The Islander Newspaper E-Edition: Wednesday, March. 04, 2020

Page 1

Spring forward. 12

take 5:00:

‘Hot Stove Dinner.’ 15

Getting around AMI. 18-19 MARCH 4, 2020 Free

VOLUME 28, NO. 19 astheworldterns bemoan traffic grrrrrrridlock. 6 Bacteria dips in Bradenton Beach waters. 2 Skate park vandalized, cleaned up. 3

Meetings. 4 HB approves abandoned property regs. 5 early voting to begin. 5

Opinions. 6 10-20 YEARS AGO Looking back. 7

the Best news on anna Maria island Since 1992

Home rule limits zip through Legislature By chrisann allen islander reporter

The battle for home rule in the face of state preemption is intensifying in Tallahassee. Two bills being considered by the Legislature — Senate Bill 1128 filed by Manny Diaz, R-Hialeah, and House Bill 1011 filed by Jason Fischer, R-Jacksonville, and co-

sponsored by Mike La Rosa, R-St. Cloud — would preempt local vacation rental regulations to the state. Vacation rental programs in Anna Maria, Bradenton Beach and Holmes Beach would be dissolved, with licensing and inspections performed by state departments. Local governments would be able to regulate noise, parking and trash, but rules

anna Maria takes scooter timeout. 8

RoadWatch. 8 Happenings

Save the date. ‘friends forever’ at aMe.

Gathering. GoodDeeds. Obituaries. BB seeks sanctions against defendant. Photographer’s iconic award.

Streetlife. WMfr outreach. HB looks at fertilizers.

Cookie season? Yes, please!

Playoff matchups set in youth football. fish out of the wind to cash in. cafes open on aMi. county awards Mote money.

PropertyWatch. classifieds.

NYT puzzle.

would have to apply to all properties in a city, not just short-term rental properties. The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation would conduct inspections. According to an alert from the Florida League of Cities, the DBPR’s 2018 audit report determined “the agency has strugPLeaSe, See HoMe rule, Page 4

AM addresses pier questions By chrisann allen islander reporter


recycling bad news.

Mike Jenson of Holmes Beach hands over his cash for a bag of girl Scout cookies to izzy Stasny, left, audrey cummings and olivia Jackson of Junior troop 521. the scouts were selling cookies feb. 22 outside the Publix Super Market in Holmes Beach. islander Photo: Bekka Stasny

Location. Location. Location. The clear vistas of Tampa Bay and the Sunshine Skyway Bridge make it easy to see why a pier restaurant would be a hit. “It is the most visited attraction in Manatee County,” Anna Maria Mayor Dan Murphy said Feb. 26 about the Anna Maria City Pier. “It’s a high-visibility location.” The city held a meeting Feb. 26 to respond to questions posed by people interested in bidding on the restaurant and bait shop lease at the new pier, still under construction. Following a unanimous city commission vote Feb. 27, the deadline to submit bids and bid opening was pushed back from March 10 to 1 p.m. Wednesday, April 8, at city hall, 10005 Gulf Drive. The original Anna Maria City Pier, 101 Bay Blvd., has been in operation since 1911, but was closed after it was damaged by Hurricane Irma in September 2017. The pier was demolished by the city and construction on a new pier began. The city hopes to open the new pier in late March or April, depending on a reso-

PLeaSe, See pier, Page 3

Planes landing again at Holmes Beach field? By chrisann allen islander reporter

Strap on those aviator goggles and grab a bomber jacket. A new aviation-themed playground is coming to the Holmes Beach multipurpose field in the 5800-6200 blocks of Marina Drive. City commissioners Feb. 25 unani- (941) 778-0411 5315 Gulf Drive • Holmes Beach

mously approved the purchase and installation of the equipment over what used to be a private aviation landing field — opened in 1948 and closed in 1973. The cost is $61,539.23 for the equipment and $20,476.83 for the installation. Advanced Recreational Concepts of Melbourne is the contractor for the playground design and installation.

The playground will be on the northwest side of the field, abutting Flotilla Drive and near parking and bathrooms. Installation is planned for the weeks of April 8 or April 15. The equipment includes a rustic airplane structure with slides, platforms and shade sails, as well as a swing set and a fenced PLeaSe, See playground, Page 2

Page 2 THE ISLANDER | March 4, 2020 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Dangerous bacteria levels dip in BB waters By Ryan Paice Islander Reporter

There’s improvement in the bay bacteria levels since the count skyrocketed in February. But something’s stirring in the bay waters. Suncoast Waterkeeper results from tests Feb. 25 show that high levels of enterococcus — a bacteria commonly found in human and animal feces — have thinned out in Sarasota Bay near Bridge Street and Bay Drive South. Suncoast is a nonprofit that tests water quality in 11 locations, not including the public beaches monitored by the Florida Department of Health. Suncoast tested the bay waters over two weeks in mid-February and found more than 24,000 colonyforming units of enterococci per liter in one sample. Other samples reached 1,670 and 4,884 cfu/L. The DOH regards enterococcus levels exceeding 70 cfu/L as unsafe for human contact and posts no-swim advisories if a public beach it monitors tests

Body found in bay waters The Manatee County Sheriff’s Office was investigating after a woman’s body was found Feb. 27 in the Intracoastal Waterway near Key Royale in Holmes Beach. The woman was identified in an MCSO report as Alice Pamela Mehan, 49, of New Port Richey. The MCSO deployed its marine and aviation units, responding to a Feb. 27 call about a body seen in the water behind the 600 block of Key Royale Drive. The marine unit found the deceased woman in Anna Maria Sound shortly after 4 p.m. and transported the body to the Kingfish Boat Ramp in Holmes Beach. The report did not indicate a cause or manner of death and said an investigation was ongoing.

higher than the threshold. The latest round of tests resulted in 10 cfu/L along the shore at Bay Drive South, 10 cfu/L 100 feet into the water from the first location and 10 cfu/L at the floating dock at the Historic Bridge Street Pier. However, a test taken at the shore along the base of the pier resulted in 131 cfu/L, which is higher than the DOH safety level. The location is the only one of the four test spots in the city that tested for unsafe enterococcus levels. “These results indicate that the extreme water quality problem in the cove formed by Bay Drive and the Bridge Street Pier was the result of an event or condition that has apparently passed,” Suncoast executive director Andre Mele wrote in a March 1 email to The Islander. Mele said Suncoast will continue to monitor the site, and keep the DOH and Bradenton Beach Mayor John Chappie informed. Bradenton Beach commissioners reached consensus Feb. 20 to conduct water quality tests for the area to identify the source of the high enterococcus levels. The DOH also began discussions about funding and organizing an effort to counter the high bacteria. Mele urged both entities to continue their investigations despite the lower test results. Mele previously said pelican feces could have caused the elevated bacteria levels, and noted that several pelicans were present at the Kingfish Boat Ramp in Holmes Beach, where levels tested slightly higher than the DOH threshold for safety at 85 cfu/L. “So, with all due respect, we cannot endorse or affirm the credibility of the Pelican Theory,” Mele wrote. Mele also pointed to the latest results from tests on Palma Sola Creek in Bradenton, which is another of Suncoast’s test locations, that came back at 6,867 cfu/L. He said Suncoast will expand its monitoring of the area, and noted the creek has received sewage spills from a variety of sources in the past.

A rendering shows the equipment approved for a playground at city field, adjacent to Holmes Beach City Hall. The equipment will have an aviation theme, harkening back to the city’s old airstrip at the location. Islander Photo: Courtesy Holmes Beach playground continued from page 1

perimeter. Mayor Judy Titsworth said the ground material will be either U.S. Americans with Disabilities Actcompliant mulch or turf. Eran Wasserman, the city’s director of development services, said the contractor is the same one used by the Manatee County School District for its playground equipment and the city piggybacked on the district contract for a 3% discount. Holmes Beach received $50,000 for the playground in July 2019 from the board of the Hagen Family Foundation of Indiana. Rex Hagen, who died in 2017, and his late wife, Helen, were significant contributors on Anna Maria Island, having helped fund many recreational projects, including the original skate park in Holmes Beach and the tennis courts at the Center of Anna Maria Island in Anna Maria. The balance was budgeted as part of the 2019-20 improvements to the recreational field. The next commission meeting will be at 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 10, at city hall, 5801 Marina Drive.

March 4, 2020 THE ISLANDER | Page 3 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Skate park vandalized in Holmes Beach By ChrisAnn Allen Islander Reporter

Anna Maria Mayor Dan Murphy displays a rendering Feb. 26 of the new Anna Maria City Pier during a meeting at city hall. Islander Photo: ChrisAnn Allen pier continued from page 1

lution of Florida Power and Light electrical issues, according to Murphy. The target date to open the restaurant is the last quarter of 2020 or the first quarter of 2021, Murphy said. When lease negotiations with Mario Schoenfelder, pier tenant since 2000, fell through in January, the city issued a request for proposals for the restaurant and bait shop at the T-end. Schoenfelder’s lease expires in December. About 20 people attended the Feb. 26 pre-bid meeting, including Sean Murphy, owner of the Beach Bistro, Eat Here and the Doctor’s Office, all in Holmes Beach; Harry Christensen, owner of Harry’s Continental Kitchens on Longboat Key; and also representatives from the Ugly Grouper in Holmes Beach and the Gulf Drive Cafe in Bradenton Beach. Mayor Murphy led the discussion, and Commissioners Carol Carter, Joe Muscatello and Amy Tripp attended. Questions previously submitted to the city by potential bidders were answered in an addendum posted on the city’s website at

Dude, that’s not cool. Unknown vandals tagged the new skateboarding facilities in the 5800 block of Marina Drive in Holmes Beach spray-painting graffiti overnight Feb. 23. The vandals also tagged nearby trash cans and public bathrooms with profanities and other slurs and jargon. According to the police report, the vandalism was discovered early Feb. 24 by Dave Benton, the city’s public works foreman. However, other anonymous individuals removed the graffiti the night before, Mayor Judy Titsworth said Feb. 25, during a commission meeting. “Islanders came and they cleaned it up and I am really proud,� she said. Titsworth requested that whoever cleaned the park tell the city what they used. “I just want to know what they used, because it worked,� she said, adding that the good Samaritans didn’t completely clean the graffiti, so the city still has some graffiti to remove — or paint over. One attendee asked the mayor if the restaurant space has been laid out. Murphy responded that it is still “an empty shell,� but is structured similarly to the old pier. He added that the city would provide tours of the space by appointment by contacting the city clerk at Building plans also are available from the clerk. He said the plumbing and electric for the restaurant and bait shop has been roughed in, but the successful bidder will be responsible for the buildout. Murphy estimated the size of covered space, including the bait shop and breezeway, to be about 4,600 square feet, with usable interior space at 3,712.5 square feet. The restaurant could seat about 150 people,


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Unknown vandals spray-painted graffiti at the new Holmes Beach Community Skate Park and tagged nearby trash cans. The vandalism occurred overnight Feb. 23. Islander Photos: Courtesy Holmes Beach Police Department

The city has since installed a surveillance camera used at the old skate park and has new cameras on order, according to Police Chief Bill Tokajer. depending on the configuration, he said. He said the pier bathrooms will be for public use, but the tenant could add private bathrooms within the leased space. Another at the meeting asked if there would be dedicated parking for the restaurant. The mayor said dedicated parking would be negotiable and require commission approval. When asked if the city would provide rent abatement for hurricanes or periods of red tide, Murphy said that also would be negotiable. Murphy said the city will have 30 days to rank and shortlist the proposals to about four or five bidders, then the commission will approve a tenant and begin negotiating a contract.

Page 4 THE ISLANDER | March 4, 2020 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Local experts highlight home rule value By Phil colpas islander reporter

Bob Carter knows all about home rule. As founder and chairman of his namesake company Carter in Sarasota, which advances philanthropy by counseling nonprofits in fundraising, organizational planning and governance, Carter understands what’s at stake when it comes to municipalities retaining autonomy. “Tallahassee continually tries to take away certain powers from the municipalities, especially those relating to property rights,” Carter told The Islander Feb. 21. Carter, husband of Anna Maria Commissioner Carol Carter, and friend Dick York, also an Anna Maria resident, started Home Rule Florida at several years ago to educate people. York is a retired president and CEO of an information technology firm. He and his wife are actively involved in the community. York believes in local municipalities maintaining the ability to govern themselves and has funded and maintained the home rule website with Carter. In January, the two men were named Anna Maria’s 2019 Citizens of the Year in part because of their dedication to helping the city retain home rule. The most pressing struggle facing home rule proponents, according to Carter, are two bills: HB 1011 and SB 1128. Filed by state Rep. Jason Fischer, HB 1011 would destroy local vacation rental regulations and impose non-regulatory concepts of 2011, Carter said. HB 1011 has advanced through several committees. “Congratulations to Rep. Will Robinson of Bradenton, who is the first Republican to go against his party and vote against this bill,” Carter said. “We need more independent thinkers like Will.” Filed by Republican Sen. Manny Diaz, SB 1128 is the companion to HB 1011. SB 1128 also has passed committees. “In the case of vacation rentals, there is currently no state agency able to inspect and regulate these properties,” Carter said. “Our island cities have been doing an excellent job at this, despite the fact that approximately 70% of the properties are now used as shortterm vacation rentals.” The bills would make obsolete local regulations of short-term rental housing since 2014, he said, and they go further, eliminating existing regulations. Carter and York are joined in their efforts by the Florida League of Cities, which advocates on behalf of zoning authority for local governments. “We do not seek to marginalize the vacation rental industry in this endeavor,” Carter said. “We simply


York accepts Citizen of the Year award

Bert Harris bill a concern for Holmes Beach officials

At a Holmes Beach Commission meeting Feb. 25, Commission Chair Jim Kihm, the commission’s legislative liaison, said Senate Bill 1766, filed by Tom Lee, R-Brandon, and its companion, House Bill 519, filed by James Grant, R-Tampa, are causes for concern. SB 1766 would require any settlement reached on a Bert J. Harris Jr. Private Property Rights Protection Act claim that involves the issuance of a variance or exception to a regulation be applied across the board to all “similarly situated residential properties.” The Bert Harris Act allows demands for compensation due to government regulations that diminish the value of private property. Holmes Beach is a party in 28 pending Bert Harris Act related lawsuits. SB 1766 has been referred to the Senate rules committee for a final committee vote March 2. HB 519 has been approved by all committees and is awaiting a vote on the House floor. “I encourage people to reach out to the Senate and let them know how you feel about these issues,” Kihm said. “The time is now.”

anna Maria Mayor dan Murphy, left, honors dick York feb. 27 with a plaque recognizing him as one of the city’s two citizens of the Year for 2019 for his involvement in the Home rule florida coalition, as well as shaping and funding, a — chrisann allen website aimed at combatting the erosion of home rule and the deregulation of vacation rental properties. York was unable to attend a meeting in January HOME RULE continued froM Page 1 where Bob carter, also a recipient of the award, was gled to meet its own approved performance standards recognized. islander Photo: ryan Paice for lodging inspection measures and will continue to

wish to reacquire the right of due process should a question of incompatibility arise when a property in a residentially zoned area is converted from a home to short-term rental housing.” Carter invited people to refer regularly to www. during the legislative session to connect with the lawmakers. If the bills pass both chambers, a unified bill would go to the governor. How to contact state legislators Florida legislators can be contacted via phone, email, regular mail or in person. • Senate President Bill Galvano, R-Bradenton. 941-741-3401;; his office: 1023 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton, FL, 34205. • Sen. Joe Gruters, R-Sarasota. 941-378-6309;; his office: 381 Interstate Blvd., Sarasota, FL, 34240. • State Rep. Will Robinson, R-Bradenton. 941708-4968;; his office: 717 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton, FL, 34205.

Anna Maria 708-5800, March 4, 10 a.m., historic preservation. March 12, 2 p.m., city commission. West Manatee Fire Rescue March 20, 2 p.m., planning and zoning. March 24, 6 p.m., commission. DATE CHANGE March 26, 6 p.m., city commission. WMFR administration building, 6510 Third Ave. Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, 941-708- W., Bradenton, 6130, Manatee County Bradenton Beach March 5, 9 a.m., county commission (land use). March 4, 9:30 a.m., CRA. March 24, 9 a.m., county commission. March 4, 2 p.m. ScenicWaves. Administration building, 1112 Manatee Ave. W., March 5, 6 p.m., city commission. Bradenton, 941-748-4501, March 10, 10 a.m., city commission. March 12, 1 p.m., department heads. Of interest March 18, 1 p.m., planning and zoning. March 9m 2 p.m., Island Transportation Planning March 19, 11 a.m., pier team. Organization, Bradenton Beach City Hall. March 19, noon, city commission. March 11, 2 p.m., Coalition of Barrier Island March 24, 10 a.m., city commission. Elected Officials, Holmes Beach City Hall. Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., March 17, Election: presidential preference pri941-778-1005, mary polling.. March 23, 9:30 a.m., Sarasota/Manatee MPO Holmes Beach Board, MPO offices, 7632 15th St. E., Sarasota. March 4, 10 a.m., parks and beautification. March 30, 9 a.m., Manatee County Tourist DevelMarch 4, 6 p.m., planning. opment Council, Administration building, 1112 ManaMarch 10, 6 p.m., city commission. tee Ave. W., Bradenton, March 24, 6 p.m., city commission. Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, 941Send listings to

struggle.” SB 1128 had been referred to the rules committee for its last committee vote March 2, press time for The Islander, and could be headed to the Senate floor for a final vote. HB 1011 was approved Feb. 20 14-9 by the commerce committee — its last stop before heading to a vote in the House. Rep. Will Robinson, R-Bradenton, who represents Anna Maria Island, voted against the bill. The bills will need to be conferenced and only one of the two — or a consolidated version — would go to Gov. Ron DeSantis. In a Feb. 24 interview with the media, DeSantis said he is unsure if the state should preempt local regulatory power for vacation rentals and is “leaning against” such measures. Anna Maria Mayor Dan Murphy said Feb. 28 that he and Commissioner Carol Carter have made trips to Tallahassee this session, and would be headed back to testify before the rules committee for the March 2 vote. Murphy said he and Carter plan to tell state lawmakers that their primary concern is with public safety. “We are concerned with occupancy,” he said. “Before we started our program, 20 people would be crammed in a four-bedroom house. That’s a public safety issue.” As part of the rental registration, annual safety inspections are conducted in accordance with the city’s code. Murphy also said the city requires registration for vacation rentals, with a number for an agent that can be reached 24/7 if there is a problem. “Many of these properties are owned by LLCs with owners that live elsewhere,” he said. “Having a local agent is key.” Bills being considered this session and information to connect with legislative committee members can be tracked online at and The legislative session is scheduled to sine die March 13.

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March 4, 2020 THE ISLANDER | Page 5 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Abandoned property ordinance adopted in Holmes Beach

No more ugly houses. updated, Holmes Holmes Beach has updated its property standards Beach’s mainteto deal with abandoned and neglected structures. nance code will City commissioners Feb. 25 unanimously approved allow the city to the final reading of an ordinance integrating the “interaddress derelict national property maintenance code” into the city code structures, such as of ordinances. this uninhabitable The code adds maintenance requirements for comproperty in the 3000 mercial and residential properties and allows the buildblock of avenue ing department to work with code compliance officers e. islander Photo: to inspect abandoned structures for safety hazards. chrisann allen The city can direct property owners of unoccupied homes with rodent infestations, broken windows, overgrown yards and damaged seawalls to repair or risk demolition. The hearing was continued from Feb. 11 so city ing of the ordinance. waters or in water over private property shall be mainattorney Patricia Petruff and building official Neal She also added a subsection to address artificial tained by the owner that installed the reef. — chrisann allen Schwartz could review the ordinance before a vote. reefs, which some property owners are installing under Petruff said Feb. 25 that maintenance requirements docks. for seawalls and davits were added after the first readThe ordinance states that a reef placed in state

Holmes Beach aims to beat state preemption of biz tax By chrisann allen islander reporter

The 2020 legislative session is in full swing in Tallahassee. Holmes Beach is pushing to get ahead of state Rep. Michael Grant’s proposal to preempt licensing of local occupations to the state. City commissioners reached consensus to move a draft ordinance to increase the local business tax by 5% to a first reading and vote. The state allows a 5% increase every two years. The city last increased its rate in 2018. If passed and signed into law, House Bill 3, along with companion Senate Bill 1336, filed by state Sen. Keith Perry, R-Gainesville, would prohibit local authorities from imposing or adopting local business regulations, including the city’s business registration and tax.

According to both bills, any regulations a municipality has in place would remain active through July. As of Feb. 27, HB 3 was approved by a final vote of the House and was referred to the Senate community affairs; innovation, industry, and technology; and rules committees. “Business tax receipts is on the chopping block at the legislative level,” city attorney Patricia Petruff said Feb. 25. “So before we get to advertising for this public hearing, we will at least know whether the Legislature passed the law and it is sitting on the governor’s desk.” After the session ends, bills approved by both the House and Senate go to the governor. The last day of regular session is March 13. The next city commission meeting will be at 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 10, at city hall, 5801 Marina Drive, with a work session to follow.

Early voting begins March 7

Early voting in the presidential preference primaries will be 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday, March 7, through Saturday, March 14. The nearest locations for inperson early voting are the Manatee County Utilities Administration Office, 4410 66th St. W., Bradenton, and the county supervisor of elections office, 600 301 Blvd., Bradenton. Vote-by-mail ballots went out in February, with a notice that some people may no longer be candidates. Voting on primary day will be 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Tuesday, March 17. For more information about registering to vote, go online to — Lisa neff



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Page 6 THE ISLANDER | March 4, 2020 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................



grrrrrr. gridlock.

Yes. I stole the lede from reporter Ryan Paice’s story this week on the debacle that persists on Gulf Drive in Bradenton Beach — road work. It’s happening in Cortez, too. And it affects traffic all the way to the north end of Anna Maria Island and south to St. Armands Circle. There’s just too many cars on two-lane roads running north to south on Anna Maria Island and Longboat Key — and leading to and from the barrier islands. But when the county and transportation workers go up against one another, it creates a diabolical, futile, frustrating, raging situation. Beachgoers just want to reach the sand and relax. Workers just want to get to the job, clock in and earn a living. Delivery people are stuck in their trucks. Dan the Domino’s pizza man is watching people pull out of line and into the store and eating a quick pie while sitting on the sidewalk or in their cars. Yes. It’s season. The usual crescendo of cars is building up to the Easter holiday. And weekly rentals will likely again extend tourist season into May, running head on into a summer season of kids, Marco Polo games and turtle nesting on the shore. Gulf Drive and the bridges are overwhelmed with day-long traffic to and from AMI — beachgoers and other visitors looking for a place to enjoy the amenities of the No. 3 trending spot in the United States. A friend from Longboat Key was groaning last week over the prospects of a trip with her best pal to the dog groomer on Cortez Road in Bradenton. She made an early appointment, but faced a slow ride home. And just this week, I saw a family eating ice cream cones in a parking lot in the back of their truck. People are late for reservations, appointments and work daily. In fact, the Beach Bistro declines early reservations from Longboat Key folks. “Sorry Mr. and Mrs. Fine-Diner, you can’t get here from there.” So the question arises, why couldn’t the county and transportation workers postpone the work? In the case of repairs to a tenuous sewer line, they say, it’s not advised. And when would be better? Summer or a few short weeks in the fall? IMHO, using the Florida Department of Transportation bridge repair scheduling as an example, closing roads to one lane and interrupting traffic overnight — 11 p.m.-6 a.m. — is a better solution for everyone to lower frustrations and gridlock. Anyone for a tram to the airport? — Bonner Joy

MARCH 4, 2020 • Vol. 28, No. 19 Publisher and Editor Bonner Joy, ▼ Editorial Lisa neff, editor, chrisann allen, Sandy ambrogi, Joe Bird, editorial cartoonist Kevin cassidy, Michael dunn, Jack elka, Brook Morrison, ryan Paice, ▼ Contributors arthur Brice, Sarah Brice, Jesse Brisson Leslie Lake, Karen riley-Love capt. danny Stasny, ▼ Advertising Director toni Lyon, ▼ Office Staff Lisa Williams, office manager Vicki Mcintyre, office assistant, reader advocate info@, accounting@, classifieds@, ▼ Distribution urbane Bouchet Judy Loden Wasco ross roberts (All others: ▼

Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each. ©1992-2020 • Editorial, sales and production offices: 3218 e. Bay drive, Holmes Beach fL 34217 WeBSite: PHone 941-778-7978 toll-free fax 1-866-362-9821



Skimming the islander online …

Web (register for free news alerts) Facebook islandernewspaper Twitter @ami_islander Instagram theislanderami Pinterest a sign warns, “Parking not allowed this side islandernewspaper between signs.” the photograph shows an altered E-edition arrow. islander courtesy Photo For $36 a year, e-edition subscribers have access to an e-edition, with page-by-page views Fine paid, ticket questioned of all the news, photos, columns, community On Valentine’s Day, my sweetheart took me to announcements and advertisements. To subscribe, lunch at the Sandbar Restaurant in Anna Maria. visit When we came out to the vehicle, we had a $35 Stop or go? parking ticket. There seems to be some confusion regarding While we were at lunch, the sign had been altered with a red marker to a red arrow pointing toward my two stop signs at the Gulf Drive Cafe in Bradenton Beach. car. The stop signs, I believe, are intended for use when When we parked, the arrow on the sign pointed exiting the circular driveway in front of the cafe. only in the other direction. However, one of the stop signs is tilted in the direcWe actually rubbed off the drawn-on arrow and tion of Gulf Drive. took photographs. I have seen several motorists stop at the sign, I believe this is a crime. And I don’t appreciate the deception by the city. thinking it is intended for Gulf Drive, which is under I have paid the ticket because I am a law-abiding state jurisdiction. Some motorists pause and seem to be confused as citizen and didn’t want to be charged a late fee of $50. I am on a fixed income and am careful where I park so to whether to stop or not. This situation can be hazardous, as well as confusthis doesn’t happen. ing. What can be done about this? I would appreciate a refund. Lynne Senzatimore, Bradenton Beach Mary Elizabeth Rose, Palm Harbor

March 4, 2020 THE ISLANDER | Page 7 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

From the archives

Pier dining frank cavendish, owner of the rod & reel Pier in anna Maria in July 1976, works behind the counter. the pier, 875 n. Shore drive, is one of two in tampa Bay, including the city pier south of the r&r at 100 n. Bay Blvd. the city pier is being rebuilt — after demolition in 2018. it was demolished, but a new pier may open in the spring.

10&20 years ago

islander archives, March 1, 2000

• The Anna Maria City Pier was to reopen nearly four months after the mayor declared the facility unsafe and closed it to the public. The reopening occurred a few weeks after the commission approved emergency repairs. • Two referendums were on the ballot in Holmes Beach. One referendum dealt with lengthening the term of office for commissioners from two years to four years. The second pushed the city’s election cycle from March to the first Tuesday in November. • Anna Maria Mayor Gary Deffenbaugh removed Phil Charnock from public works director and appointed former city administrative assistant Anne Beck to the position. Charnock retained his position as the city’s building official. He had come under fire following an arrest for brandishing a firearm during a road rage incident.

islander archives, March 3, 2010

… working on the pier two men head out over tampa Bay to the rod & reel Pier in anna Maria while a third works near the entrance. the photo is dated September 1971. the rod & reel was sprucing up and replacing the walkway planks this month. islander Photos: courtesy Manatee county Public Library

• Anna Maria Island tourism climbed more than 15% in January 2010 compared with January 2009. Occupancy of island accommodations was at 51% compared with 44.2% for the same month the year prior. • Federal wildlife officers were investigating the destruction of a heron nest at Kingfish Boat Ramp in Holmes Beach. Two herons were injured and one bird died. • More than 900 people attended the Island Wedding Festival, which featured a fashion show outside the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce office in Holmes Beach and events at other venues on the island. — Lisa neff

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Page 8 THE ISLANDER | March 4, 2020 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Anna Maria scooter moratorium allows time out for regs By chrisann allen islander reporter

Fun rides and alternative transportation are on the rise on Anna Maria Island streets and sidewalks. And Anna Maria’s officials have opted to take a timeout to consider some regulations on some vehicles — mostly small scooters. City commissioners Jan. 23 unanimously approved the final reading of an ordinance instituting a 180-day moratorium on the rental and operation of motorized scooters and micromobility devices. The moratorium was enacted on its approval and was set to expire July 22. According to state statutes, a “motorized scooter” includes any vehicle that is powered by a motor with or without a seat, no more than three wheels, and which is not capable of achieving a speed greater than 20 mph on level ground. A “micromobility device,” including e-scooters,

Scooters capable of traveling more than 20 mph are not included anna Maria’s motorized scooter moratorium. islander file Photo: chrisann allen

is a motorized transportation device, most often made available through an online application, website or

AM declines mini reefs for city pier, looks elsewhere By ryan Paice islander reporter

The new Anna Maria City Pier won’t include mini reefs. But that doesn’t mean the city isn’t interested in the habitat-builders placed in the water under docks or piers to cultivate sea life and promote clean water. Mayor Dan Murphy told city commissioners Feb. 27 that the Center of Anna Maria Island proposed selling the city mini reefs as a part of its “Go Green” campaign — a series of initiatives aimed at making the nonprofit and island community more environmentally friendly. The center proposed placing the reefs along the underside of the city pier. However, Murphy, with concerns about installing the structures at the pier, called Ocean Habitats, the company that manufactures and installs the reefs. He said OH validated his concerns regarding the use of reefs in open water. Also, the reefs, which can weigh up to 800 pounds when fully cultivated, could damage utility lines that run under the pier during high tides and heavy surf. The reefs also aren’t suited for the pier because sea turtles sometimes nest on the nearby shore and hatchlings could get trapped in a reef, according to

Murphy. Still, Murphy said the city could purchase four-five reefs to place under the city-owned dock behind the Anna Maria Island Historical Society Museum, 402 Pine Ave. Because the dock’s waterway is closed off, the reefs wouldn’t be exposed to heavy surf. Murphy said he’ll create a plan and a cost estimate for commission consideration.

In other news • Commissioners voted 5-0 to approve a proclamation naming April “Water Conservation Month” to educate citizens about how to save water resources to promote a healthy economy and community. • Commissioners unanimously adopted a resolution opposing Florida Senate Bill 1128 and House Bill Click! 1011 which would preempt the city’s right to regulate The Islander welcomes news of the milestones in vacation rentals to the state government. readers’ lives — weddings, anniversaries, travels and • Commissioners voted 5-0 to appropriate $5,000 other events. Send notices and photographs, along with from the city’s contingency fund to issue a request a contact to for quotations to hire a consulting firm to study what the city should receive in impact fees from Manatee County for construction projects in the city that negatively affect the community.

gulf Drive work, traffic snarls to continue to May By ryan Paice islander reporter

Grrrr. Gridlock. The gridlock might have subsided, but roadwork on Gulf Drive won’t wrap up for a couple of months. Manatee County strategic affairs manager Ogden Clark told The Islander Feb. 25 that Tampa-based Harris-McBurney is set to finish replacing Force Main 1 in Bradenton Beach by the first week of May. Work involves replacing 50-year-old water and sewer lines along Gulf Drive, Bay Drive South and Church Street, as well as Fifth and Sixth streets south, before restoring roadways. The project has caused traffic jams, especially Feb. 18, when Gulf Drive was reduced to one lane to accommodate construction of a manhole north of Fifth Street South.

software for point-to-point trips. They do not travel faster than 20 mph on level ground. The moratorium does not include larger 49cc scooters, such as Vespas, which are registered vehicles that exceed 20 mph. It also does not include electric bikes, Segways or ScootCoupes. A scooter car, trademarked ScootCoupe, is an open-air, two-passenger, three-wheeled vehicle powered by a 49cc engine, and a number of them are available for rent in Anna Maria. In January, following an extended moratorium on some alternative vehicles and bike- and scooter-share systems, Holmes Beach commissioners unanimously voted to ban ScootCoupes from city streets, essentially prohibiting the vehicles from entering the city via Anna Maria. But, following a threat of legal action from Robinhood Rentals, the company in Anna Maria that rents the vehicles, and input from Anna Maria city attorney Becky Vose, Holmes Beach lifted the ban and is working on a revised ordinance, which already includes regulations for bike- and scooter-shares, as well as renting and operating motorized scooters and Segways. House Bill 453, which was enacted in 2019, grants operators of micromobility device and motorized scooters “all of the rights and duties applicable to the rider of a bicycle,” including the right to operate the vehicles on sidewalks, street and trails. However, local governments have the right to regulate — not prohibit — such vehicles for safety. Anna Maria plans to hold several workshops to receive public input on the matter before the moratorium ends. Following the moratorium, the city commission will consider an ordinance regulating the vehicles.

Clark said work on Gulf Drive won’t require further lane closures until the roadway is resurfaced in the summer. He could not provide a time frame for that phase of the project. The county moved forward with the force main replacement project because of concerns that the aging pipelines that serve the island may leak and result in spillage, according to Clark. He said the pipes required immediate replacement to prevent a spill, which could impact waterways surrounding Anna Maria Island. Nevertheless, he said he understood the impact the work has had on traffic. “We appreciate (motorists) bearing with us and understanding why the work has to be done,” Clark said. Clark can be reached at ogden.clark@mymanatee. org or call him at 941-708-7450 ext. 7432.

Transforming traffic, surveying public the Sarasota/Manatee Metropolitan Planning organization staff, during a “drive the future: community transforum” in Bradenton feb. 24, discusses transportation planning. as the regional transportation planning entity completes its community vision for long-term transportation needs, it is surveying the public through March 20 at the survey contains questions about roads, bicycles, sidewalks, trails, transit, parking, railroads and airports. islander courtesy Photo

RoadWatch Eyes on the road

The Florida Department of Transportation and Manatee County posted the following for the week of March 2: • Multiple locations in Bradenton Beach: A Manatee County pipeline replacement project continues in Bradenton Beach, possibly into late summer. Impacted areas include Bay Drive South, Bridge Street, Church Avenue and Cortez Road. Construction in rights of way is expected, as well as increased truck traffic and heavy equipment operations. People — motorists and pedestrians — can expect detours. • Cortez Road and 119th Street West in Cortez: Work to realign the intersection of 119th Street West on Cortez Road/State Road 684 continues. Ajax Paving Industries of Florida is the contractor on the project, estimated to cost $5 million and continue until fall 2020. The work involves resurfacing the roadway, improving drainage, constructing a sidewalk and installing new lighting. Drivers can expect lane closures on Cortez Road from 123rd Street West to 86th Street West 10 p.m.-6 a.m. and on the southside of 119th Street West during the same period. Pedestrians can expect sidewalk closures. Also, detours on 119th Street West will begin after Easter. For the latest road watch information, go online to and or dial 511. Did you know? To view live traffic conditions, including traffic on the Anna Maria Island and Cortez drawbridges, go online to and click on a camera icon. Travel times and incident reports also are posted on the site.

March 4, 2020 THE ISLANDER | Page 9 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................



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Island happenings

Page 10 THE ISLANDER | March 4, 2020 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Bonnie Bowers of Holmes Beach buys two loaves of the volunteerbaked bread earlier this season at the anna Maria island Historical Society, 402 Pine ave., anna Maria. She said she was gifting one to her ukulele teacher. Her son, Lane Bowers, was a recipient of the anna Maria island Historical Society’s scholarship in 2019. aMiHS volunteers sell the bread Wednesdays at the museum. islander Photo: Sarah Brice

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Paradise Center on Longboat makes March plans

The Paradise Center on Longboat Key will hold a financial seminar on reviewing retirement plans at 10:30 a.m. Friday, March 6. The center is at 546 Bay Isles Road, Longboat Key. Financial seminars also will be the first Fridays in April and May. The cost to attend is $10. Other events and activities on the schedule include topical discussions at 1 p.m. Mondays and a seminar on reducing the risk of falling at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, March 18. Also, the center will hold fee-based exercise classes — strength and stretch, yoga, Zumba and more — at Temple Beth Israel, 567 Bay Isles Road, Longboat Key. For more information, call the center at 941-3836493.

Bingo night ďŹ nale March 6

Last call! The Center of Anna Maria Island will host a night of bingo games Friday, March 6. The games will be the last in the center’s 2020 season of bingo. The center is welcoming players 6-8 p.m. Bingo cards will cost $1. Prizes will include gift cards to local restaurants. The center is at 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. For more information, call the center at 941-7781908.

Kiwanis to meet March 7

The Kiwanis Club of Anna Maria Island will meet Saturday, March 7, to hear about Suncoast Youth for Christ. The scheduled speaker is Mike Chaplinsky, the executive director of the organization, which operates youth ministries in the region. The meeting will be at 8:30 a.m. at the Anna Maria Island Beach Cafe at the Manatee Public Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. The club members gather at 8 a.m. for breakfast. For more information, call Sandy Haas-Martens at 941-778-1383.

Off Stage Ladies to meet


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The Off Stage Ladies of the Island Players will gather for lunch and a program at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, March 11, at IMG Academy Golf Club, 3450 El Conquistador Parkway, Bradenton. The cost to attend is $20 and checks should be made payable to OSL. For more information on, contact the vice president for membership, Roe Duncan, at 941-567-4960.

Major Leaguer cooks up ‘Hot Stove Dinner’ beneďŹ t

The sixth annual “Hot Stove Dinner� to benefit the Prader-Willi Syndrome Association will be 6:30 p.m. Friday, March 13. Holmes Beach resident Clint Hurdle, who managed the Pittsburgh Pirates and recently retired from a long career in Major League Baseball, is hosting the event at Pier 22, 1200 First Ave. W., Bradenton. Tickets are $125. The evening will include dinner, musical entertainment, a cash bar and live and silent auctions. Proceeds will go to PWSA’s family and medical support program. For more information, contact Rikka Bos at 941487-6729 or

Historical society celebrates Heritage Day March 7

The Anna Maria Island Historical Society will host the annual Heritage Day Festival. The event will be 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, March 7, at the historical museum and park at 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. The festival will feature games and a scavenger hunt for children, raffles and a silent auction, music by entertainer Mike Sales, museum tours and craft and hobby demonstrations. The festival’s purpose is to educate people “about crafts that early settlers would have used,� said AMIHS spokeswoman Valerie H. Wilson in a news release. There will be demonstrations in keeping bees, spinning wool, making candles, soap, quilts, rugs and pine needle baskets. Refreshments and a barbecue lunch will be sold. Also, the Anna Maria Island Privateers will “invade� in the afternoon and capture a “dignitary.� For more information, call the museum at 941778-0492.

AMiAL’s Springfest to bloom

The Anna Maria Island Art League will present the 32nd annual Springfest Festival of Fine Arts and Fine Crafts March 7-8 in Holmes Beach. Hours for the festival will be 10 a.m.-5 p.m. The event will be at city field, 5801 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Springfest will feature music by Koko Ray and Karma, a food court, community organizations and — the main attraction — juried works by artists from across the country but especially from Florida. The festival will include raffles of artwork donated by Springfest artists to benefit AMIAL’s scholarship fund. Raffle tickets will be sold for $1 each or six for $5. For more information, call AMIAL at 941-7782099

gEt LiStED Send announcements for The Islander calendar to The deadline for listings is the Wednesday before the publication date. Please include the date, time, location and description of the event, as well as a phone number for publication.

Island happenings

March 4, 2020 THE ISLANDER | Page 11 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

At the helm the anna Maria island Historical Society’s officers for the 2020-21 term include corresponding secretary evelyn Hoskins, left; recording secretary Pat copeland; president elizabeth Hager and vice president Barbara Murphy. george McKay, treasurer, is not pictured. the officers were elected during an annual meeting and luncheon feb. 14 at roser Memorial community church, 512 Pine ave., anna Maria. islander courtesy Photo

Meals on Wheels program serving at center

Friendship Dining began March 3 at the Center of Anna Maria Island. Meals on Wheels PLUS of Manatee and the center partnered to bring to Anna Maria a series of programs for seniors. Meals on Wheels now is operating the dining program at the center 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. The program offers meals — a continental breakfast and hot lunch — as well as companionship and activities to registered seniors of any income level. “This collaborative effort with the Center of Anna Maria Island is a natural partnership,� Maribeth Phillips, president and CEO of Meals on Wheels Plus of Manatee, said in a news release. The island center is the county’s third Friendship Dining operation in the program funded with a grant from the Florida Department of Elder Affairs and the Senior Connection Center. To register, go online to meal-programs/friendship-dining/ or call 941-7474655. Registration is required at least 48 hours in advance of joining the program. For more information about the center, go online to or call 941-778-1908.




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At the market Kelly Hunt, born and raised on anna Maria island, makes art from fish, taking inspiration from the ancient technique of gyotaku. She sells her work tuesdays at the anna Maria farmers’ Market in city Pier Park.

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Page 12 THE ISLANDER | March 4, 2020 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

The Islander Calendar ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT

ONGOING ON AMI Saturdays through March 21, 10:30 a.m.-noon, Island Gallery West artist demonstrations, 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6648. Through March 22, Island Players’ “Leading Ladies,” 10009 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Fee applies. Information: 941-778-5755. Throughout March, Kris Peterson exhibit, Artists’ Guild Gallery, 5414 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6694. Throughout March, Candace Bennington’s “Oils of the Island” exhibit, Island Gallery West, 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6648.

compiled by Lisa neff, LOOKING AHEAD ON AMI March 15, St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Holmes Beach. May 30, Anna Maria Island Privateers Kids Day, TBD.

ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND Friday, March 6 Center of Anna Maria Island bingo night, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Fee applies. Information: 941-778-1908. Saturday, March 7 9 a.m.-2 p.m. — Anna Maria Island Historical Society Heritage Day Festival, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-7780492. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. — Anna Maria Island Art League Springfest, city field, 5801 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-7782099. Sunday, March 8 10 a.m.-5 p.m. — Anna Maria Island Art League Springfest, city field, 5801 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-7782099. Tuesday, March 10 3-5 p.m. — Oldies Beach Dance to benefit Anna Maria Island Concert Chorus and Orchestra, Sandbar Restaurant pavilion, 100 Spring Ave., Anna Maria. Fee applies. Information:

For the week March 4-11

ONGOING OFF AMI Fourth Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Stelliferous Star Talk, the Bishop Museum of Science and Nature, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-746-4131. Second Saturdays, 4 p.m., IQuest for middle schoolers, the Bishop Museum of Science and Nature, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-746-4131. Second and fourth Saturdays, 10:30 a.m. KidSpace, the Bishop Museum of Science and Nature, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-746-4131.

Daylight saving time begins

Daylight saving time will begin at 2 a.m. Sunday, March 8, with most of the country springing forward an hour. Though some U.S. territories and states do not observe daylight saving time, about 70 countries observe a time change. Public safety officials say the time change provides a reminder to change any batteries in smoke and carbon-monoxide detectors.

LOOKING AHEAD OFF AMI April 11, DeSoto Bottle Boat Regatta, Bradenton.

CLUBS & COMMUNITY ON AMI Wednesday, March 4 1 p.m. — Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Support Group, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941778-6341. 3 p.m. Ukulele class, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. Thursday, March 5 2 p.m. — Sunshine Stitchers, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. Saturday, March 7 10 a.m. — Ask a Master Gardener, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. 11 a.m. — Guided meditation, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. Wednesday, March 11 Noon — Coloring club, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. 2 p.m. — Changing Patterns of Presidential Elections program, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. 6:30 p.m. — Island Time Book Club, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341.

and Nature, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-746-4131. Second Wednesdays, 12:15 p.m., Lunch and Learn program, the Bishop Museum of Science and Nature, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-746-4131. Thursdays, 5-8 p.m., Art After 5, John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, 5401 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota. Fee applies. LOOKING AHEAD ON AMI Information: 941-359-5700. March 19, Center of Anna Maria Island’s concert series presFirst Fridays, 6-9 p.m., ArtWalk in the Village of the Arts, around ents the Grass Roots, Anna Maria. 12th Street West and 12th Avenue West, Bradenton. Also, Saturdays March 21, Center of Anna Maria Island Tour of Homes, island- after the first Fridays. Information: wide. Second and fourth Saturdays, 1-4 p.m., Music on the Porch, April 11, Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce’s Beach’n Florida Maritime Museum, 4415 119th St. W., Cortez. Information: Food Truck and Music Festival, Holmes Beach. 941-708-6120. April 30, Island Players’ “Death by Design,” Anna Maria. LOOKING AHEAD OFF AMI May 2, Bourbon, Beats and Eats, Holmes Beach. ONGOING ON AMI March 21, Anna Maria Island Privateers’ “One Night in Tortuga” OFF AMI Wednesdays, 10 a.m., Early Settlers’ Bread sales, Anna Maria pirate gathering, Cortez. Saturday, March 7 Island Historical Society, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Fee applies. April 3-5, Sarasota Film Festival, Sarasota. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. — Longboat Key Garden Club Home Tour, April 4, Manatee River Club “Bradenton in Bloom” garden tour, Information: 941-778-0492. various locations, Longboat Key. Fee applies. Information: 941- Bradenton. Thursdays, 6:30 p.m., Refuge Recovery: A Buddhist-Inspired 383-3023. Nontheistic Path, Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, KIDS & FAMILY Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-1638. ONGOING OFF ANNA MARIA ISLAND Third Thursdays, 11:45 a.m., Successful Women Aligning ON AMI Through Aug. 1, “Remaking the World: Abstraction from the Together meets, Bridge Street Bistro, 111 Gulf Drive S., Bradenton Permanent Collection,” John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Friday, March 6 Beach. Fee applies. Information: 941-345-5135. 10 a.m. — Forty Carrots, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, 5401 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota. Fee applies. Information: 941Second Fridays, 6 p.m., AMI Resident Community ConnecHolmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. 359-5700. tions, Center of Anna Maria Island, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Through Sept. 6, “Myakka River: A Florida Treasure” featuring Tuesday, March 10 Information: 941-778-1908. 10 a.m. — Preschool storytime, Island Library, 5701 Marina the photography of Clyde Butcher, The Bishop Museum of Science Saturdays, 8:30 a.m., Kiwanis Club of Anna Maria Island breakDrive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341.

WE LIKE LIKES Islandernewspaper

March 4, 2020 THE ISLANDER | Page 13 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

The Islander Calendar Getting from here to there

did you know that people have been plying florida’s waterways in boats for at least 7,000 years? the Bishop Museum of Science and nature’s new exhibit, “reins, trains, and tin can tourists,� explores the history of transportation in florida. the museum is at 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. there is an admission fee. for more information, call 941-746-4131. islander courtesy Photo

fast and meeting, Anna Maria Island Beach Cafe at the Manatee Public Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941778-1383. Tuesdays through May 12, 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m., Anna Maria Farmers’ Market, City Pier Park, Pine Avenue and North Bay Boulevard, Anna Maria. Information: 941-708-6130. Tuesdays, noon, Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island, Bridge Street Bistro, 111 Gulf Drive S., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941718-0291. LOOKING AHEAD ON AMI

garden Club readies tour

The Longboat Key Garden Club will stage its annual Home and Garden Tour 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, March 7. Tickets to the tour of homes and gardens are $30 and proceeds will be used to award grants and scholarships. For more information, including ticket details and tour addresses, call Cathy Bishop at 941-3833023.

Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: mcfacheris@ Mondays, noon, AMI Bridge, Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-0414. Mondays, AMI Dragon Boat Fun and Fitness Club, time depends on tides, 417 63rd St., Holmes Beach. Information: 941462-2626. Mondays-Saturdays, 7:30-10:30 a.m., Round Robin Tennis, March 14, Palma Sola Botanical Park Plants and More Sale, Center of Anna Maria Island, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Fee Bradenton. applies. Information: 941-778-1908. March 20, Party on the Pass: Ancient Oceans, for Mote Marine, Most Tuesdays, 11:30 a.m., mahjong games and instruction Sarasota. for beginners, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. April 4, Manatee River Garden Club “Bradenton in Bloom� Information: 941-778-6341. garden tour, Bradenton. Tuesdays, 12:15 p.m., duplicate bridge, Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941GAMES, SPORTS 779-0881.



Wednesdays and Saturdays, 9 a.m., horseshoes pitched, Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Information: 941-7086130. Wednesday and Monday, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., pickleball, Center of Anna Maria Island, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Fee applies. Information: 941-778-1908. Thursdays, Saturdays and Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., OFF AMI Legends Tennis, Center of Anna Maria Island, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Fee applies. Information: 941-778-1908. Wednesday, March 11 Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Tuesday, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., 11:30 a.m. — Off Stage Ladies luncheon, IMG Academy Golf pickleball, Center of Anna Maria Island, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Club, 3450 El Conquistador Parkway, Bradenton. Fee applies. InforMaria. Fee applies. Information: 941-778-1908. mation: 941-567-4960. Thursdays through March 26, 7-9 p.m., bingo games, Annie LOOKING AHEAD OFF AMI Silver Community Center, 103 23rd St. N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941-778-3580. March 13, 6th Annual Hot Stove Dinner, Bradenton. Most Fridays, 11:30 a.m. or 1 p.m. (call for times) mahjong March 14, Sunny Shores pancake breakfast, Cortez. games, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. 71st Saturdays, 7:30 a.m., Still I Run running club, Manatee Public Season March 14, Anna Maria Island Privateers’ Thieves Market, Bradenton Beach. March 18, Anna Maria Island Garden Club ower show, Anna Maria. March 20-21, Friends of the Island Library Book Sale, Holmes Beach.

‘Leading Ladies’

get listed in the islander calendar. email

LOOKING AHEAD ON AMI April 23, Manatee Audubon Society bird outing, Bradenton Beach. OFF AMI Saturday, March 7 8 a.m.-4 p.m. — Anna Maria Island Dragon Boat Festival, Palma Sola Causeway. Information: 941-462-2626. LOOKING AHEAD OFF AMI ton.

April 4, Sidewalk Astronomy at Robinson Preserve, Braden-

April 9, Bradenton Marauders’ home opener, Bradenton. April 18, Moonracer No Kill Animal Rescue’s Golf Outing for the Rescue, Palmetto.

GOOD TO KNOW SAVE THE DATES Sunday, March 8, daylight saving time begins. Tuesday, March 17, St. Patrick’s Day.

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By Ken Ludwig Co-produced by Off Stage Ladies Directed by Kelly Wynn Woodland March 5-22 Two down-on-their luck actors, Jack and Leo, learn a nearby wealthy woman is searching for her sister’s children to include in her will. When they discover that long-lost Max and Steve aren’t nephews but nieces, they must continue their quest, now posing as Maxine and Stephanie for a chance at the multimillion dollar inheritance.

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Box office hours 9-1 Monday-Saturday and 1 hour before performances UIFJTMBOEQMBZFST PSH t

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Page 14 THE ISLANDER | March 4, 2020 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

island beaches, waters inspire musician to write, record By Sandy ambrogi islander reporter

Anna Maria Island inspires many. Finding a calling along with the inspiration is an extra gift, according to recording artist David Ashdown, who said he experienced a spiritual awakening on a trip in 2018. Ashdown, who was born in England and calls Chicago his home, has been traveling to the island for a dozen years, enjoying a family vacation home his father purchased on Key Royale in Holmes Beach. “I’m excited to be coming back to the island to perform,” Ashdown told The Islander after his last visit in the fall. “It’s been a big part of my life and my music for the last decade.” Ashdown, who goes by the stage name Dashdown, will perform at 8 p.m. Friday, March 27, at Bunny and Pirates Bazaar, 12404 Cortez Road W., Cortez. Doors open at 7 p.m. and Tommy Stinson will follow with a 9 p.m. performance. Tickets can be purchased on Eventbrite.

She encouraged him to go the Calusa burial mounds on Perico Island to make a wish to the chiefs and to pray for his friends. It was like a spiritual midlife crisis, Ashdown said. He began collaborating with June, booking her speeches all over the country. They have appeared on stage together — she sharing her spiritualism, he his music. Ashdown wrote the songs on a recording release, “3 from Me,” while sitting on the shore at Holmes Beach, he said. “The record really is about a calling. The spirits of our land and our water. I have become compelled to say something, and I have in these new songs.” Ashdown released the island-inspired music at dave ashdown relaxes on the beach on anna Maria South By Southwest in Austin, Texas, in March 2019, island. islander Photo: courtesy dave ashdown jokingly calling himself the “oldest new artist there at 51 years young.” Ashdown calls the island a “place of magical Ashdown has been a member of the New York wonder.” City-based band Waiting for Henry since 201, and He also credits the island for a life-changing expe- boasts a lineage of rock ‘n’ roll collaborations in Chirience during a visit in 2018. cago’s indie scene. Here he met Native American artist Lyla June, a For more information on Ashdown, visit his Face“force of nature.” book page at Dashdown EP.

tripAdvisor: AMi a ‘trending destination’

Bayfront Park, which includes sweeping views of Tampa Bay and the iconic Sunshine Skyway. Numerous beaches, restaurants and events make Anna Maria Island the perfect relaxation spot for your next vacation.” The site said “don’t miss” spots include Coquina Beach Bayside, as well as the Anna Maria City Pier, which is under construction and due to open this spring. “Don’t miss Bean Point,” suggests TripAdvisor, The list includes destinations large and small, with touting Anna Maria Island as a “trending destina- Eureka Springs, Arkansas, at No. 25. tion.” For the list and other “Best of the Best,” go online The online travel company recently published its to “Best of the Best” lists, including top beaches, naming — Lisa neff Siesta Key No. 1, along with a list of 25 U.S. trending destinations. “Believe the hype — these incredible spots (that travelers love) saw the biggest spikes in top reviews Kick starting Island Players’ next play and ratings last year,” read the introduction to the list, which put Key Largo at No. 1, followed by Moab, andrew allen and Mikey Lynch rehearse a scene feb. 27 for the island Players’ production of “Lead- Utah, and then, at No. 3, Anna Maria Island. About AMI, TripAdvisor said, “The quaint feel ing Ladies.” the opening will be at 8 p.m. thursday, of Anna Maria Island makes it the perfect place to eat March 5, at the anna Maria playhouse, 10009 gulf drive. tickets are $23 and available at the box office grouper sandwiches and kayak with dolphins. While you’re here, visit Bean Point Beach, tucked away on 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Mondays-Saturdays and one hour the north end of the island — a cozy paradise with before each show. the theater is dark Mondays. an old Florida vibe. Then hop on over to Anna Maria islander courtesy Photo

AMI TOURISM: Endless Season

The Anna Maria Island Art League presents the 32nd Annual a photograph of Bean Point at the northern tip

The Anna Maria Island Art League presents the 32nd Annual


of anna Maria island shows a serene setting for beachgoers. islander file Photo: Sandy ambrogi

Fine Arts & Fine Crafts Festival5% OFF DURING OPEN HOUSE! The Anna Maria Island Art League presents the 32nd Annual

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March 4, 2020 THE ISLANDER | Page 15 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

take 5:00 on break with Michael Dunn

Cooking up a ‘Hot Stove Dinner’ close to home

The stove is still hot to the touch in the Sunshine State. Players have been signed, coaches have been hired. Spring training for Major League Baseball began Feb. 22, as fresh, young prospects emerged from the oven. The “hot stove league,” as it’s called, is that period in baseball’s offseason when player transactions — trades, contract signings, negotiations — take place. Around these parts, the term means something more. Clint Hurdle is kicking off his sixth annual “Hot Stove Dinner” and auction to raise funds for the Prader-Willi Syndrome Association. Hurdle, now a full-time resident of Holmes Beach, is a former manager for the Pittsburgh Pirates and Colorado Rockies. His daughter Madison — better known as Maddie — was born with Prader-Willi Syndrome. It’s a rare genetic disorder affecting appetite, growth, metabolism and cognitive function. It can cause behavioral and developmental issues, including an insatiable appetite that can lead to life-threatening obesity. clint Hurdle talks to PWS supporters at a past “Hot Stove dinner.”

“They’re usually hungry from the time they get up to the time they go to bed,” said Hurdle, speaking from experience. “It’s that conversation that no parent wants to have. It’s a birth defect, and there’s no cure.” Hurdle and his wife, Karla, had lived part-time on Anna Maria Island for several years and recently built a new home in Holmes Beach. They have an adult daughter, Ashley, and two kids at home, Maddie, 17, and son Christian, 15. Maddie and Christian attend Manatee High School. “She loves school,” Hurdle said of his daughter. “She loves music and dance. She loves the socialization and the interaction with other kids.” Even while juggling the tough schedules and numerous road trips of Major League Baseball, Hurdle stepped to the plate as national spokesman for the Prader-Willi Syndrome Association. The Sarasota-based organization provides support for families dealing with PWS and is a vital source of education, information and research. Hurdle’s annual “Hot Stove Dinner” is coming up March 13 at Pier 22, a waterfront restaurant staple in downtown Bradenton. There will be live steel drum music, live and silent auctions, dinner, desserts and a cash bar. Tickets are $125 and proceeds go to benefit the association. But you don’t have to wait until March to get involved. The “Hot Stove” online auction is already underway. It’s a chance to bid on autographed Major League Baseball jerseys, baseballs, caps, photographs and more, donated by friends and teams. Area businesses also have been generous in supporting the cause, Hurdle said, and the dinner and auction are growing each year. This year will a bit different. For the first time in a long time, Hurdle won’t be darting back and forth from Pirates practices at LECOM Park. He left the Pirates organization last September and, by November, had decided to hang up his cleats — to retire from Major League Baseball.

former MLB-Pirates manager clint Hurdle serves as host and auctioneer at his 2018 “Hot Stove dinner.” islander Photos: Bonner Joy

“This is the first spring training I’ve missed in 45 years,” he said. “It feels strange, but it feels right.” Now that he’s retired, Hurdle says he’s looking forward to some fishing, a little golf and plenty of quality island time. “We live on the island now and we’ve had a chance to become a part of the community, so we’re reaching out,” he said. “We love Anna Maria Island. We love Holmes Beach.” How to help For tickets to the “Hot Stove Dinner,” visit www. and search for Hot Stove Dinner. For the a jump start on the auction, visit www.

$10 each @ The Islander, 3218 E. Bay Drive, HB.

$2 stickers @ The Islander

l a v i t Heritage DayFes Anna Maria Island


The Anna Maria Island Historical Society presents the annual Heritage Festival 9-2 Saturday, March 7, at the Historical Park!

Demonstrations of early settler’s crafts: beekeeping, wool spinning, candle making, woodworking, soap making, jam and jelly making, pine needle weaving, quilt and rug making.

Children’s games, scavenger hunt, collectibles sale, authors’ corner, museum tours, AMI Privateers visits, museum tours, raffles and silent auction. Music by Mike Sales. Settlers’ Market: Strawberry shortcakes, Settlers’ Bread, BBQ, Refreshments

Anna Maria Island Historical Museum Historical Park & Museum, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria Information: 941-778-0492



Please, join Clint Hurdle and The Islander in supporting this great event for an important cause. Mingle with some baseball greats, take part in a top notch auction and enjoy the party and dinner! — Thanks, the Hurdle-Islander families

Page 16 THE ISLANDER | March 4, 2020 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... the school office at

AME watercolors

VP preempts AME field trip

Left: aMe third- through fifth-grade students watercolors dry in the media room feb. 26 after an art class with instructor Marie garafano, a local artist. islander Photo: courtesy nicole Plummer

A vice presidential field trip to Sarasota and Longboat Key led to the suspension of an Anna Maria Elementary outing. The third-grade field trip to Durante Park on Longboat Key to learn about the park’s natural habitat was rescheduled for this month. The field trip was rescheduled due to security and traffic congestion concerns associated with the Vice President Mike Pence’s visit to Longboat Key and Sarasota. “Ms. Paul said we were definitely going to try again next week or the next,” third-grade student Ronan Robertson said about teacher Karen Paul. An email from AME to third-grade parents read, “We have been made aware that one of our political leaders will be on Longboat Key and closing traffic.”

AME gear for sale

Are you sporting the latest AME styles? Anna Maria Elementary magnets and Dolphin Dash T-shirts are for sale. The T-shirt design was created by AME student Siena Suzor for the recent 14th annual Dolphin Dash, which was held Feb. 8. Shirts are available for $10 and magnets for $3.

Auction items sought

AME 2nd-graders pal around in ‘Friends Forever’

Need a reminder about the importance of friendship? Anna Maria Elementary second-graders will perform “Friends Forever” at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 10, in the school auditorium. “This is going to be the best show ever,” said thirdgrader Penny Payne. AME is partnering with the AME Parent-Teacher Organization to serve a pre-performance dinner 5-6:20 p.m. in the cafeteria. The Waterfront, 111 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria, will serve the balanced meal, with sides and bread, for

$8 per adult and $5 per child. Desserts, donated by PTO members, will be available for an additional donation. Contact the front office to order dinner tickets and be entered into a drawing for Waterfront gift certificates. Winners will be announced at the conclusion of the second-grade play. For meal reservations and more information, call the office at 941-708-5525. AME is at 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach

The AME PTO is collecting donations for the auctions at the spring gala, “Gatsby Fais Do-Do.” Support the little school by the bay and participate in the PTO’s biggest fundraiser of the year. Donation forms are available in the front office, 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.

— Brook Morrison

Library lecturer explains home downsizing Michael ivankovich, home downsizing expert and author, speaks feb. 27 on “25 areas guaranteed to disappoint when selling your household ‘stuff,’” for the final presentation of the 2020 friends of the island Library Lecture and travel Series at the library, 5701 Marina drive, Holmes Beach. islander Photo: chrisann allen

Auto-renewal debuts at library island Library supervisor Liz Williams explains to the islander that the Manatee county library system recently started an auto-renewal program for “borrowed” books and other items. under the new system, items checked out of the libraries are automatically renewed — if not requested by another other patron. islander Photo: Sarah Brice


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March 4, 2020 THE ISLANDER | Page 17 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... the school office at

2019-20 AME calendar • Friday, March 6, 12:55 p.m. early release. • Tuesday, March 10, PTO dinner, sponsor by the Waterfront restaurant, 5 p.m., cafeteria; second-grade play, 6:30 p.m. • Thursday, March 12, 8 a.m., volunteer breakfast. • Thursday, March 12, spring picture day. • Friday, March 13, record day, no school. • March 16-20, spring break, no school. • Thursday, March 26, 5-7 p.m., kindergarten roundup and conference night. • Friday, March 27, 12:55 p.m., early release. • Tuesday, March 31, student talent show. • April 1-2, third-grade FSA reading assessment. • April 2, fourth- and fifth-grade FSA writing assessment. • Friday, April 3, 4:30-6 p.m., Boys Knight Out, AME playground. • Friday, April 10, Good Friday, no school. • Wednesday, April 15, 1:40 p.m., early release. • Saturday, April 25, Spring Fling. • Tuesday, April 28, PTO dinner, sponsor TBD, 5 p.m., cafeteria; first-grade play, 6:30 p.m., auditorium. • May 4-7, third- and fourth-grade, FSA math and reading assessments. • May 4-8, Staff Appreciation Week. • May 6-7, third-grade FSA math assessment. • Friday, May 15, end-of-year field day. • Tuesday, May 19, kindergarten play, 6:30 p.m., auditorium; PTO dinner TBD, 5 p.m., cafeteria. • Monday, May 25, Memorial Day, no school. • May 26-28, 12:55 p.m., early release. • Thursday, May 28, last day of school for students. Anna Maria Elementary is at 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. For more information, call 941-708-5525. — Brook Morrison

aMe principal Jackie featherston and media specialist Lynne Mcdonough judge students’ safari-themed fruit-and-vegetable projects during a technology contest feb. 7.

aMe fifth-grader Lenie nebra poses feb. 7 with her vegetable animals during a school competition presented by the technology Student association, a national organization to nurture skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, as well as business education. aMe fifth-graders divide fruits and vegetables for a feb. 7 competition in the school cafeteria. $10 each @ The Islander, 3218 E. Bay Drive, HB.

$2 stickers @ The Islander


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Page 18 THE ISLANDER | March 4, 2020 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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March 4, 2020 THE ISLANDER | Page 19 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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Page 20 THE ISLANDER | March 4, 2020 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Roser Church celebrates love, commitment Roser Memorial Community Church’s fellowship hall was filled to capacity Feb. 11 for an early Valentines’ Day dinner. Derrick Williams, Roser’s praise and worship leader, entertained and the Rev. Neil Crowell led a

game of “Not So Newly Wed,” as well as recognized some attendees, including Judy and Dean Christensen, celebrating a wedding anniversary; Howard and Shirley Langstaff, married for 70 years; and Dawn Degenhart, mother of nine.

SPECIAL EVENTS Wednesdays through March, except March 25, 5:30 p.m., Stations of the Cross and soup supper, Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Sunday, March 8, 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. services, Mission Moment with Loving Hands and Fellowship, Roser. Monday, March 9, 3:30 p.m., Potters’ House High School Gospel Choir performance, Roser. Tuesdays through March 31, 5:30 p.m., Terrific Tuesdays, Howard and Shirley Langstaff, married for 70 years, Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Tuesday, March 10, noon, Roser Guild Thrift Shop Luncheon attend roser church’s Valentine’s dinner, held feb. 11 in the fellowship hall. and Style Show, Roser. SOLD OUT

Judy and dean christensen celebrate an anniversary at roser church’s Valentine’s dinner in the fellowship hall. islander Photos: Peggy nash

REGULAR WORSHIP Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. — St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-4769. Thursday 9:30 a.m. — Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-1638. Saturday 4 p.m. — St. Bernard, Holmes Beach. 5 p.m. — Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 6608 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-1813. 5 p.m. — Annunciation, Holmes Beach. Sunday 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. — Christ Church of Longboat Key Presbyterian (USA), 6400 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Information: 941-383-8833. 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. — Roser Memorial Community Church, PLeaSe, See TidingS, neXt Page

Women paint gifts during a tea feb. 11 at roser Memorial community church, 512 Pine ave., anna Maria. the women’s guild organized the event to celebrate Valentine’s day. guild copresident nancian Hall, an artist, instructed the craftmaking and provided materials.

Growing in Jesus’ Name Sunday Services 8:30 & 10:00 AM

Adult Sunday School Follows Second Service

The Rev. Dr. Norman Pritchard SERMON: Turning the World Upside Down

Men’s Bible Study - Mondays: 9:00 AM Women’s Bible Study - Wednesdays: 10:00 AM


Please, send listings for the religion page, including a contact name and phone number, to and Photos also are welcome. Questions? Call the office at 941-778-7978.

Tea, crafts and song at Roser craig ramberger and Brandon Kouri of the music ministries program perform feb. 11 at the roser Memorial community church guild Valentine tea, held in the fellowship hall. guild member dottie cook also entertained. islander Photos: courtesy Peggy nash

Visitors & Residents Welcome • Childcare Available Watch Sunday sermons LIVE at 10:00 am:

March 13 - 15, 2020 JOIN US FOR AN


WITH REV. DR. CHRISTINE CHAKOIAN The Rev. Dr. Christine Chakoian of Westwood Presbyterian Church, Los Angeles, CA will lead us in three days of teaching and fellowship to help us draw closer to God.

5:30 PM


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Friday, March 13 • 5:30 PM “The Church Moving Forward in Times of Change” Dr. Chakoian message and dinner by Chefs Wiley Osborn and Fred Lugano. $25 pp. Reservations required

Saturday, March 14

8:30 AM – Noon

Workshop with Dr. Chakoian, “The Church’s Witness in the World: Culture and Conflict” Breakfast by Wiley and Fred. No charge. Reservations required

Sunday, March 15

For more information or to make a reservation, contact Kristine Bemko at 248.808.4409 or Bring friends or neighbors! •

Teaching by Dr. Bob O’Keef and Rev. Neil Crowell

8:30 AM & 10:00 AM

Dr. Chakoian’s sermon will be “What’s in a Name?”

6400 Gulf of Mexico Dr.

Praise & Worship Leader Derrick Williams

941.383.8833 (office)

SUNDAY WORSHIP • 8:30 AM and 10:00 AM 941-778-0414 • • Facebook @RoserChurch


March 4, 2020 THE ISLANDER | Page 21 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


By Lisa Neff

Volunteer opportunities

Looking for an opportunity to volunteer on Anna Maria Island? These organizations need your help: • Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce seeks volunteers for its Beach’n Food Truck and Music Festival, Saturday, April 11, in Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-1541. • Anna Maria Island Historical Society seeks museum docents, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-0492. • Florida Maritime Museum, 4415 119th St. W., Cortez, seeks volunteers for its educational programming and community outreach. Information: 941-7086120. • Moonracer Animal Rescue seeks volunteers to offer foster and forever homes for rescued animals. Information: 941-345-2441. • The Roser Food Bank needs cash and nonperishable food donations. Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, administers the pantry, supported by All Island Denominations. Information: 941-778-0414. Send listings to

Bradenton Beach seeks memorial standards Best be careful when setting a precedent. Bradenton Beach commissioners reached consensus Feb. 20 to hold a workshop to discuss standards for memorial benches and put a hold on a proposed bench request from Holmes Beach resident Cody Wood for his friend Alfred Donchenko. Wood went before the commission earlier in February, asking to engrave the top rail of a donated bench with, “Please come sit with me and watch the sun set into the sea.” The bench, which would be similar to other benches in the city, would feature a plaque with Donchenko’s name, dates of birth and death, alongside Wood’s name and birth date.

Mayor John Chappie said he’d like to establish some standards for memorial benches — such as prohibiting advertisements and profanity — before setting a precedent with Wood’s bench. He also recommended not allowing phrases like the one Wood proposed. Commissioner Jan Vosburgh said she was ready to move forward with Wood’s memorial bench without standards and noted the policy for memorial benches requires approval on a case-by-case basis. Chappie said he’d like to flesh out the city’s policy for memorial benches so, even when commission members change, the practice remains consistent. — Ryan Paice

tidings continued from page 18 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-0414. 8:30 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. — Harvey Memorial Community Church, 300 Church Ave., Bradenton Beach. Info: 941-779-1912. 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. — St. Bernard, Holmes Beach. 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. — Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, Holmes Beach. 9 a.m. — CrossPointe Fellowship, 8665 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-0719. 9:30 a.m. — Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Holmes Beach. 10 a.m. — Longboat Island Chapel, 6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. Information: 941-383-6491. 11 a.m. — Cortez Church of Christ, 12111 45th Ave. W., Cortez. Information: 941-216-6286. 5:30 p.m. — SoulJourn casual, music-inspired worship, Roser Church.

Gospel in sanctuary Roser Memorial Community Church will welcome the Potter’s House High School Gospel Choir from Wyoming, Michigan, for a performance in the church sanctuary, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. The performance will be at 3:30 p.m. Monday, March 9. The high school provides “Christ-centered education” and the choir consists of a “dynamic group of students,” according to a Roser news release. Islander Courtesy Photo


Elizabeth M. Yutzy Adams

ONGOING Wednesday 7 a.m. — Men’s Bible study, CrossPointe. 7:30 a.m., St. Bernard Rosary on the Beach, Manatee Public Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. 8 a.m. — Men’s breakfast, Church of the Annunciation. 10 a.m. — Women’s Bible study, Christ Church. 9 a.m. — Men’s Bible study, Christ Church. 11 a.m. — JOY, second and fourth Wednesdays, Roser. 11:30 a.m. — Prayer partners, Gloria Dei. 1 p.m. — Griefshare group, Roser Church. 6:15 p.m. — Wednesday Night Blast for youth, CrossPointe. 7 p.m. — Bible study, Cortez Church of Christ. Thursday 9:30 a.m. — Roser-robics, Roser. 10 a.m. — Women’s Bible study, Gloria Dei. 10 a.m. — Bible study, Harvey Church. 6:30 p.m. — Refuge Recovery: A Buddhist-Inspired Nontheistic Path, Annunciation. Saturday 3 p.m. — Confession, St. Bernard. Sunday 8:45 a.m. — Adult Sunday school, Roser. 9 a.m. — Adult book study, Roser. 10:15 a.m. — Fellowship, Gloria Dei. 10 a.m. — Bible study, Cortez Church of Christ. 10:30 a.m. — Life group, CrossPointe. 11:30 a.m. — Covered Dish Fellowship, second Sundays, Cros-

Prayer and potluck People gather for prayer on a Terrific Tuesday evening at Roser Memorial Community Church. The church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, hosts studies, prayer and dinner Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. The March 10 dinner will be fried chicken and also potluck dishes. Islander Courtesy Photo sPointe. Monday 4 p.m. —Youth music lessons, CrossPointe. Tuesday 9:30 a.m. — Women’s prayer, CrossPointe. 9:30 a.m. — Roser-robics, Roser. SAVE THE DATES March 17, baseball outing, St. Bernard. March 21, pancake breakfast, Roser. March 22, pancake breakfast, St. Bernard.

Elizabeth M. Yutzy Adams, 83, died Feb. 24. She was born Nov. 27, 1936, in Nickerson, Kansas, to Daniel N. and Mary (Hochstetler) Yutzy. She married Willis Howard “Snooks” Adams July 11, 1969, in West Palm Beach. He served Holmes Beach as chief of police until his retirement in 1975. He died April 27, 2010. She was a longtime resident of Holmes Beach, where she lived until 2012, when she moved to Hutchinson, Kansas. Adams She was a small-business owner before getting her nursing degree. She served as a hospital surgical nurse for 27 years. Arrangements were in Kansas. Memorial donations may be made to Plainview Mennonite Church, Open Door Pregnancy Center or Trans World RadioWomen of Hope in care of: Jolene Neher, 2429 Jacob Ave., Lawrence, KS 66047. Mrs. Adams is survived by her sister Emma and husband Ivan Miller of Hutchinson; brother Bill and wife Leanna Yutzy of El Dorado, Arkansas; sister-inlaw Vida Yutzy of South Hutchinson; step-children Georgia L. Jones and Randy of Florida; three stepgrandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews.

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Page 22 THE ISLANDER | March 4, 2020 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Bradenton Beach seeks sanctions against Sunshine defendant By ryan Paice islander reporter


In Bradenton Beach, it can be better to say noth-

Robert Watrous filed a motion on behalf of the city Feb. 14 to impose sanctions on Sunshine Law lawsuit defendant Reed Mapes for violating the confidentiality of a Jan. 13 mediation discussion regarding settlement negotiations between the parties. Judge Edward Nicholas of the 12th Judicial Circuit ruled in July 2019 that former planning and zoning board members Mapes, John Metz, Watrous Patty Shay, Bill Vincent, along with former Scenic WAVES Committee members Tjet Martin and Rose Vincent had violated the Florida Government-in-the-Sunshine Law in 2017 while discussing city matters in emails and at meetings of the nowPerry defunct grass-roots group, Concerned Neighbors of Bradenton Beach.

Watrous represented the city in the lawsuit and City attorney Ricinda Perry assisted. Their fees and other costs to the city, including a paralegal working for Watrous, have exceeded $477,062.45 as of March 2, according to city treaMapes surer Shayne Thompson. Metz, Mapes and the other defendants had spent a similar amount in their defense, with Metz, a retired attorney contributing the majority to the legal cost. Metz In a hearing Nov. 7, 2019, 12th Judicial Circuit Judge Edward Nicholas granted the city’s motion for the defendants to pay attorney’s fees, the judge also ordered Nov. 19 that the matter of costs and fees be referred to the circuit’s civil mediation program. Mediation took place Jan. 13. Watrous’ motion states that the session was confidential, but Mapes disclosed mediation-related information to The Islander.

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Watrous wrote in his motion, “On Jan. 29, a media article appeared in the Islander stating that ‘Reed Mapes, one of the six defendants alongside John Metz, Tjet Martin, Patty Shay, Bill Vincent and Rose Vincent, told the Islander that John Metz offered $200,000 to settle with the city after a Jan. 13 closed-door mediation session failed to result in an agreement.’” The city has yet to respond to the disclosed settlement offer, according to Watrous’ motion. If the parties fail to reach settlement during mediation, Nicholas will set the recovery amount. If there is no settlement, the parties will reappear in court at 1:35 p.m. Wednesday, April 29, for a threehour hearing on the fees. Perry did not respond to two phone calls from The Islander Feb. 27 and Feb. 28. Metz did not respond to a phone call from The Islander Feb. 28.


The Islander welcomes photographs and notices of milestones. Submit announcements and photographs to

March 4, 2020 THE ISLANDER | Page 23 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Friends and business associates pay tribute to Elka

Jack elka and wife Hope, center, spent the evening of feb. 27 at the Sandbar restaurant pavilion with 80 or so friends and associates before heading to their new north carolina home. elka plans to keep his studio in Holmes Beach and work his appointments into routine visits to aMi. islander Photo: Bonner Joy

AMi icon award winner: Jack Elka. Photo bomb winner: John Horne The bomb John Horne photo bombs the scene at the Sandbar restaurant, where cathy Pizzo, left, and terri Kinder, of the anna Maria island chamber of commerce, flank photographer Jack elka at a celebration in his honor feb. 27. amanda Horne and ed chiles watch from behind. islander Photos: Bonner Joy

Anna Maria discusses fine-tuning sign ordinance Changes are coming for Anna Maria’s sign ordinance. City commissioners met Feb. 27 to workshop potential changes to the ordinance, including exempting holiday decorations and flags, permitting otherwise prohibited signage for special events with commission approval and allowing the building official to remove a sign if it poses a threat to public safety. Other proposed changes include: • Prohibiting lighted signage as it relates to the protection of nesting female and hatchling sea turtles from artificial lighting; • Charging a property owner as a repeat offender to


go before a special magistrate if they post noncompliant signage within 12 months after receiving a warning or violation for other noncompliant signage; • Allowing property owners whose sign permits were approved by the commission to install their proposed signage within a year instead of only 90 days; • Sending applications for sign permits and special exemptions to the planning and zoning board instead of the commission. The proposed changes must go through a P&Z review, as well as two public hearings by the city commission before they are adopted.

The award a framed certificate of appreciation honoring Jack elka and his Jack elka Photographics was presented to elka by aMi chamber president terri Kinder at the feb. 27 tribute. it acknowledges elka as a “true anna Maria island icon.”

— ryan Paice



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Page 24 THE ISLANDER | March 4, 2020 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Cops & Courts

Staff reports

Facebook helps Cortez business recover stolen truck By ryan Paice islander reporter

Who needs luck when you’ve got Facebook? Capt. Kathe Fannon of Cortez told The Islander Feb. 25 that her husband’s bait truck — stolen Feb. 20 — was recovered thanks to the social media site. Mike Fannon, who runs Mike’s Live Bait, uses the Ford F-150 truck custom-fitted with a flatbed tank designed to hold live shrimp for deliveries to nearby bait and tackle shops. The truck was stolen around 2 a.m. Feb. 20 when a crewmember in Hill charge of delivery to the Skyway Bait & Tackle in Terra Ceia exited the vehicle to enter the bait shop and a man jumped in and drove off, according to Kathe Fannon. Fannon, who runs Captain Kathe and First Mate Pup-Pup Charters, said the truck was carting more than 5,000 live shrimp. “I even said to the cops, ‘They can have the truck, but we need that flatbed,’” she said. “It would take my husband another two weeks to build that, and you just don’t haul 5,000-8,000 shrimp around. You’ve got to have some really special stuff. You don’t just throw that together.” The crewmember called Mike Fannon, who picked him up from the delivery stop in his own vehicle, and they searched for the truck until about 5 a.m. They also searched later that day, to no avail. Capt. Katie Scarlett Tupin, the Fannons’ daughter and another charter boat captain, posted on Facebook, alerting others to the theft. Her post was shared 744 times and received more than a hundred comments.

The Fannons received a phone call about 6 p.m. the same day from someone who saw the post and also the truck. The witness said the truck was heading into woods in east Bradenton near 18th Avenue East and 47th Terrace East. Mike Fannon and a crewmember drove to the area and found the truck and the flatbed shrimp tank abandoned near a “homeless camp,” as described by Kathe Fannon. The Manatee County Sheriff’s Office was called to recover the truck. Fannon said law enforcement arrived with dogs, two helicopters and eight police vehicles, but didn’t make an arrest or conduct a search because no suspect was at the scene. However, several people told deputies a man called “Frankie Two-Tats” stole the truck. The MCSO arrested Albert Franklin Hill — whose nickname is “Frankie Two-Tats” — Feb. 22 for carjacking without a weapon. He remained in police custody as of Feb. 26. Kathe Fannon said deputies told her Hill stole the truck after being released from the Manatee County jail because he needed a ride to Somerset about 40 miles away and had no vehicle. The police released the truck to Mike Fannon, who called the American Automobile Association to fit a new key since the original wasn’t found. The shrimp in the truck were found dead and rotting. “The sheriff’s department would have never found that truck. Ever. It was my thanks to my husband, his crewmember and Facebook, that this even happened,” Kathe Fannon said.

Man charged with DUi in Cortez A driver pulled over for undisclosed reasons in Cortez was arrested for driving under the influence and damaging property. Manatee County Sheriff’s Deputy Charles Bigby arrested Richard Palmer, 62, Feb. 23 at the intersection of Cortez Road West and 119th Street West. After stopping Palmer, Bigby Palmer reportedly smelled alcohol on his breath. Also, Palmer was slurring his speech and swaying while standing, but he denied drinking any alcoholic beverages.

Bigby began field sobriety exercises, and the man failed to complete three tests. The investigation determined the man was intoxicated, so the deputy arrested him and transported him to the Manatee County jail. The report did not disclose what property Palmer damaged, other than the property is owned by the Florida Department of Transportation. The man was twice given the opportunity to take a Breathalyzer test, but declined. Palmer was issued a uniform criminal traffic citation in reference to DUI.

Coronavirus reported in Manatee County

The Florida Department of Health has confirmed two “presumptive positive” cases of coronavirus in the state. As of March 2, one case had been reported in Manatee County. Both individuals remained in isolation, but the “overall immediate threat to the public remains low,” according to a news release from the DOH. Manatee County public safety representatives were meeting in Tampa March 2, at press time for The Islander, for a briefing about the virus with Gov. Ron DeSantis and other officials, according to Nick Azzara, the county’s information outreach manager. For more information, visit the health department at, call 1-866-779-6121 8 a.m.-5 p.m. or email People also can and search coronoviurs information from Manatee County. — chrisann allen


Staff reports

island police blotter

Anna Maria Feb. 6, 700 block of Jacaranda Road, warrant. The Manatee County Sheriff’s Office assisted the Daytona Beach Police Department with towing a vehicle to the MCSO crime investigation department’s impound for a search. Feb. 13, 100 Spring Ave., Sandbar Restaurant, shoplifting. The MCSO responded to a call from the business that a person was seen carrying two souvenir caps and a bag from the gift shop to the restroom. When the person emerged from the restroom, the hats were not in hand. The person purchased a small item from the gift shop and left without paying for the hats. The MCSO received a surveillance photo of the individual. Feb. 18, 100 block of North Bay Boulevard, criminal mischief. Between Feb. 12 and Feb. 18, the concrete portion of the humpback bridge was spray-painted with graffiti. Damage was estimated at $400. The graffiti had been painted over before the MCSO investigated. Feb. 22, 500 block of Blue Heron Drive, information. A deputy who observed a person set an alcoholic beverage in the road came upon a house party attended by juveniles. “This was immediately addressed and handled accordingly,” the report stated. Anna Maria is policed by the MCSO. PLeaSe, See STreeTliFe, Page 25

— ryan Paice

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March 4, 2020 THE ISLANDER | Page 25 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Outreach, inspections key in fire district’s annual report By Phil colpas islander reporter

West Manatee Fire Rescue District commissioners highlighted community outreach and safety inspections in their review of an annual report released Feb. 18. “Utilizing the three pillars of fire prevention — engineering, education and enforcement — WMFR’s Fire and Life Safety Bureau had an extraordinarily productive year in 2019,” Chief Ben Rigney told the commissioners meeting at their temporary headquarters in Bradenton. The report shows the bureau connected with more than 4,200 people, providing information on code enforcement, smoke alarm installation, fire extin-

guisher classes, fire investigations, crowd management and bicycle safety rodeos. In 2019, fire prevention staff completed 1,179 fire and life safety inspections, correcting thousands of life safety hazards and fire threats, according to the report. WMFR is a special fire control district comprising the cities of Anna Maria, Bradenton Beach and Holmes Beach, as well as Cortez, Tidy Island, Palma Sola, west Bradenton and northwest Bradenton. About 34,705 people reside in the district and there’s a seasonal influx of about 13,000 non-residents. WMFR employs 43 full-time personnel, 36 of whom are fire-suppression specialists.

For the fiscal year 2018-19, the adopted revenue was $9,386 and expenditures were $9,641. The operations division responded to 2,882 incidents in 2019. About 67% of the incidents were emergency medical responses. The district responded to 45 incidents categorized as fires, including 14 building fires. The value of property lost was about $301,000. The average response time was 4 1/2 minutes to 5 1/2 minutes. The next commission meeting will be 6 p.m., Tuesday, March 24, at 6417 Third Ave. W., Bradenton.

West Manatee Fire squabbles over HQ project By Phil colpas islander reporter

West Manatee Fire Rescue Commissioners Feb. 18 circled back to their discussions on property acquisition for a headquarters despite having executed a contract to purchase property for the project. Commissioners David Bishop, vice chair Larry Jennis, chair Randy Cooper, Al Robinson and secretary/treasurer George Harris attended the meeting at the district’s temporary headquarters, 6417 Third Ave. W., Bradenton. “It’s a nice piece of property, but it’s not right for our needs,” said WMFR Commission Chair Randy Cooper, who toured an alternate commercial site with a shell building earlier in the month with Chief Ben Rigney. Commissioner Al Robinson, liaison for the barrier islands, said that had the commission acquired a building instead of voting to develop vacant property, WMFR could have saved $200,000-$300,000. “We have a fiduciary responsibility and we’re not studying these things hard enough,” Robinson said. “Maybe it’s the Sunshine rule that keeps us from talk-

ing like human beings.” He was referring to Florida law requiring open meetings and open records. “It just infuriates me that we don’t think anything about spending $200,000 to $300,000. If it was our money, we damn sure would care,” Robinson said. Bishop responded: “I take exception to that. You like to bark about things. Fine. But I think we found a good facility that will serve this community.” In January, the commission selected Creative Contractors to build a new headquarters at 63rd Street West and Seventh Avenue West in Bradenton. “It’s been great working with them so far,” Rigney said. He recommend a vote to approve the contract with Creative Contractors for preconstruction services. The cost of preconstruction is not to exceed $7,000, with the construction manager’s fee set at 5.5% of the final cost, bond set at 0.81% and general liability insurance at 0.28%. Bishop moved to approve the contract and Jennis seconded the motion. The vote was 4-1, with Robinson voting no. The next commission meeting will be 6 p.m., Tuesday, March 24, at 6417 Third Ave. W., Bradenton.

Lt. chad Brunner, left, is promoted to the rank of captain by Battalion chief rich Jasinski at the feb. 18 meeting of the WMfr district commission. islander Photo: courtesy WMfr

tripped him, causing the manager to fall. The man was apprehended but neither the manager nor the vehicle owner wanted to press charges. The suspect was given a trespass warning for the Bridge Tender Inn. BBPD polices Bradenton Beach. Cortez No new reports. MCSO polices Cortez. Holmes Beach Feb. 19, 700 block of Manatee Avenue, marijuana. A Holmes Beach police officer observed a vehicle going 55 mph in a 35-mph zone. When conducting the traffic stop, another officer observed a plastic bag containing marijuana. A male motorist was issued a speeding ticket and citation for not displaying his registration, as well as a city violation for possessing less than 20 grams of marijuana. Feb. 20, 100 block of 52nd Street, traffic. An HBPD patrol officer received a license plate alert. Upon stopping the motorist, the officer determined the man had a suspended license and did not have proof of insurance. The vehicle was removed and the man was released with two summons to appear in court. Feb. 22, 5100 block of Gulf Drive, traffic. An officer observed a vehicle weaving across the lane. Upon performing the traffic stop, the officer determined the

female driver did not have a license. She was issued a summons to appear. Feb. 23, 2900 block of Avenue E, stolen vehicle. A woman awoke to find her vehicle not in the driveway. The city’s license plate recognition system captured images of the vehicle leaving the city early that morning. The vehicle was recovered later that day by the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office. Feb. 23, 3300 block of Sixth Avenue, information. A patrol officer was dispatched to a possible hit and run. Upon investigation, it was determined the left front tire of the vehicle had exploded for an unknown reason. Photographs were taken and the vehicle’s owner was advised to contact her insurance company. Feb. 23, 200 block of 81st Street, theft. A male victim reported a gold chain stolen from his home. He filled out an affidavit, submitted photos and the HBPD is investigating. Feb. 25, 700 block of Manatee Avenue, traffic stop. The officer on patrol checked a license plate on a car and learned the driver had a suspended license and no proof of insurance. He was given a notice to appear in court and released. The vehicle was towed. HBPD polices Holmes Beach. Streetlife is based on incident reports and narratives from the BBPD, HBPD and MCSO.

StREEtLiFE continued froM Page 24

Bradenton Beach Feb. 21, 2700 block of Gulf Drive North, vehicle burglary. A Bradenton Beach police officer responded to a call from Ocean Park Terrace condominiums, where a vehicle was burglarized. The caller had arrived in Bradenton Beach the night before and discovered property missing from the car in morning. Items listed as missing were a laptop, suitcase with clothes, sports equipment and two weeks of mail. She was unable to recall whether she had locked the vehicle, but there were no signs of forced entry. The BBPD is investigating. Feb. 25, 103 Gulf Drive S., trespass warning. An officer, responding to a call from Circle K, witnessed the manager asking a man to leave the property. The person left without incident after providing information for the BBPD report, however, he did not have identification. No records were found for the suspect on the National Crime Information Center or the Florida Crime Information Center searches. Feb. 22, 130 block of Bridge Street, battery and trespass warning. Two BBPD officers on foot were informed of a fight near the Bridge Tender Inn & Dockside Bar. The altercation apparently began when the restaurant’s parking lot manager saw a man looking into unoccupied vehicles. The manager questioned the suspect, who fled. The manager pursued the suspect, but the suspect





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Page 26 THE ISLANDER | March 4, 2020 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Holmes Beach considers landscape fertilizer safeguards By chrisann allen islander reporter

Holmes Beach is taking a proactive stance against climate change. City officials are considering measures to protect the waterways surrounding Anna Maria Island from fertilizer runoff. Commissioners agreed Feb. 25 to move a draft ordinance adopting Manatee County’s landscaping and fertilizer regulations to a public hearing and vote. The county’s regulations, enacted in 2014, tighten the restrictions on the application of fertilizers containing nitrogen and phosphorus, which could create runoff contributing to red tide and other harmful algal

blooms. The regulations stipulate that people must not apply fertilizers containing nitrogen or phosphorus to turf or landscape plants during the rainy season, which runs June 1-Sept. 30. “It shows we really care about our water quality,� Mayor Judy Titsworth said. “It would be a really good thing to adopt by reference.� Holmes Beach is covered under the county ordinance, but by adopting the regulations as a city ordinance “by reference,� code compliance can cite people who violate fertilizer and landscaping regulations. Gale Tedhams, recently appointed planning and zoning board alternate, but speaking for herself, said

she researched ordinances in other cities and the county’s ordinance is comparable to those endorsed by environmental groups. She also said she is concerned fertilizers available at some stores carry fertilizer with high levels of phosphorus. “Education is really going to be key,� Tedhams said. City attorney Patricia Petruff said adoption of the ordinance would allow municipal enforcement of the county’s regulations, including a requirement for landscapers to be certified on fertilizer uses. A public hearing and first reading will be at the next city commission meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 10, at city hall, 5801 Marina Drive.

County sets funding for ďŹ xes at Palma Sola boat ramp, improvements set for May By Lisa neff islander editor

Manatee County commissioners Feb. 25 approved up to $105,000 for improvements to a public boat ramp on the Palma Sola Causeway. “Our parks and natural resources staff is hoping the work on the docks will begin in early May,� Nicholas

Azzara, information outreach manager for the county, told The Islander Feb. 26. Meanwhile, the State Road 64/Manatee Avenue ramp and docks remain closed. The amenities had been maintained by the city of Bradenton until January 2019, when the county assumed responsibility and shut down the ramp saying

Wienermobile rolls into Anna Maria the oscar Mayer Wienermobile sits feb. 27 in the 400 block of Spring avenue in anna Maria. the 27-footlong promotional hot dog on wheels stopped on the island while on a cross-country tour. Wienermobile tour stops can be viewed at islander Photo: chrisann allen s "RADENTON S "EST ,OCAL %ATS FROM BY 4RIPADVISOR s 6OTED "EST 'ERMAN 2ESTAURANT IN "RADENTON s 3TARS OF ON &ACEBOOK


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the conditions were unsafe for boaters. Since then, the county parks and natural resources department has worked to design safety and operational improvements, secure funding and obtain permits, as well as an agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation for access to the ramp on a state road. “All that remains is the building permit, which should be coming soon,� Azzara said. The county has not solicited bids to make the improvements but the work isn’t expected to cost $105,000. “Whatever is not spent will be returned to the county’s navigational improvement fund,� Azzara said. The contractor on the project will have 45 days to complete the improvements, which involve lowering two docks at the site on the southwest part of the causeway to allow greater draft. The work — a complete renovation of the two docks — also will involve replacing support structures and decking. The resolution adopted Feb. 25 amended the 201920 budget and authorized spending $100,000 in grant revenue from the West Coast Inland Navigation District and $5,000 from the Florida Boating Improvement Program.

Find boat ramps on, off AMI

Public boat ramps on the island include the Kingfish Boat Ramp in Holmes Beach and two ramps at Coquina Beach Bayside in Bradenton Beach. Off the island, the nearest county boat ramp is at 5868 Riverview Blvd., Bradenton. For more information, go to


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March 4, 2020 THE ISLANDER | Page 27 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Many plastic products labeled as recyclable are not being recycled, according to a new report from greenpeace uSa based on a survey of the nation’s material recovery facilities by the Last Beach cleanup. islander courtesy Photo

By Lisa Neff

Recycling bad news

Ask a few neighbors or coworkers what green action they take daily and you’ll hear: Recycle. But here’s the takeaway from a new Greenpeace USA report: A lot of the plastics dropped into recycling bins aren’t recycled into new products. They might be stockpiled until the market changes. They might be exported to other countries, where there’s no guarantee they’ll be recycled. They might be incinerated. Or they might be dumped in a landfi ll. neff In “Circular Claims Fall Flat: Comprehensive U.S. Survey of Plastics Recyclability,” Greenpeace examined the legitimacy of recycling claims and labels on plastic products. Accurate marketing conveys truthful info to consumers, prevents contamination of the recycling system and helps manufacturers and watchdogs, such as Greenpeace, identify plastic products that should be redesigned. Greenpeace concluded that many plastic products labeled “recyclable” shouldn’t be based on U.S. Federal Trade Commission Green Guides because the items either can’t be properly recycled or won’t be recycled due to market changes. For the study, trends and policies at the nation’s 367 material recovery facilities were reviewed and analyzed, including the facilities in this area. Waste Management, the sanitation company operating in Anna Maria and the nation’s largest waste hauler, has a nationwide policy: Plastics collected in the recycling process that have no market demand will be disposed of responsibly. The Waste Management Tampa Bay MRF doesn’t accept plastic cups, trays, lids, straws, clamshells, coffee pods and bags, according to the report. Neither do Single Stream Recyclers and Republic Services MRF in Sarasota, which may landfill some collected material due to the lack of a market.

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The policy is the same at the Waste Pro Sarasota MRF, where “some collected material is landfilled due to lack of market in Florida.” Waste Pro is the sanitation company operating in Holmes Beach, Bradenton Beach and unincorporated Manatee County. “This survey confirms what many news reports have indicated since China restricted plastic waste imports two years ago — that recycling facilities across the country are not able to sort, sell and reprocess much of the plastics that companies produce,” said Jan Dell, founder of The Last Beach Cleanup, which led the survey of MRFs used in Greenpeace’s study. The survey found that not one of the 367 MRFs is likely to recycle plastic coffee pods. About 99% won’t accept plastic straws and cutlery and 86% won’t accept clamshell lettuce containers. In fact, many facilities only accept two types of plastic products — PET No. 1 and HDPE No. 2 bottles and jugs. This is why the Florida Department of Environmental Protection has launched a campaign asking

people to recycle just bottles and jugs. But here’s another troubling find: When those bottles and jugs are enclosed in shrink sleeves, they contaminate the recycling system. The plastic in the sleeves is different from the plastic bottles and has a lower melting point. So when processed together to make flakes for resin, the sleeves melt first, causing clumps and harming equipment. The sleeve labels also bleed into wash water and stain the flakes produced by the bottles and jugs. Part of the solution, according to Greenpeace, is for manufacturers and retailers to invest in the collection, sorting and recycling of their products, as well as provide public progress reports on their efforts. For consumers, the only message can be to avoid plastic products, especially single-use plastics. John Hocevar, Greenpeace USA Oceans Campaign director, put it this way: “Corporations are hiding behind the pretense that their throwaway packaging is recyclable. We know now that this is untrue. The jig is up.”

Page 28 THE ISLANDER | March 4, 2020 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Playoff matchups set in youth football, horseshoes run hot By Kevin P. cassidy islander reporter

Playoff action got started Feb. 25 in the 8-10 division of the youth flag football league at the Center of Anna Maria Island, while the 11-13 and 14-17 divisions just ended their seasons. Cool Today evened its record at 3-3 and stayed alive with a 26-12 victory over Beach Bums to open 8-10 playoff action behind a huge game cassidy from Peyton Hovda. Hovda ran for three scores, while also adding a touchdown pass to Chad Nunez, two 2-point conversions and a pick six in the victory. Dennis Gallagher led Beach Bums in the loss with a pair of touchdown passes to Jesse Zaccagnino and Hayden Eurice. Diamond Turf eliminated Rays Ramblings 26-20 behind Carson Clover’s two touchdown passes and a touchdown run. Mason Moss contributed a TD run of his own, while also adding two TD receptions and a pair of extra points in the victory. Rays Ramblings was led in the loss by Jack McCarthy’s two touchdown passes and a touchdown run. Joseph Bramurov and Kellan Hunt both added TD catches. The last of the night 8-10 playoff game saw No. 2

seed HSH Designs cruise to a 32-6 victory over No. 7 Swordfish Grill behind a strong all-around game from Connor Samblis. Samblis ran for two scores, caught a touchdown pass and an extra point, while also adding a pair of interceptions on defense, including one that he took to the house for a TD. Charlie Neri had a touchdown pass and Lucas Signor ran for a TD to complete scoring for HSH Designs. Swordfish Grill was led in the loss by Tory Jones, who threw a touchdown pass to Cale Rudacille. Playoff action March 3, after press time for The Islander, includes No. 3 seed Diamond Turf versus No. 2 HSH Designs at 6:30 p.m., while No. 1 seed Moss Builders was to take on No. 5 seed Cool Today at 7:15 p.m. Regular season action in the 11-13 division wrapped up with Solid Rock Construction edging Slim’s Place 18-12 to lock up the No. 2 seed, while Progressive Cabinetry cruised past Ugly Grouper to lock up the top seed. Solid Rock Construction turned its attention to a 6 p.m. March 3 matchup with No. 3 Slim’s Place. No. 1 Progressive Cabinetry will take on No. 4 Ugly Grouper in the second semifinal game at 6:45 p.m. The 14-17 division playoffs got started Feb. 25 with a wild card play in the game between No. 5 Gulf Drive Cafe and No. 4 Ugly Grouper. Gulf Drive Cafe outscored Ugly Grouper 38-26 behind three touch-

Palma Sola site of dragon boat festival aMi Paddlers from Paradise race on the water. the island-based dragon boat team will host the first annual anna Maria island dragon Boat festival on the Palma Sola causeway Saturday, March 7. races will take place 8 a.m.-4 p.m. in Palma Sola Bay, with viewing on the causeway beach along Manatee avenue/ State road 64. for more information, go online to or contact aMi Paddlers from Paradise coach and founder Melinda Bradway at 941-462-2626. islander file Photo

County celebrates heritage in nature parks

Manatee County Parks and Natural Resources will host a series of events and activities in March to mark Heritage Month. The historic Valentine House at the main entrance to Robinson Preserve will be open to visitors 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Saturday, March 7, as well as March 14, March 21 and March 28. The 19th century house, relocated to Robinson from Palmetto, serves as the park visitor’s center and depicts a history of the Palma Sola area. Robinson Preserve is at 1704 99th St. NW, Bradenton. Other events on the schedule include: • Saturday Mornings at the NEST, 8 a.m.-noon March 7, March 21 and March 28. The NEST, an elevated building with a bird’s eye view, is in the Robinson Preserve expansion, 10299 Ninth Ave. NW, Bradenton. • Sunset Tai Chi at the NEST, 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 10. • Florida Cracker Crafts at the NEST, 2 p.m. Southernaire Fishing Charters

Wednesday, March 11 and March 18. • NEST Nature Afternoons, 1 p.m. Thursday, March 12. • Nature Night at the NEST, 7 p.m. Friday, March 13. • Master Gardener Tour at Robinson Preserve, 9 a.m. Sunday, March 15. • Rise and Shine Power Flow Yoga at the NEST, 10:30 a.m. Sunday, March 15 and March 29. • Storytelling and Service Book Club at the NEST, 4 p.m. March 19. • Tortoise Talks at the Valentine House, 1 p.m. Saturday, March 21. • Introduction to Family Camping and Archery at the NEST, noon Sunday, March 21. • Robinson Preserve Twilight 5K/10K, 4 p.m. Friday, March 27. For more information, call the parks and natural resources department at 941-742-5923. — Lisa neff

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down passes from Anthony Nguyen to Joey Bivona. Bivona added to the offense with a pair of pick-six interceptions. Ethan Brown led Ugly Grouper in the loss with three TD passes to Jonah Durst, Kolby Petrin and Parker Davis. The 14-17 semifinals were set to start March 3 with No. 2 Hashmark Sports taking on No. 3 Killer Bait at 7:30 p.m., while top-seed MuniPlan was to face No. 5 Gulf Drive Cafe at 8:15 p.m. Horseshoe news Three teams emerged from pool play and battled it out for the day’s bragging rights during Feb. 26 horseshoe action at the Anna Maria City Hall horseshoe pits. The team of Steve Doyle and Bob Brown drew the lucky bye into the final and watched as Bob Heiger and Rod Bussey edged Bob Rowley and Tom Skoloda 21-20. The Heiger-Bussey team stayed hot and cruised to a 21-4 victory over Doyle-Brown. Four teams advanced to the knockout stage during Feb. 29 action. The first semifinal match saw Dom Livedoti and Bussey eliminate John Crawford and Bob Lee 23-19, while Bob Mason and Del Reese advanced with a 23-12 victory over Heiger and Adin Shank. The finals saw Bussey complete a sweep for the week, as he and Livedoti rolled to a 23-13 victory over Mason and Reese. Play gets underway at 9 a.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays at the Anna Maria pits. Warmups begin at 8:45 a.m. followed by random team selection. There is no charge to play and everyone is welcome. Club news Golf action at the Key Royale Club in Holmes Beach got started the week of Feb. 24 with the men playing a nine-hole modified-Stableford system match. Larry Davis grabbed individual bragging rights with a plus-4, a point ahead of Dean Christensen and John Kolojeski. Davis and Kolojeski teamed up with Mike Clements and Jim Watt to win the team competition with a combined score of plus-7. The women took on the course Feb. 25 in a ninehole individual-low-net match in three flights. Roxanne Koche carded a 5-under-par 27 to cruise to the top spot in Flight A. Mary Lou Dreier was alone in second place with a 2-under-par 30, while Betsy Meyer took third with an even-par 32. Jana Samuels, Sue Christensen, Barb Harold and Billie Jean Pinson all fired 2-under-par 30s to finish in a four-way tie for first place in Flight B. Annette Hall took second with an even-par 32. Topping off the four-way tie for first place, Peggi Clauhs, Sally York, Eileen Witzgall, Terry Westby and Sue Powers all carded 1-under-par 31s for a five-way tie for first in Flight C. The men were back on the course Feb. 27 for a nine-hole scramble. The team of Jon Holcomb, Dale Hudson, Chuck Patrick and Al Waal combined on a 6-under-par 26 to earn clubhouse bragging rights for the day. Chet Hutton, John Kolojeski, Eric Lawson and Bob Soos were a stroke back in second place. Call to sports fans on AMI: Your photos at games and events are welcome. Submit your pics with captions — who, what, where and when — as well as your contact information to kevin@

Anna Maria Island Tides


Mar 4 Mar 5 Mar 6 Mar 7 Mar 8 Mar 9 Mar 10 Mar 11


6:22p 7:42p 11:39a 11:50a 1:04p 1:20p 12:49a 1:43a






2.0 — 2.1 — 1.3 8:54p 1.3 9:57p 1.4 11:54p 1.5 — 2.2 1:38p 2.1 1:59p

— — 2.2 2.3 2.3 — 1.6 1.7

1:58a 3:00a 3:51a 4:36a 6:16a 6:53a 7:27a 7:57a

-0.3 -0.5 -0.6 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.2 0.1



— — — — 2:39p 1.2 3:41p 0.9 5:33p 0.7 6:24p 0.4 7:14p 0.2 8:07p 0.0

AM City Pier tides; Cortez high tides 7 minutes later — lows 1:06 later



March 4, 2020 THE ISLANDER | Page 29 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Find spots to fish out of the wind, cash in on winter bounty By capt. danny Stasny islander reporter

With numerous windy days this past week, most fishing around Anna Maria Island was occurring in the sheltered waters of Tampa Bay and surrounding smaller bays, with sheepshead coming in as the week’s highlight. Fishing wrecks and reefs in Tampa Bay is rewarding and, if you’re landbound, fishing piers, bridges and Stasny docks also produces action. Fishing along the beaches with shrimp-tipped jigs is a good bet. Pompano, whiting and ladyfish are being caught, as well as some jack crevalle and black drum. Boaters are finding pompano by drifting and jigging over deep grass flats. This scenario is yielding a variety of other species, including ladyfish, jack crevalle, bluefish and numerous catch-and-release spotted seatrout. Lastly, on the warmest days — between cold fronts — anglers casting live free-lined shiners are hooking up with a bevy of catch-and-release snook and redfish. Capt. Warren Girle is finding a variety of fish for his clients by drifting and jigging over deep grass. In calmer areas, where fairly clear water exists, bouncing a shrimp-tipped jig through sandy potholes mixed in the patches of grass is resulting in pompano, ladyfish, jack crevalle and numerous catch-and-release spotted seatrout. The pompano — being the prize catch on this drift — are frequently taking a hook, along with the other species. On windier days, where drafting is futile, Girle is taking shelter in residential canals. Casting live shrimp on a bottom rig around docks and seawalls is attracting many catch-and-release redfish, as well as keeper black

Fishing tip! If you hook a bird, remember: Reel, remove, release!

david reed of iowa shows off an 8 pound 8 ounce sheepshead he caught on live shrimp in tampa Bay feb. 24 on a charter with capt. aaron Lowman. Lowman said the sheeps were running “dang big” and that reed and his buddies also caught and released a “mess” of seatrout and bluefish.

drum and sheepshead. A handful of catch-and-release snook also are present in these areas. Capt. Aaron Lowman is putting clients on an abundance of sheepshead throughout Tampa Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Fishing structure — artificial reefs, wrecks and other debris — is proving productive for sheepies. Using live shrimp as bait is attracting sheepshead in the 2- to 4-pound class to the hook with some catches reaching whopper size — 8 1/2 pounds. On the warmest days, Lowman is finding a good catch-and-release snook bite for his sporting clients. Casting live free-lined shiners around mangrove edges and in potholes is resulting in many 20-26 inch fish. Moving out to deeper grass areas is producing action on the warmer days. Casting soft plastics on a jig head is producing many catch-and-release spotted seatrout, as well as jacks, ladyfish and keeper pompano.

Fishing Charters Capt. Warren Girle

On calm warm days, Capt. Jason Stock is venturing out to some of the offshore wrecks to get his permit fix. Casting live crabs in these areas is raising permit from the wrecks toward the surface to take a bait. While inshore, Stock is putting anglers on flounder around wrecks and reefs. And, even farther inshore, on the flats and around mangrove islands, Stock is putting clients on action from the catch-and-release trio, snook, redfish and spotted seatrout. For these species, the higher stages of the tide are working best, according to Stock. Water temps on the higher end of the spectrum during the day also are a plus. Jim Malfese at the Rod & Reel Pier says sheepshead are dominating the bite in Tampa Bay. Pier fishers using patience and live shrimp on a bottom rig are finding success. Knowing where to fish and when to set the hook is key. Near limits of sheepies are being caught by veterans, but even novice anglers are reeling up a couple of fish. While targeting the sheepies with live shrimp, pier fishers are hooking into an occasional whiting, as well as snapper, black drum and catch-and-release redfish. Capt. David White of Anna Maria Charters is running to the offshore ledges when the winds and seas are calm. He says using live shrimp is attracting variety to the hook, including hogfish, porgies, mangrove snapper and Key West grunts. Fishing wrecks offshore also is providing action — especially on permit. Moving closer to shore, fishing structure in Tampa Bay is resulting in limits on sheepshead. Most catches are 15-18 inches, although White is seeing anglers land fish up to 22 inches. Send high-resolution photos and fishing reports to

Suzy Hicks, visiting the area from chicago, smiles feb. 21 as she holds a redfish before releasing it back to the water. Hicks and her family caught and released several redfish using live shrimp for bait on a charter fishing trip with capt Warren girle.


INSHORE RE Redfish Snook

O OFFSHORE SSnapper G Grouper

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Page 30 THE ISLANDER | March 4, 2020 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


At long last, AM tavern emerges construction fencing encircles Bortell’s Lounge, 10002 gulf drive, anna Maria, after almost two years of inactivity at the bar. owners Steve rose and wife Marci Wilhelm were seriously injured in a private plane crash in September 2018, waylaying their remodeling plans. Some work is now underway. islander Photo: Lisa neff


By Sandy Ambrogi

Cafes emerge on AMI

Bridge Street gets new sandwich bite Rhianna Walters parked her food truck to open a brick-and-mortar storefront deli at 119 Bridge St., Bradenton Beach. The deli, Basic ’Wiches, features mac and cheese with a variety of toppings and sandwiches made to order. Walters said she tired of the brewery food truck circuit, finding the grind hard for a single mom. But she has kept the truck, and told a fellow Bridge Street merchant catering may be in her future as well. Breakfast at the Bridge Street deli includes hot bowls and cold selections and lunch includes sandwiches, flatbread pizzas, salads and more. Basic ’Wiches is open 9 a.m.-4 p.m. daily. For more information, call 941-567-5875. Pine Avenue gets new cafe Pine Avenue offers dining choices on the north end of the island, where a family-owned cafe has launched. The North Shore Cafe recently opened at 304 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Scott and Colleen Geller, along with their son, have been greeting customers and running the shop. They offer fresh roasted coffee, handcrafted teas, fruit smoothies, acai bowls, pastries and quick bites. All items can be served to-go — for that trip to the beach or just to the picnic tables behind the cafe. The Gellers, from Tampa, converted the building that previously housed the School for Constructive Play, which relocated to Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Holmes Beach. The North Shore Cafe offers breakfast and lunch 7 a.m.-3 p.m. daily, except Thursday. For more information, call 941-900-2671. More kudos for AMI published a glowing review of Anna Maria Island Feb. 21, touting the treasures of the island and surrounding areas. From the beaches to the boardwalks at Leffis Key to dinner at the Beach Bistro, the travel writer sang the

Diana Sinisi

Salty Mermaid Real Estate


What matters to you, matters to me. IMG/Turnberry Woods $245,000 3609 B Avenida Madera, Spacious 3/3 condo with large lanai, community pool, great for dogs and their humans.

Waffle Press celebrates anniversary

praises of paradise. The article also gave tips, including to use the free trolley and the Monkey Bus for transportation, as well as reasonable accommodations and road-trip ideas to Sarasota. Forbes is an online publication covering money, business, billionaires and lifestyles. So the word about our paradise continues to travel the globe. Fundraiser tapped for award Bob Carter of Anna Maria has been recognized for his fundraising prowess. Carter, chairman of Carter Global in Sarasota, advances philanthropy worldwide. He recently received the Chair’s Award for Outstanding Service from the Association of Fundraising Professionals. Carter opened Bob Carter Companies in 2011 in partnership with Steve Higgins. In 2015, the company was renamed Carter Global to honor Carter’s commitment to philanthropic consulting. Carter is married to Anna Maria Commissioner Carol Carter. Stay busy, islanders!

Come see this top-floor, 2BR/2BA waterfront unit at Sunbow Bay. Stunning water views from living room, master bedroom and porch. Updated bathrooms and appliances. Condo offers two pools, tennis/pickle ball court, two docks and building elevator. All of this for $359,000.


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Scott and colleen geller and their son Jonathan take a break after a rush at the north Shore cafe, 304 Pine ave., anna Maria. the gellers own and operate the restaurant, which opened earlier in february. islander courtesy Photo

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SINCE 1957


david and Kelly Potter, owners of the Waffle Press, 425 Pine ave., anna Maria, start their one-year celebration with a ribbon-cutting feb. 25 with members of the anna Maria island chamber of commerce. the eatery celebrated its achievement at the Pineapple Junktion and treated guests to waffles, libations and live music. islander courtesy Photo


For professional real estate sales, call a true island native, born and raised on Anna Maria Island. Marianne Norman-Ellis. 941.778.6696

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2501 Gulf Drive, Ste 102, Bradenton Beach

DREAM CONDO Everything is new in this direct Gulffront dream condo! Sweeping views all the way to Bean Point! Huge swiming pool on the Gulf, covered parking, storage, elevator and much more. Well maintained complex. Come see all that Anna Maria Island Club has to offer. $769,000. SURF SIDE New 4bed/4.5 bath/2car pool home with partial Gulf views, rooftop sundeck, incredible pool and spa area. This amazing home was built with the details in mind, and the rental potential is through the roof. Call today. 941.713.4755

Jesse Brisson, Broker Associate, GRI 941-713-4755,

March 4, 2020 THE ISLANDER | Page 31 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

County commission overrides TDC on Mote funding By Sandy ambrogi islander reporter

Mote Marine requested and will receive $5 million in Manatee County tourist tax dollars for marketing the new Mote Science and Education Aquarium at Nathan Benderson Park in Sarasota County. The Manatee County Tourist Development Council voted to recommend funding a lesser amount at its Feb. 10 meeting. During a meeting Feb. 25, the Manatee Board of County Commissioners voted to allocate $5 million for Mote’s marketing from the tourist tax coffers. Commissioner Misty Servia, TDC chair, pushed for the funding. She was the only no vote when the TDC voted to recommend an allocation of $1.25 million over 25 years. At the TDC meeting, Elliott Falcione, executive director of the Bradenton Area Convention and Visitors

Bureau, presented a list of planned projects in Manatee County — including the expansion of the convention center and funding the World Baseball Championships next year — ready for TDC dollars. After the presentation and weighing several options, the TDC voted to fund $50,000 a year for 25 years to total $1.25 million. Now, based on the commission vote, Mote will receive $1 million over the next five years for its new aquarium in Sarasota County. The money will be used for marketing and promotion, as Manatee County’s tourist tax dollars cannot be spent on construction outside county limits. Tourist tax dollars are the bed taxes collected at a rate of 5% on overnight rentals of six months or less. The funds may be used for maintenance of certain tourism-related infrastructure, marketing and tourismrelated capital projects.


compiled by Sandy ambrogi AMI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

Thursday, March 12 7:45 a.m. — Sunrise breakfast, Ugly Grouper, 5704 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. $10 members, $18 guests. Thursday, March 26 5 p.m. — Business Card Exchange, 421 Sweet Treats, 5337 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. $5 members, $10 guests. SAVE THE DATE Saturday, April 11, Beach’n Food Truck & Music Festival, City Field, Holmes Beach. Friday, May 8, Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce golf tournament, Bradenton. AMI chamber information or reservations, 941-778-1541 or LONGBOAT KEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

Thursday, March 5 11:30 a.m. Longboat Key Chamber of Commerce Networking at Noon, Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse, 2001 Siesta Drive, Sarasota. Members $25, guests $35. LBK chamber information or reservations, 941-387-9000 info@ OTHER EVENTS Tuesday, March 24, Manatee Chamber of Commerce Politics and Pints legislative review, Lakewood Ranch. Please, send business event listings to

Business news Celebrating an artist’s rendering shows the planned Mote Science and education aquarium to be built in Sarasota county at nathan Benderson Park. islander Photo: courtesy Mote Marine


achievements? New in business? Staff deserves kudos? Submit details to Please include a contact number and name.

941-778-2246 OR 800-211-2323

2217 Gulf Drive, Bradenton Beach FL 34217

Runaway Bay 2BR/2BA turnkey furnished condo with updated kitchen in a park-like setting between the deeded on-demand beach access and the bayfront fishing pier. Elfi Starrett (941) 720-3528 Becky Smith (941) 773-1954 #A4438958. $338,500

L’Plage. You will love this delightful and spacious, turnkey furnished 3BR/3BA Anna Maria Island condo situated right on the Gulf of Mexico. Scott Kinsman (941) 2704445 #A4442328. $1,395,000

Direct Gulffront condo located in quiet area of the island. Well-maintained 10-unit complex with solar heated pool and weekly rentals allowed. Miguel Rosa (941) 4475928 #A4443253. $525,000

Rarely available Sandy Pointe Cove 2BR/2BA condo with screened balcony overlooking pool. Renovated, new kitchen, baths, flooring and turnkey furnished. Weekly rentals. Deborah Thrasher (941) 518-7738. #A4444969. $319,000

Island living in private Perico Bay Club. Unobstructed SW vista of Palma Sola Bay in this 2BR/2BA ground-floor condo. Penny Bray (941) 795-6685 #A4446663. $310,000

This true 3BR/3BA top-of-the-line Andros model is better than new! Elevator from the garage, come see all the amenities this property offers. Carmen Pedota (941) 284-2598 and Lori Guerin (941) 773-3415 #A4450322. $679,900

Exceptional Gulffront complex with heated pool, tennis/pickleball. Top floor corner, turnkey furnished, weekly rentals. Beautiful condo, excellent second home or investment. Miguel Rosa (941) 447-5928 #A4453558. $530,000

Well maintained, fully furnished triplex in great Bradenton Beach location. Steps from the beach! Miguel Rosa (941) 447-5928 #A4457028. $1,399,500

ATTENTION INVESTORS! Well-priced, well-positioned duplex lot in the heart of Holmes Beach. Water, electric, survey and blueprints available. Carmen Pedota (941) 284-2598 or Lori Guerin (941) 773-3415 #A4460129. $584,900




Page 32 THE ISLANDER | March 4, 2020 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................




couPon: SaVe $5 on the only patented sandless beach blanket. use or purchase at the Beach Hut across from ginny’s and Jane e’s old iga on gulf drive, anna Maria or call 855686-sand.

neW cordLeSS Venetian blinds. four single, and three double windows. includes all hardware and cornices. $99. 941-5676179.

getting Better eacH year: St. Mary Star of the Sea Women’s guild royal rummage Sale Xiii. “early bird” sale: noon-4 p.m. friday, March 6. admission, $5. regular sale: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, March 7. free admission. always LBK’S biggest and best! clothing, furniture, art, collectibles, jewelry, housewares, linens, toys, electronics, books and much, much, more! St. Mary, Star of the Sea catholic church, 4280 gulf of Mexico drive, Longboat Key. father edward Pick Hall.

BiKe racK, $65, door pantry/closet, white $10, computer keyboard $10, Like new, 941920-2494.

Henredon dining rooM set. table, six chairs, one leaf, pads. $450. 314-4949140.

antiQue Partner deSK: all wood, $1,000. See at the islander office, 3218 e. Bay drive, Holmes Beach. 941-778-7978.

car doLLY deMco, Kar Kaddy model KK370SB. typical hookup to tow vehicles. includes automatic brakes, wheels steer automatically for tracking, 14-inch heavy duty tires, protected from weather, lockable hitch, certificate of origin available. $1,890. 941-794-8406.

four antiQue office chairs from anna Maria city Hall. the islander newspaper, 3218 e. Bay drive, Holmes Beach. 941-7787978. FREEBIE ITEMS FOR SALE

MoVing: douBLe Bed, large dresser and mirror, file cabinets, computer desk with storage, bookcases. 941-747-4836.

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Wanted: Your oLd cellphone for recycling. deliver to the islander, 3218 e. Bay drive, Holmes Beach.

ruMMage SaLe, 9 a.m. friday and Saturday, feb 6-7. 216 S Harbor drive, Holmes Beach.

aeriaL PHotoS of anna Maria island. View and purchase online:


free gun LocK courtesy of Project childsafe, florida fish and Wildlife conservation commission and Holmes Beach Police department. Pick up at the islander office, 3218 e. Bay drive, Holmes Beach. don’t be sorry, be safe.












By Jesse Brisson

island real estate transactions


Yard SaLe, BenefitS american cancer Society. 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, March 7. 524 56th Street. Holmes Beach.

roSer tHrift SHoP and annex open 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. tuesday, thursday and Saturday. donations preferred 9 a.m.-11 a.m. Wednesday. 511 Pine ave., anna Maria. 941-779-2733.

SPonSored BY


Huge coMMunitY tag/BaKe sale. Village green, Saturday, March 7. 8 a.m.-noon. corner of 68th Street and 12th avenue West. Home-baked goodies, household items, books, cds, videos, sports and fishing gear, tools, clothing, jewelry, accessories, furniture, small appliances and linens.

Wanted: WorKout dVds and XBox, Wii units with games for Ministry of Presence for kids and teens in Haiti. deliver to the islander, 3218 e. Bay drive, Holmes Beach.

GARAGE SALES Honey is 5 years old. She is up to date with vaccinations, spayed and looking for a loving family. To meet this sweetie, call Lisa Williams at 941-345-2441 or visit The Islander office in Holmes Beach. For more about pet adoption or to adopt Honey, visit


individuals may place one free ad with up to three items, each priced $100 or less, 15 words or less. free, one week, must be submitted online. email classifieds@islander. org, fax toll-free 1-866-362-9821. (limited time offer)

annuaL fLea MarKet: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, March 7. Baked goods, clothing, jewelry, linens, tools, books, collectables, housewares, furniture. Mt. Vernon clubhouse, 4701 independence drive, south side of cortez road.

605 Key Royale Drive, Holmes Beach, a 2,645 sfla / 3,495 sfur 4bed/2bath/2car canalfront pool home built in 1963 on a 11,362 sq ft lot was sold 02/14/20, Fleming to Lewis for $1,350,000. 110 Eighth St. S., Bradenton Beach, a 1,870 sfla / 2,035 sfur 6bed/4bath triplex built in 1969 on a 5,000 sq ft lot was sold 02/11/20, White to Skre Homes LLC for $1,250,000. 615 Emerald Lane, Holmes Beach, a 2,121 sfla 3bed/2bath/1car canalfront pool home built in 1969 on a 10,934 sq ft lot was sold 02/10/20, English to Weigmann for $879,000. 523 67th St., Holmes Beach, a 2,618 sfla / 3,766 sfur 5bed/4bath/2car canalfront pool home built in 1976 on a 8,880 sq ft lot was sold 02/12/20, Jones to Saltwater Strata LLC for $788,000; list $849,000. 404 74th St., Holmes Beach, a 1,560 sfla / 2,008 sfur 3bed/2bath/1car home built in 1956 on a 9,350 sq ft lot was sold 02/13/20, Goggin to Freeman for $615,000. 1469 Gulf Drive N., Unit 20, Bermuda Bay Club, Bradenton Beach, a 1,524 sfla / 2,622 sfur 2bed/2 1/2bath/2car condo with shared pool built in 1999 was sold 02/07/20, Smyth to Shaughnessy for $532,500; list $549,000. Jesse Brisson, broker/associate at Keller Williams on the Water, can be reached at 941-713-4755.

HeLP reScued PetS! Volunteer, foster, computer help needed! Moonracer animal rescue. email: moonraceranimalrescue@ BOATS & BOATING BiMini BaY SaiLing: Small sailboat rentals and instruction. day. Week. Month. Sunfish, Laser, Windrider 17 and Precision 15. call Brian at 941-685-1400. FISHING LocaL fiSHing guide for hire. Wanna catch more fish, have better bait, learn the local waters? Your boat, my knowledge. call nelly, 40 years local fishing experience. 941896-2915. HELP WANTED SeeKing HigH ScHooL student who lives on anna Maria island to babysit one child in the afternoon approximately 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. two days per week. Pay starts at $13 per hour. Please, call 941-778-1244. More ads = more readers in the islander.

p ro fe s s i o n a l

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March 4, 2020 THE ISLANDER | Page 33 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


SERVICES Continued


FULL-TIME COOK and dishwasher. Prep food, lift 30 pounds, team player. Looking for at least one year experience, dependable. Come by Old Hamburg and or call 941778-1320.

NEED A RIDE to airports? Tampa $65, St. Pete, $55, Sarasota, $30. Gary, 863-4095875.

VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, interior/exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island references. Bill, 941-795-5100.

TWO SIDES OF NATURE – Anna Maria Island’s largest little beach shoppes, is now hiring part-time associates. Varied shifts available must be able to work nights and weekends. Retail experience preferred. Apply today: Two Sides of Nature, 101 S. Bay Blvd., Unit A-1, Anna Maria. WANTED: FULL-TIME server. Paradise Bagels Cafe. 3220 E. Bay Drive, Anna Maria Centre Shops. 941-779-1212. REPORTER WANTED: Full- to part-time. Print media, newspaper experience required. Apply via email with letter of interest to KIDS FOR HIRE KIDS FOR HIRE ads are FREE for up to three weeks for Island youths under 16 looking for work. Ads must be placed in person at The Islander office, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. SERVICES U FLY I drive your car anywhere in the USA. Airport runs, anywhere. Office, 941-4476389. 941-545-6688. For the latest news, check our website,

I DON’T CUT corners, I clean corners. Professional, friendly cleaning service since 1999. 941-779-6638. Leave message. HASKELL TERMITE AND Pest Control: Serving Anna Maria Island and beyond. Call Rick Freeman, 813-239-1790. RETIRED CNA OFFERING companion/ caregiver services for elderly in Bradenton area. Prepare meals, grocery shopping and errands, light housekeeping, etc. Experienced, honest, caring and reliable. References available. Daphne, 762-207-9683. BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS JD’s Window Cleaning looking for storefront jobs in Holmes Beach. I make dirty windows sparkling clean. 941-920-3840. BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigeration. Commercial and residential service, repair and/or replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and personalized service, call Bill Eller, 941-795-7411. CAC184228. ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional creates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding! 941-778-2711. LAWN & GARDEN CONNIE’S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, landscaping, cleanups, hauling and more! Insured. 941-778-5294. LARRY’S BACK! SHELL delivered and spread. $55/yard. Hauling all kinds of gravel, mulch, topsoil with free estimates. Call Larry at 941-795-7775, “shell phone” 941-7200770.

CLASSIFIED AD ORDER g ____________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ nder.or___________

la s i . w w tw ____________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ e a___________ n i l n o s d ad ___________ ___________ ___________ ____________ ___________ ___________ e fi i s s a ce cl ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____________ Pla___________

___________ ___________ ___________

CLASSIFIED RATES: Minimum $12 for up to 15 WORDS. 16-30 words: $20. 31-45 words: $40. BOX ad: additional $4. (Phone number is a "word.")

The deadline is NOON Monday every week for Wednesday’s paper. Run issue date(s) _________



GRIFFIN’S HOME IMPROVEMENTS Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and wood flooring. Insured and licensed. 941-722-8792. BLINDS, SHUTTERS, SHADES: Motorization. 30 years on AMI. Call Keith Barnett, Barnett Blinds, 941-730-0516. ISLAND HANDYMAN: I live here, work here, value your referral. Refinish, paint. Just ask. JayPros. Licensed/insured. References. Call Jay, 941-962-2874. Turn the page for more home improvement classifieds…

CHRISTIE’S PLUMBING Family Owned and Operated since 1975

Residential -iÀÛ Vi

iÜÊ ÃÌÀÕVÌ ÊUÊ,i `i } Ê* >ÃiÃÊ vÊ* Õ L }Ê,i«> ÀÊEÊ-iÀÛ Vi {£ ÇÇn Î Ó{ÊÊ ÀÊ {£ ÇÇn {{È£ÊUÊxxän Ê >À >Ê À Ûi]Ê iÃÊ i>V


TWO SCOOPS NOW hiring part-time associates. Anna Maria Island’s favorite ice-cream. Varied shifts available. Must be able to work nights and weekends. A great place to work and have a little fun. Looking for a few friendly people. Food preparation or server experience preferred. Great pay! Apply today: Two Scoops, 101 S. Bay Blvd., Unit A-2, Anna Maria.

PRESSURE WASHING, PAVER sealing, driveway, roof, fence, pool area. Also, window cleaning. Licensed and insured. 941-5653931.

TILE -TILE -TILE. All variations of ceramic tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, 941-726-3077.

Gone All Summer? Home Unoccupied? Many Bad Things Can Happen

“Your Eyes Here – While You’re Away” Keeping Homes Safe For 28+ Years!

Protection Property Call Jon Kent 941-920-0832

Island Limousine




Windows & Doors 941-730-5045 WEATHERSIDE LLC


AMI Accommodations is looking to hire a full-time maintenance technician to help us create a welcoming environment for our guests and owners by ensuring our homes are well maintained. Previous maintenance experience preferred. Please, send resumes to

CLEANING: VACATION, CONSTRUCTION, residential, commercial and windows. Licensed and insured. 941-744-7983.

Bed: A bargain!

King, Queen, Full & Twin, pre-owned from $30 new/used. 941-922-5271

IMPROVE YOUR CURB APPEAL! Horticultural Design Services | Landscape Construction Landscape Maintenance | Irrigation Installation & Repair Brick & Stone Pavers | Walls, Gates, Fences | Tree Trimming Low Volt Outdoor Lighting Repair & Installation

_________ or TFN start date: ______________

Amt. pd _________________ Date _____________ Ck. No.� _________ Cash � _______ By _________

d � u No.


Name shown on card: ____________________________________________card exp. date ______ / ______ House no. or P.O. box no. on cc bill ________________________Billing address zip code ________________ Your e-mail for renewal reminder: ____________________________________________________________

Web site: 3218 E. Bay Drive Holmes Beach FL 34217

E-mail: Fax toll free: 1-866-362-9821 Phone: 941-778-7978



Credit card payment: �

Page 34 THE ISLANDER | March 4, 2020 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................



RENTALS Continued

HoLLandS Paint, drYWaLL and handyman services: interior/exterior paint, drywall repair, wall/ceiling textures, stucco repair, pressure washing. over 25 years’ experience. all work guaranteed. references. Licensed/insured. call dee, 256-337-5395.

Wanted to rent, garage for car from april 23 to october 1. call 941-761-4696.

WeStBaY coVe: 2Br/2Ba waterfront unit for rent. Month of april. $4,400/month. 973208-0020.

SoutHWeSt HoMe iMProVeMent: Michigan builder, quality work guaranteed. affordable, timely, within budget. call Mike, 1-616-204-8822. SearaY SPrinKLer SerViceS. repairs, additions, drip, sprinkler head/timer adjustments. office 941-518-6326. cell 720-2991661. r.a. gonZaLeZ conStruction: re-roof and leak specialist. residential/hotels/commercial. repairs, shingles, tile, metal, at. Quick response. Quality work at reasonable rates. references. insured/licensed. #ccc1330056. call Bryan, 727-277-9502. aMi Painting: iSLand resident. Prompt, reliable. Quality workmanship. interior/exterior. Minor repairs, carpentry. call Bill, 941307-9315.

aVaiLaBLe rentaL: reMainder of March through april 2020 and october through april of 2020-21 winter season. 2Br/2Ba ground level with carport and patio. 1.5 blocks to gulf. updated, granite countertops, recessed lighting, at-screen tVs in living room, tV room and bedrooms. Must see! anna Maria. 941-565-2373. 3Br/2Ba, firSt fLoor, SPaciouS 3Br/2Ba, beautiful. Westbay Point & Moorings. available april, monthly, #1590. also, #1106, 2Br/2Ba, gorgeous bay views, available May, monthly. Kayaks and bikes included. Sue, 207-944-6097. aVaiLaBLe: 2Br/2Ba, feb. 29-March 14. canal home, pool, deck, kayak, bikes, private. 2021 Key royale, Holmes Beach. 813943-3572. rareLY aVaiLaBLe: Last-minute cancellation makes this beautiful 2Br/2Ba condo at Westbay Point & Moorings open for a month rental this april 2020. $4,000/month. call 614-562-9589 for photos and more details.

REAL ESTATE coMMerciaL condo, retaiL business included. 15 years in business. city of anna Maria. $799,900. Sharon Hightower, re/Max alliance group. 941-330-5054. coMPLeteLY reModeLed 2Br/2Ba lakefront villa in a very active 55-plus bayfront development. nothing to do but move in. Boaters paradise with one-time $25 fee. Hoa covers everything but electric. truly a maintenance-free, active lifestyle with many amenities. Beautiful unit! $269,900. call for a private showing, 401-374-2009. PaLMa SoLa toWnHouSe: 2Br, boat, dock, heated pool. great investment. $199,000. real estate Mart, 941-356-1456. affordaBLe PLace in the sun: doublewide mobile, 55-plus, gated community. $25,900. owner, JB. 941-356-1456.

You can read it all online at

*Ă€ÂˆÂ“iĂŠ œ““iĂ€Vˆ>Â?ĂŠ œ˜`ÂœĂŠ vÂœĂ€ĂŠĂƒ>Â?iĂŠÂˆÂ˜ĂŠĂŒÂ…iĂŠÂ…i>Ă€ĂŒĂŠÂœvĂŠ ˜˜>ĂŠ >Ă€Âˆ>]ĂŠ fx™x]äää°ĂŠ >Â?Â?ʓiĂŠvÂœĂ€ĂŠ`iĂŒ>ˆÂ?Ăƒ°ĂŠ 7Â…iÂ˜ĂŠÂˆĂŒĂŠVœ“iĂƒĂŠĂŒÂœĂŠLĂ•ĂžÂˆÂ˜}ĂŠÂœĂ€ĂŠĂƒiÂ?Â?ˆ˜}ĂŠ ĂžÂœĂ•Ă€ĂŠÂ…ÂœÂ“i]ĂŠ*Â?i>Ăƒi]ĂŠ ĂŠ ĂŠ ,-/t iĂŒĂŠÂ“ĂžĂŠĂži>Ă€ĂƒĂŠÂœvĂŠiĂ?ÂŤiĂ€Âˆi˜ViĂŠ ĂœÂœĂ€ÂŽĂŠvÂœĂ€ĂŠĂžÂœĂ•°ĂŠpĂŠChantelle

annuaL, 2Br/2Ba, fLorida room, ground level. $1,600 month, plus utilities. no pets, no smoking. 941-363-1227.

Christine Kourik Chantelle Lewin Broker Associate Licensed since 1983 941.713.1449


RealtorÂŽ I LIVE, WORK & SELL THE ISLAND! 941.538.7414

ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND. Each office is independently owned and operated


 Real Estate Sales  Vacation Rentals E HOUS  Annual Rentals OPEN  Property Management  Concierge Service We’re “Seriousâ€? about our Customer Service!




Open House March 1 & 8: 518 Sanderling Circle, Open House March 1 & 8:

Your full service Real Estate Agency providing exceptional customer service for all your short or long 837 Waterside Lane, $259,900 1228 Spoonbill Landings erm goals. $314,900 Whether you’re staying a few days or a lifetime, we will help you findCircle, your perfect $262,700 ccommodation.

SE USE HOUeverything One stop shop. WeOcan provide you might need‌‌, rent and finance your piece EN HofO PEN OP paradise.

Open House March 1 & 8: 1107 Edgewater Circle, Open House March 1 & 8: 7 0 4 E s t u a r y D r i v e , $329,000 503 Sanderling Circle, $299,900 $269,900

$995,000. Holmes Beach, Anna Maria Island. 3-bedroom, 4-bath home with a private lock-out suite for in laws. New pool. Newly remodeled. Fit for royalty. Over 4,000 sf. One block to Gulf beach. 2-car side entry garage with privacy gated parking. Open by appointment. Call me today!

319 Hardin Ave. Anna Maria, FL 34216 View on

3 bd 3 ba 1,700 sqft

“We Work Hard To Make Your Life Easier!�

“We Work Hard To Make Your Life Toll Easier!� #ALL ,YNN :EMMER 941-778-8104 Ofc 877-778-0099 Free

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941-248-0882 106 Bridge St., Bradenton Beach 941-778-8104 Ofc 877-778-0099 Toll Free 104 Bridge Street, Bradenton Beach

$1,595,000 Deep water canal no bridges Completely remodeled in the heart of Anna Maria

Buyers Brokers Welcome

Call 941-778-0509

RELEASE DATE: 3/1/2020

New York Times Sunday Magazine Crossword

March 4, 2020 THE ISLANDER | Page 35 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... No. 0223



BY SAM EZERSKY / EDITED BY WILL SHORTZ Sam Ezersky, 24, is the associate puzzles editor at The Times. A “puzzlehead” since childhood, he sold his first crossword to the paper, a Saturday, when he was 17. His job at The Times includes testing/fact-checking the daily Mini crossword and curating the daily digital Spelling Bee. This puzzle started when he noticed a curious property of 26-Across. — W.S.


1 “Consarn it!” 5 Kind of case in grammar 11 Shed some pounds 17 Edited, in a way 19 Sister channel of HBO 20 What the answer at 26-Across is written in 21 Low-level, as a class 22 Question that might be asked when hurrying into a meeting 23 Duty for a property owner 24 Relative of marmalade 26 FIFTEEN 28 Oval Office V.I.P. 29 Transition point 30 Period preceding a school break 34 What the answer at 45-Across is written in 36 “Yes, captain” 40 Gaping opening 41 Willem of “John Wick” 42 Toward the stern 43 Howe’er 44 Chicago mayor Lightfoot 45 ELEVEN Online subscriptions: Today’s

puzzle and more Answers: than 4,000 past puzzles, page 32 ($39.95 a year).

46 Whom Harry Potter frees from serving Draco Malfoy’s family 50 Spicy, crunchy snack tidbit 53 “Ars Amatoria” writer 54 Area the Chinese call Xizang 55 “Make sense?” 56 Hell 58 Square up with 59 & 60 Take control after a coup 61 SIXTEEN 62 “Just ____ boy, born and raised in South Detroit” (lyric from “Don’t Stop Believin’ ”) 63 Specks 64 Sleep: Prefix 65 Not quite right 66 Full of tension 67 “Hallelujah, praise the Lord!” 71 Because 75 TWO 76 Cozy spots to stop 77 Miss in the future, maybe 78 Buzz source 79 Cocktail specification 81 Fictional creature made from slime 82 Restaurant handouts for calorie counters 84 What the answer at 61-Across is written in 86 Final authority 88 Rainbows, e.g.

89 Flour filter 90 & 92 Alternative title for this puzzle 98 On-the-go sort 10 1It’s SW of Erie, Pa. 103 See 106-Across 104 What the answer at 75-Across is written in 105 Life lessons? 106 With 103-Across, character in Episodes I through IX of “Star Wars” 107 Millennial, informally 108 Things passed between the legs? 109 “Butt out!”

15 Team ____ 16 Major Southwest hub, for short 18 In store 19 Like some New Orleans cooking 20 Sloppy 25 Letter in the classical spelling of “Athena” 27 “Here’s something that’ll help” 29 Some battery ends 31 Amorphous creatures 32 Dreaded musician of the 1960s-’70s 33 Brisk 34 Luxurious affair 35 Symbols of failure 36 1974 Eurovision winner that went DOWN on to international 1 Title host of radio’s first stardom major quiz show 37 “Wahoo!” 2 Contact-lens-care 38 Immature stage of a brand salamander 3 Broadway opening 39 Letters of credit? 4 Declare for the draft, say 41 Drops on the ground? 5 Items that, ironically, 42 “Not on ____!” contain nickel 44 Where Wagner was 6 “Slumdog Millionaire” born and Bach died co-star ____ Kapoor 46 Scatterbrained 7 Be a snitch 47 Man’s name that 8 Wishy-washy R.S.V.P. sounds like two 9 Plant holder? consecutive letters of the alphabet 10 Funeral ceremony 48 At any time 11 Go across 12 Soldier on horseback 49 Oktoberfest vessels 51 Some unfair hiring 13 Word before card or managers fund 14 Sloan School of 52 “Go ahead,” in Management sch. Shakespeare





5 18

21 24




20 23 26




46 51









90 99







79 84






92 101





56 Openly controversial opinions 57 Knock out 58 Invoice directive 59 Like most medicaljournal articles 60 High hairstyle 61 Club ____ 62 Egypt’s “king of the gods” 63 Excellent conductors 64 N.Y.C. neighborhood near NoLIta













66 72
































22 25










95 103 106 109

65 “Ciao” 66 Put in jeopardy 67 Muscle cars of the ’60s 68 Lyrical, as poetry 69 Facetious response to a verbal jab 70 “E.T.” actress Wallace 72 “Ugh, stop talking already!” 73 Sack 74 Sun ____, “The Art of War” philosopher

79 Where most of America’s gold is mined 80 Like the presidency of John Adams 82 Joint 83 Longtime Eagles QB Donovan 84 Suspect 85 Bible study: Abbr. 87 With a wink 89 Kisses, in Cambridge 91 Brown 92 Bring (out) for display

93 Candy wrapped in a tube 94 “I’ll come to you ____”: Macbeth 95 Eensy-weensy 96 New pedometer reading 97 Beginner, in modern lingo 98 Mammoth 99 Western tribe 100 ____ Salvador 102 What will happily sell its Soul?

Visit WWW.ISLANDER.ORG for the best news on Anna Maria Island.

Just Listed! The largest piece of property for sale west of Gulf Drive zoned R2! Build two 4 bedroom homes with two private pools on this oversized lot. $2,395,000

Island Oasis! Adorable 4BD/3BA historic home w/ high end finishes & beautiful turnkey furnishings! Inlaid limestone stepping stones that surround pool/ spa! $1,595,000

Key Royale Pool Home! Completely updated, nothing to do but move in! 3BD (2 masters) 3BA plus den. Waterfront pool home on wide canal with new roof and windows, open floor plan, & more! $1,175,000

Just Listed! 3BD/2BA split floor plan home in Village Green with 2-car side entry garage with impact door, spacious backyard with room for a pool, and tons of potential! $269,900

100 Feet of Waterfront! Magnificent 4BD/5.5BA home on Tampa Bay! Compelling water views by day and surreal exposures by night, saltwater heated pool/spa, roof-top deck and much more! $6,850,000

Maintenance Free Living! 2BD/2BA turnkey furnished condo! Enjoy maintenance free living with steps to the beach. Heated pool and private garage parking! $380,000

River District! 1920s 3BD/2.5BA home with tons of character! Corner lot, hardwood floors throughout, well equipped kitchen with fireplace and so much more! $395,000

Mermaid’s Dream! Location, location, location! Large 3BD/3BA pool home with elevator, just 5 houses to the beach! $1,495,000

Page 36 THE ISLANDER | March 4, 2020 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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