The Islander Wish Book 2019

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The holidays are the time to take an extra moment to offer someone a smile or send a greeting, to give a hug or share words of praise. The holidays are special for friends, family and islanders. In our annual Islander Wish Book, we present the needs of deserving organizations in our community. These community groups provide assistance to families and individuals, teach and mentor children, assist the elderly and the less fortunate, all with the goal of making Anna Maria Island a better place to live for all. In The Wish Book, we offer a special way for you to share the holiday spirit and help others.

Composition and stories by Lisa Neff

We present their wishes. Your contribution, however small or grand, is deeply appreciated. Please, take time to peruse The Wish Book and select a gift — or more — to add to your holiday shopping list. A small contribution can make a big difference. And to our generous sponsor advertisers, we offer thanks for making this publication possible. We hope you receive the same return as we have each year from The Wish Book — the joy of giving. Here’s wishing you all the happiest holidays and best wishes for 2020! — The Islander

Page 2 THE ISLANDER WISH BOOK | Nov. 27, 2019 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Y Secluded home on BroadWishing you a blessed 5 BT beauty with a den/ Christmas . Cathedral ceiling in livingand happiness gn. Walk to beach & great in the coming year.

Merry Christmas Happy New Year 9906 Gulf Drive Anna Maria 941.778.2259


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Celebrate Anna Maria Island community, donate to community groups

For your convenience, The Islander is collecting donations for the organizations with listings in our Wish Book. A good time to drop by with donations will be 5-7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 13, when we join the other offices, shops and restaurants in the Anna Maria Island Centre in Holmes Beach for a holiday celebration.

The Islander will host pirates and Santa, providing an opportunity to drop off a Wish Book gift and update St. Nick on your “good” status. And, please, with your donations, include a tag listing the organizations to receive your gifts. The Islander is at 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach.

Off Stage Ladies wishes for disposables to serve Long Sunday meals. Islander Courtesy Photo Moonracer No Kill Animal Rescue wishes for cotton balls. Islander Courtesy Photo

Moonracer No Kill Animal Rescue

Moonracer No Kill Animal Rescue is a nonprofit dedicated to the rescue, care and rehabilitation of homeless pets for placement in forever homes. Moonracer believes all animals deserve love, dignity, proper care and a home. Moonracer believes no animals should be killed because they are homeless and provides comfortable and safe shelter and work for them until homes can be found. Moonracer wishes for: • Training treats. • Cotton balls. • Cleaning supplies, including bleach and detergent. • Dog food and cat food, both dry and canned. • Front-clip harnesses and leashes. • Chew toys. • Pet beds. • Tiles and pavers. • Fencing and materials for dog cottages, as well as curtains, rugs, plywood, insulation, paint and paint brushes. For more information, contact Lisa Williams at 941-345-2441 or

Off Stage Ladies

The Sunday before an opening night at the Island Players playhouse in Anna Maria is known as “Long Sunday.” This is when the actors and the stage crew gather for a lengthy rehearsal to perfect the production and the Off Stage Ladies take center stage at the playhouse. The group exists to support the Island Players, raising money with events, serving as ushers, helping behind the scenes and onstage at the theater. And, on Long Sunday, when a hearty meal might help the lead recall his or her lines or the lighting expert hit a mark, the group prepares and serves dinner to the actors and crew. The Off Stage Ladies — members describe OSL as “a very fun group” — meets on the second Wednesday of each month, October through May. Off Stage Ladies wishes for: • Restaurants or other businesses to provide Long Sunday meals and paper goods for the dinners. • People who want to join the group. For more information, contact vice president/membership Roe Duncan by email at or via phone at 941932-2798.

Island Players

The Island Players stages productions in its cozy little theater at the corner of Gulf Drive and Pine Avenue in Anna Maria. The group’s mission is “to continue to bring high quality and professional entertainment to the community for the cultural enrichment of all and to provide a stage for young people to learn and enhance their experiences in the performing arts.” The Island Players wishes for: • Volunteers backstage and onstage, including as actors and for props, the box office, sound and light, stage and house management, social media promotions and dealing with technology. For more information, go online to or call 941-7785755. Island Players wish for volunteers onstage and offstage. Islander File Photo

The Anna Maria Island Kiwanis Club wishes for bell-ringers for the Christmas collection campaign. Islander Courtesy Photo

Anna Maria Island Kiwanis Club

Saturday mornings, members and guests of the Anna Maria Island Kiwanis Club can be found gathered at the Anna Maria Island Beach Cafe at the Manatee Public Beach. There the group will eat breakfast, share news, trade jokes, sing songs, make friends, listen to speakers and plan civic projects. Outside the 8:30 a.m. meetings, club members host and coordinate the Easter sunrise service on the beach, serve as grandparents for AME kids and help the Salvation Army with bell-ringing for holiday donations at the Publix Super Market in Holmes Beach. The club wishes for: • New members. • Volunteers to ring the bell for the Salvation Army at the island Publix Super Market through the Christmas season. • Nonperishable food and diapers and other items for the island’s food bank. For general information, contact president John Chappie at jchappie2@tampabay. or 941-920-1826. For information about ringing bells, contact Robyn Kinkopf at 941-713-3386.

Nov. 27, 2019 THE ISLANDER WISH BOOK | Page 3 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Happiest of Holidays! Wishing you and yours a happy and joyous holiday season!

Pastas are on the list for the Roser Food Pantry. Islander Courtesy Photo

Roser Food Pantry

The Roser Food Pantry, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, is stocked largely with donations from island residents and island churches. Operators of the pantry provide groceries on weekdays to islanders in need. The Roser Food Pantry wishes for: • Canned fruit, vegetables, meat or meals. • Crackers, cookies, drinks, cereal and snacks. • Dry rice, potatoes and pasta. • Bathroom supplies — toilet paper, soap bars, shampoo, toothpaste and toothbrushes, hand soap. • Bottled water. • Laundry detergent. • Volunteers for the food pantry. For more information, contact the pantry at 941-778-0414.


Handmade Sterling Jewelry 714 43rd St. W • Bradenton Tue-Fri 10-5, Sat 11-4


A wish for AME: No. 2 pencils. Islander Courtesy Photo

Anna Maria Elementary School

Anna Maria Elementary School operates with a professional sta of administrators, teachers and support personnel and a large coalition of parents and community organizers. AME wishes for: • Reams of white letter-size copy paper. • Reams of color letter-size paper. • Sticky notes — multiple sizes and colors. • No. 2 pencils. • Clear tape. • Boxes of letter-size ďŹ le folders — various colors. • Clear plastic 3-ounce cups. • Boxes of tissue. • Wet wipes. For more information, call the school at 941-708-5525 or drop o items at the school oďŹƒce, 4700 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.

The Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce’s wish is for gifts for the Toys for Tots holiday drive. Islander Courtesy Photo

AMI Chamber of Commerce

The Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce, representing 500-plus members and operating a visitor’s center at 5317 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, helps newcomers settle, businesses thrive and tourists navigate on the island. The chamber wishes for: • Gifts for the Toys For Tots holiday drive. • Sponsorships for additional lights for the holiday tree. • Sponsorships to remodel the chamber oďŹƒce. For more information, call the oďŹƒce at 941-778-1541.

Anna Maria Island Historical Society

The Anna Maria Island Historical Society operates a museum at 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria, where visitors can learn about the island’s history and see local antiques, collections and collectibles from the early days. AMIHS also recognizes preservation achievement and provides speakers for organizations wishing to present the island’s history. AMIHS wishes for: • Shell ornaments to decorate the museum. • Docents. • Board members. For more information, call the museum at 941-778-0492. The Anna Maria Island Historical Society wishes for docents at its museum and grounds in Anna Maria. Islander File Photo

Merry Christmas! Boyd Realty Brenda Boyd May, Real Estate Broker


Island Coffee Haus Real Florida Relaxation!


Page 4 THE ISLANDER WISH BOOK | Nov. 27, 2019 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Happy Holidays from the staff

Happy Holidays from the guys at Grooms.

Service Repair, Showroom, Remodeling, Pool Service 401 Manatee Ave., Holmes Beach. 941.778.5622

CFC1426956, CAC1818472, CPC1458908

Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch and Shorebird Monitoring wishes for old, washed towels. Islander Courtesy Photo

Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch

The Artists’ Guild of Anna Maria Island wishes for new and used art supplies, which it will pass along to art programs at local schools. Islander Courtesy Photo

Artists’ Guild of Anna Maria Island

The Artists’ Guild of Anna Maria Island, in the Island Shopping Center, 5414 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, supports local artists and promotes arts education. AGAMI provides scholarships, sponsors tours to local art museums, contributes funding to school art programs, hosts art demonstrations and operates the Guild Gallery, where local artists display their work for sale. The artists wish for: • Art supplies to be passed on to school art departments. For more information, call AGAMI’s gallery at 941- 778-6694.

The volunteer-driven Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch and Shorebird Monitoring protects and collects data on nesting sea turtles and shorebirds on the island. In partnership with the island community, through public education and cooperation, the nonprofit’s mission is “to assure a suitable habitat for people, sea turtles and shorebirds, the ecosystem of the island and surrounding waters.” Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch and Shorebird Monitoring wishes for: • Boxes of disposable gloves. Must be extra large. • 5-gallon white buckets, with no writing on them, to relocate eggs. • Gift cards to Home True Value Hardware in Holmes Beach, as well as Home Depot, Lowe’s and Staples. • Reams of recycled paper. • Paper towels. • Old used washed towels. • Shell Oil gas cards for ATV fuel. • Adopt-a-Nest sponsors. For more information about AMITW, contact executive director Suzi Fox at 941778-5638 or

The Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island wishes for packages of blue or black ballpoint pens. Islander Courtesy Photo

Rotary Club of AMI

The Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island, which meets Tuesdays at noon at the Bridge Street Bistro in Bradenton Beach, is a network of business, professional and community leaders, both active and retired. Money raised through fundraising efforts supports about three dozen projects, many of them at Anna Maria Elementary School in Holmes Beach. The Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island wishes for: • Three 48-quart, clear storage bins with lids. • Six 3-inch three-ring blue binders. • Two letter-size packages of clear sheet protectors. • Three reams of printer paper. • Three 12-count packages of blue or black ballpoint pens. • Folding utility cart. For more information about the Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island, contact president Laurie Beppler at 281-250-4300. Also, visit

Annie Silver Community Center

The Annie Silver Community Center at 23rd Street and Avenue C in Bradenton Beach was founded by entrepreneur Annie Silver to promote friendship among neighbors. At the center, there are celebrations with song and music, bingo and potluck dinners. Annie Silver is wishing for: • Door prizes for bingo games. • Shell for the parking area. • Benches for the garden. For more, contact Linda Yarger at 941778-3580 or email Door prizes for bingo are on the wish list for Annie Silver. Islander File Photo

YOU’RE INVITED to ‘our house’ Join us starting at 5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 13 for the AMI Centre Shops Holiday Open House

Come celebrate at our open house 5-7 p.m., with Santa visits for kids on the Privateers’ Santa Sleigh and a snowstorm sponsored by The Islander. Come celebrate! Entertainment! The Manatee High School Drum Line will be featured. Plus Refreshments! Food! Prize drawings! Snow will be falling ... and looking a lot like Christmas! COME CATCH THE HOLIDAY SPIRIT.

Nov. 27, 2019 THE ISLANDER WISH BOOK | Page 5 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Happy Holidays from the Cannons Marina Crew

Happy Holidays

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Merry Christmas 4607 Cortez Road W. Bradenton 941.755.1549, 800.794.9111

Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage

Tingley Memorial Library wishes for magazine and newspaper subscriptions. Islander Courtesy Photo

Tingley Memorial Library

The Center of Anna Maria Island wishes for tennis balls — as well as footballs, basketballs, soccer balls and pickelballs. Islander Courtesy Photo

The Center of Anna Maria Island

The Center of Anna Maria Island, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria, operates with the support of donors, the sale of memberships and program fees. The center hosts a variety of programs for adults and children, including educational and after school programs, camps, sports leagues and fitness opportunities. The center also hosts events throughout the year. And, to meet community needs, the center provides low-income families access to childcare and youth programs. The center wishes for: • A parachute for the afterschool program. • Dress-up costumes for children. • Craft supplies, including tissue and construction paper, white glue, glue sticks, tape, scissors, markers and colored pencils. • Two office chairs. • A tablet with the Windows operating system, for the childcare program. • Signature pad. • Junior-sized footballs. • Basketballs. • Soccer balls. • Tennis balls. • Pickleballs. For more information, contact the center at 941-778-1908 or go online at centerami. org.


Tingley Memorial Library, 111 Second St. N., Bradenton Beach, is a nonprofit organization that exists to provide books, meeting and reading spaces, and other library services to people in the island cities and the surrounding population. The library’s goal is to provide patrons year ’round with friendly and helpful assistance. Tingley wishes for: • Magazine and newspaper subscriptions. • Florida-themed books. • Gift certificates for book orders from Baker and Taylor. • Volunteers. For more information, please call the library at 941-779-1208.

The Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage in Cortez is “dedicated to the promotion, education and preservation of Cortez and Florida’s commercial fishing and other traditional maritime cultures including the environment upon which these communities depend.” FISH takes care of and oversees the 90-plus acre Cortez FISH Preserve, as well as runs multiple programs and hosts the annual Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival. FISH wishes for: • A push-mower for small areas. • A weed-whacker. • A leaf blower. • Volunteers for the Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival in February. For more information, call 941-794-0043 or email

The Ministry of Presence wishes for soccer balls. Islander Courtesy Photo

Ministry of Presence

Senior Adventures wishes for tickets to local venues. Islander Courtesy Photo

Senior Adventures at Annie Silver

Senior Adventures is a group that meets most Fridays for an adventure — either an outing or an activity at the Annie Silver Community Center, 103 23rd St. N., Bradenton Beach. Senior Adventures wishes for: • Gas cards to help reach adventures. • Tickets to attend events or activities, including passes to the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens and Mote Marine Aquarium in Sarasota. • Travelers to lecture. • Prizes for the Christmas luncheon. For more information, contact Peg Miller at 941-778-3106 or

The Ministry of Presence Inc., established in 1995 in Bradenton by a Haitian-born priest and a sister, is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to providing a better life for children in Haiti. The Rev. Ron Joseph and the ministry’s board of directors administer programs that aid in the health, feeding, clothing and educating of Haitian children. The Ministry of Presence wishes for: • Tents and canopies. • Sleeping mats and/or bags. • Linens. • Outdoor games, especially soccer balls. • Indoor games and toys for infants and young children. • Cash donations to purchase and ship medical supplies, bottled water, water purification supplies, food and other supplies. For more information about the ministry, contact The Islander newspaper at 941-7787978.

Happy Holidays to you and yours! Longboat Hardware 4030 Gulf of Mexico Dr. Longboat Key, FL 34228 Phone: (941) 383-1313 Fax: (941) 383-2170

Holmes Beach Hardware 3352 East Bay Dr. Holmes Beach, FL 34217 Phone: (941) 778-0999 Fax: (941) 778-1717


Page 6 THE ISLANDER WISH BOOK | Nov. 27, 2019 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Happy Holidays from Sunny Florida! Cindy Jones



310 Pine Ave. ~ P.O. Box 1299 ~ Anna Maria FL 34216


Keep Manatee Beautiful

All Island Denominations

AMI Concert Chorus & Orchestra

The Anna Maria Island Concert Chorus and Orchestra performs music, as well as creates performance opportunities for professional and volunteer musicians. AMICCO also fosters the development of youth musicians through an annual competition. AMICCO wishes for: • Volunteers to serve as ushers, perform, market, manage events and serve on the board of directors. For more, go online to or call executive director Linda Burke at 941-2795527.

wishes everyone a Happy Holiday and asks that you please remember to donate a TOY for a TOT at the Lodge. 110 Gulf Drive, S. Bradenton Beach

KMB wishes for golf pencils — by the box. Islander Courtesy Photo

All Island Denominations wishes for laundry detergent and other goods for the Roser Food Pantry. Islander Courtesy Photo

All Island Denominations unites the island churches — CrossPointe Fellowship, the Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Harvey Memorial Community Church, Roser Memorial Community Church and St. Bernard Catholic Church — to help those in need of emergency housing and food. Organized and funded by the island churches, AID has been serving Anna Maria Island since 1982. AID wishes for: • Nonperishable food for the food pantry at Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. • Soaps, shampoo, toothbrushes and toothpaste for the pantry. • Laundry detergent for the pantry. • Toilet paper and other paper products for the pantry. • Financial contributions to the Roser Food Pantry, P.O. Box 247, Anna Maria FL 34216. • Donations to AID for housing assistance, P.O. Box 305, Anna Maria FL 34216. For more information, call the offices of any of the island churches.

The Loyal Order of Moose Lodge #2188

Friends of the Island Library wishes for books for the 2020 sale. Islander Courtesy Photo

Friends of the Island Library

The Friends of the Island Library exists to help the Holmes Beach branch of the Manatee County Library system achieve its mission to “nurture imagination, promote lifelong learning and enrich the community.” The group wishes for: • Books for the 2020 sale in March, as well as storage space for donations. • Dry cleaning services for the stuffed animals in the children’s room. • Pods for the Keurig coffee machine in the library. • Folding tables for mahjong. • Gift cards for library program supplies. For more information, contact group president Julie Perry at julieperry279@gmail. com or 585 392 0721.

Keep Manatee Beautiful, the local chapter of Keep America Beautiful, is fulfilling its mission to help prevent litter in our beautiful environment. KMB accomplishes this with its AdoptA-Shore locations covering the entirety of Anna Maria Island. KMB also conducts cleanups throughout Manatee County, including on streets and highways and preserves. KMB is involved in beautification projects along the Palma Sola Causeway, the scenic highways in Holmes Beach and Bradenton Beach and provides trees for Arbor Day celebrations. KMB wishes for: • A mascot costume to replace a 24-yearold manatee costume. • Replacement ink cartridges for HP 952XL and HP 304A printers. • Large-wheeled coolers. • Recycled multiuse copy paper. • Trash pickers. • Golf pencils. • Recycle bags. For more information, contact KMB at 941-795-8272 or keep@manateebeautiful. com. Also, visit www.manateebeautiful. com.

Cortez Village Historical Society

The Cortez Village Historical Society drives preservation and restoration in the old fishing community to the east of Anna Maria Island. CVHS collects artifacts and documentation of old, colorful Cortez — and its residents — for the cultural center. The CVHS wishes for: • Pictures and war mementos, letters and awards from the 1900s-1950s. • Scrapbooks or items related to living in a fishing village. Items can be scanned and returned immediately. • Local family information for a genealogy reference center. • Computer and scanner. • A leaf rake and other gardening tools. • Charcoal or gas grill or small smoker for community dinners. • Volunteers for data entry, genealogy research, gardening, publicity, event and exhibit planning and greeting visitors. For more, contact Kaye Bell at 941-538-0945 or

The Wish Book is made possible thanks to our generous advertising sponsors and the extra effort of Islander team members Joe Bird, Toni Lyon, Lisa Neff and Lisa Williams.

Please, join me in thanking them ... Publisher Bonner Joy

Nov. 27, 2019 THE ISLANDER WISH BOOK | Page 7 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Custom New Pool Construction

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The Florida Maritime Museum wishes for patio lights. Islander Courtesy Photo

Florida Maritime Museum

The Florida Maritime Museum is dedicated to preserving and sharing the region’s maritime history. The museum is housed in the renovated 1912-schoolhouse at 4415 119th St. W., Cortez and is home to the Folk School at Florida Maritime Museum. Visit the museum Saturday, Dec. 7, for the Maritime by Candlelight event celebrating the holidays. The museum and folk school wish for: • Tent lanterns. • Canopy lighting. • Patio lights. • High-wattage electric burners. • Large cooking pots. • Chair cushions. • Fillet knives. • Round folding tables. • Burlap tablecloths for round tables and 8-foot-long tables. • Large plastic storage tubs. For more information, go online to or call the museum at 941-708-6121.

Holiday Calendar

Wednesday, Nov. 27 5-7 p.m. — Thanks-Living celebration, City Pier Park, Pine Avenue and North Bay Boulevard, Anna Maria. Information: 941374-0109. Saturday, Nov. 30 4-6 p.m. — Christmas tree lighting, Historic Bridge Street Pier, Bradenton Beach. Information: 941-778-1005. Friday, Dec. 6 6 p.m. — AMI Chamber of Commerce tree lighting, 5313 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-1541. 5-8 p.m. — Holmes Beach holiday celebration and art walk, Gulf and Marina drives, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-7781541. Saturday, Dec. 7 9 a.m.-1 p.m. —Holly Berry Bazaar and Food Market, Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-1638. 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m. —Lester Family Fun Day, Center of Anna Maria Island with Santa’s arrival at noon, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-1908. 5:30-7:30 p.m. —Maritime by Candlelight, Florida Maritime


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Anna Maria Island Privateers wish for toys to give to children at the Christmas parade at 10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 14. Islander Courtesy Photo

Anna Maria Island Privateers

The mission of the Anna Maria Island Privateers is to “develop, promote and support activities for the betterment of youth and community in Manatee County.” The group raises money for scholarships and hosts a series of events for children and adults, including the annual Christmas parade and party, which starts this year at 10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 14, traveling from Bayfront Park in Anna Maria to Coquina Beach in Bradenton Beach. Anna Maria Island Privateers wish for: • 125-volt power extension cords. • New and unwrapped toys for the Privateers’ Christmas parties. • Sailcloth tarps. • Christmas rope lights. • 125-volt outdoor extension cord. • Gift cards for diesel fuel and automotive batteries. For more information, go online to or contact AMIP president Kim Boyd at 931-639-0986. Museum, 4415 119th St. W., Cortez. Information: 941-708-6120. Sunday, Dec. 8 2 p.m. — Anna Maria Island Concert Chorus and Orchestra’s “A Glorious Hallelujah!” holiday concert, Palma Sola Presbyterian Church, 6510 Third Ave. W., Bradenton. Information: 941-2795527. Friday, Dec. 13

Wildlife Inc. wishes for pecans — shelled or not. Islander Courtesy Photo

Wildlife Inc.

Wildlife Inc., Education and Rehabilitation Center is a nonprofit in Bradenton Beach. About 3,000 injured, sick and displaced birds, mammals and reptiles are rescued each year. Ed and Gail Straight, with a corps of wildlife-loving volunteers, run the operation from their home, with a mission to preserve and protect native wildlife through education and rehabilitation. Wildlife Inc. wishes for: • Gift cards for food, supplies and cages. • Rebuilding supplies. • Gas gift cards. • Postage stamps. • Heating pads without auto-shut off. • Pecans. • Letter-size paper. • Heater for a crocodile pool. For more information, contact Wildlife Inc. at 941-778-6324 or go online at www.

4 p.m. — Holiday Carols in the Park, City Pier Park, Pine Avenue and North Bay Boulevard, Anna Maria. Information: 941374-0109. 5-7 p.m. — Anna Maria Island Centre holiday walkabout, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-7978. 5:30-8 p.m. — Anna Maria Holiday of Treasures, Gulf Drive and Pine Avenue, Anna Maria. Information: 941-374-0109. Saturday, Dec. 14 10 a.m. — Anna Maria Island Privateers Christmas Parade, Bayfront Park in Anna Maria to Coquina Beach in Bradenton Beach. Information: 4-8 p.m. — Christmas on Bridge Street celebration Bridge Street in Bradenton Beach. Information: 941-778-2288. 7 p.m. — Holiday lighted boat parade, Bradenton Beach. Information: 941-778-2288. While Santa is checking his list, islanders will have multiple meet-and-greet opportunities with the man in the red suit, including the Privateers Christmas Parade, the Lester Family Fun Day and the business “walkabouts” in each of the cities. Islander File Photo

Happy Holidays! Anna Maria 941.778.0444

North Bradenton Beach 941.779.2222

North Longboat Key 941.383.2391

Page 8 THE ISLANDER WISH BOOK | Nov. 27, 2019 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

10:30 am - 2:00 pm

Lester "Old fashioned fun at old fashioned prices"


The Center: 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria 34216 The


Lester Family Fun Day sponsored as a community service by The Islander.

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