the south, the Anna Maria City Pier remained closed, under construction after the 1911-built pier’s demolition following Hurricane Irma. Rod & Reel employees had noticed problems with the pier walkway on the south side of the structure and plans were in the works to address the issue this
month. But one section of the walkway had its own plan. It began to soften and sink below the other planks. Holmes Beach contractor James G. Annis began work Nov. 22 and completed the pier repair that day. The walkway then passed inspection by the city of Anna Maria, allowing the pier to reopen Nov. 23. By all accounts, visitors and locals alike were glad to be able to return to the Rod & Reel Pier. Peter Diamond took his son Sammy, 7, fishing at the Rod & Reel Pier Nov. 26. The family had arrived from Boston the night of Nov. 25. Visiting Anna Maria Island for the first time, they were happy to find the Rod & Reel — the northernmost pier on Anna Maria Island — reopened in time for their vacation. “Anna Maria is pretty cool. My wife woke up this Sammy Diamond, 7, vacationing with his family from Boston, waits for a bite nov. 26 at the rod & reel Pier, 875 n. Shore Drive, anna maria.
morning and said, ‘We’re right near the ocean!’” Diamond said, referring to the Gulf of Mexico. They were slated to enjoy a half-day charter fishing trip Nov. 27 aboard the Fishy Business with Capt. Rick Gross. “My son’s been talking about it for a month,” said Peter Diamond. Mark Emanuele and his son Tyson, 6, who were visiting from Chicago, tested the waters of Tampa Bay Nov. 26 off the Rod & Reel. “It’s our first year here, but my family’s been coming here for a long time,” said Emanuele, who was glad the pier reopened so they could fish. The father and son had no luck with frozen shrimp, but were confident a tactical decision would change their luck for the better. “We’ll be back with live shrimp!” the dad said. The Rod & Reel is owned by Mario Schoenfelder, who also is the current leaseholder for the Anna Maria City Pier, which is tentatively slated to open in February 2020.
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Island happenings
Page 10 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Dec. 4, 2019 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Vintage flea
at G Ginny’s & Jane E’s at the Old in the field across from the shop
the Black Honkeys will perform Sunday, Dec. 15, at the coquina Beach Seafood and music fest. the popular bay-area band plays “motown, funk, soul and rock ’n’ roll.” islander courtesy Photo
Shop a wonderful array of vintage vendors and local artists. It’s a great treasure-hunting experience!
8 am • Sunday • Dec. 8 9806 Gulf Drive • Anna Maria
Coquina Beach seafood fest to benefit Humane society
Master of Sunset pictures
Portraits by the Sea
The Coquina Beach Seafood and Music Fest set for Dec. 13-15 will raise money for the Humane Society of Sarasota County. The Paragon Festivals event will be staged at Coquina Beach in Bradenton Beach, operating 4-10 p.m. Friday, Dec. 13; 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 14, and 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 15. The music lineup includes the Whole Band, Americana and rock; RJ Howson, blues and rock; Big Night Out, dance and alternative; Jack’d Up, rock and pop; Kettle of Fish, rock and reggae; Dr. Dave Band,
senior Adventures travels to sarasota for concert, lunch 941-778-2711
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The Senior Adventures group will travel Friday, Dec. 6, to Sarasota to attend a concert and enjoy lunch. The group will depart at about 10 a.m. from the Annie Silver Community Center, 103 23rd St. N., Bradenton Beach. Plans include a “Holiday Favorites” concert at Sunnyside Village, followed by lunch. The cost will be $20, including $5 for transportation. For more information or reservations, call Kaye Bell at 941-538-0945.
Holly Berry Bazaar back at Church of Annunciation
The Holly Berry Bazaar will be 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7, at the Episcopal Church of the Annunciation. The sale will take place in the church hall, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. There will be raffles for gift baskets and sales of homemade pot pies, frozen dinners, baked goods, sweet pickles, crafts, jewelry, Christmas decorations, household items and other goods. Also, the kitchen will open for lunch and snacks. For more, call the church at 941-778-1638.
classic rock; the Verge, classic rock; Fleetwood Max, Fleetwood Mac tribute music; the West Coast Steel Pan Band, jazz and Caribbean; the Billy Rice Band, country rock; and the Black Honkeys, rock and soul. A poster advertises fresh seafood, live music, cold beer and premium drinks. Also, the Humane Society will station its mobile adoption center at the beach during the three-day festival. For more information, go to seafoodfestivals.com or call Paragon at 941-487-8061.
Paradise Center offers free ‘brain health’ screenings
The Paradise Center will offer free memory and lifestyle screenings noon-2 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 11. The Center for Brain Health will conduct the screenings, providing one-on-one assessments. Additionally, the center, 567 Bay Isles Road, Longboat Key, offers regular fitness programs, including yoga, stretch, strength and Zumba classes. For reservations or more information, call the center at 941-383-6493.
AgAMi to host reception
The Artists’ Guild Gallery will hold a reception Friday, Dec. 6, to celebrate the holidays and showcase a jewelry exhibit. Throughout December, the Artists’ Guild of Anna Maria Island is featuring jewelry by Lois Manza, Jinny Goggin, Susanna Spann, Kris Peterson and Jodi Tshida. The reception will be 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the gallery, 5414 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. For more information, call the gallery at 941-7786694.
‘Family Fun’ to be found at Center of Anna Maria island
Hair ~ Nails ~ Massage ~ Facials Acupuncture ~ Body Treatments ~ Bikini and Brazilian Waxing ~ 3612 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach, 941.778.0400
The Center of Anna Maria Island will host the 18th annual Lester Family Fun Day 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7. Chuck and Joey Lester of Holmes Beach sponsor the celebration that features “old-fashioned fun at oldfashioned prices.” An announcement from the center promised a lineup of fun activities and performances, along with delicious food and great prizes and the arrival of Santa at noon. Lester Family Fun Day will include face-painting, crafts, games, cookie decorating, a dunk tank and
get listed in the calendar
more. Also planned: Performances by the Diane Partington Studio of Classical Ballet and the Manatee High School Drum Line. The menu includes Duffy’s burgers and hot dogs. Adults can buy chances to win turkeys and poinsettias, as well as enter a 50/50 raffle — golf ball drop from a helicopter hovering over the sports field. The center is at 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. For more information, call the center at 941-7781908.
Don’t count on people scouring Facebook to find your event. List your happenings in The Islander calendar. Send listings for the calendar to calendar@islander.org and news@islander.org. The deadline for listings is the Wednesday before the publication date. Please include the date, time, location and description of the event, as well as a phone number.
Island happenings
Dec. 4, 2019 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 11 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
All aboard for the holidays Santa will visit with kids at coquina Beach after the anna maria island Privateers christmas Parade, which will begin in anna maria at 10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 14, and travel the length of the island to Bradenton Beach. there will be other appearances by Santa, including at holiday open houses planned by anna maria, Holmes Beach and Bradenton Beach businesses. islander file Photo
island celebrations light up Christmas season Is that the sound of sleigh bells ringing? Planning is underway for holiday walks, an annual Christmas parade and other island traditions. The festivities began Saturday, Nov. 30, with the Bradenton Beach Area Merchants’ lighting of a Christmas tree on Bridge Street. And the celebrating continues. At 6 p.m. Friday, Dec. 6, a tree-lighting will take place at the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce office, 5313 Gulf Drive N., and a holiday walk is set for 5-8 p.m. in downtown Holmes Beach. During the celebration, businesses in the surrounding shops will open their doors to offer specials, Christmas cheer and more. On Saturday, Dec. 7, the Center of Anna Maria Island will present the Lester Family Fun Day. Hours will be 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m. at the center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. An announcement promised food, prizes, balloons, face-painting, crafts, games, a bounce house, entertainment and Santa’s arrival at noon. The REAL Women of CrossPointe Fellowship will host their annual Christmas Brunch at 9:30 a.m. Dec. 7 at the church, 8605 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Also, the Holly Berry Bazaar and Food Market will be 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Dec. 7 at the Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. And, in Cortez 5:30-7:30 p.m. Dec. 7, the Florida Maritime Museum, 4415 119th St. W., will host “Maritime by Candlelight.” At 6:40 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 8, Roser Memorial Community Church will hold the Bethlehem Walk. The walk, with Jesus and Mary and costumed celebrants, will begin at the church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, and travel through the Roser neighborhood, then return to the church to celebrate the birth of Jesus. After, people will gather in the church fellowship hall for refreshments. Also, at 2 p.m. Dec. 8, the Anna Maria Island Concert Chorus and Orchestra will perform its holiday concert at Palma Sola Presbyterian Church, 6510
Third Ave. W., Bradenton. The city of Anna Maria will hold its Holiday Carols in the Park celebration at 4 p.m. Friday, Dec. 13, at City Pier Park at the east end of Pine Avenue. The Holiday of Treasures, with open houses at businesses on Pine Avenue and Gulf Drive, will follow the caroling at 5-8:30 p.m. Also Dec. 13, the AMI Centre shopping plaza in the 3200 block of East Bay Drive in Holmes Beach will hold a midtown holiday celebration, with Santa Claus, the Anna Maria Island Privateers, the Manatee High School drum line, treats, “snow” and specials offered by the plaza businesses. The hours will be 5-7 p.m. The Anna Maria Island Privateers Christmas Parade will be at 10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 14, from Bayfront Park in Anna Maria to Coquina Beach in Bradenton Beach. At Coquina, the Privateers will hold a Christmas party, with Santa providing young ones with presents and the pirates serving lunch for children — as well as lunch for adults for a donation. Christmas on Bridge Street will be 4-8 p.m. Dec. 14, with Bradenton Beach merchants serving cheer, treats and entertainment. During the Bridge Street celebration, a lighted boat parade will begin about 7 p.m. on the Intracoastal Waterway, with viewing opportunities from the Longboat Pass Bridge, the Historic Bridge Street Pier and the Bradenton Beach Marina.
AMiCCO to present concert
The Anna Maria Island Concert Chorus and Orchestra will present “A Glorious Hallelujah” concert Sunday, Dec. 8. The concert will be at 2 p.m. at the Palma Sola Presbyterian Church, 6510 Third Ave. W., Bradenton, and selections from Antonio Vivaldi’s “Gloria” and George Handel’s “Messiah.” Tickets are $25. For more, call Linda Burke at 941-279-5527.
Cortez museum to provide holiday ‘light’
The Florida Maritime Museum will hold “Maritime by Candlelight” Saturday, Dec. 7. The theme for the evening is “12 years of Florida Maritime Museum.” FMM invites people to bring the family for a photo op and a visit with Santa Fisherman, as well as to tour the museum, hear stories, decorate shell ornaments and participate in a lighting ceremony. Hours will be 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the museum, 4415 119th St. W., Cortez. For more information, call the museum at 941708-6120.
Click! The Islander welcomes news of the milestones in readers’ lives. Send notices to news@islander.org.
need a good laugh? visit the emerson quillin signature store. humor, art, gifts 317 Pine Ave., Anna Maria • www.emersonshumor.com
A Hair Day Salon & Spa Book a hot-stone or deeptissue massage with Shelley and receive10% OFF. 7 foils + style with Tracey, $40, (2 free foils & savings on style). Book a facial with Sophie and receive a free Image Mask. And don’t forget to book your holiday nails with Katy & Sophie. With ad, expires 12/30/19 (New clients only)
Take some AMI home! We have Islander coffee mugs! All-cotton AMI shopping totes! More-than-a-mullet-wrapper T-shirts! And $2 AMI stickers! GET YOURS @ The Islander, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach
Page 12 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Dec. 4, 2019 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Throughout December, “Buy Your Sweetie Some Beautiful Jewelry” display, Artists’ Guild Gallery, 5414 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6694. Throughout December, “Blue and Beyond” exhibit, Island Gallery West, 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-7786648. Second Fridays, downtown Holmes Beach art walk, various venues. Information: 941-778-6694, 941-778-6648. ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND Friday, Dec. 6 5-8 p.m. — Holmes Beach holiday celebration and art walk, Gulf and Marina drives, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-1541. 5:30-7:30 p.m. — Artists’ Guild Gallery artist reception and holiday celebration, 5414 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6694. 5-7:30 p.m. — Island Gallery West artist reception and holiday celebration, Island Gallery West, 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6648. LOOKING AHEAD ON AMI Dec. 13-15, Coquina Beach Seafood and Music Festival, Bradenton Beach. Dec. 14, Center of Anna Maria Island’s Sha Na Na concert, Anna Maria. March 21, 2020, Anna Maria Island Privateers’ “One Night in Tortuga” pirate gathering, Cortez. May 2, Bourbon, Beats and Eats, Holmes Beach. OFF AMI Sunday, Dec. 8 2 p.m. — Anna Maria Island Concert Chorus and Orchestra holiday concert, Palma Sola Presbyterian Church, 6510 Third Ave. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: amicco.org. ONGOING OFF ANNA MARIA ISLAND Dec. 6-8, Bradenton Blues Festival, various venues, Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: bradentonbluesfestival.org. Through Dec. 6, “Jack Davis: Drawing American Pop Culture,” Ringling College of Art and Design, 2363 Old Bradenton Road, Sarasota. Information: 941-359-7563. Through Dec. 13, “Giving Thanks: Open Juried Show,” Art Center Manatee, 209 Ninth St. W., Bradenton. Information: 941746-2862. Through Dec. 31, “Always Ready” U.S. Coast Guard exhibit, Florida Maritime Museum, 4415 119th St. W., Cortez. Information:
‘Blue and Beyond’ at IGW
art by maria Sine is exhibited throughout December at island gallery West, 5368 gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Sine’s “Blue and Beyond” display includes mediterranean scenes, florida landscapes and abstracts. a public reception for the artist will be 5:30-8 p.m. friday, Dec. 6. for more information, call the gallery at 941-7786648. islander courtesy Photo 941-708-6120. Through Jan. 5, 2020, “Giants, Dragons & Unicorns: The World of Mythic Creatures,” the Bishop Museum of Science and Nature, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-7464131. Through Jan. 13, “Tour du Monde,” John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, 5401 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota. Fee applies. Information: 941-359-5700. Through Aug. 1, 2020, Remaking the World: Abstraction from the Permanent Collection,” John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, 5401 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota. Fee applies. Information: 941-3595700. Second Wednesdays, 12:15 p.m., Lunch and Learn program, the Bishop Museum of Science and Nature, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-746-4131. Thursdays, 5-8 p.m., Art After 5, John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, 5401 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota. Fee applies. Information: 941-359-5700. First Fridays, 6-9 p.m., ArtWalk in the Village of the Arts, around 12th Street West and 12th Avenue West, Bradenton. Also, Saturdays after the first Fridays. Information: villageofthearts@gmail.com. Second and fourth Saturdays, 1-4 p.m., Music on the Porch, Florida Maritime Museum, 4415 119th St. W., Cortez. Information: 941-708-6120. LOOKING AHEAD OFF AMI Dec. 11, Florida Maritime Museum “One fish, two fish, where’s
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For the week Dec. 4-11 compiled by Lisa neff, calendar@islander.org that huge fish” lecture, Cortez. Dec. 12-22, Powel Crosley Estate’s “A Classic Crosley Christmas,” Bradenton. Dec. 14-Jan. 4, Selby Gardens’ Lights in Bloom, Sarasota. Jan. 16-26, Manatee County Fair, Palmetto. Jan. 20, Artists’ Guild of Anna Maria Island 11th annual Fine Art Exhibition, Bradenton. Feb. 8, Bradenton Area River Regatta, Bradenton and Palmetto. Feb. 15-16, Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival, Cortez. March 7, ArtSlam, Bradenton. April 3-5, Sarasota Film Festival, Sarasota.
KIDS & FAMILY ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND Friday, Dec. 6 10 a.m. — Forty Carrots parenting program, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. 5-8 p.m. — Holmes Beach holiday celebration and art walk, Gulf and Marina drives, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-1541. 6 p.m. — Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce tree lighting, 5313 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-1541. Saturday, Dec. 7 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m. — Lester Family Fun Day, Center of Anna Maria Island, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-7781908. 10 a.m. — All-ages holiday crafts, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. Tuesday, Dec. 10 10 a.m. — Preschool storytime, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. 2-4 p.m. — Seashell ornament craftmaking, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. LOOKING AHEAD ON AMI Dec. 13, Anna Maria Island Centre shopping plaza holiday walkabout, Holmes Beach. Dec. 13, Anna Maria Holiday of Treasures, Anna Maria. Dec. 14, Anna Maria Island Privateers Christmas Parade, islandwide. Dec. 14, Christmas on Bridge Street celebration and boat parade, Bradenton Beach. OFF AMI Saturday, Dec. 7 5:30-7:30 p.m. — Florida Maritime Museum Maritime by Candlelight, 4415 119th St. W., Cortez. Information: 941-703-6120. ONGOING OFF AMI Fourth Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Stelliferous Star Talk, the Bishop Museum of Science and Nature, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-746-4131. Second Saturdays, 4 p.m., IQuest for middle schoolers, the Bishop Museum of Science and Nature, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-746-4131. LOOKING AHEAD OFF AMI Dec. 14, Manatee River Holiday Boat Parade, Bradenton. April 25, DeSoto Grand Parade, Bradenton.
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Wednesday, Dec. 4 1 p.m. — Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. 3 p.m. — Ukulele class, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. Thursday, Dec. 5 10 a.m. — Seaside Quilters, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. 2 p.m. — Knit and Crochet Sunshine Stitchers, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. Friday, Dec. 6 10 a.m. — Senior Adventures attend “Holiday Favorites” concert and lunch, departing from Annie Silver Community Center, 103 23rd St., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941-538-0945. Saturday, Dec. 7 8:30 a.m. — Kiwanis Club of Anna Maria Island breakfast and meeting, Anna Maria Island Beach Cafe, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-1383. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. — Holly Berry Bazaar, the Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information:
Dec. 4, 2019 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 13 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
The Islander Calendar
941-778-1638. 10 a.m. — Ask a Master Gardener, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. Tuesday, Dec. 10 6 p.m. — Sea Level Rise and its Impact on Coastal Communities conversation, Center of Anna Maria Island, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-708-6130. Wednesday, Dec. 11 Noon — Coloring club, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. 3 p.m. Ukulele class, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. 6:30 p.m. — Island Time Book Club, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. ONGOING ON AMI
get listed in the islander calendar. email calendar@islander.org.
Wednesday and Monday, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., pickleball, Center of Anna Maria Island, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Fee applies. Information: 941-778-1908. Thursdays, Saturdays and Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Legends Tennis, Center of Anna Maria Island, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Fee applies. Information: 941-778-1908. Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Tuesday, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., pickleball, Center of Anna Maria Island, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Fee applies. Information: 941-778-1908. Most Fridays, 11:30 a.m. or 1 p.m. (call for times) mahjong games, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. Saturdays, 7:30 a.m., Still I Run running club, Manatee Public Rising to the issue Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: mcfacheris@ the city of anna maria and the center of anna gmail.com. maria island will host John englander, author of Mondays, noon, AMI Bridge, Roser Memorial Community “High tide,” for a conversation on “Sea Level rise Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-0414. and its impact on coastal communities.” the Mondays, AMI Dragon Boat Fun and Fitness Club, time program will be at 6 p.m. tuesday, Dec. 10, at the depends on tides, 417 63rd St., Holmes Beach. Information: 941center, 407 magnolia ave., anna maria. islander 462-2626. courtesy Photo Mondays-Saturdays, 7:30-10:30 a.m., Round Robin Tennis, Center of Anna Maria Island, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Fee 3 p.m. — “One Fish, Two Fish, Where’s that Huge Fish?” Lec- applies. Information: 941-778-1908. ture, Florida Maritime Museum, 4415 119th St. W., Cortez. InformaMost Tuesdays, 11:30 a.m., mahjong games and instruction tion: 941-703-6120. for beginners, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. GAMES, SPORTS Tuesdays, 12:15 p.m., duplicate bridge, Episcopal Church of & OUTDOORS the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941ONGOING ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND 779-0881.
Thursdays, 9-11 a.m., veterans services assistance, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-7786341. Thursdays, 6:30 p.m., Refuge Recovery: A Buddhist-Inspired Nontheistic Path, Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-1638. Third Thursdays, 11:45 a.m., Successful Women Aligning Together meets, Bridge Street Bistro, 111 Gulf Drive S., Bradenton Beach. Fee applies. Information: 941-345-5135. Second Fridays, 6 p.m., AMI Resident Community Connections, Center of Anna Maria Island, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-1908. Tuesdays through May 12, 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m., Anna Maria Farmers’ Market, City Pier Park, Pine Avenue and North Bay Boulevard, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 9 a.m., horseshoes pitched, Anna Anna Maria. Information: 941-708-6130. Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Information: 941-708Tuesdays, noon, Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island, Bridge 6130. Street Bistro, 111 Gulf Drive S., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941718-0291. Tuesdays, 2-4 p.m., Tech Help, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341.
LOOKING AHEAD OFF AMI Feb. 22, 2020, first Pirates spring training game, Bradenton.
Benefit to help cancer fight
LOOKING AHEAD ON AMI Dec. 21, Anna Maria Island Privateers’ Drift In Christmas Party, Bradenton Beach. Jan. 9, 2020, Friends of the Island Library lecture and travel series begins, Holmes Beach. Jan. 11, Anna Maria Island Privateers’ Thieves Market, Bradenton Beach. OFF AMI Wednesday, Dec. 11 Noon-2 p.m. — Memory and Lifestyle Screenings by Center for Brain Health, the Paradise Center, 567 Bay Isles Road, Longboat Key. Information: 941-383-6493. Church of the Annunciation
Christmas Bazaar and Food Market
A benefit at a Cortez restaurant will raise money for a local woman fighting cancer. The “Love for Traci Benefit” is to raise money for Traci Pope, who for many years was a server and manager for the Beach Bistro in Holmes Beach but more recently operated a residential-cleaning business. The event will be 6-9 p.m. Friday, Dec. 13, at the Swordfish Grill and Tiki Bar, 4628 119th St. W., Cortez. Plans include a silent auction, a live auction, a 50/50 drawing and a performance by the Eric Von Band. An announcement said Pope, who is battling brain cancer, had two surgeries and continues to undergo chemotherapy. “As you might imagine, the bills are really piling up,” the announcement said. “Deductibles, expensive medications and the like, plus the cost of living with absolutely no money coming in.” For more information, call the restaurant at 941-798-2035.
SAVE THE DATES Dec. 22, Winter solstice. Dec. 22-30, Hanukkah begins. Dec. 24, Christmas Eve. Dec. 25, Christmas. Dec. 26, Kwanzaa.
Send announcements for The Islander calendar to calendar@ islander.org. The deadline for listings is the Wednesday before the publication date.
island Kiwanis to hear about u.s. Census, Medicare
The Kiwanis Club of Anna Maria Island will meet Saturday, Dec. 7, for breakfast and a program. Plans include remarks by Sue LaMastro about Medicare fraud and Jack Bergbom about the census. The club meets at 8:30 a.m. Saturdays at the Anna Maria Island Beach Cafe at the Manatee Public Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. For more information, call Sandy Haas-Martens at 941-778-1383.
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Page 14 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Dec. 4, 2019 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Black Friday sales rock, saturday sees smaller turnout By Sandy ambrogi islander reporter
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steady over the holiday weekend, but not heavy. There were lots of tourists and only a few locals in the mix. In Holmes Beach, Mr. Roberts Resort Wear, in business since 1966 at the same location, has seen decades of holiday shopping events and Black Friday 2019 was no different. “We were pretty busy yesterday,” clerk Rosalee Moore said on Small Business Saturday. “Sales were good. Today’s been a little slower. Maybe people are home or doing something else.” Nearby, Vinny Esposito said he put in two 16-hour days at Vinny’s Italian Kitchen, 5337 Gulf Drive, to keep up with the orders. “This is our first season and our first holiday season in Holmes Beach and we’ve been pushing it,” Esposito said. “We have people coming in from all over the world and Lakewood Ranch and Longboat Key and, of course, our locals. We love our locals,” he said. The best part of the holiday weekend, according to Esposito? “Everyone has been in a really good mood. They’ve been appreciative and polite and patient. It’s wonderful,” he said. The weekend concluded with Cyber Monday, a day for shoppers to cash in on specials on the web. Then came the start of the giving season, with Giving Tuesday, an international day of charitable giving. About $400 million was donated to charities on Giving Tuesday in 2018, according to Wikipedia.org.
Don’t forget… You can read it all online at islander.org
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One store clerk suggested the fall weather luring visitors to the beach — or all the football games on TV — kept shoppers from flooding island stores Nov. 30 for Small Business Saturday Nov. 30. A quieter Saturday followed what island merchants and restaurant owners mostly termed a very busy Black Friday. Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, traditionally marks the beginning of the holiday shopping season. But Black Friday is more than a day. It is defined by GlobalData Retail as the four-day period starting on Thanksgiving and ending on Cyber Monday. Brick-and-mortar totals had not been tallied at Forbes.com. According to Finder.com, the average U.S. adult Islander press time, Black Friday online sales in the United States totaled $7.4 billion and Thanksgiving was expected to spend just under $500 on Black Friday Day online sales totaled $4.2 billion, according to purchases. On the island, people were spending at the Olive Oil Outpost, 401 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, according to owner Kelly Kary. She said her shop was “quite busy” Nov. 29-30, with visitors buying gifts and “lots of locals coming in.” “The mornings were very busy. Then it calmed down in the middle of the day with (vacationers’) check-in and checkout on Saturday, then it got busy again,” Kary said. Pine Avenue buzzed with browsers, as people stopped at boutiques and eateries. JoAnn Lefner barely had time to get to the phone at Bella by the Sea, a boutique at 218 Pine Ave., that stocks handmade and one-of-a-kind clothing and accessories. Lisa Boyl adds up shopper carol Wright’s pur“Really, really busy right now,” she told The chases nov. 29 at mr. roberts resort Wear in the S&S Plaza, 5330 gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. islander Islander mid-afternoon Nov. 30. “And steady both days. I have to go.” Photo: Sarah Brice Kristen Coffman, who owns Beach Blossom Studio, 102 Bridge St., Bradenton Beach, chuckled that some of her customers said they didn’t even realize it was Black Friday. Coffman said that when she mentioned Black FRESH & SHINE THE WORKS Friday to one group, some said, “It is?” Full-Service Car Wash, Full-Service Car Wash, “They must really be on island time,” she said. PLUS Sealer Wax, PLUS Polish-N-Wax, Under Coffman said foot traffic on Bridge Street was Under Chassis Wash Chassis Wash, Armor All on
an early crowd fills the cafe tables nov. 30 on Small Business Saturday at ginny’s and Jane e’s Bakery cafe and coastal Store, 9807 gulf Drive, anna maria. islander Photo: Sandy ambrogi
WE TWEET TOO @ami_islander
Dec. 4, 2019 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 15 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
event calls for living, giving, celebrating AMi attendees nov. 27 at thanksLiving at city Pier Park in anna maria were encouraged to share their thoughts on “i Love ami Because” on a chalkboard for all to see. Judy adams of anna maria wrote, “i’ve had 57 years of love surrounding me!” islander Photos: Sarah Brice a crowd gathers nov. 27 for thanksLiving at city Pier Park, 100 n. Bay Blvd., anna maria, for what community organizers hope is the start of an annual potluck with live music and donations of nonperishable food for the roser church food pantry and donations for all island Denominations, a collective of island churches.
Will corr and rusty moore perform as the sun sets at the nov. 27 family-friendly event at city Pier Park in anna maria. Lively conversations echoed throughout the park between performances and speakers who encouraged thankfulness. Joyce reimherr and husband rob rudick dance at thanksLiving at city Pier Park in anna maria.
Tiki & Kitty’s
Let’s go shopping!
Tiki and Kitty are getting their pre-holiday list ready to go shopping. Blue Flamingo says you’ll get 10% OFF your purchase if you bring them a donation for Toys to Tots. They’re eagerly waiting for you to find their upcycled and repurposed goods, renewed furniture and decor — from antique cameras to garden features — as well as candles and yummy scents, jewelry, trinkets and an eclectic collection of work by local artisans. They also retail for Dixie Belle paints. “Have Yourself a Vintage Little Christmas” at Blessed and Distressed, where great gifts and local artists can help you fill the Christmas stockings. Blessed & Distressed, at Palma Sola Square around the corner from Winn-Dixie, offers 30-plus vendors and artists — everything from classic to quirky — including vintage, upcycled, shabby chic, fanciful frocks and local crafts and art. You won’t
$2 You Never Know Thrift
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be disappointed ... as the ambiance begs you to take a seat, relax and shop a little more. You Never Know Thrift has everything you could possibly be looking for: clothes, kitchen utensils, small appliances, furniture, DVDs and autographed sports memorabilia. The inventory is constantly changing. So keep going back. You never know what you will find. Sandpiper Cottage is a home-decor store filled with unique and artistic pieces, as found or repurposed by their talented artist. They take pride in transforming the old and worn out into a new per30 + VENDORS & LOCAL ARTISTS Wed-Sat 10-5 Thur 10-6
Adventures in Shopping … Antiques, Art-Tiques and Chic Boutiques!
fectly, imperfect look. They feature a mixture of styles: cottage, coastal, beachy and even a little rustic farmhouse. They also have a great selection of gifts and jewelry. Scavengers Marketplace has a shop on Anna Maria Island at the Island Shopping Center in Holmes Beach. Check out the island digs but don’t forget Sip & Shop at the Ellenton location, 4-7 p.m. the third Friday of the month. Wine, hors d’oeuvre and savings. Go! Help Moonracer No Kill Rescue. Please, be sure to tell folks, “The Islander sent me.”
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Page 16 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Dec. 4, 2019 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Fundraising continues for Cortez man dragged under vehicle By Leslie Lake Islander Reporter
A Cortez worker who remains in critical condition after being dragged under a vehicle Nov. 18 is receiving an outpouring of community support. Kim McVey, a longtime friend of Fred Gilliland, said an online fundraiser to help with expenses had raised more than $5,000 as of Nov. 30. “I’m not surprised at the support,” McVey said. “Freddy is bigger than life. Everybody loves him.” McVey said she started the fundraising campaign to help Gilliland with medical expenses. “He still has a long way to go and we’ll be going forward with a couple of fundraisers for him,” McVey said. “I did this one right off the bat to raise some money for him.” As Gilliland, 61, remained in ICU at Blake Medical Center in Bradenton, the man accused of his assault, David Nichols, 56, was charged with attempted murder. The Manatee County Sheriff’s Office reported that on the evening of Nov. 18, Gilliland arrived at
a residence in the 4500 block of 101st Street West near Cortez to pick up furniture when a verbal dispute occurred between the two men. As Gilliland left on foot, Nichols allegedly struck him with his vehicle and dragged him nearly a block before fleeing the scene. A nearby resident heard Gilliland’s calls for help and called 911. According to the MCSO deputies, Gilliland sustained life-threatening injuries, including several open fractures and head trauma. His right arm was amputated as a result of the assault, and he has undergone surgery for other injuries and remains on a ventilator. The GoFundMe page reads, “Our dear friend Freddy was involved in a horrible incident last night. He was the victim of an attempted murder.” The GoFundMe page described Gilliland’s many injuries, including road rash over 70% of his body. “Freddy has a huge heart and would help anyone in any way possible, so, please, help us help him,” McVey wrote on the fundraising page. As of Nov. 29, he was in critical condition, accord-
Fire district gears up to handle resort lawsuit By Ryan Paice Islander Reporter
West Manatee Fire Rescue has a lawsuit on its hands. With attorney Jim Dye set to retire, WMFR commissioners voted 5-0 Nov. 19 to appoint attorney Maggie Mooney as the district’s legal counsel. Mooney, who attended the meeting, began her tenure as WMFR’s attorney with the announcement that Shawn Kaleta, an island real estate developer, filed a lawsuit in circuit court Nov. 18 against the district regarding the Bali Hai Beach Resort. He also filed an administrative appeal to a district decision on the 43-room motel remodel. Mooney said Kaleta is challenging fire marshal Rodney Kwiatkowski’s decision requiring the installation of a sprinkler system at the motel, 6900 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Kaleta owns and is remodeling the property. Attorney Jason Miller of the Najmy Thomson P.L. law firm filed the suit on Kaleta’s behalf, making the case that Kwiatowski’s interpretation of the Florida Fire Code delays the remodel of the resort and could cost the builder more than $15,000 in damages. Kaleta’s resort has 43 rooms and suites, and a sprinkler system must be installed throughout,
according to Kwiatowski’s decision. Mooney said Kaleta does not want to install the required sprinklers. Only one- and two-family residential dwellings are exempt from the sprinkler requirement, according to the Life Safety Code, a provision of the Florida Fire Prevention Code. The administrative appeal, scheduled at the Cedar Hammock Fire Rescue District’s administration building Nov. 25 by the Manatee Fire Code Appeals Board — a seven-member volunteer board — was delayed. Mooney told WMFR commissioners that Kaleta’s lawsuit could go forward regardless of the hearing outcome. While she could represent the district in the case, she recommended hiring a litigation attorney to handle the case. It’s as though “she’s our primary care physician, referring us to a specialist,” Commission Chair David Bishop said. Attorneys Martin Garcia and Josh Dell of the Matthews Eastmoore law office in Sarasota were named Nov. 20 as attorneys for WMFR. The case is assigned to Judge Charles Sniffen. Neither Kaleta nor Miller replied with comments by The Islander’s press time Dec. 2.
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Freddy Gilliland helps prepare stone crab traps in October 2015. Islander File Photo
ing to Blake. Gilliland was described by his longtime friend and employer at Cortez Bait and Seafood, James “Wyre” Lee, as a “unique character” and a “well-known fixture” in the Cortez community. “He’s a good guy. He would give you the shirt off his back if he had one,” Lee said. The fundraising page received $5,760 as of Dec. 2, from 83 donors. The fundraiser can be found by entering Friends for Freddy in the search bar at gofundme.com. Nichols, who was being held Nov. 30 at the Manatee County jail on $500,000 bond, has a criminal history, including conviction of domestic battery in 2014, false imprisonment in 2005, sale of a controlled substance in 2004. and battery and DUI in 2003, according to court records.
By Leslie Lake
Island police blotter
Anna Maria Nov. 27, 700 block of Jacaranda Road, found property. Eight rounds of 9 mm ammunition were found in a rental operated by a local property management company. When management attempted to mail the ammunition to the owner, the post office refused the package. The rounds were taken into MCSO property. Anna Maria is policed by MCSO. Bradenton Beach Nov. 24, Coquina Beach Park, 2650 Gulf Drive S., stolen vehicle. A motorist parked a 2005 Jeep Liberty. On return about two hours later, the vehicle was gone. Nov. 23, Leffis Key, Coquina Park, 1800 Gulf Drive S., vehicle break-in. A person reported parking a 2009 Ford at the entrance to Leffis Key. The person walked on the nature path for about 15 minutes. Upon return, the person found a passenger window smashed and a large rock on the passenger seat. A wallet in the center console was not taken. Nov. 18, 1200 block of Gulf Drive North, stolen vehicle. A person reported a rental car stolen from the parking lot of a vacation condo. The complainant had last seen the 2019 silver GMC Terrain Nov. 17. Bradenton Beach is policed by the Bradenton Beach Police Department. Cortez No reports. Cortez is policed by MCSO. Holmes Beach Nov. 20, 3200 E. Bay Drive, loitering. HBPD was dispatched to Walgreens at 9:39 a.m. on a complaint by a manager who said a person was loitering at the store. Police spoke to a 53-year-old man, who stated he was a customer and allowed to be at the property. The manager told police the man was not welcome. The man left on foot without incident. Nov. 23, 200 block of 84th Street, noise complaint. A person complained that a broken pool pump had been making a loud noise for weeks. The officer reported hearing an “excessive and unreasonable” loud humming noise about four houses away. The complainant stated they had contacted the code enforcement department and that they were looking into the complaint at the vacation rental, which appeared unoccupied. Holmes Beach is policed by HBPD. Streetlife is based on incident reports and narratives from the Bradenton Beach and Holmes Beach police departments and the MCSO.
Dec. 4, 2019 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 17 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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Page 18 THE ISLANDER | islander.org nov. 20, 2019 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Information: 941-216-6286. 5:30 p.m. — SoulJourn casual and music-inspired worship, Roser Church.
roser Church’s Bethlehem Walk celebrates holy night
Roser Memorial Community Church will hold its annual Bethlehem Walk at 6:40 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 8. Walkers will meet outside the sanctuary, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, to begin the journey. The Bethlehem Walk consists of taking the journey to “Bethlehem” (one block in Anna Maria) with Mary, Joseph and the animals in search of shelter. While traveling from “inn to inn,” the walkers will sing Christmas carols. Back at the church, there will be prayer, followed by a reception with cookies, cocoa and fellowship. Some costumes will be available in the fellowship hall and attendees are encouraged to come in period attire and bring flashlights. The event will follow Roser’s music-inspired SoulJourn worship service, which will begin at 5:30 p.m. For more information, call the church at 941-7780414.
Women’s holiday brunch set for CrossPointe Fellowship
The annual REAL Women’s Christmas Brunch will be 9:30-11:30 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 7, at CrossPointe Fellowship. The event is free to attend. CrossPointe is at 8605 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. For more information or reservations, call the church at 941-778-0719.
ONGOING Saturday, Dec. 7 9 a.m.-1 p.m. — Holly Berry Bazaar, Episcopal Church of the Wednesday 7 a.m. — Men’s Bible study, CrossPointe. Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 9417:30 a.m., St. Bernard’s Rosary on the Beach, Manatee Public 730-2391. 9:30-11:30 a.m. — REAL Women Christmas Brunch, Cros- Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. 8 a.m. — Men’s breakfast, Church of the Annunciation. sPointe Fellowship, 8665 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 10 a.m. — Women’s Bible study, Christ Church. 941-778-0719. 9 a.m. — Men’s Bible study, Christ Church. Sunday, Dec. 8 10 a.m. — Tai chi exercise, Gloria Dei. 6:40 p.m. — Bethlehem Walk, Roser Memorial Community 11 a.m. — JOY, second and fourth Wednesdays, Roser. Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-0414. 11:30 a.m. — Prayer partners, Gloria Dei. WORSHIP 1 p.m. — Griefshare group, Roser Church. Monday-Friday 6:15 p.m. — Wednesday Night Blast, CrossPointe. 8:30 a.m. — St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, 7 p.m. — Bible study, Cortez Church of Christ. Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-4769. Thursday Thursday 9:30 a.m. — Roser-robics, Roser. 9:30 a.m. — Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf 10 a.m. — Women’s Bible study, Gloria Dei. Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-1638. 10 a.m. — Bible study, Harvey Church. Saturday 6:30 p.m. — Refuge Recovery: A Buddhist-Inspired Nontheistic 4 p.m. — St. Bernard, Holmes Beach. Path, Annunciation. 5 p.m. — Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 6608 Marina Drive, Saturday Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-1813. 3 p.m. — Confession, St. Bernard. Sunday Sunday 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. — Christ Church of Longboat Key Pres8:45 a.m. — Adult Sunday school, Roser. byterian (USA), 6400 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Informa9 a.m. — Adult book study, Roser. tion: 941-383-8833. 10:15 a.m. — Fellowship, Gloria Dei. 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. — Roser Memorial Community Church, 10 a.m. — Bible study, Cortez Church of Christ. 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-0414. 10:30 a.m. — Life group, CrossPointe. 8:30 a.m. — Harvey Memorial Community Church, 300 Church 11:30 a.m. — Covered Dish Fellowship, second Sundays, CrosAve., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941-779-1912. sPointe. 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. — St. Bernard, Holmes Beach. Tuesday 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. — Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 9:30 a.m. — Women’s prayer, CrossPointe. Holmes Beach. 9:30 a.m. — Roser-robics, Roser. 9 a.m. — CrossPointe Fellowship, 8665 Gulf Drive, Holmes SAVE THE DATES Beach. Information: 941-778-0719. Dec. 15, 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m., Christmas Cantata, Roser. 9:30 a.m. — Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Holmes Beach. Dec. 15, 5:30 p.m., Christmas Concert, Annunciation. 10 a.m. — Longboat Island Chapel, 6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Jan. 15, 2020, travel cruise departs, St. Bernard. Longboat Key. Information: 941-383-6491. Send listings for the church calendar to news@ 10:15 a.m. — Harvey Memorial, Bradenton Beach. Information: islander.org, including contact name and phone 941-779-1912. 11 a.m. — Cortez Church of Christ, 12111 45th Ave. W., Cortez. number.
Good deeds
Holly Berry delight
Art by Joan Voyles
Shoppers turn out for a prior Holly Berry Bazaar at episcopal church of the annunciation in Holmes Beach. this year the sale will be 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7, in the church hall, 4408 gulf Drive. for more information, call the church office at 941778-1638. islander file Photo
volunteer opportunities
“Anna Maria Island,” a pictorial history book of the island by Bonner Joy, is available for $20 at the islander office, 3218 e. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. Joy is publisher of the islander newspaper. She came to ami in 1975 and launched the newspaper in 1992.
Pastor Stephen King 8:30 and 10:15 am Sunday Services
300 Church Ave. • Bradenton Beach PO Box 243, Bradenton Beach 34217
2 blocks north of Bridge St. Clock Tower
Looking for volunteer opportunities on and off Anna Maria Island? These are ways to help: • The Florida Maritime Museum, 4415 119th St. W., Cortez, seeks volunteers to expand its educational programming and community outreach. Information: 941-708-6120. • The Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce seeks volunteers to assist at the office and visitor information center. Information: 941-7781541. • The Roser Food Bank needs cash and nonperishable food donations. Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, administers the pantry, supported by All Island Denominations. Information: 941-778-0414. • The Anna Maria Island Historical Society seeks museum docents, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-0492. • Moonracer No-Kill Animal Rescue seeks volunteers to offer foster and forever homes for rescued animals. Information: 941-345-2441. Send listings to calendar@islander.org.
Visit www.islander.org for the best news on AMI.
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Dec. 4, 2019 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 19 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
The Rev. Dr. Bob O’Keef, pastor at Roser Church, finishes dinner with a smile alongside Ada. Islander Photo: Peggy Nash
Roser opens doors to diners Pam Ladd, right, cheers as the volunteer kitchen crew puts finishing touches on the Thanksgiving dinner served Nov. 28 at Roser Memorial Community Church. Islander Photo: Trish Hibberd
Anna Maria, center host forum on sea level rise
Glenda Beck shows off her turkey tiara at the Roser Thanksgiving dinner. Islander Photo: Trish Hibberd
John B. Simpson
John B. Simpson of Palmetto died Nov. 11. He was born July 18, 1934, to Sterline and Lucile. Mr. Simpson owned two hearing aid businesses in Lorain and Cleveland, Ohio. He also was a 32nd Degree Mason in the John W. Barkley Lodge No. 621 in North Olmsted, Ohio, since 1959. He was a member of the Al Koran Shriners. The Terra Ceia Island Methodist Church and the Fairway Trace condo association. He was an avid bridge player, playing in many bridge clubs on Anna Maria Island, Bradenton and Palmetto. A celebration will be planned at a later date. He is survived by his wife, Carolyn; children John S. and Sandy Ramsey; grandson Benjamin; stepchildren Bryan Heath, Michelle Bien and Jill Dodson.
At your service
Obituaries are offered as a community service by The Islander newspaper to residents and family of residents, both past and present, as well as to those people with ties to the island. Submit to news@islander.org. Islander obituaries, including photo, are free.
BUSINESS INSURANCE SAVINGS • Property • General & Liquor Liability • Workers’ Compensation • Equipment • Auto • Umbrella • Payroll
Martha Lowensohn finishes her pie at the Roser Thanksgiving dinner. Islander Photo: Peggy Nash
The city of Anna Maria and Center of Anna Maria island will welcome an author and expert on sea level rise during a program Dec. 10. John Englander, an expert on sea level rise and its impact on coastal communities, will address the public at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Englander, according to a news release, will discuss the science of sea level rise and potential solutions in practical terms, tailored to residents and property owners. Englander is the author of “High Tide on Main Street: Rising Sea Level and the Coming Coastal Crisis.” The release said, “His eye-opening presentation is a must-see.” The presentation is free to attend and reservations are not required, but to confirm a seat, people can contact deputy city clerk Debbie Haynes at 941-708-6130 or depclerk@cityofannamaria. com For more information about Englander, go online to johnenglander.net.
Remembering the Greatest Generation, Pearl Harbor Holmes Beach honors military veterans in the park adjacent to Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. On Dec. 7, 1941, more than 2,400 U.S. servicemembers were killed when, without warning, Japanese aircraft forces attacked the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and other military facilities on the island of Oahu. Dec. 7, 1941, became known as the “date which will live in infamy.” The attack brought the United States into World War II. Japan’s attack also brought many of the WWII veterans The Islander has interviewed into the war. They remembered being at home that Sunday, listening to the radio or sitting down to supper, waiting in line for movie tickets or walking in a city park when they heard the news and felt compelled to enlist. Islander Photo: Lisa Neff
PERSONAL INSURANCE SAVINGS • Home / Condo • Wind / Flood • Auto / Golf Cart • Boat • Motorcycle • Umbrella • Life
Island Shopping Center | 5412 Marina Drive | Holmes Beach | 941.778.2253 | ThinkWALLER.com
Page 20 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Dec. 4, 2019 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Kindergartners celebrate thanksgiving holiday before break
Bryson Biegel smiles nov. 22 after making thanksgiving crafts and food in his kindergarten classroom. Students were on vacation the week of the holiday.
PtO plans tech-focused night out Dec. 6 at AMe anna maria elementary kindergartners wear costumes nov. 22 to celebrate thanksgiving in Kelly crawford’s classroom. islander Photos: courtesy Kelly crawford ame Parent-teacher organization president Jamie Hinckle helps kindergarten students string popcorn nov. 22.
Kindergartner Sloane Waide shows off her thanksgiving-themed cookie nov. 22.
— Brook morrison
children in the center of anna maria island’ sthanksgiving week camp learn about robotics. the camp, held nov. 25-27, was led by martha Jane flynn. the center also will host a camp later this month, during students’ winter break from school. islander courtesy Photo
2019-20 school calendar
• Wednesday, Dec. 4, 1:40 p.m., early release. • Monday, Dec. 9, Holiday Shopper. • Tuesday, Dec. 17, fifth-grade play, 6:30 p.m.; PTO/Turtle Shack dinner, 5 p.m.. • Dec. 20, second quarter ends. • Dec. 23-31, winter break, no school. Anna Maria Elementary is at 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. For more information, call 941-708-5525.
Restaurant Stone Crab available Lunch and Dinner Thanksgiving Reservations
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Christmas crafts, holiday-themed movies, food and games will be offered at the Technology Student Association’s first “Parent Night Out” at Anna Maria Elementary. The event, set for 6-10 p.m. Friday, Dec. 6, will be hosted by fifth-graders — TSA members — to raise money for their group. Parents can take their children to school for the evening fundraiser and leave for an evening out. The TSA is a “national student organization created to develop skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics as well as business education,” according to tsaweb.org Money raised at the event will be matched by the Manatee County School District and used for supplies and competitions led by AME STEM teacher Jacque Jordan. This event is limited to AME students. The cost to attend is $25 for one student and $15 each additional student in a household. For more information, call the school office at 941-708-5525. Anna Maria Elementary is at 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.
FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL @harryskitchen 941-383-0777 5600 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key
Dec. 4, 2019 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 21 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Big tree: A holiday tradition at beachfront bed-and-breakfast By Sandy ambrogi islander reporter
It was Christmas 1988 and Frank and Jo Davis were up to their ears in renovations at the Harrington House Beachfront Bed and Breakfast in Holmes Beach. The couple decided they needed a Christmas tree anyway, and a large one at that. The high ceilings in the main gathering room at the B&B easily accommodate a 20-foot tree. The first Christmas tree and many trees that followed, came from Dick Pranger, a grower in Traverse City, Michigan. Pranger handpicked the tree from a field of firs. He cut the Harrington House tree last and placed it on the delivery truck. The trunk of each tree â&#x20AC;&#x201D; all the trees were 16-20 feet â&#x20AC;&#x201D; was marked with an â&#x20AC;&#x153;HH.â&#x20AC;? The tree was transported to Sarasota, and, in another tradition, Dick Pranger and his sons handdelivered their tree to the Harrington House the Friday after Thanksgiving. The traditions were kept for 30 years. Pranger has retired, handing his fields over to another grower, and Jo Davis decided to go â&#x20AC;&#x153;localâ&#x20AC;? with her search for the perfect tree. Merry Christmas Trees of Bradenton, which sets up shop in the parking lot of the Beachway Plaza, 7228 Manatee Ave. W., sold Harrington House a 17-foot Frasier fir grown in North Carolina. Jo Davis jokingly reported it took nine men to load the big tree into a Toyota pickup for the trip to the island, but somehow her son, Mark Davis, and islander Tommy Kilpatrick managed by themselves to unload the tree and secure it in its stand inside the B&B. Then the netting was removed. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Every year, we think we are going to have a
the decorated tree dominates the gathering space at the Harrington House Beachfront Bed and Breakfast. Big trees at the B&B are a tradition dating back 31 years, according to owner Jo Davis.
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;National Lampoon Christmasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; moment when we cut the ties, but 30 years and no broken windows,â&#x20AC;? she said. The tree was decorated Nov. 25, the day it arrived at the inn, and was lighted on Thanksgiving Eve. The Davis family invites folks to stop and enjoy the tree, an island tradition.
mark Davis strings lights from the top of a christmas tree nov. 25 at the Harrington House Beachfront Bed and Breakfast, 5626 gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. He is assisted by Jeanette Young, head of housekeeping, at the base of the tree. islander Photos: courtesy Harrington House
island businesses drive Marine Corpsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; toys for tots effort
Anna Maria Island businesses and institutions are Maria. rallying to collect holiday gifts for children with their â&#x20AC;˘ Center of Anna Maria Island, 407 Magnolia Ave., participation in the annual Marine Corps Toys for Tots Anna Maria. campaign. â&#x20AC;˘ A Paradise Realty, 5201 Gulf Drive, Holmes The campaign collects toys and raises money to Beach. benefit less fortunate children in the United States. â&#x20AC;˘ Hurricane Hanks, 5346 Gulf Drive, Holmes Holmes Beach. â&#x20AC;˘ Holmes Beach post office, 5354 Gulf Drive, More than 805 communities collected 21 million toys Beach. in 2018. â&#x20AC;˘ Duffyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Tavern, 5805 Marina Drive, Holmes Holmes Beach. For more information about the island effort, call Local participants in the 2019 toy drive include: Beach. â&#x20AC;˘ Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce, 5313 â&#x20AC;˘ Gulf Insurance, 5604 Marina Drive, Unit B, A Paradise at 941-778-4800. Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. s "RADENTON S "EST ,OCAL %ATS FROM BY 4RIPADVISOR â&#x20AC;˘ Anna Maria post office, 101 S. Bay Blvd.,German Anna Restaurant
½-Ă&#x160; t And youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re gonna love it!
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6906 14th Street West 941.758.7880
6696 Cortez Road 941.792.0077
1525 51st Avenue East 941.721.7773
BRIDGE ST. PIER Bradenton Beach 941.778.AMOB (2662)
Page 22 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Dec. 4, 2019 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Anna Maria’s bayfront market draws vendors, shoppers
anna maria farmers’ market attendees check out the hot sauces nov. 26 at the Saucy guys tent. islander Photos: Phil colpas at the anna maria farmers’ market nov. 26, mike meehan, of northwest Bradenton, sells citrus from his personal grove of 27 trees in manatee county. Varieties include oranges, pink grapefruit and meyer lemons, and he regularly sells out. “grown by me, picked by me, eaten by you,” said meehan. a member of nearby roser church, meehan said he sees a good turnout from churchgoers every week.
Bob Haynes shows off a sea turtle carapace nov. 26 as he staffs the anna maria island turtle Watch and Shorebird monitoring tent at the anna maria farmers’ market. at the market, Haynes educates shoppers about sea turtle nesting season on anna maria island, which is may 1-oct. 31.
Bridge street bar owner tries new tactic on food cart By ryan Paice islander reporter
A nighttime food cart soon may be comforting Bradenton Beach’s night hawks. Joe Cuervo, owner of the Drift In, 120 Bridge St., told The Islander in a Nov. 27 interview that he planned to apply Nov. 29 for a special event permit to allow Steve Ascencios, owner of Uncle Steve’s Mobile Kitchen, to operate on weekend nights from the Drift In parking lot. Cuervo allowed Ascencios to operate outside the Drift In for about three weeks in July — without knowing it was against the city’s land development code — before the Bradenton Beach Police Department served a cease-and-desist letter. Cuervo has since requested an amendment to the city’s land development code to allow special use permits for food carts on properties abutting Bridge Street.
However, the planning and zoning board is still considering the request. french chef melissa ignoti helms a booth at the Meanwhile, city planner Alan Garrett suggested market featuring her gourmet recipes in jellies, jams, Cuervo apply for a special event permit, which would spreads, salsa, energy balls and sweets. allow for a trial operation of the service. Cuervo said he was content with that option. At Anna Maria market, “Anything to get it going,” he added. variety is the spice If city commissioners approve Cuervo’s applicaThe Anna Maria Farmers’ Market offers a tion, the food cart will serve hot dogs and kielbasa 10 range of goods for shoppers, including fresh fruits p.m.-2 a.m. Thursday-Saturday. and vegetables, hot sauces, gourmet products and Cuervo said he is excited about hosting the busieven sea turtle knowledge. ness, which he hopes can help sober up Bridge Street The market is Tuesdays through May 12, 8:30 bargoers. He added that the cart is not intended to coma.m.-2 p.m., at City Pier Park, Pine Avenue and pete with other businesses in the area. North Bay Boulevard, Anna Maria. “I would say 80%-90% of the restaurants close by For more information, call the city at 941-7089-10 p.m., and this would just be another alternative 6130. for a late-night snack, that’s all it is,” Cuervo said. “Not meant to hurt other businesses whatsoever.”
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Dec. 4, 2019 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 23 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
the “trees of memory” memorial in Holmes Beach’s city Park. the plaque contains the names of people for whom trees were planted in the city.
By Lisa Neff
uprooting tree protections
I walked into a Holmes Beach city park searching for one type of memorial and came upon another. Under a leafy canopy at the edge of the park near the 63rd Street boat ramp stands a “Trees of Memory” plaque. The memorial recognizes the people for whom trees have been planted in Holmes Beach. Anna Maria and Bradenton Beach also have recognized in other ways the people who promote planting trees, and the elected officials in neff all three cities have worked to adopt or amend rules aimed at protecting trees, in particular those grand trees with deeper roots on Anna Maria Island than most inhabitants. State lawmakers and the governor apparently care less for the living memories among us, having placed into law a measure making it more difficult for local government to restrict the removal of trees from private property. Proponents of H.B. 1159 said they sought to protect private property rights against aggressive powergrabs by local governments. Opponents of the measure offered two basic arguments: Legislators sought to weaken local home rule in favor of growing state power and sided with money and development over nature and conservation. After Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the bill in June, a
a live oak in anna maria. the species is endemic to the Southeastern united States. islander Photos: Lisa neff
Tallahassee Democrat story, “Canopy Crossroad? Law removes local oversight on tree work,” was carried by news outlets around the world via The Associated Press. Meanwhile, in city halls across the state, city attorneys informed their mayors and commissioners that tree-protection ordinances were weakened if not voided. The law basically says a private property owner with a note from a licensed landscaper or a certified arborist can take down a tree that poses a danger to people or property. In Florida, where the hurricane season spans six months of the year, a property owner could say any tree poses a danger and hire a landscaper to support
that claim. The law doesn’t require the “tree expert” to examine the tree or visit the property. And the law doesn’t require the property owner to show anyone the note from the expert. Florida lawmakers gave property owners permission to chop, chop, chop. Still, as a longtime friend and conservative columnist once told me, “Just because it’s not outlawed doesn’t mean you should do it.” He was referring to businesses not prohibited by the government from discriminating against gay people, but his same statement can be applied here. Just because the state made it easier to chop down a tree doesn’t mean you should chop down a tree. Each living tree should be prized. As the plaque at Holmes Beach City Park reads: What do we plant when we plant a tree? We plant the ship which will cross the sea. We plant the house for you and me. We plant the shade from the hot sun free. We plant a thousand things we daily see. We plant all these things when we plant a tree and we plant a memory that will ever be.”
Active 2019 Atlantic hurricane season comes to an end The 2019 Atlantic hurricane season that ended Nov. 30 churned busily from mid-August through October. But while the stretch of above-normal seasons continued, 2019 storms had little direct impact on Anna Maria Island. The 2019 season produced 18 named storms, including six hurricanes of which three were “major” — Category 3, 4 or 5. The outlook from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration had called for 10-17 named storms, five-nine hurricanes and twofour major hurricanes, and accurately predicted the overall activity of the season. The 2019 season was the fourth consecutive above-normal Atlantic hurricane season. The only other period on record that produced four consecutive above-normal seasons was 1998-2001. Additionally, the 2019 season saw five tropical cyclones formed in the Gulf of Mexico, tying a record with 2003 and 1957 for the most storms to form in that region. Of those storms, three — Barry, Imelda, and Nestor — made landfall in the United States. The three major hurricanes in 2019 were Dorian, Humberto and Lorenzo. Hurricane Dorian was tied with three other hurricanes — the 1935 Labor Day Hurricane, 1988’s Hurricane Gilbert and 2005’s Hurricane Wilma — as the second strongest hurricane on record in the Atlantic basin in terms of wind. Dorian’s wind was recorded at 185 mph. In all, four storms made landfall in the United States: Barry, Dorian, Imelda and Nestor.
Special … Gypsy Schnitzel with yellow and red bell pepper served with two sides.
the 2019 season produced 18 named storms, including six hurricanes of which three were “major.” islander courtesy image
The season’s activity ramped up in mid-August The 2020 hurricane season will officially begin during the normal peak of the season. June 1 and NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center will “As we predicted,” observed Gerry Bell, lead sea- provide its initial seasonal outlook in May. sonal hurricane forecaster at NOAA’s Climate Predic— Lisa neff tion Center. “The above-normal activity is consistent with the ongoing high-activity era, driven largely by the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, which entered a warm phase in 1995. Conditions that favored more, stronger, SEAFOOD and longer-lasting storms this year included a stronger West African monsoon, warmer Atlantic waters, and weak vertical wind shear across the western Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico,” he said in a news release. An average Atlantic hurricane season has 12 named storms, six hurricanes, and three major hurricanes.
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Stone Crab Claw & Meat, Old Bay ButterWhipped Potatoes
Live Music Friday & Saturday Cocktails, Beer & Wine 121 Bridge St. Bradenton Beach 941-896-9737 bluemarlinami.com
Page 24 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Dec. 4, 2019 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Stone crab season ‘fair’ for Cortez fish market
On the links, in the pits
By Mike Tokars Islander Reporter
By Kevin P. Cassidy Islander Reporter
The stone crab season is “fair, same as usual,” according to James “Wyre” Lee, manager of Cortez Bait and Seafood Fish Market in Cortez. The market is offering stone crabs by the pound throughout the season, which began Oct. 15 and continues through May 15. Mike Greig of Holmes Beach traps stone crabs during the seven-month season and runs year-round fishing charters. He told The Islander it is the best year for stone crabs for him of the past six years. He mostly markets his crabs to his brother-in-law’s Bradenton Beach restaurant, Blue Marlin. And while the season is fair for Lee’s Cortez Market, it is much better than the 2018-19 season, when crabbers were dealing with the impact of a lengthy bout of red tide, a harmful algal bloom that can be deadly to sea life. Martha Robinson, a biologist with Sarasota Bay Explorers, told The Islander that last year’s red tide depleted 90% of the nearshorefish. Robinson said there is some red tide in the region this year, but only 40,000 cells per liter, and if the number of cells per liter is under 100,000, people don’t need to worry. “We’ve got a decent stone crab season going. We’re seeing crabs,” said John Banyas, owner of Swordfish Grill & Tiki Bar, N.E. Taylor Boatworks and the Cortez Bait and Seafood fish house in Cortez.
Competition at the Center of Anna Maria Island was suspended for the week of Thanksgiving, making for a short report this week on sports. So many families leave the island to visit family on the holidays, it would have been tough to field a team. So the center was quiet all week — except for a camp for the kids who remained. Cassidy We’re thankful for time spent with family, time to relax at the beach and time to enjoy turkey dinner.
Fresh-off-the-boat stone crabs await processing at the dock in Cortez. The crabs must be cooked before they can be sold. Islander File Photo
He’s licensed to place about 2,500 crab traps. “I haven’t seen any red tide,” Banyas added. “Last year we had to travel 70 miles north to get crab, which doubled our expenses.” Banyas said he’s selling crabs to Cortez and Anna Maria Island restaurants. “They’re a local delicacy that people enjoy and like to splurge on,” he said.
New Islander reporter tackles Cortez beat
Mike Tokars is a most recent addition to The Islander’s news team. Born in Atlanta, he grew up in Bradenton and is a 2006 graduate of Manatee High School. He holds a bachelor’s degree in history from the University of South Florida and a master’s in political jourTokars nalism from Columbia University. After graduating USF, he completed a publishing internship at SDC Journal in New York City and then went on to write feature stories and was a contributing editor at Tallahassee Magazine. In 2013, he took on duties as arts editor for the Bradenton Times, an online news venue, where he Mangrove snapper
Mark Wisniewski of Wisconsin shows off some of the results of his Nov. 23-24 fishing adventure in Bradenton Beach at the Cortez Beach jetties and the Historic Bridge Street Pier.
worked until leaving for graduate school Since finishing his studies at Columbia, he has worked as a reporter and content producer for The Christian Science Monitor, The New York Post and The National Memo, and as researcher and fact-checking for the television series “Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen,” which took him to Los Angeles. He is a longtime surfer and skateboarder and the former lead singer and guitar player for the now-defunct reggae/rock act Half-Dub. He continues to perform music in the area. His grandfather, Dr. John S. Ambrusko, was an associate medical examiner for the state and served as director of public health in Manatee County in the 1980s. Snook
Horseshoe news There was an outright champion crowned during the Nov. 27 horseshoe competition at the Anna Maria City Hall horseshoe pits. The team of John Crawford and Tim Farrington were the only team to post a 3-0 record during pool play, negating the need for playoffs and giving them bragging rights for the day. Two teams squared off in the finals during the action on Nov. 30 after both posted 3-0 records during pool play. Crawford, this time teamed up with Rod Bussey, pulled away late in the match for a 22-15 victory over Bob Palmer and Ron Slaugh, giving Crawford bragging rights for the week! Play gets underway at 9 a.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays at the Anna Maria City Hall pits. Warmups begin at 8:45 a.m. followed by random team selection. There is no charge to play and everyone is welcome at the Anna Maria pits. It was a light week for golfers at the Key Royale Club in Holmes Beach as members took time off from the links to celebrate Thanksgiving. The men played their regular Monday morning modified-Stabelford system match Nov. 25. Mike Clements captured individual honors after posting a plus-4. There was a four-way tie for second place between Hoyt Miller, Ken Nagengast, Bob Reid and Blake Ress with matching plus-3s. The team of Buddy Foy, Reid, Earl Ritchie and Terry Schaefer combined on a plus-5 to win the team competition. The women played a nine-hole, individual-low-net match Nov. 26 that saw Joy Kaiser earn a one-stroke victory in Flight A with a 2-under-par 30. Helen Pollock and Debi Wohlers tied for second with matching 1-under-par 31s. Beth Lindeman fired a 2-under-par 30 to grab first place in Flight B. MaryLou Dreier and Jana Samuels tied for second place at even-par 32. Flight C saw Penny Williams, Fran Barford and Barb Harold all card even-par 32s to finish in a threeway tie for first place. Terry Westby’s 7-under-par 25 was the low-net round of the day, good for first place in Flight D. Susan VanOrsdel and Janelle Clements finished in a tie for second with 2-under-par 30s. Sue Wheeler added a chipin on the first hole to round out the KRC golf news for the week.
Fishing tip! If you hook a bird, remember: Reel, remove, release!
Southernaire Fishing Charters
Anna Maria Island Tides
Dec 4 Dec 5 Dec 6 Dec 7 Dec 8 Dec 9 Dec 10 Dec 11
4:33a 6:22a 7:54a 9:08a 10:10a 11:04a 11:55a 12:45p
1.6 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3
7:14p 7:40p 8:05p 8:28p 8:52p 9:16p 9:43p 10:14p
1.6 11:53a 0.2 — — 1.7 12:51a 0.9 12:43p 0.4 1.8 1:54a 0.7 1:27p 0.6 1.9 2:45a 0.4 2:06p 0.7 2.1 3:28a 0.1 2:39p 0.9 2.2 4:08a -0.1 3:07p 1.0 2.3 4:47a -0.3 3:32p 1.1 2.4 5:25a -0.5 3:55p 1.1
AM City Pier tides; Cortez high tides 7 minutes later — lows 1:06 later
Dec. 4, 2019 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 25 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Put down the holiday leftovers, instead target a fish fry By capt. Danny Stasny islander reporter
After enjoying the leftovers of Thanksgiving, Anna Maria’s fishers are happy to give the turkey a break and dine on fresh-from-the-Gulf fare. Luckily there are plenty of fish to be had in the waters surrounding Anna Maria Island. Anglers venturing offshore are enjoying a bountiful harvest of mangrove snapper and gag grouper while working over hard Stasny bottom, ledges and reefs. Also present are hogfish, yellowtail snapper and plenty of Key West grunts and porgies. Fishing baits on the surface is good, especially for blackfin tuna, kingfish and tripletail. If you prefer to stay inshore in the clear waters of Tampa Bay, there are fish to be caught there, too. Spanish mackerel are abundant in areas where structure exists and shallow-water gag grouper are being quite accommodating. If you’re out for sport and looking for action, catch-and-release snook, redfish and trout are appearing on the grass flats. On my charters, I’m leading my clients to action on the reefs for Spanish mackerel. Free-lining live shiners is resulting in simultaneous hookups on these highspeed fish. Gag grouper are swimming to the surface to strike, adding a nice variety to the mack bite. Moving to the flats, I’m finding decent action on catch-and-release snook. Waiting to late morning is best, as water temps are on the lower spectrum of what is favorable for snook. Fishing around docks is improving, especially for black drum and catch-and-release redfish. In these areas, live shrimp is working as bait. Capt. David White of Anna Maria Charters is concentrating his time inshore. Using live shrimp as a primary bait, White is putting anglers on a variety of species, including sheepshead, tripletail, black drum and catch-and-release redfish. Black drum are the most prevalent on the live shrimp. White also is carrying some live shiners in his baitwell to add to the shrimp. Casting shiners at catchand-release snook on the grass flats is producing action and keeping his clients on the hook. Capt. Jason Stock is catching gag grouper in Tampa Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Chumming the waters lures these gags toward the surface, making it possible to cast live pinfish or Halco plugs in hopes of a top-water strike. Seeing gag grouper boil on the surface and then sight casting to them is probably the most exciting way to catch these fish. Moving to other species, Stock is putting clients on kingfish, tripletails and blackfin tuna while working in the Gulf of Mexico. Jim Malfese at the Rod & Reel Pier is seeing Span-
mark Wisniewski of Wisconsin shows off a mackerel caught while fishing in Bradenton Beach nov. 23-24 at the Historic Bridge Street Pier.
ish mackerel caught on days when schools of shiners are visiting the pier waters. Casting silver spoons or speck rigs on the edges of these bait schools is attracting macks and a variety other species, including jack crevalle, ladyfish, blue runners and skip jacks. Anglers using live bait instead of artificials are getting their live shrimp at the pier, where casting shrimp under the pier on a weighted rig is yielding sheepshead, black drum, flounder and some catch-and-release redfish. Using larger live baits — pinfish or small ladyfish — is attracting hefty catch-and-release snook to the hook. Capt. Warren Girle is putting anglers on a good number of Spanish mackerel over structure in Tampa Bay. Free-lining live shiners combined with a longshank hook is resulting in mackerel up to 24 inches. Meanwhile, gag grouper are waiting near the surface to strike a free-lined shiner and excite the angler. Moving to the grass flats, Girle is hunting catchand-release spotted seatrout in depths of 4-8 feet of water. Again, free-lined shiners are attracting a bite. Jack crevalle and ladyfish also are present in these areas and are finding their way to Girle’s anglers. Moving even shallower, Girle is finding good action on catch-and-release snook. Casting live shiners against mangrove shorelines and oyster bars is yielding catch-and-release snook and a handful of redfish. Capt. Aaron Lowman is taking anglers to find catch-and-release spotted seatrout in Tampa Bay. Fishing channel edges, grass flats and potholes along productive shorelines is yielding good numbers of these backwater species. Fishing shallow grass flats for catch-and-release snook also is productive for the sports fishers. The key to catching these snook is to wait until later in the day when the water has had a chance to warm up, according to Lowman. Fishing docks with live shrimp as bait also is leading to action. Redfish, black drum, flounder and sheep-
Fishing Charters Capt. Warren Girle
Fishing in Bradenton Beach
I was visiting from Wisconsin recently and found some great fishing action Nov. 23-24 at the Historic Bridge Street Pier and the jetties off Cortez Beach, both in Bradenton Beach. Snook, redfish, jacks, snapper, black drum and some big schools of Spanish mackerel were caught. Working tight to structure with jigging spoons, casting with jigs and 2.5-inch paddle tails, and 3-inch pearl white tube jigs were my best baits. I used no live bait. One morning in about two hours, I caught 30 fish — about half were Spanish mackerel and the rest were a combination of jacks, black drum, small reds, snapper and juvenile grouper. That was a wild morning. We really enjoyed our stay on Anna Maria Island: Great food, great weather, beautiful area. And I read your paper online every week. We will be back soon and I hope the Anna Maria City Pier is open by then. And on our return, we’ll have to visit the Rod & Reel Pier in Anna Maria, which we found temporarily closed, causing me to miss my grouper sandwich. Marc Wisniewski, Greenfield, Wisconsin shead are the usual suspects — and some are making it to the cooler. On calm days, fishing hard bottom and ledges in the Gulf is a great way to gather dinner. In these areas, hogfish, mangrove snapper and many gag grouper are being caught. Throw in a few porgies and Lowman says there’s a fish fry in the near future. Send high-resolution photos and fishing reports to fish@islander.org.
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Page 26 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Dec. 4, 2019 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Party time, anniversary burgers
By Sandy Ambrogi
Additions, anniversaries, adjustments
Skinnyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Place 17th anniversary party started just after noon nov. 30 with diners at times lining up out the door for burgers, onion rings and various beverages. Later in the day, came live music. islander Photo: Sarah Brice
Longtime sales pro joins island real estate ofďŹ ce Chantelle Lewin has joined Wagner Realtyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Anna Maria Island office, according to a Nov. 25 news release. Lewin has been active in the island community for many years and volunteers for a variety of organizations. She has been a real estate agent since 1983, working in Tennessee, New Jersey and Florida. Lewin She worked the past 20 years as advertising director for a local newspaper. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I love this area and look forward to helping those who are looking to buy or sell their home,â&#x20AC;? Lewin said in the release. She can be reached at the island office, 2217 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach, or by phone at 941-7131449. For more information, go online to clewin.wagnerPraetor and his wife, Petra, owned the business for realty.com. 11 years. Holmes Beach â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Funâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; rental service changes hands The Flynns added recreational equipment, includMike Flynn and his wife, Marthajane, of Bradenton, purchased Just 4 Fun rental service, 5358 Gulf ing gear for cornhole and pickleball and added to the Drive, Holmes Beach, in mid-November from Joe stock of kayaks, paddleboards, bikes and more. The service also offers two deck boats for rent Praetor. from a half-day to a week for launch from the customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s choice of locations on Anna Maria Island. Business news The couple also added board games, including Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit and Operation for time spent Does your business celebrate achievements? indoors. Maybe youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re new in business? Or your staff Just 4 Fun is open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. daily. deserves kudos? Submit details to news@islander. For more information, call 941-896-7884 or visit org. Please include a contact number and contact rentjust4fun.com. name.
Real Estate Sales Vacation Rentals Annual Rentals Property#F-3 Management GULFSHORE - $174,900 %XTENSIVELY REMODELED -AJOR PROJECTS Concierge Service INCLUDE NEW WINDOWS mOORING KITCHEN Seriousâ&#x20AC;? about our Customer Service!
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Kristen Koziol, ashley Koziol and Brian Barnhart dine outside at Skinnyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Place, 3901 gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, near a tent set up for with a stage for live music later in the day for the restaurantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 17th anniversary party nov. 30. islander Photo: Sarah Brice
Denise Dydowicz checks out the offerings â&#x20AC;&#x201D; including large ďŹ&#x201A;amingos and a coconut drink holder â&#x20AC;&#x201D; nov. 29 outside Scavengers marketplace in the island Shopping center in Holmes Beach as the islandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s holiday shopping season gets underway. islander Photo: Sarah Brice
2020 Anna Maria Island Calendar
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Dec. 4, 2019 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 27 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
PropertyWatch By Jesse Brisson
island real estate transactions
240 Oak Ave., Anna Maria, a 2,847 sfla / 6,275 sfur 4bed/3½bath/2car canalfront pool home built in 2007 on a 11,100 sq ft lot was sold 11/08/19, Lee to Goff for $2,100,000; list $2,199,000. 515 56th St., Holmes Beach, a 1,592 sfla / 2,571 sfur 3bed/2bath/1car bayfront home built in 1952 on a 13,9332 sq ft lot was sold 11/12/19, Brinson to Armstrong for $1,275,000. 239 Lakeview Drive, Anna Maria, a 1,152 sfla / 2,640 sfur 3bed/2bath/2car pool home built in 1980 on a 9,600 sq ft lot was sold 11/06/19, Martin to Tatum for $950,000; list $1,025,000. 140 Crescent Drive, Anna Maria, a 1,655 sfla 3bed/2½/2car home built in 1960 on a 11,000 sq ft lot was sold 11/15/19, Peless to Murray for $850,000; list $950,000. 1451 Gulf Drive N., Unit 2, Bermuda Bay Club, Bradenton Beach, a 1,524 sfla 2bed/2½bath/2car condo with shared pool built in 2000 was sold 11/08/19, Bernardi to L & L Rental Management LLC for $800,000; list $869,000. 12102 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria, a 1.337 sfla 2bed/2bath home built in 1950 on a 5,500 sq ft lot was sold 11/05/19, Strange to Mobley Properties LLC for $785,000.; list $750,000. 154 Crescent Drive, Anna Maria, a 1,166 sfla / 1,849 sfur 2bed/2bath home built in 1959 on a 8550 sq ft lot was sold 11/01/19, Ragan to Burkhalter for $769,000; list $759,000. 107 75th St., Holmes Beach, a 1,691 sfla 2bed/2bath/2car home built in 2001 on a 4,131 sq ft lot was sold 11/13/19, Meier to Parisi for $700,000; list $699,000. 309 66th St., Holmes Beach, a 1,536 sfla / 2,639 sfur 3bed/2½bath/2car pool home built in 1990 on a 4,680 sq ft lot was sold 11/04/19, Eicher to Acevedo for $700,000; list $724,900. 109 Palmetto Ave., Anna Maria, a vacant 5,500
sq ft lot was sold 11/12/19, Kimberly to Flagler Plant Properties LLC for $700,000. 526 Key Royale Drive, Holmes Beach, a 1,718 sfla 3bed/2bath/2car canalfront pool home built in 1957 on a 13,500 sq ft lot was sold 11/08/19, Key 526 LLC to Mt Anville Properties LLC for $670,000; list $699,000. 202 70th St., Holmes Beach, a 1,356 sfla / 1,994 sfur 3bed/2bath duplex built in 1954 on a 6,800 sq ft lot was sold 11/08/19, Trommater to Bali Hai JV LLC for $650,000. 5609 Guava St., Unit B, Two Guavas, Holmes Beach, a 893 sfla 2bed/2bath condo with pool built in 1960 was sold 11/07/19, Miranda to Price for $517,500; list $549,000. 509 65th St., Holmes Beach, a vacant 90x100 canalfront lot was sold 10/30/19, ONeil to Toes in the Sand LLC for $490,000. 2310 Gulf Drive, Bradenton Beach, a 651 sfla 2bed/1bath Gulffront condo built in 1973 was sold 11/12/19, Donella to Hill for $428,000. 5608 Gulf Drive, Unit 102, Sun Plaza West, Holmes Beach, a 1,092 sfla / 1,236 sfur 2bed/2bath condo with shared pool built in 1981 was sold 11/12/19, Cronin to Abbate for $400,000; list $429,000. 1801 Gulf Drive, Bradenton Beach, a 1,080 sfla 2bed/2bath condo with shared pools built in 1978 was sold 11/08/19, Lepak to Dana S Hines LLC for $345,000; list $349,000. 1801 Gulf Drive, Bradenton Beach, a 1,080 sfla 2bed/2bath condo with shared pools built in 1978 was sold 11/05/19, Venn to Kriebel for $323,000; list $349,000. Jesse Brisson, broker/associate at Keller Williams on the Water, can be reached at 941-713-4755.
Business news Does your
business celebrate achievements? Maybe you’re new in business or your staff deserves kudos. Submit your information to news@ islander.org.
compiled by Sandy ambrogi
Thursday, Dec. 12 11:30 a.m. — Member-to-member luncheon, Mixon Fruit Farms, 2525 27th St. E., Bradenton. Members $18, guests $30. RSVP required by Dec. 10. Wednesday, Dec. 18 5 p.m. — Business card mixer, Anna Maria Oyster Bar on the Pier, 200 Bridge St., Bradenton Beach. $5 for members, $10 for guests. RSVP requested by Dec. 16. AMI ONGOING Friday, Dec. 13 Applications due from nonprofits for the 2019 Giving Back Trolley Grant Awards. Winners will be named in January 2020. AMI chamber information or reservations, 941-778-1541 or info@amichamber.org. LBK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Wednesday, Dec. 11 5 p.m. — Business After Hours, Harry’s Continental Kitchens, 525 St. Judes Drive, Longboat Key. Members $5, guests $10. Tuesday, Dec. 17 11:30 a.m. — Networking at Noon, The Terrace at Surf Shack, 328 John Ringling Blvd., St. Armands Circle, Sarasota. Members $25, guests $35. RSVP requested. LBK chamber information or reservations, 941-383-2466 or info@longboatkeychamber.com. OTHER EVENTS Friday, Dec. 6 5-8 p.m. — Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce tree lighting and holiday open house, AMI chamber office, 5313 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. SAVE THE DATE Dec. 13, Anna Maria Island Centre Midtown Holiday Party, Holmes Beach. Dec. 13, Anna Maria Holiday of Treasures, Anna Maria. Dec. 14, Bradenton Beach Area Merchants’ Christmas on Bridge Street celebration and boat parade, Bradenton Beach.
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Page 28 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Dec. 4, 2019 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
BIKE RACK, $70, brown shelf, 36 x 10 inches, $10, keyboard, $10. All like-new. Call 941-920-2494.
Individuals may place one free ad with up to three items, each priced $100 or less, 15 words or less. FREE, one week, must be submitted online. Email classifieds@islander.org, fax toll-free 1-866-362-9821. (limited time offer)
BIMINI BAY SAILING: Small sailboat rentals and instruction. Day. Week. Month. Sunfish, Laser, Windrider 17 and Precision 15. Call Brian at 941-685-1400.
LIKE NEW COPPER kettle charcoal grill and cover, $100 or best offer. Call 941-7306773.
TWO FOOSBALL GAMES, $30 each, top king mattress, 4 years old, $30, garage motor, $40. Karl, 941-704-7798.
MOONRACER FUNDRAISER: 9 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 7. Bake sale and jewelry. Kris Kringle Market. Scavengers Marketplace. 2100 US-301 N., Palmetto.
ANTIQUE PARTNER DESK: All wood, $1,000. See at The Islander office, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. 941-778-7978.
WANTED: WORKOUT DVDs and retired but working XBox, Wii units with games for Ministry of Presence for kids and teens in Haiti. Deliver to The Islander, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach.
FOUR ANTIQUE OFFICE chairs: Perfect for eclectic dining set or office. Original Anna Maria commission chairs used at the dais. The Islander newspaper, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. 941-778-7978.
WANTED: YOUR OLD cellphone for recycling. Deliver to The Islander, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach.
Sandyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lawn Service Inc. ESTABLISHED IN 1983
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FREE GUN LOCK courtesy of Project Childsafe, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and Holmes Beach Police Department. Pick up at The Islander office, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be sorry, be safe. GARAGE SALES
FULLY LICENSED AND INSURED Island References Lic#CBC056755
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AERIAL PHOTOS of Anna Maria Island. View and purchase online: www.jackelka.com.
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References available â&#x20AC;˘ 941-720-7519
ROSER THRIFT SHOP and annex open 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Donations preferred 9 a.m.-11 a.m. Wednesday. 511 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. 941-7792733. WILDLIFE INC. ANNUAL garage sale! 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Dec. 6-7. Great stuff, great cause! Donations welcome. 508 65th St, Holmes Beach. Claudia, 248982-5600. MOVING SALE, EVERYTHING, must go! 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7. Tools! Decor, kitchen, bath, Christmas tree and much more! 11218 Sanctuary Drive, Perico Island.
GORGEOUS GIRL! Latte is a 3-year-old mixed-breed dog. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shy with people, and loves other dogs. Apply to adopt her at www.moonraceranimalrescue.com. Call Lisa Williams at 941-345-2441 or visit The Islander ofďŹ ce in Holmes Beach for more about pet adoption.
HUGE GARAGE SALE! 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Dec. 6-7. Lots of household furniture. Small appliances, lamps, housewares, collectibles, holiday dĂŠcor and lots of interesting miscellaneous. 417 N. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria. PETS HELP RESCUED PETS! Volunteer, foster, computer help needed! Moonracer Animal Rescue. Email: moonraceranimalrescue@ gmail.com.
SPonSoreD BY
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Images of America: Anna Maria Islandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
this pictorial history of the island was compiled by islander publisher-owner Bonner Joy and is available for $20 at the islander office, 3218 e. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach.
PONTOON BOAT RENTAL Create lifelong memories. Visit boatďŹ&#x201A;orida.net or call 941778-2255. ami Wanna go charters. Sightseeing, snorkeling, and sandbar hopping eco-tours aboard our 24-foot pontoon, ages 6 and up optimal. call capt. Judy for information, 941-757-7246. HELP WANTED WANTED: FULL-TIME server. Paradise Bagels Cafe. 3220 E. Bay Drive, Anna Maria Centre Shops. 941-779-1212. REPORTER WANTED: Full- to part-time. Print media, newspaper experience required. Apply via email with letter of interest to news@islander.org. KIDS FOR HIRE KIDS FOR HIRE ads are FREE for up to three weeks for Island youths under 16 looking for work. Ads must be placed in person at The Islander office, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. SERVICES u fLY i drive your car anywhere in the uSa. airport runs, anywhere. office, 941-4476389. 941-545-6688. neeD a riDe to airports? tampa $65, St. Pete, $55, Sarasota, $30. gary, 863-4095875. gvoness80@gmail.com. CLEANING: VACATION, CONSTRUCTION, residential, commercial and windows. Licensed and insured. 941-744-7983. PRESSURE WASHING, PAVER sealing, driveway, roof, fence, pool area. Also, window cleaning. Licensed and insured. 941-5653931. I DONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;T CUT corners, I clean corners. Professional, friendly cleaning service since 1999. 941-779-6638. Leave message.
Place classified ads online at www.islander.org 2020 Anna Maria Island Calendar
Dec. 4, 2019 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 29 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
I S L A N D E R C L A S S I F I E D S SERVICES Continued
KATHY’S CLEANING SERVICE, Professional, responsible, and friendly. I clean residential commercial and offices. Please, call for a free estimate: 941-447-4660.
GRIFFIN’S HOME IMPROVEMENTS Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and wood flooring. Insured and licensed. 941-722-8792.
LOOKING FOR GARAGE, monthly rental for small car in Holmes Beach area. Also looking for outside storage of unloaded boat trailer. Call 336-543-5858. Please, leave message.
WATERWORKS PLUMBING: SERVING Manatee and Sarasota county. Customer service is the first service we offer. Lic. # CFC056675.Ask for Mike, 941-929-8757.
BLINDS, SHUTTERS, SHADES: Motorization. 30 years on AMI. Call Keith Barnett, Barnett Blinds, 941-730-0516.
BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS JD’s Window Cleaning looking for storefront jobs in Holmes Beach. I make dirty windows sparkling clean. 941-920-3840.
ISLAND HANDYMAN: I live here, work here, value your referral. Refinish, paint. Just ask. JayPros. Licensed/insured. References. Call Jay, 941-962-2874.
BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigeration. Commercial and residential service, repair and/or replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and personalized service, call Bill Eller, 941-795-7411. CAC184228.
HOLLANDS PAINT, DRYWALL and handyman services: Interior/exterior paint, drywall repair, wall/ceiling textures, stucco repair, pressure washing. Over 25 years’ experience. All work guaranteed. References. Licensed/insured. Call Dee, 256-337-5395.
ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional creates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding! www.jackelka.com. 941-778-2711.
AMI PAINTING: ISLAND resident. Prompt, reliable. Quality workmanship. Interior/exterior. Minor repairs, carpentry. Bill, 941-3079315.
CONNIE’S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, landscaping, cleanups, hauling and more! Insured. 941-778-5294. LARRY’S BACK! SHELL delivered and spread. $55/yard. Hauling all kinds of gravel, mulch, topsoil with free estimates. Call Larry at 941-795-7775, “shell phone” 941-7200770. SEARAY SPRINKLER SERVICES. Repairs, additions, drip, sprinkler head/timer adjustments. Office: 941-518-6326. Cell: 720-2991661. HOME IMPROVEMENT VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, interior/exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island references. Bill, 941-795-5100. www. vangopainting.net.
ARTISAN DESIGN TILE and Marble: Island resident. Island references. From porcelain to travertine and glass. Quality craftsmanship since 1983. Professional, courteous service at your convenience. Call Don, 941993-6567. www.ArtisanDesignTileAndMarble.com. SOUTHWEST HOME IMPROVEMENT: Michigan builder, quality work guaranteed. Affordable, timely, within budget. Call Mike, 1-616-204-8822. ISLAND GATER RESTORATIONS: Painting, interior/exterior, drywall repair, textures, pressure cleaning, stucco. Danny, 864-921-3298. islandgater@gmail.com. RENTALS
TILE -TILE -TILE. All variations of ceramic tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, 941-726-3077.
3BD/2BA, FIRST- FLOOR, spacious, beautifully renovated. Westbay Point & Moorings. FloridaRentalbyOwners. com #1590. Also #1106, 2BD/2BA, sunny, gorgeous bay views, pretty, available monthly May. Both: kayaks, bikes, beautiful grounds. Sue 207-944-6097.
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RENTALS: 2BR/3BR, CONDO, Cedars tennis resort, Longboat Key. Unlimited tennis, pool, bikes. remaining December at $ 2,000 per two weeks, plus $125 cleaning and $1,000 security deposit. 514-620-9259.
VACATION RENTAL 2BR/2BA, canalfront villa in Holmes Beach. Ground floor with 2 covered parking spaces. Available now through May 2020. $2,400/mo. Call Green Real Estate. 941-778-0455.
IMPROVE YOUR CURB APPEAL! Horticultural Design Services | Landscape Construction Landscape Maintenance | Irrigation Installation & Repair Brick & Stone Pavers | Walls, Gates, Fences | Tree Trimming Low Volt Outdoor Lighting Repair & Installation
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I S L A N D E R C L A S S I F I E D S RENTALS Continued
RENTALS Continued
AVAILABLE RENTAL: DECEMBER 2019 through April 2020. 2BR/2BA ground level with carport and patio. 1.5 blocks to Gulf. Updated, granite countertops, recessed lighting, flat-screen TVs in living room, TV room and bedrooms. Must see! Anna Maria. 941565-2373.
3BR/2BA GULF VIEW. Authentic, elevated, furnished Island house, Bradenton Beach, minimum six months, $1,495/month. First, last, security deposit, $1,000. No pets. Send detailed household information to: thehummingmask@gmail.com. 941-778-1098.
all real estate advertising herein is subject to the fair Housing act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination familial status includes children under age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. this newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. to complain of discrimination, call HuD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777 or for the hearing impaired, call 0-800-543-8294.
FULL BAYFRONT VIEW: 2BR/2BA condo available February-April. $4,500/month. Less for three months. Don, 941-914-1301. SEASONAL: JANUARY, FEBRUARY, March. $2,000 per month. Doublewide mobile home. Real Estate Mart, 941-356-1456. tHe iSLanDer offerS the best results for your classified advertising dollar. We really work for you! Submit your ad no later than noon monday on the website, www.islander.org. for monday holidays, the deadline is friday.
FOR SALE RETIREMENT / INVESTMENT PROPERTIES ,ISTING AND 3ELLING Contact Mel Neely FOR DETAILS 941-809-5565 cellwithmel@gmail.com cellwithmelandbarb.com
REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY owner: 3BR/1BA, 1,771 sf. An original Island home on the quiet, peaceful north end of Anna Maria Island. Easily accessible ground floor (no steps). A short walk to the beautiful white sand beach at Bean Point, Bayfront Park, Pine Avenue shops, Anna Maria City Pier, the Sandbar Restaurant. Winner of the Anna Maria Island Garden Club home of the year. $880,000. 232 Gladiolus Drive, Anna Maria. Call 941-778-2711. DOUBLEWIDE MOBILE HOME: 8 miles to beach. Gated community. $25,900 or best offer. Ask for JB, 941-356-1456. PALMA SOLA TOWNHOUSE: 2BR/1.5BA, boat dock, heated pool. $199,000. Real Estate Mart, 941-356-1456.
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'ULF $RIVE s (OLMES "EACH 941.778.6849
319 Hardin Ave. Anna Maria, FL 34216 View on Zillow.com Realtor.com
3 bd 3 ba 1,700 sqft
Facebook.com/ Islandernewspaper
$1,650,000 Deep water canal no bridges Completely remodeled in the heart of Anna Maria
Buyers Brokers Welcome
Call 941-778-0509 232 Gladiolus Dr, Anna Maria, FL 34216 $829,000 3 bd. 1 ba. Easy conversion for 2nd bath 1,771 sqft For sale by owner Call 941-778-2711 See details on Zillow
Mike Norman Realty INC
This Home is a Must See!
WE TWEET TOO @ami_islander
OFFERING THE BEST SELECTION OF SALES & RENTALS ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND SINCE 1978 www.mikenormanrealty.com 31o1 Gulf Drive, Hholmes Beach 800-367-1617 | 941-778-6696
An original Island home on the quiet, peaceful north end of Anna Maria Island. Easy accessible ground floor (no steps). A short walk to the beautiful white sand beach at Bean Point, Bayfront Park, Pine Avenue shops, Anna Maria City Pier, Sandbar Restaurant and the Center of Anna Maria Island. Winner of the 2002 Anna Maria Island garden club’s home of the year.
A complete photographic inventory of your home and contents including roof (drone). The insurance company will only accept detailed photographs of your property and contents for maximum claims after a storm.
Prices start at $200.00
for average home (3 bed, 2 bath)
Jack Elka
EXPERIENCE REPUTATION RESULTS SALES/RENTALS Professional Service to Anna Maria Island and Bradenton Since 1974
tdolly1@yahoo.com • www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com
2501 Gulf Drive, Ste 102, Bradenton Beach
DREAM CONDO Everything is new in this direct Gulffront dream condo! Sweeping views all the way to Bean Point! Huge swiming pool on the Gulf, covered parking, storage, elevator and much more. Well maintained complex. Come see all that Anna Maria Island Club has to offer. $769,000. SURF SIDE New 4bed/4.5 bath/2car pool home with partial Gulf views, rooftop sundeck, incredible pool and spa area. This amazing home was built with the details in mind, and the rental potential is through the roof. Call today. 941.713.4755
Jesse Brisson, Broker Associate, GRI 941-713-4755, jbrisson@kw.com
RELEASE DATE: 12/1/2019
New York Times Sunday Magazine Crossword
Dec. 4, 2019 THE ISLANDER | islander.org Page 31 No. 1124 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
6 Alcohol
49 Valet skills: B+
101 Do a P.R. makeover on
54 You can dig it
55 Spain and England in 103 16501–16511 107 Put on hold the 16th century
13 Scenes from action movies
57 Like a sure bet
19 Old foundation
59 Do an old printinghouse job
21 1994 Jean-Claude Van Damme sci-fi thriller
109 Baseball skill: C
58 Watch chains
60 Skills, in Sevilla
20 Fantasy author Canavan, author of the “Black Magician” trilogy
117 Afterword
35 Designer Bill
25 Night demons
67 Photo finish
26 Maintain
70 First draft picks
118 Bibliographical abbr. 36 U. S. Grant adversary 37 Trouble terribly
27 Number of people in an office?
71 It makes stealing pay off 75 “See you later!”
76 Cheerful
2 Fleece
78 Norman Lear series star
3 Noted Deco designer
45 Metro areas, informally
81 Stuffing tip jars: D 83 Chip away at
6 Apt name for a cook?
84 Bottom-line figure
7 Lulu 8 Used Gchat, e.g.
42 Heavy metal
86 Alternative to a Maxwell
43 Some kitchen appliances
87 Indy winner Luyendyk
44 Wildlife conservationist’s device
88 Hot stuff 91 Employee efficiency: D+
35 Taming wild horses: D40 Reflex messengers
47 Union station? Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more Answers: than 4,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords page 28 ($39.95 a year).
49 One may exert pressure 50 Significant advances
86 89
101 108
60 63
33 39
109 114
99 102
103 110
112 115 118
66 Small power source
77 One-eighth part
67 Classic shoe name
78 Funeral stands
53 Porgy and bass
68 Starting job in Washington, say
56 F.D.R. program
79 Mushroom that might 92 Conception be served in ramen 93 Chutzpah
69 Fashion sense: A
81 Uncivil greetings
94 Mourn
82 Sign of a smash hit
95 Snooker shot
85 ____ de Vil, Disney villain
96 Flu symptoms
108 Kid-____ (TV for tots)
98 Full
110 Tiny criticism
9 Went back through a passage
51 The other guys
10 Hockey infraction 11 “Yer darn ____!” 12 Clear soda
58 Dangerous structure
13 Lit ____
60 Combat zone
95 Sorcerer
14 Farm setter
61 Anglican headwear
97 Much, informally
15 Story
63 Strong brew
99 Supply-____ (economic theorist)
16 Stereo quality: B
64 “Movin’ ____”
17 Blake who wrote “Memories of You”
65 Call attention to, as a potential problem
100 Growing room
41 Malodorous
80 Spots
39 Set a price of
4 1975 Wimbledon champ 46 Sticks together? 48 Luxury-car pioneer 5 New Age author Henry Chopra
34 Chip-on-one’sshoulder outlooks, in slang
1 Channel on which to see some b&w films
23 Parenting: A+
33 Nervous stress
34 Burned rubber
62 Hosting a morning news show: C+
32 Rides since 2011
30 Bye word
116 Nueva York, e.g.
29 “Step ____!”
31 Actress Samantha
38 Learns to live with
115 Skirts
61 Heart
22 Get back
18 Roast rotators
113 Protect, as freshness 24 Whirl 28 Producers of the most 114 What to do once Mideast oil you’ve made your bed, per a saying
Randolph Ross, of New York City, is a retired principal for high schools in Queens, Great Neck and Plainview, N.Y. Crosswords helped him get one of his jobs. He says his final interview with the Great Neck Board of Education was devoted mainly to crossword constructing rather than how to run a school. Having had one of his puzzles published in The Times shortly before ‘‘was good timing and made for a happy interview.’’ This is Randy’s 50th Sunday crossword for the paper and his 113th Times puzzle overall. — W.S.
1 Lack of this results in baldness
52 Diver Louganis
72 Lead-in to fare 73 Part of a TV transmission 74 ____ Garson, Oscar winner for “Mrs. Miniver” 76 Solomonlike
89 Patch (together)
91 Desire a piece of the action
101 Clinton’s attorney general for all eight 90 Way to get to Harlem, years per Duke Ellington
102 Rat Pack nickname 104 Quod ____ faciendum 105 Stationer’s stock 106 “Let Us Now Praise Famous Men” writer
111 Pioneer cellphone co. 112 Fancy-looking name appendage
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